Uk BS 5852
Uk BS 5852
Uk BS 5852
▣ BS 4790; 1987
▣ BS 5438; 1989
▣ BS 5722; 1991
▣ BS 5852 Part 1&2; 1979/82
▣ BS 5852; 1990 (contract)
▣ BS 5867 Part 2; 1980
▣ BS 6807; 1996
▣ BS 7177; 1996
BS 4790; 1987
1. Scope:
2. Preparation of specimens:
3 specimens each of 300 mm x 300, including any backing or underlay that forms
part of the final installation
3. Test procedure:
- the specimens shall be mounted in one of 3 ways which are as follows: method 1:
loose laid method 2: fully adhered method 3:
3: loose laid with underlay
-heat the nut to a temperature of 900 +/-
+/- 20°
20°C in the muffle furnace
-mount the specimen on the floor of the test chamber as described in method 1 - 3
-place the heated nut onto the specimen within 3 sec of its removal from the furnace
-remove the nut from the specimen after it has been in contact with the specimen for
30 +/-
+/- 2 sec
4. Apparatus:
-test chamber
-hexagonal nutof grade A 2 with a mass of 30 +/-
+/- 3 g, and of a dimensions
as specified for M 16 -muffle furnace, capable of heating the nut to 900°
5. Assessment:
after-flame time after the application of the nut -afterglow time after removal of the
-measure and record the radius of the effects of ignition on the
undersurface of the floor covering if observable
BS 5438; 1989
Flammability of textile fabrics when subjected to a small igniting flame applied to the
face or the bottom edge of vertically oriented specimens
1. Scope:
This standard (vertical test / face ignition) describes methods of test for flammability of
vertically oriented textile fabrics, e. g. curtains and drapes, subjected to a small igniting
flame by observing and measuring the ease of ignition. Test specimens can be of a
single or multi-
multi-layered fabric representative
representative of the product in use.
2. Preparation of specimens:
Test 1: 220 mm x 170 mm, 3 specimens each in warp and weft direction Test 2: 220
mm x 170 mm , 3 specimens each in warp and weft direction Test 3: 670 mm x 170
mm , 3 specimens each in warp and weft direction
3. Test procedure:
Test 2: Observe - after the application of the igniting flame for 10 sec whether, for any
flame, any part of its lowest boundary reaches the upper edge or one of the vertical
edges of the test specimen or whether a hole develops which extends to the upper
edge or one of the vertical edges of the specimen. Repeat this test twice. If there is no
flaming, apply the ignition flame for 2 sec and observe whether a hole develops. If yes,
record the maximum extent of any hole in the horizontal or vertical direction whichever
is the greater.
Test 3: Fit marker threads of white mercerized cotton spaced 5 mm and 15 mm away
from the front of the test specimen (2 each in the vertical and horizontal direction).
Apply the ignition flame for 10 sec and measure the severance of each marker thread.
4. Apparatus:
BS 5438; 1976
5. Assessment:
The basis for the legal requirements for domestic upholstery comprises
of the following articles for the segment upholstery fabrics:
◈ Furnishings
◈ Sleeping bags
◈ Sheets
◈ Pillow cases
◈ Curtains
◈ Carpets
BS 5852 Part 1 & 2; 1979/82
Fire tests for furniture
BS 5852 Part 1:
Fire tests for furniture; Methods of test for the ignitability by smokers'
materials of upholstered composites for seating
BS 5852 Part 2:
Fire tests for furniture; Methods of test for the ignitability of upholstered
composites for seating by flaming sources
BS 5852 Part 1; 1979
Methods of test for theignitability by smokers’
smokers materials of upholstered composites
for seating
1. Scope:
For assessing ignitability of cover and filling combinations when subjected to either
a smouldering cigarette or a lighted match as might be dropped accidentally.
2. Preparation of specimens:
3. Test procedure:
b) Match equivalent - butane flame ignition source 1 Allow the propane gas to burn
the test combination for a period of 20 +/-
+/- 1 s, for this the burner tube is axially
placed in position along the junction between the seat and back.
4. Apparatus:
5. Assessment:
Cases of progressive smouldering undetected from the outside have been reported.
Immediately after completion of the test programme
programme on the assembly dismantle and
examine it internally for progressive smouldering. If this is present, record a failed
result for the relevant test source.
