NI 43-101 Technical Report - Mineral Resource Estimate - Segovia Project - Colombia

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The technical report provides a mineral resource estimate for the Segovia Project in Colombia and discusses the property description, geology, exploration status, and conclusions.

The technical report was prepared to disclose the results of a mineral resource estimate for the Segovia Project in compliance with NI 43-101 standards.

Gold mineral resources are estimated for the Segovia Project located in Colombia.

NI 43-101 Technical Report

Mineral Resource Estimate

Segovia Project
Effective Date: March 15, 2017
Report Date: June 5, 2017

Report Prepared for

Gran Colombia Gold

333 Bay Street, Suite 1100
Toronto, ON M5H 2R2

Report Prepared by

SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc.

1125 Seventeenth Street, Suite 600
Denver, CO 80202

SRK Project Number: 461800-060

Signed by Qualified Persons:

Benjamin Parsons, MSc, MAusIMM (CP)
Fernando Rodrigues, BS Mining, MBA, MMSAQP

Reviewed by
Matthew Hastings, MSc Geology, MAusIMM (CP) Senior Consultant (Resource Geology)
Grant Malensek, MEng, PEng/PGeo Principal Consultant (Mineral Project Evaluation)
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Table of Contents
1 Summary....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Property Description and Ownership .................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Geology and Mineralization ................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Status of Exploration, Development and Operations .......................................................................... 2
1.4 Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing .................................................................................... 2
1.5 Mineral Resource Estimate ................................................................................................................. 2
1.6 Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................................................................. 6
1.6.1 Mineral Resource Statement ................................................................................................... 6
1.6.2 Other Factors .......................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Terms of Reference and Purpose of the Report ................................................................................. 9
1.8 Qualifications of Consultants (SRK).................................................................................................... 9
1.9 Details of Inspection .......................................................................................................................... 10
1.10 Sources of Information ...................................................................................................................... 10
1.11 Effective Date .................................................................................................................................... 11
1.12 Units of Measure ............................................................................................................................... 11
2 Reliance on Other Experts ........................................................................................ 12
3 Property Description and Location .......................................................................... 13
3.1 Property Location .............................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Mineral Titles ..................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Surface Land Rights.......................................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Royalties, Agreements and Encumbrances ...................................................................................... 19
3.5 Environmental Liabilities and Permitting ........................................................................................... 20
3.5.1 Environmental Liabilities........................................................................................................ 20
3.5.2 Required Permits and Status ................................................................................................ 21
3.6 Other Significant Factors and Risks.................................................................................................. 23
4 Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure and Physiography ........ 24
4.1 Topography, Elevation and Vegetation ............................................................................................. 24
4.2 Accessibility and Transportation to the Property .............................................................................. 24
4.3 Climate and Length of Operating Season ......................................................................................... 25
4.4 Infrastructure Availability and Sources.............................................................................................. 26
5 History......................................................................................................................... 27
5.1 Prior Ownership and Ownership Changes ....................................................................................... 27
5.2 Exploration and Development Results of Previous Owners ............................................................. 28
5.3 Historic Mineral Resource and Reserve Estimates .......................................................................... 28

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5.4 Historic Production ............................................................................................................................ 33

6 Geological Setting and Mineralization ..................................................................... 34
6.1 Regional Geology.............................................................................................................................. 34
6.2 Local Geology ................................................................................................................................... 36
6.2.1 Segovia Licenses .................................................................................................................. 36
6.2.2 Mineralization ........................................................................................................................ 36
6.2.3 Structural Analysis ................................................................................................................. 40
6.2.4 Mineralization Relationships ................................................................................................. 41
6.3 Significant Mineralized Zones ........................................................................................................... 44
7 Deposit Type .............................................................................................................. 45
7.1 Mineral Deposit ................................................................................................................................. 45
7.2 Geological Model .............................................................................................................................. 45
8 Exploration ................................................................................................................. 46
8.1 Historical Exploration ........................................................................................................................ 46
8.2 GCM Exploration Work ..................................................................................................................... 47
8.3 Sampling Methods and Sample Quality ............................................................................................ 47
8.4 Significant Results and Interpretation ............................................................................................... 50
9 Drilling......................................................................................................................... 53
9.1 Type and Extent ................................................................................................................................ 53
9.1.1 Segovia.................................................................................................................................. 53
9.1.2 Carla ...................................................................................................................................... 57
9.2 Procedures ........................................................................................................................................ 57
9.2.1 Collar surveys ........................................................................................................................ 57
9.2.2 Downhole Surveys ................................................................................................................ 57
9.2.3 Core Logging ......................................................................................................................... 58
9.2.4 Core Storage ......................................................................................................................... 58
9.3 Interpretation and Relevant Results .................................................................................................. 59
10 Sample Preparation, Analysis and Security ............................................................ 61
10.1 Security Measures ............................................................................................................................ 61
10.1.1 Diamond Drillcore .................................................................................................................. 61
10.2 Sample Preparation for Analysis ....................................................................................................... 63
10.2.1 Mine Laboratory, Pre-2013.................................................................................................... 63
10.3 Sample Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 63
10.3.1 Mine Laboratory, Pre-2013.................................................................................................... 63
10.3.2 SGS Laboratory..................................................................................................................... 63
10.3.3 Mine Laboratory, 2015 .......................................................................................................... 64
10.4 Specific Gravity ................................................................................................................................. 66

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10.5 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures ................................................................................ 66

10.5.1 Standards .............................................................................................................................. 67
10.5.2 Blanks .................................................................................................................................... 69
10.5.3 Duplicates .............................................................................................................................. 70
10.6 Verification of Primary Laboratory by Umpire Laboratory ................................................................. 71
10.7 Opinion on Adequacy ........................................................................................................................ 73
11 Data Verification......................................................................................................... 74
11.1 Procedures ........................................................................................................................................ 74
11.1.1 GCM Verification ................................................................................................................... 74
11.1.2 Verifications by SRK.............................................................................................................. 74
11.2 Limitations ......................................................................................................................................... 75
11.3 Opinion on Data Adequacy ............................................................................................................... 76
12 Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing ........................................................ 77
12.1 Testing and Procedures .................................................................................................................... 77
12.1.1 Sample Representativeness ................................................................................................. 77
12.2 Relevant Results ............................................................................................................................... 77
12.3 Recovery Estimate Assumptions ...................................................................................................... 78
13 Mineral Resource Estimate ....................................................................................... 79
13.1 Drillhole Database ............................................................................................................................. 80
13.2 Geologic Model ................................................................................................................................. 80
13.3 Assay Capping and Compositing ...................................................................................................... 83
13.3.1 Outliers .................................................................................................................................. 83
13.3.2 Compositing .......................................................................................................................... 88
13.4 Density .............................................................................................................................................. 89
13.5 Variogram Analysis and Modeling .................................................................................................... 90
13.6 Block Model ....................................................................................................................................... 92
13.7 Estimation Methodology .................................................................................................................... 93
13.7.1 Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................................................ 93
13.7.2 Final Parameters ................................................................................................................... 94
13.8 Model Validation................................................................................................................................ 96
13.8.1 Visual Comparison ................................................................................................................ 96
13.8.2 Comparative Statistics........................................................................................................... 98
13.8.3 Swath Plots ......................................................................................................................... 101
13.9 Resource Classification .................................................................................................................. 104
13.10Mining Depletion ............................................................................................................................. 107
13.11Mineral Resource Statement .......................................................................................................... 109
13.12Mineral Resource Sensitivity ........................................................................................................... 112

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14 Comparison to Previous Estimate .......................................................................... 116

14.1 Relevant Factors ............................................................................................................................. 117
15 Mineral Reserve Estimate........................................................................................ 118
16 Mining Methods ........................................................................................................ 119
16.1 Current Mining Methods .................................................................................................................. 119
16.1.1 Proposed New Mining Methods .......................................................................................... 120
16.1.2 Reconciliation ...................................................................................................................... 121
16.2 Cut-Off Grade.................................................................................................................................. 121
16.3 Dilution Calculation ......................................................................................................................... 123
16.4 Mine Design .................................................................................................................................... 124
16.4.1 Panel Design ....................................................................................................................... 124
16.4.2 Development Design ........................................................................................................... 125
16.4.3 Mine Design Summary ........................................................................................................ 125
16.4.4 Shafts and Old Apique Systems ......................................................................................... 127
16.5 Mine Production Schedule .............................................................................................................. 128
16.5.1 Providencia Mine Schedule ................................................................................................. 128
16.5.2 Sandra K Mine Schedule..................................................................................................... 129
16.5.3 Carla Mine Schedule ........................................................................................................... 130
16.5.4 El Silencio Mine Schedule ................................................................................................... 130
16.5.5 Contract Miner Schedule ..................................................................................................... 130
17 Recovery Methods ................................................................................................... 132
17.1 Process Description ........................................................................................................................ 132
17.1.1 Crushing Circuit ................................................................................................................... 134
17.1.2 Grinding and Gravity Concentration Circuit......................................................................... 134
17.1.3 Flotation and Concentrate Regrind Circuit .......................................................................... 134
17.1.4 Cyanidation and Counter-Current-Decantation (CCD) Circuit ............................................ 134
17.1.5 Merrill Crowe Circuit and Refinery ...................................................................................... 135
17.2 Tailing Storage Facility .................................................................................................................... 135
17.3 Production Performance ................................................................................................................. 136
17.3.1 Historical Plant Production .................................................................................................. 136
17.3.2 Current Plant Production ..................................................................................................... 136
17.4 Process Plant Consumables Usage ............................................................................................... 137
17.5 Process Plant Operating Costs ....................................................................................................... 137
17.6 Process Plant Capital Costs ........................................................................................................... 138
17.7 Pampa Verde Plant ......................................................................................................................... 138
17.8 Conclusions and Recommendations .............................................................................................. 138
18 Project Infrastructure............................................................................................... 140

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19 Market Studies and Contracts ................................................................................ 141

20 Environmental Studies, Permitting and Social or Community Impact ................ 142
20.1 Reclamation Measures during Operations and Project Closure ..................................................... 142
21 Capital and Operating Costs ................................................................................... 143
21.1 Operating Cost Assumptions .......................................................................................................... 143
21.2 Mining Capital Cost Assumptions ................................................................................................... 143
22 Economic Analysis .................................................................................................. 144
23 Adjacent Properties ................................................................................................. 145
24 Other Relevant Data and Information ..................................................................... 146
25 Interpretation and Conclusions .............................................................................. 147
25.1 Property Description and Ownership .............................................................................................. 147
25.2 Geology and Mineralization ............................................................................................................ 147
25.3 Status of Exploration, Development and Operations ...................................................................... 147
25.4 Mineral Resource Estimate ............................................................................................................. 148
25.5 Other Factors .................................................................................................................................. 149
26 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 150
26.1 Recommended Work Programs...................................................................................................... 150
26.2 Recommended Work Program Costs ............................................................................................. 151
27 References................................................................................................................ 152
28 Glossary.................................................................................................................... 154
28.1 Mineral Resources .......................................................................................................................... 154
28.2 Mineral Reserves ............................................................................................................................ 154
28.3 Definition of Terms .......................................................................................................................... 155
28.4 Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................. 156

List of Tables
Table 0-1: Site Visit Participants ....................................................................................................................... 10
Table 3-1: Mineral Tenure Information ............................................................................................................. 16
Table 5-1: SEWC Mineral Resource Estimate for Frontino Gold Mines (FGM), effective date June 9, 2010 . 28
Table 5-2: SEWC Mineral Reserve Estimate for Frontino Gold Mines (FGM), effective date June 9, 2010 ... 28
Table 5-3: SRK Segovia CIM Long-Term Mineral Resource Statement as of March 2, 2012 at 3 g/t Au cut
off** ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
Table 5-4: SRK CIM Segovia Pillar Mineral Resource Statement as of March 2, 2012 at 3 g/t Au cut off** ... 30
Table 5-5: SRK Carla Mineral Resource Statement as of April 2, 2012 at 3 g/t Au cut-off** ........................... 31
Table 5-6: SRK Mineral Resource Statement for the Segovia and Carla Projects for Zandor Capital Dated
August 1, 2013 ................................................................................................................................... 32

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Table 5-7: Summary Statistics for Total Gold Production at Providencia, El Silencio and Sandra K Mines
2000 – 2016 ..................................................................................................................................... 33
Table 8-1: Summary of Sampling Sources in Exploration Database ............................................................... 50
Table 9-1: Summary of the Data Available per Mine by Sample Type ............................................................ 55
Table 9-2: Summary of Drilling per Company at the Carla Project .................................................................. 57
Table 10-1: Summary of Analytical Quality Control Data Produced by the Company for the Project ............. 67
Table 10-2: Summary of Certified Reference Material Produced by Geostats and Rocklabs and submitted by
the Company in sample submissions .................................................................................................. 68
Table 10-3: Analysis of Gold Assays vs. Assigned CRM Values for 2015-2017 Submissions ........................ 68
Table 10-4: Summary Statistics of SGS vs. Actlabs Pair Duplicate Assays .................................................... 72
Table 13-1: Summary of final geological domain and coding........................................................................... 83
Table 13-2: Summary of Raw versus Capped samples ................................................................................... 87
Table 13-3: Final Variogram Parameters ......................................................................................................... 91
Table 13-4: Details of Block Model Dimensions for the Project Geological Model .......................................... 92
Table 13-5: Summary of Block Model Fields used for flagging different geological properties ....................... 93
Table 13-6: Summary of Final Kriging Parameters for the Segovia Project ..................................................... 95
Table 13-7: Summary of Composite Means versus Block Estimates .............................................................. 99
Table 13-8: Assumed mining costs projected per mine for cut-off grade assumptions ................................. 109
Table 13-9: SRK Mineral Resource Statement for the Segovia and Carla Projects for Zandor Capital Dated
March 15, 2017 .................................................................................................................................. 111
Table 13-10: Block Model Quantities and Grade Estimates, Providencia deposit at various cut-off Grades 113
Table 13-11: Block Model Quantities and Grade Estimates, Sandra K deposit at various cut-off Grades .... 113
Table 13-12: Block Model Quantities and Grade Estimates, El Silencio deposit at various cut-off Grades .. 114
Table 13-13: Block Model Quantities and Grade Estimates, Las Verticales deposit at various cut-off Grades115
Table 13-14: Block Model Quantities and Grade Estimates, Carla deposit at various cut-off Grades........... 115
Table 16-1: Full Costs - Underground Cut-off Grade Calculation .................................................................. 122
Table 16-2: Adjusted Costs - Underground Cut-off Grade Calculation .......................................................... 122
Table 16-3: Dilution Evaluation Example........................................................................................................ 124
Table 17-1: Segovia Process Plant Major Equipment List ............................................................................. 132
Table 17-2: Historic Production Summary ...................................................................................................... 136
Table 17-3: Maria Dama Process Plant Production Summary ....................................................................... 136
Table 17-4: Process Plant Reagent Usage .................................................................................................... 137
Table 17-5: Maria Dama Process Plant Operating Costs (2015 and 2016) ................................................... 137
Table 26-1: Summary of Costs for Recommended Work ............................................................................... 151
Table 26-2: Summary of current 2017 exploration budget ............................................................................ 151
Table 28-1: Definition of Terms ...................................................................................................................... 155
Table 28-2: Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................... 156

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List of Figures
Figure 3-1: Location Map of the Segovia Project ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 3-2: License Boundaries for Segovia and Carla Projects ..................................................................... 15
Figure 3-3: Location Map showing Segovia License Boundary and Current Mines ........................................ 17
Figure 3-4: Land Tenure Map ........................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 4-1: Map Showing Road Access to Segovia Property and Major Routes through the Department of
Antioquia .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 6-1: Regional Geologic Map, illustrating the location of the Segovia mining concession ..................... 35
Figure 6-2: Mineralized Zone at Providencia, intersected in drillhole DS0089 at 453.20 m, as observed by
SRK...................................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 6-3: Significant Mineralization at Providencia, intersected in drillhole DS0089 at 453.54 m, as
observed by SRK ................................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 6-4: Procedural Core Photography for drillhole DS0089 completed by the Company during data
acquisition ............................................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 6-5: Typical thickness of the Providencia (left) and Sandra K (right) veins, as exposed in underground
workings ............................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 6-6: Vein exposures in underground workings at El Silencio showing relationship with dykes (left) and
typical vein thickness at dewatered Mine Level 29 (right) ................................................................... 39
Figure 6-7: Sketch model for syn-mineralization deformation at Segovia ........................................................ 41
Figure 6-8: Presence of Galena related to elevated gold grades at Sandra K, in drillhole DS0130 showing
30 cm at 311.34 g/t gold ...................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 6-9: Mineralized Quartz Vein within the GCM Exploration Adit ............................................................. 43
Figure 8-1: GCM Sampling Procedures 2012 - 2016 ....................................................................................... 48
Figure 8-2: Channel Sampling Completed by Company during 2013 Sampling Program ............................... 49
Figure 8-3: Logging Sheets used for the Company Channel Sampling Program ............................................ 50
Figure 8-4: Mine Sampling Split by Data Source for Providencia (top), El Silencio (middle), and Sandra K
(bottom) ............................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 9-1: Underground Drilling Rig (LM30) in use at Providencia ................................................................. 54
Figure 9-2: Providencia (top) Sandra K (bottom) Drillhole and Sampling Plot Colored by Database Phase
(red indicates new data) ...................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 9-3: Core Storage Facility at Segovia.................................................................................................... 59
Figure 9-4: Cross Section through the Providencia Deposit, showing typical drillhole orientation, looking west60
Figure 10-1: Core storage facility at Carla Project documented by GeoIntegral,(2011); sourced from GCM’s
internal report, showing: (a) core photography, (b) core logging area, (c) checking of recovery and
RQD, (d) geological logging, (e) core cutting and (f) core storage shelving system ........................... 62
Figure 10-2: New Mine Laboratory at Segovia, showing crusher, pulverizer, furnace and AA assay capture 65
Figure 10-3: Core Sample coated in paraffin wax with logging sheet, prior to entry to the database .............. 66
Figure 10-4: Control Charts Showing Performance of Au Standards .............................................................. 69
Figure 10-5: Blank Analysis (Au) for Drilling at Segovia ................................................................................... 70
Figure 10-6: Blank Analysis (Au) for Mine Channel Samples .......................................................................... 70
Figure 10-7: Au and Ag Dispersion Plots for Segovia Field Duplicates ........................................................... 71

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Figure 10-8: Dispersion Plots for Mine and Exploration Channel Third-Party Duplicates ................................ 73
Figure 10-9: Third-party Duplicates for Exploration Drilling at Segovia ........................................................... 73
Figure 12-1: Summary of Maria Dama Production Grades and Recovery 2014 – 2016 (monthly periods) .... 77
Figure 13-1: Plots showing orientation of high-grade shoots from top left (clockwise), Providencia, Telluris
Consulting structural control model, El Silencio, and Sandra K .......................................................... 82
Figure 13-2: Example of Raw Histogram and Log-Probability Plot for Providencia High-Grade Domain ........ 84
Figure 13-3: Example of Capped Histogram and Log-Probability Plot for Providencia High-Grade Domain .. 85
Figure 13-4: Log Probability Plots showing impact of capping to various levels on the mean (Providencia
high-grade domain).............................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 13-5: Log Probability Plots of Sample Lengths within Providencia and El Silencio Veins .................... 89
Figure 13-6: Summary of modelled semi-variogram parameters for the Providencia for gold (shown left and
right); August 2013 .............................................................................................................................. 90
Figure 13-7: Example of Visual Validation of Grade Distribution at each mine................................................ 97
Figure 13-8: El Silencio HG20 Areas with significant differences between composite and block estimates . 100
Figure 13-9: Sample Distribution vs. Modelled Area within Veta Piso (HG30) at Sandra K .......................... 101
Figure 13-10: Example of Swath plots (E-W) across the Providencia low and high-grade domains ............. 102
Figure 13-11: Example of Swath plots (E-W) across the El Silencio low and high-grade domains ............... 103
Figure 13-12: Classification Systems for the Three Main Mines at Segovia, estimated in 2017 ................... 106
Figure 13-13: Example of Depletion Limits (El Silencio Veta Manto), with depletion shown in blue and
remaining pillars in purple .................................................................................................................. 108
Figure 16-1: Current Mining Layout ................................................................................................................ 119
Figure 16-2: Providencia Existing Workings, highlighting ramps in waste material ....................................... 120
Figure 16-3: Completed Providencia Mine Design (Plan View) ..................................................................... 125
Figure 16-4:Completed Sandra K Mine Design (Plan View) .......................................................................... 126
Figure 16-5: Completed Carla Mine Design (Plan View) ................................................................................ 127
Figure 16-6: Providencia Mine 3D Mine Design ............................................................................................. 129
Figure 16-7: Sandra K Mine 3D Mine Design ................................................................................................. 129
Figure 16-8: Carla Mine 3D Mine Design ....................................................................................................... 130
Figure 17-1: The Maria Dama Process Plant Flowsheet................................................................................ 133
Figure 24-1: Plan Showing Possible Targets for 2017 Exploration Plans ...................................................... 146

Appendix A: Certificates of Qualified Persons
Appendix B: Histograms and Capital Analysis
Appendix C: Providencia Variograms
Appendix D: Swath Plots

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1 Summary
This report was prepared as a Mineral Resource estimate National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101)
Technical Report (Technical Report) for Zandor Capital S.A. (“Zandor”, the “Company”, or the
“Client”) which is a subsidiary of Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (“Gran Colombia” or “GCM”) by SRK
Consulting (U.S.), Inc. (SRK) on the Segovia Project, which comprises of the Providencia, El
Silencio, Sandra K mines, the Las Verticales (Las Aces, El Silencio South, Poma Rosa 2 veins), and
the Carla Project.

1.1 Property Description and Ownership

The Segovia Project (Segovia or the Segovia Project) is an operational gold mine, located in
Colombia located in the Segovia-Remedios mining district, Department of Antioquia, north-west
Colombia approximately 180 km northeast of Medellin (the Department capital of Antioquia), at 74°
42’ W and 7° 04’ N. The Carla Project (Carla, or the Carla Project) is an exploration prospect located
approximately 10 km southeast of Segovia at approximately 7° 04’ 18.0’’ N, 74° 41’ 55.5 ’’ W

1.2 Geology and Mineralization

The Project license boundaries are separated into a number of identified exploration prospects and
operating mines, which all form part of the Segovia‐Remedios gold district.

The Segovia‐Remedios gold district is located in and around the Municipalities of the same names
within the Colombian Central Cordillera. This region is dominated by metamorphic and igneous rocks
which are broadly orientated north-south. The region also contains minor/localized deposits of
unconsolidated alluvial material and the prevailing climatic conditions have resulted in the formation
of a thick layer of yellow to brownish saprolite which may exceed 60 m in depth.

Gold mineralization at Segovia occurs in mesothermal quartz‐sulfidic veins hosted by granodiorites

of the Segovia Batholith. The well-known, partially exploited veins dip at approximately 30° to the
east or north‐east. There are also a number of steeply dipping quartz veins with a N40W trend in the
western part of the concession, termed the Las Verticales Veins System.

The modelled vein at Providencia is geologically continuous along strike for approximately 2.0 km
and has a confirmed down dip extent that ranges from 690 m to greater than 1.3 km, and an average
thickness of 0.9 m, reaching over 5 m in areas of significant swelling or thrust duplex and less than
0.1 m where the vein pinches. Locally, the Providencia vein displays significant disruption by faulting,
pinch and swell structures, fault brecciation and fault gouge. The sample data for Sandra K and El
Silencio confirms geological continuity along strike for 1.2 km and 2.2 km respectively and indicates
down-dip extents of up to 900 m, with thicknesses and structural complexities that are comparable to
the Providencia vein. Although currently less well defined by sampling, the Las Verticales Veins
System appears geologically continuous along strike for more than 2.0 km, and have an average
thickness of 0.5 m, reaching over 2.0 m in areas of vein swelling.

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1.3 Status of Exploration, Development and Operations

It is understood that the previous owners of the Segovia Project (FGM) did not complete any regional
surface geological mapping, geochemistry, nor surface or airborne geophysics. Historical exploration
data is mainly limited to underground mapping, sampling and drilling for resource development.

The historical underground channel sampling database made available to SRK consists of more than
100,000 samples and is understood to incorporate data from the past 30 years. The database
provided is largely restricted to vein samples only, with the hanging wall, footwall and face
‘composite’ data stored separately. SRK completed a validation exercise on the electronic database
provided, where potentially erroneous data exists in the database SRK has accounted for these
areas during the classification process. SRK has reviewed all QA/QC information available and has
deemed the assay database to be in line with industry best practice and therefore deemed it
acceptable for the determination of Mineral Resource Estimates.

SRK has previously made a number of recommendations for improvement in terms of further
verifying the historic underground database, and as such the Company has continued with
verification channel sampling programs between 2013 and 2017 at the Providencia and Sandra K
mines. SRK recommends this work extends to El Silencio.

Since 2015 the Company began completing infill drilling at Providencia using underground drill rigs,
with the aim of infill drilling via fan drilling to approximately 20 m x 20 m spacing. Drilling is completed
using industry-standard underground rigs using NQ core diameter which is consistent with the
surface drilling.

During 2016 GCM completed an infill program designed to confirm and increase the confidence in
the grade distribution of the eastern fault block at the Sandra K mine. The program consisted of 34
holes drilled from surface for a total of 6,493.85 m (including two re-drills). All diamond core has
been logged and sent for preparation and fire assay to SGS SA laboratories (SGS) facility in
Medellin. Additionally at Sandra K, 11 underground holes were drilled with the Chumeca vein region
totaling some 2,038.3 m.

1.4 Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing

Segovia facilities include an operating processing plant and metallurgical laboratory at site. Sampling
and testing of samples are executed on an as-needed basis. No new detailed testwork results were
available at this time for the areas being mined currently or for the new prospects being explored, but
SRK has been supplied with production data from the past 4 years for review, which indicates
average recoveries in the order of 90%.

1.5 Mineral Resource Estimate

At Providencia, El Silencio and Sandra K updated Mineral Resources have been defined based on
the revised database provided by GCM. The new databases considers in total 90 additional diamond
core boreholes drilled by GCM during the period of 2013 to 2017. The resource evaluation work was
completed by Mr. Benjamin Parsons, MAusIMM (CP#222568). The effective date of the Mineral
Resource Statement is 15 March, 2017, which is the last date assays were provided to SRK.

The Mineral Resource estimation process was a collaborative effort between SRK and GCM staff.
GCM provided to SRK an exploration database with flags of the main veins as interpreted by GCM.

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In addition to the database GCM has also supplied a geological interpretation comprising preliminary
3D digital files (DXF) through the areas investigated by core drilling for each of the main veins.

SRK imported the geological information into Aranz Leapfrog® Geo (Leapfrog®) to complete the
geological model. Leapfrog® has been selected due to the ability to create rapid, accurate geological
interpretations, which interact with a series of geological conditions.

Statistical analysis and visual validation indicated the presence of two sample populations (medium
and high grade), at El Silencio and Providencia (and to a limited extent at Sandra K). SRK considers
that the application of internal high-grade domains (orientated to the northeast) should continue to be
required at both these mines, and has introduced the same procedures at Sandra K, to ensure
consistency across all three mines. SRK has worked with GCM and the mining teams to aid the
definition of the high-grade domains at the two main mines.

SRK has produced block models using Datamine™ Studio RM Software (Datamine™). The
procedure involved construction of wireframe models for the fault networks, veins, definition of
resource domains (high-grade sub-domains), data conditioning (compositing and capping) for
statistical analysis, geostatistical analysis, variography, block modelling and grade interpolation
followed by validation. Grade estimation has been based on block dimensions of 5 x 5 x 5 m, for the
updated models. The block size reflects that the majority of the estimates are supported via
underground channel sampling and spacing ranging from 2 to 5 m.

During the on-going work with SRK and GCM at the Segovia operations between 2015 and 2017 the
capping levels have been discussed in detail. Based on the discussions SRK has reduced the
capping levels that were used in the previous estimate. As part of the revised capping strategy in the
2017 estimate capping has been set at 300 g/t Au (in the first estimation pass of the high-grade
shoot), dropping to 200 g/t Au in the second and third search ranges, with a more significant cap in
the low-grade domain of 60 g/t Au at Providencia. At El Silencio, a maximum of 120 g/t was used
within the high-grade domain, and 30 g/t Au within the low-grade vein material. The other veins at El
Silencio were reviewed on a vein by vein basis with the selected caps ranging between
15 and 90 g/t Au.

Gold grades have been interpolated using a nested three pass approaches within Datamine™, using
an Ordinary Kriging (OK) routine for the main veins. In the cases of Providencia and El Silencio,
where minor veins or splays of the main structure exist, SRK has used Inverse Distance weighted
squared (IDW). The search ellipses follow the typical orientation of the mineralized structures, and
where appropriate, were aligned along higher-grade plunging features within the mineralized veins.

The classification is based on standards as defined by the CIM Definition Standards - For Mineral
Resources and Mineral Reserves, prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions
and adopted by CIM Council on May 14, 2014. The Resources at the Project have been classified as
Measured, Indicated and Inferred at Providencia. At El Silencio and Sandra K only Indicated and
Inferred Resources have been defined. The main change in the classification compared to the
previous estimate, occurs at El Silencio where previously all material was classified as Inferred due
to a lack of verification sampling or confidence in the depletion/pillar outlines. SRK has limited the
Indicated Mineral Resources to the lower portion of the mine (previously flooded), where the
depletion limits are considered more accurate to a lack of mining activity over prolonged periods of
time by Contractor mining.

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SRK has defined the proportions of Mineral Resource to have potential for economic extraction for
the Mineral Resource based on a single cut-off grade. An investigation into cut-off grades was
completed by SRK as part of the previous (2014) Preliminary Economic Assessment. Based on the
US$1,400/oz gold price and an average mining cost SRK has limited the Resource based on a cut-
off grade of 3.0 g/t Au over a (minimum mining) width of 1.0 m.

The classified Mineral Resource is sub-divided into material within the remaining pillars (“PILLARS”,
and the long-term resource material (LTR) outside of the previously mined areas, with the
classification for the pillars considered separately given the uncertainty of the extent of pillar mining
currently being undertaken by Company-organized co-operative miners. The Mineral Resource
statement for the Project is shown in Table 1.

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Table 1: SRK Mineral Resource Statement for the Segovia and Carla Projects for Zandor Capital Dated March 15, 2017
Measured Indicated Measured and Indicated Inferred
Project Deposit Type Tonnes Grade Au Metal Tonnes Grade Au Metal Tonnes Grade Au Metal Tonnes Grade Au Metal
(kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz)
LTR 113 19.4 71 275 14.8 131 388 16.1 201 163 9.4 49
Pillars 76 18.4 45 116 10.1 38 191 13.4 82 376 19.8 239

LTR 241 10.4 81 241 10.4 81 240 7.5 58

Sandra K
Pillars 91 9.8 29 91 9.8 29 1 9.3 0

Segovia LTR 609 12.5 245 609 12.5 245 997 8.0 258
El Silencio
Pillars 1,187 10.8 414 1,187 10.8 414 347 13.0 144

Verticales LTR 771 7.1 176

LTR 113 19.4 71 1,125 12.6 456 1,238 13.2 527 2,171 7.7 541
Subtotal Segovia Project
Pillars 76 18.4 45 1,394 10.7 480 1,469 11.1 525 724 16.5 384

Carla Subtotal Carla Project LTR 154 9.7 48 154 9.7 48 178 9.3 53

The Mineral Resources are reported at an in-situ cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t Au over a 1.0 m mining width, which has been derived using a gold price of US$1,400/oz, and suitable
benchmarked technical and economic parameters for underground mining and conventional gold mineralized material processing. Each of the mining areas have been sub-
divided into Pillar areas (“Pillars”), which represent the areas within the current mining development, and LTR, which lies along strike or down dip of the current mining
development. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the
estimate. All composites have been capped where appropriate.

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1.6 Conclusions and Recommendations

1.6.1 Mineral Resource Statement
SRK is of the opinion that the Mineral Resource estimations are suitable for public reporting and are
a fair representation of the in-situ contained metal for the Segovia Mine.

In comparison to the previous (August 2013) Mineral Resource estimate for the Segovia Project at a
cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t Au over a width of 1.0 m, which has been depleted on an annual basis and
most recently reported as of December 31, 2016, the new estimate includes additional Resource
material with an increase of approximately 700 koz of gold, within the Measured and Indicated (M&I)
portion of the Mineral Resource at Segovia. The increase in gold relates to a global increase in
tonnage with a decrease in mean grade for the Measured and Indicated portion of the Mineral
Resources. This can be highlighted as follows:

• Increase in the tonnage for the M&I portion of the Segovia operation from 485 kt to 1,238 kt
in the LTR, and 58 kt to 1,469 kt in the Pillars.
• Drop in the average grade within the M&I from 21.1 g/t to 13.1 g/t in the LTR at the economic
cut-off. The decrease in the grade of the Pillars dropped from 13.2 g/t to 11.1 g/t Au.
• Increase in the contained metal in the M&I portion of the Segovia operation from 330 koz in
the LTR to 527 koz, and from 24 koz to 525 koz in the pillars

SRK attributes these changes most significantly to the upgrading of the El Silencio Mineral Resource
below Mine Level 29. The previous estimate reported all material at El Silencio as Inferred and the
estimates were limited to Veta Manto material in lower areas of the mine, as only this material had
been validated at the time of reporting. On-going validation work by the Segovia geology team has
significantly increased the area of validated to date within not only Veta Manto, but also five other
veins within the system resulting in the increase in the tonnage. Overall at El Silencio the validation
process has added 1,797 Kt at a grade of 11.4 g/t Au, for 659 Koz of contained Au in the Indicated
category, with an additional 1,344 Kt at 9.3 g/t Au for 402 Koz Au remaining in Inferred. In
comparison the previous estimate contained 1,794 Kt at a grade of 9.6 g/t Au for 552 koz Au.

Other key changes have included increasing the confidence in the lower portions of the Providencia
mine through on-going mining activities, resulting in a 14% increase in the contained metal in the
Measured and Indicated categories. A summary of the key changes is shown in Table 4 below. Infill
drilling at Sandra K has confirmed the confidence assigned in the eastern fault blocks with a slight
increase in the M&I of 2% contained gold.

The lack of industry-standard “as-built” data delineating mined areas has placed some limitations on
the current estimate. SRK has elected to combine the multiple data types that define the mined
areas, and notes that none of them include well-defined 3D solids with measurable volumes. Rather,
SRK has taken the combined CAD lines, points, and triangulations and generated distance buffers
(5 m) to obtain volumes in areas that have been mined. There is still uncertainty associated with this
practice, but SRK believes that this is likely balanced by the conservative nature of distance buffer
approach, which may actually flag some material that is to be mined in the near term as having been
previously mined.

