Plant Design 1 Project Report

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The document discusses the preliminary design of an ethylene plant including the overall process flow diagram, reaction chemistry, design specifications for major equipment, and economic analysis.

The overall process involves steam cracking of hydrocarbons to produce ethylene and other byproducts, and includes a furnace, acetylene reactor, MAPD reactor, and caustic scrubber in the reaction section.

The major reaction steps are discussed as occurring in the furnace, acetylene reactor, and MAPD (methylacetylene and propadiene) reactor. The furnace cracks the hydrocarbon feedstock, while the subsequent reactors convert byproducts like acetylene and MAPD.

Conventional Ethylene Process

Case Study: Preliminary Design

November 30th, 2012

Plant Design I
Group 2
Allison Erwin
Heather Jasken
Jung Mour
Long Nguyen

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 4
2. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Process Design ................................................................................................................................ 8
4.1 Process PFD with Mass and Energy Balances (Simulation) .............................................. 8
Figure 4.1.a: Overall process flow diagram for the ethylene plant .................................................. 8
4.2 Reaction Chemistry ............................................................................................................. 9
4.2.i Furnace ..................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2.ii Acetylene Reactor ................................................................................................................... 10
4.2.iii Methylacetylene & Propadiene (MAPD) Reactor .................................................................... 10
4.2.iv Caustic Scrubber ..................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Design Specifications Overview ........................................................................................ 12
4.4 Raw Materials ................................................................................................................... 22
4.5 Design of Major Process Equipment................................................................................. 23
4.5.i Heat Exchangers & Condenser ............................................................................................... 23
4.5.ii Pressure Vessels .................................................................................................................... 23
4.5.iii Columns .................................................................................................................................. 24
4.5.iv Compressors ........................................................................................................................... 24
4.5.v Furnaces ................................................................................................................................. 25 Reactors .................................................................................................................................. 25
4.5.vii Dryers .................................................................................................................................. 25
4.5.ix Pumps ..................................................................................................................................... 25
4.5.x Separators ............................................................................................................................... 26
4.6 Operating Labor Requirements ......................................................................................... 27
5. Economics ...................................................................................................................................... 28
5.1 Heat Exchangers & Condensers....................................................................................... 30
5.2 Pressure Vessels .............................................................................................................. 32
5.3 Columns and Trays ........................................................................................................... 34
5.4 Compressors ..................................................................................................................... 38
5.5 Furnaces ........................................................................................................................... 41
5.6 Reactors ............................................................................................................................ 42
5.7 Dryers ................................................................................................................................ 43
5.8 Pumps ............................................................................................................................... 44
5.9 Separators ......................................................................................................................... 45
5.10 Raw Materials ................................................................................................................... 46
5.11 Utilities ............................................................................................................................... 48
5.12 Operating Labor ................................................................................................................ 50

6. SAFETY ......................................................................................................................................... 52
6.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) .............................................................................. 52
6.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (cont.) ................................................................... 53
6.2 HAZOP .............................................................................................................................. 54
7. Environmental ................................................................................................................................ 62
7.1 Emissions and Effluents Control ....................................................................................... 62
7.2 Water Quality Control ........................................................................................................ 63
7.3 Noise Level Control ........................................................................................................... 64
8. Societal Responsibility ................................................................................................................... 65
9. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 66
11. Appendix ........................................................................................................................................ 68
11.1 Appendix A: Economic Calculations ................................................................................. 68
11.2 Appendix B: Raw Material Calculations ............................................................................ 68
11.3 Appendix C: Equipment Sizing and Pricing ...................................................................... 71
11.4 Appendix D: Operating Utility Costs .................................................................................. 97
11.5 Appendix E: Operating Labor Costs ................................................................................. 98
11.6 Appendix F: Chemical MSDS Sheets ............................................................................... 99

1. Executive Summary

Aspen Plus V7.1 was used to simulate the front-end of an ethylene plant. Using

the McGraw Hill Online Cost Estimator the plant is estimated to have a fixed-capital

investment (FCI) cost of $361.3 million with equipment costs at approximately twenty

percent of the FCI. All equipment and material costs are scaled to 2010 prices using

Marshall and Swift install-equipment indices. The facility was designed to run a fresh

feed of 70/30 wt% ethane/propane (EP) at a rate of 90,000 kg/hr, producing roughly

62,500 kg/hr of ethylene. The portions of the plant simulated ranged from the furnace

up to the cold box and is expected to operate 350 days a year with 15 days of

scheduled downtime.

Based on the results from the simulation it was found that the same

specifications of ethylene can be reached using a feed other than pure propane. This is

useful information because the facility could change its feed composition based on the

market prices of eligible feed. Furthermore, the simulated plant only needed 90,000

kg/hr of 70/30 EP feed where the given plant in chapter three of Plant Design and

Economics for Chemical Engineers required 146,000 kg/hr of pure propane to produce

the same amount of ethylene (Peters,2003).

2. Introduction

Ethylene is a product in high demand throughout the petrochemical industry, as it

has a wide variety of applications. Production of ethylene is known to occur through

many types of processes such as low pressure steam pyrolysis of light hydrocarbons,

naphtha, and gas oils. Production of ethylene can also be accomplished through

separation from a catalytic cracking unit effluent; however, this method is not efficient if

the primary desired product is ethylene. The most efficient process is through steam

pyrolysis, also known as steam cracking. The top three commercial applications of this

hydrocarbon are polymerization, oxidization, and halogenation. By going through these

processes, ethylene can be transformed into plastics, automotive anti-freeze, or PVC

piping, respectively, as well as many other products. Since this is a practice commonly

used in industry, a case study of this process is illustrated throughout this report.

This case study demonstrates an ethylene plant which is designed to produce up

to 1.2 billion pounds of ethylene a year. The main objective is to simulate an ethylene

plant that produces 62,000 kg/hr base from feedstock comprised of an E/P (ethane-

propane) mixture. This E/P mixture is a 70/30 wt% mixture, respectively, based on mass

percentages. Tasks within the project consist of simulating and costing the front end

sections of the process, up to the Cold Box section. Several key areas of this process

are incorporated in detail though out this case study, including cracking, quenching,

compression, acid gas removal, drying, deethanization, and acetylene hydrogenation


One of the key components to this process is the hot section, which creates the

products as well as the steam for the plant. Then there is the cold section, which

handles the separations of the components. Furthermore, there are multiple heat

integrations and refrigeration units throughout the site. This process utilizes low

pressure (LP) and medium pressure (MP) steam, along with different grades of C2 and

C3 refrigerate.

Many other aspects to a safe and environmental friendly facility are vital to be a

thriving company. To ensure the safety of employees as well as the surrounding

community, a HAZOP study is included for all areas of the process that was simulated.

Along with the completion of a HAZOP study, implementation of personal protective

equipment is required. Other protection devices such as emission detectors, noise

receptors, and process alarms are put in place to ensure safety. Records of the Material

Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are made available to the public to keep the community

educated of the chemicals used in the area. Safety is made the top priority of this

design case study.

3. Summary

This project looked to simulate the front-end part of an ethylene plant using an

ethane-propane feed mixture. With worldwide demand of ethylene so high, the designed

ethylene plant would need to produce 62,500 kg/hr, totaling 1.2 billion tons of ethylene

per year. To simulate the plant, the plant design textbook was used as a reference for

design specifics such as temperature, pressure, and the process flow of the plant. Raw

materials were calculated based on the flow rate of material, and reaction chemistry

was necessary to obtain the necessary material balance of the plant.

The major pieces of equipment were sized based off of various parameters, such

as volumetric and mass flowrates, using engineering techniques. Once the equipment

had been sized, costs for each piece of equipment were evaluated using the online cost

estimator provided by McGraw-Hill. The FCI was then calculated based on the total

equipment prices. All costs were scaled to the 2010 estimated value based on the

Marshall and Swift installed-equipment indexes (see Appendix A). Labor costs were

determined based on calculations in the plant design textbook.

With the employees and the community in mind, safety was considered first and

foremost in designing this ethylene plant. Material Safety Data Sheets for the chemicals

in the plant were assembled to determine what personal protective equipment should be

worn in each of the various process areas. In addition, brief HAZOPs were developed

for the major pieces of equipment in the plant. Lastly, environmental standards were

compiled to ensure that the plant operates in compliance with government standards,

such as the noise level guidelines as set forth by OSHA and the EPA. These guidelines

were designed for the protection of the community.

4. Process Design
4.1 Process PFD with Mass and Energy Balances (Simulation)

Figure 4.1.a: Overall process flow diagram for the ethylene plant

4.2 Reaction Chemistry

4.2.i Furnace

The feedstock contains both ethane and propane in the mixture. The primary reactions

for both chemicals are as follows:

Ethane to ethylene:

C2H6 ↔ C2H4 + H2

Propane to ethylene & propylene:

C3H8 ↔ C2H4 + CH4

C3H8 ↔ C3H6 + H2

Chemistry of steam cracking involves breaking of large molecules into smaller, more

useful molecules. This process is accomplished through high temperatures and high

pressures. Figure 4.2.a illustrates the cracking of ethane into ethylene with hydrogen as

the by-product.

