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ATP Reviewer


NOTE: The cestui que trust need not be named at the time the
trust is created. It is enough that the cestui que trust is sufficiently
Title V. - TRUSTS (n) certain or identifiable (Pineda, 2006).

Trust v. Contract
Trust Contract
always involves ownership, a legal obligation based on an
Art. 1440. A person who establishes a trust is called the trustor; embracing a set of rights and undertaking supported by a
one in whom confidence is reposed as regards property for the duties fiduciary in character, consideration by which
benefit of another person is known as the trustee; and the person which may be created by a obligation may or may not be
for whose benefit the trust has been created is referred to as the declaration WITHOUT a fiduciary in character.
beneficiary. consideration.

Trust v. Sale
Trust Sale
 A fiduciary relationship between one person having an An express trust is not seller obliges himself to
equitable ownership in a property and another owning perfected by mere consent, transfer ownership and
the legal title to such property, the equitable ownership but requires the actual deliver possession to the
of the former entitling him to the performance of certain delivery of the naked or legal buyer.
duties and the exercise of certain powers by the latter for title to the trustee for the
the benefit of the former. relationship to legally arise.
Trustee in an express trust Buyer takes full ownership of
Concept of trust (fideicommisso) only takes naked or legal title the subject matter for his sole
and for the benefit of another benefit.
 It is a fiduciary relationship created by agreement or by law
person, the beneficiary.
where the trustor of the property has the equitable title
Constituted merely as a Entered into for its own end,
while the legal title is vested in another (trustee). preparatory agreement, a the acquiring of title of the
Equitable title - refers to the enjoyment of the property. medium by which the trustee subject matter by the buyer
Equitable title is the benefits the buyer will get to use and is expected to pursue other
juridical acts for the benefit of
enjoy when he or she becomes the legal owner. Equitable
the beneficiary.
ownership is not “true ownership.”
 Trust is founded in equity and can never result from acts
Trust v. Lease
violative of law.
 Thus, no trust can result from a contract of Trust Lease
partnership formed for an illegal purpose. Naked title is transferred to Lessor retains naked title.
the trustee; full beneficial
Trustee is not an agent of the trust estate ownership is for the account
of the beneficiary.
 But he acts for himself in the administration of the trust
Essence of the contract is for Essence of the contract is the
estate, although subject to the terms of the trust and the law
the trustee to manage the enjoyment of the possession
of trusts. trust property as the legal title and use of the leased property
holder for benefit or interest
Exception: A trustee has been regarded as an agent of the of the beneficiary.
beneficiaries of the trust at least for certain purposes, such Benefits enjoyed by the Benefits enjoyed by the lessee
as for the purpose of imputing to the beneficiaries of the beneficiary are usually are only for a limited
trust notice given to the trustee. permanent nature. contracted period.

Parties in a trust:
Trust v. Donation
1. Trustor who establishes the trust
2. Trustee (fiduciary), the one in whom the confidence is Trust Donation
reposed as regards the property for the benefit of An existing legal relationship, There is a transfer of property
another person which involves the separation as well as the the disposition
3. Beneficiary (cestui que trust) is the person for whose of legal and equitable title of both legal and equitable
benefit the trust has been created (Pineda, 2006) ownership except in cases of
gifts in trust.

ATP Reviewer

The beneficiary of a trust may The donee must comply with Trustor as trustee or beneficiary
demand performance of the the legal requirements in
obligation without having accepting donations.  trustor may establish a trust with him, as the trustee or the
formally accepted the benefit beneficiary. He cannot, however, be the sole trustee and
of the trust in public the sole beneficiary of a single trust.
document, upon mere
Trust Property
acquiescence in the formation
of the trust and acceptance  subject matter of trust
 may be any property of value – real, personal, funds or
Trust v. Debt money, or choses in action.
 Must be existing. It must consist of property actually in
Trust Debt existence in which the trustor has a transferable interest
The beneficiary of a trust has A creditor has merely a or title although it may, as a rule, be any kind of
a beneficial interest in the personal claim against the transferable property either realty or personalty including
trust property debtor undivided, future, or contingent interest
There fiduciary relationship No fiduciary relationship
 But trust res cannot be a mere expectancy without right or
Trust v. Stipulation Pour Atrui interest or a mere interest in the performance of a contract
although such interest is in the nature of a property right.
Trust SPA
It can arise either by virtue of It can arise only by virtue of a Ownership by two persons at the same time
a contract or by legal contract and never by
provision operation of law  The trust property is owned by two persons at the same
Always a specific property, Could either be a specific time, the relation between the two owners being such that
whether real or personal, property or other things. one of them with legal title under an obligation to use his
including an undivided ownership for the benefit of the other.
interest therein as in co-
Ownership of trustee, a mere matter of form
ownership or choses in action
Either express or implied Always express and must be  His ownership, therefore, is a mere matter of form rather
accepted by the third person than of substance, and nominal rather than real. If we have
to regard the essence of the matter, a trustee is not an owner
Stipulation Pour Autrui.: a contract or provision in a contract at all, but a sort of an agent, upon whom the law has
that confers a benefit on a third-party beneficiary conferred the power and imposed the duty of administering
the property of another person
(1) there is a stipulation in favor of a third person;
(2) the stipulation is a part, not the whole, of the contract; Trustee, not mere agent
(3) the contracting parties clearly and deliberately  He is a person to whom the property of someone else is
conferred a favor to the third person the favor is not an fictitiously attributed by the law, to the extent that the rights
incidental benefit; and powers thus vested in a nominal owner shall be used by
(4) the favor is unconditional and uncompensated; him on behalf of the real owner.
(5) the third person communicated his or her acceptance of
the favor before its revocation; and Character of office of trustee.
(6) the contracting parties do not represent, or are not 1. As principal
authorized by, the third party.  trustee is not an agent of the trust estate or of the cestui que
trust, but he acts for HIMSELF in the administration of the
Trust v. Trust Receipt trust estate, although subject to the terms of the trust and
the law of trusts.
Trust Trust Receipt  He cannot act as an agent of the trust estate for the reason
The right to the beneficial A commercial document that it lacks juristic personality.
enjoyment of a property but which is connected to the 2. As agent
the legal title to which is importation of goods through
 trustee has been regarded as an agent of beneficiaries of the
vested in another letters of credit.
trust at least for certain purposes, such as for the purpose
Fiduciary enjoyment of a Involves a security
property transaction intended to aid in of imputing to the beneficiaries of the trust notice given to
financing importers and retail the trustee
dealers who not have 3. As fiduciary
sufficient funds or resources  trustee, like an executor or administrator, holds an office of
to finance the iportation trust. The duties of the latter are, however, fixed and/or
limited by law, whereas those of trustee of an express trust

ATP Reviewer

are, usually, governed by the intention of the trustor or of As to proof needed when immovable or interest therein is
the parties, if established by contract. involved
Cannot be proved by parol May be proved by oral
evidence evidence
Art. 1441. Trusts are either express or implied. Express trusts are
created by the intention of the trustor or of the parties. Implied Prescription
trusts come into being by operation of law. Property cannot be acquired Property can be acquired by
by prescription because the prescription (Pineda, 2006)
possession of the trustee is not
Classification of Trust adverse
1. As to Creation
a. Express trust - one which can come into existence
only by the execution of an intention to create it by Art. 1442. The principles of the general law of trusts, insofar as
the trustor or the parties; or they are not in conflict with this Code, the Code of Commerce, the
Rules of Court and special laws are hereby adopted.
Elements: (CoRB)
1. Competent trustor and trustee
2. Ascertainable trust Res
3. Sufficiently certain beneficiaries
b. Implied trust – by operation of law
i. Resulting trust – one in which the EXPRESS TRUSTS
intention to create a trust is implied or
presumed in law
ii. Constructive trust – one imposed by law Art. 1443. No express trusts concerning an immovable or any
irrespective of, and even contrary to, any interest therein may be proved by parol evidence.
such intention for the purpose of
promoting justice, frustrating fraud, or
preventing unjust enrichment. Burden of proof

Note: Consideration is NOT required.  The proof must be clear and satisfactory and convincing.