BS 5852 Part 2; 1982
Methods of test for theignitability by smokers’ materials of upholstered
composites for seating
1. Scope:
For assessing ignitability of cover and filling combinations when subjected to flaming
ignition sources in the form of butane flames or wooden cribs, approximating up to four
double sheets of full size newspaper.
2. Preparation of specimens:
Crib 5 of softwood (pinus silvestris): Ignition source for the interliner test each 40 +/-
+/- 2
mm x 40 +/-
+/- 2 mm 20 sticks (40 +/-
+/- 2 mm x 6.5 +/-
+/- 0.5 mm x 6.5 +/-
+/- 0.5 mm)
total weight 17 +/-
+/- 1 g
4. Apparatus:
Test rigs
BS 5852 Part 2; 1982
Methods of test for the ignitability of upholstered composites for seating
by flaming sources
5. Assessment:
Cases of progressive smouldering undetected from the outside have been reported.
Immediately after completion of the test programme, dismantle and examine it
internally for progressive smouldering. If this is present,
present, record a failed result for the
relevant ignition source.
BS 5852 Part 1 & 2; 1979/82
Fire tests for furniture
Method of test
Definition of the
Ignition time Flame weight
ignition source
BS 5852 part 1; 1979
smouldering cigarette 0 12 +/- 3 min / 50 mm - -
gas flame 1 20sec 35 mm
BS 5852 part 2; 1982
gas flame 2 40 sec 145 mm
gas flame 3 70 sec 240 mm
wooden crib 4 8,5 g
wooden crib 5 17 g
wooden crib 6 60 g
wooden crib 7 126 g
BS 5852; 1990
Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered seating by smouldering and flaming
ignition sources
1. Scope:
3. Test procedure:
The ignition sources 2 - 7 are the same as those given in BS 5852 Part 2, but ignition
sources 0 and 1 are as given in BS EN 1021-
1021-1; 1994 and BS 1021-
1021-2; 1994 respectively
as these 2 standards supersede these particular parts of BS 5852; 1990. The main
difference being between both test is, that the match flame equivalent specified in BS
EN 1021-
1021-2 has a flame application time of 15 seconds.
hazard categories low hazard medium hazard high hazard very high hazard
Test method BS EN 1021 - 1 & 2 BS EN 1021 - 1 & 2 BS EN 1021 - 1 & 2 BS EN 1021 - 1 & 2
BS 5852; 1990 BS 5852; 1990 BS 5852; 1990
Reqiurements smould. cigarette smould. cigarette smould. cigarette smould.
smould. cigarette
match flame match flame ignition match flame ignition match flame ignition
source: 5 source: 7 source:2x7
Typical examples schools, museums hotel bedrooms, sleeping accomo-
accomo- prison cells
universities, offices public buildings, dation in certain
exhibitions, restaurants, bars, hospital wards,
hospitals, casinos offshore installat.
BS 5722; 1991
1. Scope:
Flammability of fabrics for sleepwear and dressing gowns. This standard specifies
flammability performance requirements for fabrics, including multi -layer fabrics and
fabric assemblies, for use in the production of sleepwear and dressing gowns.
2. Preparation of specimens:
3 test specimens each of 670 mm x 170 mm in warp and weft direction for test 3 of BS
5438 or 3 test specimens each of 220 mm x 170 mm in warp and weft direction for test
2 of BS 5438
3. Test procedure:
Test to be carried out acc. to BS 5438, i. e. small igniting flame applied to the face of
vertically oriented specimens; ignition time 10 sec.
4. Apparatus:
BS 5438; 1976
5. Assessment:
The textile material shall comply with the requirements of BS 5438 Test 2 & 3. If the
assessment by test 2 is not sufficient,
sufficient, test 3 shall be used to assess compliance. Non of
the specimes shall sever the 300 mm trip thread or 600mm trip thread in less than 25 sec
or 50 sec respectively.
BS 5867 Part 2; 1980
1. Scope:
Methods for assessing the burning behaviour; Specification for fabrics for curtains and
drapes - Part 2 - FR - requirements
Flammability requirements for fabrics and fabric assembles for use in the
production of curtains, drapes and window blinds when tested by the methods
specified in BS 5438 : 1976 (vertical test / face ignition). Where curtains or drapes
are to be produced in a multi-
multi-layer fabric construction, it is essential to test the
fabrics in the combination in which they are to be used.
