Running Head: Source of Morality
Running Head: Source of Morality
Running Head: Source of Morality
Lindsay G. Aiken
is the basis for our civil codes and also our general treatment towards other
human and nonhuman beings. Morality is what halts humanity from tipping
over the precipice into anarchy. With this importance in mind, it is easy to
behind morality. This search spans across the topics of psychology, culture, and
even religion. Even though people are looking in many different places and
fields, they are all aiming to answer the same questions: What is the source(s) of
Euthyphro’s Dilemma
Between 1509 and 1511, Plato created an ancient dialogue between the
piousness. In this fictional dialogue, Socrates questions, “Is the pious loved by
At the center of this layered question that Plato has created is one simple
simply coexist with it? Throughout this paper this concept will be explored in
What is Morality?
right and wrong conduct” (The Nature of…). There is a common misconception
in the public between morality and ethics. When people hear “ethics” they
Morals are the standards of behavior that we use in order to keep our
“right” and “wrong” behavior and while what is “right” and what is “wrong” may
fluctuate over time based on what morals are being enforced, the concepts
One of the best examples of how standards for morality has changed are
the morals surrounding premarital sex. Back in 1969, the Gallup poll recorded
sixty-eight percent of people believing it wrong for a man and woman to have
sexual relations before marriage. However, by 2011, the most recent Gallup poll,
sixty percent of people believe that it is okay to have sexual relations before
marriage (Americans’ views, 13). Morals surrounding premarital sex still exist,
within five stages. Stage one is when right and wrong is only associated with
good and bad. Children move into stage two when right and wrong are
determined by what others tell them. In stage three the child begins to adopt
their family’s moral values. Stage four marks when the child begins to question
what they have been told and figure out their standings on moral issues.
Finally, in stage five, the teen starts to care more about the morals of their peer
group and the world at large than their immediate family (Bretzinger et al.) This
theory of moral development supports the argument that morals are not
Makes Things, 2018). This list of possible sources does little to narrow anything
Another website, again supported by the University of San Diego, did not
disagree with the above source, but it gave names to every potential source of
(Grahm et al., 2016). One example of a cultural divide in morals is that the
western culture conceptualizes immoral acts a harmful acts, while the Chinese
their morals through selfishly considering what is right for them (Ethical
egoism, 2018). This theory helps explain why humans are sometimes able to
shift their moral standing if it benefits them or someone close to them without
much inner turmoil and suggests that morality is then tied closely with survival
the will of God (Divine command, 2018). Those who believe in this theory would
have easily been able to answer Euthyphro’s Dilemma. Under this theory
religion and morality are directly correlated and morality is entirely dependent
Virtue Ethics theorizes that morality stems from virtues such as courage,
of ethics have largely overlooked women’s perspective and those who believe in
Utilitarianism theorists believe that the most moral choice to make is the
Utilitarianism fits in very well in a democratic society as they believe that the
people behave. Immanuel Kant, the theory’s creator, believed the only true good
was good-will but other actions can be considered “good” if they are performed
their power and “goodness” from contract or mutual agreement (Cudd &
structure responsible for moral decisions, or, in other words, a moral center of
the brain. However, it would not due to declare brain structures working
“finding the uniquely moral brain would mean finding brain regions
that are not only dedicated exclusively to moral cognition but also
dedicated to all of moral cognition, across diverse moral contexts
(e.g., harm, fairness, loyalty, respect, purity). In other words, the
moral brain would have to manage only moral judgments and all
moral judgments” (Young & Dungan, 2012).
Current studies have not been able to isolate one part of the brain
responsible for only and all moral decisions. Actually, they are closer to
genuinely ruling out the “moral brain” theory altogether based on the findings
What researchers have found is that there are many components to the
process of the brain processing moral dilemmas and coming to make moral
decisions. The two biggest components are parts of the brain that deals with
study was able to discover that after being questioned with a moral scenario,
subjects were seen to be using two main structures of the brain to come to their
associated with risk, fear, and decision making. It is hypothesized that because
the VMPC is an area of the brain associated with emotional processing that it
while other parts of the brain consider the logistics of the decisions (Young &
Dungan, 2012).
moral judgment,” is located between the temporal and parietal lobes and is
cues (Young & Dungan, 2012). When, perhaps, attempting to determine the
morality of a decision someone else made, the RTPJ would assist in seeing the
situation from their point of view and from the point of view of the people that
decision effected. Essentially, it allows you to see and judge the decision within
Another brain structure that was found to be active during all moral
decisions using fMRI scans was the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (DMPFC). The
brain natural to human kind. Therefore, this research supports the argument
that morality is not a natural part of the human experience and, instead, has
been created and fine-tuned over time in order to bring order to civilized life on
around both the concept of Euthyphro’s Dilemma and the Divine Command
Theory. For the purposes of this review it boils down to the question of if religion
Those that believe that religion created morality argue that without God,
moral values would not exist and the fact that moral values and concepts do
exist is just proof that God does exist. They believe that God and religion are the
basis that moral values are calibrated on and therefore Religion must have come
It would logically follow then that religious people are instantly more
Emily Underwood which conclude that “Religious and nonreligious people are
counter this evidence by claiming nonreligious people are equally moral only
because religious people dominate the culture and set the moral standards for
phenomenon called the God Effect. In a study done testing levels of morality
regarding money, one group of people were primed with religious words in
nonreligious contexts and the second group was not. It was found that the first
group was more likely to be more generous/moral. It can be inferred from this
that religion can have an effect on morality, even if it is proven not to be the
words against a group primed with legal words. Again, neither the religious or
legal words were used in their respective contexts. The study found that the
“legal institutions effect” was equally as effective as the “God Effect.” It was even
found that the presence of a “picture of two eyes on the wall” was found to
It can be inferred from these findings that effectiveness of the God Effect,
Legal Institutions Effect, and the eyes was due to the participants being
reminded that they either A) belonged to a group that has standards and/or B)
the most likely source of morality is the culture and environment that one is
raised in. Where and in what environment a child is raised (aka. Cultural
Relativism Theory) was the only variable which predicted variations in morality
The source is not a physiological brain structure as the fMRI scans were
experiments were able to show that religious and nonreligious people are
Research List
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