San Miguel v. NLRC

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The key takeaways are that there are procedural requirements for a valid strike according to the Labor Code and that defiance of mediation proceedings is a violation.

One of the requirements for a valid strike according to the document is the filing of a valid notice of strike with the NCMB. This notice requirement is mandatory and lack of it will render a strike illegal.

The document cited the ruling in PAL v. Drilon, where the court declared a strike illegal for lack of a valid notice of strike due to the NCMB's conversion of the notice into a preventive mediation case.



Second Division, ILAW AT BUKLOD NG MANGGAGAWA (IBM), respondents.
G.R. No. 119293. June 10, 2003]

Petitioner San Miguel Corporation (SMC) and respondent Ilaw at Buklod ng Manggagawa (IBM),
exclusive bargaining agent of petitioner’s daily-paid rank and file employees, executed a Collective
Bargaining Agreement (CBA) under which they agreed to submit all disputes to grievance and arbitration
proceedings. The CBA also included a mutually enforceable no-strike no-lockout agreement.
On April 11, 1994, IBM, through its vice-president Alfredo Colomeda, filed with the National
Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB) a notice of strike, against petitioner for allegedly committing:
(1) illegal dismissal of union members, (2) illegal transfer, (3) violation of CBA, (4) contracting out of jobs
being performed by union members, (5) labor-only contracting, (6) harassment of union officers and
members, (7) non-recognition of duly-elected union officers, and (8) other acts of unfair labor practice.
The next day, IBM filed another notice of strike, this time through its president Edilberto Galvez,
raising similar grounds: (1) illegal transfer, (2) labor-only contracting, (3) violation of CBA, (4) dismissal of
union officers and members, and (5) other acts of unfair labor practice.
The Galvez group subsequently requested the NCMB to consolidate its notice of strike with that of
the Colomeda group, to which the latter opposed, alleging Galvez’s lack of authority in filing the same.
Petitioner thereafter filed a Motion for Severance of Notices of Strike with Motion to Dismiss, on the
grounds that the notices raised non-strikeable issues and that they affected four corporations which are
separate and distinct from each other.
After several conciliation meetings, NCMB Director Reynaldo Ubaldo found that the real issues
involved are non-strikeable. Hence issued separate letter-orders to both union groups, converting their
notices of strike into preventive mediation.
While separate preventive mediation conferences were ongoing, the Colomeda group filed with the
NCMB a notice of holding a strike vote. Petitioner opposed by filing a Manifestation and Motion to Declare
Notice of Strike Vote Illegal, invoking the case of PAL v. Drilon, which held that no strike could be legally
declared during the pendency of preventive mediation. NCMB Director Ubaldo in response issued another
letter to the Colomeda Group reiterating the conversion of the notice of strike into a case of preventive
mediation and emphasizing the findings that the grounds raised center only on an intra-union conflict.
Meanwhile, on May 23, 1994, the Galvez group filed its second notice of strike against petitioner.
Additional grounds were set forth therein, including discrimination, coercion of employees, illegal lockout
and illegal closure. The NCMB however found these grounds to be mere amplifications of those alleged in
the first notice that the group filed. It therefore ordered the consolidation of the second notice with the
preceding one that was earlier reduced to preventive mediation. On the same date, the group likewise
notified the NCMB of its intention to hold a strike vote on May 27, 1994.
The Colomeda group notified the NCMB of the results of their strike vote, which favored the holding
of a strike. In reply, NCMB issued a letter again advising them that by virtue of the PAL v. Drilon ruling,
their notice of strike is deemed not to have been filed, consequently invalidating any subsequent strike for
lack of compliance with the notice requirement. Despite this and the pendency of the preventive mediation
proceedings, on June 4, 1994, IBM went on strike. The strike paralyzed the operations of petitioner,
causing it losses allegedly worth P29.98 million in daily lost production.
Two days after the declaration of strike, petitioner filed with public respondent NLRC an amended
Petition for Injunction with Prayer for the Issuance of Temporary Restraining Order, Free Ingress and
Egress Order and Deputization Order. After due hearing and ocular inspection, resolved to issue a
temporary restraining order (TRO) directing free ingress to and egress from petitioner’s plants, without
prejudice to the union’s right to peaceful picketing and continuous hearings on the injunction case.
To minimize further damage to itself, petitioner entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
with the respondent-union, calling for a lifting of the picket lines and resumption of work in exchange of
“good faith talks” between the management and the labor management committees. The MOA, signed in
the presence of Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) officials, expressly stated that cases filed
in relation to their dispute will continue and will not be affected in any manner whatsoever by the
agreement. The picket lines ended and work was then resumed.
Respondent thereafter moved to reconsider the issuance of the TRO, and sought to dismiss the
injunction case in view of the cessation of its picketing activities as a result of the signed MOA. It argued
that the case had become moot and academic there being no more prohibited activities to restrain, be