2. Preparation of specimens:
type A: 3 specimens
specimens each of 670 mm x 170 mm in warp and weft direction type B: 3
specimens each of 220 mm x 170 mm in warp and weft direction type C:16
specimens each of 220 mm x 170 mm in warp and weft direction
All fabrics should be tested both before and after the laundry procedure specified in BS
5651 (at 74 °C).
3. Test procedure:
type B: Except where specified that testing after an appropriate cleansing or wetting
procedure is unnecessary, all fabrics shall be tested after being subjected to
the appropriate cleansing or wetting procedure.
BS 5867 Part 2; 1980
In all cases, only the face of the fabric shall be tested, if this is apparent.
Alternatively, only that face which is shown by pre-
pre-testing to spread flame the
faster should be tested. 3 specimens each in warp and weft direction shall be
tested in accordance with test 2 of BS 5438, using a 15 sec flame application
type C: All fabrics shall be tested before and after the cleansing procedure specified
for DHSS use, i.
i. e. 50 cycles of the appropriate laundry procedure specified in
BS 5651. Both the face and back of the fabric shall be tested by using a flame
application time of 5, 15, 20 and 30 sec.
4. Apparatus:
BS 5438
5. Assessment:
type A: Using test 2 of BS 5438 If the lowest boundary of any flame or part of any hole
does not reach the upper edge or either vertical edge, the fabric should be
deemed to comply with the requirements for type A. Should the fabric fail using
BS 5438 test 2, then test using test 3 on 6 specimes with a flame application
time of 10 sec. If one or both vertically mounted marker threads or one
horizontally positioned thread of 4 specimens are severed, only the two
horizontally or one horizontally and one vertically mounted
mounted marker thread of the
remaining 2 specimens should be severed. If all threads are severed during
testing, the fabric should be deemed not to comply with the requirements for
type A.
BS 5867 Part 2; 1980
type C: No part of any hole nor any part of the lowest boundary of any flame should reach
the upper edge or either vertical edge. The afterflame and afterglow times shall
not exceed 2.5 sec and there should be no separation of any flaming debris.
Complying with the above requirements, the fabric shall be deemed to comply
with the requirements for type C.
-If the fabric is to be labelled as being unsuitable for cleansing by any method the water
soaking procedure specified in BS 5651 should be carried out out..
-If the fabric is composed entirely of nylon, polyester or modacrylic fibre to which a
flame retardant treatment has not been applied, it is not necessary to test after a
cleansing or wetting procedure.
BS 6807 Section 2; 1996
Primary ignition sources
1. Scope:
2. Preparation of specimens:
The mattress test specimen shall be rectangular in shape and of minimum size 450 mm
x 350 mm x nominal thickness of the finished mattress.
3. Test procedure:
The sequence of tests using the primary flaming ignition sources 2 to 7 described in
BS 5438.
a) for a test on top of the test specimen not less than 170 mm from
from any edge or
marks left by any previous test, the distance being measured from the centre of
the crib.
b)for a test below the test specimen at the distance below the test specimen given
in the table on the previous side for mattresses, or at floor level for upholstered
divans and upholstered bed bases.
4. Apparatus:
test rig according to BS 6807 match burner according to BS 5852 cribs of softwood
5. Assessment:
smouldering ignition:
* any test specimen that produces externally detectable amounts of smoke, heat or
glowing 15 min after removal
removal of the burner tube
* any test specimen that shows evidence of charring more than 100 mm in any
direction, from the nearest part of the original position of the source
BS 6807 Section 2; 1996
Primary ignition sources
flaming ignition:
* any test specimen that continues to flame for more than 120 sec after removal of
the burner tube
smouldering ignition:
* any test specimen that produces externally detectable amounts of smoke, heat or
glowing 60 min after ignition of the crib
* any test specimen that shows evidence of charring more than 100 mm in any direction,
from the nearest part of the original position of the source
flaming ignition:
* source 4 and 5: any test specimen that continues to flame for more than 10 min after
ignition of the crib
* source 6 and 7: any test specimen that continues to flame for more than 13 min after
ignition of the crib
2. Preparation of specimens:
3. Test procedure:
The sequence of tests using the primary flaming ignition sources 2 to 7 described in
BS 5438.
1. Scope:
This standard specifies the requirements for the resistance to ignition of mattresses,
divans and bed bases when exposed to different ignition sources
2. Preparation of specimens:
3. Test procedure:
4. Apparatus: