Cangrejos Gold-Copper Project El Oro Province, Ecuador
Cangrejos Gold-Copper Project El Oro Province, Ecuador
Cangrejos Gold-Copper Project El Oro Province, Ecuador
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: Sensitivity Analyses for Capital and Operating Costs ............................................................ 1-9
Figure 1-2: Cangrejos Project Location .................................................................................................. 1-11
Figure 1-3: Cangrejos Project in Relationship to the Local Area ............................................................ 1-12
Figure 4-1: Cangrejos Project Location .................................................................................................... 4-1
Figure 4-2: Current Concession Boundaries ............................................................................................ 4-2
Figure 4-3: Surface Rights ........................................................................................................................ 4-4
Figure 4-4: Concession Consolidation Process – Contiguous Advanced Exploration Concessions ....... 4-6
Figure 4-5: Final Consolidation/Unification of Advanced Exploration Mineral Concessions .................... 4-7
Figure 5-1: Access to Cangrejos............................................................................................................... 5-1
Figure 7-1: Regional Geology ................................................................................................................... 7-1
Figure 7-2: Local Geology Cangrejos Project ........................................................................................... 7-2
Figure 7-3: Paragenetic Sequence ........................................................................................................... 7-5
Figure 7-4: Simplified Geology Plan of the Cangrejos Gold – Copper Zone ............................................ 7-6
Figure 7-5: Cross Section 800E – Cangrejos Zone .................................................................................. 7-7
Figure 7-6: Simplified Geology Plan of the Gran Bestia Gold – Copper Zone ......................................... 7-8
Figure 7-7: Vertical Cross Section – Gran Bestia – Section 350E ........................................................... 7-9
Figure 9-1: Soil Geochemistry – Gold ....................................................................................................... 9-1
Figure 9-2: Soil Geochemistry – Copper................................................................................................... 9-2
Figure 9-3: Exploration Targets – Cangrejos Project – RTP Magnetics ................................................... 9-3
Figure 10-1: Drill Collar Plan Map Cangrejos Project .............................................................................. 10-2
Figure 10-2: Plan Map – Cangrejos, Gran Bestia .................................................................................... 10-6
Figure 10-3: Vertical Cross Section – Gran Bestia to Cangrejos ............................................................ 10-7
Figure 11-1: Au g/t for CDN-CM-27 ......................................................................................................... 11-4
Figure 11-2: Cu ppm for CDN-CM-28 ...................................................................................................... 11-5
Figure 11-3: Au g/t - Blank ....................................................................................................................... 11-5
Figure 13-1: Isometric View of the Metallurgical Drill Holes in Relation to the Potential Pit (1999–2017) 13-
Figure 13-2: Isometric View of the Metallurgical Drill Holes in Relation to the Potential Pit (2018–2019)13-
Figure 13-3: Data Analysis to Estimate the Grade of the Copper Concentrate ...................................... 13-9
Figure 14-1: Plan View of Gold Grades in Drilling .................................................................................. 14-2
Figure 14-2: Isometric View of Gold Grades in Drilling at Cangrejos and Gran Bestia Deposits ........... 14-3
Figure 14-3: Isometric View of Drilling Completed Since the Previous Estimate of Mineral Resources 14-4
Figure 14-4: Plan View of Gold Sample Data in Drilling ......................................................................... 14-5
Figure 14-5: Plan View of Copper Sample Data in Drilling ..................................................................... 14-6
Figure 14-6: Plan View of Silver Sample Data in Drilling ........................................................................ 14-7
Figure 14-7: Plan View of Molybdenum Sample Data in Drilling ............................................................ 14-8
Figure 14-8: Plan View of Sulfur Sample Data in Drilling ....................................................................... 14-9
Figure 14-9: Isometric View of Interpreted Lithologic Units in the Cangrejos and Gran Bestia Deposit
Areas ...................................................................................................................................................... 14-11
Figure 14-10: Vertical Cross Section through the Cangrejos Deposit Showing Oxidation Surfaces and
Lithologic Domains Relative to Gold Grades in Drilling ......................................................................... 14-12
Figure 14-11: Boxplots of Gold and Copper by Logged Lithology Type at Cangrejos ......................... 14-15
Figure 14-12: Boxplots of Gold and Copper by Logged Lithology Type at Gran Bestia ....................... 14-16
Figure 14-13: Boxplots of Silver, Molybdenum, and Sulfur by Logged Lithology Type at Cangrejos . 14-17
Figure 14-14: Boxplots Comparing Sample Data Between Oxidation Domains at Cangrejos ............. 14-18
Figure 14-15: Contact Profiles for Gold Samples Between Interpreted Geology Domains at Cangrejos 14-
Figure 14-16: Contact Profiles for Copper Samples Between Interpreted Geology Domains at Cangrejos
............................................................................................................................................................... 14-20
Figure 14-17: Contact Profiles for Gold and Copper Across the Probability Grade Shell Domain ....... 14-21
Figure 14-18: Contact Profiles for Silver, Molybdenum and Sulfur Across the SAP+SRK vs.
TransOxide+Fresh Rock Boundary at Cangrejos .................................................................................. 14-22
Figure 14-19: Vertical Cross Section Showing Gold Grades in Drilling and Block Model at Cangrejos . 14-
Figure 14-20: Vertical Cross Section Showing Copper Grades in Drilling and Block Model at Cangrejos
............................................................................................................................................................... 14-29
Figure 14-21: Vertical Cross Section Showing Gold Grades in Drilling and Block Model at Gran Bestia 14-
Figure 14-22: Vertical Cross Section Showing Copper Grades in Drilling and Block Model at Gran Bestia
............................................................................................................................................................... 14-31
Figure 14-23: Herco Grade/Tonnage Plot for Gold and Copper Models .............................................. 14-32
Figure 14-24: Grade/Tonnage Comparison of Gold Models ................................................................ 14-33
Figure 14-25: Swath Plot of Gold and Copper OK and NN Models by Easting .................................... 14-34
Figure 14-26: Isometric Views of Base Case with Resource Limiting Pit Shell ................................... 14-39
Figure 14-27: Isometric Views of Base Case Mineral Resource with Resource Limiting Pit Shell...... 14-40
Figure 14-28: Isometric Views of Base Case Mineral Resource with Resource Limiting Pit Shell...... 14-41
Figure 14-29: Isometric Views of Base Case Mineral Resource with Resource Limiting Pit Shell...... 14-42
Figure 16-1: Mined Material Movement .................................................................................................. 16-4
Figure 16-2: Mine and Waste Storage Configuration at the End of Year 25 .......................................... 16-8
Figure 16-3: Fresh Rock Slope Design ................................................................................................. 16-10
Figure 16-4: Slope Design Guidance for Saprolite and Saprock .......................................................... 16-11
Figure 17-1: Simplified Process Flowsheet ............................................................................................ 17-4
Figure 17-2: Plant General Arrangement ................................................................................................ 17-5
Figure 18-1: Waste Rock Storage Facility and Saprolite Storage Facility .............................................. 18-4
Figure 18-2: Dry Stack Tailings Facility .................................................................................................. 18-6
Figure 20-1: Social Setting - Project Location in Relation to Parish and Canton Areas .......................... 20-4
Figure 20-2: Graphic of ABA Results by Rock Type ............................................................................. 20-11
Figure 20-3: Graphic of ABA Results Based on Location ..................................................................... 20-11
Figure 20-4: On Site Kinetic Cell Leachate, pH Results ....................................................................... 20-16
Figure 21-1: Initial Capital Cost Estimate by Major Categories .............................................................. 21-3
Figure 21-2: Life-of-Mine Operating Cost Summary per Tonne Processed ........................................... 21-5
Figure 22-1: After-tax NPV Sensitivity at Various Discount Rates ......................................................... 22-9
Figure 22-2: Metal Price Sensitivity ........................................................................................................ 22-9
Figure 22-3: Capital and Operating Cost Sensitivity Analyses ............................................................. 22-10
Figure 22-4: Metal Recovery Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................. 22-11
Figure 22-5: Metal Grade Sensitivity ..................................................................................................... 22-12
Figure 24-1: Cangrejos Gold-Copper Project Preliminary Execution Schedule ..................................... 24-5
List of Tables
Table 1-1: Comparison of 2018 and 2020 Mineral Resources ................................................................. 1-2
Table 1-2: 2020 Financial Results Compared to 2018 ............................................................................. 1-3
Table 1-3: Estimated Cost to Advance to Prefeasibility Study ................................................................. 1-7
Table 1-4: Financial Analysis Assumptions and Results .......................................................................... 1-8
Table 1-5: Operating Cost Sensitivity Analysis ......................................................................................... 1-8
Table 1-6: Initial Plus Expansion Capital Cost Sensitivity......................................................................... 1-9
Table 1-7: Estimate of Mineral Resources at Cangrejos and Gran Bestia ............................................. 1-16
Table 1-8: Mine Production Schedule – All Material Types .................................................................... 1-17
Table 1-9: Estimated Metallurgical Recovery by Rock Type .................................................................. 1-18
Table 1-10: Process Design Criteria ....................................................................................................... 1-19
Table 1-11: Initial and Expansion Capital Costs Including Contingency ................................................ 1-22
Table 1-12: Life of Mine Operating Cost Summary ................................................................................ 1-23
Table 2-1: Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................... 2-3
Table 4-1: Mining Concessions – Cangrejos ............................................................................................ 4-3
Table 4-2: Surface Rights ......................................................................................................................... 4-3
Table 6-1: Exploration History of the Cangrejos Project ........................................................................... 6-5
Table 9-1: Untested Exploration Targets – Cangrejos Project ................................................................. 9-3
Table 10-1: Summary of Drilling Cangrejos Project................................................................................. 10-1
Table 13-1: FLS Comminution Testing Results ...................................................................................... 13-6
Table 13-2: Summary of HPGR Locked Cycle Test ............................................................................... 13-6
Table 13-3: Estimated Metallurgical Recovery by Rock Type ................................................................ 13-9
Table 14-1: Summary of Basic Statistics of Data Proximal to the Cangrejos Mineral Resource Model .. 14-
Table 14-2: Summary of Basic Statistics of Data Proximal to the Gran Bestia Mineral Resource Model 14-
Table 20-1: Social Management / Mitigation Strategies According to Sources of Impacts (Positive &
Negative) and Risks ................................................................................................................................. 20-6
Table 20-2: ABA Results of Cangrejos Mine Tailings ............................................................................ 20-13
Table 20-3: Supernatant Analysis ......................................................................................................... 20-14
Table 21-1: Initial and Expansion Capital Cost Estimates Including Contingency ................................. 21-2
Table 21-2: Areas of Major Cost Increases ............................................................................................ 21-3
Table 21-3: Life-of-Mine Operating Cost Summary ................................................................................ 21-4
Table 21-4: Mine Operating Cost Summary ........................................................................................... 21-6
Table 21-5: Process Operating Costs ..................................................................................................... 21-7
Table 21-6: General and Administrative Operating Costs ...................................................................... 21-7
Table 21-7: General and Administrative Staffing Level (Year 1 of Operations) ..................................... 21-8
Table 22-1: Economic Model Inputs ....................................................................................................... 22-2
Table 22-2: Key Results .......................................................................................................................... 22-3
Table 22-3: After-tax NPV at Various Discount Rates ............................................................................ 22-8
Table 22-4: Metal Price Sensitivity.......................................................................................................... 22-9
Table 22-5: Operating Cost Sensitivity ................................................................................................. 22-10
Table 22-6: Initial Plus Expansion Capital Cost Sensitivity................................................................... 22-10
Table 22-7: Metal Recovery Sensitivity................................................................................................. 22-11
Table 22-8: Variation in Gold Grade ..................................................................................................... 22-11
Table 22-9: Cash Flow Analysis ........................................................................................................... 22-13
Table 26-1: Cost Estimate ....................................................................................................................... 26-1
1.1 Introduction
The Cangrejos Gold-Copper Project (Cangrejos or the Project) is a gold-copper project located
within the historic El Oro province in southwestern Ecuador. The Cangrejos concessions are fully
owned by Lumina Gold Corp. (Lumina or the Company), based in Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada, through its 100% owned Ecuadorian subsidiary, Odin Mining del Ecuador S.A. (Odin).
For this report, the International System (SI) of units is used throughout unless otherwise noted
and all currency is reported in United States dollars (US$), which is the currency used in the
country of Ecuador.
MTB Enterprises Inc. (MTB) was engaged to update the 2018 PEA and Preliminary Economic
Assessment (PEA), with the main purpose of incorporating the updated resource estimate for the
Project and other engineering work and studies that were completed between 2018 and 2020.
The 2020 PEA demonstrates substantial improvements with the addition of the Gran Bestia
satellite deposit, increased mineral resource definition, and improved process flow sheet.
MTB was assisted by SIM Geological Inc. (SIM), Independent Mining Consultants Inc. (IMC),
Ausenco Engineering Canada, Inc. (Ausenco), Global Resource Engineering Ltd. (GRE), ND King
Consulting LLC (NDK), BD Resource Consulting, Inc. (BDRC), Wylie & Norrish Rock Engineers,
Inc. (W&N), Robert Michel Enterprises (RME), and AKA PROS, Inc. (AKA) who provided the
Qualified Persons (QPs) responsible for the report.
Initially the engagement was for the completion of a Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS) on the
main Cangrejos deposit. A decision was made to update the 2018 Scoping Study and PEA to a
second PEA given that Lumina had only been working on the Gran Bestia deposit since 2018 and
further work is required to bring Gran Bestia to a PFS level. Lumina felt that it is important to
include Gran Bestia for the purpose of scaling the project correctly for future studies and permitting
There are no Mineral Reserves for the Project currently. The information reported in this PEA is
preliminary in nature and includes Inferred Mineral Resources that are considered too speculative
geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be
categorized as Mineral Reserves. Inferred Mineral Resources are based on limited geological
evidence and sampling. The tonnage and grade of Inferred Mineral Resources have significant
uncertainty as to their existence and as to whether they can be mined economically. There is no
certainty that this PEA will be realized.
Table 1-1 compares the June 2018 Mineral Resource Estimate with the updated 2020 Mineral
Resource Estimate. Lumina converted 10.4 million ounces of contained gold and 1.4 billion
pounds of contained copper from Inferred to Indicated. In addition, the Project also has 6.7 million
ounces of contained gold and 0.8 billion pounds of contained copper in the Inferred category. The
total contained metal at the Project increased substantially given the addition of the Gran Bestia
deposit, expansion drilling at the Cangrejos deposit, and a change in cut-off grade based on more
refined assumptions and a higher gold price.
The 2019 Mineral Resource estimate served as the basis for development of the mine plan, which
envisions open pit mining of the two deposits operating over a 25-year mine life. The nominal
production rate ramps up to 40,000 tpd during the first year of operation and includes an
expansion to ramp up to 80,000 tpd in year six. Compared to the 2018 PEA, the mine life
increased from the previous 16 years to the current 25 years.
1.2 Conclusions
1.2.1 Summary
• The results of this PEA show that the Mineral Resources at the Cangrejos Project are
potentially viable with a Net Present Value (NPV) of 16.2% and an Internal Rate of
Return (IRR) of $1,571 M at a 5% discount rate over a mine life of 25 years processing
approximately 640 Mt.
• The life of mine average mill feed grade is 0.556 gpt gold, 0.1% copper, 0.67 gpt silver,
and 20 ppm molybdenum. This equates to an average gold equivalent grade of 0.695
• The initial capital cost to construct the mine, processing facilities, and required
infrastructure is approximately $1,000 M including freight, duties, taxes, contingency,
VAT and working capital.
• The average operating cost over the life of the mine is approximately $11.31 per tonne
of material processed.
• The information reported in this PEA is preliminary in nature and includes Inferred
Mineral Resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have economic
considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as Mineral
Reserves. Inferred Mineral Resources are based on limited geological evidence and
sampling. The tonnage and grade of Inferred Mineral Resources have significant
uncertainty as to their existence and as to whether they can be mined economically.
There is no certainty that this PEA will be realized.
1.2.2 Resource
• Based on the current level of exploration, the Cangrejos and Gran Bestia deposits
contain a total estimated Indicated Mineral Resource of 571 Mt at a grade of 0.57 g/t
Au, 0.11% Cu, 0.7 g/t Ag and 21.2 ppm Mo containing 10.4 Moz Au, 1,409 Mlbs Cu,
12.8 Moz Ag and 26.7 Mlbs Mo.
• There is an additional total estimated Inferred Mineral Resource of 500 Mt at a grade
of 0.41 g/t Au, 0.08% Cu, 0.6 g/t Ag and 13 ppm Mo containing 6.7 Moz Au, 838 Mlbs
Cu, 10.3 Moz Ag and 14.3 Mlbs Mo.
• Mineral Resources are constrained within pit shells and are tabulated at a cut-off grade
of 0.30 g/t gold equivalent.
• Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves because the economic viability has not
been demonstrated.
1.2.3 Mining
• The Cangrejos Project is amenable to conventional, large-scale, open pit mining
• The production schedule developed for the Project includes seven phases over a 25-
year mine life following an 18-month preproduction period.
1.2.5 Metallurgy
• Metallurgical test data shows that economically viable metal recovery processes are
available for samples taken from Cangrejos and Gran Bestia.
estimates, particularly for tailings filtration and overland conveying of both crushed
rock and the filtered tailings.
1.2.7 Geotechnical
• Based on a review of the available technical literature, Ausenco concluded that the
seismicity in the Cangrejos project area is controlled mainly by the crustal background
seismicity within the coastal zone, as well as intra-slab seismicity.
• In accordance with the review and the Ecuadorian Construction Code (ECN), Ausenco
recommends using a design peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.40g for 1:475 yr and
0.61g for 1:2,475 return periods measured in soils of type C-D (typical soils present in
the Project area) for project infrastructure in accordance with international design
Geotechnical Investigation
• A geotechnical program was performed in 2019 including test pits and boreholes along
with the collection of soil and rock samples, laboratory testing and geotechnical
surface mapping and geophysical investigations to understand the foundation
conditions for the Plant Site, Primary Crusher area, Waste Rock Storage Facility
(WRSF), Haul Road, Dry Stack Tailings Facility (DSTF), and Saprolite Storage Facility
• This information was used to develop the conceptual designs for the site infrastructure.
A limited field program was conducted and additional geotechnical investigations will
be required during the Prefeasibility Study.
• Geochemistry work to date indicates that tailings, waste rock, saprolite, and saprock
are non-acid generating based on results of acid-based accounting, paste pH testing
and barrel leaching tests. The tailings and waste rock contain naturally-occurring
minerals that are net neutralizing, as well as low concentrations of sulfide. Therefore,
runoff should not produce any constituents of concern except for potential sediment
that will be captured in sediment ponds directly below the DSTF and WRSF.
Dry Stack Tailings Facility
• Ausenco evaluated disposal technologies and storage sites. Applyjng safety, terrain,
and land usage criteria the selected technology is filtered dry stack tailings. The site
for the DSTF is located 2.1 kms from the plant site and was selected based on location
and stable terrain deemed ideal for such infrastructure. The site has storage capacity
to provide secure and permanent storage of 640 Mt of filtered tailings.
• The filtered tailings will be transported to the DSTF by overland conveyor and stacked
using portable conveyors, radial stacker and dozers and compactors in thin lifts to
improve stability of this facility. In addition, the filtered tailings surface will be
compacted and raincoats will be installed to reduce rain infiltration and erosion. The
conceptual design for the facility uses bottom up construction along with an extensive
underdrain system to capture near surface groundwater and seepage. The facility was
designed in accordance with Canadian Dam Association (CDA) 2014 guidelines.
• Based on the geotechnical parameters that were determined by laboratory testing and
the DSTF configuration, an operating dry stack facility with an overall slope of 3.25:1
(H:V) was designed. Stability analyses were performed and the design has an
adequate factor of safety (i.e., greater than 1.3). In addition, the ultimate facility has
an acceptable long-term factor of safety greater than 1.5 and a pseudo-static factor of
safety greater than 1.0.
Waste Rock and Saprolite Storage Facilities
• The WRSF and SSF are designed to provide secure and permanent storage of
approximately 728 Mt of non-economical waste rock and overburden (i.e., saprolite
and saprock). The WRSF is scheduled to be constructed in multiple phases, initially
from the top down to create the WRSF haul road and then from the bottom up to
improve stability. During the initial years, the saprolite and saprock will be stored in a
separate facility until the ratio of transitional and fresh rock to saprolite and saprock is
greater than 7:1. This concept keeps the saprolite and saprock away from the toe
areas of the WRSF and provides necessary stability. This facility was designed in
accordance with international waste rock storage guidelines. The facility has an
extensive underdrain system to capture near surface groundwater and seepage.
• Based on the geotechnical parameters that were determined by laboratory testing and
the WRSF and SSF configurations, stability analyses were performed and both
facilities were found to have an adequate factor of safety (i.e., greater than 1.3). In
addition, the ultimate combined facilities have acceptable long-term factors of safety
greater than 1.5 and a pseudo-static factor of safety greater than 1.0.
1.2.9 Geochemistry
• Geochemical analyses of waste rock and tailings that have been completed to date
indicate that the mine waste rock and mine tailings are non-acid generating. Mine
contact water quality meets Ecuadorian standards for direct discharge to the
environment after sedimentation but without further treatment.
1.3 Recommendations
The outcome of this PEA is an overall recommendation to complete a Preliminary Feasibility
Study to advance the development of the Project.
The estimated costs to complete the Prefeasibility Study, as recommended by the Qualified
Persons (QPs) and supporting consultants who completed this PEA, are summarized in Table 1-
Assumption/Outcome Value/Results
Gold (per oz) $ 1,400
Silver (per oz) $ 16.00
Copper (per lb) $ 2.75
Molybdenum (per lb) $ 9.00
Material Processed (Mt) 640.3
Average LOM Grades
Gold (g/t) 0.56
Silver (g/t) 0.67
Copper (%) 0.10
Molybdenum (ppm) 20
NSR to Ecuador 3%
VAT 12%
Discount Rate 5%
Pre-tax IRR 20.2%
Pre-tax NPV $ 2,555 M
Post-tax IRR 16.2%
Post-tax NPV $ 1,571 M
The sensitivity of the economic outcome to operating costs and capital costs are provided in
Tables 1-5 and 1-6, respectively. The results are shown graphically in Figure 1-1.
OPEX $/t
Operating Cost IRR NPV (5%) $M
20.0% 2,500,000
18.0% 2,000,000
NPV ($ 000)
16.0% 1,500,000
IRR (%)
14.0% 1,000,000
12.0% 500,000
10.0% -
80% 90% 100% 110% 120%
Percent of Nominal
1Capital costs in Table 1-6 do not include spare parts or initial fills. Therefore, the values shown are
different from the values shown in Table 1-2.
process equipment provided by IMC/Lumina and ONIX, respectively. Durations for preproduction
mining activities were developed by IMC using first principles. Durations for critical path activities
were developed using recent data from similar projects. Other construction activities were
considered to fit within the overall timeline for the critical activities.
During a future Feasibility Study some early/basic engineering may be performed to facilitate early
placement of purchase orders for the primary crusher, ball mills, high pressure grinding roll
(HPGR), and other long-lead items in order to reduce schedule risk due to vendor
manufacturing/delivery delays. Early engineering of some of the site infrastructure during the
permitting process may be advantageous if it facilitates an efficient start of construction on site
after permit approvals are received.
Basic and detailed process and related infrastructure engineering, procurement, and construction
management (EPCM) services are to be completed by an international engineering firm with
experience in the design and construction of similar projects. Experienced international
companies will also be contracted to complete the mine design, specification of mining equipment,
and materials, and detailed design and quality assurance services for geotechnical facilities
including the WRSF and DSTF.
Discrete packages for some infrastructure and ancillary facilities will be subcontracted to qualified
Ecuadorian engineering firms for detailed design and procurement. It is anticipated that the
EPCM contractor will source materials and equipment from within Ecuador to the extent possible.
1.6.4 History
In 1992, Odin carried out a stream sediment sampling program to locate the source of the Birón
alluvial gold deposit that it was mining (69,000 oz Au). A number of good gold stream sediment
anomalies were located and mineral concessions were acquired over these areas. In 1994, Odin
formed the El Joven Joint Venture with Newmont Overseas Exploration Limited (Newmont) to
explore the region. Newmont was the operator and carried out an airborne magnetic-radiometric
survey, an IP survey, geological mapping and extensive soil and rock geochemical surveys.
Survey procedures, sampling methodology, and analysis of these samples are described in detail
by Mayor and Soria (2000) and Potter (2004, 2010). Detailed information on the geological
mapping and airborne and ground geophysics programs are also discussed in the above-
mentioned reports.
From these exploration programs, well-defined gold and/or copper soil anomalies have been
delineated. A sub-circular, gold-copper soil anomaly with a diameter of approximately 2,700 m
occurs at the center of the property. The Cangrejos and Gran Bestia mineralized zones occur
within this area of anomalous gold and copper soil values.
Other mineralized showings on the property also have anomalous,but somewhat less-extensive,
gold and copper soil values.
In 1999, Newmont drilled the large gold-copper soil anomaly and discovered a zone of porphyry-
style, gold-copper mineralization (Hole C99-14: 1.57 g/t Au, 0.19% Cu over 192 m) (Odin Mining,
Dec. 1999) which was subsequently named the Cangrejos Zone. Newmont also discovered
another zone of porphyry-style mineralization at Gran Bestia, located 1.2 km northwest of the
Cangrejos Zone (Hole C99-06: 1.19 g/t Au over 132 m) (Odin Mining, Sept. 1999).
In 2001, Newmont withdrew from the Joint Venture following a risk and evaluation review of the
Project that suggested that it would not meet corporate requirements. Odin retained the northern
claims which covered the Cangrejos Zone and several other geochemical anomalies. Between
2004 and 2007, it carried out additional stream sediment and soil sampling.
From April 2008 to November 2009, the Ecuadorian government imposed a country-wide
moratorium on exploration, so no work was done on the property during that time.
