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Advances in Civil Engineering

Volume 2018, Article ID 9738038, 18 pages

Research Article
Characteristics of Wind Load on Spatial Structures with Typical
Shapes due to Aerodynamic Geometrical Parameters and
Terrain Type

Yi Zhou ,1 Yuanqi Li ,2 Yingying Zhang ,3 and Akihito Yoshida4

School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
Department of Structural Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Environmental Impact and Structural Safety in Engineering, China University of Mining and
Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
Wind Engineering Research Center, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Kanagawa 243-0297, Japan

Correspondence should be addressed to Yuanqi Li; [email protected]

Received 26 August 2017; Revised 20 November 2017; Accepted 11 December 2017; Published 29 March 2018

Academic Editor: Pier Paolo Rossi

Copyright © 2018 Yi Zhou et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The characteristics of wind load on large-span roofs are complicated by their unique geometrical configurations and strong
dependence on aerodynamic geometrical parameters and terrain type. However, there is rarely comprehensive research for
characteristics of wind load on spatial structures due to aerodynamic geometrical parameters of roofs and terrain type. In this
study, first, the effects of geometrical parameters of roofs and terrain type on the wind pressure distribution based on the data
obtained from the existing wind tunnel tests were summarized. Then, the wind loads of full-scale structures were predicted by
CFD, and the efficiency of numerical results was further verified by the available wind tunnel tests on spatial structures. Finally,
with comparative analyses of the wind pressure distribution of the roofs predicted by CFD under different cases, the effects of
shape ratios, especially rise-span ratio, height-span ratio, length-span ratio, and so on, and terrain type on the wind pressure field
of typical spatial structures were presented. It can be beneficial to wind-resistant design of structures and can be provided as
reference for aerodynamic design optimum of span spatial structures.

1. Introduction atmospheric boundary layers with various stability con-

ditions [3]. In recent years, the application of CFD to the
With the development of science and construction tech- field of wind engineering has progressed rapidly. At
nology, the span spatial structures with good shapes and present, numerical solutions have been developed with the
novel structure have been widely used [1]. This type of potential to overcome the limitations of wind tunnels. The
structure is very sensitive to the wind load. At present, the accuracy of CFD predictions is pretty good but not perfect.
wind-resistant design of large-span spatial structures with On the other hand, the use of CFD in wind engineering
complicated shapes is mostly on the basis of wind tunnel involves making a number of assumptions and choices
tests [2]. Nevertheless, wind tunnel has its own limitations. regarding such matters as the size of the computational
These include but are not limited to the inability to fully domain surrounding the structure under consideration, the
model swirling flow impacts on structures (tornadoes) and structure of the atmospheric boundary layer at inlet to this
some types of gust fronts (downbursts); the Reynolds domain, the size and distribution of the computational
number limitations in accurate modeling wind flows over mesh, the order of accuracy of the discretization scheme,
curved surfaces or flows inside buildings such as natural and the type of turbulence model to be used to close the
ventilation or diffusion of pollutants within a partially time-averaged equations [4]. Such factors translate into fine
open enclosure; and the inability to model wind flows in computational grids and large computer memory and time
2 Advances in Civil Engineering

requirements. Thus, further efforts are required in this field the value cannot be confirmed due to limited wind
in the future. tunnel test data.
In this paper, the characteristics of wind load on spatial (3) When power law exponent α > 0.23, the effect of
structures with typical shapes due to aerodynamic geo- terrain type on the pressure field of the spherical
metrical parameters and terrain type have been investigated dome is insignificant.
based on the data obtained from the existing wind experiment
and CFD. Firstly, the paper reviewed the current state of the
art on wind tunnel tests for several typical kinds of large-span 2.2. For Roofs with Cylindrical Surfaces. Cylindrical roofs are
roofs, particularly as it relates to the influence of geometry increasingly used in the modern built environment because
parameters and terrain type on the characteristics of wind they offer aerodynamically efficient shapes. However, they
load. Then, this paper simulated typical span spatial structures are sensitive to wind. The current aerodynamic coefficients
with atmospheric boundary layer under steady wind field. The do not contemplate the possibility of existence of canopies
flow and dispersion of gases emitted by sources located near attached to the buildings.
different building shapes were determined by the commercial Paluch et al. [11] discussed the relation between the
prognostic model FLUENT using the Realizable k-ε model magnitude of the canopy design forces and the canopy
and the RNG k-ε model. At last, with comparative analyses of width, as well as the relation between the canopy height
the wind pressure distribution of the roofs predicted by CFD location and the height of the building wall. Blackmore and
under different cases, the influence of geometrical parameters Tsokri [12] described a series of parametric wind tunnel
and terrain type on the wind loads was presented. studies undertaken at BRE to measure wind pressures on
The shape and dimension of typical span spatial structures a wide range of curved roof models in a properly scaled
in this paper are shown in Figure 1. The θ, β, h, f/D, H/D, L/D, atmospheric boundary layer simulation. Li et al. [13]
and b/a represent the wind direction angle, roof angle, the researched the wind pressure distribution of cylindrical
horizontal dimension of the sloped steps, rise-span ratio, roofs with f/D � 1/3 and L/D � 1.0–3.0. Chen and Yang [14]
height-span ratio, length-span ratio, and length-width ratio. investigated the effects of rise-span ratio and roof inclination
on the characteristics of wind pressure.
According to these experimental results, it can be
2. Wind Tunnel Tests of Wind Pressure concluded as follows:
Distribution on Spatial Structures with
(1) The influence of H/D on the wind pressure distri-
Typical Shapes
bution is limited besides the windward side. Paluch
2.1. For Roofs with Spherical Surfaces. Spherical roofs are et al. [11] showed that the wind pressure of the
often used for sports buildings, exhibition halls, and so on. windward side near roofing edge under certain
When designing these structures, the major concern of geometrical parameter is negative, while Blackmore
structural engineers is often the wind load estimation. and Tsokri [12] showed that the wind pressure of all
Kawamura et al. [5] carried out a series of experiments to windward side under any geometrical parameters is
compare the influence of the wind pressure distributed with positive. It may be because the flow separated from
three kinds of configuration and wind velocity. Blessmann [6] the roofing edge is serious.
showed several experimental studies of wind effects on domes (2) The influence of f/D and L/D on the wind pressure
and the importance of simulation of the main characteristics distribution is significant. The suction at the windward
of natural wind as well as the influence of size and position of side decreases, while wind suction at the top of the roof
openings. Hongo et al. [7] carried out a series of wind tunnel increases with f/D increasing. When L/D < 3, the peak
experiments on the mean and fluctuating wind pressures, in value of suction at the top of the roof increases with
which they investigated the effects of the turbulence of L/D increasing; when L/D > 3, the flow is changing in
approaching flow and the dome’s geometry, that is, f/D and nature from three-dimensional flow on the end sec-
H/D, on the characteristics of the pressure field. Blessmann tions to two-dimensional flow in the central section,
[8] carried out wind tunnel experiments on spherical dome and the wind pressure distribution and the peak value
with f/D � 0.5 and 0.25. Li et al. [9] carried out wind tunnel change insignificantly with L/D increasing.
experiments on spherical dome with f/D � 1/3 and H � 0. Li
et al. [10] discussed the effects of terrain type and wind di-
rection on the wind pressure of roofs and analyzed the 2.3. For Roofs with Saddle-Shaped Surfaces. In addition to the
negative peak local shape factors under each wind direction roofs with spherical surfaces and cylindrical surfaces, the
with their positions. saddle-shaped roofs with negative Gaussian curvature have
According to these experimental results, it may be also been used widely. Some scholars carried out wind tunnel
concluded as follows: tests on this type of roof. The θ � 0° is defined as the wind blow
out along two higher points, and the θ � 90° is defined as the
(1) The effect of f/D is more significant than that of H/D. wind blow out along two lower points.
The wind suction at the top of roof and the positive Dutt [15] presented wind tune tests on the wind pressure
pressure of windward increase with f/D increasing. distribution of saddle-shaped roofs with f/D � 1/10 and
(2) When f/D is between 0.2 and 0.3, the pressure of roof θ � 0°. Zhao et al. [16] carried out wind tunnel tests on
is positive at the windward and at the wake. However, saddle-shaped roofs with f/D � 1/10, 1/12, 1/16, and 1/20 and
Advances in Civil Engineering 3

