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Journal of Catalysis 236 (2005) 129–138

First-principles based kinetic model for the hydrogenation of toluene

Mark Saeys a,b , Marie-Françoise Reyniers a,∗ , Joris W. Thybaut a ,
Matthew Neurock c , Guy B. Marin a
a Laboratorium voor Petrochemische Techniek, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281(S5), B-9000 Gent, Belgium
b Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 4, Singapore 117576
c Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia, 102 Engineers’ Way, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4741, USA

Received 31 May 2005; revised 15 September 2005; accepted 17 September 2005

Available online 20 October 2005

A fundamental kinetic model for the hydrogenation of toluene over platinum has been constructed, based on detailed first-principles density
functional theory calculations for the hydrogenation of benzene over Pt(111). A Langmuir–Hinshelwood–Hougen–Watson (LHHW) kinetic model
was derived based on an ab initio reaction path analysis [M. Saeys, M.-F. Reyniers, M. Neurock, G.B. Marin, J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005) 2064],
enabling easy interpretation and evaluation of the parameters appearing in the rate equation. The activation energy, adsorption, and reaction en-
thalpies in the model were obtained from the first-principles calculations. The pre-exponential factors were calculated from statistical mechanics,
using assumptions derived from the first-principles results. The coverage-dependent hydrogen chemisorption enthalpy was optimized to accu-
rately model lab-scale experimental data for the gas phase hydrogenation of toluene over a 0.5 wt% Pt/ZSM-22 catalyst. The resulting hydrogen
chemisorption enthalpy of −54.0 ± 1.0 kJ/mol falls between the high and low coverage values, consistent with a simulated average hydrogen
surface coverage of 61%. The LHHW model based on the ab initio calculations captures the main trends in the reaction rates. The reaction model
predicts reaction orders for the inlet partial pressure of hydrogen and toluene ranging from 1.6 to 2.2 and from −0.4 to 0.7, respectively. This is
in reasonable agreement with experimental values, which range from 1.3 to 1.8 and from −0.3 to 0.3, respectively.
 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hydrogenation; First-principles modeling; Kinetic modeling; Benzene; Toluene

1. Introduction well as their accuracy. Microkinetic models constructed from

the fundamental kinetics of the elementary reaction steps offer
The development and optimization of chemical processes re- the ability to cover a broader range of process conditions, along
quires accurate reaction models that are applicable over a wide with improved accuracy. The development of green processes
range of process conditions. Computer simulation has become that minimize energy use and waste production necessitates
invaluable to complement experimental studies for achieving fully accounting for the fate of all intermediates formed and
thus requires more detailed reaction kinetic models, taking into
these goals. Models to describe industrial chemical processes
account the molecular transformations occurring on the catalyst
are based on mathematical reactor models that account for both
the chemical reactions and the physical transport phenomena
For many years, the construction of kinetic models for indus-
that occur on the industrial scale. Traditionally, most reaction
trial catalytic reactions has been based largely on the combina-
models are based on the interpolation of experimental data or
tion of a large empirical database and the qualitative concepts
consist of power law models that describe the global kinetics
of chemical reactivity. The ever-increasing computational re-
and are devoid of the elementary-step kinetics. This can limit
sources and the continuous improvement in quantum chemistry
their applicability to a restricted range of process conditions, as
methods and software provide valuable tools for the kinetic
modeling of heterogeneous catalytic reactions. Carefully cho-
* Corresponding author. Fax: +32 9 264 49 99. sen quantum chemical methods can provide qualitative and/or
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.-F. Reyniers), quantitative insight into the details of catalytic processes [2].
[email protected] (G.B. Marin). In a number of cases, reliable kinetic models have been con-
0021-9517/$ – see front matter  2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
130 M. Saeys et al. / Journal of Catalysis 236 (2005) 129–138

