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Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis  Vol.14, No.

5 245

Original Article

Perinatal and Postnatal Exposure to Bisphenol A Increases Adipose

Tissue Mass and Serum Cholesterol Level in Mice

Joji Miyawaki 1 , 3, Kenshi Sakayama 1, Hideo Kato 2, Haruyasu Yamamoto 1, and Hiroshi Masuno 3

Department of Bone and Joint Surgery, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine, Ehime, Japan.
Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Human Culture and Science, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan.
Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ehime Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Ehime, Japan.

Aim: To investigate whether the perinatal and postnatal exposure of mice to bisphenol A (BPA)
caused the development of obesity and/or hyperlipidemia.
Methods: Pregnant mice were exposed to BPA in drinking water at concentrations of either 1 μg/mL
(LD group) or 10 μg/mL (HD group) from gestation day 10 and throughout the lactating period.
After weaning, the pups were allowed free access to drinking water containing the appropriate con-
centrations of BPA. The body weight, adipose tissue weight, and serum lipid levels were measured in
the offspring at postnatal day 31.
Results: In females, the mean body weight increased by 13% in the LD group (p < 0.05) and 11% in
the HD group (p < 0.05) compared with the control group. The mean adipose tissue weight in-
creased by 132% in the LD group (p < 0.01). The mean total cholesterol level increased by 33% in
the LD group (p < 0.01) and 17% in the HD group (p < 0.05). In males, the mean body weight and
mean adipose tissue weight increased by 22% (p < 0.01) and 59% (p < 0.01), respectively, in the HD
group compared with the control group. The mean triacylglycerol level increased by 34% in the LD
group (p < 0.05).
Conclusions: The continuous exposure of mice to BPA during the perinatal and postnatal periods
caused the development of obesity and hyperlipidemia.

J Atheroscler Thromb, 2007; 14:245-252.

Key words; Bisphenol A, Adipose tissue mass, Serum cholesterol, Perinatal exposure

in rodents, there is increasing concern about the nega-

tive impact of BPA on public health in humans.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an estrogenic endocrine- Obesity is one of the greatest concerns in public
disrupting chemical released by polycarbonate plastics, health, because it is associated with serious morbidi-
such as baby bottles 1), the lacquer coatings of food ties, including diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension,
cans 2) and dental sealants 3). A small amount of BPA is cardiovascular disease and osteoarthritis. Obesity is the
found in human serum 4-6). Thus, BPA is present ubiq- result of an increase in body adipose tissue mass pro-
uitously in the environment and ingested routinely by duced by either an enlargement of adipocytes or an in-
humans. Since BPA has been associated with reproduc- creased number of adipocytes or both. We previously
tive abnormalities 7), the alteration of patterns of es- found that BPA not only had the ability to trigger
trous cyclicity 8, 9), and the development of embryos 10) 3T3-L1 fibroblasts to differentiate into adipocytes 11),
but also the ability to accelerate terminal adipocyte
Address for correspondence: Hiroshi Masuno, Department differentiation 12). Sakurai et al. 13) reported that BPA
of Medical Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ehime
Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Takooda, Tobe-cho,
stimulated glucose transport in 3T3-F442A adipocytes.
Iyo-gun, Ehime 791-2101, Japan. These findings suggest that in vivo prolonged expo-
E-mail: [email protected] sure to BPA may increase adipose tissue mass and pro-
Received: October 14, 2006 mote the development of obesity. There are reports
Accepted for publication: April 9, 2007 that the perinatal exposure of mice 8) and rats 9) to BPA
246 Miyawaki et al .