they actual or threatened. Petitioner, however, opposed and submitted copies of flyers being circulated by
IBM, as proof of the union’s alleged threat to revive the strike. The NLRC did not rule on the opposition to
the TRO and allowed it to lapse.
The NLRC issued the challenged decision, denying the petition for injunction for lack of factual basis.
It found that the circumstances at the time did not constitute or no longer constituted an actual or
threatened commission of unlawful acts.It likewise denied petitioner’s motion for reconsideration in its
Article 254 of the Labor Code provides that no temporary or permanent injunction or restraining order
in any case involving or growing out of labor disputes shall be issued by any court or other entity except
as otherwise provided in Articles 218 and 264 of the Labor Code. Under the first exception, Article 218 (e)
of the Labor Code expressly confers upon the NLRC the power to “enjoin or restrain actual and
threatened commission of any or all prohibited or unlawful acts, or to require the performance of a
particular act in any labor dispute which, if not restrained or performed forthwith, may cause grave or
irreparable damage to any party or render ineffectual any decision in favor of such party x x x.” The
second exception, on the other hand, is when the labor organization or the employer engages in any of
the “prohibited activities” enumerated in Article 264.
Pursuant to Article 218 (e), the coercive measure of injunction may also be used to restrain an actual
or threatened unlawful strike. In the case of San Miguel Corporation v. NLRC, where the same issue of
NLRC’s duty to enjoin an unlawful strike was raised, we ruled that the NLRC committed grave abuse of
discretion when it denied the petition for injunction to restrain the union from declaring a strike based on
non-strikeable grounds. Further, in IBM v. NLRC, we held that it is the “legal duty and obligation” of the
NLRC to enjoin a partial strike staged in violation of the law. Failure promptly to issue an injunction by the
public respondent was likewise held therein to be an abuse of discretion.
In the case at bar, petitioner sought a permanent injunction to enjoin the respondent’s strike.
A strike is considered as the most effective weapon in protecting the rights of the employees to
improve the terms and conditions of their employment. However, to be valid, a strike must be
pursued within legal bounds. One of the procedural requisites that Article 263 of the Labor Code
and its Implementing Rules prescribe is the filing of a valid notice of strike with the NCMB.
Imposed for the purpose of encouraging the voluntary settlement of disputes, this requirement
has been held to be mandatory, the lack of which shall render a strike illegal.
In the present case, NCMB converted IBM’s notices into preventive mediation as it found that the
real issues raised are non-strikeable. Such order is in pursuance of the NCMB’s duty to exert “all efforts at
mediation and conciliation to enable the parties to settle the dispute amicably,” and in line with the state
policy of favoring voluntary modes of settling labor disputes. In accordance with the Implementing Rules
of the Labor Code, the said conversion has the effect of dismissing the notices of strike filed by
respondent. A case in point is PAL v. Drilon, where we declared a strike illegal for lack of a valid notice of
strike, in view of the NCMB’s conversion of the notice therein into a preventive mediation case.
Clearly, therefore, applying the aforecited ruling to the case at bar, when the NCMB ordered the
preventive mediation on May 2, 1994, respondent had thereupon lost the notices of strike it had filed.
Subsequently, however, it still defiantly proceeded with the strike while mediation was ongoing, and
notwithstanding the letter-advisories of NCMB warning it of its lack of notice of strike. In the case of
NUWHRAIN v. NLRC, where the petitioner-union therein similarly defied a prohibition by the NCMB, we
Petitioners should have complied with the prohibition to strike ordered by the NCMB when the
latter dismissed the notices of strike after finding that the alleged acts of discrimination of the
hotel were not ULP, hence not “strikeable.” The refusal of the petitioners to heed said
proscription of the NCMB is reflective of bad faith.
Such disregard of the mediation proceedings was a blatant violation of the Implementing Rules, which
explicitly oblige the parties to bargain collectively in good faith and prohibit them from impeding or
disrupting the proceedings.
Moreover, it bears stressing that Article 264(a) of the Labor Code explicitly states that a declaration
of strike without first having filed the required notice is a prohibited activity, which may be prevented
through an injunction in accordance with Article 254. Clearly, public respondent should have granted the
injunctive relief to prevent the grave damage brought about by the unlawful strike.
Also noteworthy is public respondent’s disregard of petitioner’s argument pointing out the union’s
failure to observe the CBA provisions on grievance and arbitration. In the case of San Miguel Corp. v.
NLRC, we ruled that the union therein violated the mandatory provisions of the CBA when it filed a notice
of strike without availing of the remedies prescribed therein.
As to petitioner’s allegation of violation of the no-strike provision in the CBA, jurisprudence has
enunciated that such clauses only bar strikes which are economic in nature, but not strikes grounded on
unfair labor practices. The notices filed in the case at bar alleged unfair labor practices, the initial
determination of which would entail fact-finding that is best left for the labor arbiters. Nevertheless, our
finding herein of the invalidity of the notices of strike dispenses with the need to discuss this issue.

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