structed from first principles. Examples are the hydrogenation sorption. The fifth and sixth hydrogenation steps were assumed
of ethene [3,4], the hydrogenolysis of ethane [5], ammonia syn- to be irreversible. Thybaut et al. [16] also demonstrated that,
thesis [6], and the selective oxidation of ethene [7]. as a limiting case of their more general model, a kinetic model
In this paper we explore the capabilities of these compu- where the fourth hydrogenation is considered rate-determining
tational tools for developing reaction models for industrially can be obtained.
relevant systems composed of more complex reactants. The hy- The adsorption and dehydrogenation of cyclic C6 molecules
drogenation of aromatics over platinum was selected as a test on transition metals has also received considerable attention
case in view of its relevance in various industrial processes. from both the surface science and theoretical communities.
The catalytic hydrogenation of aromatic compounds is an im- From these studies, a fairly consistent picture has emerged. Var-
portant reaction for the production of clean, high-quality fuels. ious investigators have combined data from spectroscopic and
Environmental concerns continue to impose ever-stricter limits surface science studies with results from density functional the-
on the aromatic content of fuels [8]. In addition, cyclohexane, ory (DFT) to gain a clear understanding of the adsorption of
a base chemical for the production of nylon 6 and nylon 66, is benzene on Pt(111), Pd(111), Rh(111), and Ni(111) [17,18] and
produced industrially via benzene hydrogenation. As compared of the adsorption of cyclohexadiene [19] and cyclohexene [20]
with previously reported cases [3–7], aromatic hydrogenation on Pt(111). From these and other studies, it has become clear
is a somewhat more complex reaction, consisting of at least that DFT calculations provide reasonably accurate descriptions
six sequential elementary hydrogenation steps. Moreover, the of the adsorption and dehydrogenation of unsaturated hydro-
larger-sized aromatic molecules require a larger cluster or unit carbons on Pt(111), yielding adsorption and activation energies
cell to accurately model the catalyst surface. typically within 10 kJ/mol of experimental data.
Numerous experimental kinetic studies on the hydrogena- Previously, we carried out an extensive set of ab initio cal-
tion of aromatics are available in the literature. These studies culations to obtain a detailed understanding of the mechanism
propose various reaction models in attempts to capture the lab- of benzene hydrogenation to cyclohexane [1,17,20,21]. Similar
oratory data. Lin and Vannice [9] derived a model in which the to ethene hydrogenation [3], benzene hydrogenation was found
addition of the first hydrogen atom to the aromatic ring was to follow a Horiuti–Polanyi-type mechanism in which hydro-
proposed as the rate-determining step (RDS). The concurrently gen atoms add sequentially to the adsorbed benzene molecule
formed H-deficient surface species was considered the most- [21]. Benzene adsorbs at two different sites [17]: a hollow (30)
abundant reaction intermediate (MARI). Others have selected site and a bridge (0) site, with low coverage adsorption energies
the addition of the first H2 molecule or the simultaneous ad- of −71 and −102 kJ/mol, respectively. Ab initio DFT calcula-
dition of the first two H-atoms as rate-determining [10–13]. tions were performed to analyze the reaction path for benzene
Models proposed by Lindfors et al. [13] and Van Meerten and hydrogenation to cyclohexane [1]. The DFT results were ana-
Coenen [14] assume equal rate coefficients for all hydrogena- lyzed using fundamental concepts introduced by Boudart [22],
tion steps. The model derived by Chou and Vannice [15] consid- that is, the concepts of catalytic cycle, RDS, and MARI. Out
ers a linear increase in activation energies and a linear decrease of all possible catalytic cycles, one dominant path was found
in activation entropies between the first and sixth hydrogen ad- along which the activation energy for every step is at least
ditions. Based on physicochemical arguments, Thybaut et al. 18 kJ/mol lower than for any possible alternative elementary
[16] selected a model with equal reaction rate coefficients for step that branches from the dominant path [1] (Fig. 1). The ac-
the first four hydrogenations and competitive toluene and H ad- tivation energies for the different steps along the dominant path

Fig. 1. Overview of the different reaction paths for benzene hydrogenation. The dominant reaction path is indicated in boldface. The hydrogenation activation
energies (kJ/mol) for every step along the dominant reaction path are indicated.
M. Saeys et al. / Journal of Catalysis 236 (2005) 129–138 131

are also reported in Fig. 1. The highest barrier, 104 kJ/mol, was diffusion limitations are not relevant, because hydrogenation
calculated for step 5 forming cyclohexyl. This step can be con- occurs on the external crystallite surface [16].
sidered “far from equilibrium” and thus rate-determining [1]. Toluene was used as model component in the experimen-
From the ab initio reaction path analysis, a detailed qual- tal work because its hydrogenated product, methylcyclohexane,
itative picture of benzene hydrogenation over Pt(111) has has very limited isomerization possibilities, hence limiting pos-
emerged. Based on this picture, we constructed a LHHW ki- sible side reactions. Although benzene hydrogenation was stud-
netic model for the hydrogenation of toluene over an indus- ied in the ab initio reaction path analysis and cyclohexane has
trial Pt catalyst. The kinetic and thermodynamic parameters even less isomerization possibilities, the use of benzene was
in the model were derived from the ab initio calculations. To rejected for an extended set of experiments because of its car-
evaluate the accuracy of this approach, the predictions of the cinogenic character.
first-principles based kinetic model are validated by compar- Benzene rather than toluene was selected for the ab initio
ison with experimental data for the hydrogenation of toluene study because a large number of surface science studies on ben-
over a 0.5 wt% Pt/ZSM-22 catalyst [16]. zene adsorption are available, enabling validation of the theo-
Although the hydrogenation kinetics for toluene can be ex- retical procedures. Much less surface science data are available
pected to differ slightly from those for benzene, trends can be for toluene adsorption, and no experimental adsorption ener-
expected to be comparable [9,23]. Considering the fairly sim- gies have been determined. Moreover, the high symmetry of
ple main field approximations in the LHHW reaction model, benzene significantly reduces the complexity of the ab initio re-
perfect agreement with experimental data should indeed not be action path analysis.
expected, yet the main trends should be reproduced. Experiments were performed in a gas phase continuous
stirred tank reactor (Berty [27] reactor). Nitrogen was used to
2. Methods vary the H2 and toluene partial pressures under which reactant
conversion was measurable and not transport-limited at the to-
2.1. Quantum chemical calculations tal pressures applied. Hydrogen (99.99%, H2 O + O2 content <
10 ppm; L’Air Liquide) and toluene (99%; Acros) were used
without further purification. Methane was used as an internal
The optimal ab initio method to study benzene hydrogena-
standard. The equipment has a stabilization time of about 1 h,
tion was found to be [17,21] relativistic DFT with the Becke–
after which a sample of the reactor effluent was taken and sent
Perdew (BP86) functional (e.g., [24]) and a double-zeta Slater
to a HP Series II 5890 gas chromatograph equipped with a 50-m
type orbitals (STO) basis set. The Pt(111) catalyst was modeled
RSL-150 column with a 0.25-µm poly(dimethylsiloxane) film.
by a two-layer Pt22 cluster. A more detailed description of the
To avoid catalyst deactivation, a 10 mmolH2 s−1 flow was
computational procedure has been presented elsewhere [17].
sent through the reactor between experiments. A total of 42 ex-
The calculations were performed for a (111) surface, whereas
periments were carried out, varying the H2 inlet partial pressure
the catalyst particles in the experiment are more or less spher- from 100 to 300 kPa, the toluene inlet partial pressure from 10
ical with an average diameter of 3 nm. The (111) surface was to 60 kPa, the temperature from 423 to 498 K, and the space ve-
selected for the calculations because it is the closest-packed and locity from 27 to 82 kgcat mol−1 s−1 . Conversion ranged from
the thermodynamically most stable facet. Hence it can be ex- 5 to 45%. The total pressure (i.e., including N2 ) ranged from 1
pected to dominate the fairly large catalyst particles. Moreover, to 3 MPa.
hydrogenation is a structure insensitive reaction [1], and the
data from the (111) surface should be applicable to other facets 2.3. Parameter estimation
as well.
The activation and adsorption energies in the ab initio kinetic
2.2. Experimental setup model were obtained from the first-principles calculations. Be-
cause the ab initio parameters were obtained from cluster DFT
Toluene hydrogenation was studied over ZSM-22 loaded calculations, they correspond effectively to zero coverage val-
with 0.5 wt% Pt. The preparation of the catalyst has been de- ues. However, the hydrogen adsorption enthalpy has been found
scribed elsewhere [16,26]. A Pt dispersion of 30% was mea- to be strongly coverage-dependent [28]. At low coverage, a
sured [26], indicating that the Pt metal is present as particles dissociative adsorption enthalpy from −60 to −90 kJ/mol has
with a diameter of 3 nm and is located on the external sur- been reported, consistent with DFT results [21]. The adsorp-
face of the zeolite crystallites, because the crystal pores have tion enthalpy decreases dramatically with coverage to about
a cross-section of only 0.45 × 0.55 nm [26]. The concentration −40 kJ/mol at monolayer coverage [28]. Because the hydro-
of active sites, Ct , can be calculated from the dispersion and the gen adsorption enthalpy is an important parameter in our ki-
catalyst loading and amounts to 0.8 × 10−2 mol kg−1 cat . Because netic model, this strong coverage dependence complicates a
of the shape-selective character of the intracrystalline pores of first-principles assessment of this parameter. To reproduce the
the ZSM-22 zeolite, acid-catalyzed cracking and isomerization experimental data, we therefore selected the hydrogen adsorp-
products were observed in only minor amounts. The absence of tion enthalpy to be the only adjustable parameter in the kinetic
mass transport limitations in the intercrystalline pores was ver- model. Other parameters are also likely coverage-dependent,
ified (Weisz moduli ∼10−2 ) [16]. Note that the intracrystalline but experimental data seem to indicate that the hollow site ben-
132 M. Saeys et al. / Journal of Catalysis 236 (2005) 129–138

