Instruction Manual and Part List MSD 90

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The document provides instructions and parts lists for a skimming separator. It details safety precautions, operating principles, and maintenance procedures.

The document mentions to strictly follow safety symbols, take care during marked operations, observe accident prevention regulations, only follow the instruction manual, operate and maintain the separator as specified, and carry out safety checks.

The document describes and shows images of components like the bowl, distributor, gear, hydraulic unit, and sterilizing tank assembly.

Westfalia Separator AG

Mechanical Separation

Instruction Manual and Parts List

No.: 1225-9001-040
Edition: 0900
Designation: Skimming Separator
with self-cleaning bowl
Model: MSD 90-01-076
2 Westfalia Separator AG

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Fig. 1

Westfalia Separator
D-59302 Oelde (F. R. Germany)

Model S/N

Built in ø in mm

Max. admissible rated bowl speed in min-1

Max. admissible density in kg/dm3 of product

Heavy liquid Solids

kg/dm3 kg/dm3
min/max throughput m3/h

min/max temp. of product in °C

min/max housing in bar

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For your safety

• Strictly adhere to instructions marked with this symbol

This avoids damage to the machine and other units.

• Take special care when carrying out operations marked with this
symbol –

otherwise danger to life.

• Observe accident prevention regulations

The local safety and accident prevention regulations apply uncondi-

tionally to the operation of the separator.

• Instruction manual

Follow only the instructions given in this manual

• Operate the separator only in accordance with agreed process

and operating parameters

• Maintain the separator as specified –

in this manual

• Carry out safety checks on the separator –

as described in chapter "Safety precautions" in this manual

• Liability for the function of the machine passes to the owner

Liability for the function of the machine passes unconditionally to the

owner or operator irrespective of existing warranty periods in so far as
the machine is improperly maintained or serviced by persons other
than Westfalia Separator service personnel or if the machine is not
applied in accordance with the intended use.

Westfalia Separator AG shall not be liable for damage which occurs as

a result of non-observance of the above. Warranty and liability condi-
tions in the Conditions of Sale and Delivery of Westfalia Separator AG
are not extended by the above.

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1 Safety precautions 9

1.1 Correct usage .......................................................................................10

1.2 Safety stickers on the machine..............................................................10
1.3 Basic operating principles......................................................................11
1.4 Bowl speed and product ........................................................................11
1.5 Operations on the separator ..................................................................11
1.5.1 Assembly ...............................................................................................12
1.5.2 Electrical appliances ..............................................................................13
1.5.3 Before start-up ....................................................................................... 14
1.5.4 Operation ...............................................................................................15
1.5.5 Shut-down and »Emergency-Off« .........................................................17
1.5.6 Maintenance and repair .........................................................................17
1.6 Corrosion ...............................................................................................21
1.7 Erosion...................................................................................................22

2 Installation 25

2.1 Transport................................................................................................28
2.2 Installation..............................................................................................28

3 Lubrication 31

3.1 Bearings and gear .................................................................................32

3.1.1 Oil quality ...............................................................................................32
3.1.2 Oil quantity.............................................................................................32
3.1.3 Oil check ................................................................................................33
3.1.4 Oil change..............................................................................................33
3.2 Bowl parts ..............................................................................................33
3.3 Motor bearings.......................................................................................33

4 Motor connection 35

4.1 Three-phase AC motor ..........................................................................36

4.2 Direction of rotation of the bowl .............................................................36
4.3 Speed and starting time of the bowl ......................................................36
4.4 Speed measuring unit............................................................................37

5 Bowl 39

5.1 Important hints .......................................................................................40

5.2 Removing the feed and discharge connections .................................... 43
5.3 Dismantling the bowl..............................................................................45
5.4 Assembling the bowl..............................................................................51
5.5 Assembling the feed and discharge connections .................................. 59
5.6 Replacing the main gasket in bowl top .................................................. 61
5.7 Removal of bowl valves .........................................................................62
5.8 Installation of bowl valves ......................................................................62
5.9 Disc stack compressing device ............................................................63

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6 Technical information 65

6.1 Operating principles of the bowl ............................................................ 66

6.2 Operating principles of the hydraulic system of the bowl ...................... 67
6.3 Control unit ............................................................................................69
6.4 Operating-water connection...................................................................70
6.4.1 Pressure switch .....................................................................................71
6.4.2 Solenoid valves......................................................................................71

7 Operation 73

7.1 General ..................................................................................................74

7.2 Before start-up ....................................................................................... 74
7.3 Starting...................................................................................................74
7.4 The separator in operation ..................................................................75
7.5 Ejection of the bowl................................................................................76
7.5.1 Partial ejection .......................................................................................76
7.5.2 Total ejection .........................................................................................78
7.5.3 Function diagram ...................................................................................78
7.5.4 Bowl ejections (manual).........................................................................79
7.6 Stopping the separator ..........................................................................80

8 Cleaning 81

8.1 Cleaning-in-place (CIP) .........................................................................82

8.2 Bowl .......................................................................................................83
8.3 Upper section of frame ..........................................................................83
8.4 Operating-water feeding system............................................................83
8.5 Gear chamber........................................................................................83
8.6 Before a long-term shut-down ...............................................................84

9 Drive 85

9.1 Dismantling the vertical gear parts ........................................................86

9.1.1 Removal of ball bearing and worm ........................................................88
9.2 Re-assembly of vertical gear parts ........................................................89
9.2.1 Assembling the neck bearing bridge .....................................................90
9.2.2 Fitting the spring column into the bottom bearing .................................90
9.2.3 Installing the worm spindle ....................................................................91
9.3 Bowl Height............................................................................................92
9.3.1 Checking ................................................................................................92
9.3.2 Adjusting ................................................................................................92
9.4 Removal of the horizontal gear parts.....................................................94
9.4.1 Removing the motor ..............................................................................94
9.4.2 Removing the fluid clutch.......................................................................95
9.4.3 Worm wheel shaft ..................................................................................95
9.4.4 Grooved ball bearing (motor side) .........................................................97
9.4.5 Angular contact ball bearing (brake side) ..............................................97
9.5 Re-assembly of horizontal gear parts...................................................98

10 Fluid clutch 101

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10.1 General ................................................................................................102

10.2 Checking the oil level...........................................................................102
10.3 Re-filling of oil ......................................................................................103
10.4 Type of oil ............................................................................................104
10.5 Dismantling ..........................................................................................105
10.6 Re-assembly........................................................................................107

11 Trouble shooting 109

11.1 Fault detection - Mechanical function ..................................................110

11.2 Fault detection - Ejection .....................................................................114

12 Lubrication and maintenance 117

12.1 Lubrication chart ..................................................................................118

12.2 Maintenance schedule.........................................................................119

13 Parts list 121

Frame, complete 125

Brake, complete 127
Intermediate flange, complete 128
Motor protective hood 129
Gear, complete 131
Worm spindle assembly 133
Fluid clutch, complete 135
Neck bearing bridge with covering 136
Bowl, complete 139
Double centripetal pump, compl. 140
Hood, complete 141
Feed and discharge connections, complete 142
Valve, complete (Whey) (on special order) 143
Flowmeter, complete 145
Flowmeter, complete 146
Operating–water connection, compl. 149
Solenoid valve, cpl. (24 VDC ) 150
Metering unit, complete 151
Tools, complete 153
Hydraulic unit, complete 155
Sterilizing tank assembly 157

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1 Safety precautions

1.1 Correct usage .......................................................................................10

1.2 Safety stickers on the machine..............................................................10
1.3 Basic operating principles......................................................................11
1.4 Bowl speed and product ........................................................................11
1.5 Operations on the separator ..................................................................11
1.5.1 Assembly ...............................................................................................12
1.5.2 Electrical appliances ..............................................................................13
1.5.3 Before start-up ....................................................................................... 14
1.5.4 Operation ...............................................................................................15
1.5.5 Shut-down and »Emergency-Off« .........................................................17
1.5.6 Maintenance and repair .........................................................................17
1.6 Corrosion ...............................................................................................21
1.7 Erosion...................................................................................................22

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1.1 Correct usage

The separator is designed
• in accordance with the chemical and physical properties of the product speci-
fied by the customer and
• in accordance with the method of application of the separator agreed with
Westfalia Separator AG.
In particular, products not conforming to the specifications the nameplate may
not be used.
Any mode of operation deviating herefrom is not proper and correct.
Prior to any intended deviation from the agreed operating mode, it is therefore
imperative to obtain the consent of Westfalia Separator AG.

1.2 Safety stickers on the machine

The following warnings must be attached to the machine as self-adhesive stick-
The stickers must always be in perfect condition.
• Clean dirty stickers.
• Replace damaged stickers.

Fig. 2

1) Only in case of operation with frequency converter

2) Only in case of hot operation

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1.3 Basic operating principles

Separators are used for the separation of liquid mixtures or for the separation of
solids out of liquids or liquid mixtures.
High centrifugal forces are produced in
the rotating bowl.

Fig. 3

Under the influence of the centrifugal forces, separation of the liquid mixture
and/or ejection of the solids particles takes place most rapidly.
The specifically heavier components are displaced to the bowl periphery, whe-
reas the specifically lighter components are displaced towards the centre of the
The high centrifugal force is produced by very high bowl speeds. On the one
hand, high bowl speeds signify high efficiency, while on the other hand, they
signify high material stressing of the separator.

1.4 Bowl speed and product

The max. permissible bowl speed is an important parameter when rating the se-
parator. It depends on the chemical and physical properties of the product such
• temperature (if higher than 100 °C or lower than 0 °C),
• density of the fluid and solid components,
• aggressiveness of the product as regards corrosion and erosion (has influ-
ence on the selection of the bowl material).
The bowl speed is determined on the basis of these parameters allowing for an
adequate safety margin.
Before using a product with properties different from those stated when placing
the order, it is imperative to obtain the manufacturer's approval.

1.5 Operations on the separator

The separator works reliably, provided that it is operated and maintained in ac-
cordance with our operating instructions.
Special attention must be given to:
• assembly
• starting
• shutting-down
• maintenance and servicing

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1.5.1 Assembly
• If the plant has several centrifuges,
be careful not to interchange parts
of different bowls since each bowl
has been balanced individually.
The bowl parts are marked with the
serial-number of the machine or with
the last three digits of the serial-

Fig. 4

• Damaged parts must be replaced

immediately by new parts.

Fig. 5

• After installing certain critical spare

bowl parts, the bowl must be re-

Fig. 6

• The bowl parts are arranged in fixed

positions relative to one another.
• Locking devices and alignment
marks must be in perfect condition.
The bowl must not be operated if
these locking devices and alignment
marks are not in perfect condition.

Fig. 7

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• When assembling the bowl, be sure

to strictly adhere to the instructions
given in chapter "bowl", in order to
avoid undue unbalance.
• Before starting the bowl, be sure to
fit all parts.
• Tighten the bowl lock ring securely:
the "O" marks on the bowl bottom or
bowl top and on the lock ring must
be in line with each other.

Fig. 8

• Check if the machine is completely

assembled and properly installed.

Fig. 9

• Carefully fasten hood 1, feed and

discharge housing 2 and centripetal
pump 3.

Fig. 10
1.5.2 Electrical appliances
• The governing accident prevention
regulations apply for the electrical
appliances and installations.
• The frequency and voltage of the
power supply must correspond to
the machine specifications.
• Carry out potential equalization.
• Observe legal regulations; e.g. in
the EU:
– Low-voltage guideline 73/23/EWG
– Electro-magnetic compatibility
Fig. 11

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1.5.3 Before start-up

• Check that the bowl lock ring has
been firmly tightened.
• The "O" marks on bowl bottom or
bowl top and on the lock ring must
be aligned.

Fig. 12

• The bowl must rotate in clockwise

direction (see arrow on frame or sol-
ids collector).

Fig. 13

• The separator may only be operated

with protection devices conforming
to EN 294.
Equip solid and liquid discharges

Fig. 14

• Check that the lubrication and cool-

ing systems are serviceable.

Fig. 15

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• Check whether the supervisory

equipment is operational and the
correct limit values are adjusted.
• When hoods, concentrate collectors
and vessels are pressurized, e.g. by
– inert gas,
– cooling,
– steam sterilization etc.
the pressures stated on the name-
plate must not be exceeded.

Fig. 16

• Check that the product lines are set

to operation.
• Regularly check hoses for signs of
• Check sight glasses for mechanical
• Replace damaged parts by parts
which are as good as new.

Fig. 17

1.5.4 Operation
• Refer to chapter »operation«.
• Note nameplate. The values for
– bowl speed
– density of the heavy liquid,
– density of solids (centrifugally dry)
are max. values and must not be ex-

Fig. 18

• Wear ear protection.

Fig. 19

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In case of frequency converter op-

• Do not under any circumstances
manipulate the frequency converter
to exceed the permissible bowl
speed (see maker's nameplate).
• The separator may only be operated
with an independent device for
speed limiting.

Fig. 20

• Do not feed product which is cate-

gorised as explosive.
• The separator must not be used in
areas where explosion protection is

Fig. 21

• When processing products harmful

to persons, observe the pertinent
safety regulations.
• Refer to the safety data sheet of the
• Wear protective clothing.

Fig. 22

• Stop the separator immediately if

unusual noises or vibrations occur.

Fig. 23

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Only in case of hot operation:

• Product-contacting parts such as
– pipes and hoses,
– hood,
– solids collector
reach temperatures over 80 oC.

Fig. 24

• The bowl is not allowed to run with-

out liquid supply for more than 15
minutes, as otherwise it would result
in overheating of the bowl material.

Fig. 25
1.5.5 Shut-down and »Emergency-Off«
• For shut-down refer to the chapter

Fig. 26

1.5.6 Maintenance and repair

Unfavourable operating conditions may require shorter maintenance intervals.
The factors listed below are unfavourable because they either attack the sepa-
rator material directly or impair the lubrication/cooling system:
• aggressive product (chemical or physical)
• high product temperature
• product with grease decaying properties
• environment: temperature, dust and vapours

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Particularly stressed parts such as

bearing hub, bowl hub and other bowl
parts with a large outer diameter must
be checked on a regular basis to en-
sure safe and efficient operation.

Fig. 27

Timely maintenance and replacement of worn or damaged machine parts is es-

sential for safe operation of the machine.

Maintenance and repair work may only be carried out by the customer to
the extent as described in this instruction manual.

Maintenance and repair work not described in this manual may only be
carried out by the manufacturer or by "repair shops" authorized by the
We, therefore, recommend in your own interest to have your separator in-
spected by our service engineers at regular intervals. Such inspections will keep
your separator working reliable and prevent undesirable shut-downs.
Before maintenance and servicing:
• switch off all electrical appliances
via the main switch,
• secure installation against unin-
tended re-starting with locking de-

Fig. 28

• Do not loosen any part before the

bowl has come to a standstill.
• For checking standstill refer to chap-
ter "bowl".

Fig. 29

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• Do not climb onto or stand on the

machine or parts of the machine.
• Make provision for and use a sturdy
working platform.

Fig. 30

• Place dismantled machine parts on

a suitable base, e.g. rubber mat.
• Take steps to prevent machine parts
from overturning and rolling away.

Fig. 31

• Do not heat bowl parts with the

naked flame.
• Bowl parts must never be welded.
This also applies for hood and sol-
ids collector parts of steam-
sterilizable separators.
• Even during cleaning the bowl parts
the temperature must not exceed
100 °C.

Fig. 32

• Load-carrying equipment such as

lifting devices for
– bowl or distributor,
– chains etc.
may only be used for work routines as
described in this instruction manual.
• Do not use damaged or incomplete
load carrying equipment.

Fig. 33

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• Collect dripping oil to prevent dan-

ger of slipping or product infection.
• When handling waste oils note:
– They can be injurious to health,
depending on their chemical
– Waste oil must be disposed of in
accordance with local regulations.

Fig. 34

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1.6 Corrosion
Corrosion can also affect bowl parts made of stainless steel. This corrosion can
be flat-spread or pit- or crack-shaped and merits special attention.
Corrosion on stainless steel bowl material should be examined thoroughly and
Flat-spread corrosion can usually be measured (reduction of wall thickness)
Pit- or crack-shaped corrosion cannot be measured without the risk of damage.
At the initial stage pit-shaped corrosion is generally caused by chlorine ions.
Depending on the stressing of the part, pit-shaped corrosion can result in crack-
shaped corrosion.
Possible formation of pit-shaped cor-

Fig. 35

Such pittings can only be investigated by a materials expert.

In case of crack-shaped corrosion attack with or without superposed flat-spread
and pit-shaped corrosion on main bowl components, the machine must be
shut down immediately.
Contact your nearest Westfalia Separator AG representative for a thorough ex-
Pittings which are close together or
form a linear pattern can signify crack
formation beneath the surface.
Such pittings should be investigated
by a materials expert.

Fig. 36

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1.7 Erosion
Erosion is caused by solid particles in the process liquid.
These solid particles grind marks into the surfaces with which they come into
The following factors favour the occurrence of erosion:
• hard solids particles
• high throughput capacities
The first signs of erosion should be carefully observed and documented. Ero-
sion can deepen rapidly, thereby weakening the bowl material.
Contact your nearest Westfalia Separator representative for a thorough exami-
nation. Information on the nature of the damage can be provided by photos,
plaster casts or lead molds.