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In relation to the required improvements to data quality, SRK recommends the following:

• Continued infill drilling using underground drill-rigs ahead of the planned mining faces to a
minimum of 20 m x 20 m pattern;
• Creation of a 3D interpretation of all mining development and stoped areas;
• Continuation of the verification channel sampling at the Segovia Operations to further
increase the geological confidence in the associated block estimates, with a priority on El
Silencio where no verification sampling has currently been completed. SRK recommends
this starts within the lower levels of the mine currently available (dewatered);
• Further work is required to better understand the potential economic viability for mining of
the lower confidence material within pillars at Providencia. These studies should include but
not be limited to, identification of oxidation (saprolitic material), possibility of remote mining
• SRK recommends the Company look towards the use of localized short-term planning
models to improve the understanding of the short scale variation in grade, and improve the
potential to monitor the current estimates. These short-term models should include results
from the infill underground drilling areas and adjustments to the high-grade domain
• An area has been identified within El Silencio where the current mining is interpreted to have
occurred within an un-named hangingwall vein. If correct then potential exists for Veta Manto
to remain undeveloped in the footwall. An exploration drilling (underground) program should
be designed to test the footwall for possible Veta Manto mineralization. This area has been
classified as Inferred in the 2017 estimate; and
• Although additional studies are recommended to further develop tailings management
strategies, SRK considers there to be no other environmental, permitting, legal, title, social,
taxation, marketing or other factors that could affect resources.

1.6.2 Other Factors

• The updated Mineral Resource Statement in this report is based on SRK proposed changes
to the mining method to maximize extraction and safety as well as to add confidence to the
mine plan by accounting for all material in the production schedule.
• Currently, a room and pillar type mining method is used at Providencia, Silencio and Sandra
K areas, where the ramps are located within the mineralization and winzes, angled to follow
the dip of the orebody, and are used for moving material and providing access to various
• For design purposes, new mining areas will use a proposed new cut and fill (C&F) type
methodology. Existing areas or areas mined early in the mine plan will use the current room
and pillar type method.
• Although Mineral Reserves have quoted for the Project at various times (i.e., 2010), there
are currently no Mineral Reserves declared for the Project based on the current level of
study. SRK highlights that there are current commercial operations at the site with an
established production history since the Company has taken ownership.
• The tailings management protocol for the current mine operations is not consistently
adhered to resulting in untreated decanted water from the tailings pond is being discharged
directly into a creek located downstream from the process plant. Furthermore, at the time of

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the site visit, SRK observed untreated tailings being discharged due to capacity restriction at
the tailings facility. It will be essential for Gran Colombia to address this issue in the near
future by:
o Installing a tailings treatment facility to detoxify and neutralize the tailings prior to
exiting the process plant; and
o Construct a suitable tailing storage facility with sufficient capacity to properly store
process plant tailings in an environmentally acceptable manner.
• Although additional studies are recommended to further develop tailings management
strategies, there are no other known environmental issues that could materially impact GC’s
ability to extract the mineral resources or reserves at the site. Preliminary mitigation
strategies have been developed to reduce environmental impacts to meet regulatory
requirements and the specifications of the environmental permit.
• The current capital and operating costs are based on the historical expenditures. The Issuer
falls under the producing issuer category and generates more than US$30 million in
revenues. The company plans to present operating and capital costs in future and more
detailed mining evaluation reports.

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1.7 Terms of Reference and Purpose of the Report
This report was prepared as a Mineral Resource estimate National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101)
Technical Report (Technical Report) for Zandor Capital S.A. (Zandor, the Company, or the Client) by
SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc. (SRK) on the Segovia Project, which comprises of the Providencia, El
Silencio, Sandra K mines, the Las Verticales (Las Aces, El Silencio South, Poma Rosa 1 and 2
veins), and the Carla Project.

The quality of information, conclusions, and estimates contained herein is consistent with the level of
effort involved in SRK’s services, based on: i) information available at the time of preparation, ii) data
supplied by outside sources, and iii) the assumptions, conditions, and qualifications set forth in this
report. This report is intended for use by Zandor which is a subsidiary of Gran Colombia Gold Corp.
(“Gran Colombia” or “GCM”) subject to the terms and conditions of its contract with SRK and relevant
securities legislation. The contract permits GCM to file this report as a Technical Report with
Canadian securities regulatory authorities pursuant to NI 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral
Projects. Except for the purposes legislated under provincial securities law, any other uses of this
report by any third party is at that party’s sole risk. The responsibility for this disclosure remains with
GCM. The user of this document should ensure that this is the most recent Technical Report for the
property as it is not valid if a new Technical Report has been issued.

This report provides Mineral Resource estimates, and a classification of resources prepared in
accordance with the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Standards on Mineral
Resources and Reserves: Definitions and Guidelines, May 10, 2014 (CIM, 2014).

1.8 Qualifications of Consultants (SRK)

The Consultants preparing this technical report are specialists in the fields of geology, exploration,
Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimation and classification, underground mining,
geotechnical, environmental, permitting, metallurgical testing, mineral processing, processing design,
capital and operating cost estimation, and mineral economics.

None of the Consultants or any associates employed in the preparation of this report has any
beneficial interest in GCM. The Consultants are not insiders, associates, or affiliates of GCM. The
results of this Technical Report are not dependent upon any prior agreements concerning the
conclusions to be reached, nor are there any undisclosed understandings concerning any future
business dealings between GCM and the Consultants. The Consultants are being paid a fee for their
work in accordance with normal professional consulting practice.

The following individuals, by virtue of their education, experience and professional association, are
considered Qualified Persons (QP) as defined in the NI 43-101 standard, for this report, and are
members in good standing of appropriate professional institutions. QP certificates of authors are
provided in Appendix A. The QP’s are responsible for specific sections as follows:

• Ben Parsons MSc MAusIMM (CP), Membership Number #222568 is the QP responsible for
the Geological model and associated Mineral Resource Estimate Sections 2-14, 23 & 24,
and portions of Sections 1, 25 and 26 summarized therefrom, of this Technical Report.

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• Fernando Rodrigues, BS Mining, MBA, MMSAQP is the QP responsible for Mineral Reserve
Estimate, Sections 15-22, and portions of Sections 1, 25 and 26 summarized therefrom, of
this Technical Report.

1.9 Details of Inspection

Table 0-1: Site Visit Participants
Personnel Company Expertise Date(s) of Visit Details of Inspection
Database Review, site
Ben Parsons SRK Consulting 2/6/2017 – 2/10/2017 discussions, review drill
Technical Meetings,
Ben Parsons SRK Consulting 11/27/2016 – 12/1/2016 database review,
laboratory inspection
Underground site
Ben Parsons SRK Consulting 5/29/2016 – 6/4/2016 inspection, review
sampling protocols
Mineral Database review, and
Ben Parsons SRK Consulting 3/15/2015 – 3/20/2015
Resources geological modelling
Fernando Underground site
SRK Consulting Mining 5/29/2016 – 6/4/2016
Rodrigues inspection,
Cost review, mine
Fernando planning discussions,
SRK Consulting Mining 3/15/2015 – 3/20/2015
Rodrigues visit underground
Fernando Site review of mining
SRK Consulting Mining 3/15/2015 – 3/20/2015
Rodrigues methods
Source: SRK, 2017

1.10 Sources of Information

This report is based in part on internal Company technical reports, previous feasibility studies, maps,
published government reports, Company letters and memoranda, and public information as cited
throughout this report and listed in the References Section 227.

SRK has been supplied with numerous technical reports and historical technical files. SRK’s report is
based upon:

• Numerous technical review meetings held at GCM’s offices in Medellin;

• Discussions with directors, employees and consultants of the Company;
• Data collected by the Company from historical exploration on the project;
• Access to key personnel within the Company, for discussion and enquiry;
• A review of data collection procedures and protocols, including the methodologies applied in
determining assays and measurements;
• Existing reports provided to SRK, as follows:
o Medoro Resources Ltd., Gran Colombia Gold, S.A., Tapestry Resource Corp, NI43-101
Technical Report Frontino Gold Mines Ltd. Antioquia Colombia June 9, 2010 (SEWC);
o Review of Exploration at the Gran Colombia Gold Mine, Municipalities of Segovia and
Remedios, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 10 July 2011 (Dr. Stewart D. Redwood);
o Structural Review of the Zandor Capital Project Colombia, November 2011 (Telluris
Consulting); and
o Structural Review of the Zandor Capital Project Colombia, January 2013 (Telluris

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• Data files provided by the Company to SRK as follows:

o topographic grid data in digital format;
o drillhole database, including collar, survey, geology, and assay;
o QAQC data including details on duplicates, blanks and certified reference material
(“CRM”); and
o DXF files, including geological interpretation, vein domain digitized 2D section
interpretations, stope outlines and mined depletions.

1.11 Effective Date

The effective date of this report is March 15, 2017.

1.12 Units of Measure

The metric system has been used throughout this report. Tonnes are metric of 1,000 kg, or
2,204.6 lb. All currency is in U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise stated.

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2 Reliance on Other Experts

The Consultant’s opinion contained herein is based on information provided to the Consultants by
GCM throughout the course of the investigations. SRK was reliant upon information and data
provided by the Company. SRK has, however, where possible, verified data provided independently,
and completed site visits to review physical evidence for the deposit.

SRK has relied upon the work of other consultants in the project areas in support of this Technical
Report. In relation to the geological interpretation and detailed geological work SRK has in part
relied on the information provided by the Company, which SRK has reviewed and accepted in
principal the interpretation but has completed independent work to create the final model, which was
reviewed and approved by the Company. SRK has also relied on interpretations completed by the
Company’s external structural consultant (Dr Tony Starling, Telluris Consulting Limited), most
significantly in relation to hypothesised high-grade shoot orientation, bounding faults to mineralisation
and (in areas of lower data density) local orientation of the veins.

The Consultants used their experience to determine if the information from previous reports was
suitable for inclusion in this technical report and adjusted information that required amending. This
report includes technical information, which required subsequent calculations to derive subtotals,
totals and weighted averages. Such calculations inherently involve a degree of rounding and
consequently introduce a margin of error. Where these occur, the Consultants do not consider them
to be material.

SRK has not performed an independent verification of land title and tenure as summarized in Section
3 of this report. SRK did not verify the legality of any underlying agreement(s) that may exist
concerning the permits or other agreement(s) between third parties, but have relied on the Company
and its legal advisor for land title issues.

SRK was informed by the Company that there are no known litigations potentially affecting the
Segovia or Carla Projects.

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3 Property Description and Location

3.1 Property Location
The Segovia Project (Segovia or the Segovia Project) is an operational gold mine, located in
Colombia located in the Segovia-Remedios mining district, Department of Antioquia, north-west
Colombia approximately 180 km northeast of Medellin (the Department capital of Antioquia), at 74°
42’ W and 7° 04’ N. The Carla Project (Carla, or the Carla Project) is an exploration prospect located
approximately 10 km southeast of Segovia at approximately 7° 04’ 18.0’’ N, 74° 41’ 55.5 ’’ W (Figure

Source: SRK

Figure 3-1: Location Map of the Segovia Project

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3.2 Mineral Titles

The mining rights for the Segovia Project comprise of Mining Title No. RPP 140 and two Exploration
Licenses with a total area of approximately 2,910 hectares (ha), located in the municipalities of
Segovia and Remedios, in the Department of Antioquia, the license was previously held by FGM but,
since August 2010, is now owned by Zandor. The Carla Project comprises 16 Concessions, which
have a combined area of approximately 6,000 ha, and are located largely to the south of the Segovia

The location of the Segovia and Carla License boundaries are shown in relation to drillhole collars
per deposit area in Figure 3-2.

SRK has not performed an independent verification of land title and tenure as summarized and its
legal advisor for land title issues.

The RPP type of contract license means Private Property Recognition of a Mining Title
(“Reconocimiento de Propiedad Privada” or “RPP”) and it is not a Concession Contract. RPP were
created by Law 20 of 1969. The law respected prior mining and land rights and required that proof of
mining be submitted. The RPP title is an old freehold property dating from the 19th century. The RPP
titles grant mining rights in perpetuity. Exploitation is required in order to maintain the validity an RPP

The title was unified from RPP numbers 140 to 198 on 27 March 1998 by Resolution No. 700371.
The original area of the mining titles was about 14,000 ha and was reduced to the present 2,871 ha
due to a lack of mine production from the now relinquished area. The title was registered as RPP on
4 April 1983 by Resolution No. 000410 of the Colombia Ministry of Mines and Energy. The private
property of this mining title was granted to FGM in perpetuity until the depletion of mineral resources
in the area covered by the title. Since RPP No.140 is not a Concession Contract, the titleholder does
not have to comply with the obligations imposed on Concessionaires or Licensees under Concession
Contracts and Exploration or Exploitation Licenses. The main legal obligation the titleholder of RPP
140 has is not to suspend exploitation for more than one year. The property is currently in
exploitation. Other obligations such as payment of taxes (property tax, surface tax, etc.), payment of
the compensation and royalties for exploited minerals and the presentation of quarterly Basic Mining
Reports and Technical Reports must be complied with but are not mandatory conditions to be met in
order to retain the property of Mining Title RPP 140.

FGM also had two Exploration Licenses surrounded by the area of RPP 140.

• Exploration License No. 3855 was issued to FGM on 27 July 1998 (Resolution 10397) and
was registered on 24 May 2005 for a one year term.
• Exploration License No. 3854 was issued on 3 August 1998 (Resolution 10440) and was
registered on 14 June 2005 for a one year term.

Within its term, FGM applied for the conversion of Exploration Licenses No. 3854 and 3855 into
Concession Contracts. SRK has been informed by the Company that the required documents for the
exploration license No. 3855 were filed on June 19, 2013, and Zandor Capital S.A. Colombia is
waiting for a pronunciation from the mining authority granting the area under a concession contract.
As to the case of the Exploration License No. 3854, the documents have not been filed because the
PTO “Programa de Trabajos y Obras” cannot be prepared without clarifying some issues related to
the exploitation of the El Silencio Mine which entered into this area.

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Concessions issued as per the conversion of Exploration Licenses will have a duration of 30 years
out from the date of registration of which the initial one year term of the Exploration License will be

There are also seven “Other titles” that belong to third parties surrounded by the area of RPP 140
with a total area of 35.81 ha. These are shown on Figure 3-3 and summarized in Table 3-1.

The exploration licenses and third party titles are in gaps between the original mining titles which
were unified to create RPP 140 in 1998. The area of 2,871 ha for RPP 140 is net of the exploration
licenses and third party titles.

Source: SRK, 2014

Figure 3-2: License Boundaries for Segovia and Carla Projects

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Table 3-1: Mineral Tenure Information

Title Number Area (ha) Type Date Awarded Date Expiry
RPP 140 2871 RPP Exploitation 27 March1998 3 August 2028
No. 3854 25 Exploration 27 July 1998 Undergoing conversion to concession
No. 3855 9 Exploration 3 August 1998 awaiting
Total 2907
Other (7 minor licenses) 35
Source: SRK

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Source: Zandor, 2014

Figure 3-3: Location Map showing Segovia License Boundary and Current Mines

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3.3 Surface Land Rights

The Company owns 177 surface land properties (“lotes” and “haciendas” or farms) in the
municipalities of Segovia and Remedios, above and adjacent to the mining title RPP 140 and
ancillary facilities such as the hydroelectric plants (Figure 3-4). These have a total area of about
6,406.8 ha. The surface land properties include essential properties and non‐essential properties for
the development of mining activities.

There are four surface land properties which are essential for the development of the mining activity,
due to their geographic location regarding access to the mines. These properties are described as

• La Salada Property (1,108 ha) – Located above the El Silencio Mine;

• Marmajon Property (238 ha) – Located above the Providencia Mine;
• Santiago Property (134 ha) – Located above the Providencia Mine; and
• La Llumidada Property (16.8 ha) – Located above the Sandra K Mine.

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Source: GCM

Figure 3-4: Land Tenure Map

3.4 Royalties, Agreements and Encumbrances

The Company has historically leased several other mines to 20 third party operators through Mining
Association Agreements (which are detailed in the 9 June 2010 NI43-101 completed by SEWC). The
Company monitors production in these operations but does not draw revenue from the production.
The agreements were initially setup on a short-term basis of typically in the order of 6 months, which

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in most cases have expired. The Company has continued the contracts on a rolling month basis,
under the original terms and conditions of the contract.

In November 2002, FGM entered into a Commodatum Agreement (non remunerated mining rights)
with the Municipality of Segovia to mine the Marmajito vein which is located in the hanging-wall of
the Providencia mine. The agreement is for a term of 10 years and expired in Q4 2012.

In September 2003, FGM entered into a similar agreement with “Association Mutual El Cogote” to
mine the El Cogote vein at the old El Cogote mine, which is north of the Providencia mine and south
of the Sandra K mine. The agreement is for a term of 10 years and is due to expire in Q3 2013. GCM
is currently in discussions with representatives of the Cogote mine, to bring mining operations under
the Company’s contract mining model.

The Company also leases sections of the Providencia and Sandra K Mines to third party artisanal
contractors known as “Empalizadas” (literally meaning wood‐pile or wood‐support, referring to the
supports made to extract pillars) to extract high grade pillars from old parts of the mines.

The La Empalizada Providencia and La Empalizada Sandra K Norte contracts started in 2009. The
Company buys run of mine material from the contractor but SRK has not been provided with details
of the annual production.

3.5 Environmental Liabilities and Permitting

No updated environmental summary has been completed as part of the current Scope of Work. The
text below provides a summary from an internal technical communication produced by SRK dated 15
May 2012.

3.5.1 Environmental Liabilities

Historic environmental contamination exists at the Segovia Project from formal and informal mining
operations. CORANTIOQUIA, the local environmental authority, issued retributive fees to the former
owner, FGM, for the direct discharge of tailings from the Maria Dama Plant to the river, and after
2010 these charges have been issued to Gran Colombia. This retributive fee is a cost-benefit fee
aimed at reducing discharges in water bodies or basins. Since acquisition of the Segovia Project,
Zandor has worked on minimizing and aims to ultimately eliminate such discharges by improving and
creating new tailings storage facilities (“TSFs”), even as processing capacity of the Plant has more
than doubled and volume of effluents has increased accordingly.

Despite the extent and duration of the mining activities carried out by FGM prior to the acquisition of
the assets by Gran Colombia, which are likely to have produced environmental damages whose
remediation could eventually be borne by the company (at the closure stage), no quantification of
such damages has ever been done and there is actually no legal methodology in place to calculate
the potential remediation costs. However, the contract for the acquisition of assets from FGM
explicitly excluded the subrogation of any of FGM liabilities by Zandor, thus any potential
environmental liability solely attributable to FGM would not be borne by the Company.

In 2011, the Company commissioned an environmental and social impact assessment to the
Environmental Studies Group of the Universidad Javeriana, which developed the ecological baseline
for the formulation of an updated Environmental Management Plan (EMP), the required instrument

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for environmental control of the operation. The updated study was submitted to CORANTIOQUIA in
June 2012, and it has been updated annually to reflect the evolution of the project’s activities and
investments. The last updated EMP was presented in August 2015 and is currently being adjusted in
conformity with the authority’s requirements to be approved.

A small number of houses, small farms and artisanal mining camps occurring within the proposed
development footprints for the new TSF would need to be resettled prior to construction. The
resettlement of properties or activities which currently exist in locations where Zandor owns surface
rights would be involuntary. SRK understands the affected properties have been identified by Gran
Colombia. It is Gran Colombia’s stated intention to prepare a resettlement plan which is appropriate
for the relatively small number of people involved and to use the IFC Performance Standards as a
guide for any involuntary resettlement.

There are currently 44 mining contracts subscribed by Zandor for the exploitation of the Segovia
mining property. Each external contractor is required to meet contractual health, safety and
environmental standards set by Zandor, and compliance with contractual obligations is monitored by
the Company’s Small Mining and Operations departments.

Production from the Providencia mine is delivered to the plant by trucks passing through Segovia
town center. A risk of traffic accidents exists due to the multitude of traffic types sharing a narrow
road close to houses and community buildings. Dust is an issue with heavy dusting of vegetation
along the route and evidence of individuals watering the road surface at the front of their properties,
but the updated versions of the EMP submitted to the CORANTIOQUIA foresee specific measures to
manage these risks.

Water pollution from the use of mercury in illegal milling in the area and direct discharge of tailings
from the illegal operations and historic Segovia operations to the river may also be affecting
community health. Although the Company’s initiatives to process mined material from the contract
miners in the Maria Dama plant has reduced the use of mercury in Segovia since it took over
operations of the mines in August 2010 by as much as 12 tonnes according to the UNEP, based on
SRK’s review to date, neither Zandor nor previous owners have appropriately evaluated the risks or
developed a suitable community health and safety management plan to manage the risk.

3.5.2 Required Permits and Status

Mining in Colombia is governed by the Mining Law 685 of 2001. Some of the contracts in the mining
district are, in addition, governed by the Mining Law 2655 of 1988 and the terms of the contracts
awarded under the Mining Contribution (Aporte Minero) scheme, as explained below, and the RPP
law. The 2001 Mining Law allows applications made under the 1988 Mining Law to continue the
application process under the terms of the old law, and titles granted under the 1988 law continue to
be governed by it.

The mining authorities in Colombia are as follows:

Ministry of Mines and Energy (Ministerio de Minas y Energia, MME): The highest mining authority in
the country.

• INGEOMINAS (Instituto Colombiano de Geología y Minería): The MME had delegated the
administration of mineral resources to INGEOMINAS and some Department Mining
Delegations. INGEOMINAS has two departments, the Geological Survey (Servicio

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Geológico), and the Mines Department (Servicio Minero) responsible for all mining contracts
except where responsibility for the administration has been passed to the Departmental
Mining Delegations.
• Departmental Mining Delegations (Gobernaciones Delegadas): It administers mining
contracts in the Departments with the most mining activity, including Caldas.
• Mining Energy Planning Unit (Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética, UPME): Provides
technical advice to the MME regarding planning for the development of the mining and
energy sector and maintains the System of Colombian Mining Information (Sistema de
Información Minero Colombiano, SIMCO).

All mineral resources belong to the state and can be explored and exploited by means of concession
contracts granted by the state. Under the Mining Law of 2001, there is a single type of concession
contract covering exploration, construction and mining which is valid for 30 years and can be
extended for another 30 years.

Concession contract areas are defined on a map with reference to a starting point (punto arcifinio)
and distances and bearings, or map coordinates. There is no limit on concession size.

A surface tax (canon superficial) has to be paid annually in advance during the exploration and
construction phases of the concession contract. This is defined as 1 minimum daily wage per hectare
per year for years 1 to 5 (about US$8.65), 1.25 minimum daily wages per hectare per year for years
6 and 7 (about US$10.81), and 1.5 minimum daily wages per hectare per year for year 8 (about
US$12.97). The 2010 Mining Law does not define the surface tax for years 9 to 11. A reasonable
interpretation could be that the surface tax for year 9 should be 1.5 minimum daily wages per hectare
and per year (the same as for year 8), and for years 10 and 11 should be 1.75 minimum daily wages
per hectare and per year, on the basis that this provision appears to understand that the surface tax
should be increased every two years by 0.25 minimum daily wages per hectare and per year. This
issue requires clarification from the Ministry of Mines and Energy. The minimum monthly wage in
2017 is COP 737,717 which, at the present exchange rate of COP2,895 = US$1.00 (June 1, 2017),
is about US$254.82. The minimum daily wage is adjusted annually. The properties owned by FGM
are in exploitation and so no surface taxes are payable.

The concession contract has three phases:

Exploration Phase

• Starts once the contract is inscribed in the National Mining Registry (Registro Minero
Nacional, RMN).
• Valid for three years plus a two-year extension.
• Annual property tax.
• Requires an annual Environmental Mining Insurance Policy for 5% of the value of the
planned exploration expenditure for the year.
• Present a mine plan (“PTO”) and an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) for the next phase.

Construction Phase

• Valid for three years plus a one-year extension.

• Annual property tax payments continue as in Exploration Phase.

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• Requires an annual Environmental Mining Insurance Policy for 5% of the value of the
planned investment as defined in the PTO for the year.
• Environmental License issued on approval of EIS.

Exploitation Phase

• Valid for 30 years minus the time taken in the exploration and construction phases, and is
renewable for 30 years.
• Annual Environmental Mining Insurance Policy required.
• No annual property tax.
• Pay royalty based on regulations at time of granting of the Contract.

Royalties payable to the state are 4% of gross value at the mine mouth for gold, silver and 5% for
copper (Law 141 of 1994, modified by Law 756 of 2002). For the purposes of royalties, the gold and
silver price is 80% of the average of the London afternoon fix price for the previous month.

3.6 Other Significant Factors and Risks

There are no other factors or risks that affect access, title or right or ability to perform work on the
property other than those stated in the above sections which SRK would expect to have a material
impact on the resource and reserves statement.

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4 Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources,

Infrastructure and Physiography
4.1 Topography, Elevation and Vegetation
The Project is located in the foothills of the north‐eastern part of the Central Cordillera of the
Colombian Andes. The topography is a low‐lying plateau or erosional surface at 600 to 850 m
altitude, which is incised by valleys with a relief of less than 250 m, but with steep slopes of up to 20°
to 40°. The drainage pattern is dendritic.

The principal rivers in the Project area are the Pocuné, Bagre and Ité. On the west side of Segovia,
the Pocuné River drains north into the Nechi River, which hosts major placer gold mining operations.
The Nechi is a tributary of the Cauca River, which in turn joins the Magdalena River which flows into
the Atlantic Ocean at Barranquilla. The Bagre River drains the northeast part of the area and is also
a tributary of the Nechi. On the east side of Segovia, the Ité River flows southeast and then northeast
directly into the Magdalena River.

Vegetation in the local area in its primary state is tropical forest, but most areas have been cleared
for cattle grazing with some degree of secondary forest growth.

4.2 Accessibility and Transportation to the Property

Segovia is located 130 km NE of Medellin in the Segovia‐Remedios mining district, Department of
Antioquia, north‐western Colombia, at 74° 42’ W and 7° 04’ N.

Road access from Medellin to Segovia is 225 km, which has recently been upgraded and is now
paved the entire length. Going northwards, there is a 61 km road from Segovia to Zaragoza, and a
further 120 km to Caucasia, to connect with roads that lead to the Atlantic ports of Colombia (Figure

Air access is by a 30‐minute commercial flight from Medellin to Otú, 15 km south of Segovia, which
has an asphalt‐surfaced airstrip. From Otú, it is a 20 minute drive to Segovia via the towns of
Remedios and La Cruzada.

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Figure 4-1: Map Showing Road Access to Segovia Property and Major Routes through the
Department of Antioquia

4.3 Climate and Length of Operating Season

Different climates can be found within the region and vary with elevation. These climates can be
defined as:

• Hot (>24°C) below 1,000 m in the Cauca River valley;

• Temperate (18°C to 24°C) between 1,000 m and 2,000 m; and
• Cold above 2,000 m (12°C to 18°C).

Segovia is situated within the hot zone where the climate is tropical and wet with an annual rainfall of
approximately 2,670 mm. The town of Segovia has an average temperature of 25°C. Rainfall has a
bimodal distribution with the wettest months in from May to December and a dry season from
December to May. A weather station at La Cruzada, Remedios recorded an annual rainfall of
2,670 mm, with an average temperature is 25°C, and a relative humidity of 70%.

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4.4 Infrastructure Availability and Sources

The towns of Segovia and La Cruzada lie within the mining title RPP 140, with Segovia directly
above the El Silencio vein, and the town of La Cruzada on the southwest side of RPP 140 title. The
town of Remedios lies to the south of Segovia. It is previously reported that the population of the
Municipality of Segovia is given as 35,071 (2005 census) and more recently there are various figures
of 37,154, including 30,266 urban and 6,888 rural (2009), and 39,938.

The Company currently operates three underground mines on RPP 140 called El Silencio,
Providencia, and Sandra K, and a mill and treatment plant called Maria Dama, which historically
processed about 400 tonnes of run of mine material per day (t/d), but since early 2013 has been
expanded to a 1,300 t/d capacity.

The Company previously owned three hydroelectric power generation plants built in the 1930s on
rivers called Doña Teresa No. 1, Doña Teresa No. 2 (located on La Cianurada Creek), and Pocuné,
with a reported capacity to produce 3,400 kilowatts (“kW”). All three plants have been
decommissioned. The Company has three diesel power plants with capacity to generate 750 kW
each; these are used for backup during periods of low rainfall.

A mine camp exists on RPP 140 with 230 houses with water supplied by the Company and electricity
from the national grid. The Company has three social clubs and a school for 300 children, which is
also used by the University of Antioquia.

As of March 2017, the mine directly employs approximately 1,300 people, including the office in
Medellin, and approximately 1,500 workers engaged in secondary mining activity mainly through two
separate local contract miners.

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5 History
In preparing these sections of this report relating to background and historical information,
exploration and geological setting, SRK has relied upon previous Technical Reports by SRK, SEWC
and Dr Stewart Redwood.

Initial exploration activity began in the town of Remedios in 1560, but activity was limited due to the
location and difficult terrain to access mineable areas. By the mid-18th century mining activity were
almost abandoned. A second phase of gold mining began following independence and an influx of
investment from Great Britain, through London-registered mining companies. Mining in the district
began in large around the early 1850s, with the town of Segovia founded in 1869, a few kilometres
north of the town of Remedios. Segovia was declared a separate municipality in 1885.

5.1 Prior Ownership and Ownership Changes

FGM is reported to have been founded in 1852, but was only detailed as the Frontino and Bolivia
(South American) Gold Company Limited in 1864. The company mined in the Municipality of
Frontino and the Bolivia Mine at Remedios. It was formed to buy and work the mines of El Silencio,
Cordoba, La Salada and San Joaquin in a property of 5,000 acres.

In 1874, the operations in Frontino were floated off as a separate company, the Antioquia (Frontino)
Gold Mining Co Ltd. The company then focused on the Remedios district, where it purchased
additional mines, and by the late 19th century it was one of the largest companies in Colombia, with
700 employees. Gold production from the whole district was 24,666 ounces in 1888 and 41,250
ounces in 1893.

Medoro Resources Ltd. (“Medoro”) through its subsidiary Zandor Capital S.A. Colombia (“Zandor”),
made an agreement dated March 29, 2010 to purchase the mining and other assets of FGM under a
Promise to Sell governed by Colombian agreement, which was approved by the Liquidation Advisory
Board. The sale included all assets of FGM with no associated financial liability. The assets also
include RPP 140, plus several lots of land covering the location of the mines and ancillary facilities,
as well as processing, power generation, accommodation and medical facilities, among others.

The sale price was COP380,000,000,000 (approximately US$200 million) net of taxes, as adjusted,
with exclusive purpose of paying FGM´s labor and pension liabilities. Zandor will have no further
liabilities with respect to any historical pension liabilities, severance costs and other liabilities. The
Company announced the completion of the acquisition on August 23, 2010.

In March 2010, Medoro and Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (“Gran Colombia”) entered into an
agreement for Gran Colombia to acquire a 50% interest in Zandor and the FGM assets. This was
later modified (June 8,2010), and as part of the agreement Gran Colombia would be responsible for
all the acquisition costs (approximately US$7.5 million) for a 95% interest in Zandor, with Medoro
retaining 5% (with the option of acquiring an additional 45% interest in Zandor). The agreement also
included Gran Colombia acting as the operator at the project.

On June 13, 2011, Gran Colombia Gold Corp. and Medoro Resources Ltd, merged to form a single
company Gran Colombia Gold Corp., which is the 100% owner of Zandor.

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5.2 Exploration and Development Results of Previous Owners

It is understood that the previous owners of the Segovia Project (FGM) did not complete any regional
surface geological mapping, geochemistry, nor surface or airborne geophysics. Historical exploration
data is limited to underground mapping and sampling, and drilling for resource development.

5.3 Historic Mineral Resource and Reserve Estimates

A number of different Mineral Resource Estimates have been completed on the property during the
history of the project. Due to the historical nature of the project, not all of these estimates can be
considered to be compliant with CIM Standards.

In June 2010, SEWC reported a Mineral Resource estimate based on a variable cut-off reflecting
different gold price assumptions (US$1,000/oz and US$850/oz) for Indicated and Inferred Mineral
Resources respectively and a Probable Mineral Reserve estimate.

No Measured Resources were reported as part of the study. The Mineral Resource was reported
inclusive of the Mineral Reserve. No breakdown was provided per deposit and therefore no direct
comparison can be made to the current estimate.

Table 5-1: SEWC Mineral Resource Estimate for Frontino Gold Mines (FGM), effective date
June 9, 2010
Cut-off Grade Grade
Classification Type Tonnes (t)t Metal (oz)
(g/t Au) (g/t Au)
Measured - Gold - - -
Indicated 7.1 Gold 315,000 13.1 132,000
Total M&I 7.1 Gold 315,000 13.1 132,000
Inferred 6.5 Gold 914,000 15.4 453,000
Source: SEWC, 2010

Table 5-2: SEWC Mineral Reserve Estimate for Frontino Gold Mines (FGM), effective date
June 9, 2010
Cut-off Grade Tonnes Grade Metal
Classification Type
(g/t Au) (t) (g/t Au) (oz)
Proven - Gold - - -
Probable 7.1 Gold 210,000 13.3 90,000
Total M&I 7.1 Gold 210,000 13.3 90,000
Source: SEWC, 2010

In March 2012, SRK reported a Mineral Resource Estimate for the Segovia Project. Data quality,
drillhole spacing and the interpreted continuity of grades controlled by the veins and high grade
shoots allowed SRK to classify portions of the veins in the Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral
Resource categories respectively. The reported resource has been further sub-divided into material
within the remaining pillars, and the longer-term resource material outside of the previously mined
areas. SRK has defined “pillars” to indicate all material which exists between existing development
which has yet to be extracted and this includes the historical pillars within old stoped areas. In fact,
the pillar resource has all been allocated to the Inferred category, as a function of inaccuracies in the
pillar surveys owing to a relatively unknown extent of pillar extraction activity by Company-organized
cooperative miners.

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Table 5-3 gives SRK’s Mineral Resource Statement for the areas not yet mined. Table 5-4 gives
SRK’s Mineral Resource Statement for the pillars remaining in the mined out areas. This is sub-
divided into vein areas and the areas allocated for cooperative mining.

