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IStructE RoI Branch

Institution of Structural Engineers

Chartered Member Examination
Preparation Course

Dr. Colin Caprani

DIT Bolton St.

Rev. 2011.1

1 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4
1.1 The CM Exam................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Explanatory Notes: Standard terms and phrases .............................................. 5
1.3 Suggested CM Examination Timetable ............................................................ 8
1.4 Example Letter .................................................................................................. 9
2. Overall Structural Behavior ............................................................................. 11
2.1 Stability of Buildings ...................................................................................... 11
2.2 Allowing for Movement ................................................................................. 15
3. Structural Form ................................................................................................. 24
3.1 Key Principles in Choosing Structural Form .................................................. 24
3.2 Choice of Form ............................................................................................... 26
4. Precedence Studies ............................................................................................ 29
4.1 Patera Building System................................................................................... 29
4.2 Pompidou – General ....................................................................................... 31
4.3 Torroja – Madrid Racecourse ......................................................................... 34
4.4 Torroja – Half-Mile Viaduct, Unbuilt, 1956 .................................................. 36
4.5 Torroja – Operating Theatre, Madrid University ........................................... 37
5. Preliminary Analysis ......................................................................................... 38
5.1 Preliminary Loading ....................................................................................... 38
5.2 Preliminary Structural Analysis ...................................................................... 46
5.3 Tributary Areas ............................................................................................... 56
5.4 Table of Fixed-End Moments ......................................................................... 61
5.5 Table of Displacements .................................................................................. 62
6. Preliminary Design ............................................................................................ 63
6.1 Reinforced Concrete ....................................................................................... 64
6.2 Prestressed Concrete ....................................................................................... 68
6.3 Steel – Non-composite .................................................................................... 72

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IStructE RoI Branch

6.4 Composite Construction ................................................................................. 74

6.5 Timber Joists in Domestic Construction ........................................................ 75
7. Car Park Layout Design ................................................................................... 76
7.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 76
7.2 Car Sizes and Swept Path ............................................................................... 78
7.3 Bay, Aisle and Bin Dimensions ...................................................................... 80
7.4 Headroom and Ramps..................................................................................... 84
7.5 Ventilation ...................................................................................................... 86
7.6 Miscellaneous ................................................................................................. 87
8. Examples ............................................................................................................ 88
8.1 Beams, Slab and Column Example ................................................................ 88
8.2 Flat Slab Example ........................................................................................... 99
8.3 Sample Scheme Problem 2 ........................................................................... 103
8.4 Sample Scheme Problem 4 ........................................................................... 111

3 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

1. Introduction

1.1 The CM Exam

The IStructE CM Exam is quite unlike any other exam you may do and quite unlike
normal design practice. This makes it difficult to prepare for through usual design
practice, but the simple scheme design solutions on the CM Prep Course and the very
quick design/analysis procedures are easy to get used to. For this reason the examples
at the back of these notes might seem strange to design practice, but they should help
get across the idea of quick sizing and approximate design.

General Advice:
 Read all the paper including the preambles;
 Note the marking percentages and allocate time accordingly;
 Read the reminder from the examiners;
 Read all the questions to assess what is being asked, to determine how difficult the
problem really is.

Having decided which question:

 spend time thinking about it before committing yourself to paper;
 work out precisely what your answer will be;
 this should take at least 30 minutes before a word is written.

Specific Advice:
Take the Henry Kissinger Approach… know your answer and find the question for it.
This approach has its dangers though!

4 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

1.2 Explanatory Notes: Standard terms and phrases

Design appraisal

A detailed description of a viable structural solution for the schemes. This will
normally include consideration of a number of ideas and a reasoned argument to
demonstrate the evolution of the candidate‘s preferred solutions. Reference should be
made to stability, economy, robustness, buildability, durability and safety. Candidates
will be expected to consider a broad range of alternative materials and structural
forms. In addition, the challenges posed by the CM examination questions require an
innovative, less standard approach.

Appropriate sketches

It is expected that these will be freehand sketches that are approximately to scale.
They should normally have sufficient detail to clarify the main points referred to in
the design appraisal.

Viable structural solutions

These are economical structures that comply with the client‘s brief and that can be
constructed safely. Two distinct and viable solutions are required. It is expected that
distinctly different solutions will involve the use of different structural arrangements
and action to transfer all the applied loads to the supporting ground. It will not be
acceptable to propose two solutions with relatively minor differences, e.g. the use of
reinforced concrete flat slab floors instead of beam and slab floors. Similarly,
replacing structural steel beams and columns with insitu reinforced concrete beams
and columns in a building frame would also not be considered to be distinctly
different as the basic structural arrangement and actions are very similar in both

5 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

Functional framing

How the structure is idealised or modelled in terms of structural behaviour and

function, e.g. the type of connections, the stiffness of the individual structural
elements and the entire structure, support conditions and the nature of the

Load transfer

How loads from any direction and source (e.g. dead, imposed, wind, thermal, wave,
seismic, etc, as appropriate) are distributed through the structure from their point of
application to the supporting ground.

Stability aspects

This refers to both global and local stability of the structure and its elements.

Explain the effect of…

This should be a detailed technical explanation, in terms understood by a non-

engineer, of the implications of the change outlined in the question.

Sufficient design calculations

This is not intended to be a very detailed set of calculations to satisfy every clause in
a code of practice! It is expected that the candidate will identify the principal
structural elements (see below) and produce calculations to verify the resistance of
each to the major load effects such as bending, shear, axial load, torsion and
buckling, as appropriate. It is expected that the candidate will use and justify
approximate methods of analysis to determine the major load effects. Candidates
should not waste time producing repetitive calculations. They should identify the
critical parts of their proposed structure and concentrate on demonstrating adequate
strength and stiffness.

6 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

Form and size of all principal structural elements

The principal structural elements means all the main structural members, e.g. beams,
columns, slabs, trusses, frames, foundations (including piles, where appropriate), etc.

7 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

1.3 Suggested CM Examination Timetable

Time Description Marks Duration Done Time

0915 Read Script - 15

0930 Read Question - 30

1000 Scheme 1 40 45

1045 Scheme 2 45

1130 Recommendations 30

1200 Letter 10 30

1230 Calculations 20 30

1300 Lunch - 30

1330 Calculations 45

1415 Drawings & Details 20 120

1615 Method Statement 10 30

1645 Recheck - 15

1700 Time Out - -

8 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

1.4 Example Letter

CWOD Associates Ltd.,
16 Plain Street,
Co. Dublin.