Figure 4.2.a: Steam cracking of Ethane to Ethylene.

The reaction takes place in the radiation section of the furnace (F-101, A-H) at

temperatures around 835°C and pressures around 170 kPa. Through the steam

cracking, ethylene is the primary product; however, other by-products are created. The

products from the furnace need to go through a purification process to acquire the

desired compositions of ethylene and propylene.

4.2.ii Acetylene Reactor

The point of the acetylene reactor is to maximize profits by taking byproducts and

turning them into useful products. Additionally, an acetylene converter will prevent off-

spec product into the product line.

Primary reaction chemistry of ethane to ethylene:

C2H2 + H2↔ C2H4

Secondary reaction chemistry turns ethylene to ethane:

C2H4 + H2 ↔ C2H6

4.2.iii Methylacetylene & Propadiene (MAPD) Reactor

This reactor was not modeled in the simulation; however, the reaction chemistry is still

very important and is vital for discussion.

Primary reaction chemistry to propylene:

C3H4 + H2 ↔ C3H6

Secondary reaction propylene to propane:

C3H6 + H2 ↔ C3H8

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4.2.iv Caustic Scrubber

Removing H2S and CO2 from the process is vital in preventing production of off-spec

product. CO2 in particular needs to be removed before reaching the cold box. To

remove hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide from the process, a caustic scrubber is

needed. A 50% sodium hydroxide stream is fed into the caustic scrubber and reacts

with the hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide to form sodium sulfide, sodium carbonate,

and water.

H2S + 2NaOH  Na2S + H2O

CO2 + 2 NaOH  Na2CO3 + H2O

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4.3 Design Specifications Overview

This section covers the initial and basic plant design schematics of a

conventional ethylene plant from the Peters, Timmerhaus, West Plant Design and

Economics of Chemical Engineering, 5th edition, chapter 3.

4.3.i - Quenching Section

Figure 4.3.a – Process Flow Diagram for the Cracking Section

(Figure 3-8 in Plant Design & Economics textbook)

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Table 4.3.a – Cracking Section Initial Parameters

V-101 FEEDSTOCK DRUM 105 41 579
106-108 41 579
107-109 41 579
110 4 565
V-102 (A-H) STEAM DRUMS 113 149 8651
114 300 8637
F-101 (A-H) CRACKING FURNACES 111 83 551
112 835 172
114 149 8651
114 300 8637
116 338 165
E-101 (A-C) EXCHANGERS 107
E-102 HEAT EXCHANGER 110 4 565
111 83 551

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4.3.ii - Quenching Section

Figure 4.3.b – Process Flow Diagram for the Quenching Section

(Figure 3-9 in Plant Design & Economics textbook)

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Table 4.3.b - Quenching Section Initial Parameters

S-201 OIL SEPARATOR 207 - -
209 - -
210 - -
C-201 QUENCH TOUR 201 232 152
204 35 138
205 50 152
206 112 152
202 39 131
322 33 152
220 116 172
206 112 152
E-201 (A-B) EXCHANGER 116 338 165
223 540
201 232 152
225 540
merged 226 166 538
E-202 (A-B) EXCHANGER 222 540
224 -
E-203 (A-D) EXCHANGER 213 80 152
205 50 152
E-204 (A-D) EXCHANGER 217 50 152
204 35 138
E-205 REBOILER - 116 172
- 116 172
E-206 EXCHANGER 209 - -
227 - -
P-201 (A-B) PUMP 210 - -
211 - -
P-202 PUMP 220 116 172
221 - -

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4.3.iii - Compression & Acid Gas Removal Section

Figure 4.3.c – Process Flow Diagram for the Compression & Acid Gas Removal Section

(Figure 3-10 in Plant Design & Economics textbook)

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Table 4.3.c - Compression and Acid Gas Removal Initial Parameters


324 63 234
325 - -
301 81 234
305 82 448
308 91 975
330 88 1813
V-301 KNOCKOUT DRUMS 303 35 221
316 - -
320 35 221
304 35 221
319 35 221
V-302 KNOCKOUT DRUMS 312 - 434
306 33 434
314 33 434
307 33 434
315 33 434
V-303 KNOCKOUT DRUMS 309 38 962
326 38 962
310 38 962
311 38 962
C-302 CAUSTIC SCRUBBER 326 38 962
327-328 - -
329 37.6 931

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Table 4.3.c - Compression and Acid Gas Removal Initial Parameters (continued)


E-301 REBOILER - - -
E-302 EXCHANGER 302 - 234
303 35 221
E-303 EXCHANGER 305 82 448
306 33 434
E-304 EXCHANGER 308 91 975
309 38 962
P-303 PUMP 319 35 221
323 - -
P-304 (A-B) PUMP 328 - -
P-305 (A-B) PUMP 327 - -

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4.3.iv – Drying, Deethanization & Acetylene Hydrogenation Section

Figure 4.3.d – Process Flow Diagram for the Drying, Deethanization & Acetylene Hydrogenation Section

(Figure 3-11 in Plant Design & Economics textbook)

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Table 4.3.d - Drying, Deethanization and Acetylene Hydrogenation Initial Parameters


D-401 (A-B) GAS DRYERS 403 13 1792
408 13 1792
S-401 WATER DECANTER 404 13 1792
405 13 1792
406 13 1792
D-402 (A-B) LIQUID DRYERS 406 13 1792
407 13 1758
411 -12 1744
413 89.8 1765
415 -60 1709
416 49 1744
418 90 3591
R-401 ACETYLENE REACTOR 419 79.4 3577
420 94 3557

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Table 4.3.d - Drying, Deethanization and Acetylene Hydrogenation Initial Parameters


E-401 (A-B) EXCHANGER 330 88 1813
401 33 1803
E-402 EXCHANGER 401 33 1803
402 13 1792
E-403 EXCHANGER 408 13 1792
603 -7 2047
409 - -
410 -2 2033
E-404 EXCHANGER 409 - -
411 -12 1744
E-405 CONDENSER 412 -12 1744
414 - -
E-406 REBOILER LIQUID 89.8 1765
413 89.8 1765
415 -60 1709
416 49 1744
E-409 EXCHANGER 415 -60 1709
420 94 3557
417 27 1703
421 15 3544
E-410 EXCHANGER 418 90 3591
419 79.4 3577

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4.4 Raw Materials

Raw materials:

70/30 Ethane/Propane mixture (feedstock)

Caustic (100% basis)


Inlet temperature: 41 °C

Inlet Pressure: 1709 kPa


Ethane: 70 wt%

Propane: 30 wt%

Flow rates:

Overall flow rate: 90,000 kg/hr

Ethane flow rate: 63,000 kg/hr

Propane flow rate: 27,000 kg/hr


Liquid phase at inlet required

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4.5 Design of Major Process Equipment

4.5.i Heat Exchangers & Condenser

Cooling water exchangers (E-204, E-203, E-302, E-303, E-304, & E-401(A&B))

were designed based on the duty required to cool the process fluid to the outlet stream

spec. The cooling water streams were run at 29°C and 450 kPa. The cooling water

outlet streams were allowed a maximum change of 11°.

C3 Refrigeration Exchangers (E-402, E-404, & E405) has 3 grades of

temperatures. The C3 Refrigeration is allowed to vaporize as necessary to provide duty

for the process. Using these parameters the exchangers were simulated and costed.

E-102 was simulated using aspen to heat the feed from 4°C to 83°C.

All Reboiler & Condensers were simulated with the columns and thus were

assumed to have a contingency value of a quarter of a million dollars.

E-403 & E-409 were designed based on the flows necessary for the main

process stream outlet temperature to meet the temperature spec.

E-202, E-205, & E-301 were contingencies in the total exchanger costs as the

exchangers were not simulated.

4.5.ii Pressure Vessels

V-301, V-302, V-302, V-303, & V-401 are designed based on the flash

parameters for each drum. Furthermore, they were sized to hold 4 minutes of the total

volume metric flow rate into the vessel.

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4.5.iii Columns

The quench tower (C-201) was sized using four 3-phase flash drums. These

drums were sized to completely fill up in four minutes based off of volumetric flow rate

into the drum. The drums were simulated to model stream 202 with the temperature of

39°C. They were sized to hold 4 minutes of the total volumetric flow rate into the drum.

The total cost of the quench tower was based off the total prices of the 4 drums.

The caustic scrubber (C-302) was simulated as a separator to remove CO2 and


The primary deethanizer (C-401) was designed with 9 trays. Furthermore this

column is designed to separate the maximum about of C3 and heavier components

without sending any offspec amount of the C2 and lighter components. In addition, the

primary de-ethanizer is designed to reduce the heat duty in C-402 and allow for a more

efficient cut.