zene adsorption enthalpy is only weakly coverage-dependent the experimental data; however, we hope that the model can
[29]. In a first approximation, therefore only the hydrogen ad- reliably simulate the main trends. More detailed microkinetic
sorption enthalpy was assumed to differ from the ab initio zero modeling [33] or kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations [4,5] could
coverage value. further improve the model’s accuracy, but are more difficult to
Parameter estimation was performed using a combination of construct and interpret. However, they are a logical extension if
a Rosenbrock algorithm [30] and a Marquardt algorithm [31]. the LHHW model successfully reproduces the experimentally
An in-house written code was used for the Rosenbrock method, observed trends.
whereas for the Marquardt algorithm, the ordinary least squares The LHHW model described here is based on five model
option of the ODRPACK-package version 2.01 [32] was used. assumptions, derived from the conclusions of the ab initio reac-
The sum of squared residuals between the observed and calcu- tion path analysis [1].
lated outlet flow rates of methylcyclohexane was minimized by
adjusting the model parameter b, that is, the hydrogen adsorp- Assumption 1. Competition between the dissociative adsorp-
tion enthalpy, which would be expected to approach the real tion of H2 and the molecular chemisorption of the toluene for
parameter β when the optimum was reached, identical sites. Although benzene was found to adsorb at both
the bridge and the hollow site, only hollow site adsorption was