Table 5-3: SRK Segovia CIM Long-Term Mineral Resource Statement as of March 2, 2012 at
3 g/t Au cut off**
Vein Category Quantity (t) Grade (Au g/t) Metal (Au oz)
Providencia LTR Underground**
Measured 263,000 16.2 136,000
Providencia Indicated 245,000 12.3 97,000
Measured and Indicated 508,000 14.3 233,000
Inferred 243,000 14.1 110,000
Las Verticales LTR Underground**
Measured - - -
Las Verticales Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 480,000 19.4 299,000
SK_Techo LTR Underground**
Measured - - -
Sandra K Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 103,000 8.4 28,000
SK_Piso LTR Underground**
Measured - - -
Sandra K Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 9,000 10.9 3,000
SK_Extension LTR Underground**
Measured - - -
Sandra K Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 331,000 17.6 187,000
SK_Chumeca LTR Underground**
Measured - - -
Sandra K Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 3,000 9.0 1,000
El Silencio LTR Underground**
Measured - - -
El Silencio Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 339,000 7.8 85,000
Underground LTR Combined
Measured 263,000 16.2 136,000
Segovia LTR Total Indicated 245,000 12.3 97,000
Measured and Indicated 508,000 14.3 233,000
Inferred 1,508,000 14.7 713,000
**Mineral Resources are reported at a cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t Au. Cut-off grades are based on a price of US$1,400 per ounce
of gold and gold recoveries of 85% for resources, without considering revenues from other metals. Mineral Resources are not
Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of
the estimate. All composites have been capped where appropriate. The Concession is wholly owned by and exploration is
operated by the Company.
Source: SRK

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Table 5-4: SRK CIM Segovia Pillar Mineral Resource Statement as of March 2, 2012 at 3 g/t Au
cut off**
Vein Category Quantity(t) Grade (Au g/t) Metal (Au oz)
COOP0 (GCG) Underground**
Measured - - -
Providencia Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 127,000 15.7 64,000
COOP1 (Contrato La Provi) Underground**
Measured - - -
Providencia Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 157,000 17.9 90,000
COOP2 (Proyecto Roc) Underground**
Measured - - -
Providencia Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 145,000 26.2 122,000
COOP3 (Corte 4240) Underground**
Measured - - -
Providencia Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 6,000 10.9 2,000
SK_Techo Pillar Underground**
Measured - - -
Sandra K Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 86,000 11.9 33,000
SK_Piso Pillar Underground**
Measured - - -
Sandra K Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 9,000 10.9 5,000
SK_Chumeca Pillar Underground**
Measured - - -
Sandra K Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 400 6.2 100
Silencio Pillar Underground**
Measured - - -
Silencio Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 223,000 7.9 56,000
Underground Pillar Combined
Measured - - -
Segovia Pillars Total Indicated - - -
Measured and Indicated - - -
Inferred 753,600 15.3 371,600
**Mineral Resources are reported at a cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t Au. Cut-off grades are based on a price of US$1,400 per ounce
of gold and gold recoveries of 85% for resources, without considering revenues from other metals. Mineral Resources are not
Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of
the estimate. All composites have been capped where appropriate. The Concession is wholly owned by and exploration is
operated by the Company.
Source: SRK

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At the time of reporting, SRK noted that grade estimates at Providencia indicate that the high grade
shoots continue into the neighboring property to the east. The Mineral Resources were reported in
situ based on modelled geological boundaries and do not include the additional material required to
be mined by the minimum stoping width. Additionally Mineral Resources in pillars in the mined out
areas were only reported in the inferred category as the remaining volume is uncertain given
artisanal mining activity.

On the April 2, 2012, SRK produced a Mineral Resource Statement for the Carla Project, reported at
a cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t Au. Cut-off grades are based on a price of US$1,400 per ounce of gold and
gold recoveries of 85% for resources.

Table 5-5: SRK Carla Mineral Resource Statement as of April 2, 2012 at 3 g/t Au cut-off**
Category Quantity (t) Grade (Au g/t) Metal (Au oz)
Carla Underground**
Measured - - -
Indicated 245,000 7.5 59,000
Measured and Indicated 245,000 7.5 59,000
Inferred 341,000 4.9 54,000
**Mineral Resources are reported at a cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t Au. Cut-off grades are based on a price of US$1,400 per ounce
of gold and gold recoveries of 85% for resources, without considering revenues from other metals. Mineral Resources are not
Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of
the estimate. All composites have been capped where appropriate. The Concession is wholly owned by and exploration is
operated by the Company.
Source: SRK

In 2013, SRK produced an updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the Segovia and Carla projects,
which considered 94 additional diamond core boreholes drilled by Zandor during the period of 2012
to 2013. The resource evaluation work was completed by Robert Goddard under the supervision of
Mr. Benjamin Parsons, MAusIMM (CP#222568). The effective date of the Mineral Resource
Statement is August 1, 2013.

Annual reporting between August 1, 2013 and December 31, 2016 used the 2013 estimate as the
basis for any depletion.

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Table 5-6: SRK Mineral Resource Statement for the Segovia and Carla Projects for Zandor Capital Dated August 1, 2013
Measured Indicated Measured and Indicated Inferred
Project Deposit Type Tonnes Grade Au Metal Tonnes Grade Au Metal Tonnes Grade Au Metal Tonnes Grade Au Metal
(kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz)
LTR 200 14.8 95 247 24.6 195 447 20.2 291 88 20.1 57
Providencia Pillars 392 14.8 186
224 26.9 193
(Historic Mined Area)2
LTR 263 10.9 92 263 10.9 92 422 8.2 111
Sandra K
Pillars 77 12.3 31 77 12.3 31 14 14.4 6
Segovia LTR 681 11.6 254
El Silencio
Pillars 1309 9.7 406
Verticales LTR 771 7.1 176
LTR 200 14.8 95 510 17.5 287 709 16.8 383 1962 9.5 598
Subtotal Segovia Pillars 77 12.3 31 77 12.3 31 1715 10.9 599
Project Pillars
224 26.9 193
(Historic Mined Area)2
Subtotal Carla
Carla LTR 154 9.7 48 154 9.7 48 178 9.3 53
The mineral resources are reported at an in situ cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t Au over a 1.0 m mining width, which has been derived using a gold price of US$1,400/oz, and suitable
benchmarked technical and economic parameters for underground mining and conventional gold mineralized material processing. Each of the mining areas have been sub-
divided into Pillar areas (“Pillars”), which represent the areas within the current mining development, and Long-Term Mineral Resources (“LTR”), which lies along strike or down
dip of the current mining development. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative
accuracy of the estimate. All composites have been capped where appropriate.
Note Providencia Pillars has been subdivided into areas of increased mining of historical areas to provide a breakdown on the level of confidence.
Source: SRK

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5.4 Historic Production

It has previously been reported that the historic production from FGM between 1869 and 2010,
contained more than 4.6 million ounces of gold.

Total gold production by the Providencia, El Silencio and Sandra K mines between 2000 and 2012 is
given in Table 5-7, with the majority of production noted to be from the Providencia Mine. Production
in 2012 was reported to be 260,806 t with an average grade of 11.0 g/t Au and containing 97,061
ounces of gold.

Table 5-7: Summary Statistics for Total Gold Production at Providencia, El Silencio and
Sandra K Mines 2000 – 2016
Gold (ounces) Gold Grade
Year Tonnes (t) Rec (%)
Total (g/t)
2000 149,925 85,146 100.1 17.7
2001 170,135 50,996 98.0 9.7
2002 168,220 42,353 101.0 7.8
2003 144,141 42,794 88.0 9.2
2004 158,304 51,553 91.0 10.1
2005 178,528 54,858 91.0 9.6
2006 202,168 60,873 86.9 9.4
2007 218,963 40,673 94.0 5.8
2008 185,816 33,199 100.8 5.6
2009 175,230 61,136 90.3 10.9
2010 149,214 46,389 92.2 9.8
2011 173,684 64,544 93.3 6.0
2012 260,806 97,061 81.6 11.0
2013 303,131 76,461 86.7 8.8
2014 186,315 63,293 89.3 11.5
2015 145,772 82,242 90.4 18.3
2016 202,727 114,760 90.1 17.4
Source: GCM, 2017
(1) Excludes tonnes processed, gold grade and gold ounces produced by the Company from materials sourced from
contract miners operating outside of the Providencia, El Silencio and Sandra K mines.

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6 Geological Setting and Mineralization

The Project license boundaries are separated into a number of identified exploration prospects and
operating mines, which all form part of the Segovia‐Remedios gold district.

6.1 Regional Geology

The Segovia‐Remedios gold district is located in and around the Municipalities of the same names
within the Colombian Central Cordillera. This region is dominated by metamorphic and igneous rocks
which are broadly orientated north-south. The region also contains minor/localized deposits of
unconsolidated alluvial material and the prevailing climatic conditions have resulted in the formation
of a thick layer of yellow to brownish saprolite which may exceed 60 m in depth.

The district is hosted by the Segovia Batholith of granodiorite to diorite composition (Gonzalez, 2001;
Alvarez et al, 2007) Figure 6-1. The batholith is 10 km wide at Segovia and is elongated N‐S. The
region is structurally controlled by a number of faults oriented north-south to 350°, most notably the
Otú-Pericos, which post-dates the Nus and Bagre faults, and these are all considered to be younger
than the Lower Cretaceous and form part of the regional Palestrina Fault System that bound the
Segovia Batholith.

The Otú fault is steeply dipping, trends 340° and has a lateral-sinistral displacement of some 66 km.
It defines the contact between Paleozoic rocks comprising quartz-sericite and graphitic schist,
metavolcanic schist of the Cajamarca Group with felsic gneissic intercalations and the Cretaceous
Antioquia Batholith and Santa Isobel stock to the west and the Segovia Batholith, and Cretaceous
basic volcanic rocks and sediments and minor Paleozoic gneiss, micaceous schist, quartzite, marble
and associated calcareous rocks to the east.

The Bagre fault trends 020° in the south and 010° in the north and has a lateral sinistral
displacement interpreted to be >50 km. The Nus fault trends 350° and was interpreted to have a
steep dip and lateral dextral displacement >50 km.

The Segovia Batholith (160 ± 7 Ma K/Ar in hornblende; Feininger et al, 1972) comprises a total of
some 5,600 km orientated north-south to 030°, and predominantly comprises grey-green medium
grained diorite to quartz diorite with local rapakivi textures and variations from quartz monzonite to
granodiorite and gabbro (González and Londoño 2002). It is intruded by dolerite and andesitic dykes
along discontinuities that are considered to comprise one of the controls of the gold mineralization.

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Source: GCM, (under previous ownership Medoro)

Figure 6-1: Regional Geologic Map, illustrating the location of the Segovia mining concession

Faulting and fracturing within the Segovia batholith forms an important control on mineralization and
is considered to comprise three sets:

• Early compression to produce 010 040º towards 030º and vertically dipping at 310 295º
represented by diorite-andesite dykes and quartz-pyrite veins of 0.15 to 2.60 m in width that
have been mined for gold mineralization associated with sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite,
and rare scheelite, pyrrhotite, with variable calcite content;
• Clean fractures at 310-270º which dip 25-30º towards north; and
• Vertically dipping fractures which trend 325º (González and Londoño 2002).

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6.2 Local Geology

6.2.1 Segovia Licenses
The only published description of the geology of Frontino is by Tremlett (1955) who described the
structure of the mineralized veins. There are also several unpublished reports for FGM (Bonoli, 1960;
Wieselmann & Galay, 1982; Castaño Gallego, 2008; Muñoz, 2008).

The Frontino mines are hosted entirely by granodiorite/granitoid rocks of the Segovia Batholith that
has been recorded as being of late Jurassic age (150.25 ±0.73 Ma, Cecchi et al., 2013) but some
dating of rocks in the region suggest it may be much younger and mid- to late-Cretaceous in age
(~68.4 ±5.5 Ma to 84.1 ± 5.5Ma, Echeverry et al., 2009). The granodiorite is coarse grained (about
5 mm), equigranular and fairly dark colored with white plagioclase, quartz and dark green

6.2.2 Mineralization
Gold mineralization at Segovia occurs in mesothermal quartz‐sulfidic veins hosted by granodiorites
of the Segovia Batholith. The well-known, partially exploited veins dip at approximately 30° to the
east or north‐east. There are also a number of steeply dipping quartz veins with a N40W trend in the
western part of the concession, termed the Las Verticales veins.

In general, the veins are formed of quartz with minor calcite and coarse grained sulfides comprising
pyrite, galena and sphalerite, and typically show a close spatial relationship with lamprophyre to
adakite dykes. Gold and electrum occur as fine grains (<20 microns) and visible gold is generally
common in the high-grade shoot sectors of the mines. Native silver has been reported. The wall-rock
alteration to the veins affects the basalt dykes and the granodiorite in a narrow zone a few meters
wide with potassic (biotite), argillic (illite) and propylitic alteration most commonly encountered along
with selective mineral replacement by chlorite, epidote, pyrite and calcite.

Gold mineralization is hosted by a series of quartz‐sulfide veins. The main sulfides present are
pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena with higher grades seemingly related to high proportions
of the latter two. The veins themselves exhibit three main trends:

• N‐S to NE strike, with a dip of 30° E;

• E‐W to NW strike, with a dip 30° to N or NE; and
• NW strike, with a dip of 65‐85° NE. These occur on the west side parallel to a NW -trending
segment of the Otú Fault.

The low angle veins have formed along thrust faults. These often have thrust duplex structures,
resulting in pinching and swelling of the veins; these is no evidence to suggest any systematic
change in grade through these pinch and swell structures. The average width of the quartz veins is
0.95 m, with a maximum width of up to 9.00 m. On occasion, a clear intersection lineation can be
observed in the veins plunging toward 060°, sub-parallel to the plunging high grade mineralization
observed in the Mineral Resource modelling suggesting the importance of cross cutting structures.

The quartz veins commonly follow dykes or sills with a width of about 2 to 3 m. These dykes can be
found in the hanging wall or the foot wall material, both, or in the middle of the mineralized vein. The
lamprophyre dykes have very fine phenocrysts of white plagioclase in a fine grained, dark‐colored

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matrix, whereas the adakite dikes show coarse phenocrysts (7 mm) of white plagioclase in a fine
grained, light-colored matrix.

There is always a close spatial relationship between the veins and dykes, and the dykes are used as
a guide to mineralized structures during exploration drilling or drifting.

The mineralized zone observed in drill core for Providencia is shown in Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3, as
photographed by SRK, and illustrated in Figure 6-4 as procedurally documented by the Company.
Figure 6-5 shows the typical thickness of the Providencia and Sandra K veins as exposed in the
underground workings, whilst Figure 6-6 presents the well documented relationship between the
mineralized vein and lamprophyre dykes as observed underground at El Silencio. Figure 6-6 also
provides an image of the recently dewatered Mine Level 29 at El Silencio, and typical thickness of
the mineralized zone is illustrated.

The veins are offset vertically by more than 50 m by high angle faults which show a reverse sense of
displacement. The principal fault trends are NE with dip of 65° to 85° NW, and NW with dip of 85° W
to 65° E.

The geological history is summarized as follows:

• Intrusion of granodiorite.
• Development of low angle fault system.
• Intrusion of the dykes along the low angle faults.
• Formation of quartz‐sulfide veins along the low angle faults.
• Late stage high angle reverse fault movement causes vertical off‐sets of the quartz veins.

The structural data and dating results indicate that the intrusive-related gold-rich, base metal
mineralization accompanied early-Tertiary deformation related to oblique accretion of outboard
terranes (D2) and was subsequently reactivated during late-Miocene post-mineralization deformation
(D3, the event associated with porphyry Au-Cu mineralization in the Cauca belt).

Source: GCM, 2014

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Figure 6-2: Mineralized Zone at Providencia, intersected in drillhole DS0089 at 453.20 m, as

observed by SRK

Source: SRK, 2014

Figure 6-3: Significant Mineralization at Providencia, intersected in drillhole DS0089 at

453.54 m, as observed by SRK

Source: GCM, 2014

Figure 6-4: Procedural Core Photography for drillhole DS0089 completed by the Company
during data acquisition

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Source: SRK, 2014

Figure 6-5: Typical thickness of the Providencia (left) and Sandra K (right) veins, as exposed
in underground workings

Source: SRK, 2014

Figure 6-6: Vein exposures in underground workings at El Silencio showing relationship with
dykes (left) and typical vein thickness at dewatered Mine Level 29 (right)

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6.2.3 Structural Analysis

SRK notes that detailed structural analysis per vein at the Segovia project has been completed by
the Company’s external structural consultant (Dr. Tony Starling), considering controls on dike
emplacement, phases of quartz veining and deformation, vein morphology and termination, and
kinematic evolution of the veins.

In the portion of the Segovia-Remedios district covered by the Project, three principal phases of
deformation recognized, comprising:

• an early phase of deformation associated with the emplacement of a series of both steep
and shallowly dipping, pre-mineralization dykes (D1),
• a stage of broadly N-S to NNE-SSW oriented compression (D2), and
• a phase of E-W to WNW-ESE oriented post-mineralization compression (D3).

Most significantly (from a grade distribution perspective), review of the kinematic evolution of the
veins within the Segovia‐Remedios mining district has allowed an initial understanding of and
interpretation for the orientation of the high-grade shoots reflected in the close spaced sample data
of mineralized structures. It is considered that the NE to ENE-trend of the high-grade shoots in the
principal veins reflects the NNW-trending compression direction (relating to the activation of NNW-
trending Nus fault system around the western margin of the granodiorite batholith) which, whilst also
appearing to represent the main stage of vein formation and mineralization at Providencia, caused
strong deformation of the original vein contacts. In consequence, phases of folding, shearing and
thrusting occurred along the ENE corridors, orthogonal to the compression direction and hence
directing hydrothermal fluid flow to form the main high grade shoots.

Continued deformation and shearing along the Nus fault system resulted in the development of
NNW-trending steep dextral faults that hosted quartz veins, relatively low grade in terms of
mineralization, which form the Las Verticales Veins System.

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Source: Telluris Consulting, 2013

Figure 6-7: Sketch model for syn-mineralization deformation at Segovia

The Providencia veins discussed in this report have a typical strike of 100° E dipping 30º to the NE
and can be traced for around 2 km, while the Las Verticales Veins System strike more than 2.0 km
on a trend of 140° S and dip 75º to the NE. The modelled Sandra K and El Silencio veins show
typical strike orientations, dips and trace lengths of: 009° N, dip 29º towards E, 1.3 km (Sandra K);
and 050° N, dip 27º towards E, 2.2 km (El Silencio).

6.2.4 Mineralization Relationships

SRK noted from discussions with the GCM geologist, during a review of the drillcore at Sandra K a
relationship exists between the presence of galena and significantly elevated gold grades, most
notably in the drilling completed down-dip, towards the east of the mine (Sandra K Fault Block), as
illustrated in Figure 6-8. During the site visit, SRK investigated the relationship by reviewing a range
of mineralized cores from Sandra K where galena had been logged (and where galena was absent)
in the database. Analysis of the observations suggested that whilst gold mineralization in general is
typically related to the presence of sulphides (most notably pyrite), the most significantly elevated
grades in the Sandra K Fault Block are relatively consistently related to the presence of galena,
whereby the greater abundance of galena tends to correlate with a higher gold grades.

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Source: SRK

Figure 6-8: Presence of Galena related to elevated gold grades at Sandra K, in drillhole
DS0130 showing 30 cm at 311.34 g/t gold

Given the positive outcome from the investigation, SRK has used the geological relationship
between galena and gold grade to guide the orientation of potential high grade shoot in the Sandra K
Fault Block during grade estimation.

Carla Licenses

Most of the Carla Licenses (including the area pertaining to this resource estimate) are hosted
entirely by the Segovia Batholith and occupy land to the south of the Segovia Mining Operation.

Rocks of the batholith are largely observed as coarse grained homogenous granodiorite containing
narrow (1 to 2 m) later stage mafic dykes. Some occurrences of more aplitic dykes are also noted.

The mineralized quartz-sulfide veins often occupy the same discontinuities as these dykes and form
within two main orientation groups including:

• Strike 350°-010° and dip 40-55° towards the east; and

• Strike 050°-065° and dip 60-80° towards the southeast.

The mineralization is considered to be very structurally controlled, with the main mineralized corridor
being defined by the Otú fault in the west and the Nus fault in the east.

The attitude of some the veins suggest that, while a structural corridor is considered to have a
sinistral movement, there has also been reactivation with an extensional/ dextral stress environment
taking precedence during mineralization.

Historical exploration and mining has suggested that the ground containing the line of intersection of
these two dominant vein orientations can host significant higher grade zones within the plane of the
veins. The line of intersection is suggested plunge at 30° to 150° (SE). While no such arrangement

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has been noted from the Carla Licenses to date, this hypothesis exists as a notable exploration

Gold mineralization at the Carla Project is hosted in quartz veins that vary from a few centimeters to
more than 3 m in thickness, with an average of 1 m and with dips varying from 30° to vertical. The
host rock is largely granodiorite with occasional variations of diorite, quartz diorite and tonalite. The
gangue mineral of the veins is quartz with subordinate calcite recorded in a number of localities.
Accessory minerals present are pyrite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, bornite, magnetite, and
traces of molybdenite. Pyrite is the most dominant sulfide.

Many of the veins exhibit an epidote/ chlorite alteration halo. This is particularly evident within the
Carla Project mine exploration adit.

SRK Exploration Ltd (2010) has detailed at least four phases of fluid movement during the
mineralization of the Carla Project. The petrogenesis of the auriferous veins is considered as follows:

• Precipitation of quartz with minor disseminated pyrite;

• Influx of massive sulfide bearing fluids overprinting earlier quartz;
• Deposition of gold along with secondary pyrite and galena; and
• Late stage minor epithermal mineralization possibly remobilizing gold mineralization.

The mineralized structure located at the Carla Project mine discussed in this report has a typical
strike of 002° N dipping 36° to the E and can be traced for around 900 m. Figure 6-9 provides an
image of the typical form of the sulfide rich mineralized quartz vein observed in the GCM exploration
adit at the Carla Project.

Source: SRK, 2012 – March 2012 site inspection

Figure 6-9: Mineralized Quartz Vein within the GCM Exploration Adit

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6.3 Significant Mineralized Zones

The modelled vein at Providencia is geologically continuous along strike for approximately 2.0 km
and has a confirmed down dip extent that ranges from 690 m to greater than 1.3 km, and an average
thickness of 0.9 m, reaching over 5 m in areas of significant swelling or thrust duplex and less than
0.1 m where the vein pinches. Locally, the Providencia vein displays significant disruption by faulting,
pinch and swell structures, fault brecciation and fault gouge. The sample data for Sandra K and El
Silencio confirms geological continuity along strike for 1.2 km and 2.2 km respectively and indicates
down-dip extents of up to 900 m, with thicknesses and structural complexities that are comparable to
the Providencia vein. Although currently less well defined by sampling, the Las Verticales Veins
System appears geologically continuous along strike more than 2.0 km, and have an average
thickness of 0.5 m, reaching over 2.0 m in areas of vein swelling.

Gold mineralization at the Carla Project occurs in mesothermal quartz-sulfide veins hosted by
granodiorites of the Segovia Batholith. The Carla vein dips at approximately 35° to the east and is
offset by three broadly NW-SE trending, steeply dipping faults, which reflect a dominantly strike-slip
sinistral sense of movement. The mineralized structure shows a close spatial relationship with mafic
dykes, which are interpreted as pre-dating the gold mineralization.

The modelled structure at Carla is geologically continuous along strike for approximately 900 m and
has a confirmed down dip extent that ranges from 400 m to greater than 750 m, and an average
thickness of 0.8 m, reaching over 3.5 m in areas of significant swelling and less than 0.1 m where the
vein pinches.

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7 Deposit Type
7.1 Mineral Deposit
Gold mineralization at Segovia occurs in mesothermal quartz‐sulfide veins hosted by a batholith.
They have been classified as “Oxidized Pluton‐Related Gold Deposits” (Sillitoe, 2008), are thoughts
to have formed after the cooling of the batholith and may have a genetic relationship with the
batholith as well as with the regional stress regime related to the Otú fault.

The deposit bears a strong resemblance to the Pataz deposits in northern Peru. The Pataz deposits
have been described as orogenic gold deposits or mesothermal gold deposits, and gold
mineralization has been linked to a large‐scale thermal event that occurred in a thickened collisional
belt undergoing uplift tectonics, rather than related to magmatism (Haeberlin, 2002; Haeberlin et al,
2002, 2004).

Mineralization at Pataz occurs over a distance of 160 km in the Pataz Batholith. This is of
granodiorite to monzonite composition of calc‐alkaline affinity and Carboniferous age (330 to 327
Ma). Mineralization is dated at 314 to 312 Ma, some 18 to 15 Ma younger than the batholith. The
main similarities with Frontino are mesothermal gold mineralization in quartz‐sulfide veins with a low
dip of 20 to 45° to the east, and the predominant N to NW‐strike. The main differences are the older
age of Pataz, the stronger wall‐rock alteration at Pataz, and the absence of pre mineralization basic
dykes along the vein structures.

Production at Pataz has been about 6 Moz of gold in 100 years from underground mines. This is
similar to the production from Frontino, although at Pataz this is spread out over a much longer strike
length. Most of the mines at Pataz have been developed in the past two decades. The district
produced 396,371 oz gold in 2004 from three privately‐owned mines which are, from north to south,
the Poderosa Mine, the Parcoy Mine and the Gigante Mine.

7.2 Geological Model

The geological model described above, for the Segovia deposit is well-understood and has been
verified through multiple expert opinions as well as a history of mining. SRK is of the opinion that the
model is appropriate and will serve for mining purposes going forward.

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8 Exploration
This section summarises the relevant exploration work completed at the Segovia Project to date.

8.1 Historical Exploration

It is understood that the previous owners of the Segovia Project (FGM) did not complete any regional
surface geological mapping, geochemistry, nor surface or airborne geophysics. Historical exploration
data is mainly limited to underground mapping and sampling, and drilling for resource development.

The historical underground channel sampling database made available to SRK consists of more than
100,000 samples and is understood to incorporate data from the past 30 years. The database
provided is largely restricted to vein samples only, with the hanging wall, footwall and face
‘composite’ data stored separately.

Channel sampling was carried out by a pair of samplers instructed by the mine geologist. Samples
are taken vertically across the vein at approximately 2.0 m intervals and extracted from both walls of
the underground drive, in raises and from a proportion of the stoped areas. Samples were taken from
the wall of the drive in a continuous channel by hand using a lump hammer or chisel. The sample
was collected from a plastic sheet inside a wide bucket, and the sample sheet was replaced every
few samples. The sample lengths/widths are then measured vertically and are therefore not true

The sample is then quartered by hand by separating the sample into quarters and discarding
opposite quarters. Some of the larger pieces of rock are broken by a hammer during the quartering
process. The sample, averaging around 1-2 kg is then placed into a small plastic bag with the
sample number torn from a book of consecutively numbered assay tags where location and type are
recorded. No geological description was made. The mine samplers filled out a daily sample sheet
with sample number, sample location and sample type.

Sample locations are limited to an X and Y coordinate, plotted in reference to mine survey pegs (with
X, Y and Z data) which are located in the roof of the underground development. Survey and sample
data were plotted in 2-D using AutoCad. Since the previous NI43-101 work has progressed on
surveying the underground workings and development of working of the underground working. The
improvement in the spatial location of the workings has enabled GCM and SRK to further increase
the confidence in the sampling locations. SRK comments that while this work has been completed in
proximity to the current workings, areas of the mines exist where further improvements can be made.
SRK recommends GCM continue the validate workings via survey, and correct the elevations of the
sample database, on an on-going basis.

Given the presence of thrust displacements along a number of the fault planes at Providencia, there
exists in the database a proportion of overlapping data that cannot be split in to upper or lower
displacement surface as a result of a lack of elevation data. Where this occurs GCM have completed
review of the original sample locations underground to verify the location, and adjusted the elevation
accordingly. SRK has completed a number of technical meetings at GCM offices in Medellin to
review the geological database.

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8.2 GCM Exploration Work

Recently the Company exploration staff commenced an underground channel sampling program at
Providencia, El Silencio and Sandra K mines, in an attempt to verify historical underground data and
increase the size of higher confidence quality control checked samples in the exploration database.

Sampling has been in underground development drives, development raises and from historical
pillars. Samples are taken at 5 m intervals (where possible) from the vein, hanging wall and footwall
from both sides of the drive depending on the exposure of the vein (complete exposure). GCM has
continued to complete on-going validation on the locations of the historical sampling, namely related
to the elevation.

8.3 Sampling Methods and Sample Quality

The sampling methodology used by GCM since ownership has changed over time, but in general
remains consistent in terms of sample volume.

Sampling is completed by GCM employees, who prior to conducting any sampling complete a safety
check of any working area, with the back “barred” for any potential risk of rock falls completed.
Sampling is completed from floor to ceiling, avoiding contamination of the sample with the fall of
splinters of rock from upper sections.

The samples shall be taken with maximum lengths of 1 meter, bearing in mind the following

• Minimum length of sampling is 0.3 m; if the sampled structure has one smaller length will
have to take the channel with the backing material to complete the minimum length,
information that should be noted in card's show and in the report submitted by the head of
the sampling group.
• Greater than 1 m structures will depart in two or more samples, in an equitable manner and
always following the principle of rationalization and optimization of resources. Distribution
channels and grain samples and mineralized backups).
• In each sampling point shall be taken as far as possible three samples, thus distributed:
backup floor, mineralized structure and roof support; given the case that could not get one of
these samples, must report this development in charge of the sampling report. Distribution
channels and grain samples and mineralized backups).

The process consisted of marking and subsequently sampling a vertical reference line (spray paint)
down across the hanging wall, quartz vein and footwall. Samples were extracted using a chisel
(Figure 8-1), from the bottom of the face up to avoid contamination, and collected on to a plastic
sheet at the bottom of the face. Where full exposure of the vein exists, the sampling sequence
involves taking the lower footwall (RI), then the structure (VT or ZC) and finally the hangingwall (RS).

In all sampling completed by the Company, a clean plastic sheet is used to collect each sample to
prevent contamination. GCM guidelines state a channel of 100 x 5 x 3 cm, should be taken, with a
density of rock of 2.7 g/cm , (a desired weight of close to 4 kg is collected), therefore, channel
lengths of less than 50 cm will obtain the half (2 kg) of the desired sample. In cases where the vein is
less than 50 cm the channel will be extended in the hangingwall and footwall homogeneously until a
minimum weight of approximately 2 kg is obtained.

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As the sample should weigh approximately 2000 g, the depth of the channel should be varied for
those samples of low thickness this depth of the sample has been increase to obtain the desired
amount of sample, which is required by the laboratory. GCM has not employed any subsampling
routines within the mine as testwork indicates it results in large sampling errors.

Source: GCM

Figure 8-1: GCM Sampling Procedures 2012 - 2016

The collected samples are labelled on sample tickets and the bag (Figure 8-1). The bagged samples
are then taken to surface where the bagged samples are checked and re-labelled if required prior to
dispatch to SGS Medellin for sample preparation and Fire Assay. Sample numbers, lengths and
locations in reference to survey pegs are logged on to sample sheets which are subsequently typed
in to excel in the Exploration Department and uploaded to the central database. The location of the

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samples has been derived for the majority of the database measured from the nearest survey point
(Figure 8-1).

Every 50 samples, a hand specimen is collected for density measurements, representing different
lithologies present in the work area. It is best practice that these samples are considered fresh rock
and have little fracturing so they retain a length close to 10 cm in its greatest length and do not suffer
loss of fragments to be subjected to the measurement process for density. Density measurements
are completed at surface using standard weight in air versus weight in water methodologies.

The final stage of the process has been to mark the wall with all sample numbers, for future
reference which is photographed for a digital archive and for quality control to review the quality of
the sampling (Figure 8-2).

Source: SRK

Figure 8-2: Channel Sampling Completed by Company during 2013 Sampling Program

In 2016 SRK completed a site inspection with the intent to review the current sampling procedures at
Segovia. SRK visited Providencia during routine sampling by GCM at the base of the mine. During
the review SRK noted the procedures were followed in terms of safety, mark-up, logging, but noted
that the chip sampling was not always fully representative of the full width of the marked samples.
SRK therefore recommended the Company revises the underground sampling protocol in line with
other operations run by the Company to the use of a diamond saw to cut the channels.

The revised procedure includes marking and subsequently sampling a vertical reference line (spray
paint) down across the hanging wall, quartz vein and footwall. A diamond saw is then used to cut the
channel at regular intervals (5 cm). Samples were then extracted then using a chisel, from the

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bottom of the face to the top, and are collected on to a plastic sheet at the bottom of the face. SRK
considers the revised process to be in line with generally accepted industry best practice for
sampling this style of mineralization.

8.4 Significant Results and Interpretation

SRK noted during an underground visit that in some cases sampling has been taken where the vein
intersection has not been complete, such that the vein goes into the floor or roof of the drive. SRK
highlighted the potential issues with how this material may be treated in the modelling and therefore
a full review of the sampling cards (Figure 8-3) which highlight under the Observations if the vein is
located in the roof or the floor (“veta sigue en el piso”). SRK recommended that the Company review
all the sampling cards and in the case of the vein being located as the first or last sample, revisit the
channels underground to confirm if the vein is complete sample.

Source: GCM

Figure 8-3: Logging Sheets used for the Company Channel Sampling Program

The data has been sourced from four companies over the history of the database are summarized in
Table 8-1.

Table 8-1: Summary of Sampling Sources in Exploration Database

Company Description
FGM Frontino Goldmines
MRC Medoro Resources
GEM Mine Samples (Zandor) assayed at Mine Laboratory
GCG GCM Gold Exploration (Zandor) assayed at SGS
Source: SRK

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El Silencio

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Sandra K
Source: SRK

Figure 8-4: Mine Sampling Split by Data Source for Providencia (top), El Silencio (middle), and
Sandra K (bottom)

Overall, SRK concludes that the underground sampling methodology does not introduce any
significant bias and thus is suitably reliable for the purposes of the data verification program. Areas
which are reliant on historical sampling such as El Silencio are limited in terms of the classification to
lower levels of confidence.

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9 Drilling
9.1 Type and Extent
9.1.1 Segovia
Historic diamond drilling on the property undertaken by FMG and Zandor consisted of surface drilling
oriented broadly perpendicular to the target vein and also underground drilling completed from cross-
cuts and platforms on the main levels of the existing mines.

The majority of the historical diamond drilling was carried out by FGM for resource development at
the operating mines within the Concession. Limited diamond drilling was carried out for exploration to
test extensions to known veins. The main success of exploration drilling was the definition and
subsequent development of the Sandra K mine, located towards the northeast of the Providencia

Surface drilling was undertaken using a Diamec 262D rig (owned by FGM) which had a 1,000 m
capacity. The core diameters used were 36 mm and 46 mm. The drill used conventional diamond
drilling rather than wire‐line, resulting in the pulling of drill rods to recover the core barrel. Core
recovery was not reported to have been an issue at the time, but SRK has not been able to verify
this statement. Relatively limited background procedural information has been made available to
SRK in terms of the historic drilling.

Drilling programs completed by GCM are better documented and involved drilling diamond holes
collared at surface, which intersected the veins largely from the northeast and southwest

The drilling for 2011 was performed by six Longyear rigs operated by PERFOTEC Drilling and
managed by the Company's geological team. SRK observed drilling during its site visit in November
2011. The 2012/2013 drilling programs has been completed by two drilling contractors:

• “AKD” - AK Drilling International (Peruvian based drilling company); and

• “ENE” – Energold Drilling

Drilling was predominately performed with the use of a double tube with casing progressed to around
12 m from surface. On average, HQ drilling continued to around the 200 m depth at which point they
were cased-off and continued with NQ rods until their final depth. Drilling 'stick ups' were periodically
checked by the drilling crews.

SRK notes that core recovery is reported to be good despite the fact that triple tube drilling was not
in use, although recoveries were seen to drop towards and at vein intersections. During later drilling
programs contractors have used triple tube methods to improve the core recovery. The change
improved the overall core recoveries within the database such that the average over the mineralized
zone is approximately 93%.

Core was produced in 3 m core runs with recovered core lengths measured while encased in the
barrel to ensure accurate measurement of crushed material, and then placed by hand into an open
V-rail or drain pipe, where the core was re-orientated if required before being transported to the drill
site geologist. This geologist then inspected the core before transporting the core into numbered
aluminum core boxes. Cut wooden blocks were used to recorded core depths.