Fig. 37
The surfaces most susceptible to erosion are:
1) the bottom of the distributor, the rising channels and the ribs,
2) the centripetal pump (cavitation),
3) all surfaces in the area of the solids discharge ports,
4) the nozzles.

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Signs of erosion which you should

immediately report to your nearest
Westfalia Separator representative:
• The bottom of the erosion mark has
a radius smaller than 1 mm (large
notch effect).
• The depth of erosion mark exceeds
1 mm at the deepest point.

Fig. 38

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2 Installation

2.1 Transport................................................................................................28
2.2 Installation..............................................................................................28

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Fig. 39 - Subject to modification - note project-specific dimensioned drawing!

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Fig. 40 - Subject to modification - note project-specific dimensioned drawing !

Load on foundation:
static N = 18 000 N
dynamic horizontal on each foot 200 N
vertical on each foot 390 N

1 Discharge heavy phase 16 Sterilizing vessel

2 Feed 17 Operating-water discharge
3 Discharge light phase 18 Solenoid valves
4 Flush line 19 Metering unit
5 Pressure switch 20 Connection piece for temperature feelers
6 Strainer 21 Connection for PTC resistors
7 Operating-water feed 22 Overflow
8 Inspection port cover 23 Constant pressure valve
9 Minimum lifting height for hoist 24 Pressure reducer
10 Solids discharge 25 Overflow syphon
11 Power supply for motor 26 Potential equalization
12 Steam supply (sterilizing vessel)
13 Thermometer (sterilizing vessel)
14 Power supply for solenoid valves and pressure switch
15 Discharge (sterilizing vessel)

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Fig. 41
2.1 Transport
• Suspend the separator as shown in figure.
• Never attach rope to eye bolt on motor.
• To prevent rope from slipping, wind it twice around the crane hook.
When lowering the separator, make sure it touches down gently

2.2 Installation
When installing the separator, make sure that sufficient room is available to
mount and remove the motor (see dimensioned drawing).
If several separators are installed, the distance from center-to-center of the se-
parators must be observed, see dimensioned drawing.
Do not install a shut-off valve in the frame drain and do not connect this frame
drain to a piping system. The operating water must be able to discharge freely
into a sewer or sludge tank, e. g. via a funnel. Otherwise it will rise into the up-
per section of the frame, resulting in slowing down of the bowl. It can also seep
down through the neck bearing into the gear housing and damage the gear.
For mounting and removing the bowl a 500 kg hoist or slewing pillar crane is re-
If possible use flexible tubes for connecting the feed and discharge lines of the
separator to the fixed pipe lines so that vibrations occurring during start-up and
slowing-down of the machine are absorbed.

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Fig. 42

1 Rubber cushion 5 Threaded pin

2 Screw 6 Bolt
3 Flange 7 Floor
4 Foot 8 Foundation frame

• Screw bolts 6 into the four mounting blocks of foundation frame 8 as far as
they will go.
• Embed the foundation frame in the floor 7 so that the mounting blocks of the
frame protrude from the floor by about 5 mm.
• Level the foundation frame so that the cams are horizontal and anchor it in
conformity with local regulations (e.g. by means of approved anchor bolts).
• By means of flanges 3 and screws 2, fasten feet 4 with fitted-on rubber cush-
ions 1 to separator frame.
• Lift the separator onto the bolts of the foundation frame.
• Tighten threaded pins 5 with a wrench.
• The dynamic forces of each individual foot act as common torque on the

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3 Lubrication

3.1 Bearings and gear .................................................................................32

3.1.1 Oil quality ...............................................................................................32
3.1.2 Oil quantity.............................................................................................32
3.1.3 Oil check ................................................................................................33
3.1.4 Oil change..............................................................................................33
3.2 Bowl parts ..............................................................................................33
3.3 Motor bearings.......................................................................................33

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3.1 Bearings and gear

All bearings of the separator are splash-lubricated by:
– -Immersion of the toothed rim of the wormwheel in the central oil bath.
(All bearings are splashed with oil due to centrifugal force.)

3.1.1 Oil quality

As lubricating oil use only industrial gear oils designated
• CLP 220 - according to DIN 51502
• CC 220 - according to ISO 3498
The lubricating oil must meet the following requirements:

Additives giving increased protection against corrosion and increased resis-

tance to aging.
TCorrosion protection proper- degree of corrosion 0 DIN 51355/B
hties on steel:
eCorrosion effect on copper: degree of corrosion 1 DIN 51759-100 A3
Additives for decreasing wear and increasing the load–carrying capacity.
gBasic requirement: ”FZG” gear rig test A/16,6/90
e as per DIN 51534
a load grade > 12
rDemulsifying power:
min < 60 DIN 51599
iat 40 C mm2/s (cSt) 220 ± 22

The gear oil designated "Separator lubricating oil CLP 220" ( WS part-no. 0015-
0014-080) which we have subjected to extensive tests meets the above re-
quirements and should be used.

Do not use mineral motor car oils or motor oils.

3.1.2 Oil quantity

Before the initial start-up of the sepa-
• remove gear sight glass and
• fill gear chamber with oil.
Quantity: approx. 5,5 litres
Minimum oil level:
slightly above middle of sight glass
Maximum oil level:
up to the upper third of sight glass

Fig. 43
During operation the oil level must never be allowed to sink below the
middle of the sight glass; refill oil when necessary.

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3.1.3 Oil check

• Check oil level daily!
Check from time to time if oil contains water.
To do this, loosen oil drain screw and allow a small amount of oil to drain
• If the oil shows a milky colouring (emulsification) an immediate oil change is

3.1.4 Oil change

• Make first oil change after about 250 operating hours; then
• change oil every 500 operating hours. However be sure not to wait longer
than 6 months to change the oil.
• Each time when changing the oil, thoroughly clean gear chamber and flush it
with thin-bodied oil before filling in new oil.
• Remove all metal particles from inner walls and corners of the gear chamber.
• Do not use fluffy cleaning rags or cotton waste.
• Clean sight glass.

3.2 Bowl parts

Before assembling the bowl grease bowl parts such as:
– bowl bottom
– sliding piston
– bowl top
– lock rings
with Klüber Grease KSB 8 .
In addition to the above lubricant, other pastes or greases with the same proper-
ties may be used.

3.3 Motor bearings

For lubrication of the motor bearings, refer to the instructions of the motor manu-
facturer (see motor plate).

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4 Motor connection

4.1 Three-phase AC motor ..........................................................................36

4.2 Direction of rotation of the bowl .............................................................36
4.3 Speed and starting time of the bowl ......................................................36
4.4 Speed measuring unit............................................................................37

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4.1 Three-phase AC motor

The separator bowl is driven by a water-cooled flange-type motor via a fluid
clutch and worm wheel gear.
Motor power 22 kW
Type IM B5
Connection Direct starting or
star-delta starting
switch over from
star to delta after approx. 4 sec.
Starting current 1.8 - 2 x In
Frequency 50 60 Hz
Speed 1500 1800 min-1
Type of protec- IP 55
Motor protection PTC resistors
Connect the PTC resistors to an appropriate tripping device.
External voltage for the terminals of the temperature feelers max. 2.5 volts.
When testing for continuity, use an ohmmeter.
Never use a test lamp.
The measuring circuit line (between tripping device and motor) has to be laid
separate from other lines.
Dimensioning of switches, wiring and fuses should be based upon the starting

4.2 Direction of rotation of the bowl

The bowl must rotate in clockwise direction when looked at from above.
If it turns in anti-clockwise direction (incorrect), two lead-in wires have to be in-

4.3 Speed and starting time of the bowl

Speed 5 900 rpm
It is indicated by the speed measuring unit.
Starting time approx. 10 minutes
Only two successive starts are permitted.
If, in exceptional cases, a third start becomes necessary, it must not be effected
before 45 to 60 minutes have elapsed.
Why? The temperature of the oil in the fluid clutch will rise excessively.
• Check the spindle speed with a
hand tachometer:
– before initial start-up
– after changing the gear
• Make this check before installing the
The spindle speed may be up to 5%
above the specified bowl speed.

Fig. 44

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Make sure that the bowl reaches its rated speed within the starting time
and that this speed is maintained during operation.

The speed is indicated on the name-plate of the separator.

4.4 Speed measuring unit

The speed measuring unit serves for
• bowl speed indication
• Speed variations up to 3 % are permissible.
• monitoring of
– speed drop
– exceeding the starting time.
Description of unit
The speed measuring unit consists of
• proximity switch
• speed measuring unit
• speed indicator with limit contact
The proximity switch is mounted on the drive (brake side).
Speed measuring device and speed indicator are located in the control unit.
Operating principles
An acoustical alarm is given if the speed drops:
– ≤ 5 800 rpm (50 Hz)
– ≤ 5 800 rpm (60 Hz)
The operating personnel must then interrupt the separating process and stop
the centrifuge.
If the rated speed is not reached in the pre-set starting time ( minutes), an
acoustical alarm is also given.
The product pump is interlocked and safety water is automatically supplied.

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5 Bowl

5.1 Important hints .......................................................................................40

5.2 Removing the feed and discharge connections .................................... 43
5.3 Dismantling the bowl..............................................................................45
5.4 Assembling the bowl..............................................................................51
5.5 Assembling the feed and discharge connections .................................. 59
5.6 Replacing the main gasket in bowl top .................................................. 61
5.7 Removal of bowl valves .........................................................................62
5.8 Installation of bowl valves ......................................................................62
5.9 Disc stack compressing device ............................................................63

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5.1 Important hints

The centrifuge bowl rotates at a very high speed.
Hence, forces are produced which can endanger the operating safety of the
bowl in case of
– incorrect assembly or
– inadequate cleaning of the bowl.
The instructions for assembly must therefore be followed exactly.
The following points should also be observed:
• Before fitting the bowl parts thoroughly clean, grease or lubricate the follow-
ing and check for impact marks:

Guide and contact surfaces

– Bowl lock ring

• Note that lubricating surfaces are clean.
• When fitting the bowl parts, make sure that the "O" marks on all parts are in
line with each other.
(Only then will the parts fit correctly over arresting pins and guide ribs).
• Avoid damage when fitting and removing parts by
– exact positioning.
– avoiding diagonal pull.
– selecting the lower lifting speed of the hoist.

Only use correctly rated, fully functional hoists.

• Do not use force to fit or remove parts.

• Before fitting gaskets, check the gaskets and gasket grooves for cleanness
and wear.
• After fitting, check that the gaskets
– are not twisted.
– fit evenly into their grooves.
• Handle all bowl parts with care.
• Always place them on a rubber mat or pallet.
In the case of a plant with several centrifuges:

Do not interchange parts of different bowls (danger of imbalance).

The bowl parts are marked with the serial number of the machine or the last
three digits of the serial number.

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* Attention: After replacing this part, the complete bowl must be rebalanced!

Fig. 45 Exploded view of the bowl

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Fig. 46

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5.2 Removing the feed and discharge connections

To avoid accidents do not loosen any part before the bowl is at rest.
Only when the gear sight glass is clear and the worm wheel has stopped
rotating is the bowl at a standstill.
• Replace worn gaskets immediately.
• For tools refer to chapter "List of Spare Parts".
• Remove the feed tube from the feed
and discharge housing using
wrench for feed tube.

Fig. 47

• Remove feed and discharge lines.

• Loosen cap nuts of feed and dis-
charge housing, and
• remove the housing.

Fig. 48

• Loosen two Allen screws of the disk.

Fig. 49

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• Unscrew double centripetal pump A

from the disk (anti-clockwise) us-
ing wrench for centripetal pump.

Fig. 50

• Remove the disk.

Fig. 51

• Screw two lifting-eye nuts opposite

each other onto the studs of the

Fig. 52

• Loosen the fastening screws of the

• Disconnect and remove hood flush-
water line from the operating-water
• Shorten the chains of the lifting de-
vice by putting an appropriate chain
link crosswise on hook A (see adja-
cent small figure).
• Hang the shortened lifting device
into the lifting-eye nuts, and
• remove the hood.
Fig. 53

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5.3 Dismantling the bowl

To avoid accidents do not loosen any part before the bowl is at rest!
Only when the gear sight glass is clear and the worm wheel has stopped
rotating is the bowl at a standstill.

• Before opening the bowl, release the brakes by turning the two handles in
clockwise direction.
• Handle bowl parts with care.
• Replace worn gaskets immediately.
• For tools refer to chapter 13 - list of spare parts
• Loosen centripetal pump chamber
lock ring by lightly tapping with the
mallet against the handle of the an-
nular wrench (left-hand thread).

Fig. 54

• Unscrew centripetal pump chamber

lock ring A by hand and remove it.
• Remove centripetal pump chamber
cover B.

Fig. 55

• Screw upper centripetal pump 2

from lower centripetal pump 1 using
a wrench (left-hand thread).
• While doing so hold the lower cen-
tripetal pump with a screwdriver in-
serted through holes in the centripe-
tal pump tube.

Fig. 56

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• Unscrew upper lock screw from

bowl bottom using a socket wrench
(left-hand thread).

Fig. 57

• Unscrew threaded pins A from the

bowl lock ring.
• Fasten the wrench to bowl lock ring
by means of screws.
• Tighten the fastening screws of the
wrench firmly.

Fig. 58

Mount disc stack compressing de-

• Place disk 5 onto bowl top.
• Screw bolt 4 as far as it will go into
the bowl bottom (left-hand thread).
• Insert hydraulic part 2 into the cen-
tering recess of the disk.
• Screw on threaded ring 3 until its
upper edge is flush with end thread
of bolt 4 (left-hand thread).

Fig. 59

To prevent damage to threads:

Screw in threaded bolt completely,

• screw on threaded ring completely down to thread end.

If the threaded ring cannot be screwed down completely, then the piston and the
cylinder of the compressing device are too far apart.

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In this case
• Bring piston and cylinder into initial position:
– loosen pressure relief screw 8 by two turns,
– press the pump lever down as far as it will go,
– screw on threaded ring 3 down to thread end.
• Tighten screw connections of the compressing device.
• Screw tight pressure relief screw 8.
• To facilitate loosening of the bowl
lock ring compress the disc stack
with the compressing device.
Pressure: 230 - 250 bar

• Loosen bowl lock ring by rapping

with a mallet against the handle of
the wrench (left-hand thread).

Fig. 60

Remove disc stack compressing

• Push lever of compressing device
down as far as it will go to prevent it
from springing back.
• Loosen pressure relief screw 8.
• Unscrew threaded ring 3.
• Remove hydraulic part 2 and disk 5.
• Unscrew bolt 4 (left-hand thread).

Fig. 61

• Screw ring bolt 1 into bowl lock ring.

• Lift off bowl lock ring using the lifting
device 2.

Fig. 62

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Forcing off and lifting off the bowl

• Screw threaded bolt 4 into thread of
bowl bottom.
• Screw on threaded ring 3 by hand.
• Place on puller device 1 together
with centripetal pump chamber lock
ring 9.
• Place hydraulic part 2 onto threaded
ring. While doing so, tilt the com-
pressing device.

Fig. 63

• Set the compressing device upright and tighten the centripetal pump chamber
lock ring firmly.
• By actuating the hydraulic part 2 force bowl top off the bowl bottom.
• After loosing the bowl top hang the
hook of hoist into the eye bolt.
• Remove hydraulic part and threaded
• Lift off the bowl top.

Fig. 64

If the separating disc is stuck to the bowl top,

• rap the bowl top with a copper or light metal hammer until the separating disc
becomes loose. Do not let it drop onto the floor!
• If the separating disc cannot be removed in this way, put down the bowl top.
• Pass a brass mandrel through the outer holes in the upper part of the bowl
top and loosen the disc by gently tapping against the mandrel.
Never place a mandrel on the inner rim of the separating disc.
• Remove lower centripetal pump.

Fig. 65

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• Use lifting device (for distributor) to

remove distributor with disc stack
from bowl bottom.

Fig. 66

• Place pressure piece 1 of lifting

device for sliding piston onto hub of
bowl bottom.

Fig. 67

• Install lifting device 2 for sliding pis-

• Force sliding piston off the bowl
bottom by turning threaded spindle
1 clockwise.

Make sure that the sealing lip of the
sliding piston does not get dam-

Fig. 68

• Unscrew spindle screw with a

torque wrench (left-hand thread).

