Can Could May and Might

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They are always followed by the infinitive without Might – for possibility
“to”. Never say They can to sing. The electrician might be finished by tomorrow.
They are the same for all the pronouns. Never say It might be bad weather tomorrow.
she cans swim. Peter might come to the party.
They don’t need axuliaries Never say Do you can
do this? Nota:
They take direct negative and question forms. May not puede usarse para denegar permiso y
They never combine with another modal verb. para prohibir en el estilo formal:
Never say She will can come tomorrow.
Students may not use the staff car park / Los
CAN – usage estudiantes no pueden usar el aparcamiento del
1.Abilty or lack of ability in the present or future . profesorado.
I can see you at 3 PM tomorrow. Can you manage
that? It may not be true. – Puede que no sea verdad.
They cannot (can’t) dance. It can’t be true. – No puede ser verdad.
2.Giving or not giving permission (imposibilidad
You can use my office
Can – for ability Must
I can dance Tango. Must – to express a formal request or necessity
She can't sing. I must finish the report today.
Can you speak English? Each individual must help to stop pollution of the
Can – for permission Every car must have seat belts.
Can I sit here? He must give us a reply this morning.
Can we leave now?
Can I play some music? Must – to show that something is very possible
She must be very intelligent.
Can – for requests or suggestions There must be a lot of traffic. That's why they're late.
Can we have more coffee? You must be tired after your journey.
Can I have the bill?
You can go wherever you like. Now select the right word for the following:

Could 1 They (can/might) might be away for the weekend but I'm
Could – past ability not sure.
I could run ten kilometres when I was younger. 2 You (may/might) may leave now if you wish.
We could see the ocean from our hotel room.
I could see that Danny was angry. 3 (Could/May) could you open the window a bit, please?

Could – for permission (polite) 4 He (can/could) could be French, judging by his accent.
Could I have another coffee?
5 (May/Can) can you play the piano?
You could sit here if you like.
Could you repeat that again? 6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) may not speak
during this exam.
Could - for possibility
This holiday could be really good. 7 They (can't/may not) can't still be out!
You could go to the hairdresser tomorrow.
8 You (couldn't/might not) couldn't smoke on the bus.
Could this really be true?
9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) could be a sunny day.
May – for formal permission. 10 You (can/might) might be right but I'm going back to check
May I come in? anyway.
May I make a suggestion?
May he ask a question?

May – to suggest a possibility

It may rain this evening.
They may be late.
He may agree with you.
Now select the right word for the following: Now select the right word for the following:
1 They (can/might) ____________ be away for the weekend but I'm 1 They (can/might) ____________ be away for the weekend but I'm
not sure. not sure.
2 You (may/might) ____________leave now if you wish. 2 You (may/might) ____________leave now if you wish.
3 (Could/May) ____________you open the window a bit, please? 3 (Could/May) ____________you open the window a bit, please?
4 He (can/could) ____________ be French, judging by his accent. 4 He (can/could) ____________ be French, judging by his accent.
5 (May/Can) ____________you play the piano? 5 (May/Can) ____________you play the piano?
6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) ____________speak 6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) ____________speak
during this exam. during this exam.
7 They (can't/may not) ____________ still be out! 7 They (can't/may not) ____________ still be out!
8 You (couldn't/might not) ____________smoke on the bus. 8 You (couldn't/might not) ____________smoke on the bus.
9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) ____________be a sunny day. 9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) ____________be a sunny day.
10 You (can/might) ____________ be right but I'm going back to 10 You (can/might) ____________ be right but I'm going back to
check anyway. check anyway.

Now select the right word for the following: Now select the right word for the following:
1 They (can/might) ____________ be away for the weekend but I'm 1 They (can/might) ____________ be away for the weekend but I'm
not sure. not sure.
2 You (may/might) ____________leave now if you wish. 2 You (may/might) ____________leave now if you wish.
3 (Could/May) ____________you open the window a bit, please? 3 (Could/May) ____________you open the window a bit, please?
4 He (can/could) ____________ be French, judging by his accent. 4 He (can/could) ____________ be French, judging by his accent.
5 (May/Can) ____________you play the piano? 5 (May/Can) ____________you play the piano?
6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) ____________speak 6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) ____________speak
during this exam. during this exam.
7 They (can't/may not) ____________ still be out! 7 They (can't/may not) ____________ still be out!
8 You (couldn't/might not) ____________smoke on the bus. 8 You (couldn't/might not) ____________smoke on the bus.
9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) ____________be a sunny day. 9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) ____________be a sunny day.
10 You (can/might) ____________ be right but I'm going back to 10 You (can/might) ____________ be right but I'm going back to
check anyway. check anyway.

Now select the right word for the following: Now select the right word for the following:
1 They (can/might) ____________ be away for the weekend but I'm 1 They (can/might) ____________ be away for the weekend but I'm
not sure. not sure.
2 You (may/might) ____________leave now if you wish. 2 You (may/might) ____________leave now if you wish.
3 (Could/May) ____________you open the window a bit, please? 3 (Could/May) ____________you open the window a bit, please?
4 He (can/could) ____________ be French, judging by his accent. 4 He (can/could) ____________ be French, judging by his accent.
5 (May/Can) ____________you play the piano? 5 (May/Can) ____________you play the piano?
6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) ____________speak 6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) ____________speak
during this exam. during this exam.
7 They (can't/may not) ____________ still be out! 7 They (can't/may not) ____________ still be out!
8 You (couldn't/might not) ____________smoke on the bus. 8 You (couldn't/might not) ____________smoke on the bus.
9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) ____________be a sunny day. 9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) ____________be a sunny day.
10 You (can/might) ____________ be right but I'm going back to 10 You (can/might) ____________ be right but I'm going back to
check anyway. check anyway.

Now select the right word for the following: Now select the right word for the following:
1 They (can/might) ____________ be away for the weekend but I'm 1 They (can/might) ____________ be away for the weekend but I'm
not sure. not sure.
2 You (may/might) ____________leave now if you wish. 2 You (may/might) ____________leave now if you wish.
3 (Could/May) ____________you open the window a bit, please? 3 (Could/May) ____________you open the window a bit, please?
4 He (can/could) ____________ be French, judging by his accent. 4 He (can/could) ____________ be French, judging by his accent.
5 (May/Can) ____________you play the piano? 5 (May/Can) ____________you play the piano?
6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) ____________speak 6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) ____________speak
during this exam. during this exam.
7 They (can't/may not) ____________ still be out! 7 They (can't/may not) ____________ still be out!
8 You (couldn't/might not) ____________smoke on the bus. 8 You (couldn't/might not) ____________smoke on the bus.
9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) ____________be a sunny day. 9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) ____________be a sunny day.
10 You (can/might) ____________ be right but I'm going back to 10 You (can/might) ____________ be right but I'm going back to
check anyway. check anyway.

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