1000 Pts Ork Army Green Tide

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1000 point ork green tide army

HQ- 60 warboss
25 power klaw
15 attack squig
5 eavy armor
10 cybork armor
5 boss pole
has slugga

120 points total

85 points weirdboy (warphead)

30 ork boyz w/ nob, boss pole and power klaw
30 ork boyz w/ nob, boss pole and power klaw
30 ork boyz w/ nob, boss pole and power klaw

660 points total

Fast attack-
135 pts 3 deft koptas w/ twinlinked rokkit launchers

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Warboss 5 2 5 5 3 4 4(5) 9 4(5*)
Weirdboy 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6
Ork boyz 4 2 3 4 1 2 2(3) 7 6
'nob 4 2 4 4 2 3 3(4) 7 6
Deft 4 2 3 4(5) 2 2 2 7 4

Warboss- slugga, choppa, stikkbombz (suffer no penalty for initiative when assulting into enimies
through cover), Independent character, furious charge( in the turn he assaulted, add 1 to thier
initiative and strength), Mob rule (can substitute the number of orks in the squad as their ld value
and anything more than 11 = fearless), Waaagh!(once per game not first turn, can declair a waaagh,
all orks have the fleet special rule of running d6 in shooting phase and also assaulting, if a 1 is
rolled a unit suffers 1 would able to be saved), power klaw treated as a power fist (initiative 1 but
attacks are double the strength also power weapon), attack squig adds +1 A to prfile as added,
cybork armour applies a 5+ invulnerable save, eavy armor give a 4+ armour save, boss pole, if a
leadership test is failed, inflict a wound on that unit and retake the moral test (saves allowed)

Weirdboy- Independent character, furious charge, mob rule, waaagh!, psyker (combined with mob
rule test of morale is 10 for psychic tests) Warphead (can reroll to see what psychic power is used)
At the beginning of each shooting phase the weirdboy must roll to see what psychic power he is
using. (if in combat all results of a 123 are considered having a power weapon for that turn) roll of a
1 is Eadbanger- place a small blast template on the boy since his mind is fried, resolve the hits as
the frazzle power, 2 is frazzle- enemy unit in line of sight, if in range automatically hit, Frazzle-
range 24", S 6 AP 3 Blast, pinning, 3 is Zzap- enemy unit in line of sight, auto hit, Zzap- Range
36" S 10 AP 2 melta, 4 is warpath- all orks in the boys unit benefit from +1 A till the next ork turn,
5 is ere we go- he and his unit teleport around the field, unit is deep striked onto the field and must
be done even if in close combat. 6 is waagh!- uses the waaagh special rule and does not use up the
normal waaagh available.
Ork boyz- furious charge, waaagh, mob rule, sluggas and choppas (add 1 A to profile for having 2
normal CC weapons) nob- boss pole and power klaw.
Deft koptas- choppa, twin linked rokkit launchers, JETBIKE rules, furious charge, mob rule, scouts,
hit and run

Name Range Strength AP Special

Slugga 12" 4 6 Pistol
Rokkit Launcha 24" 8 3 Assault 1

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