Fig. 69

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Forcing off the bowl bottom:

• Screw pressure piece 7 into
threaded bolt 4.
• Screw eye bolt 3 into upper bolt end
• Screw the whole device into the
bowl bottom as far as it will go
(left-hand thread).
• Force bowl bottom off the spindle
cone by means of wrench SW 24,
which is placed on the correspond-
ing surface at the lower end of the
Fig. 70

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5.4 Assembling the bowl

• For lubrication of threads and guide surfaces of the bowl parts refer to 3.2.
• Replace worn gaskets immediately.
• Tools see chapter 13 - List of spare parts.
• Oil the upper part of the spindle
(cone and cylindrical guide surface
for the spindle cap). The spindle cap
must be able to move freely up and
down on the spindle.
• Clean and wipe dry the conical part
of the spindle with a smooth rag.
Clean also the inside of the bowl
hub thoroughly to ensure proper fit-

Fig. 71

Installing the bowl bottom:

• Screw pressure piece 7 into
threaded bolt 4.
• Screw eye bolt 3 into upper bolt end
• Screw the whole device into the
bowl bottom (left-hand thread).
• Place bowl bottom onto the spindle.
• Place open-ended wrench (SW24)
on the corresponding surface at the
lower end of the bolt and unscrew
the device.
Fig. 72

• Screw the spindle screw tightly

into the spindle using a torque
wrench with extension (left-hand
• Insert gasket 1 into hub of bowl

Fig. 73

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• Thoroughly clean the two gasket

grooves in the bowl bottom and ap-
ply a thin film of grease.
• Insert the gaskets into the grooves
of bowl bottom.

Fig. 74

• Thoroughly clean gasket groove in

sliding piston and apply a thin film
of grease.
If the gasket to be used is new, it
must be stretched equally all the
way around until the outer diameter
almost corresponds to the outer di-
ameter of the groove in the sliding
• Insert the gasket into the groove of
the sliding piston.

Fig. 75

• Place a screwdriver under the gas-

ket and lever it out of the groove.
• Then run the screwdriver around the
sliding piston two or three times.
• Tap the gasket back into the groove
with a rubber hammer. The gasket
is now uniformly stretched all the
way around and thus ensures opti-
mum sealing during operation.

Fig. 76

• Place pressure piece 1 of lifting

device for sliding piston onto hub of
bowl bottom.

Fig. 77

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• Clean and grease guide surfaces

and threads of sliding piston and
bowl bottom (see 3.2).
• Install sliding piston 1 with device 2
so that the "O" marks are aligned.
• Lower sliding piston slowly by turn-
ing jack screw 3 anti-clockwise until
the arresting pins of the bowl bottom
catch into the holes of the sliding
piston. If necessary, wriggle the pis-
ton until it snaps into position.

Fig. 78

Be careful not to damage sealing lip of sliding piston.

• After installing the sliding piston, remove pressure piece 4.

• Stack the discs onto the neck of the
distributor in numerical order, be-
ginning with number 1.
• Install the distributor together with
disc stack into the bowl bottom us-
ing lifting device for distributor.
Make sure that the arresting pins of
the bowl bottom catch into the re-
cesses of the distributor.
The "O" marks on both parts
must be in line with each other.

Fig. 79

• Place lower centripetal pump (with

inserted gaskets) onto the distribu-

Fig. 80

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• Mount separating disc.

Make sure the "O" marks on sepa-
rating disc and on bowl bottom are
in line with each other.

Fig. 81

• Clean and grease guide surfaces of

bowl top (see 3.2).
• Insert gasket into groove of bowl
If the main bowl gasket must be re-
placed, refer to 5.6.

Fig. 82

• Place puller device (bowl top) to-

gether with centripetal pump cham-
ber lock ring onto bowl top.
• Tighten centripetal pump chamber
lock ring using the annular wrench.
• Place bowl top onto bowl bottom.
Make sure that the arresting piece
of bowl bottom catches into the
groove of bowl top. The "O" marks
of both parts must be in line with
each other.

Fig. 83

• Check and grease threads, contact

and guide surfaces (see arrows and
refer to sect. 3.2).

Fig. 84

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• Remove threaded pins A from the

bowl lock ring.
• Screw wrench 3 and eye bolt 1 into
bolt lock ring.
• Place bowl lock ring onto bowl bot-
tom, using lifting device 2.
• Screw in the lock ring (left-hand
thread) with the aid of the wrench.

Fig. 85

Mount compressing device:

• Place disk 5 onto bowl top.

• Screw bolt 4 as far as it will go into
the bowl bottom (left-hand thread).
• Insert hydraulic part 2 into the cen-
tering recess of the disk.
• Screw on threaded ring 3 (left-hand
thread) until its upper edge is flush
with end thread of bolt 4.

Fig. 86

To prevent damage to threads:

• screw in threaded bolt completely,
• screw on threaded ring completely down to thread end.

If the threaded ring cannot be screwed down completely, then the piston
and the cylinder of the compressing device are too far apart.

n this case:
• Bring piston and cylinder into initial position.
– loosen pressure relief screw 8 by two turns,
– press the pump lever down as far as it will go,
– screw on threaded ring down to thread end.
• Tighten screw connections of the compressing device.
• Screw tight pressure relief screw 8.

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Compressing the disc stack:

Pressure must be gradually applied to
the disc stack until the max. disc com-
pression of 290 bar is attained.
Each pressure increase should be
approx. 50 bar.
• After each pressure increase,
tighten bowl lock ring further.
When the max. disc compression of
230 - 250 bar has been reached, the
"O" mark on the bowl lock ring must
be approx. 1 - 2 cm apart from the
"O" mark on the bowl bottom.
Fig. 87

If the disc stack pressure is too low, an additional disc must be inserted.
If the maximum pressure is not attained and grease flows out of the stroke limit-
ing hole, then bolt 4 has not been screwed far enough into the bowl bottom.
The compressing device is only ready for use again when bolt 4 and threaded
ring 3 have been brought back into the position as described above.
• Tighten bowl lock ring by hitting with
mallet against handle of wrench un-
til "O" mark alignment of bowl
bottom and bowl lock ring is ob-

Fig. 88

Dismantle compressing device:

• Push lever of compressing device

down as far as it will go to prevent it
from springing back.
• Then loosen pressure relief screw 8.
• Unscrew threaded ring 3 (left-hand
• Remove hydraulic part 2 and disk 5.
• Unscrew bolt 4 (left-hand thread).

Fig. 89

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• Remove the wrench and eye bolt.

• Insert the threaded pins into the lock
ring and screw them in using an Al-
len wrench until they are flush with
the lock ring.

Fig. 90

• Screw the plug into bowl bottom

using a wrench (left-hand thread).

Fig. 91

• Screw the upper centripetal pump 2

(with inserted gasket) onto the lower
centripetal pump 1 by hand (left-
hand thread). Then tighten it se-
curely with wrench.
Use a screwdriver to hold the lower
centripetal pump.

Do not use force.
Do not hammer against the wrench
Fig. 92

• Mount centripetal pump chamber

cover B (with inserted gasket).
Watch for correct positioning.
• Screw on centripetal pump chamber
lock ring A by hand (left-hand

Fig. 93

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• Tighten centripetal pump chamber

lock ring by tapping the handle of
the annular wrench (left-hand
• Check to see if the bowl can be
turned by hand.

Fig. 94

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5.5 Assembling the feed and discharge connections

• Screw two lifting-eye nuts opposite
each other onto the studs of the

Fig. 95

• Shorten the chains of the lifting de-

vice by putting an appropriate chain
link crosswise on hook A (see adja-
cent small figure).
• Hang the shortened lifting device
into the lifting-eye nuts and
• place the hood onto the solids col-
• Bolt hood and solids collector to-
gether using hex head screws.
• Connect hood flush line.

Fig. 96

• Place the disk onto the hood so that

both Allen screws B are positioned
over the respective tap holes in the
Do not tighten the screws!

Fig. 97

• Screw centripetal pump A into the

disk by hand in clockwise direc-
• Tighten it with wrench 1 as far as it
will go.

Fig. 98

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• Screw the two Allen screws of the

disk into the hood.

Fig. 99

• Install feed and discharge housing

and fasten it with cap nuts.

Fig. 100

• Install feed tube with inserted gas-

kets into feed and discharge hous-
ing until it hits stop.
• Connect feed and discharge lines.

Fig. 101

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5.6 Replacing the main gasket in bowl top

• Drive out gasket from groove of
bowl top with the aid of a drift pin
which is supplied with the machine.
• To do this, insert the drift pin into the
holes around the bowl top alter-
nately and hammer onto the pin until
the gasket becomes loose.

Fig. 102

• Insert gasket (with its narrow side
facing the bowl top) into the clean
groove of the bowl top.
• Using a smooth piece of hard wood,
hammer the gasket evenly into the
groove until its sealing surface pro-
trudes from surface A by not more
than 1 mm.

Fig. 103

It is possible that a new gasket will be
too small.
If the gasket is too small, soak it for
about 5 min. in a water bath at a tem-
perature of 70 - 80°C (160 -175°F).
The gasket will then return to its origi-
nal size.

Fig. 104

After using for the first time and after

the main bowl gasket has been re-
placed, excess material must be
trimmed off with a knife after 4 weeks
operation. Excess material can cause
extensive damage to the gasket, lead-
ing to bowl leakage.

Fig. 105

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5.7 Removal of bowl valves

• Remove the bowl valves once a month for cleaning.
• At the same time, check the gaskets and replace them if necessary.
• Screw wrench 1 (for bowl valve) into
the bowl valve.

Fig. 106
• Push sleeve a of the wrench to-
gether with the pins into the bores of
the bowl valve.
• Tighten collar nut b.
• Unscrew bowl valve from bowl bot-
tom using socket wrench 1.

Fig. 107
If the valve piston 2 remains stuck in
the bowl bottom while pulling out the
valve proceed as follows:
• Screw wrench 3 (for valve piston)
into the valve piston.
• Pull valve piston out of the bowl
bottom by means of the wrench.

Fig. 108
5.8 Installation of bowl valves
For installation proceed in reverse order of removal.
• Moisten gaskets.
• Grease the threads.
• Screw in the valve as far as it will go. However, do not screw it in too tightly.
• The front face of the valve housing must be flush with the outer wall of the
bowl bottom.

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5.9 Disc stack compressing device

Fig. 109

Operating principles
The pump presses grease at a high pressure into pressure chamber 18.
The increase in pressure in the pressure chamber displaces piston 21 in relation
to hydraulic cylinder 20.
The hydraulic part (piston, hydraulic cylinder) is bolted securely to the bowl bot-
tom by means of bolt 4 and threaded ring 3.
When the pressure increases in pressure chamber 18, piston 21 is displaced
The force produced is transferred to the bowl top via the disk 5. The disc stack
is compressed.
Required pressure: 230 - 250 bar
The pump produces a pressure of max. 400 bar. It consists of:
• pump head
• filling device
• non-return valve

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Filling the grease cartridge

Filling of grease cartridge: 450 g special grease K2R
The grease cartridge of the compressing device is filled with special grease be-
fore delivery.
• Actuate clamp piece 13 and pull the filling device 12 upwards.
• Unscrew grease cartridge 14 from pump head 15.
• Fill in grease, approx. 450 g.

Screw grease cartridge 14 into pump head 15.

• Actuate clamp piece 13 and push filling device 12 into grease cartridge 14.
Fill the grease cartridge only with WS special grease K2R.
If there is no build-up of pressure, the following must be checked:
• Is the pressure relief screw 10 screwed in tightly?
• Is there enough K2R grease in the grease cartridge?
• Has piston 21 travelled too far out of hydraulic cylinder 20?
If yes,
• loosen pressure relief screw 10 and
press piston 21 without pressure
back into the hydraulic cylinder 20.
• Then screw in pressure relief screw
10 again tightly.

10 Pressure relief screw

12 Filling device
13 Clamp piece
14 Grease cartridge
15 Pump head
17 Stroke limiting hole
20 Hydraulic cylinder
21 Piston

Fig. 110

• If grease discharges through stroke limiting hole 17, bolt 4 and threaded ring
3 are not screwed into their correct end position; the stroke is too long.

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6 Technical information

6.1 Operating principles of the bowl ............................................................ 66

6.2 Operating principles of the hydraulic system of the bowl ...................... 67
6.3 Control unit ............................................................................................69
6.4 Operating-water connection...................................................................70
6.4.1 Pressure switch .....................................................................................71
6.4.2 Solenoid valves......................................................................................71

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Fig. 111
6.1 Operating principles of the bowl
The separator is equipped with a self-cleaning disc type bowl.
A hydraulically movable sliding piston opens and closes the bowl.
The product enters the bowl through the "soft-stream inlet system". This ar-
rangement ensures gentle and turbulence-free product feed into the rising
channels of the disc stack.
The milk or the whey flows through feed (1) into the bowl and is separated in the
disc stack (6) into skim milk and cream.
By means of centripetal pumps (4 and 5) both components are discharged fo-
amfree and under pressure and conveyed to outlets (2 and 3).
The separated solids collect in the solids holding space (7) from where they are
ejected periodically through ejection ports (8).
Solids ejection is initiated by a control unit.
The product is fed into and discharged from the centrifuge by means of a closed
system of pipes.
The rated capacity is adjusted by means of a flow constrictor in the feed line.
Skim milk and cream are discharged under pressure.
The pressure in the skim milk discharge line (3) can be adjusted by means of a
constant-pressure valve and read off on a pressure gauge.
A regulating valve and a flowmeter in the cream discharge line (2) serve to ad-
just the cream.

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6.2 Operating principles of the hydraulic system of the bowl

Bowl closed
1 Injection chamber for operating
water (closing chamber)
3 Closing chamber
4 Piston
6 Bowl valve
7 Valve piston
8 Gasket
9 Bowl gasket
10 Drain hole for operating water
(closing chamber)
11 Solids holding space
12 Solenoid valve

Fig. 112

Closing the bowl

When the bowl has reached its rated speed, solenoid valve 12 for closing water
is opened briefly several times.
The closing water flows into the closing chamber 3 beneath the sliding piston 4.
Due to the rotation, pressure builds up in the closing chamber. This pressure
creates force in axial direction which presses the sliding piston against gasket 9
of bowl top, thus closing the solids holding space 11 during the separation proc-
Closing chamber 3 is sealed by valve piston 7 which is pressed through cen-
trifugal force against gasket 8 and thus closes discharge hole 10.
Operating water is supplied every minute for 1 second to ensure that in case of
small operating-water losses the bowl remains closed.

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Bowl open
2 Injection chamber for operating
water (bowl valve)
3 Closing chamber
4 Piston
5 Feed hole -operating water
(bowl valve)
6 Bowl valve
7 Valve piston
8 Gasket
9 Bowl gasket
10 Drain hole for operating water
(closing chamber)
11 Solids holding space
13 Solenoid valve
14 Solids ejection ports

Fig. 113

Opening the bowl (ejection)

If the solenoid valve 13 (opening water) opens, operating water flows from injec-
tion chamber 2 through hole 5 to bowl valve 6.
Piston 7 of bowl valve 6 is then pushed inwards and releases the drain hole 10
so that operating water can discharge from the closing chamber 3.
As the liquid level recedes the pressure acting on the underside of the sliding
piston decreases quickly. As soon as it is smaller than the liquid pressure acting
on the upper side of the sliding piston, the piston moves downwards, thus open-
ing the solids ejection ports in the bowl bottom. The solids are ejected instanta-
neously through annular gap 14.
After ejection:
– solenoid valve 13 (opening water) closes,
– solenoid valve 12 (closing water) opens.
Valve piston 7 reseals drain hole 10 and closing chamber 3 fills with operating
water again.
As soon as the liquid pressure in the closing chamber is higher than the liquid
pressure in the centrifugation space the sliding piston moves upwards, thus
closing the bowl.

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6.3 Control unit

Partial sediment ejections are initiated by the control unit in accordance with a
pre-set program.
By pressing the button "Partial ejection", the program in progress can be inter-
rupted and a partial ejection can be initiated immediately.
Total ejections and hood flushings (bowl overflow) during cleaning-in-place are
initiated manually on the control unit or automatically from a separate CIP unit.
For further details refer to the instruction manual "Control unit".

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6.4 Operating-water connection

1 Water feed
2 to separator
3 Air connection

A Solenoid valve for opening water

B Solenoid valve for closing water
C Solenoid valve for filling water
D Solenoid valve for hood flush water
E Metering unit
F Air chamber, metering unit
G Non-return valve
H Pressure switch
M Pressure gauge
N Pressure gauge

Fig. 114

Operating-water pressure: Pmin. = 3 bar Pmax. = 4 bar

Required operating water: 2 000 l/h
Air pressure for metering unit: ≥ 4.5 bar
Standard operating-water values:
• Hardness: ≤ 12° dH at separating temperatures of up to 55° C
≤ 6° dH at separating temperatures above 55° C
• Suspended matter: max. 10 mg/l
• Particle size: max. 50 μm
To convert the hardness values stated use the following equation:
– 1°dH = 1.79°fH = 1.25°eH = 17.9 ppm CaCO3
• Chlorine ions: ≤ 100 mg/l
• pH value: ≤ 6.5 - 7.5
The pressure gauges M and N are master pressure gauges; they only serve to
observe the opening process and the operating water pressure.

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6.4.1 Pressure switch

For proper functioning of the automatic control a pressure of approx. 2.5 bar is
required while the closing-water valve is open. At a lower pressure the bowl will
either not open or not close.
For this reason the operating-water line is provided with the pressure switch
which triggers an acoustical or optical signal if the minimum pressure drops be-
low a preset value.
The product valve closes.

