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Sustainable Energy, 2014, Vol. 2, No.

4, 126-133
Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/rse/2/4/2
© Science and Education Publishing

Study of the Reynolds Number Effect on the

Aerodynamic Structure around an Obstacle with
Inclined Roof
Slah Driss, Zied Driss*, Imen Kallel Kammoun

Laboratory of Electro-Mechanic Systems (LASEM), National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS), Univrsity of Sfax, Sfax, TUNISIA
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Received July 29, 2014; Revised August 10, 2014; Accepted August 13, 2014
Abstract In this work, we are interested on the study of the Reynolds number effect on the aerodynamic structure
around an obstacle with inclined roof. Different Reynolds numbers equals to Re=2666, Re=10666, Re=24000 and
Re=32000 are particularly considered. The software "SolidWorks Flow Simulation" has been used to present the
local characteristics. The numerical model considered is based on the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations in
conjunction with the standard k-ε turbulence model. These equations were solved by a finite volume discretization
method. The numerical model is validated with experimental results conducted on an open wind tunnel equipped by
an adequate model.
Keywords: CFD, modeling, airflow, obstacle, inclined roof, wind tunnel
Cite This Article: Slah Driss, Zied Driss, and Imen Kallel Kammoun, “Study of the Reynolds Number Effect
on the Aerodynamic Structure around an Obstacle with Inclined Roof.” Sustainable Energy, vol. 2, no. 4 (2014):
126-133. doi: 10.12691/rse-2-4-2.

using a turntable, in order to quantify their effect on

indoor air velocities. The responses in local air velocities
1. Introduction could largely be attributed to the relative position of the
end walls of the scale models orientated towards the wind.
The charactristics of the flows around building-shaped This crucial position allows the measured air velocity
obstacles are different from those in laminar boundary trends to be explained. The estimated airflow rates
immersed in turbulent boundary layers. It is important for gradually decreased for larger wind incidence angles. Lim
the appropriate estimation of wind loading to investigate et al. [10] presented a numerical simulation of flow around
these characterestics of flows observed under oncoming a surface mounted cube placed in a turbulent boundary
turbulence [1,2]. Computational simulations have an layer which, although representing a typical wind
advantage to clarify the process and mechanism of these environment, to match a series of wind tunnel
localized phenomena. In recent years, several methods to observations. The simulations were carried out at a
generate turbulent inflow data were proposed and some of Reynolds number, based on the velocity at the cube height,
them were used as inflow data [3,4,5]. In this context, of 20,000. The results presented include detailed
Nasrollahei et al. [6] used a builder software to study the comparison between measurements and large eddy
thermal and cryogenic performance. The results of the simulation (LES) computations of both the inflow
research show that the temperature of Shevaduns in boundary layer and the flow field around the cube
summer is less than the average maximum temperature including mean and fluctuating surface pressures. Melo et
and the average minimum temperature of outdoor, and the al. [11] developed two Gaussian atmospheric dispersion
thermal condition of the Shevadun space during the models, AERMOD and CALPUFF. Both incorporating
measurement is lower than the thermal comfort limit the PRIME algorithm for plume rise and building
which is specified in the standard. Ould Said et al. [7] downwash, are intercompared and validated using wind
dedicated to the numerical simulation of thermal tunnel data on odour dispersion around a complex pig
convection in a two dimensional vertical conical cylinder farm facility comprising of two attached buildings. The
partially annular space. The governing equations of mass, results show that concentrations predicted by AERMOD
momentum and energy are solved using the CFD are in general higher than those predicted by CALPUFF,
FLUENT code. Tominaga and Stathopoulos [8] reviewed especially regarding the maximum mean concentrations
current modeling techniques in computational fluid observed in the near field. Comparison of the model
dynamics (CFD) simulation of near-field pollutant results with wind tunnel data showed that both models
dispersion in urban environments and discussed the adequately predict mean concentrations further downwind
findings to give insight into future applications. De Paepe from the facility. However, closer to the buildings, the
et al. [9] simulated five different wind incidence angles models may over-predict or under-predict concentrations
Sustainable Energy 127

