Weinstein Coating Flows

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The article focuses on examining common fluid mechanical components (flow elements) that comprise coating processes. It reviews elements such as boundary layer flow, dynamic wetting, withdrawal from a pool, die flow, flow on an incline, and liquid curtain flow.

The article focuses on examining coating flows that are utilized in coating processes and incidental flows that occur after coating and before immobilization. It aims to provide physical insights and mathematical models that can benefit design and practice of coating processes.

Common flow elements examined in the article include boundary layer flow, dynamic wetting line, withdrawal from a pool, flow metered by a narrow channel, die flow, flow on an incline, freely falling liquid curtain, and flow after coating.

Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 2004. 36:2953 doi: 10.1146/annurev.uid.36.050802.122049 Copyright c 2004 by Annual Reviews.

All rights reserved

Steven J. Weinstein and Kenneth J. Ruschak
Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York 14652-3703; email: [email protected], [email protected]

Key Words liquid lms, coating dies, liquid curtains, dynamic wetting, coating methods s Abstract Coating is the process of applying thin liquid layers to a substrate, often a moving web. Complex coating processes can be approached through examination of their uid mechanical components. The ow elements reviewed in this article include the boundary layer along a moving wall, the dynamic wetting line, withdrawal from a pool, ow metered by a narrow channel, die ow, ow on an incline, the freely falling liquid curtain, premetered coating with a small gap, and ow after coating. Although some ow elements are well studied and understood, others require additional investigation. Genuinely predictive modeling of complex coating processes is not yet possible and coating practice remains largely empirical. Nonetheless, coating science is sufciently advanced that physical insights and mathematical models greatly benet design and practice.

Coating is the process by which thin liquid layers are formed and applied to a solid surface. Coating ows are the ows utilized in coating processes and also include the incidental ows that occur after coating and before immobilization. This article focuses on the continuous coating of wide webs, which gives rise to ideally twodimensional, steady laminar ows. As discussed in an earlier review by Ruschak (1985), coating processes may be broadly classied as self-metered or premetered (Figure 1). In self-metered ow, the liquid properties, web speed, and geometry combine to determine the thickness of the coated lm. Self-metered methods include dip, roll, and blade coating (Figure 1a,b,c). In premetered coating processes, direct setting of the ow rate determines the thickness of the coated lm independently of these parameters. Premetered methods require a precision liquid delivery system and a die for widthwise distribution. These methods include slot coating, slide coating, and curtain coating (Figure 1c,d,e). A genuinely predictive analysis of a realistic coating process is generally not possible, and the number of coating methods is extensive. It is therefore advantageous to examine the uid mechanical components (ow elements) comprising







coating processes and then combine this knowledge for applications. The knowledge of interest includes achievable coating thickness and uniformity, attainable speed, rheological requirements, and tolerable levels for ow perturbations. A specic coating process may be viewed as an optimization among its component ow elements to achieve specied objectives. In this review, we examine common ow elements, many of which are illustrated in Figure 1. The ow of a thin lm of gradually varying thickness, common to many elements, is considered rst. The boundary layer along a moving wall affects the position of the dynamic wetting line (Figure 1e), which can, in turn, greatly affect dynamic wetting and coating speed. Self-metered ow elements include withdrawal from a pool, used as a direct coating method (Figure 1a) or a feed (Figure 1b). A narrow channel often serves as a metering ow element and is found in roll coating (Figure 1b) and blade coating (Figure 1c). Premetered coating methods use coating dies (Figure 1c,d,e) to distribute liquid widthwise to form nearly uniform sheets; their design is complicated by rheological and mechanical constraints. In the simultaneous coating of multiple layers, ow along the inclined, external surfaces of the die, called the slides (Figure 1d,e), may develop waves that can degrade coating uniformity (Figure 1e). Curtains, freely falling liquid sheets (Figure 1e), are central to the curtain coating method. Relevant issues are curtain integrity and the response of the curtain to ambient perturbations that threaten uniform coating. Another important ow element is premetered coating with a small gap and a liquid bridge or bead spanning the gap (Figure 1c,d). Of importance is the ability of the interfaces bounding the bead to bridge the gap between the coating die and the web, as this is a necessary condition for uniform coating. Immediately after coating and prior to immobilization, liquid may redistribute. Flow after coating encompasses incidental ow due to ambient perturbations, inclination of the web, and an uneven web surface. Given the broad area encompassed by coating and limited space, our review selectively cites the literature illuminating common ow elements with emphasis on recent contributions. We present many results for shear-thinning liquids to emphasize their prevalence in coating processes. We do not examine viscoelastic liquids, which typically make the coating of a uniform layer more difcult and lack broadly applicable constitutive equations that enable generalizing results. We do not examine specic coating processes and their practical range of operation; the reader is referred to books by Kistler & Schweizer (1997), Walter (1993), and Lehtinen (2000), as well as the patent literature, for this information. Figure 1 Coating methods and their ow elements. (a) Self-metered dip coating; (b) self-metered roll coating; (c) premetered slot coating, followed by self-metered blade coating; (d) premetered slide coating; (e) premetered curtain coating, with expanded views of a slide delivery ow with waves, the dynamic wetting line, the dynamic contact angle, , and the boundary layer along a moving web with length Lb.





