Dbs Ec-Banking Service Request Form

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 ec-banking  !

DBS ec-banking Service Request Form

 W  !EF !=E !L ! !"#$%&'()&F

To W DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited ("the Bank" which expression includes its successors and assigns) Branch  __________

 !"#$%&'()*+, !"#$%&'()*+,-.G !"#$%&'()*+&,-./01234

 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123.45,6789QMM !"EF !"#$%&'()*+,"-./01
Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS, put a  where applicable and cross out any unused spaces. To apply the services marked with
‘*’, please return the completed form to any of our branches in person. To apply other services, you can submit the form to any of
our branches or by mail to DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, G.P.O.Box 400. Your request will normally be processed in 4 business
days upon receipt of the completed form.

 !=Customer Details
 !W  !"#=W
Customer Name: Contact Tel. No.:
 ! Identity Document Type:  !=W
= !" HKID Card = Passport Identity Document Number :
 !=E !"#$F=W
Account Number (for signature verification purpose):
= !"# Bank Account Number:
= !"#$=Credit Card Account Number:
=Cashline  !"#$%=Cashline Revolving Loan Account Number:

 ! ec-banking  !"#$% Enquire about DBS ec-banking username
 !"# ec-banking  !"G=Apply for new DBS ec-banking password*
NF  !"#$%&'()*%+,-./012
Customers are required to return the completed form to any of our branches in person.
OF  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012
The new password will be mailed to the customer's correspondence address recorded with the Bank.

 ! ec-banking  !"G Reactivate DBS ec-banking service*

E !"#$%&'( suspended due to incorrect password entryF
Customers are required to return the completed form to any of our branches in person.

 !=ÉÅJÄ~åâáåÖ= !"# Suspend DBS ec-banking service

Period From =L =L To =L =L
Until Further Notice in Writing
NF  !"#$%&'()*+,-. !"#/
The period specified above will override any previously requested period.
OF  !"#$%!&'() *+, -
The suspension period is inclusive.
PF  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01
The suspension will not affect any future dated instructions placed prior to this request.

 !"#$% ec-banking  !"G Resume suspended DBS ec-banking service*  !

Effective Date: / /
NF  !"#$%&'()*%+,-./012
Customers are required to return the completed form to any of our branches in person.
OF  !"#$%&'()*+ ÉÅJÄ~åâáåÖ= !"#$%&'
This instruction is applicable only to customers whose service is in suspension.
PF  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0"#123"#4
The effective date specified above will override any previously requested suspension period or resumption of service effective date.

 ! ec-banking  !"# Cancel DBS ec-banking service

The cancellation will not affect any future dated instructions placed before.

 ! ! !
CBG/ECM/0604 (08/09) DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
 =  ec-banking  !"#
Opt-out Opt-in DBS ec-banking service
NF  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789+.123:;<=>$%?@ABCD7
The above instruction is set up with the identity document number filed with the Bank. If there are changes to your identity document number (e.g. on the
replacement of your passport), re-application is required with a copy of replacement.
OF  ! !"# !" !"#$%&'()*+%,-.'/01)*&
The "Opt-in" option is available to customers who have successfully applied for "Opt-out" before. The above instruction will supersede any previous instruction
from you.

 !"#$%&'() Please specify the new daily limit(s) below:

New Daily Limit (HKD)
E !"#$%&'()
 !  !"#=EF  !"#=EF
 !" Cross out the blank
Transaction Type Maximum Daily Limit (HKD) Default Daily Limit (HKD)
field(s) for the transaction
type(s) which do not
require any changesF
 ! Fund Transfer
 !"#=EF  !  !
Between My Accounts (HKD Only) No Limit No Limit
Between My Accounts (Foreign Exchange) 1,500,000 1,500,000
Third Party Fund Transfer to Registered Payee 200,000 200,000
Third Party Fund Transfer to Non-registered Payee 50,000 0
 ! Bill Payment

Tax 200,000 200,000
Securities Broker 100,000 01
Banking and Credit Card Services 50,000 01
Credit Services 50,000 01
Sports and Leisure 50,000 01
Other Merchants 50,000 50,000
 ! eIPO
E !"#$%&'()'  ! 1,000,000
Applicable to DBS Securities Account holder onlyF No Limit

NF  !"#$%&'( OMMS  P  S  !"#$%&'()*+,-./OMMS  P  S  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234./056(7
OF  !"#$%&'()*=ÉÅJÄ~åâáåÖ= !"#$
The above daily limit(s) is/are applicable to DBS ec-banking services only.
PF  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012!"3
Third Party Accounts include accounts in your name held with other local banks.
QF  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234!&'5
The new daily limit will not affect any future dated instructions placed prior to this request.
RF  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0+1%2$%&'345678-.49(:;+-.<=>?@(ABC
In the interests of added security, you are cautioned against setting daily limits that are higher than your regular needs.

 !"#$%&'()*+,-. /01234567== !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789=ÉÅJÄ~åâáåÖ= !"#$%&'()*+,-./01&2345$
 !"#$$%&'()*+,-./012!"3!.456789:;<=>?@ABCDEF!"G+>?@A4HIJKLMB>?NOPQRST !"#$ !"#$%
 !"#$%&'()*+,-./012"#'($,3456789:;== !"#$%&'(& L  !"#$%&'()*+EïïïKÇÄëKÅçãLÜâF !"#$%&'()*'+
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E !"#$F
I confirm that the information provided by me is true, correct and complete in all aspects and I hereby authorize the Bank to process my above instruction. I understand that this authorization
is subject to the terms and conditions governing DBS ec-banking Services as amended from time to time and I agree to be bound by such terms and conditions. This authorization shall continue
in full force and effect until the Bank shall have received and had reasonable opportunity to act on my cancellation instruction in writing provided that the Bank may terminate this arrangement
at any time by written notice to me for any reason whatsoever as the Bank may deem appropriate. The Bank may refuse to effect such instruction on any reasonable ground without any liability
and shall not be obliged to ascertain the accuracy of the account numbers mentioned above nor to ensure that any such account number corresponds with the account name set out beside such
account number. I agree that the applicable Data Policy and other communications to customers concerning their data from time to time issued by the Bank shall apply. Copies of the terms and
conditions and/or the Data Policy are available on request at any Bank branch or from its website (www.dbs.com/hk). I agree that all information in this application, or that is obtained from any
other sources or that arises from my relationship with the Bank (or any other DBS Group Company) ("data") will be subject to such policies/or other communications (as may be varied from time
to time). I agree in particular that: (a) the Bank may verify, provide and collect information about me from other organizations, institutions or other persons; (b) the Bank may transfer data
outside the Hong Kong SAR including to Singapore; and (c) the Bank may compare any data obtained with my data, and use the results for taking of any actions including actions that may be
adverse to my interests (including declining this application).

 Signature  Date
E !"#$%&'()*+,-F
(All signature must agree with the specimen signature filed with the Bank.)
E !"#$%&'()*=qÜÉ=båÖäáëÜ=îÉêëáçå=ëÜ~ää=éêÉî~áä=áÑ=íÜÉêÉ=áë=~=ÇáëÅêÉé~åÅó=ÄÉíïÉÉå=íÜÉ=båÖäáëÜ=C=`ÜáåÉëÉ=îÉêëáçåë=F

 !"# For Bank Use Only

Branch Card Division Account Processing Banking
S.V. Input Approved
(Sig. No ) (Sig. No )

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