Venom Antivirus

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Volume 3, Issue 4, April – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Venom Antivirus
Paritosh Chavan, 2Ganesh Korgaonkar, 3Divyesh Gosavi, 4Siddhant Raut, 5Vijaya Sagvekar
Student Member, 5Assistant Professor

Abstract:- People use computers for all kind of activities: II. LITERATURE SURVEY
online gaming, shopping, entertainment, emails, face book,
study, research, etc. At the same time, the risk of infection Over the past years antiviruses has been acted very
by malicious programs in these computers is rising. The widely held but fixed. Venom antivirus has been designed in
main issue is that general users don't understand such a way which gives dynamic approach to the users. Some
what a virus is and how computers get infected. The main features like quarantine mode, file security, backup ,internet
objective of the virus blocker system project is security of security were not included previously Some antiviruses does
the managing the computer as well as mobile files. Our not provide free subscription for users. Previously antivirus
project aims at making the task of securing files easy from were too mainstream which gave a bounded approach to the
virus attacks. It blocks all viruses form existing system. user. Computer viruses are most critical area in computer
This is the best way for securing our college computers science. All computer users in the world are suffering from
rather than purchasing external antiviruses from market.. this threat. Viruses reproduce themselves and spread through
In the project we can secure data form viruses such as computer to computer as well as network to network. There
autorun, new folder, Trojan horse, logic bombs.. etc. are some antivirus software and some best practices to prevent
from computer viruses. As well as this literature review
Keywords:- Malicious software ,Internet, Operating System. contains the present situation of computer viruses, protection
from computer viruses and how new antivirus software
I. INTRODUCTION performs on computer viruses. Venom antivirus not only will
identify and clean the computer virus, but it’s also designed to
We're living in the age of technology. fight off other kinds of threats such as phishing attacks,
Computers are part of our lives. Antivirus software is designed worms, Trojan horses, rootkits and etc.. Our study consisted of
to prevent computer infections by detecting malicious two detection stages. The first stage, quarantine file, starts
software, commonly called malicious software, on your when the malicious software enters the system and ends before
computer and, when appropriate, removing the malicious its execution. In this stage, we quantified the AV
software and disinfecting the computer. Malicious software, software's effectiveness in preventing malicious
also referred to as samples in this book, can be classified into software execution. The other stage, is block or delete file
various kinds, namely, Trojans, viruses (infectors), rootkits, mode, this occurs when the software doesn 't detect
droppers, worms, and so on. We use them at home, school and malicious software but performs some malicious activities. In
work. Internet has spiked the usage of this technology since it this second stage, we recorded the software's responses
is an open window for knowledge, entertainment, and any consequences to the malicious software's
communication, e-business, etc. execution based on the software's log reports.

This technology also expanded to smart phones and III. PROJECT METHODOLOGY
tablet. Unfortunately, these devices (computers and smart
phones) are exposed to virus . Antivirus software is special When Venom catches a file to analyze, first it goes in
security software that aims to give better protection than that to a table of the known viruses in its definition database.
offered by the underlying operating system (such as Windows While the sign are not always matched to the viruses, if the
or Mac OS X). In most cases, it is used as a preventive file is not evaluated as a virus using the sign, then Venom
solution. However, when that fails, the AV software is used to checks the file using the Heuristic method and tries to estimate
disinfect the infected programs or to completely clean if the file is going to perform malicious activities after
malicious software from the operating system. AV software executing or not. After passing this step, the file will be
uses various techniques to identify malicious software, which marked as clean and is permitted to be executed. However,
often self-protects and hides deep in an operating system. immediately after the execution, the activities of the file are
Advanced malicious software may use undocumented monitored and if there is any suspicious activity performed on
operating system functionality and obscure techniques in order the system (such as filling the RAM or doing especial
to persist and avoid being detected. modifications the system registry), the process will be isolated
and terminated. To Implement the project we will be using
Visual Studio 2010 for GUI and Microsoft server management
as a database for the keywords of existing viruses. For the
dynamic and user friendly GUI we will be using Metro UI

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Volume 3, Issue 4, April – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
framework. The hardware requirement for our software are VI. FLOWCHART
very basic which includes HDD/SDD 250GB,minimum i3
processor for smooth functionalities.


Fig 2:- Flow Chart of Anti-virus

This flowchart shows how venom antivirus check

whether the virus is present in cache or nor and if the virus is
not present then it is added to queue and is further scan and if
it is harmful virus then its alert the user regarding it and then
the user decides whether he/she wants to delete the file or not.
Fig 1:- Block diagram of antivirus
Hence ,we conclude that Taking into account the
Using Metro UI framework, a GUI based windows
upgradation of technology of the venom antivirus, we come to
application is coded. The viruses are preloaded in to the
a conclusion that the Venom Antivirus is most certainly a
application database so if it is identified in future it can be
definite necessity for protecting the computer for harmful
deleted and the viruses in database are updated each interval
viruses , scope up with the advancement in technology and
of time.
save the important data of the user.

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Volume 3, Issue 4, April – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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