2. As to Effectivity The Parol evidence rule

a. Testamentary trust - one which is to take effect  forbids any addition to or contradiction of the terms of a
upon the trustor’s death. written instrument by testimony or other evidence
b. trust inter vivos (sometimes called “living trust”) or purporting to show that, at or before the execution of the
one established effective during the owner’s life. parties' written agreement, other or different terms were
3. As to revocability agreed upon by the parties, varying the purport of the
a. Revocable written contract
b. Irrevocable
Failure to object to parol evidence
Presumption: revocable unless contrary appears
 the defense that express trusts cannot be proved by parol
Express Trust Implied Trust evidence may be waived, either by failure to interpose
As to Creation timely objections against the presentation of oral evidence
One created by the express One which is not created not admissible under the law or by cross-examining the
agreement of the parties, or expressly by the parties or by adverse party and his witnesses along the prohibited lines
by the trustor, but by operation
 To affect third persons, a trust concerning an immovable or
the intention of the trustor of
law, there being a law creating any interest therein must be embodied in a public
it instrument and registered in the Registry of Property
As to manner of creation  An express trust over personal property or any interest
Created by the direct and the It is merely deducible from therein, and an implied trust, whether the property subject
positive acts of the parties, by the to the trust is real or personal, may be proved by oral
some writing, deed or by nature of the transaction evidence.
words, either expressly or
impliedly, evincing an Kinds of Express Trust (CASS)
intention to create a trust 1) Charitable trust or one designed for the benefit of a segment
of the public or of the public in general. It is one created for
charitable, educational, social, religious, or scientific
ATP Reviewer

purposes, or for the general benefit of humanity. A private Renunciation of a trust after its acceptance
trust is not for the good of the public in general or society as a
 Can only be by resignation or retirement with court
approval or at least, with agreement of beneficiaries and on
2) Accumulation trust or one that will accumulate income to be
satisfaction of all legal liabilities growing out of the
reinvested by the trustee in the trust for the period of time
acceptance of the trust.
3) Spendthrift trust or one established when the beneficiary
need to be protected, because of his inexperience or
Art. 1446. Acceptance by the beneficiary is necessary.
immaturity from his imprudent spending habits or simply
Nevertheless, if the trust imposes no onerous condition upon the
because the beneficiary is spendrift. Income will be paid to the
beneficiary, his acceptance shall be presumed, if there is no proof
beneficiary only when actually necessary. Under some
to the contrary.
circumstances, the trustee will pay directly the creditor for
obligations of the beneficiary; and
4) Sprinkling trust or one that gives the trustee the right to
NO ACCEPTANCE, NO TRUST CREATED: It is essential that the
determine the income beneficiaries who should receive
beneficiary accepts the trust. However, the acceptance in trust
income each year and the amount thereof. Income that is not
does not have follow the stringent requisites of acceptance of a
distributed in any given year is added to the corpus, as in an
donation—as this is not so provided. Even if the real property is
accumulation trust. It is a discretionary trust if it gives the
involved. Need not be in public instrument
trustee the discretion to pay or not to pay the income or
principal. When Acceptance Is Presumed
 If the granting of benefit is PURELY GRATUITOUS (no
onerous condition), the acceptance by the beneficiary is
Art. 1444. No particular words are required for the creation of an
express trust, it being sufficient that a trust is clearly intended.

Exception: If there is proof that he really did NOT accept.

How an express trust is created?
1. By conveyance to the trustee by an act inter vivos or How Express Trusts Are ENDED (THE-MAD2-BRAMP)
mortis causa
1. Total loss of the object of trust
2. By admission of the trustee that he holds the property,
2. Happening of the resolutory condition, if one had been
only as trustee
When trustee may sue or be sued alone. 3. Expiration of agreed term
4. Mutual agreement of ALL parties
 In order that a trustee may sue or be sued alone, It is
5. Annulment or rescission of the trust
essential that his trust be an express trust
6. Decision of court declaring the trust terminated
7. Death or legal incapacity of the trustee when the trustor
intended no other person to administer the trust.
Art. 1445. No trust shall fail because the trustee appointed
8. Breach of trust
declines the designation, unless the contrary should appear in the
9. Revocation by the trustor when such power is reserved
instrument constituting the trust.
10. Merger of the rights of the trustor and the trustee
11. Accomplishment of the purpose of trust
12. Prescription
Effect if Trustee Declines
NOTE: A testamentary trust for the administration and eventual
 The trust ordinarily continues even if the trustee declines.
sale of certain properties of the testator ends not at the time the
 Reason — the court will appoint a new trustee, unless
trustee’s petition for the sale of the property is approved by the
otherwise provided for in the trust instrument.
court, but at the time said sale is actually made and the
 If there is no substitute, and the trustor did not provide that
proceeds thereof distributed to the proper recipients.
the trust will be rendered ineffective in case of the death,
resignation, removal or refusal of the designated trustee to
assume the responsibility, the court will appoint a new
Preference in the designation of trustee by the court:
 Between the mother and the uncle, the former is preferred
to the trustee of the proceeds of the insurance policy in the
absence of any showing that the former is incompetent
ATP Reviewer

2. Such positive acts of repudiation have been made known

CHAPTER 3 to the ceatui que trust
IMPLIED TRUSTS 3. The evidence thereon is clear and conclusive
4. The adverse possession of the trustee together with
other elements of prescription, must be at least 10 years
Art. 1447. The enumeration of the following cases of implied trust in the concept of an owner. It begins to run from the time
does not exclude others established by the general law of trust, but the beneficiary, or trustor gained knowledge of the
the limitation laid down in Article 1442 shall be applicable. repudiation by the trustee
Acts which were held insufficient to constitute Repudiation:
What is an implied trust? 1. A mere silent possession without acts amounting to ouster
 those which, without being express, are deducible from the 2. Mere receipt of rents and profits by the trustee and the
nature of the transaction as matters of intent, or which are building
superinduced on the transaction by operation of law, as 3. Declaration of the property in the trustee’s name for
matters of equity, independently of the particular intention taxation purposes does not constitute acts of repudiation
of the parties. Prescriptibility of action for reconveyance based on implied
 Not created voluntarily, but imposed by law or inferred trust
from the conduct of dealings of the parties
 Period of prescription - It is now well-settled that an action
Kinds of Implied Trust for reconveyance to enforce an implied trust in one’s favor
1. Resulting Trust – prescribes in ten (10) years
 broadly defined as a trust which is raised or created by the  If based exclusively on fraud – four years from
act or construction of law discovery
 In its more restricted sense, it is a trust raised by implication  Where person claiming to be owner in actual possession of
of law and presumed always to have been contemplated property - The prescriptive rule applies only when the
by the parties, the intention as to which is to be found in plaintiff or the person enforcing the trust is not in
the nature of their transaction, but not expressed in the possession of the contested property
deed or instrument of conveyance.  When prescriptive period begins to run - The ten-year period
 based on the equitable doctrine that valuable consideration of prescription of an action for reconveyance of property
and not legal title determines the equitable title or interest (real or personal) based on an implied trust starts from the
2. Constructive trust moment the law creates the trust (when the cause of action
 trust not created by any words, either expressly or arises) because the so-called trustee does not recognize any
impliedly, evincing a direct intention to create a trust but by trust, and has no intention to hold for the beneficiary
the construction of equity in order to satisfy the demands Reconveyance - available in case of registration of property
of justice and prevent unjust enrichment. procured by fraud, thereby creating a constructive trust
 If a person obtains legal title to property by fraud or between the parties
concealment, courts of equity will impress upon the title a
so called constructive trust in favor of the defrauded party.’’ Where property in possession of third person
 Not a trust in technical sense.  The only limitation upon the right of the benefi ciary to
Enumeration of cases of implied trust not exclusive recover title over the property held in trust is that the same
must not have been transferred to an innocent purchaser
 intended to be illustrative of situations in which implied for value in which event, his remedy is to ask for damages.
trust is needed in order to correct a wrong or prevent an
unjust enrichment. Laches in action to enforce a trust.

May an implied trust be converted into an express trust? 1. In case of express trusts - A cestui que trust is entitled
to rely upon the fidelity of the trustee. Laches applies
 Yes, if the implied trustee recognizes the right of the owner from the time the trustee openly denies or repudiates the
over the property trust and the beneficiary is notified thereof, or is
Acquisitive prescription as a mode of acquiring ownership: otherwise plainly put on guard against the trustee. (54
Am. Jur. 558-559.) The repudiation of the trust must be
GR: A trustee cannot acquire by prescription the ownership of clearly proved by the trustee.
property entrusted to him 2. In case of implied trusts - It is well-established in
XPN: Provided the ff. requisites are present: (PACK) American law of trusts (expressly made applicable by
Art. 1442.) that implied trusts, as distinguished from
1. The trustee has performed unequivocal acts of express trusts, may be barred not only by prescription
repudiation amounting to an ouster of the cestui que trust but also by laches.

ATP Reviewer

Art. 1450. If the price of a sale of property is loaned or paid by one

PRESCRIPTION LACHES person for the benefit of another and the conveyance is made to
the lender or payor to secure the payment of the debt, a trust arises
Effect of delay Fact of delay by operation of law in favor of the person to whom the money is
loaned or for whom its is paid. The latter may redeem the property
Matter of time Question of inequity of
and compel a conveyance thereof to him.
permitting a claim to be
enforced, this inequity being
founded on some change in the
Purchase with borrowed funds
condition of the property or
the relation of the parties Trust in favor of lender - The general rule is that the use of
borrowed money in making a purchase does not raise a resulting
Statutory Not statutory
trust in favor of the lender, even where the money is loaned to
Applies at law Applies at equity enable the borrower to purchase the property in question and the
borrower promises, but fails, to execute a mortgage on the
Based on a fixed time Not fixed time property after it is purchased to secure the loan. Nor does the use
of money given to one for the purchase of property raise a
resulting trust on the property in favor of the donor.
Trust in favor of borrower - When money is borrowed to purchase
Art. 1448. There is an implied trust when property is sold, and the property, and the conveyance is made, not to the borrower, but to
legal estate is granted to one party but the price is paid by another the lender who takes title to the property in his own name in order
for the purpose of having the beneficial interest of the property. to secure the loan, a resulting trust in the property, binding the
The former is the trustee, while the latter is the beneficiary. lender or payor (trustee) in favor of the borrower
However, if the person to whom the title is conveyed is a child, (beneficiary), arises.
legitimate or illegitimate, of the one paying the price of the sale, no
trust is implied by law, it being disputably presumed that there is  An agreement between the parties whereby the property
a gift in favor of the child. purchased shall be considered sold to the trustee in case the
beneficiary fails to reimburse him is tantamount to a
pactum commissorium, which is expressly prohibited by
Sale to a party but price paid by another Article 2088 of the Civil Code for in such case there would
be automatic appropriation of the property by the trustee in
 General rule. — A resulting trust arises in favor of a person the event of failure of the beneficiary to pay the loan
from whom a consideration comes for a conveyance of
property, whether realty or personalty, to another. The
presumption is that he who pays for a thing intends a Art. 1451. When land passes by succession to any person and he
beneficial interest therein. (purchase money resulting causes the legal title to be put in the name of another, a trust is
trust) established by implication of law for the benefit of the true owner.
 Exceptions. — However, no trust is implied if the person to
whom the legal estate is conveyed is a child, legitimate or
illegitimate, of the payor, because it is presumed that a gift Legal title to land inherited by heir placed in name of another
or donation was intended in favor of the child. This  Where a person who has acquired land by inheritance
presumption of a gift is rebuttable by proof of a contrary causes the legal title to be placed in the name of another, a
intention, and on such rebuttal, a resulting trust arises resulting trust is presumed in law in favor of the true owner,
the heir.

Art. 1449. There is also an implied trust when a donation is made

to a person but it appears that although the legal estate is Art. 1452. If two or more persons agree to purchase property and
transmitted to the donee, he nevertheless is either to have no by common consent the legal title is taken in the name of one of
beneficial interest or only a part thereof. them for the benefit of all, a trust is created by force of law in favor
of the others in proportion to the interest of each.
Legal title to property purchased taken in one co-owner
Property is donated by A to B but only the legal title is transmitted
to B, the beneficial ownership of the whole property or a part Uy Aloc v. Cho Jan Jing
thereof being vested in C. Here, a trust is established by implication 19 Phil. 202
of law with B as the trustee and C, the beneficiary.

ATP Reviewer

FACTS: Some Chinese merchants bought a lot with a house on it so Art. 1455. When any trustee, guardian or other person holding a
that the same could be used as their clubhouse. The property was fiduciary relationship uses trust funds for the purchase of property
registered under the name of only one of them. The registered and causes the conveyance to be made to him or to a third person,
owner leased the property, collected rents therefor, and when a trust is established by operation of law in favor of the person to
asked for an accounting, refused to so account on the ground that whom the funds belong.
he was the owner thereof.
HELD: He is a mere trustee, and is therefore obliged to render
Purchase of property with use of trust funds
proper accounting. The beneficiaries are all the members of the
club.  Resulting trust
 an agent is bound to return to the principal the property
Presumption That Shares Are Equal
acquired with the funds and at the instance of the principal.
 The shares or interest of co-owners are presumed to be He holds the property in trust for his employer or principal
equal. who can bring an action to compel a conveyance to him
subject to the rights of an innocent purchaser for value.
Art. 1453. When property is conveyed to a person in reliance upon This article applies to
his declared intention to hold it for, or transfer it to another or the
1. any trustee
grantor, there is an implied trust in favor of the person whose
2. guardian
benefit is contemplated.
3. or other person holding a fiduciary relationship (Art.
 trust established by virtue of this article is based on the 1455) (like an agent; therefore, the acquisitions of the
promise or representation of the grantee to hold the agent inure to the benefit of his principal).
property conveyed for, or transfer it to another or the
grantor. The grantee is estopped from asserting
ownership in himself by denying his representation as An agent using his principal’s money purchases land in his own
against the person for whose benefit the implied trust is name. He also registers it under his name. Here, he will be
created. considered only a trustee, and the principal is the beneficiary. The
principal can bring an action for conveyance of the property to
Example: Jose bought from Pedro a parcel of land and it was
himself, so long as the rights of innocent third persons are not
conveyed to him (Jose) on Jose’s statement or declaration that he
adversely affected.
would hold it in behalf of Carlos. Here, Jose is merely the trustee,
while Carlos is the beneficiary.

Art. 1456. If property is acquired through mistake or fraud, the

person obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a trustee of an
Art. 1454. If an absolute conveyance of property is made in order
implied trust for the benefit of the person from whom the property
to secure the performance of an obligation of the grantor toward
the grantee, a trust by virtue of law is established. If the fulfillment
of the obligation is offered by the grantor when it becomes due, he  Constructive trust
may demand the reconveyance of the property to him.
 Ordinarily, the creditor will require the execution by the
Bella was given a car by Mina although it should have been given
debtor of a mortgage (see Art. 2124.) or a pledge (see Art.
to Erlinda. Bella is considered as merely the trustee of the car for
2093.) as security for the fulfillment of the latter’s
the benefit of Erlinda.
obligation. In this case, the mortgagee or pledgee does not
become a trustee. But if an absolute conveyance of property
is made instead in order to guarantee the performance of an
Art. 1457. An implied trust may be proved by oral evidence.
obligation of the grantor toward the grantee, an implied
trust is created by operation of law for the benefit of the
Marlene was indebted to Susan. For the sole purpose of
guaranteeing her debt, Marlene sold her parcel of land to Susan.
Here, a trust has been created. If Marlene pays her debt when it
becomes due, Marlene may demand the resale of the property to

ATP Reviewer

7. Nominate – has a special designation of law

Essential Requisites
1. There must be a valid contract
CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. The parties must have legal capacity to enter into
Art. 1767. By the contract of partnership two or more persons 3. There must be a mutual contribution of money, property,
bind themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a or industry to a common fund.
common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among 4. The object must be lawful
themselves. 5. The primary purpose must be to obtain profits and to
divide the same among the parties.
Two or more persons may also form a partnership for the exercise 6. There must be at least one General Partner.
of a profession. (1665a)
Existence of a valid contract
The partnership relation is fundamentally contractual. The
What is partnership? essential elements (Consent, Object, Cause) of a contract MUST be
 A contract whereby two or more persons bind themselves present.
to contribute money, property, or industry to a common  THE CAUSE is the prestation or promise of the other
fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among partner or partners to contribute money, property, or
themselves, or in order to exercise a profession. industry to a common fund
What is general professional partnership?  THE SUBJECT MATTER includes the contributions of
the partners and the business or specific undertaking
 Paragraph 2 relates to the exercise of a profession. A which the parties have agreed to pursue for purposes
profession has been defined as “a group of men pursuing a of profit.
learned art as a common calling in the spirit of public  Form - The relation is evidenced by the terms of the contract
service — no less a public service because it may which may be oral or written, express or implied from the
incidentally be a means of livelihood.” acts and declarations of the parties, subject to the
 It is the individual partners, and not the partnership, who provisions of Articles 1771 to 1773 and to the Statute of
engage in the practice of the profession and are responsible Frauds.
for their own acts as such.  Articles of Partnership - it is customary to embody the terms
 The law does not allow individuals to practice a profession of the association in a written document known as “Articles
as a corporate entity. Personal qualifications for such of Partnership” stating the name, nature or purpose and
practice cannot be possessed by a corporation. location of the firm, and defining, among others, the powers,
Partnership for the practice of law. rights, duties, and liabilities of the partners among
themselves, their contributions, the manner by which the
 A mere association for non-business purpose. — The right profits and losses are to be shared, and the procedure for
to practice law is not a natural or constitutional right but is dissolving the partnership.
in the nature of a privilege or franchise.  Principle of Delectus Personae - no one become member of
 In the formation of partnerships for the practice of law, no the partnership without the consent of all partners
person should be admitted or held out as a practitioner or  Partnership relation fiduciary in nature – It is a personal
member who is not a member of the legal profession duly relation in which the element of delectus personae exists,
authorized to practice, and amenable to professional involving as it does trust and confidence between the
discipline partners.
 Partnerships between lawyers and members of other
 Delectus personae - authority of one partner to bind
profession or non-professional persons should not be
another by contract or otherwise.
formed or permitted where any part of the partnership’s
employment consists of the practice of law. (Canons of Note: This element of delectus personae, however, is
Professional Ethics.) true only in the case of a general partner, but not
as regards a limited partner
Characteristics of Partnership (P2C2 – BON)
 The principle of estoppel applies – partnership liability may
1. Principal – does not depend on other contracts be imposed upon a person under principles of estoppel
2. Preparatory – entered as a means to an end
where he holds himself out, or permits himself to be held
3. Commutative – undertaking of each one is considered
out, as a partner in an enterprise.
equal with others
4. Consensual – perfected by mere consent
 A partnership may be created without any definite
5. Bilateral – entered into by two or more persons
intention to create it. It is the substance and not the
6. Onerous – contributions have to be made
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name of the arrangement, which determines the  Property – may be real or personal, corporeal or
legal relationship. incorporeal. Credit and goodwill may be contributed.
 There must be affectio societatis – the desire to formulate  Industry - The word “industry” has been interpreted to
active union with people among whom there exist mutual mean the active cooperation, the work of the party
confidence and trust. associated, which may be either personal manual efforts or
intellectual, and for which he receives a share in the profi ts
(not merely salary) of the business.
Action seeks to compel the execution of a partnership contract.
Note: a limited partner in a limited partnership, however,
Facts: A and B entered into an agreement to form a partnership.
cannot contribute mere industry or services.
Because of A’s refusal to comply with the agreement, B brought an
action to compel the execution of a partnership contract. Legality of the Object