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Prior to August 15, 2012 samples were sent for preparation to the SGS facility in Medellin, and fire
assays for gold were conducted by SGS in Peru. Since August 15, 2012 all sample preparation and
fire assays have been completed at the upgraded SGS facility in Medellin.

In 2015 the Company began completing infill drilling programs at Providencia using underground drill
rigs (Figure 9-1, Boart Longyear LM30), with the aim of infill drilling via fan drilling to approximately
20 x 20 m spacing. Drilling is completed using industry standard underground rigs using NQ core
diameter which is consistent with the surface drilling.

During 2016 GCM completed an infill program designed to confirm and increase the confidence in
the grade distribution of the eastern fault block at the Sandra K mine. The program consisted of 34
holes drilled from surface for a total of 6,493.85 m (including two re-drills). All diamond core has
been logged and sent for preparation and fire assay to the SGS facility in Medellin. Additionally at
Sandra K 11 underground holes were drilled with the Chumeca vein area totaling some 2,038.3 m. A
summary of the number of holes per mine split by Company is shown in Table 9-1.

Source: GCM, 2017

Figure 9-1: Underground Drilling Rig (LM30) in use at Providencia

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Table 9-1: Summary of the Data Available per Mine by Sample Type
Sample Type Providencia Count Sum (m) El Silencio Count Sum (m) Sandra K Count Sum (m) Project Total Count Sum (m)
FGM 3,068 2,974.9 FGM 1,586 971.8 FGM 1,301 920.6 FGM 5,955 4,867.2
GEM 4,502 4,372.1 GEM 6,226 5,320.0 GEM 1,933 1,851.1 GEM 12,661 11,543.2
Channel GEX 615 1,061.3 GEX 384 499.5 GEX 219 430.7 GEX 1,218 1,991.4
MRC 292 241.9 MRC 0 0.0 MRC 0 0.0 MRC 0 0.0
Subtotal 8,477 8,650.2 Subtotal 8,196 6,791.3 Subtotal 3,453 3,202.3 Subtotal 20,126 18,643.7
FGM 231 26,289.0 FGM 198 13,922.5 FGM 48 3,252.7 FGM 477 43,464.2
Drillhole GZC 142 25,403.8 GZC 61 6,855.6 GZC 100 18,672.0 GZC 303 50,931.4
Subtotal 373 51,692.8 Subtotal 259 20,778.1 Subtotal 148 21,924.6 Subtotal 780 94,395.6
FGM 36,918 36,404.3 FGM 57,178 64,340.9 FGM 7,686 5,652.1 FGM 101,782 106,397.4
Subtotal 36,918 36,404.3 Subtotal 57,178 64,340.9 Subtotal 7,686 5,652.1 Subtotal 101,782 106,397.4
Source: SRK

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Source: SRK, 2017

Figure 9-2: Providencia (top) Sandra K (bottom) Drillhole and Sampling Plot Colored by
Database Phase (red indicates new data)

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9.1.2 Carla
No new drilling has been completed at Carla since the previous Mineral Resource estimate/. During
2011, GCM delineated a drilling program for the Carla Project, to be undertaken by PERFOTEC the
Colombian drilling contractor, which contemplated approximately 9,000 m of drilling to be completed
by end-December 2011.

To date, a total of 57 holes totaling some 10,373 m have been completed and designated with the
prefix “DRILL-“ or “DS-“ series holes, in the database provided. All completed drilling has been made
available for SRK in producing the current geological model and associated Mineral Resource
estimate. The location of the drill platforms had the objective to intercept the vein based on 50 m
sections and 100 m down-dip.

Table 9-2: Summary of Drilling per Company at the Carla Project

GSG GSG Total GZC GZC Total Grand Total
New Original Subtotal New Original Subtotal TOTAL
Count Total (m) Count Total (m) Count Total (m) Count Total (m) Count Total (m) Count Total (m) Count Total (m)
4 438.49 48 9,085 52 9,523 5 850 - 5 850 57 10,373
Source: SRK, 2013

9.2 Procedures
9.2.1 Collar surveys
All drill sites were initially located with the use of a handheld GPS with final locations recorded by a
surveyor once the drilling was completed. Each hole underwent a downhole survey once completed.

All GCM drillhole collars have been surveyed using a precision GPS which is based on Total Station
measurements, and have been located to a high degree of confidence in terms of the XY and Z
location. This data has been provided to SRK in digital format using UTM grid coordinates. Details of
the survey methods for the historical holes is not known.

9.2.2 Downhole Surveys

The drilling from surface is reported to have been orientated broadly perpendicular to the target vein
(access permitting); however, very few collar surveys are available and thus the large majority of
traces are shown in the database as vertical. Directional surveys were not carried out during the
FGM drilling programs.

Underground drilling appears to have largely been completed from cross-cuts and platforms on the
main levels. In places, fan drilling has been completed to maximize the information made available
from a single drill site.

GCM have used downhole geophysical surveys to orientate the holes carried out by the contractor
‘Weatherford’. The downhole tool has a Verticality Sonde instrument that measures azimuth and
inclination every 5 m by two level cells and three magnetometers. The erratic measurements in
zones of casing are evidence that the instrument is affected by magnetic rocks and the drill pipe and
bits. In general, the data collected is considered to be of high precision and accuracy suitable for use
in this resource estimation.

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9.2.3 Core Logging

During the 2012, 2013 and 2016 site visits, SRK has been able to visit the core shed facilities and
witness the underground channel sampling to review the sampling methods currently employed by
the Company. The following section relates to the methods and protocols used by the Company in
the latest exploration campaign. In terms of the historical sampling methods, SRK has relied on the
work completed by Dr. Stewart Redwood, a consultant geologist to the Company.

It is SRK’s view that the current sampling methods and approach are in line with industry best
practice and should not lead to any bias in the sampling and assay results. Core logging and
sampling procedures were consistent throughout the drilling program and were performed by the
Company's exploration geology team. The main processes were as follows:

• Technicians at the drill site log the core for recovery and RQD before transportation to the
core shed;
• Core boxes are transported from the drill sites to the core storage and logging facilities,
Figure 9-3;
• All core is photographed wet;
• Core is geologically logged using palm top computers with designed drop-down menus as
well as space allocated for detailed descriptions;
• Sampling lengths are allocated; only the vain material and through into the hanging wall and
footwall selvage material is sampled on lengths ranging between 30 cm to 1 m dependent
upon geological unit;
• For the purpose of sampling, the alteration (where present) in the wall rock is split in to two
distinct units, namely argillic dominant (typically more gold-bearing) and propylitic or potassic
• Sections are then carefully cut with the use of a diamond core cuter into two equal halves;
• Samples are taken and placed into heavy duty plastic bags; care is taken to ensure the
same half of core is removed throughout the sample interval;
• Quality Control materials are randomly inserted, coarse granitic blank material, three
different pulped standards and 1/4 core for field duplicates, any insertion is recorded within
the core box by inserting additional wooden core blocks;
• Samples are shipped to SGS Colombia S.A. facilities in Medellin for preparation and fire
• All core boxes are covered and housed in a centralized core storage facility; and
• All data is inputted into a central Access database held on site by one of two responsible
data managers.

9.2.4 Core Storage

The GCM core shed is based near to entrance to the El Silencio Mine on the valley floor. SRK visited
the storage facility during the site visit and found the facility to be organized and clean, with sufficient
space for the on-going exploration (Figure 9-3).

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Source: SRK

Figure 9-3: Core Storage Facility at Segovia

9.3 Interpretation and Relevant Results

At Providencia, the drilling intersects the mineralised vein from the northeast, southwest and
(predominant) vertical orientations in attempt to intersect the vein target area with sufficient coverage
whilst remaining inside the Segovia Concession boundary. The Providencia drillholes are plotted on
sections oriented north 25° east across the principal structural control of the deposit and spaced
approximately 50 to 100 m apart. The dips range from -64º to -90º degrees, with the average dip
inclination of the holes in the order of -83º and hole lengths ranging from 140 to 550.0 m. In places
fan drilling has been completed to maximise the information made available from a single drill site.

During the latest exploration program, the GCM drilling completed at Sandra K intersects the
mineralisation largely from the east and are plotted on sections orientated south 95° east across the
strike of the target structure and spaced approximately 50 m apart. The dip of the holes are typically
either -60° or -70°, and hole lengths range from 160.0 – 326.1 m. A limited number of boreholes with
more variable orientation has also been drilled to target the north-dipping Chumeca Vein.

The predominant drilling direction at the Las Verticales area has been to the southwest which is
perpendicular to the main orientation of the majority of the veins. The drill holes are plotted on
sections oriented north 65° east across the principal structural control of the deposit and spaced 100
to 200 m apart. The dips range from -37º to -90º degrees, with the average dip inclination of the
holes in the order of -63º and hole lengths ranging from 82.8 to 600.0 m.

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Source: SRK

Figure 9-4: Cross Section through the Providencia Deposit, showing typical drillhole
orientation, looking west

The drilling results are used to guide ongoing exploration efforts and to support the resource
estimation. SRK notes that the majority of the individual deposits are drilling as perpendicular to the
deposit as possible although there is a degree of concern relating to the low angle of intersection of
the deep drilling with the Las Verticales Veins System (resulting in a vein interval length that does
not closely represent true thickness). It is SRK’s view that the drilling orientations are sufficiently
reasonable to accurately model the geology and mineralization based on the current geological
interpretation. Areas with poor interception angles have been accounted for in the mineral resource
classification, and SRK strongly recommends drilling these areas from different positions to improve
the angle of intersection in any future programs.

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10 Sample Preparation, Analysis and Security

10.1 Security Measures
10.1.1 Diamond Drillcore
Core logging and sampling procedures were consistent throughout the drilling programme and were
performed by the Company's exploration geology team. The main processes were as follows:

• Technicians at the drill site log the core for recovery and RQD before transportation to the
core shed;
• Core boxes are transported from the drill sites to the core storage and logging facilities within
the El Silencio mine complex (Figure 10-1);
• All core is photographed wet;
• Core is geologically logged using palm top computers with designed drop-down menus as
well as space allocated for detailed descriptions;
• Sampling lengths are allocated; only the vein material and through into the hanging wall and
footwall selvage material is sampled on lengths ranging between 30 cm to 1 m dependent
upon geological unit;
• For the purpose of sampling, the alteration (where present) in the wall rock is split in to two
distinct units, namely argillic dominant (typically more gold-bearing) and propylitic or potassic
• Sections are then carefully cut with the use of a diamond core cuter into two equal halves;
• Samples are taken and placed into heavy duty plastic bags; care is taken to ensure the
same half of core is removed throughout the sample interval;
• Quality Control materials are randomly inserted, coarse granitic blank material, three
different pulped standards and 1/4 core for field duplicates, any insertion is recorded within
the core box by inserting additional wooden core blocks;
• Samples are shipped to SGS Colombia S.A. facilities in Medellin for preparation and fire
• All core boxes are covered and housed in a centralized core storage facility; and
• All data is inputted into a central Access database held on site by one of two responsible
data managers.

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Source: GCM

Figure 10-1: Core storage facility at Carla Project documented by GeoIntegral,(2011); sourced
from GCM’s internal report, showing: (a) core photography, (b) core logging area,
(c) checking of recovery and RQD, (d) geological logging, (e) core cutting and (f)
core storage shelving system

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10.2 Sample Preparation for Analysis

10.2.1 Mine Laboratory, Pre-2013
SRK visited the mine laboratory located in close proximity to the Maria Dama Plant during the 2013
site inspection.

The sample preparation method at mine laboratory consisted of placing samples in individual steel
trays, which were then inserted into in a large oven (at 105ºC for approximately three hours). SRK
noted that both folded steel and single pressed steel trays were currently in use at the laboratory.

The entire sample was crushed to (>)85% passing -10 mesh (2 mm) using a jaw crusher, then spilt
to 250 g using a Jones splitter (if required) and pulverized to >90% passing -140 mesh (140 µm) with
an LM2 pulverizing ring mill. The fine-ness of the pulverized sample was reported to be tested using
a sieve once per shift.

From the pulverized material, a 50 g sample was selected using a cone and quarter method, and
mixed with a flux. Gold assays were then taken using fire assay techniques with a gravimetric finish

Tested barren silica sand (in addition to compressed air) was used as a clean wash between each
sample in the crushing and pulverization stages.

11.2.2 SGS Laboratory

For the 2011 drill programme, samples were sent for sample preparation to the ISO 9001:2000
accredited, SGS laboratories (“SGS Medellin”) sample preparation facility in Medellin and assayed
for gold by SGS in Peru (“SGS Peru”).

SRK visited the SGS Medellin sample preparation facilities on November 17, 2011. The sample
preparation method at SGS Medellin was to dry the sample in large oven (at 105ºC for approximately
three hours) and crush the entire sample to (>)85% passing -10 mesh (2 mm) using a jaw crusher.
The sample is then spilt to 250 g using a Jones splitter and pulverised to >90% passing -140 mesh
(140 µm) with an LM2 pulverising ring mill. The finesse of the pulverised sample was reported to be
tested using a sieve every 50 samples.

Tested barren silica sand (in addition to compressed air) was used as a clean wash between each
sample in the crushing and pulverisation stages.

10.3 Sample Analysis

10.3.1 Mine Laboratory, Pre-2013
From the pulverized material, a 50 g sample was selected using a cone and quarter method and
mixed with a flux. Gold assays were then taken using fire assay techniques with a gravimetric finish

10.3.2 SGS Laboratory

Since August 15, 2013, SGS has upgraded the SGS laboratory at Medellin from a sample
preparation only facility to both sample preparation and fire assay. SRK completed a visit to the

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laboratory by Benjamin Parsons on June 6, 2013. Samples are tracked through the system using
barcodes placed on the samples within the sample receipt bay. The sample preparation method
follows the same process as the old laboratory.

SGS (Medellin) analyzed the samples for gold by fire assay with atomic absorption
spectrophotometer ("AAS") finish. Samples over 5 g/t Au were assayed by fire assay with gravimetric
finish. Silver was assayed by aqua regia digestion and AAS finish. All field samples and drill samples
up to hole ZC-0086 were analyzed for multiple elements by aqua regia digestion and inductively
coupled plasma (ICP) finish (39 Element ICP Package).

10.3.3 Mine Laboratory, 2015

GCM commissioned a new mine laboratory in 2015. The laboratory is located near the current Maria
Dama processing facility, and can complete sample preparation and fire assay. Only samples
assayed in the onsite lab and used in the current resource estimate are the channel samples
collected by the Mine Geology Department. All exploration drilling and sampling has been dispatched
to SGS in Medellin for analysis.

SRK visited the facility on August 10, 2016. The sample preparation methods are consistent with
those used at SGS facility (Figure 10-2). Samples are tracked through the system using barcodes
placed on the samples within the sample receipt bay. The sample preparation method follows the
same process as the old laboratory.

SGS (Medellin) analyzed the samples for gold by fire assay with atomic absorption
spectrophotometer (AAS) finish, using an Aligent Technologies 200 Series AA machine. Silver
samples above 100 g/t were assayed by fire assay with gravimetric finish. All information is captured
directly into the laboratory database to remove any transcription errors. Samples over 5 g/t Au were
assayed by fire assay with gravimetric finish.

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Source: SRK, 2016

Figure 10-2: New Mine Laboratory at Segovia, showing crusher, pulverizer, furnace and AA
assay capture

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10.4 Specific Gravity

GCM, with guidance from SRK, developed a density measurement protocol based on an immersion

• Weigh dry sample;

• Cover in paraffin wax;
• Weigh sample covered in paraffin;
• Immerse in water on suspended tray;
• Manually record weight; and
• Back-calculate density based on fixed formula within an Excel spreadsheet.

An example of the equipment used to measure the weights during the analysis and a typical
prepared core sample with logging sheet is illustrated in Figure 10-4.

The program has been implemented by the Company and a total of 580 drill core and channel
samples have been analyzed to date. Density values measured range from 1.51 to 4.97 g/cm .

A total 7 samples have been sent to SGS Peru in 2012 for external verification. Whilst there is a
degree of limitation on the sample size and variability in the results, SRK has selected the average
value at 2.7 g/cm as a reasonable representation of mineralized vein density.

Source: SRK

Figure 10-3: Core Sample coated in paraffin wax with logging sheet, prior to entry to the

10.5 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures

Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) measures are typically set in place to ensure the
reliability and trustworthiness of exploration data. These measures include written field procedure
sand independent verifications of aspects such as drilling, surveying, sampling and assaying, data
management, and database integrity. Appropriate documentation of quality control measures and
regular analysis of quality control data are important as a safeguard for project data and form the
basis for the quality assurance program implemented during exploration.

A QA/QC program is independent of the testing laboratory. The purpose of a QA/QC program is to
ensure reliable and accurate analysis is obtained from exploration samples for use in resource
estimation as part of industry best practice. Correctly implemented, a QA/QC program monitors for
detects, and corrects any errors identified at a project.

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The following control measures were implemented by the Company to monitor both the precision
and accuracy of sampling, preparation and assaying. Results shown have been limited to the QA/QC
samples inserted during routine 2013 sample submissions.

Certified Reference Materials (“CRM”), blanks and duplicates were submitted into the sample
stream, equating to a QA/QC sample insertion rate of approximately 15%, as illustrated in Table
10-1. In every 100 samples sent to the laboratory, the following are QA/QC materials were inserted:
7 CRM, three blanks, one field duplicate, two coarse reject preparation duplicates and two sample
pulp duplicates.

Table 10-1: Summary of Analytical Quality Control Data Produced by the Company for the
GCM Analytical Quality Control Data – 2013-2017
Count Total (%) Comment
Sampling Program
Gold Gold
Drilling Blanks 90 0.25%
Fine Blanks 200 0.56% Sourced from Rocklabs
Coarse Blanks 1,510 4.24%
Sourced from Rocklabs, Oreas, and
CRM Samples 83 0.23%
Field duplicates 16 0.04%
Mine channel duplicates 232 0.65%
Exploration channel
81 0.23%
Drilling duplicates 116 0.33%
Total QC Samples 2,328 6.53%

10.5.1 Standards

The Company has introduced twelve different CRM into the analysis sample stream. The CRM for
gold have been supplied by Rocklabs, New Zealand, by Geostats, Australia, and by Ore Research
and Exploration, Australia (Table 10-2). Summary statistics for the four most commonly used CRM
samples are shown in (Table 10-3 and Figure 10-4). The Company has defined performance related
goals on which batches are accepted or rejected and therefore requested for reanalysis. The
guidelines can be summarised as follows:

• A single CRM greater than three times the standard deviation is considered unacceptable
and means the subsequent samples are rejected;
• A single CRM greater than two times the standard deviation but less than three standard
deviations is considered acceptable and no action is taken; and
• Two consecutive CRM greater than two times the standard deviation but less than three
standard deviations is considered unacceptable, the laboratory is notified and samples
falling between the two are re-assayed.

Four standards have been most heavily used in the period from 2015 to 2017: SF57, SG40, SJ80,
and SK78. SRK has reviewed the CRM results and is satisfied that they demonstrate in general a
high degree of accuracy at the assaying laboratory (with the exception of a limited number of
anomalies) and hence give sufficient confidence in the assays for these to be used to derive a
Mineral Resource estimate.

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Table 10-2: Summary of Certified Reference Material Produced by Geostats and Rocklabs and
submitted by the Company in sample submissions
Gold; Au (ppm)
Standard Material
Certified Value SD Supplier
G910-7 0.51 0.03 Geostats Pty Ltd.
SE58 0.607 0.019 Rocklabs
SF57 0.848 0.03 Rocklabs
G908-4 0.96 0.05 Geostats Pty Ltd.
SG40 0.976 0.022 Rocklabs
SJ80 2.6656 0.057 Rocklabs
SK78 4.134 0.138 Rocklabs
SL76 5.96 0.192 Rocklabs
SQ47 122.3 5.7 Rocklabs
Oreas 12A 11.79 0.24 Oreas
SP73 18.17 0.42 Rocklabs
SN75 8.671 0.199 Rocklabs
Source: SRK

Table 10-3: Analysis of Gold Assays vs. Assigned CRM Values for 2015-2017 Submissions
Standard Code Count Assigned Mean Variance Maximum Minimum
Standard SF57 18 1.52 0.86 0.42% 1.008 0.787
Standard SG40 26 1.52 0.96 0.12% 1.01 0.891
Standard SJ80 14 0.51 2.60 0.27% 2.684 2.526
Standard SK78 9 3.474 3.94 3.29% 4.108 3.548
Source: SRK

Figure 10-4 shows the performance of SF57, SG40, SJ80, and SK78. In general, samples submitted
as standards return Au values within two standard deviations of their certified value. When, as
occasionally occurs, a standard fails (by falling outside the Company’s failure criteria of three
standard deviations from the certified value), it is flagged by GCG personnel, reported to the
laboratory, and submitted for re-assay. SRK notes that the majority of standards fall below or very
close to the expected Au value. Although SF57 standards submitted in early 2016 returned higher-
than-expected values, SRK notes that the values were generally within two standard deviations and
decreased over the next several months.

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Source: SRK, 2017

Figure 10-4: Control Charts Showing Performance of Au Standards

10.5.2 Blanks
Coarse quartz brought in from Medellin, and a certified fine grained blank from Rocklabs are
included in the sample stream. Blank samples have been submitted with both mine drillcore (Figure
10-5) and mine pulps (Figure 10-6). Between 2015 and 2017, ninety blank samples have been
submitted with drilling samples to verify that contamination is not affecting assay results at Segovia.
Between 2013 and 2017, 1,710 blanks (1,510 coarse blanks 200 fine blanks) were submitted with

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mine pulps, representing 5% of the total sample submissions to date. Of the 1,800 total samples
submitted, none were anomalous. SRK has reviewed the results from the blank sample analysis, and
has determined that there is little evidence for sample contamination at SGS.

Source: SRK, 2017.

Figure 10-5: Blank Analysis (Au) for Drilling at Segovia

Source: SRK, 2017

Figure 10-6: Blank Analysis (Au) for Mine Channel Samples

10.5.3 Duplicates
Third party duplicates are inserted into the sample stream at Segovia to evaluate the ability of a third
party laboratory to repeat the assay results from the remaining sample; i.e., generate a new pulp

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using the rejection of the sample. This new pulp is tested and the results are compared with the
results of the original sample assayed by the original laboratory.

Sixteen field duplicates (1/4 core) have been inserted into the routine sample submissions (0.04% of
the total sample submissions) and assayed for Au and Ag to ensure laboratory precision. Despite the
low number of samples, field duplicates showed fairly good correlation for both Au and Ag (97 and
91%, respectively; Figure 10-7).

In context of a deposit with noted high geological variability, SRK is reasonably confident in the
repeatability of the sample preparation process.

Source: SRK, 2017

Figure 10-7: Au and Ag Dispersion Plots for Segovia Field Duplicates

10.6 Verification of Primary Laboratory by Umpire Laboratory

To confirm the quality of the assays at SGS (Medellin) submitted during the 2013-2017 programs, an
umpire laboratory check has been completed. To complete the analysis, selected batches from SGS
Medellin have been resubmitted to Actlabs Laboratories in Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia.

The selected samples have been sourced from a range of drillcore reject, plus reject material from
channel sampling from underground drives and pillars. Samples have been selected on a batch

Samples have been submitted on a like for like basis with the original QAQC samples, including
blank and CRM material replaced to ensure sufficient quality checks were in place. SRK has
independently reviewed the results and completed a comparison (Table 10-4, Figure 10-8 and Figure
10-9). In general, the performance of the control samples inserted with samples submitted for
assaying is acceptable, with the highest errors noted in the exploration drilling due to the relatively
low grade nature of the selected samples. The key values for comparison are considered to be the
Mine Drilling based on the mean grades, which returned a difference in mean grades of 1%.

SRK notes that for the exploration drilling the reported percentage difference for all 117 duplicates is
relatively high (50%), but this is in part due to the low grade nature of the selected samples. SRK has

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revised the analysis to only consider samples where the original assay reported higher than 0.3 g/t
Au, (35 duplicate pairs), which saw the mean grades increase to an average of 1.72 g/t and 1.76 g/t
Au at Actlabs and SGS respectively. This represents a difference in the mean grades of 2%, which
SRK considers to be within acceptable limits. One outlier was removed from the analysis which
reported significantly different results.

The exploration channel sample dataset also showed a high bias towards Actlabs reporting higher,
and SRK noted the presence of one significant outlier when Actlabs reported other 42.0 g/t versus
9.2 g/t Au at SGS. The resultant plot reduced the sample population to 50 pairs, and the bias
reduced from 51 % to 29 %. SRK notes four further samples occur where Actlabs reports higher

Table 10-4: Summary Statistics of SGS vs. Actlabs Pair Duplicate Assays
Exploration Drilling Actlabs Au (ppm) SGS Au (ppm) % Difference
Mean 0.023 0.046 50%
Standard Deviation 1.293 1.983
Min. 0.003 0.003
Max. 7.610 16.110
No. Samples 117 117

Mine Drilling Actlabs Au (ppm) SGS Au (ppm) % Difference

Mean 2.695 2.729 1%
Standard Deviation 71.701 66.251
Min. 0.015 0.032
Max. 1072.710 989.070
No. Samples 232 232

Channel Samples Actlabs Au (ppm) SGS Au (ppm) % Difference

Mean 0.889 0.581 -53%
Standard Deviation 9.851 4.244
Min. 0.003 0.012
Max. 66.830 33.160
No. Samples 63 81
Source: SRK, 2017

Source: SRK, 2017

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Figure 10-8: Dispersion Plots for Mine and Exploration Channel Third-Party Duplicates

Source: SRK, 2017

Figure 10-9: Third-party Duplicates for Exploration Drilling at Segovia

10.7 Opinion on Adequacy

GCM has completed a very limited QA/QC program consisting of field duplicate sampling during the
first few years of its exploration drilling programs. SRK notes that previous technical reports deemed
the level of QA/QC consistent with industry best practices and cautions that, based on SRK’s
extensive experience, this is not the case.

SRK is of the opinion that, given the recent QA/QC results and comparison to the mill, as well as the
fact that Segovia is a producing mine with a robust production history, that the quality of the
analytical data is sufficient to report mineral resources in the Indicated and Inferred categories. SRK
strongly advises GCM to continue to support ongoing QA/QC monitoring and document the
procedures and methods for actions to be taken in the event of failures.

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11 Data Verification
11.1 Procedures
11.1.1 GCM Verification
The Company has undertaken a number of verification sampling programs to date for the historic
underground channel sampling, including the initial check sampling, which concluded a low degree
of confidence in the results from the historic mine laboratory (as detailed in a previous NI43-101 SRK
Mineral Resource Report, dated April 2012).

As a result, it has been recommended to increase the confidence in the sampling by increasing the
underground mine/channel database completed by GCM, inclusive of further verification sampling.
On the basis of the subsequent verification (2011 to 2012) of the sampling databases (which
indicated reasonable sample integrity), SRK used the combined historical and more recent GCM
data for the previous Mineral Resource Estimate.

Additional channel sampling completed at the operating mines between 2013 to 2017, and infill
drilling exploration programs has enabled further verification of the historic database, which (whilst
indicating a variable correlation) has increased the geological confidence in within the re-sampled
areas, as discussed in Section 11.5.

Further key verification work completed by the Company during the latest phase of exploration
included the following:

• Infill drilling of the historic borehole database at Sandra K;

• Completing a check assay program for the SGS laboratory Medellin, at ACME laboratory in
• Data capture and cross checking of historical database captured of historical plans for the El
Silencio mine;
• Survey and mapping of underground workings, in the case of El Silencio in areas which were
previously flooded;
• Validation of the Carla database, including geotechnical re-logging and assaying of
previously (selectively) non-sampled core within the within the mineralized zone, as
recommended by SRK; and
• Anomalous GCM downhole surveys were resurveyed by an external contractor
(Weatherford) and all GCM collars resurveyed by a land survey Company (SIGMA

11.1.2 Verifications by SRK

In accordance with National Instrument 43-101 guidelines, SRK visited the Project from November
27 to 30, 2016, and on February 10, 2017. The main purpose of the site visits was to:

• Witness the extent of the exploration work completed to date;

• Inspect the drilling core and underground channel sampling completed during the latest
phase of exploration;

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• Visit the Providencia, El Silencio underground mines (SRK has previously visited Sandra K
and Carla) to ascertain geological characteristics of the mineralized structures;
• Complete an audit of sampling procedures underground;
• Complete an audit of the new laboratory onsite;
• Inspect core logging and sample storage facilities;
• Discuss updated geological and structural interpretations and inspect drill core; and
• Conducted routine visits to GCM offices in Medellin and site to review the geological
database and progress on updating the 3D spatial locations with the new mine survey

Since GCM have taken ownership, SRK has completed reviews of the sample preparation
methodology and assay laboratory at SGS Medellin, the old GEM Laboratory, and the new mine
laboratory, and discuss quality issues, which formed the basis to stop submissions of the mine
channel samples to the old GEM facility while construction of the new facility was completed;

SRK completed a phase of data validation on the digital sample database supplied by the Company
which included but was not limited to the following:

• Search for sample overlaps or significant gaps in the interval tables, duplicate or absent
samples, errors in the length field, anomalous assay and survey results. The Company’s
geological team were notified of any issues that required correction or further investigation.
No material issues were noted in the final sample database.
• Confirmation of historic assays digitized from 2D mine plans for the El Silencio Mine. Due to
the historic method of recording channel sample grade in pennyweights (dwts) and length in
inches, SRK cross checked from original mine plans that the correct conversions had been
used (to reflect g/t Au and length in meters). A number of non-converted historic channel
samples were noted to exist in the database, which SRK raised with the Company and were
resolved prior to estimation.
• Excluded vein samples that are flagged as having the footwall or hanging wall of the
structure continuing in to the floor or roof of the underground drive (and therefore effectively
incomplete samples). The exposed hanging wall or footwall (point) of the flagged vein
sample was used to guide the appropriate surface of the geological model, however
excluded from all statistical analyses and the resource estimate.

SRK was able to verify the quality of geological and sampling information and develop an
interpretation of gold grade distributions appropriate to use in the Mineral Resource model.

11.2 Limitations
SRK did not review 100% of the analyses from the analytical certificates as a part of this report. In
addition, SRK reviewed analyses from certificates that are likely to have been reanalyzed either as a
part of the recent resampling program or over the normal course of the previous six years of work.
SRK has not completed site inspections to all levels of the mining areas but has focused on the
areas operated by GCM at lower levels.

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11.3 Opinion on Data Adequacy

SRK is of the opinion that the data provided is adequate for estimation of Mineral Resources and
classification in the Indicated and Inferred categories.

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12 Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing

12.1 Testing and Procedures
Segovia facilities include an operating processing plant and metallurgical laboratory at site. Sampling
and testing of samples are executed on an as-needed basis. No new detailed testwork results were
available at this time for the areas being mined currently or for the new prospects being explored, but
SRK has been supplied with production data from the past four years for review.

12.1.1 Sample Representativeness

Mined material processed at the Maria Dama plant is sourced from all three operating mines, and
therefore the average recovery is considered applicable to all deposits within the Segovia Project.

12.2 Relevant Results

SRK has plotted the reported average recovery versus the average grade per production source
(mine owned versus contractor miners). The results indicate in general the recovery fluctuate around
the 90% recovery levels, for both source types, this allows SRK to assume there is no drop in the
recovery due to grade fluctuation for the assumption of the Mineral Resource statement.

Source: SRK, 2017

Figure 12-1: Summary of Maria Dama Production Grades and Recovery 2014 – 2016 (monthly

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12.3 Recovery Estimate Assumptions

Based on the performance to data SRK considers a mean recovery of 90.5 % to be reasonable for
the purpose of the current Mineral Resource Estimate.

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13 Mineral Resource Estimate

The Mineral Resource Statement presented herein represents the latest Mineral Resource
evaluation prepared for the Project in accordance with the Canadian Securities Administrators’
National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101).

The Mineral Resource model prepared by SRK utilises some 780 diamond drillholes and over
100,000 historical samples and over 20,000 underground channel samples. The Mineral Resource
estimate was completed by Mr Benjamin Parsons, MAusIMM (CP) an appropriate “independent
qualified person” as this term is defined in National Instrument 43-101. The effective date of the
resource statement is March 15, 2017.

This section describes the Mineral Resource estimation methodology and summarizes the key
assumptions considered by SRK. In the opinion of SRK, the Mineral Resource estimate reported
herein is a reasonable representation of the global Mineral Resources found in the Project at the
current level of sampling. The Mineral Resources have been estimated in conformity with generally
accepted CIM “Estimation of Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves Best Practices” guidelines and
are reported in accordance with the Canadian Securities Administrators’ National Instrument 43-101.
Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.
There is no certainty that all or any part of the Mineral Resource will be converted into Mineral

SRK has been supplied with an export of the geological database and preliminary interpretations of
the main faults and veins in DXF format by the Company. The database used to estimate the Project
Mineral Resources was audited by SRK. SRK is of the opinion that the current drilling information is
sufficiently reliable to interpret with confidence the boundaries for gold mineralisation and that the
assay data are sufficiently reliable to support Mineral Resource estimation.

Aranz Leapfrog Geo Modelling Software (“Leapfrog”) was used to construct the geological solids,
whilst Datamine Studio RM (“Datamine”) was used to prepare assay data for geostatistical analysis,
construct the block model, estimate metal grades and tabulate the resultant Mineral Resources.
Snowden Supervisor software was used for geostatistical analysis and variography.

The Mineral Resource model presented herein represents an updated resource evaluation prepared
for the Segovia and Carla Projects. SRK has not updated the Mineral Resource models for the Carla
and Las Verticales areas as no new information is currently available and therefore the last estimate
remains valid.

The resource estimation methodology involved the following procedures:

• Database compilation and verification;

• Construction of wireframe models for the fault networks and centerlines of mining
development per vein;
• Definition of resource domains;
• Data conditioning (compositing and capping) for statistical analysis, geostatistical analysis;
• Variography;
• Block modelling and grade interpolation;

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• Resource classification and validation;

• Assessment of “reasonable prospects for economic extraction” and selection of appropriate
reporting cut-off grades; and
• Preparation of the Mineral Resource Statement.

13.1 Drillhole Database

SRK was supplied with a Microsoft Excel Database, which has been exported from the Company’s
main (SQL) database. The files supplied had an effective cut-off date of March 23, 2017. Separate
files were supplied for the drilling database and channel sampling programmes. The database have
been reviewed by SRK and imported into Datamine to complete the Mineral Resource Estimate.
SRK is satisfied with the quality of the database for use in the construction of the geological block
model and associated Mineral Resource Estimate.

13.2 Geologic Model

The Mineral Resource estimation process was a collaborative effort between SRK and GCM staff.
GCM provided to SRK an exploration database with flags of the main veins as interpreted by GCM.
In addition to the database GCM has also supplied a geological interpretation comprising preliminary
3D digital files (DXF) through the areas investigated by core drilling for each of the main veins.