19 February 2007
Mr. B. F. Client,
Isère House,
Dublin 4.

Dear Mr. Client,

We have received with interest your request to remove the structural column denoted
C3 on the scheme drawings sent to you. As you may appreciate this column is a
critical element in the scheme presented. The implications of its removal are many,
and I outline some herein:

Design Issues:
Essentially, a complete redesign of the roof structure would be required. This is
because the depth of the trusses, as currently proposed, would be inappropriate for the
suggested revision. Approximately, trusses T1 would need to be about twice as deep
as they are at present, at about 4.2 m. This has implications for planning permission
as the roof height would need to increase. Also, the supporting structure would need
to be redesigned due to the increase in load (which had been taken by column C3).

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Given the current position of the design programme, we envisage that such redesign
and drafting would add approximately 6 to 8 weeks to the design programme.

Construction Issues
Presently, it is possible for the trusses T1 and T2 to be fabricated off-site, transported
to the site, and then craned into position. Given the removal of column C3, the trusses
increase in both length and depth and could not be transported or erected in one
piece. Significant temporary works would be required in this case to enable the
erection of truss segments.

We estimate the impact on the construction programme of the proposed change to the
scheme to be a doubling of the time required to construct the roof. Given that the
supporting structure is taking more load and has bigger elements, their construction
will also be affected, though not significantly. In total, we estimate the increase in
construction program to be about 8 to 10 weeks.

We would like to take this opportunity to reassure you of our commitment to

achieving the optimal structural design for this development. We will, of course,
gladly incorporate any amendments you wish to make to the scheme.


Mr. I.K. Brunel,

Chartered Engineer

10 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

2. Overall Structural Behavior

2.1 Stability of Buildings


There are loads in all 3-dimensions of a building:


Gravity → Columns

Wind → Bracing Wind → Bracing


Note the following:

- load can act in either direction in each dimension;
- It‘s usually safe to ignore uplift of the whole structure, but not in the roof
design or when a basement extends below the water table.

So loads in 5 directions must be resisted:

- Columns for vertical;
- Braced/unbraced frames for horizontal.

11 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

Even without loads in the lateral directions, bracing is required due to the
inaccuracies of actual construction: buildings may not be perfectly plumb.
Some ways to stabilize a single-bay frame are:

In this, (a) and (b) are termed ‗braced‘ frames whilst (c) is referred to as a ‗sway‘, or
unbraced frame. A single braced bay can stabilize a row of bays:

- Braced Frame:
o load resisted through bending of large in-plane elements.
- Unbraced or Sway Frame:
o load resisted through moment connections of framework –
generally not used unless absolutely necessary due to the expense
of the moment connections and the larger deflections.

Taking a 2-storey frame, unless we provide lateral stability we have:

12 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

x, y

So we provide bracing similar to:

Shear wall Truss Bracing

infill panels

x, y

Important points to note:

1. Bracing is required at both ends unless the wind load (e.g.) can be transferred
through the floors;
2. Bracing at both ends constrains thermal expansion – this may cause problems
in a long structure;
3. Bracing is required in both dimensions, x and y, and must be able to resist load
in each direction;
4. If there is bracing at both ends, bracing may be designed for a single load

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Mixing Bracing Systems in the Same Direction

14 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

2.2 Allowing for Movement

Joints are required to allow two parts of a structure move relatively, due to:
 Temperature;
 Moisture;
 Ground movements.
Movement joints are difficult to waterproof and detail – therefore minimize. Joints
need to allow 15-25 mm movement.

Building Control joints:

Required to prevent cracking where a structure:

 or parts of a structure, are large;
 spans different ground conditions;
 changes height considerably;
 has a shape that suggests a point of natural weakness.

Important: Advice on joint spacing can be variable and conflicting, but here goes:

Structure type: IStructE/Corus Cobb Anecdotal

50 m 50 m
Concrete 60 – 70 m
25 m: exposed RC 25 m: exposed RC

Steel – Industrial 125–150 m 100 – 150 m

Simple: 100 m
Steel – commercial 50 – 100 m
Continuous: 50 m

Masonry 40 – 50 m

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IStructE Green Book (RC)

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IStructE Grey Book (Steel)


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19 Dr C. Caprani
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Movement joints

Used to divide structural elements into smaller elements due to local effects of
temperature and moisture content.

Material Spacing
Clay bricks On plan: up to 12 m c/c (6 m from corners);
Vertically: 9 m or every 3 storeys if h > (12 m or 4 storeys)
Concrete blocks 3 m – 7 m c/c
Steel roof sheeting 20 m c/c down the slope

Effect on Stability

―The positions of movement joints should be considered for their effect on the overall
stability of the structure‖ – Cobb

This has important implications:

 Every part of a structure must be stable in its own right;
 Just as columns are required in each portion separated by a movement joint, each
portion must be capable of resisting horizontal load on its own.

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21 Dr C. Caprani
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Architect’s Plan Showing Stair/Lift Cores

(Note: column layout is figurative only)

The Project Engineer decides to pursue an in-situ reinforced concrete option:

balancing the extra cost and potential problems with each expansion joint, they
choose to put one joint in, running N-S, at the mid-line, i.e., 55 m each side. No
expansion joint is required in the E-W direction, as 40 < 50 m.



55 55

Engineer’s Movement Joint Plan

22 Dr C. Caprani
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 Double columns at interface – there are now 2 separate structures built very
closely beside each other;
 Stability of each structure – clearly structure A is stable, whilst B is not.



55 55

Final Structural Layout

(Note: indicates shear wall)

 Now structure-B is stable in both N-S and E-W directions;

 The shear walls may be RC, or masonry infill panels;
 Shear walls can have limited window opes, if required.

Case Study

Beaumont Hospital car park is an excellent example of lateral stability design, car
park design, and building control joints. Similarly to the two walls that are very close
together in the building just above, two X-braced frames either side of the control
joint are clearly visible.

23 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

3. Structural Form

3.1 Key Principles in Choosing Structural Form

All of the Case Studies, though on different topics, try to show that there are a
number of factors that contribute, in different measures, to the structural scheme
adopted. Also, it will be clear that there is no perfect answer – simply a weighted
balance of the pros and cons of any given solution. Factors include:

1. Technical Requirements
 Structure Scale:
 Stability in all directions – Vertical and Orthogonal Horizontals
 Accommodation of movement – either by joints or stress design
 Global load paths are identified
 Special foundation conditions, sewers, ducts etc.,
 Large clear areas required (e.g. hotel lobby)
 Restrictions on column placing by walls etc.,
 Plant, track, car parking restrictions,
 Provision for passageways, corridors, circulation
 Overall height or floor to floor heights affecting structural depth,
 Special requirements for performance of structure for fire, vibration
or effect of adjoining structure
 Element Scale:
 Proportional sizes, e.g. span/d ratios or N/20 etc.
 Global actions are allowed for in the element scheme
 Limits on column sizes

2. Economic Requirements
 Materials (Refer to the handout):

24 Dr C. Caprani
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 Raw cost – can it be locally sourced?

 Placement cost – e.g. block layers are expensive currently
 Transport of fabricated elements – special requirements?
 Constructability
 Is the structure repeatable as possible
 Minimum number of trades on site
 Transport/craneage appropriate for the material considered?

