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1. a. Am2O3 (s) + 3 Zn (s)  2 Am (s) + 3 ZnO (s) 4.

H2 (g) + 1
2 O2 (g) H2O (ℓ)
The enthalpy change of the above reaction is –622 kj. Calculate
∆H for the reaction above is –286 kj/mol. What mass of oxygen must be
the enthalpy change of formation of americium (III) oxide, consumed to produce 1144 kj of energy?
Am2O3. a. 4 g
b. 32 g
b. TcO3 + 3CO  Tc + 3 CO2
c. 64 g
The enthalpy change of the above reaction is -720kJ. Calculate d. 128 g
the enthalpy change of formation of technetium (VI) oxide, TcO3
Enthalpy changes of formation: ZnO = –348 kj/mol 5. Which of the following combination of enthalpy changes and entropy
CO = –111 kj/mol change ensures that the position of equilibrium will favor the products
CO2 = -394 kj/mol under all conditions?
∆H ∆S
2. Which one of the following compounds would you expect to have a. positive positive
b. positive negative
the largest numerical lattice energy (most negative ∆H lattice). c. negative positive
a. NaCl d. negative negative
b. NaI
c. CsI
d. CaO

3. The enthalpy changes of combustion of ethyne (C2H2), hydrogen 6. The radius and charge of each of six ions are shown in the table
(H2) and ethane (C2H6) are: below:

Substance ∆Hc / (kj / mol) Ion P+ Q+ R2+ X– Y– Z2–

Ethyne –1300 Ionic radius / nm 0.15 0.19 0.16 0.15 0.19 0.16
Hydrogen –285
The ionic solids PX, QY, and RZ have the same structure, what is the
Ethane –1560
correct order of their lattice energies?
What is the enthalpy change of the reaction : C2H2 + 2 H2  C2H6 ? largest lattice energy smallest lattice energy
a. +25 kj a. PX QY RZ
b. +320 kj b. RZ PX QY
c. –25 kj c. PX RZ QY
d. –310 kj d. QY RZ PX
9. Given the following data:
7. Which coumpound in each of the following pairs of ionic substances P4(s) + 6Cl2(g)  4PCl3(g) H = -1225,6 kJ
has the most exothermic lattice energy? Justify your answer! P4(s) + 5O2(g)  P4O10(s) H = -2967,2 kJ
PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)  PCl5(g) H = -84,2 kJ
a. NaCl, KCl 1
PCl3(g) + O2(g)  Cl3PO(g) H = -285,7 kJ
b. LiF, LiCl 2
c. Mg(OH)2, MgO Calculate the H for the reaction: P4O10(s) + 6PCl5 (g)  10Cl3PO(g).
d. Fe(OH)2, Fe(OH)3
e. NaCl, Na2O 10. The chemistry of nitrogen oxides is very versatile. Given the following
f. MgO, BaS
g. LiF, CsF reactions and their standard enthalpy changes :
h. NaBr, NaI NO(g) + NO2(g)  N2O3(g) H = -39,8 kJ
i. BaCl2, BaO NO(g) + NO2(g) + O2(g)  N2O5(g) ∆H = -112,5 kJ
j. Na2SO4, CaSO4 2NO(g)  N2O4(g) ∆H = -57,2 kJ
k. Li2O, Na2S 2NO2(g) + O2(g)  2NO2(g) H = -114,2 kJ
l. KF, K2O N2O5(g)  N2O5(s) H = -54,1 kJ
Calculate the heat of reaction for: N2O3(g) + N2O5(s)  2N2O4(g)

8. Use the following to calculate the H lattice of MgF2: 11. Triglycerides are the main form in which fats are stored in the body.
Mg(s)  Mg(g) H = 148 kJ
During period of starvation, a person’s fat stores are used for energy.
F2(g)  2F(g) Ho = 159 kJ Tristearin (C57H110O6) is a typical animal fat that is oxidized according
Mg(g)  Mg (g) + e Ho = 738 kJ
to the following equation:
Mg+(g)  Mg2+(g) + e Ho = 1450 kJ
F(g) + e  F (g)-
Ho = -328 kJ 2C57H110O6(S) + 163O2(g)  114CO2(g) + 110H2O(g)
Mg(s) + F2(g)  MgF2(s) Ho = -1123 kJ If Ho reaction = -7,0.104 kJ, how much heat is released.
Compared with the lattice energy of LiF ( -1050 kJ/mol) of the lattice a. Per mole of O2 consumed?
energy you calculated for NaCl in previous problem, does the relative b. Per mole of CO2 consumed?
magnitude of the value for MgF2 surprise you? Explain! c. Per gram of tristearin oxidized?
d. When 325 L of O2 at 37oC and 755 torr is used, how many grams of
tristearin can be oxidized?

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