6.4.2 Solenoid valves

Fig. 115

1 Diaphragm 6 Housing (for manual override)

2 Cylindrical pressure spring 7 Solenoid core
3 Gasket 8 Solenoid head
4 Gasket 9 Coupler socket
5 Gasket
The solenoid valves incorporated in the operating-water system are 2/2-way
straight-way diaphragm valves with internal piloting. They are equipped with a
manual override for testing purposes.
The adjusting screw must be adjusted manually using a screwdriver!
The solenoid coil is entirely embedded in Epoxy resin which ensures protection
against moisture, good dissipation of heat, and perfect electrical insulation.
The valves are fully tropicalized.

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Technical data:
Solenoid valve Type 281 281
Part-Number 0018-5870- 0018-5947-
610 610
Pipe connection R 3/4in 1/2in
Voltage V DC 24 24
Power consumption: pull-in W 8 8
operation W 8 8
Duty cycle % 100 100
Frequency of operation /h 1000 1000
Type of enclosure IP 65 65
Pressure range bar 0,5 - 16 0,5 - 16
Temperature: medium C + 100 + 100
ambient C + 55 + 55
Cable entry Pg 9 9
(coupler socket)

The solenoid valves do not require special maintenance.
Locating electrical faults

Switch off main switch.

• Shut off main valve for operating water.

Fault Cause Remedies

Valve does not func- Control unit defective. Call Service Engi-
tion. neer.
Faulty wire in con- Replace wire.
necting terminal.
Connecting terminal Tighten screw of con-
loose on terminal necting terminal.
Poor contact to con- Clean contact or re-
necting terminal. place it.

Coupler socket loose Tighten coupler so-

or leaky. cket.
Solenoid coil defec- Replace complete
tive. solenoid head.

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7 Operation

7.1 General ..................................................................................................74

7.2 Before start-up ....................................................................................... 74
7.3 Starting...................................................................................................74
7.4 The separator in operation ..................................................................75
7.5 Ejection of the bowl................................................................................76
7.5.1 Partial ejection .......................................................................................76
7.5.2 Total ejection .........................................................................................78
7.5.3 Function diagram ...................................................................................78
7.5.4 Bowl ejections (manual).........................................................................79
7.6 Stopping the separator ..........................................................................80

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7.1 General
This chapter gives general instructions for operating the separator. However,
operation of the respective machine depends on the control unit used and the
arrangement of the valves.
The individual process may necessitate changes in the operating procedure.
Refer also to the instruction manual of the respective control unit.
7.2 Before start-up
check that
• brake is released by turning handle clockwise.
• oil level is up to middle of the sight glass.
• hex head screws for fastening the hood and cap nuts for fastening the feed
and discharge housing are tightened securely.
• hand shut-off valves are opened in the supply lines for:
– operating water
– compressed air
• cream valve is open.
• timers on the control unit are set according to the instructions in the control
unit manual to suit the respective processing conditions.
• metering unit is adjusted (see sect. 7.5.1).
• compressed air on the pressure reducer is adjusted to 4-5 bar.

7.3 Starting
• Switch on main switch on control unit (position I):
The LED "control unit ON" flashes to signal that the control unit is ready for
The buttons "product", "partial ejection" and "total ejection" are not released
until the signal "motor in operation" is on (see LED in motor mimic diagram).
• Start motor.
After a pre-set delay time of 10 minutes, closing water is supplied automati-
cally; the bowl closes.
• After a further two minutes water can be circulated as generally practiced in
• Switch over from water to product.
Actuate "separation" button on the control unit.
• Adjust discharge pressure and cream volume as follows:
– Throttle skim milk discharge pressure with constant-pressure valve and si-
multaneously adjust cream valve to desired flow rate.
– First throttle constant-pressure valve in skim milk discharge until slight over-
flow occurs.
To check the overflow, unscrew blind nut on hood.
The pressure indicated by the pressure gauge at the moment of overflow is
to be considered as maximum pressure.
– Reduce air pressure on pressure reducer to such an extent that a pressure
0.3 to 0.5 bar lower than the maximum pressure is indicated on the pres-
sure gauge.
It is only necessary to adjust the constant-pressure valve to operating pressure
when starting for the first time.

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7.4 The separator in operation

The back pressure in the downstream equipment must not exceed 4.5 bar in the
skim milk discharge and 5 bar in the cream discharge.
Separating temperature: 50 - 55° C
To fully utilize the discharge pressure of the cream pump, e.g. when the separa-
tor is used for milk clarification where cream and skim milk are re-combined af-
ter separation, adjust the skim milk valve to the highest possible discharge
When clarifying milk, it may happen that cream with a high butterfat content is
discharged from the overflow pipe of the hood although the cream valve is open
and maximum pressure is prevailing in the skim milk line. This indicates that the
back-pressure is too high for the cream pumps. To overcome this difficulty, the
back-pressure of the equipment downstream of the separator has to be reduced
or a booster pump has to be installed.
It should be noted that cream with a very high butterfat content will cause the
measuring rod in the cream flowmeter to rise due to the high viscosity of the
cream, thus indicating a flow rate that is higher than the actual cream flow.
If there is overflow despite a low skim milk discharge pressure, check the gas-
kets in the centripetal pump chamber cover and on the pump shafts for damage.
In some cases, especially when using heaters with a low back-pressure, it is
advisable to fit a throttle into the cream line upstream or downstream of the hea-
ter and to set it to about 1.5 bar in order to ensure foamfree operation of the se-
Possible causes of inefficient separation
• Unfavourable pre-treatment of the milk (pumps, agitator, very high tempera-
ture, cold storage of raw milk over a long period).
• Variations in temperature, bowl speed, throughput capacity or skim milk pres-
• Re-mixing of cream and skim milk after separation, e.g. caused by leaking
cocks in pipelines connected for drink milk production.
Note that during milk separation the drain valve in the connection line must be
• Addition of homogenized return milk, sweet cream buttermilk or addition of
cream to the raw milk.
Analysis of milk samples
Skim milk samples should always be taken at the screwed union of the skim
milk discharge!
If the trouble cannot be found with the separator or with the equipment ahead of
the separator, check condition of chemicals used to analyse the skim milk. To
test this, fill water instead of skim milk into butyrometers.

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7.5 Ejection of the bowl

Solids ejection from the bowl must be carried out at periodic intervals in relation
to the product and the process. The solids chamber of the bowl should not be
filled to capacity. As soon as the separating or clarifying efficiency decreases, a
partial ejection must be carried out.

7.5.1 Partial ejection

Partial ejection of the bowl during milk processing means partial emptying of the
sediment space of the bowl. The product supply to the bowl is not interrupted
during partial sediment ejection.
Separating time: 60 min. when separating milk
15-30 min. when separating whey
Ejection volume: 5 litres when separating milk
10 litres when separating whey
To initiate the ejection cycle opening water is fed to the hydraulic system of the
bowl via the metering unit.
The amount of solids to be ejected is mainly determined by the amount of open-
ing water.
The quantity of opening water is adjusted at the metering unit.
For determining the ejected amount of solids, feed the bowl with water and
measure the amount of liquid discharging from the solids outlet by means of a
measuring bucket.
Check the ejected amount of solids during separation.
In order to carry out a measurement of the volume discharged, the pre- and
post- flushing times must be set to 3 seconds on the control unit. Since with this
setting approx. 1 l water enters the partial ejection volume via the hood flushing,
1 l must be subtracted from the measured ejection volume. This value then cor-
responds to the volume ejected.
The partial ejection operations required during separation are carried out auto-
matically according to a preset program by a control unit.
Sterilizing vessel
During partial ejection approx. 20 l liquid (5 l solids and 15 l flush water) flow into
the sterilizing vessel. It can hold the liquid from 5 partial ejections.
After adding 1 kg alkaline cleaning agent the liquid in the sterilizing vessel is
heated with steam to 95°C and kept at this temperature for 10 minutes. Then
the liquid can be discharged.
Adjusting the amount of ejected
Adjustment by means of the regulating
screw of the metering unit.
Reduce amount of ejected solids:
turn regulating screw clockwise.

Increase amount of ejected solids:

turn regulating screw anti-clockwise.

Fig. 116

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1 Water feed
2 to centrifuge
3 Air connection

A Solenoid valve for opening water

B Solenoid valve for closing water
C Solenoid valve for filling water
D Solenoid valve for hood flushing
E Metering unit
F Air chamber, metering unit
G Non-return valve
H Pressure switch
M Pressure gauge
N Pressure gauge

Fig. 117

Operating principles of the metering unit

The metering unit is filled with water after every ejection cycle via the filling-
water valve C.
To perform a partial solids ejection, chamber F is supplied with compressed air.
By actuating opening water valve A, the adjusted quantity of water is forced out
by the compressed air and fed to the hydraulic system of the bowl.
Program sequence
When the time "separation - partial ejection" adjusted at the respective timer has
elapsed, a partial ejection takes place automatically and is repeated at regular
Before each partial ejection the solenoid valves B "closing water" and D "hood
flush water" opens for 10 seconds. Water is injected into the hood to prevent the
sediment to be ejected from sticking to the walls.
For sediment ejection the solenoid valve A "opening water" opens for 1 second.
This time can be set on timer "partial ejection".
The solenoid valves B "closing water" and D "hood flush water" remains open
during ejection and 20 seconds afterwards. The time these valves are to remain
open after the ejection cycle can be set on timer "subsequent flushing". It should
be at least 60 seconds.
The "separation" program can be interrupted by operating push button "partial
ejection" whereby a partial ejection is initiated. After this enforced partial ejection
the "separation" cycle re-commences.

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7.5.2 Total ejection

During cleaning-in-place total ejections can only be initiated manually with the
control unit. (Automatic cleaning-in-place requires a separate CIP unit, see rele-
vant brochure.)
For initiating a total ejection, push button "total ejection" must be operated.
If the installation is correctly set up (see connection diagram), the feed pump is
automatically switched off by pressing push button "total ejection" and automati-
cally re-started approx. 1 min. after completion of the total ejection.
The interruption of the liquid supply to the bowl by switching off the feed pump is
necessary for the bowl speed to recover, which drops slightly during total ejec-
Once the bowl has been filled again (observe increasing discharge pressure of
centrifuge), a further total ejection can be carried out by again pressing push
button "total ejection".
Should the feed pump fail to stop automatically during a total ejection, it must be
switched off manually and re-started 1 min. after total ejection.

7.5.3 Function diagram

Fig. 118

Adjusting the timers: Refer to instruction manual for control unit.

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7.5.4 Bowl ejections (manual)

1 Water feed
2 to centrifuge
3 Air connection

A Solenoid valve for opening water

B Solenoid valve for closing water
C Solenoid valve for filling water
D Solenoid valve for hood flush water
E Metering unit
F Air chamber
G Non-return valve
H Pressure switch
M Pressure gauge
N Pressure gauge

Fig. 119
In the case of failure of the control unit or defective solenoid valves, the centri-
fuge can be manually controlled as follows:
Partial ejection
Open closing-water valve and the solenoid valve for filling water manually by
means of adjusting screw and screwdriver.
Open opening-water valve briefly (approx. 1 sec.).
After partial ejection leave closing-water valve open.
Total ejection
Stop product pump.
Open closing-water valve and the solenoid valve for filling water with a screw-
Open opening-water valve until the ejection noise has subsided.
Then close opening-water valve and fill-up valve; leave the closing-water valve
After speed recovery, i. e. reaching operating speed re-start product pump 1 mi-
nute after total ejection.

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7.6 Stopping the separator

• Flushing the system with water (not necessary if cleaning-in-place has been
carried out after milk processing):
– Cut off product supply to separator (stop feed pump).
– Remove remaining product from bowl, using water.
– Initiate total ejection by operating push button "total ejection" on control u-
– Flush the system thoroughly with water.
– Flush hood after each ejection by operating push button "overflow".
• Switch off motor.
• Apply brakes by turning both handles in anti-clockwise direction.

Do not loosen any part before the bowl has stopped completely!

• Note that the bowl has not stopped moving until the gear sight glass is clear
and the worm wheel has ceased rotating.

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8 Cleaning

8.1 Cleaning-in-place (CIP) .........................................................................82

8.2 Bowl .......................................................................................................83
8.3 Upper section of frame ..........................................................................83
8.4 Operating-water feeding system............................................................83
8.5 Gear chamber........................................................................................83
8.6 Before a long-term shut-down ...............................................................84

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8.1 Cleaning-in-place (CIP)

The separator is generally included in the CIP cycle of the pasteurizers.
For cleaning the separator, the detergents and times used for cleaning the pas-
teurizers will be adequate.
However, be sure that the last cleaning agent to be circulated is acid.
Caustic 1.5 – 2 % concentration
Acid max. 1 % concentration

Consult the detergent manufacturer for correct temperature.

Bear in mind that bowl parts of stainless steel will be attacked by chlorine.

Therefore, make sure that detergents are free from chlorine.

To prevent damage due to corrosion, only approved cleaning agents should be
• Switch control unit to CIP.
• Displace remaining product from the machine and flush the complete installa-
tion thoroughly with water.
• Flushing is followed by two "total ejections" accomplished by pressing the
push button "total ejection" on control unit.
• Fill bowl with water between total ejections.

The CIP-program should comprise the following program steps:

• Circulation with caustic solution

• Flushing with water
• Circulation with acid solution
• Flushing with water
Each program step ends with bowl overflow and a total ejection.
Bowl overflow is initiated by actuating the button "bowl overflow" on the control
unit. By this means the constant-pressure valve in the discharge line is throttled
for 10 secs and bowl overflow occurs. In this way the hood and upper bowl walls
are cleaned. The function is indicated by LED.
Total ejections are performed by means of the respective button.
Bowl overflow occurs automatically before each total ejection.
The commands "overflow" and "total ejection" can also be initiated automatically
from an external CIP control.

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8.2 Bowl
It is not normally necessary to dismantle and clean the self-cleaning bowl upon
completion of the separation process, provided that cleaning-in-place has been
adequately performed while the bowl was still moving.
How often it is necessary to clean the bowl by hand is dependent on the nature
of the product and can only be determined by tests.
• However the bowl should be dismantled once a month for the purpose of che-
cking and manual cleaning.
Never use metal scrapers or metal brushes for cleaning the discs and
bowl parts!
• Remove gaskets from the bowl parts.
• Clean grooves and gaskets to prevent corrosion.
• Replace damaged or swollen gaskets.
• Carefully clean the small holes for feed and discharge of the operating water
in bowl bottom as well as the piston valve to assure trouble-free performance
of the solids ejection process.
• Clean and wipe dry guide surfaces and threads of bowl parts and grease
them (see 3.2).
• Spindle cone and inside of bowl hub should be oiled and then wiped clean
and dry with a smooth rag.
• Re-assemble bowl immediately after cleaning.
8.3 Upper section of frame
• From time to time, the inside of the
upper section of the frame has to be
cleaned in the area below the bowl.
• After removing the bowl (see 5.3),
place a protective hood e.g. a com-
mercially available container over
the spindle to prevent wash liquid
from seeping into the drive and ren-
dering the lubricating oil unservice-

Fig. 120
Never aim a water jet directly at the separator for the purpose of cleaning.
Clean it by hand with a sponge or cloth.

8.4 Operating-water feeding system

• The small holes in the operating-water feeding device should be cleaned eve-
ry 3-6 months.

8.5 Gear chamber

• When changing oil, clean gear chamber thoroughly with thin-bodied oil.
• Be sure to remove all metal particles from walls and corners.
• Do not use fluffy cleaning rags or cotton waste!

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8.6 Before a long-term shut-down

• Prior to a long-term shut-down, clean the separator thoroughly (8.2 and 8.3).
• The clean bowl parts and all unvarnished machine parts must be wiped dry
and greased to avoid corrosion.
• Keep the bowl in a dry place until it is re-used.
• The gaskets should be kept in a cool, dry room, protected from dust and light,
to prevent them from getting brittle.
• Drain the lube oil and fill the gear chamber with a slushing oil, e.g. SHELL
Ensis oil 30, up to the oil level mark.
• Let the separator run without bowl for about 10 minutes to make sure that all
gear parts are coated with the corrosion-preventing oil. Then drain the slush-
ing oil.
• Oil upper end of spindle by hand and mount splash cover.
• Check water shut-off devices for leakage.
If necessary, disconnect water supply lines to avoid damage caused by drip
• Switch off operating water supply at the mains to prevent inrush of water cau-
sed by inadvertent opening of the shut-off valve.
• Before re-starting the separator fill the gear chamber with the lube oil speci-
fied in section 3. The oil level must be slightly above the oil level mark. Then
let the separator run without bowl for 10 minutes.

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9 Drive

9.1 Dismantling the vertical gear parts ........................................................86

9.1.1 Removal of ball bearing and worm ........................................................88
9.2 Re-assembly of vertical gear parts ........................................................89
9.2.1 Assembling the neck bearing bridge .....................................................90
9.2.2 Fitting the spring column into the bottom bearing .................................90
9.2.3 Installing the worm spindle ....................................................................91
9.3 Bowl Height............................................................................................92
9.3.1 Checking ................................................................................................92
9.3.2 Adjusting ................................................................................................92
9.4 Removal of the horizontal gear parts.....................................................94
9.4.1 Removing the motor ..............................................................................94
9.4.2 Removing the fluid clutch.......................................................................95
9.4.3 Worm wheel shaft ..................................................................................95
9.4.4 Grooved ball bearing (motor side) .........................................................97
9.4.5 Angular contact ball bearing (brake side) ..............................................97
9.5 Re-assembly of horizontal gear parts...................................................98

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9.1 Dismantling the vertical gear parts

After dismantling the bowl,
• loosen oil drain screw and
• drain oil into oil pan.