The ow of thin lms adjacent to walls is common to several ow elements, and so we address it separately. In regions of a coating process, it is often the case that lm thickness changes gradually. Inertia may be neglected for small values of the modied Reynolds number, the product of the usual Reynolds number and the aspect ratio. Thus, when a small aspect ratio is imposed by walls, such as rollers and doctoring blades, classical lubrication theory applies (Cameron 1976, Dowson & Higginson 1977). By contrast, the aspect ratio is not always anticipated in a free-surface ow, and often the modied Reynolds number is not small. As a result, inertia must be included, and a boundary-layer form of the momentum equation (Levich 1962, Schlichting 1979) is required. In general, the boundary-layer equations for thin-lm ows generate formidable free-surface problems. Similarity transforms of free-surface ows are available only in special cases (Rosenhead 1940, Watson 1964, Ruschak 1974). In cases of steady ow without recirculation, the von Mises transformation can map the ow domain into a rectangular strip and give the momentum equation the form of a heat transfer equation (Schlichting 1979, Ruschak & Weinstein 2001). Aside from these special cases, more direct numerical techniques must be employed. The von K rm n-Polhausen method offers a simplied approach to solving a a boundary-layer equations approximately. An assumed velocity prole is inserted into an integral form of the momentum equation (Schlichting 1979). The result is a nonlinear ordinary differential equation for the lm thickness (Kheshgi et al. 1992) that we refer to as a lm equation. This averaging approach is practical because predictions of the lm equation are often not sensitive to the assumed velocity proles (Andersson 1987). A natural choice for the velocity prole for Newtonian ow is a half-parabola, as this is the exact prole for fully developed ow on a at wall. Furthermore, when inertia is negligible, steady lm equations reduce to those obtained by lubrication theory (Levich 1962) for which a parabolic prole is asymptotically correct. When predicted interface shapes have small slopes, lm equations generally lead to results accurate enough for most purposes (Kheshgi 1989, Ruschak & Weinstein 2003). We now consider a lm equation valid for a power-law liquid on a at wall moving at speed S in the direction x at an angle to the horizontal, where 0 < < indicates motion against gravity, g. The location of the air-liquid interface is represented as y = h(x), where y measures the distance across the lm, x is the distance along the wall, and the limiting lm thickness downstream is h. The viscosity of the liquid is expressed as = m n1 , where m is the consistency, n is the power-law exponent, and is the magnitude of the rate of strain. The liquid has density, , and the air/liquid interface has surface tension, . A velocity eld, vx , that is consistent with the fully developed ow downstream and reduces to a parabolic prole for the Newtonian case (n = 1), is vx = (1 + 2n) (q Sh) y 1 1 (1 + n) h h

+ S,




where q is the volumetric ow rate per unit width. Inserting Equation 1 into the integral form of the momentum equations simplied for small slope, we obtain the following lm equation: (ah 2 S 2 bq 2 + gh 3 cos ) dh = gh 3 sin cmh 22n (q Sh)|q Sh|n1 dx + h3 (2a) x b= 2(1 + 2n) , (2 + 3n) c= 1 + 2n n

2h , x2


n , (2 + 3n)


With = m(S/h)n as a characteristic viscosity of the liquid, the dimensionless groups that arise are the Reynolds number, Re = Sh/ , the capillary number, Ca = S/ , and the gravitational number, = gh2/ S. In practice, the lm Equation 2 applies for large surface tension (Ca 1) or large inertia (Re 1); creeping ows with Ca 1 typically have large slopes and the lm equations fail. The aspect ratio of the lm can be related to either Re or Ca, depending on whether surface tension or inertia dominates. As Ca 0, the aspect ratio is = Ca1/3 , and all gravitational and inertial terms are lost from the lm equation. For lm formation in this case, the lm equation connects to an effectively static meniscus upstream that has a radius of curvature, R, at the location where the meniscus appears to be tangent to the moving wall. A relationship between h and R is given by h = [K (n)R]3/(2n+1) m Sn

K (n) = 2.553e0.65n ,


consistent with the result of Gutnger & Tallmadge (1965); the empirical function K in Equation 3 has been tted to numerical results. The Newtonian counterpart of Equation 3 is the classical Landau-Levich equation (Levich 1962), which follows from Equation 3 when n = 1 (K = 1.34), and m = , where is the viscosity. Equation 3 indicates that reducing R by conning the meniscus between closely spaced walls leads to thinner coatings. Low-speed coating processes can be viewed as different ways to control meniscus curvature. Experiments for Newtonian liquids indicate that Equation 3 is valid for Ca < 0.01. In computations, using the complete expression for curvature, , instead of the linearized approximation in Equation 2, provides a smooth transition to the nearly hydrostatic region as h . Although the original boundary-layer system neglects O(2) terms, suggesting a linearized form for as given in Equation 2b, this approach retains terms that are essential to either the thin-lm region or the static region to obtain a composite equation accommodating both regions. The composite equation is effective, provided that the dynamic terms become small while the slope of the interface is small, i.e., before the static region is reached. An alternative is to solve a singular perturbation problem that is often formidable (Ruschak 1974, Wilson 1982) and more limited in range. The approach of retaining