SSQ = mch,j
Fmch,j − F
→ Min, (1) considered in the kinetic model, because it was found to be
the more reactive species [1,21]. Moreover, at the high cov-
j =1
erages observed under industrial conditions, experimental data
mch,j is the
where Fmch,j is the observed outlet flow rate and F indicate that hollow site adsorption is preferred [17]. Hydro-
calculated outlet flow rate of methylcyclohexane. gen and toluene are assumed to compete for the same active
The methylcyclohexane reactor outlet flow rate is calculated sites. The larger size of toluene is taken into account via the
by solving the nonlinear reactor equation pre-exponential factor of the adsorption equilibrium coefficient.
mch (T , pH2 , ptoluene )Wj = 0,
mch,j − R The chemisorption of both hydrogen and toluene is assumed
F (2)
to be quasi-equilibrated. Some kinetic models reported in the
that is, via the mass balance for methylcyclohexane, where literature assume noncompetitive adsorption of hydrogen and
mch is the predicted rate of formation of methylcyclohexane,
R aromatics [9–11,14,15]. Experimental work by Mirodatos [34]
pH2 and ptoluene are the partial pressures of hydrogen and seems to provide support for this assumption. Using H2 titra-
toluene at the reactor outlet, and Wj is the catalyst mass. tion, Mirodatos showed that the total amount of adsorbed hy-
The statistical significance of the global regression was ex- drogen does not change much with the presence of benzene on
pressed by means of the so-called F -test, which is based on the Ni. However, as argued by Toulhoat and Raybaud [35], ben-
comparison of the calculated sum of squares and the residual zene chemisorbs flat on the surface and competitive adsorption
sum of squares. A high F -value corresponds to a high signifi- implies that the adsorption of H could locally prevent the ad-
cance of the global regression. The parameter estimate was also sorption of benzene, and vice versa. Lutterloh et al. [36] studied
tested for statistical significance on the basis of its individual the coadsorption of hydrogen and benzene on Pt(111) using
t -value, which is related to the sensitivity of the model calcula- thermal desorption and vibrational spectroscopy. Their results
tions to the value of the parameter. A high t -value corresponds provide further support that benzene and hydrogen adsorb com-
to a high sensitivity and hence to a high significance or a narrow petitively.
95% approximate individual confidence interval of the corre-
sponding parameter. Assumption 2. Desorption of the hydrogenated product is fast
and irreversible. The calculated adsorption enthalpy of cyclo-
3. Results hexane is −27 kJ/mol [1,20]. Although reported experimental
values are somewhat higher, at around −58 kJ/mol [37], de-
3.1. Rate equation sorption can still be assumed to be fast and irreversible, because
the experimental value is still low compared with the adsorp-
The results from the ab initio reaction path analysis [1] were tion energy of benzene, −71 kJ/mol, and the activation energy
used to construct a classical analytical LHHW rate expression of the RDS, 104 kJ/mol.
that is easy to implement and interpret. We want to stress that
the main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the applica- Assumption 3. Hydrogenation follows a single reaction path
bility of first-principles calculations in constructing a kinetic where the addition of the fifth hydrogen is the RDS. This as-
model for industrial catalytic reactions involving more complex sumption follows directly from the ab initio reaction path analy-
reactants, such as toluene. The main purposes of the LHHW sis [1] summarized in Fig. 1.
model presented here are to assess the validity of the assump-
tions derived from the ab initio reaction path analysis and to Assumption 4. The lower activation barriers for steps 1–4 sug-
test the relative accuracy of the ab initio parameters and their gest that they can be assumed to be quasi-equilibrated. The
suitability for modeling laboratory kinetics. Because of the sim- calculated activation energies for the first three benzene hydro-
plifications introduced by the model assumptions in the LHHW genation steps are ∼75 kJ/mol, and the barrier of the fourth
model, we do not expect the model to quantitatively reproduce hydrogen addition amounts to 88 kJ/mol. The barriers for the
M. Saeys et al. / Journal of Catalysis 236 (2005) 129–138 133

corresponding reverse dehydrogenation reactions are all lower Assumptions 1–5 lead to the following sequence of elemen-
than 64 kJ/mol [1,21]. The barrier for the RDS is 104 kJ/mol, tary steps, using standard notation [22]:
which is at least 16 kJ/mol higher than for the barriers for the
first four steps. At 450 K, a typical temperature for aromatic H2 (g) + 2∗ 2H∗ KH2 ,
∗ ∗
hydrogenation, such a difference in activation energies corre- A(g) + A KA ,
sponds to an 80-fold difference in the reaction rate coefficient. ∗
A +H ∗
AH + ∗ ∗
K1 ,
In addition, the surface coverage of the AH4 ∗ reaction interme- ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
diate is likely to be lower than the surface coverage of hydrogen, AH + H AH2 + K2 ,
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
toluene, or the less hydrogenated intermediates because of the AH2 + H AH3 + K3 ,
endothermicity of the hydrogenation reactions. The lower cov- ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
AH3 + H AH4 + K4 ,
erage further limits the hydrogenation rate of the fifth step. The
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
first four hydrogen additions can therefore be assumed to be AH4 + H AH5 + k5 ,
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
quasi-equilibrated. The sixth hydrogenation step has a sizeable AH5 + H → AH6 + ,
barrier of 96 kJ/mol [1] for the reverse dehydrogenation reac-
AH6 ∗ → AH6 (g) + ∗ .
tion. Thus this step may not be quasi-equilibrated. However,
the lower hydrogenation barrier of 87 kJ/mol, along with the With Assumptions 2 and 3, the rate of formation of the hydro-
fact that cyclohexane desorption is irreversible (Assumption 2), genated product, AH6 , can be written as
indicate that the dehydrogenation reaction is not kinetically sig-
nificant. RAH6 (g) = Ct k5 θAH4 ∗ θH∗ (3)
where θX is the surface coverage of X, k5 is the reaction rate
Assumption 5. Chemisorbed hydrogen and toluene are the coefficient for the RDS, and Ct is the surface concentration of
MARIs [22]. The energy profile along the dominant reaction active sites (mol kg−1
cat ).
path is sketched in Fig. 2. The solid line corresponds to the The surface coverage of hydrogen (H* ) and aromatic (A* )
ab initio energy profile based on the ab initio hydrogen ad- can be obtained from Assumption 1 as
sorption enthalpy of −94 kJ/mol. As discussed previously, the 
hydrogen adsorption enthalpy decreases significantly at higher θA∗ = θ∗ KA pA and θH∗ = θ∗ KH2 pH2 , (4)
coverages. For a monolayer coverage, adsorption enthalpies as where KX is the chemisorption coefficient for X, pX is the par-
low as −40 kJ/mol have been reported [28]. A lower hydro- tial pressure, and θ∗ is the surface concentration of empty sites.
gen adsorption enthalpy also reduces the endothermicity of the The surface coverage of the hydrogenated intermediates can be
hydrogenation reactions as one hydrogen atom is consumed in obtained from the quasi-equilibrium (Assumption 4) as
each step. The dotted line in Fig. 2 corresponds to a hydrogen
adsorption enthalpy of −45 kJ/mol. For such low hydrogen ad-  θA∗ θHi ∗
sorption enthalpies, the hydrogenation reactions are nearly ther- θAHi ∗ = Kj , i = 1, . . . , 4. (5)
moneutral. Under industrial conditions, an intermediate value j =1
can be expected, and the hydrogenation can still be expected to This leads to the following rate equation:
be endothermic. Therefore, the thermodynamic sink of the en-  4 
ergy profile is likely to be adsorbed toluene and hydrogen, and   5
thus these are considered the MARIs. All other intermediates RAH6 (g) = Ct k5 Ki KA pA KH2 pH2 θ∗2 . (6)
can then be neglected in the overall site balance. i=1