D θ = 0°
θ = 0°
lm lm


 lm D lm


(a) (b)
θ = 0°
θ = 0° 



(c) (d)

Figure 1: Shape and dimension of typical spatial structures. (a) Spherical surfaces, (b) cylindrical surfaces, (c) saddle-shaped surfaces, and
(d) cantilevered roofs.

H/D  1/5 and studied the influence of f/D and wind di- (2) The difference of the wind pressure coefficient between
rection on the wind pressure distribution. Sun [17] reported the uniform flow field and the suburban terrain is not
wind tunnel data for the saddle-shaped roofs with f/D  1/12 dramatic.
and 1/8 and H/D  1/8, 1/6, and 1/4, under the uniform flow
field and suburban terrain. Dong and Ye [18] investigated
2.4. For Cantilevered Roofs. Grandstand roofs are mostly
the point pressure and area-averaged wind pressure dis-
large roof structures cantilevered at the rear of grandstands.
tributions of the saddle-shaped roofs with f/D  1/6 and 1/12,
Characteristics of wind pressures on large horizontal can-
respectively, occurring below conical vortices through wind
tilevered roofs were investigated recently by the present
tunnel experiments. Liu et al. [19] investigated the charac-
authors. Simultaneous pressure measurements were made
teristics of dynamic pressures of a saddle-shaped roof under
on both surfaces of a wind tunnel roof model.
various wind directions and approaching wind conditions
Zhao and Lam [21] showed wind tunnel tests performed on
based on wind tunnel experiment data. Li et al. [20] pre-
a rigid model of a horizontal grandstand roof. The prototype
sented a study on the characteristics of dynamic wind
dimensions of the roof were 78 m × 15 m at a height of 18 m.
pressures on the saddle-shaped net roof under the open and
Zhao and Lam [22] carried a series of experiments to research the
urban terrains in a wind tunnel. The power law exponents
influence of slope on the wind pressure distribute of the can-
under the open and urban terrains are 0.16 and 0.30,
tilever roofs. The investigation covers a downsloping roof con-
figuration at the roof angle −5° and two upsloping roof
According to these experimental results, it can be
configurations at the roof angles 5° and 10°. Katsumura et al. [23]
concluded as follows:
showed wind tunnel data for a cantilever roof. The wind pressure
(1) The effect of f/D on the wind pressure distribution is model of the roof used in the experiments had a width of 0.24 m,
significant. The wind pressure at the windward side a span of 0.18 m, and a height of 0.18 m. The roof had a slope of 5°.
decreases and the roof pressure pattern changes According to the existing wind tunnel test, it can be
insignificantly with f/D increasing. concluded as follows:
4 Advances in Civil Engineering