Issue: May A be compelled against his will to carry out the  Unlawful if contrary to LMGPP
agreement or execute the partnership papers?
Effects of Unlawful Partnership
Held: No. Under Article 1167,7 A has an obligation to do, not to
1. The contract is void ab initio
give. The law recognizes the individual’s freedom or liberty to do
2. The profits shall be confiscated in favor of the government
an act as he has promised to do, or not to do it, as he pleases. It falls
3. The instruments or tools and proceeds of the crime shall be
within what Spanish commentators call a very personal act (acto
forfeited in facor of the government
personalismo), of which courts may not compel compliance, as it
4. The contributions of the partners shall not be confiscated
is considered an act of violence to do so.
unless they fall under No. 3
 A judicial decree is not necessary to dissolve an unlawful
partnership. However, it may sometimes be advisable that a
Legal Capacity of the parties to enter into contract
judicial decree of dissolution be secured for the
 General rule – any person may be a partner who is capable convenience of the parties.
of entering into contractual relations.
 The following cannot give consent to a contract of The partners must be reimbursed the amount of their
partnership: respective contributions. Any other solutions would be
a. Minors – cannot be partner without parent or immoral.
guardians consent. The partnership is VOIDABLE. Or
UNENFORCEABLE. When an unlawful partnership is dissolved by a judicial
b. Insane or demented eprsons decree, the profits shall be confiscated in favor of the state,
c. Deaf mute who do not know how to write without prejudice to the provision of the Penal Code
d. Persons who are suffering from civil interdiction governing confiscation of the instruments and effects of a
e. Incompetents who are under guardianship crime.
 Married woman - even if already of age, cannot contribute
Purpose to obtain profits
conjugal funds as her contribution to the partnership,
unless she is permitted to do so by her husband or unless  This element is what distinguishes the contract of
she is the administrator of the conjugal partnership, in partnership from voluntary religious or social
which latter case, the court must give its consent/authority. organizations.
 Partnership – there is no prohibition against a partnership  One without any right to participate in the profits, cannot be
being a partner in a partnership deemed as partner since the essence of partnership is that
 Corporation – unless authorized by a statute or by its the partners share in the profits and losses
charter, a corporation is without capacity to enter into a  All that Is need is a PROFIT MOTIVE.
contract of partnership.  Need not be the exclusive aim. It is sufficient that it is the
principal purpose.
Although a corporation cannot enter into a partnership
Sharing of profits
contract, it may however engage in joint venture.
 Not necessarily in equal shares
Contribution of money, property, or industry to a common fund
 Not conclusive evidence of partnership. The sharing in profits
 Existence of proprietary interest – without the element of is merely presumptive and not conclusive, even if cogent,
mutual contribution to a common fund there can be no evidence of partnership.
partnership, although its presence is not necessarily a  if the division of profits is merely used as a guide to
conclusive evidence of the existence of partnership. determine the compensation due to one of the parties,
 Money – legal tender in the Philippines. Checks, drafts, PNs such one is not a partner.
are not money. There is no contribution of money until they
have been cashed.
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Sharing of Losses Art. 1770. A partnership must have a lawful object or purpose, and
must be established for the common benefit or interest of the
 Necessary corollary of sharing in profits – Art. 1767 refers to
profits and silent to losses. The reason is that the object of
a partnership is primarily the sharing of profits, while the When an unlawful partnership is dissolved by a judicial decree, the
distribution of losses is but a “consequence of the same.” Be profits shall be confiscated in favor of the State, without prejudice
that as it may, the right to share in the profits carries with it to the provisions of the Penal Code governing the confiscation of
the duty to contribute to the losses, if any. the instruments and effects of a crime. (1666a)
 Agreement not necessary - if only the share of each partner
in the profits has been agreed upon, the share of each in the
losses shall be in the same proportion Art. 1771. A partnership may be constituted in any form, except
where immovable property or real rights are contributed thereto,
in which case a public instrument shall be necessary. (1667a)
Art. 1768. The partnership has a judicial personality separate and
distinct from that of each of the partners, even in case of failure to
comply with the requirements of Article 1772, first paragraph. (n) Art. 1772. Every contract of partnership having a capital of three
thousand pesos or more, in money or property, shall appear in a
public instrument, which must be recorded in the Office of the
Juridical Personality of Partnership Securities and Exchange Commission.
 It may enter into contracts and may sue and be sued, it being
sufficient that service of summons or other processes
Failure to comply with the requirements of the preceding
served on any partner and the death of either partner is not
paragraph shall not affect the liability of the partnership and the
a ground for the dismissal of a pending suit against
members thereof to third persons. (n)
 As an independent juridical person, a partnership may enter
into contracts, acquire and possess property of all kinds in
Art. 1773. A contract of partnership is void, whenever immovable
its name, as well as incur obligations and bring civil or
property is contributed thereto, if an inventory of said property is
criminal actions in conformity with the laws and regulations
not made, signed by the parties, and attached to the public
of its organizations.
instrument. (1668a)
Art. 1769. In determining whether a partnership exists, these
rules shall apply:
Art. 1774. Any immovable property or an interest therein may be
(1) Except as provided by Article 1825, persons who are not
acquired in the partnership name. Title so acquired can be
partners as to each other are not partners as to third persons;
conveyed only in the partnership name. (n)
(2) Co-ownership or co-possession does not of itself establish a
partnership, whether such-co-owners or co-possessors do or
do not share any profits made by the use of the property;
Art. 1775. Associations and societies, whose articles are kept
(3) The sharing of gross returns does not of itself establish a
secret among the members, and wherein any one of the members
partnership, whether or not the persons sharing them have a
may contract in his own name with third persons, shall have no
joint or common right or interest in any property from which
juridical personality, and shall be governed by the provisions
the returns are derived;
relating to co-ownership. (1669)
(4) The receipt by a person of a share of the profits of a business
is prima facie evidence that he is a partner in the business, but
no such inference shall be drawn if such profits were received
in payment: Art. 1776. As to its object, a partnership is either universal or
(a) As a debt by installments or otherwise; particular. As regards the liability of the partners, a partnership
(b) As wages of an employee or rent to a landlord; may be general or limited. (1671a)
(c) As an annuity to a widow or representative of a deceased
(d) As interest on a loan, though the amount of payment vary Art. 1777. A universal partnership may refer to all the present
with the profits of the business; property or to all the profits. (1672)
(e) As the consideration for the sale of a goodwill of a
business or other property by installments or otherwise.
(n) Art. 1778. A partnership of all present property is that in which the
partners contribute all the property which actually belongs to
them to a common fund, with the intention of dividing the same

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among themselves, as well as all the profits which they may

acquire therewith. (1673)
Art. 1779. In a universal partnership of all present property, the
property which belongs to each of the partners at the time of the
constitution of the partnership, becomes the common property of 1. To contribute what had been promised (Art. 1786)
all the partners, as well as all the profits which they may acquire 2. To warrant specific and determinate property
therewith. contributed to the partnership in case of eviction (Art.
3. To deliver the frutis of the property from the time they
A stipulation for the common enjoyment of any other profits may should have been delivered, without the need of any
also be made; but the property which the partners may acquire demand (Art. 1786)
subsequently by inheritance, legacy, or donation cannot be 4. When contribution is in goods, the amount thereof must
included in such stipulation, except the fruits thereof. (1674a) be determined by proper appraisal of the value thereof
at the time of contribution (1787)
5. To preserve the property with the diligence of a good
Art. 1780. A universal partnership of profits comprises all that the father of a family pending delivery to the partnership
partners may acquire by their industry or work during the (Art. 1163)
existence of the partnership. 6. To indemnify for any interest and damages caused by
the retention of the property or by delay in its
Movable or immovable property which each of the partners may
obligation to contribute (Art. 1788 & Art. 1170)
possess at the time of the celebration of the contract shall continue
to pertain exclusively to each, only the usufruct passing to the
partnership. (1675) SECTION 1. - Obligations of the Partners Among
Art. 1781. Articles of universal partnership, entered into without
specification of its nature, only constitute a universal partnership Art. 1784. A partnership begins from the moment of the execution
of profits. (1676) of the contract, unless it is otherwise stipulated. (1679)

Art. 1782. Persons who are prohibited from giving each other any When a partnership begins?
donation or advantage cannot enter into universal partnership.
(1677)  Generally, upon execution of the contract
 Registration in the SEC is not essential to give its
juridical personality
Art. 1783. A particular partnership has for its object determinate  Exception – when there is contrary stipulation
things, their use or fruits, or specific undertaking, or the exercise Rules governing partnership relation
of a profession or vocation. (1678)
 What is necessary for the existence of a partnership is that
the essential requisites of a contract of partnership are
present even when the partners have not yet actually begun
the carrying on of its business or given their contributions,
or even though its conditions or details, such as the
participation of the partners in the profits and losses and
the nature of the partnership, have not yet been fi xed, as
they pertain to the accidental and not to the essential parts
of the contract.
 Where a partnership relation results, the law itself
fixes the incidents and consequences of this relation if
the parties fail to do so.