In 2010, exploration work continued with additional soil sampling.
In 2011 and 2012, drilling tested the extent of the Cangrejos Zone and a gold soil anomaly in the
Casique area.
In 2014 and early 2015, additional drilling extended the lateral and depth extents of the Cangrejos
Zone and tested the El Capitán copper-molybdenum soil anomaly. Based on the historical and
2014 drilling at the Cangrejos Zone, an initial Inferred Mineral Resource estimate of
191.8 Mtonnes of mineralized material at 0.64 g/t Au, 0.8 g/t Ag, 0.10% Cu, 31.2 ppm Mo (using
a 0.35 g/t Au equivalent cut-off and a $1,250/oz Au pit shell) contained 4.0 million ounces of gold,
4.6 million ounces of silver, 440 million pounds of copper and 13 million pounds of molybdenum
(Brepsant et al., 2017).
In 2017, additional drilling of the Cangrejos Zone discovered a deep, high-grade gold-copper
zone. An updated mineral resource estimate was published in December 2017 (Sim and Davis,
2017) and was updated for a PEA completed in August 2018 (Rose et al., 2018). The Cangrejos
Zone had an Inferred Mineral Resource estimate of 408 Mtonnes of mineralized material at 0.65
g/t Au, 0.6 g/t Ag, 0.11% Cu and 25 ppm Mo (using a 0.35 g/t Au equivalent cut-off and a $1,400/oz
Au pit shell) which contained 8.5 Moz Au, 1,033 Mlbs Cu, 7.8 Moz Ag and 22.5 Mlbs Mo (Lumina,
Drilling continued at Cangrejos to convert the Inferred Mineral Resource to Indicated and to
assess the extent of mineralization at Gran Bestia. The Mineral Resource estimate described in
this Technical Report is based on these drill results.
based on geostatistical applications using commercial mine planning software (MinePlan® v15.60,
formerly called MineSight®).
Grade estimates were made using ordinary kriging (OK) into a model with a nominal block size of
15 m × 15 m × 15 m. Potentially anomalous outlier grades have been identified and their
influences on the grade models are controlled during interpolation through the use of top-cutting
and outlier limitations. Specific gravities are estimated in model blocks using the inverse distance
weighting (IDW) interpolation method.
The results of the modelling process were validated using a combination of visual and statistical
methods to ensure the grade estimates are approriate representations of the underlying sample
The Mineral Resources were classified according to their proximity to the sample data locations
and are reported, as required by NI 43-101, according to the Canadian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral
Reserves (May 2014). Mineral Resources in the Indicated category include zones of consistent
mineralization where drill holes are spaced at a maximum distance of 100 m. Inferred class
Mineral Resources include areas that are within a maximum distance of 150 m from a drill hole.
To ensure that the Mineral Resource exhibits reasonable prospects for eventual economic
extraction, it has been constrained within a floating cone pit shell that was generated using the
following projected economic and technical parameters:
Mining (open pit) $2.00/t
Processing $8.00/t
General and Administrative (G&A) $1.50/t
Gold price $1,500/oz
Silver price $18.00/oz
Copper price $3.00/lb
Molybdenum price $7.00/lb
Gold process recovery 83% fresh rock; 80% part oxidized;
75% Saprolite (SAP) & Saprock (SRK)
Silver process recovery 60% fresh rock; 60% part oxidized;
Copper process recovery 87% fresh rock; 50% part oxidized
Molybdenum process recovery 50% fresh rock and part oxidized
Pit slope 47.5 degrees
The estimate of Mineral Resources, contained within the $1,500/oz Au pit shell, is based on gold
equivalent grades (AuEq) calculated using the following formula:
AuEq = Au g/t + (Ag g/t × 0.012) + (Cu% × 1.37) + (Mo ppm/10,000 × 3.2)
(Note: there is no contribution from copper or molybdenum in the saprolite or saprock units)
Using the assumed metal prices, operating costs and metallurgical recoveries listed above, the
base case cut-off grade for Mineral Resources is estimated to be 0.30 g/t AuEq.
Table 1-7 shows the combined estimate of Mineral Resources at Cangrejos and Gran Bestia.
Note that totals may not add due to rounding.
Mineral Resources in the Inferred category have a lower level of confidence than that applied to
Indicated Mineral Resources and, although there is sufficient evidence to imply geologic grade
and continuity, these characteristics cannot be verified based on the current data. It is reasonably
expected that the majority of Inferred Mineral Resources could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral
Resources with continued exploration.
challenges for mine operations. This was anticipated during the development of the mine
production schedule and in selecting the mine equipment.
The mine delivers 40,000 tpd of feed to the plant beginning in mid-year one through year five.
The production ramps up during year six so the mine delivers 80,000 tpd of mill feed in years 7 to
25. IMC developed the production schedules by rock types of saprolite, saprock, partially
oxidized, and fresh rock. A summary of the mined and processed material based on all material
types is provided in Table 1-8. The material listed as Processed during the PP period is stockpiled
and fed to the plant during year one.
Cutoff Material Mined Total
Year NSR Processed NSR Gold Silver Copper Moly Gold Eq Sulfur Material
$/t kt $/t gpt gpt % ppm gpt % kt
PP 21.00 1,163 27.73 0.817 2.5 0.11 10 0.898 0.12 5,588 6,751
1 21.00 9,057 30.54 0.818 1.1 0.14 21 0.959 0.15 14,917 23,974
2 21.00 14,600 34.74 0.854 0.7 0.16 32 1.061 0.21 31,400 46,000
3 20.00 14,600 31.71 0.749 0.8 0.17 21 0.969 0.27 50,400 65,000
4 20.00 14,600 28.05 0.718 0.7 0.11 21 0.860 0.20 50,400 65,000
5 18.00 14,600 27.44 0.678 0.4 0.12 31 0.837 0.23 50,400 65,000
6 17.00 26,280 28.52 0.678 0.6 0.14 27 0.869 0.24 38,720 65,000
7 16.00 29,200 25.97 0.641 0.9 0.12 19 0.796 0.24 35,800 65,000
8 14.00 29,200 24.51 0.633 0.8 0.08 21 0.748 0.25 35,800 65,000
9 12.00 29,200 26.02 0.651 0.8 0.11 26 0.796 0.22 35,800 65,000
10 10.50 29,200 22.41 0.547 0.6 0.11 23 0.687 0.21 35,800 65,000
11 9.50 29,200 22.25 0.525 0.6 0.12 19 0.679 0.26 35,800 65,000
12 9.50 29,200 27.87 0.671 0.7 0.13 17 0.849 0.28 28,629 57,829
13 9.50 29,200 18.85 0.476 0.6 0.08 16 0.577 0.29 32,067 61,267
14 9.50 29,200 20.86 0.515 0.6 0.09 21 0.637 0.23 33,257 62,457
15 9.50 29,200 22.72 0.545 0.8 0.11 21 0.693 0.35 31,631 60,831
16 9.50 29,200 21.22 0.518 0.7 0.09 18 0.647 0.34 32,594 61,794
17 9.50 29,200 17.55 0.431 0.6 0.08 15 0.535 0.30 33,611 62,811
18 9.50 29,200 21.92 0.527 0.7 0.10 18 0.668 0.25 25,774 54,974
19 9.50 29,200 25.77 0.591 0.8 0.14 27 0.785 0.28 20,917 50,117
20 9.50 29,200 25.26 0.599 0.8 0.13 21 0.771 0.32 16,151 45,351
21 9.50 29,200 18.50 0.453 0.7 0.09 14 0.566 0.27 24,154 53,354
22 9.50 29,200 16.77 0.413 0.6 0.07 15 0.513 0.30 8,716 37,916
23 9.50 29,200 14.95 0.362 0.4 0.07 17 0.456 0.26 6,345 35,545
24 9.50 29,200 14.85 0.359 0.4 0.07 17 0.452 0.26 8,958 38,158
25 9.50 19,754 19.43 0.489 0.4 0.08 15 0.592 0.26 4,480 24,234
TOTAL 640,254 22.74 0.556 0.7 0.10 20 0.695 0.26 728,109 1,368,363
A monthly schedule was developed by IMC for the 18 months prior to plant commissioning for
planning the capital expenditures, personnel requirements, and for scheduling. The
preproduction period begins after the road between the site facilities and the crusher site is
completed. The initial five months are for access pioneering only. Additional pioneering continues
throughout the period of preproduction mining.
Waste material was reported by the rock types of saprolite, saprock, partially oxidized, and fresh
rock. During the first five years of the mine life, the saprolite and saprock are delivered to the
saprolite storage facility (SSF) located south-southeast of the Cangrejos pit. The SSF is
constructed in four stages.
The fresh rock waste is delivered to the waste rock storage facility (WRSF) located south of the
Cangrejos pit and the primary crusher. A portion of the saprock is delivered to the WRSF during
the first five years. After year five, all of the saprolite and saprock are stored in the main WRSF.
The WRSF is built in five stages.
Cangrejos is unique in that the waste haulage distances begin to slowly reduce over much of the
mine life from year seven until just a few years before the end of the mine life in year 25. This is
because the waste dump rises in elevation to meet the exit elevation from the pit.
Gold Recovery % Au 10 20 75 75
Silver Recovery % Ag 10 10 65 65
Gold-Copper Concentrate
Gold Recovery % Au 72 60 0 0
Silver Recovery % Ag 60 50 0 0
Copper Recovery % Cu 86 50 0 0
Molybdenum Concentrate
Molybdenum Recovery % Mo 50 50 0 0
Recovery assumptions:
• Gold and silver recoveries are constant
• Copper concentrate grades for fresh rock are variable
• Copper concentrate grade for partially oxidized material is 15% copper
• Molybdenum concentrate grade is 45% molybdenum
The copper concentrate grade for fresh rock material is estimated using the following equation,
where ST is the total sulfur concentration and Cu is the copper grade, in percent, of the processed
𝐶𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 (% 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶) = −4.45 × ln + 20.96
Metallurgical testing also included mineralogy, comminution including high pressure grinding roll
(HPGR) testing, and liquid-solid separation testing to provide data to be used as the basis for the
process design and capital and operating cost estimates.
1.6.11 Processing
The unit operations include:
• Primary crushing
• Secondary crushing
• HPGR crushing
• Ball milling with hydro-cyclone classification
• Bulk copper-molybdenum rougher flotation
• Regrinding of the bulk flotation concentrate
• Three stages of bulk concentrate cleaner flotation and cleaner scavenger flotation
• Thickening of the bulk concentrate
• Copper-molybdenum separation flotation via rougher flotation, scavenger flotation,
and five stages of cleaner flotation
• Thickening and filtering of copper and molybdenum final concentrates
• Hydro-cyclone classification of the bulk copper-molybdenum flotation tailings
• Sand flotation of the cyclone underflow of the flotation tailings
• Carbon-in-leach (CIL) of the combined sand flotation concentrate and cleaner
scavenger tailings
• Detoxification of the residual cyanide in CIL tailings
• Thickening and filtering of the tailings and recycling decant water
• Dry stack tailings storage
A summary of the conceptual process design criteria is provided in Table 1-10.
The CIL circuit nominally processes 10% of the plant feed, approximately 4,000 tpd during the
first five years and 8,000 tpd following the plant expansion in year 5 and commencing in year 6.
significantly altered by a wide range of intrusive human influences that span many decades, and
archaeological evidence suggests a history of human habitation and influence that dates back
hundreds of years. No primary forest remains. Current land usage in the area of the Project is
typically a mixture of cattle grazing and light agriculture, in cleared areas adjacent to secondary
forest "islands.” The latter are usually situated in steep ravines and rugged terrain unsuitable for
agriculture or grazing. There are no villages or significant groups of dwellings in the project’s
environmental Area of Influence (AOI).
The Project is being developed in accordance with the Constitution, the Ecuadorian Mining Law
and its Regulations, the Environmental Organic Code and its Regulations, the Organic Law of
Water Resources and its Regulations,and other applicable Ecuadorian norms, standards, laws,
and regulations. Based on the experience of similar-scale projects in Ecuador, it is estimated that,
in aggregate, major permitting actions (excluding certain municipal, tax registration, and potential
concentrate export permits), several of which can occur in parallel, will take a minimum of 24
months to complete.
Social Capital Group completed a socioeconomic study for the Cangrejos Project. The Project is
located almost entirely in the parishes of Bellamaria and La Victoria, which are both within the
Canton of Santa Rosa. A small portion of the Project footprint crosses into the Canton of
Atahualpa. The Cantons of Santa Rosa and Atahualpa are both located within the coastal
Province of El Oro. The Project´s mining operation, access road (after exiting the national
highway), and water impacts will almost entirely be limited to Bellamaria parish. As a result, the
social AOI includes seven nearby settlements in Bellamaria parish and one in La Victoria.
However, the Project’s exploration and prospective construction activities are on rural land and
are physically removed from these villages. There are no nearby villages in Atahualpa.
Lumina corporate policies guide Odin’s management of social and other issues associated with
Project development.
The process design and the capital cost estimate were completed by ONIX Engenharia e
Consultoria Ltda. (ONIX) of Nova Lima, Brazil under the direction of AKA. MTB, H&H Metals
(H&H), C.H. Plenge & CIA. S.A. (Plenge), P.L. Services Eirelli (PLS), and Social Capital Group
(SCG) also contributed to this PEA under the direction of the QPs.
Kathleen Altman, Bruce Davis, and Robert S. Michel have not conducted personal inspections of
the Cangrejos Project as it was not required to complete the scope of work for which they were
2.4 Abbreviations
Units of measurement used in this report conform to the metric system. All currency in this report
is US dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted. Abbreviations used throughout this report are shown
in Table 2-1.
Date of
Number Previous Owner Location Registration
12 Noblecilla Family 400.50 Santa Rosa TBD 2
Total Purchased 1,126.66
Mauricio Mendieta (C20
13 359.94 Santa Rosa 27-Mar-18
Andrea Armijos (Access
14 25.70 Santa Rosa 23-Nov-18
Total Surface Rights 1,512.30
2 Promise to buy in effect; last payment due November 2020, registry programmed for November 2020.
in December 2017, enabling the execution of exploration and drilling in C20. The legal easement
is valid for the duration of the Project and mine, however, ARCOM will perform a new economic
evaluation and define financial terms to compensate the owner over the long term when the
Project moves to the production phase. ODIN has the legal rights to change the regime phase of
the mining easement with addional compensation requirements regulated by ARCOM’s valuation.
Project lands and mining concessions have no royalty requirements beyond a 3% to 8% Net
Smelter Return (NSR), mandated by and for the Ecuadorian government, which is negotiated
once a Prefeasibility Study is completed. 3 No “back-in” rights or any other encumbrances exist
that could affect the Project’s title, nor are there any other known impediments or significant risks
that could affect the ability to perform mining work on the property.
Odin is currently engaged in a legal process with the Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable
Natural Resources (Ministerio de Energía y Recursos Naturales No Renovables or MERNNR) to
consolidate the key areas of the Project’s mineral rights, as described above, into a single new,
unified mineral concession of 4,999 ha, as the Mining Law establishes a maximum concession
size of 5,000 ha for projects to pass to the exploitation phase. This consolidation of the Project
into a single, large concession is desirable to enable more effective negotiations with
governmental authorities, as well as more efficient processing of the permitting requirements that
will arise as the Project advances towards construction and operation. The unified concession
will contain all the mineralized areas projected for the development of the Cangrejos and Gran
Bestia deposits, as described in this PEA. Odin anticipates that the unified concession will be
considered to be in the Advanced Exploration regime and is working to complete the consolidation
in 2020 with support from Ecuadorian legal counsel. However, timing for completion of the
process is dependent on regulatory approvals.
The consolidation process involves several steps. The first step, as depicted in Figure 4-2, was
to divide the original Los Cangrejos concession (4,781 ha), which was then considered to be
under the Small Mining regime, into five smaller concessions as follows:
• Los Cangrejos (now reduced to 3,498 ha)
• Cangrejos A (497 ha)
• Cangrejos B (25 ha)
• Cangrejos C (691 ha)
• Cangrejos D (70 ha)
The second step was to file requests for regime change (i.e., from Small Mining to Large-Scale
Mining) for three concessions:
• Los Cangrejos (3,498 ha)
• Casique (342 ha)
• Las Canarias (380 ha)
3 Recent agreements signed by other companies indicate a 5% NSR; however, negotiation of a 3% NSR
is considered feasible because of the potential size of the Project.
Approval of these regime change requests is pending. MERNNR and ARCOM representatives
conducted a field inspection, which was followed by the issuance of internal reports on technical,
economic, and regulatory issues, all of which were favorable. MERNNR is expected to issue a
decision in 2020 that will allow the mining titles to be changed from Small Mining to Large-Scale
Mining. After the mining titles have been changed, four contiguous Advanced Exploration
concessions will exist as follows and as depicted in Figure 4-4:
• Los Cangrejos (3,498 ha)
• Casique (342 ha)
• Las Canarias (380 ha)
• Cangrejos 20 (779 ha)
Sistema Unico de Informacion Ambiental (SUIA) formally initiates the change from
advanced exploration to exploitation status. A comprehensive exploitation-phase
EIA/EMP will then need to be developed using a team of Ministerio de Ambiente y Agua
de la República del Ecuador 4 (MAAE) approved consultants. The selected consultants
must prepare and upload the proposed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the EIA/EMP and
obtain MAAE approval prior to initiation of work. A biotic investigation permit will also
be required to conduct an updated biotic and forestry baseline study and supporting
fieldwork. Biotic samples must be managed in compliance with specific guidelines and
all scientific studies must be submitted for approval. An updated archaeological study
must also be performed in the proposed AOI and submitted for National Institute of
Cultural Heritage (INPC) concurrence, and, if required, authorization for execution of
archaeological rescue activities.
Once the draft EIA/EMP documents are prepared in accordance with the approved TOR,
they must be uploaded to the SUIA for MAAE review. The Project must also organize
and conduct a documented Public Participation Process (PPS), using the timing,
locations, and scope defined by the TOR. The MAAE will review the results of the PPS,
and if acceptable, will issue a favorable pronouncement of approval. The Project’s
Forest Inventory must also be separately reviewed and approved. After resolution of
MAAE review comments, the final version of the EIA/EMP must be uploaded to the
SUIA. Required fees, including ecosystem services loss fees for lands predicted to be
impacted by the mining process must be paid, and an EMP compliance insurance policy
or bank guarantee submitted. When these actions are complete and approved, the
MAAE will issue the Project’s exploitation-phase Environmental License.
• Water Permits (estimated minimum duration: approximately twelve months): The
Project needs to prepare a detailed technical report describing its overall water
management approach, as well as identifying all potential impacts to water bodies and
any use of groundwater or surface water for mining processes and other human needs.
Abstraction/usage permits must be negotiated with MAAE, in parallel with the early
phases of the Environmental Licensing process as previously discussed. Results and
specific ongoing water management actions need to be reflected in the exploitation-
phase EIA/EMP.
• Health and Safety Planning Actions (estimated minimum duration: approximately two
months): An appropriately detailed workplace/occupational health and safety system
must be prepared to support mine construction and operation. Local workers must be
registered with the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS), and a joint
(management and workforce) Health and Safety Committee established and registered.
An internal Workplace Health and Safety Regulation must be developed and submitted
4In 2020, the President of Ecuador issued a Presidential Decree ordering the merger of the Ministerio del
Ambiente (MAE) and Secretaría Nacional del Agua (SENAGUA) to form Ministerio del Ambiente y Agua
del Ecuador (MAAE).
for Ministry of Labor approval. Industrial safety and medical service units must be
established within the Project’s management organization and a comprehensive
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan prepared. These planning actions
should also be completed during the early development of the exploitation phase
EIA/EMP and results reflected therein.
• General Environmental Permits (estimated minimum duration: approximately four
months): Other general environmental permits need to be negotiated with MAAE,
typically within two to three months prior to the end of the Environmental Licensing
process described above. The Project needs to seek authorization for any stationary
emission sources not already addressed in the exploitation phase EIA/EMP. Separate
discharge and disposal permits for liquid effluents may be also required if not already
addressed in the EIA/EMP. The Project will also need to register as a Hazardous Waste
Generator. All reagents and other hazardous chemical substances employed in
construction and mineral production must be identified and registered and supported by
a Reduction, Elimination, or Replacement Plan for restricted or prohibited substances.
Controlled substances subject to periodic inspection need to be registered and transport
guides must be prepared. Authorizations are also required for the storage of chemical
substances and/or hazardous wastes.
• Electricity Related Permits (estimated minimum duration: approximately 12 months):
Permits need to be negotiated with the MERNNR and the Electricity Regulation and
Control Agency (ARCONEL) for the construction of the electrical substations and
transmission lines required to serve the infrastructure defined by final mine and plant
designs. From discussions with the electrical power consultant, EPTEC, permit
application/approval actions may take up to 12 months. In addition, per Odin’s permitting
consultant, such actions should be planned so they can be completed no later than two
to three months from the end of the Environmental Licensing process.
• Transport/Road Related Permits (estimated minimum duration: approximately three
months): Permits issued by the Ministry of Transport and Public works and MAAE will
also be required for the construction of roads and the transport of heavy machinery to
the Project site. Permit application and approval should be completed within three
months of the end of the Environmental Licensing process.
• Municipal Permits (estimated minimum duration: approximately two months): A formal
patent from the Municipality of Santa Rosa will be required, along with additional local
permits for land use, various aspects of mine construction, and general Project
operations. An operating permit from the Santa Rosa fire department is also required.
Permit applications and approval actions should be completed within the two months
prior to the end of the Environmental Licensing process.
• Fuel Permits (estimated minimum duration: approximately two months): Permits from
the Hydrocarbon Regulation and Control Agency (ARCH) are required for the purchase,
transport, and safe controlled storage of fuel. The fuel permit should be completed within
two months prior to the end of Environmental Licensing.
• Explosives Permit (estimated minimum duration: approximately two months): A permit
will also be required from the Joint Command of the Armed Forces (CC.DD.AA.)
Firearms Control Office in Machala for the purchase, transport, and the safe, secure,
and controlled storage and usage of explosives. This permit should be obtained within
the two months prior to the end of Environmental Licensing.
• Heliport (estimated minimum duration: approximately six months): If the final design
requires location of a heliport at the Project, authorization from the Civil Aviation
Authority (AAC) should be sought early in the Environmental Licensing process.
• Internal Revenue Service Tax Authorizations (estimated minimum duration:
approximately one month): Current Internal Revenue Service (SRI) tax registration
documents must be updated to accommodate the change to the production phase of
operation. Since sale and export of minerals or concentrates may not proceed until
these updates are approved, they should be submitted well ahead of the start of
production, nominally 24 months after receipt of the Exploration License and the
beginning of construction.
• Customs Permits for Outgoing Product (estimated minimum duration: to be
determined): Permits for exportation of concentrates related to large-scale mining are
not yet defined by the current regulatory framework. Regulatory changes in this area
should be carefully monitored and new permitting requirements should be addressed
well in advance of the projected date for shipment of concentrates.
• Telecommunications (estimated minimum duration: approximately six months): An
Enabling Title of Use with the Agency for the Regulation and Control of
Telecommunications (ARCOTEL) may be required to support radio communications.
Negotiations should be completed as early as possible and in parallel with the early
phases of Environmental License development.
• Easements/Rights of Way (estimated minimum duration: approximately six months):
Negotiation of the easements with surface property owners that may be required by final
mine design should be completed as soon as possible and in parallel with the early
phases of Environmental License development.
The QP is not aware of any environmental liabilities on the property. To the QP’s knowledge,
Lumina has all necessary permits required to conduct the proposed work on the property. Lumina
is not aware of any other significant factors or risks that may affect access, title, or the right or
ability to perform the proposed work program on the property.
5.1 Accessibility
Figure 5-1 shows the relative locations of the population centers and the Cangrejos project site.
Machala (population approximately 250,000 5) is 58 km from the Project and is the closest major
city; it also is the capital of El Oro province. Santa Rosa is the closest urban area to the Project,
at a distance of 24 km, and has a population of approximately 50,000. It also hosts the nearest
commercial airport.
Access to the Project is provided by paved roads to the village of Valle Hermoso. The Company
rebuilt an abandoned road from Valle Hermoso to the Project area and exploration camp in 2019.
Driving time from Machala to the Cangrejos future plant site is typically 75 minutes and the drive
from Santa Rosa to the future plant site is approximately 35 minutes. The site access road from
Santa Rosa to Valle Hermoso passes through four small towns: Medina, El Recreo, Bellamaria,
and San Carlos. Gravel road bypasses, 10-m wide, will be constructed around the towns of
Bellamaria and San Carlos to reduce potential conflicts between mine and local traffic.
The mine will be accessed by a private gravel road with a security gatehouse, visitor and truck
parking, and truck scale. The mine access road is approximately 860-m long and starts 300 m
west of the town of Valle Hermoso and passes to the north of the town. The mine access road
terminates at the mine gate house and parking area.
5.2 Climate
The Project is located in the El Oro Metamorphic Belt Zone of the Cordillera Real, in high-relief
terrain near the northeastern rim of an ancient caldera at the eastern edge of the coastal plain.
Elevations range from approximately 100 masl to 1,370 masl and temperatures are relatively
constant, ranging between 18°C and 22°C.
The Project area experiences a wet season, typically from January through May and a dry season
that lasts roughly June through December. Average annual rainfall for the Project varies greatly
by elevation and by year. The site set up two meteorological stations, one at high elevation (i.e.,
1149 masl) near the exploration camp and one at low elevation (i.e., 348 masl) near the future
plant site to measure the meteorological conditions at two different elevations. Average
precipitation at the upper station is ~1500 mm/yr, but in 2019, the station measured 2,571 mm.
The lower meterological station measured approximately 30% to 50% less precipitation in the
same time periods.
Based on the available information, the mine and the processing facilities can operate year round.
However, the mine production schedule allows for the loss of five days per year due to weather
The power study (EPTEC, 2020) indicates that the national grid has sufficient power to supply the
total demand for the Project for both the 40,000 tpd and 80,000 tpd milling operations.