(1) The cantilevered roof surface is mainly under standard model. The analytical derivation results in a model
suction. with constants different from those in the standard k-ε model
(2) The roof pressure pattern is found to change sig- and additional terms and functions in the transport equations
nificantly with the roof angles. The whole suction for k and ε. According to the above characteristics, the Re-
increases when β increases from −5° to 10°, and when alizable k-ε model and RNG k-ε model are probably the more
β > 5°, the whole suction changes insignificantly. effective and efficient solution for future development.
Richards et al. [25] compared the standard k-ε, the MMK
k-ε, and the RNG k-ε turbulence models. They found that the
3. Suitability of CFD Investigations on Wind error of the standard model calculation results and the full-
Pressure Distribution on Spatial Structures scale model measurement data is large, especially in the flow
with Typical Shapes separation region. In fact, the standard k-ε model of turbu-
lence does not allow for anisotropic diffusivities in three-
Significant progress in the field of CFD has been made, and it dimensional strain fields, its representation of the effects of
has been used as an efficient tool for the prediction of wind streamline curvature (which are expected to be quite pro-
loads. Using a large eddy simulation (LES) and a low Reynolds nounced around the windward eaves) is quite inadequate, and
number (Re) type model can obtain more accurate results. its response to the application and removal of streamwise
However, it is difficult to use those models for practical pressure gradients is poor. The rate of production of k seems
analysis because many computational cases and a huge always to be exaggerated, leading to higher than expected
number of grids are required for the prediction and analysis levels of turbulence kinetic energy (and thus higher eddy
of the pedestrian wind environment under severe time re- viscosity). Thus, when used for pitched-roofed buildings, the
strictions [24]. Hence, the numerical simulation is mainly standard k-ε model either underestimates the extent of the
based on high Re number Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes region of the large-scale separation that occurs over the
(RANS) equation models. Because RANS equation modeling windward roof or fails to predict its occurrence altogether.
can reasonably simulate mean wind characteristics and re- Hence, this paper selects the RNG k-ε model and Realizable
quires less computing time than other CFD methods, it is the k-ε model to simulate the wind field.
most widely used method in many industrial applications. For In the Fluent, it is necessary to impose the boundary
the numerical simulation, the governing equations of the condition artificially because the computational domain
incompressible turbulent wind flow around buildings are cannot be infinite. Velocity inlet boundary conditions are
presented by the RANS equations as follows: used to define the flow velocity. The outflow boundary
condition is obeyed in fully developed flows where the
z diffusion flux for all flow variables in the exit direction is
ρui 􏼁 � 0, (1)
zxi zero. Basin at the top and on both sides of the use of
symmetric boundary conditions is equivalent to the free-slip
z z zp z zui wall. The no-slip boundary condition is enforced at the wall
ρui 􏼁 + 􏼐ρui uj 􏼑 � − +μ 􏼠 􏼡 of the model surface and the ground. Adopting of the
zt zxj zxi zxj zxj
(2) nonbalanced wall surface function simulates the complex
z phenomenon of flow nearby the wall of the surface, which is
+ 􏼐−ρu′ i u′ j 􏼑.
zxj characterized by impingement, separation, reattachment,
circulation, vortices, and so on. Using user-defined func-
The turbulent kinetic energy, the k equation in Realizable tions (UDFs) which Fluent provides to program can realize
k-ε model, is the same as that in the standard k-ε model and the wind profile of atmospheric boundary layer, turbulent
the RNG k-ε model. However, the form of the ε equation in kinetic energy k, and turbulence dissipation rate ε.
Realizable k-ε model is quite different from that in the
standard k-ε model and RNG k-ε model. One of the note-
worthy features is that the production term in the ε equation 3.1. For Roofs with Spherical Surfaces
does not involve the production of k. It is believed that the
present form better represents the spectral energy transfer. 3.1.1. Spherical Roof Model in the Numerical Wind
The RNG k-ε turbulence model is derived from the in- Tunnel. In the numerical wind tunnel, the spherical roof
stantaneous Navier–Stokes equations, using a mathematical model for calculating is selected with a radius of 60 m
technique called “renormalization group” methods. It is and height of 40 m, computational domain is taken as
a mathematical theory which can be used to derive a turbu- 1800 m × 1000 m × 350 m, and the building is located at the air
lence model which is similar to the k-ε model. Compared to flow of 1/3. Li et al. [9] simulated section terrains II, III, and
standard k-ε model, RNG k-ε model has the following ad- IV of wind profile according to the definition of the Archi-
vantages: (1) the additional term in the ε equation improves tectural Institute of Japan [26]. The wind velocity vertical
the accuracy when modeling rapidly strained flows, (2) the distribution coefficient was set equal to Er � U(z)/U∐ ∐
10 . U10
effect of swirl turbulence is included in the RNG model, (3) was wind velocity at 10 m height from the ground in
the RNG model enables to use Prandtl numbers (turbulent terrain II. The inlet profiles for k and ε were specified by
viscosity/turbulent heat conductivity) as variables, and (4) k � 0.5(U(z) · I)2 and ε � 0.093/4 k3/2 /50. In wind tunnel test,
RNG model enables to use lower Reynolds numbers than in the reference wind velocity at the top of the models was near
Advances in Civil Engineering 5





















.6 (a) (b)







Figure 2: Mean pressure coefficient distributions of the spherical model predicted with two turbulence models. (a) RNG k-ε model,
(b) Realizable k-ε model, and (c) wind tunnel result [9].


Figure 3: Wind vector around spherical roof. −0.2

ø 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
 (°)
Figure 4: Centerline of the roofs along the wind direction angle. RNG κ-ε model
Realizable κ-ε model
to 6 m/s and the wind velocity ratio was 1 : 4. Hence, the wind Wind tunnel test
velocity corresponding to the numerical simulation of CFD at Figure 5: Comparison of the results between numerical wind
the entrance is 24 m/s. tunnel and wind tunnel tests [9] under terrain II.
3.1.2. The Results of Spherical Roof. The results of adopting
the RNG k-ε model and Realizable k-ε model to simulate the exception of a small portion of the windward side under
wind field on the spherical shell under different terrain types positive pressure. The absolute value of the mean wind
based on AIJ are given in Figure 2. The power law exponent α force coefficient at the top is much greater than that at the
under terrain II is 0.15. As shown in Figure 2, the mean other area. Comparing to the Realizable model, the wind
pressure coefficient distributions derived by two turbulence pressures distribution and values derived by the RNG
models are consistent with the wind tunnel results. The model are relatively closer to the wind tunnel result.
majority of spherical roof is under negative pressure with the However, the realizable model is relatively easy to provide
6 Advances in Civil Engineering

(a) (b)

-0 .8
-0 . 6
-0 6

-0 . 4
-0 .4

-0 .
0 .4
0 .2



-0 .6

-0 .8
-0 .2
-0. 4
0. 4


-0 . 8
-0 . 6

-0 . 4
-0 .6
-0 .8
-0 .2
-0 .4
0 .2


Figure 6: Mean pressure coefficient distributions of the cylindrical model predicted with two turbulence models. (a) RNG k-ε model,
(b) Realizable k-ε model, and (c) wind tunnel result [13].