SRK imported the geological information into Aranz Leapfrog® Geo (Leapfrog®) to complete the
geological model. Leapfrog® has been selected due to the ability to create rapid accurate geological
interpretations, which interact with a series of geological conditions. The following process has been
completed to complete the geological models:

• Import the geological database and complete standard validation. Any erroneous data has
been reported to GCM for review;
• Imported GCM geological interpretation, which is in polyline formats;
• Construction of the fault model using the GCM polylines as a guideline;
• Defined the timing and interaction of faults to generate fault blocks within which veins can be
defined. The veins terminate at the contact with each fault; and
• Creation of the veins based initially on lithological coding provided by, then edited by SRK
based on either grade or location validation issues. The final model has not been snapped to
all intersections due to continuing validation of elevations remaining an issue to a degree.
SRK would recommend the elevations validation work continues and that efforts should be
made to initially define the mining levels and development in full before reviewing the
channel elevations further;

A fault network for Providencia, Sandra K and El Silencio has been interpreted by the Company
using mine survey points and underground fault mapping. The structural model (provided as surface
wireframes or polylines in DXF format), which has been approved as a reasonable geological
representation by the Company’s external structural consultant (Dr. Tony Starling, Telluris Consulting
Ltd), has been used to define domain breaks for construction of the mineralization wireframes.

Interpretation of the vein structure in areas of mining development is relatively clear given the
abundance of on-vein channel samples and development surveys, whereas in areas of less densely
spaced sampling (for example down-dip of the mine) a greater consideration is required. Infill drilling

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from underground drilling locations has improved the geological knowledge of short to medium scale
estimates ahead of the current development. SRK consider the use of tightly spaced infill holes very
important and therefore recommend this practice continues across all three operating mines.

For the current Resource update, interpreted vein intervals and vein locations (single plane) have
been provided by the Company geologists for use as a modelling guide to prevent of misallocation of
mineralized intercepts where multiple veins exist. SRK modelled vein intervals were selected based
on lithology logs, elevated gold grades and knowledge of the relationship between adjacent veins
noted from underground mapping. SRK utilized the interval selection tool in Leapfrog to generate
new logging codes to provide a smoothed interpretation of the vein, and avoid isolated pinch or pulls
in the interpretation.

The initial geological model has been reviewed between SRK and GCM to confirm the current
interpretation is representative of the underlying geological data, and knowledge of the veins from

Statistical analysis and visual validation indicated the presence of two sample populations (medium
and high grade), at El Silencio and Providencia (and to a limited extent at Sandra K). SRK considers
that the application of internal high-grade domains should continue to be required at both these
mines, and has introduced the same procedures at Sandra K, to ensure consistency across all three
mines. SRK has worked with GCM and the mining teams to aid the definition of the high-grade
domains at the two main mines. During the review of the high-grade domains SRK noted that the
orientation of the high-grades is to the north east on all three mines (Figure 13-1) which could be due
to some regional structural controls creating preferential situations for the deposition of gold
mineralization. This is consistent with the structural model proposed by Telluris Consulting in
January 2013 (Figure 13-1).

The high-grade domains for each of the three mines have been created using a form of Indicator
modelling using either Leapfrog® (Providencia and Sandra K), or Vulcan™ (El Silencio), with the first
pass imported into Datamine™ mining software for review. SRK has used variable caps on all three
deposits based on initial review of the histograms as follows:

• Providencia – 7 g/t Au;

• El Silencio – 7 g/t Au; and
• Sandra K – 5 g/t Au.

To remove any potential small areas or isolated pockets created by the estimation process, SRK has
generated a series of strings from the initial interpretation and manually edited the interpretation to
provide reasonable representation of the underlying grade continuity.

The final geological coding has been stored in the block model under the field “HG” for the main
domains, but each individual wireframe has been coded into the model dependent on its various fault
block locations in sequence under the field “KZONE”. A summary of the final domains is provided in
Table 13-1.

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Source: SRK

Figure 13-1: Plots showing orientation of high-grade shoots from top left (clockwise),
Providencia, Telluris Consulting structural control model, El Silencio, and
Sandra K

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Table 13-1: Summary of final geological domain and coding

Mine HG Wireframe/Coding Description
10 pro_1010 - pro_1120 LG
Providencia 20 pv_shoot_0317 HG
30 pro_2010, pro_2860, pro_4150, pro_4320 Other
10 vem1001 - vem1110 VEM - LG
20 es_shoot_0317 VEM - HG
30 nal2001 - nal2004 nal
40 vep3001 vep
El Silencio 50 esi4001 esi
60 lan5001 lan
70 unk6001 unk
80 sal7001 sal
90 - 120 sno8001, sno9001, sno9002, sno1330 sno
10 sk_1001 - sk_1003 Techo North LG
15 sk_1004 - sk_1006 Techo South LG
Sandra K 20 sk_high_grade Techo HG
30 sk_2001 - sk_2003 Piso
40 sk_3001 Chumeca
Source: SRK

13.3 Assay Capping and Compositing

SRK evaluated capping of outlier populations and compositing of variable-length data to minimize
variance prior to the estimation as well as obtain a more reasonable approximation of grades during
the resource estimation.

13.3.1 Outliers
High grade capping is undertaken where data is no longer considered to be part of the main
population. SRK has completed the analysis based on log probability plots, raw and log histograms
which can be used to distinguish the grades at which samples have significant impacts on the local
estimation and whose affect is considered extreme. SRK notes that the mean grades within the
different veins are sensitive to changes in the cap.

The raw assay data was first plotted on histograms and cumulative distribution plots (Figure 13-2) to
understand its basic statistical distribution. High-grade capping was applied based on a combination
of these plots, plus log histogram information. To create the plots the domained samples for all
zones have been created in Datamine and imported into Snowden Supervisor v8.3 (Supervisor) for

The plots can be used to distinguish the grades at which the sample population starts to break down
and that additional samples will likely have significant impacts on the local estimation and whose
affect is considered extreme (Figure 13-3). Using this methodology top-cuts have been defined for
each domain by reviewing the information from the different sample types.

The spatial occurrence of the capped values was visually verified to determine if they formed
discrete zones which could potentially be modelled separately.

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During the on-going work with SRK and GCM at the Segovia operations between 2015 and 2017 the
capping levels have been discussed in detail. It is GCM view that the capping levels used in the 2013
estimates were considered high and that more strict application of capping would be more
appropriate. SRK has therefore reviewed the statistics and lognormal probability plots per domain to
determine appropriate grade capping thresholds.

In 2012 capping limits of 480 g/t Au (high-grade shoot) and 200 g/t Au (vein) at Providencia, 150 g/t
Au (high-grade shoot) and 125 g/t Au (vein) at El Silencio and 25 g/t Au at Las Verticales were then
selected. A capping limit of 240 g/t was applied to the major Sandra K vein set, while 180 g/t Au was
applied to the Sandra K–Chumeca sub-vein. Two caps were applied at Carla of 100 g/t Au and 50 g/t
Au, to limit the influence of a limited number of high-grade samples on the estimate.

Source: SRK

Figure 13-2: Example of Raw Histogram and Log-Probability Plot for Providencia High-Grade

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Source: SRK

Figure 13-3: Example of Capped Histogram and Log-Probability Plot for Providencia High-
Grade Domain

The influence of the capping has been reviewed by SRK, to confirm the potential impact on the
number of samples capped and the mean grades within each estimation domain. As part of the
revised capping strategy in the 2017 estimates capping has been set at Providencia to 300 g/t Au (in
the first estimation pass of the high-grade shoot), dropping to 200 g/t Au in the second and third
search ranges, with a more significant cap in the low-grade domain of 60 g/t Au at Providencia. At El
Silencio a maximum of 120 g/t Au was used within the high-grade domain, and 30 g/t Au within the
low-grade vein material. The other veins at El Silencio were reviewed on a vein by vein basis with
the selected caps ranging between 15 and 90 g/t Au. A summary of the raw, capped and composited
histograms and log probability plots are shown in Appendix B.

SRK completed sensitivity studies both on samples (Figure 13-4) and estimation to changes in the
capping levels which showed that adjusting the capping has a reasonably significant impact on the
resultant contained metal. Capping the Providencia high-grade at 300 g/t Au resulted in
approximately 2% of the values being capped, but dropping the cap to 200 g/t Au increased this
percentage to approximately 5% of the database, which increases to 10% at 120 g/t Au. SRK
considers that capping this level of data would be significant as the mean grade for the domain drops
more than 10 g/t Au (Figure 13-4). SRK considers that a more appropriate approach would be to limit
the potential impact of the higher grades to the first search pass.

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Source: SRK

Figure 13-4: Log Probability Plots showing impact of capping to various levels on the mean (Providencia high-grade domain)

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Table 13-2 shows a comparison of the mean grades within each domain based on the grade capping
applied. The percentage difference for the less densely sampled zones between the raw and the
capped mean is reasonably elevated, namely in the Carla and Las Verticales vein domains. SRK
noted during the investigation that the difference in the mean grade (in context of a relatively small
sample population) is skewed by a limited number of high-grade samples which (prior to capping)
have been visually checked to see whether they form separate populations.

Table 13-2: Summary of Raw versus Capped samples

Minimum Maximum Au Standard Coefficient %
Vein Domain Field Count Au (g/t) Au (g/t) (g/t) Variance Deviation of Variation Difference
Raw 31887 0 1750 6.258 729.1 27.002 4.315
PV 10 - LG Capped 31887 0 60 5.078 93.162 9.652 1.901 -18.9%
Composite 29199 0 60 5.198 94.665 9.73 1.872 -16.9%
Raw 13759 0 6773.24 46.147 10043.829 100.219 2.172
PV 20 - HG Capped 13759 0 300 42.378 3991.343 63.177 1.491 -8.2%
Composite 12498 0 300 37.517 3358.866 57.956 1.545 -18.7%
Raw 875 0 223.76 10.614 479.479 21.897 2.063
PV 30 - Other Capped 875 0 60 9.119 213.211 14.602 1.601 -14.1%
Composite 725 0 60 9.219 207.241 14.396 1.561 -13.1%

Raw 29373 0 317.76 2.751 37.1 6.091 2.214
VEM 10 -
ES Capped 29373 0 30 2.594 11.892 3.448 1.33 -5.7%
Composite 26949 0 30 2.594 11.171 3.342 1.288 -5.7%
Raw 25119 0 833.573 20.957 1582.843 39.785 1.898
VEM 20 -
ES Capped 25110 0 120 18.883 805.899 28.388 1.503 -9.9%
Composite 23947 0 120 18.869 802.799 28.334 1.502 -10.0%
Raw 776 0 1381 11.345 1025.318 32.021 2.823
ES 30 - NAL Capped 5951 0 90 9.965 379.968 19.493 1.956 -12.2%
Composite 5910 0 90 9.965 380.036 19.495 1.956 -12.2%
Raw 766 0.006 1220 19.613 3292.721 57.382 2.926
ES 40 - VEP Capped 776 0.006 90 15.781 567.497 23.822 1.51 -19.5%
Composite 700 0.006 90 15.837 548.171 23.413 1.478 -19.3%
ES 50 - ESI Capped Insufficient coded samples to define a sample population

Raw 2018 0 392 11.783 735.55 27.121 2.302
ES 60 - LAN Capped 2018 0 60 8.945 189.243 13.757 1.538 -24.1%
Composite 1713 0 60 8.869 188.794 13.74 1.549 -24.7%
Raw 1460 0 311 14.261 729.851 27.016 1.894
ES 70 - UNK Capped 1460 0 60 12.015 287.465 16.955 1.411 -15.7%
Composite 1412 0 60 12.014 287.592 19.959 1.412 -15.8%
ES 80 - SAL Capped Insufficient coded samples to define a sample population

Raw 86 0 408 13.035 2439.587 49.392 3.789
ES 90 - SNO Capped 86 0 30 4.885 55.382 7.442 1.523 -62.5%
Composite 86 0 30 4.885 55.382 7.442 1.523 -62.5%


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Raw 135 0 156 5.975 249.913 15.809 2.646
ES 100 - SNO Capped 135 0 30 4.482 28.084 5.299 1.182 -25.0%
Composite 135 0 30 4.482 28.084 5.299 1.82 -25.0%
Raw 45 0 28.4 5.556 51.404 7.17 1.29
ES 110 - SNO Capped 45 0 15 4.102 23.71 4.869 1.187 -26.2%
Composite 41 0 15 4.187 24.007 4.9 1.17 -24.6%

Raw 4812 0 553 5.774 299.006 17.292 2.955
SK TECHNO - Capped 4818 0 60 5.067 87.342 9.346 1.844 -12.2%
Composite 4670 0 60 5.011 83.679 9.148 1.826 -13.2%
Raw 698 0 57.5 3.98 40.115 6.334 1.592
SK TECHNO - Capped 698 0 30 3.861 32.51 5.702 1.477 -3.0%
Composite 509 0 30 3.845 26.976 5.194 1.351 -3.4%
Raw 2447 0 487 14.628 748.174 27.353 1.87
20 -
SK Capped 2443 0 120 13.866 467.952 21.632 1.56 -5.2%
Composite 1756 0 120 14.392 415.859 20.393 1.417 -1.6%
Raw 2437 0 1840 11.306 41.928 41.928 3.709
SK 30 - PISO Capped 2437 0 90 9.828 274.462 16.567 1.686 -13.1%
Composite 2006 0 90 9.718 271.102 16.465 1.694 -14.0%
Raw 1734 0 386 9.929 1037.324 32.208 3.244
40 -
SK Capped 1734 0 60 7.138 167.172 12.929 1.811 -28.1%
Composite 1318 0 60 7.117 159.166 12.616 1.773 -28.3%

CA Raw 115 0.00 290.22 6.55 758.49 27.54 4.20
Carla -25.3%
Capped 115 0.00 100.00 4.90 131.98 11.49 2.35
LV Las Raw 135 0.00 56.00 4.30 64.58 8.04 1.87
Verticales Capped 135 0.00 25.00 3.82 33.39 5.78 1.51
Source: SRK

13.3.2 Compositing
SRK analysed the mean length of the underground channel and drillhole samples in order to
determine appropriate composite lengths. At Providencia, Sandra K, Las Verticales and Carla the
mean length of the sample data approximates to (or is less than) 0.8to 1.0 m, suggesting that a
composite length of greater than 1.0 m is appropriate. Figure 13-5 provides an example of the length
analysis undertaken for drillhole samples at Providencia and El Silencio, which indicate that while the
mean is low a significant portion of the database has sample lengths in excess of 1.0 m (typically
>40% of the database), and therefore composite lengths in the order of 2.0 or 3.0 m would be
deemed more appropriate.

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Source: SRK, 2017

Figure 13-5: Log Probability Plots of Sample Lengths within Providencia and El Silencio Veins

SRK tested the sensitivity in the mean grades to changes in composite length, plus the sensitivity of
tools within Datamine (MODE) that attempt to ensure all vein samples are incorporated into the
composite file. The results indicate that using the Datamine (MODE = 1) utility enables more of the
narrow vein samples to be incorporated in to the composites while limiting any potential bias.

The results of the study for vein samples indicated that the selected 3.0 m composite length (or vein
width), using a minimum sample length of 0.20 m, and Datamine’s MODE = 1 function provides a
reasonable reconciliation to the raw data mean grade and total length. SRK has therefore elected to
use the option to utilise all sampling within the flagged veins (MODE=1).

At Carla and Las Verticales, there has been no update Mineral Resource estimate, and the selected
composite length at the time (2013) was a 1.0 m composite, using a minimum of 0.25 m.

13.4 Density
Density measurements have been taken at Segovia from both drill core and hand samples from the
underground workings. In the case of both, density has been assessed via the standard immersion
method, measuring the mass of the sample in air and then water, and taking the difference between
the two. SRK notes that this method is considered reasonable. The method used to define the
density for the geological model is discussed in Section 0, which indicated a default block density of
2.7 g/cm is appropriate for the Project.

SRK notes that local fluctuations maybe expected due to varying amounts of sulfides. Overall SRK
considers the density to be reasonable for this style of deposit, and is supported to a degree by
Production data and weightometers at the plant.

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13.5 Variogram Analysis and Modeling

Variography is the study of the spatial variability of an attribute, in this case gold (“Au”) grade. ISATIS
Software (“Isatis”) was used for geostatistical analysis for the Project previously. SRK completed a
detailed Variography study during the 2013 Mineral Resource estimate, which given the relative
increase in the database is still considered valid. SRK has cross checked the models using Snowden
Supervisor during the 2017 estimate.

In order to define variograms of sufficient clarity, the data has been calculated using a Pairwise
Relative Variogram.

In completing the analysis the following has been considered:

• Azimuth and dip of each zone was determined;

• The down-hole variogram was calculated and modelled to characterize the nugget effect;
• Experimental Pairwise Relative semi-variograms, were calculated to determine directional
variograms for the along strike, cross strike and down-dip directions;
• Directional variograms were modelled using the nugget and sill defined in the down-hole
variography, and the ranges for the along strike, cross strike and down-dip directions; and
• All variances (where relevant) were re-scaled for each mineralized lens to match the total
variance for that zone.

An example of the pairwise relative variograms modelled for the Providencia high-grade shoot and
vein domains is shown in Figure 13-6 with variograms for all zones shown in Appendix C.

Variogram Model - Global

Pairwise Relative Vario.

Distance (m)
0 50 100 150

1.0 1.0


0.5 0.5
Pairwise Relative Vario.


0.0 0.0

0 50 100 150
Distance (m)
- Variable #1 : AUCAP
Pairwise Relative Variogram : in 3 direction(s) Jul 12 2013
D1 : N307
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 500.00m
D2 : N44
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 500.00m
D3 : N10
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 10.00m, Count = 20 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Model : 4 basic structure(s)
Global rotation = Azimuth=N280.00 Dip=30.00 Pitch=30.00 (Geologist Plane)
S1 - Nugget effect, Sill = 0.35
S2 - Spherical - Range = 4.00m, Sill = 0.329
Directional Scales = ( 4.00m, 5.00m, 4.00m)
S3 - Spherical - Range = 25.00m, Sill = 0.189
Directional Scales = ( 25.00m, 35.00m, 25.00m)
S4 - Spherical - Range = 100.00m, Sill = 0.033
Directional Scales = ( 100.00m, 100.00m, 100.00m)

Source: SRK, 2013

Figure 13-6: Summary of modelled semi-variogram parameters for the Providencia for gold
(shown left and right); August 2013

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The final variogram parameters for the Project are displayed in Table 13-3.

Table 13-3: Final Variogram Parameters

A1 – A1 – A1 – A2 – A2 – A2 – A3 – A3 – A3 –
Along Down Across Along Down Across Along Down Across
Variogram Rotation Rotation Rotation Strike Dip Strike Strike Dip Strike Strike Dip Strike
Parameter Z Y X Co C1 (m) (m) (m) C2 (m) (m) (m) C3 (m) (m) (m)
Providencia 10 30 -150 38.9% 36.5% 4 5 4 21.0% 25 35 25 3.7% 100 100 100
El Silencio 105 27 -43 69.9% 16.5% 5 5 5 1.4% 25 35 25 12.2% 80 100 80
El Silencio 105 27 -43 58.0% 14.7% 12 8 12 6.9% 55 25 55 20.4% 90 80 90
Sandra K 60 25 -15 69.9% 16.5% 5 5 5 1.4% 25 35 25 12.2% 80 100 80
Sandra K 60 25 -15 58.0% 14.7% 12 8 12 6.9% 55 25 55 20.4% 90 80 90
Carla 80 45 0 30.0% 14.0% 5 5 5 56.0% 130 70 30
Verticales 0 0 0 23.1% 36.8% 30 30 30 40.1% 120 120 120
Source: SRK

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13.6 Block Model

SRK has produced block models using Datamine™ Studio RM Software (Datamine™). The
procedure involved construction of wireframe models for the fault networks, veins, definition of
resource domains (high-grade sub-domains), data conditioning (compositing and capping) for
statistical analysis, geostatistical analysis, variography, block modelling and grade interpolation
followed by validation. Grade estimation has been based on block dimensions of 5 m x 5 m x 5 m, for
the updated models. The block size reflects that the majority of the estimates is supported via
underground channel sampling and spacing ranging from 2 to 5 m.

Vein thickness in the block model has been based on defining an initial single block across the width
of the vein during the block coding routines. Using this methodology sub-blocks 1 m x 1 m are filled
within each vein, with accurate boundaries selected.

Table 13-4: Details of Block Model Dimensions for the Project Geological Model
Model Dimension Origin (UTM) Block Size Number of Blocks Min Sub-blocking (m)
X 930000 5 500 1.00
Providencia Y 1272000 5 380 1.00
Z 0 full width 1 full width
X 931800 5 330 1.00
Sandra K Y 1274600 5 360 1.00
Z -100 full width 1 full width
X 930000 5 500 1.00
El Silencio Y 1273500 5 600 1.00
Z -300 full width 1 full width
X 930650 25 78 1.00
Carla 2013 Y 1267400 25 64 1.00
Z -50 25 36 0.25
X 928500 10 275 0.50
Las Verticales 2013 Y 1271700 20 175 1.00
Z 0 20 45 1.00
Source: SRK

Using the wireframes created and described in Section 13.2, several codes have been written in the
block model to describe each of the major geological properties of the rock types. Table 13-5
summarizes geological fields created within the block model and the codes used.

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Table 13-5: Summary of Block Model Fields used for flagging different geological properties
Field Name Description
SVOL Search Volume reference (range from 1 to 3)
NSUM Number of samples used to estimate the block
AUCAP Kriged gold value
RESCAT Classification
GROUP Mineralized structures grouped by domain
KZONE Vein domain coding, individual to each mineralized structure
HG Kriging zone for estimation
DENSITY Density of the rock
DEPL Flag to denote depleted areas of model
PILLAR Remaining vein material inside the current limits of depletion
MINE Flag to denote depleted areas of the model, excluding the pillars
LICENCE Flag to denote areas of the model outside of the License Boundary
THK Vertical thickness estimate using wireframe data
COG Flag to highlight blocks above the cut-off grade
AUM1 Accumulated gold grade over a 1 m mining width
Source: SRK, 2017

13.7 Estimation Methodology

SRK used the capped and composited data within the individual mineralized domains to interpolate
grades for Au into the block models. The individual mineralization domains listed above in Section
14.2 were used as hard boundaries, with the samples within each domain being used to only
estimate blocks within the same.

A three-pass nested search was utilized for each area, with dimensions of the search ellipsoid
increasing in each pass. Search ranges for the ellipsoids are generally based on the variogram
ranges. The initial shorter range estimation pass is designed to estimate blocks that may be
considered as higher confidence resources, and to focus estimates influenced by the channel
sampling. To achieve this SRK uses relatively short ranges and higher minimum number of
composites to ensure only blocks where channel sampling occur are used within the short range.
The search ellipsoid was oriented parallel to the strike and dip of the mineralization, and had a
flattened shape to approximate the tabular nature of mineralization.

13.7.1 Sensitivity Analysis

The estimations were refined over an iterative process of evaluating the results, validating them, and
modifying parameters to obtain a model that accurately represents the mineralization and is
statistically valid when compared to the input data supporting the estimation.

Grade estimation was performed in Datamine using IDW and OK, based on optimum parameters
determined through a Quantitative Kriging Neighborhood Analysis (“QKNA”) exercise. The exercise
was based on varying kriging parameters during a number of different scenarios. To complete the
sensitivity analysis for example at Providencia SRK completed the following scenarios:

• Scenario 1: Search range 25 x 35 x 12.5 m, minimum 6 maximum 15 composites, estimation

methodology (IDW), estimation at sub-block level;

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• Scenario 2: Search range 25 x 35 x 12.5 m, minimum 6 maximum 15 composites, estimation

methodology (ID2) estimation at parent block level;
• Scenario 3: Search range 75 x 100 x 50 m, minimum 15 maximum 20 composites,
estimation methodology (ID2) estimation at parent block level;
• Scenario 4: Search range 40 x 50 x 25 m, minimum 3 maximum 10 composites, estimation
methodology (ID2) estimation at parent block level;
• Scenario 5: Search range 25 x 50 x 25 m, minimum 3 maximum 10 composites, estimation
methodology (ID2) estimation at parent block level;
• Scenario 6: Search range 25 x 50 x 25 m, minimum 3 maximum 10 composites, estimation
methodology (OK) estimation at parent block level; and
• Scenario 7: Search range 25 x 35 x 12.5 m, minimum 6 maximum 15 composites, estimation
methodology (OK) estimation at parent block level.

SRK completed visual and basic statistical tests and selected to use the kriged estimates using the
shorter range (Scenario 7) as being most representative of the underlying data.

13.7.2 Final Parameters

Ordinary Kriging (“OK”) was used for the grade interpolation for the Project and all major domain
boundaries have been treated as hard boundaries during the estimation process.

Restrictive searches via use of variable capping at Providencia and a short first pass at Carla have
been utilized to prevent very high gold grade samples in areas of lower drilling density from over
influencing the surrounding block estimates, and thus honouring the geological interpretation (for
highly variable gold grade distribution) favoured by SRK and the Company.

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Table 13-6: Summary of Final Kriging Parameters for the Segovia Project
PV 10 - LG 25 35 12.5 10 30 -150 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU60
PV 20 - HG 25 35 12.5 10 30 -150 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU300, AU200
PV 30 - Other 25 35 12.5 10 30 -150 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 IDW AU60
ES VEM 10 - LG 25 50 25 105 27 -43 3 1 3 6 20 2 4 16 3 1 8 OK AU30
ES VEM 20 - HG 25 50 25 105 27 -43 3 1 3 6 20 2 4 16 3 1 8 OK AU120
ES 30 - NAL 25 50 25 105 27 -43 3 1 3 6 20 2 4 16 3 1 8 OK AU90
ES 40 - VEP 35 50 25 105 27 -43 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU90
ES 50 - ESI 35 50 25 105 27 -43 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU15
ES 60 - LAN 35 50 25 105 27 -43 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU60
ES 70 - UNK 35 50 25 105 27 -43 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU60
ES 80 - SAL 35 50 25 105 27 -43 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU15
ES 90 - SNO 35 50 25 105 27 -43 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU30
ES 100 - SNO 35 50 25 105 27 -43 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU15
ES 110 - SNO 35 50 25 105 27 -43 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU15
SK 10 TECHNO - LG1 45 75 50 60 25 -15 3 1 2 6 12 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU60
SK 15 TECHNO - LG2 45 75 50 60 25 -15 3 1 2 6 12 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU30
SK 20 - TECHO HG 45 75 50 60 25 -15 3 1 2 6 12 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU120
SK 30 - PISO 45 75 50 60 25 -15 3 1 2 6 12 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU90
SK 40 - CHUMECA 50 50 50 0 35 0 3 1 3 6 15 2 2 12 3 1 8 OK AU60
CA Carla(1) 100 35 60 80 45 0 3 1 3 4 12 2 4 10 2.6 2 20 OK AUCAP
CA Carla (2) 100 100 100 80 45 0 3 1 3 1 4 2 1 4 2.6 1 4 OK AUCAP
LV Las Verticales 400 400 400 0 0 0 3 1 3 4 8 1 3 12 1.5 2 10 OK AUCAP
1. The restrictive search at Carla (confined to a single block where high-grade is located) uses a high grade cap of 100 g/t Au, with a lower cap at 50 g/t Au applied to the estimates outside of the restrictive search. Capping limits were defined during outlier analysis from review of log histogram and
probability plots.
2. A secondary search is applied at Carla to fill blocks that do not satisfy the criteria set in the initial search. The secondary search interpolates gold grades in to the low confidence blocks in the data sparse down-dip area of the Carla vein, to give an indication of grade distribution for exploration

Source: SRK, 2017

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13.8 Model Validation

SRK has undertaken a thorough validation of the resultant interpolated model in order to: confirm the
estimation parameters, check that the model represents the input data on both local and global
scales, and check that the estimate is not biased. SRK has undertaken this using a using a number
of different validation techniques:

• Inspection of block grades in plan and section and comparison with drillhole grades;
• Comparative Statistical study vs. composite data and alternative estimation methods; and
• Sectional interpretation of the mean block and sample grades (Swath Plots).

13.8.1 Visual Comparison

Visual validation provides a comparison of the interpolated block model on a local scale. A thorough
visual inspection has been undertaken in 3D, comparing the sample grades with the block grades,
which demonstrates in general good comparison between local block estimates and nearby samples,
without excessive smoothing in the block model. Figure 13-7 shows an example of the visual
validation checks and highlights the overall block grades corresponding with composite sample

SRK notes in a limited number of cases, within areas of low sample density and highly variable gold
grade, local grade discrepancies occur between composite and block grades (as a result of
smoothing). In these areas SRK has verified the resulting grade distributions with the Company
geological staff and made amendments where appropriate. In areas of greatest variability SRK has
considered grade continuity as a factor during the classification process.


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El Silencio

Sandra K

Figure 13-7: Example of Visual Validation of Grade Distribution at each mine

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13.8.2 Comparative Statistics

SRK reviewed a comparison of the statistics of the composites to the estimation to assess the
potential for any bias in the estimation as well as the degree of smoothing in the estimate. A series of
statistical comparisons were conducted including reviews of the histograms for each metal, mean
analysis between the blocks and composites, and the relationship between the estimation passes
and the amount of data used for each. This was done for all three models estimated with the focus
on the main structures. Where differences have been noted SRK has completed further detailed
analysis in combination with the swath analysis discussed in Section 13.8.3.

Summary tables of the main veins is shown in Figure 13-7. The results indicate that in general the
SRK report slightly lower grades in the veins than the composites and slightly higher grades within
the high-grade shoots. In addition, SRK produced reasonable declustered means of the composites
within Supervisor, which improve the comparisons.

A Providencia the difference between the composite and estimates for the vein is in the order of
7.4% (lower in the model), compared to 6.5% in the high-grade domain. The differences in the HG
reported much higher differences (28.7%), but visual validation indicates these areas represent low
tonnages in the mineral resources (approximately 7.5% of the total tonnages), that will not materially
impact the global mineral resources. SRK recommend follow-up sampling in these areas, but has
classified these areas as low confidence in the current estimates.

The comparison at El Silencio reports similar trends but the differences are slightly higher than
reported at Providencia. The low-grade domain (HG10) has estimated 13.6% lower in terms of the
average grades. The biggest notable differences are reported in the block estimates for the high-
grade domain, where the estimates have reported higher. SRK comments that it is typical to expect
the estimates to be lower but a review of the sample distribution aids the explanation (Figure 13-8).
In the domain the sample distribution has a significant portion of the database with low tonnages of
high-grade blocks and relatively lower grades. In comparison within the highest-grade areas for the
domain larger tonnages exist, which results in a higher weighted average. SRK would recommend
follow-up via underground mapping and sampling of the low-tonnage high grade areas by GCM
geologist to confirm if these should be treated as high-grade domains (HG20) or moved into the vein
domain (HG10). SRK comments that in the statistical exercise shown all material has been treated
inclusive of depleted material, and that the high tonnage, high grade areas has been actively mined,
and therefore the impact is expected to have a reduced impact. Visual validation on local scale
support the high-grade estimates shown and therefore SRK are satisfied that the current estimate is

At Sandra K the reconciliation between the composite mean and the block estimates are reasonable
within HG10 – HG20 (Veta Techo), but the results for Veta Piso (HG30) reported lower grades in the
block estimates. The reason for the difference can be explained by the fact the majority of the Piso
samples have been taken within main portion of the mine, where the vein is known to be well
mineralized, compared to lower grades interpreted in the most recent drilling which covers a large
tonnage (Figure 13-9). It is SRK opinion that the weighted average for the block model is significantly
reduced by the eastern block. This has been confirmed via the swath analysis and visual

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While SRK notes that differences exist between the composite and the block estimates, SRK is of
the opinion these have been explained by further validation and that the current estimates are

Table 13-7: Summary of Composite Means versus Block Estimates

BlockData1 BlockData1 BlockData1
Declustered (Tonnage vs. vs
Mean Sample Sample Data Weighted) Sample % Declustered %
Domain Statistic Data Au (g/t) Au (g/t) Au (g/t) Diff Diff
Mean 5.16 4.99 4.61 -10.54 -7.43
Std Dev 9.63 9.18 3.67
Variance 92.78 84.24 13.44
CV 1.87 1.84 0.79
Mean 38.94 37.52 39.94 2.56 6.45
Std Dev 58.99 57.96 32.56
PV 20
Variance 3480.29 3358.87 1059.87
CV 1.52 1.54 0.82
Mean 8.34 6.08 4.33 -48.02 -28.65
Std Dev 13.59 10.87 4.41
Variance 184.79 118.26 19.44
CV 1.63 1.79 1.02
Mean 3.03 3.01 2.60 -13.95 -13.60
Std Dev 4.40 4.19 1.37
Variance 19.37 17.58 1.89
CV 1.45 1.39 0.53
Mean 20.07 18.92 22.09 10.06 16.77
Std Dev 29.44 28.57 14.50
ES 20
Variance 866.83 816.51 210.18
CV 1.47 1.51 0.66
Mean 9.67 9.51 8.76 -9.39 -7.93
Std Dev 19.21 18.98 9.33
Variance 369.18 360.20 87.07
CV 1.99 1.99 1.07
Mean 4.98 4.64 4.43 -10.98 -4.55
Std Dev 9.04 8.62 3.12
Variance 81.67 74.34 9.71
CV 1.81 1.86 0.70
Mean 4.10 2.09 1.87 -54.46 -10.67
Std Dev 5.69 3.81 1.71
Variance 32.42 14.53 2.93
CV 1.39 1.83 0.92
SK Mean 14.88 13.94 14.37 -3.43 3.08
Std Dev 21.41 21.74 8.62
Variance 458.30 472.66 74.25
CV 1.44 1.56 0.60
Mean 10.85 6.36 4.96 -54.34 -22.06
Std Dev 17.96 12.81 5.78
Variance 322.43 164.16 33.38
CV 1.65 2.02 1.17
50 Mean 7.19 6.00 6.20 -13.70 3.27

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Std Dev 12.69 11.05 5.16

Variance 160.95 122.01 26.62
CV 1.77 1.84 0.83
Source: SRK, 2017

Source: SRK

Figure 13-8: El Silencio HG20 Areas with significant differences between composite and block

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Source: SRK

Figure 13-9: Sample Distribution vs. Modelled Area within Veta Piso (HG30) at Sandra K

13.8.3 Swath Plots

A more local comparison between the blocks and the composites is made using swath plots. These
show both the varying means of the block and composites (declustered) along swaths or slices
through the model, as well as the amount of data supporting the estimate in each swath. The swath
plots show that there are no significant local biases in the estimation.

The areas of highest variability between the composites and estimates at Providencia (Figure 13-10),
occur between 931600 E and 932200 E, which relates to the areas surrounding the high grade
shoots. The current model has assumed hard contacts, but it is possible that there is a degree of soft
boundaries between the higher and lower grade mineralization which is not truly reflected in the
current estimate. SRK would recommend GCM monitor this during mining and local scale mining to
determine there is a requirement for changes in the next Mineral Resource estimate methodology.
To achieve this SRK would recommend the mine have systems in place to generate routine updated
grade control models using the latest sampling information.