Fig. 121

• Unscrew hex head screws from

gear sight glass and
• remove it.

Fig. 122

• Loosen hex head screws in clamp

plates of worm wheel.

Fig. 123

• Slacken clamp plates until the worm

wheel can be moved on worm wheel
• Push worm wheel to the clutch side.

Fig. 124

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• Unscrew Allen screws 1 of the op-

erating-water connection
• Unscrew Allen screws 15 from the
operating-water feeding device.
• Remove operating-water feeding
device 13.
• Make sure that the gasket 2 does
not get lost or damaged.
• Remove spindle cap 12.
• Unscrew hex head screws 11.
• Straighten tab washer 10.
• Remove protective cap 8 and spin-
dle spring 9.
• Screw spindle lifting device 6 into
tap hole of spindle.
• Pull off spindle together with neck
bearing bridge assembly.

Fig. 125

• To remove neck bearing bridge,

hold spindle in inverted position, up-
per end down, and tap it against a
wooden block.

Fig. 126

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• Unscrew bottom bearing cap 5 and

• remove gasket 4.
• Unscrew bottom bearing threaded
piece 3 and
• remove it together with spring col-
umn 2 and bottom bearing pressure
piece 1.
In case the bottom bearing housing 8
must be replaced:
• straighten tab washers 6,
• unscrew hex head screws 7.
• Screw two screws 7 into the ta-
Fig. 127 pholes of bottom bearing housing
• force out bottom bearing housing by
pressing it downwards.

9.1.1 Removal of ball bearing and worm

• Pull out the following components
using a commercially available pul-
– Ball bearing protection ring 8, an-
gular contact ball bearings 10 and
bottom bearing housing 11,
– Ball bearing protection ring 6 and
pendulum ball bearings 7
– Worm 4 (before removal, knock
out cylindrical notched pin 5)
– Grooved ball bearings 2 and ball
bearing protection ring 1
• Lift off ring 3.
• Press snap ring 9 out of the groove
of bottom bearing housing 11.
• Remove angular contact ball bear-
ing 10 from bottom bearing housing

Fig. 128

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9.2 Re-assembly of vertical gear parts

When re-assembling the vertical gear parts proceed in reverse order of removal
Important hints:
When installing the vertical gear parts bear in mind the following:
• Thoroughly clean gear chamber before installing the vertical gear parts (8.5).
• Check ball bearings of worm spindle before re-fitting.

Use only high-precision ball bearings (see list of spare parts).

• For safety reasons, the ball bearings of the worm spindle must be replaced
every 5 000 operating hours.
• Before fitting grooved ball bearing, pendulum ball bearing, angular contact
ball bearing and sleeve (grooved ball bearing), heat these parts in oil to ap-
prox. 80 oC.
Note that
• the angular contact ball bearings 5
may be loaded axially in one direc-
tion only.
• They must be fitted so that the
broad shoulder of the inner ring of
the bearing is on top.
• Faulty mounting will inevitably result
in damage to bearings.

Fig. 129

For re-assembly proceed as follows:

– Slide the heated angular contact ball bearings 5 onto the spindle.
– Slip snap ring 4 over the ball bearings.
– Let ball bearings cool down.
– Fit bottom bearing pressure housing 6 over the ball bearings.
– Press snap ring 4 into the groove of the bottom bearing pressure housing.
• The worm spindle with fitted ball bearings must be able to be fitted on the up-
per end of the spindle without hammering and be moved axially by hand.
If this is not the case, remove burrs or similar from the bottom bearing hous-
ing using fine emery paper.
When installing a new worm, the worm wheel assembly must be replaced
at the same time.

• When fitting the neck bearing bridge complete, make sure the gaskets do not
get damaged.
After installation of the vertical gear parts the height of the fitted bowl
must be checked and re-adjusted, if necessary (9.3).

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9.2.1 Assembling the neck bearing bridge

• Insert pressure ring 5 in neck bear-
ing bridge 4 in such a manner that
the recesses of the pressure ring
face the tapholes of the neck bear-
ing bridge.
• Insert neck bearing springs 2 into
spring pistons 1.
• Grease spring pistons thoroughly.
• Screw threaded plugs 3 with spring
pistons 1 and neck bearing springs
2 into neck bearing bridge, and tigh-
ten them.
Fig. 130

9.2.2 Fitting the spring column into the bottom bearing

• Slide cup springs 2 onto bolt of bot-
tom bearing threaded piece as illus-
trated in the adjacent figure.
• Insert bottom bearing pressure pie-
ce 1 into bottom bearing threaded
piece, sliding it over the cup springs.

Fig. 131

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9.2.3 Installing the worm spindle

• Install worm spindle without neck
bearing bridge.
It must be possible to install the
worm spindle without having to rap
on the upper spindle end, and to
move the built-in spindle axially by
If this is not the case, smooth the in-
side of the bottom bearing housing
with a fine emery cloth.
• Insert gasket 5, neck bearing bridge
4 and distance ring 3.
• Check dimension between distance
ring and neck bearing bridge (see
following figure).
• Fit gasket 6, protective cap 7, spin-
dle spring 8 and spindle cap 11.
• Screw in hex head screws 10, with
lock washers 9 underneath, tighten
and secure them.
• Install operating-water feeding de-
vice 12 and
• tighten it with hex head screws 14
and lock washers 13 placed under-

Fig. 132

• Before installing the neck bearing

protection cap, check if the distance
between the cams of distance ring 3
and neck bearing bridge 4.
Distance between cam-distance ring
and neck bearing bridge:
≤ 3 mm - File cams to proper di-
≥ 3.5 mm - Raise cam by welding
or order a new distance ring from
the factory stating the dimension of
the required cam height.
Fig. 133

• Note that after tightening the neck bearing protection cap, the distance ring 3
and, hence, the ball bearing 2 will be under pressure until the spring column
in the bottom bearing is compressed by the weight of the bowl.

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9.3 Bowl Height

The bowl height is adjusted at the factory before the separator is shipped.
9.3.1 Checking
The bowl height must be checked for re-adjustment
• before the first start of the separator,
• after re-assembling the vertical gear parts,
• after exchanging the bowl,
• after exchanging the centripetal pump,
• as soon as the centripetal pump shows any grinding marks.
Prerequiste to correct bowl height adjustment is that
• the bowl is properly closed,
(the "O" marks on bowl lock ring and on bowl bottom must be in line with each
• the hood is properly seated on the solids collector,
• the fastening screws of the hood are tight,
• the upper centripetal pump is screwed onto the lower centripetal pump as far
as it will go,
• the centripetal pumps are screwed into the disk as far as it will go.
The bowl height is correct when the
disk A with screwed-in centripetal
pumps can be raised by about 4 mm.
Otherwise the bowl height has to be
Distance between disk and hood
≤ 4 mm, bowl is too low.
≥ 4 mm, bowl is too high.

Fig. 134

9.3.2 Adjusting
• Unscrew bottom bearing cap 2 and
remove gasket 1.
• Adjust bowl to correct height by
turning bottom bearing threaded
piece 3 (1 revolution = 2 mm).
• Bowl is too low,
turn bottom bearing threaded piece
• Bowl is too high,
turn bottom bearing threaded piece

Fig. 135

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If the bowl must be adjusted by more

than 1 mm, proceed as follows:
• Remove the bowl (5.3).
• Unscrew Allen screws 1 and 10.
• Remove operating-water feed 8.
• Remove spindle cap 7.
• Unscrew hex head screws 6.
• Straighten tab washer 5.
• Remove neck bearing protection
cap 3.
• Turn bottom bearing threaded piece
clockwise until the bowl is correctly
Fig. 136 adjusted.

Each time the bowl has been lowered

or raised, check the clearance be-
tween cam of distance ring 2 and neck
bearing bridge 1.
Specified dimension: 3 - 3.5 mm
This check is not required if it has
been made after re-assembling the
vertical gear parts and the bowl had
not to be raised by more than 1 mm.

Fig. 137

Clearance between cam of distance ring and neck bearing bridge:

≤ 3 mm - File cams to proper dimension.
≥ 3.5 mm - Raise cam by welding or
order a new distance ring from the factory, stating the re-
quired cam height.
• Then re-install the dismantled parts.
• Note, that after tightening the neck bearing protection cap, the distance ring 2
and, hence, the ball bearing 3 will be under pressure until the spring column
in the bottom bearing is compressed by the weight of the bowl.

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9.4 Removal of the horizontal gear parts

For removal of the horizontal gear parts proceed according to the following sec-
Work on electric lines may only be carried out by a qualified electrician under
observation of the safety regulations.
9.4.1 Removing the motor
• Remove motor protecting hood.
• Disconnect the motor and suspend
it in hoist.
• Unscrew hexagon nut 1 and take off
lock washer 2.
• By means of hoist lift off the motor 3
together with the cam hub.

Fig. 138

• Unscrew Allen screw 1 and take off

flange 2.

Fig. 139

• Withdraw cam hub from motor shaft

end using pulling device.

Fig. 140

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9.4.2 Removing the fluid clutch

After removing the motor:
• Loosen hex head screw 1 using
torque wrench.
• Note tension of cup spring 3!
• Unscrew hex head screw, remove
washer 2 and cup spring.
• To remove fluid clutch from cone of
worm wheel shaft use tool 4.

Fig. 141
9.4.3 Worm wheel shaft
• Loosen oil drain screw and
• drain oil into oil cup.

Fig. 142
• Unscrew hex head screws from
gear sight glass and
• remove sight glass.

Fig. 143
• Loosen hex head screws in clamp
plate of worm wheel.

Fig. 144

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• Slacken clamp plate until worm

wheel can be moved on the worm
wheel shaft.
• Push worm wheel to the clutch side.

Fig. 145
• Unscrew hex head screws 3 (wash-
ers 2) and
• remove fan cover 1.
• Unscrew hex head screw 4 from
worm wheel shaft.
• Note tension of cup spring!
• Remove centering disc 5 and cup
spring 6.
Torque wrench
Hexagon socket (SW 24 mm)

Fig. 146
• Remove brake pulley 1 from cone of
worm wheel shaft using device 2
(brake pulley).

Fig. 147
• Unscrew Allen screws from bearing
cover (brake side)
• Remove holder and proximity
Torque wrench
Hexagon socket (SW 8 mm)

Fig. 148

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• Drive out worm wheel shaft together

with ball bearing, nut and bearing
cover towards brake side using a
hammer and wooden block. When
the shaft has completely loosened
from the ball bearing on the motor
• remove the worm wheel shaft by
hand; while doing so, hold the worm
wheel, to prevent damage to the
gear teeth.
• Take the worm wheel assembly out
of the gear housing.
Fig. 149
9.4.4 Grooved ball bearing (motor side)
For removing the bearing refer to as-
sembly drawing, sect. 9.5.
• Unscrew hex head screws 1 and
remove lock washers 2.
• Remove bearing cover 3 with felt
rings 6 and gasket 5.
• Hold a brass mandrel against inner
ring of ball bearing, and
• hammer it lightly to drive out the ball
bearing 4.

Fig. 150
9.4.5 Angular contact ball bearing (brake side)
• Lift tab of washer 8 out of groove of
nut 9.
• Unscrew grooved nut using pivoted
hook wrench.
• Remove tab washer 8.
• Withdraw angular contact ball bear-
ing 7 from the worm wheel shaft us-
ing a commercially available pulling

Fig. 151

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9.5 Re-assembly of horizontal gear parts

Filling notch must

be on this side !

Fig. 152

For reasons of safety, replace ball bearings of worm wheel shaft every 10 000
operating hours.
• When fitting the angular contact ball bearing 7 onto the worm wheel shaft,
make sure that the filling notch of the bearing faces the bearing cover.
• Install tab washer 8 and grooved nut 9.
– After having tightened nut 9, bend one tab of washer into a groove of the
nut. Ensure that the tab does not extend beyond the outer diameter of the
• Install worm wheel assembly with clamp plate 21 so into gear housing that the
screw heads of the clamp plate are directed towards the brake side.
The worm wheel has been balanced in the factory as complete assembly.
To avoid unbalance, the clamp plates and the toothed rim must, therefore,
not be rotated on the wheel body and component parts must not be re-
placed individually.
When the toothed rim is worn and needs replacement, the entire worm
wheel assembly 20 with clamp plates must be replaced. The worm of the
worm spindle should be replaced at the same time.

• Introduce the worm wheel shaft 20 into the separator frame from the brake si-
de, and slide on the worm wheel.

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• Place a hard wooden block against the worm wheel shaft and tap it lightly with
a hammer until the angular contact ball bearing 7 is tightly seated in the hous-
• Install bearing cover 12 with inserted sealing ring 11 and gasket 10.
• Bolt bearing cover 12 and holder 13 of proximity switch 14 together by means
of Allen screws 16 and 18 (with lock washers 19 underneath).
Required torque: 45 Nm.
• Re-adjust proximity switch 1 with the
aid of adjusting ring 2.

Fig. 153

• Fit grooved ball bearing 1 (clutch

side) into the bearing housing.
• Pull grooved ball bearing 1 evenly
against the shoulder of the worm
wheel shaft using
– mounting device 2 and
– hex head screws 3.
• Unscrew hex head screws 3.
• Remove mounting device 2.

Fig. 154

• Replace bearing cover 27 including felt rings 28 and gasket 26 and tighten
evenly with hex head screws 29 (lock washer 30 placed underneath).
• Move worm wheel towards brake side until it rests against shoulder of worm
wheel shaft. This will ensure proper positioning of the toothed rim with refer-
ence to the worm.
• Fasten worm wheel 21 securely on the worm wheel shaft 20 by tightening the
screws in the two clamp plates evenly and crosswise.
Required torque: 45 Nm
• Before installing the fluid clutch and the brake pulley:
– apply a thin film of grease to the tapered ends of the worm wheel shaft.
Then clean and wipe dry the tapered ends with a rag.
– Clean the inside of the hubs of the fluid clutch and brake pulley carefully.
• The fluid clutch and the brake pulley must be firmly clamped to the worm
wheel shaft, accomplished by tightening the hex head screws 1 of the clutch
and brake pulley with the torque wrench.
Required torque: 150 Nm
• Be sure to fit cup springs 3 under the disks 2.

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When installing the motor, make sure

- there is a distance of 4 mm be-
tween claw hub 1 and fluid clutch 2.
After exchanging:
- the motor
- the claw hub
- the fluid clutch
- the worm wheel shaft
the distance must be checked.
If necessary,
- adjust the distance by displacing the
claw hub on the motor shaft, and
Fig. 155
- drill a new hole into the motor shaft
for the threaded pin.

• Fill gear chamber with oil specified in chapter 3 until oil level is slightly above
middle of sight glass.
• Check spindle speed with a hand tachomter and check direction of rotation of
bowl (see 4.3).
• To run in new gear parts (worm wheel, worm) let the separator run - without
bowl - for about one hour.
During this time switch the motor on and off several times.

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10 Fluid clutch

10.1 General ................................................................................................102

10.2 Checking the oil level...........................................................................102
10.3 Re-filling of oil ......................................................................................103
10.4 Type of oil ............................................................................................104
10.5 Dismantling ..........................................................................................105
10.6 Re-assembly........................................................................................107

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10.1 General
The fluid clutch (Turbo Clutch) gradually brings the bowl to its rated speed, eli-
minating premature wear on gear parts and on motor.
The motor power is transmitted by means of a closed oil circuit between a pri-
mary wheel driven by the motor shaft and a secondary wheel driving the worm
wheel shaft of the separator.
The oil level in the fluid clutch must be up to the mark of the oil level indicator
plate, to ensure that the bowl comes up to its rated speed within its starting time
(see sect. 4.3).
When less oil filled in, slippage in the clutch will be too great and starting time
of the bowl too long. If the clutch contains too much oil, the starting time of the
bowl will be too short, resulting in overload of motor and gear.
The oil in the clutch has to be changed every 10 000 working hours. It should be
changed when the ball bearings of the worm spindle and of the worm wheel
shaft are being replaced.
The clutch requires
approx. 6,3 litres of oil when using a 1455 rpm motor
approx. 5,25 litres of oil when using a 1745 rpm motor.
For checking the oil level, proceed according to the instructions in sect.

Be sure to use only the type of oil specified in sect. 10.4.