A site balance is used to eliminate θ∗ from the rate equation

(Assumption 5),
1 = θ ∗ + θA∗ + θ H∗ , θ∗ =  . (7)
1 + KA pA + KH2 pH2
This leads to the following LHHW rate equation:
  5/2 5/2
Ct k5 4j =1 Kj KA KH2 pA pH2
RAH6 (g) =  . (8)
(1 + KA pA + KH2 pH2 )2
This rate equation differs from the rate equations proposed pre-
viously by Thybaut et al. [16], which were based on a reaction
enthalpy diagram including only adsorbed benzene, cyclohexa-
diene, cyclohexene, and cyclohexane. Because the hydrogena-
tion from cyclohexene to cyclohexane was found to be exother-
mic, the rate-limiting step was assumed to be the third or fourth
Fig. 2. DFT calculated energy profile along the dominant reaction path in Fig. 1 hydrogenation step. Alternatively, a model with equal reaction
(—, Hads (H2 ) = 94.3 kJ/mol; - - -, Hads (H2 ) = 45.0 kJ/mol). rate coefficients for steps 1–4 was proposed. In all three models,
134 M. Saeys et al. / Journal of Catalysis 236 (2005) 129–138

the remaining hydrogenation steps are assumed to be quasi- ∼5 kJ/mol [17]. A similar mobility can be assumed for toluene.
equilibrated. A more detailed ab initio reaction path analysis The translational partition function for the chemisorbed toluene
[1] provides additional insight, leading to the slightly different is therefore approximated as (Qtranslation,DOF )2 . Chemisorbed
LHHW model equation (8). toluene is also assumed to retain 1 rotational DOF, that is,
Qrotation,DOF = 89.2. The vibrational partition function of ad-
3.2. Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters sorbed toluene can be written as Qvib,gas Qvib,extra , where
Qvib,extra accounts for the low-frequency C–Pt stretch frequen-
A number of parameters appear in the LHHW rate equa- cies that appear on adsorption. For benzene, C–Pt stretch fre-
tion (8): the concentration of active sites, Ct ; the reaction rate quencies of ∼300 cm−1 were calculated [17,18], leading to a
coefficient of the RDS, k5 ; the product of the equilibrium co- Qvib,extra of about 10. As usual, the translational partition func-
efficients for the surface reactions, 4i=1 Ki ; and the adsorp- tions are multiplied with the space available for the molecule,
tion coefficients for toluene, KA , and hydrogen, KH2 . Taking that is, the surface area available to a single molecule and the
into account the temperature dependence of the rate coeffi- volume available to the molecule [33]. These considerations
cients and the adsorption coefficients, nine parameters must be lead to the following pre-exponential factor for the adsorption
determined. The concentration of active sites, Ct , must be deter- coefficient:
mined experimentally, because it depends on the catalyst prepa-
ration procedure and amounts to 0.8 × 10−2 mol kg−1 cat . The ki- Aads,A
netic and thermodynamic parameters can be obtained from a (1.17 × 1011 )2 × 89.2Qvib,ads (m−2 ) × 1 × 10−18 (m2 )
combination of DFT calculations and statistical mechanics. We (1.17 × 1011 )3 × 89.2 × 25.1 × 74.4Qvib,gas (m−3 ) × kT (Pa m3 )
explain step by step how these parameters were derived. For the = 7.4 × 10−12 Pa−1 ,
calculation of the pre-exponential factors, some additional as-
sumptions concerning the mobility of the adsorbed molecules where a surface area per adsorbed toluene of 10 × 10−19 m2 is
are required. First, the calculation of the adsorption coefficients assumed, consistent with a value of 5 × 10−19 m2 that has been
is discussed. determined experimentally for benzene [38] and with the value
The pre-exponential factors, Aads , are derived from statisti- that can be calculated from the van der Waals radii for toluene
cal mechanics (e.g., [33]), (i.e., 4.8 × 10−19 m2 ). A typical surface area per platinum
Qtranslation,ads Qrotation,ads Qvibration,ads atom is 10−19 m2 . The DFT adsorption enthalpy of benzene
Aads = , (9) at the hollow site, −71 kJ/mol, was taken as the chemisorp-
Qtranslation,gas Qrotation,gas Qvibration,gas
tion enthalpy for toluene. To validate the assumption that the
where Qtranslation is the translational partition function, Qrotation toluene adsorption energy is similar to the value for benzene,
is the rotational partition function, and Qvibration is the vibra- the toluene adsorption energy was treated as an adjustable pa-
tional partition function. These partition functions can be cal- rameter, in addition to the hydrogen adsorption energy. The
culated from the DFT geometries, vibrational frequencies, and estimated value, −69.6 ± 2.0 kJ/mol, indeed indicates that the
diffusion barriers using standard formulas (e.g., [33]). The fol- toluene adsorption energy does not differ significantly from the
lowing translational partition functions per degree of freedom ab initio value for benzene. Thus in the final model we will use
(DOF) are calculated: the ab initio value, rather than the estimated value.
Toluene: Qtranslation,DOF (450 K) = 1.17 × 1011 m−1 ;
3.4. Adsorbed hydrogen
Hydrogen (H2 ): Qtranslation,DOF (450 K) = 1.72 × 1010 m−1 ;
Hydrogen atom (H): Hydrogen is found to be highly mobile on the Pt(111) sur-
−1 face as well, with a barrier of < 5 kJ/mol for diffusion (e.g.,
Qtranslation,DOF (450 K) = 1.22 × 10 10
m .
[21]). For hydrogen adsorption, the pre-exponential factor can
The rotational partition functions are calculated using the ab thus be calculated in a similar way,
initio gas phase geometries, where σ is the rotational symmetry
number: [(1.22 × 1010 )2 ]2 × [10−19 ]2
AH 2 = = 2.7 × 10−9 Pa−1 .
(1.72 × 1010 )3 × 2.59kT
Toluene: Qrotation,DOF (450 K) = 25.1 (σ = 2); 74.4; 89.2
Differential enthalpy diagrams of hydrogen adsorption show
for the three rotational axes;
that the adsorption enthalpy decreases from about −90 kJ/mol
Hydrogen (H2 ): Qrotation (450 K) = 2.59 (σ = 2). at low coverage to about −40 kJ/mol at near-monolayer cov-
For wave numbers larger than 700 cm−1 , the vibrational parti- erage. Instead of assigning the low-coverage DFT value of
tion functions are ∼1. From Eq. (9), the pre-exponential factors −94 kJ/mol, we thus treat the hydrogen adsorption enthalpy
can be calculated. as an adjustable parameter, Hads (H2 ).