A review of the high-grade domain shows a strong correlation between the underlying samples and
the block estimates. Swath plots for the other veins for key orientations are included in Appendix D.

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Validation Trend Plot

HG = 10, 10m X

22 Naive Mean
Declustered Mean 500
Sample Count
Data: AU60 [holesdlc3mFinal.csv]
Filters: HG = 10
Estimate Mean 450
AUCAP [_t12.csv]
Filters: HG = 10, YC <= 1273500, YC >= 1272400
Density: 1

AU60 Average Grade

Number of Samples







2 50

0 0
930400 930800 931200 931600 932000 932400

Slice Centroid (mX)

Providencia Low Grade domain

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 20, 10m X Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU300 [holesdlc3mFinal.csv]
70 Filters: HG = 20

Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_t22.csv]
Filters: HG = 20
Density: 1



AU300 Average Grade

Number of Samples

40 150






0 0
931200 931400 931600 931800 932000 932200

Slice Centroid (mX)

Providencia High Grade domain

Figure 13-10: Example of Swath plots (E-W) across the Providencia low and high-grade

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Validation Trend Plot

HG = 10, 10m Y

Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU30 [holesdlc3m_Final.csv] 300
Filters: HG = 10

Estimate Mean
10 AUCAP [_hgmd10.csv]
Filters: HG = 10
Density: 1


AU30 Average Grade

Number of Samples




0 0
1274000 1275000 1276000

Slice Centroid (mY)

Providencia Low Grade domain

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 20, 10m Y

Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU120 [holesdlc3m_Final.csv] 350
Filters: HG = 20

Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hgmd20.csv]
35 Filters: HG = 20
Density: DENSITY

AU120 Average Grade

250 Number of Samples







0 0
1274000 1274400 1274800 1275200 1275600 1276000

Slice Centroid (mY)

Providencia High Grade domain

Source: SRK

Figure 13-11: Example of Swath plots (E-W) across the El Silencio low and high-grade

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13.9 Resource Classification

Block model quantities and grade estimates for the Project were classified according to the CIM
Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (May 2014).

Mineral Resource classification is typically a subjective concept. Industry best practices suggests
that classification should consider the confidence in the geological continuity of the mineralized
structures, the quality and quantity of exploration data supporting the estimates, and the
geostatistical confidence in the tonnage and grade estimates. Appropriate classification criteria
should aim to integrate both concepts to delineate regular areas at similar resource classification.

Data quality, drillhole spacing and the interpreted continuity of grades controlled by the veins and
high grade shoots have allowed SRK to classify portions of the veins in the Measured, Indicated and
Inferred Mineral Resource categories.

SRK’s classification system remains similar to that used in the 2013 Mineral Resource model with
some adjustments based on increased knowledge of the deposit from on-going mine planning

Measured: Measured Resources are limited to the Providencia vein on the basis of insufficient
confidence in the geological and grade continuity and 3D geometry of the mineralized structures at
the other deposits. The Measured Mineral Resources have only been defined within areas of dense
sampling, within a 15 to 30 m halo (related to the second variogram structure) of close spaced
underground channel sampling. In the 2013 Mineral Resource the halo was continued around all of
the channel sampling, but given potential for differences within the depletion. SRK has downgraded
the Mineral Resources in the upper portions of the mine on the eastern edges back to Indicated.
There, SRK has only applied Measured within the areas of mining developed by the Company, or the
last level of mining in the west, where confidence in the accuracy of the depletion remains high.

Indicated: For the 2017 Mineral Resource estimate, SRK has delineated Indicated Mineral
Resources at Providencia, Sandra K and Carla using the same process as the 2013 Mineral
Resource estimate. Indicated Mineral Resources have been given at the following approximate data
spacing, as function of the confidence in the grade estimates and modelled variogram ranges:

• At Providencia, 55 x 100 m (XY) from the nearest drillhole;

• At Sandra K, 50 x 50 m (XY) from the nearest drillhole; and
• At Carla, within a 25 to 50 m (XY) halo from the nearest drillhole.

The main change in the classification occurs at El Silencio where previously all material was
classified as Inferred due to a lack of verification sampling or confidence in the depletion/pillar
outlines. SRK has limited the Indicated Mineral Resources to the lower portion of the mine
(previously flooded), where the depletion limits are considered more accurate to a lack of mining
activity over prolonged periods of time by Contractor mining.

Inferred: In general, Inferred Mineral Resources have been limited to within areas of reasonable
grade estimate quality and sufficient geological confidence, and are extended no further than 100 m
from peripheral drilling on the basis of modelled variogram ranges.

The classified Mineral Resource is sub-divided into material within the remaining pillars (“PILLARS”,
and the long-term resource material (LTR) outside of the previously mined areas, with the
classification for the pillars considered separately given the uncertainty of the extent of pillar mining

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currently being undertaken by Company-organized co-operative miners. The following guidelines

apply to SRK’s pillar classification:

• Indicated Pillar Mineral Resources have been limited to areas where a sufficient level of
verification channel sampling has been completed by GCM, and a relatively high confidence
in the accuracy of the pillar surveys. For Providencia, these areas largely represent the
pillars where the contractor miners have had limited access. At Sandra K, while the accuracy
in the pillars remains relatively unknown, SRK notes that within the economic portions of the
model the depletion surveys indicate that certain areas (north of 1275350) have undergone
only limited mining activity with the current mining development, and thus SRK considers
these areas within the pillar resource to be in the Indicated category. At El Silencio the
Indicated portion of the Mineral Resource have been limited to below an elevation of 320 m
or Level 29 below which the mine was previously flooded and therefore the confidence in the
depletion outlines is higher.

A summary of the classification within the main veins for each mine is shown in Figure 13-12.


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Sandra K

El Silencio
Source: SRK, 2017

Figure 13-12: Classification Systems for the Three Main Mines at Segovia, estimated in 2017

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13.10 Mining Depletion

Providencia, El Silencio and Sandra K has been actively mined over a significant time period. The
production areas have not been surveyed using modern survey methods via 3D cavity monitoring
systems (CMS). The as-built mined areas provided to SRK include multiple AutoCAD and PDF files
which show a combination of survey points for stoped areas, polylines for the various cuts of the
stopes, and wireframes which roughly delineate development and production areas. SRK was not
provided with detailed mined volumes that could be used to flag blocks as mined in the block model.

In order to provide a reasonable assessment of the mined areas in the allotted time frame for this
study, SRK used the detailed outlines provided within the historical AutoCAD drawings provided for
each mine to generate a 5 m distance buffer of the mined areas and generate volumes that could be
used in flagging the blocks as mined. In areas where historical pillars exist which represent potential
mining targets by secondary contractors (as currently is the case at each mine), SRK has reassigned
the pillars and coded the model accordingly (Figure 13-13).

SRK notes that this method of defining the mined areas is likely conservative in areas of active
mining, but also accounts for the local uncertainty associated with the multiple data types and lack of
complete detailed 3D surveys.

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Source: SRK, 2017

Figure 13-13: Example of Depletion Limits (El Silencio Veta Manto), with depletion shown in
blue and remaining pillars in purple

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13.11 Mineral Resource Statement

CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (May 2014) defines a Mineral
Resource as:

“(A) concentration or occurrence of diamonds, natural solid inorganic material, or natural solid
fossilized organic material including base and precious metals, coal, and industrial minerals in or on
the Earth’s crust in such form and quantity and of such a grade or quality that it has reasonable
prospects for economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and
continuity of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological
evidence and knowledge”.

The “reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction” requirement generally implies that the
quantity and grade estimates meet certain economic thresholds and that the Mineral Resources are
reported at an appropriate cut-off grade taking into account extraction scenarios and processing
recoveries. In order to meet this requirement, SRK considers that portions of the Providencia,
Sandra K, El Silencio and Carla veins to be amenable for underground mining.

To determine the potential for economic extraction SRK has used the following key assumptions for
the costing, but notes that the deposit has variable mining costs depending on the mining types
resulting in a range of cut-off grades (Table 13-8). A gold price of US$1,400/oz based on market
consensus forecast which SRK subscribe to, and a metallurgical recovery of 90.5% Au, has been
assumed based on the current performance of the operating plant. SRK notes that in the cost
assumptions below the total cost of mining for the areas of the mine controlled by contractor mining
is inclusive, it is reported that the Company is covering the majority of the fixed costs, and therefore
some future gains could be realized if these can be reduced. By Product credits shown in Table 13-8
are related silver credits, which have not been included Mineral Resource due to incomplete
database, but historical production data supports the assumptions below.

Table 13-8: Assumed mining costs projected per mine for cut-off grade assumptions
Providencia El Silencio Sandra K Carla
Owner's Owner's Owner's Owner's
Cash Costs US$/t-ore US$/t-ore US$/t-ore US$/t-ore
Direct Cash Cost
Mining Cost 108.6 66.7 77.2 82.1
Process Cost 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.7
Site G&A Cost 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1
Smelting & Refining Charges 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6
Freight 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
By-Product Credits (5.0) (5.0) (5.0) (5.0)
Direct Cash Costs 161 119 129 134
Assumed Cut-Off 3.94 2.92 3.17 3.29
Source: SRK, 2017

SRK has defined the proportions of Mineral Resource to have potential for economic extraction for
the Mineral Resource based on a single cut-off grade. Based on the above assumptions, SRK limited
the Resource based on a cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t Au over a (minimum mining) width of 1.0 m. Based
on on-going assistance with mine planning, SRK considers this cut-off to remain appropriate.

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Each of the mining areas have been sub-divided into pillar areas as previously defined, which
represent the areas within the current mining development, and LTR, which lies along strike or down
dip of the current mining development. The Mineral Resource statement for the Project is shown in
Table 13-9.

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Table 13-9: SRK Mineral Resource Statement for the Segovia and Carla Projects for Zandor Capital Dated March 15, 2017
Measured Indicated Measured and Indicated Inferred
Project Deposit Type Tonnes Grade Au Metal Tonnes Grade Au Metal Tonnes Grade Au Metal Tonnes Grade Au Metal
(kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz)
LTR 113 19.4 71 275 14.8 131 388 16.1 201 163 9.4 49
Pillars 76 18.4 45 116 10.1 38 191 13.4 82 376 19.8 239

LTR 241 10.4 81 241 10.4 81 240 7.5 58

Sandra K
Pillars 91 9.8 29 91 9.8 29 1 9.3 0

Segovia LTR 609 12.5 245 609 12.5 245 997 8.0 258
El Silencio
Pillars 1,187 10.8 414 1,187 10.8 414 347 13.0 144

Verticales LTR 771 7.1 176

LTR 113 19.4 71 1,125 12.6 456 1,238 13.2 527 2,171 7.7 541
Subtotal Segovia Project
Pillars 76 18.4 45 1,394 10.7 480 1,469 11.1 525 724 16.5 384

Carla Subtotal Carla Project LTR 154 9.7 48 154 9.7 48 178 9.3 53

The Mineral Resources are reported at an in-situ cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t Au over a 1.0 m mining width, which has been derived using a gold price of US$1,400/oz, and suitable
benchmarked technical and economic parameters for underground mining and conventional gold mineralized material processing. Each of the mining areas have been sub-
divided into Pillar areas (“Pillars”), which represent the areas within the current mining development, and LTR, which lies along strike or down dip of the current mining
development. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the
estimate. All composites have been capped where appropriate.

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13.12 Mineral Resource Sensitivity

The results of grade sensitivity analysis completed per vein are tabulated in Table 13-10 to Table

This is to show the continuity of the grade estimates at various cut‐off increments at each of the vein
sub areas and the sensitivity of the Mineral Resource to changes in cut-off. The tonnages and
grades in these figures and tables should not however be interpreted as Mineral Resources.

The reader is cautioned that the figures in this table should not be misconstrued with a Mineral
Resource Statement. The figures are only presented to show the sensitivity of the block model
estimates to the selection of cut-off grade. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of
the estimate.

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Table 13-10: Block Model Quantities and Grade Estimates, Providencia deposit at various cut-off Grades
Grade - Tonnage Table, Providencia LTR Grade - Tonnage Table, Providencia Pillar
Measured and Indicated Inferred Measured and Indicated Inferred
Cut-off Grade Quantity Gold Quantity Gold Cut-off Grade Quantity Gold Quantity Gold
AUM1 (g/t Au Grade Metal Grade Metal AUM1 (g/t Au Grade Metal Grade Metal
over 1 m) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz) over 1 m) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz)
1.0 453 14.2 206 175 8.9 50 1.0 226 11.7 85 414 18.2 242
2.0 441 14.5 206 173 9.0 50 2.0 217 12.1 85 404 18.6 242
2.5 421 15.1 204 169 9.1 50 2.5 205 12.7 84 392 19.1 241
3.0 388 16.1 201 163 9.4 49 3.0 191 13.4 82 376 19.8 239
3.5 356 17.3 198 155 9.7 48 3.5 177 14.2 81 355 20.8 237
4.0 328 18.5 195 147 10.0 47 4.0 163 15.2 79 334 21.8 235
4.5 298 19.9 191 134 10.6 46 4.5 151 16.0 78 315 22.9 232
5.0 276 21.1 187 116 11.5 43 5.0 138 17.1 76 296 24.1 229
5.5 256 22.3 184 103 12.2 41 5.5 128 18.0 74 279 25.2 226
6.0 231 24.1 179 87 13.5 38 6.0 119 18.9 72 263 26.4 223
7.0 195 27.4 172 74 14.6 35 7.0 103 20.9 69 233 29.0 217
8.0 162 31.4 164 59 16.4 31 8.0 89 22.9 66 210 31.3 212
Source: SRK, 2017

Table 13-11: Block Model Quantities and Grade Estimates, Sandra K deposit at various cut-off Grades
Grade - Tonnage Table, Sandra K LTR Grade - Tonnage Table, Sandra K Pillar
Indicated Inferred Indicated Inferred
Cut-off Grade Quantity Gold Quantity Gold Cut-off Grade Quantity Gold Quantity Gold
AUM1 (g/t Au Grade Metal Grade Metal AUM1 (g/t Au Grade Metal Grade Metal
over 1m) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz) over 1m) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz)
1.0 256 9.9 82 273 6.9 61 1.0 97 9.3 29 2 7.8 0
1.5 256 9.9 82 273 6.9 61 1.5 97 9.3 29 2 7.8 0
2.0 252 10.1 82 266 7.0 60 2.0 95 9.5 29 2 7.8 0
2.5 247 10.2 81 257 7.2 60 2.5 93 9.7 29 1 8.9 0
3.0 241 10.4 81 240 7.5 58 3.0 91 9.8 29 1 9.3 0
3.5 227 10.9 79 224 7.8 56 3.5 86 10.2 28 1 9.3 0
4.0 207 11.5 77 198 8.3 53 4.0 80 10.7 27 1 9.4 0
4.5 194 12.0 75 184 8.7 51 4.5 74 11.2 27 1 9.5 0
5.0 187 12.3 74 153 9.4 47 5.0 68 11.7 26 1 9.8 0
5.5 183 12.5 73 144 9.7 45 5.5 62 12.3 25 1 10.6 0
6.0 173 12.8 71 135 10.0 43 6.0 56 13.0 24 1 12.5 0
7.0 149 13.8 66 113 10.6 39 7.0 48 14.1 22 1 13.4 0
8.0 128 14.9 61 87 11.6 32 8.0 42 15.1 20 1 14.2 0
Source: SRK, 2017

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Table 13-12: Block Model Quantities and Grade Estimates, El Silencio deposit at various cut-off Grades
Grade - Tonnage Table, El Silencio LTR Grade - Tonnage Table, El Silencio Pillar
Measured and Indicated Inferred Measured and Indicated Inferred
Cut-off Grade Quantity Gold Quantity Gold Cut-off Grade Quantity Gold Quantity Gold
AUM1 (g/t Au Grade Metal Grade Metal AUM1 (g/t Au Grade Metal Grade Metal
over 1 m) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz) over 1 m) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz)
1.0 748 10.6 256 1449 6.3 292 1.0 1600 8.6 445 452 10.5 153
2.0 724 10.9 254 1395 6.5 290 2.0 1494 9.1 439 443 10.7 152
2.5 674 11.6 251 1180 7.2 274 2.5 1364 9.8 429 393 11.8 149
3.0 609 12.5 245 997 8.0 258 3.0 1187 10.8 414 347 13.0 144
3.5 549 13.5 239 810 9.2 238 3.5 1028 12.0 397 300 14.5 140
4.0 498 14.5 233 690 10.1 224 4.0 900 13.2 382 260 16.1 135
4.5 453 15.5 227 605 10.9 212 4.5 809 14.2 369 234 17.5 131
5.0 411 16.7 220 522 11.9 200 5.0 740 15.1 359 211 18.8 128
6.0 364 18.1 212 357 14.9 171 6.0 657 16.3 344 184 20.8 123
7.0 318 19.8 202 261 18.0 151 7.0 596 17.3 331 171 21.9 120
8.0 286 21.1 195 236 19.2 145 8.0 541 18.3 318 162 22.7 118
Source: SRK, 2017

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Table 13-13: Block Model Quantities and Grade Estimates, Las Verticales deposit at various
cut-off Grades
Grade - Tonnage Table, Las Verticales 31 July 2013
Measured and Indicated Inferred
Cut-off Grade Quantity Gold Quantity Gold
AUM1 Grade Metal Grade Metal
(g/t Au over 1 m) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz)
1.0 - - - 1,700 5 275
1.5 - - - 1,344 5.7 248
2.0 - - - 1,137 6.2 226
2.5 - - - 962 6.6 203
3.0 - - - 771 7.1 176
3.5 - - - 656 7.4 156
4.0 - - - 554 7.6 135
4.5 - - - 473 7.8 119
5.0 - - - 406 8 105
Source: SRK, 2017

Table 13-14: Block Model Quantities and Grade Estimates, Carla deposit at various cut-off
Grade - Tonnage Table, Carla 31 July 2013
Measured and Indicated Inferred
Cut-off Grade Quantity Gold Quantity Gold
AUM1 Grade Metal Grade Metal
(g/t Au over 1 m) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz)
1.0 253 6.6 54 297 6.7 64
1.5 229 7.2 53 266 7.3 62
2.0 197 8 51 235 7.9 60
2.5 171 8.9 49 207 8.6 57
3.0 154 9.7 48 178 9.3 53
3.5 146 10.1 47 152 10.1 50
4.0 130 10.9 45 136 10.8 47
4.5 123 11.2 44 121 11.4 44
5.0 113 11.7 43 107 12.1 42
Source: SRK, 2017

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14 Comparison to Previous Estimate

A comparison to the previous (August 2013) Mineral Resource estimate for the Segovia Project was
conducted at a cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t Au over a width of 1.0 m, which has been depleted on an
annual basis and most recently reported as of December 31, 2016.

The new estimate includes additional Resource material with an increase of approximately 700 koz
of gold, within the Measured and Indicated (M&I) portion of the Mineral Resource at Segovia. The
increase in gold relates to a global increase in tonnage with a decrease in mean grade for the
Measured and Indicated portion of the Mineral Resources. This can be highlighted as follows:

• Increase in the tonnage for the M&I portion of the Segovia operation from 485 kt to 1,238 kt in the
LTR, and 58 kt to 1,469 kt in the Pillars.
• Drop in the average grade within the M&I from 21.1 g/t to 13.1 g/t in the LTR at the economic cut-off.
The decrease in the grade of the Pillars dropped from 13.2 g/t to 11.1 g/t Au.
• Increase in the contained metal in the M&I portion of the Segovia operation from 330 koz in the LTR
to 527 koz, and from 24 koz to 525 koz in the pillars

SRK attributes these changes most significantly to the upgrading of the El Silencio Mineral Resource
below Mine Level 29. The previous estimate reported all material at El Silencio as Inferred and the
estimates were limited to Veta Manto material in lower areas of the mine, as only this material had
been validated at the time of reporting.

Additional changes in estimation methodology with more restrictive capping and improved domaining
at El Silencio are also factors. Testwork at Providencia showed that changing the capping levels
could vary the grade by 2-3 g/t within the same common volumes. SRK considered this by
introducing more restrictive capping levels in the second and third search pass of the estimation

On-going validation work by the Segovia geology team has significantly increased the area of
validated date within not only Veta Manto, but also five other veins within the system resulting in the
increase in the tonnage. Overall at El Silencio validation process has added 1,797 kt at a grade of
11.4 g/t Au, for 659 koz of contained Au in the Indicated category, with an additional 1,344 kt at 9.3
g/t Au for 402 koz Au remaining in Inferred. In comparison the previous estimate contained 1,794 kt
at a grade of 9.6 g/t Au for 552 koz Au.

Other key changes have included increasing the confidence in the lower portions of the Providencia
mine through on-going mining activities, resulting in a 14 % increase in the contained metal in the
Measured and Indicated categories. A summary of the key changes is shown in Table 4 below. Infill
drilling at Sandra K has confirmed the confidence assigned in the eastern fault blocks with a slight
increase in the M&I of 2% contained gold.

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Table 4: Mineral Resource Comparison of 2017 versus 2016 Roll Forward Numbers for Three
Measured Indicated M&I Inferred
Estimation Domain Tonnes Au Metal Tonnes Au Metal Tonnes Au Metal Tonnes Au Metal
(kt) (g/t) (Koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz) (kt) (g/t) (koz)
Comparison Providencia 2017 versus 2016 Estimate
March 15, 2017 189 19.0 115 390 13.4 168 579 15.2 284 538 16.7 288
December 31, 2016 46 36.1 53 247 24.6 195 293 26.4 248 637 18.5 379
Comparison El Silencio 2017 versus 2016 Estimate
March 15, 2017 1,797 11.4 659 1,797 11.4 659 1,344 9.3 402
December 31, 2016 1,794 9.6 552
Comparison Sandra K 2017 versus 2016 Estimate
March 15, 2017 331 10.3 109 331 10.3 109 241 7.5 58
December 31, 2016 250 13.3 107 250 13.3 107 436 8.3 117

Source: SRK, 2017

14.1 Relevant Factors

Although additional studies are recommended to further develop tailings management strategies,
SRK considers there to be no other environmental, permitting, legal, title, social, taxation, marketing
or other factors that could affect resources.

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15 Mineral Reserve Estimate

Although Mineral Reserves have quoted for the Project at various times (i.e. 2010), there are
currently no Mineral Reserves declared for the Project based on the current level of study. SRK
highlights that there are current commercial operations mining the current Mineral Resource at the
site with an established production history since the Company has taken ownership.

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16 Mining Methods
16.1 Current Mining Methods
Currently, a room and pillar type mining method is used at Providencia, Silencio and Sandra K
mines, where the ramps are located within the mineralization and winzes, angled to follow the dip of
the orebody, and are used for moving material and providing access to various levels. The cut or
room is mined horizontally across. Subsequent cuts are developed and then connected by
perpendicular drifts as shown in Figure 16-1.

If the width of mineralization is smaller than the minimum mining dimensions (1.5 m x 1.5 m) then a
resue methodology is used where first horizontal holes are drilled in the mineralization, blasted, and
material mucked out followed by a second round of drilling in waste to expand the size of the
heading. This waste material is then moved out of the way to a previously mined area. The mining is
very labor intensive and uses mostly slushers and jacklegs. Pillars are typically 4 m x 4 m and rooms
are 4 m wide; however, dimensions vary due to ground conditions as shown in Figure 16-1. Ground
support, in most areas of the mines, is typically set to use split sets, timbers and shotcrete.

Source: SRK

Figure 16-1: Current Mining Layout

Once crews have completed mining a panel area using this room and pillar methodology contractors
are brought into the area and extract additional mineral where possible. This additional material
extraction occurs in the form of additional cross cuts or robbing portions of pillars where

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mineralization is visible. This poses a concern regarding safety and for the mine planning process as
there is a lack of planning and reconciliation of the secondary mining activities. The pillar extraction
sequence is determined by the individual contractors and Zandor has provided basic maps showing
which areas pillars have been mined and which are still in place. Zandor informed SRK that plans
are in place for this to be remedied in the future; however, to SRK’s knowledge this has not yet
occurred. The mine plan includes secondary mining material, assuming certain tonnages and
grades, and this adds considerable uncertainty to the achievability of the mine plan as there is no
plan for this material and reconciliation is not completed.

SRK notes that if this mining method is used in the future additional geotechnical work should be
completed to understand the stability of an area to ensure safe working conditions for the many
personnel working underground.

The mine is working to shift to a more mechanized cut and fill mining method as described in more
detail in Section 16.1.1

The change of mining method remains to be fully implemented as ramp development is still ongoing.
For this report, existing mining areas scheduled to be mined in the near term have been designed as
room and pillar areas. New mining areas, mainly below existing workings (250 m elevation and
lower) have been designed as cut and fill. Figure 16-2 shows the current workings and identifies the
two areas where ramps in waste are being developed.

Source: SRK, 2015

Figure 16-2: Providencia Existing Workings, highlighting ramps in waste material

16.1.1 Proposed New Mining Methods

SRK has proposed changes to the mining method to maximize extraction and safety as well as to
add confidence to the mine plan by accounting for all material in the production schedule. This
method does not require backfill as the waste from the resue cut remains in the stope. The basic
premise for the methodology uses diesel LHD’s and electric / hydraulic jumbo drills with development
located in waste in the hanging-wall. Access to the vein is via crosscuts and drifting along the vein.
The first cut in the vein is made using a jumbo, drilling horizontally and mucked with the diesel LHD.

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The back is bolted using jacklegs as required with attention paid to not bolting in the mineralized
material unless required. The second cut and subsequent cuts are completed as follows. The jumbo
drill is used to drill up holes in the vein. The entire length of the stope is drilled as a backstope,
charged and timed to allow proper breakage of the ore. A remote 2 yd LHD is used to muck out the
mineralized material from the backstope round. The waste material in the vein is drilled with the
jumbo and advanced as a normal breast down round and left in place. The LHD is used to level the
floor of broken waste with jacklegs used to bolt the back as required for each round. SRK notes that
currently Zandor has one Sandvik 210 jumbo drill, used for development. Other jumbos are on order
and will be used as described above.

This type of mining method uses more mechanized equipment and as such should be less labor
intensive. It is also amenable to using the existing equipment as all drilling can be done using
jacklegs and mucking can be completed using slushers. The extraction ratio within a panel should be
nearly 100% with pillars left between panels and in infrastructure / ramp areas if required. All material
from the panel is scheduled and secondary mining is not required.

Geotechnical modeling work should be undertaken to determine required pillars using this proposed
mining method. For design purposes assumptions have been made at this time and are discussed in
elsewhere in the report.

For design purposes, new mining areas will use the new cut and fill type methodology. Existing areas
or areas mined early in the mine plan will use the current room and pillar type method.

16.1.2 Reconciliation
With either the current mining method or the proposed mining method reconciliation should occur to
ensure the mine plan is predicting appropriate grades. Within a known mining area the tonnes and
grades mined should be compared to the tonnes / grades in the block model. If there are continuous
discrepancies between the mined material and the predicted mine plan, modifications to the mine
plan process should be made to more accurately predict future mining.

16.2 Cut-Off Grade

In a cut-off grade, all the costs associated with the operations and related activities must be
identified. The following are typical costs and inputs used in a cut-off grade calculation for an
operating gold mine:

• Mining;
• Processing;
• Site and corporate general administration;
• Environmental and permitting;
• Plant, mine, tailings, discharges and other sustaining costs;
• Royalties;
• Taxes (local, state and federal);
• Smelting and refining charges;
• Metallurgical recoveries;
• Site infrastructure; and
• Debts and other obligations.

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The following operating costs were provided by Gran Colombia and used to calculate the Au cut-off

• Mining: US$83.00/t of processed material (current contract mining). This includes some cost
for ramp development and infrastructure. Direct in-stope mining cost may be lower;
• Processing: US$23.00/t of processed material;
• Site G&A: US$3.3 million per year or US$7.05/t of processed material at 1,300 t/d plant
operating capacity;
• Corporate G&A: US$7.5 million per year or US$16.02/t of processed material at 1,300 t/d
plant operating capacity (optional to put into the gold cut-off calculation);
• Site yearly security: US$3.0 million per year or US$6.41/t of processed material at
1,300 t/d plant operating capacity;
• Au refining: US$24.00/oz or 2% of gold selling price or (average) US$3.47/t of processed
material at 1,300 t/d plant operating capacity;
• Au royalty (NSR): US$52.8/oz or 4.4% of gold selling price or (average) US$7.67/t of
processed material at 1,300 t/d plant operating capacity;
• Yearly in-fill drilling and geology exploration: US$2.0 million per year or US$4.27/t of
processed material at 1,300 t/d plant operating capacity;
• Yearly mine development (sustaining capital): US$4.0 million per year or US$8.54/t of
processed material at1,300 t/d plant operating capacity;
• Other sustaining capital items: US$2.0 million per year or US$4.27/t of processed material
at 1,300 t/d plant operating capacity;
• Other yearly debt and obligations: US$7.5 million per year or US$16.05/t of processed
material at 1,300 t/d plant operating capacity (optional to put into the gold cut-off calculation);
• Metallurgical recoveries: 90%.

Current estimated full project costs and calculated cut-off grade are shown in Table 16-1.

Table 16-1: Full Costs - Underground Cut-off Grade Calculation

Parameter Amount Unit
Mining cost 83.00 US$/t of RoM
Process and tailings cost 23.00 US$/t of RoM
G&A 23.07 US$/t of RoM
Site Security 6.41 US$/t of RoM
Total Cost $135.48 US$/t
Gold price 1,200.00 US$/oz
Average AU mill recovery 90 %
Smelting & Refining 24.00 US$/oz
Royalty 4.4 % of NSR
Cut-off grade 4.81 g/t
Source: SRK, 2015

Current estimated full project costs less fixed cost and their associated calculated cut-off grade are
shown in Table 16-2. SRK estimated that the mining cost would decrease to US$63.00 per tonne of
RoM based on costing database information and benchmarking to similar mines in US, Mexico and

Table 16-2: Adjusted Costs - Underground Cut-off Grade Calculation

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Parameter Amount Unit

Mining cost 63.00 US$/t of RoM
Process and tailings cost 23.00 US$/t of RoM
G&A 23.07 US$/t of RoM
Site Security 0 US$/t of RoM
Total Cost $109.07 US$/t
Gold price 1,200.00 US$/oz
Average AU mill recovery 90 %
Smelting & Refining 24.00 US$/oz
Royalty 4.4 % of NSR
Cut-off grade 4.00 g/t
Source: SRK, 2015

This updated cut-off of 4.00 g/t Au is used for mine planning purposes. Site security cost has been
removed from the cut-off grade calculation as this is viewed as a fixed cost.

16.3 Dilution Calculation

Dilution mined with the mineralization has a large impact on the grade to the mill and, therefore,
economics of the Project.

Multiple dilution options were evaluated in increments of 10 cm, starting with 10 cm and ranging to
50 cm. These dilution options were based on site and SRK input.

This translates to, as an example for the 50 cm dilution option, 25 cm on each side of the vein mined
as dilution using a zero grade. A typical vein width at the mine could be 80 cm. Including 50 cm
dilution, the total mining width would be 1.30 m. This methodology uses a true geometric dilution
rather than a single factor for all vein thickness. Based on experience, SRK is of the opinion that
geometric dilution calculations better represent the expected dilution, particularly with veins that vary
significantly in width.
SRK used Vulcan software to calculate the dilution amounts in the block model. A diluted grade
and diluted mining thickness was calculated into the block model for each column of blocks. A block
calculation script in Vulcan was used to generate these new variables and estimates.

SRK suggested that a true geometric dilution calculation should be applied instead of a single factor
for all the vein thickness. Based on experience, SRK is of the opinion that geometric dilution
calculation better represents the dilution expected in the future.

Table 16-3 shows example values of a single block calculation.

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Table 16-3: Dilution Evaluation Example

Variable Name Value
class 2
au 4.67
au_dil_10_cm 4.24
au_dil_20_cm 3.89
au_dil_30_cm 3.59
au_dil_40_cm 3.33
au_dil_50_cm 3.11
thick 1.05
thick_p10 1.15
thick_p20 1.25
thick_p30 1.35
thick_p40 1.45
thick_p50 1.55
tonnes_original 2.70
tonnes_p10 2.97
tonnes_p20 3.24
tonnes_p30 3.51
tonnes_p40 3.78
tonnes_p50 4.05
class_text ind
Source: SRK, 2017

SRK is of the opinion that the 50 cm dilution scenario represents what the mine will realize.

16.4 Mine Design

The mine design for Providencia, Sandra K and Carla is based on detailed 3D wireframing. All
material categories are used in the design (Measured, Indicated, and Inferred). Inferred material
carries an inherit risk due to the uncertainties and lack of exploration drilling. The reader must be
aware of this inherit risk.

A geomechanical analysis was not completed for the Project. Zandor continues to apply the
historically used spans in the stopes and states that they have not experienced ground control
issues. Panel sizes used for design purposes are similar to existing mining practices at Segovia;
however, SRK’s mine plan only includes selected material above 4.0 g/t Au cut-off within the panels.
In the future, a geomechanical analysis should be completed to confirm or update the mine plan

The majority of the mine design uses the new proposed cut and fill mining methodology; however,
existing mining areas and those areas mined early in the mine plan use the current room and pillar

16.4.1 Panel Design

For design purposes, a panel size of approximately 20 m in length and 20 m down-dip was used.
Site personnel worked with SRK to outline the panels and to ensure they were located in non-mined
areas. The panel polygons were used to cut the geology vein shapes. Each panel triangulation was
then divided into 2.5 m high lifts or cuts. These shapes were used to report tonnes and grades for
the panels, on a level by level basis. Dilution was applied to the vein using the 50 cm total dilution
height as outlined in Section 6.3. A 12% loss (88% recovery) was applied to cut and fill mining areas

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and a 25% tonnage loss (75% recovery) was applied to the room and pillar mining areas. These
recoveries account for pillars and additional detail currently not included in the design.

16.4.2 Development Design

Multiple access ramps have been included in the mine design. These ramps are located in waste in
the hanging-wall. Though a ramp in the hanging-wall is not typical, the competent rock, small
opening sizes, and use of backfill will likely produce minimal mining induced stress. Ground support,
splitsets and shotcrete, will be used in attack ramps. An approximate 20 m offset was used between
the ramp and the mining panels. A geotechnical analysis should be completed to confirm the offset
distance and location of the ramps. A staggered attack ramp pattern may be used if required.

Main ramps were designed as 4 m wide by 3.5 m high openings. Secondary accesses leading from
main ramps to the attack ramp were designed as 3 m wide by 3 m high openings. Attack ramps
which give access to individual levels in a panel were designed as 2.5 m wide by 2.5 m high.
Maximum grade on ramps is 15%. In a few locations to minimize ramp distance attack ramp grades
were increased to 20%.

In all large mining areas multiple access routes were designed for egress by connecting various
ramp systems together. Where possible the designed ramps were connected to the as-built in
multiple areas.

16.4.3 Mine Design Summary

Figure 16-3, Figure 16-4 and Figure 16-5 show the completed mine designs for Providencia, Sandra
K and Carla. Designed mining panels are shown in green.