Since the Project is in an area with a net positive water balance, there is sufficient water to supply
the operations.
Since Odin owns or controls approximately 6,400 ha of concessions and over 1,500 ha of surface
rights, in the opinion of the QP, there is sufficient area to support the mining, processing, mine
overburden and waste disposal, and tailings deposition that are required over the life of the mine.
Additionally, the local area is capable of providing sufficient manpower, power, and water.
5.4 Physiography
Cangrejos is located in moderately hilly terrain located southeast of the coastal plain. Elevations
range between 100 m and 1,370 m above sea level. A prominent northwest-trending ridge, Cerro
Azul, forms a watershed boundary between Rio Caluguro and Rio San Agustin.
The Project will be located primarily in areas of evergreen montane and secondary forest and
altered pasture and agricultural areas in the central part of the Project. The Project is drained by
a network of small streams; apart from these streams, no significant surface water features are
directly impacted by the Project. The natural environment in the area of the Project has been
significantly altered by a wide range of intrusive human influences that span many decades, and
archaeological evidence suggests a history of human habitation and influence that dates back
hundreds of years. No primary forest remains. Current land usage in the area of the Project is
typically a mixture of cattle grazing and light agriculture, in cleared areas adjacent to secondary
forest "islands.” The latter are usually situated in steep ravines and rugged terrain unsuitable for
agriculture or grazing. There are no villages or significant groups of dwellings in the project’s
environmental Area of Influence (AOI).
Ecuador is a very biodiverse country and like other nations has established a range of laws and
regulations to protect its environmental resources. At the same time, the country is seeking to
diversify and grow its economy, an increasingly vital component of which is mining. In keeping
with Ecuadorian law and international Best Management Practices (BMPs), mining project
proponents must seek a practical and appropriate balance between project economics and
environmental protection, including the preservation of biodiversity.
In order to better understand the specific biodiversity considerations in the Project area, Odin
commissioned environmental studies as part of the various exploration phase EIAs. A desktop
biodiversity screening study was completed in 2017. Dry and wet season field studies were
conducted in 2019 that were focused specifically on biodiversity in and around the initial Project
footprint, as defined by Odin’s 2018 PEA.
The 2019 studies confirmed that the Project location is many kilometers distant from any officially
protected environmental areas and that the Project’s concession areas have been significantly
impacted by centuries of intrusive human activity. Primary forest no longer exists and the area of
the Project is now comprised of a mixture of agricultural and grazing clearances and young or
mature secondary forest islands. Such types of forest are not unique and can be found elsewhere
in coastal areas of Ecuador.
Minor populations of several sensitive and/or endemic species of flora and fauna were found in
land areas that will be required for mine construction and operation. However, the Project is
adjacent to (and in several cases already owns) substantial areas not required for mining that are
forested or modified. These can be set aside or rehabilitated as ecological offsets to compensate
for any disturbance or loss of habitat that might be critical to the species observed. Establishment
of offsets, in conjunction with a biodiversity monitoring program, robust adaptive management
protocols, and specific management and mitigation measures based on international BMPs will
enable successful Project permitting and compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements.
Ecuador is a seismically active country. The seismicity has been taken into account in the
conceptual design.
Odin Mining is a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Ecuador by public deed
and registered on December 15, 1993 (Zumarraga, 2020). It is a subsidiary of Lumina, which is
a Canadian company. The history in this section is taken primarily from Potter (2010).
After mining the Biron alluvial gold mine on the Rio Caluguro north of Bellamaria, Odin Mining
initiated an exploration program in 1992. The objective of the exploration program was to locate
the hard-rock source of the alluvial gold in the Biron deposit. A number of gold anomalies were
identified in the general area. The overall extent of the anomalies was sufficiently encouraging
for Newmont Overseas Exploration Limited (Newmont) to enter into a joint venture agreement
with Odin Mining. The area of interest was 22,500 ha encompassing the entire area that could
be the source of the Biron Project and the joint venture was named the “El Joven Joint Venture”.
Odin Mining held a 40% interest and Newmont held 60% and was the operator.
In 1999 and 2000 the work on the northern sector culminated in the drilling of 29 HQ diamond drill
holes. Twenty three holes tested the Cangrejos gold-copper porphyry zone, five holes tested the
gold-copper porphyry-style mineralization at Gran Bestia, and one hole tested a gold soil anomaly
at Casique. The results from these holes appeared to indicate good potential for widespread
disseminated sulfide mineralization with grades of about 1.0 g/t Au and 0.1% Cu associated with
extensive hydrothermal alteration and brecciation within a quartz diorite intrusive cut by intrusive
Towards the end of 2000, Newmont carried out a risk and evaluation review of the project. With
the gold price at about $270 per ounce, in order to continue with the project, Newmont required
strong evidence for the presence of several hundred million tonnes of mineralization at a grade
higher than 1.0 g/t gold. Since Newmont did not consider this outcome to be likely, they reduced
their work on the project and formally withdrew from the joint venture in August 2001.
In accordance with the terms of the joint venture agreement Newmont transferred back to Odin
the seven concessions that had been contributed to the joint venture by them. These concessions
were Los Cangrejos, Cangrejos 1, Cangrejos 2, Cangrejos 4 and Cangrejos 5, Estero Zapato,
and Tadao with a total area of 4,576 hectares. These concessions were later consolidated into
the Los Cangrejos concession (Zumarraga, 2020).
Newmont also transferred to Odin all the remaining drill cores and an information package.
In early 2000, when the gold price was about US$ 300 per ounce, Odin commissioned Equity
Engineering of Vancouver, British Columbia to carry out a review of the potential of the property
as indicated by the Newmont results. AGRA Simons also carried out a conceptual scoping study
based on the conclusions of the Equity Engineering review. These studies concluded that the
property had the potential for the discovery of a sufficient quantity of gold-copper mineralization
to support a major open pit milling operation of between 5 Mt/a and 15 Mt/a.
The property lay dormant during 2001, 2002, and 2003. In 2004 Odin commissioned a consultant
to conduct a review of all the information available over the entire area of interest of the El Joven
Joint Venture.
Later in 2004, Odin Mining commissioned Mr. Michael Potter, who had been Odin’s Chief
geologist from 1988-1998, to write a NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Cangrejos property. The
basis of the Report was the information that Newmont transferred to Odin when they withdrew
from the joint venture. The Report included recommendations for a drilling program to test the
known geochemical anomalies away from the areas drilled by Newmont with a view to assessing
the potential of the property to contain large tonnage and sufficient mineralization to support a
large-scale (i.e., 5Mt to 15Mt/yr) open pit operation.
The 2004 NI 43-101 Technical Report (Potter, 2004) proposed a program of 20 scout diamond
drill holes totalling 5,000 m to investigate the potential of the geochemical anomalies away from
the area already drilled by Newmont. However, Odin did not implement this program. The Board
of Directors believed that access to two contiguous concession blocks would be needed in order
to develop a large-scale open pit mine. In late 2004 Odin acquired four additional concessions
(Cangrejos 10, 11, 12, and 13) with a combined area of 3,043 hectares by direct application to
the government.
Between November 2005 and February 2006 Odin Mining carried out a top-of-bedrock soil
sampling exercise over the Dos Bocas target in the northeast corner of the concession block.
Then, in July and August 2006 Odin carried out a similar exercise over the Trinchera/Paloma
target in the area drilled by Newmont in 1999 and 2000.
Importantly, in May 2007 Odin reached an agreement with Mr. Castro to include the Casique and
Las Canarias concessions with a combined area of 722 hectares in the Cangrejos property.
By mid-2007 the gold price had risen to about US$ 650 per ounce but construction and operation
costs for large scale, open-pit mines was also rising rapidly. Consequently, Odin no longer
considered the large-scale mining scenario conceptualized in the May 2004 Technical Report an
attractive exploration target. Therefore, Odin moved its first stage exploration focus away from
the low-grade, high-tonnage, porphyry-style, gold-copper mineralization towards the higher-
grade, lower-tonnage, structurally-controlled style of gold mineralization that was thought to
dominate on the Castro concessions.
The Castro agreement included control of about 160 hectares of surface land. Subsequently,
Odin purchased several additional land packages with a total area of approximately 380 ha in
critical locations to ensure that their development programs could be carried out in a timely and
cost effective manner.
In March 2008 Odin announced plans for a new drilling program on the Cangrejos property.
However, in April, eleven days after their announcement, the Ecuadorian Constitutional Council
accepted the Mining Mandate. This mandate intended to cancel the majority of mining titles in
Ecuador without compensation and imposed a moratorium on all metalliferous mineral exploration
and mining throughout the country until a new mining law could be brought into effect. This
development created uncertainty as to the practicality and desirability of continued mineral
exploration in Ecuador, so Odin announced the indefinite suspension of its drilling and fund raising
plans. In July 2008, Odin also laid off its entire technical team in Ecuador and suspended all
technical assistance from outside consultants. Technical work on the property remained at a
standstill until the moratorium was lifted.
The new Mining Law came into effect on January 29, 2009, but general regulations had to be
developed in order to implement the law. In March 2009 Odin’s Ecuadorian legal team advised
that they had informal indication that all of the Cangrejos concessions were likely to survive.
Nevertheless, at the end of that month Odin voluntarily relinquished the Cangrejos 13 concession
as a non-core asset.
On November 16, 2009 the general regulations needed to implement the new Mining Law were
brought into effect and the mining and mineral exploration moratorium was lifted. However,
exploration was now to be conducted in a much more strictly regulated regime than it had been
previously. Environmental controls, evidence of social acceptance within the local community,
and an increased level of government involvement in the approval, review, and audit of annual
work plans and budgets were required under the new law.
Following resolution of the situation, Odin completed a non-brokered private placement to raise
C$ 1.5 M during December 2009. The funding allowed Odin to re-engage its former technical
staff within Ecuador and its external technical advisors. In January 2010 Odin restarted fieldwork
on the Cangrejos property with a new top-of-bedrock soil sampling over much the same area that
was covered previously, but following the ridges and spurs rather than on a grid pattern. Also, in
January 2010 the company submitted a revised environmental impact study to begin to acquire
the necessary permits to enter the advanced stage of exploration status that would allow diamond
drilling on the property.
In May 2010 Odin received formal confirmation that all twelve of the greater Cangrejos mining
concessions were in good standing. In June 2010, after the completion of the ridge and spur soil
sampling, Odin embarked on a program of detailed stream sediment sampling to extend the
program carried out in 2007 over the eastern side of the property to cover the whole area of the
Cangrejos property.
In 2011 and 2012 Odin drilled 17 HQ holes on the Cangrejos Project. Four holes tested the extent
of the Cangrejos Zone and the remaining 13 holes tested a gold soil anomaly in the Casique area.
The mineralization at Casique is confined to relatively narrow, discontinuous zones related to
silicified diorite, hydrothermal breccias, faults, or fracture zones.
In 2014 and early 2015, Odin completed nine HQ drill holes. Eight holes tested the lateral and
down-dip extent of the Cangrejos Zone and confirmed the grade that was previously defined by
Newmont. One hole tested the El Capitán copper-molybdenum soil anomaly, but found no
significant mineralization.
In 2015, four samples taken from the 2014 drilling program were used to conduct a preliminary
metallurgical testing program that included determination of physical properties, comminution
parameters, and testing of the metallurgical recovery of copper, gold, and molybdenum. The tests
concluded that the samples were medium hard and both cyanide leaching and flotation were
viable recovery options.
In 2016, Odin changed its name to Lumina Gold Corp. (Lumina) after acquiring 100% ownership
of Ecuador Gold and Copper Corp, the owner of the Condor Project.
In September 2016, an Independent Technical Report was filed on the System for Electronic
Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) to provide an updated review of the exploration
activity (Brepsant, 2016). The Cangrejos 20 concession was registered on December 15, 2016
and subsequently changed to an Advanced Exploration claim.
In 2017, Lumina completed 15 HQ drill holes on the Cangrejos Zone. A maiden Mineral Resource
Estimate was reported in a March 2017 Technical Report (Brepsant, Sim, and Davis, 2017) and
an updated Mineral Resource Estimate was reported in a Technical Report in November 2017
(Sim and Davis, 2017). The drilling discovered a zone of higher grade gold-copper mineralization
associated with hydrothermal breccias which occur below the resource pit used for the November
2017 resource that was reported in a 43-101 Technical Report.
Lumina applied for two mining easements in 2017. The C20 easement was registered on March
27, 2018 and an access easement was registered on October 6, 2018. They also acquired
additional surface property rights for 95 ha in the Cangrejos area.
In July of 2018, the Ecuadorian Minister of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources
(Ministerio de Energia y Recursos Naturales No Renovables or MERNNR), Carlos Pérez Garcia,
enacted a Ministerial Agreement, which allows mining concession holders to perform “non-
systematic” exploration drilling, also known as “Scout Drilling”. Drilling activities were previously
only permitted during the Advanced Exploration Phase of mining concessions and required an
environmental license. That Ministerial Agreement and subsequent norms enabled the drilling of
previously untested areas on the west side of the Cangrejos deposit (Cangrejos 20), as well as
the Gran Bestia satellite deposit, located approximately one kilometer to the northwest, where
Newmont Mining Corp. previously drilled 978 meters over five holes in 1999. Lumina's tests
helped to determine that the Gran Bestia deposit contains mineral resources that add to the
existing Cangrejos deposit and to the conceptual mine plan.
Lumina continued to drill in 2018 and 2019. A total of 72 holes were drilled in the Cangrejos Zone
including 52 infill drilling holes, 11 geotechnical holes, four metallurgical holes and five
condemnation holes in the area of planned infrastructure for the Project. In addition to the drilling
at Cangrejos, 26 holes were completed at Gran Bestia to assess the significance of the
mineralized zone and complete an initial Mineral Resource Estimate.
Eight samples from the 2018 drilling program were used for an additional metallurgical testing
program. The testing included mineralogy, comminution tests, gravity concentration, cyanide
leaching, and flotation tests. The results from the metallurgical testing and drilling were used to
complete an updated Mineral Resource Estimate and a Scoping Study to evaluate the economic
viability of the Cangrejos Property. The results were reported publically in a Preliminary Economic
Analysis (PEA) Technical Report that was posted on SEDAR in August 2018 (Rose, et. al., 2018).
In early 2019, the current technical team was assembled with the objective of completing a
Prefeasibility Study (PFS) for the Project. The scope of work included additional drilling to expand
the mineral resource, geotechnical drilling, geochemical analyses, hydrogeological and
hydrological evaluations of the surface and underground waters at the site, and an extensive
metallurgical testing program to optimize the conceptual processing plant design. Using the
additional data, engineering for the Project was also advanced with updated designs for the mine,
the processing plant, infrastructure, and dry stack tailings facility (DSTF).
In conjunction with the work at site and in engineering, Odin acquired additional surface property
rights and was able to access further areas for drilling that had previously been inaccessible. As
a result of the success in drilling at Gran Bestia, the decision was made to complete another PEA
for development of the Cangrejos and Gran Bestia deposits and incorporate the Inferred Mineral
Resources in the PEA instead of completing the planned PFS. The Mineral Resource estimate
that supports this PEA was reported in a 43-101 Technical Report that was posted on SEDAR in
December 2019 (Sim, Davis, and King, 2019).
Table 6-1 summarizes the exploration history for the Cangrejos Project.
Age-dating of selected rock types has helped to interpret the geology. Seven samples
representing the main rock types were dated at the Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences in Sofia, Bulgaria. U-Th-Pb isotope analyses of zircons were completed using a laser
ablation ICP mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) (Lumina, 2018). The porphyritic quartz diorite
(PQD) returned a Miocene age ranging from 21.22 Ma to 22.49 Ma. The foliated and equigranular
quartz diorite (SCH and EQD) is Cretaceous with ages ranging from 76.4 Ma to 79.09 Ma which
correlates with the El Oro metamorphic complex.
Re-Os ages for two molybdenite samples were determined using Re-Os isotope analyses
completed at ALS Labs in North Vancouver, Canada (Lumina, 2018). The age of the
mineralization is 23.40 Ma to 23.52 Ma which is slightly older than the Miocene porphyritic quartz
diorite intrusions.
7.4 Lithology
Based on relogging of drill core by Pratt, Gordon, and Rowe (2018) and Gordon and Rowe (2019),
there are four main lithological units:
1. Saprolite (SAP)/Saprock (SRK) – This unit includes weathered bedrock which occurs
as a generally thin layer at the top of a drill hole. Clay content varies from 10% to 50%
and is dominated by kaolinite and smectite. The base of the saprolite/saprock is
generally sharp with an abrupt change into fresh rock.
2. El Oro Metamorphic Complex (EQD, GSC, SCH) – This unit comprises of meta-
diorites, amphibolites and schists. An equigranular, medium- to coarse-grained quartz
diorite (EQD) is the most common lithology at Cangrejos. The rock is frequently
foliated and grain-size reduction is apparent. Feldspars are broken in sheared diorite
in contrast to the euhedral crystals seen in the Miocene porphyries. Two types of
schists are present: a fine-grained, massive amphibole-rich meta-basalt (GSC) and a
fine-grained biotite-feldspar-quartz schist (SCH). Folding and boudinage are common
in both schists. Rare intervals of medium- to coarse-grained meta-gabbros (GAB) are
also present.
3. Miocene Intrusions (PQD, PAD) – Porphyritic quartz diorite intrusions (PQD) occur as
stocks and dikes that intrude the metamorphic complex. The PQD comprises of
euhedral, crowded feldspar phenocrysts (1 mm to 4 mm) and large mafic phenocrysts
in a very fine-grained siliceous groundmass. This unit contains early porphyry “A” type
barren quartz veins and commonly exhibits strong biotite and calcic-sodic alteration.
Late, fine-grained, porphyritic diorite to andesitic dikes (PAD) cross-cut the early PQD
4. Breccias – There are three types of magmatic and hydrothermal breccias associated
with the quartz diorite porphyritic intrusions:
• Igneous breccia: This unit is pre- and inter-mineralization and can be both clast- and
matrix-supported. Subangular to rounded clasts occur in a matrix comprising feldspar
phenocrysts, biotite, mafic minerals, and fine-grained igneous material. This type of
breccia is common at Gran Bestia.
• Hydrothermal breccia: This unit is clast-supported with a matrix comprising actinolite,
albite, chlorite, tourmaline, ± sulfides, and ± carbonates. It resembles a jigsaw breccia
where the clasts are the same composition as the adjacent porphyry intrusion. The
gold and copper mineralization occurs as open-space fillings and veinlets. This unit is
common within the porphyry and at contacts with the country rock.
• Magnetite-biotite hydrothermal breccia: This unit is angular to subrounded clasts of
metamorphic country rock occuring in a matrix of magnetite and subordinate biotite
and quartz. Early quartz veins and chalcopyrite-bornite-pyrrhotite veinlets cross-cut
this unit. This lithology is associated with some of the highest gold-copper values and
dominantly occurs within the metamorphic country rock adjacent to porphyry contacts.
7.5 Alteration
Hydrothermal alteration is associated with the gold-copper mineralization. The main types of
alteration include:
• Potassic – The equigranular and porphyritic quartz diorite intrusions exhibit porphyry-
style potassic alteration which is characterized by secondary biotite alteration of the
mafic minerals and weakly developed “A” and “D” type veins.
• Propylitic – Propylitic alteration consists of chlorite and epidote which overprints and
is peripheral to the potassic alteration.
• Calcic-Sodic – Calcic-sodic alteration overprints the early porphyry alteration phases.
It is characterized by actinolite replacing hornblende and biotite, albite replacing
feldspar crystals and bleaching the matrix, and minor epidote associated with
tourmaline and chlorite. It is commonly seen in the breccia units. Most of the sulfide
and gold-copper mineralization is associated with this alteration phase.
• Phyllic/Intermediate Argillic – The Cangrejos and Gran Bestia areas exhibit limited
evidence of this style of alteration. Scattered, narrow pyrite-rich veinlets with light
green micaceous selvages, illite haloes and minor carbonate may represent an
intermediate argillic alteration.
7.6 Mineralization
Gold-copper mineralization is associated with sulfides that occur as open-space breccia fill or as
disseminations in former mafic phenocrysts. Total sulfide content is generally less than 5% and
consists of chalcopyrite and pyrite with minor bornite, molybdenite and pyrrhotite. In drill hole
C17-65, native copper is found on fracture surfaces at depths ranging from 142 m to 186 m. This
is not very common and is probably due to strong oxidation along a fracture zone.
The highest gold grades occur in calcic-sodic altered breccias at contacts between the PQD and
the metamorphic complex. The best gold grades occur in breccias where the dominant clast type
is EQD. The EQD is more mafic in composition, and gold is preferentially deposited in reducing
(mafic) environments.
A vertical cross section across the central part of the deposit is shown in Figure 7-5; a higher
grade gold-copper zone is highlighted on this figure.
Drilling has defined a northeast-southwest-trending, steeply dipping zone of gold-copper
mineralization which is commonly associated with hydrothermal breccias and quartz vein
stockwork in the quartz diorite porphyry (Figure 7-5). Gold-copper values are not restricted to
these lithologies and can be found in all units except the late stage dikes.
The mineralized zone extends for approximately 1,000 m in a northeasterly direction, has widths
ranging from 70 m to 600 m, and has been defined to a depth of at least 600 m below surface.
The zone remains open to expansion with further exploration to the west and at depth.
A vertical cross section across the central part of the Gran Bestia deposit is shown in Figure 7- 7.
The gold-copper mineralized zone at Gran Bestia extends for approximately 700 m (north-south)
by 600 m (east-west) and has been defined to depths ranging from 200 m in the south to 700 m
in the north. The zone remains open to the north, west, and at depth.
The Cangrejos and Gran Bestia deposits are gold-copper, silica-saturated, alkalic porphyry-style
deposits. This type of deposit is found along paleo-subduction margins (Carter, 1981; Cox et al.,
Other deposits of note within this family include Cadia, Australia; Bingham Canyon, USA;
Andacollo, Chile; and Red Chris, Canada. All of these deposits have the following similar
chemical affinities and host-rock provenance:
• They are associated with porphyry intrusive rocks that intrude volcanic and
sedimentary packages as stocks, plugs, dikes, and dike swarms.
• Mineralization results from late-stage hydrothermal activity driven by remnant heat
from the porphyry intrusion. Thermal gradients within these systems give rise to
broadly concentric, although often complexly intermingled, zones of alteration and
mineralization. Mineralization is generally low grade and consists of disseminated,
fractured, veinlet and quartz stockwork-controlled sulfide mineralization. Deposit
boundaries are determined by economic factors that outline the zones of mineralized
• The distribution of alteration and mineral facies are largely influenced by breccias,
dikes, veins, and fracture systems which concentrate and control fluid flow.
• Weathering from percolation of meteoric water can result in the oxidation of the
hypogene sulfide mineralization in a portion of the deposit to chalcocite and native
Extensive geochemical surveys (streams, soils, top of bedrock soils and rocks), geological
mapping, and airborne and ground geophysical surveys were completed by Odin and the Odin-
Newmont El Joven Joint Venture during the period between 1992 to 2010.
Survey procedures, sampling methodology, and analysis of these samples are described in detail
by Mayor and Soria (2000) and Potter (2004, 2010). Detailed information on the geological
mapping and airborne and ground geophysics programs is also discussed in the above-
mentioned reports.
Well-defined gold and/or copper soil anomalies have been defined by this previous work and are
shown in Figures 9-1 and 9-2. A sub-circular, gold-copper soil anomaly with a diameter of
approximately 2,700 m occurs at the center of the property. The Cangrejos and Gran Bestia
mineralized zones occur within this area of anomalous gold and copper soil values. The other
mineralized showings on the property also have anomalous, but somewhat less-extensive, gold
and copper soil values.
Since 1999, a total of 168 holes, totalling 62,553.75 m has been completed on the Project. This
is summarized in Table 10-1 and shown in Figure 10-1. Seven additional drill holes totalling 408
m were drilled by Lumina in 2019 for metallurgical and condemnation purposes. These holes
were not assayed and have not been used for the resource calculation.
may not represent the true width of the zone because additional drilling is required to determine
the exact geometry of the mineralized zone) (Odin Mining, Dec. 1999).
Additional drilling delineated two sub-parallel northeasterly trending zones: Trinchera (southern
zone) and Paloma (northern zone). These zones appear to have steep to sub-vertical dips. The
Newmont drilling indicated that the mineralized zones have a lateral extent of 850 m, horizontal
widths ranging from 100 m to 250 m and extend to depths of approximately 250 m.
Gran Bestia Zone
Five holes tested a gold-copper soil anomaly in the Gran Bestia area, approximately 1.2 km
northwest of the Cangrejos Zone. All holes intersected wide zones of low-grade, gold
mineralization associated with intrusive breccias containing fragments of diorite, porphyritic
diorite, and quartz diorite. The rocks exhibit silica-chlorite alteration with patchy biotite, albite,
and silica overprints. Sulfide mineralization consisting of pyrite, chalcopyrite, and traces of
molybdenite occurs in quartz veins and as disseminations. Overall, sulfide content is low (<5%).
Hole C99-06 returned values of 1.19 g/t Au over 132 m (based on a 1 g/t Au cut-off) (Odin Mining,
September 1999). Due to the widely spaced drilling, the true width of this mineralization is
unknown, and additional drilling is required to determine the exact geometry of the mineralized
One hole (C00-29) tested a gold soil anomaly in the Casique area. A 22-m wide zone with
2.56 g/t Au is associated with a silicified fracture or fault zone (Potter, 2010).
used and drill moves were completed using a small tractor. A Reflex EZ-SHOT™ was used to
provide down-hole orientation data at 50-m intervals.
Eight holes (3,188.5 m) tested the lateral and down-dip extent of the Cangrejos Zone and
confirmed the grade as previously defined by Newmont (Odin Mining, 2015). In addition, one
hole (350.15 m) tested the El Capitán copper-molybdenum soil anomaly. It intersected unaltered
granodiorite with thin andesite dikes and intrusive breccia zones. No significant mineralization
was present.