3.3. Adsorbed toluene 3.5. Equilibrium coefficient

The DFT calculations indicate that benzene adsorbed at The changes in the hydrogen adsorption enthalpy also affect
the hollow site is fairly mobile, with a diffusion barrier of the reaction enthalpy of the elementary hydrogenation steps.
M. Saeys et al. / Journal of Catalysis 236 (2005) 129–138 135

To illustrate this effect, the energy profile for a hydrogen ad- Table 1
sorption energy of −45 kJ/mol is shown in Fig. 2 (dotted line). First principle derived kinetic and thermodynamic parameters to be used in the
The reaction enthalpies of the individual steps, Hr,i , are there- LHHW rate equation (8)
fore functions of the hydrogen adsorption enthalpy, Hads (H2 ). Parameter Pre-exponential factor Enthalpy/activation energy
Note that in Fig. 2 the simplifying assumption has been made (kJ/mol)
that the hydrogenation barriers are unaffected by the value of Ct 0.8 × 10−2 mol/kgcat –
the hydrogen adsorption energies. The lower H–Pt binding en- k5 5 × 1011 s−1 104
ergy could result in a lowering of the hydrogenation activation i=1 Ki (0.5)4 = 0.06 −74 − 2Hads (H2 )
KA 7.4 × 10−12 Pa−1 −71
energies as well.
KH2 2.7 × 10−9 Pa−1 Hads (H2 )
The reaction enthalpy for the product of the equilibrium con-
stants, 4i=1 Ki , can be determined from the ab initio enthalpy
diagram, tor must be smaller than the dehydrogenation value, 1012 s−1 .
A reasonable estimate for the hydrogenation pre-exponential

factor is therefore 5 × 1011 s−1 . Hence the pre-exponential
Hr,i = Hf (1235THB,g) − Hf (B,g)
factor for the surface reaction equilibrium coefficient equals
(0.5)4 = 0.06.
+ Hads (1235THB) − Hads (B) − 2Hads (H2 ),

4 3.6. Rate-determining step
Hr,i = −74 kJ/mol − 2Hads (H2 ),
i=1 In the previous section, a pre-exponential factor of 5 ×
where Hf (1235THB,g) is the gas phase enthalpy of forma- 1011 s−1 was proposed for hydrogenation reactions. The same
tion of 1,2,3,5-tetrahydrobenzene and Hads (1235THB) is the value is used for the pre-exponential factor of the RDS, A5 .
corresponding adsorption enthalpy. Hf (1235THB,g) is cal- The pre-exponential factor for the RDS and the pre-exponential
culated using the atom additivity-corrected CBS-QB3 method factor for the equilibrium coefficient are taken from experi-
[25] and amounts to 271 kJ/mol. Hads (1235THB) was ob- mental surface science data, in combination with qualitative
tained from a cluster DFT calculation and equals −333 kJ/mol. arguments based on the ab initio geometries and surface mobil-
Hf (B,g) is the gas phase enthalpy of formation of benzene, ities. This introduces some experimental data into our ab initio
83 kJ/mol [39], and Hads (B) is the DFT adsorption enthalpy model. Calculating these parameters from first principles would
for the hollow site, −71 kJ/mol. The adsorption energy of ben- be possible, yet very time-consuming. To validate the proposed
zene rather than that of toluene is used, to be consistent with the parameters, we have estimated the pre-exponential factor for
adsorption energy and the enthalpy of formation for 1235THB. the parameter combination k5 ( 4j =1 Kj ) [Eq. (8)]. The esti-
The determination of the pre-exponential factors for the sur- mated value does not differ significantly from the calculated
face reaction equilibrium coefficient requires some approxima- value, and we use the latter in our model. For the RDS, an acti-
tions, because the diffusion barriers of the hydrogenated in- vation energy of 104 kJ/mol is calculated (Fig. 2). Note that for
termediates have not been explicitly calculated nor measured. less negative hydrogen adsorption enthalpies, a slightly lower
Hence it is not possible to calculate the partition functions from value could be expected.
statistical mechanics using the first principles data as we did Table 1 summarizes the parameters required in the LHHW
for adsorbed hydrogen and toluene. Instead, the pre-exponential rate equation (8). The pre-exponential factors presented here
factors are determined by combining the DFT structures with differ slightly from the values reported previously [16]. Therein
experimental surface science data. the mobility was assumed to be low for the adsorbed toluene,
Typical values for the pre-exponential factor of a dehy- whereas new insights from the DFT calculations indicate the
drogenation rate coefficient for cyclic C6 molecules can be aromatic reactant is highly mobile. In addition, for the hydrogen
found in the surface science literature [40]. For cyclohexane on atoms a lower mobility was assumed in previous work.
Pt(111), a pre-exponential factor of 3 × 1012 s−1 has been de-
termined. For cyclohexene on Pt(111), a value of 6 × 1011 s−1 4. Discussion and comparison with kinetic data
has been reported. Here we assume an intermediate value of
1 × 1012 s−1 for the pre-exponential factor for the dehydrogena- The rate equation (8) was implemented in a CSTR reac-
tion reactions. The hydrogenation pre-exponential factor can tor model for the simulation of lab-scale data for the hydro-
now be estimated from statistical thermodynamics. Adsorbed genation of toluene on Pt/ZSM-22. The hydrogen adsorption
hydrogen is found to be mobile, whereas the adsorbed hydro- enthalpy, Hads (H2 ), which is known to be strongly coverage-
genated intermediates are assumed to be less mobile because dependent, was optimized to fit the experimental data. A hydro-
they are bound by rather strong σC–Pt bonds. For the transition gen adsorption enthalpy, Hads (H2 ), of −54.0 ± 1.0 kJ/mol
state, an intermediate mobility can be assumed. This leads to was determined. The kinetic model was found to be statisti-
pre-exponential factors between 1011 and 1012 s−1 [33]. Dur- cally significant, with a calculated F -value of 1070. The model
ing hydrogenation, a mobile (H* ) and a less-mobile reactant are predictions were compared with the experimental data in a par-
converted to a less-mobile product, leading to a negative reac- ity diagram (Fig. 3). The first-principles based kinetic model
tion entropy. Therefore, the hydrogenation pre-exponential fac- clearly captures the main trends in the reaction rate. The es-
136 M. Saeys et al. / Journal of Catalysis 236 (2005) 129–138