3. Functional Requirements
 Building Service Integration:
 Expect holes in beams – allow for it early on
 Flat soffits are beneficial in heavily serviced buildings
 Air conditioning, false floors etc.
 Client‘s focus:
 Speculative commercial will require clear spans for example
 Landmark headquarters will possibly mean a dramatic structure
 Architecture:
 Complement the architecture if possible
 Get involved as early as possible in the design
 Planning:
 Minimise structural depths if required
 Drainage schemes to be appropriate to site and local drainage
 Environmental considerations

Again, where does sustainability fit into the above decision-making process?

25 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

3.2 Choice of Form

The span of the structure is the main consideration. For the two usual forms of
construction, the first of the following charts advises what forms of construction are
appropriate for what spans for steel and concrete.

The second chart gives a comparison of the weights of structure required for various
spans and types of construction for single-storey steel buildings. These buildings tend
to be extremely well engineering economically.

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4. Precedence Studies

4.1 Patera Building System

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4.2 Pompidou – General

Is the form of this building derived from structural or architectural principles?

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Rough structural section showing columns & Gerberettes

BMD for Simply-Supported Span

BMD for forces applied to cantilevered ends

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4.3 Torroja – Madrid Racecourse

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Evolution of Structural Concept.

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4.4 Torroja – Half-Mile Viaduct, Unbuilt, 1956

The structural concept:

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4.5 Torroja – Operating Theatre, Madrid University

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5. Preliminary Analysis

5.1 Preliminary Loading

General philosophy: keep it conservative, yet realistic, at preliminary design stage.

Imposed Loading

 Based on BS 6399: Parts 1 & 2;

 Choose the highest where options exist;
 No live load reduction factors should be allowed for.

Some common loads should be remembered:

Use Load (kN/m2)

Commercial speculative offices 5
Light office 2.5
Residential 1.5
Car park 2.5
Plant rooms 7.5

Extract from BS6399: Part 1: 1996:

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41 Dr C. Caprani
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Dead Load

Dead loads are derived from the densities of materials to be used. However, usually
the dimensions of the elements are not known prior to preliminary sizing.

The ultimate reference is:

 Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures: Part 2: Annex 2: Densities of Building
Materials and Stored Materials

Some common densities are:

Material Density (kN/m3)

Reinforced concrete 24
Structural steel 77
Timber – softwood 4–6
Timber – hardwood 6 – 10
Blocks – solid 21
Blocks – hollow 12
Bricks 22

Designers usually build up a list of the dead loads for common build-ups – two sets
of build-ups are in the following pages.

In deriving dead load, be conservative at preliminary design stage.

After calculation of dead and imposed load, determine the composite gamma factor.
This provides insight into the governing type of load (dead or live) and is also very
useful after the full load takedown when only service loads are to be designed for in
the foundation dedsign.

42 Dr C. Caprani
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Remember that:  G  1.4;  Q  1.6 , and,

wser  Gk  Qk
wult   G  Gk   Q  Qk

So define the composite factor of safety:

 Comp 

Values of  Comp nearer 1.4 indicate dead load is governing; those nearer 1.6 indicate
live load is governing. To reduce loads overall if there is a problem, try change the
governing load first.

43 Dr C. Caprani
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The Structural Engineer’s Handbook gives the following:

44 Dr C. Caprani
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One more relevant to Irish construction is:

Standard Dead Loads

Build-up kN/m2 Build-up kN/m2
Timber Floor Concrete Floor
Floorboards/plywood deck 0.15 Precast H'core Unit 150 Dp. 2.25
Floor Joists 0.1- 200 Dp. 2.56
Plasterboard Ceiling …or… 0.2
0.15 250 Dp. 3.22
…Lath and Plaster 0.5 300 Dp. 3.55
Insulation 0.05 400 Dp. 4.3

Pugging (plaster/mortar) 0.4 R.C Slab 150 Dp. 3.6

Carpet/finish 0.2 200 Dp. 4.8
Typical Floor Wt (L&P, 1.4 250 Dp. 6
Typical Floor Wt (Plasterbd,
0.75 300 Dp. 7.2
Screed 50 mm 1.2
70 mm 1.68
Masonry Walls Studded Partition
100mm Blockwork 2.2 Timber/Plasterboard 0.5
215mm Solid Blockwork 4.54 Timber/Lath & Plaster 1.1

215mm Hollow Blockwork 2.5

100mm Brickwork 2.25
Plaster (Gypsum) 0.25
Rendering (pebble dash) 0.5
Industrial Timber
Insulated Profiled Decking 0.12 Slates (Natural) 0.35
Trocal type, built up roof Slates (Asbestos) 0.2
Glazing 0.5 Tiles (Concrete) 0.5

Pressed Steel Purlins 0.1 Battens 0.03

Steel Frame 0.2 Felt 0.05
Services 0.1 Insulation 0.05
Suspended Ceiling 0.05 Timber Truss 0.2
Plasterboard Ceiling …or… 0.15
…Lath and Plaster 0.5

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IStructE RoI Branch

5.2 Preliminary Structural Analysis

For preliminary design quick, reasonably accurate, appropriate forms of analysis are
needed to determine load effects that the structure must be capable of resisting.

Statically Determinate Beams

These are the basis of more complicated analyses: the usual cases need to be known.

wL wL2 5wL4
VA  VB  , MC  , C 
2 8 384 EI


VA  VB  , MC  , C 
2 4 48EI

MA B wL2 wL4
A VA  wL , M A  , B 
2 8EI

A VA  P , M A  PL ,  B 


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Statically Indeterminate Beams


C 
wL2 384 EI wL2
MA  MB 
12 12

L 3
VA  wL VB  wL
8 8
C 
384 EI
MA 

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Continuous Beams

The reactions have been considered previously, so only moments are done here.

MB 


wL2 wL2
MB  MC 
10 10

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wL2 wL2 wL2

MB  MC  MD 
10 12 10

For more spans, the moments over the first interior supports are as shown, and the
moments over other internal supports are taken as .

Determine the mid-span moments for the above beams.

The IStructE Green Book – adapted – gives the following:

At first At middle At interior
Near middle
At outer interior of interior supports
of end span
support support spans
wL2 wL2 wL2 wL2
Moment 0
11.11 9.09 14.3 12.5
wL wL wL
Shear - -
2.22 1.66 1.81

These figures allow for moment redistribution.