10.2 Checking the oil level

• The oil level has to be checked before the initial start-up of the separator and
every time after re-filling of oil.
• Furthermore, the oil level should be checked once a month since in the cour-
se of time small oil losses may occur.
• Before checking the oil level, make sure oil has cooled down.
Brand new separator

Mark on oil level indicator plate 1 must

be in line with lower edge of taphole 2.
Oil level must be up to the lower edge
of taphole 2.
If a replacement clutch is installed, the
existing oil level indicator plate is no
longer valid and must be re-adjusted
according to the instructions given in
chapter "separator with replacement
Fig. 156

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For checking the oil level, proceed as follows:

The separator still has its original clutch:
• Remove the ventilation grid so that the oil level indicator plate can be seen.
• Bring the clutch into such a position that the threaded plug can be removed
without oil flowing out.
• Unscrew threaded plug with a wrench.
• Then turn clutch until lower edge of taphole is in line with mark on oil level in-
dicator plate.
In this position, the oil level in the clutch must be up to the lower edge of the
taphole, so that the oil begins to overflow. If this is not the case, refill oil (see
The separator has a replacement clutch:
• If the clutch is replaced, then the original oil level indicator plate is no longer
• The clutch has been filled with the correct amount of oil if the peak power
consumption when the machine is starting up reaches a level which is 2 x as
high as the rated power consumption.
• If an exact measurement of power consumption is not possible, then the cor-
rect amount of oil can be determined by measuring the speed of the horizon-
tal drive shaft in the separator.
When the separator is operating at its rated throughput, the shaft should be
rotating at
– 1420 rpm (mains frequency 50 Hz) or at
– 1710 rpm (mains frequency 60 Hz).
• If the peak power consumption or the speed of the shaft is much higher than
these figures, then there is too much oil in the clutch; if they are much lower
than these figures, then there is not enough.
• Once the correct amount of oil has been established, the oil level indicator
plate must be re-set accordingly.

10.3 Re-filling of oil

• Unscrew lock screw 1.
• Use wrench 3 to unscrew oil fill
screw 4.
• Fill in oil using funnel 5.
• Check oil level again (see 10.2).
• Tightly screw in lock screw. Be sure
to place gasket 2 underneath.

Fig. 157

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10.4 Type of oil

For filling the fluid clutch use only
steam turbine oil TDL 32 according to DIN 51515.
This oil complies with the following specifications:

Designation Lubricating oil TDL 32 (according to DIN

(steam turbine oil with additives giving in-
creased protection against corrosion and in-
creased resistance to aging)
Kinematic viscosity 32 ± 3.2 mm2/s (cSt) bei 400C
Density at 15ºC max. 0.900 g/ml
Pour point ≤ -9 oC
Flash point ≥ 210 oC according to Cleveland
Corrosive effect on
- copper degree of corrosion 2 - 100 A3 (according to
- steel DIN 51759
degree of corrosion 0 - A (according to DIN
Aging characteristics Increase of the neutralization number after 100
max. 2.0 mg KOH/g oil (according to DIN

The following branded oil meets this requirement: SHELL Turbo Oil T 32.
Steam turbine oils TDL 32 of other brands may be used, provided they
have an open flash point according to Cleveland of approx. 210 oC which
is contrary to DIN 51515.

Each separator is supplied with an amount of TDL 32 oil which is sufficient for
one filling.

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10.5 Dismantling
As a rule, the fluid clutch must be sent
to the factory for repair.
This ensures perfect functioning of the
repaired clutch.
If required, a replacement clutch can
be provided.
If, in exceptional circumstances, the
fluid clutch must be dismantled on site,
first check the sealing ring 6 and re-
place it if necessary.

Fig. 158

Removing the sealing ring 6

• Unscrew screws 4 with spring was-
hers 3 and
• remove sealing ring cover 5.
• Press out the sealing ring using a
• The sealing ring must be replaced if
its sealing lip is no longer soft and

Fig. 159

Removing the sealing ring 18 and

ball bearings
• Unscrew threaded plug 1 together
with gasket 2 and
• let oil drain.
• Unscrew hexagon nuts 12 and
• remove screws 16 with spring was-
hers 13.

Fig. 160

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• Press primary wheel off the clutch

casing 15 by threading two of the
screws 16 into the tapholes of pri-
mary wheel 11.
Secondary wheel remains in primary
• Be sure to mark both primary
wheel 11 and clutch casing 15 be-
fore taking them apart, so that,
when being re-assembled, these
parts will be brought back into their
original position.
Fig. 161

• Separate primary wheel 11 from

secondary wheel 7 by rapping with a
rubber hammer against hub of sec-
ondary wheel.
Ball bearing 8 remains in primary
wheel 11.

Fig. 162

• Use mandrel and hammer to drive

ball bearing 8 out of primary wheel

Fig. 163

• Unscrew screws 22 from clutch

casing 15 and
• remove oil retaining ring 21.
• Drive ball bearing 20 and sealing
ring 18 out of the clutch casing us-
ing mandrel and hammer.

Fig. 164

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10.6 Re-assembly
For re-assembly of the fluid clutch,
proceed in reverse order of disman-
The following should be kept in mind:

Fig. 165

• Moisten sealing rings.

• Press sealing ring 18 into the clutch
casing by lightly hammering against
bolt B screwed into disk A.
• Screw bolt B into the other side of
the disk and
• press sealing ring 6 into sealing ring
cover 5 in the same way.

Fig. 166

• Insert spacer ring 19 in clutch cas-

ing and spacer ring 10 in primary
wheel 11.

Fig. 167

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• The bevelled edge of each ring must

snap into the groove of the bearing
neck. This will ensure that the
spacer rings cannot move axially.

Fig. 168

• Press ball bearing 20 into clutch casing and ball bearing 8 into primary wheel.
Check if the ball bearings pressed into the spacer rings have an absolutely
tight fit. If this is not the case, the spacer rings have to be replaced.
• Apply some oil-resistant sealing compound (Atmosit or Kermon) to oil retain-
ing ring 21. Then
• fasten ring to clutch casing with screws 22. Be sure to fit lock washers.
• Insert gasket 9 in groove of primary wheel 11.
Then fasten cover 5 to primary wheel with screws 4. Be sure to fit spring was-
• Press secondary hub with secondary wheel 7 into clutch casing.
The surfaces contacting the sealing rings 18 and 6 must be perfectly smooth
to ensure oil-tightness of the fluid clutch.
If necessary, re-polish contact surfaces.
• Place Teflon packing cord 14 on
sealing surface of clutch casing as
shown in figure.
• Make sure cord ends are crossed.
To keep the cord in its place, coat it
with grease. Sealing surfaces of
primary wheel and clutch casing
must be in perfect condition; they
must not be coated with a sealing

Fig. 169

• Press primary wheel on secondary hub so that the marks on primary wheel
and on clutch casing are in line.
Then screw primary wheel and clutch casing together.
After repair the clutch has to be rebalanced.
• After re-installing the clutch, fill with oil.

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11 Trouble shooting

11.1 Fault detection - Mechanical function ..................................................110

11.2 Fault detection - Ejection .....................................................................114

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11.1 Fault detection - Mechanical function

Fault Possible causes Remedies
The bowl does not come up to ra- Brakes are on. Release brakes by turning handles
ted speed or takes too long to do so clockwise.
(see 4.3).
Motor is incorrectly connected. See wiring diagram.
The fluid clutch does not contain Refill oil (see 10.3).
enough oil or clutch is leaky. Re–tighten nuts of screws on
If sealing rings and do not seal
properly, ask for a reconditioned
clutch in exchange for your clutch.
Bowl is too high or too low and, Adjust to proper bowl height (see
therefore, rubs against centripetal 9.3).
Clamp plates are not tight enough; Tighten long hex head screws on
worm wheel slips on shaft. worm wheel evenly and firmly.
Tighten crosswise, by single turns,
with a torque of 45 Nm.
Product feed valve is open. Close product feed valve.
The bowl speed drops during op- The fluid clutch does not contain Refill oil (see 10.3).
eration. enough oil.
Motor speed drops during opera- Inspect motor and line voltage.
Main bowl gasket in bowl top is Replace the gasket (see sect. 5.6).
Gaskets in bowl valves are dam- Replace gaskets (see 5.7).
aged; the bowl loses sealing water. The bowl can be kept closed tem-
porarily by opening the solenoid
valve B for closing water manually.
The bowl comes up to rated speed The clutch contains too much oil. Check oil level (10.2).
too quickly (in less than 8 minutes). Drain excess oil.
Motor pulls too high a starting cur-

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Fault Possible causes Remedies

Uneven run of the separator. Incomplete solids ejection. Perform several partial ejections
The remaining solids have depos- (7.5.1).
ited unevenly in the bowl. If this does not improve conditions,
close the bowl and fill it with water
to attenuate the increased vibra-
tions occurring during slowing–
down of the bowl.
Stop the separator.
Apply brakes.
If bowl is leaking, leave feed open
Clean bowl thoroughly.
Remove protruding edges of bowl
gasket with a knife .
Bowl is not properly assembled or, Assemble bowl properly (see 5.4).
if plant has several separators,
parts of different bowls may have
been interchanged.
Tension of disc stack has slack- Make sure bowl lock ring is scre-
ened. wed on tightly (see 5.4).
Check number of disks.
If necessary, add spare disc or
compensating disc.
Bowl is damaged and, therefore, Send bowl to factory or authorized
out of balance. factory repair shop.
Do not attempt to make your own
Never weld or solder.
Bowl is made of heat–treated
Neck bearing springs are weak or Replace all 9 neck bearing springs.
Ball bearings are worn. Replace damaged bearings.
When replacing, use only the high
precision ball bearings as specified
in the Parts List.

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Fault Possible causes Remedies

Uneven run of the separator Gear parts are in bad condition as a Clean gear chamber thoroughly
(cont’d.). result of (see 8.5).
1. normal wear, Replace damaged gear parts (see
9.1 and 9.4).
2. premature wear caused by: Change oil (see chapt. 3).

a) lack of oil ①
If necessary, change oil more often.
b) oil of too low a viscosity, ①
c) metal abrasives present in the
lubricating oil due to the following
possible causes:
– viscosity of oil is too low,
– oil has not been changed in time,
– gear chamber has not been

d) replacement of one gear part

only, instead of both parts.
① in general, recognized by blue
tempering colour of gear parts.
Bowl lock ring is difficult to loosen. Bowl has not been dismantled at Unscrewing of the bowl lock ring
regular intervals (see 8.2). can be very much facilitated by
blocking the bowl, which is accom-
plished by putting wedges between
bowl bottom and solids collector.

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Fig. 170

1 Sliding piston A Solenoid valve for opening water

2 Closing chamber B Solenoid valve for closing water
3 Bowl valve C Solenoid valve for filling water
4 Bowl bottom D Solenoid valve for hood flushing water
5 Gasket (sliding piston) E Metering unit
6 Gasket G Non-return valve
7 Main bowl gasket H Pressure switch
8 Sealing surface (sliding piston) M Pressure gauge
10 Gaskets (bowl bottom) N Pressure gauge
11 Operating-water feed O Water feed
12 Gasket (operating water) P to separator

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11.2 Fault detection - Ejection

Fault Possible causes Remedies

The bowl does not close at all. The amount of closing water fed
to the bowl is insufficient be-
In this case switch off feed pump a) the water pressure in the a) Check pressure in water sup-
inmediately. supply line to the operating- ply line.
water connection is too low. The pressure should be at least
2.5 bar.
Check also if there is sufficient
closing-water coming in.
The closing-water valve opens
for 60 seconds after the separa-
tor has reached its operating
speed and after each solids
During this time the amount of
discharging closing water should
be measured at the operating-
water discharge.
The closing-water must dis-
charge at a rate of 550 l/h.
Closing water can be supplied
as often as you like by switching
on and off the main switch on
the control unit.

b) the water discharge holes in b) Clean discharge holes.

the top of the operating-water
feed 11 are clogged with scale.

Strainer in operating-water line Clean strainer.

is clogged.
Gaskets of bowl valves 3 are Remove valves .
damaged. Install new gaskets.
Gasket 5 in sliding piston is Replace damaged gasket.
damaged or its edges have If, however, only the edges of
been frayed through the up- andthe gasket are frayed and the
down movement of the piston. gasket is not damaged other-
wise, it can be re-used after
grinding it off with an emery
The operating-water feed 11 is Clean operating-water feed.

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Fault Possible causes Remedies

The bowl does not close and Gasket 5 in sliding piston does If necessary, stretch gasket.
open properly. not fit properly at all points of the Before installing the gasket,
guide surfaces, thus failing to lightly grease groove in sliding
seal properly. piston.
Gasket 7 in bowl top is dam- Replace gasket (see 5.7).
Gaskets 10 in bowl bottom have Insert gaskets or replace them.
not been inserted or are dam-
Gasket 5 in sliding piston is Replace gasket.
uneven in height. The difference in height on a
gasket must not exceed 0.25
Sealing surface 8 of sliding pis- Replace the sliding piston.
ton is damaged.
The bowl does not open at all or Dirt or rubber particles have Clean bowl parts.
not completely. settled between sliding piston 1 Round off edges of gaskets.
and bowl bottom 4. Replace damaged gaskets.
Grease guide surfaces with the
special lubricating paste sup-
Sealing chamber 2 between Remove sliding piston 1 and
bowl bottom and sliding piston is clean sealing chamber.
The drill holes in bowl valves 3 Remove the valves and clean
are clogged. them.
The bowl receives no or too little
opening water for the following
reasons (check gauge M does
not indicate):

a) non-return valve is dirty or Clean or replace non-return

defective, valve.
b) solenoid valve A or C is de- Replace solenoid valve.
c) air pressure for metering unit Increase air pressure to ≥ 4.5
is too low, bar.
d) control times of solenoid val- Check adjusting periods of tim-
ves are not adjusted cor- ers on control unit (see function
rectly. diagram). Check adjusting peri-
ods of timers on control unit (see
function diagram).

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12 Lubrication and maintenance

12.1 Lubrication chart ..................................................................................118

12.2 Maintenance schedule.........................................................................119

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12.1 Lubrication chart

Fig. 171
No. in Lubricant Frequency of lubrication Amount of Lubrication
Fig. lubricant point
DIN ISO per year after operating
1 Klüber Grease when necessary 10 cm3 Threads and
KSB 8 fittings
2 Klüber Grease before each as- 150 cm3 Threads and
KSB 8 sembly sliding surfaces
of bowl
3 Roller bearing 2 1 500 20 cm3 Neck bearing
grease K3K springs and
spring pistons
4 Roller bearing 2 1 500 10 cm3 Manually-
grease K3K operated parts
(brake bolt, val-
ves, etc)
5 Lubricating oil CC 220 2 500 5 500 cm3 Gear chamber
CLP 220
DIN 51502
6 Steam turbine oil 10 000 6 250 cm3 Fluid clutch
TDL 32
DIN 51515
7 Roller bearing according to according to Motor bearings
grease K3K manufacturer’s manufac-
instructions turer’s in-

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12.2 Maintenance schedule

every operating hours Operations every

250 500 1500 3000 5000 10 000 Week 1/4 1/2 1

year year year
D start-up or after
First oil change after first
replacing worm wheel and worm.
Thorough cleaning of gear chamber.
Check oil level of gear chamber. D
D Oil change and thorough cleaning of the D
gear chamber.
D Lubrication of hand-operated parts such D
as brakes, valves, etc*
whenever dismantling Grease threads, and guide and contact whenever dismantling
surfaces of bowl parts (3.2)
according to manufacturer’s instructions Grease motor ball bearings. accord. to manufact. instruct.
D Clean bowl valves (5.7)
D Clean strainer operating-water line. D
D Dismantle bowl and clean also holes and cham- D
bers of the hydraulic system.
D Clean discharge holes in operating-water feeding
D Check oil level of fluid clutch 4 weeks
D Remove and check bowl gaskets. Clean D
gasket grooves and check for corrosion.
D Check starting time and speed of bowl D
D Check neck bearing springs and spring D
D Check thickness of brake linings. D
D Check toothing of worm gear through D
inspection hole. (after removing the
gear sight glass)
D Check spaces between solids ejection holes.
D Bowl inspection.
* Check threads
of lock rings for erosion and corrosion.
D Replace neck bearing springs.
D Replace roller bearings of worm spindle.
D Replace oil in fluid clutch.
D Replace roller bearings of worm wheel

* Keep to the maintenance intervals even if the operating hours have not been reached.

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13 Parts list

Frame, complete 125

Brake, complete 127
Intermediate flange, complete 128
Motor protective hood 129
Gear, complete 131
Worm spindle assembly 133
Fluid clutch, complete 135
Neck bearing bridge with covering 136
Bowl, complete 139
Double centripetal pump, compl. 140
Hood, complete 141
Feed and discharge connections, complete 142
Valve, complete (Whey) (on special order) 143
Flowmeter, complete 145
Flowmeter, complete 146
Operating–water connection, compl. 149
Solenoid valve, cpl. (24 VDC ) 150
Metering unit, complete 151
Tools, complete 153
Hydraulic unit, complete 155
Sterilizing tank assembly 157

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Important hints for ordering parts

To ensure correct delivery when ordering parts, please state the following:
• Model of separator see name–plate
e.g. MSD 90–07–076

• Serial–No. see name–plate

e.g. 1 721 620

• Description see List of Parts

e.g. Distributor

• Part–No. see List of Parts

e.g. 3289–1343–000

Only required when ordering bowl parts:

• Bowl Serial–No. see bowl lock ring and bowl bottom
Part–Numbers ending with letter ”L” (e. g. 3289–1021–L) designate parts
which are available in different designs for the separator concerned.