Remaining reject and pulp material from the 2011–2012 drill program was returned to Odin and
stored in a secure warehouse located in Quito.
The core samples were crushed to 70% passing minus 2 mm (ALS procedure CRU-31); a 1 kg
sub-sample was split from the crushed material using a riffle splitter and pulverized to 85%
passing 75 microns (ALS procedure PLU-32).
For each sample, approximately 250 g of pulverized material was split and placed in a kraft paper
bag and shipped to ALS, Lima, Peru for analysis. All samples were analyzed for gold using a fire
assay technique using a 30 g charge and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) finish. In
addition, a 33-element ICP analysis was done using a 4-acid digestion.
QA/QC samples were inserted after every eight core samples. These include three certified
standards (high, medium, and low gold grades) and a coarse blank, fine blank, coarse duplicate,
and fine duplicate.
Remaining reject and pulp material from the 2017–2019 drill programs has been returned to
Lumina and is stored in a dry secure warehouse in Quito.
After each batch of analytical results was released by the lab, the QA/QC samples were reviewed
by a Lumina geologist. Lumina’s QA/QC consultant also reviewed these data.
Two of the CDN standards used in the 2018–2019 drill program were suspected of being more
heterogeneous than certified and have been replaced. All other standards performed adequately.
Figure 11-1 shows an example of a control chart for gold in standard CM-27. The failure rate for
CM-27 is approximately 7%.
Lumina’s QA/QC consultant and the QP indicated that the results from the 2018–2019 drill
program were acceptable and no further action was required.
12.3 Conclusion
Inspection of the drill core during the site visit and validation of the collected data indicate that the
drill data are adequate for interpretation.
In the QPs’ opinion, the database management, validation, and assay QA/QC protocols are
consistent with common industry practices. Therefore, the database is acceptable for use in this
13.1 Introduction
Metallurgical testing programs were performed by NMS of Englewood, Colorado, USA in 1999,
and by Plenge, FLSmidth Minerals Testing and Research Center (FLS Testing) of Salt Lake City,
Utah, USA, FLSmidth USA, Inc. Ore Characterization & Process Mineralogy Labs (FLS
Mineralogy), also of Salt Lake City, Utah USA, and Pocock Industrial, Inc. (Pocock) of Salt Lake
City, Utah USA between 2015 and January 2020.
Laboratory reports reviewed for this report include:
• Metallurgical Study for Cangrejos (Ecuador) Ores – Progress Report 1 – NMS
Project No. 11802 (NMS, 1999)
• Metallurgical Study for Cangrejos (Ecuador) Ores – Progress Report 2 – NMS
Project No. 11802, (NMS, 1999)
• Cangrejos Project, Progress Report, (Plenge, 2015)
• Comminution, Head Assays and XRD, (Plenge, 2018a)
• Saprolite, Sap-Rock and Oxide Screening Tests, Gravity, Cyanidation and
Flotation, (Plenge, 2018b)
• Comminution, Gravity, Cyanidation and Flotation, (Plenge, 2018c)
• Primary Optimization and Variability; Oxide and Saprock Progress Report,
(Plenge, 2019)
• HPGR and Comminution Suite, (Rucci, 2019)
• Lumina Gold Cangrejos Mineralogy, (Zahn, 2019)
• Cangrejos and Gran Bestia Deposits, Variability and Flotation Piloting Progress
Report, (Plenge, 2020)
• Sample Characterization & PSA, Flocculant Screening, Gravity Sedimentation,
Pulp Rheology and Pressure Filtration Studies, (Pocock, 2020)
data, NDK estimates that 80% of the gold and 50% of the copper will be recovered
from partially oxidized materials by the flotation plus leaching process.
• Bulk rougher flotation recoveries from three saprock samples in 2019 were 75% for
gold and 35% for copper. Cleaner flotation of the saprock did not produce salable
flotation concentrates. However, during the 2019 flotation testing, when saprock was
blended with fresh rock, gold in saprock reported to copper concentrates and the
cleaner flotation tailings where it was recovered by cyanide leaching. NDK estimates
that 75% of the gold, but none of the copper, will be recovered from saprock.
• In 2017, rougher flotation of saprolite materials indicated that gold and copper
recoveries were 43% and 32%, respectively, which are similar to the saprock rougher
flotation recoveries from that year. A salable copper concentrate was not produced
by cleaning. More work is required on saprolite to better determine gold recoveries by
the flotation plus leaching process; however, NDK estimates that 75% of the gold will
be recovered due to its similar rougher flotation response to that of saprock in 2017.
• Cyanide leaching tests of fresh rock samples recovered 90% of the gold and 45% of
the silver. For near-surface rock (partially oxidized, saprock, and saprolite), gold
recoveries were similar; however, silver recoveries increased to 84% due to oxidation
of sulfide minerals.
• The selected processing flow sheet produces separate gold-copper and molybdenum
flotation concentrates and precious metal doré.
Flotation Tests
Bulk rougher flotation tests and cleaner flotation tests were conducted using gravity tailings and
tests that did not include gravity concentration. Cleaner flotation tests of the bulk flotation
concentrate were also conducted. Finally, in 2014 one copper-molybdenum separation test was
Mineralogy was performed by Plenge using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Bulk Mineralogy. The
majority of the minerals are noted as Quartz, Anorthite, Albite, Actinolite, Chamosite, Labradorite,
Kaolinite, Biotite and Andesine. Additional mineralogical examinations were completed by Eagle
Engineering in Butte, Montana USA and the FL Smidth (FLS) Ore Characterization & Process
Mineralogy Labs in Salt Lake City, Utah USA.
In summary, mineralogical investigations indicate that the fresh rock materials contain copper
primarily as chalcopyrite and bornite with minor amounts of chrysocolla. Gold is mostly free or
exposed at a 74-µm grind with gravity concentrates containing gold sizes ranging from 30 µm to
40 µm, flotation concentrates contain gold particle sizes of approximately 20 µm, and flotation
tailings contain gold particles encapsulated in non-sulfides at approximately 5 µm in size.
Refractory gold exists and is locked in pyrite and pyroxene. Copper mineral liberation is
approximately 150 µm for 50% liberation and 36 µm for 100% liberation. Copper mineralization
in partially oxidized materials is primarily chalcopyrite with minor amounts of bornite and tenorite
(copper oxide). Saprock materials contain copper minerals primarily as copper chlorite.
Comminution Tests
In addition to the historical comminution tests that were completed by Plenge, in 2019 the FLS
Minerals Testing and Research Center in Salt Lake City, Utah USA performed basic comminution
and high pressure grinding roll (HPGR) testing using a sample that was composited from four PQ
(i.e., 85 mm diameter) drill holes. The FLS Testing comminution data is provided in Table 13-1.
A*b psi kWh/t g kWh/t kWh/t
2019 Master Comp 27.4 20179 10 0.3511 18.1 17.1
2017-2018 Averages 25.8 14286 --- 0.2841 17.3 15.5
The HPGR test results were reported “very positive, showing a specific energy of 1.8 kWh/t at a
recirculating load of 65% to reduce the material from 16.5 mm to below 1 mm” (Rucci, 2019). A
summary of the results from the HPGR Locked Cycle Test are provided in Table 13-2.
recovered to the gravity concentrate. Future testing using samples from new areas of the deposits
must continue to evaluate and confirm the results achieved to date.
• Copper recoveries to the final gold-copper flotation concentrates from the mini-pilot
plant tests averaged 86%.
• Rougher flotation gold recoveries for the 40 variability samples averaged 83%. As a
comparison, rougher flotation gold recoveries in the mini-pilot plant tests averaged
78%, but another 5% gold recovery was added with sand flotation of the rougher
flotation tailings.
• Gold recoveries in final gold-copper flotation concentrates from the mini-pilot tests
averaged 72%. Additional gold recoveries to doré, after cyanide leaching of the bulk
cleaner scavenger tailings plus the sand flotation concentrates, are estimated to be
10% for a total of 82%.
• Copper concentrate grades are predicted to be variable, depending on the ratio of total
sulfur to copper (i.e., the higher the ratio, the more pyrite reports to and dilutes the final
concentrates). At average head grades for sulfur and copper, the final concentrate
grade is estimated to average approximately 17% copper.
An equation was developed to estimate the grade of copper in the final concentrates assuming a
constant copper recovery in the final concentrate of 86% as shown in Figure 13-3.
Copper Concentrate Grade, % Cu
y = -4.45ln(x) + 20.957
30.0 R2 = 0.3464
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0
Feed Grade, ST/Cu
The equation is:
Table 13-3 summarizes the estimated metallurgical recoveries by rock type.
Gold-Copper Concentrate
Gold Recovery % Au 72 60 0 0
Silver Recovery % Ag 60 50 0 0
Copper Recovery % Cu 86 50 0 0
Molybdenum Concentrate
Molybdenum Recovery % Mo 50 50 0 0
• Gold and siver recoveries are constant
• Copper concentrate grades for fresh rock are variable
• Copper concentrate grade for partially oxidized material is 15% copper
• Molybdenum concentrate grade is 45% molybdenum
There are no known deleterious elements that could have a significant effect on potential
economic extractions.
not show visible signs of significant mineralization. Based on this assumption, core intervals
without sample assay results were assigned the following default grades: Cu = 0.01%; Ag =
0.1 g/t; and Mo = 5 ppm. No adjustments were made to account for missing sulfur data.
Resampling and analyzing for these missing elements are recommended if core or sample rejects
are available.
The statistical properties of the data in the vicinity of the Cangrejos mineral resource model,
excluding exploration drill holes, are shown in Table 14-1; this table shows the statistics for the
initial sample data and the statistics for copper, silver, and molybdenum following the assignment
of default grades for missing data.
Number Total
Coef. of
Element of Sample Min Max Mean Std. Dev.
Samples Length (m)
Gold (g/t) 39,960 43,767 0.001 38 0.443 0.8762 1.98
Copper1 (%) 38,304 41,101 0 4.76 0.092 0.135 1.47
Copper2 (%) 39,960 43,767 0 4.76 0.087 0.132 1.523
Silver1 (g/t) 38,304 41,101 0.1 114 0.78 2.69 3.44
Silver2 (g/t) 39,960 43,767 0.1 102.1 0.74 2.59 3.5
Molybdenum1 (ppm) 38,304 41,101 0 2,696 19.8 52.6 2.7
Molybdenum2 (ppm) 39,960 43,767 0 2,696 18.9 51.1 2.7
Sulfur (%) 36,205 37,912 0.01 10 0.238 0.334 1.408
SG 3,537 n/a 1.34 3.61 2.747 0.114 0.041
Note: Original sample data are weighted by sample length. The data used in Table 14-1 are restricted to drill holes in the vicinity of
the Cangrejos deposit. An Element suffix of “1” denotes initial sample data; a suffix of “2” includes default grades assigned to missing
sample data (copper, silver and molybdenum).
Source: SIM Geological, 2019
The statistical properties of the data in the vicinity of the Gran Bestia mineral resource model,
excluding exploration drill holes, are shown in Table 14-2; this table shows the statistics for the
initial sample data and the statistics for copper, silver and molybdenum following the assignment
of default grades for missing data.
Number Total
Coef. of
Element of Sample Min Max Mean Std. Dev.
Samples Length (m)
Gold (g/t) 13,001 14,189 0.003 32.3 0.364 0.7349 2.022
Copper1 (%) 12,755 13,752 0 1.33 0.066 0.066 0.994
Copper2 (%) 13,001 14,189 0 1.33 0.065 0.066 1.016
Silver1 (g/t) 12,755 13,752 0.1 100 0.77 2.63 3.41
Silver2 (g/t) 13,001 14,189 0.1 100 0.75 2.59 3.46
12,755 13,752 1 1,890.00 13.9 37.7 2.7
13,001 14,189 1 1,890.00 13.6 37.2 2.7
Sulfur (%) 12,494 13,306 0.01 3.32 0.322 0.295 0.918
SG 1,231 na 1.19 3.54 2.759 0.087 0.032
Note: Original sample data are weighted by sample length. The data used in Table 14-2 are restricted to drill holes in the vicinity of
the Gran Bestia deposit. An Element suffix of “1” denotes initial sample data; a suffix of “2” includes default grades assigned to missing
sample data (copper, silver and molybdenum).
Source: SIM Geological, 2019
base of Transitional Oxidation, Saprock, and Saprolite were interpreted over the deposit areas.
These surfaces are used to assign oxide-material types to model blocks on a majority basis. An
example of the oxidation surfaces, relative to the gold grades in drilling and the interpreted
lithologic domains, are shown in vertical cross section in Figure 14-10.
there may have been an error in these measurements, and, as a result, they were removed from
the database. A review of the remaining SG data showed that several anomalous high and low
SG values were still present, and, as a result, three samples with SG values less than 1.85 and
five samples with SG greater than 3.40 were also removed from the database.
There are very few SG measurements taken from the near-surface oxidized units (only one from
Saprolite and three from Saprock material). The volume and distribution of SG data are
considered sufficient to support the estimation of SG values in the Transitional Oxide and Fresh
rocks at the Cangrejos and Gran Bestia deposits. However, there are not enough data to support
estimation in the Saprolite and Saprock units; therefore, these units are assigned default values
of 1.50 and 1.90, respectively.
14.5 Compositing
Compositing the drill hole samples helps standardize the database for further statistical
evaluation. This step eliminates any effect that inconsistent sample lengths might have on the
To retain the original characteristics of the underlying data, a composite length was selected that
reflects the average, original sample length. The generation of longer composites can result in
some degree of smoothing which could mask certain features of the data. A composite length of
2 m was selected for both the Cangrejos and Gran Bestia deposits, reflecting the fact that over
98% of the original samples were selected on 2 m intervals.
Drill hole composites are length-weighted and were generated down-the-hole; meaning that
composites begin at the top of each hole and are generated at 2-m intervals down the length of
the hole.
the separation and isolation of domains during interpolation. The application of separate domains
prevents unwanted mixing of data during interpolation, and, therefore, the resulting grade model
will better reflect the unique properties of the deposit. However, applying domain boundaries in
areas where the data are not statistically unique may impose a bias in the distribution of grades
in the model.
A domain boundary, which segregates the data during interpolation, is typically applied if the
average grade in one domain is significantly different from that of another domain. A boundary
may also be applied if there is evidence that a significant change in the grade distribution has
occurred across the contact.
Figure 14-14 shows the distributions of all elements across the oxidation domains at Cangrejos.
There are no significant changes in gold or copper grades between these units. However, silver
is elevated and molybdenum and sulfur are depressed in the Saprolite and Saprock units. There
are almost no SG samples in the upper units. The SG of Transitional Oxide and Fresh rocks are
very similar. Similar trends are also seen at Gran Bestia.
contacts. This suggests that these domains have no distinct influence on the distribution of gold
or copper in these deposits.
suggests the data should not be mixed across this boundary during grade estimation in the
mineral resource model.
14.9 Variography
The degree of spatial variability in a mineral deposit depends on both the distance and direction
between points of comparison. Typically, the variability between samples increases as the
distance between those samples increases. If the degree of variability is related to the direction
of comparison, then the deposit is said to exhibit anisotropic tendencies which can be summarized
with the search ellipse. The semi-variogram is a common function used to measure the spatial
variability within a deposit.
The components of the variogram include the nugget, the sill, and the range. Often samples
compared over very short distances, even samples compared from the same location, show some
degree of variability. As a result, the curve of the variogram often begins at some point on the y-
axis above the origin: this point is called the nugget. The nugget is a measure of not only the
natural variability of the data over very short distances but also a measure of the variability which
can be introduced due to errors during sample collection, preparation, and the assay process.
The amount of variability between samples typically increases as the distance between the
samples increases. Eventually, the degree of variability between samples reaches a constant,
maximum value: this is called the sill and the distance between samples at which this occurs is
called the range.
In this Report, the spatial evaluation of the data was conducted using a correlogram rather than
the traditional variogram. The correlogram is normalized to the variance of the data and is less
sensitive to outlier values, generally giving better results.
Variograms were prepared using the commercial software package Sage 2001© developed by
Isaaks & Co. Multidirectional variograms for gold, copper, silver, moybdenum, and sulfur were
generated from the sample data located inside the pertinent estimation domains. The results are
summarized in Tables 14-6 and 14-7.
the current drill hole spacing as well as the selective mining unit (SMU) size typical of an operation
of this type and scale.
Blocks in the model were coded on a majority basis with the gold probability shell domain and the
oxidation domains. During this stage, blocks along a domain boundary are coded if more than
50% of the block occurs within the boundaries of that domain.
The proportion of blocks that occur below the topographic surface is also calculated and stored
within the model as individual percentage items. These values are used as weighting factors to
determine the in-situ Mineral Resources for the deposit.
14.12 Validation
The results of the modelling process were validated using several methods. These include a
thorough visual review of the model grades in relation to the underlying drill hole sample grades,
comparisons with the change of support model, comparisons with other estimation methods, and
grade distribution comparisons using swath plots.
distribution of gold and copper grades in model blocks compared to the drill hole sample data at
Gran Bestia are shown in Figures 14-21 and 14-22, respectively.
the large blocks in the model. The transformation results in a less skewed distribution but with
the same mean as the original declustered samples.
Examples showing the distributions of the gold and copper models at Cangrejos and Gran Bestia
models are shown in Figure 14-23.
Comparisons are made between these models on grade/tonnage curves. Examples of the
grade/tonnage curves for gold and copper at Cangrejos and Gran Bestia are shown in
Figure 14-24. There is good correlation between the OK and ID models throughout the range of
cut-off grades. The NN distribution, generally showing less tonnage and higher grade, is the
result of the absence of smoothing in this modelling approach. Similar results were achieved with
the silver, molybdenum, and sulfur models. Reproduction of the model using different methods
tends to increase the confidence in the overall Mineral Resources estimate.
Swath plots were generated in three orthogonal directions for all models. An example of the gold
distribution in north-south swaths is shown in Figure 14-25.
There is good correspondence between the models in most areas. The degree of smoothing in
the OK model is evident in the peaks and valleys shown in the swath plots. Areas indicating large
differences between the models tend to be the result of “edge” effects, where there are less
available data to support a comparison. The validation results indicate that the OK model is a
reasonable reflection of the underlying sample data.
The pit shell is generated using a floating cone algorithm based on the AUEqR block grades.
There are no adjustments for mining recoveries or dilution. This test indicates that some of the
deeper mineralization may not be economic due to the increased waste stripping requirements.
It is important to recognize that these discussions of surface mining parameters are used solely
to test the “reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction,” and that they do not represent
an attempt to estimate mineral reserves. There are no mineral reserves calculated for this Project.
These preliminary evaluations are used to prepare the Mineral Resources estimate contained in
this Report and to select appropriate reporting assumptions.
The estimate of Mineral Resources, contained within the $1,500/oz Au pit shell, are based on
gold equivalent grades (AuEq) calculated using the following formula:
AuEq = Au g/t + (Ag g/t × 0.012) + (Cu% × 1.37) + (Mo ppm/10,000 × 3.2)
(Note: there is no contribution from copper or molybdenum in the SAP or SRK units.)
Using the assumed metal prices, operating costs, and metallurgical recoveries, the base case
cut-off grade for Mineral Resources is estimated to be 0.30 g/t AuEq. Table 14-11 shows the
estimate of Mineral Resources at Cangrejos. Table 14-12 shows the estimate of Mineral
Resources at Gran Bestia. Table 14-13 shows the combined estimate of Mineral Resources at
Cangrejos and Gran Bestia.
The distribution of the base case mineral resource within the $1,500/oz Au pit shell is shown from
a series of isometric viewpoints in Figures 14-26 to 14-29.
There are no known factors related to environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-
economic, marketing, political, or other relevant factors which could materially affect the Mineral
Resources estimate contained in this Report. Mineral Resources in the Inferred category have a
lower level of confidence than that applied to Indicated Mineral Resources, and, although there is
sufficient evidence to imply geologic grade and continuity, these characteristics cannot be verified
based on the current data. It is reasonably expected that the majority of Inferred Mineral
Resources could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration.
As stated previously, the resource block model presented in the December 2019 Technical Report
remains essentially unchanged and forms the basis of resources in this PEA. However, there
have been some minor adjustments to the classification of model blocks in the deeper part of the
Gran Bestia deposit that resulted in some minor changes to the extent of the resource limiting pit
shell. These changes have had a negligible effect on the resources for the Cangrejos deposit but
have resulted in a minor increase (of approximately 25 Mt) of Mineral Resources in the Inferred
category at the Gran Bestia deposit.
There are no Mineral Reserves for the Cangrejos Project at this time.
16.1 Introduction
There are no Mineral Reserves for the Project currently. The information reported in this PEA is
preliminary in nature and includes Inferred Mineral Resources that are considered too speculative
geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be
categorized as Mineral Reserves. Inferred Mineral Resources are based on limited geological
evidence and sampling. The tonnage and grade of Inferred Mineral Resources have significant
uncertainty as to their existence and as to whether they can be mined economically. There is no
certainty that this PEA will be realized.
The qualified person for this work is Joe McNaughton P.E., a Senior Engineer at IMC. The
material to be moved according to this mine plan will be referred to as potentially minable material
which is a sub-set of the mineral resource. Material that is to be fed to the processing plant is
referred to as mill feed or processed material.
PP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Processed Waste
Saprolite overall slopes varied from 24.8° to 25.6° and saprock was generally 30.5° for the pit
IMC utilized NSR to combine the economic values for all of the potentially economic metals that
will be recovered at Cangrejos. Simply put, NSR is the net revenue for metal sales less all off-
site costs for transportation, smelting, and refining. NSR was estimated based on the metal
grade units provided in the model using the following equations:
Gold NSR = Au grade x Recovery x (1-Royalty) x (Price – Au Refine) x 0.03215
+ Silver NSR = Ag grade x Recovery x (1-Royalty) x (Price – Ag Refine) x 0.03215
+ Copper NSR = Cu grade x Recovery x (1-Royalty) x (Price- Smelt/lb) x 22.0462
+ Moly NSR = Mo grade x Recovery x (1-Royalty) x (Price – Roast/lb) x 0.00220462
Total NSR in $ per tonne
Gold makes up approximately 80% of the project value and copper contributes to approximately
19% of the value. The remaining value is predominantly silver with minor credit for molybdenum.
The internal cut-off grade for NSR is $9.50/tonne, which was the total estimated cost for
processing and G&A costs.
The base case NSR was calculated for every block in the model. Then, in order to establish pit
design guidance for smaller pits, the NSR was reduced by factoring downward on a percentage
basis (revenue factors). Initial phase design work targeted the $1,250 pit. Production schedules
using those phases indicated that smaller final pits would improve the project return on investment
(ROI). Consequently, the $1,100 pit was selected as the target for final pit design. Sixty two
percent of the $1,100 processed material tonnage is based on Indicated Mineral Resources and
the remaining 38% is based on Inferred Mineral Resources.
grades reported in Table 16-3. Note that the NSR/t declines from Phase 1 to Phase 7 and the
cash cost per equivalent ounce generally increases from Phase 1 to Phase 7. The reversal in
cost per equivalent ounce at the Gran Bestia Phase 1 is due to the low strip ratio of that phase.
However, mining could not start at Gran Bestia because there is insufficient mill feed on each
bench to sustain the process without an impractical vertical development rate in the pit.
Figure 16-2 shows the open pit and WRSF configuration at Year 25.
Numbers of hourly and salaried personnel in the tables are for the total number of people on the
payroll. Operations and maintenance personnel working shifts include four crews. At any given
time, two crews will work 12-hour shifts while the other two crews are on days off.
Some of the salaried staff, including management and some technical staff, will work day shift
only on a standard work week schedule.
Burdened costs for mine labor are provided in Section 21.
In 2019, samples from additional sections of Cangrejos and Gran Bestia became available due
to access to additional parts of the property. When the head assays and preliminary test results
for the metallurgical samples became available, the gold, copper, and sulfide concentrations were
lower than those for the samples that had been tested previously. Correspondingly, the gold and
copper recoveries to the flotation concentrate were also lower.
Based on the preliminary observations, alternative flow sheets were tested and, with changes in
recovery processes, the gold and/or copper recoveries increased. The two processes that were
tested included the addition of sand flotation plus leaching to the previous flow sheet and whole
ore leaching. One trade-off study was completed to compare flotation plus leaching to leaching
only to identify the optimum recovery process.
Since the 2019 metallurgical testing program included the FLS comminution study, more accurate
data using representative samples was available to complete a second comminution trade-off
Note: The financial results reported for both of the Trade-off Studies are not comparable
to the results of the current PEA because they were estimated using a different basis that
applies only to the Trade-off Studies.
Since both the capital costs and the operating costs for the HPGR-ball mills option were lower, a
discounted cash flow analysis was not required to select HPGR-ball mill as the optimum process.
The results from the two trade-off studies led to the conceptual process flowsheet that is used as
the basis for this PEA.
The unit operations include:
• Primary crushing
• Secondary crushing
• HPGR crushing
• Ball milling with hydro-cyclone classification
• Bulk copper-molybdenum rougher flotation
• Regrinding of the bulk flotation concentrate
• Three stages of bulk concentrate cleaner flotation and cleaner scavenger flotation
• Thickening of the bulk concentrate
• Copper-molybdenum separation flotation via rougher flotation, scavenger flotation,
and five stages of cleaner flotation
• Thickening and filtering of copper and molybdenum final concentrates
• Hydro-cyclone classification of the bulk copper-molybdenum flotation tailings
• Sand flotation of the cyclone underflow of the flotation tailings
• Carbon-in-leach (CIL) of the combined sand flotation concentrate and cleaner
scavenger tailings
• Detoxification of the residual cyanide in CIL tailings
The CIL circuit nominally processes 10% of the plant feed, approximately 4,000 tpd during the
first five years and 8,000 tpd following the plant expansion.