Art. 1785. When a partnership for a fixed term or particular

undertaking is continued after the termination of such term or
particular undertaking without any express agreement, the rights

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and duties of the partners remain the same as they were at such  contribution must be made ordinarily at the time the
termination, so far as is consistent with a partnership at will. partnership is entered into, unless a different period is
A continuation of the business by the partners or such of them as
 No demand is needed to put the partner in default,
habitually acted therein during the term, without any settlement
because in a partnership the obligation to contribute
or liquidation of the partnership affairs, is prima facie evidence of
is one where time is of the essence
a continuation of the partnership. (n)
Effect of failure to contribute
 the failure to contribute is to make the partner ipso jure a
Partnership with a fixed term
debtor of the partnership even in the absence of any
 One in which the term of its existence has been agreed upon demand
expressly or impliedly  the remedy of the other partner or the partnership is not
 The expiration of the term thus fixed or the accomplishment rescission but an action for specific performance (to collect
of the particular undertaking specified (or the what is owing) with damages and interest from the
demonstration of the impossibility of its accomplishment) defaulting partner from the time he should have complied
will cause the automatic dissolution of the partnership. with his obligation.
 It may be extended written or oral, or impliedly, by the  However, if the defaulting partner is already dead,
mere continuation of the business after the rescission may prosper.
termination of such term or particular undertaking
without any settlement or liquidation. In such case,
the rights and duties of the partners remain the same Duty to deliver the fruits
as they were at such termination but only insofar as is
 If property has been promised, the fruits thereof should
consistent with a partnership at will.
also be given.
 WITH SUCH CONTINUATION, the partnership for a
 If the partner is in bad faith, he is liable not only for the fruits
fixed term or particular undertaking is dissolved
actually produced, but also for those that could have been
and a new one, a partnership at will, is created by
implied agreement the continued existence of which
 If money has been promised, “interest and damages from
will depend upon the mutual desire and consent of the
the time he should have complied with his obligation”
should be given
Partnership “At Will”
Duty to warrant
a.) 1st kind - when there is no term, express or implied
 “against eviction” and “hidden defects”
b.) 2nd kind - when it is continued by the habitual managers
 warranty in case of eviction refers to “specific and
— although the period has ended, or the purpose has
determinate things” already contributed
been accomplished.
Rule when credit is contributed
NOTE: It is called “at will” because its continued existence
really depends upon the will of the partners, or even on the  the contributing partner will only warrant its existence but
will of any of them. not the solvency of the debtor unless there is contrary

Art. 1786. Every partner is a debtor of the partnership for

whatever he may have promised to contribute thereto. Art. 1787. When the capital or a part thereof which a partner is
bound to contribute consists of goods, their appraisal must be
He shall also be bound for warranty in case of eviction with regard
made in the manner prescribed in the contract of partnership, and
to specific and determinate things which he may have contributed
in the absence of stipulation, it shall be made by experts chosen by
to the partnership, in the same cases and in the same manner as
the partners, and according to current prices, the subsequent
the vendor is bound with respect to the vendee. He shall also be
changes thereof being for account of the partnership. (n)
liable for the fruits thereof from the time they should have been
delivered, without the need of any demand. (1681a)  The appraisal of the value of the goods contributed is
necessary to determine how much has been contributed by
the partners. In the absence of an stipulation, the share of
Duties of contributing partners: each partner in the profi ts and losses is in proportion to
what he may have contributed.
1. To deliver what he has undertook to contribute
2. To answer for his breach of warranty How appraisal is made?
3. To answer for the undelivered or delayed fruits
1. in the manner prescribed by the contract of partnership
Duty to contribute
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2. in the absence of stipulation, by experts chosen by the Art. 1789. An industrial partner cannot engage in business for
partners and according to current prices himself, unless the partnership expressly permits him to do so; and
 in case of immovable property, the appraisal is made in the if he should do so, the capitalist partners may either exclude him
inventory of said property from the firm or avail themselves of the benefits which he may
have obtained in violation of this provision, with a right to
damages in either case. (n)
Art. 1788. A partner who has undertaken to contribute a sum of
money and fails to do so becomes a debtor for the interest and
damages from the time he should have complied with his Obligations of industrial partner
 one who contributes his industry, labor, or services to the
The same rule applies to any amount he may have taken from the partnership. He is considered the owner of his services,
partnership coffers, and his liability shall begin from the time he which is his contribution to the common fund
converted the amount to his own use. (1682)  An action for specific performance to compel the partner to
perform the promised work or service is not available as a
remedy because this will amount to involuntary servitude
Obligations of the partner under 1788 which, as a rule, is prohibited by the Constitution.
 The remedy is applicable to bot industrial and
(1) To contribute on the date due the amount he has
capitalist partners
undertaken to contribute to the partnership;
(2) To reimburse any amount he may have taken from the Prohibition against engaging in business
partnership coffers and converted to his own use;
1. Industrial partner - prohibition is absolute and applies
(3) To pay the agreed or legal interest, if he fails to pay his
whether the industrial partner is to engage in the same
contribution on time or in case he takes any amount from
business in which the partnership is engaged or in any
the common fund and converts it to his own use; and
kind of business.
(4) To indemnify the partnership for the damages caused to
it by the delay in the contribution or the conversion of
any sum for his personal benefit.
a. To prevent the industrial partner from exploting his
Liability of guilty partner for interest and damages. services for his own personal benefit without
permission of the firm
 The guilty partner is liable for interest and damages not
b. To prevent conflict of interest and to ensure
from the time judicial or extrajudicial demand is made but
compliance by said partner with his prestation
from the time he should have complied with his obligation
2. Capitalist partner - prohibition extends only to any
or from the time he converted the amount to his own use, as
operation which is of the same kind of business in which
the case may be.
the partnership is engaged unless there is a stipulation to
 Unless there is a stipulation fi xing a different time, this
the contrary
obligation of a partner to give his promised contribution
arises from the commencement of the partnership, that is, Distinctions between a capitalist and an industrial partner
upon perfection of the contract
Capitalist Industrial
Double Responsibility As to contribution
Contributes money or Contributes industry
 This double responsibility of the partner is an exception to property
the general rule in damages that in obligations consisting in As to prohibition to engage in other business
the payment of a sum of money, the indemnity for damages Cannot generally engage in Cannot engage in any
shall be only the payment of interest agreed upon or, in the the same or similar enterprise business for himself
absence of stipulation, the legal interest. (Art. 2209.) It is in as that of his firm (the test is
harmony with the principle laid down in Article 1794 that the possibility of unfair
every partner is responsible to the partnership for damages competition)
suffered by it through his fault and is justified by the nature As to profits
of the contract of partnership. Shares in the profits Receives just and equitable
according to the agreement share
Liability of a partner for failure to return partnership money thereon; if none, pro rate to
received his contribution
As to losses
1. Where fraudulent misappropriation committed –
First, stipulation as to losses Exempted as to losses (as
estafa between the partners). But is
2. Where there was mere failure to return – partner is If none, the agreement as to liable to strangers without
not guilty of estafa and the action is a civil one for profits prejudice to reimbursement
liquidation of the partnership and levy on its assets. from the capitalist partners.
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If none, pro rate to The provisions of this article are understood to be without
contribution prejudice to the right granted to the other debtor by Article 1252,
but only if the personal credit of the partner should be more
onerous to him. (1684)

Art. 1790. Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, the

partners shall contribute equal shares to the capital of the Requisites for application of Rule (T-DM)
partnership. (n)
(a) The existence of at least 2 debts (one where the fi rm is the
 the above rule is not applicable to an industrial partner creditor; the other, where the partner is the creditor).
unless, besides his services, he has contributed capital
pursuant to an agreement to that effect. (b) Both sums are demandable.
(c) The collecting partner is a managing partner
General Rule: where a person is separately indebted to the
Art. 1791. If there is no agreement to the contrary, in case of an
imminent loss of the business of the partnership, any partner who partnership and to the managing partner at the same time, any
refuses to contribute an additional share to the capital, except an sum received by the latter, shall be applied to the two credits in
proportion to their amounts even though he may have given a
industrial partner, to save the venture, shall he obliged to sell his
receipt for his own credit only.
interest to the other partners. (n)