Source: SRK

Figure 16-3: Completed Providencia Mine Design (Plan View)

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Source: SRK

Figure 16-4:Completed Sandra K Mine Design (Plan View)

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Source: SRK

Figure 16-5: Completed Carla Mine Design (Plan View)

It is important to note that El Silencio and contract miners’ tonnes and grades were estimated by
SRK using grade tonnage curves and it is not as precise as the other mining areas. The tonnes and
grades stated for those areas are based on historical performance. SRK recommends further work to
adequately validate these assumptions.

16.4.4 Shafts and Old Apique Systems

SRK has reviewed the current limitations of the Apique hoist systems and have the following

• Providencia Apique system has a capacity of 600 t/d. This system is currently being used by
the contract miners and Zandor. The new mine plan assumptions are based on a combined
production of 900 t/d to 1,000 t/d (ore and waste). The current Apique system will not be
enough to handle the proposed tonnage. SRK is in agreement with Zandor that the current
shaft commenced in 2014 needs to be expanded to properly handle the projected mine plan
tonnages. Without the shaft, it is not possible to meet the mine plan. The capex in the
cashflow plan includes an estimated total cost of US$6.9 million to complete the shaft and
hoist at Providencia in 2015 through mid-2017.

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• Sandra K Apique system has a capacity of 550 t/d. This system is currently being used by
Zandor. Contract miners are not currently mining in these areas. The new mine plan
assumptions are based on a combined production of 600 t/d (ore and waste). The current
Apique system will not be enough to handle the proposed tonnage. The differences are
small but initially, extra tonnes of waste will need to be hauled from the mine. SRK is in
agreement with Zandor that a shaft needs to be built to properly handle the mine plan
tonnage. Without the shaft, it is not possible to meet the mine plan. The capex in the
cashflow plan includes an estimated total cost of US$3.7 million to construct the shaft and
hoist at Sandra K in 2016 and 2017.
• El Silencio mine has a great potential to be fully mechanized. To be able to accomplish this
mechanization, SRK is of the opinion that a shaft or a main decline should be installed.
Currently, SRK has not investigated the benefits of either method due to the lack of data.
The capex in the cash flow plan includes an estimated total cost of US$9.5 million to
construct the shaft and hoist at El Silencio in 2017 to 2019.

16.5 Mine Production Schedule

Completed mine designs for Providencia, Sandra K and Carla were reviewed and agreed upon by
Zandor. Production schedules were then generated for these three mining areas using iGantt
scheduling software. This allowed for scheduling material on a daily basis for the life of mine. Limits
on numbers of crews, development meters, total mineralized material and waste tonnes were applied
to each schedule. Several iterations of schedules were developed and the final schedules presented
herein were agreed upon with Zandor personnel.

Production schedules for the El Silencio and contract miners’ areas were generated by SRK but rely
on estimates provided by Zandor.

The current bottleneck at the mine is related to the haulage and hoisting systems. Zandor is working
on improving the current hoist and designing a new shaft from surface to the lower portion of the
Providencia mine.

The production schedules generated by SRK are based on the rate assumptions as provided by
Gran Colombia. Gran Colombia operates 312 days/y so productivities were normalized to 365 days
as was used in the iGantt schedules. The rates used in the schedule are for 365 days/y.

16.5.1 Providencia Mine Schedule

Providencia mine schedule was performed using iGantt mine planning tools. Figure 16-6 shows the
3D mine design and an example of the mine schedule currently performed at the site.

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Source: SRK

Figure 16-6: Providencia Mine 3D Mine Design

16.5.2 Sandra K Mine Schedule

Sandra K mine schedule was performed using iGantt mine planning tools. Figure 16-7 shows the 3D
mine design and an example of the mine schedule currently performed at the site.

Source: SRK

Figure 16-7: Sandra K Mine 3D Mine Design

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16.5.3 Carla Mine Schedule

Carla mine schedule was performed using iGantt mine planning tools.

Figure 16-8 shows the 3D mine design and an example of the mine schedule currently performed at
the site.

Source: SRK

Figure 16-8: Carla Mine 3D Mine Design

16.5.4 El Silencio Mine Schedule

El Silencio mine schedule was performed using grade tonnage curves of the current resources with
historical metrics and rates. SRK notes that El Silencio mining area needs additional work to match
the same level of design as the other mining areas. El Silencio is the largest of all the operation but
lacks the detailed survey information which the company has been working to update.

16.5.5 Contract Miner Schedule

El Silencio mine schedule was performed using grade tonnage curves of the current resources with
historical metrics and rates. SRK notes that El Silencio mining area needs additional work to match

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the same level of design as the other mining areas. El Silencio is the largest of all the operation but
lacks the detailed survey information which the company has been working to update.

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17 Recovery Methods
17.1 Process Description
Gran Colombia processes mined materialfrom the Providencia, El Silencio and Sandra K mines at its
1,200 t/d Maria Dama process plant which includes crushing, grinding, gravity concentration, gold
flotation, cyanidation of the flotation concentrate, Merrill-Crowe zinc precipitation and refining of both
the zinc precipitate and gravity concentrate to produce a final gold/silver doré product. The process
flowsheet and material balance is shown in Figure 17-1 and a list of major equipment is shown in
Table 17-1. Each unit operation is briefly discussed in this section.

Table 17-1: Segovia Process Plant Major Equipment List

Equipment Quantity Size HP Manufacture
Crushing Circuit
Primary Jaw Crusher 1 30 inch x 42 inch 150 Trio
Secondary Cone Crusher 1 3 ft 125 Jaques
Secondary Screen (double-deck) 1 1.8 m x 6 m 30 Sandvik
Tertiary Cone Crusher 2 CH-430 150 Sandvik
Tertiary Screen (double deck) 1 1.4 m x 4.2 m 15 Niagra
Grinding Circuit
Ball Mill 1 15.5 ft x 23 ft 1500 KVS
Cyclone 2+1 20 inch Krebs
Centrifugal Gravity Concentrator 1 XD20 Knelson
Flotation Circuit
Rougher Flotation 2 10 ft x 10 ft 30
Rougher Flotation 1 6.6 ft x 6.6 ft 20
Scavenger Flotation 4 30 m 60 WEMCO
Scavenger Cleaner Flotation 2 30 m 60 WEMCO
Concentrate Regrind
Ball Mill 1 4 ft x 4 ft 25
Ball Mill 1 4 ft x 4 ft 44
Cyclone 10 inch Krebs
Concentrate Cyanidation
Flotation Concentrate Thickener 2 24 ft x 10 ft 5
Pre-leach Thickener 1 45 ft x 10 ft 5
Leach Tanks 4 25 ft x 30 ft 40
Counter-Current Decantation
CCD Thickeners 3 24 ft x 10 ft 5
Merrill -Crowe
Clarifier 1
De-aeration Tower 1
Precipitate Filter 2 30 inch x 30 inch x 30 plate
Precipitate Filter 1 36 inch x 36 inch x 30 plate
Gold Room
Gravity Concentrate Gemini Table 1
Furnace 1 38 inch x 59 inch
Source: Gran Colombia, 2016

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Source: Gran Colombia, 2014

Figure 17-1: The Maria Dama Process Plant Flowsheet

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17.1.1 Crushing Circuit

Ore from Gran Colombia’s mining operations is crushed to minus 15 mm in a three-stage crushing
circuit that includes a 30 inch x 42 inch primary jaw crusher, which discharges to a run-of-mine
(RoM) mineralized material bin. Primary crushed ore is screened at 15 mm and the screen oversize
is conveyed to a 3 ft secondary cone crusher (Jaques), which is operated in open circuit. Discharge
from the secondary cone crusher is conveyed to two Sandvik CH-430 tertiary cone crushers (one
standby), which are operated in closed circuit with a vibrating screen. The final -15 mm crushed
product is sampled with a primary cross-cut sampler and a secondary rotary sampler as it is
conveyed to the fine mineralized material bin. Gran Colombia vein samples are assayed by the on-
site analytical laboratory.

Ore delivered to the Maria Dama process plant by the mining contractors is already crushed before it
arrives and is dumped into a receiving bin. The contractor mined material is sampled with both a
primary cross-cut sampler and a secondary rotary sampler as it is conveyed from the receiving bin to
a separate fine mined material bin. Contractor samples are assayed by an outside commercial
laboratory (SGS).

17.1.2 Grinding and Gravity Concentration Circuit

Gran Colombia’s and the contractor’s material are conveyed to a single conveyor belt feeding the
grinding circuit, which consists of a 15.5 ft x 23 ft ball mill operated in closed circuit with 20 inch
cyclones, to produce a final grind of 65% passing 75 µm in the cyclone overflow, which is advanced
to the flotation circuit. A portion of the cyclone underflow is diverted to the gravity concentration
circuit, which consists of a single XD-20 Knelson centrifugal concentrator, which is operated in
closed circuit with the grinding circuit. Approximately 30% of the contained gold is recovered into a
primary gravity concentrate, which is further upgraded in the refinery on a Gemini table. Feed to the
grinding circuit is continuously weighed on a belt-scale and hand-sampled every hour. It is noted that
Grand Colombia is currently installing a second Knelson concentrator, which should serve to
increase the capacity of the gravity circuit.

17.1.3 Flotation and Concentrate Regrind Circuit

The cyclone overflow from the grinding circuit is advanced to the flotation circuit where it is first
conditioned with the required flotation reagents and then subjected to one stage of rougher flotation
in three 10 ft diameter x 10 ft high tank cells followed by one stage of scavenger flotation in a bank of
four 30 m WEMCO flotation cells to recover the contained gold values. A total rougher + scavenger
flotation retention time of 30 minutes is provided. The scavenger flotation concentrate is upgraded in
one stage of cleaner flotation and combined with the rougher flotation concentrate. The combined
rougher + scavenger cleaner concentrate, which represents about 7.5 mass % of the original plant
feed is thickened to about 55% solids and reground to about 90% minus 50 µm prior to being
advanced to the cyanidation circuit.

17.1.4 Cyanidation and Counter-Current-Decantation (CCD) Circuit

The reground flotation concentrate is processed through a conventional cyanidation circuit consisting
of four agitated leach tanks operated in series to provide a total leach retention time of about 72
hours. The cyanide concentration is adjusted to 900 ppm NaCN in the first leach tank and is allowed

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to naturally attenuate as to about 350 ppm NaCN in the last leach tank. The pH of the leach slurry is
maintained at about 10.5 with lime.

Discharge from the fourth agitated leach tank flows to the CCD circuit, which consists of three 24 ft
diameter thickeners, and serves to wash the pregnant leach solution (PLS) from the leach residue.
The PLS from the first thickener overflow is advanced to the Merrill-Crowe gold recovery circuit and
the thickener underflow from the third thickener is discharged to the tailing storage facility (TSF).

17.1.5 Merrill Crowe Circuit and Refinery

The PLS is processed in the Merrill Crowe circuit to recover the solubilized gold and silver values
from solution. This is accomplished by clarifying the PLS to remove any remaining suspended solids,
de-aerating the solution to <1 ppm dissolved oxygen and then precipitating the gold and silver values
by addition of zinc dust. The resulting gold and silver precipitate is then recovered in three plate and
frame pressure filters. The gold and silver precipitate is smelted using a flux with the following

• Borax: 40%
• Sodium nitrate: 31%
• Soda ash: 20%
• Silica: 9%

Approximately 650 kg of flux is blended with 600 kg of precipitate and smelted in a gas-fired furnace
to produce a final doré product. The gravity concentrate produced from the Gemini table located in
the refinery is also directly smelted using the same flux formula, but in the ratio of one part gravity
concentrate to two parts flux.

17.2 Tailing Storage Facility

Final tailings from the process plant, which are the combined scavenger flotation tailing plus
cyanidation leach tailing, are intended to be pumped to one of three different small unlined tailing
holding ponds. The tailings settle in the ponds and surface water decants from a temporary vertical
PVC riser and through horizontal piping out the face of the embankment. After the tailings have
settled, they are excavated from the pond and transported by truck to a permanent storage location.
The tailings are contained in a valley by a temporary berm constructed of saprolite excavated from
the area. It is unknown what the capacity of the currant tailings storage area is and how long it can
be used. After a holding pond is filled to capacity, it is intended that it be allowed to drain, while
tailings deposition into one of the two remaining ponds commences. After the deposited tailings have
been sufficiently drained, they are intended to be excavated with a backhoe and hauled to a remote
“dry stack” tailing storage facility.

SRK has observed that this tailings management protocol is not consistently adhered to and that
untreated decanted water from the tailings pond is being discharged directly into a creek located
downstream from the process plant. Furthermore, at the time of the site visit, SRK observed
untreated tailings being discharged due to capacity restriction at the tailings facility. This practice is
clearly unacceptable, and it will be essential for Gran Colombia to address this issue in the near
future by:

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• Installing a tailings treatment facility to detoxify and neutralize the tailings prior to exiting the
process plant; and
• Construct a suitable tailing storage facility with sufficient capacity to properly store process
plant tailings in an environmentally acceptable manner.

17.3 Production Performance

17.3.1 Historical Plant Production
Historical plant production for the period from 2002 to 2012 is summarized in Table 17-2. During this
period, tonnes processed increased from 168,220 tonnes (average 460 t/d) to 260,806 tonnes
(average 715 t/d). Gold production was variable depending on feed grade and ranged from a 42,692
ounces in 2002 to 79,177 ounces in 2012.

Table 17-2: Historic Production Summary

Ore Grade Au Produced
Year Tonnes Au (g/t) Ounces
2002 168,220 7.8 42,692
2003 144,141 9.2 37,830
2004 158,304 10.1 48,871
2005 178,528 9.6 49,677
2006 202,168 9.4 52,290
2007 218,963 5.8 38,244
2008 185,816 5.6 33,460
2009 175,230 10.9 55,126
2010 149,214 9.8 50,313
2011 173,684 6.0 69,179
2012 260,806 11.0 79,177
Source: SRK 43-101 Technical Report, 2014

17.3.2 Current Plant Production

Plant production for the period 2013 to 2016 (January to November) is summarized in Table 17-3.
During this period mined tonnes processed increased from 237,738 t, at an average gold grade of
10.64 g/t Au in 2014 to 284,895 t at an average gold grade of 13.77 g/t Au in 2016. Overall gold
recovery was relatively constant at about 90%. Reported gold recovery is based on actual refinery
gold production. It should be noted that although silver is recovered from the mined material, silver
recovery is not monitored.

Table 17-3: Maria Dama Process Plant Production Summary

Parameter 2013 2014 2015 2016
Tonnes 327,414 237,738 211,049 284,895
Grade 8.58 10.64 14.32 13.77
Contained oz 90,352 81,348 97,172 126,143
Rec % 86.7% 89.2% 90.8% 90.3%
Rec Ounces 80,226 74,506 92,894 126,262
Source: Gran Colombia
(1) Gold production includes additional ounces recovered from the mill circuit during the period. Tonnes milled, head grade
and mill recovery statistics do not include any data related to these additional gold ounces produced.

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17.4 Process Plant Consumables Usage

Reagent and grinding media consumption for the 2015 and 2016 are summarized in

Table 17-4. Reagent usage and consumption are typical of and in the same range as other similar
process plants.

Table 17-4: Process Plant Reagent Usage

2015 2016
Consumable Function (g/t ore) (g/t ore)
Flotation Reagents
Copper Sulfate Mineral activator 37 27
Aerofroth 65 Frother 22 33
A-131 Collector 15 17
Isopropyl Xanthate Collector 35
Aero 404 Collector 18 22
Thickening Circuit
Super floc A-100 Flocculant 0.14 2.4
Hengfloc Flocculant 0.59 1.9
Cyanidation Circuit
Sodium Cyanide Lixiviant 836 657
Lime pH control 400 730
Zinc Dust Precipitant 73 64
Borax Flux 57 59
Soda Ash Flux 18 22
Sodium Nitrate Flux 49 44
Silica Flux 78 51
Grinding Balls
3.5 inch Primary 47 252
3 inch Primary 1,282 1,205
1 inch Regrind 55 100
Source: Gran Colombia, 2016

17.5 Process Plant Operating Costs

Process Plant Operating Costs for 2015 and 2016 (January to October) are summarized in Table
17-5. During 2015 plant operating costs averaged US$25.09/t processed, which was equivalent to
US$60.29/ Au oz produced. During 2016 the process plant operating cost averaged US$29.30/t
processed and was equivalent to 72.78/Au oz produced. The cost variance reported in US$ is
attributed primarily to continued weakening of the Mexican peso during this period. Labor, electrical
power, and reagents/consumables are the major cost drivers and represent over 50% of the process
plant operating costs.

Table 17-5: Maria Dama Process Plant Operating Costs (2015 and 2016)
2015 2016 (Jan - Oct)
Cost Area US$ US$/t US$/Au Oz US$ US$/t US$/Au Oz
Labor 1,051 4.98 11.97 1,203 5.19 12.89
Laboratory 228 1.08 2.60 74 0.32 0.79
Electrical Power 1,024 4.85 11.66 1,135 4.89 12.16
Reagents and Consumables 1,284 6.08 14.62 1,331 5.74 14.26
Freight 594 2.81 6.76 1,269 5.47 13.59
Maintenance 655 3.10 7.46 1,023 4.41 10.96

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Other 460 2.18 5.24 760 3.28 8.14

Total 5,296 25.09 60.29 6,795 29.30 72.78
Ore Tonnes 211,048 231,915
Au Ounces Produced 87,839 93,363
Source: Gran Colombia, 2016

17.6 Process Plant Capital Costs

Planned process plant capital expenditures have been supplied to SRK for 2017 (US$2.0M) and
2018 (US$2.4M) for review. Most of the identified capital expenditures are for replacement and
refurbishment of existing equipment and facilities. SRK is comfortable with the proposed expenditure
in the near term, but comments plant capital can vary depending on future changes to the mine plan
and throughput rates.

17.7 Pampa Verde Plant

In 2013 Gran Colombia had planned to construct a 2,500 t/d process plant as part of the Pampa
Verde project. The details of this project were presented by SRK Consulting (UK) in a technical
report entitled “NI43-101 Technical Report on a Preliminary Economic Assessment on Segovia and
Carla Operations, Department of Antioquia, Colombia”, February 2014. However, since that time the
Pampa Verde project has been halted pending a further needs assessment, including information
derived from additional drilling and resource development.

17.8 Conclusions and Recommendations

SRK makes the following conclusions and recommendations regarding Gran Colombia’s processing

• Gran Colombia processes mined material from the Providencia, El Silencio and Sandra K
mines at its 1,300 t/d Maria Dama process plant which includes process unit operations that
are standard to the industry;
• Average plant throughput has increased from about 650 to 764 t/d over the period from 2014
to 2016;
• Overall gold recovery has been relatively constant at about 90% over the period from 2014
to 2016;
• Silver recovery is not monitored, but is a relatively minor contributor to overall project
• During 2015 plant operating costs averaged US$25.09/t processed, which was equivalent to
US$60.29/ Au oz produced. During 2016 the process plant operating cost averaged
US$29.30/t processed and was equivalent to 72.78/Au oz produced. The cost variance
reported in US$ is attributed primarily to continued weakening of the Colombian peso during
this period;
• Planned process plant capital expenditures for 2017 total US$2.0 million and are either in
progress, or have been classified as essential and must be completed. Most of the identified
capital expenditures are for replacement and refurbishment of existing equipment and

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• Planned capital expenditures for 2018 total US$2.4 million and are classified at a moderate
level of urgency;
• The tailings management protocol is not consistently adhered to resulting in untreated
decanted water from the tailings pond is being discharged directly into a creek located
downstream from the process plant. Furthermore, at the time of the site visit, SRK observed
untreated tailings being discharged due to capacity restriction at the tailings facility. It will be
essential for Gran Colombia to address this issue in the near future by:
o Installing a tailings treatment facility to detoxify and neutralize the tailings prior to exiting
the process plant; and
o Construct a suitable tailing storage facility with sufficient capacity to properly store
process plant tailings in an environmentally acceptable manner.
• The Pampa Verde project and installation of the 2,500 t/d Pampa Verde process plant has
been halted pending additional drilling and resource development.

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18 Project Infrastructure
The current project infrastructure is summarized as following:

• Processing Plant of 1,300 t/d capacity;

• 4 company owned producing mines
o El Silencio;
o Sandra K;
o Providencia; and
o Carla
• Apique systems for each of the company owned mines;
• Ventilation equipment installed on all four mines;
• Drained stacked system acting as a “tailings facility”
• Airport within 30 km;
• Power lines with enough capacity to run a town of approximately 60,000 people and all
required mine infrastructure;
• Water for use at the processing plant comes from nearby creeks and small rivers;
• Compressed air for all mines
• Surface and administration building near the portal of each mine;
• Company owned housing for employees; and
• Cafeteria.

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19 Market Studies and Contracts

Dore is produced and sold to 3 party companies within Colombia. Dore is produced at the site and
shipped via helicopter. Market studies are not required at this level of reporting.

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20 Environmental Studies, Permitting and Social or

Community Impact
Although additional studies are recommended to further develop tailings management strategies,
there are no other known environmental issues that could materially impact GC’s ability to extract the
mineral resources or reserves at the site. Preliminary mitigation strategies have been developed to
reduce environmental impacts to meet regulatory requirements and the specifications of the
environmental permit.

20.1 Reclamation Measures during Operations and Project Closure

The facilities will be progressively closed over the duration of the mine site operations. Progressive
closure will reduce the costs of reclamation since closure will be integrated with the production
operations. In addition progressive closure will result in the development of expertise on the most
appropriate reclamation methods. Progressive closure will be undertaken, however without posing
impediments to day-to-day operations of the site. Final closure of the mine site will be undertaken
following completion of all mining operations, once treatment of site waters is no longer required, and
indications that further mining of the Segovia Mine is not warranted.

Final closure of the facility will occur in two stages. The first stage will entail the following activities, if
not undertaken during progressive closure phases:

• All fuel, chemicals, waste hydrocarbon products, and any potentially hazardous materials will
be removed from this site;
• Water treatment will cease once runoff water no longer requires treatment.

During the second stage of the final closure all equipment, machinery, and storage tanks will be
removed for reuse or recycle. Where such uses are not practical, any remaining such materials will
be disposed of at a suitable storage site. All structures will be removed and/or be demolished.
Structures that are suitable for reuse or recycling will be salvaged. Structures not suitable for use will
be disposed. The Tailing Management Areas (TMAs) and other water management ponds will be
closed and all disturbed areas will be reclaimed, with the exception of roads needed for monitoring

After the major closure activities are complete, a monitoring program may be implemented including
the site water quality monitoring and dams inspections.

The conceptual closure plan is intended to ensure the “return to nature” of the mine site. At the
conclusion of the closure process, no buildings or supporting infrastructure or facilities would remain
at the site. The areas will be fully replaced by a sustainable environment comprised of productive
and diverse lake and pond ecosystems. Spoil piles, stockpiles, borrow areas etc. would be vegetated
with general sustainable grass as well as emerging forest (primarily early stages in rainforest
succession are expected to dominate the period immediately following closure). The site will be
monitored for success of the closure plan. A few routes will be left for access to points of interest for
the monitoring program. These routes will be closed after successful reclamation.

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21 Capital and Operating Costs

The current capital and operating costs are based on the historical expenditures. The Issuer is a
producing issuer and generates more than US$30 million in revenues. The Company plans to
present operating and capital costs in future and more detailed mining evaluation reports.

21.1 Operating Cost Assumptions

SRK is currently using all the current costs associated with the site. SRK did estimate the new
mining costs based on SRK’s large cost database of similar mines and rates. The current mining
operating costs are based on US and Canadian mines and the site should see improved or better
operating costs based on these costs. SRK wanted to be conservative in the mining operating costs
due to a long training cycle from changing the mine design from room and pillar to cut and fill mining
methods. The future planned operating cost is approximately US$65/t and US$1,300/m for all the
developments. Shaft development costs have been estimated to be approximately US$10,000/m, not
including any hoist system.

21.2 Mining Capital Cost Assumptions

SRK estimated the additional required mining equipment to achieve the mine plan. Other
miscellaneous mining equipment such as power cables, substations, water pumps, vent motors and
dewatering lines. The site also estimated some small items which are not currently listed in the
tables below.

The revision of the previous mine plan also indicated that the mining areas will require more and
larger trucks than previously estimated. The revised Providencia capital includes 16 t trucks, instead
of the originally planned 7.5 t trucks. The same is the case of the Sandra K and El Silencio capital
costs; while in Carla, a 7.5 t truck is still planned, but an additional 16 t truck was included in the

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22 Economic Analysis
The Issuer falls under the producing issuer category and generates more than US$30 million in
revenues. SRK Consulting (UK) had previously prepared a technical report entitled “NI43-101
Technical Report on a Preliminary Economic Assessment on Segovia and Carla Operations,
Department of Antioquia, Colombia”, February 2014. However, since that time the Issuer has made
significant changes to its development plans as described elsewhere in this report, including placing
the Pampa Verde project on hold. As a result, the economic analysis provided in that report is no
longer current and should not be relied upon. The Company plans to present operating and capital
costs in future and more detailed reports.

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23 Adjacent Properties
There are no properties adjacent to the Project with NI 43-101 compliant Mineral Resources.

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24 Other Relevant Data and Information

In 2013 Gran Colombia had planned to construct a 2,500 t/d process plant as part of the Pampa
Verde project. The details of this project were presented by SRK Consulting (UK) in a technical
report entitled “NI43-101 Technical Report on a Preliminary Economic Assessment on Segovia and
Carla Operations, Department of Antioquia, Colombia”, February 2014. However, since that time the
Pampa Verde project has been put on hold pending additional drilling and resource development. As
a result of this and other changes to the Issuer’s development plans, significant portions of this
previous report, including the economic analysis, are no longer current and should not be relied

GCM have identified areas for possible extension and infill drilling within the 2017 budget (Figure
24-1). SRK has reviewed the proposed program and agrees these areas provide near mine targets.

Source: GCM, 2017

Figure 24-1: Plan Showing Possible Targets for 2017 Exploration Plans

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25 Interpretation and Conclusions

25.1 Property Description and Ownership
The Company currently own sufficient ground to operate and explore all the currently defined Mineral
Resources. Potential exists to the down dip to the northwest and Providencia and the North at
Sandra K, where mineralization is known to extend onto neighboring licenses to extend the Mineral
Resources, if agreements can be reached

25.2 Geology and Mineralization

SRK used the 3D solids (and interval selections) created in Leapfrog to code the drillholes to
differentiate between mineralisation and waste, and undertook statistical and geostatistical analyses
on the composited data, as constrained by the modelled wireframes. High-grade internal domains
have been used to reduce the risk of mixing and over smoothing of the highly skewed grade
distribution. The 2017 estimate have used hard boundaries between high and low grade domains in
all cases.

25.3 Status of Exploration, Development and Operations

SRK completed a validation exercise on the electronic database provided, where potentially
erroneous data exists in the database SRK has accounted for these areas during the classification
process. SRK has reviewed all QAQC information available and has deemed the assay database to
be in line with industry best practice and therefore deemed it acceptable for the determination of
Mineral Resource Estimates.

SRK has previously made a number recommendations for improvement in terms of further verifying
the historic underground database and, as such, the Company has continued with verification
channel sampling programs between 2013 and 2017 at the Providencia and Sandra K mines. SRK
visited Segovia during 2016 to review the sampling protocols as part of on-going mine planning
technical assistance and recommended the sampling method be changed from chip sampling the
channels to cut channels using a diamond saw. SRK has reviewed this revised procedure in writing
and considers it consistent with best practice, and SRK recommends an audit in the future of the
revised protocols to ensure any potential bias is mitigated.

Infill drilling along with the on-going validation work of the historical database, and surveying of the
underground mine works has resulted in an increase in the Mineral Resources at Segovia. It is
SRK’s opinion that while further improvements can still be made to the geological database (namely
elevations), the confidence in the location of the vein spatial has improved significantly compared to
the previous Mineral Resource estimate, which was largely interpreted at El Silencio. The validation
of the historical database at El Silencio has increased the volume of material available for estimation
in the upper levels of the mine, and within additional known veins.

Overall, SRK considers the exploration data accumulated by the Company is generally reliable and
suitable for the purpose of this Mineral Resource estimate. SRK undertook a laboratory audit of the
new mine sample preparation and fire assay facilities and found the laboratory to be clean,
organised, have the correct equipment and procedures in place to ensure quality is maintained.

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25.4 Mineral Resource Estimate

SRK is of the opinion that the Mineral Resource Estimate has been conducted in a manner
consistent with industry best practices and that the data and information supporting the stated
mineral resources is sufficient for declaration of Indicated and Inferred classifications of resources.

• The lack of a historic QA/QC program, which has only been supported by a recent
resampling, and a modern QA/QC program for a limited number of holes. This will be
required in order to achieve Measured resources at El Silencio which generally are
supported by high resolution drilling or sampling data that feature consistently implemented
and monitored QA/QC. A routine channel sampling exercise of the existing veins in exposed
levels will increase the confidence in the vein location and grades;
• All boundaries between high and low grade domains have been treated as hard boundaries,
and further work on a local scale via underground mapping and closed spaced channel
sampling will be required to better understand the transition between the two domains;
• Indicated Pillar Mineral Resources have been limited to areas where a sufficient level of
verification channel sampling has been completed by GCM, and a relatively high confidence
in the accuracy of the pillar surveys. For Providencia, these areas largely represent the
pillars where the co-operative miners have had limited access. At Sandra K, while the
accuracy in the pillars remains relatively unknown, SRK notes that within the economic
portions of the model the depletion surveys indicate that certain areas (north of 1275350)
have undergone only limited mining activity with the current mining development, and thus
SRK considers these areas within the pillar resource to be in the Indicated category. At El
Silencio the Indicated portion of the Mineral Resource have been limited to below an
elevation of 320 m or Level 29 below which the mine was previously flooded and therefore
the confidence in the depletion outlines is higher;
• SRK has not classified any of the resources at El Silencio in the Measured category due to
some uncertainties regarding the data supporting the Mineral Resource Estimate.
• SRK has defined the current Mineral Resource based on cut-off grade of 3.0 g/t Au over a
(minimum mining) width of 1.0 m. Mining costs are known to be variable across the different
mines and some fluctuations maybe expected when considered during mine planning;
• The lack of industry-standard “as-built” data delineating mined areas has some limitations on
the current estimate. SRK has elected to combine the multiple data types that define the
mined areas, and notes that none of them include well-defined 3D solids with measurable
volumes. Rather, SRK has taken the combined CAD lines, points, and triangulations and
generated distance buffers (5 m) to obtain volumes in areas that have been mined. There is
still uncertainty associated with this practice, but SRK believes that this is likely balanced by
the conservative nature of distance buffer approach, which may actually flag some material
that is to be mined in the near term as having been previously mined; and
• The current lack of a grade control block model (which is updated on a monthly or quarterly
basis), results in difficulty to complete accurate reconciliation between the updated Mineral
Resource estimate and the current mining activities. SRK would recommend the Company
investigate improving the use of localized short-term planning models, which would improve
the understanding of the short scale variation in grade, and improve the potential to monitor
the current estimates.

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25.5 Other Factors

The current report discusses the current status of the Project and the operating mines. In addition to
the updated Mineral Resources, SRK also comments:

• The updated Mineral Resource Statement in this report is based on SRK proposed changes
to the mining method to maximize extraction and safety as well as to add confidence to the
mine plan by accounting for all material in the production schedule.
• Currently, a room and pillar type mining method is used at Providencia, Silencio and Sandra
K areas, where the ramps are located within the mineralization and winzes, angled to follow
the dip of the orebody, and are used for moving material and providing access to various
• For design purposes, new mining areas will use a proposed new cut and fill (C&F) type
methodology. Existing areas or areas mined early in the mine plan will use the current room
and pillar type method.
• Although Mineral Reserves have quoted for the Project at various times (i.e., 2010), there
are currently no Mineral Reserves declared for the Project based on the current level of
study. SRK highlights that there are current commercial operations at the site with an
established production history since the Company has taken ownership.
• The tailings management protocol for the current mine operations is not consistently
adhered to resulting in untreated decanted water from the tailings pond is being discharged
directly into a creek located downstream from the process plant. Furthermore, at the time of
the site visit, SRK observed untreated tailings being discharged due to capacity restriction at
the tailings facility. It will be essential for Gran Colombia to address this issue in the near
future by:
o Installing a tailings treatment facility to detoxify and neutralize the tailings prior to
exiting the process plant; and
o Construct a suitable tailing storage facility with sufficient capacity to properly store
process plant tailings in an environmentally acceptable manner.
• Although additional studies are recommended to further develop tailings management
strategies, there are no other known environmental issues that could materially impact
GCM’s ability to extract the mineral resources or reserves at the site. Preliminary mitigation
strategies have been developed to reduce environmental impacts to meet regulatory
requirements and the specifications of the environmental permit.
• The current capital and operating costs are based on the historical expenditures. The Issuer
falls under the producing issuer property category and generates more than US$30 million in
revenues. The economic analysis provided in the previous report is no longer current as a
result of significant changes and should not be relied upon. The Company plans to present
operating and capital costs in future and more detailed mining evaluation reports.

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26 Recommendations
26.1 Recommended Work Programs
In relation to the required improvements to data quality, SRK recommends the following:

• Continued infill drilling using underground drill-rigs ahead of the planned mining faces to a
minimum of 20 m x 20 m pattern;
• Creation of a 3D interpretation of all mining development and stoped areas;
• Continuation of the verification channel sampling at the Segovia Operations to further
increase the geological confidence in the associated block estimates, with a priority on El
Silencio mine. SRK recommends this starts within the lower levels of the mine currently
available (dewatered);
• Further work is required to better understand the potential economic viability for mining of
the lower confidence material within pillars at Providencia and El Silencio.
• SRK recommends the Company look towards the use of localized short-term planning
models to improve the understanding of the short scale variation in grade, and improve the
potential to monitor the current estimates. These short-term models should include results
from the infill underground drilling areas and adjustments to the high-grade domain
• GCM have identified areas for possible extension and infill drilling within the 2017 budget.
SRK has reviewed the proposed program and agrees these areas provide near mine targets.
• An area has been identified within El Silencio where the current mining is interpreted to have
occurred within an un-named hanging-wall vein. If correct then potential exists for Veta
Manto to remain undeveloped in the footwall. An exploration drilling (underground) program
should be designed to test the footwall for possible Veta Manto mineralization. This area has
been classified as Inferred in the 2017 estimate.

In relation to the required technical work required to increase the confidence in other technical areas,
SRK recommends the following:

• Produce an updated underground mining and geotechnical study;

• Complete a hydrogeology and hydrology review;
• Finalize review of capacity and tailings dam design work to the required level; and
• Review environmental/social status for impact on declaration of Mineral Reserves.

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26.2 Recommended Work Program Costs

Table 26-1 summarizes the costs for recommended work programs, and Table 26-2 summarizes the
current approved 2017 exploration budgets.