terms in lm equations signicant in different regions of ow, even when not uniformly asymptotically justied, has successfully predicted complete interface proles in a variety of congurations (Ruschak 1978, Kheshgi et. al. 1992, Ruschak & Weinstein 1999). At Re 1, the aspect ratio of the lm is = 1/Re, and the surface-tension term in Equation 2a is of order 1/(Re3Ca). As a result, Equation 2a reduces to a rst-order nonlinear equation of the form dh/dx = N(h)/D(h). Film equations of this form can exhibit a singularity where D(h) = 0, called a critical point. Examining wave motion reveals a second-order hyperbolic structure, and D(h) = 0 corresponds to a transition from subcritical (waves can move in the upstream and downstream directions) to supercritical (waves move downstream only) ow (Weinstein & Ruschak 2001). In circumstances where a lm thins in the direction of ow and changes from subcritical to supercritical, N(h) can be adjusted to eliminate the singularity at D(h) = 0 by choice of lm thickness at the critical point. In this case, the critical point has both an upstream and downstream inuence on the lm prole. The resulting solution for h(x) is continuous at all orders. Such structures occur in dip-coating ows (Cerro & Scriven 1980, Weinstein & Ruschak 2001), weir ows (Ruschak & Weinstein 1999), and open-channel ows (Dressler 1949). They also arise in inviscid curtain ows, but these involve surface tension (Finnicum et al. 1993, Weinstein et al. 1997). In congurations where the lm thickens in the direction of ow and D(h) = 0 in the ow domain, a lm equation using a self-similar velocity prole (i.e., a prole of xed shape but variable magnitude), such as Equation 1, fails. The critical point cannot exert an inuence on the upstream supercritical region, and N(h) cannot be adjusted to eliminate the singularity. Under such circumstances, a higher-order velocity prole, such as a third-order polynomial in the case of a Newtonian liquid, must be employed (Bohr et al. 1997, Ruschak & Weinstein 2001). A more general prole adds dispersive behavior to the wave equation and enables limited upstream inuence of the critical point. Although the limit of negligible surface tension removes the highest derivative in Equation 2, the resulting solution is uniformly valid even in the vicinity of the critical point (Weinstein & Ruschak 1999).


Laminar boundary layers arise from the entrainment of air or liquid by a moving wall and inuence the operating ranges of coating processes. These boundary layers are different from those arising in the classical theory (Schlichting 1979) along stationary or moving plates with a leading edge and are called Sakiadis boundary layers (Sakiadis 1961a,b). Although the boundary-layer equation is the same as in the classical case, the boundary conditions differ. In coating processes, boundary layers in the liquid start at the dynamic wetting line and grow along the web (Figure 1e). An air boundary layer can disturb the coating process where the air is displaced by the liquid in the vicinity of the dynamic wetting line. We focus here on an important length, the distance from the wetting line to where all



metered liquid is entrained and the lm begins to relax toward its nal thickness. A von K rm n-Polhausen approximation can be used to estimate this length. a a Fox et al. (1969) performed such an analysis for a power-law liquid using for the velocity prole a piecewise fourth-order polynomial tending to zero far from the wall. Here we consider that the velocity far from the wall, S, is not zero, and generalize the analysis of Blake et al. (1994) using a velocity prole of the form vx = (S S) 1 1 y (x)

+ S, y (x);

vx = S , y > (x), (4)

where (x) is the boundary layer thickness. Inserting this prole into the integral boundary layer equation yields an expression for the boundary-layer length, Lb, (Figure 1e): Lb S = q n(1 + 2n) (1 + n)(n + (n + 1)) q n , m S 2n2 =

1 + 2n + (1 + n) (2 + 3n)(1 + 2n)(1 )n1 (5)

S . S

The result of Blake et al. (1994) is recovered in the Newtonian limit. The velocity proles obtained by numerically solving the Sakiadis boundary layer equations have been experimentally veried under both laminar and turbulent conditions for Newtonian liquids (Tsou et al. 1967). The stability of the Newtonian Sakiadis boundary layer has been examined by a classical Orr-Sommerfeld analysis (Tsou et al. 1966). The Sakiadis boundary layer is more stable than its conventional Blasius counterpart, and its small length in typical coating ows assures stability.


Dynamic wetting is central to the coating process primarily because coating speed is limited by a maximum speed of wetting and air entrainment (Kistler & Schweizer 1997). Nonetheless, its physics is still debated, and genuinely predictive models remain elusive. The classical equations of hydrodynamics have no solution if a dynamic wetting line (Figure 1e) is present. Ostensibly, a contact angle (i.e., in Figure 1e) has to be supplied as a boundary condition as part of a wellposed equation set just as in capillary statics. However, experiments show that the observable contact angle varies with material properties, speed, and in general the details of the ow eld. It is not surprising that most coating-ow simulations circumvent the issue. Hansen & Toong (1971) rst proposed that the contact angle is the staticadvancing contact angle and that hydrodynamic bending of the interface at microscopic distances from the wetting line gives rise to the visible speed-dependent




contact angle. A well-posed set of equations is usually obtained by replacing the no-slip boundary condition at the wall with a slip condition, often the Navier condition that slip is proportional to shear stress. Asymptotic formulas relating the actual and observable contact angles are available over the entire range of Reynolds numbers for a Newtonian liquid for capillary numbers less than about 0.1 and for a slip length that is small compared to the characteristic ow dimension (Cox 1998). What sets the slip length is not denite, but the hydrodynamic bending and the observable contact angle increase as slip length decreases. Often, the slip length is determined by tting contact-angle data. However, Shen & Ruth (1998) t the model to their measurements of meniscus shape in the range of 5200 microns from the wetting line, and they found that the speed dependence of the contact angle was largely attributable to variation of the actual angle. Voinov (1994) extended hydrodynamic theory to a shear-thinning liquid by estimating a local shear rate and apparent Newtonian viscosity. Molecular kinetic theory treats the dynamic contact angle as an irreversible rate process. Inherent in this approach is the view that the observable contact angle is the actual contact angle and that it varies with speed. The theory supplies a contact angle but does not directly lead to well-posed hydrodynamics. Recently, this model was extended to take specic account of solid-liquid interactions (Blake & De Coninck 2002). The modied theory can account for experimental results showing that the maximum speed of wetting attains a maximum value at some intermediate value of the static contact angle. Increasingly sophisticated simulations of molecular dynamics provide strong support for molecular-kinetic theory (de Ruijter et al. 1999). Shikhmurzaev (1996, 1997) proposed a substantial alteration of the classical boundary conditions of hydrodynamics that conceptually is a middle ground between the hydrodynamic and molecular kinetics approaches. The interfaces are considered to be thin uid phases with equations of state relating, in the simplest case, surface pressure to surface mass density. The liquid-air interface moves through the wetting line to the liquid-solid interface, and its properties change to new equilibrium values over a relaxation time. The relaxation process leads to gradients in surface pressure that cause shearing of the interfaces and apparent slip of the bulk liquid at the wall. The resulting boundary condition is the Navier slip condition augmented with a term for the surface pressure gradient. Additionally, a force balance at the wetting line leads to a dynamic Youngs equation and a speed-dependent dynamic contact angle because of the departure of the surface pressures from their equilibrium values. An attractive feature of this model is that interface formation gives rise to both apparent slip and a speed-dependent contact angle. A clear disadvantage is the large number of physical parameters required to model the interfaces even in the simplest case. The lack of information about these parameters does not allow direct comparison with experiments, but data for the dynamic contact angle can be represented using plausible values (Blake & Shikhmurzaev 2002). For macroscopic ows at low Ca, there is experimentally a maximum speed of wetting that is independent of the hydrodynamics (Petrov & Sedev 1985, Cohu &