A summary of the major equipment for the 40,000 tpd plant is provided in Table 17-4.
that may hamper subsequent operations. Fines from the log washer are pumped to the ball mill
hydro-cyclone feed. Oversize from the log washer is fed to the washing screen. Oversize from
the washing screen is conveyed to the single HPGR with 3,200 kW dual drives (i.e., 6,400 kw
total). Discharge from the HPGR is conveyed to the washing screen that is operated in closed
circuit with the HPGR. Oversize from the washing screen is returned to the HPGR for further size
reduction and undersize from the screen is the product from the HPGR that is split and fed to two
ball milling circuits that each operate in closed circuit with hydrocyclones. The cyclone underflow
is fed to the ball mills. Discharge from the ball mills is pumped to the cyclone feed. Overflow from
the cyclones has a particle size distribution of 80% passing (P80) 90 µm.
The ball mill cyclone overflow is pumped to the bulk rougher flotation circuit that consists of two
sets of tank cells that operate in parallel to provide approximately 30 minutes of retention time.
Potassium amyl xanthate (PAX), Aero Promotor 208 (A208), methyl isobutyly carbinol (MIBC),
and Dowfroth 250 (DF250) are the flotation reagents that are fed to the flotation circuits.
Concentrate from the rougher flotation circuit is reground in a Vertimill to reduce the particle size
of the bulk rougher concentrate to P80 35 µm. The cleaner flotation circuit consists of three stages
of cleaner flotation plus cleaner-scavenger flotation. Concentrate from the third cleaner flotation
circuit is fed to the bulk concentrate thickener.
Underflow from the bulk concentrate thickener is pumped to an agitated conditioning tank where
sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS) is added to depress copper minerals to prohibit them from floating.
From the conditioning tank, the bulk concentrate is pumped to the molybdenum flotation circuit
that consists of rougher flotation, five stages of cleaner flotation, and a cleaner scavenger flotation
circuit. Reagents in the molybdenum flotation circuit include fuel oil and MIBC. Concentrate from
the molybdenum fifth cleaner flotation circuit is the final molybdenum concentrate.
Tailings from the bulk rougher flotation circuit are fed to the sand flotation circuit. First, the tailings
are classified in sand flotation cyclones. The cyclone overflow reports to the final tailings box.
The cyclone underflow is processed in the sand flotation circuit. Tailings from the sand flotation
cells combine with the overflow from the sand flotation cyclones and report to the final tailings
The combined concentrate from the molybdenum rougher flotation tailings and the molybdenum
cleaner scavenger tailings feeds the copper concentrate thickener. The thickener underflow feeds
an agitated storage tank and then to a plate and frame pressure copper concentrate filter. The
discharge from the filter is the final copper concentrate.
Concentrate from the molybdenum fifth cleaner flotation circuit feeds the molybdenum
concentrate thickener. Underflow from the thickener is fed to an agitated storage tank and then
to the plate and frame pressure molybdenum concentrate filter. The filtered molybdenum
concentrate is dried in a rotary gas-fired dryer.
Concentrate from the sand flotation cells combines with the tailings from the bulk cleaner-
scavenger flotation circuit. The slurry flows through a trash screen and into the CIL feed thickener.
The thickener underflow is pumped to the agitated pH conditioning tank. Lime is added to the pH
conditioning tank to adjust the slurry pH to approximately 11.0. Overflow from the pH conditioning
tank flows by gravity through five CIL tanks that operate in series and are designed to provide a
total of approximately 24-hours of retention time. Each CIL tank is fitted with interstage screens
that are included to allow the appropriate carbon transfer, transfer pumps, and agitators. Sodium
cyanide is added to CIL tank 1 and processed air from blowers is injected into the CIL tanks to
provide oxygen that is necessary for leaching.
Fresh and/or regenerated carbon is added to CIL tank five and advanced intermittently in flow
that is counter-current to the slurry that flows by gravity from tank five to tank one. Slurry that
contains the loaded carbon is pumped from CIL tank one across the loaded carbon screen. The
slurry passes through the loaded carbon screen and returns to CIL tank one. The loaded carbon
is retained on the screen deck and flows into the loaded carbon holding vessel.
Tailings from the CIL circuit are detoxified using the sulfur dioxide-air process. The sulfur dioxide
is provided by sodium metabisulfite and air is provided by air blowers. The circuit consists of two
agitated tanks that are designed to provide a residence time of approximately 2.5 hours. Copper
sulfate is provided to catalyze the reaction and milk of lime is used to control the pH range
between 8.0 and 9.0.
Carbon is stripped in a batch system that includes a pressure strip vessel that is designed to strip
2-t of carbon per cycle. Sodium cyanide and caustic soda are added to barren solution to prepare
the strip solution. The circuit includes a water heater and heat exchanger to increase the
operating temperature and pressure of the strip solution. Barren solution and pregnant solution
tanks are included in the circuit.
Pregnant solution is pumped through three electrowinning cells where gold and silver are plated
onto the electrowinning cell cathodes.
A hydrochloric acid wash is included after the carbon strip circuit to remove inorganic
contaminants from the carbon and an electric rotary carbon regeneration kiln is included to
remove organic contaminants from the carbon in order to retain the carbon activity. The stripped
and regenerated carbon discharges from the carbon regeneration kiln into a carbon quench tank
to cool the carbon and stop the regeneration process. It is pumped to a carbon sizing screen that
is designed to remove fine particles of carbon prior to returning it to CIL tank five. A carbon
attrition tank is also provided to prepare new carbon for use. After carbon is attrited in the agitated
tank, it is pumped to the same carbon sizing screen to remove fine carbon prior to using it.
Cathodes from the electrowinning cells are power washed and sludge from the electrowinning
cells is pumped to a filter press for dewatering. The filtered sludge is dried in a drying oven, mixed
with fluxes, and smelted in a gas-fired smelting furnace to produce gold-silver doré. The doré is
shipped off site for further refining.
The detoxified leach tailings, sand flotation cyclone overflow, and sand flotation tailings, are
combined in the tailings box and flow to two tailings thickeners that operate in parallel. Underflows
from the tailings thickeners feed the tailings filtration plant. The plant includes nine pressure
plate and frame filters. The design allows for eight operating filters and one standby filter. The
dewatered tailings are conveyed to the DSTF via an overland conveyor and placed using portable
conveyors and a stacker.
The conceptual process design includes all facilities required to receive, mix or prepare, store,
and pump all of the reagents required in the processes. The reagents include:
• Fuel oil
• Milk of lime
• NaHS
• Antifoam by Moly Cop
• Sodium metabisulfite
• Copper sulfate
• Flocculant
• Sodium cyanide
Plant utilities include:
• Fresh water
• Process water
• Fire water system
• Air blowers
• Air compressors
• Standby power generation
• Gland water system
The plant support systems include an analytical laboratory, metallurgical laboratory, truck scale,
hoists, cranes, pumps, automatic on-stream samplers and analyzers, and standard process
control systems including field instruments, programmable logic controllers, personal computers,
and operations control rooms.
Table 17-6 summarizes the proposed management positions that are used as a basis for this
Table 17-7 summarizes the employees required for the assay lab, mill production, and
The number of people shown as working shifts are the total number on the payroll. The staffing
is based on four crews with two crews working 12-hour shifts at any given time while two crews
are on days off.
Burdened labor costs for process labor are included in the process operating costs provided in
Section 21.
18.2 Communications
Communication is the infrastructure backbone for the entire operation. Servers are required at
four office locations with full networking capability between the offices. Connectivity is assumed
to be over a Virtual Private Network (VPN) using company-provided laptops and mobile phone
equipment. A large-scale system using SQL or SAP application software will provide the overall
structure for the management and control of the operation.
Communication on site will be via a combination of mobile phones and two-way radios.
18.4 Roads
products, or placed in the storage facilities to the south and east of the Cangrejos open pit. There
are two waste material storage facilities developed below the Cangrejos open pit: 1) the waste
rock storage facility, 2) the saprolite storage facility.
During the first four years, the waste rock and overburden (saprolite and saprock) generated
during operations will be managed in the two separate storage facilities due to the low waste rock
to saprolite ratio (i.e., less than 7:1 ratio). At those ratios, the saprolite mechanical properties
govern the stability of the waste storage facility. After year five, the ratio is higher than 7:1. At
that point, the mine can co-mingle waste rock and saprolite in a single facility and the mechanical
properties of the waste rock govern. The initial SSF is located on the southeast side of the WRSF.
Management of the waste storage facilities includes management of contact water and non-
contact water. Contact water is defined as precipitation that falls onto the surface of the mine
infrastructure or flows into the mine infrastructure from surface water sources. The contact waters
will be collected and used for mine operations while the non-contact water will be released into
the drainage below the facilities.
The waste storage facilities are located within a short haul distance from the open pits. The
conceptual facilities provide adequate capacity for waste materials over the life of the mine.
Waste rock and overburden will be hauled from the pit via strategically positioned egress points.
As part of the mine plan, the internal pit ramps connect to the external haul roads that support the
primary crusher, WRSF, SSF, truck maintenance area, ready-lines, and fuel depot.
Additionally, organic materials that are excavated from within the pit limits, the stockpile areas,
and infrastructure footprints will be stripped and stockpiled for future reclamation use. This topsoil
will be placed in stockpiles around the property. The general layout of the WRSF and SSF are
provided in Figure 18-1.
accomodates 640 Mt of tailings. In addition, the project footprint is kept compact because the site
is located approximately 2.1 kms from the plant site.
Tailings will be transported from the processing facilities to the ridge above the DSTF by overland
conveyor to a staging area. From the staging area, tailings will be transported to the final storage
spot within the DSTF using semi-mobile conveyors, mobile conveyors, and a stacking system.
For the first two years, in combination with the stacking system, dozers, a grader, and compactors
will grade and compact the tailings to form a surface suitable to construct a conveyor system to
the toe of the DSTF. Dozers and compactors will then spread and compact the tailings in 0.5-m
lifts, densifying them to significantly reduce any potential for liquefaction of the tailings under either
static liquefaction or during a potential design seismic event.
Any potential seepage from the DSTF, including infiltration from precipitation, runoff that comes
in direct contact with the tailings, as well as groundwater discharges, will be collected in the
underdrain system or in temporary internal diversion channels. Contact water will flow to the
sediment pond that will be located west of the DSTF. Water collected in the sediment pond will
be collected, tested, treated, if necessary, and released. Surface runoff from the undisturbed
area (i.e., non-contact water) above the DSTF will be collected and diverted around the DSTF.
The diversion channels will be phased to match the expansion of the facility. To reduce infiltration
and contact water along with attenuating contact water from the top of the DSTF, raincoats will
be installed to collect runoff from rainfall and divert it to either non contact diversion structures
that route runoff around the facility or convey it to the underdrain pond. The raincoats will be
installed in areas where tailings are exposed, with the exception of active deposition areas, to
reduce infiltration. In addtion, progressive closure of completed slopes will also be performed to
minimize erosion and reduce infiltration.
The layout of the DSTF is provided in Figure 18-2.
18.8 Port
Several port options were evaluated during this Study. Puerto Bolivar was selected as the basis
for this Study since it is close (i.e., approximately 60 km) to the Project and because other options
that were considered were more difficult to access. Puerto Bolivar currenty ships concentrate
from the Mirador copper project.
19.1.1 Concentrate
The transportation costs are the costs to move the concentrates to smelters for further treatment.
Domestic transportation charges for shipping two concentrate products from the Cangrejos
Project were provided by local transportation providers. H&H provided the international shipping
cost estimates of $35.00 per wet tonne to ship the gold-copper flotation concentrate to China and
$24.81 per dry tonne to ship molybdenum concentrate to Chile.
19.1.2 Doré
Doré requires special handling due to its inherent value. Industry sources provided typical doré
freight and insurance costs of $3.53/oz of doré. This estimated charge covers transportation and
insurance costs to transport the doré from the mine to the destination.
copper and molybdenum concentrates. The marketing study is based on providing an average
of 100,000 t/a of the gold-copper concentrate. The gold-copper concentrate TCs were reported
as $70 per wet t of concentrate and refining charges of $7.50 per ounce of gold, $0.65 per ounce
of silver, and $0.07 per pound of copper. The concentrate payable metal returns for the gold-
copper concentrate were reported as 97.5% for gold and 97% for silver.
The molybdenum concentrate carries a 15% price discount to the treatment charge due to its high
copper content. Using the molybdenum price of $9/lb and the 15% discount, the estimated
discount is approximately $2,976 per dry tonne. The estimated discount is applied in the model
and the molybdenum is 95.5% payable according to the H&H report.
Payment terms for the concentrates allow for 90% payment at the Ecuadorian port upon loading
the concentrate into the shipping vessels, with 10% settlement 45 days later. Molybdenum
concentrate payment terms are assumed to be 90% 15 days after shipping with the balance paid
in 75 days.
Assays of the concentrates that were performed as part of the metallurgical testing indicate that
the concentrates are considered “clean” and that they contain no deleterious contaminants that
would trigger penalties. Therefore, no penalties are included in the cash flow analysis.
19.2.2 Doré
Doré also carries TCs and RCs based on composition and weight. The model applies doré
treatment and refining charges based upon industry sources available to the Cangrejos Project.
The treatment charges are estimated to be $0.30 per oz of doré. Doré payables are 99.95% for
gold and 99.5% for silver.
19.3 Contracts
At this PEA stage of project development, no marketing contracts exist.
19.4 Conclusion
The QP has reviewed the marketing studies and analyses and, in the QP’s opinion, the results
support the assumptions in this Technical Report.
Chico (240) and El Recreo (500). The social AOI also includes Vega Rivera (pop. 270) in La
• Basic utilities: Both parishes have basic services such as electricity, water, and
sanitation. However, in Bellamaría parish, wastewater from homes is typically dumped
directly into the tributaries of the Santa Rosa River without treatment.
• Non-mining economic activities: The local economy in the lower area of these
villages is based on agriculture, livestock, commerce, and general services. For the
towns of Bellamaria and Valle Hermoso and the villages of El Recreo, Rio Chico, San
Carlos, Biron, the non-mining aspect of the economy is based on agriculture (cacao
and fruit), livestock (cattle and pork), poultry, and some tourism. The location of the
Project does not interfere with agricultural activities or the raising of animals. Poultry
and pork are also produced at the household level and sometimes sold in the markets
of Santa Rosa and weekly fairs in Bellamaria. There is also some timber production
in Biron. Economic activities in the village of Vega Rivera include agriculture, livestock,
and general commerce.
Further downriver from the social AOI and nearer to the coast, the land flattens out
and transforms into far more productive and valuable land for agriculture and livestock
production. The most productive farms are dedicated to permanent crops such as
bananas, cacao, oranges, and coffee, with an average of about seven hectares in
production. Other less economically important crops include plantain, sugar cane,
corn, rice, mango, passion fruit, lemons, and beans. Cattle, pork, sheep, and poultry
are also raised. However, all processing plants for these products are outside the
canton in the cities of Machala, Guayaquil, or Cuenca.
There are also significant shrimp farming areas on the coast and on offshore islands.
These constituencies may eventually develop an active interest in the development of
the project, in particular its potential effects on water quality and quantity.
• Mining activities. In the upper reaches of the parishes, artisanal/small-scale mining
is a significant economic activity. A number of entities and individuals have legal
permits to conduct artisanal/small-scale mining, but illegal activities do occur. In
Bellamaría parish, there is a great deal of such activity, above all near the settlements
of Calaguru, Estero Medina, Río Chico, and Bellamaria. Based on information
obtained via interviews with local authorities, at least 35% of the families of the parish
receive some income from mining activity, although it is unclear just how much of this
income is derived from illegal activities.
In the areas bordering the Project, significant legal mining operations include: Mina
Los Ingleses - Sociedad Tucadulombo; Minera Bravo; Los Ingleses-Eminza, Minera
Carolina; Colorado V - El Humedo; and, Duran. There are at least 14 other entities
involved in mining activities in Bellamaria, Valle Hermoso, and Birón. In addition, there
are small international companies doing exploration in the area, including Challenger
Exploration Ltd.
At present, no active illegal mining is known to be taking place within the proposed
Project footprint. However, over the years such work has been an occasional issue in
the concessions, and, when encountered, is routinely reported to the Agency for
Mining Regulation and Control (ARCOM) for their appropriate action. Several farms
in the concessions area have traces of illegal mining activity dating back 10 to 15
years. Environmental liabilities associated with illegal mining works have also been
periodically identified and reported; these include alluvial mining at the Gran Bestia
ravine, as well as underground mining at the Gran Bestia ravine, the Dos Bocas Sector
in Vega Rivera, and the Las Pavas ravine.
• Land ownership: According to information from local authorities, at least 90% of the
parcels of non-urbanized land and farms in the area are private and have supporting
documentation, while the remaining 10% are public (i.e., state-owned). Odin owns or
controls approximately 60% of the surface land over the area required for Project
• Indigenous peoples: No indigenous peoples or communities occupy or use land in
the Project's social AOI, nor live in proximity to it.
• Religious Organizations and Facilities: The local population is predominantly
Catholic. There is presently only one ordained priest serving the villages in the Santa
Rosa canton. Religious facilities include:
− Bellamaria: one large Catholic church (and a smaller Protestant church)
− San Carlos: one Catholic church
− Biron: a small covered outdoor shrine dedicated to the Virgen de El Cisne
− Valle Hermoso: one large Catholic church
− Vega Rivera: one small Catholic chapel
Sources of Social
Potential Management/Mitigation Strategies
Impacts and Risks
• Codes of conduct will regulate social behavior of Project workers staying at
camp to minimize the potential for negative social interactions with local
residents including the spread of infectious disease
• Participatory monitoring, stakeholder engagement and the Project
Grievance Mechanism will help ensure proper behavior and early detection
of any incidents that require legal intervention or corrective action
In-migration of job • The Project will avoid significant in-migration of job seekers into the social
seekers area of influence by not creating incentives:
• Non-local residents will only be able to apply for work outside of social area
of influence
• Only existing local residents will be eligible for hiring within the social area
of influence
• The Project will seek to generate a modest level of local employment but
monitor its impacts to avoid creating an economic boom in the social area
of influence that would stimulate in-migration. It will take particular care to
avoid a boom in the social area of influence during construction
Impact on traffic and • Traffic increase in the social area of influence, would be partially offset by
access the significant access improvements that also benefit local residents and
more improvements will be completed prior to construction
• Scheduling of major deliveries of materials and equipment for daylight
hours, with routes avoiding schools, markets, and other urbanized areas to
the extent possible
• Implementation of safety measures and controls in coordination with local
stakeholders to promote safety around its primarily daylight logistics
Land acquisition • Acquisition of remaining land by negotiating directly with the property
• No village resettlement requirement for Project development
Vulnerable Groups • Identification of the vulnerable groups within the social area of influence,
identification of how the Project might adversely or positively impact them
and establishment of management actions to address impacts and monitor
• Monitoring of prices of goods, services and land in the social area of
influence in comparison to tendencies in areas further from the Project and
implement corrective actions as needed to reduce the possible negative
impact of inflation attributable to the Project's activities
Tension or conflict due • Design to minimize and manage water and other environmental impacts
to real or perceived
• Additional measures to focus water management within one basin
impact on water or
other environmental • Information sharing on water and environmental management in public
receptors. meetings, engagement with stakeholders and local authorities, and ongoing
Presence of illegal • Actively monitor its concessions against incursions from illegal mining and
mining denounce activities that may be discovered
• Communicate legal responsibilities, concerns and actions regarding illegal
mining with local stakeholders and authorities as part of its ongoing
stakeholder engagement
Improvements in • Continue to provide social investments within the social area of influence
living conditions or that promote collaborative local development and the fair distribution of
quality of life due to benefits among local stakeholders
social investment • Final impact will depend on building leadership and participation of the
directly affected populations into the management of these investments
Sources of Social
Potential Management/Mitigation Strategies
Impacts and Risks
Increase in public • The Project will pay significant taxes and royalties
budget from royalties • Magnitude of benefits generated by the taxes and royalties within the
and taxes social area of influence will depend on future government decisions on
how to best spend the additional income
activity and open to constructive dialogue, as was evidenced in the public participation process
for the C-20 EIA in April 2018.
20.9 Geochemistry
NPR = 1
100 NPR = 2
NNP = -20
Neutralization Potential Ratio
10 NNP = 20
0.1 Saprolite
Andesite/ Andesite
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Net Neutralization Potential
NPR = 1
Neutralization Potential Ratio
10 NPR = 2
NNP = -20
1 NNP = 20
CG Data
GB Data
Sap Data
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Net Neutralization Potential
Note: two extreme samples, at -80NNP and +60 NNP have been omitted from Figure 20-3 for better scaling.
tonnes CaCO3 per tonne of material (t/kt CaCO3) equivalent, and the average NP of Gran Besita
samples is 13.4 t/kt. This difference is statistically significant based on the t-test, 95% confidence
interval. However, the Gran Bestia samples are still in the NAG region.
Saprolite and saprock have significantly lower concentrations of NP and AP due to the leached-
out nature of these geologic formations.
Metals Analysis
Metals analysis of the rock mass can be used to screen out metals for consideration in future
water quality analysis. This is best done by comparing the concentration of each metal in the
rock mass with the average concentration of the metals in the earth’s crust. In general, if a rock
type has a concentration of a metal that is greater than five times the crustal average, it can be
considered enriched for that metal. If a rock is enriched with a concentration of a metal, it is at
higher risk for leaching the metal under acidic conditions or neutral conditions. However, if the
rock has a metal concentration that is near the crustal average, it is often safe to remove it from
consideration as a future geochemical issue.
The comparison shows that the following metals may be Constituents of Concern (COCs) for the
mine leachate water quality:
• Silver
• Arsenic (in saprolite)
• Copper
• Molybdenum
• Selenium
The following metals that are frequently problematic in mine leachate water quality, appear to be
near or below crustal averages:
• Arsenic (in rock)
• Cadmium
• Chromium
• Mercury
• Lead
• Zinc
It is important to note that arsenic contained in saprolite is stable since the saprolite contains iron-
arsenic compounds. Therefore, it is not leachable. The results of the metals leach testing are
consistent with the geological description of the deposit. Elevated concentrations of copper and
molybdenum are expected because those are the primary metals being recovered. Sulfide
minerals containing arsenic, zinc, and lead are not present.
Leaching Tests
Leach tests were conducted using the mine rock to determine if there are any readily soluble
elements that could impact water quality. The test used was the SPLP, based on EPA Method
1312 (US EPA 1994). This method leaches the samples with water at pH 5.5 in order to simulate
The SPLP results were also compared to effluent discharge guideline values from Ministerio de
Ambiente y Agua del Ecuador (MAAE, November 2015, Table 9) to provide an initial indication of
COCs. This comparison is for reference purposes only because the short-term leach results
cannot be extended directly to the long-term composition of mine discharge associated with the
waste rock storage facility.
The SPLP results have no values in excess of international water standards. The pH is neutral,
total dissolved solids are low, and no elevated metals concentrations were detected. Arsenic
leachate from saprolite samples is also below regulatory standards, despite elevated
concentrations in the rock.
Tailings Static Geochemical Testing Results
The following sections describe the test results from samples of the tailings solids and tailings
ABA Results
The results of the ABA testing of a tailings sample are shown in Table 20-2.
Parameter Units Tailings Result
Paste pH 0.02 8.92
Total Inorganic Carbon % 0.01 0.11
CaCO3 NP 9.2
S(Total) % 0.005 0.037
S(SO4) % 0.01 <0.01
S(S-2) % 0.01 0.01
Insoluble S % 0.03
AP t/kt CaCO3 0.3
NP t/kt CaCO3 0.5 18.4
Net NP t/kt CaCO3 18.1
Fizz Test None
The NNP and NPR both show that the mine tailings are NAG. This is likely because the sulfides
are recovered into the concentrates during the flotation process, but the residual acid-consuming
minerals (such as calcite) remain in the tailings.
Short-Term Leaching and Supernatant
The mine tailings appear to have largely inert supernatant solution and leachate. The results of
the supernatant analysis are compared to the fresh water discharge standards in Table 20-3.
Frequently, copper or gold mines using flotation processing have supernatant solution with excess
sulfate and trace metals concentrations. In contrast, Cangrejos supernatant meets the criteria
necessary for direct-discharge of excess supernatant water to fresh water. The high wet season
precipitation and runoff from non-mine impacted ground will serve to further dilute any discharged
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 22 24 26 28 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51
7 8 9 Week 10 11 12
20.10.1 Hydrology
The site has abundant surface water located primarily in steep mountain streams that are subject
to sudden changes in flow due to heavy precipitation. Lumina installed three Parshall flumes in
key drainages around the site to characterize the hydrologic system in the vicinity of the Project.
The data demonstrates that the Project has heavy rainfall events and strong runoff conditions.
The flumes measure year-round baseflows during the dry season that range from 4.0 L/s to 118
Manual flow readings in other rivers around the site are taken by Lumina staff.
Surface water quality samples from seven locations around the site were also analyzed. All of
the contaminants regulated under Ecuadorian law were at or near non-detect levels and far below
the discharge standards.
GRE created a series of hydrologic models. The models predict the runoff response from various
rainfall events. They were created and calibrated based on the storm responses that were
measured using the flume data and the manual flow readings. The models were used to estimate
runoff and size diversion channels.
In general, surface water will be managed at the project to reduce runoff over saprolite zones and
to reduce the amount of water accumulating within the pits. The volume of water accumulating
within the pits will be minimized by diverting surface water from natural areas around project-
impacted areas and back to natural drainages downstream of the project areas via drainage
channels and culverts.
The conceptual site-wide surface water conveyance structures will be engineered and
constructed to manage storm water runoff and to minimize erosion of disturbed areas. Key water
management concepts include, but are not limited to:
• Upstream diversions to route runoff around disturbed areas
• Engineered diversions to route stream flows through work areas
• Engineered culvert crossings to route stream flows underneath roads
• Ponds and pumping to collect and convey water away from critical areas such as the
pit highwalls, where diversions are not possible
• Surface water pumping and pipeline system to route plant makeup water to the
process plant when necessary
• Pumps and pipeline system to convey water out of the pits
• Engineered channel reinforcement to prevent channel scour over erodible subgrade
• Progressive reclamation of disturbed areas, with revegetation of soil cover areas as
soon as practical to prevent erosion
20.10.2 Hydrogeology
The hydrogeology of the Cangrejos Project is characterized by a low-conductivity, fine-grained
saprolith (saprolite and saprock) formation sitting atop a very low conductivity hard rock formation
with few fractures. As a result, there is very little groundwater in the system. The lack of prolific
unconsolidated-material aquifers or hard-rock aquifers results in low groundwater inflow into the
open pits.