The deethanizer column (C-402) was designed to separate the Ethane and the

lighter components overhead white sending the C3 and heavier components down to

the C-604. A key design spec is to make sure that any amount of C2 and lighters sent

to C-604 will not bring the propylene product offspec.

4.5.iv Compressors

The Charge Gas Compressors are designed to take in vapor at a specific pressure and

temperature range and then doubles the pressure. For example, the 1st stage

compressor takes feed at 131 kPa and compresses the process material to 234 kPa.

24 | P a g e
Each compressor is designed to double the pressure is to allow for an efficient duty.

Sizing each compressor required the network.

4.5.v Furnaces

The furnaces were designed as two R-Yield reactions. One for ethane and one for

propane to get the necessary material balance. The furnaces were sized based on the

feed flow rate with respect to the duty per flow rate to the furnaces. Reactors

R-401 was designed as an R-Stoic reactor with 0.9999 conversion of acetylene. R-401

was sized and costs based a $/flow rate basis.

4.5.vii Dryers

D-401(A&B) and D-401(A&B) were designed to separate any water left in the process

flow. They were modeled as separates to effectively remove the water.

4.5.ix Pumps

P-201, P-202, P-304, and P-305 were not simulated, but the streams that were there

inputs were used to size the pumps

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4.5.x Separators

The separators were sized based on the method found in the referenced Coulson and

Richardson’s Chemical Engineering textbook. A value for theta was calculated to

determine which phase was dispersed, which allowed the derivation of the dispersed

phase settling time. Next, the interfacial area, the decanter length required for

coalescing the dispersed phase, and the total length of the decanter were calculated.

Finally, the diameter and the height were found.

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4.6 Operating Labor Requirements

The operating labor economics, found in section 5.12, were based on the following


 Plant operation: 350 days/yr

 15 workers/shift

 12 hr/shift

 2 shifts/day

4.7 Utilities

Cooling water exchangers (E-204, E-203, E-302, E-303, E-304, & E-401(A&B)) were

designed based on the duty required to cool the process fluid to the outlet stream spec.

The cooling water streams were run at 29°C and 450 kPa. The cooling water outlet

streams were allowed a maximum change of 11°. Furthermore, for the Quench tower

cooling water exchangers (E-203 & E-204) the flows in each of these exchangers were

split between four exchangers because E-203 & E-204 have A-D. Thus the simulation

models only a fourth of the flowrate into the exchangers, but was accounted for in the


Refer to Table 5.11.a from section 5.11. See Table of Contents for page location.

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5. Economics

All prices, unless specified, were obtained using the Marshall & Swift cost indexes found

Appendix A section 11.1 (see Table of Contents for page number) and the McGraw Hill

online cost estimator tool. This tool only derived values for 2002, so all prices obtained

by this method had to be brought to an approximate present value in 2010.

The overall costs of equipment and the total FCI for the simulated ethylene plant are

below in Table 5.1.a and Table 5.1.b. These costs differ from the provided values in

chapter 3 of the text because only the front-end of the plant was simulated and clear

methods of calculating overall prices were not defined.

Table 5.a - Fixed Capital Investment Breakdown

Investment Items Cost

Purchased equipment, E $66,420,643

Purchased-equipment installation, 0.47E $31,217,702
Instrumentation and control, 0.36E $23,911,431
Piping (installed), 0.68E $45,166,037
Electrical (installed), 0.11E $7,306,271
Buildings (including services), 0.18E $11,955,716
Yard improvements, 0.1E $6,642,064
Service facilities (installed), 1.05E $69,741,675

Total direct plant cost, D $262,361,538

Engineering and supervision, 0.33E $21,918,812

Construction expenses, 0.41E $27,232,463
Legal expenses, 0.04E $2,656,826
Total direct and indirect costs, D+I $314,169,639
Contractor's fee, 0.05*(D+I) $15,708,482
Contingency, 0.1*(D+I) $31,416,964
Fixed-capital investment (2010 FCI) $361,295,085

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Table 5.b - Purchased Equipment Cost

Equipment Type Purchased cost

Heat exchangers and Condensers $2,326,921

Pressure vessels $1,658,577
Columns and trays $11,559,075
Compressors $20,499,642
Furnaces $28,339,269
Reactors $922,337
Dryers $445,564
Pumps $210,745
Separators $458,512

Present Value (2010) Total $66,420,643

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5.1 Heat Exchangers & Condensers

The costs of exchangers were based on the exchanger area. Furthermore, the

exchanger material was chosen based on if the system was cold service or hot service.

Cold service is defined as a system using C3-refrigeration or runs at or below 20°C. In

general, if the exchanger ran using cold service, then the material chosen was stainless

steel; otherwise, carbon steel was chosen. For the exchangers that lacked information

vital for sizing, contingencies were necessary to account for the prices. Sizing and cost

information for each exchanger is illustrated on the following page in Table 5.1.a.

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Table 5.1.a - Economics on Exchangers & Condensers

Shell Tube Related

Block ID Area[m2] Material Type Cost
Pressure Pressure Information

E-101 Contingency A-C $150,000

E-102 565 450 65.94 SS Floating Head LP Steam $28,028
E-103 8650 170 257.27 TLE
E-201 172 165 87.56 CS Floating Head A&B $22,520
E-202 Contingency A&B $100,000
E-203 450 152 310.01 CS Floating Head A-D $111,716
E-204 450 152 290.25 CS Floating Head A-D $106,572
E-205 Contingency Reboiler $50,000
E-301 Contingency Reboiler $50,000
E-302 450 234 378.58 CS Floating Head CW $32,172
E-303 450 448 317.53 CS Floating Head CW $28,411
E-304 450 975 305.53 CS Floating Head CW $32,124
E-401 450 1844 317.93 CS Floating Head CW (A&B) $76,788
E-402 790 1803 213.45 SS Floating Head C3 Ref $85,166
E-403 2047 1792 64.68 SS Floating Head Ethane $37,229
E-404 330 1792 151.32 SS Floating Head C3 Ref $66,026
E-405 110 1744 0.65 SS Spiral Tube C3 Ref $7,697
E-406 Contingency Reboiler $250,000
E-407 Contingency Condenser $250,000
E-408 Contingency Reboiler $250,000
E-409 1709 3557 90.08 SS Fixed Tube Exchanger $19,620
E-410 450 3591 29.65 CS Fixed Tube CW $6,210

2002 Cost Total $1,760,279

2010 Cost Total $2,326,921

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5.2 Pressure Vessels

Pressure vessels were sized depending on the time required to hold the total volume

coming into the vessel. It was assumed that in four minutes, the drum would be

completely filled. With this assumption a volume of the equipment was obtained. Using

this volume, a cost was determined with the McGraw Hill Online Cost Estimator.

Unfortunately, a specific pressure vessel estimator was not available and all the vessel

costs were estimated using a carbon steel, large or small field-erected storage tank; the

exception being V-401, using stainless steel material due to cold service. Sizing and

cost information for the pressure vessels are illustrated on the following page in Table


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Table 5.2.a: Economics of Pressure Vessels

Block V-301
Parameter / Stream 303 315
Volume Flow [m3/hr] 142223.82 1.80
Total Flow Inlet [m3/hr] 142225.62
Volume [m3] 9481.71
Cost (2002) $458,728
Present Value (2010 Value) $606,395
Block V-302
Parameter / Stream 306 310
Volume Flow [m3/hr] 110439.17 0.98
Total Flow Inlet [m3/hr] 110440.14
Volume [m3] 7362.68
Cost (2002) $379,417
Present Value (2010 Value) $501,553
Block V-303
Parameter / Stream 309
Volume Flow [m3/hr] 33876.32
Total Flow Inlet [m3/hr] 33876.32
Volume [m3] 2258.42
Cost (2002) $137,276
Present Value (2010 Value) $181,466
Block V-401
Parameter / Stream 402
Volume Flow [m3/hr] 70297.58
Total Flow Inlet [m3/hr] 70297.58
Volume [m3] 4686.51
Cost (2002) $279,266
Present Value (2010 Value) $369,163

2002 Cost of Pressure Vessels $1,254,687

2010 Cost of Pressure Vessels $1,658,577

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5.3 Columns and Trays

The quench tower (C-201) was sized using four 3-phase flash drums. These drums

were sized to completely fill up in four minutes based off of volumetric flow rate into the

drum. Each individual drum was sized using the online cost estimator. Like the

pressure vessels, the drums were sized using carbon steel field-erected storage tanks.

The prices obtained for these drums were then added to together to get an overall cost

of the quench tower.

