Doris Bergen Assessment Methods For Infants and B

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Methods for Infants and Toddlers :

title: Transdisciplinary Team Approaches Early Childhood
Education Series (Teachers College Press)
author: Bergen, Doris.
publisher: Teachers College Press
isbn10 | asin: 0807733792
print isbn13: 9780807733790
ebook isbn13: 9780585252698
language: English
Child development--Testing, Infants--Development--
Testing, Child development deviations--Diagnosis.
publication date: 1994
lcc: RJ51.D48B47 1994eb
ddc: 618.92/0075
Child development--Testing, Infants--Development--
Testing, Child development deviations--Diagnosis.
Page i
Leslie R. Williams, Editor
Millie Almy, Senior Advisor
: Barbara T. Bowman, Harriet K. Cuffaro, Stephanie Feeney, Doris Pronin

Fromberg, Celia Genishi, Stacie G. Goffin, Dominic F. Gullo, Alice Sterling Honig,
Elizabeth Jones, Gwen Morgan, David Weikert
New Perspectives in Early Childhood Teacher Education: Bringing Practitioners into the

Assessment Methods for Infants and Toddlers: Transdisciplinary Team Approaches


The Emotional Development of Young Children: Building an Emotion-Centered


Young Children Continue to Reinvent Arithmetic3rd Grade: Implications of Piaget's


Moral Classrooms, Moral Children: Creating a Constructivist Atmosphere in Early


Leadership in Early Childhood: The Pathway to Professionalism


Understanding Assessment and Evaluation in Early Childhood Education


Diversity and Developmentally Appropriate Practices: Challenges for Early Childhood


Changing Teaching, Changing Schools: Bringing Early Childhood Practice into Public
EducationCase Studies from the Kindergarten

Physical Knowledge in Preschool Education: Implications of Piaget's Theory


Caring for Other People's Children: A Complete Guide to Family Day Care
Family Day Care: Current Research for Informed Public Policy

The Early Childhood Curriculum: A Review of Current Research, 2nd Ed.


Reconceptualizing the Early Childhood Curriculum: Beginning the Dialogue


Ways of Assessing Children and Curriculum: Stories of Early Childhood Practice


The Play's the Thing: Teachers' Roles in Children's Play


Scenes from Day Care: How Teachers Teach and What Children Learn

Raised in East Urban: Child Care Changes in a Working Class Community


United We Stand: Collaboration for Child Care and Early Education Services

Making Friends in School: Promoting Peer Relationships in Early Childhood



Page ii
Play and the Social Context of Development in Early Care and Education

The Whole Language Kindergarten


Good Day/Bad Day: The Child's Experience of Child Care


Children's Play and Learning: Perspectives and Policy Implications


Serious Players in the Primary Classroom: Empowering Children Through Active

Learning Experiences

Child Advocacy for Early Childhood Educators


Managing Quality Child Care Centers: A Comprehensive Manual for Administrators


Multiple World of Child Writers: Friends Learning to Write


Young Children Continue to Reinvent Arithmetic2nd Grade: Implications of Piaget's


Literacy Learning in the Early Years: Through Children's Eyes


The Good Preschool Teacher: Six Teachers Reflect on Their Lives


A Child's Play Life: An Ethnographic Study


Professionalism and the Early Childhood Practitioner


Looking at Children's Play: The Bridge from Theory to Practice


The War Play Dilemma: Balancing Needs and Values in the Early Childhood Classroom

The Piaget Handbook for Teachers and Parents: Children in the Age of Discovery,
Preschool-3rd Grade

Teaching and Learning in a Diverse World: Multicultural Education for Young Children
The Full-Day Kindergarten