A multi-faceted characterization program conducted in 2018-2019 characterized the groundwater
system in the vicinity of the Cangrejos Project. Groundwater levels were measured using a
network of vibrating wire piezometers (VWPs) and standpipe piezometers located in the area of
the Cangrejos pit.
Groundwater on site is generally shallow, hosted within the saprolite or saprock. Deep VWPs
have consistently lower pore pressures than the shallow piezometer in the same hole. The
presence of lower water levels at depth may indicate that the pit will not experience artesian or
pressurized fracture conditions within the pit. Shallow wells and VWPs located within the saprolite
and saprock respond to seasonal rainfall, rising in the wet season, and dropping in the dry season.
This behavior has been considered in slope stability modeling.
No groundwater level monitoring exists in the area of the Gran Bestia pit at this phase in the
project development.
The hydraulic conductivity of the Cangrejos hydrogeologic units was evaluated using two
techniques: 1) packer testing in the fresh rock and 2) single-well aquifer testing in the
Groundwater samples were collected from two wells and analyzed to evaluate the water quality.
Neither sample had concentrations that exceeded Ecuadorian drinking water standards.
The data shows that the Project will have high groundwater levels but low total groundwater yield.
The conceptual groundwater management plan within the open pits includes in-pit dewatering
sumps and horizontal borings to depressurize the pit slopes.
various conditions from very wet to extreme drought as well as annual precipitation cycles in order
to estimate water storage requirements.
Due to the small up-stream drainage basins, the water balance demonstrates that the project
cannot reliably meet its total year round water demand from the drainage basins covered by the
site footprint, so during typical and dry precipitation conditions, the project may require a modest
off-site groundwater or surface water source.
$1,000.2 M and $417.2 M for the initial capital and expansion capital, respectively. The VAT is
refundable after production commences; the total initial VAT is estimated to be approximately $87
Table 21-1 summarizes the initial and expansion capital costs.
Initial Capital Expansion Capital
WBS Description
(US$ M) (US$ M)
0100 Mine 59.2 ---
0200 Crushing and Conveying 113.1 67.2
0300 Grinding 67.0 67.0
0400 Flotation & Concentrate Filtration 30.0 30.0
0500 CIL / Detox 12.4 12.4
0600 Carbon Plant & Refinery 3.4 3.4
0700 Reagent Preparation & Storage 4.3 4.3
0800 Tailings Thickening, Filtration, Conveying, Storage 136.1 92.4
0900 Site & Off-site Infrastructure and Facilities 30.1 3.1
1000 Plant Mobile Equipment & Light Vehicles 1.3 ---
2000 Site Development 39.2 6.1
Total Direct Costs 496.3 286.0
3000 Construction Indirect Costs 24.8 5.3
4000 Contracted Indirect Costs 80.6 48.9
Total Indirect Costs 105.4 54.2
5000 Owner's Direct Costs 137.7 0.2
6000 Owner's Indirect Costs 42.0 7.3
Total Owner's Costs 179.7 7.5
Freight, Duty, and Taxes 24.1 9.2
Total Contingency 107.6 57.9
Sub-total Capital Costs 913.2 414.9
Working Capital 1.7 2.3
VAT 87.0 N/A
Contingency Percentage of Total Costs 13.8% 16.7%
The comparative estimate from the previous PEA was approximately $761 M for the initial capital
cost and $369 M for the expansion capital, excluding working capital and VAT. The capital costs
include duties, freight, taxes, contingency, working capital, and VAT. The major areas of cost
increases are shown in Table 21-2.
A summary of the initial capital cost estimate by major categories is provided in Figure 21-1.
water management systems. The total estimated cost for Sustaining Capital over the mine life is
$444.8 M.
Mining, 3.991,
Processing, 6.309,
costs for labor were provided by PLS. The fuel costs were set at $0.4987 per liter based on the
government of Ecuador’s published rate in April 2020.
Preproduction is estimated to be 18 months in total, including five months of access pioneering
and 13 months of preproduction. Mine access roads from the crusher pad to each of the working
areas are developed during the first five months. The first 14 months of preproduction operates
at one shift per day. Thereafter, the mine plan assumes operating two 12-hour shifts per day for
365 days per year. Five days (10 shifts) of loss time are assumed to account for weather delays.
Operating labor and maintenance labor (including burden) for the mine mobile equipment are
Mine access road construction and maintenance is included with the exception of the main mine
haul road which is constructed by a project contractor for schedule reasons. If mine haul trucks
drive on the road, it’s cost and maintenance is included in the mine operating costs.
The small stockpile (1,162 kt) that is generated during preproduction stripping is re-handled to the
plant in Year 1.
IMC considered all costs (with the exception of purchase cost for capital equipment) during
preproduction as operating costs. For the purposes of this PEA, all IMC “operating costs” during
pre-production are included in the initial capital costs under WBS 5010 Preproduction Mine
Development. The estimated LOM costs for mining by area are provided in Table 21-4.
(US$ 000) US$/t Processed
Labor (Burdened) 133,673 0.209
Social Benefits (Mining, Process and G&A Staff) 39,010 0.061
Pension Fund Contributions (Mining, Process and G&A Staff) 59,876 0.094
Employee Travel and Transportation (Bus, Air) 9,565 0.015
Corporate Travel and Services 3,362 0.005
Medical, Security and Safety Supplies 28,283 0.044
Employee Meals (Catering, Cleaning & Laundry) 52,817 0.082
Office Leases Incl. Utilities 4,472 0.007
IT and Communications 9,939 0.016
Training 5,206 0.008
Legal, Permits and Fees 2,468 0.004
Insurance 95,016 0.148
Environmental Services and Consumables 11,846 0.019
Security Services 7,404 0.012
Outside Consultants 5,923 0.009
Community Development 22,212 0.035
Fuel & Maintenance for Mobile Equipment, Light Vehicles 9,202 0.014
Total G&A Operating Costs 500,275 0.781
Position Number
General Manager 1
Marketing Manager 1
Administration Management
General Manager Assistant 1
Financial Department
Financial Superintendent 1
Financial Administrative Assistant 1
Controller 1
Controller Administrative Assistants 2
Accounting Manager 1
Treasurer 1
Accountant (Payroll) 1
Accountant (Payables) 1
Accountant (Receivables) 1
Accounting Assistants 4
Administration Superintendent 1
Administration Superintendent Assistant 1
Human Resources Department
Human Resources Manager 1
Human Resources Assistant 1
Human Resources Analysts 4
Information Technology Department
I.T. Manager 1
I.T. Technicians 4
General Maintenance
Maintenance Supervisor 1
Cleaning Helpers 6
General Maintenance Technicians 8
Legal/Permitting Department
Legal/Permitting Manager 1
Legal/Permitting Manager Assistant 1
Legal Assistant 2
Permitting Assistant 2
Position Number
Supply Chain, Logistics and Procurement
Logistics Superintendent 1
Logistics Superintendent Assistant 1
Contracts Department
Contract Manager 1
Contract Officer 1
Import/Export Resources
Import/Export Manager 1
Import/Export Manager Assistant 1
Forwarding Assistant 1
Customs/Duty Assistant 1
Purchasing Department
Procurement Supervisor 1
Buyers 1
Inventory Controllers 1
Warehouse Department
Warehouse Manager 1
Warehouse Workers 8
Health, Safety and Environment Division
HSEC Superintendent 1
HSEC Superintendent Assistant 1
Environmental Department
Environmental Manager 1
Environmental Technicians 8
Government and Community Relations
Government Relations Manager 1
Community Relations Coordinator 1
Community Relations Field Assistants 8
Health and Safety Department
Health and Safety Manager 1
Health and Safety Manager Assistant 1
Health and Safety Technicians 12
Doctor 1
Nurses/Paramedics 8
Corporate Training Department
Training Manager 1
Training Assistants 3
Security Superintendent 1
Marketing Assistant 1
Total 129
22.1 Introduction
There are no Mineral Reserves for the Project currently. The information reported in this PEA is
preliminary in nature and includes Inferred Mineral Resources that are considered too speculative
geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be
categorized as Mineral Reserves. Inferred Mineral Resources are based on limited geological
evidence and sampling. The tonnage and grade of Inferred Mineral Resources have significant
uncertainty as to their existence and as to whether they can be mined economically. There is no
certainty that this PEA will be realized.
The assumptions and methods used in developing the economic model are further explained in
the following sections and technical parameters are provided as applicable.
Inputs to the model are provided in detail in previous sections of this Technical Report.
Summations of key project input data and assumptions along with key results are presented in
tables extracted from the model. A listing of select model inputs is provided in Table 22-1.
Key results are provided in Table 22-2. Totals may not add up due to rounding.
22.3.1 Transportation
The transportation costs are the costs to move the concentrates to smelters for further treatment.
Domestic transportation charges for shipping two concentrate products from the Cangrejos
Project were by local transportation providers. H&H Metals of New York provided the international
shipping cost estimates of $35.00 per wet tonne to ship the gold-copper flotation concentrate to
China and $24.81 per dry tonne to ship molybdenum concentrate to Chile.
Doré requires special handling due to its inherent value. Industry sources provided typical doré
freight and insurance costs of $3.53/oz of doré. This estimated charge covers transportation and
insurance costs to transport the doré from the mine to the destination.
22.4 Royalty
The Federal Government of Ecuador requires that a royalty be paid on gold produced in Ecuador.
Based on expert guidance from within Ecuador, this financial evaluation applied a 3% royalty
across the life of the project. This 3% royalty is calculated using proceeds paid by smelters less
certain costs, including costs incurred to transport the concentrates to the smelters, or the NSR,
for mineralized material produced in the property area subject to the royalties. The project’s total
royalty payments add up to $466 M over the life of the project. This results in $15.1 B in gross
income from mining and processing to the Project.
Retention taxes were applied to the labor cost estimates according to Ecuadorian requirements,
with social taxes of 12.5% applied on all earnings, including overtime, and 8.33% contributed to
a pension plan, after the first year of employment.
NPV ($ 000)
3.0% 5.0% 7.0% 9.0%
Discount Rate
25.0% 3,000,000
NPV ($000)
IRR (%)
0.0% -
80% 90% 100% 110% 120%
Metals Prices Multiple
The operating cost and capital cost sensitivity analyses are presented in Tables 22-5 and 22-6
and shown graphically in Figure 22-3. From the data, it appears that the Project is more sensitive
to operating costs than to capital costs.
OPEX $/t
Operating Cost IRR NPV (5%) $M
80% $ 9.05 18.8% $ 2,059
90% $ 10.18 17.6% $ 1,818
100% $ 11.31 16.2% $ 1,571
110% $ 12.44 14.7% $ 1,322
120% $ 13.57 13.1% $ 1,071
20.0% 2,500,000
18.0% 2,000,000
NPV ($ 000)
16.0% 1,500,000
IRR (%)
14.0% 1,000,000
12.0% 500,000
10.0% -
80% 90% 100% 110% 120%
Percent of Nominal
6Initial and expansion capital costs reported in Table 22-6 do not include spare parts or initial fills.
Therefore, they do not match the costs shown in Table 22-2.
18.0% 2,000,000
17.5% 1,800,000
17.0% 1,600,000
NPV ($000)
IRR (%)
14.5% 400,000
14.0% 200,000
13.5% -
96% 98% 100% 102% 104%
Metals Recovery Multiple
25.0% 3,000,000
NPV ($000)
IRR (%)
0.0% -
80% 90% 100% 110% 120%
Grade Multiple
Product Freight & Insurance- Ecuador & Intl Moisture
CuAu Concentrate 9% wet tonnes 145,400 3,635,010 50,016.9 108,288.5 119,726.2 77,297.7 90,989.0 185,750.9 178,321.2 136,985.6 160,812.5 160,059.7 182,431.8 201,912.6 137,105.2 139,737.8 183,217.6 164,679.4 146,442.5 163,403.9 214,516.2 198,086.9 145,642.2 141,233.8 125,551.6 127,745.8 95,054.1
Dore 0% dry tonnes 4 108 7.66 2.75 3.09 4.04 1.71 3.83 9.02 5.18 6.34 5.15 4.18 4.65 5.62 4.90 4.64 3.75 3.17 3.78 4.32 4.93 4.67 3.88 2.79 2.33 1.85
Molybdenum Concentrate 0% dry tonnes 564 14,109 200.99 528.79 331.62 334.80 497.87 784.44 600.50 663.49 827.79 738.07 637.36 545.23 491.97 651.39 670.37 583.13 486.67 583.82 903.72 677.58 466.31 478.66 543.82 551.57 329.23
Ecuador Transportation
CuAu Concentrate ($/wmt) $ 9.60 $ (000) (1,396) (34,896) (480) (1,040) (1,149) (742) (873) (1,783) (1,712) (1,315) (1,544) (1,537) (1,751) (1,938) (1,316) (1,341) (1,759) (1,581) (1,406) (1,569) (2,059) (1,902) (1,398) (1,356) (1,205) (1,226) (913)
Molybdenum Concentrate ($/dmt) $ 42.86 $ (000) (24) (605) (9) (23) (14) (14) (21) (34) (26) (28) (35) (32) (27) (23) (21) (28) (29) (25) (21) (25) (39) (29) (20) (21) (23) (24) (14)
Port Handling Charges
CuAu Concentrate ($/wmt) $ 23.79 $ (000) (3,459) (86,477) (1,190) (2,576) (2,848) (1,839) (2,165) (4,419) (4,242) (3,259) (3,826) (3,808) (4,340) (4,804) (3,262) (3,324) (4,359) (3,918) (3,484) (3,887) (5,103) (4,712) (3,465) (3,360) (2,987) (3,039) (2,261)
Molybdenum Concentrate ($/dmt) $ 11.00 $ (000) (6) (155) (2) (6) (4) (4) (5) (9) (7) (7) (9) (8) (7) (6) (5) (7) (7) (6) (5) (6) (10) (7) (5) (5) (6) (6) (4)
International Freight
CuAu Concentrate ($/wmt) $ 35.00 $ (000) (5,089) (127,225) (1,751) (3,790) (4,190) (2,705) (3,185) (6,501) (6,241) (4,794) (5,628) (5,602) (6,385) (7,067) (4,799) (4,891) (6,413) (5,764) (5,125) (5,719) (7,508) (6,933) (5,097) (4,943) (4,394) (4,471) (3,327)
Dore ($/oz dore) $ 3.53 $ (000) (492) (12,297) (870) (313) (352) (459) (194) (435) (1,025) (588) (720) (585) (475) (528) (639) (557) (527) (426) (360) (430) (491) (560) (531) (441) (317) (265) (210)
Molybdenum Concentrate ($/dmt) $ 24.81 $ (000) (14) (350) (5) (13) (8) (8) (12) (19) (15) (16) (21) (18) (16) (14) (12) (16) (17) (14) (12) (14) (22) (17) (12) (12) (13) (14) (8)
Sub-Total: Freight Cost $ (000) (10,480) (262,005) (4,307) (7,760) (8,566) (5,772) (6,456) (13,201) (13,268) (10,009) (11,783) (11,589) (13,002) (14,380) (10,054) (10,165) (13,110) (11,734) (10,414) (11,651) (15,232) (14,160) (10,528) (10,137) (8,946) (9,045) (6,737)
Treatment and Refining Charges
CuAu Concentrate Gold RC ($/oz Au) $ 7.50 $ (000) (2,338) (58,458) $ (962) $ (2,065) $ (1,801) $ (1,655) $ (1,668) $ (3,004) $ (2,970) $ (3,073) $ (3,089) $ (2,572) $ (2,543) $ (3,291) $ (2,224) $ (2,457) $ (2,651) $ (2,560) $ (2,130) $ (2,604) $ (2,919) $ (2,913) $ (2,159) $ (1,982) $ (1,757) $ (1,774) $ (1,635)
CuAu Concentrate Silver RC ( $/oz Ag) $ 0.65 $ (000) (193) (4,818) $ (77) $ (125) $ (140) $ (88) $ (71) $ (190) $ (238) $ (278) $ (237) $ (172) $ (209) $ (246) $ (200) $ (206) $ (277) $ (248) $ (213) $ (249) $ (285) $ (283) $ (237) $ (172) $ (140) $ (142) $ (96)
CuAu Concentrate Copper RC ($/lb Cu) $ 0.07 $ (000) (3,215) (80,379) $ (1,189) $ (2,769) $ (2,934) $ (1,818) $ (2,151) $ (4,521) $ (4,251) $ (2,824) $ (3,759) $ (3,727) $ (4,184) $ (4,649) $ (2,687) $ (3,075) $ (3,799) $ (3,252) $ (2,898) $ (3,621) $ (5,032) $ (4,469) $ (3,067) $ (2,743) $ (2,464) $ (2,535) $ (1,961)
CuAu Concentrate TC ($/wmt) $ 70.00 $ (000) (10,178) (254,451) $ (3,501) $ (7,580) $ (8,381) $ (5,411) $ (6,369) $ (13,003) $ (12,482) $ (9,589) $ (11,257) $ (11,204) $ (12,770) $ (14,134) $ (9,597) $ (9,782) $ (12,825) $ (11,528) $ (10,251) $ (11,438) $ (15,016) $ (13,866) $ (10,195) $ (9,886) $ (8,789) $ (8,942) $ (6,654)
Molybdenum Concentrate RC ($/dmt) $ 2,976.24 $ (000) (1,680) (41,992) $ (598) $ (1,574) $ (987) $ (996) $ (1,482) $ (2,335) $ (1,787) $ (1,975) $ (2,464) $ (2,197) $ (1,897) $ (1,623) $ (1,464) $ (1,939) $ (1,995) $ (1,736) $ (1,448) $ (1,738) $ (2,690) $ (2,017) $ (1,388) $ (1,425) $ (1,619) $ (1,642) $ (980)
Dore Treatment Cost ($/oz dore) $ 0.30 $ (000) (42) (1,044) $ (74) $ (27) $ (30) $ (39) $ (16) $ (37) $ (87) $ (50) $ (61) $ (50) $ (40) $ (45) $ (54) $ (47) $ (45) $ (36) $ (31) $ (36) $ (42) $ (48) $ (45) $ (37) $ (27) $ (23) $ (18)
Sub-Total: Concentrate Treatment and Refining Charges $ (000) (17,646) $ (441,142) $ (6,401) $ (14,139) $ (14,273) $ (10,007) $ (11,757) $ (23,089) $ (21,816) $ (17,789) $ (20,867) $ (19,922) $ (21,643) $ (23,988) $ (16,227) $ (17,505) $ (21,593) $ (19,360) $ (16,972) $ (19,685) $ (25,984) $ (23,596) $ (17,091) $ (16,244) $ (14,795) $ (15,058) $ (11,343)
1 Total Transportation, Treatment and Refining Charges $ (000) (28,126) $ (703,147) $ (10,708) $ (21,899) $ (22,839) $ (15,778) $ (18,213) $ (36,289) $ (35,084) $ (27,798) $ (32,650) $ (31,511) $ (34,645) $ (38,368) $ (26,281) $ (27,670) $ (34,703) $ (31,094) $ (27,385) $ (31,336) $ (41,216) $ (37,756) $ (27,619) $ (26,382) $ (23,741) $ (24,103) $ (18,080)
NSR $ (000) 621,495 $ 15,537,387 $ 336,680 $ 543,880 $ 493,615 $ 438,230 $ 429,963 $ 796,889 $ 818,720 $ 763,156 $ 813,504 $ 701,156 $ 693,778 $ 862,872 $ 590,459 $ 646,769 $ 701,831 $ 654,974 $ 551,043 $ 678,362 $ 795,425 $ 782,273 $ 580,404 $ 525,150 $ 462,396 $ 462,655 $ 413,203
Ecuador Royalty on NSR 3% $ (000) (18,645) $ (466,122) $ (10,100) $ (16,316) $ (14,808) $ (13,147) $ (12,899) $ (23,907) $ (24,562) $ (22,895) $ (24,405) $ (21,035) $ (20,813) $ (25,886) $ (17,714) $ (19,403) $ (21,055) $ (19,649) $ (16,531) $ (20,351) $ (23,863) $ (23,468) $ (17,412) $ (15,754) $ (13,872) $ (13,880) $ (12,396)
Gross Income from Mining $ (000) 602,851 $ 15,071,265 $ 326,580 $ 527,564 $ 478,806 $ 425,083 $ 417,064 $ 772,982 $ 794,159 $ 740,261 $ 789,099 $ 680,121 $ 672,965 $ 836,986 $ 572,746 $ 627,366 $ 680,776 $ 635,325 $ 534,512 $ 658,011 $ 771,562 $ 758,805 $ 562,992 $ 509,395 $ 448,524 $ 448,775 $ 400,807
Operating Cost
Mining $ (000) (102,208) $ (2,555,198) $ (61,055) $ (99,553) $ (132,447) $ (120,913) $ (116,072) $ (128,625) $ (129,799) $ (127,055) $ (122,720) $ (123,431) $ (120,575) $ (104,139) $ (101,088) $ (103,880) $ (106,217) $ (108,431) $ (114,424) $ (105,900) $ (102,985) $ (95,845) $ (99,866) $ (64,905) $ (57,844) $ (62,529) $ (44,899)
Processing $ (000) (161,575) $ (4,039,370) $ (70,572) $ (94,069) $ (94,067) $ (94,069) $ (94,069) $ (167,397) $ (183,557) $ (183,557) $ (183,559) $ (183,555) $ (183,556) $ (183,560) $ (183,555) $ (183,555) $ (183,555) $ (183,554) $ (183,554) $ (183,554) $ (183,554) $ (183,554) $ (183,553) $ (183,553) $ (183,555) $ (183,552) $ (121,136)
Dry Stack Tailings $ (000) (5,917) $ (147,914) $ (3,557) $ (3,852) $ (4,160) $ (4,279) $ (4,172) $ (5,478) $ (5,630) $ (5,691) $ (5,999) $ (5,997) $ (5,997) $ (5,997) $ (6,318) $ (6,370) $ (6,427) $ (6,318) $ (6,318) $ (6,318) $ (6,639) $ (6,639) $ (6,959) $ (6,959) $ (7,280) $ (7,280) $ (7,280)
G&A $ (000) (20,011) $ (500,275) $ (17,939) $ (18,542) $ (19,058) $ (19,069) $ (19,255) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,664) $ (20,560) $ (20,609) $ (20,609) $ (14,014)
1 Total Annual Operating Cost $ (000) (289,710) $ (7,242,758) $ (153,124) $ (216,017) $ (249,733) $ (238,330) $ (233,568) $ (322,164) $ (339,649) $ (336,967) $ (332,942) $ (333,647) $ (330,792) $ (314,361) $ (311,625) $ (314,469) $ (316,863) $ (318,967) $ (324,960) $ (316,436) $ (313,841) $ (306,701) $ (311,042) $ (275,977) $ (269,287) $ (273,969) $ (187,329)
Unit Operating Costs
Mining $/tonne mined $ (1.88) $ 2.55 $ 2.16 $ 2.04 $ 1.86 $ 1.79 $ 1.98 $ 2.00 $ 1.95 $ 1.89 $ 1.90 $ 1.85 $ 1.80 $ 1.65 $ 1.66 $ 1.75 $ 1.75 $ 1.82 $ 1.93 $ 2.05 $ 2.11 $ 1.87 $ 1.71 $ 1.63 $ 1.64 $ 1.85
Mining $/ore-tonne $ (3.99) $ 5.97 $ 6.82 $ 9.07 $ 8.28 $ 7.95 $ 4.89 $ 4.45 $ 4.35 $ 4.20 $ 4.23 $ 4.13 $ 3.57 $ 3.46 $ 3.56 $ 3.64 $ 3.71 $ 3.92 $ 3.63 $ 3.53 $ 3.28 $ 3.42 $ 2.22 $ 1.98 $ 2.14 $ 2.27
Processing $/ore-tonne $ (6.31) $ 6.91 $ 6.44 $ 6.44 $ 6.44 $ 6.44 $ 6.37 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.29 $ 6.13
Dry Stack Tailings $/ore-tonne $ (0.23) $ 0.35 $ 0.26 $ 0.28 $ 0.29 $ 0.29 $ 0.21 $ 0.19 $ 0.19 $ 0.21 $ 0.21 $ 0.21 $ 0.21 $ 0.22 $ 0.22 $ 0.22 $ 0.22 $ 0.22 $ 0.22 $ 0.23 $ 0.23 $ 0.24 $ 0.24 $ 0.25 $ 0.25 $ 0.37
G&A $/ore-tonne $ (0.78) $ 1.76 $ 1.27 $ 1.31 $ 1.31 $ 1.32 $ 0.79 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.70 $ 0.71 $ 0.71 $ 0.71
Total Annual Unit Operating Cost $/ore-tonne $ (11.31) $ 14.98 $ 14.79 $ 17.10 $ 16.33 $ 16.00 $ 12.26 $ 11.63 $ 11.54 $ 11.40 $ 11.43 $ 11.33 $ 10.77 $ 10.67 $ 10.77 $ 10.85 $ 10.92 $ 11.13 $ 10.84 $ 10.75 $ 10.50 $ 10.65 $ 9.45 $ 9.22 $ 9.38 $ 9.48
Net Profit $ (000) $ 7,828,507 $ 173,456 $ 311,547 $ 229,074 $ 186,754 $ 183,496 $ 450,818 $ 454,509 $ 403,294 $ 456,157 $ 346,474 $ 342,173 $ 522,625 $ 261,121 $ 312,897 $ 363,913 $ 316,358 $ 209,552 $ 341,575 $ 457,721 $ 452,104 $ 251,950 $ 233,418 $ 179,237 $ 174,806 $ 213,477
Depreciation $ (000) (71,026) $ (1,775,640) $ (187,815) $ (202,732) $ (210,367) $ (210,625) $ (210,653) $ (43,159) $ (34,094) $ (29,663) $ (31,728) $ (32,915) $ (31,273) $ (31,223) $ (30,910) $ (32,192) $ (34,183) $ (38,279) $ (50,828) $ (54,932) $ (53,499) $ (51,568) $ (48,201) $ (36,235) $ (32,534) $ (32,450) $ (23,581)
Miscellaneous Taxes $ (000) (667) $ (18,675) $ (386) $ (738) $ (1,075) $ (1,058) $ (957) $ (700) $ (689) $ (676) $ (697) $ (684) $ (680) $ (678) $ (666) $ (653) $ (641) $ (637) $ (633) $ (628) $ (625) $ (643) $ (635) $ (610) $ (585) $ (563) $ (551) $ (541) $ (527) $ (519)
Adjusted Net Profit $ (000) 241,456 $ 6,034,192 $ (386) $ (738) $ (1,075) $ (15,417) $ 107,858 $ 18,006 $ (24,560) $ (27,833) $ 406,963 $ 419,731 $ 372,951 $ 423,751 $ 312,893 $ 310,248 $ 490,761 $ 229,574 $ 280,072 $ 329,102 $ 277,454 $ 158,081 $ 286,007 $ 403,613 $ 399,952 $ 203,185 $ 196,633 $ 146,162 $ 141,830 $ 189,377
Profit Sharing Tax 15% $ (000) (36,625) $ (915,630) $ - $ (16,179) $ (2,701) $ - $ - $ (61,044) $ (62,960) $ (55,943) $ (63,563) $ (46,934) $ (46,537) $ (73,614) $ (34,436) $ (42,011) $ (49,365) $ (41,618) $ (23,712) $ (42,901) $ (60,542) $ (59,993) $ (30,478) $ (29,495) $ (21,924) $ (21,274) $ (28,407)