good convergence performance. Figure 3 gives the wind 0.8

vector around the spherical model according to the RNG 0.6
model. It can be seen that there is a small positive region at 0.4
the wake due to the flow reattachment downstream. 0.2
However, wind tunnel tests do not show this phenomenon.
As shown in Figure 4, it defines that the centerline of the
roofs would be along the wind direction angle. Figure 5 gives −0.2

the comparison of the mean pressure coefficients along the −0.4

centerline between numerical wind tunnel and wind tunnel −0.6
tests. As shown in Figure 5, it indicates that the results −0.8
predicted by the two turbulence models at the windward and −1.0
at the central zone are in agreement with the wind tunnel −1.2
test. Because of large-span roofs with some high Reynolds
numbers (106 < Re < 108), adopting the numerical simulation 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
of CFD may be difficult to obtain perfect results compared  (°)
with wind tunnel tests with different Reynolds number,
especially for leeward part of curve surfaces. RNG κ-ε model
Realizable κ-ε model
Wind tunnel test
3.2. For Roofs with Cylindrical Surfaces
Figure 7: Comparison of the results between numerical wind
3.2.1. Cylindrical Roof Model in the Numerical Wind tunnel and wind tunnel tests [13] under terrain II with L/D  1.0.
Tunnel. In the numerical wind tunnel, the dimensions of
the roof are 130 m × 130 m at a height of 43 m, computa-
tional domain is taken as 1800 m × 1000 m × 350 m, and the the top of the models was near to 6 m/s and the wind
building is located at the flow of 1/3. Li et al. [13] simulated velocity ratio was 1 : 4. Hence, the wind velocity corre-
section terrains II, III, and IV of wind profile according to sponding to the numerical simulation of CFD at the en-
AIJ. In the wind tunnel test, the reference wind velocity at trance is 24 m/s.
Advances in Civil Engineering 7


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8: Mean pressure coefficient distributions of the saddle-shaped model predicted with two turbulence models. (a) RNG k-ε model,
(b) Realizable k-ε model, and (c) wind tunnel test [17].

0.4 0.4
0.0 0.2
−0.4 0.0
−0.8 −0.2


−1.2 −0.4
−1.6 −0.6
−2.0 −0.8
−2.4 −1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
d/D d/D

RNG κ-ε model RNG κ-ε model

Realizable κ-ε model Realizable κ-ε model
Wind tunnel test Wind tunnel test
(a) (b)

Figure 9: Comparison of the results between numerical wind tunnel and wind tunnel tests [17] under terrain B. (a) Two higher points of line
and (b) two lower points of line.

3.2.2. The Results of Cylindrical Roof. The results of The comparison of the mean pressure coefficients between
adopting the RNG k-ε model and Realizable k-ε model numerical simulation and wind tunnel test results under
to simulate the wind pressure field of the cylindrical terrain II is given in Figure 7. As shown in Figure 7, it in-
shell with L/D  1.0 under terrain II based on AIJ are dicates that the results predicted by the two turbulence models
given in Figure 6. The power law exponent α is 0.15. As at the windward and at the central zone are in agreement with
shown in Figure 6, the mean wind pressure coefficient the wind tunnel test. However, at the wake, optimization of
distributions derived by two turbulence models are ba- the Realizable model shows that there is still a small positive
sically consistent with the wind tunnel test results. The pressure zone at the wake, optimization of Realizable model
flow fiercely dashes the roof at the windward and the shows that the pressure tends to zero at the same zone, and the
region pressure shows positive. The positive pressure wind tunnel test result shows the negative pressure.
transforms into negative near the center zone of the roof
and arrives the maximum values at the top. Comparing 3.3. For Roofs with Saddle-Shaped Surfaces
the Realizable model, the mean wind pressure coefficients
given by the RNG model at the wake are disorder; 3.3.1. Saddle-Shaped Roof Model in the Numerical Wind
however, the results of RNG model are relatively closer to 
Tunnel. In the numerical wind tunnel, the√roof √the
wind tunnel test results. saddle-shaped surface is constructed with 80 2 m × 80 2 m
8 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 1: Mean pressure coefficient distribution of the cantilevered roofs predicted with two turbulence models.
Upper roof Lower roof Net value
0.4 –1

–1.– – .4

–141 0.6
–0.8 –0




0 –0.2
RNG k-ε model

–1 –0.4

.6 .4
.8 –1–1.8 6–1


–0–1 –1.

–0.8 –0.6 6

–0.4 –0.4
0.2 .8 –0.6

1.4.6 –0–0.2







0 -0.2
Realizable k-ε model



–0.8 6

6 .4



–2 –1.8



–0.2 0.4 0.6 –0.4 –0.2

–0.8 –0.6
–0.2 –0.8
Wind tunnel tests [22] –1.0 0.6
–1.2 –1.0
0.4 –1.6

0.0 0.8

−0.4 Cp




−1.2 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
d/D d/D

RNG κ — ε model RNG κ-ε model

Realizable κ — ε model Realizable κ-ε model
Wind tunnel test Wind tunnel test
(a) (b)


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

RNG κ-ε model

Realizable κ-ε model
Wind tunnel test

Figure 10: Comparison of the results between numerical wind tunnel and wind tunnel tests [22] under α  0.19. (a) Upper roof, (b) lower
roof, and (c) net value.
Advances in Civil Engineering 9

1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.0 0.2


−0.2 0.0
−0.4 −0.2
−0.6 −0.4
−1.2 −0.8
−1.4 −1.0
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
 (°)  (°)

H/D = 0 f/D = 1/3

H/D = 1/8 f/D = 1/4
H/D = 1/4 f/D = 1/5

Figure 11: Mean pressure coefficient distributions with different Figure 12: Mean pressure coefficient distributions with different
H/D (f/D  1/3). f/D (H/D  0).

