Improvement of Micro UAV Performance Using Tandem-Wing Design

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Al-Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) Vol.91 No.2, 6192 pp.

363 - 369

Improvement of Micro UAV Performance using Tandem-Wing

Omar Abdulrazzak Khudair Shurouq Adnan Aziz Huda Ail Munshid
Haedar Muhey Rzokhy Samiah Fared
Ministry of Science and Technology\Baghdad-Iraq
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]

The main objective for the present work is Comprises [1]:
related with design of MAV to get high a) A control station (CS) which consist of the
performance and long endurance used for system operators, the interfaces between the
surveillance and monitoring in military and operators and the rest of the system;
civilian. The most important problem that faced b) The aircraft carrying the payload which
the MAV is flying with low Reynolds numbers may be of many types.
(Mach number is too law) and high lift with c) The system of communication between the
avoid high drag, the tandem-wing design is CS which transmits control inputs to the
sucseceful and more reliable for this purpose aircraft and returns payload and other data
because it reduced the drag to a half and gives from the aircraft to the CS (this is usually
good aerodynamic chractrastices when it‟s achieved by radio transmission).
compared with the conventional wing design. d) Support equipment which may include
The dimensions of a MAV are 120mm length, maintenance and transport items.
wing span 130mm ( from tip to tip) and 12g in
weight (the standard weight of MAV about 5- 20 2. Theoretical Part
g) with rang 50m (is the distance that the aircraft A. Gnerale Diffintion Of The Mav:
cut from point to another). The size of UAV depends on its mission;
The softwares that used in the present work Therefore, they are a range from the HALE
are (Java foil, Soled works, ANSYS, J2) to prove (High Altitude Long Endurance) with an aircraft
the results. of 35 m or greater wing span, down to the NAV
For the aerodynamic coefficients (CL, CD) (Nano Aircraft vehicle) which may be of only
were checked for two models (Tandem wing and 40 mm wing span. The MAV (Micro Aircraft
conventional wing) by using ANSYS. To ensure vehicle) was defined as a UAV having a wing-
that the design is successful we made a span no greater than 150 mm [1]. Small UAVs
Simulation for the design by using (The J2 and MAVs are attracting growing interest for
Universal Tool-Kit for Aircraft Dynamics) their multi- purpose applications [2]. This has
software and used to testing the aerodynamic now been somewhat relaxed but the MAV is
characteristic and performers, stability and principally required for operations in urban
control. The major benefits of the tandem wings environments, particularly within buildings. It is
are to reduce drag to half and increase the lift required to fly slowly, and preferably to hover
rather than conventional wing by separating the and to „perch‟ – i.e. to be able to stop and to sit
two wings. Java foil was used to calculate the on a wall or post , they suffer from
aerodynamics coefficients for the airfoil. certain particular characteristics such as small
Keyword: (UAV design, M AV design, Reynolds number, low inertia, low flight
Aircraft Design) speed, rolling instability and so on [3], which
cause flight instability and make them highly
1. Introduction prone to wind. To improve the performance of
There are tens of thousands of unmanned
MAVs/UAVs, their aerodynamic parameters
aircraft (UAV) saw them fly in different sizes by
need to be introduced into flying control
fuel or batteries, used for different purposes alike
systems, as complementary information to
civilian or military. An over- simplistic view of
inertial guiding systems and auto pilots. [4]
an unmanned aircraft is that it is an aircraft with
To meet this challenge, research is being
its aircrew removed and replaced by a computer
conducted into some less conventional
system and a radio- link. In reality it is more
configurations such as flapping wing aircraft.
complex than that, and the aircraft must be
properly designed, from the beginning, without B. Histerical Of Mav:
aircrew and their accommodation, etc. The whole The first feasibility study for Micro A i r
system benefits from its being designed, from Vehicles (MAVs) was performed by the RAND
the start, as a complete system which, briefly Corporation in 1993.[5] The authors indicated

NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Khudair, et al., pp.363 - 369

that the development of insect-size flying and major benefit of the tandem-wing is to reduce the
crawling systems could help and give the US a drag-due-to-lift. To satisfy stability with tandem-
significant military advantage in the coming wing it is usually necessary to move the center of
years. During the following two years, a more gravity somewhat forward of the location for an
detailed study was performed at Lincoln even weight split, which may prevent the aft
Laboratory. [6] This study resulted in a DARPA wing from attaining its full lift capability .The
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency maximize efficiency of a tandem-wing desirable is
(US)) workshop on MAVs in 1995. In the fall of to separate the two wings as far apart as possible
1996, DARPA funded further MAV studies to attain maximum total lift. It is common to use
under the Small Business Innovation Research high- lift devices on the front wing. [8]
(SBIR) program. AeroVironment performed a The second was a V- tail design and high wing
Phase I study, which concluded that a six-inch which allowed the aircraft four separate control
MAV was feasible. In the spring of 1998, surfaces: two ailerons and two ruddervator. The
AeroVironment was awarded a Phase II SBIR advantages of high wing are to produce high lift,
contract, which resulted in the current Black protect the wing from damaging while landing and
Widow MAV configuration. Several universities easy to contact with the fuselage as shown in fig.
have also been involved in MAV research. (2).
Competitions have been held since 1997 at the
University of Florida and Arizona State
University. The goals of the competitions have
been to observe a target located 600 m from
the launch site and to keep a two-ounce
payload aloft for at least 2 minutes. [7]
Until these days the researches continue to
introduce more designees for many purposes.
C. Design Gonfiguration:
The main goal of this current research is
to design a Micro UAV system for long
Figure 2: High Conventional wing
endurance used for surveillance and
monitoring in military and civilian purpose
UAV by using AutoCAD software
like (Aerial photography, Agriculture, Fire To start steeps of the design it must be
Services and Forestry, ext.) having high level determined (W/S) (the Ratio between weight and
requirements in term of reliability and safety, wing surface area):
adding to that affordable in cost. Where the aircraft weighted is (12g)
Two models were designed and made a For one Tandem wing the mean aerodynamic
comparison between them where from the chord (c) is 20mm & Wingspan (b) =6 or 5 of
aerodynamic characteristics parameters. chord length =120mm. so:
The general structural layout of the plane was a AR (Aspect Ratio) = b /c = 6 … (1)
V-tail design and high tandem-wing configuration 2
S (The wing area) = b*c = 2400mm … (2)
for the first design, as in fig. (1), which allowed 2
the aircraft six separate control surfaces for better W/S = 0.005(g/mm )
flight control: four ailerons and two ruddervator. For the conventional wing, the chord length is
S (The wing area) =b*c= 40*120= 4800 mm
… (3)
AR (Aspect Ratio) = b /c = 3 … (4)
W/S = 0.0025(g/mm )
The primary concern when designing the tail
was its ability to contribute to the stability of the
aircraft. This meant that the tail, for a given
moment arm, had to provide enough moment to
counteract moments due to the wing-body
combination, and the payload being located
Figure 1: Tandem-wing UAV by using away from the aircraft‟s center of gravity. [9]
AutoCAD software T h e V -tail was chosen to reduce wetted area of
the horizontal and vertical tail forces which
Primary concerns in the design of the wing results from horizontal and vertical projection of
were size, lifting capacity, wing loading, ease- of- the force exerted upon the “V” surface and the
design and construction, and drag effects. The tail dihedral angle would be found as bellow

NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Khudair, et al., pp.363 - 369