Taxable Income Pre-Carry Forward Loss $ (000) 204,830 $ 5,120,761 $ (15,417) $ 91,679 $ 15,305 $ (24,560) $ (27,833) $ 345,918 $ 356,771 $ 317,008 $ 360,189 $ 265,959 $ 263,710 $ 417,146 $ 195,138 $ 238,061 $ 279,737 $ 235,836 $ 134,368 $ 243,106 $ 343,071 $ 339,959 $ 172,707 $ 167,138 $ 124,238 $ 120,555 $ 160,971
Carry Forward Loss Applied (25% of Current Year Income Max) $ (000) (2,837) $ (70,933) $ - $ (18,540) $ - $ - $ - $ (52,393) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Net Income Before Taxes $ (000) 201,993 $ 5,049,828 $ (15,417) $ 73,140 $ 15,305 $ (24,560) $ (27,833) $ 293,525 $ 356,771 $ 317,008 $ 360,189 $ 265,959 $ 263,710 $ 417,146 $ 195,138 $ 238,061 $ 279,737 $ 235,836 $ 134,368 $ 243,106 $ 343,071 $ 339,959 $ 172,707 $ 167,138 $ 124,238 $ 120,555 $ 160,971
Federal Income Taxes 22% $ (000) (45,035) $ (1,125,880) $ - $ (16,091) $ (3,367) $ - $ - $ (64,575) $ (78,490) $ (69,742) $ (79,241) $ (58,511) $ (58,016) $ (91,772) $ (42,930) $ (52,373) $ (61,542) $ (51,884) $ (29,561) $ (53,483) $ (75,476) $ (74,791) $ (37,996) $ (36,770) $ (27,332) $ (26,522) $ (35,414)
NET INCOME AFTER TAXES $ (000) $ 156,958 $ 3,921,748 $ (386) $ (738) $ (1,075) $ (15,417) $ 57,049 $ 11,938 $ (24,560) $ (27,833) $ 228,949 $ 278,282 $ 247,266 $ 280,947 $ 207,448 $ 205,694 $ 325,374 $ 152,207 $ 185,687 $ 218,195 $ 183,952 $ 104,807 $ 189,623 $ 267,595 $ 265,168 $ 134,712 $ 130,367 $ 96,905 $ 94,033 $ 125,557
Add-Back Depreciation $ (000) 71,026 $ 1,775,640 $ 187,815 $ 202,732 $ 210,367 $ 210,625 $ 210,653 $ 43,159 $ 34,094 $ 29,663 $ 31,728 $ 32,915 $ 31,273 $ 31,223 $ 30,910 $ 32,192 $ 34,183 $ 38,279 $ 50,828 $ 54,932 $ 53,499 $ 51,568 $ 48,201 $ 36,235 $ 32,534 $ 32,450 $ 23,581
Add-Back Carry Forward Loss $ (000) 2,837 $ 70,933 $ - $ 18,540 $ - $ - $ - $ 52,393 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
NET INCOME FROM OPERATIONS $ (000) $ 230,821 $ 5,768,321 $ (386) $ (738) $ (1,075) $ 172,398 $ 278,321 $ 222,305 $ 186,065 $ 182,820 $ 324,502 $ 312,376 $ 276,929 $ 312,675 $ 240,363 $ 236,967 $ 356,598 $ 183,118 $ 217,880 $ 252,378 $ 222,231 $ 155,636 $ 244,555 $ 321,094 $ 316,736 $ 182,913 $ 166,602 $ 129,439 $ 126,483 $ 149,138
Initial Capital less VAT $ (000) $ (898,265) $ (224,566) $ (314,393) $ (359,306)
Initial Spare Parts, Initial Fills $ (000) $ - $ (14,942) $ 14,942
Initial Working Capital $ (000) $ - $ (1,725) $ 1,725
VAT (IVA) Net Cash Flow 12% $ (000) $ - $ (12,789) $ (34,103) $ (38,366) $ 85,259 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
1 Total Initial Capital $ (000) $ (898,265) $ (237,355) $ (348,496) $ (414,340) $ 85,259 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 16,667
Expansion Capital $ (000) $ (405,399) $ (182,429) $ (182,429) $ (40,540)
Expansion Spare Parts, Initial Fills $ (000) $ - $ (9,494) $ 9,494
Working Capital for Expansion $ (000) $ - $ (2,346) $ 2,346
1 Total Expansion Capital $ (000) $ (405,399) $ - $ - $ - $ (182,429) $ (191,923) $ (42,885) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 11,840
Sustaining Capital
Mine Equipment Replacement $ (000) $ (333,659) $ (14,376) $ (72,604) $ (37,010) $ (920) $ - $ (9,005) $ (2,365) $ (14,250) $ (7,438) $ (5,550) $ (3,015) $ (1,525) $ (12,031) $ (11,196) $ (14,216) $ (23,430) $ (64,271) $ (30,951) $ (1,675) $ (1,718) $ (1,675) $ (4,439) $ - $ - $ -
All Other Sustaining Capital $ (000) $ (111,167) $ (6,022) $ (15,330) $ (9,834) $ (3,031) $ (1,129) $ (15,483) $ (5,241) $ (605) $ (12,689) $ (1,215) $ - $ (3,676) $ (2,924) $ (5,257) $ (2,751) $ (123) $ (2,050) $ (2,724) $ (4,082) $ (3,110) $ (4,602) $ (2,050) $ (6,662) $ (502) $ (73)
1 Total Sustaining Capital $ (000) $ (444,826) $ (20,398) $ (87,934) $ (46,844) $ (3,951) $ (1,129) $ (24,488) $ (7,606) $ (14,855) $ (20,127) $ (6,765) $ (3,015) $ (5,201) $ (14,955) $ (16,453) $ (16,968) $ (23,553) $ (66,321) $ (33,675) $ (5,757) $ (4,829) $ (6,277) $ (6,489) $ (6,662) $ (502) $ (73)
Mine Closure and Reclamation $ 100,192 $ (000) $ (100,192) $ (100,192)
Severance $ 37,880 $ (000) $ (37,880) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (2) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (7) $ - $ (2) $ - $ - $ (113) $ (12) $ - $ - $ (37,744)
Equipment Salvage Value $ 40,656 $ (000) $ 40,656 $ 40,656
ANNUAL PRE-TAX CASH FLOW $ (000) $ 213,664 $ 5,982,601 $ (237,355) $ (348,496) $ (414,340) $ 238,317 $ 223,613 $ 182,229 $ 373 $ (9,557) $ 383,445 $ 446,903 $ 388,436 $ 436,030 $ 339,710 $ 339,158 $ 517,424 $ 246,166 $ 296,444 $ 346,946 $ 292,798 $ 143,231 $ 307,898 $ 451,964 $ 447,276 $ 245,561 $ 226,917 $ 172,575 $ 174,304 $ 144,631
CUMULATIVE PRE-TAX CASH FLOW $ (000) $ (237,355) $ (585,851) $ (1,000,191) $ (761,874) $ (538,261) $ (356,032) $ (355,659) $ (365,215) $ 18,229 $ 465,133 $ 853,569 $ 1,289,599 $ 1,629,308 $ 1,968,466 $ 2,485,891 $ 2,732,057 $ 3,028,500 $ 3,375,446 $ 3,668,245 $ 3,811,475 $ 4,119,373 $ 4,571,337 $ 5,018,613 $ 5,264,174 $ 5,491,090 $ 5,663,665 $ 5,837,969 $ 5,982,601
ANNUAL AFTER-TAX CASH FLOW PRE-SOVEREIGN ADJUSTMENT $ (000) $ 140,086 $ 3,922,415 $ (237,741) $ (349,235) $ (415,415) $ 237,259 $ 190,387 $ 175,461 $ (316) $ (10,232) $ 257,128 $ 304,770 $ 262,072 $ 292,547 $ 233,598 $ 233,952 $ 351,397 $ 168,163 $ 201,427 $ 235,410 $ 198,672 $ 89,315 $ 210,878 $ 315,337 $ 311,908 $ 176,524 $ 160,101 $ 122,777 $ 125,981 $ 80,292
CUMULATIVE AFTER-TAX CASH FLOW PRE-SOVEREIGN ADJUSTMENT $ (000) $ (237,741) $ (586,975) $ (1,002,390) $ (765,131) $ (574,745) $ (399,284) $ (399,600) $ (409,832) $ (152,704) $ 152,065 $ 414,137 $ 706,685 $ 940,283 $ 1,174,234 $ 1,525,631 $ 1,693,794 $ 1,895,221 $ 2,130,631 $ 2,329,303 $ 2,418,617 $ 2,629,495 $ 2,944,832 $ 3,256,740 $ 3,433,264 $ 3,593,365 $ 3,716,142 $ 3,842,123 $ 3,922,415
SOVEREIGN ADJUSTMENT, IF REQUIRED $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
ANNUAL AFTER-TAX CASH FLOW POST-SOVEREIGN ADJUSTMENT $ (000) $ 3,922,415 $ (237,741) $ (349,235) $ (415,415) $ 237,259 $ 190,387 $ 175,461 $ (316) $ (10,232) $ 257,128 $ 304,770 $ 262,072 $ 292,547 $ 233,598 $ 233,952 $ 351,397 $ 168,163 $ 201,427 $ 235,410 $ 198,672 $ 89,315 $ 210,878 $ 315,337 $ 311,908 $ 176,524 $ 160,101 $ 122,777 $ 125,981 $ 80,292
CUMULATIVE AFTER-TAX CASH FLOW POST-SOVEREIGN ADJUSTMENT $ (000) $ (237,741) $ (586,975) $ (1,002,390) $ (765,131) $ (574,745) $ (399,284) $ (399,600) $ (409,832) $ (152,704) $ 152,065 $ 414,137 $ 706,685 $ 940,283 $ 1,174,234 $ 1,525,631 $ 1,693,794 $ 1,895,221 $ 2,130,631 $ 2,329,303 $ 2,418,617 $ 2,629,495 $ 2,944,832 $ 3,256,740 $ 3,433,264 $ 3,593,365 $ 3,716,142 $ 3,842,123 $ 3,922,415
NET CASH COST $/OZ $ 545 $ 528 $ 377 $ 534 $ 694 $ 695 $ 399 $ 430 $ 531 $ 465 $ 564 $ 538 $ 362 $ 679 $ 595 $ 523 $ 584 $ 763 $ 541 $ 362 $ 380 $ 668 $ 674 $ 776 $ 766 $ 556
ALL IN SUSTAINING NET CASH COST $/OZ $ 604 $ 625 $ 652 $ 700 $ 709 $ 699 $ 452 $ 446 $ 563 $ 506 $ 580 $ 546 $ 372 $ 720 $ 637 $ 565 $ 645 $ 967 $ 626 $ 375 $ 391 $ 687 $ 695 $ 800 $ 768 $ 947
NET CASH CO-PRODUCT COST $/EQ-OZ $ 725 $ 660 $ 589 $ 739 $ 815 $ 837 $ 627 $ 636 $ 668 $ 644 $ 745 $ 746 $ 586 $ 815 $ 753 $ 717 $ 750 $ 900 $ 728 $ 627 $ 616 $ 827 $ 828 $ 911 $ 907 $ 718
ALL-IN SUSTAINING CO-PRODUCT COST $/EQ-OZ $ 772 $ 742 $ 806 $ 866 $ 827 $ 841 $ 668 $ 648 $ 695 $ 678 $ 758 $ 752 $ 594 $ 849 $ 788 $ 750 $ 799 $ 1,060 $ 794 $ 637 $ 625 $ 841 $ 845 $ 931 $ 909 $ 1,034
Initial Payback Year 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
INITIAL CAPITAL AFTER TAX PAYBACK CALCULATIONS $ (237,741) $ (349,235) $ (415,415) $ 237,259 $ 190,387 $ 175,461 $ 182,113 $ 181,691 $ 300,013 $ 304,770 $ 262,072 $ 292,547 $ 233,598 $ 233,952 $ 351,397 $ 168,163 $ 201,427 $ 235,410 $ 198,672 $ 89,315 $ 210,878 $ 315,337 $ 311,908 $ 176,524 $ 160,101 $ 122,777 $ 125,981 $ 68,453
CUMULATIVE $ (237,741) $ (586,975) $ (1,002,390) $ (765,131) $ (574,745) $ (399,284) $ (217,170) $ (35,479) $ 264,534 $ 569,304 $ 831,375 $ 1,123,923 $ 1,357,521 $ 1,591,473 $ 1,942,869 $ 2,111,032 $ 2,312,459 $ 2,547,869 $ 2,746,541 $ 2,835,855 $ 3,046,733 $ 3,362,070 $ 3,673,978 $ 3,850,502 $ 4,010,603 $ 4,133,380 $ 4,259,361 $ 4,327,814
Expansion Payback Year 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
EXPANSION CAPITAL AFTER TAX PAYBACK CALCULATIONS $ - $ (182,429) $ (191,923) $ 94,877 $ 148,582 $ 123,608 $ 136,210 $ 113,417
CUMULATIVE $ - $ (182,429) $ (374,353) $ (279,476) $ (130,894) $ (7,286) $ 128,924 $ 242,341
Although there are several gold showings and small mines in the area, there are no nearby
published Mineral Reserves. No information from any adjacent properties has been used in the
estimate of Mineral Resources for the Project.
concentrators and carbon-in-leach (CIL) plants, as well as having familiarity with Ecuadorian
regulatory requirements, standards, business practices, and construction methodologies/
capabilities. Ecuadorian engineers will be utilized, either as individuals or through consulting
engineering firms, to provide further insight regarding local codes, standards, and practices.
Discrete packages for certain infrastructure elements and ancillary facilities will be subcontracted
to qualified Ecuadorian engineering firms for detailed design and procurement using locally
available equipment, materials, and construction labor whenever possible.
Mine design and specification of mining equipment and materials will be performed by an
experienced international mining consultant. Procurement of the mining equipment will be
performed by Lumina.
Detailed design and quality assurance services for critical geotechnical facilities, including the
waste rock storage facility (WRSF) and dry stack tailings facility (DSTF), will be provided by an
international geotechnical engineering firm with substantial experience in constructing these
specific facilities under similar conditions, including:
• Adverse topography
• Heavy forestation/vegetation
• High seasonal precipitation
• Significant presence of saprolite soils in construction areas
Specification and procurement of any required equipment or materials will be performed by the
geotechnical engineering firm.
Design, permitting, and oversight of the procurement and construction of the 230-kV electrical
transmission line, La Avanzada substation modifications, and the Cangrejos main substation will
be performed by a specialty Ecuadorian engineering firm engaged by, and under the supervision
of, the Company.
24.3.2 Procurement and Logistics
After specifying the technical requirements for process equipment and materials, the EPCM
contractor will determine which items are available within Ecuador and which meet the Project’s
schedule and cost requirements. Equipment and materials which are not reasonably available in
Ecuador will be purchased by the EPCM contractor from leading international suppliers.
The EPCM contractor, in conjunction with the Company, will engage a freight forwarding/logistics
contractor which has substantial international experience and familiarity with local Ecuadorian
customs practices and transport providers. The contractor will coordinate, track, and report all
transport of project equipment and materials.
24.3.3 Construction
As discussed previously in Section 24.3.1, overall construction management services for the
process plant and related infrastructure will be provided by the EPCM contractor working with the
Company’s project and construction management staff.
The technical oversight of the geotechnical construction will be provided by the geotechnical
engineering firm. Contract administration/construction management of the construction of the
geotechnical facilities will either be provided by the EPCM contractor or the Company’s project
Major construction work packages are expected to consist of the following:
• Vegetation removal
• Road construction (i.e., light earthworks)
• Road construction (i.e., heavy earthworks)
• Major earthworks
• Civil concrete construction, including supply and operation of an onsite concrete
batch plant
• Platework and structural steel erection
• Mechanical and piping erection/installation
• Electrical, instrumentation, and controls installation
• Architectural (i.e., buildings, etc.) construction
• Installation of electrical overhead transmission lines
The work packages may be combined into several major contracts, or split into smaller packages,
depending on contractor capabilities, and if it is advantageous to the Project. The splitting of early
work packages will be beneficial if it facilitates the use of local contractors since they do not require
site accommodations and support services, are able to mobilize and begin work quickly, and are
likely to have established work forces.
Construction will be completed by in-country contractors, whenever possible, depending on
adequate resources and demonstrated capabilities. Whether qualified local resources exist in
adequate numbers to support the project schedule must be evaluated at a later stage of the
project development, as actual construction nears. Where particular skills and experiences do
not exist or do not exist in adequate numbers to support the project schedule, the EPCM
contractor will source contractors or personnel from outside Ecuador.
The EPCM contractor needs to include well-experienced, expatriate technical and supervisory
staff on its team to augment contractors in specialized areas, such as mill installation. Vendor
field engineers will also form an important component of the construction team.
To the extent possible, the design will largely progress in advance of construction needs, so lump
sum and unit price contracts are envisioned for the major contract packages.
Contractor management and supervision of construction will be performed by a team consisting
of the EPCM contractor and the Company’s Project management staff. Costs are included in the
capital cost estimate to provide these functions.
24.3.4 Preoperational Testing
Construction will proceed to mechanical completion, followed by preoperational testing of the
completed process systems in order to ensure that each system performs as designed.
Preoperational testing occurs without mineralized material feed or actual process solutions.
Preproduction testing will be performed by a team comprised of the EPCM contractor’s staff, the
Company’s preproduction operations staff, vendor representatives for key process equipment,
and select construction contractors’ support labor. Costs are included in the capital cost estimate
to provide these functions.
24.3.5 Commissioning
When preoperational testing of a system has been satisfactorily completed, the system will be
formally turned over to the Company. From this point on, the responsibility for care, custody, and
control of this system rests with the Company. Construction personnel may no longer access or
operate the system unless the Company approves and participates.
EPCM contractor’s staff, construction contractor’s staff personnel, and vendor representatives for
key process equipment are available to assist the Company’s operations staff with
Costs are included in the capital cost estimate to provide the commissioning support.
24.3.6 Estimated Manpower
The estimated construction manhours (excluding earthworks) were developed by: analyzing
factors applied to the equipment costs to obtain total construction costs, converting the resulting
construction costs to manhours using an average cost per manhour from a recently completed
project in Ecuador, adjusted for an average performance factor; and comparing the estimated
manhours to hours expended during the construction of a similar project in Latin America. The
estimated manhours, based on the factored approach, compared favorably with the actual
manhours from the other project.
Estimated manhours for earthworks were developed by applying historical manhours to known
unit rates based on experience by Ausenco for other projects in Latin America.
The average construction workforce during the 36-month construction period is expected to range
from 500 people to 700 people depending on specific activities occurring at given times. The
workforce is expected to peak at 1,000 people for a short period of time (i.e., several months).
For this estimate, thirty percent of the construction workforce is assumed to be available locally
and to reside within the local communities rather than in the construction camp.
A detailed estimate of direct and indirect construction manhours and the workforce versus time
will be completed as part of the PFS labor estimate since major construction costs will be based
on material take offs and will not utilize factoring of equipment costs to obtain construction costs.
24.4 Schedule
The preliminary summary project execution schedule is shown below as Figure 24-1.
• Structural concrete installation for crushing, grinding, flotation, CIL, thickening, and
filtration facilities
• Installation of major mechanical equipment (including tankage)
• Completion of the DSTF, including installation of the long distance filtered tailings
conveyor, ten semi-mobile conveyors, eight grasshopper conveyors, and the
mobile radial stacker
• Piping, electrical and instrumentation installation
• Completion of the 230-kV power supply to site
• Preoperational testing and commissioning.
A second critical path supports the initial mine operation including:
• Completion of mine ancillary facilities (i.e., truckshop/warehouse, fuel storage and
dispensing, mine equipment ready lines, and explosives storage)
• Assembly of major mining equipment, as it is delivered
• Initial phase construction of the saprolite storage facility (SSF) and WRSF
• Completion of the main haul road to access the Cangrejos open pit
24.5 Assumptions, Qualifications, and Clarifications
The following assumptions, qualifications, and clarifications apply to the durations of activities and
the overall project schedule:
• Early construction activities for non-process infrastructure, as discussed
previously, may start prior to the 36-month main construction period, if possible.
• Adequate levels of skilled contractors, labor, and equipment are available within
• The studies, engineering, and permit approval activities for the 230-kV power
supply to Cangrejos are started as early as possible during the feasibility study
stage of the Cangrejos Project.
• The 230-kV power supply from the national grid is available at least six months
prior to the scheduled Project completion.
• For purposes of this PEA, the schedule is based on 50 hours per week. Labor
regulations in Ecuador are complex and subject to review and approval by the
Ministry of Labor. The current understanding is that employers, such as
construction contractors, may utilize standard work weeks in excess of the Ministry
of Labor’s base standard if all of the employees approve. From discussions with
some contractors, a 60-hour work week may be standard in some cases, which
has the potential to improve the schedule.
• The work week may be adjusted seasonally based on available daylight and
weather conditions. Spot overtime will be utilized, as necessary, to complete
critical activities required to maintain the overall Project schedule.
• Higher precipitation than average during the rainy season has potential to
adversely impact construction, particularly vegetation removal, road construction,
and major earthworks. Activity durations and the overall project completion
schedule could be adversely impacted, depending on the frequency, severity, and
duration of the precipitation events.
25.1.1 Summary
• There are no Mineral Reserves for the Project currently. The information reported
in this PEA is preliminary in nature and includes Inferred Mineral Resources that
are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations
applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as Mineral Reserves.
Inferred Mineral Resources are based on limited geological evidence and
sampling. The tonnage and grade of Inferred Mineral Resources have significant
uncertainty as to their existence and as to whether they can be mined
economically. There is no certainty that this PEA will be realized.
• The results of this PEA show that the Mineral Resources at the Cangrejos Project
are potentially viable with a Net Present Value (NPV) of 16.2% and an Internal
Rate of Return IRR) of $1,571 M at a 5% discount rate over a mine life of 25 years
processing approximately 640 Mt.
• The life of mine average mill feed grade is 0.556 gpt gold, 0.1% copper, 0.67 gpt
silver, and 20 ppm molybdenum. This equates to an average gold equivalent
grade of 0.695 gpt.
• The initial capital cost to construct the mine, processing facilities, and required
infrastructure is approximately $1,000 M including freight, duties, taxes,
contingency, working capital, and VAT.
• The average operating cost over the life of the mine is approximately $11.31 per
tonne of material processed.
25.1.2 Resource
• Based on the current level of exploration, the Cangrejos and Gran Bestia deposits
contain a total estimated Indicated Mineral Resource of 571 Mt at a grade of 0.57
g/t Au, 0.11% Cu, 0.7 g/t Ag and 21.2 ppm Mo containing 10.4 Moz Au, 1,409 Mlbs
Cu, 12.8 Moz Ag and 26.7 Mlbs Mo.
• There is an additional total estimated Inferred Mineral Resource of 500 Mt at a
grade of 0.41 g/t Au, 0.08% Cu, 0.6 g/t Ag and 13 ppm Mo containing 6.7 Moz Au,
838 Mlbs Cu, 10.3 Moz Ag and 14.3 Mlbs Mo.
• Mineral Resources are constrained within pit shells and are tabulated at a cut-off
grade of 0.30 g/t gold equivalent.
• Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves because the economic viability has
not been demonstrated.
25.1.3 Mining
• The Cangrejos Project is amenable to conventional, medium-scale, open pit
mining methods.
• The production schedule developed for the Project includes seven phases over a
25-year mine life following an 18-month preproduction period.
25.1.5 Metallurgy
• Metallurgical test data shows that economically viable metal recovery processes
are available for samples taken from Cangrejos and Gran Bestia.
25.1.7 Geotechnical
• Based on a review of the available technical literature, Ausenco concluded that the
seismicity in the Cangrejos project area is controlled mainly by the crustal
background seismicity within the coastal zone, as well as intra-slab seismicity.