Benkreira 1998a, Benkreira & Cohu 1998). The relevant wetting-line speed is the component of the wall speed normal to the wetting line. When wall speed exceeds the maximum speed, the wetting line breaks into straight segments that are angled to the wall velocity such that the maximum speed is not exceeded. Cylindrical air tubes extending in the direction of wall velocity may develop at downstream vertices, and these may break into air bubbles through surface tension driven instability (Simpkins & Kuck 2000). The maximum speed increases with increasing surface tension and decreasing viscosity. For shear-thinning liquids, the apparent viscosity is relevant, although the applicable shear rate is not denite (Ghannam & Esmail 1997, Cohu & Benkreira 1998b). Practitioners of the coating art know that the air-entrainment speed depends not only on the materials but also on the coating method and its parameters, but documentation of this knowledge in scientic literature has been scant. Some results are available for curtain coating, where parameters including the ow rate, curtain impingement speed, and angle inuence the dynamic contact angle and the air entrainment speed (Blake et al. 1994, Blake et al. 1999, Clarke 2002). For example, air-entrainment speed increases roughly linearly with impingement speed, and the term hydrodynamic assist was introduced to emphasize that the ow can be manipulated to increase speed. Wilson et al. (1999) showed that the hydrodynamic model with invariant actual contact angle cannot account for this data. Blake et al. (1994) showed that the highest speeds correspond to a wettingline position directly beneath the curtain. More specically, the distance of the wetting line from the downstream surface of the curtain divided by the projected width of the curtain on the moving wall, termed the relative wetting-line position, is optimally about 0.7. The relative wetting-line position may be computed from the boundary-layer length, Lb, given by Equation 5. The relative wetting-line position can account for why, contrary to expectations from experiments with solid surfaces plunging into liquids, air-entrainment speed may not increase in curtain coating when viscosity is lowered. Clarke (2002) also reported a synergy involving high viscosity, high impingement speed, and average peak-to-peak wall roughness, Rz, in the range 212 microns. To inuence dynamic wetting, the ow must presumably be altered on a length scale comparable to that of the region near the wetting line where nonclassical hydrodynamics operates, and so the small scale of the impingement zone in curtain coating, about 100 microns, may be crucial. For models of dynamic wetting to be generally applicable, the customary restrictions to small capillary number and to ows with a characteristic dimension much larger than the region of nonclassical slip hydrodynamics may have to be dropped.


Withdrawal from a pool is used to form coatings directly as in dip coating (Figure 1a) or to supply liquid to a downstream element as in roll coating




(Figure 1b). Kistler & Schweizer (1997) review the dip coating of at surfaces, primarily for Newtonian liquids. At small capillary number, Equation 3 applies to dip coating. The radius of curvature of the interface, R, is determined by the essentially static meniscus as it approaches the moving wall, and the thickness of the entrained lm from a large pool follows as (Levich 1962, Gutnger & Tallmadge 1965) h = K (n)2 2g(1 cos )

m Sn



where the notation is dened above. Films thinner than that given by Equation 6 may be achieved by reducing the radius of curvature of the meniscus by obstructing the pool (Deryagin & Levi 1964, Kheshgi et al. 1992). The Newtonian case of Equation 6 has been veried in many experiments (Groenveld 1970, Kitzio et al. 1999), which indicate the range Ca .01 when inertia is negligible. Conversely, experimental results have not agreed with the general power-law result, Equation 6, that overpredicts coating thicknesses (for a review, see Dutta & Mashelkar 1982). The cause of this disparity has yet to be determined but does not appear to be a deciency of the power-law constitutive equation at low shear (Hildebrand & Tallmadge 1968, Spiers et al. 1975). Under conditions of moderate Re but low Ca, lm equations may be used to couple the viscous lm region with a static meniscus (Keshgi et al. 1992) as discussed 1, surface tension effects are negligible, and above. However, when 1/(Re3Ca) a critical point arises in the lm Equation 2. Removing this singularity sets the volumetric ow rate in the lm and therefore determines the nal lm thickness, h. For the case of vertical withdrawal ( = /2), the volumetric ow rate is given by q= e1/2 1 2e1/(2n)

m S 2n+1 g



2(1 + 2n) , n


and h is the asymptotic solution of Equation 2 h = C(n) m Sn g , C(n) = 1.39n .63 , 1 + 1.22n .63 (7b)

where C(n) is an empirical representation of numerical results. Cerro & Scriven (1980) derived Equation 7b for the vertical withdrawal of a Newtonian liquid with C = 0.63. Extensive experimentation for vertical withdrawal yields C = 0.67 0.02 (for example, Van Rossum 1958, Groenveld 1970, Kitzio et al. 1999), but there are no results for shear-thinning liquids. Weinstein & Ruschak (2001) generalized Equation 7 for a nonvertical web for a Newtonian liquid but, again, there are no experimental results for comparison. The low Ca and high Re limits discussed above provide asymptotes to the experimental lm thickness data for Newtonian liquids for the case of vertical withdrawal (Kitzio et al. 1999). Numerical solution of the complete equation set is required to predict h under intermediate conditions (Reglat et al. 1993).