Promoting Social and Moral Development in Young Children


Today's Kindergarten

Supervision in Early Childhood Education


Visions of Childhood: Influential Models from Locke to Spock


Starting School: From Separation to Independence


Young Children Reinvent Arithmetic: Implications of Piaget's Theory


Ideas Influencing Early Childhood Education: A Theoretical Analysis


Diversity in the Classroom: A Multicultural Approach


The Joy of Movement in Early Childhood


Page iii

Assessment Methods for Infants and Toddlers

Transdisciplinary Team Approaches
Doris Bergen
Foreword by Stephen J. Bagnato

Page iv
Published by Teachers College Press, 1234 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10027
Copyright © 1994 by Teachers College, Columbia University
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, or any information
storage and retrieval system, without permission from the publisher.
Grateful acknowledgment is offered to the following for permission to reprint the figures
Fig. 1.2: Sequence of Prenatal Development. From Rosenblith (1992), In the
BeginningDevelopment from Conception to Age Two, p. 22. Reprinted by permission of
Sage Publications, Inc.
Fig. 1.3: Developmental Vulnerabilities in Infants and Toddlers. From Kalmanson (1989),
"Assessment ConsiderationsDevelopmental Vulnerabilities." Early Childhood Update,
5(4), Fall 1989, p. 7.
Figure 2.1: Immediate Evaluation of the Newborn: The Apgar Score. From Apgar (1953),
"A Proposal for a New Method of Evaluation of a Newborn Infant." Anesthesia and
Analgesia, 32:2607. Reprinted by permission of the International Anesthesia Research
Figure 2.4: Contents of the Physician Psychosocial Assessment Form. From Horwitz,
Leaf, Leventhal, Forsyth, & Speechley (1992), "Identification and Management of
Psychosocial and Developmental Problems in Community-Based Primary Care Pediatric
Practices." Pediatrics, Vol. 89, p. 480, 1992. Reprinted by permission of Pediatrics.
Figure 4.1: Model of Arena Assessment. From Benner (1992), Assessing Young Children
with Special Needs: An Ecological Perspective, p. 56. Adapted from Project KAI
(Brighton, MA). Reprinted by permission of Adrienne Frank MS OTR, Child
Development Resources, Lightfoot, VA.
Figure 5.1: Movement Terminology. Reprinted with the permission of Macmillan College
Publishing Company from Assessing Infants and Toddlers with Handicaps by Donald
Bailey, Jr. and Mark Wolery, p. 304. Copyright 1989 by Macmillan College Publishing
Company, Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bergen, Doris.
Assessment methods for infants and toddlers: transdisciplinary
team approaches/Doris Bergen
p. cm.(Early childhood education series)
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.
ISBN 0-8077-3380-6 (alk. paper). ISBN 0-8077-3379-2 (alk. paper
1. Child developmentTesting. 2. InfantsDevelopmentTesting.
3. Child development deviationsDiagnosis I. Title. II. Series.
RJ51.D48547 1994
618.92'0075dc20 94-12519
ISBN 0-8077-3380-6
ISBN 0-8077-3379-2 (pbk.)
Printed on acid-free paper
Manufactured in the United States of America
99 98 97 96 95 94 93 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Page v

by Stephen J. Bagnato
Acknowledgments xi
Introduction: Defining Developmental Risk and
Transdisciplinary Assessment
Format and Content of the Book 2
Defining Developmental Risk 4
Defining a Transdisciplinary Perspective 6
Interactive Perspectives on Infant and Toddler 11
Developmental Change as Achievement 12
Basic Developmental Principles and Processes 14
Interactions of Adult Development with Child
Interactions of Risk Conditions on Developmental
Summary 38
Medical Assessment Perspectives
Underlying Assumptions 41
Methods of Assessment 42
Information Exchange with Families and Referral
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model 51
Policy Issues 53
Summary 55
Dialogue: IFSP Review of Arlo 57
Overview of the Case 57
The Team Dialogue 60
Recommendations 63
Questions for Discussion 63

Page vi

Psychological Assessment Perspectives
Underlying Assumptions 66
Methods of Assessment 69
Information Exchange with Families and Referral
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model 76
Policy Issues 77
Summary 78
Dialogue: Transition Planning for Bradley 80
Overview of the Case 80
The Team Dialogue 83
Recommendations 88
Questions for Discussion 88
Developmental and Educational Assessment Perspectives
Underlying Assumptions 90
Methods of Assessment 96
Information Exchange with Families and Referral
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model 103
Policy Issues 103
Summary 105
Dialogue: Transition Planning for Carly 107
Overview of the Case 107
The Team Dialogue 110
Recommendations 113
Questions for Discussion 113
Physical and Occupational Therapy Assessment 115
Underlying Assumptions 117
Methods of Assessment 119
Information Exchange with Families and Referral
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model 126
Policy Issues 128
Summary 129
Dialogue: Initial Assessment and IFSP for Dolly 131
Overview of the Case 131