caused an increase in body weight. To date, however, BPA consumed daily were estimated. Daily water in-
whether this increase in body weight resulted from an take on gestation day 13 and 16 was 11.9±5.8 and
increase in the adipose tissue mass remains unclear. 12.6±1.1 mL, respectively, in the control group, 10.5±
Seidlová-Wuttke et al.14) reported that the exposure of 3.9 and 13.5±3.7 mL, respectively, in the LD group
ovariectomized rats to BPA did not cause an increase and 10.8±5.6 and 16.3±0.9 mL, respectively, in the
in paratibial fat storage. HD group. Body weight on gestation day 13 and 16
In the present study, we examined whether the was 42.5±2.0 and 53.0±2.3 g, respectively, in the
perinatal and postnatal exposure of mice to BPA caused control group, 41.1±0.2 and 51.5±1.1 g, respective-
an increase in body adipose tissue mass, resulting in ly, in the LD group, and 42.9±3.2 and 53.1±4.4 g,
the development of obesity. Since obesity is often as- respectively, in the HD group. Based on these values,
sociated with hyperlipidemia in humans, the levels of we estimated the levels of BPA consumed daily to be
serum lipids were also measured. 0.26±0.09 (gestation day 13) and 0.26±0.08 mg/kg
body weight (gestation day 16) in the LD group and
2.42±1.12 (gestation day 13) and 3.01±0.89 mg/kg
Materials and Methods
body weight (gestation day 16) in the HD group. The
Animals and Materials average BPA intake was 0.26 mg/kg body weight/day
Pregnant ICR mice were purchased from Clea Ja- in the LD group and 2.72 mg/kg body weight/day in
pan Inc. (Tokyo, Japan). A 30% fat diet was purchased the HD group. The numbers of newborn mice were
from Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). Triglyc- 14.0±0.6 pups/litter in the control group, 13.3±0.3
eride E-test Wako, cholesterol E-test Wako, NEFA pups/litter in the LD group, and 12.7±1.5 pups/litter
C-test Wako and glucose CⅡ-test Wako were obtained in the HD group. BPA exposure continued through-
from Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. (Osaka, Ja- out the period of lactation. The sexes of the offspring
pan). An ELISA kit for mouse/rat leptin was purchased were initially recorded on postnatal day 8. The num-
from B-Bridge International, Inc. (CA, USA). bers of females and males were 19 and 23 in the con-
trol group, 16 and 25 in the LD group, and 19 and 19
Experimental Design in the HD group, respectively. The numbers of both
Mice were housed in a 12h light- dark cycle (lights sexes per litter were as follows: 6.3±0.9 females and
on at 7 am) and allowed free access to food and water. 7.7±0.9 males in the control group; 5.3±1.5 females
Since it has been reported that obesity was induced in and 8.0±1.5 males in the LD group; 6.3±1.3 females
mice by exposure to a high-fat diet 15, 16), we used a 30% and 6.3±0.9 males in the HD group. All pups were
fat diet. The diet contained 30% kcal as fat, 55% kcal transferred with their dam to larger polypropylene
as carbohydrate, and 15% kcal as protein with total en- mouse cages (282×451×157 mm) on postnatal day
ergy of 4,353 kcal/kg. The composition of the diet (in 12. After weaning, the pups were separated from their
g/kg) was as follows: lard 72.5, soybean oil 72.5, cho- dam and allowed free access to a 30% fat diet and wa-
lesterol 2, sucrose 109, dextrin 150, corn starch 340, ter containing the appropriate concentrations of BPA.
cellulose 40, milk casein 163, vitamin mixture 10, min- Thirty days after birth, the food was removed from
eral mixture 40 and choline chloride 1. We used glass the cage at 5 pm, and all mice were killed between 9
water bottles to ensure that related compounds did and 11:30 am on the following day under ether anes-
not leach from plastic water bottles. thesia. The parametrial adipose tissues of female mice
Nine pregnant mice were individually housed in were removed and weighed. The epididymal adipose
standard polypropylene mouse cages (225×338×140 tissues of male mice were removed and weighed.
mm). They were divided into three groups (3 mice/ Animals were treated humanely and with regard
group) and exposed to BPA in their drinking water at for alleviation of suffering, and the experimental pro-
concentrations of either 1 μg/mL (LD group) or 10 tocols were reviewed and approved by the local animal
μg/mL (HD group) beginning on day 10 of pregnan- ethics committee at Ehime Prefectural University of
cy. BPA was dissolved in absolute ethanol and the fi- Health Sciences (approval no. 37).
nal concentration of ethanol was 0.2%. We gave the
control group drinking water containing only 0.2% Measurements of Serum Lipids, Glucose and Leptin
ethanol. The levels of serum total cholesterol (TC), triac-
Water intake on days 13 and 16 of gestation was ylglycerol (TG), non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and
determined by measuring the difference in the amount glucose were measured using kits for TC, TG, NEFA
of water placed in the water bottle each day and the and glucose, respectively. Serum leptin was measured
amount remaining the following day, and the levels of using a leptin ELISA kit.
Bisphenol A and Adipose Tissue Mass 247