General Rule: The capitalist partner not oblige to contribute a. Where he received it entirely for the account of the
partnership, in which case the whole sum shall be applied
additional capital
to the partnership credit only
Exceptions: b. If the collecting partner is not a managing partner. There
is no basis for the suspicion that the partner is in BF.
1. when there is an agreement
2. in case of an imminent loss of the business and there is no Example:
agreement to the contrary
A and B are partners in X and Co., with A as the managing partner.
Requisites for application of rule (IM-RA) C is indebted to A in the sum of P2,000.00. C is also indebted to the
partnership in the sum of P4,000.00. Both debts are demandable.
(a) There is an imminent loss of the business of the partnership;
A collects the amount of P1,500.00 from C. If A issues a receipt to
(b) The majority of the capitalist partners are of the opinion that the effect that it is in payment of his (A’s) credit, P500.00 will be
an additional contribution to the common fund would save the applied only to his credit, the partnership being entitled to a
business; proportionate amount of P1,000.00 in the payment made by C. But
if A gives a receipt for the account only of the partnership credit,
(c) The capitalist partner refuses deliberately (not because of his
the amount of P1,500.00 will be fully applied to the latter.
financial inability to do so), to contribute an additional share to the
capital; and Note: the debtor is given the right to prefer payment of the credit
of the partner only if it should be more onerous to him.
(d) There is no agreement that even in case of an imminent loss
of the business the partners are not obliged to contribute. EXAMPLE:
Reason: refusal to contribute shows lack of interest in In the example given above, if the obligation in favor of A
the continuance of partnership bears 18% interest per annum while that in favor of the
partnership is 16% interest per annum, the credit of A
Rule for the Industrial Partners
being more onerous or burdensome, the law allows C to
 Note that the industrial partner is exempted. prefer the payment of A’s credit in case he so desires.
 Reason: He is already giving his entire industry.

Art. 1793. A partner who has received, in whole or in part, his

Art. 1792. If a partner authorized to manage collects a share of a partnership credit, when the other partners have not
demandable sum which was owed to him in his own name, from a collected theirs, shall be obliged, if the debtor should thereafter
person who owed the partnership another sum also demandable, become insolvent, to bring to the partnership capital what he
the sum thus collected shall be applied to the two credits in received even though he may have given receipt for his share only.
proportion to their amounts, even though he may have given a (1685a)
receipt for his own credit only; but should he have given it for the
account of the partnership credit, the amount shall be fully applied
to the latter.

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Requisites for application of rule.  before a partner sues another for alleged fraudulent
management and resultant damages, a liquidation must
(a) A partner has received, in whole or in part, his share of the
first be effected to know the extent of the damage.
partnership credit;
(b) The other partners have not collected their shares; and Effect of Death of the Negligent Partner
(c) The partnership debtor has become insolvent.
 If a negligent partner is already dead, suit for recovery may
be had against his estate
D owes partnership X and Co. P4,500.00. A, a partner, received a Art. 1795. The risk of specific and determinate things, which are
share of P1,500.00 ahead of B and C, the two other partners. When not fungible, contributed to the partnership so that only their use
B and C were collecting from D, the latter was already insolvent. and fruits may be for the common benefit, shall be borne by the
partner who owns them.
In this case, even if A had given a receipt for his share only, he can
be required to share the P1,500.00 with B and C. If the things contribute are fungible, or cannot be kept without
deteriorating, or if they were contributed to be sold, the risk shall
1792 1793
be borne by the partnership. In the absence of stipulation, the risk
a. 2 debts a. One debt only
of the things brought and appraised in the inventory, shall also be
b. Applies only to b. Applies to any
managing partner partner borne by the partnership, and in such case the claim shall be
limited to the value at which they were appraised. (1687)

Does Art. 1793 apply even if the collecting was done AFTER
the dissolution of the partnership? Risk of loss of things contributed
No more, because: (1) Specific and determinate things which are not fungible
(a) strictly speaking, when the firm is dissolved, there is no where only the use is contributed. — The risk of loss is
more partnership credit or capital. (A mere co- borne by the partner because he remains the owner of the
ownership exists. Note that the law uses “partnership things (like car);
capital.”) (2) Specific and determinate things the ownership of which
(b) no more trust relations really still exist. is transferred to the partnership. — The risk of loss is for
(c) equity demands the rewarding of one’s diligence in the account of the partnership, being the owner;
collecting. (3) Fungible things or things which cannot be kept without
deteriorating even if they are contributed only for the use
of the partnership. — The risk of loss is borne by the
Art. 1794. Every partner is responsible to the partnership for partnership for evidently the ownership was being
damages suffered by it through his fault, and he cannot transferred since use is impossible without the things (e.g.,
compensate them with the profits and benefits which he may have oil, wine) being consumed or impaired;
earned for the partnership by his industry. However, the courts (4) Things contributed to be sold. — The partnership bears risk
may equitably lessen this responsibility if through the partner's of loss for there cannot be any doubt that the partnership was
extraordinary efforts in other activities of the partnership, unusual intended to be the owner; otherwise, the partnership could
profits have been realized. (1686a) not effect the sale; and
(5) Things brought and appraised in the inventory. — The
partnership bears the risk of loss because the intention of the
Why General Damages Cannot Be Offset by Benefits parties was to contribute to the partnership the price of the
things contributed with an appraisal in the inventory. There
Firstly, the partner has the DUTY to secure benefits for the is thus an implied sale making the partnership owner of the
partnership; on the other hand, he has the DUTY also not to be at said things, the price being represented by their appraised
fault. value.
Secondly, since both are duties, compensation should not take
place, the partner being the debtor in both instances.
Art. 1796. The partnership shall be responsible to every partner
Mitigation of Liability for the amounts he may have disbursed on behalf of the
 if there be “extraordinary efforts” resulting in “unusual partnership and for the corresponding interest, from the time the
profits.” expense are made; it shall also answer to each partner for the
obligations he may have contracted in good faith in the interest of
Need for liquidation the partnership business, and for risks in consequence of its
management. (1688a)

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Responsibility of the partnership to the partners Industrial Partner’s Loss

a. To refund amounts disbursed on behalf of firm plus  While he may be held liable by third persons, still he can
interest (legal) from the time expenses were made (and recover whatever he is made to give them, from the other
not from demand, since after all, a partner is an agent, partners, for he is exempted from LOSSES, with or without
and the rule on agency applies to him). stipulation to this effect.
 Refund must be made even in case of failure of the
Non-applicability to Strangers
enterprise entered into, provided the partner is not at
fault.  Art. 1797 applies only to the partners, not when liability in
b. To answer to each partner for obligations, he may have favor of strangers are concerned, particularly with
entered into in good faith in the interest of the reference to the industrial partner
c. as well as for RISKS in consequence of its management.
(Reason: The partner is an AGENT.) A, B, and C formed a partnership, whereby each of them contributed P30,000.00. They
agreed that should the partnership realize profits, the same shall be distributed in the
EXAMPLE: following proportions:

A, as managing partner .................................... 40%

The articles of a trading partnership composed of A, B, and C
provides that any purchase in excess of P5,000.00 must fi rst be B ............................................................................ 30%
approved by all the partners. This rule was strictly observed in all C ........................................................................... 30%
transactions of the partnership. C made a purchase of goods out of
In this case, the partners shall share the profits in conformity with their agreement. If
his personal funds for P7,000 without the knowledge of A and B. there is no agreement with respect to the share of each partner, then, they shall share
The partnership incurred a loss. C is not entitled to be reimbursed the profits equally.
for the purchase.
Suppose, the contributions of the partners are as follows:

A ........................................................... P 72,000.00

Art. 1797. The losses and profits shall be distributed in conformity B ........................................................... 48,000.00
with the agreement. If only the share of each partner in the profits C ........................................................... 24,000.00
has been agreed upon, the share of each in the losses shall be in the
Total .................................................. P144,000.00
same proportion.
In the absence of stipulation, the share of each of the
In the absence of stipulation, the share of each partner in the
partners shall be in proportion to his contribution, that is:
profits and losses shall be in proportion to what he may have
contributed, but the industrial partner shall not be liable for the A ........................................................................... 3/6
losses. As for the profits, the industrial partner shall receive such B ............................................................................ 2/6
share as may be just and equitable under the circumstances. If
C ........................................................................... 1/6
besides his services he has contributed capital, he shall also
receive a share in the profits in proportion to his capital. (1689a) If D is an industrial partner, he shall receive such share as may be just and equitable
under the circumstances. Assuming that the partnership makes a profit of P51,000.00,
the partners may determine considering all the circumstances, that D, as industrial
partner, is entitled to P6,000.00. The balance of P45,000.00 will be divided among A,
How profits are distributed? B and C in proportion to their respective capital contributions: P22,500.00,
P15,000.00 and P7,500.00, respectively. Now, if D aside from his services, contributed
a. According to agreement P36,000, then he will also share in the balance of P45,000.00 in proportion to his
b. If none, according to amount of contribution contribution, which is 3/15 (P36,000.00/P180,000.00) or P9,000.00, while A, B, and
C will share P18,000.00, P12,000.00 and P6,000.00, respectively.
 Industrial partner shall receive such share, which
must be satisfied first before the capitalist aprtners In the same example, the partners will share in the losses

shall divide profits, as may be just and equitable under in conformity with their agreement. If they failed to agree as
the circumstances to the sharing of losses, the share of each partner in the losses
How losses are distributed? shall be in the same proportion stipulated with regard to the

a. According to agreement share of each in the profits, to wit:

b. If none, according as to profits A ........................................................................... 40%
c. If none, according to amount of contribution
B ............................................................................ 30%
Industrial Partner’s Profit C ........................................................................... 30%

 Just and equitable share (under the old law, a share If there is also no profit-sharing ratio stipulated, then the losses shall be divided in
equivalent to that of the capitalist partner with the least proportion to their capital contributions. D, however, being an industrial partner,
shall not be liable for losses but the same shall be borne by A, B, and C, the capitalist
capital) partners. However, if D is also a capitalist partner, then he shall share in the losses in
proportion to his contribution.