1225-9001-040 / 0900
124 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 172

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 125

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

- 1233–1100–030 1 Frame, complete

1 1166–1006–030 1 Lower section of frame

– 1165–1122–010 1 Discharge pipe, complete
1.2 0007–2211–750 1 – Gasket DIN 11851 G 50
1.3 0013–2845–300 1 – Grooved coupling nut DIN F 50
1.4 0018–3955–300 1 – Cone connection DIN D 50
2 0004–5793–770 1 Gasket 130x204x0.3
3 3050–1112–020 1 Bottom bearing housing
4 0026–5894–600 4 Tab washer DIN 93 17
5 0019–7038–150 4 Hex head screw ISO 4017 M 16x45
6 3050–1085–010 1 Ventilation grid
7 0026–1371–400 4 Washer DIN 125 13
8 0019–6966–400 4 Hex head screw ISO 4017 M 12x20
9 3170–1065–010 1 Fan cover
10 0026–1335–400 4 Washer DIN 125 17
11 0019–6608–400 4 Hex head screw ISO 4014 M 16x60
12 see page 127 2 Brake, complete
13 0019–9063–150 2 Threaded pin DIN 916 AM 8x10
14 0001–0027–830 1 Sight glass 80–70
15 0004–5406–750 1 Gasket 110x3
16 0019–6845–400 3 Hex head screw ISO 4017 M 6x25
17 0019–0840–400 1 Screw plug R 3/4
18 0004–5294–780 1 Gasket 27x48x1.5
19 0019–1748–400 1 Screw plug 40x1/14inx10
20 0007–2229–750 1 Gasket 40x48x5
21 0004–5056–780 1 Gasket 70x80x1.5
22 0001–0022–400 1 Sight glass housing 72
23 see page 128 1 Intermediate flange, complete
24 1231–1018–000 1 Solids collector
25 0019–7036–400 8 Hex head screw ISO 4017 M 16x35
26 0004–2290–400 8 Gasket 16.7x24x1.5
27 0007–2954–750 1 Gasket 590x4
28 1353–1219–000 1 Operating–water feeding device
29 0007–2571–750 1 Gasket 297x4
30 0026–1325–300 8 Lock washer DIN 127 B8
31 0019–6124–400 8 Allen screw DIN 912 M 8x25

1225-9001-040 / 0900
126 Westfalia Separator AG

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

32 1233–1277–000 1 Gasket
33 0019–6142–400 4 Allen screw DIN 912 M 10x20
34 0019–6105–400 8 Allen screw DIN 912 M 6x12
35 0007–2208–750 2 Gasket DIN 11851 G 25
36 1165–1183–000 1 Plug
37 0007–2320–750 1 Gasket 45x55x5
38 0007–2580–750 1 Gasket 42x2.5
39 0013–0404–400 2 Cap nut DIN 1587 M8
40 0007–3062–840 1 Gasket 625.5x666x19
41 0007–2113–750 1 Gasket 94x104x6
42 1167–1045–000 1 Pipe connection

43 0019–6966–400 3 Hex head screw ISO 4017 M 12x20

44 2315–1015–010 4 Foot, complete
44.1 2315–1011–000 4 – Foot, stainless steel coated D 50
44.4 0019–6387–400 4 – Threaded pin DIN 915 AM 12x28
44.6 0021–3018–750 4 – Rubber cushion 30x92x20
45 0001–0516–300 4 Flange 80
46 0019–6937–400 12 Hex head screw ISO 4017 M 10x30
47 3170–1020–010 1 Foundation frame, complete
47.1 3170–1003–010 1 – Foundation frame
47.2 0026–2031–300 4 – Cap
47.3 3157–1033–000 4 – Bolt
49 1176–1060–000 1 Cover compl.
– 0005–0202–630 1 Screw coupling DIN 46320 C 4 – Pg 9x6 7
54 1168–1192–000 1 Angle
55 0005–0964–000 1 Proximity switch NJ 2–11–SN–
– 0019–2233–400 1 Allen screw ISO 1207 M 5x12
– 0005–3538–900 1 Cable tape 180x5
– 0005–3534–900 1 Support KR 6 G5

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 127

Fig. 173

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

- 3170–1043–000 1 Brake, complete
1 3170–1031–000 1 Brake bolt, compl.
- 0021–4096–850 1 Brake lining 50X150X6
- 0026–1263–550 4 Rivet DIN 661 4X16
- 0026–1086–400 1 Cylindrical pin ISO 2338 B–6X14
2 0006–4208–160 1 Cylindrical pressure spring 29X3.5X83
3 0021–3537–300 1 Brake housing 32X42X123
4 0004–1914–720 1 Gasket 17.5X25.5X2
5 0021–3514–300 1 Tapered handle M16

1225-9001-040 / 0900
128 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 174

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

1315–1021–010 Intermediate flange, complete

1 1165–1028–000 1 Intermediate flange with lining

2 0019–6202–150 8 Allen screw DIN 912 M16x45
3 0019–7727–090 4 Stud DIN 939 M16x45
4 0026–1330–190 4 Lock washer DIN 127 A16
5 0013–0282–400 4 Hexagon nut ISO 4032 M16

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 129

Fig. 175

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

- 1315–3090–000 1 Motor protective hood

2 1315–1262–000 1 Protective hood

3 1315–1061–000 1 Cover
4 1315–1061–010 1 Cover
5 0013–0276–400 10 Hexagon nut ISO 4032 M6
6 0019–6839–400 10 Hex head screw ISO 4017 M6x10

1225-9001-040 / 0900
130 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 176

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 131

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

- 1238–3300–010 1 Gear, complete

1 0010–8002–040 1 Bottom bearing threaded piece 80

2 0006–4441–160 1 Spring column DIN 2093 A 45x51
3 0010–8001–200 1 Bottom bearing pressure piece 80
4 0004–2221–780 1 Gasket 80x108x1.5
5 0010–8003–210 1 Bottom bearing cap 80
– see page 132 1 Worm spindle, complete
7 see page 132 1 Worm wheel assembly
8 2231–3400–020 1 Worm wheel shaft
9 0011–3210–470 1 Grooved ball bearing DIN 628 3210
10 0013–0448–090 1 Grooved nut M 50x1.5
11 1229–3368–000 1 Brake disk, complete
12 0026–1834–030 2 Centering disc 14.5x55
13 0019–9371–150 2 Hex head screw DIN 960 M 14x1.5x60
14 1166–3131–000 2 Bearing housing
15 0004–2559–780 2 Gasket 99x140x1
16 2231–3375–020 1 Bearing cover
17 0004–5566–750 1 Sealing ring DIN 3760 A 45x65x8
18 0007–1996–750 2 Gasket 96x4
19 0019–6149–300 1 Allen screw DIN 912 M 10x50
20 0026–1337–300 6 Lock washer DIN 127 B 10
21 0026–0915–170 1 Tab washer DIN 5406 MB 10
22 2231–3375–010 1 Bearing cover
23 0004–1957–830 2 Felt ring DIN 5419 50
25 0019–6147–150 5 Allen screw DIN 912 M 10x40
26 see page 135 1 Fluid clutch, complete 422N
27 0006–4404–010 2 Cup spring 70x40.5x5
28 0011–6210–000 1 Grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6210 J
29 1166–3259–000 1 Set of clutch connecting parts
29.1 1166–3283–010 1 – Claw flange
29.2 1166–3393–000 1 – Set of coupling components
29.3 0019–6970–150 8 – Hex head screw ISO 4017
30 1166–3389–000 1 Cam hub, complete
30.1 0019–8984–150 1 – Threaded pin DIN 914 M 10x25
31 0001–0925–870 1 Sight glass 322x8
32 0004–5762–700 2 Gasket 273x318x2
33 0026–1371–400 4 Washer DIN 125 13
34 0019–6970–400 4 Hex head screw DIN 933 M 12x30
35 see page 136 1 Neck bearing bridge
36 1166–1157–020 1 Ring
A/B see frame, cpl. 1 Proximity switch

1225-9001-040 / 0900
132 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 177

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 133

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

- see diagram 1 Worm spindle assembly
1 1233–3410–000 1 Spindle
2 0008–6512–050 1 Ring 65
3 0011–6213–110 1 Grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6213 P 6
4 0008–6508–050 1 Ball bearing protection ring 65
5 0006–4383–160 1 Cylindrical pressure spring 84.5x4.5x28.5
6 0008–6501–340 1 Spindle cap 65
7 see diagram below 1 Worm
8 0026–1579–120 1 Cylindrical notched pin ISO 10x60
9 0008–4008–020 1 Ball bearing protection ring 40
10 0011–2308–120 1 Pendulum ball bearing DIN 630 2308 MP6
11 0008–4008–030 1 Ball bearing protection ring 40
12 0026–2109–170 1 Snap ring 78
13 0011–7307–100 2 Angular contact ball bearing 7307 BECBM–P
DIN 628 6
14 0010–8012–020 1 Bottom bearing pressure 80

Available gear parts:

Pos. Fig. Part–Number Part–Number Part Description
50 Hz 60 Hz

Motor speed Motor speed

n = 1 455 rpm n = 1 745 rpm
Bowl speed Bowl speed
n = 5 900 rpm n = 5 900 rpm

7 178 1171–3449–000 1171–3449–010 ** Worm wheel assembly

– 179 1233–3429–000 1233–3429–010 ** Worm spindle assembly

7 179 1171–3423–000 1171–3423–010 ** Worm

* * The part number depends on the motor speed as well as on the bowl speed given on the name-plate
of the separator

1225-9001-040 / 0900
134 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 178

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 135

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

– 1166–3280–170 1 Fluid clutch, complete
– 1166–9904–080 1 Set of spare parts

1 – 1 * Cam flange
2 0019–6971–150 8 Hex head screw DIN 933 M 12x35 8.8
– 0019–1141–300 8 Threaded insert M 12x18
3 0026–0772–170 8 Spring washer DIN 137 B 12
4 0004–2913–830 1 Sealing ring 105x130 BAFS
5 0026–0182–170 1 Spacer ring ANS 160/163x26
6 0011–6021–400 1 Grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6021 M/C4
7 0019–6518–150 36 Hex head screw DIN 931 M 10x70 8.8
8 – 1 * Clutch casing ø470
9 0004–2385–858 1 Packing cord ø1x1400 mm
10 0026–0771–170 36 Spring washer DIN 137 B 10
11 0013–0279–150 36 Hexagon nut DIN 934 M 10 – 8
12 – 1 * Primary wheel ø470
13 0026–0180–170 1 Spacer ring AN 140/143x24
14 0007–2944–830 1 Gasket 140/3
15 0011–6018–400 1 Grooved ball bearing DIN 625 6018 M/C4
16 – 1 * Secondary hub with secondary ø 425
17 0004–2912–830 1 Sealing ring 90x110
18 – 1 * * Sealing ring cover
19 0019–6903–150 8 Hex head screw DIN 933 M 8x20 8.8
– 0019–1139–300 8 Threaded insert M 8x12
20 0026–0770–190 8 Spring washer DIN 137 B8
21 0007–1741–280 1 Gasket DIN 7603 A 22x29
22 1166–1161–000 1 Hex head collar screw M 24x1.5x16
– 0019–1142–300 2 Threaded insert M 24x1.5x18
23 0007–1740–280 4 Gasket DIN 7603 A 18x24
24 0019–1490–000 2 Threaded plug M 18x1.5x15
– 0019–1137–300 2 Threaded insert M 18x1.5x18
25 3158–3287–010 1 Oil retaining ring ø119/192x4.5
26 0019–2234–030 8 Cheese head screw DIN 84 AM 5x16 4.6
27 0026–0750–170 8 Lock washer DIN 7980 5
28 0019–1551–090 1 Oil fill plug
– 0019–0861–000 2 Threaded plug M 18x1.5x15

* When this part needs replacement, the complete clutch must be returned to the factory for repair.

* * Instead of the part-number, state the number in figure (first column).

1225-9001-040 / 0900
136 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 179

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

0008-6500-230 1 Neck bearing bridge with

1 0008-6510-360 1 Neck bearing bridge, compl. 65

2 0008-6506-110 1 Neck bearing bridge 65
3 0008-6507-480 1 Neck bearing pressure ring 65
4 0026-0841-110 9 Spring piston 35.9x30.8x35
5 0006-3863-090 1 Set of neck bearing springs 30x7x76-7.5
6 0019-0913-030 9 Threaded plug M45x1.5-36x49
7 0007-2580-750 9 Gasket 42x2.5
8 0008-6509-050 1 Distance washer 65
9 0004-5852-770 1 Gasket 156x235x0.3
10 0008-6502-120 1 Neck bearing protection cap 65
11 0004-5851-770 1 Gasket 176x235x0.3
12 0026-5894-600 3 Tab washer 115x3
13 0019-6616-150 3 Hex head screw ISO 4014 M16x100

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 137


1225-9001-040 / 0900
138 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 180

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 139

Pos. Part-Number Qty. Part Description Dimension

Whey Milk
– 1225–6600–160 1225–6600–130 1 Bowl, complete

3 1233–6604–040 1233–6604–040 1 * Bowl bottom

3.5 0019–8353–400 0019–8353– 9 – Allen screw DIN 6912 M 8x12
3.6 0004–2289–400 0004–2289–400 9 – Joint U
4 0007–2564–750 0007–2564–750 2 Gasket 170x3
5 1231–6597–000 1231–6597–000 1 Ring
6 0019–6113–400 0019–6113–400 4 Allen screw DIN 912 M 6x40
7 0007–2729–750 0007–2729–750 2 Gasket 330x346x8
8 1169–6280–030 1169–6280–030 2 Valve, complete
8.1 1169–6281–010 1169–6281–010 2 – Valve housing
8.2 3159–6276–010 3159–6276–010 2 – Valve piston
8.3 0004–2341–940 0004–2341–940 2 – Gasket 6x9.9x10.5
8.4 0007–2920–760 0007–2920–760 6 – Gasket 23.3x2.4
8.5 0007–2923–650 0007–2923–650 4 – Gasket 9.3x2.4
9 0019–0320–360 0019–0320–360 1 Spindle screw M22x1.5–
10 0007–2886–760 0007–2886–760 1 Gasket 515x539x1
11 1233–6501–030 1233–6501–030 1 * Sliding piston
12 1225–6620–030 1225–6620–040 1 * Distributor, complete
12.2 1233–6526–030 1233–6526–030 1 ** – Threaded sleeve
12.3 0007–2929–750 0007–2929–750 2 ** – Gasket 55.2x3
12.4 0004–2291–410 0004–2291–410 2 ** – Joint U 8.7x14x1
12.5 0019–0264–400 0019–0264–400 2 ** – Allen screw M 8x25
13 1233–6660–030 1225–6660–010 1 Set of discs, complete
13.1 1233–6662–010 1233–6662–000 1 Bottom disc
13.2 1233–6663–020 – 20 Disc
13.2 – 1233–6663–010 4 Disc
13.3 1233–6663–000 – 112 Disc
13.3 – 1225–6663–000 135 Disc
13.4 1079–6663–020 – 20 Disc
13.4 – 1165–6663–000 7 Disc
14 1171–6650–000 1171–6650–000 1 * Separating disc
15 1233–6610–030 1233–6610–030 1 * Bowl top
16 0007–2728–750 0007–2728–750 1 Gasket 510x4
17 0007–1773–840 0007–1773–840 1 Gasket 500.5x10
18 1233–6631–010 1233–6631–010 1 * Lock ring S592x14–
19 0019–6346–400 0019–6346–400 6 Threaded pin DIN 913 M 16x20
20 1233–6645–000 1233–6645–000 1 Centripetal pump cham-
ber cover
21 0007–2134–750 0007–2134–750 1 Gasket 149.5x161.5x
22 1088–6631–060 1088–6631–060 1 Lock ring TR180x6–
23 0007–1992–750 0007–1992–750 1 Gasket 34x4
24 0019–0815–360 0019–0815–360 1 Spindle screw (Blanking RD 32x1/8–
plug) LH
25 0007–2874–750 0007–2874–750 1 Gasket 22x2.5
* This part can only be replaced by one of our service engineers or by a special repair-shop authorized by us,
because of special re-fitting to machine and possible re-balancing of bowl. * * This part is included in the previ-
ous complete part, but it can be supplied separately.