(A) (B) (C)

25 250 300

Adipose tissue weight(mg)

Adipose tissue weight(mg)

20 200 250

Body weight(g)

** 200
15 150
10 100
5 50 50 r =0.810
0 0 0
C LD HD C LD HD 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Body weight(g)

Fig. 1. Effect of BPA on body weight and adipose tissue weight in female offspring.
(A and B) Thirty-one days after birth, overnight fasted female offspring were killed under ether anesthesia,
and their body weight (A) and adipose tissue weight (B) were measured. The values given are the mean ±S.E.

p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 (compared with the value of the control group). C, control group (n = 19); LD, LD
group (n = 16); HD, HD group (n = 19). (C) Correlation between body weight and adipose tissue weight in
all females (n = 54). (○) control group; (●) LD group; (□) HD group.

Statistical Analyses control group [0.36±0.03% in the control group;

Significant differences among three independent 0.71±0.09% in the LD group (p < 0.01, vs the con-
groups were evaluated statistically using one-way anal- trol group); 0.50±0.04% in the HD group; F(2,51) =
ysis of variance, and subsequent comparisons were 10.811, p < 0.001]. When the correlation between ad-
performed using the Tukey-Kramer test, which allows ipose tissue weight and body weight was examined in
for unequal sample sizes. Significant differences be- all females, adipose tissue weight showed a strong pos-
tween two independent groups were analyzed by Stu- itive correlation with body weight (Fig. 1C). This re-
dent’s t -test. Pearson r was used to calculate correla- sult indicates that increased body weight resulted from
tions between adipose tissue weight and body weight, an increase in adipose tissue mass.
and the levels of serum lipids and leptin. All statistical In males, the mean body weight and mean adi-
procedures were carried out using SPSS software (ver- pose tissue weight of the HD group increased by 22%
sion 13.0). A p value of < 0.05 was considered to in- and 59%, respectively, compared with the control
dicate significant difference. All values were expressed group, while these two weights in the LD group did
as the mean±SE. not differ significantly from the control group [body
weight, F(2,64) = 12.069, p < 0.001; adipose tissue
weight, F(2,64) = 10.904, p <0.001] (Figs. 2A and 2B).
The percentage of adipose tissue weight to body weight
Effect of BPA on Body Weight and Adipose Tissue was significantly higher in the HD group, but not
Mass the LD group, than in the control group [0.61±0.03%
Pregnant mice were exposed to BPA from gesta- in the control group; 0.66±0.03% in the LD group;
tion day 10 and throughout the lactating period. After 0.79±0.05% in the HD group (p < 0.01, vs the con-
weaning, the pups were separated from their dams and trol group); F(2,64) = 6.505, p < 0.01]. As in females,
exposed to BPA. Thirty-one days after birth, their body the adipose tissue weight of males also correlated posi-
weights and adipose tissue weights were measured. tively with body weight (Fig. 2C).
In females, the mean body weight increased by 13%
in the LD group and 11% in the HD group compar- Effect of BPA on Serum Leptin Levels
ed with the control group [F(2,51) = 5.306, p < 0.01] Since leptin is a product of the ob gene and a hor-
(Fig. 1A). The mean adipose tissue weight of the LD mone secreted by adipocytes with an important func-
group increased by 132% compared with the control tion in the regulation of the amount of body fat 17), the
group, while the weight of the HD group did not dif- level of serum leptin was measured. In females, the
fer significantly from the control group [F(2,51) = mean leptin level of the LD group increased by 123%
9.883, p < 0.01] (Fig. 1B). The percentage of adipose compared with the control group, while the level of
tissue weight to body weight was significantly higher the HD group did not differ significantly from the
in the LD group, but not the HD group, than in the control group [F(2,51) = 3.449, p <0.05] (Fig. 3A). The
248 Miyawaki et al .

