Data Exchange Between Information System at Low Bandwidth Quality Using Messaging

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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

20 February 2014. Vol. 60 No.2
© 2005 - 2014 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Department of Information Technology, Udayana University, Indonesia
Department of Informatic Management, Bali State Polytechnic, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected],[email protected]


Data exchange is a routine activity in a distributed system. This activity can be done between organizations
with equal positions or between branches and the head office. Technology commonly used as middleware is
web service.In a growing organization, the effort is quite high because it requires an inter or intranet
service with a good quality bandwidth and dedicated serveras a service provider. Therefore, the
development of messaging-based middleware can be used as a cheap alternative. The first year study is
focused to produce a middleware prototype that can work on a DBMS engine, that is homogenous DBMS
MySQL. In the second year, prototypes that can work in heterogeneous DBMS engine will be developed.
The first year prototype result can be used to exchange data between applications by utilizing meta data for
each homogeneous DBMS.
Keywords: Data Integration, Messaging, Low Bandwidth, Distributed System, Data Exchange

1. BACKGROUND operations and some new improvement about

application integration between branches. It is
When an organization began to grow,new revealed from a preliminary study conducted at a
branches are spreaded in different geographical financial institution.
areas.The organization began to exchange data and This institution has several business unit
information between branchesin the context of real- ssuch as workshops, online electrical checkouts,
time, near real-time or offline mode (batch savings and loan business,and development plans,
processing). Data exchange for various operation which are located at few mini markets scattered in
and management needs, such as circulation control several areas. Management also intends to provide
of goods between branches, inter-branch savings and loan services in some areas by
withdrawal, and sending sales report from branches leveraging existing business office in a few places,
to head office. The information obtained through but is hampered in terms of data integration
various channels such as telephone, email, courier between headquarters and branch offices.
delivery,and middleware applications. Management's current operational difficulties is to
Recent middleware technology that has control activities in real time. This same thing will
been widely used for exchange data is web services. also happened to the other growing institutions.
Web service is a service that is built on a server that Therefore, it is necessary to develop alternative
provide data exchange between applications. When low-cost middleware in both phases of
applications are geographically dispersed, it takes a development and operation.
public IP and a reliable internet connection so that The most likely alternative is to build
communication between various nodes and web amessaging-based middleware. Currently there are
service applications work well. Web service several messaging applications that are free and
development, integration with applications, IP have been used widely in the community such as
purchase and provision of bandwidth services are YahooMessenger(YM). This application can be
expensive. used to perform two-way communication between
In the growing company,as a groupof accounts with relatively longer content compared to
micro or small financial institutions,the funds the Short Message Service(SMS) and it does not
allocated for IT spending are ussually not enough to require large bandwidths. By conducting a series of
meet the cost. Most are still focused on the research, YM likely to be used as a transport
application development to support branch

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
20 February 2014. Vol. 60 No.2
© 2005 - 2014 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

