Seismic Attributes - CSEG RECORDER

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Seismic Attributes

M. Turhan Taner

SEP 2001 | VOL. 26 NO. 07 | VIEW ISSUE


Since their introduction in the early 1970’s, Complex Seismic Trace Attributes have gained considerable
popularity, rst as a convenient display form, and later, as they were incorporated with other seismically-
derived measurements, they became a valid analytical tool for lithology prediction and reservoir
characterization. In recent decades, over 600 papers have been published on the application of neural
networks for geophysical exploration. The most recent papers have concentrated on Reservoir
Characterization. While no direct relationships have been established between all of the attributes and the
physical and geological characteristics of the earth, almost all of the articles describe various uses of seismic
attributes as e ective discriminators for the purpose of classi cation. In this article I will discuss the Complex
Trace Attributes, their classi cation and their characteristics.


The Oxford Dictionary de nes an attribute as:

“A quality ascribed to any person or thing”. We have extended this de nition to: “Seismic
Attributes are all the information obtained from seismic data, either by direct measurements or
by logical or experience-based reasoning”.
Thus, the computation and the use of attributes actually goes back to the origins of seismic exploration
methods. The arrival times and dips of seismic events were used in geological structure estimation. Frank
Rieber in the 1940’s introduced the Sonograms and directional reception. This method was extensively used
in noise reduction and time migration. The introduction of auto-correlograms and auto-convolograms (Anstey
and Newman) led to better estimates of multiple estimation and more accurate use of the subsequently
developed deconvolution process. NMO velocity analysis gave better interval velocity estimates and more
accurate subsurface geometries. Bright spot techniques led to gas discoveries, as well as to some failures.
This was improved by the introduction of AVO technology. Each of these developments has helped our
understanding of the subsurface and has reduced uncertainty and risk. Unfortunately, one of the principal
failures of any of the individual techniques was our implicit dependence on it. More recently, the power of
multi-attribute combinations is being recognized and successful techniques are being introduced. The
attributes discussed in this paper are the outcome of the work relating to the combined use of several
attributes for lithology prediction and reservoir characterization.

In this paper I will con ne my comments to the complex trace attributes and their relationship to the physical
properties of the earth.

Complex seismic trace attributes were introduced around 1970 as useful displays to help interpret seismic
data in a qualitative way.

Balch of Marathon published the rst article in the 1971 issue of Geophysics under the title of “Color
Sonograms”. At the same time Nigel Anstey of Seiscom-Delta published “Seiscom 1971” and introduced the
re ection strength and mean frequency attributes. He also showed color overlays of interval velocity
estimates for lithological di erentiation. The new attributes were computed in the manner of radio wave
reception. The re ection strength was the result of a low-pass ltered, recti ed seismic trace. The color
overlays showed more information than was visible on the black and white seismic sections. Realizing the
potential for extracting useful instantaneous information, Taner, Koehler and Anstey turned their attention to
wave propagation and simple harmonic motion. This led to the recognition of the recorded signal as
representing the kinetic portion of the energy ux. Based on this model, Koehler developed a method to
compute the potential component from its kinetic part. Dr. Neidell suggested the use of the Hilbert
transform. Koehler proceeded with the development of the frequency and time domain Hilbert transform
programs, which made possible practical and economical computation of all of the complex trace attributes.
This work was summarized in two basic papers by Taner et al (1979a, b). In the mid-70’s the three principal
attributes were quite well established. Over the years many others have added. Chen and Sidney (1997) have
de ned more than 300 attributes.

The study and interpretation of seismic attributes provide us with some qualitative information of the
geometry and the physical parameters of the subsurface. It has been noted that the amplitude content of
seismic data is the principal factor for the determination of physical parameters, such as the acoustic
impedance, re ection coe cients, velocities, absorption etc. The phase component is the principal factor in
determining the shapes of the re ectors, their geometrical con gurations etc. One point that must be
brought out is that we de ne all seismically-driven parameters as Seismic Attributes. They can be velocity,
amplitude, frequency, and the rate of change of any of these with respect to time or space and we have
developed a classi cation scheme for all attributes that is based on their computational characteristics. The
principal objectives of the attributes are to provide accurate and detailed information to the interpreter on
structural, stratigraphic and lithological parameters of the seismic prospect..