Narrow Channel
In coating methods including roll (Figure 1b) and blade coating (Figure 1c), narrow channels are employed to form a liquid layer and control its thickness. The thickness of the coated lm is comparable to the minimum gap, and consequently tight mechanical tolerances are required to create a thin lm. A precision gap may be set, but the thinnest lms result when one wall is pressed against the other with hydrodynamic forces maintaining a slight separation (Cohu & Magnin 1997, Carvalho & Scriven 1997). In this latter case, at least one of the channel walls must be a compliant member, such as an elastomer-covered roller or a exible blade. Kistler & Schweizer (1997) and Lehtinen (2000) provide reviews of roll and blade coating. The ow in a slowly varying channel can be analyzed using the lubrication approximation. Usually there is a boundary condition on pressure at each end to determine the pressure level and ow rate. When a lm-forming meniscus is present, an additional boundary condition is required to determine its position, namely the pressure gradient in the lubrication ow at the meniscus. This pressure gradient is also crucial to the ribbing instability discussed below. The difculty inherent in using the lubrication approximation is providing this boundary condition because the lubrication ow in the channel does not determine the meniscus position or how the ow divides in the case of two lms (Gaskell et al. 1998a). The boundary conditions can be determined by analyzing the two-dimensional ow in the proximity of the meniscus considering the channel walls parallel (Ruschak 1982, Coyle et al. 1986) or diverging (Halpern & Jensen 2002). However, at small capillary number, the required boundary conditions can be derived from the Landau-Levich lm-forming Equation 3 (Ruschak 1991, Gaskell et al. 2001). In this situation, surface tension dominates the shape of the central portion of the meniscus, and the inuence of the two-dimensional ow away from the lm-forming zones adjacent to the walls is inconsequential. Forward roll coating is used to coat lms directly or to feed a subsequent metering element such as a blade. The channel walls move in the same direction with speeds S1 for the applicator roll bringing in the liquid and S2 for the backing roll supporting the web; the ow divides to form lms of thickness d1 and d2 (Figure 2). At low capillary number, the same meniscus radius of curvature, R, is imposed on both lms in the Landau-Levich Equation 3, and it follows that the ow splits according to d2 /d1 = (S2 /S1 )2n/(1+2n) . This result agrees with Gaskell et al.s (1998b) experimental results in the Newtonian case. With the nip ooded upstream (i.e., the ow rate supplied greatly exceeds that through the nip), the lm-forming meniscus remains downstream of the nip and the ow rate is approximately that for totally submerged rollers; this situation is therefore suited to metering ow. If metering is not the main objective and the feed to the nip is restricted, thinner lms can be formed. An upstream meniscus appears, and a liquid bridge or bead spans the gap between the rollers (as shown in Figure 1b and Figure 2). As the speed of the backing roller S2 increases with the speed of the applicator roller S1 xed (and hence the ow rate supplied), the upstream meniscus can pass through the nip and




Figure 2 Enlarged schematic of the narrow channel region of Figure 1b in forward roll coating.

remain stable over a small range of speeds (Gaskell et al. 1998b). In this diverging channel, surface tension becomes destabilizing and the bead can break. Gaskell et al. (2001) modeled the steady state and its linear stability, nding a limit point of the steady solutions where the ow becomes unstable. Their predictions for the positions of the menisci and loss of stability agree with experimental measurements. Gaskell et al. (1998a) and Thompson et al. (2001) obtained similar results for reverse roll coating (S1 > 0 and S2 < 0). Forward roll coating is prone to the classic ribbing instability in which the lm thickness becomes spatially periodic transverse to the coating direction (see photographs by Soules et al. 1988). The instability arises because the positive pressure gradient in a channel with diverging walls is destabilizing (Savage 1992). Surface tension is stabilizing, so lms formed at sufciently small capillary number are uniform. The onset of ribbing can be predicted from a standard linear stability analysis (Coyle 1990, Carter & Savage 1987). Gurnkel Castillo & Patera (1997) solved the full nonlinear equation set numerically for the steady ribbed state. Experiments show that as speed increases, the ribs become unsteady and ultimately spatter and spray occur (Adachi et al. 1988). In blade coating (Figure 1c), a exible blade is pressed against a backing roller with an elastomeric cover to control coat weight. The blade offers the advantage that a divergent channel and the associated ribbing instability can be avoided. Boundary conditions for the lubrication ow are straightforward because a single lm forms at the blade tip. Bouseld et al. (1998) modeled blade coating and found that a softer cover increases the force on the blade needed to obtain the same coat weight. The cover forms a shoulder near the toe of the blade, and increasing deformation leads to no solution and the expectation of a resulting lower limit to coat weight. Metering and lm formation by narrow channels is substantially complicated if the web is porous, as is, for example, a paper web. A signicant contribution to coat weight arises through the instantaneous lling of surface roughness and surface pores, evidenced by a minimum coat weight as blade loading is increased (Kuzmak 1986). Capillary pressure draws in liquid (Smiles 1998), and hydrodynamic pressure forces penetration (Windle & Beazley 1967, Clark et al. 1969, Salminen 1988). When a suspension of pigment is coated on paper, the suspending



liquid penetrates the paper (dewatering), but the pigment particles can remain on its surface as a lter cake. A lter cake of packed particles exhibits a much higher viscosity than the suspension and can be considered immobile. Bouseld (1994) modeled blade coating with lter-cake formation using Darcys Law and found a minimum coat weight resulting from the lter cake that cannot be reduced without excessive blade pressure. A signicant unresolved problem of blade coating is the buildup of material behind the blade, and at the blade tip, as coating speed and solids content are increased. Excessive lter-cake growth (Bouseld 1994) may be responsible or colloidal instabilities and shear-induced aggregation (Roper & Attal 1993). As in roll coating, spatter and spray can occur and are exacerbated by a diverging channel when the blade runs on its heel.