(A) (B) (C)

25 250 300

Adipose tissue weight(mg)

Adipose tissue weight(mg)

20 ** 200 250
Body weight(g)

15 150
10 100
5 50 50 r =0.842
0 0 0
C LD HD C LD HD 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Body weight(g)

Fig. 2. Effect of BPA on body weight and adipose tissue weight in male offspring.
(A and B) Thirty-one days after birth, overnight fasted male offspring were killed under ether anesthesia,
and their body weight (A) and adipose tissue weight (B) were measured. The values given are the mean ±S.E.
p < 0.01 (compared with the value of the control group). C, control group (n = 23); LD, LD group
(n = 25); HD, HD group (n = 19). (C) Correlation between body weight and adipose tissue weight in all
males (n = 67). (○) control group; (●) LD group; (□) HD group.

leptin levels of females showed a positive correlation (A)Female (B)Female

with adipose tissue weight (Fig. 3B). 5 10
In males, no differences in mean leptin levels were *
Serum leptin(ng/mL)

Serum leptin(ng/mL)
observed among the three groups (Fig. 3C), and leptin 4 8

levels did not show any significant correlation with ad- 3 6

ipose tissue weight (Fig. 3D).
2 4

Effect of BPA on Serum Lipid and Glucose Levels 1 2

r =0.603
Table 1 shows the levels of serum TC, TG, NEFA p<0.0001
0 0
and glucose. In females, the mean TC level increased C LD HD 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
by 33% in the LD group and 17% in the HD group Adipose tissue weight(mg)
compared with the control group [F(2,51) = 8.645, p <
0.001]. There were no differences in the mean TG,
NEFA and glucose levels among the three groups. (C)Male (D)Male
In males, the mean TC level in LD and HD 5 10
groups tended to be higher, but not significantly, com-
Serum leptin(ng/mL)

Serum leptin(ng/mL)

4 8 r =0.180
pared with the control group. The mean TG and N.S.
NEFA levels of the LD group increased by 34 and 3 6
29%, respectively, compared with the control group,
2 4
while the levels of the HD group did not differ signif-
icantly from the control group [TG, F(2,64) = 9.674, 1 2
p < 0.001; NEFA, F(2,64) = 18.171, p < 0.001]. The 0 0
mean glucose level of the LD group, but not the HD C LD HD 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
group, decreased by 41% compared with the control Adipose tissue weight(mg)
group [F(2,64) = 4.667, p < 0.05]. Fig. 3. Effect of BPA on the level of serum leptin.
Correlation between Adipose Tissue Weight and the (A and C) Levels of serum leptin in offspring were measured using
an ELISA kit for leptin. The values given are the mean±S.E. Panel
Levels of Serum Lipids and Glucose (A) shows the serum leptin level of female offspring. *p < 0.05
Table 2 shows the correlation coefficients be- (compared with the value of the control group). C, control group
tween adipose tissue weight and the levels of serum (n = 19); LD, LD group (n = 16); HD, HD group (n = 19). Panel (C)
lipids and glucose. In females, the levels of serum TC, shows the serum leptin level of male offspring. C, control group
(n = 23); LD, LD group (n = 25); HD, HD group (n = 19). (B and
TG and glucose correlated positively with adipose tis- D) Correlations between the leptin level and adipose tissue weight
sue weight, while the level of serum NEFA correlated in female offspring (B) and male offspring (D) are shown. (○) con-
negatively. As in females, the levels of serum TC and trol group; (●) LD group; (□) HD group. N.S., not significant.
Bisphenol A and Adipose Tissue Mass 249

Table 1. Serum TC, TG, NEFA and glucose levels in female and male mice
Female mice Male mice
Control group LD group HD group Control group LD group HD group
(n = 19) a (n = 16) (n = 19) (n = 23) (n = 25) (n = 19)
Serum TC (mg/dL) 165±8 b 219±11** 193±8* 163±5 201±10 193±12
Serum TG (mg/dL) 87±5 98±12 79±4 79±6 106±8* 66±4
Serum NEFA (mEq/L) 2.23±0.05 2.36±0.18 2.12±0.08 2.02±0.07 2.61±0.11** 1.91±0.07
Serum glucose (mg/dL) 86±12 80±12 66±6 84±8 50±10* 83±9
TC, total cholesterol; TG, triacylglycerol; NEFA, non-esterified fatty acid
Numbers of parentheses show the number of mice.
b mean±SE

p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 (compared with the value of the control group)