at an eaves height of 20 m, f/D of 1/8, and H/D of 1/8, 1.4

computational domain is taken 1800 m × 1000 m × 350 m, 1.2
the building is located at the flow of 1/3. 0.8
Sun [17] simulated wind profile under the suburban 0.6
terrain according to Load Code for the Design of Building 0.4
Structures of China (GB50009-2012) [27] and turbulence 0.2
intensity profiles according to Australian and New Zealand

code [28]. In the wind tunnel test, the average canopy height −0.4
model is chosen as a reference point of the mean pressure −0.6
coefficient. The wind velocity was 9 m/s and the wind ve- −0.8
locity ratio was 1 : 2. Hence, the wind velocity corresponding −1.0
to the numerical simulation of CFD at the entrance is 18 m/s. −1.4
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
3.3.2. The Results of Saddle-Shaped Roof. The results of  (°)
adopting the RNG model and the Realizable model to
predict the wind pressure field of saddle-shaped roof with Terrain I (α = 0.10) Terrain IV (α = 0.27)
f/D  1/8 and H/D  1/8 under the suburban terrain Terrain II (α = 0.15) Terrain V (α = 0.35)
according to GB50009-2012 are given in Figure 8. The power Terrain III (α = 0.20)
law exponent α is 0.16. As shown in Figure 8, the mean Figure 13: Mean pressure coefficient distributions along the
pressure coefficient distributions derived two turbulence centerline under different terrain types.
models that are basically consistent with wind tunnel test
results. The saddle-shaped roof is still primarily under the
suction. The wind pressure on the corner or the edge of the 3.4. Numerical Simulation on Wind Pressure on Cantilevered
windward side is much greater than that on other areas. The Roofs
results given by the RNG model and the Realizable model are
close to wind tunnel test results. 3.4.1. Cantilevered Roof Model in the Numerical Wind
The comparison of the mean pressure coefficients between Tunnel. In the numerical wind tunnel, the dimensions of the
numerical wind tunnel and wind tunnel tests under terrain B roof are 78 m × 15 m at a height of 18 m. The roof inclination
is shown in Figure 9, when θ  0°. It shows that along the is 0°. Underneath the roof was a model of a stepped
direction of two higher points of line, when d/D  0–0.3, the grandstand 135 mm high. Computational domain is taken as
roof is under negative pressure, when d/D  0.3–0.9, the roof 1500 m × 1000 m × 350 m, and the building is located at the
is under positive pressure, and when d/D  0.9–1.0, the roof is flow of 1/3.
under small negative pressure. It shows that along the di- Zhao and Lam [22] simulated general type terrain in the
rection of two lower points of line, when d/D  0–0.4 and Hong Kong Wind Code, which specified α of 0.19 for the
0.6–1, the roof is under negative pressure, when d/D  0.4–0.6, mean wind velocity profile. The turbulence intensity was
the roof is under positive pressure. specified by Ih  0.1055 × (h/90)−0.11 . During the tests, the
10 Advances in Civil Engineering

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
−0.2 0.0
−0.4 −0.2


−0.6 −0.4
−0.8 −0.6
−1.6 −1.2
−1.8 −1.4
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
 (°)  (°)

H/D = 0 f/D = 1/3

H/D = 1/4 f/D = 1/4
H/D = 1/8 f/D = 1/5

Figure 14: Mean pressure coefficient distributions with different Figure 16: Mean pressure coefficient distributions with different
H/D (f/D  1/3; L/D  1). f/D (H/D  0; L/D  1).

0.0 0.0
−0.2 −0.2


−0.6 −0.6
−0.8 −0.8
−1.0 −1.0
−1.2 −1.2
−1.4 −1.4
−1.6 −1.6
−1.8 −1.8
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
 (°)  (°)

L/D = 1 L/D = 4 Terrain I (α = 0.10) Terrain IV (α = 0.27)

L/D = 2 L/D = 5 Terrain II (α = 0.15) Terrain V (α = 0.35)
L/D = 3 Terrain III (α = 0.20)

Figure 15: Mean pressure coefficient distributions with different Figure 17: The mean pressure coefficient distributions along the
L/D (H/D  0; f/D  1/3). centerline under different terrain types with L/D  1.0.

wind tunnel was run with a wind velocity of about 10 m/s at provide good convergence performance and offers orderly
the roof height and this velocity corresponded to the extreme pattern of pressure contour lines. For a horizontal roof, flow
wind conditions in Hong Kong at a velocity ratio of 1 : 4. separates at the leading edge and may reattach downstream.
Hence, the wind velocity corresponding to the numerical The entire upper roof is under suction, and the entire lower
simulation of CFD at the entrance is 40 m/s. roof is under positive pressure. Highest net wind pressure is
found at the frontal part of the roof and the pressure level
3.4.2. The Results of Cantilevered Roof. The results of using decreases in going downwind to the rear edge of the roof. The
the RNG model and the Realizable model to simulate the net wind pressure is contributed more significantly by the
wind field of cantilevered roofs under the same terrain type upper roof pressure than by the lower roof pressure, both in
with the wind tunnel test are shown in Table 1. Due to the magnitude and in distribution patterns.
symmetry, the roof is taken half in Table 1. Two turbulence The comparison of the mean pressure coefficients along
models can reflect the mean pressure coefficients distribution, the centerline of the cantilevered roof between numerical
which basically are consistent with the results of the wind wind tunnel and wind tunnel tests under wind attack angle of
tunnel test. However, the Realizable model is relatively easy to 0° is shown in Figure 10. In this figure, d means the distance
Advances in Civil Engineering 11

(a) (b)


Figure 18: Mean pressure coefficient distributions of the saddle-shaped model (f/D  1/3). (a) H/D  0, (b) H/D  1/8, and (c) H/D  1/4.

from the leading edge and b means the cantilevered roof the spherical shell model and saddle-shaped shell model, it is
depth. For the net pressure, at the leading edge, the absolute taken as H/D  0, 1/8, and 1/4, and f/D  1/3, 1/4, and 1/5 to
values derived by the numerical wind tunnel are smaller than consider the effect of geometrical parameters; for the cy-
wind tunnel test results; however, at the wake, the absolute lindrical shell model, it is taken as H/D  0, 1/8, and 1/4,
values derived by the numerical wind tunnel are bigger than f/D  1/3, 1/4, and 1/5, and L/D  1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to consider
the wind tunnel tests. The error between numerical wind the effect of geometrical parameters; for the cantilevered
tunnel and wind tunnel tests is about 25%. Compared with roofs, it is taken as b/a  1, 2, 3, 4, 5.2, and 7, β  −10°, −5°, 0°,
cantilevered roofs, the results of spherical, cylindrical, and 5°, and 10°, and f/D  1/3, 1/4, and 1/5 to consider the effect
saddle-shaped roofs using the RNG model and the Realizable of geometrical parameters. Adopting the RNG model sim-
model are close to wind tunnel results. It may be that as the ulates the wind pressure field of the spherical roofs and the
models of cantilevered roofs, the dimension in along-wind cylindrical roofs, and adopting the Realizable model sim-
direction is larger than in cross-wind direction. The flow field ulates the wind pressure field of the saddle-shaped roofs and
characterized by impinging, separation at the windward, and the cantilevered roofs. The wind pressure field of the roofs
reattachment at the wake zone produces the difficulties with with different aerodynamic geometrical parameters is sim-
precision of numerical wind tunnel. ulated under terrain II.