In premetered coating processes, coating dies are used to form sheets or lms of liquids in preparation for coating (Figure 1c,d,e). The performance of a die is assessed by the uniformity along the width of the liquid lm (i.e., transverse to the coating direction), which the internal geometry determines. In typical designs, at least one cavity and an adjoining slot span the width of the die and distribute the liquid that is supplied to the center or end of the cavity (Figure 3). Kistler & Schweizer (1997) review die ows. The operating principle of coating dies is the partitioning of pressure and is most easily understood for a single cavity die. Typically, the breadth of the cavity is large compared to the height of the slot; as a result, the resistance to ow is higher in the slot, and the liquid is thus distributed along the width. The shear rate in the cavity is lower than that in the slot. For the purpose of estimating for a shear-thinning liquid, we may therefore treat the liquid as being Newtonian in the

Figure 3 Single cavity die geometry. (a) Plan view; (b) side view. The arrows in the cavity and slot denote the predominant ow directions.




cavity and slot with apparent viscosities denoted by c and s, respectively. Die ows are viscous dominated, and the order of magnitude of the pressure drop along the cavity, Pc, and the slot, Ps, follows from Poiseuille ow in each region. We obtain the ratio Pc Ps c s W 2h3 L A2 , (8)

where W is the distance from the inlet to the end of the die (the die has width 2W), h is the slot height, L is a characteristic slot length, and A is a characteristic crosssectional area of the cavity (Figure 3). Performance improves as the ratio Pc/ Ps in Equation 8 decreases, and the cavity approaches a constant pressure reservoir. The second bracketed term in Equation 8 indicates the efcacy of small slot height and large cavity area. Additionally, in the absence of inlet effects associated with inertia (Wen et al. 1994), center-fed dies perform better than end-fed dies (Carley 1954) for the same coating width because W is half as large (Figure 3). Equation 8 also shows that shear thinning degrades performance by increasing the ratio c /s (see, for example, Carley 1954, Leonard 1985a, Liu et al. 1988). Inertia gives rise to recovered pressure at the cavity ends that reduces the pressure drop Pc from that given by Equation 8, and this favorable effect can be signicant for low-viscosity liquids and high ow rates (Leonard 1985a). Die geometry is altered to enhance performance (Figure 3). For example, a decrease in the slot length with widthwise location (Figure 3a) partly compensates for the pressure drop along the cavity. The specication of the slot length taper is an optimization because the pressure drops depend on rheology and ow rate. A progressive reduction of cavity area in the ow direction (Figure 3a) reduces stagnation at the ends. Reduced cavity area degrades performance as shown in Equation 8, and this drawback must be balanced against the benets of streamlining. A second cavity and slot (see Figure 1e) enhances uniformity and versatility (Leonard 1985b, Lee & Liu 1989, Ruschak & Weinstein 1997a). Additionally, mechanical (Kistler & Schweizer 1997, Ruschak & Weinstein 1997b) and pressure-induced tolerances (Pearson 1964, Sander & Pitman 1996, Gifford 1998) greatly inuence die design. Design is an optimization based on objectives. The ow in dies is modeled by solving simplied equations or complete equations in three dimensions. The unsimplied approach (Nguyen & Kamal 1990, Wen et al. 1994) is computationally intensive because of the nonlinear equations and the graded meshes required by the disparate dimensions in the die. In the W, and simplied approach, the cavity aspect ratio is assumed to satisfy A1/2 resulting three-dimensional equations are averaged across the cavity to obtain approximate nonlinear ordinary differential equations relating ow to pressure (Leonard 1985b, Weinstein & Ruschak 1996, Ruschak & Weinstein 1997a). However, there are incorrect forms of the cavity equations in the literature for both single- and two-cavity dies (Weinstein & Ruschak 1996, Ruschak & Weinstein 1997b). Because the predominant ow in the rst cavity is widthwise (as indicated in Figure 3a), and that in a second cavity is in its cross section (towards



the slot exit), the equations for ow are different except for creeping ow. The simplied equations in the slot are one-dimensional when the slot length is much smaller than its width (L W) (Weinstein & Ruschak 1996). However, twodimensional slot equations, which utilize the Hele-Shaw approximation (Sartor 1990, Vrahapoulou 1991), are required when these dimensions are comparable (L W). A two-dimensional analysis in the slot is also required in the vicinity of end walls that are angled (i.e., the slot width does not everywhere equal 2W) to control edge effects (Friedman 1998). Dies having L W with slowly varying cavity shapes amenable to lubrication theory have been completely analyzed using two-dimensional analysis (Vergnes et al. 1984, Smith et al. 1998). Linearization about the limit of perfect distribution can facilitate solving the simplied equations (Durst et al. 1994, Weinstein & Ruschak 1996, Ruschak & Weinstein 1997a). A major advantage of the one-dimensional approach is the particularly simple posing and solving of an inverse problem in which the geometric parameters are explicitly calculated for a perfect ow distribution (Pearson 1964, Winter & Fritz 1986, Durst et al. 1994). A disadvantage is that ow details, such as recirculations (Lee & Liu 1989, Lee et al. 1990) and inlet entrance effects (Wen et al. 1994), cannot be predicted.