Table 2. Correlation coefficients between adipose tissue weight terated drinking water after weaning.
and the levels of serum lipids and glucose Since obesity is characterized by the accumulation
Adipose tissue weight (mg) of excessive adipose tissue mass in the body, we mea-
sured the parametrial/epididymal adipose tissue weight.
female p-value male p-value Our data on adipose tissue weight demonstrated that
Serum TC (mg/dL) 0.570 <0.0001 0.283 0.0212 BPA caused a nonmonotonic and inverted-U-shaped
Serum TG (mg/dL) 0.301 0.0270 −0.377 0.0018 dose-response increase in the mean adipose tissue mass
Serum NEFA (mEq/L) −0.312 0.0231 −0.353 0.0039 in female offspring, while this chemical caused a mono-
Serum glucose (mg/dL) 0.311 0.0219 0.399 0.0009 tonic dose-response increase in the mass in male off-
spring. The ratios of adipose tissue mass to body weight
TC, total cholesterol; TG, triacylglycerol; NEFA, non-esterified fatty were also increased in similar dose-response manners.
Moreover, simple regression analysis showed that, in
both female and male offspring, body weight increased
glucose of males showed a positive correlation with with the increase in adipose tissue mass. These results
adipose tissue and the level of serum NEFA showed a suggest the involvement of BPA in the development of
negative correlation. Surprisingly, the level of serum obesity in both female and male offspring. This inter-
TG in males showed a negative correlation with adi- pretation raises the question of whether BPA affects
pose tissue weight. other parameters of obesity.
Most cases of obesity in rodents 16, 18, 19) and hu-
mans 20-22) are associated with high circulating leptin
Discussion levels. For example, the serum leptin levels of obese
The aim of this study was to determine whether children correlated highly with arm fat and body mass
BPA is involved in the development of obesity and/or index 21); therefore, to explore the above-mentioned
hyperlipidemia. In this study, we gave pregnant mice question, we measured the serum leptin levels. In fe-
drinking water containing either 1 μg/mL or 10 μg/ males, serum leptin levels were significantly higher in
mL of BPA from gestation day 10 and throughout the pups born to mice exposed to BPA than in those born
lactating period, and then gave the pups drinking wa- to control mice. As for adipose tissue mass, mean
ter containing appropriate concentrations of BPA after leptin levels increased in a nonmonotonic and invert-
weaning. The measurement of body weight at postna- ed-U-shaped dose-response manner, resulting in a pos-
tal day 31 showed that continuous exposure to BPA itive correlation between serum leptin levels and adi-
caused an increase in body weight in both female and pose tissue mass. Based on these findings, we conclud-
male offspring. This agrees with the finding of Rubin ed that the continuous exposure of mice to BPA dur-
et al.9) that both female and male offspring born to ing the perinatal and postnatal periods caused the de-
rats exposed to BPA exhibited an increase in body velopment of obesity in female offspring. To our knowl-
weight at postnatal day 28. They gave pregnant rats edge, this is the first report demonstrating the increas-
drinking water containing the same concentrations of ing effect of BPA on adipose tissue mass and serum
BPA as those used in this study from gestation day 6 leptin level. Takeuchi et al.23) reported that serum BPA
to postnatal day 21, and then gave the pups unadul- concentrations were higher in young obese women
250 Miyawaki et al .