[10]: Where:-
CHT = (LHT * SHT) / (cw *Sw) … (5) AR is a (Aspect Ratio), b (Wingspan),
CVT = (LVT * SVT) / (bw *Sw) … (6) m (Aircraft mass), g (Acceleration due to
Where CHT is a horizontal tail factor & CVT is a Gravity).
vertical factor and for Homebuilt: E. Calculation Of Mass:-
CHT =0.5 & CVT =0.04 In general calculation of an aircraft weight,
cw is wing aerodynamic chord, Sw is wing area, fuel weight is an important variable when
bw is wing span, SVT is a vertical tail area & SHT calculating the takeoff weight versus the
is a horizontal tail area, empty weight of the aircraft; therefore a
LHT = LVT =0.6 Lf …(7) weight analysis can be done by using the steps in
LHT & LVT is the distance between 25% of Roskam [12] and Ryamer.
Wing chord and 25%of tail chord. The following table shows the components of
2 2 mass of solar aircraft
SHT =613.89 mm & SVT = 245.56 mm
So the dihedral angle of V-tail (αTD) will be: Components Mass (g)
αTD=arctan(√(SVT/SHT))→αTD=57.7deg… (8) Payload 2
2 Avionics 1
ST=(SHT/2)/(cos αTD)→ST=229.7mm … (9)
Airframe 5
(this one side of V-tail surface area) Batteries 3
cT (V-tail chord) =0.6 *cw =15.6 mm … (10) Propulsion Group 1
bT (V-tail span) =ST *2/cT =29.45 mm … (11) Total 12
Even without the advantage of reduced Table (3): the masses of component of MAV
wetted area, V-tail offer reduced interference 3. Mission Requirements:
drag but at some penalty in control input must be
There are three important requirements effect
blended in a “mixer” to provide the proper
on the design of the MAV:
movement of the V-tail “ruddervators”. [8] 1- The payload: which consists of the
The main purpose of the body/empennage necessary equipment for the aircraft to do its
constriction is to contain the payload and
mission like (camera, sensors, batteries,
electronics of the aircraft, and to provide a
motor, and est.) so it must not over than 2(g)
moment arm for the tail in order to maintain
because all the accessories is very small ,light
stability [11].
and it is available for this purpose.
The building materials of the plane structural 2- Range and Endurance can‟t b e limited
are balsa wood and carbon fiber for ribs and except after the practical experiment and it
spars where determined and included in the
depends on the power that the MAV get from
construction process instructions. Balsa wood used
with basswood for the majority of the structure
3- The conditions of flight: the maximum
because of its lower density (128.15kg/m3 vs.
height is assumed (50m) and should be noted
448.52 kg/m3) but complemented basswood rods that the MAV flies with lower height most of
in structurally critical positions for its strength time flying. The speed of cruise is 3-5 (m/s)
(60 MPa psi vs. 15.5 MPa). A carbon fiber rod
and it will be hand-launched at take-off and
takes in to account in preliminary design of
landing therefore there is no landing gear
wing ribs and spars for its high strength where
install to reduce the weight as could as
basswood would not have been sufficient. possible which means more equipment would
D. Power Calculation instill for extra missions. At landing produced
Raskom referred to the most important factor suitable area and used a skid land where land
in the equations of power which attach the design softly without distorted the aircraft.
of aircraft and we will assume that the aircraft at 4. Results And Discussions:
steady flight; then total Weight (W) equal to the Most aircraft will have some loiter
total Lift (L) and Thrust (T) equal to Drag (D) as requirement during the mission, like time of
in (1) and (2). loiter before landing, therefore, it is better to
W =L = ½ C L ρ S V2 … (12) optimize the wing loading (the ratio between the
D =T = ½ CD ρ S V2 … (13) weight of aircraft and wing area) for cruise.
Where:- MAV are generally expected to be launched by
CL is a (Wing Lift Coefficient), CD (Wing Drag hand and therefore winged versions have very
Coefficient), ρ (Density of Air), low wing loadings which must make them very
S (Wing Area), V (Aircraft speed). vulnerable to atmospheric turbulence. All types
So the power required for steady flight (P lev) are likely to have problems in precipitation. [1]
calculated from thrust (T) multiplied by velocity
(V) as in (7).
3 3/2
Plev=T*V= (CL/CD )(2ARg /ρ)1/2(m /b) … (14)

NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Khudair, et al., pp.363 - 369

Aerodynamic Analyses:
This scaled model will be powered by an
electrical motor. A research of a mutual in- flight
interference is also planned, and will correspond
to the case when a smaller (scaled) airplane enters
into the wake shed behind the full scale airplane,
because its light weight enough to raise the plane. CD
This motor was mounted with the fuselage at the
rearward because it can reduce aircraft skin FIG.(4a)
friction drag because the motor location allows
the aircraft to fly in undisturbed air and allow CL
a reduction in aircraft wetted area by shortening
the fuselage. The inflow caused by the propeller
allows a much steeper fuselage closure angle
without flow separation than otherwise possible.
[8] CD
Based on the size of the aircraft and the speeds
at which it would fly, we assumed that a high
lift, low Reynolds number, airfoil (many FIG.(4b)
respects, is the heart of the airplane) would be Figure 4: Relationship between Lift
chosen a cambered and it was NACA3212 so we coefficient (CL) & Drag coefficient
used Java foil software to get the analyses the (CD) from Java Foil
aerodynamic parameters of the airfoil as shown in
figures below which show the different between a. For the conventional Wing
the two designees. b. For the Tandem-Wing