The caustic scrubber (C-302) was sized using a packed column. The time

required to fill the liquid space in the drum was assumed by estimating that it would take

10 minutes for the liquid level to reach the packing. Likewise, the vapor was estimated

to fill the drum in one minute, not accounting for the packing space. The volume was

then calculated based on the estimated times and volumetric flowrates of liquid and

vapor, respectively. Using the volume calculated and an assumed diameter, a height

was then obtained. The diameter and the height were then used in calculating the price

for the column. Since the column is packed, the packing also needed to be priced.

Assuming a 5 meter liquid space and a 3 meter vapor space, a packing height was

estimated based off the total column height. Assuming porcelain packing, the price of

packing was then determined. The overall column cost was calculated by adding the

cost of the column to the cost of the packing.

The primary deethanizer (C-401) was designed with 8 trays, but 20 trays were

used to cost the column, taking into account for inefficiencies in Aspen. The diameter of

this column was given by Aspen, and a height of 15.24 meters was calculated from tray

34 | P a g e
spacing and number of trays. The trays and the column itself were priced using the

online cost estimator individually and then totaled to get an overall price for the column.

The methods of costing the deethanizer column (C-402) were exactly like the

ones used to cost the primary deethanizer column. A diameter was acquired from

aspen, and using the number of trays and tray spacing the C-402 was determined to

have a height of 43.28 m. The column and trays were then priced individually and an

overall cost was obtained.

For information related to the columns see Table 5.3.a.

Table 5.3.a - Sizing and Cost of Columns & Trays

Top &
Tray Number Cost of 2002 2010 Value
Diameter Space Height Cost of
Block ID Spacing of Trays Trays or Value of of Column
(m) of (m) Column
(m) (N) Packing Column(s) ($)
C-401 0.61 0.6096 20 3.048 15.24 $351,718 $17,469 $369,187 $488,030
C-402 3.67 0.6096 66 3.048 43.28 $2,239,623 $224,582 $2,464,205 $3,257,444
C-201 See Figures 5.3(b-e) $2,734,207 $3,614,361
C-302 2.50 8 30.00 $1,585,078 $78,612 $1,663,690 $2,199,240
C-202 Contingency $1,000,000
C-301 Contingency $1,000,000

2010 Total Cost of all Columns and Packing/Trays $11,559,075

35 | P a g e
Table 5.3.b - Parameters & Cost of Column C-201A


Parameters / Streams 201B-A 204

Volume Flow [m3/hr] 246363.59 643.77

Total Flow In [m3/hr] 247007.36
Volume [m3] 16467.16
2002 Value
2010 Value

Table 5.3.c - Parameters & Cost of Column C-201B

Parameters / Streams 201C-B 205 HCA-B RFLXA-B

Volume Flow [m3/hr] 242672.91 303.61 647.96 0

Total Flow In [m3/hr] 243624.48

Volume [m3] 16241.63

2002 Value $711,694

2010 Value $940,792

36 | P a g e
Table 5.3.d - Parameters & Cost of Column C-201C

Parameters / Streams 201D-C 206 HCB-C RFLXB-C

Volume Flow [m3/hr] 248096.61 210.71 961.03 0

Total Flow In [m3/hr] 249268.35

Volume [m3] 16617.89

2002 Value $725,774

2010 Value $959,404

Table 5.3.e - Parameters & Cost of Column C-201D


Parameters / Stream RFLXC-D 203B 201

Volume Flow [m3/hr] 0 1156.24 188322.02

Total Flow In [m3/hr] 189478.26
Volume [m3] 12631.88
2002 Value $576,606

2010 Value $762,218

37 | P a g e
5.4 Compressors

The disparity in economics between the simulated compressors and the values in

the book are due to the change in flow rates and the fact that at least two other

compressors were not cost. Furthermore, the cost of the compressors in the plant

design book may have included the costs of the turbine which would have been the

driving force for the compressors.

Sizing/costing each compressor required the net work from Aspen. For instance,

the K-303 compressor was simulated with a net work of over 6000 kW. This is due to

the fact that the SRK package would not allow for the overhead vapor flow rate of the

drums to flash at the specified temperature. In addition, the McGraw Hill cost estimator

would not allow for a compressor to be cost at above 6000kPa. For a costing stand

point, a net work of 5999 kW was used to get an approximate number. While the K-303

compressor should not need that much energy, the values displayed in the figures

below demonstrate that at a material temperature of 33°C, the output of the compressor

is less than 6000kPa.For information related to the compressors see Table 5.4.a. The

information utilized from the Aspen Plus 7.1 simulation is illustrated on the following

page in Figure 5.4.a and Figure 5.4.b.

38 | P a g e
Figure 5.4.a - Simulated Compressor Input

Figure 5.4.b - Simulated Compressor Net Work

39 | P a g e
Table 5.4.a: Economics of Compressors

Block K-301

Net Work required [kW] 4715.92

2002 Centrifugal-Turbine Cost $2,907,119
2010 Centrifugal-Turbine Cost $3,842,934
Block K-302

Net Work required [kW] 5350.30

2002 Centrifugal-Turbine Cost $3,264,622
2010 Centrifugal-Turbine Cost $4,315,519
Block K-303

Net Work required [kW] 6128.91

2002 Centrifugal-Turbine Cost $3,627,063
2010 Centrifugal-Turbine Cost $4,794,632
Block K-304

Net Work required [kW] 4623.10

2002 Centrifugal-Turbine Cost $2,854,419
2010 Centrifugal-Turbine Cost $3,773,270
Block K-401

Net Work required [kW] 4623.12

2002 Centrifugal-Turbine Cost $2,854,431
2010 Centrifugal-Turbine Cost $3,773,286

2002 Total Cost of CGC $15,507,654

2010 Total Cost of CGC $20,499,642

40 | P a g e
5.5 Furnaces

Furnace costs were larger than book values even though the flow rates and heat

duty was less. This may be because of the specific materials used to size the furnaces.

The furnace tubes used were made of chrome/moly tubes.

The furnace cost was calculated based on a total flow rate of 137,418kg/hr. The

flow rate of the furnace in chapter 3 of the Peters, Timmerhaus, and West Plant Design

& Economics, 5th edition textbook, had a total flow rate of 174,115 kg/hr with a total duty

of 374,478 kW. Calculating the duty per kg/hr of material allowed for the calculation of

the simulated furnace duty. The data relating to the furnace cost calculated is displayed

in Table 5.5.a.

Table 5.5.a - Parameters & Cost of Furnaces

Ch. 3 Furnace Simulated Furnace
Flow rate [kg/hr] 174115.00 137418.00
Duty [KW] 374478.00 295551.89
Duty/furnace [KW] 42221.70
Cost of 1 Furnace $2,679,776
Cost of 8 Furnaces $21,438,208

Cost of 8 Furnaces in 2010 $28,339,269

41 | P a g e
5.6 Reactors

The cost of reactors in chapter three of the Plant Design & Economics for Chemical

Engineers textbook were used in a proportion to determine the costs of the acetylene

reactor simulated. Calculations of the flow rate into the MAPD converters were

necessary to properly determine the cost for each kg/hr of material flow. Information on

the reactors is listed in Table 5.6.a.

Table 5.6.a - Parameters & Cost of the Reactor


Ch. 3 Cost of Reactors $551,000

Ch. 3 Flow Rate [kg/hr] 196380.00
Simulated Flow Rate [kg/hr] 140281.77
Calculated Cost in 2000 $393,600
Flowrate to Acetylene Reactor [kg/hr] 122816.14
Calculated Cost of Acetylene Reactor $344,595
Assume 2 Reactors $689,190
2010 Total Cost $922,337

42 | P a g e
5.7 Dryers

To determine the volume of both the liquid and gas dryers the amount of water being

removed from the dryers was simulated in Aspen. Then, using the ratios provided by

Peters et al. on page 109 the volume was calculated. Assuming a height for the dryers,

their areas were then derived. The areas were used in the cost estimator tool and a

price was obtained. The price for each liquid and gas dryer was then multiplied by 3 to

get the overall costs of all dryers. For information related to the dryers see Table 5.7.a.

Table 5.7.a - Sizing and Cost of Dryers

Assume 3 Dryers Gas Assume 3 Dryers Liquid

Parameters of Equipment
Dryers Dryers

Mass of Water (kg/hr) 122.82 1.19

Time to fill Dryer (hrs) 48 72
kg Desicant per kg water 12.5 12.5
Volume of dryer per kg desicant 0.0115 0.0116
Volume of Dryer ( m3) 847.72 12.35
Height (m) 60 10
Area (m2) 14.13 1.24
Cost (2002 value) $82,557 $29,797
Subtotal (2002 value) $337,062
2010 Present Value Cost $445,564

43 | P a g e
5.8 Pumps

The pumps were sized based on the volumetric flow rate into the pump and the

discharge pressure. The online cost estimator was once again used to determine the

cost of each pump. All pumps were assumed to be horizontal or centrifugal. The

materials for the pump casings were iron, cast steel, or cast iron. For information

pertaining to pumps, see Table 5.8.a.