Table 26-1: Summary of Costs for Recommended Work

Discipline Program Description Cost (US$)
Geology and Resource Continue verification channel sampling On-going mine budget
Geology and Resource Updated 3D survey depletion model $50,000
Mining, geotechnical, hydrology, hydrogeology,
Updated Mining Study 400,000 -500,000
tailings and environmental assessment
Total US$ $450,000 - $550,000
Source: SRK, 2017

Table 26-2: Summary of current 2017 exploration budget

Discipline Program Description Cost (US$)
Infill step-out and brownfield. Estimated 153
2017 Drilling Program 4,000,000
holes for 22,250 from surface and UG locations
Total US$ $4,000,000

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27 References
CIM (2014). Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Standards on Mineral
Resources and Reserves: Definitions and Guidelines, May 10, 2014.

Alvarez G., M., Ordoñez C., O., Valencia M., M. & Romero H., A., 2007. Geología de la Zona de
Influenza de la Falla Otú en el Distrito Minero Segovia‐Remedios. Dyna, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, vol. 74, no. 153, p. 41‐51.

Bonoli, F., 1960. Photogeological Study of the Segovia‐Remedios Mining District. Maps for Frontino
Gold Mines Limited, 1960, large format book of 10 maps at 1:17,000 scale.

Castaño G., L. C., 2008. Potencial Minero de Frontino Gold Mines Limited. Internal report for
Frontino Gold Mines Ltd., October 2008, 31 p.

Feininger, T., Barrero L., D. & Castro Q., N., 1972. Geología de parte de los Departamentos de
Antioquia y Caldas (subzona II‐B). Boletin Geologico de INGEOMINAS, vol. 20, no. 2, p. ‐

Geominas, 2004. Frontino Gold Mines Limited: Validación de las estimaciones de recursos y
reservas de 3 de sus minas. Report by GeoMinas Ingenieros S.A., Medellín, for
FrontinoGold Mines Ltd. December 2004.

Geominas, 2005. Frontino Gold Mines Limited: Avalúo Comercial de las Reservas Auríferas de la
Concession Minera RPP00140. Informe Final. Report by GeoMinas Ingenieros S.A.,
Medellín, for Frontino Gold Mines Ltd. 16 August 2005, 89 p.

Gonzalez, H., 2001. Mapa Geológico del Departamento de Antioquia, Memoria Explicativa. Bogota,

Haeberlin, Y., 2002. Geological and Structural Setting, Age, and Geochemistry of the Orogenic Gold
Deposits at the Pataz Province, Eastern Andean Cordillera, Peru. PhD thesis, University of

Haeberlin, Y., Moritz, R. & Fontboté, L., 2002. Paleozoic orogenic gold deposits in the eastern
Central Andes and its foreland, South America. Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 22, p. 41‐59.

Haeberlin, Y., Moritz, R., Fontboté, L. & Cosca, M., 2004. Carboniferous Orogenic Gold Deposits at
Pataz, Eastern Cordillera, Peru: Geological and Structural Framework, Paragenesis,
Alteration, and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology. Economic Geology, vol. 99, p. 73‐112.

Muñoz, O., 2008. Informe Preliminar de Exploracion Sobre El Titulo Minero de F.G.M. Internal report
for Frontino Gold Mines Ltd., January 2008, 19 p.

Redwood, S.D., 2006. Evaluation of Frontino Gold Mines Ltd., Antioquia, Colombia, Preliminary
Report. Report for Colombia GoldFields Ltd. (Latinvest Capital Ltd.), Toronto, January 2006,
19 p.

Redwood, S.D., 2011. Review of Exploration at the Gran Colombia Gold Mine Municipalities of
Segovia and Remedios, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, Report. Report for Zandor
Capital S.A. October 2011.

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Sillitoe, R.H., 2008. Major Gold Deposits and Belts of the North and South American Cordillera:
Distribution, Tectonomagmatic Settings, and Metallogenic Considerations. Economic
Geology, vol. 103, p. 663‐687.

Wilson S.E. 2010. NI 43‐101 Technical Report Frontino Gold Mines Ltd. Antioquia, Colombia
Technical Report prepared for Medoro Resources Ltd. Gran Colombia Gold, S.A., Tapestry
Resource Corp, June 9, 2010.

Tremmlet 1955. The Fracture Pattern and Structural controls of ore localization at Frontino Gold
Mines. Informe interno Frontino Gold Mines, Segovia, 15

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28 Glossary
The Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves have been classified according to CIM (CIM, 2014).
Accordingly, the Resources have been classified as Measured, Indicated or Inferred, the Reserves
have been classified as Proven, and Probable based on the Measured and Indicated Resources as
defined below.

28.1 Mineral Resources

A Mineral Resource is a concentration or occurrence of solid material of economic interest in or on
the Earth’s crust in such form, grade or quality and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for
eventual economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade or quality, continuity and other geological
characteristics of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological
evidence and knowledge, including sampling.

An Inferred Mineral Resource is that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity and grade or
quality are estimated on the basis of limited geological evidence and sampling. Geological evidence
is sufficient to imply but not verify geological and grade or quality continuity. An Inferred Mineral
Resource has a lower level of confidence than that applying to an Indicated Mineral Resource and
must not be converted to a Mineral Reserve. It is reasonably expected that the majority of Inferred
Mineral Resources could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration.

An Indicated Mineral Resource is that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity, grade or
quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics are estimated with sufficient confidence to allow
the application of Modifying Factors in sufficient detail to support mine planning and evaluation of the
economic viability of the deposit. Geological evidence is derived from adequately detailed and
reliable exploration, sampling and testing and is sufficient to assume geological and grade or quality
continuity between points of observation. An Indicated Mineral Resource has a lower level of
confidence than that applying to a Measured Mineral Resource and may only be converted to a
Probable Mineral Reserve.

A Measured Mineral Resource is that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity, grade or
quality, densities, shape, and physical characteristics are estimated with confidence sufficient to
allow the application of Modifying Factors to support detailed mine planning and final evaluation of
the economic viability of the deposit. Geological evidence is derived from detailed and reliable
exploration, sampling and testing and is sufficient to confirm geological and grade or quality
continuity between points of observation. A Measured Mineral Resource has a higher level of
confidence than that applying to either an Indicated Mineral Resource or an Inferred Mineral
Resource. It may be converted to a Proven Mineral Reserve or to a Probable Mineral Reserve.

28.2 Mineral Reserves

A Mineral Reserve is the economically mineable part of a Measured and/or Indicated Mineral
Resource. It includes diluting materials and allowances for losses, which may occur when the
material is mined or extracted and is defined by studies at Pre-Feasibility or Feasibility level as
appropriate that include application of Modifying Factors. Such studies demonstrate that, at the time
of reporting, extraction could reasonably be justified.

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The reference point at which Mineral Reserves are defined, usually the point where the ore is
delivered to the processing plant, must be stated. It is important that, in all situations where the
reference point is different, such as for a saleable product, a clarifying statement is included to
ensure that the reader is fully informed as to what is being reported. The public disclosure of a
Mineral Reserve must be demonstrated by a Pre-Feasibility Study or Feasibility Study.

A Probable Mineral Reserve is the economically mineable part of an Indicated, and in some
circumstances, a Measured Mineral Resource. The confidence in the Modifying Factors applying to a
Probable Mineral Reserve is lower than that applying to a Proven Mineral Reserve.

A Proven Mineral Reserve is the economically mineable part of a Measured Mineral Resource. A
Proven Mineral Reserve implies a high degree of confidence in the Modifying Factors.

28.3 Definition of Terms

The following general mining terms may be used in this report.

Table 28-1: Definition of Terms

Term Definition
Assay The chemical analysis of mineral samples to determine the metal content.
Capital Expenditure All other expenditures not classified as operating costs.
Composite Combining more than one sample result to give an average result over a larger
Concentrate A metal-rich product resulting from a mineral enrichment process such as gravity
concentration or flotation, in which most of the desired mineral has been separated
from the waste material in the ore.
Crushing Initial process of reducing ore particle size to render it more amenable for further
Cut-off Grade (CoG) The grade of mineralized rock, which determines as to whether or not it is economic
to recover its gold content by further concentration.
Dilution Waste, which is unavoidably mined with ore.
Dip Angle of inclination of a geological feature/rock from the horizontal.
Fault The surface of a fracture along which movement has occurred.
Footwall The underlying side of an orebody or stope.
Gangue Non-valuable components of the ore.
Grade The measure of concentration of gold within mineralized rock.
Hangingwall The overlying side of an orebody or slope.
Haulage A horizontal underground excavation which is used to transport mined ore.
Hydrocyclone A process whereby material is graded according to size by exploiting centrifugal
forces of particulate materials.
Igneous Primary crystalline rock formed by the solidification of magma.
Kriging An interpolation method of assigning values from samples to blocks that minimizes
the estimation error.
Level Horizontal tunnel the primary purpose is the transportation of personnel and
Lithological Geological description pertaining to different rock types.
LRP Long Range Plan.
Material Properties Mine properties.
Milling A general term used to describe the process in which the ore is crushed and ground
and subjected to physical or chemical treatment to extract the valuable metals to a
concentrate or finished product.
Mineral/Mining Lease A lease area for which mineral rights are held.
Mining Assets The Material Properties and Significant Exploration Properties.
Ongoing Capital Capital estimates of a routine nature, which is necessary for sustaining operations.
Ore Reserve See Mineral Reserve.
Pillar Rock left behind to help support the excavations in an underground mine.
RoM Run-of-Mine.

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Term Definition
Sedimentary Pertaining to rocks formed by the accumulation of sediments, formed by the erosion
of other rocks.
Shaft An opening cut downwards from the surface for transporting personnel, equipment,
supplies, ore and waste.
Sill A thin, tabular, horizontal to sub-horizontal body of igneous rock formed by the
injection of magma into planar zones of weakness.
Smelting A high temperature pyrometallurgical operation conducted in a furnace, in which the
valuable metal is collected to a molten matte or doré phase and separated from the
gangue components that accumulate in a less dense molten slag phase.
Stope Underground void created by mining.
Stratigraphy The study of stratified rocks in terms of time and space.
Strike Direction of line formed by the intersection of strata surfaces with the horizontal
plane, always perpendicular to the dip direction.
Sulfide A sulfur bearing mineral.
Tailings Finely ground waste rock from which valuable minerals or metals have been
Thickening The process of concentrating solid particles in suspension.
Total Expenditure All expenditures including those of an operating and capital nature.
Variogram A statistical representation of the characteristics (usually grade).

28.4 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations may be used in this report.

Table 28-2: Abbreviations

Abbreviation Unit or Term
A ampere
AA atomic absorption
A/m amperes per square meter
ANFO ammonium nitrate fuel oil
Ag silver
Au gold
AuEq gold equivalent grade
°C degrees Centigrade
CCD counter-current decantation
CIL carbon-in-leach
CoG cut-off grade
cm centimeter
cm square centimeter
cm cubic centimeter
cfm cubic feet per minute
ConfC confidence code
CRec core recovery
CSS closed-side setting
CTW calculated true width
° degree (degrees)
dia. diameter
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EMP Environmental Management Plan
FA fire assay
ft foot (feet)
ft square foot (feet)
ft cubic foot (feet)
g gram
gal gallon
g/L gram per liter

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Abbreviation Unit or Term

g-mol gram-mole
gpm gallons per minute
g/t grams per tonne
ha hectares
HDPE Height Density Polyethylene
hp horsepower
HTW horizontal true width
ICP induced couple plasma
ID2 inverse-distance squared
ID3 inverse-distance cubed
IFC International Finance Corporation
ILS Intermediate Leach Solution
kA kiloamperes
kg kilograms
km kilometer
km square kilometer
koz thousand troy ounce
kt thousand tonnes
kt/d thousand tonnes per day
kt/y thousand tonnes per year
kV kilovolt
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
kWh/t kilowatt-hour per metric tonne
L liter
L/sec liters per second
L/sec/m liters per second per meter
lb pound
LHD Long-Haul Dump truck
LLDDP Linear Low Density Polyethylene Plastic
LOI Loss On Ignition
LoM Life-of-Mine
m meter
m square meter
m cubic meter
masl meters above sea level
MARN Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources
MDA Mine Development Associates
mg/L milligrams/liter
mm millimeter
mm square millimeter
mm cubic millimeter
MME Mine & Mill Engineering
Moz million troy ounces
Mt million tonnes
MTW measured true width
MW million watts
m.y. million years
NGO non-governmental organization
NI 43-101 Canadian National Instrument 43-101
OSC Ontario Securities Commission
oz troy ounce
% percent
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PLS Pregnant Leach Solution
PMF probable maximum flood
ppb parts per billion
ppm parts per million
QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control

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Abbreviation Unit or Term

RC rotary circulation drilling
RoM Run-of-Mine
RQD Rock Quality Description
SEC U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
sec second
SG specific gravity
SPT standard penetration testing
st short ton (2,000 pounds)
t tonne (metric ton) (2,204.6 pounds)
t/h tonnes per hour
t/d tonnes per day
t/y tonnes per year
TSF tailings storage facility
TSP total suspended particulates
µm micron or microns
V volts
VFD variable frequency drive
W watt
XRD x-ray diffraction
y year

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NI 43-101 Technical Report – Segovia Project, Colombia Appendices


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NI 43-101 Technical Report – Segovia Project, Colombia Appendices

Appendix A: Certificates of Qualified Persons

BP/SH Segovia_TRR_461800-060_Rev10_MLM.docx June 2017

SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc.
Suite 600
1125 Seventeenth Street
Denver, CO 80202

T: 303.985.1333
F: 303.985.9947

[email protected]


I, Benjamin Parsons, MSc, MAusIMM (CP) Membership Number #222568 do hereby certify that:
1. I am a Principal Consultant (Resource Geology) of SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc., 1125 Seventeenth
Street, Suite 600, Denver, CO, USA, 80202.
2. This certificate applies to the technical report titled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Mineral Resource
Estimate, Segovia Project, Colombia” with an Effective Date of March 15, 2017 (the “Technical Report”).
3. I graduated with a degree in Exploration Geology from Cardiff University, UK in 1999. In addition, I have
obtained a Masters degree (MSc) in Mineral Resources from Cardiff University, UK in 2000 and have
worked as a geologist for a total of 16 years since my graduation from university. I am a member of the
Australian Institution of Materials Mining and Metallurgy (Membership Number 222568) and I am a
Chartered Professional.
4. I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) and
certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in NI 43-101)
and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person” for the purposes of
NI 43-101.
5. I visited the Segovia Project on March 15, 2015 for five days; on May 29, 2016 for six days; on
November 27, 2016 for four days; and on February 6, 2017 for four days.
6. I am responsible for the preparation of Sections 2-14, 23 & 24, and portions of Sections 1, 25 and 26
summarized therefrom, of this Technical Report
7. I am independent of the issuer applying all of the tests in section 1.5 of NI 43-101.
8. I have had prior involvement with the property that is the subject of the Technical Report. The nature of
my prior involvement is compiled previous Mineral Resource Estimate for Segovia dated March 2, 2012
and Mineral Resource Estimate for Carla dated April 2, 2012. Additionally, acted as QP for the Mineral
Resource Statements for the combined projects dated August 1, 2013.
9. I have read NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F1 and the sections of the Technical Report I am responsible for
have been prepared in compliance with that instrument and form.
10. As of the aforementioned Effective Date, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
sections of the Technical Report I am responsible for contains all scientific and technical information that
is required to be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.

Dated this 5 day of June, 2017.

“Signed and Sealed”

Benjamin Parsons, MSc, MAusIMM
Principal Consultant (Resource Geology)

U.S. Offices: Canadian Offices: Group Offices:

Anchorage 907.677.3520 Saskatoon 306.955.4778 Africa
Clovis 559.452.0182 Sudbury 705.682.3270 Asia
Denver 303.985.1333 Toronto 416.601.1445 Australia
Elko 775.753.4151 Vancouver 604.681.4196 Europe
Fort Collins 970.407.8302 Yellowknife 867.873.8670 North America
Reno 775.828.6800 South America
Tucson 520.544.3688
SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc.
Suite 600
1125 Seventeenth Street
Denver, CO 80202

T: 303.985.1333
F: 303.985.9947

[email protected]


I, Fernando Rodrigues, BS Mining, MBA, MMSAQP do hereby certify that:

1. I am Practice Leader and Principal Consultant (Mining Engineer) of SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc., 1125
Seventeenth Street, Suite 600, Denver, CO, USA, 80202.
2. This certificate applies to the technical report titled “NI 43-101 Technical Report, Mineral Resource
Estimate, Segovia Project, Colombia” with an Effective Date of March 15, 2017 (the “Technical Report”).
3. I graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in Mining Engineering from South Dakota School of
Mines and Technology in 1999. I am a QP member of the MMSA. I have worked as a Mining Engineer
for a total of 16 years since my graduation from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in 1999.
My relevant experience includes mine design and implementation, short term mine design, dump design,
haulage studies, blast design, ore control, grade estimation, database management.
4. I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) and
certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in NI 43-101)
and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a “qualified person” for the purposes of
NI 43-101.
5. I visited the Segovia property on March 15, 2015 for five days and May 29, 2016 for five days
6. I am responsible for the preparation of Sections 15-22, and portions of Sections 1, 25 and 26
summarized therefrom, of this Technical Report.
7. I am independent of the issuer applying all of the tests in section 1.5 of NI 43-101.
8. I have had prior involvement with the property that is the subject of the Technical Report. The nature of
my prior involvement is providing technical assistance and developing short-term mine plans, budgeting
cost estimates, and mine design for the project. I have not acted as a QP in previous reportings.
9. I have read NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F1 and the sections of the Technical Report I am responsible for
have been prepared in compliance with that instrument and form.
10. As of the aforementioned Effective Date, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
sections of the Technical Report I am responsible for contains all scientific and technical information that
is required to be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.

Dated this 5 Day of June, 2017.
“Signed and Sealed”
Fernando Rodrigues, BS Mining, MBA, MMSAQP [01405QP]

U.S. Offices: Canadian Offices: Group Offices:

Anchorage 907.677.3520 Saskatoon 306.955.4778 Africa
Clovis 559.452.0182 Sudbury 705.682.3270 Asia
Denver 303.985.1333 Toronto 416.601.1445 Australia
Elko 775.753.4151 Vancouver 604.681.4196 Europe
Fort Collins 970.407.8302 Yellowknife 867.873.8670 North America
Reno 775.828.6800 South America
Tucson 520.544.3688
SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc.
NI 43-101 Technical Report – Segovia Project, Colombia Appendices

Appendix B: Histograms and Capital Analysis

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Appendix B1: Histograms – Providencia – Low Grade (HG10)
Appendix B2: Histograms – Providencia – High Grade (HG20)
Appendix B3: Histograms – Providencia – Minor Veins (HG30)
Appendix B4: Histograms – El Silencio (HG10)
Appendix B5: Histograms – El Silencio (HG20)
Appendix B6: Histograms – El Silencio (HG30)
Appendix B7: Histograms – El Silencio (HG40)
Appendix B8: Histograms – El Silencio (HG60)
Appendix B9: Histograms – El Silencio (HG70)
Appendix B10: Histograms – Sandra K (HG10)
Appendix B11: Histograms – Sandra K (HG15)
Appendix B12: Histograms – Sandra K (HG20)
Appendix B13: Histograms – Sandra K (HG30)
Appendix B14: Histograms – Sandra K (HG40)
SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc.
NI 43-101 Technical Report – Segovia Project, Colombia Appendices

Appendix C: Providencia Variograms

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Providencia high grade shoot and Providencia Vein (HG10)

Variogram Model - Global

Pairwise Relative Vario.

Distance (m)
0 50 100 150

1.0 1.0


0.5 0.5

Pairwise Relative Vario.


0.0 0.0

0 50 100 150
Distance (m)
- Variable #1 : AUCAP
Pairwise Relative Variogram : in 3 direction(s) Jul 12 2013
D1 : N307
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 500.00m
D2 : N44
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 500.00m
D3 : N10
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 10.00m, Count = 20 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Model : 4 basic structure(s)
Global rotation = Azimuth=N280.00 Dip=30.00 Pitch=30.00 (Geologist Plane)
S1 - Nugget effect, Sill = 0.35
S2 - Spherical - Range = 4.00m, Sill = 0.329
Directional Scales = ( 4.00m, 5.00m, 4.00m)
S3 - Spherical - Range = 25.00m, Sill = 0.189
Directional Scales = ( 25.00m, 35.00m, 25.00m)
S4 - Spherical - Range = 100.00m, Sill = 0.033
Directional Scales = ( 100.00m, 100.00m, 100.00m)

Variogram Model - Global

Pairwise Relative Vario.

Distance (m)
0 50 100 150
0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

N10 0.5

0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
Pairwise Relative Vario.

0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0

-0.1 -0.1
0 50 100 150
Distance (m)
- Variable #1 : AUCAP
Pairwise Relative Variogram : in 3 direction(s) Jul 12 2013
D1 : N307
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 500.00m
D2 : N44
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 500.00m
D3 : N10
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 10.00m, Count = 20 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Model : 4 basic structure(s)
Global rotation = Azimuth=N280.00 Dip=30.00 Pitch=30.00 (Geologist Plane)
S1 - Nugget effect, Sill = 0.35
S2 - Spherical - Range = 5.00m, Sill = 0.142
Directional Scales = ( 5.00m, 7.00m, 5.00m)
S3 - Spherical - Range = 30.00m, Sill = 0.041
Directional Scales = ( 30.00m, 40.00m, 30.00m)
S4 - Spherical - Range = 55.00m, Sill = 0.041
Directional Scales = ( 55.00m, 100.00m, 55.00m)
Sandra K

Sandra K Techo, Piso and Fault Block Vein (HG10 – 30)

Variogram Model - Globa

Pairwise Relative Vario.

Distance (m)
0 50 100 150

0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50

Pairwise Relative Vario.

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00

0 50 100 150
Distance (m)
- Variable #1 : AUCAP
Pairwise Relative Variogram : in 3 direction(s) Jul 12 2013
D1 : N7
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 50.00m
D2 : N97_01
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 50.00m
D3 : N97
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 10.00m, Count = 10 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Model : 4 basic structure(s)
Global rotation = Azimuth=N7.00 Dip=29.00 (Geologist Plane)
S1 - Nugget effect, Sill = 0.4
S2 - Spherical - Range = 5.00m, Sill = 0.138
Directional Scales = ( 5.00m, 10.00m, 5.00m)
S3 - Spherical - Range = 20.00m, Sill = 0.04
Directional Scales = ( 20.00m, 50.00m, 20.00m)
S4 - Spherical - Range = 70.00m, Sill = 0.073
Directional Scales = ( 70.00m, 100.00m, 70.00m)

Sandra K Chumeca Vein (HG40)

Variogram Model - Fit

Pairwise Relative Vario.

Distance (m)
0 25 50 75 100 125

0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50
Pairwise Relative Vario.

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00

0 25 50 75 100 125
Distance (m)
- Variable #1 : AUCAP
Pairwise Relative Variogram : in 1 direction(s) Jul 12 2013
D1 :
Angular tolerance = 90.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Model : 3 basic structure(s)
Global rotation = No rotation
S1 - Nugget effect, Sill = 0.4
S2 - Spherical - Range = 5.00m, Sill = 0.148
Directional Scales = ( 5.00m, 5.00m)
S3 - Spherical - Range = 100.00m, Sill = 0.193
Directional Scales = ( 100.00m, 100.00m)
El Silencio

El Silencio high grade shoot (HG20) and El Silencio Vein (HG10)

Variogram Model - Global

Pairwise Relative Vario.

Distance (m)
0 50 100 150
1.0 1.0


0.5 0.5

Pairwise Relative Vario.


0.0 0.0

0 50 100 150
Distance (m)
- Variable #1 : AUCAP
Pairwise Relative Variogram : in 3 direction(s) Jul 12 2013
D1 : N335
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 500.00m
D2 : N59
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 500.00m
D3 : N105
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 10.00m, Count = 20 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Model : 4 basic structure(s)
Global rotation = Azimuth=N15.00 Dip=27.00 Pitch=-43.00 (Geologist Plane)
S1 - Nugget effect, Sill = 0.6
S2 - Spherical - Range = 5.00m, Sill = 0.142
Directional Scales = ( 5.00m, 5.00m, 5.00m)
S3 - Spherical - Range = 25.00m, Sill = 0.012
Directional Scales = ( 25.00m, 35.00m, 25.00m)
S4 - Spherical - Range = 80.00m, Sill = 0.105
Directional Scales = ( 80.00m, 100.00m, 80.00m)

Variogram Model - Global

Pairwise Relative Vario.

Distance (m)
0 50 100 150
1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

Pairwise Relative Vario.

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

0 50 100 150
Distance (m)
- Variable #1 : AUCAP
Pairwise Relative Variogram : in 3 direction(s) Jul 14 2013
D1 : N335
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 500.00m
D2 : N59
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 2.00m, Count = 60 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Horizontal Slicing = 50.00m
Vertical Slicing = 500.00m
D3 : N105
Angular tolerance = 10.00
Lag = 10.00m, Count = 20 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Model : 4 basic structure(s)
Global rotation = Azimuth=N15.00 Dip=27.00 Pitch=-43.00 (Geologist Plane)
S1 - Nugget effect, Sill = 0.6
S2 - Spherical - Range = 8.00m, Sill = 0.152
Directional Scales = ( 12.00m, 8.00m, 12.00m)
S3 - Spherical - Range = 25.00m, Sill = 0.071
Directional Scales = ( 55.00m, 25.00m, 55.00m)
S4 - Spherical - Range = 80.00m, Sill = 0.211
Directional Scales = ( 90.00m, 80.00m, 90.00m)

Carla Vein. Along strike, down dip and across strike showing left to right.

Pairwise Relative Vario.

Pairwise Relative Vario.

Pairwise Relative Vario.

Distance (m) Distance (m) Distance (m)

0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 0 10 20 30

184 1.25 43 1.25

1.00 117 1.00 114 0.9 0.9
131 183
19 0.8 0.8
1.00 1.00 23
0.7 0.7
0.75 53 0.75 286 42
85 0.6 0.6
104 0.75 0.75 60
0.565 81 65 110 0.5

Pairwise Relative Vario.


Pairwise Relative Vario.

Pairwise Relative Vario.

77 69 69 57
0.50 0.50
396 0.4 137 112 0.4
217 218
0.50 0.50 19
0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25 0.2 0.2

0.25 0.25
0.1 0.1

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0

0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 0 10 20 30

Distance (m) Distance (m) Distance (m)

Las Verticales

Las Verticales Veins

Variogram Model - Fitti

Pairwise Relative Vario.

Distance (m)
0 100 200 300 400
1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

Pairwise Relative Vario.

0.0 0.0

0 100 200 300 400

Distance (m)
- Variable #1 : AUCAP
Pairwise Relative Variogram : in 1 direction(s) Jul 14 2013
D1 :
Angular tolerance = 90.00
Lag = 100.00m, Count = 5 lags, Tolerance = 50.00%
Model : 3 basic structure(s)
Global rotation = No rotation
S1 - Nugget effect, Sill = 0.2
S2 - Spherical - Range = 30.00m, Sill = 0.319
Directional Scales = ( 30.00m, 30.00m, 30.00m)
S3 - Spherical - Range = 120.00m, Sill = 0.348
Directional Scales = ( 120.00m, 120.00m, 120.00m)
SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc.
NI 43-101 Technical Report – Segovia Project, Colombia Appendices

Appendix D: Swath Plots

BP/SH Segovia_TRR_461800-060_Rev10_MLM.docx June 2017

Appendix D1: Swath Plots Providencia HG10 (east-west and north-south)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 10, 10m X

22 Naive Mean
Declustered Mean 500
Sample Count
Data: AU60 [holesdlc3mFinal.csv]
Filters: HG = 10
Estimate Mean 450
AUCAP [_t12.csv]
Filters: HG = 10, YC <= 1273500, YC >= 1272400
Density: 1

AU60 Average Grade

Number of Samples







2 50

0 0
930400 930800 931200 931600 932000 932400

Slice Centroid (mX)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 10, 10m Y
Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU60 [holesdlc3mFinal.csv]
Filters: HG = 10 700
Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_t12.csv]
Filters: HG = 10, YC <= 1273500, YC >= 1272400
Density: 1

AU60 Average Grade

Number of Samples





0 0
1272400 1272600 1272800 1273000 1273200 1273400

Slice Centroid (mY)

Appendix D2: Swath Plots Providencia HG20 (east-west and north-south)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 20, 10m X Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU300 [holesdlc3mFinal.csv]
70 Filters: HG = 20

Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_t22.csv]
Filters: HG = 20
Density: 1



AU300 Average Grade

Number of Samples
40 150






0 0
931200 931400 931600 931800 932000 932200

Slice Centroid (mX)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 20, 10m Y

140 Naive Mean

Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU300 [holesdlc3mFinal.csv] 300
Filters: HG = 20

Estimate Mean
120 AUCAP [_t22.csv]
Filters: HG = 20
Density: 1


AU300 Average Grade

Number of Samples






0 0
1272500 1272700 1272900 1273100 1273300

Slice Centroid (mY)

Appendix D3: Swath Plots Providencia HG30 (east-west and north-south)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 30, 10m X

Naive Mean
Declustered Mean 120
Sample Count
Data: AU60 [holesdlc3mFinal.csv]
Filters: HG = 30

Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_t32.csv]
20 Filters: HG = 30
Density: 1

AU60 Average Grade


Number of Samples




0 0
930600 931000 931400 931800 932200

Slice Centroid (mX)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 30, 5m Y

Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count 25
Data: AU60 [holesdlc3mFinal.csv]
Filters: HG = 30

Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_t32.csv]
25 Filters: HG = 30
Density: 1

AU60 Average Grade

Number of Samples






0 0
1272700 1272900 1273100

Slice Centroid (mY)

Appendix D4: Swath Plots El Silencio HG10 (east-west and north-south)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 10, 10m X
Naive Mean 550
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU30 [holesdlc3m_Final.csv]
Filters: HG = 10
6 Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hgmd10.csv]
Filters: HG = 10
Density: 1

5 400
AU30 Average Grade

Number of Samples







0 0
929800 930200 930600 931000 931400

Slice Centroid (mX)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 10, 10m Y

Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU30 [holesdlc3m_Final.csv] 300
Filters: HG = 10

Estimate Mean
10 AUCAP [_hgmd10.csv]
Filters: HG = 10
Density: 1


AU30 Average Grade

Number of Samples




0 0
1274000 1275000 1276000

Slice Centroid (mY)

Appendix D5: Swath Plots El Silencio HG20 (east-west and north-south)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 20, 5m X
Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU120 [holesdlc3m_Final.csv]
Filters: HG = 20

Estimate Mean 200

60 AUCAP [_hgmd20.csv]
Filters: HG = 20
Density: DENSITY


AU120 Average Grade

Number of Samples



30 100





0 0
929800 930200 930600 931000 931400

Slice Centroid (mX)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 20, 10m Y

Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU120 [holesdlc3m_Final.csv] 350
Filters: HG = 20

Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hgmd20.csv]
35 Filters: HG = 20
Density: DENSITY

AU120 Average Grade

Number of Samples






0 0
1274000 1274400 1274800 1275200 1275600 1276000

Slice Centroid (mY)

Appendix D5: Swath Plots El Silencio HG30 (east-west and north-south)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 30, 10m X
Naive Mean
25 Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU90 [holesdlc3m.csv]
Filters: HG = 30

Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hgmd30.csv] 250
Filters: HG = 30
Density: DENSITY


AU90 Average Grade

Number of Samples





0 0
931200 931300 931400 931500 931600 931700

Slice Centroid (mX)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 30, 10m Y


Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
40 Data: AU90 [holesdlc3m.csv]
Filters: HG = 30 140
Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hgmd30.csv]
Filters: HG = 30
Density: DENSITY


AU90 Average Grade

100 Number of Samples







0 0
1273800 1274200 1274600 1275000

Slice Centroid (mY)

Appendix D6: Swath Plots Sandra K HG10 (east-west and north-south)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 10, 10m X


Naive Mean
Declustered Mean

12 Sample Count
Data: AU60 [holesdlc3m.csv]
Filters: HG = 10

Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hg10.csv]
Filters: HG = 10 200
Density: DENSITY
AU60 Average Grade

Number of Samples
8 150



0 0
932350 932450 932550 932650

Slice Centroid (mX)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 10, 10m Y

Naive Mean
14 Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU60 [holesdlc3m.csv]
Filters: HG = 10

Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hg10.csv]
12 Filters: HG = 10
Density: DENSITY


AU60 Average Grade

Number of Samples




0 0
1275200 1275400 1275600 1275800 1276000

Slice Centroid (mY)

Appendix D7: Swath Plots Sandra K HG15 (east-west and north-south)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 15, 10m X

10 Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU30 [holesdlc3m.csv]
Filters: HG = 15
Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hg15.csv]
Filters: HG = 15
Density: DENSITY

AU30 Average Grade

Number of Samples


4 30



0 0
932500 932700 932900

Slice Centroid (mX)

Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Validation Trend Plot Data: AU30 [holesdlc3m.csv]
Filters: HG = 15
HG = 15, 10m Y
Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hg15.csv]
8 Filters: HG = 15 70
Density: DENSITY


AU30 Average Grade

Number of Samples





0 0
1275000 1275200 1275400

Slice Centroid (mY)

Appendix D8: Swath Plots Sandra K HG20 (east-west and north-south)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 20, 10m X
Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
60 Sample Count
Data: AU120 [holesdlc3m.csv]
Filters: HG = 20
Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hg20.csv]
Filters: HG = 20
Density: DENSITY

AU120 Average Grade


Number of Samples







0 0
932450 932550 932650 932750 932850

Slice Centroid (mX)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 20, 20m Y
Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
30 Data: AU120 [holesdlc3m.csv]
Filters: HG = 20 180
Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hg20.csv]
Filters: HG = 20
Density: DENSITY

AU120 Average Grade

Number of Samples




10 60



0 0
1275100 1275300 1275500 1275700 1275900

Slice Centroid (mY)

Appendix D9: Swath Plots Sandra K HG30 (east-west and north-south)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 30, 10m X


Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU90 [holesdlc3m.csv]
Filters: HG = 30

Estimate Mean
14 AUCAP [_hg30.csv]
Filters: HG = 30
Density: DENSITY


AU90 Average Grade

Number of Samples




2 20

0 0
932300 932500 932700 932900

Slice Centroid (mX)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 30, 10m X


Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU90 [holesdlc3m.csv]
Filters: HG = 30

Estimate Mean
14 AUCAP [_hg30.csv]
Filters: HG = 30
Density: DENSITY


AU90 Average Grade

Number of Samples





2 20

0 0
932300 932500 932700 932900

Slice Centroid (mX)

Appendix D10: Swath Plots Sandra K HG40 (east-west and north-south)

Naive Mean
Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Validation Trend Plot Data: AU60 [holesdlc3m.csv]
Filters: HG = 40
HG = 40, 10m X
Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hg40.csv]
Filters: HG = 40
Density: DENSITY


20 50
AU60 Average Grade

Number of Samples





0 0
932000 932200 932400 932600

Slice Centroid (mX)

Validation Trend Plot

HG = 40, 10m Y

Naive Mean 140

Declustered Mean
Sample Count
Data: AU60 [holesdlc3m.csv]
16 Filters: HG = 40

Estimate Mean
AUCAP [_hg40.csv] 120
Filters: HG = 40
Density: DENSITY

AU60 Average Grade

Number of Samples

10 80




0 0
1275300 1275400 1275500

Slice Centroid (mY)

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