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Unequal-Span Continuous Beams

Fill in the areas shown:

Estimate MB and MC for:

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Use of Points of Contraflexure

Any indeterminate structure can be made determinate by inserting hinges where the
Points of Contraflexure are estimated to occur:
 Continuous Beams: PoC usually occur 20-25% of span length into each span;

 Sway Columns: PoC at mid-height usually.

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Analysis for Preliminary Design

To get a rough idea of the rebar required for your scheme, it is usual to take the
largest moment in your section:
1. What is your configuration – propped cantilever, 3-span beam etc…
2. Take the maximum value of moment (i.e. smallest value of denominator).
wL2 wL2
So for a 3-span beam take , for a fixed-fixed beam take etc.
10 12

Typical internal span

For more detailed design, or to find the positions of the points of contraflexure, the
following is helpful:



MA d d MB

b c

Assuming only MA and MB are known, take moments about B to give:

wL  M A  M B  V
VA   ; sum the vertical forces to get VB  wL  VA . Therefore, a  A and
2 L w

VA2 VA2  2wM A

so M max   MA. Defining d  , then the distances to the points of
2w w
contraflexure are, b b  a  d and c  L  a  d .

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Load Patterning

For design of any continuous structure, it is necessary to consider load patterning to

determine the design envelope for shear and moment etc:

MIN = 0.9Gk MAX = 1.4Gk + 1.6Qk

This presents problems with our moment formulae previously. A way around this is
to do the following:

MIN + (MAX-MIN)/2; i.e. 1.15Gk + 0.8Qk

(MAX-MIN)/2; i.e. 0.25Gk + 0.8Qk

Why is this better?

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Qualitative Assessment for Moments

Consider the beam shown in the figures, should the RC beam (250W×300Dp.) be
designed for moments at support B? And if so, what value would you take?
Remember that large amounts of cracking are not desirable.
A w B

pin connection
Structure 1

A w B

250×250 steel
Structure 2 Column

A w B

Full steel
250×500 RC
Structure 3

A w B

Full steel
Shear wall
Structure 4

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Simply Supported Rectangular Plate

The exact analysis of plates is considerably difficult. Some simplifying assumptions

lead to easier methods of analysis that are reasonably accurate.

Take a rectangular plate, simply supported on all sides, loaded with a uniformly
distributed load, w, and consider two central unit-width strips:


The load on the strip in the x-direction is wx; likewise, wy. Also, w = wx + wy. The
5wx lx4 5wy l y4
deflection of each strip must be identical at the centre point:  . Hence,
384 EI x 384 EI y

assuming I x  I y , and letting r  , then wx  wy r 4 and as r  1 the load taken in the x-

1 r4
direction is greater than that in the y-direction. Further, wy  w  and w  w  .
1 r4 1 r4

The moments taken in each direction are then:

21 r4 
wxlx2 wy lx2 1 1 
Mx   wlx   4 
  x wlx M y 
 wl y2   4 
  y wl y2
8  8 1 r  8  8 1 r 

where  x and  y correspond to those of BS 8110, Pt. 1: 1997, Tb. 3.13.

Other support conditions can be used, and a similar approach using compatibility of
displacement can be used.

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5.3 Tributary Areas

 Building loads usually originate as uniformly distributed over some area.
 Each structural element supports some of this load
 Therefore, each structural element has an associated area from which its load
originates – its tributary area, tributary length and load width.
 This process is essentially that of tracing the load path through a structure.

Tributary Length (TL)

Consider a simply supported beam:


As the reactions RA  RB  , they have an TL of L 2 .

By extension, for multiple simply supported spans:

T.L. for RA = T.L. for RB = L T.L. for RC =

L 2 L 2


56 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

The TLs are different for continuous spans:

3L 10 L 3L
TL for RA = TL for RB = TL for RC =
8 8 8

3wL 3wL
RA  RB 
10wL RC 
8 8 8

Therefore, the TL depends on the form of the structure.

For more than two spans, the intermediate spans have a TL of L. The end support has
3L 5L L 9 L
a TL of , whilst the second internal support has a TL of   :
8 8 2 8

3L 9L
TL for RA = TL for RB = TL for RC = L
8 8

RA  9wL RC  wL
8 RB 

For spans of uneven length, in preliminary design, it is usual to interpolate based on

the principles above.

57 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

Load Width

For beams, the UDL arises from the loads applied to the flooring system.

The simple case is a one-way spanning simply-supported flooring system (say precast

w (kN/m2)

Beam A Beam B Beam C

The load taken by each beam is derived from its load-width:

Beam A Beam B Beam C

1 m strip

Beam A Beam B Beam C

load-width load-width load-width

The load-width is the same as the TL for the ―beam‖ of the floor system.

58 Dr C. Caprani
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Tributary Area

The combination of the loadwidth (transverse to a beam) and the tributary length
(longitudinal to the beam) result in the tributary area for a beam support. Fill in the
lengths for following floor plate layout:

Note that the lengths indicated depend on the type of spans – continuous or simply
supported, and result from application of the loadwidths and tributary lengths.

59 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

For two-way spans, the load is shared between the supports on all sides:

Beams on
all sides

The tributary areas become more complex as a result:

Beam A

Beam B Beam C

Beam D

But, for the internal columns, the tributary areas remain rectangular.

60 Dr C. Caprani
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5.4 Table of Fixed-End Moments

MA Configuration MB

 
8   8
 

wL2 A B wL2
   
12  12

2 A B
Pab Pa 2b
   
L2   L2

3PL A
 -
16  
 

2 A
   -
8 

Pab  2 L  a  A
   -
2 L2  

MA Configuration MB
6EI  6EI 
   

L2 L2

3EI   
 2


61 Dr C. Caprani
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5.5 Table of Displacements

Configuration Translations Rotations

  5wL4 wL3
 C   A   B 
384 EI 24 EI

  PL3 PL2
 C   A   B 
48EI 16 EI
 

Pa  L  a 
   3a 3

A   2L  a 
 PL 6 LEI
C    4  
  48EI  L L  B  
 L2  a 2 

A 
6 EI
 3a 2  6a  2 
 C  a 1  a 1  2a 

3EI B 
6 EI
 3a 2  1

wL4 wL3
  B  B 
8EI 6 EI

B  B 
  3EI 2 EI

 ML2 B 
  B  EI
 2 EI

62 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

6. Preliminary Design

Structural design and analysis is often an iterative process. Section sizes may be
needed before an analysis can be carried out to determine the load effects that
sections must be designed for (which in turn dictates the size of the section).
 Preliminary sizes are obtained from experience and rules of thumb (other people‘s
experience). These are used in the preliminary analysis.
 The results of the analysis are used to obtain more refined approximate designs.

In preliminary design, these steps are only carried out once. In detailed design the
process can take many iterations.