than in young non-obese women and correlated posi- data). Thus, the administration of BPA at doses of
tively with body mass index. This finding suggests that < 20 mg/kg body weight/day during adulthood did
BPA might be associated with the development of not affect serum lipid levels. In the present study, we
obesity in young women. administered BPA (0.26 or 2.72 mg/kg body weight/
In males, BPA failed to increase serum leptin lev- day) to mice during the perinatal and postnatal peri-
els, resulting in no correlation between the serum ods and measured serum lipid levels on postnatal day
leptin level and adipose tissue mass. Two possibilities 31. In females, BPA increased the serum TC level in a
for this failure were considered. One possibility is the nonmonotonic and inverted-U-shaped dose-response
lower increasing effect of BPA on adipose tissue mass manner, but did not cause a significant increase in the
in males than in females. For example, BPA caused a serum TG level. The serum TC level showed a positive
132% increase in mean adipose tissue weight in the correlation with adipose tissue weight. This is compat-
LD group of females, while it caused only a 59% in- ible with the observation that obesity is often accom-
crease in weight in the HD group of males. Another panied with hyperlipidemia. In males, BPA increased
possibility is the gender differences in leptin produc- the serum TG level in a nonmonotonic and inverted-
tion in adipose tissue. We observed in the control U-shaped dose-response manner, but did not cause a
group that adipose tissue was heavier in males than in significant increase in the serum TC level. Surprising-
females [males (n = 23), 95.2±5.6 mg; females (n = 19), ly, the serum TG level correlated negatively with the
56.1±4.5 mg; p < 0.01], whereas there were no differ- adipose tissue weight. This is inconsistent with the
ences in serum leptin levels between genders [males above description. Since the serum TG level correlated
(n = 23), 1.36±0.21 ng/mL; females (n = 19), 1.51± positively with the serum NEFA (r = 0.913, p < 0.0001)
0.26 ng/mL]. Frederich et al.24) also reported that when and negatively with the serum glucose level (r = −0.541,
fed the high-fat diet, equivalent levels of plasma leptin p < 0.0001), this suggests that the high level of serum
were observed in female and male mice despite female TG might be due to the overproduction of TG from
mice having less total body lipid. They described that NEFA, but not glucose. Based on these findings, we
if female mice produced more leptin at any fat cell concluded that the continuous exposure of mice to
size, and the hypothalamus responded to leptin in an BPA during the perinatal and postnatal periods caused
identical manner in both sexes, reduced body fat con- the development of hypercholesterolemia in female off-
tent in the presence of equivalent leptin levels would spring and of hypertriglyceridemia in male offspring.
result. Ahrén 25) reported that the plasma leptin level Although the mechanism by which perinatal and
displayed a nocturnal increase in mice and that this postnatal exposure to BPA elicits increasing effects on
increase was 2.6-times greater in females than in males. the adipose tissue mass and serum lipids differently in
Thus, the ability to produce leptin in adipose tissue female and male offspring is unclear, there have been
was lower in males than in females. some reports on the differences in responses to BPA
In humans, obesity often develops secondarily to between female and male offspring born to exposed
hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease. Cardiovas- dams. Rubin et al.9) reported that the increase in body
cular disease is the major cause of morbidity and mor- weight of rats born to dams exposed to BPA persisted
tality, and the risk of coronary heart disease is associat- longer in female offspring than in male offspring after
ed with high circulating TC levels 26-28). To our knowl- BPA administration ceased. Farabollini et al.30) de-
edge, there are only two reports on the effect of BPA scribed that perinatal exposure of rats to BPA in the
on serum lipid levels. Dodge et al. 29) reported that the period of sexual differentiation of the brain influenced
4-day oral administration of BPA (0.1, 1.0 or 10 mg/ adult behavior differently in females and males.
kg body weight/day) to ovariectomized rats (6 months Our present data showed that low-dose BPA was
old) did not change the serum TC level, but BPA at more effective than high-dose BPA in altering some
the highest dose (30 mg/kg body weight/day) decreased parameters of obesity and hyperlipidemia. This is con-
it. Seidlová-Wuttke et al.14) reported that the 3-month sistent with the finding of Rubin et al.9) that, in female
administration of pellet food containing BPA (0.033 rats exposed perinatally to BPA, the lower of the two
or 0.333 mg/kg body weight/day) to ovariectomized BPA doses (0.1 and 1.2 mg/kg body weight/day) pro-
rats (3 months old) did not change serum TC and TG duced a larger effect on body weight relative to the
levels. We recently observed that the 30-day adminis- higher dose. Similar nonmonotonic and inverted-U-
tration of a 30% fat diet containing BPA (approxi- shaped dose-response curves of BPA were observed in
mately 0.19 or 18.9 mg/kg body weight/day) to male measurements of preputial gland weight 31) and testis
ICR mice (4 weeks old) did not cause any changes in weight 32) in rodents. vom Saal et al.31) described that
serum TC and TG levels (H Masuno - unpublished responses to weak environmental estrogens, including
Bisphenol A and Adipose Tissue Mass 251

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for the Promotion of Science (H.M.) and a grant 13) Sakurai K, Kawazuma M, Adachi T, Harigaya T, Saito Y,
(Kyouiku Kenkyu Joseihi) from Ehime Prefectural Hashimoto N, and Mori C: Bisphenol A affects glucose
University of Health Sciences. transport in mouse 3T3-F442A adipocytes. Br J Pharma-
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Sciences, Ehime University School of Medicine, Ehime) and Wuttke W: Effects of bisphenol-A (BPA), dibutylphta-
for advice on statistical analyses. late (DBP), benzophenone-2 (BP2), procymidone (Proc),
and linurone (Lin) on fat tissue, a variety of hormones
and metabolic parameters: a 3 months comparison with
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