Page vii

The Team Dialogue 135

Recommendations 138
Questions for Discussion 139
Speech Pathology and Audiology Assessment 140
Underlying Assumptions 140
Methods of Assessment 144
Information Exchange with Families and Referral
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model 152
Policy Issues 154
Summary 155
Dialogue: Initial Assessment, IFSP, and Transition
Planning for Eun
Overview of the Case 157
The Team Dialogue 160
Recommendations 164
Questions for Discussion 164
Social Work and Family Education and Coordination 165
Assessment Perspectives
Underlying Assumptions 166
Methods of Assessment 168
Information Exchange with Families and Referral
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model 177
Policy Issues 178
Summary 180
Dialogue: Initial Assessment and IFSP for Ferris 182
Overview of the Case 182
The Team Dialogue 184
Recommendations 189
Questions for Discussion 189
Assessment Perspectives for Culturally Diverse Young 190
Underlying Assumptions 192
Methods of Assessment 197
Information Exchange with Families and Referral

Page viii

Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model 204

Policy Issues 204
Summary 205
Dialogue: IFSP Review and Transition Planning for
Overview of the Case 207
The Team Dialogue 211
Recommendations 214
Questions for Discussion 215
Assessment Perspectives for Young Children with Severe 216
Disabilities or Environmental Trauma
Underlying Assumptions 217
Assessment of Young Children with Severe or Multiple
Assessment of Young Children with Severe
Environmental Trauma
Information Exchange with Families and Referral
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model 228
Policy Issues 229
Summary 232
Dialogue: IFSP Review of Harry 234
Overview of the Case 234
The Team Dialogue 237
Recommendations 241
Questions for Discussion 242
10 243
Implementing and Evaluating Transdisciplinary
An Ideal Transdisciplinary Assessment Model 244
Family Evaluation of Transdisciplinary Assessment 247
Professional Evaluation of Transdisciplinary
Guidelines for Successful Teamwork 250
Summary 253
Epilogue 255
Appendix A: Examples of Clinical, Interview, and
Observation Instruments
Appendix B: Overview of Selected Assessment
References 297
Index 323
About the Authors and Contributors 337

Page ix

Teamwork is synonymous with and critical to the effectiveness of family-centered early
intervention for young children at developmental risk. Unfortunately, most professionals
are ill-prepared to collaborate with families and other professionals in a cohesive fashion.
Needs assessment surveys of practicing professionals and students in training rank
systematic experience in team assessment and family collaboration as one of the top five
needs in early intervention. Few resources have been available to fulfill this field-
identified need. Dr. Bergen's text on transdisciplinary team assessment is a much needed,
well-conceived, and important contribution to the early intervention field. This book
provides professionals in training from various disciplines with a clear understanding of
both the dynamics (interpersonal strategies) and the mechanics (team assessment
strategies) of teamworka blend that has been absent in similar texts.
For infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with special needs, the "teamwork" concept is the
organic structure that defines, synchronizes, and links various diverse and crucial
processes: establishing a family-centered context; defining the appropriate mode of
teaming; conducting developmental assessments; explicating distortions in
neurodevelopment; facilitating team decision-making and consensus; setting integrated
child and family goals; delivering integrated services; and monitoring child/family
progress and program outcome and efficacy.
Too often administrators and professionals concentrate on the mechanics rather than the
dynamics of teamwork. Therefore, many programs establish inflexible rules and
procedures that make few accommodations for the idiosyncratic needs of infants and
families and that are by their very nature developmentally inappropriate. In the
assessment process, a few of the common and damaging errors include: the exclusive use
of standardized norm-referenced measures and discipline-specific scales; failure to assess
in natural settings; failure to accommodate different response modes and adaptations for
various functional impairments; failure to include parents as partners in assessment
activities; reliance on standardized scores rather than team consensus data to determine
developmental characteristics and intervention needs; failure to use toys, chairs, tables,
mats, and other materials that stage, motivate, and optimize the assess-