For the usual materials and forms of construction we considered both of these stages.

63 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

6.1 Reinforced Concrete

Preliminary sizing

Bending members
Sized through span-effective depth ratios:

Construction One-way Two-way
Simply- Simply-
load Contin. Canti. Contin.
supported supported

5 27 31 11 30 40 36
10 24 28 10 28 39 33

Beam -
any 10 12 6

Beam –
any 12 15 6

The breadth of a beam is around d/3 but not always. Fire resistance requirements
stipulate minimum widths, but for ease of construction, 200 mm is a rough minimum,
giving about 2 hours fire resistance.

As a rough design check, limit the shear stress to 2 N/mm2:

b for fcu  30 N/mm2
where V is the maximum ultimate shear.

64 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

These rules only apply for stocky braced columns for which the minimum horizontal
dimension is clear height/17.5.

Very roughly: Acol  N  50 (in mm2) where N is the ultimate axial load in kN. Or
assume an average stress across the column of about 25 N/mm2.

A bit better: for fcu = 35 N/mm2 (where N is now in Newtons):

1% steel: Acol  N 15
2% steel: Acol  N 18
3% steel: Acol  N 21
To allow for moments in the columns, multiply the load from the floor immediately
above the column (this allows for patterned loading) by:
1.25 for interior columns;
1.5 for edge columns;
2.0 for corner columns.

Loads from other floors may be considered fully axial; sketch these requirements:

65 Dr C. Caprani
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Reinforced Concrete – Approximate Design

Bending members:
Percentage area of steel for a singly reinforced section:
 M 
s   2  
 bd 

The  is to make it look fancy! Any number from 3.1 (for a loose design) up to about
4.3 (for a tight design) can be used. Note that As  bd . Combining these two
expressions leads to a very quick estimate of:
As 

The 2 N/mm2 limiting shear stress is a sufficient preliminary shear check.

Given an area of column, its resistance can be got by considering a mean ‗resistance
stress‘ as:

0.35 fcu 
 0.67 f y  0.35 fcu 

N Acol  14
Alternatively, roughly: 
Derive this:

66 Dr C. Caprani
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Punching shear:
The column reaction, Vt , is modified as follows to take account of moment transfer:
 Internal Columns: Veff  1.15Vt ;

 Edge/Corner Columns: Veff  1.4Vt .

1. Check maximum shear at column face:

vmax   0.8 f cu or 5 N/mm2
u0 d

where u0 is the perimeter of the column.

2. Shear stress at the critical section, 1.5d from the face of the column:
u  2a  2b  8 d

where a and b are the plan dimensions of a rectangular column and  is the
perimeter multiplier of d: in this case,   1.5 . If:
v  vc : No shear reinforcement required.
v  2vc : Link reinforcement may be used.
v  2vc : Alternative proven system to be used.

For preliminary design, it is sufficient to pass Step 1 and to know that v  2vc at the
critical perimeter.

A quick vc is obtained by simplifying the BS 8110 and BS 5400 Pt 4 expressions:

vc  0.7  s 

Even quicker, but less accurate, use vc = 0.60 N/mm2.

67 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

6.2 Prestressed Concrete

Generic preliminary sizing may be based on a span depth ratio of about 36. Usually,
the manufacturers‘ data sheets are used instead. These normally have load versus
span charts.

Sample information from Breton Roecrete data is given:

- Hollowcore slabs only:

- Composite hollowcore slabs:

68 Dr C. Caprani
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Hollowcore Slabs

69 Dr C. Caprani
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Composite Hollowcore

70 Dr C. Caprani
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Example – Design of Hollow Core Slab

Design a PSC hollowcore slab to span 7 m in an office building.

BS6399: Imposed loading, offices = 2.5 kN/m2

Partitions (assume masonry) = 2.5 kN/m2
Total Imposed = 5.0 kN/m2

Table for Composite Hollowcore floors tells us that a 200mm deep slab with a 50 mm
structural screed will carry an imposed (SLS) load of 11.5 kN/m2. Therefore, try a
200 mm deep hollowcore slab.

Self wt including screed = 3.8 kN/m2 (from table)

Ceilings & Services = 0.5
Total DL = 4.3 kN/m2

ULS load,
wu = 1.4(4.3) + 1.6(5) =14.0 kN/m2

ULS moment at centre is

wl2/8 = 1.2×14.0(7)2/8 = 85.8 kNm/m.

The 1.2 m is the width of the precast unit; hence the line load on the unit is 1.2×14
kN/m. The ultimate moment capacity of the composite floor is 188.3 kNm/m hence
the floor has ample ultimate capacity.

71 Dr C. Caprani
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6.3 Steel – Non-composite

Typical span/depth ratios for different forms of construction and elements:

Typical span
Element Span/depth ratio
Floor UBs 4 – 12 15 – 18
Slimfloor 6–9 25 – 28
Castellated beams 4 – 12 14 – 17
Transfer beams 6 – 30 10
Trusses supporting floors 6 – 30 10
Plate girders 10 – 30 10 – 12
Parallel chord roof truss 10 – 100 12 – 20
Pitched roof truss 8 – 20 5 – 10
Light roof beams 6 – 60 18 – 30
Lattice roof truss 5 – 20 12 – 15
Space frame (w/ pre-camber) 10 – 100 15 – 30
Columns: UC: single storey 2–8 20 – 25
: multi storey 2–4 7 – 18
Columns: hollow sections: single storey 2–8 20 – 35
: multi storey 2–4 7 – 28


UC Section No. of storeys

203 UC 3
254 UC 5
305 UC 8
356 UC 12

72 Dr C. Caprani
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Some nice rules for deflections which take care of all the unit conversions are:

 For a simply-supported beam with a central point load:

I reqd  3.75PL2
cm 4   #  kN  m 

 For a simply-supported beam with a UDL:

I reqd  2.3wL4
cm 4   #  kN/m   m 4 

73 Dr C. Caprani
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6.4 Composite Construction

For maximum efficiency, the secondary beams should be longer than the primary
beams. The optimum ratio is 4/3. Sketch this layout:

 RC: 125-150 mm thick
 Metal deck: 115-175 mm, spanning 2.5 to 3.6 m.
 Precast units: 75-100 mm with 50-200 mm topping can span 3 to 8 m.

A 150 mm deep overall slab with 60 mm decking spans about 2.8-3.5 m depending
on mesh and concrete density.

Initially size as 80% of non-composite.
For a better check, size beam with Z = (non-composite Z)×(1.6 to 2).