vehicle message/data to be exchanged between 2.4 Metadata

applications from various places. Metadata is structured information that
describes and explains the information in order to
2. THEORITICAL BACKGROUND make the information easy to find again, used,or
maintained. Metadata is often called data about data
2.1 System Integration or information about information. Metadata
contains information about the contents of a file
Information integration is the process of [7]. If the data is in the form of text, metadata is
bringing together information using the data usually a description of the field name, field
displayed through a single interface to see all the length, and field type. For the image data, metadata
data of anorganization. The purpose of information contains information about who took it, when was it
integration is to display data to the user using single shoot, and camera settings at the current time. If the
interface from variuos data sources. Integration is type is a collection of files, metadata is the file
one of the solutions for an organization in order to names, file types, and the name of the administrator
compete in the information age because the of the files
information available is over whelming not only
within the organization but also from outside 2.5 Related Research
organization. Integration of information can reduce Distributed system is a computer network
data management costs because the complete system that the components of the system such as a
information that is fast and easy to obtain,actually, database engine, the application,and the data are
is already available. Separated application in the physically separated by location of branch
absence of centralized integration cause offices[12].Therefore, it isnecessary to develop a
complicated distribution of data and information for model for exchanging data between applications.
the organization.Integration will be able to Models are commonly implemented by building a
overcome the data duplication a one to another middleware for interaction and communication
location so that the resulting data will be between different applications through
consistent[6]. APIs(Apptication Programming Interfaces) [1].
Recent efforts for exchanging data is done
2.2 Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) by building a web service. Utilization of web
service for the benefit of data integration has been
Message Oriented Middleware(MOM) is carried out [5] to propose amodel of integration of
aflexible system mechanismto exchange data web-based business data service. In Indonesia,this
between applications in different platforms[2]. In effort was also made by the Higher Education in the
case of integrating data, it can be done by making database development project[11].Implementation
changes to their associated systems. This will spend of web service requires a public IP and the
more time and be expensive. MOM implementation availability of high bandwidth that can not be
into without making changes to the systems that financed by small organization.
will be integrated becomes a solution. [3]. Although As an alternative, had developed a model-
MOM has a number of benefits, MOM also has based architecture for data exchange messaging or
some disadvantages. In terms of the speed of better known as MOM(Message Oriented
message delivery, the MOM could spend many Middleware) as a middleware that enables
minutes. Another disadvantage,the messages sent communication via messages. MOM provides
can not be as curtained tobe read and there is no variety capabilities in sending a message, including
certainty in delivery time of the message. It is point-to-point messaging model and publish-
depends on the receiver of the message subscribe, message filtering, transactional
messaging, and message delivery once-and-once-
2.3 Database Management System (DBMS) only. In general, the MOM serviceis similar to the
postal service, the message was delivered to the
Database Management System (DBMS) is an post office and the postal service will then have the
application used to manage large amounts of data, responsibility to make the process of sending secure
consisting of the storage, editing,and data retrieval. messagesto the destination(Edward C, 2004).
Utilization of DBMS engine can improve Messaging technology commonly used is
efficiency, scalability, and robustness. DBMS also SMS. Several studies have been done including the
allows simultaneously access by several users at use of SMS to build a data input for the media
once[8]. classified ads on mobile applications[10]. Through

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
20 February 2014. Vol. 60 No.2
© 2005 - 2014 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

this application, users can input, edit,and delete

data on the server by using SMS. Another Start
technology used is Yahoo Massenger for
purchasing prepaid phone credit[13]. Recent
research conducted by Sukarsa[10]), which makes Literature study
MOM design that can be implemented in social
media is Yahoo Messenger. This study is a
continuation and an evaluation of existing design Architecture design
to be developed into a prototype with additional
capabilities to exchange data between applications
and business process integration. Database design and metadatafor


There are a few steps that will be
implemented in this research. These steps will be
described in detail, as follows: Preparation of SOP
1. Literature study
This study was conducted to understand the
messaging programming techniques , the study Implementation and testing
of hardware and programming language to be
2 Preparation of design
The design of the model will include several Result
subactivities, which are: check=valid?
- The design of the system architecture
- Design database using data normalization
techniques and ERD(Entity Relationship
- Designing metadata to handle data
integration between applications with Figure 1 Research Flowchart
homogeneous DBMS platform
- Design of the Graphical User Interface 3.2 System Overview
(GUI) for messaging applications to
exchange data System architecture that developed in this
- Preparation of SOP ( Standard Operating researchis by building a messaging-based
Procedure ) for the implementation of the middleware (MOM) as an interpreter between the
system existing systems that already existas shown in
3. Implementation of the model Figure2. MOM is designed to have a connection to
Implementation of the model performed on a the MOM database and external databases. MOM
desktop based application design model that has database contains metadata for a business process
been created to exchange data between applications. External
4.Testing and preparation of the final report database is a database that is used by the existing
Testing is done to ensure whether the model has system. MOM will treat external database as a
been implemented to provide correct results and source for exchanging data to another applications
the results compiled in the final report of the through theMOM embedded in other systems.
work .