• In accordance with the review and the Ecuadorian Construction Code (ECN),
Ausenco recommends using a design PGA of 0.40g for 1:475 yr and 0.61g for
1:2,475 return periods measured in soils of type C-D for project infrastructure in
accordance with international design standards.
Geotechnical Investigation
• A geotechnical program was performed in 2019 including test pits and boreholes
along with the collection of soil and rock samples, laboratory testing and
geotechnical surface mapping and geophysical investigations to understand the
foundation conditions for the Plant Site, Primary Crusher area, Waste Rock
Storage Facility (WRSF), Haul Road, Dry Stack Tailings Facility (DSTF), and
Saprolite Storage Facility (SSF).
• The information was used to develop the conceptual designs for the site
infrastructure. Data for the DSTF area was incomplete due to permitting issues
and the final general layout of the infrastructure changed. Therefore, additional
geotechnical investigations are required.
• Geochemistry work to date indicates that tailings, waste rock, saprolite, and
saprock are non-acid generating based on results of acid-based accounting, paste
pH testing and short-term barrel leaching tests. The tailings and waste rock
contain low concentrations of sulfide sulfur and naturally-occurring minerals that
are net neutralizing. Therefore, runoff should not produce any constituents of
concern except for potential sediment that will be captured in sediment ponds
directly below the DSTF and WRSF.
Dry Stack Tailings Facility
• Ausenco evaluated disposal technologies and storage sites. Applyjng safety,
terrain and land usage criteria the selected technology is filtered tailings. The site
for the DSTF is located 2.1 kms from the plant site and was selected based on
location and stable terrain deemed ideal for such infrastructure. The site has
storage capacity to provide secure and permanent storage of 640 Mt of filtered
• The filtered tailings will be transported to the DSTF by overland conveyor and
stacked using portable conveyors, radial stacker and dozers and compactors in
thin lifts to improve stability of this facility. In addition, the filtered tailings surface
will be compacted and raincoats will be installed to reduce rain infiltration and
erosion. The conceptual design for the facility uses bottom up construction along
with an extensive underdrain system to capture near surface groundwater and
seepage. The facility was designed in accordance with Canadian Dam Association
(CDA) 2014 guidelines.
• Based on the geotechnical parameters that were determined by laboratory testing
and the DSTF configuration, an operating dry stack facility with an overall slope of
3.25:1 (H:V) was designed. Stability analyses were performed and the design has
an adequate factor of safety (i.e., greater than 1.3). In addition, the ultimate facility
has an acceptable long-term factor of safety greater than 1.5 and a pseudo-static
factor of safety greater than 1.0.
Waste Rock Storage Facility
• The WRSF and SSF are designed to provide secure and permanent storage of
approximately 728 Mt of non-economical waste rock and overburden (i.e., saprolite
and saprock). The WRSF is scheduled to be constructed in multiple phases,
initially from the top down to create the WRSF haul road and then from the bottom
up to improve stability. During the initial years, the saprolite and saprock will be
stored in a separate facility until the ratio of transitional and fresh rock to saprolite
and saprock is greater than 7:1. This concept keeps the saprolite and saprock
away from the toe areas of the WRSF and provides the necessary stability. This
facility was designed in accordance with international waste rock storage
guidelines. The facility has an extensive underdrain system to capture near
surface groundwater and seepage.
• Based on the geotechnical parameters that were determined by laboratory testing
and the WRSF and SSF configurations, stability analyses were performed and
both facilities were found to have an adequate factor of safety (i.e., greater than
1.3). In addition, the ultimate combined facilities have acceptable long-term factors
of safety greater than 1.5 and a pseudo-static factor of safety greater than 1.0.
25.1.9 Geochemistry
• Geochemical analyses that have been completed to date, indicate that the waste
rock, dry stack tailings, and post-closure pit wall material is non-acid generating
and the water quality from mine waste leachate or supernatant is sufficient for
direct discharge to the environment after sedimentation but without further
25.2.1 Risks
• There are no known factors related to environmental, permitting, legal, title,
taxation, socio-economic, marketing, political or other relevant factors which could
materially affect the Mineral Resources estimate contained in this Report.
• Mineral Resources in the Inferred category have a lower level of confidence than
that applied to Indicated Mineral Resources, and, although there is sufficient
evidence to imply geologic grade and continuity, these characteristics cannot be
verified based on the current data. It is reasonably expected that most of Inferred
Mineral Resources could be upgraded to Indicated Mineral Resources with
continued exploration.
• Inferred Mineral Resources that are included in the mine plan have the potential to
be a risk or an opportunity. Inferred Mineral Resources are speculative and may
or may not exist. Half of the material included in the production schedule from
Gran Bestia and 46% of the material planned for mining during the last ten years
are in the Inferred Mineral Resource category. Additional drilling is required to
determine if the resources can be converted into the Indicated Mineral Resource
• The thickness of the saproliths (i.e., saprolite and saprock) is not well defined for
the northern portions of the pit. The thickness has a potential impact on the pit
geometry and overburden movement during the early mine life. Better definition
of the saprolith is required to reduce risks associated with determining the final pit
wall early in the mine life.
Mine Geotechnical
• Rock Mass Quality: Based on an evaluation of all available information, this PEA
assumes a uniform, high-quality rock mass for all slopes. Should there be spatial
variation in rock mass quality, as yet undetected, slope inclinations could
potentially require flattening. The probability of this outcome is considered low.
• Major Structures: Persistent, low-shear strength faults with adverse orientations
often control pit slope design inclinations. No such features have thus far been
identified, but a targeted subsurface investigation and ongoing structural
interpretation specific to each wall is required to discount their presence. The
probability of this outcome is considered low.
• Saprolith: Site reconnaissance and explorations of the steep areas upslope and
north of the pit crests for Cangrejos and Gran Bestia have been limited due to the
current lack of access. An exploration road is required across this area so that the
thickness and nature of the saprolite and saprock deposits can be determined.
This potential risk is categorized as moderate, but with the caveat that engineered
design features should enable mitigation of this risk.
• Geotechnical Characterization: The evolution of the pit design from the 2018
version to the 2020 version enlarged the Cangrejos Pit with the consequence that
previously planned geotechnical boreholes do not provide optimal coverage to
critical areas of the ultimate pit walls. Further, while considerable exploration
drilling at Gran Bestia indicates consistency with Cangrejos, no geotechnical
drilling has been undertaken specific to the Gran Bestia deposit. This means that
undetected geologic conditions or features may be present that have not been
accounted for in the present slope designs. This potential risk is categorized as
moderate, but the PFS and FS programs will provide opportunities to ameliorate
this risk.
• There is a risk that production of molybdenum concentrate may not be economic
after samples that more nearly represent the molybdenum grades in the updated
mine plan are tested.
Process and Infrastructure Design
• The primary risk to the process and infrastructure designs is that they may be
required to change again as the Cangrejos deposit is expanded and the Gran
Bestia deposit is better understood due to delineation drilling, as it did between the
2018 Scoping Study and this PEA.
• The 2019 site wide geotechnical investigation did not provide optimal coverage of
mine infrastructure due to changes in the size and location of facilties. Additional
geotechnical investigation for the WRSF, SSF, plant site and DSTF is required to
provide facility specification foundation characteristics to better define foundation
requirements and recommendations. This potential risk is categorized as low, but
• Updated social data must be taken into account in developing the Project’s long-
term community relations strategy to be based on representative demographic
information, especially if the Project’s social AOI expands to include more
communities. The Project will also have to manage expectations for employment
and business opportunities, especially in the local cantons. Lastly, project
development will have to consider the long-term effects of COVID-19. During the
course of the pandemic, Odin has worked hard to provide information, food,
sanitary, and personal and protective equipment (PPE) supplies and other forms
of support as needs arise.
• There is a risk that the Project will be unable to purchase or secure control over all
of the land it needs to carry out its operations or that it may have to do so at much
higher prices than projected.
• Owing to ongoing evolution of the Project a possibility exists that the current
surface water sampling program is not sufficiently representative of background or
potential Project impacts in the watershed areas.
• There is risk to biodiversity in the event of delays in the establishment of
biodiversity offset areas and related measures until the start of construction.
25.2.2 Opportunities
• The Cangrejos deposit remains open to expansion with further exploration to the
west and at depth.
• The Gran Bestia deposit remains open to the north, west, and at depth.
• Depending on the outcome of additional delineation drilling, conversion of Inferred
Mineral Resources to Indicated Mineral Resources has the potential to be an
opportunity as well as a risk.
• Depending on the outcome of additional drilling and geotechnical evaluations,
better definition of the saprolith also has the potential to be an opportunity.
Mine Geotechnical
• Overall Slope Optimization: There is an inverse relationship between ultimate
slope height (or pit depth) and maximum achievable overall slope angle. The
current design employs two inter-ramp angles dependent on the presence or
absence of structural control for bench face angles but irrespective of overall slope
height. The opportunity exists for steeper inter-ramp and toe-to-crest slope angles
for the lower height walls on the south and west sides. The probability of this
realization is estimated as moderate.
• Bench Face Optimization: The BFAs recommended herein have been reconciled
with structural fabric for the Cangrejos Pit. The requisite data for Gran Bestia is
non-existent. Given the inferred good quality rock mass and the inferred
dominance of steep, large-scale intrusive structures, there is a low to moderate
probability that BFA values could be increased. This would probably require
specialized drilling and blasting procedures but could be a component of improved
• Groundwater from the pits or from local groundwater sources may make surface
water utilization unnecessary.
Environmental and Social
• There are several options to reduce long-term transportation risks, including:
o Development of a comprehensive transportation safety management plan
o Optimization of heavy vehicle traffic routing and convoy design
o Logistics planning and coordination
o Preparation of documented emergency preparedness and response protocols
and mock drills/training programs
o Transporter licensing/certification requirements
o Potential roadway and transportation infrastructure expansions and upgrades
• The Project can continue to build constructive relations with local stakeholders
through dialogue, as well as start to prepare some of them to be able to take
advantage of the opportunities that the Project and a more formal economy will
generate in terms of direct employment, contracting for goods and services,
improved public infrastructure, and other potential benefits.
• The Project can continue its efforts to acquire or secure control over surface areas
needed to advance development objectives.
• The Project can refine its surface water monitoring program and develop a more
detailed characterization of background conditions up- and down-gradient from
areas that will be disturbed during the construction and operation of the mine.
• The Project has time to take measures needed to protect local biodiversity,
including establishing offset areas. Doing so early in the process, will make them
increasingly viable and effective during the construction, operational,
decommissioning/closure, and post-closure phases of the Project.
At Gran Bestia, 34 holes totalling 7,835 m for a total cost of approximately $1.9 M are
Exploration Drilling
Additional drilling is also recommended to expand the resources at depth by entering the existing
drill holes in the center of the deposit and extending them from the current depth of 500 m by an
additional 150 m to 250 m. Four holes consisting of 700 m of drilling are recommended at
Cangrejos. The total estimated cost is approximately $168,000.
One deep (i.e., 1,200 m) “wildcat” hole in Cangrejos is also recommended to test for possible
high-grade mineralization below the existing resource. The estimated cost is $ 360,000.
Since both a geophysical analysis and a geochemical analysis indicate that the Cangrejos deposit
may continue in the west/southwest direction, an additional six 500-m deep, exploration drill holes
on 200-m spacing are recommended. This totals 3,000 m of drilling for an estimated cost of $
At Gran Bestia, extending one hole that was terminated in significant mineralization by 200 m is
recommended. The total estimated cost is $ 48 k.
26.2.2 Mining
IMC recommends additional drilling to upgrade the Inferred Mineral Resource to Indicated Mineral
Resources. During this drilling IMC recommends that additional geotechnical information be
gathered to better define the saprolite/saprock interface with the fresh rock. The cost of the IMC
recommendations is included in the costs for delineation drilling and the mine geotechnical
IMC also recommends completing a PFS in order to convert the Mineral Resources to Mineral
Reserves. The estimated cost to complete the mine design work is approximately $ 200,000.
Surficial Mapping
It is recommended that an access road be constructed upslope of the planned pit crest for
bothpits, specifically the north and east walls for Cangrejos and the north wall for Gran Bestia.
Road cut mapping should be supplemented by test pit excavations. The information should be
used to refine the saprolith thickness maps and to update engineering properties of the rock based
on laboratory testing. Geophysical surveys should also be considered to supplement the saprolith
thickness database. The estimated cost for surficial mapping is approximately $ 50,000. The
estimated cost for the road construction is approximately $20,000.
Laboratory Testing
Laboratory testing, including moisture content, gradation, triaxial strength, Atterberg limits, and
density, should be performed to classify the saprolite. Also the site specific relationship between
point load strength and unconfined compressive strength should be refined and shear strength
tests should be conducted to determine the basic friction angle for major rock types. The
estimated cost for the laboratory testing is approximately $15,000.
Structural Modeling
The structural model should be updated to incorporate all new drilling available at the time the
PFS is completed. Borehole fault intersections should be traced for continuity to determine if
structural control is present in the pit walls of either pit. The cost for updating the model is
approximately $60,000. The cost for reviewing the model is estimated to be approximately
Rock Engineering Analyses
After the new data is available, the rock engineering analysis should include:
• Update the structural fabric database to incorporate both the Cangrejos and Gran
Bestia pit areas. Evaluate the data for spatial variation and/or lithologic correlations.
• Update the rock mass geomechanical parameters and revise design values, as
• Update saprolith geomechanical parameters and spatical distribution of saprolith
thickness. Evaluate hazard posed by upslope saprolith deposits relative to pit crests
and design conceptual mitigation measures accordingly.
• Perform slope stability analyses to optimize design for each wall for both pits.
• Retain an expert geotechnical review board to provide guidance as to best practices
for pit slope design in high-relief, tropical settings.
The estimated cost for the rock engineering analysis, including the expert review board, is
approximately $ 150,000.
26.2.5 Metallurgy
Metallurgical Samples
A detailed analysis of the metallurgical samples that have been tested to date in relationship to
the updated resource model is recommended. The analysis should include an evaluation of the
grade distribution of the Cangrejos and Gran Bestia deposits within the areas to be mined and
the proportions of the three lithologies contained within the areas. Based on the results, additional
samples should be collected and composited to represent the results of the evaluation taking care
to ensure that the head grades, particularly for gold, copper, and sulfur are representative of the
resource and that sufficient dilution material is contained in the samples. The estimated cost to
license the software and complete the work is approximately $ 9,000.
Metallurgical Test Work
Additional testing is recommended to provide data needed to complete a trade-off study as to
whether gravity gold recovery should be included in the process flowsheet or not and to evaluate
the best means of treating the gravity concentrate.
Additional test work is recommended to provide more information about copper-molybdenum
separation. The work is required to estimate the molybdenum recovery and to confirm the process
design criteria and the costs associated with making the separation.
To support a PFS that meets industry standards, additional work is recommended with regard to
gold adsorption onto activated carbon particularly given the low gold grades of the material that
will potentially be leached and recovered in the cyanide leaching circuit. Recommended testing
includes leaching kinetics tests, gold loading tests, and carbon elution tests. The data collection
should support an evaluation as to whether to use carbon-in-leach (CIL) or carbon-in-pulp (CIP)
gold extraction and recovery.
Future metallurgical testwork should include some tests that are conducted with water from the
site. This is particularly important in preparing tailings samples that will be used for environmental
and geochemical testing.
In order to determine if the sand flotation circuit can be reduced in size or potentially eliminated,
flotation tests to compare flotation recoveries by extension of rougher flotation time to the current
sand flotation of coarse rougher flotation tailings is recommended.
Additional testing is recommended to investigate the buildup of gold inventory in the cleaner
flotation circuit and the use of depressants to maximize gold deportment to the cyanide leaching
circuit and copper to the flotation concentrate.
Additional flotation tests are recommended using blends of Cangrejos saprolite, saprock, partially
oxidized rock, and fresh rock to reflect the blend anticipated during the first several years of
Additional flotation tests are recommended using blends of Cangrejos and Gran Bestia material
to reflect material planned for mining in later years.
Bond ball mill work index tests are recommended for the composite samples.
The estimated cost to complete the test work is approximately $ 395,000 and the cost of oversight
is approximately $ 56,000.
26.2.6 Processing
Trade-off Studies
AKA is responsible for the processing recommendations. Three trade-off studies are
recommended during the PFS. First, a trade-off study should be completed to determine whether
gravity concentration should be included in the process design or not and to evaluate the best
treatment method for gravity concentrate. Second, a detailed study should be performed to
optimize the gold extraction/gold recovery circuit. The current CIL circuit contains high quantities
of activated carbon that results in high gold inventories in the processing circuit, which is not ideal.
Third, a trade-off study should be completed to confirm the economic viability of including
molybdenum recovery in the process design.
Engineering Design Requirements
Evaluate the impact of saprolite and saprock on the comminution circuit, particularly secondary
crushing and HPGR. Refine the design as required. The cost for the engineering is estimated to
be $780,000. The cost for coordintation and metallurgical oversight of the engineering is
approximately $48,000.
26.2.7 Geotechnical
Ausenco makes the following recommendations to support a PFS.
Geotechnical Investigation
The following recommendations are made for geotechnical site investigation work.
Completion of seven 250-m geotechnical boreholes, 26 test pits, and geophysics in the areas of
the DSTF, WRSF, SSF, plant site, overland conveyors, haul roads, and ancillary roads to
investigate and confirm foundation conditions, specifically the extent of the saprolite and colluvium
along with depth to groundwater and to bedrock.
• Fifteen test pits and drilling of four 80-m boreholes to confirm suitability and quantity
of borrow materials for infrastructure construction.
• Additional laboratory index testing, including compaction tests, mechanical strength
tests, and permeability tests on foundation soils and potential borrow materials.
• Laboratory testing to confirm the physical characteristics of the filtered tailings,
including strength, trafficability, and permeability tests at both low and very high
confining stresses to represent the height of the DSTF.
• Using the new data, recommend designs for foundations, borrow sources,
construction materials for infrastructure, and tailings and waste rock storage facility
exterior slope configurations.
The estimated cost is approximately $ 293,500 including the drilling and excavator rental.
DSTF, WRSF, SSF, Mine Roads, and Plant Platform Design and Analysis
• Acquire additional satellite imagery to fill in additional topography below the plant site,
the access road from Valle Hermoso to site, and below the DSTF.
• Perform deterministic and probablistic local seismic hazard study for the development
of design seismic for infrastructure.
• Review and update meteorological and hydrology information, updating surface water
and sediment management for the DSTF, WRSF, SSF and mine roads.
• Confirm geochemical characteristization of tailings and waste rock from additional
waste characterization studies.
• Develop seepage predictions and seepage control measures for the DSTF, WRSF
and SSF.
• Update the tailings and waste rock deposition strategy to optimize material handling,
including trafficability of material handling equipment for the DSTF.
• The stability model should be reviewed and updated, as required, with consideration
of the final stacking plan using updated data about the material properties of the waste
rock, tailings, and the foundations for both the DSTF and WRSF.
• Perform a liquefaction assessment with consideration of updated information on
material properties and the updated stacking plan for the DSTF.
• Solicit budgetary quotes for earthworks and geosynthetics (i.e., geomembrane,
geotextile, and piping) to get more accurate pricing for the next cost estimates.
• Develop cost estimates (i.e, capital, sustaining capital, and operating costs) for DSTF,
WRSF, Haul Road, Mine Roads, and Plant Site Platform.
should make it a priority to help these entities and individuals to close identified gaps
in order to enable their participation in the Project benefits. This should be a
progressive program that evolves and expands as Project needs, prospects, and
profile change.
Land Acquisition Program
It is recommended that the Project develop, implement and evaluate a sustained program to
identify and purchase or otherwise secure long-term access to lands needed for infrastructure,
buffers, biodiversity, or other purposes.
Implementation of Biodiversity Monitoring and Management Plan and Focused
Reforestation/Revegetation Program
It is recommended that the Project begin to implement a basic Project Biodiversity Monitoring and
Mangement Plan (BMMP) with the goal of increasing the ecological value of certain modified
habitat areas that can serve as ecological corridors or offsets. A focused
reforestation/rehabilitation program would be undertaken in land areas that are not expected to
be further disturbed by mining using an appropriate mix of species.
Annual direct costs for BMMP implementation and a focused reforestation/revegetation program
over the next five years are estimated to be approximately $30,000 for a total of $150,000.
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I, Kathleen Ann Altman, P.E., as an author of this report entitled “Cangrejos Gold-Copper Project,
El Oro Province, Ecuador NI 43-101 Technical Report Preliminary Economic Assessment”,
prepared for Lumina Gold Corp., dated July 24, 2020 with an effective date of June 8, 2020 do
hereby certify that:
1. I am CEO and Consulting Metallurgical Engineer of AKA PROS, Inc., 3301 W. 26 th Ave.,
Denver, CO 80211.
2. I am a graduate of the Colorado School of Mines in 1980 with a B.S. in Metallurgical
Engineering. I am a graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno Mackay School of Mines
with an M.S. in Metallurgical Engineering in 1994 and a Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering
in 1999.
3. I am registered as a Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado (Reg. #37556). I have
worked as a metallurgical engineer for a total of 39 years since my graduation. My relevant
experience for the purpose of the Technical Report is:
Review and report as a metallurgical consultant on numerous mining operations and
projects around the world for due diligence and regulatory requirements.
I have worked for operating companies, including the Climax Molybdenum Company,
Barrick Goldstrike, and FMC Gold in a series of positions of increasing responsibility.
I have worked as a consulting engineer on mining projects for approximately 24 years
in roles such a process engineer, process manager, project engineer, area manager,
study manager, and project manager. Projects have included scoping, prefeasibility
and feasibility studies, basic engineering, detailed engineering and start-up and
commissioning of new projects.
I was the Newmont Professor for Extractive Mineral Process Engineering in the Mining
Engineering Department of the Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering at
the University of Nevada, Reno from 2005 to 2009.
4. I have read the definition of "qualified person" set out in National Instrument 43-101 (NI
43-101) and certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional
association (as defined in NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the
requirements to be a "qualified person" for the purposes of NI 43-101.
5. I did not visit the Cangrejos Project.
6. I am responsible for Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18.1, 18.2, 18.7, 18.8, 18.9, 24 and portions
of Sections 1, 21, 25, 26, 27, and 28 of the Technical Report.
7. I am independent of the Issuer applying the test set out in Section 1.5 of NI 43-101.
8. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of the Technical
9. I have read NI 43-101, and the Technical Report has been prepared in compliance with
NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F1.
10. At the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information,
and belief, the Section Nos. for which I am responsible in the Technical Report contain all
scientific and technical information that is required to be disclosed to make the Technical
Report not misleading.
2. I graduated from the University of California, Davis with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil
Engineering (Geotechnical) in 1991.
3. I am a Registered Civil Engineer in the State of California (No. C56527) by exam since 1996 and
am also a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Society for Mining,
Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) that are all in good standing.
4. I have practiced my profession continuously for 23 years and have been involved in geotechnical,
civil, hydrological, and environmental aspects for the development of mining projects; including
feasibility studies on numerous underground and open pit base metal and precious metal deposits
in North America, Central and South America, Africa and Australia.
5. I have read the definition of “qualified person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 Standards of
Disclosure for Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) and certify that by reason of my education, affiliation
with a professional association (as defined in NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill
the requirements to be a “qualified person” for the purposes of NI 43-101.
6. I am responsible for the preparation of Sections 18.4, 18.5, 18.6 and portions of Sections 1, 21, 25,
26, and 27 of the Technical Report titled Cangrejos Gold-Copper Project, El Oro Province, Ecuador
NI 43-101 Technical Report Preliminary Economic Assessment, dated July 24, 2020, with an
effective date of June 8, 2020 (the “Technical Report”).
7. I visited the Cangrejos Project from January 15 to 18, 2018 and May 16 to 18, 2019.
8. I am independent of Lumina Gold Corp. applying all of the tests in Section 1.5 of NI 43-101.
9. I have had prior involvement with the property that is the subject of the Technical Report. I was a
co-author of a previous technical report titled Cangrejos Gold-Copper Project, Ecuador NI 43-101
Technical Report Preliminary Economic Assessment, dated August 10, 2018, with an effective date
of June 27, 2018.
10. I have read NI 43-101, Form 43-101F1 and the Technical Report and confirm the Technical Report
has been prepared in compliance with that instrument and form.
As of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
Sections of the Technical Report for which I am responsible contain all scientific and technical information
that is required to be disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.
4. I have worked as a mining engineer for a total of 9 years. I have worked as a short and
long-range mine planner. I have worked on numerous projects that include mine design,
mine planning, resource and reserve estimation, scheduling and cost estimation and
5. I have read the definition of “Qualified Person” set out in National Instrument 43-101 (“NI
43-101”) and certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional
association (as defined in NI 43-101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the
requirements to be a “Qualified Person” for the purposes of NI 43-101.
6. I am responsible for sections 15 and 16 and I contributed to sections 1, 21, 25, 26, 27
and 28 for the preparation of the technical report titled “Cangrejos Gold-Copper Project,
El Oro Province, Ecuador NI 43-101 Technical Report Preliminary Economic
Assessment” (the “Technical Report”), dated effective June 8, 2020, prepared for
Lumina Gold Corp.
8. I have not had prior involvement with the property that is the subject of the Technical
9. I have provided mine planning and various other engineering support as requested.
10. As of the date of this certificate, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the
Technical Report contains all scientific and technical information that is required to be
disclosed to make the Technical Report not misleading.
11. I am not aware of any material fact or material change with respect the subject matter of
the Technical Report that is not reflected in the Technical Report, the omission to
disclose which makes the Technical Report misleading.
12. I am independent of the issuer applying all of the tests in Section 1.5 of National
Instrument 43-101.I have read National Instrument 43-101 and Form 43-101F1, and the
Technical Report has been prepared in compliance with that instrument and form.
13. I have read National Instrument 43-101 and Form F43-101F1, and the Technical Report
has been prepared in compliance with that instrument and form.
14. I consent to the filing of the Technical Report with any stock exchange and other
regulatory authority and any publication by them, including electronic publication in the
public company files on their websites accessible by the public, of the Technical Report.