ASEAN TMHS GMP Training Chapter 4 Annex 7 Sample SOP On Pest Control

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The key takeaways are that the company has standard operating procedures to prevent pest access and infestation in the manufacturing area through regular inspections, traps, baits and other control methods both inside and outside the facility.

Inside the facility, rodent control uses mechanical traps positioned along interior walls and flying insect control uses electric insect eradicators. Traps and eradicators are inspected weekly and bait stations are replaced as needed.

Outside the facility, bird control monitors bird activity and uses mesh screens on air inlets/outlets. Rodent control uses exterior bait stations secured outside and inspected every other week with old bait disposed of properly.

Company Name Date Orig.

Standard Operating Procedure on Date Revised:
Revision Number:
SOP Number Pest Control Page xx of xx

Author Date Dept. Approval Signature Date Q.A. Approval Signature Date

I. Purpose
To prevent access, deny harbourage and eradicate any infestation of
manufacturing area of health supplement products by pests.
II. Scope
This standard operating procedure applies to the health supplement
manufacturing area and their surrounding of XXX Company.
III. Responsibilities
XXX Company Pest Control Qualified Technician
XXX Company QA Technician
IV. Procedure
Inspect both outside and inside of the facility weekly for signs of pests
and record in the Pest Control Inspection Record (Form-XX1).
Each pest control devices that are laid out in and around the facility
must have an unambiguous serial number labeled on it. Pest Control
Qualified Technician and QA Technician shall check date and sign off on
labels inside all traps/baits. Record any presence of pests found in
traps/baits in Pest Control Monitoring Record (Form-XX2). The
designated traps/baits locations e.g. walls should also be marked to
allow easy identification of the pest traps/baits locations for any
employees in XXX-Company.

Interior of the facility

No poisonous baits are allowed to be used inside the facility.
Rodent control:
a. Rodents are controlled by mechanical traps. Interior mechanical
traps shall be positioned at 5-10 meters intervals along the interior
Company Name Date Orig. Issue:
Standard Operating Procedure on Date Revised:
Revision Number:
SOP Number Pest Control Page xx of xx

Author Date Dept. Approval Signature Date Q.A. Approval Signature Date

perimeter of the building, especially near the entrance leading to the

outside of the building.
b. Traps are inspected every week. There are XXX traps in the facility.
c. Emptying traps in small garbage can and dispose of rodents directly
into the outside garbage. Traps are scraped and cleaned periodically.
Traps should be inspected and tested to ensure they are functioning

Flying insect control:

a. Insects are controlled by electric insect eradicators. Ensure electric
insect eradicators are not above or within three meters of health
supplement manufacturing, packaging or storage areas.
b. All lights remain on 24 hours a day. Catch trays should be emptied
weekly while catch tray with sticky pads should be monitored and
replaced when appropriate.

Exterior and perimeter of the facility

Bird control:
a. Monitor the activities of birds; any bird activity is not allowed near
and around any raw material, in-process material, packaging and
storage processing areas.
b. Install sufficient sized meshes to external air inlets and outlets to
protect any bird entry.

Rodent control:
Company Name Date Orig. Issue:
Standard Operating Procedure on Date Revised:
Revision Number:
SOP Number Pest Control Page xx of xx

Author Date Dept. Approval Signature Date Q.A. Approval Signature Date

a. All exterior bait stations contain poison. Bait stations should be

secured to sufficiently heavy object to prevent from blowing away
and displaced.
b. Bait stations are to be placed tight to wall with opening parallel and
nearest to wall.
c. Bait stations should be inspected every other week. There are XXX
bait stations in the XXX-Company.
d. Take a small garbage can to dispose of old empty packages
immediately after bait station inspection. Then dump directly into
outside garbage.
V. Monitoring
Pest Control Qualified Technician and QA Technician shall check date
and sign off on labels inside all traps to be placed around the facility.
Pest Control Qualified Technician inspects traps, baits and electric insect
eradicators every week. QA Technician checks interior traps, baits and
electric insect eradicators every other week.
VI. Corrective Action
1. The QA Manager will change the pest control program if the current
program is ineffective.
2. Pest control Technician will
• increase the rate of monitoring if there is evidence of activity
• add additional traps or baits if required
• replace broken or lost traps or baits
3. QA Technician and/or Pest control Technician will record the
description of nonconformity, the cause of the problem, and the
corrective action taken with the date of action on Pest Control
Monitoring Record (Form-XX2).
Company Name Date Orig. Issue:
Standard Operating Procedure on Date Revised:
Revision Number:
SOP Number Pest Control Page xx of xx

Author Date Dept. Approval Signature Date Q.A. Approval Signature Date

4. QA Department will retrain employees found not following the

procedures in this SOP.
VII. Reference to Other Documents
Pest Control Inspection Record (Form-XX1)
Pest Control Monitoring Record (Form-XX2)
Rev No: Document Change Number: Author Effective Date Remarks of Revision
001 XXX YYY DD-MMM-YYYY New Document.

Date Implemented: By:
Date Reviewed: By:
Date Revised: By:

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