sion of all experimental data at a given temperature to Eq. (10),

RAH6 (g) = kAH6 (g) ptol,in

m n
pH 2 ,in
. (10)
Note that the reaction orders relate the inlet partial pressures
(set values) to the reaction rate. But the LHHW model relates
the partial pressures inside the reactor to the reaction rate. The
reactor model equations in turn relate the reactor partial pres-
sures to the inlet partial pressures.
For the LHHW rate equation (8), the reaction order in the
hydrogen reactor partial pressure can be obtained analytically

5 KH2 pH2
reaction order in pH2 = −  (11)
2 1 + KA pA + KH2 pH2
and can vary between 1.5 and 2.5. However, the ab initio partial
Fig. 3. Parity diagram for the methylcyclohexane outlet flow rate (line, ex- reaction orders must be calculated from CSTR reactor simu-
perimental; dots, calculated based on kinetic model equation (Eq. (8)) and lations for the different process conditions. Over the range of
parameters from Table 1). experimental conditions, the ab initio model yields partial re-
action orders in inlet hydrogen partial pressure ranging from
Table 2 1.6 to 2.4 (Table 2). Note that the range in the simulated par-
Partial reaction orders in H2 and toluene inlet partial pressure for the different tial reaction orders at any temperature is quite large, and hence
experimental temperatures. Comparison between experimental [16] and simu- the partial reaction orders are strongly dependent on the condi-
lated values
tions at which the experiments were carried out. At 473 K, the
T Hydrogen Toluene temperature at which most of the experiments were carried out,
(K) Experimental Simulateda Experimental Simulateda the experimental reaction order is in the simulated range. At
423 0.6 ± 0.1 1.7 to 2.4 −0.2 ± 0.1 −0.7 to +0.5 lower temperatures, the agreement is less satisfactory, and the
448 1.1 ± 0.05 1.6 to 2.3 −0.2 ± 0.1 −0.5 to +0.7 LHHW model overestimates the experimental reaction orders.
473 1.8 ± 0.05 1.6 to 2.2 −0.1 ± 0.05 −0.2 to +0.8
498 1.3 ± 0.05 1.6 to 2.0 +0.3 ± 0.1 0.0 to +0.9
One reason for this might be that the experiments at lower tem-
a Values indicate range of partial reaction orders that can be calculated for the
peratures were done over a limited range of partial pressures
range of experimental process conditions.
and correspond to the lower range of the simulated reaction
orders. Moreover, the higher coverages at lower temperature
might require a lower value for the adsorption enthalpies. From
timated hydrogen adsorption enthalpy is intermediate between
Eq. (11), it follows that the hydrogen partial reaction order is
the low coverage value of about −90 kJ/mol and the monolayer
rather sensitive to adsorption energy of the aromatic reactant.
value of about −45 kJ/mol, consistent with simulated hydro- Indeed, increasing the toluene adsorption energy from −70.6
gen coverages for the experimental data varying from 31 to to −60.6 kJ/mol leads to a decrease in reaction order of 0.2–
82%, with an average value of 61%. The estimated hydrogen 0.5. Note that a lower toluene adsorption enthalpy might be
adsorption enthalpy is likely an average value, and more de- expected, because the ab initio value corresponds to low cover-
tailed models will need to take into account the variation of the ages, whereas the simulated surface coverages are rather high.
hydrogen adsorption enthalpy with coverage. As discussed, the reaction order in hydrogen partial pressure is
Next we present a more detailed discussion of the simulated mostly determined by the location of the RDS. The fair agree-
trends versus hydrogen and toluene partial pressure, tempera- ment in Table 2, particularly for the data at 473 K, where most
ture, and space–time. The partial reaction order in hydrogen of the experiments were performed, gives some validation to
partial pressure is determined mainly by the location of the the location of the RDS based on the ab initio reaction path
RDS, whereas the partial reaction order in the aromatic reactant analysis.
is related largely to the hypotheses of competitive adsorption For the aromatic reactant, partial reaction orders between
and the presence of a rate-determining reaction step. The varia- −1 and +1 have been reported in the literature [9–16], de-
tion of the reaction rate with temperature and the position of the pending on the experimental conditions. In the experimental
maximum in the reaction rate–temperature curve are related pri- studies discussed here, the range of observed reaction orders
marily to the relative values of the kinetic and thermodynamic is much smaller, from −0.2 to 0.3 (Table 2). At lower tempera-
parameters. The simulated variation of the reaction rate with tures, the reaction order tends to be negative, whereas at higher
space–time can provide an indication of the overall reliability temperatures it becomes slightly positive. For the LHHW rate
of the first-principles based reaction model. equation (8), the partial reaction order in toluene is given by
Table 2 lists the partial reaction orders in the hydrogen and
2KA pA
toluene inlet partial pressures for different temperatures. The reaction order in pA = 1 −  (12)
experimental partial reaction orders were determined by regres- 1 + KA pA + KH2 pH2
M. Saeys et al. / Journal of Catalysis 236 (2005) 129–138 137