74 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

6.5 Timber Joists in Domestic Construction

Ask your local builder: there is a very nice little rule of thumb for the depth of joists
required in typical domestic construction:

half the span in feet + 2 inches

Translating this into the metric system doesn‘t lead to quite a succinct rule, but one
that is quite useful nonetheless:

42 mm per m span + 50 mm

And that‘s it! If your joists sizes are very different from this rule of thumb, check you

75 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

7. Car Park Layout Design

7.1 Introduction
Car park layout design usually falls to the structural engineer. This is because the
structural layout and car-park design are integral to one another. Simply put, you
can‘t put a column in a driving lane. Balancing the car park and structural layout is
important for the floors overhead. Often two different structural layouts are used for
the car park and for (say) overhead offices. A transfer structure is needed in between
to link these two layouts.

Bay: the parking space for a single vehicle.
Aisle: the driving lane adjacent to the parking bays.
Bin: A ‗unit‘ comprising bays on both sides of an aisle.

The layout of a car park depends critically on its foreseen use:
• Short or long stay;
• Regular or irregular users;
• Small or large scale parking.

Some typical examples are:

Apartments and Offices:

Long stays — regular users — small scale parking.
• Allow some delays;
• Allow narrower geometries.

76 Dr C. Caprani
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Hospital and Airport visitor car parks:

Short stays — irregular users — large car parks.
• Generous geometries;
• Shorter delays per user required;
• High turnover and less congestion required;
Hence, the flow of traffic and the location of exits must be carefully thought through.


77 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

7.2 Car Sizes and Swept Path

Car sizes are given in the IStructE‘s Design Recommendations(…) as:

Car Type L (m) W (m) H (m)

Small 3.95 1.75 1.75

Standard 4.75 2.06 1.85
Large 5.40 2.24 2.05
MPV 5.10 2.20 1.90
4×4 5.05 2.25 2.05

Note: Width includes wing mirrors, Height excludes roof bars/boxes etc. Taken
from a 1999/2000 UK Review.

The actual design criteria (given later) are governed by the swept path of a large car.
In the case of special design, outside the limits of the recommendations, the figure
below must be used to verify the design‘s adequacy. Using CAD software, the figure
below can be superimposed on any part of a proposed layout to verify that there are
no clashes. This is not necessary for usual standard designs, however.

78 Dr C. Caprani
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79 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

7.3 Bay, Aisle and Bin Dimensions

Based on the car sizes and stay requirements, the bay sizes are:
Type L (m) W (m)

Short Stay (≤ 2 hrs.) 4.8 2.5

Long Stay 4.8 2.3

Disabled 4.8 3.6

These dimensions are to be clear of any projections (for example, columns).

Typically we design for 2.4 × 4.8 m to make the structural grid regular, as will be

For driving lanes we allow for the largest of vehicles. However, the individual
parking bays can be designed for a more reasonable vehicle size. Lanes must also be
designed to allow cars back out of a space. Therefore, 1-way and 2-way lanes are of
similar width. Applying the swept path configuration, the recommendations for
parking dimensions are given as:

Parking Bin width (m)

Aisle Width (m) Bay Width (m)
angle (4.8 m length)
90° 1-way 6.00 2.4 16.55

90° 2-way 6.95 2.4 15.60

60° 4.20 2.4 14.95

45° 3.60 2.4 13.80

80 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

The next figure illustrates the implications for the bin layout. For 3 spaces, the 2.4 m
bay width allows for 300 mm extra (over the minimum width of 2.3 m) in which the
column can be placed.

In the figure above, the dimension A is usually about 0.9 m to the column centre line.

Reinforced concrete structures:

This car park structure is normally used in a mixed-use development, e.g. office
block, apartments etc. To keep a regular grid of columns, the transverse dimension
must balance the aisle width and dimension A. The longitudinal dimension is clearly
7.2 m. The layout shown in the following figure is usual.

81 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

A 2×B A

Lx = 7.2 m

Ly Ly Ly Ly

By applying the requirements for A and B, we can relate the inset to the spacing Ly:


Column Spacing (m)






0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Inset to Centre Line of Columns (m)

Of course it is not absolutely necessary to have equally spaced columns in the

transverse direction, but it makes the analysis, design, and construction easier.

82 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

Precast Concrete or Steel Structures:

When the structure‘s main purpose is as a car park, a more efficient structure is to use
long span concrete or steel beams, in conjunction with precast concrete slabs. The
beams and slabs can span in either direction. This is possible due to the relatively
light live load of a car park (2.5 kN/m2). The layout is:

Lines of
1-way structure

Clear Span = 15.6 m Clear Span = 15.6 m

This layout also works for post-tensioned RC floor-slabs (e.g. Dublin Airport).

83 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

7.4 Headroom and Ramps

At changes in level, pinch points occur as shown:

In such cases, transition ramps are used at the start and end of each ramp:

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The storey height is related to the headroom required as shown in the next figure. The
minimum headroom is 2.10 m and this will allow for all MPVs and 4×4s. Where
provision is required for high-top converted vehicles for disabled people, the
minimum headroom is 2.60 m.

85 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

7.5 Ventilation
Car parks must be adequately ventilated due to noxious fumes. To save on
mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation is used as much as possible. For this,
openings should have an aggregate area of 2.5% of the area of the parking space at
that level and be distributed so as to provide effective cross ventilation.

This requirement often results in ‗planters‘ around single-storey basement car parks.

86 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

7.6 Miscellaneous
 Durability requirements for car parks are usually more onerous than other
structures as chlorides can be brought in by the vehicles.
 Fire protection of structures needs to be considered, especially for structural steel
elements, though uncased steel elements are usual in car parks.
 Traffic management can be difficult for large car parks; adequate design is
 The car park surface is usually sloped for drainage: the minimum fall is 1:60, the
maximum, 1:20.
 Expansion joints need to be detailed to avoid water ingress.

87 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

8. Examples

8.1 Beams, Slab and Column Example


Do a complete preliminary design for slabs, beams and columns of this 4-storey
office building. There is no basement car-parking.

30 m PLAN
11 m N

The building is stabilised with shear walls. Assume an in-situ slab spanning onto
beams and (continuous) beams spanning onto columns.

Slab spans NS to beams 4m

E & W edge beams

stiffen the edges

Beams span EW to columns

1. Central line of columns offset to allow for a 3m corridor
2. Take cover to reinforcement to be 20 mm for 1-hour fire protection.

88 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

3. Assume in-situ slab, one-way spanning.


The general procedure is:

1. Determine approximate member sizes;
2. Calculate the loading, both dead (from previous step) and live (from tables);
3. Analyse the structure for bending moments/shear forces and axial loads;
4. Design each of the elements for the bending moments etc.

In the following each element is considered in turn. For each element identify the
four steps just described.