1225-9001-040 / 0900
140 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 181

Pos. Part-No. Quantity Part Description Dimensions

– 1233–2213–070 1 Double centripetal pump,

1 1233–2252–060 1 Upper centripetal pump

2 1233–2241–000 1 Lower centripetal pump
3 1233–2246–000 1 Feed tube
4 0007–2211–750 1 Gasket DIN 11851 G 50
5 0007–1943–750 2 Gasket 32.2x3
6 0007–1900–750 2 Gasket 31x2.5
7 0007–2929–750 1 Gasket 55.2x3
8 0007–2501–750 1 Gasket 23x3

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 141

Fig. 182

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

- 1238-7759-020 1 Hood, complete

1 1238-7765-010 1 Hood
2 0007-1905-750 1 Gasket 45x4
3 0001-0963-820 1 Sight glass disk 55x10
4 0013-0406-400 4 Cap nut DIN 1587 M 12
5 0004-2364-758 1 Packing cord 8x8x3300
6 0019-6971-300 8 Hex head screw ISO 4017 M 12x35
7 0026-0165-400 4 Washer DIN 433 13
8 0019-7668-400 4 Stud
9 0004-1796-760 1 Gasket 45x60x2
10 0013-0034-300 1 Grooved coupling nut 40
11 0007-3268-820 1 Gasket 10.5x2.5
12 1238-7255-000 1 Flush line

1225-9001-040 / 0900
142 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 183

Pos. Part-No. Quantity Part Description Dimension

Whey Milk
– 1171–2296–040 1171–2296–000 1 Feed and discharge
connections, complete
1 1171–2301–000 1171–2301–000 1 Feed and discharge hous-
2 1171–2217–000 1171–2217–000 1 Ring, complete
– 1171–2218–000 1171–2218–000 1 Ring
2.1 0019–8372–400 0019–8372–400 2 – Allen screw DIN 6912 M 10x20
2.2 0026–1044–400 0026–1044–400 2 – Cylindrical pin DIN 7 3H8x16
3 0007–2211–750 0007–2211–750 1 Gasket DIN 11851 G 50
4 0007–2210–750 0007–2210–750 2 Gasket DIN 11851 G 40
5 0001–1178–400 0001–1178–400 1 Pressure gauge, complete
6 see page 145 see page 145 1 Flow meter, complete
7 see page 143 – 1 Valve, complete
9 0007–2564–750 0007–2564–750 1 Gasket 170x3

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 143

Fig. 184

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

– 1028–2280–010 1 Valve, complete (Whey)
(on special order)

1 1028–2281–010 1 Valve housing

2 1022–2278–040 1 Valve cone
3 0026–5979–840 1 Distance sleeve 13.5x20x55
4 0004–5716–840 1 Grooved ring 13x24x6
5 1022–2276–020 1 Adjusting screw
6 0013–2646–300 1 Cap nut DIN 1587 M 10
7 0007–2208–750 2 Gasket DIN 11851 G 25
8 0013–0274–300 1 Hexagon nut DIN 934 M4
9 0019–2478–300 1 Pan head screw DIN 85 M 4x8

1225-9001-040 / 0900
144 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 185

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 145

Pos. Part-No. Quantity Part Description Dimension

Whey Milk
Measuring range: Measuring range:
50 – 350 l/h 400 – 1 800 l/h
- 8020–2040–080 8020–2240–040 1 Flowmeter, complete
1 8020–2001–110 8020–2001–150 1 Inlet cup
2 8020–2012–000 8020–2012–000 1 Float
3 8020–2006–010 8020–2206–040 1 Measuring tube
4 0007–2209–750 0007–2209–750 1 Gasket DIN 11851 G 32
5 8020–2003–170 8020–2003–170 1 Outlet pipe
6 0007–2208–750 0007–2208–750 1 Gasket DIN 11851 G 25
7 0019–0170–400 0019–0170–400 2 Hex head screw with full M 12x17.5
dog point
8 8020–2004–030 8020–2004–030 1 Clumb
9 0019–0002–300 0019–0002–300 1 Tommy screw M 12x33.5
10 0007–2298–750 0007–2298–750 2 Gasket 13.5x22x10
11 0026–1375–300 0026–1375–300 1 Washer 15.5x22x2
12 0013–3010–300 0013–3010–300 1 Nut M 35x1.5
13 8020–2002–030 8020–2002–030 1 Intermediate piece
14 0001–0083–890 0001–0083–890 1 Inspection cylinder 14x2x210
15 0019–1380–300 0019–1380–300 1 Threaded sleeve
16 0019–1732–400 0019–1732–400 1 Star screw M
17 8020–2017–000 – 1 Scale 50 up to 350 l/h
17 – 8020–2217–060 1 Scale 400 up to 100 l/h
18 0004–5261–720 0004–5261–720 2 Gasket 4.8x9.0x1
19 0019–2478–300 0019–2478–300 2 Pan head screw DIN 85 M 4x8
20 1072–2273–020 1072–2273–020 1 Stuffing box, complete
20.1 1072–2284–000 1072–2284–000 1 – Stuffing box housing
20.2 0019–1590–610 0019–1590–610 1 – Threaded bolt M 12LHx53
20.3 0021–3096–300 0021–3096–300 1 – Star grip 65x11
20.4 0026–1058–400 0026–1058–400 1 – Cylindrical pin DIN 7 4h8x20
20.5 1072–2279–020 1072–2279–020 1 – Round slide valve
21 0007–2285–750 0007–2285–750 2 Gasket 22x32x5
22 0026–5508–300 0026–5508–300 1 Washer 22x31.5x2
23 0026–1445–300 0026–1445–300 1 Snap ring 31

1225-9001-040 / 0900
146 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 186

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

– 8022–2000–060 1 Flowmeter, complete
Measuring range: 3 000–15 000 l/h
1 8022–2001–110 1 Inlet cup
2 0007–2341–750 1 Gasket 85x95x6
3 8022–2003–080 1 Outlet pipe
4 8022–2012–000 1 Float
5 0013–2847–300 1 Grooved coupling nut 90
6 8022–2002–000 1 Intermediate piece
7 0013–3010–300 1 Nut M 35x1.5
8 0001–0082–890 1 Inspection cylinder 14x2x250
9 0007–2298–750 2 Gasket 13.5x22x10
10 0026–1375–300 1 Washer 15.5x22x2
11 0019–1380–300 1 Threaded sleeve M26x1,5/15x23
12 0019–1732–400 1 Star screw M 26x1.5x19
13 0019–2478–300 2 Pan head screw DIN 85 M 4x8
14 0004–5261–720 2 Gasket 4.8/9.0x1
15 8022–2017–000 1 Scale
16 0007–2211–750 2 Gasket DIN 11851 G 50

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 147


1225-9001-040 / 0900
148 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 187

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG 149

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

– 8134–2105–300 1 Operating–water connection, compl.

1 8134–2319–100 1 Distributor
2 0004–5982–300 4 Gasket U28.7x35x2
3 8134–2161–040 2 Screw
4 0004–2891–300 6 Gasket U22.7xx30x2
5 8134–2161–050 3 Screw R1/2in
6 0019–0653–400 1 Threaded plug R1inx20
7 0018–5870–610 2 Solenoid valve, compl. 3/4in
8 0018–5947–610 2 Solenoid valve, compl. 1/2in
9 0018–0965–400 3 Double nipple R1/2in
10 0018–0116–400 2 T–Piece DIN 2987 1/2in
11 0018–5936–400 1 Non–return valve
12 0018–4819–600 1 Screwed socket
13 0018–5168–400 2 Transition nipple
14 0001–0299–610 1 Pressure gauge DIN 16063 0–6 bar
15 0001–1196–400 1 Pressure gauge DIN 16063 0–16 bar
16 0019–0559–300 3 Threaded plug R1/2in x15
17 0018–5937–400 2 Screw–on threaded connection 15–R1/2in
18 0007–2521–750 2 Gasket DIN 11851 G 15
19 0018–4573–400 2 Threaded cone connection 15–R1/2in
20 0013–2840–300 2 Grooved coupling nut DIN 11851 F 15
21 0018–0004–300 1 Angle piece DIN 2987 1/2in
22 0018–5286–400 2 Threaded cone connection 25–R3/4in
23 0013–2842–300 2 Grooved coupling nut DIN 11851 F 25
24 8134–2208–150 1 Plate
25 0019–6840–400 4 Hex head screw ISO 4017 M 6x12
26 8134–2059–040 2 Distance piece
27 0026–1382–300 6 Washer DIN 125 6.4
28 0019–6841–300 6 Hex head screw ISO 4017 M 6x16
29 0005–3492–280 1 Terminal box
30 0019–6111–400 4 Allen screw DIN 912 M 6x30
31 0005–0203–630 15 Screw coupling C4PG11
32 0005–0206–630 3 Screw coupling C4PG21
33 8134–2059–030 1 Distance piece
34 8134–2355–090 1 Protective cover
35 0026–0439–300 3 Washer 8.4x25x2
36 0019–6900–300 3 Hex head screw ISO 4017 M 8x12
37 0018–1742–650 1 Water pressure reducer
38 0019–1492–400 1 Threaded plug R1/4
39 0005–4111–010 1 Pressure switch 1–10 bar
40 0005–4111–890 1 Coupler socket
41 8134–2202–030 1 Metering cylinder, compl.

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150 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 188

Pos. Part-Number Qty. Part Description Dimen-


- 0018-5870-610 0018-5947-610 Solenoid valve, cpl.

(24 VDC )
1 0018-5870-820 0018-5947-820 1 Diaphragm
2 0018-5870-000 0018-5947-010 1 Pressure spring
3 0007-2927-820 - 1 Gasket
4 0007-2987-820 0007-1747-820 1 Gasket
5 0007-1753-820 0007-1753-820 1 Gasket 24x1.5
6 0018-5947-030 0018-5947-030 1 Housing (for manual
7 0018-3695-000 0018-3695-000 1 Solenoid core
8 0018-5947-060 0018-5947-060 1 Solenoid head 24 VDC
9 0018-5118-010 0018-5118-010 1 Coupler socket

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Fig. 189

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

– 8134–2202–030 1 Metering unit, complete
1 8134–2311–130 1 Housing
2 8134–2311–140 1 Housing
3 8134–2279–030 1 Piston
4 0013–2846–300 1 Grooved coupling nut F 65
5 0007–3202–750 1 Gasket 43.8x5.33
6 0007–3203–750 1 Gasket 69.2x5.33
7 0019–9436–400 1 Hex head screw DIN 961 M 20x1.5 x110
8 0013–0319–400 1 Hexagon nut DIN 936 M 20x1.5
9 0007–1941–750 1 Gasket 25x2.5
10 0018–3732–600 1 Angular hose screw coupling G 1/4 in

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152 Westfalia Separator AG

Fig. 190

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Pos. Part-No. Quantity Part Description Dimensions

- 1233–9900–010 Tools, complete

1 0003–0006–000 1 Wrench (bowl lock ring) 310x22

3 0003–0065–030 1 Lifting device 350 kg
(for wrench with bowl lock ring/ hood)
5 0003–0156–000 1 Hook (for gaskets, bowl bottom)
7 0003–0200–000 1 Mallet 42x420
8 0003–0575–000 1 Split pin DIN 6450 C5
9 0003–0581–320 1 Insert DIN 3124 22x12.7
10 0003–0590–000 1 Torque wrench 20–150 Nm
11 0003–0601–320 1 Hexagon socket 8
12 0003–0615–000 1 Extension DIN 3123 B12.7x250
13 0003–3727–030 1 Wrench (for valve piston) M4
15 0003–3774–320 1 Allen wrench DIN 911 4
16 0003–3775–320 1 Allen wrench DIN 911 5
17 0003–3776–320 1 Allen wrench DIN 911 6
18 0003–3777–320 1 Allen wrench DIN 911 8
19 0003–3778–320 1 Allen wrench DIN 911 10
20 0003–3780–320 1 Allen wrench DIN 911 14
21 0003–3791–320 1 Allen wrench DIN 6911 8
(feed and discharge housing)
23 0003–3846–000 1 Pivoted hook wrench 90x155
26 0003–3956–100 1 Wrench (for centripetal pump) 52x40.3
28 0003–3994–000 1 Annular wrench
(centripetal pump chamber lock ring)
30 0003–4147–030 1 Wrench (for feed tube)
31 0003–4202–320 1 Double–ended wrench DIN 3110 10x13
32 0003–4204–320 1 Double–ended wrench DIN 3110 16x18
33 0003–4205–320 1 Double–ended wrench DIN 3110 17x19
34 0003–4208–320 1 Double–ended wrench DIN 3110 22x27
35 0003–4209–320 1 Double–ended wrench DIN 3110 24x30
36 0003–4211–320 1 Double–ended wrench DIN 3110 27x32
37 0003–4222–320 1 Double–ended wrench DIN 3110 36x41
38 0003–4275–030 1 Socket wrench 17
(spindle screw/ distributor)
40 0003–4636–050 1 Screwdriver 5x125
41 0003–4637–050 1 Screwdriver 8x150
74 1166–9910–010 1 Lifting device
(fluid clutch, brake pulley)
76 1168–9823–000 1 Adjusting ring
(feeler for speed monitoring)

The tools delivered are stated in the packing list.

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154 Westfalia Separator AG

Pos. Part-No. Quantity Part Description Dimensions

78 1169–9895–000 1 Wrench (for bowl valve)

80 1171–9910–000 1 Pulling device
(for cam hub, fluid clutch)
82 0013–0388–030 2 Lifting–eye nut (for hood) DIN 582 M 12
84 1225–9820–000 1 Compressing device compl.
84.1 1225–9930–000 1 – Compressing device
84.2 1235–9770–000 1 – Hydraulic part
84.3 1235–9851–010 1 – Threaded ring
84.4 1225–9877–000 1 – Threaded bolt
84.5 1225–9939–000 1 – Disk
84.6 0019–5385–050 1 – Eye bolt
84.7 1235–9935–040 1 – Pressure piece
85 1231–9862–000 1 Spindle lifting device
86 1233–9960–010 1 Lifting device (for sliding piston)
86a 1233–9935–010 1 – Pressure piece (included in pos. 86)
88 1233–9970–000 1 Lifting device (for distributor)
88a 0026–1599–300 1 – Cylindrical pin
90 1353–9982–000 1 Eye bolt (for bowl bottom)
– 0019–5384–050 1 Eye bolt DIN 580 M 16
91 3347–9861–000 Mounting device
(grooved ball bearing – gear)

3 0003–0277–800 1 Oil cup 2.7 l
5 0018–384–030 1 Pipe (for fluid clutch)

- 0015–0014–080 5 Lubricating oil CLP 220 2.5 l
– 0015–0050–090 2 Clutch oil DIN 51515 – TDL 32 5l
– 0015–0113–020 4 Lubricating grease KSB 8 40 g
– 0015–0121–000 1 Ball and roller bearing grease 0.85 kg
DIN 51825 – K3k

The tools delivered are stated in the packing list.

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Fig. 191

Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

- 1235-9770-000 1 Hydraulic unit, complete

2 0007-2608-750 2 Gasket 85x3.5

3 0007-2052-750 2 Gasket 60x3.5
5 0004-1918-550 1 Gasket 18x13x2
11 0004-2108-760 2 Gasket 10.4x17x2
13 1231-9931-000 1 Holder
15 0003-3017-000 1 Grease cartridge
16 1167-9916-020 1 Screw R 1/8in
17 0007-2508-750 1 Gasket 10.3x2.4
18 1167-9916-000 1 Pressure relief screw
20 0004-5266-550 1 Gasket 12.2x17x2
21 0007-2099-850 1 Gasket 5x11x4
22 0001-0277-600 1 Pressure gauge 0-600 bar
27 0004-2111-760 1 Gasket 10.5x16x2.5

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Fig. 192

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Pos. Part–Number Quantity Part Description Dimensions

1 1165-9200-040 1 Sterilizing tank assembly

2 0007-2209-750 1 Gasket DIN 11851 G 32

3 1165-9205-000 1 Flush pipe
4 0007-2210-750 1 Gasket DIN 11851 G 40
5 0013-2844-300 1 Grooved coupling nut DIN F 40
6 0018-3949-300 1 Cone connection DIN 11851 D 40
7 0007-2211-750 1 Gasket DIN 11851 G 50
8 0013-2845-300 1 Grooved coupling nut DIN F 50
9 0018-3955-300 1 Cone connection DIN 11851 D 50
10 0007-2208-750 2 Gasket DIN 11851 G 25
11 0001-0261-300 1 Blind cap
12 0013-2842-300 2 Grooved coupling nut DIN F 25
14 0018-4269-400 1 Cone connection R 1/2in
16 0001-0675-400 1 Angle thermometer
17 1165-9462-000 1 Bush
18 0026-1102-400 6 Cylindrical pin
19 0019-1363-300 6 Hinge screw
20 0021-3128-300 6 Handle screw
21 0026-2108-400 1 Cap
22 0026-1324-300 1 Lock washer DIN 127 B6
23 0019-2507-300 1 Lens head screw DIN 85 M 6x10
24 0007-2309-750 1 Gasket 92x112x10
25 0004-2364-758 1 Packing cord 8x8x2200
26 1165-9208-020 1 Cover
27 0021-3155-700 3 Foot
28 0007-2121-750 1 Gasket 118x130x7
29 0019-6966-400 3 Hex head screw DIN 933
30 0007-2483-750 1 Gasket 65x10
31 0006-4365-300 1 Cylindrical pressure spring
32 1169-9698-000 1 Funnel
33 1165-9277-000 1 Cap M 12x20

1225-9001-040 / 0900
Westfalia Separator AG
Take the Best – Separate the Rest

A company of GEA Group

Westfalia Separator AG ● Werner-Habig-Straße 1 ● D-59302 Oelde (Germany)

Tel.: +49 (0) 25 22 / 77-0 ● Fax: +49 (0) 25 22 / 77-24 88 ●● mailto:[email protected]

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