Slide Delivery
Liquid layers are stacked on the inclined surfaces of a die (Figure 1d,e) in preparation for simultaneous coating onto a web. Slide ows are driven by gravity and can amplify waves initiated by ambient perturbations that degrade the uniformity of a coating. These waves travel along each interface in the system, and the number of waves is equal to the number of interfaces across which a physical property, such as viscosity, density, or surface tension, changes (Figure 1e). Joseph & Renardy (1992) and Chen (1995) review the extensive literature on the stability of this ow. Wave propagation can be examined through linear analysis, which leads to an exponential growth or decay of waves. Nonlinear dynamics of waves is the subject of much current research (Chang 1994, Pozrikidis 1998, Kliakhandler 1999) but may not have to be considered in coating applications when coated uniformity requirements are stringent. Tollmien-Schlichting-type wave instabilities (Floryan et al. 1987, Woods & Lin 1996) are usually outside the range of interest as well. Although much literature addresses the neutral stability of inclined plane ows, the issue of most importance in coating is the degree of wave growth or decay that occurs. The case of long wavelengths has been extensively analyzed (Yih 1963, Kao 1968, Wang et al. 1978), but intermediate wavelengths often exhibit larger growth (Loewenherz & Lawrence 1989, Kobayashi 1992, Weinstein & Chen 1999). In fact, waves stable at long wavelengths may be unstable at intermediate ones (Chen 1993). A comparison of stability predictions for Newtonian and shear-thinning cases indicates that shear thinning does not give rise to additional instability mechanisms, but the rate of growth and decay can be signicantly affected (Weinstein 1990).




The instabilities are convective (Brevdo et al. 1999) and usually arise from ambient perturbations to the ow that are often temporally periodic (e.g., ow perturbations caused by vibrations, pumps, and fans). Such waves grow spatially (Krantz & Owens 1973, Pierson & Whitaker 1977, Weinstein 1990, Kobayashi 1992), and temporal growth occurs only under transient conditions. Temporal and spatial growth may not be related via Gasters transformation (Gaster 1962) because growth or decay typically occurs far from neutral stability. The convective nature of the instability ensures that the amplitude of spatially growing waves is bounded at any location. Therefore, the waves are advantageously viewed in the context of a wavemaker problem (Weinstein et al. 1993), in which initial perturbations combine with wave evolution to yield the amplitude at the end of the incline. In this regard, even if ow is stable, a large disturbance can lead to a nonuniform coating. Slide waves in coatings typically show nearly parallel wave fronts extending widthwise, and thus two-dimensional analysis is adequate.

Liquid Curtain
Freely falling liquid sheets, called curtains, are formed from dies or weirs and impinge on the web (Figure 1e). Curtains are essentially the planar analogue of water bells (Finnicum et al. 1993). At the top of the curtain, the velocity eld adapts to the loss of viscous traction with the die. When formed from a die having a slide (Figure 1e), there is no vertical plane of symmetry, and this ow rearrangement can result in pronounced deection of the curtain towards the die (Kistler & Scriven 1994). This entry region for the curtain provides boundary conditions that are applied to simplied equations based on the asymptotics of a gradually thinning sheet that can accurately predict steady and transient ows. The undisturbed ow in a freely falling curtain can be described with the semiempirical equation of Brown (1961), whose form is consistent with Taylors asymptotically correct equation (Clarke 1968, Ramos 1996) at high Reynolds numbers (Weinstein et al. 1997). Under such circumstances, the ow may be considered inviscid (Finnicum et al. 1993, Weinstein et al. 1997, Clarke et al. 1997). In multiple-layer applications of similar density liquids, the inviscid approximation allows the ow to be examined as for a single layer. If ruptured, a curtain spontaneously reforms if the Weber number, We = qV/2 (V is the local velocity of the curtain), exceeds unity everywhere. Conversely, if a free edge or hole occurs where We < 1, the curtain disintegrates into a series of vertical liquid threads (Pritchard 1986). Practically, it is necessary for We > 1 at the impingement point of the curtain to avoid air entrainment at low speeds, make starts and stops, and maintain contact with the edge guides used to maintain curtain width against surface tension. The sensitivity of a stable curtain to ambient perturbations is of importance when coating uniformity requirements are stringent. Pressure uctuations on the curtain due to air ow induce propagating waves (Lin 1981, Weinstein et al. 1997, Clarke et al. 1997) that distort the curtain and degrade coating uniformity. Even in the absence of time-dependent



perturbations, the curtain shape may be distorted by stationary waves (Lin & Roberts 1981, De Luca & Costa 1997, Weinstein et al. 1998). Stationary waves arise at the die lip and edge guides and can lead to streaks in the coating (Kistler & Schweizer 1997).