Preliminary Design of Slab

Get slab depth from span/depth ratios:
End span of 1-way continuous → span/depth = 27
 d = 7000/27 = 259 mm
 h = 259 + 20 cover + 16/2 main bar
= 287 mm
In which 16 mm is the assumed maximum bar diameter to be used in a slab. Round
off to nearest 25 mm:
 300 mm, say.
d = 300 - 20 - 16/2 = 272 mm

Dead load:
24×0.3 (slab s.w.) + 0.5 (ceilings + services)
= 7.7 kN/m2
Imposed load:
2.5 (occupancy) + 1 (partitions) = 3.5 kN/m2

89 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

Hence, ULS = 1.4(7.7) + 1.6(3.5) = 16.4 kN/m2

w = 16.4 kN/m

7 4

76 kNm

The spans are uneven and so we cannot assume that the moment at B is wL2/8
because we don‘t know which L to take. Conservatively, we could take the large L
and design for it:
wL2 16.4  72
 M B  AB    101 kNm
8 8

which is much bigger than the same moment for the span BC:

wL2 16.4  42
 M B BC    33 kNm
8 8

We could split the difference (101-33 = 68) evenly:

 M B  AB   M B BC
MB   67 kNm

The smart way is to split the difference in inverse proportion to the lengths (why?):

90 Dr C. Caprani
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1/ 7
 M B  AB  101  68   76 kNm
1/ 7  1/ 4
1/ 4
 M B BC  33  68   76 kNm
1/ 7  1/ 4

As the answers are the same it means the joint is balanced (  Moments about B = 0 ).
This is also the exact answer from a ‗fancy‘ analysis.

For the reinforcement we use the quick formula:

 M 
s   2  
 bd 

 76 106 
s   2 
  0.327
 1000  272 
As  bd
 1000  272
 890 mm 2

Compare this to the quicker formula:

M 76 106
As    932 mm2
300d 300  272
T16 bars at 200 mm c/c provide 1005 mm2 per metre. Hence, choose this as our
design is approximate anyway. The ‗proper‘ design method gives us As  838 mm2 so
our design is conservative, yet approximate.

Preliminary Design of E-W Beams

We will only look at the central ‗spine‘ beam as this will be critical. As we saw in the
Load Takedown example, the downstand adds very little weight so for our

91 Dr C. Caprani
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approximate design we will ignore it. Hence we can determine the moments etc, first
(which is our preferred route).
Using the load widths we have:

Beam N Spine Beam Beam S


3/8 × 4 = 1.5 5/8 × 4 = 2.5 5/8 × 7 = 4.4 3/8 × 7 = 2.6

4 7


Hence the loadwidth on the spine beam is 2.5 + 4.4 = 6.9 m and the load per meter is:
wu  16.4  7  115 kN/m

Similarly we can calculate the loads on the other beams.

The load to the N-S beams is appears to be zero as they span in the same direction as
the slab. However they do attract load as they must deflect the same as the adjacent
slab. So we take maybe 0.5 × loadwidth of a 2-span bay. Hence a 45 load-spread
gives a loadwidth of 3 m (for the 6 m column spacing); hence use a 1.5 m loadwidth
giving w = 25 kN/m.

92 Dr C. Caprani
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w = 25 kN/m
w = 25 kN/m
w = 115 kN/m

w = 25 kN/m

w = 43 kN/m

The actual values from a full analysis are 14 / 119 / 47 kN/m. The differences are
caused by the uneven spans. Even still though, our values are good enough.

The spans in the spine beam are all even and so the approximate formulae for
moments and shears apply:

wL2 wL2
MB  MC 
10 12 w = 115 kN/m

3wL 9wL
VA  VB  VC  wL
8 8

And the numbers are:

M B  414 kNm M C  345 kNm

VA  259 kN VB  776 kN VC  690 kN

93 Dr C. Caprani
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If we had carried on the more exact results, allowed for the downstand, and carried
out a full ‗proper‘ analysis the moments would be 474 / 354 kNm. Hence our
approximate design is still ‗ballpark‘.

Note that to check the worst shear force we do not choose the highest support
reaction value.

Why? Draw the Shear Force Diagram:

The worst shear force is 5wL/8 = 431 kN.

The span/depth ratio for a flanged continuous beam is 15

 d = 6000/15 = 400 mm
 h = 400 + 20 (cover) + 12 (shear link) + 25/2 (main bar) = 435 mm

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Rounding to nearest 25 mm gives h = 450 mm

 d = 450 - 20 - 12 - 25/2 = 405 mm

To determine the breadth we will examine the maximum shear stress and limit it to
2.0 N/mm2:
V V 431103
 2.0  bw    532 mm
bw d 2.0d 2.0  405

This is very wide. We can reduce it by increasing d. A breadth of 300 would fit in
nicely with the preliminary column dimension, hence:

V V 431103
 2.0  d   716 mm
bw d 2.0bw 2.0  300

Therefore say h = 725 mm and so d = 725 – 20 – 12 – 25/2 = 681 mm – detailed

design of the shear reinforcement means that the difference in d won‘t be too
important. Also, though this sounds quite deep (and it is), remember that 300 mm of
it is in the slab:

725 425


This is drawn to scale (more or less!): the important point is that it looks in
proportion and this is usually as good a guide as the numbers.
For the main tension steel we use the quick formula:

95 Dr C. Caprani
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M 414 106
As    2026 mm2
300d 300  681

3 T32 bars provide 2413 mm2. Choose this to give that extra little bit of ‗room‘ in our

Beam N and Beam S will be the same dimensions as this beam but will have different
steel (and probably each have the same) to this beam for ease of construction.

Also note that having the width of the beam the same as that of our column eases the
formwork at the beam/column junctions.

Preliminary Column Design

Using the tributary area notion, the load on the column from each floor is:

96 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

3/8×6 5/8×6 1/2×6 6m




Tributary area = (5/86 + 6/2)(5/87 + 5/84) = 46.4 m2

Load on column from a typical floor = (16.4 kN/m2)(46.4 m2)
= 761 kN

For the roof load assume steel roof trusses spanning the full 11 m. Hence, use the
same roof loading as per the Load Takedown example:

Hence, roof loading is 2.22 kN/m2.

However, this only applies to exterior (façade) columns

if the trusses span the full width. Hence, total loading on
ground floor interior column is:
Pu = 761 × 3.25 = 2473 kN. Why?

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The façade columns will not be critical in this case (Why? Check one).

The roughest design check is:

Acol  50P  50  2473  123650 mm2

Thus a square column is: h  123650  352 mm , which is significantly greater than the
300 square columns. The next level of detail is:
N Acol  14

2473 103 3002  14

  4.5%
This is still quite high for preliminary design. Try the next level of detail, using 3%
steel and a 350 square column:
  
0.35 f cu  100  0.67 f y  0.35 f cu  Acol  P
 

 3 
0.35  40  100  0.67  460  0.35  40  350  2473 10
2 3

 

22.8 3502  2473 103

 2796  2473

So the columns are acceptable at this level of design. The area of steel required is:
Asc   3502  3676 mm2

4T32s + 2T25s provides 4199 mm2 which should be


98 Dr C. Caprani
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8.2 Flat Slab Example


Using the building example from the load takedown Design Exercise:
Edge Beams 300×400 Dp.