CL NACA 3212

α Figure 5: Airfoil Shape

The airfoil affects the cruise speed,
takeoff and landing distance, stall speed,
handing qualities (especially near the stall), and
overall aerodynamic efficiency during all
CL phases of flight. [8]
The ideal plan form of a wing for minimum
induced drag is the elliptical plan form.[8] An
elliptical wing is very difficult to construct; a
α tapered wing, however, has similar drag
advantages while being far simpler to construct.
FIG.(3b) The straight lines wing mean that it is easily
constructed using balsa and glue.
The following tables show the estimate
Figure 3: Relationship between Lift coefficient dimension of our models:
(CL) & angle of attack (α) from Java Foil Table 1: the tandem Wing Dimensions
a. For the conventional Wing Reynolds Number 3018
b. For the Tandem-Wing Max. Lift Coefficient 1.04
Plan form Area for one wing 2
2400 mm
Root Chord 20 mm
Mean Aerodynamic Chord 20 mm
Aspect Ratio 6
Wingspan 120 mm
Total plan form Area 2
4800 mm
Wing loading (g/mm) 0.005

NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Khudair, et al., pp.363 - 369

Table 2: The Conventional Wing

Reynolds Number 5340
Max. Lift Coefficient 0.928
Total Plan form Area 2
4800 mm
Root Chord 40 mm
Mean Aerodynamic Chord 40 mm
Aspect Ratio 3
wingspan 120 mm
Wing loading (g/mm) 0.0025

Analyses of MAV design:

The software that help us to make
analyses for the two designees are Solid Works
which was used extensively to design the
aircraft to allow for easy modification of the
design then transmit the final design to anther
software, ANSYS that gives the analyses of
lift (force z), drag (force x), pressure
distribution, velocity of streamline. Figures
below show the different between two models.

Figure7: The comparison of Drag force

between the two models.

Figure 8: The comparison of Pressure

distribution between the two models.

Figure 6: The comparison of Lift force

between the two models.

NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Khudair, et al., pp.363 - 369

Figure 9: The comparison of The Velocity

between the two models.
To make the simulation for the two models
we used (J2 The j2 Universal Tool-Kit for Aircraft
Dynamics) software (j2 Aircraft Dynamics
develop flight modeling and analysis software for
use by engineers to support in the design and
development of any aircraft) .The j2 enables
aircraft Stability and Control, Handling Qualities
and even run the complete flight test program to
be assessed from the very beginning of a project. Figure 10: Shows the simulation of the two
This is achieved through the ability to take models by using J2 software.
even the smallest amount of data and start to “fly” 1. Conclusions
the aircraft. As such key issues can be discovered The main goal of MAV designs is to produce a
and corrected earlier on where the cost of changes small aircraft that it overcome all the
is much cheaper. J2 show that the two models complexity of its mission without any problem,
are accepted and stable at steady flight conditions. because it is not feasible , low cast, easy to
carry or replacement in case of lose it and it do
the seam mission of the large UAVS in less
time than the others. It has been quite successful
for useful missions that were previously deemed
impossible. Additionally, the Micro Air Vehicle
concept has opened the research Geat for many
new avenues of researches in the fields of
aerodynamics, propulsion, stability and control,
multidisciplinary design optimization,
microelectronics, and artificial intelligence. The
most important problem that faced the MAV is
flying with low Reynolds numbers and high lift
with avoid high drag, the tandem-wing design is
sucseceful for this purpose because it reduced the
drag to a half and gives good aerodynamic

NUCEJ Vol.91 No.2, 2016 Khudair, et al., pp.363 - 369

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