by a factor of two, and in certain cases even larger, substantial differences from the neutral boundary layer
depending on the conditions. Meslem et al. [12] observed flows. Ahmad et al. [17] provided a comprehensive
changes in the prediction of local and global mean-flow literature on wind tunnel simulation studies in urban street
quantities as a function of the considered turbulence canyons/intersections including the effects of building
model and by the lack of consensus in the literature on configurations, canyon geometries, traffic induced
their performance to predict jet flows with significant turbulence and variable approaching wind directions on
three-dimensionality. The study reveals that none of the flow fields and exhaust dispersion. Jiang et al. [18] studied
turbulence models is able to predict well all jet three ventilation cases, single-sided ventilation with an
characteristics in the same time. Reynolds stress opening in windward wall, single-sided ventilation with
turbulence model leads to a better agreement between the an opening in leeward wall, and cross ventilation. In the
numerical results and the experimental data for the local wind tunnel, a laser Doppler anemometry was used to
jet flow expansion, whereas global flow expansion and provide accurate and detailed velocity data. In LES
ambient air induction are better predicted by the shear calculations, two subgrid-scale (SS) models, a
stress transport k-ω turbulence model. All linear (Low Smagorinsky SS model and a filtered dynamic SS model,
Reynolds and Renormalization Group) and nonlinear were used. The numerical results from LES are in good
(quadratic and cubic) k-ε turbulence models overestimate agreement with the experimental data, in particular with
local and global expansions and ambient air induction. the predicted airflow patterns and velocities around and
The k-ω turbulence model underestimates on one hand the within, and the surface pressures over, the models.
global expansion and the ambient air induction and on the According to these anteriors studies, it’s clear that the
other hand the transverse jet deformation is not well study of the aerodynamic around the obstacle is very
predicted. The turbulence kinetic energy increases interesting. Indeed, the literature review confirms that
unrealistically in the jet near field for all k-ε turbulence there is a paucity on the inclined roof obstacle study. For
models and Reynold's Stress Models (RSM). In this region thus, we are interested on the study of the Reynolds
shear-stress transport (SST) k-ω model was in close number effect.
agreement with measurements. Ntinas et al. [13] predicted
the airflow around buildings is challenging due to the
dynamic characteristics of wind. A time-dependent 2. Geometrical System
simulation model has been applied for the prediction of
the turbulent airflow around obstacles with arched and The computational domain is shown in Figure 1. It is
pitched roof geometry, under wind tunnel conditions. To defined by the interior volume of the wind tunnel blocked
verify the reliability of the model an experiment was by two planes. The first one is in the tranquillization
conducted inside a wind tunnel and the air velocity and chamber entry and the second one is in the exit of the
turbulent kinetic energy profiles were measured around diffuser. The test vein is equipped by the considered
two small-scale obstacles with an arched-type and a inclined roof obstacle.
pitched-type roof. Luo et al. [14] studied models of cuboid
obstacles to characterize the three-dimensional responses
of airflow behind obstacles with different shape ratios to
variations in the incident flow in a wind-tunnel simulation.
Wind velocity was measured using particle image
velocimetry (PIV). The flow patterns behind cuboid
obstacles were complicated by changes in the incidence
angle of the approaching flow and in the obstacle's shape
ratio. Gousseau et al. [15] used Large-Eddy Simulation
(LES) to investigate the turbulent mass transport
mechanism in the case of gas dispersion around an
isolated cubical building. Close agreement is found
between wind-tunnel measurements and the computed
average and standard deviation of concentration in the
wake of the building. A detailed statistical analysis of
these variables is performed to gain insight into the
dispersion process. In particular, the fact that turbulent
mass flux in the stream wise direction is directed from the Figure 1. Geometrical arrangement
low to high levels of mean concentration (counter-gradient
mechanism) is explained. The large vortical structures
developing around the building are shown to play an 3. Numerical Model
essential role in turbulent mass transport Smolarkiewicz et
al. [16] performed large-eddy simulations (LES) of the The software "SolidWorks Flow Simulation" has been
flow past a scale model of a complex building. used to present the local characteristics. The numerical
Calculations are accomplished using two different model considered is based on the resolution of the Navier-
methods to represent the edifice. The results demonstrated Stokes equations in conjunction with the standard k-ε
that, contrary to popular opinion, continuous mappings turbulence model. These equations were solved by a finite
such as the Gal-Chen and Somerville transformation are volume discretization method [19,20,21].
not inherently limited to gentle slopes. Calculations for a
strongly stratified case are also presented to point out the 3.1. Boundary Conditions
128 Sustainable Energy

The boundary condition is required any where fluid cases, the number of hexahedral cells is respectively equal
enters the system and can be set as a pressure, mass flow, to 5621 and 37038.
volume flow or velocity. Since we study in this
application the effect of Reynolds number, we will give
different values to the inlet velocity. For the outlet
pressure we take a value of 101325 Pa which means that
at this opening the fluid exits the model to an area of an
atmospheric pressure. Knowing that the obstacle is
suspended in our domain, both the roof top obstacle and
the wall of our domain are considered as a wall boundary