4. Effects of Important Geometrical Parameters

and Terrain Type on Wind Pressure 4.1. For Roofs with Spherical Surfaces. In the numerical wind
Distribution of Spatial Structures with tunnel, the mean pressure coefficient distributions with
different H/D and f/D are shown in Figures 11 and 12, re-
Typical Shapes spectively. It can be seen that the net value of pressure on the
It is difficult to research the influence of different geo- roof could insignificantly change with H/D increasing, while
metrical parameters on the wind pressure distribution of the positive pressure of the leading edge and the peak value
spatial structures by the wind tunnel test. However, such of the wind suction increase gradually with f/D increasing,
research can be conducted by the CFD. According to the which means that the net value of pressure on the roof would
project experience and some existing wind tunnel tests, for increase as f/D increases.
12 Advances in Civil Engineering

(a) (b)


Figure 19: Mean pressure coefficient distributions of the saddle-shaped model (H/D  0). (a) f/D  1/5, (b) f/D  1/4, and (c) f/D  1/3.

The results of adopting the RNG model to predict the windward side changes insignificantly, the suction at the
mean wind pressure coefficients under different terrain types central zone and the positive pressure at the wake increases
are given in Figure 13. The power law exponent α under gradually as f/D increases. When f/D  1/4 and 1/5, the nu-
terrains I, II, III, IV, and V based on AIJ is 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, merical wind tunnel shows the flow reattachment downstream.
0.27, and 0.35, respectively. As shown in Figure 13, when The results of adopting the RNG k-ε model to simulate
ϕ < 30° and ϕ > 150°, the wind pressure for roofs is positive, the mean pressure coefficients under different terrain types
while 30° < ϕ < 150°, the wind pressure for roofs is negative. are shown in Figure 17. It can be seen that, at the central
When ϕ  90°, the differences of the mean pressure co- zone, the differences of the mean pressure coefficients under
efficients under different terrain types are biggest. When different terrain types are biggest. The positive pressure at
ϕ > 150°, the differences of the mean wind pressure co- the windward side and the suction at the central zone de-
efficients under different terrain types are small. The ex- crease with α increasing. It can also be seen that the dif-
periment result showed that when α > 0.23, the effect of ferences of terrains III, IV, and V are small, which means
terrain type on the pressure field of the spherical roof is when α > 0.2, the effect of terrain type on the mean pressure
insignificant, while the numerical wind tunnel showed that it coefficients is insignificant.
needs α > 0.27.

4.3. For Roofs with Saddle-Shaped Surfaces. The wind

4.2. For Roofs with Cylindrical Surfaces. In numerical wind pressure distributions of the saddle-shaped roofs in nu-
tunnel, the mean pressure coefficient distributions of the cy- merical wind tunnel, taken as f/D  1/3, 1/4, and 1/5 and
lindrical roofs with different H/D, L/D, and f/D are shown in H/D  0, 1/8, and 1/4, are shown in Figures 18 and 19. It can
Figures 14–16, respectively. It can be seen that the net value of be seen that the effect of H/D on the wind pressure filed as
pressure on the roof changes slightly with H/D changing. The a whole is significant. The wind pressure distribution
effect of L/D on the wind suction is significant. When L/D < 3, changes little with H/D  1/8 and 1/4. The positive pressure
the wind suction at the top of roof increases gradually with L/D at the wake and the negative pressure at the two low points
increasing, while when L/D > 3, the wind suction at the top of of zone are slightly larger than the other situation. It can
roof changes insignificantly. The positive pressure at the also be seen that whole influence on the pressure field
Advances in Civil Engineering 13

(a) (b)


Figure 20: Mean pressure coefficient distributions predicted with the Realizable models under different terrain types (C and D according to
GB50009-2012 and V according to AIJ). (a) Terrain C (α  0.22), (b) terrain D (α  0.30), and (c) terrain V (α  0.35).

0.8 0.4
0.4 0.2
0.0 0.0
−0.6 −0.2
−1.0 −0.4


−1.4 −0.6
−1.8 −0.8
−2.4 −1.0
−2.8 −1.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
d/D d/D

Terrain A (α = 0.12) Terrain D (α = 0.30) Terrain A (α = 0.12) Terrain D (α = 0.30)

Terrain B (α = 0.16) Terrain V (α = 0.35) Terrain B (α = 0.16) Terrain V (α = 0.35)
Terrain C (α = 0.22) Terrain C (α = 0.22)
(a) (b)

Figure 21: Mean pressure coefficient distributions under different terrain types (C and D according to GB50009-2012 and V according
to AIJ). (a) Two higher points of line and (b) two lower points of line.

increases with f/D increasing. The suction in the front of the 1/10 to 1/12. The positive value at the wake and the negative
windward side increases with f/D increasing. However, the value at the two low points of zone increase slightly with f/D
suction peak value changes slightly with f/D changing from increasing.
14 Advances in Civil Engineering

Table 2: Net value distributions of the cantilevered roofs (b/a  1, 2, 3, 4, 5.2, and 7; h/H  0.75; β  0°).
0.2 0–0.2
0 02
–0. –0.4

0 –0.2

–0.4 –0 .6


–0 .6
– 0 .4
b/a  1 b/a  2


0.8 .6

–1 – –0
– .6

–0 .4

–0 4 –0.2
–0 –1.4



.8 ––1

–1.4 –0 .2 ––2.2
–1.6 ––11 –1.8
–1–2 –1.

