Air Data Probes

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The document discusses different types of air data probes including Pitot probes, Pitot-static probes, multi-function probes, and flight test booms. It also discusses capabilities for various applications.

Some of the different types discussed include Pitot probes, Pitot-static probes, multi-function probes, aerodynamically compensated Pitot-static probes, and flight test booms.

UTC Aerospace Systems offers a wide range of air data probes for different needs, and aims to become a single source for entire air data systems. They also offer state-of-the-art testing capabilities.

Air Data Probes

• Pitot probes
• Pitot-static probes
• Multi-function probes
• Flight test booms

U.S. Navy photo by Airman Angel G. Hilbrands

Image courtesy Boeing

Photo by Pilatus Aircraft Ltd.

Image courtesy Bombardier Inc.

Image courtesy Airbus

Air Data Probes

Model 0851 Pitot Probes Model 0850 / 0852 Pitot- Model 0855 Aerodynamically Model 0856 Aerodynamically
Static Probes Compensated Pitot-Static Compensated Fuselage Side-
Model 0851 Pitot probes are Probes Mounted Pitot-Static Probes
available in many custom Standard product Pitot-static
probes are available for boom- Boom style model 0855 Pitot- Model 0856 Pitot-static probes
configurations to meet interface
mounting on the fuselage nose, static probes are designed are L-shaped for mounting to
needs on a particular aircraft.
wing leading edge or fin leading for mounting on the fuselage the side of the aircraft fuselage
Models can be provided for
edge. Each probe provides nose, wing leading edge or and are aerodynamically
mounting on the fuselage
an output for Pitot and local fin leading edge. Each model compensated to correct for
side, tail fin, nose boom or
static pressure at the mounting 0855 is aerodynamically local static pressure errors
engine inlet. De-icing heaters
location. High repeatability compensated for a specific at that location. Each model
are provided for 28 VDC or
is guaranteed through aircraft and a specific mounting 0856 is customized for a
115 VAC. Qualified to FAA
aerodynamic testing of each location. Our engineers work specific application to provide
TSO-C16, AS 390 and AS 5562
unit prior to shipment. Model closely with each customer to one or two aerodynamically
icing requirements; MIL-STD
0850 has a 28 VDC heating determine the aerodynamic compensated static pressures.
also available. Shielded type
element and model 0852 has characteristics at the location of Our engineers work closely with
Pitot probes are available for
a 115 VAC heating element. interest and customize a probe each customer to determine
both flight test and production
Model 0850 / 0852 Pitot-static for that application. Each Pitot- the aerodynamic characteristics
applications. Sheilding allows
probes are used for flight test static probe typically provides at the location of interest and
the Pitot probe to retain high
applications and for subsonic one Pitot output and one customize a probe for that
accuracy to flow angles of ±50°.
and supersonic production use aerodynamically compensated location. Many different sizes
on military aircraft, unmanned static pressure output. Special and configurations are available
vehicles, helicopters and other configurations are available to meet the aerodynamic and
aircraft. providing multiple outputs of interface needs of a specific
either or both parameters. Either application. Either 28 VDC
28 VDC or 115 VAC de-icing or 115 VAC heaters can be
heaters can be provided. Typical provided. Typical qualifications
qualification specifications are include MIL-P-83206B and
found in MIL-P-83207B. Model FAA TSO-C16. Model 0856
0855 Pitot-static probes are Pitot-static probes are used
used on both subsonic and on all types of aircraft for both
supersonic military tactical and subsonic and supersonic military
trainer aircraft and unmanned and commercial applications,
vehicles. fixed and rotor wing.
Air Data Probes

Model 0857 Multi-Function Model 0858 Hemispherical Enhanced Anti-icing Flight Test Products
Probes Head Multi-Function Probes Capability
We offer a wide variety of
Model 0857 multi-function Model 0858 multi-function Accurate pressure measurement flight test air data probes.
probes are similar to model probes are available as standard in all environmental conditions For a Pitot measurement, the
0855 and model 0856 Pitot- products for boom mounting or is important to maintain shielded version of model 0851
static probes but have added fuselage side mounting. Either performance and safety. Pitot probe is favored for its
capability for pneumatic low 28 VDC or 115 VAC de-icing Aircraft certification minimum high accuracy at high local
angle measurement. Both boom heaters are available. When performance standards for flow angles and full de-icing
type and L-shaped versions used with our transducers, Pitot and Pitot-static probes capability. Model 0850 and 0852
are available with 28 VDC or model 0858 probes can now include severe ice crystal Pitot-static probes are available
115 VAC heaters. Model 0857 provide Pitot and local static conditions from SAE AS as standard products for
multi-function probes are used pressure, angle of attack and 5562, commonly referred measuring Pitot and local static
in conjunction with our pressure angle of sideslip from one to as Appendix D from FAR pressures. High repeatability
transducers to output Pitot probe. MIL-STD qualification 33. Patented air data probe allows calibration of these
pressure, aerodynamically is available on some versions. technology has been developed probes for use as a flight test
compensated static pressure Typical applications include flight to effectively manage all types reference. Model 0858 multi-
and local flow angle. Each test on all types of subsonic of moisture content without function probes allow pneumatic
model 0857 is customized to and supersonic vehicles and impacting sensing capability. measurement of Pitot, local
a specific application in the production use on military Total pressure can be sensed static, angle of attack and angle
same manner described for aircraft. throughout the flight envelope of sideslip for one probe. These
model 0855 and model 0856 without increasing power units can be used in subsonic
Pitot-static probes. Typical consumption or sacrificing and supersonic applications
qualification specifications are heater reliability. New fixed wing and are available with de-icing
found in MIL-P-83206B. Model platforms and those seeking heaters.
0857 multi-function probes increased robustness in icing
Also available is model 0092
are used on high performance conditions can greatly benefit
flight test boom which has a
military and transport type from this capability.
model 0850 / 0852 Pitot-static
probe mounted to a boom
with vanes for measuring angle
of attack and sideslip. Total
temperature measurement is
also available on the model 0092
product. These flight test booms
have seen use on all types of
Air Data Probes
UTC Aerospace Systems is continually expanding our Features & Benefits
air data measurement capabilities, becoming a single • Simplified system design
source for entire systems. We currently offer a wide range • Reduced weight and pneumatic lag
of products for pneumatic measurements of air data
• Ease of installation and replacement
parameters, each designed to meet a particular need,
• Improved accuracy and repeatability on all types of aircraft
including Pitot probes, Pitot-static probes, multi-function
probes with flow angle measurement, and various flight
test products. These products provide the capability to
optimally configure the air data system for any type of

State-of-the-Art Testing Capabilities

UTC Aerospace Systems has one of the most capable icing
wind tunnels in the world. Aerodynamic and icing testing is
essential to analyze the effectiveness of air data products. The
new icing wind tunnel allows UTC Aerospace Systems to meet
the new, stringent icing requirements for air data probes set forth
by the world’s aviation regulatory agencies. It offers significantly
increased capabilities, such as colder temperatures and higher
altitudes, and is capable of producing both solid ice particles
and supercooled liquid water droplets in high concentrations.
Extensive wind tunnel testing allows us to optimize the design for
performance throughout the flight envelope and environmental
conditions experienced in flight.

For additional information:

14300 Judicial Road, Burnsville, MN 55306 U.S.A.
Tel: +1 952 892 4000
[email protected]

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4080B LIT 6/2017 © Rosemount Aerospace Inc., 2017

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