The Classi cation of Attributes

Attributes can be computed from prestack or from poststack data, before or after time migration. The
procedure is the same in all of these cases. Attributes can be classi ed in many di erent ways. Several
authors have given their own classi cation. Here we give a classi cation based on the domain characteristics
of the attributes:

Pre-Stack Attributes

Input data are CDP or image gather traces. They will have directional (azimuth) and o set related
information. These computations generate huge amounts of data; hence they are not practical for initial
studies. However, they contain considerable amounts of information that can be directly related to uid
content and fracture orientation. AVO, velocities and azimuthal variation of all attributes are included in this

Post-Stack Attributes

Stacking is an averaging process which eliminates o set and azimuth related information. Input data could be
CDP stacked or migrated. One should note that time migrated data will maintain their time relationships,
hence temporal variables, such as frequency, will also retain their physical dimensions. For depth migrated
sections, frequency is replaced by wave number, which is a function of propagation velocity and frequency.
Post-stack attributes are a more manageable approach for observing large amounts of data in initial
reconnaissance investigations. For detailed studies, pre-stack attributes may be incorporated.

Attributes may be further classi ed by their computational characteristics:

Instantaneous Attributes

Instantaneous attributes are computed sample by sample, and represent instantaneous variations of various
parameters. Instantaneous values of attributes such as trace envelope, its derivatives, frequency and phase
may be determined from complex traces.

Wavelet Attributes

This class comprises those instantaneous attributes that are computed at the peak of the trace envelope and
have a direct relationship to the Fourier transform of the wavelet in the vicinity of the envelope peak. For
example, instantaneous frequency at the peak of the envelope is equal to the mean frequency of the wavelet
amplitude spectrum. Instantaneous phase corresponds to the intercept phase of the wavelet. This attribute is
also called the “response attribute”. (Bodine, 1984).

These attributes may be sub-classi ed on the basis of the relationship to the geology:

Physical Attributes

Physical attributes relate to physical qualities and quantities. The magnitude of the trace envelope is
proportional to the acoustic impedance contrast; frequencies relate to bed thickness, wave scattering and
absorption. Instantaneous and average velocities directly relate to rock properties. Consequently, these
attributes are mostly used for lithological classi cation and reservoir characterization.
Geometrical Attributes

Geometrical attributes describe the spatial and temporal relationship of all other attributes. Lateral continuity
measured by semblance is a good indicator of bedding similarity as well as discontinuity. Bedding dips and
curvatures give depositional information. Geometrical attributes are also of use for stratigraphic
interpretation since they de ne event characteristics and their spatial relationships, and may be used to
quantify features that directly assist in the recognition of depositional patterns, and related lithology.

Most of the attributes, instantaneous or wavelet, are a function of the characteristics of the re ected seismic
wavelet. That is, we consider the interfaces between two beds. However, velocity and absorption are
measured as quantities occurring between two interfaces, or within a bed.

Therefore, we can further sub-divide the attributes into two categories, as follows:

Re ective Attributes

Attributes corresponding to the characteristics of interfaces. All instantaneous and wavelet attributes can be
included under this category. Pre-stack attributes such as AVO are also re ective attributes, since AVO studies
the angle dependent re ection response of an interface.

Transmissive Attributes

Transmissive attributes relate to the characteristics of a bed between two interfaces. Interval, RMS and
average velocities, Q, absorption and dispersion come under this category.

Because individual attributes may be representative of several possible conditions we attempt to minimize
this inherent uncertainty, or non-uniqueness, by combining multiple attributes in a logical fashion. Individual
attributes measuring only one quantity are termed “Primitive” attributes. These primitive attributes may be
logically, statistically or mathematically combined to form “Hybrid” attributes. The most common tool for
performing this combination is through the use of Arti cial Neural Networks.