0 0.2 0 –0 .2
0 0 –0–0.6.4
–0.2 0 0
–0 .6 –0 .2

– 0 .4

–0 .



–0 .8

0 .4



–0 .6

–0 .
–0 .8
–1 .2

–0 .6
b/a  2.5 b/a  3

–1 .2

–1–1 0 .8
–1 .4

–1.6 .

.6.4 0 .8

–1 .8 –2 –1

–1–1–1- 0 .8

.6 .4
8 . 8

–1-1 –

. 6. 4. 2
–1 1.

–1 2
–1 .

–2 .2 –2–
–1 .8 –2

–2 .2
–2 –2–2 .64
–2. –2

0 0.2 0.2 0.6 –0.2 8 –0.4

0.4 0 0
–0.6 –1

0.8 .8


1 –0 .2

0.2 0


–06.8 –0.6

b/a  4 (take half) b/a  5.2 (take half) –1


–1.8 –2

–1 –0.4
22. 2 1.8








2.2 2.4



0 8 0 0 2
–0.2 –0.4 –0.4 .8 0 6 .2 0
–0.6 –1 –1.4 –0

–1 –1 –0.8

. 6 –0.6
0 .2

. 8 .2 –1

.4 1
.8 –0

b/a  7




–2–1 .2

–2 .4 6
.8 –1.8

.2 4 –1 2.2 –2

21 .4

–2 –2. .

–2. 2
–2 . 2 –2.2



– –2




Table 3: Mean pressure coefficient distributions of the cantilevered roofs (β  −10°, −5°, 5°, and 10°; h/H  0.75; b/a  5.2).
Upper roof Lower roof Net value
–0 .4 0 .6
0 –0 .2–0 .4

–0 –0 .2
0.2 0 .6 –
–0 .2

–0 .6.4

–1 .8
–0 .4

β  −10° –1 .2

–0.8 –0 .6 –1 .8
.6 4

0 .2

0 .6

–1 .2


–0–0 .

0 .8

–0 .8 –1 . –1

–0 .4 0 0.2 .4 –0–0.6.8

––00 .6 –0.4


0 –0.2

–0 .6

–0 .

Β  −5° 2

–1.2 –2
0 0.2

2 4

–1 .4

–1 .



8 –0.4 –0 2
–0 .6 0.4 –0.6 0

.8 –1


0 .6 .2

.84–0 .6–0

0 .8 –1


β  0°


0.0 .60 .4

–0 . 8

–1.8 2
–0 –1 1 . 2
–1 –



–1 .4 1


1 .––0


–1 2 .2



0 .8




0 .4 0.2
2 –1
–0 .8.6

–1–1. .4
0.40. 2 0

–1.4.2 –1 –0

–0 .8 –1 .6


0. 6

0. 8
β  5°
–1 .2 . 8

–1 8
–1 .
.4 –1 8


–1 .4
–1 –2

–1 0.8
0 .2 –1
–0 .6
–0 .8 0 .2 1 .2
–2 .4–1.2–1 6

0 .6
0 .4 –1.4 –
10 .2

–1–1.6 –0 .8–0
00. 40 . –20 –.8

– 6.
–1 .4 –0 .8


β  10°
0 .6

–1 .8 4

–1 .8
–1 .4

–1 .



–2 .2 –2 .

0.6 0 .8 1

The power law exponent α under the terrains A, B, C, D, Figure 21. In Figures 20 and 21, the turbulence intensity value
and V based on GB50009-2012 is 0.12, 0.16, 0.22, and 0.30, is selected based on the AIJ. It can be seen that the wind
respectively. The results of adopting the Realizable model to pressure distribution of the saddle-shaped roof is consistent,
simulate the wind field of saddle roof under terrains C and D and the peak value of positive pressure in the front of the
according to GB50009-2012 and terrain V according to AIJ roof decreases as α increases. When α > 0.2, the effect of
are shown in Figure 20. The mean pressure coefficient terrain type on the mean wind pressure distribution of the
distributions under different terrain types are shown in saddle-shaped roof is insignificant.
Advances in Civil Engineering 15

Table 4: Mean pressure coefficient distributions of the cantilevered roofs (h/H  0 and 0.5; b/a  5.2; β  0°).
Upper roof Lower roof Net value
–0 4
–0 .6 –0.2 0.2
.2 .2
0–0 0 –0.4 0 –0 .8 –1 –0.6

6 –0. 4
0 .4 0 .6

–1 .6

.8 –0

0 .2

–1 .6


–––12- –0–0.6
0 .8

–1 .

h/H  0

. 2–0
–0 . –1 .6 ––21

–1 . 2–1 . 4 –1 8

00. 6. 4
0. –2 .2
–1 .4 –1 .4
––0 .
–2 .4 -2.2
0 .8 4

0 .6
–2 –2 –2
0 06 –0
40 22 0 -0.6
–0 .6 –0
0 .8
–0.2 –1
0 0 .4 –0.4 –0.8
–1 . –1 .4

–1 –0 0 .6
0 .6


–1–.1 ..42 –1.8



. 8

0 . 6 0 .4
h/H  0.5

–0 8


2 .4 .6
–1 . 4


–1 .


–1 . 2 –2

0.8 2
– –2 –


–2 .2

Table 5: Mean pressure distributions predicted with the Realizable models under different terrain types (C and D according to
GB50009-2012 and V according to AIJ).
Terrain type Upper roof Lower roof Net value
–1 –1 –1 2 –0 . 2-1 –1 .2 –0 . 4
–1–0.8 –1 –0 ..8
6 0 .2.6 0 0
0 0 .4
–0 6
0 0 –0.2


–0 . 8–0 . 6

0 0 .8 –1 .2 –.18 –1.6
1 .–20 .6

–1 . –1 –2


–0. 8
1 2
–2 .
0 .80 .60 .4

–1 –1 .2-1
Terrain A (α  0.12) 2

–3 –2 –2.–81 .6
0 –0–.1-0

–1 . –2 .4
. 6. 42

–1 . 8
1-1.6.4 1 .4
–1––11 .–

1 .2 6 –2.8
–1 .8
–1 . 8 –2

–2 .2
3 .2

–1.6 1 .4

.2 .8
–3 .2

–3 .
2 –3
. –3 –3
–0 2 –0 .4
0 .4 –0 .6 0
0. 8

4. 6. 80

0 .4
0 .6 . 8 –1
–0 2.
. 2–0–0. –0

.8–0 .6 –
0 .8 –1


.. 28 –1


.8 .
Terrain B (α  0.16) 0.8
0 .0 .60 .4


–0 –1
0 .2

–1.8 2
–1 .
–1 .4 –

––161. .2

–1. 2



1 .–0

2 .2

–2 .4

0 .8




–0 4 –0.2 –0.6
0.2 –0 . 4
–0 .