Page x
ment of individual infants; and failure to use transdisciplinary strategies during
assessment activities to reduce redundancy and refine the sampling of child/family
strengths and needs.
At its foundation, early intervention assessment requires teamwork, and teamwork
requires family-professional collaboration. Yet, teamwork must be viewed as much larger
than what is the most appropriate test to use, for assessment in early intervention is not a
test-based process:
Early childhood assessment is a flexible, collaborative decision-making process in which teams of
parents and professionals repeatedly revise their judgments, reach consensus, and make collective
decisions about the changing developmental educational, mental health, and medical needs of young
children and their families and the services that they require.... The mission of assessment for early
intervention is the planning and delivery of family-centered developmental support.
(Bagnato & Neisworth, 1991, xi)
In other resources, we have advocated for fundamental changes in team assessment and
team decision-making practices in the early intervention field. Most notably, we have
emphasized linking team assessment and early intervention (Bagnato, Neisworth, &
Munson, 1989); best practices in assessment for early intervention (Bagnato & Neisworth,
1991); and the use of convergent assessment data for collaborative parentprofessional
team decision-making (Bagnato & Neisworth, 1990). Dr. Bergen's book is exemplary in
building upon these and other foundations in the early intervention field to underscore
the need for systematic training in teamwork for professionals.
Bagnato, S. J. & Neisworth, J. T. (1990). System to Plan Early Childhood Services
(SPECS). Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service, Inc.
Bagnato, S. J. & Neisworth, J. T. (1991). Assessment for early intervention: Best
practices for professionals. New York: Guilford.
Bagnato, S. J., Neisworth, J. T., & Munson, S. M. (1989). Linking developmental
assessment and early intervention: Curriculum-based prescriptions. 2nd edition.
Rockville, MD: Aspen Publishers.

Page xi

Because I used a transdisciplinary team approach in the writing of the text, there were
many persons who provided valuable contributions to its content. I wish to thank them
for their interactive assistance.
Many faculty associates at the Miami University Center for Human Development,
Learning, and Teaching served as my co-authors on some of the chapters and as
reviewers of many of the dialogue sections. Although they are listed as contributors at the
back of the book, I would like to thank them here: Caroline Everington, Kathleen
Hutchinson, Elizabeth Johnston, Susan Mosley-Howard, Julie Rubin, Alex Thomas, and
Margaret Wright. Another colleague also served as a co-author of one chapter: Sharon
A number of professional colleagues who assisted in the preparation of other chapters, by
providing insights from their disciplines through indepth interviews, and who reviewed
those chapters and some of the dialogue sections: Amy Badanes, Licensed Speech
Pathologist (L.S.P.), Early Intervention Service Coordinator, Butler County MRDD,
Hamilton, OH; Judith Cooper, Supervisor of Early Childhood Education, Hamilton
County MRDD, Cincinnati, OH; Corrine Welt Garland, Executive Director of Child
Development Resources, Lightfoot, VA; Kate Gordon, Licensed Social Worker (L.S.W.),
Donna Lilley, Licensed Physical Therapist (L.P.T.), Cincinnati, OH; Christine Piepmeier,
Director of Fairacres Center, Butler County MRDD, Hamilton, OH; and B. Kristine Holt,
Early Intervention Services Coordinator, Hamilton County MRDD, Cincinnati, OH.
Three of my former graduate students served as collectors of case and dialogue data,
wrote a number of the case drafts, and provided other special material: Joan Dolgin, Early
Childhood Special Educator, Toronto, Canada; Tanya Katterheinrich, School
Psychologist, Fairfield, OH; and Margery Pitzer, Early Intervention Specialist, Hamilton
County MRDD, Cincinnati, OH.
My former graduate assistantShireen Pavri, School Psychologist Intern, Oxford,
OHreviewed and checked references, coordinated the development of the assessment
appendices, served as a chapter and case reader, and provided other technical preparation