Table 5.8.a - Sizing and Costs of Pumps

Vol Vol Discharge Discharge

Quantity Flowrate Flowrate Pressure Press*Vol 2002 Value 2010 Value
[m3/hr] [m3/s] [kPa] Flow

P-201 A&B 1.17E+03 3.24E-01 152 49.30 $34,582 $91,428

P-202 A 6.38E+01 1.77E-02 538 9.53 $9,525 $12,591
P-303 A Contingency $25,000 $33,048
P-304 A&B 1.93E+01 5.36E-03 935 5.01 $6,772 $17,904
P-305 A&B 9.02E-01 2.51E-04 935 0.23 $21,096 $55,774

Total Equipment Cost $96,975 $210,745

44 | P a g e
5.9 Separators

The costs of these separators are based on the diameter calculated for each drum.

Block S-401 was sized at a diameter of 0.9774 meters, which led to a present value

(2010) equipment cost of $228,512. Block S-201 used contingency to account for the

cost. Information on these separators as discussed is displayed in Table 5.9.a.

Table 5.9.a - Sizing & Cost of Separators


Diameter [m] 0.9774

Cost (2002) $172,866
Cost (2010) $228,512


Cost (2010) $230,000

Total Cost in 2010 $458,512

45 | P a g e
5.10 Raw Materials

The values found in Table 5.10.a were based off of 2012 prices of ethane and propane

(Detrow) and 2000 prices of caustic (Peters, Timmerhaus, West). Once the prices per

kg of material were determined, the price was then multiplied by the mass flowrate to

get an overall cost. The flowrates used in the calculations were determined from the

Aspen simulation. The costs for the three raw materials were then summed to get an

overall total cost.

46 | P a g e
Table 5.10.a – Raw Material Economics


Flowrate [kg/hr] 1000

Volumetric Flowrate [m3/hr] 2.372
Density[kg/m3] 421.585
Density[kg/Gal] 1.596
Average Price of Propane in 2012 [$/Gal] 0.8
Cost [$/kg] 0.501
Flow of Propane [kg/hr] 27000
Propane Total cost [$/hr] $13,535


Flowrate [kg/hr] 1000

Volumetric Flowrate [m3/hr] 2.571
Density[kg/m3] 388.954
Density[kg/Gal] 1.472
Average Price of Propane in 2012 [$/Gal] 0.28
Cost [$/kg] 0.190
Flow of Ethane [kg/hr] 63000
Ethane Total Cost [$/hr] $11,981
Caustic (100 % basis)

Flowrate [kg/hr] 102.5

Price of Caustic [$/kg] 0.1124

Caustic Total Cost [$/hr] $11.5

Total Cost of Raw Materials [$/hr] $25,527

47 | P a g e
5.11 Utilities

The cost of utilizes is calculated based on the amount of cooling water flow rates

in each exchanger, requiring cooling water. In Table 5.6.a, the flow rates in kg/hr are

illustrated for all cooling water streams. The name of the stream is in reference to the

AspenPlus 7.1 simulation. Flow sheets are available for reference in the appendices

section for process flow charts (PFD’s).

The market price of cooling water was found to be at $0.08/ per 1000 kg of

cooling water used. This information was obtained in the Peters, Timmerhaus, & West

Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers textbook, (266, Figure 6-14, Cost

tabulation for selected utilities and labor). Since the market price utilized is in the 2001

year value, the estimated cost is bought to present value based on Marshall & Swift cost

index values for years 2001 & 2010.

48 | P a g e
Table 5.11.a – Annual Cost of Utilities

Cooling Water
203 - CWIN 4.00E+06
204 - CWIN 4.80E+06
302 - CWIN 5.70E+05
303 - CWIN 5.50E+05
304 - CWIN 5.70E+05
401 - CWIN 5.50E+05
410 - CWIN 1.80E+05
Total [kg/hr] 1.12E+07
Market Price 0.08 $ / 1000 kg
2001 Price
Cost [$/hr] $898
Cost [$/year] $7,539,840
Present Value (2010) Price
Cost [$/hr] $1,196
Cost [$/year] $10,045,308

49 | P a g e
5.12 Operating Labor

The total annual labor cost was calculated from operating costs, supervision

costs, and laboratory charges. The supervision and laboratory expenses are calculated

from a percentage of the operating labor costs. The operating labor expenses were

calculated from the assumption that there are 15 workers per shift, with two twelve hour

shifts a day. The plant is assumed to be running 350 days out of the year with a total

scheduled downtime of 15 days. The cost of one employee per kilogram of ethylene

produced was required to calculate the operating labor expenses. This value was

obtained from chapter three of Plaint Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers

using a ratio of the cost of one employee per kilogram of ethylene produced in 2000

(Peters, Timmerhaus, West Table 3-11). Using that ratio, the amount of ethylene

produced in the textbook plant, and the amount produced in the simulated plant to

obtained the 2010 cost of one employee per kilogram of ethylene produced. Once this

value was calculated, the operating labor costs was determined based on workers per

shift, hours per shift, operating days per year, and ethylene production. The economic

information for the required operating labor is illustrated in Table 5.12.a.

50 | P a g e
Table 5.12.a – Economics of Operating Labor

Price ($/kg Price for 2010 Price of 2010 Price for

Labor Classification of Operations One Employee Employees
ethylene) [$/yr] [$/hr] [$/yr]

Operating Labor
0.0082 $4,304,311 $45.16 $5,689,889
(15 workers/shift)

Operating Supervision
- $645,647 $50.80 $853,483
(2 supervisors/shift)

Laboratory Charges - $860,862 $54.19 $1,137,978


51 | P a g e
Safety is considered a major part of any well-functioning facility. In designing this

plant OSHA guidelines were implemented to ensure that as profits are made employee

safety is always prioritized. Because employee safety is regarded as the most

important aspect to running an ethylene plant any person entering process areas should

receive safety training and be accompanied by an employee. In addition, all necessary

personal protective equipment should be worn.

6.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

For the protection of the employee, it is required that the following equipment be

worn while in the process areas:

 Earplugs
 Safety glasses
 Steel toed shoes
 Fire retardant clothing (FRC)
 Gloves
 Hardhat
 Goggles (in required areas)
 Radio (to allow for continuous communication)
 H2S monitors
 Safety harness (in required areas)

52 | P a g e
6.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (cont.)

In case of emergencies the following equipment should be kept near the process area,

such as control rooms:

 Respiratory Pack
 Hazmat Suits
 Safety Shower
 Fire Extinguisher
 Fire Blankets

53 | P a g e

A hazardous operations (HAZOP) chart has been included for the major pieces of

equipment to help inform of the possible risks associated with those vessels.

Table 6.2.a – HAZOP Evaluation of the Process

Equipme Guid
nt e Propert
Possible Cause Consequen Action Required
Referenc Wor y
e d

All Material
Other leakage, LEL meters around
Operation than
Flow Pipe fracture
possible plant boundaries
al Areas explosion

Vessel runs dry.

No feed to
Flow indicator will read
Valve in stream 104-105 furnace, causing
No Flow low flow and trip
fail/close. downstream
Liquid in vapor
stream (106).
Add Level Alarm and
↓ Level Level indicator malfunction Liquid sent to
possible trip furnace
furnace, causing
V-101 tube rupture
Liquid in vapor
Feedstock stream (106). Level controller will
Drum More Flow Flow indicator misread. Liquid sent to cause inlet valve to V-
furnace, causing 101 to adjust flow
tube rupture
Liquid in vapor
stream (106).
Add secondary level
↓ Level Level indicator misread Liquid sent to
furnace, causing
tube rupture
Tank overfills,
Revers Reverse flow from process Check valve is available
Flow reagents
e (106-108) to stop backflow

Heat exchanger
damage (E-103)
V-102 No Flow (113) BFW valve closed Add flow indicator
and Furnace
Steam damage.
Drums Heat exchanger Add level alarm to
↓ Level Level indicator malfunction
damage (E-103) indicate no level

54 | P a g e
and Furnace available.
Trip furnace. Add drain
More Flow (113) Flow indicator misread Drum overfill
Liquid in steam Add Level Alarm and
↓ ↓ ↓
line to furnace possible trip furnace
Table 6.2.a – HAZOP Evaluation of the Process (continued)

Equipmen e Propert Action
Possible Cause Consequenc
t Wor y Required
Reference d

V-101 level alarm

and possibly put
furnace on safe-
No Flow Valve on 104 fails closes Furnace damage mode
Furnace damage
Pluggage in Line 112 due to and possible Flow indicator
↓ ↓ Coke explosion trips furnace
Dilution Flow indicator
↓ steam no flow in line 226 Tube coking alarm
Flow indicator
F-101 alarm sounds on
line 110, Add more
Cracking If minimum is not dilution steam
Furnace met, then tubes until more flow is
Flow controller to V-101 can be available or go into
Less Flow malfunction overheated safe-mode
Interlocks to
Furnace damage prevent regen air
Other Air enters Line 111 under and possible under normal
than Flow normal operations explosion operations
Tube damage indicator monitors
and possible tube outlet
More Heat Burning too much fuel explosion temperature