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only P1.5 million. In the articles of partnership it was stipulated that A, the industrial
partner would get 1/3 of the profits, but would not participate in the losses.
Art. 1798. If the partners have agreed to intrust to a third person
(a) Is the stipulation valid? Why?
the designation of the share of each one in the profits and losses,
(b) How much will A get: 1/3 of P3 million or 1/3 of P1.5 million? Why?
such designation may be impugned only when it is manifestly
inequitable. In no case may a partner who has begun to execute the ANS.:

decision of the third person, or who has not impugned the same 1) The stipulation is valid, for even the law itself exempts the industrial
within a period of three months from the time he had knowledge partner from losses. His share in the profits is presumably fair. (Art.
thereof, complain of such decision. 2) A will get only 1/3 of P1.5 million, the net profit and not 1/3 of P3 million.
While it is true that he does not share in the losses, this only means that
The designation of losses and profits cannot be intrusted to one of he will not share in the net losses. It is understood that he share in the
the partners. (1690) losses insofar as these can be accommodated in the profits. It is but fair
to compute all the various transactions in determining the net profits or
losses. (See Criado v. Gutierrez Hermanos, 37 Phil. 883).

Designation by a third person of share in profits and losses

 The designation of the share in the profits and losses may Art. 1800. The partner who has been appointed manager in the
be delegated to a third person by common consent. articles of partnership may execute all acts of administration
 This article speaks of third person not partner, following the despite the opposition of his partners, unless he should act in bad
general rule in contracts that the fulfillment of a contract faith; and his power is irrevocable without just or lawful cause. The
cannot be left to the will of one of the contracting parties vote of the partners representing the controlling interest shall be
alone. necessary for such revocation of power.
When designation by 3rd party may be impugned? A power granted after the partnership has been constituted may
be revoked at any time. (1692a)
 When it is manifestly inequitable
When designation by third party cannot be impugned even if
manifestly inequitable? Art. 1800 speaks of two modes of appointment:
1. If the aggrieved partner has already begun to execute the (a) appointment as manager in the articles of partnership;
decision (b) appointment as manager made in an instrument other
2. Or if he has not impugned the same within a period of than the articles of partnership or made orally.
three months from the time he had knowledge thereof.
Appointment in Articles of Partnership
(a) Power is irrevocable without just or lawful cause.
Art. 1799. A stipulation which excludes one or more partners from
any share in the profits or losses is void. (1691) THEREFORE:
1) to remove him for JUST cause, the controlling
partners (controlling financial interest) should vote
General Rule: stipulation excluding one or more partners from to OUST HIM. (See Art. 1800, par. 1)
any share in the profits or losses is void. Reason: The partnership 2) to remove him WITHOUT CAUSE, or FOR AN UNJUST
is for COMMON BENEFIT CAUSE, there must be UNANIMITY (including his
own vote).
 However, although the stipulation is void, the
(b) Extent of power:
partnership, if otherwise valid, subsists and the profits
1) if he acts in GOOD faith, he may do all acts of
or losses shall be apportioned as if there were no
ADMINISTRATION (not ownership) despite the
stipulation on the same.
opposition of his partners.
Exception: in the case of the industrial partner whom the law itself 2) if in BAD faith, he cannot (however, he is presumed to
excludes from losses. be acting in good faith; moreover, if he really is in bad
faith the controlling interest should remove him.)
 Reason: While capitalist partners can withdraw their
capital, the industrial partner cannot withdraw any Appointment Other Than in the Articles of Partnership
labor or industry he had already exerted. Moreover, in
(a) Power to act may be revoked at any time, with or without
a certain sense, he already has shared in the losses in
just cause.
that, if the partnership shows no profit, this means
that he has labored in vain [Reason: Such appointment is a mere delegation of
power, revocable at any time. (11 Manresa 381).]
A, B, and C were partners, the first one being an industrial partner. During the first
[NOTE: Of course, removal should also be done by the
year of operation, the firm made a profit of P3 million. During the second year, a loss controlling interest].
of P1.5 million was sustained. Thus, the net profit for the two years of operation was
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(NOTE: Moreover, the controlling partners should not Specific Rules

abuse this right, otherwise damages are recoverable
(a) Each may separately execute all acts of administration
from them under Arts. 19 and 20.)
(unlimited powers to administer).
(b) Extent of power: As long as he remains manager, he can (b) Except if any of the managers should oppose. (Here the
perform all acts of ADMINISTRATION, but of course, if the decision of the MAJORITY of the managers shall prevail.)
others oppose and he persists, he can be removed
(Suppose there is a tie, the partners owning the CONTROLLING
Scope of power of a managing partner INTEREST prevail — provided they are also managers.)
 As a general rule, a partner appointed as manager has all the [NOTE: The rights to oppose is not given to non-managers
powers of a general agent as well as all the incidental because in appointing their other partners as managers, they
powers necessary to carry out the object of the partnership have stripped themselves of all participation in the
in the transaction of its business. The exception is when the administration. (See 11 Manresa 385).]
powers of the manager are specifically restricted.
When must the other managers make the opposition?
 managing partner may not bind the partnership by a
contract wholly foreign to its business. Thus, he has no ANS.: Before the acts produce legal effects insofar as third persons
authority to execute a mortgage on the firm’s property are concerned.
to secure the debt of a third person for which the firm
Reason — For them to delay or for them to protest after
is not liable.
third parties are affected would be unfair to said third
Compensation for services rendered parties. Moreover, the acts of the firm would be unstable.
 He is not, in the absence of a contract, express or implied,
entitled to compensation beyond his share of the profi ts for
Art. 1802. In case it should have been stipulated that none of the
services rendered by him to the partnership business,
managing partners shall act without the consent of the others, the
although the services rendered by him may be greater in
concurrence of all shall be necessary for the validity of the acts, and
proportion than the services rendered by other members of
the absence or disability of any one of them cannot be alleged,
the partnership, by reason of having assumed the position
unless there is imminent danger of grave or irreparable injury to
of managing partner, or even by reason of extra services
the partnership. (1694)
necessitated by his partner’s illness and consequent
inability to render his own just share of the services.
 In proper cases, however, the law may imply a contract for
Art. 1803. When the manner of management has not been agreed
compensation, examples are:
upon, the following rules shall be observed:
a. One partner may employ his co-partner to do work for
him outside of and independent of the co-partnership,
and become personally liable therefor.
(1) All the partners shall be considered agents and whatever any
b. Partners exempted by the terms of partnership from
one of them may do alone shall bind the partnership, without
rendering services to the firm may demand pay for
prejudice to the provisions of Article 1801.
services rendered.
Art. 1801. If two or more partners have been intrusted with the
management of the partnership without specification of their (2) None of the partners may, without the consent of the others,
respective duties, or without a stipulation that one of them shall make any important alteration in the immovable property of the
not act without the consent of all the others, each one may partnership, even if it may be useful to the partnership. But if the
separately execute all acts of administration, but if any of them refusal of consent by the other partners is manifestly prejudicial to
should oppose the acts of the others, the decision of the majority the interest of the partnership, the court's intervention may be
shall prevail. In case of a tie, the matter shall be decided by the sought. (1695a)
partners owning the controlling interest. (1693a)

Art. 1804. Every partner may associate another person with him
Rule When There Are Two or More Managers in his share, but the associate shall not be admitted into the
partnership without the consent of all the other partners, even if
Art. 1801 applies when:
the partner having an associate should be a manager. (1696)
(a) two or more partners are managers;
Art. 1805. The partnership books shall be kept, subject to any
(b) there is NO specification of respective duties;
agreement between the partners, at the principal place of business
(c) there is no stipulation requiring unanimity.
of the partnership, and every partner shall at any reasonable hour
THEREFORE: Art. 1801 does not apply if unanimity is have access to and may inspect and copy any of them. (n)
required; or when there is a designation of respective duties

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Art. 1806. Partners shall render on demand true and full Art. 1811. A partner is co-owner with his partners of specific
information of all things affecting the partnership to any partner partnership property.
or the legal representative of any deceased partner or of any
The incidents of this co-ownership are such that:
partner under legal disability. (n)