Some Basic Attribute Characteristics

The Trace Envelope is a physical attribute and it can be used as an e ective discriminator for the following

Mainly represents the acoustic impedance contrast, hence re ectivity,

Bright spots, possible gas accumulation,
Sequence boundaries,
Thin-bed tuning e ects
Major changes in depositional environment,
Spatial correlation to porosity and other lithologic variations,
Indicates the group, rather than phase component of the seismic wave propagation.

The First Derivative of the Envelope (time rate of change of the envelope) shows the variation of the energy
of the re ected events. Events with a sharp relative rise also imply a wider bandwidth, hence less absorption
e ects. This attribute is also a physical attribute and it can be used to detect possible fracturing and
absorption e ects.
The Second Derivative of the Envelope provides a measure of the sharpness of the envelope peak. It can
be used to identify all re ecting interfaces within the seismic bandwidth.

Instantaneous Phase. Because wave fronts are de ned as lines of constant phase, the phase attribute is
also a physical attribute and can be e ectively used as a discriminator for geometrical shape classi cations:
Figure 1 shows a 3-D section display of original seismic data. Figure 2 is the corresponding instantaneous
phase display. Instantaneous phase is:

Good indicator of lateral continuity,

Relates to the phase component of wave-propagation.
Used to compute the phase velocity,
Devoid of amplitude information, hence all events are represented,
Detailed visualization of stratigraphic elements.

Figure 1. Input seismic data

Figure 2. Instantaneous Phase

Instantaneous Frequency. The computation of instantaneous Frequency as the time derivative of phase,
and its meaning have been the subject of a number of papers. (Cohen, 1995, Barnes, 1991, 1992) It has been
shown that the instantaneous frequency attribute relates to the centroid of the power spectrum of the
seismic wavelet. (Figure 3). The instantaneous frequency attribute responds to both wave propagation e ects
and depositional characteristics, hence it is a physical attribute and can be used as an e ective discriminator.
Its uses include:

Hydrocarbon indicator by low frequency anomaly. This e ect is sometimes accentuated by

unconsolidated sands due to the oil content of the pores.
Fracture zone indicator, since fractures may appear as lower frequency zones.
Bed thickness indicator. Higher frequencies indicate sharp interfaces such as exhibited by thinly
laminated shales, lower frequencies are indicative of more massive bedding geometries, e.g. sand-
prone lithologies.

Another piece of information we can extract from the seismic data are the locations where instantaneous
frequencies jump or exhibit a negative sign. These sign reversals are caused by closely-arriving re ected
wavelets. Therefore, the time derivative of the phase function will contain the indicators for thin beds, in the
form of large variations of instantaneous frequency. Its smooth variation will relate to bedding characteristics.
Figure 3. Instantaneous Frequency

Figure 4. Lateral Event Continuity (Semblance)

A Gabor-Morlet type joint Time-Frequency analysis allows us to study frequency-varying attributes.

Instantaneous spectra, spectral ratio and phase di erences provide measurements for bed thickness
variation, absorption and dispersion estimates. (Gabor, 1946, Morlet, et al 1982, Cohen, 1995).

Figure 4 shows one of the geometrical attributes which measure the lateral continuity of events, by
computing semblance. The lighter colors show a high degree of continuity. Another geometrical attribute,
instantaneous dip azimuth is shown in Figure 5. The colors indicate various dip azimuths as measured from
North. A wavelet attribute example, the apparent polarity is shown in Figure 6. Red shows the positive and
blue shows the negative apparent polarities.

Figure 5. Instantaneous Dip Azimuth

Figure 6. Wavelet Apparent Polarity

Classi cation and Calibration Methods

Attribute classi cation helps de ne the attribute combinations to be used for optimum lithology and uid
prediction and reservoir classi cation. As we have seen above, there are many di erent ways of computation
and many di erent classes of attributes available. Their utilization in quantitative interpretation is the main
proof of their signi cance. At this time, we have de ned four di erent methods of classi cation and
calibration. Here we provide a short description of the methods involved. I have provided some useful
references for readers requiring more detailed information.

