Preparation and Stand. of 1 N NAOH

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Preparation and Standardization

of 1 N NaOH Solution

 Sodium hydroxide is a strong base that is

usually used to prepare standard alkaline
solutions useful for volumetric analysis of acidic
 Sodium hydroxide is hygroscopic and can
react with atmospheric carbon dioxide.

(water soluble)
Preparation and Standardization
of 1 N NaOH Solution

 preparation of 100 mL of 1 N NaOH solution

Dissolve 4.5 g of sodium hydroxide in 100 mL

distilled water, allow to cool, and then add
saturated barium hydroxide solution drop wise
with stirring until a precipitate is formed. Leave
aside allowing for complete precipitation, filter,
and collect the filtrate to be standardized against
1 N HCl solution.
Preparation and Standardization
of 1 N NaOH Solution

(water soluble)

water insoluble
Preparation and Standardization
of 1 N NaOH Solution

 standardization

NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O

 1 N HCl solution is used as a secondary


 phenolphthalein is used as the indicator

colourless pink
pH: 8.3 10
Preparation and Standardization
of 1 N NaOH Solution
 procedure
 wash the burette with the D. W. and the titrant (NaOH)
 fill the burette with NaOH to a level (adjust it)
 wash a 20 mL – bulb pipette with D. W. then by a little of
HCl solution; fill it to the mark with the acid
 transfer the acid into a clean conical fask; add D.W. (50
 add 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator
 start titration by adding NaOH solution drop wise with
continuous stirring until the solution changes from
colourless to pink
record the volume of NaOH solution used and calculate
the normality

Note wash the burette with water thoroughly

Preparation and Standardization
of 1 N NaOH Solution
 procedure
Preparation and Standardization
of 1 N NaOH Solution

 titration apparutus
Preparation and Standardization
of 1 N NaOH Solution

end point
Preparation and Standardization
of 1 N NaOH Solution

 calculations


N1 :the normality of NaOH solution

V1 :the volume of NaOH solution used
N2 :the normality of HCl
V2 : volume of HCl solution used (20mL in our experiment)
Preparation and Standardization
of 1 N NaOH Solution

 Home work

Why have you used 4.5 g of NaOH to prepare 100 mL of 1 N

NaOH solution?

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