Fig. 4. Plot of the reaction rate versus temperature. Reaction conditions: ptotal
Fig. 5. Plot of the reaction rate versus space–time. Reaction conditions:
= 10 bar; W/Ftol,0 = 81.8 kgcat s mol−1 ; ptoluene,0 = 20.3 kPa (A), 10.1 kPa
ptotal = 10 bar (A, B), 20 bar (C), 30 bar (D); T = 423 K (A), 498 K (B),
(B); pH2 ,0 = 202 kPa (A), 101 kPa (B).
473 K (C, D); pH2 ,0 = 101 kPa (A, B), 203 kPa (C), 304 kPa (D); ptoluene,0 =
20.3 kPa (A, B), 40.5 kPa (C), 60.8 kPa (D).
and ranges from −1 to +1. Because KA decreases with temper-
ature, the predicted reaction order increases with temperature, temperatures because of the second part, but the effect depends
as has been found experimentally. Over the range of experi- on the process conditions. Taking into account the coverage
mental data, the ab initio kinetic model predicts partial reaction dependence of the parameters will also increase the variation
orders ranging from −0.7 to 0.9 and increasing with tempera- of the rate with temperature and might improve the agreement
ture, in fair agreement with the experimental values (Table 2). with the experimental data.
Fig. 4 plots the reaction rate versus temperature. Both the ab Fig. 5 shows the simulated and experimental variation of the
initio model and the experimental data clearly show a maximum reaction rate with space–time, W/Ftol,0 . The model accurately
in rate versus temperature; however, the change in the ab initio predicts the decrease of the rate with increasing space–time,
predicted rate with temperature is smaller than the experimental particularly for higher reaction rates. At lower rates, the pre-
variations, and the predicted maximum is at slightly higher tem- dicted variations are somewhat smaller than the experimentally
peratures for the lower reactant partial pressures. The position observed variations.
of the maximum and the steepness of the curve are determined In general, the first-principles based LHHW model rather
by dRAH6 (g) /dT , as follows: accurately simulates the trends of the experimental data. To
dRAH6 (g) RAH6 (g) further improve the agreement, some of the assumptions used
= to determine the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters in the
dT RT 2

classical LHHW model should be refined. In particular, tak-

ing into account the coverage dependence of the hydrogen and
× Ea,5 + Hr,i + Hads (A) + 2.5Hads (H2 )
toluene adsorption enthalpy, as well as the activation energy of
 the RDS, might improve the simulations. In addition, more de-
2Hads (A)KA pA + Hads (H2 ) KH2 pH2 tailed first-principles calculations of the pre-exponential factors
−  . (13)
1 + KA pA + KH2 pH2 would also likely improve the simulations.

The sum Ea,5 + 4i=1 Hr,i + Hads (A) + 2.5Hads (H2 ) is 5. Conclusions
negative for the parameters determined here, and the fraction is
always negative. Decreasing the activation energy of the RDS, In this work, a kinetic model for the hydrogenation of
Ea,5 , shifts the maximum to lower temperatures, and the pro- toluene over platinum catalysts was derived based on a detailed
file also becomes steeper. This improves the agreement with the ab initio reaction path analysis for the hydrogenation of ben-
experimental trend. Note that lower hydrogenation activation zene over Pt(111). The kinetic and thermodynamic parameters
energy can indeed be expected for lower hydrogen adsorption in the model were obtained from ab initio calculations and from
enthalpies. A less endothermic reaction enthalpy, 4i=1 Hr,i statistical mechanics. The first-principles based model was vali-
would have a similar effect. Indeed, for temperatures below the dated against lab-scale experimental data for the hydrogenation
temperature corresponding with the maximum in the reaction of toluene over a 0.5 wt% Pt/ZSM-22.
rate, the rate increases with temperature because of the increase From the ab initio reaction path analysis [1], the following
in the reaction rate coefficient, k5 , and the equilibrium coeffi- model assumptions were derived: (i) dissociative hydrogen and
cient, 4i=1 Ki . The influence of the hydrogen and toluene ad- molecular toluene chemisorption are competitive, (ii) desorp-
sorption enthalpies is less straightforward, because they appear tion of the hydrogenated product is irreversible, (iii) hydrogena-
in both terms. For the ab initio parameters and the experimen- tion follows a single reaction path in which the addition of the
tal conditions reported here, decreasing the toluene adsorption fifth hydrogen is the RDS, and (iv) the hydrogen and aromatic
enthalpy is found to shift the position of the maximum to lower reactants are likely the MARIs. Based on these hypotheses,
138 M. Saeys et al. / Journal of Catalysis 236 (2005) 129–138

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