Knowledge-based Expert systems

This method uses knowledge-based combinations and calibrations of groups of attributes with fuzzy logic to
re ect the interpreter’s experience. This type of classi cation can be used for large data sets for a quick “look-
see” type of interpretation, or when looking for a speci c condition.

Statistics of Attributes, Geostatistics

These represent more conventional and well-established methods. Cross plotting, with linear and various
non-linear scales, measuring various statistics has been used as a viable tool for a number of years.
Interpolation and extrapolation between and beyond wells have been improved by the introduction of
Kriging. Incorporating the seismic and other soft information led to the development of Co-Kriging. However,
these methods strongly depend on the availability of properly sampled data sets.

Linear Discrimination Analysis and PCA

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) shows the principal projections where the data has the largest variance,
hence the best possible discrimination. Linear discrimination works satisfactorily when two classes are
involved and the classi cation boundary is not very complicated. However, PCA is a very useful analytical tool
to determine the most important attribute components to be used in the non-linear discrimination using
Neural Networks.

Unsupervised Classi cation and Calibration

This type of approach seeks structure in the data. Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Map (K-SOM) method is one the
most practical and commonly used methods in the Neural Network eld. A dataset may be de ned by any
combination of attributes and KSOM generates topologically related clusters. If the selected attributes are
geometrical, then the clusters are based on geometrical variation. The method generates coordinates of
cluster centers with given attribute coordinates. However, it does not relate the cluster to any physical or
reservoir condition. This has to be done in the calibration stage.

Supervised Training of, and Classi cation by, Neural Networks

There have been a number of Neural Networks developed within the last couple of decades. Supervised
trainable networks are used in many di erent elds. In this case, the user provides some examples for the
neural network to learn, and then the network is tested with another dataset to check the success of training.
One important point to remember is that the network, if trained properly, will recognize and correctly classify
only those cases included in the training set. Any new conditions not included in the training set will be
misclassi ed or not recognized. The feed forward, fully-connected Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Learning
Vector Quantization (LVQ), Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNN), and Radial Basis Function Networks
(RBF) are some of the most widely used networks.

Each of the methods has its advantages and limitations.

An unsupervised classi cation example is given in Figures 7 and 8. Figure 7 shows the seismic cross section
with clastic deposition above a salt pillow. A combination of physical and geometrical attributes were used as
input for Self Organizing Map clustering. The results are shown on Figure 8. Similar colors are indicative of like
lithological estimates.
Figure 7. Marine Line Cross Section

Figure 8. SOM Classi ed Cross Section


Complex seismic trace attributes have become important qualitative and quantitative measures for
geophysical exploration. Attributes have made it possible to de ne seismic data in a multidimensional form
and neural network technology enables us to unravel the complex nonlinear relationships between seismic
data and rock and uid properties. Recently published case histories clearly show that multiple attributes
overcome the failures associated with single attribute usage. Combined attributes translated by neural
networks are becoming principal tools for lithology prediction and reservoir characterization. It is not too
unreasonable to expect considerable improvement in the accuracy of predictions in the near future.


I would like to thank Magic Earth l.l.c. for the use of GeoProbe visualization interpretation system.

About the Author(s)

M. Turhan Taner

Present Employer: Rock Solid Images, Sr. V.P. Chief Geophysicist

Brief Employment history: Cofounder and Chairman of Seiscom and Seiscom-Delta (1964), Founder and
Chairman of Seismic Research Corp. (1980), Co-founder, Sr. V.P. of Rock Solid Images (1998).

Academic History: Diplome Engineer, Technical University of Istanbul (1950), Honorary Ph.D. in Geophysics
(1991), Technical University of Istanbul.

Professional Honors: Maurice Ewing Gold Medal of SEG (1993), Honorary members of SEG (1978), GSH
(1986), Chamber of Turkish Geophysical Engineers (1992), and EAGE (1999). Recipient of Excellence in Science
award of AGIP (1995). Distinguished Lecturer AAPG and SEG.

Special Interests: Interested in all aspects of seismic data processing and visualization; including multiples,
statics, velocity analysis, imaging, and seismic attributes.


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(On Neural Networks)

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