–0 . 4 0.4 –0 . 8
–0 .4

–0 . 6
–0.2 –0.4

–0.6 –0.–0.2

Terrain C (α  0.22) –0 .
4 –1

–1 . . 8
–0 . 6

4 –1.2
–0 . 8 –1 .

–0 . 8
0.6 –1 .
–0 . 8
–0 .

–1 .4 –1.2

-0 2
–0 . 2 –0.2
1 –0 –0.3
–0. 1

2 .
–0 . –0 0 .1
– 0 .3

–0 .2


0 .2
.4 –0 .5

–00 . 1–0 . 2

Terrain D (α  0.30) –0 . 3 0 .3
0 . 2 0 .1


–0 . 4 –0 .


–0.7 . 5
0. 4

–0 . 4 9 –0.8
–0 . 9


–0 .7

–0 . 5 –0 . –0 . 8

3 –0 –0. 8
0. 0 .3 –0.7

–0. 2 –0. 1 . 3
–0 .2

0 0–0.1
0–0.2 0

0 .2
–0.2 –0 . 4

2 –0.5
Terrain V (α  0.35)


–0–0..650 –. 04 .

–0 –0.6

–0. 7

4.4. For Cantilevered Roofs. The wind pressure distributions negative pressure are found towards the two ends of the
of the cantilevered roofs in numerical wind tunnel, taken as roof span, while β  0°, −5°, and −10°, the uniformly high
b/a  1, 2, 3, 4, 5.2, and 7, β  −10°, −5°, 0°, 5°, and 10°, and suction region is found along the entire span of the
h/H  0 and 0.5, are shown in Tables 2–4. The roof is taken windward edge. This phenomenon can also be found in
half in Table 2 when b/a  4 and 5.2 in Tables 3 and 4. It can the wind tunnel test [21]. For lower surface, the mean wind
be seen that the effects of b/a and β on the net value pressure distributions of all roof inclinations are very
distribution of the cantilevered roof are significant, while similar to those of the horizontal roof. As shown in Table 4,
the effect of h/H is insignificant. When b/a < 3, the absolute when the blockage is offered by the downstream, the net
value of high suction at the leading edge increases as b/a value of whole mean pressure changes slightly as h/H in-
increases. When b/a  5.2 and 7, the difference of the creases. The suction at the leading edge increases as h/H
suction for the whole roof is slight. According to the mean increases.
pressure coefficient distributions in Table 3, for the upper The wind pressure distributions of the cantilevered roofs
surface, when β  5° and 10°, two localized regions of high derived by the Realizable k-ε model under the terrains A, B,
16 Advances in Civil Engineering

0.0 1.6

−0.2 1.4
−0.4 1.2


−1.4 0.4

−1.6 0.2

−1.8 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
d/D d/D

Terrain A (α = 0.12) Terrain D (α = 0.30) Terrain A (α = 0.12) Terrain D (α = 0.30)

Terrain B (α = 0.16) Terrain V (α = 0.35) Terrain B (α = 0.16) Terrain V (α = 0.35)
Terrain C (α = 0.22) Terrain C (α = 0.22)
(a) (b)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Terrain A (α = 0.12) Terrain D (α = 0.30)

Terrain B (α = 0.16) Terrain V (α = 0.35)
Terrain C (α = 0.22)

Figure 22: Mean pressure distributions predicted with the Realizable models under different terrain types (C and D according to
GB50009-2012 and V according to AIJ). (a) Upper roof, (b) lower roof, and (c) net value.

C, and D according to GB50009-2012 and under the terrain that comparing to sphere roofs, cylinder roofs, and saddle-
V adoption of AIJ are given in Table 5. The turbulence shaped roofs, the cantilever roofs are more sensitive to
intensity is used as the definition of AIJ. As shown in Table 5, terrain type.
pressure contour in the middle of the upper roof is more
sparse than in the other places. It seems to imply that 5. Conclusions
separation bubble occurs in this region and leads to the wind
pressure gently changing. The characteristics of wind load on large-span roofs are
The mean pressure coefficient distributions under complicated by their unique geometrical configurations and
different terrain types are shown in Figure 22. It can be seen strong dependence on aerodynamic geometrical parameters
that the suction on the upper roof, the positive pressure on and terrain type. Hence, this paper is aimed to investigate the
the lower roof, and the net values of roof decrease as α effects of geometrical parameters of roofs and terrain type on
increases. The difference of the mean wind pressure under the wind pressure field. This paper simulated the wind loads
terrains D and V is slight. When α > 0.27, the effect of of full-scale structures by the use of CFD, and the results
terrain type on the cantilevered roof of the mean wind were compared with the existing wind tunnel test. It can be
pressure distribution is insignificant. The result shows concluded that the accuracy of CFD predictions is pretty
Advances in Civil Engineering 17

good at the windward side and at the central zone but not Acknowledgments
perfect as the difference at the wake. For spherical and
cylindrical roofs, the mean pressure coefficients given by the The authors are grateful to the financial support of the
RNG model are relatively closer to wind tunnel test results National Key Research and Development Program of China
than by the Realizable model, while for saddle-shaped roofs (2016YFC0802205), the Natural Science Foundation of China
and cantilevered roofs, the difference between two turbu- (no. 51608453), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the
lence models is insignificant. With comparative analyses of Central Universities (A0920502051619-8).
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