Small Gap
In slot and slide and other coating methods (Kistler & Schweizer 1997), a liquid bridge, often called a bead, spans a gap of order 100 microns between the web and another solid boundary (Figure 1c,d). At low Ca, the operating range of slot coating follows from the possible congurations of the essentially static interfaces of constant curvature that bound the bead (Ruschak 1976, Higgins & Scriven 1980). The radius of the downstream lm-forming meniscus follows from coating thickness, web speed, and liquid properties through the Landau-Levich Equation 3. The upstream radius follows from the dynamic contact angle and the pressure drop imposed across the bead (suction assist, Figure 1d). Failure occurs when either radius is too small to span the gap. The failure of the upstream interface limits the range of suction assist, and that of the downstream interface limits coating speed and thickness (in the absence of air entrainment). These considerations are valid for slide coating as well, but the downstream meniscus is constrained by tangency to the slide. As a consequence of this constraint, the minimum radius in slide coating is larger than that in slot coating, and therefore slide coating is limited to thicker coatings for the same gap. At somewhat larger values of Ca and Re, the LandauLevich result may be replaced with the solution to a lm equation incorporating inertia (Carvalho & Kheshgi 2000) and, apart from this, the operating range is deduced geometrically as at low Ca. A consequence of the Landau-Levich Equation 3 is that the minimum possible lm thickness increases with increasing Ca in a xed geometry. In slot coating at high Ca and Re, this trend reverses (Carvalho & Kheshgi 2000) and allows for thinner coatings with increasing speed. Carvalho & Kheshgi postulate that this change occurs due to a Sakiadis boundary layer that couples the upstream and downstream interfaces of the bead. Possible support for this proposal comes from experiments in which changes to suction affect the radius of curvature of the downstream meniscus (Hens & Boiy 1986), whereas suction has no effect at low Ca. The effect of inertia requires more experimental and theoretical investigation.


Coatings continue to ow after application in response to perturbations until immobilized by gelling, curing, dewatering, or drying (Quach 1973, Kornum & Raaschou Nielson 1980, Kistler & Schweizer 1997). Impinging air ows can distort interfaces and can cause ow (Ruschak 1987). Temperature variations along the airliquid interface may result from rapid evaporation and nonisothermal contact with




Figure 4 Schematic showing initial interface deformation leading to ow after coating. (a) Uniform lm on an uneven web; (b) nonuniform lm on a at web.

convecting air and with conveyance hardware (Wilson 1997, Howison et al. 1997), giving rise to surface tension-driven ow. Impinging air may deposit surface-active contaminants on the coating and, in some cases, chemical components or contaminants of the coating may be surface active. The resulting reduction in surface tension can cause craters or holes (also called repellencies) in the coating (Kheshgi & Scriven 1991). If a horizontal web is uneven but initially coated conformally (Figure 4a), or a at horizontal web is not coated uniformly (Figure 4b), ow after coating occurs due to surface tension and gravity. Both situations may be treated as a superposition of Fourier cosine components of wavelength and amplitude A (Figure 4) and if A H, where H is the mean thickness of the lm, the analyses are identical (Joos 1996). Using the coordinate system shown in Figure 4 and denoting t as time, the location of the interface, y = h(x, t), follows from lubrication theory for H : h = H + A exp H 3 (2 )2 32 2 (2 )2 x . g t cos 2 (9)

Here, the plus sign is taken when the coating faces upward and the minus sign is taken when it faces downward. Leveling of the interface always occurs with the coating facing upward, but it occurs only at small wavelengths with the coating facing downward. For an uneven web, A is the amplitude of the unevenness, and the fractional thickness variation in the lm, f, is given by f = [h-H-A cos(2 x/)]/H; a leveled interface, i.e., h = H in Equation 9, gives a lm of nonuniform thickness. For a at web and an initially nonuniform lm thickness of amplitude A, the fractional thickness variation is f = (h-H)/H, and a leveled interface gives a lm of uniform thickness. Thus, leveling the interface can improve or degrade coating uniformity. Surfactants give rise to surface-tension gradients, tending to oppose the ow of the lm (Schwartz et al. 1995). However, variations in surfactant concentration arise through ow induced by surface tension and gravity, and so surface-tension gradients are delayed (Joos 1996) and may follow after leveling of the air-liquid interface. At wavelengths on the order of lm thickness, leveling rates are reduced



(Orchard 1962) from those given by Equation 9, as evident for the extreme case H, where the velocity component tangent to the interface becomes zero as a result of strong coupling between velocity components. Three-dimensional analysis yields a leveling equation similar to that for the two-dimensional case (Anshus 1973). Inertia can lead to oscillations during leveling (Kheshgi 1989). Shear thinning promotes leveling by reducing the effective viscosity of the lm (Iyer & Bouseld 1996). Leveling of lms is retarded by absorption into a porous web, which reduces the lm thickness and can immobilize the lm (Bouseld 1991). For multiple-layer coatings of miscible liquids with substantially equal densities, ow is driven by the air-liquid interface as for a single layer. However, the internal interfaces do not necessarily level even in an upright conguration; the ow ends when the airliquid interface is essentially at and surface tension gradients are dissipated (Joos 1996). Coatings also ow along inclined webs by gravity. In a frame of reference stationary with respect to the web, the previously addressed conguration of ow down an inclined plane is recovered, and waves can arise. However, as the coated lm thickness is much smaller on the web than on the slide, the ow rate in the web frame of reference is so small that inertial effects, which tend to promote wave growth, are small (Weinstein & Chen 1999). Nevertheless, in coatings of three or more layers on a at web in certain viscosity congurations, strong instabilities can arise even in the absence of inertia and produce signicant deformations of the interior interfaces (Weinstein & Chen 1999). Beyond the issue of stability, ow on inclines can produce wakes around inclusions carried with the ow or arrested on the web (Pozrikidis & Thoroddsen 1991).

Coating processes are complex and have been largely developed empirically together with an informal and often nonscientic conceptual framework. Scientic approaches are increasingly important in their renement and efcient application as the transformation from coating art to science continues. Physical insights provide valuable guidance of experimentation, even when predictive models are not possible or when the parameters of the models are difcult, costly, or impossible to measure. Complex coating processes can be designed and modeled by combining ow elements that are empirically or analytically understood. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank our main colleagues at Eastman Kodak Company, notably F. Miguel Joos, Marc Bermel, Andrew Clarke, Jean-Marie Baumlin, and Terry Blake, who have advanced our knowledge of coating. We would also like to thank Professor Paul Steen of Cornell University for many helpful discussions, and Eastman Kodak Company for supporting our work.




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