Heat exchanger
E-103 damage (E-103)
Flow (114) BFW valve closed Add flow indicator
and Furnace
No damage.
Line Furnace Damage
Exchangers Pluggage in Line 112 due to Flow Indicator
Flow (112) and possible
Coke trips furnace
↓ explosion

S-201 Oil Level Indicator and

No Flow Pluggage in line 207 Damage to P-201 alarm
More Flow Increase in furnace rates Tank Rupture Level Indicator and

55 | P a g e
Level Indicator and
alarm and increase
↓ ↓ Increase in furnace rates Water in Fuel Oil P-201 flow rate
Level Indicator and
Less Flow Pluggage in line 207 Damage to P-201 alarm
Revers Check Valve on
e Flow Backpressure from Line 210 Tank Rupture line 210

Table 6.2.a – HAZOP Evaluation of the Process (continued)

Equipment Guide Possible Action

Property Possible Cause
Reference Word Consequence Required

No flow in line 202 Flow alarm and Trip

No Flow E-201 pluggage which will damage CGC the unit
Not enough cooling in
C-201. Heavier
molecules can exit to Increase reflux to
↓ Flow E-204 pluggage line 202 promote cooling
Not enough cooling in
C-201 C-201. Heavier
molecules can exit to Increase flows in
Quench ↓ ↓ Line 205 pluggage line 202 line 204
Tower Not enough cooling in
C-201. Heavier
molecules can exit to Increase flow in
↓ ↓ Line 206 pluggage line 202 line 205 and/or 204
Pressure Relief
More Pressure Pluggage on line 202 Rupture of C-201 Valve to Flare
Flow in Line 202 is
High Temperature E-204 pluggage offspec Temperature alarm

No flow into pyrolysis Flow indicator &

No Flow Pluggage on line 212 gasoline line. alarm
S-202 Oil too much level / tank
More Flow Increase rates rupture Add level alarm
add pressure relief
valve, add level
↓ Pressure Overflow Tank rupture indicator

Dry up the tower

C-202 causing no flow in line Add flow indicator
No or Not Flow no flow stream 322 206 and increase reflux
Add pressure relief
Water valve and add flow
Stripper indicator to line
↓ ↓ pluggage on line 206 overpressure unit 206

56 | P a g e
Add pressure relief
valve, add pressure
More Pressure Too much heat E-205 Vessel Rupture indicator
↓ Flow Pluggage of line 220 Column Flooding Add level alarms
Not enough heating in Add flow indicator,
tower, causing offspec and increase
Less Heat Pluggage on line 219 temperature in line 206 reboiler rate.

Table 6.2.a – HAZOP Evaluation of the Process (continued)

Equipm Guid
ent e Prope Possible
Possible Cause Action Required
Referen Wor rty Consequence
ce d

No Flow Pluggage line 323 Backflow from 324 Add flow alarm
C-301 more flow from line
Condens More Flow 323 Possible column flooding Add level alarm
ate Add pressure relief
↓ Pressure Pluggage on line 324 Rupture vessel valve to flare
Stripper Tempera increase steam flow Too much material flowing High temperature
↓ ture rate to E-301 in line 324 alarm.

No or Flow alarm and Trip

K-301 Not Flow Valve on line 202 closes Damage CGC the CGC
Cracked Decrease in furnace Flow alarm and Trip
Gas Less Flow rates Damage to CGC the CGC
Bleeder valve leak or Flow alarm; trip the
Compres ↓ ↓ rupture Damage to CGC CGC and furnace
sors Pressure fluctuation in Add pressure alarm
↓ Pressure line 202 Damage to CGC and trip CGC

No or Flow alarm and Trip

K-302 Not Flow Valve on line 304 closes Damage CGC the CGC
Cracked Too much material Decrease cooling in E-
Gas Less Flow condenses (line 303 Damage to Compressor 302
Bleeder valve leak or Flow alarm; trip the
Compres ↓ ↓ rupture Damage to CGC CGC and furnace
sors Pressure fluxuation in Add pressure alarm
↓ Pressure line 304 Damage to CGC and trip CGC

K-303 No or Flow alarm and Trip

Not Flow Valve on line 307 closes Damage CGC the CGC
Too much material Decrease cooling in E-
Gas Less Flow condenses (line 306 Damage to Compressor 303
Compres Bleeder valve leak or Trip the CGC, add flow
sors ↓ ↓ rupture Damage to CGC alarm, and trip furnace

57 | P a g e
Pressure fluxuation in Add pressure alarm
↓ Pressure line 307 Damage to CGC and trip CGC

Table 6.2.a – HAZOP Evaluation of the Process (continued)

Equipm Guid
ent e Prope Possible
Possible Cause Action Required
Referen Wor rty Consequence
ce d

K-304 No or Flow alarm and Trip the

Cracked Not Flow Line 329 Pluggage Damage CGC CGC
Valve malfunction in
Gas Less Flow line 329 Damage to Compressor Add flow indicator
Compres Pressure fluxuation Add pressure alarm and
sors ↓ Pressure from C-302 Compressor trip CGC

Heavy molecules make

flow into K302 which can
cause vapors to condense
E-302 is not cooling in compressor (ie
Less Level enough damaged compressor) Add level alarm
As well Valve in line 320 Overfill V-301 tank and
Drums as Liquid malfunction1 sending liquids to line 304 Add level alarm
Overpressure in C-301,
Revers causes fluid to back Add level alarm, and
e Flow flow into V-301 Flood V-301 relief to flare if overfill

Heavy molecules make

flow into K303 which can
cause vapors to condense
V-302 E-303 is not cooling in compressor (ie
Knockout Less Level enough damaged compressor) Add level alarm
Drums as well Valve in line 317 Overfill V-302 tank and
as Liquid malfunction sending liquids to line 307 Add level alarm
revers Fluid from V-301 Add level alarm, and
e Flow V-302 overfill returning to V-302 relief to flare if overfill

Valve on line 311 Tank overfill, and possible Add pressure relief
V-303 More Level closes over pressure valve and level alarm
Add low level alarm
Knockout No Level E-304 pluggage Tank runs dry (LLA)
Drums revers Fluid from V-302 Add level alarm, and
e Flow V-303 overfill returning to V-303 relief to flare if overfill

Table 6.2.a – HAZOP Evaluation of the Process (continued)

58 | P a g e
Equipm Gui
ent de Proper Possible
Possible Cause Action Required
Referen Wor ty Consequence
ce d

Increase process water Add level alarm and

More Flow flow rate in line 327 Flood column control valve
Sending CO2 and H2S
C-302 into downstream
Caustic systems, which could Add flow indicator,
Scrubber Less Flow P-304 pump malfunction damage units. switch to spare pump
Concentration of NaOH
increases and possible Add flow indicator,
↓ ↓ P-305 pump malfunction damage to tray interiors switch to spare pump

Run both units parallel,

and when production
D-401 Production rates rates decrease can go
More Flow increase line 403 Inadequate drying back to using one dryer.
Gas Tempera Sending higher
Dryers ↓ ture E-402 malfunction saturated product Add temperature alarm
Add pressure relief
↓ Pressure Line 408 plugs Unit rupture valve

S-401 No Flow Pluggage in line 404 Tank runs dry Add level alarm
Water vessel overfill causing
Decanter More Level Line 405 plugs water to enter line 406 Add level alarm

Run both units parallel,

D-402 and when production
Production rates rates decrease can go
Liquid More Flow increase line 406 Inadequate drying back to using one dryer.
Dryers Add pressure relief
↓ Pressure line 407 plugs Unit rupture valve

59 | P a g e
Table 6.2.a – HAZOP Evaluation of the Process (continued)

Equipm Guid
ent e Proper Possible
Possible Cause Action Required
Referen Wor ty Consequence
ce d

Tempera E-404 not cooling Downstream composition

More ture enough fluxuations Temperature alarm
Add pressure relief
valve and pressure
↓ Pressure line 412 pluggage Over-pressure in C-401 alarm
Tempera E-406 increases steam Downstream composition
C-401 ↓ ture flow rate fluxuations Temperature alarm
Primary Tempera E-406 decreases steam Downstream composition
Deethan Less ture flow rate fluxuations Temperature alarm
Tank runs dry and sending
Increase flow rate in c2 product into propylene
↓ Level line 413 column add level alarm
↓ Level Line 411 pluggage Tank runs dry add level alarm
Change in flow rate in line
As well Feed composition 413 and 414 and can Adjust flow rates and
as Flow change fluxuate downstream units tank level