Figure 3. Meshing

4. Numerical Results
4.1. Magnitude Velocity
Figure 4 presents the distribution of the magnitude
velocity in the longitudinal planes defined by X=0 mm.
According to these results, it has been noted that the
velocity is weak in the inlet of the collector. It is indeed
governed by the boundary condition values of the inlet
velocity. In this region, the velocity field is found to be
uniform and increases progressively downstream of the
collector. At the test vein, an important increase has been
noted due to the reduction of the tunnel section that causes
Figure 2. Boundary conditions the throttling of the flow. While the upper side of the
obstacle is characterized by the high velocity, a brutal
3.2. Mesh Resolution drop is located behind the obstacle and this is due to the
Figure 3 shows the initial mesh of the model. It is deceleration of the velocity field while passing through the
named initial since it is the mesh that the calculation starts obstacle. In the test vein, the velocity keeps increasing till
from and it could be further refined during the calculation the out of the test section. Then, a decrease has been noted
if the solution-adaptive meshing is enabled. The initial through the diffuser where the minimum velocity values
mesh is constructed from the basic mesh by refining the are recorded in the lateral walls of the diffuser. Indeed, it’s
basic mesh cells in accordance with the specified mesh clear that the Reynolds number has a direct effect on the
settings. The basic mesh is formed by dividing the increase of the maximum value of the velocity. For
computational domain into slices by parallel planes which example, with Re=2666 the maximum value of the
are orthogonal to the global coordinate system’s axes. velocity is equal to V=0.88 m.s-1. However, with Re=
Flow simulation options permit the computational mesh 32000 the maximum value of the velocity is equal to
adjustment. In the near wall of roof top obstacle, the V=10.49 m.s-1.
"initial" mesh corresponds to a cell of 5 cm. However, the
"refined" mesh corresponds to a cell of 0.5 cm. In these

Figure 4. Velocity in the longitudinal plane X=0 m

Sustainable Energy 129

located behind the obstacle. This is due to the deceleration

4.2. Velocity Streamlines of the velocity field while passing by the obstacle. In the
Figure 5 presents the distribution of the velocity test vein the velocity keeps increasing till the out of the
streamlines in the longitudinal plane defined by X=0 mm. test section. Then, a decrease on the maximum values has
According to these results, it has been noted that the been noted through the diffuser where the minimum
velocity is weak in the inlet of the collector. It is indeed velocity values are recorded in the lateral walls of the
governed by the boundary condition value of the inlet diffuser. The flow circulation appears in the dead zones
velocity. In this region the velocity is found to be uniform where the velocity presents a weak value. In our case, the
and increases progressively downstream of the collector. flow circulations are located behind the obstacle and in the
At the test vein, an important increase has been noted due diffuser outlet. Besides, the maximum value of the
to the reduction of the tunnel section that causes the velocity streamlines increases with the increase of
throttling of the flow. While the upper side of the obstacle Reynolds number value.
is characterized by the high velocity, a brutal drop is

Figure 5. Velocity streamlines in the longitudinal plane x=0 mm

pressure in the plane y=0 mm shows that a depression

4.3. Static Pressure zone is located in the second half of the wind tunnel
Figure 6 presents the distribution of the static pressure through the diffuser. Indeed, it’s clear that the Reynolds
in the longitudinal planes defined by X=0 mm. According number has a direct effect on the static pressure
to these results, it can easily be noted that the total distribution. In fact, the maximum value of the static
pressure is on its maximum in the inlet of the collector. pressure increases with the increase of the Reynolds
Besides, it has been observed a depression above the number value. For example, in the longitudinal plane X=0,
obstacle. The pressure continues decreasing the way out of the maximum value of the static pressure is equal to
the test vein. A brutal drop of the pressure has been noted p=101325 Pa for Re=2666 and becomes equal to
just behind the obstacle. The distribution of the static p=101372 for Re= 32000.

Figure 6. Static pressure in the longitudinal plane X=0 mm

X=0 mm According to these results, the dynamic pressure

4.4. Dynamic Pressure is found to be weak in the collector inlet and increases
Figure 7 presents the distribution of the dynamic gradually through the collector as long as the tunnel
pressure respectively in the longitudinal planes defined by section gets smaller. When it gets to the test section, the
130 Sustainable Energy

dynamic pressure keeps increasing in the upstream of the dynamic pressure. In fact, the maximum value of the
obstacle. A compression zone is recorded in the region dynamic pressure increases with the increase of Reynolds
located behind the obstacle and is developed through the number value. For example, at longitudinal plane X=0
diffuser. The distribution of the dynamic pressure in the mm, the maximum value of the dynamic pressure is equal
transverse plane shows a minimum zone located in the to pd=0.43 Pa for the Reynolds number equal to Re= 2666.
downside of the wind tunnel and a maximum zone located However, it becomes equal to pd=60 Pa for the Reynolds
in its upper side. Indeed, it’s clear that the Reynolds number equal to Re=32000.
number has a direct effect on the distribution of the