Overall phase of the study may be

presented in the flowchart in Figure 1 .

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
20 February 2014. Vol. 60 No.2
© 2005 - 2014 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

1. tb_eksekusi_respon : used to store queued

Sistem MOM MOM Sistem data of YM execution operation in this
A B application
2. tb_grup_kontak : used to store data for a
group of contacts in this application
3. tb_grup_kontak_member: to store data for
DB DB DB DB contact group members in this application.
A MOM MOM B 4. tb_host : to store the data host/server that will
be the source of the data from the application
to beexchanged
5. tb_inbox_ym : to store data into the message
MOM that is sent by an application prototype client
6. tb_jenis_operasi : to store the types of
DB DB operations that are served by the server
C MOM prototype
C 7. tb_sql : to store the types of operations that
are served by the server prototype
8. tb_operasi to store a variety of database
Figur 2 System Overview operations that can be performed on this
9. tb_operasi_join to store a variety of database
4. DATABASE DESIGN AND USER operations that can be performed on this
INTERFACE prototype that requires a join operation
between tables
4.1 Database Design 10. tb_operasi_out database for storing the various
operations that can be performed remotely
This section describes the results of a database 11. tb_operasi_out_data to store the results of
design using normalization techniques. The operations performed remotely in the form of
resulting design can store metadata associated with groups of data
existing systems so that dinamically open the 12. Tabel tb_operasi_output to store the non-
oportunity to be applied in various cases without remote operating results in the form of groups
changes to the programming level. Changes can be of data
done at configuration level 13. Tabel tb_operasi_parameter to store various
parameters that are used in the data exchange
14. Tabel tb_operasi_prosedural to save various
database operations performed by executing
15. tb_operasi_tabel contains the metadataof the
tables as source of database operations
16. tb_option to store application configuration
17. tb_privilege to store theprivilege (access
rights) of each user listed as contacts in this
18. tb_sent_ym to store messages/data that have
been sent to there questing client service
19. tb_user to store user data

4.2 User Interface Design

This section will explain some important
menu contained on this prototype.
Figure 3 Database Relationship
4.2.1 Main Menu
Here is an explanation of each table in figure 3 : Main menu in figure 4 is the start menu
that provides navigation to access the various
functions within the application. General menu

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
20 February 2014. Vol. 60 No.2
© 2005 - 2014 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

contains menus for managing user, profile, database data will be exchanged. This prototype can serve
configuration, and command separator character more than one connection to the database

Figure 4 Main Menu Figure 7 Database Configuration for Appication

4.2.2 Database Configuration for MOM 4.2.5Service at Client

Database Configuration for MOM in Menu in Figure 8 is the display of data
figure 5 is used for setting up the connection to the processing required by a client to the prototype.
MOM database server consists of an IP address, Based on incoming requests, the prototype will be
database name, user name, and password. MOM responding by executing the service that have loged
database is a database that contains all the metadata in into prototype server.
of the application to be exchanged

Figure 5 Database Configuration for MOM

4.2.3 Message Monitoring

Menu in Figure 6 is used to monitor the
message traffic in and out to know the success
level of the prototype
Figure 8 Service at Client


With MOM-based prototype architectural

design, data exchange between applications can be
done at low-quality bandwidthwith out requiring
public IP that occurs in the web service based
Database design has been successfully
modeled for exchanging data by using metadata on
each of the existing system. Thus, this prototype
will have a dynamic nature and can adopt various
Figure 6 Message Monitoring applications by simply holding the adjustment in
metadata configuration level.
4.2.4 Database Configuration for Application
Menu in Figure 7 is used for setting up a
connection for various database applications whose

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
20 February 2014. Vol. 60 No.2
© 2005 - 2014 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved.

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195


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