Tempera E-405 not cooling Downstream composition

More ture enough fluxuations Temperature alarm
Add pressure relief
valve and pressure
↓ Pressure E-407 pluggage Over-pressure in C-402 alarm
Tempera E-408 increases steam Downstream composition
C-402 ↓ ture flow rate fluxuations Temperature alarm
Deethan Tempera E-408 decreases steam Downstream composition
izer Less ture flow rate fluxuations Temperature alarm
Tank runs dry and sending
Increase flow rate in c2 product into propylene
↓ Level line 416 column add level alarm
↓ ↓ Line 414 pluggage Tank runs dry add level alarm
Change in flow rate in line
As well Feed composition 415 and 416 and can Adjust flow rates and
as Flow change fluxuate downstream units tank level

60 | P a g e
Table 6.2.a – HAZOP Evaluation of the Process (continued)

Equipm Guid
ent e Proper Possible
Possible Cause Action Required
Referen Wor ty Consequence
ce d

Flow alarm, Trip CGC and

flare material until
No Flow Pluggage on line 418 Damage to compressor pluggage is resolved
K-401 Possible formation of
Fifth- Temperat liquids,and/or offspec
stage Less ure E-409 Malfunction temperature to R-401 Add temperature alarm
Compres Heavy components in
overhead stream
causing damage to
As well Compositi compressor if Temperature alarm and
as on Malfunction of C-402 condensed into liquids trip unit if necessary

No Flow E-410 pluggage Tank runs dry Add flow indicator

Increase in Increase temperature
More Flow production rates Final product is offspec into reactor
R-401 Temperat E-401 low cooling Increase in ethylene
Acetylen ↓ ure water rate conversion Add temperature alarm
e Reactor Temperat E-401 low cooling
↓ ure water rate Runaway reaction Add temperature alarm
Low acetylene
Temperat E-401 high cooling conversion leading to
Low ure water flow rate offspec final product Add temperature alarm

61 | P a g e
7. Environmental
This proposed ethylene process has been designed in compliance with EPA

(Environmental Protection Agency) and OSHA environmental regulations.

Environmental controls for air quality, water quality, ambient noise level, as well as

emissions and effluents are included. A pollution control system is also recommended

for this process.

7.1 Emissions and Effluents Control

The process has been designed to comply with the U.S. Clean Air Act Amendments. A

list of possible emissions is included along with the environmental release limits.

Majority of the components listed in this table, are emissions from the furnace. Emission

detectors can be put in place around the units themselves and the surrounding

community to help monitor emission levels.

Table 7.1.a - Emission Limits for Specific Components

Components Maximum Emission Limit

Carbon monoxide 150.0
Carbon dioxide -
Hydrogen sulfide 5.0
1,3-butadiene -
Benzene 5.0
Toluene 100.0
Xylene 100.0
Sulfur Oxides 850.0
Nitrogen Oxides (Gaseous) 150.0

62 | P a g e
7.2 Water Quality Control

To perform in compliance with the Clean Water Act, any process water will be sent to

onsite water treatment facility. This facility will purify the water by adding approved

chemicals, such as ferrous chloride, to bring the pH level to normal drinking levels.

63 | P a g e
7.3 Noise Level Control

This process has been designed to follow EPA and OSHA noise level standards. The

environment as well as the surrounding community can be impacted by the excessive

noise levels which industrial plants produce. In table 7.3.a, is a list of possible

equipment noise sources and there levels, as well as optional control solutions. The

maximum allowable noise level is at 70 dBa for industrial levels. Noise receptors are

recommended to be placed in the surrounding community to avoid any noise impacts.

Table 7.3.a - Equipment noise sources, levels, and potential control solutions

Sound Level,
dBa, at a
Equipment Possible noise control treatments
distance of

Air coolers 87-94 Aerodynamic fan blades; decrease in rpm and

increase in pitch; tip and hub seals; decrease
in pressure drop.

Compressors 90-120 Installed mufflers on intake and exhaust,

enclosed machine casings, vibration isolation,
and lagging of piping systems.

Electric motors 90-110 Acoustically lined fan covers, enclosures, and

motor mutes.
Heaters and Furnaces 95-110 Acoustic plenums, intake mufflers, ducts lined
and damped.

Valves <80-108 Avoidance of sonic velocities, limited pressure

drop and mass flow, replacement with special
low-noise valves, vibrations isolation, and

Piping 90-105 In-line silencers, vibration isolation and lagging.

Table 7.3.a is copied from the Peters, Timmerhaus, & West Plant Design and Economics for

Chemical Engineers textbook. This book is referenced in section 10.

64 | P a g e
8. Societal Responsibility
The company is dedicated to designing and maintaining a chemical facility that

protects the environment and surrounding communities. To guarantee the plant stays

within regulations, the designing engineers strive to maintain compliance with EPA and

OSHA standards, as well as federal laws. Many controls and alarms have been put in

place to avoid any harmful and hazardous impacts, such as emission detectors and

noise receptors. It is also recommended the facility is placed in an area with minimal

population. Along with regulation compliance, we will strive towards reducing impacts on

the environment and community. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are continuously

available to the public and will be kept updated to best of knowledge.

We as a company adhere to the heuristics set out by the American Institute of

Chemical Engineer’s (AIChE).

65 | P a g e
9. Conclusion
With ethylene products in high demand throughout the petrochemical industry as

well as in a wide variety of applications, efficiency in producing ethylene is imperative.

Although the process of steam pyrolysis in chapter three of Plant Design and

Economics for Chemical Engineers utilizes a pure propane feed this case study, which

includes only the front-end, has shown that an ethane-propane feed mixture is not only

feasible, but potentially more economical based on market prices of eligible feeds.

Furthermore, this plant required only 90,000 kg/hr of 70/30 wt% EP feed to produce

62,000 kg/hr ethylene in comparison with an ethylene plant that utilized 146,000 kg/hr

pure propane feed. Operational days were set at 350 days a year with 15 days of

scheduled downtime, and the yearly ethylene output was calculated to be 1.2 billion


To ensure safety and environmental-friendliness, HAZOP evaluations were

conducted for all parts of the process that were simulated. Standard safety equipment

was needed, along with hydrogen sulfide monitors and radio communication devices.

Emergency equipment such as hazmat suits, safety showers, and fire extinguishers

should be kept available in all process areas.

The major pieces of equipment were sized based off of various parameters, such as

volumetric and mass flowrates, using engineering techniques. Once the equipment had

been sized, a cost was evaluated using the online cost estimator provided by McGraw-

Hill. The FCI was then calculated based on the total equipment prices. Thus, based

on these results

66 | P a g e
10. References

Cost Estimator. McGraw Hill. 2003. December 2, 2012.

Detrow, Scott. ‘Ethane Prices Are “Collapsing,” According To The Wall Street Journal.’

StateImpact. 2012.


Green Planet Solar “Ethane: Production and Properties”. 2012

Peters, Timmerhaus, West. Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers. New

York: McGraw Hill. 2003. Fifth Edition.

Sinnot, R.K., Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical Engineering. Butterworth-

Heinemann. 2003. Third Edition.

World Bank Group. “Petrochemicals Manufacturing”. 1998.$FILE


67 | P a g e
11. Appendix
< This section discusses >

11.1 Appendix A: Economic Calculations

Figure 11.1.a: Summary of purchased equipment cost for the ethylene process

Figure 11.1.b: Fixed-capital investment estimate

68 | P a g e
Figure 11.1.c: Cost indexes as annual averages

Figure 11.1.d: Marshall & Swift Equipment Cost Index

69 | P a g e
11.2 Appendix B: Raw Material Calculations

Figure 11.2.a: Material, utility, and by-product costs for the base-case ethylene

