Newsletter April 13 2018 PDF

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Mrs. Adler’s and Ms.

Zimmermann’s First Grade

Weekly Review
April 13, 2018

Past Week’s Review

It has been a busy week in First Grade. On Wednesday, we went on a field trip to
Dewberry Farm! We went down slides, swung from ropes and fell into hay, rode the train, bounced
on an air trampoline, visited many different types of animals, and learned about planting seeds. On
Thursday, we celebrated Yom HaShoah by remembering the fallen, singing of hope, discussing
unity, strength, and how to show kindness and help others. We remember.

In Language Arts, we continued our poetry unit. This week we learned about cinquain
poems. A cinquain poem does not rhyme and it has five lines containing eleven words. The first line
is a noun and is the title. The second line has two adjectives describing the title. The third line
contains three words and they are all verbs relating to the title. The fourth line is a four word
phrase that describes a feeling or is a statement about the title. The last line is only one word long
and it is a synonym that refers back to the title once again. , During Reader’s Workshop, we are
continuing to strengthen our skills to become a fluent reader. We learned that readers always keep
life lessons in mind when they are reading and they discuss the lessons that stories teach. Our
phonics lesson reminded us that we can take a word, mix up the letters, and build that word again
to memorize the sequence of the letters.
In Spelling, we had our spelling test on words ending with ‘ill’, ‘ell’, and ‘all’. The students
were challenged by our two bonus words: communities and April. The three sight words this week
included: busy, walk and once. Please make sure that you are continuing to review these words
with your children.

In Math, this week we worked on numbers to 120. We can count by tens, read and write
our numbers to 120, estimate quantities, compare, order, and sequence numbers as well. We also
worked on using the symbols greater than ‘>’ and less than ‘<’. We know that the “mouth” always
opens up to the larger number because it wants to eat as much as it can. We also began working
on the vertical representation of addition and subtraction. We are continuing to work on model
drawing word problems and taking math sprints to practice our math facts! The goal is to build
accuracy and to see how many problems one can complete in a minute. At home, please continue
to practice addition and subtraction MATH FACTS with your child every night! Flash cards are a
great way to reinforce the skill!

In Social Studies, our ‘Weekly Reader’ was called “Tortoises”. We learned that the mother
tortoise digs a hole with her feet to lay her eggs in. She lays about four white eggs and this is called
a clutch! The babies peck out of their shells when they are ready by using their egg tooth. An egg
tooth is not really a tooth; it is the sharp point on their nose. These baby tortoises are called
hatchlings. Our ‘Studies Weekly’ was called “Communities.” A community is a place where people
live. In every community people need food, shelter, and clothing. Communities are all over the
world, so depending on where you live you might need different kinds of food, shelter, and

In Science, we are putting the finishing touches on our insect boards. We are excited for the
Insect Fair! Please join us on Tuesday, April 17th from 8:30-9:30.

In Music, This week in music we started off class by chanting our rhythm chart and then
jumped right in to learning, singing, and dancing to the songs of the week. For Yom Hashoah,
students sang in a morning ceremony. We learned and rehearsed, "One Day" with verses in English
and Hebrew, as well as "Eili Eili". Next, students rehearsed songs for their upcoming Spring
Showcase and learned about Broadway Music and the history behind it--including just how many
Jewish people were actually behind the development and creation of Broadway. This week we are
adding choreography to our songs and can't wait to share them with you May 4th from 2:30-
3:30pm in Freedman Levit! Information on program attire will be sent out next week.

Last but not least, if there is one thing we can suggest or encourage for you to be doing at
home is to read with your child every night. It is important that you let your child read to you so
he/she can practice reading aloud. This is a wonderful bonding time for you and your child. Please
make sure that you are also recording in the daily reading log what your child is reading at home
and returning the reading logs to school on Monday’s. Please make sure that your child is reading
for at least 15 minutes every day.
Important Dates Ask Your Child
 Tuesday, April 17th Insect Fair at 8:30 in  What did you like most about visiting
Reiches. Dewberry Farm?
 Thursday, April 19th Yom HaAtzmaut
(Students can wear blue & white)  How many tens are in the number 89?

 Wednesday, April 25th Maccabiah  What kind of food, shelter, or clothing do

you need in your community?

 What do you call a baby tortoise?

Important Info

 Please remember to send snacks with your child every day! They get very hungry and a mid-
morning, as well as mid-afternoon, snack helps out! These should be healthy snacks that
can be eaten in a 5-minute time frame!

 Every Monday is Spirit Dress Day! Students may come dressed in a spirit dress shirt and
jeans! If there is no school on a Monday, Tuesday becomes Spirit Dress Day.

We love school!

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