(1) A partner, subject to the provisions of this Title and to any

Art. 1807. Every partner must account to the partnership for any
agreement between the partners, has an equal right with his
benefit, and hold as trustee for it any profits derived by him
partners to possess specific partnership property for partnership
without the consent of the other partners from any transaction
purposes; but he has no right to possess such property for any
connected with the formation, conduct, or liquidation of the
other purpose without the consent of his partners;
partnership or from any use by him of its property. (n)

(2) A partner's right in specific partnership property is not

Art. 1808. The capitalist partners cannot engage for their own
assignable except in connection with the assignment of rights of all
account in any operation which is of the kind of business in which
the partners in the same property;
the partnership is engaged, unless there is a stipulation to the

(3) A partner's right in specific partnership property is not subject

to attachment or execution, except on a claim against the
Any capitalist partner violating this prohibition shall bring to the
partnership. When partnership property is attached for a
common funds any profits accruing to him from his transactions,
partnership debt the partners, or any of them, or the
and shall personally bear all the losses. (n)
representatives of a deceased partner, cannot claim any right
under the homestead or exemption laws;
Art. 1809. Any partner shall have the right to a formal account as
to partnership affairs:
(4) A partner's right in specific partnership property is not subject
to legal support under Article 291. (n)
(1) If he is wrongfully excluded from the partnership business or
possession of its property by his co-partners;
Art. 1812. A partner's interest in the partnership is his share of the
profits and surplus. (n)
(2) If the right exists under the terms of any agreement; Art. 1813. A conveyance by a partner of his whole interest in the
partnership does not of itself dissolve the partnership, or, as
against the other partners in the absence of agreement, entitle the
(3) As provided by article 1807; assignee, during the continuance of the partnership, to interfere in
the management or administration of the partnership business or
affairs, or to require any information or account of partnership
(4) Whenever other circumstances render it just and reasonable. transactions, or to inspect the partnership books; but it merely
(n) entitles the assignee to receive in accordance with his contract the
profits to which the assigning partner would otherwise be entitled.
However, in case of fraud in the management of the partnership,
SECTION 2. - Property Rights of a Partner the assignee may avail himself of the usual remedies.

Art. 1810. The property rights of a partner are: In case of a dissolution of the partnership, the assignee is entitled
to receive his assignor's interest and may require an account from
(1) His rights in specific partnership property; the date only of the last account agreed to by all the partners. (n)

(2) His interest in the partnership; and Art. 1814. Without prejudice to the preferred rights of partnership
creditors under Article 1827, on due application to a competent
court by any judgment creditor of a partner, the court which
(3) His right to participate in the management. (n) entered the judgment, or any other court, may charge the interest
of the debtor partner with payment of the unsatisfied amount of
such judgment debt with interest thereon; and may then or later
appoint a receiver of his share of the profits, and of any other
ATP Reviewer

money due or to fall due to him in respect of the partnership, and partnership in the particular matter, and the person with whom he
make all other orders, directions, accounts and inquiries which the is dealing has knowledge of the fact that he has no such authority.
debtor partner might have made, or which the circumstances of
the case may require.
An act of a partner which is not apparently for the carrying on of
business of the partnership in the usual way does not bind the
The interest charged may be redeemed at any time before partnership unless authorized by the other partners.
foreclosure, or in case of a sale being directed by the court, may be
purchased without thereby causing a dissolution:
Except when authorized by the other partners or unless they have
abandoned the business, one or more but less than all the partners
(1) With separate property, by any one or more of the partners; or have no authority to:

(2) With partnership property, by any one or more of the partners (1) Assign the partnership property in trust for creditors or on the
with the consent of all the partners whose interests are not so assignee's promise to pay the debts of the partnership;
charged or sold.

(2) Dispose of the good-will of the business;

Nothing in this Title shall be held to deprive a partner of his right,
if any, under the exemption laws, as regards his interest in the
partnership. (n) (3) Do any other act which would make it impossible to carry on
the ordinary business of a partnership;

SECTION 3. - Obligations of the Partners

(4) Confess a judgment;
WithRegard to Third Persons

(5) Enter into a compromise concerning a partnership claim or

Art. 1815. Every partnership shall operate under a firm name,
which may or may not include the name of one or more of the
Those who, not being members of the partnership, include their (6) Submit a partnership claim or liability to arbitration;
names in the firm name, shall be subject to the liability of a partner.
(7) Renounce a claim of the partnership.

Art. 1816. All partners, including industrial ones, shall be liable pro
rata with all their property and after all the partnership assets No act of a partner in contravention of a restriction on authority
have been exhausted, for the contracts which may be entered into shall bind the partnership to persons having knowledge of the
in the name and for the account of the partnership, under its restriction. (n)
signature and by a person authorized to act for the partnership.
Art. 1819. Where title to real property is in the partnership name,
However, any partner may enter into a separate obligation to
any partner may convey title to such property by a conveyance
perform a partnership contract. (n)
executed in the partnership name; but the partnership may
recover such property unless the partner's act binds the
partnership under the provisions of the first paragraph of article
Art. 1817. Any stipulation against the liability laid down in the
1818, or unless such property has been conveyed by the grantee
preceding article shall be void, except as among the partners. (n)
or a person claiming through such grantee to a holder for value
without knowledge that the partner, in making the conveyance,
has exceeded his authority.
Art. 1818. Every partner is an agent of the partnership for the
purpose of its business, and the act of every partner, including the
execution in the partnership name of any instrument, for
Where title to real property is in the name of the partnership, a
apparently carrying on in the usual way the business of the
conveyance executed by a partner, in his own name, passes the
partnership of which he is a member binds the partnership, unless
equitable interest of the partnership, provided the act is one
the partner so acting has in fact no authority to act for the

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within the authority of the partner under the provisions of the first
paragraph of Article 1818.
(2) Where the partnership in the course of its business receives
money or property of a third person and the money or property so
received is misapplied by any partner while it is in the custody of
Where title to real property is in the name of one or more but not
the partnership. (n)
all the partners, and the record does not disclose the right of the
partnership, the partners in whose name the title stands may
convey title to such property, but the partnership may recover
Art. 1824. All partners are liable solidarily with the partnership for
such property if the partners' act does not bind the partnership
everything chargeable to the partnership under Articles 1822 and
under the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 1818, unless
1823. (n)
the purchaser or his assignee, is a holder for value, without
knowledge. Art. 1825. When a person, by words spoken or written or by
conduct, represents himself, or consents to another representing
him to anyone, as a partner in an existing partnership or with one
Where the title to real property is in the name of one or more or all or more persons not actual partners, he is liable to any such
the partners, or in a third person in trust for the partnership, a persons to whom such representation has been made, who has, on
conveyance executed by a partner in the partnership name, or in the faith of such representation, given credit to the actual or
his own name, passes the equitable interest of the partnership, apparent partnership, and if he has made such representation or
provided the act is one within the authority of the partner under consented to its being made in a public manner he is liable to such
the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 1818. person, whether the representation has or has not been made or
communicated to such person so giving credit by or with the
knowledge of the apparent partner making the representation or
Where the title to real property is in the name of all the partners a consenting to its being made:
conveyance executed by all the partners passes all their rights in
such property. (n)
(1) When a partnership liability results, he is liable as though he
were an actual member of the partnership;
Art. 1820. An admission or representation made by any partner
concerning partnership affairs within the scope of his authority in
accordance with this Title is evidence against the partnership. (n) (2) When no partnership liability results, he is liable pro rata with
the other persons, if any, so consenting to the contract or
representation as to incur liability, otherwise separately.
Art. 1821. Notice to any partner of any matter relating to
partnership affairs, and the knowledge of the partner acting in the
particular matter, acquired while a partner or then present to his When a person has been thus represented to be a partner in an
mind, and the knowledge of any other partner who reasonably existing partnership, or with one or more persons not actual
could and should have communicated it to the acting partner, partners, he is an agent of the persons consenting to such
operate as notice to or knowledge of the partnership, except in the representation to bind them to the same extent and in the same
case of fraud on the partnership, committed by or with the consent manner as though he were a partner in fact, with respect to
of that partner. (n) persons who rely upon the representation. When all the members
of the existing partnership consent to the representation, a
partnership act or obligation results; but in all other cases it is the
Art. 1822. Where, by any wrongful act or omission of any partner joint act or obligation of the person acting and the persons
acting in the ordinary course of the business of the partnership or consenting to the representation. (n)
with the authority of co-partners, loss or injury is caused to any
Art. 1826. A person admitted as a partner into an existing
person, not being a partner in the partnership, or any penalty is
partnership is liable for all the obligations of the partnership
incurred, the partnership is liable therefor to the same extent as
arising before his admission as though he had been a partner when
the partner so acting or omitting to act. (n)
such obligations were incurred, except that this liability shall be
satisfied only out of partnership property, unless there is a
stipulation to the contrary. (n)
Art. 1823. The partnership is bound to make good the loss:

Art. 1827. The creditors of the partnership shall be preferred to

(1) Where one partner acting within the scope of his apparent
those of each partner as regards the partnership property.
authority receives money or property of a third person and
Without prejudice to this right, the private creditors of each
misapplies it; and

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partner may ask the attachment and public sale of the share of the
latter in the partnership assets. (n)


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