70 | P a g e
11.3 Appendix C: Equipment Sizing and Pricing

Figure 11.3.a - Block E-103

Figure 11.3.b - Block E-201

71 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.c - Block E-203

Figure 11.3.d - Block E-204

72 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.e - Block E-302

Figure 11.3.f - Block E-303

73 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.g - Block E-304

Figure 11.3.h - Block E-401

74 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.i - Block E-402

Figure 11.3.j - Block E-403

75 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.k - Block E-404

Figure 11.3.l - Block E-405

76 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.m - Block E-409

Figure 11.3.n - Block E-410

77 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.o - Block K-301

Figure 11.3.p - Block K-302

78 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.q - Block K-303

Figure 11.3.r - Block K-304

79 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.s - Block K-401

Figure 11.3.t - Block V-301

80 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.u - Block V-302

Figure 11.3.v - Block V-303

81 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.w - Block V-401

Figure 11.3.x - Block C-201A

82 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.y - Block C-201B

Figure 11.3.z - Block C-201C

83 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.aa - Block C-201D

Figure 11.3.ab - Block C-401 Configuration

84 | P a g e
Figure - Block C-401 Tray Sizing Specifications

Figure - Block C-401 Tray Sizing Results

85 | P a g e
Temperature C -11.998 12.99997 -11.7738 166.8642
Pressure bar 17.44 17.92 17.44 17.44
Vapor Frac 0.992103 0 1 0
Mole Flow kmol/hr 6810.727 4.676262 6785.219 30.18509
Mass Flow kg/hr 137021.3 363.3102 135028.3 2356.296
Volume Flow cum/hr 7817.605 0.515383 7850.484 4.478359
Enthalpy MMkcal/hr -18.3552 -0.10092 -17.9841 -0.15453
Mass Flow kg/hr
HYDRO-01 4195.66 0.035205 4195.695 1.15E-10
CARBO-01 13.74139 0.000316 13.74171 2.03E-11
CARBO-02 0 0 0 0
HYDRO-02 0 0 0 0
METHA-01 11920.83 0.70565 11921.53 1.35E-06
ACETY-01 367.4671 0.133963 367.6007 0.000339
ETHYL-01 62079.57 15.21373 62094.78 0.007387
ETHAN-01 44197.39 16.08355 44213.4 0.064984
PROPA-01 61.94909 0.10819 60.94819 1.109085
METHY-01 61.89718 0.141564 59.85558 2.183158
PROPY-01 5399.939 6.307319 5393.187 13.05865
PROPA-02 3198.403 4.094084 3188.354 14.14288
1:3-B-01 1938.983 8.558701 1739.871 207.6706
ISOBU-01 273.8914 1.097416 248.8655 26.12329
1-BUT-01 251.1741 1.012272 228.2476 23.93871
N-BUT-01 303.2447 1.336819 276.7398 27.84167
N-PEN-01 823.5419 12.60464 541.2966 294.85
BENZE-01 1107.499 70.9404 309.0544 869.3853
TOLUE-01 170.8787 38.41427 13.5615 195.7315
M-XYL-01 0 0 0 0
N-HEX-01 555.96 29.05791 160.8196 424.1984
N-NON-01 99.25945 157.4642 0.733579 255.99
WATER 0 0 0 0

Table 11.3.a - Block C-401 Stream Results

86 | P a g e
Figure - Block C-402 Configuration

Figure - Block C-402 Tray Sizing

Figure - Block C-402 Tray Sizing Results

87 | P a g e
Temperature C -12.0005 54.21543 -46.5347
Pressure bar 17.44 17.09 17.09
Vapor Frac 0.999975 0 1
Mole Flow kmol/hr 6785.219 262.1674 6523.051
Mass Flow kg/hr 135028.3 12212.15 122816.1
Volume Flow cum/hr 7841.71 26.26394 6469.297
Enthalpy MMkcal/hr -18.0004 -1.50055 -19.2434
Mass Flow kg/hr
HYDRO-01 4195.695 2.43E-31 4195.695
CARBO-01 13.74171 1.47E-26 13.74171
CARBO-02 0 0 0
HYDRO-02 0 0 0
METHA-01 11921.53 4.62E-17 11921.53
ACETY-01 367.6007 1.86E-06 367.6007
ETHYL-01 62094.78 9.82E-07 62094.78
ETHAN-01 44213.4 0.000303 44213.4
PROPA-01 60.94819 60.94791 0.000287
METHY-01 59.85558 59.85558 3.64E-06
PROPY-01 5393.187 5383.915 9.272654
PROPA-02 3188.354 3188.245 0.108942
1:3-B-01 1739.871 1739.871 2.54E-09
ISOBU-01 248.8655 248.8655 7.31E-10
1-BUT-01 228.2476 228.2476 7.62E-10
N-BUT-01 276.7398 276.7398 2.57E-08
N-PEN-01 541.2966 541.2966 3.22E-18
BENZE-01 309.0544 309.0544 1.47E-23
TOLUE-01 13.5615 13.5615 4.91E-34
M-XYL-01 0 0 0
N-HEX-01 160.8196 160.8196 4.07E-29
N-NON-01 0.733579 0.733579 3.04E-52
WATER 0 0 0

Table 11.3.b - Block C-402 Stream Results

88 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.ah - Block D-401 Stream Results

Figure - Block D-402 Stream Results

89 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.aj - Block ETH-RXTR (Furnace) Specifications

Component Yield
HYDRO-01 0.0355
CARBO-01 0.0001
CARBO-02 0.0001
HYDRO-02 0.0001
METHA-01 0.0417
ACETY-01 0.0025
ETHYL-01 0.482
ETHAN-01 0.4
PROPA-01 0.0001
METHY-01 0.0001
PROPY-01 0.0111
PROPA-02 0.0017
1:3-B-01 0.0107
ISOBU-01 0.0011
1-BUT-01 0.001
N-BUT-01 0.0027
N-PEN-01 0.0027
BENZE-01 0.0048
TOLUE-01 0.0006
M-XYL-01 0
N-HEX-01 0.0014
N-NON-01 0

Table 11.3.c - Block ETH-RXTR (Furnace) Yield

90 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.ak - Block PRO-RXTR (Furnace) Specifications

Component Yield
HYDRO-01 0.0129
CARBO-01 0.0001
CARBO-02 0.0001
HYDRO-02 0.0001
METHA-01 0.2467
ACETY-01 0.0033
ETHYL-01 0.345
ETHAN-01 0.044
PROPA-01 0.0017
METHY-01 0.0017
PROPY-01 0.1396
PROPA-02 0.1
1:3-B-01 0.0265
ISOBU-01 0.0052
1-BUT-01 0.0048
N-BUT-01 0.0005
N-PEN-01 0.0181
BENZE-01 0.022
TOLUE-01 0.0048
M-XYL-01 0
N-HEX-01 0.0144
N-NON-01 0.0085

Table 11.3.d - Block PRO-RXTR (Furnace) Yield

91 | P a g e
Figure - Block R-401 Specifications

92 | P a g e
Temperature C 79.4 94
Pressure bar 35.77 35.57
Vapor Frac 1 1
Mole Flow kmol/hr 6523.051 6508.935
Mass Flow kg/hr 122816.1 122816.1
Volume Flow cum/hr 5146.556 5416.351
Enthalpy MMkcal/hr -11.4546 -10.981
Mass Flow kg/hr
HYDRO-01 4195.695 4167.238
CARBO-01 13.74171 13.74171
CARBO-02 0 0
HYDRO-02 0 0
METHA-01 11921.53 11921.53
ACETY-01 367.6007 0.03676
ETHYL-01 62094.78 62490.8
ETHAN-01 44213.4 44213.4
PROPA-01 0.000287 0.000287
METHY-01 3.64E-06 3.64E-06
PROPY-01 9.272654 9.272654
PROPA-02 0.108942 0.108942
1:3-B-01 2.54E-09 2.54E-09
ISOBU-01 7.31E-10 7.31E-10
1-BUT-01 7.62E-10 7.62E-10
N-BUT-01 2.57E-08 2.57E-08
N-PEN-01 3.22E-18 0
BENZE-01 1.47E-23 0
TOLUE-01 4.91E-34 0
M-XYL-01 0 0
N-HEX-01 4.07E-29 0
N-NON-01 3.04E-52 0

Table 11.3.e - Block R-401 Stream Results

93 | P a g e
Figure - Stream 201 Cooling Water In/Out

Figure - Stream 204 Cooling Water In/Out

Figure Stream 302 Cooling Water In/Out

94 | P a g e
Figure 11.3.ap - Stream 303 Cooling Water In/Out

Figure - Stream 304 Cooling Water In/Out

Figure - Stream 401 Cooling Water In/Out

95 | P a g e
Figure - Stream 410 Cooling Water In/Out

Figure - Block E-102 Thermal Results

96 | P a g e
Figure Separator Sizing Calculations

97 | P a g e
11.4 Appendix D: Operating Utility Costs

Figure 11.4.a: Cost tabulation for selected utilities and labor

11.5 Appendix E: Operating Labor Costs

Figure 11.5.a: Total product cost estimate

98 | P a g e
11.6 Appendix F: Chemical MSDS Sheets

1. MSDS of Hydrogen

2. MSDS of Carbon Monoxide


3. MSDS of Carbon Dioxide


4. MSDS of Hydrogen Sulfide


5. MSDS of Methane

6. MSDS of Acetylene

7. MSDS of Ethylene

8. MSDS of Ethane

9. MSDS of Propadiene/Methylacetylene

10. MSDS of Propylene


11. MSDS of Propane


12. MSDS of 1,3-Butadiene


99 | P a g e
13. MSDS of Isobutene

14. MSDS of Butene-1


15. MSDS of n-Butane


16. MSDS of Pentane


17. MSDS of Benzene


18. MSDS of Toluene


19. MSDS of m-Xylene


20. MSDS of Hexane


21. MSDS of Nonane


22. MSDS of 50 wt% NaOH


23. MSDS of Water


100 | P a g e

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