Cols. 300 Sq.

20 275 Dp. RC Flat




Lightweight roof

No internal
4@ columns
100-100-100 cavity wall
3m 40% glazing

Do the following:
1. Check the slab is adequate, without detailed analysis;
2. Check that punching shear is adequate for the slab and columns shown;
3. Check that the columns as shown are adequate.
In all cases propose appropriate design changes as required.

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Assemble the pertinent information first: from the load takedown solution:
 E-W spacing is: 50/8 = 6.25 m;
 N-S spacing is: 20/3 ≈ 6.7 m.
 wult = 17.24 kN/m2;
 Pult = 2770 kN.

Check the slab is adequate, without detailed analysis

It is adequate to check the span/d ratio as the punching shear requirement will be
checked in the second part of the question:
d = 275 - 30 (say) – 20/2 (say) = 237 mm
ly 6700
  24.5  36  OK
d 237
As there is lots of ‗room‘ in this aspect of the design, the rebar should be fine, as
should the deflection check, which often governs for flat slabs.

Check that punching shear is adequate for the slab and columns shown
 Internal Column:
Vt  6.25  6.7 17.24  722 kN

Veff  1.15Vt  830 kN

Maximum shear at face of column:

u0  2a  2b  4  300  1200 mm

830 103
vmax   2.92 N/mm2
1200  237

vmax  0.8 40 or 5 N/mm2

 5.06 or 5  5  OK

Shear at critical perimeter, 1.5d from column face:

u1.5d  2a  2b  8 d  4  300  8 1.5  237  4044 mm

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830 103
v1.5d   0.87 N/mm2
4044  237
If we conservatively take vc  0.5 N/mm2 , then vc  v1.5d  2vc and shear
reinforcement is to be provided.
Check next perimeter, 1.5d + 0.75d = 2.25d from column face:
u2.25d  u1.5d  8  0.75d  5466 mm

830 103
v1.5d   0.64 N/mm2
5466  237
Again, vc  v1.5d  2vc and a second perimeter of shear reinforcement is to be
provided. It is not necessary to check the next perimeter as it is clear it will be
below the conservative value vc  0.6 N/mm2 , or the actual value, which should
be around vc  0.65 N/mm2 .
Result: expect 2 perimeters of shear reinforcement.

 Perimeter Column:
Veff  1.4  505 kN
Maximum shear at face of column:
u0  3  300  900 mm

505 103
vmax   2.37 N/mm2
900  237

vmax  0.8 40 or 5 N/mm2

 5.06 or 5  5  OK
Note that this completely ignores the downstand edge beam – therefore there is
much more capacity in this design.
Also, roughly, we can expect 1 or 2 perimeters of shear reinforcement. This is
based on a caparison of the previous design with its vmax .
Result: expect 2 perimeters of shear reinforcement.

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IStructE RoI Branch

Check that the columns as shown are adequate

Check on minimum column dimension: h  3000 17.5  171OK
The multiplier for the floor loads immediately above is ignored, and a ‗comfortable‘
design is therefore required. The roughest design check is:
Acol  50P  50  2770  138500 mm2

Thus a square column is: h  138500  372 mm , which is significantly greater than the
300 square columns.

Consider the next level of detail:

N Acol  14

2770 103 3002  14

  5.6%
This is too close to the maximum permissible, 6%, for preliminary design. Try the
next level of detailed calculation:
  
0.35 f cu  100  0.67 f y  0.35 f cu  Acol  P
 

Using the maximum possible percentage of rebar:

 6 
0.35  40  100  0.67  460  0.35  40  300  2770 10
2 3

 

 2848  2770
So again the columns are just acceptable at this level of detailed design. This is too
tight for preliminary design, therefore increase column size. Note that this does not
adversely affect the punching shear calculations. The shear perimeter is now longer,
reducing the shear stresses on all perimeters.

Result: increase column size to 350 square, at least for internal ground floor.

102 Dr C. Caprani
IStructE RoI Branch

8.3 Sample Scheme Problem 2


An architect has sent you preliminary sketches of a prestigious 5-storey office

building; as shown in Figure Q.2. The atrium, double-height entrance lobby, and
glazed elevators are important elements of the scheme – minimum structural intrusion
is expected on these features.

The architect informs you that two WC/fire-escape-staircore blocks are required on
each floor, as well as two other fire-escape staircores (as shown in the figure); you
are required to integrate these elements into your scheme and to advise the architect
as to their location. In doing so, you should pay due regard to lateral stability, any
expansion joints and travel distance in deciding your layout.

(a) Propose a structural solution for the building, showing:

i. the provision of lateral stability for the building;
ii. expansion joints, if deemed required;
iii. the layout of the vertical load transfer structure;
iv. the support structure of the proposed glazed roof;
v. the footbridge structure.

(b) Assuming a reinforced concrete solution, size the principal members (beam,
slab and column) for a typical floor, choosing the most probable critical
element in each case. For each element, indicate the approximate areas of
reinforcement required.

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IStructE RoI Branch

8.4 Sample Scheme Problem 4


An architect has sent you preliminary sketches of a 4-storey (3.5 m floor to floor)
development as shown in Figure Q.2. The client wants flexibility in the use of the
 Initially the building is to be used as apartments with the layout shown in Figure
Q.2. Sound and fire isolation of dwellings is important. The building will be
masonry clad with 25% glazing.
 The use may change to open-plan offices with fully glazed elevations.
The client understands that there are cost implications for this and that works would
be necessary to change the use. Also, the Architect understands that some structural
elements may be necessary in the larger apartments.

Part (a)
Propose a structural scheme for the building, giving sufficient information on:
1. The provision of lateral stability when the building is to be used as apartments,
taking any expansion joints into account, if deemed necessary.
2. The layout of the vertical load transfer structure; the floor plate; beams, and;
structural walls, as applicable to your scheme. This should reflect the possible
change of use.
3. The works necessary to achieve lateral stability if in the future the use is to change
to open-plan offices.

Part (b)
Important: In Part (b), only consider the loading appropriate when the building is
used as apartments.

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IStructE RoI Branch

Assuming a reinforced and/or precast concrete solution, size the principal members
(beam, floor slab, and column) for a typical floor, choosing the critical element in
each case. For each element, indicate the approximate areas of reinforcement

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7500 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000

Stairs and lift


6000 6000 6000 6000 6000


12000 15000
(All dimension in mm)


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