Figure 7. Dynamic pressure in the longitudinal plane X=0 mm

4.5. Turbulent Kinetic Energy diffuser. Indeed, it’s clear that the Reynolds number has a
direct effect on the turbulent kinetic energy distribution. In
Figure 8 presents the distribution of the turbulent fact, the maximum value of the turbulent kinetic energy
kinetic energy in the longitudinal plane defined by X=0 increases with the increase of the Reynolds number value.
mm. From these results, it has been noted that the For example, in the longitudinal plane X=0 mm, the
turbulent kinetic energy is found to be very weak in the maximal value of the turbulent kinetic energy is equal to
first half of the wind tunnel in the obstacle upstream. A k=0.03 m2.s-2 for a Reynolds number equal to Re=2666.
wake characteristic of the maximum value of the turbulent However, it becomes equal to k=4.44 m2.s-2 for a
kinetic energy appears upstream of the obstacle. This Reynolds number equal to Re= 32000.
wake starts in the obstacle corner until the outlet of the

Figure 8. Turbulent kinetic energy in the longitudinal plane X=0 mm

first half of the wind tunnel in the obstacle upstream. A

4.6. Turbulent Dissipation Rate wake characteristic of the maximum value of the turbulent
Figure 9 presents the distribution of the turbulent dissipation rate appears upstream of the obstacle. This
dissipation rate on the longitudinal plans defined by X=0 wake starts in the obstacle corner until the outlet of the
mm. From these results, it has been noted that the diffuser. Indeed, it’s clear that the Reynolds number has a
turbulent dissipation rate is found to be very weak in the direct effect on the turbulent dissipation rate distribution.
Sustainable Energy 131

In fact, the maximum value of the turbulent dissipation ε=0.04 W/Kg for a Reynolds number equal to Re=2666.
rate increases with the increase of the Reynolds number However, it becomes equal to ε=72.2 W/Kg for a
value. For example, in the longitudinal plane X=0 mm, the Reynolds number equal to Re= 32000.
maximal value of the turbulent dissipation rate is equal to

Figure 9. Turbulent dissipation rate in the longitudinal plane x=0 mm

fact, the maximum value of the turbulent viscosity

4.7. Turbulent Viscosity increases with the increase of the Reynolds number value.
Figure 10 presents the distribution of the turbulent For example, in the longitudinal plane X=0 mm, the
viscosity in the longitudinal planes defined by X=0 mm. maximal value of the turbulent viscosity is equal to
According to thes results; it’s clear that the viscosity is at µt=0.005 Pa.s for a Reynolds number equal to Re=2666.
its minimum in the collector region but starts increasing However, it becomes equal to µt=0.06 Pa.s for a Reynolds
after crossing the obstacle. Its maximum is located in the number equal to Re= 32000.
outlet of the diffuser. Indeed, it’s clear that the Reynolds
number has a direct effect on the turbulent viscosity. In

Figure 10. Turbulent viscosity in the longitudinal plane X=0 mm

Reynolds number has a direct effect on the vorticity

4.8. Vorticity distribution. In fact, the maximum value of the vorticity
Figure 11 presents the distribution of the vorticity increases with the increase of the Reynolds number value.
respectively in the longitudinal plane defined by x=0 mm. For example, in the longitudinal plane X=0 mm, the
According to these results, the vorticity is at its minimum maximal value of the vorticity is equal to 6.2 s-1 for a
in the collector region and starts increasing after crossing Reynolds number equal to Re=2666. However, it becomes
the obstacle. The greatest vorticity values are reached after equal to V=96.5 s -1 for a Reynolds number equal to Re=
hitting the obstacle blade. Indeed, it’s clear that the 32000.
132 Sustainable Energy

Figure 11. Vorticity in the longitudinal plane X=0 mm

5. Comparison with Experimental Results

In this section, we are interested on the comparison of
the numerical results with the experimental results
conducted in the LASEM laboratories using a wind tunnel
(Figure 12). The velocity profiles are chosen for points
situated in the test section. The considered planes are
defined by Z=0 mm, Z=150 mm and Z=-150 mm. The
results for each plane are shown respectively in Figure 13.
For each transverse plane, values are taken along the
directions defined by X=0 mm. Near the obstacle, it’s
clear that the velocity value is very weak. Outside, the
velocity has a maximum value. Indeed, it’s clear that the
Reynolds number has a direct effect on the maximum
value. For example, for the direction defined by Z=0 mm
and X=0 mm, the maximum value is equal to V=0.6 m.s-1
for the Reynolds number equal to Re= 2666. However,
this value increases to V=7 m.s-1 for the Reynolds number
equal to Re=32000. The comparison between the
numerical and experimental velocity values leads us to the
conclusion that despite some unconformities, the values
are comparable. The numerical model seems to be able to
predict the aerodynamic characteristics of the air flow
around the inclined roof obstacle.

Figure 12. Wind tunnel equipped by an inclined roof obstacle Figure 13. Velocity profiles
Sustainable Energy 133

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