Page xii
Other academic and professional colleagues provided material incorporated in the text
and/or served as reviewers of chapters and of dialogue sections: Connie Betts, Special
Education Teacher, Cincinnati, OH; Ellen Buerk, M.D., Oxford, OH; Scotty Cooper,
L.S.W., Early CARE Tracking Coordinator, Middletown Regional Hospital, Middletown,
OH; James Davis, M.D., Oxford, OH; Bette Downs, L.P.T., Mosinee, WI; Mary Ann
Dykstra, L.P.T., Hamilton, OH; Mary Gormally-Franzoso, Visiting Assistant Professor,
Department of Educational Psychology, Miami University, Oxford, OH; Child Advocacy
Center, Cincinnati, OH; Kathy McMahon-Klosterman, Associate Professor, Department of
Educational Psychology, Miami University, Oxford, OH; Garry Mesibov, Director,
Division TEACCH, The School of Medicine, The University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, NC; Mary Porter, R.N., L.S.W., Middletown Regional Hospital, Middletown, OH;
Nikki Rosen, O.T.R/L, W. Bloomfield, MI; Gloria Segal, O.T.R/L, Hamilton, OH; Carrie
Ann Shook, Early Intervention Specialist, Hamilton Country MRDD, Cincinnati, OH; Sue
Skinner-Kidd, Early Intervention Specialist, Lima, OH; Kammy Wise, L.P.N., Tampa, FL;
and Francis Wright, M.D., Oxford, OH.
I especially want to thank the group of parents who permitted the case information about
their children to be revised and adapted for the dialogues. I also wish to express my
appreciation for both these parents and the many professionals from early intervention
teams who permitted their comments to be revised and adapted for the dialogue sections.
A special thanks to parents Scott and Sonie Halcomb for the unique insights they
provided to me.
Finally I wish to thank my husband, Joel Fink, whose patience and support contributed to
my ability to meet (almost!) all of my deadlines.

Page 1

Defining Developmental Risk and Transdisciplinary Assessment
Doris Bergen
There are advantages and disadvantages to teaching a course in a field that is emerging. A
disadvantage is that there may be no text available that is completely appropriate; an
advantage is that one can conceptualize such a text and try out versions of it while
teaching the course. My course in infant and toddler assessment and early intervention is
such a course, and this text has been crafted from the experiences I have had in teaching
I use a team teaching approach because I believe that university teachers should provide
models of the behaviors that students are to learn. The course is intended to meet the
needs not only of early childhood special educators but also of the wide range of
professionals who must now work together as members of early intervention teams to
carry out the mandates initiated by Public Law 99-457. This law requires states to plan for
a coordinated approach to the provision of assessment and intervention services for
young children, and to use a multifactored, multidisciplinary, family-centered approach to
The university preparation programs for the professionals who must now collaborate in
providing such services have typically been singlediscipline-based, and thus have rarely
engaged students in understanding or practicing team approaches of any kind. In my
view, helping professionals understand the perspectives of members of the various
disciplines that form early intervention teams is an essential step in preparing them to
work together. This text has been designed to make these varied perspectives explicit and
to encourage dialogue among the professionals and professionals-to-be who are expected
to be early intervention team members.

Page 2

Format and Content of the Book

This book focuses on assessment of young children at developmental risk. It takes the
perspective of professionals expected to be members of the transdisciplinary teams who
work with these children and their families. It addresses the assessment of children who
are in the chronological and the developmental age range from birth to 3 years. It is
particularly focused on identifying ways team assessments can be effectively used to
gather the information needed for design of intervention activities and delivery of
appropriate services.
Because assessment of developmental delay or differences must be interpreted within the
context of normative human development, Chapter I reviews major developmental
principles and processes, and describes the characteristics of young children who are
developing typically, along with those who are at risk for developmental problems. It
includes a brief discussion of some characteristics of adolescent and adult developmental
change that may affect caregiver-child interactions.
Chapters 2 through 7 present the assessment perspectives of a wide variety of
professionals, including medical personnel in hospital and primary care settings; clinical,
developmental, and school psychologists; early childhood special educators; occupational
and physical therapists; speech pathologists and audiologists; and personnel having case
management responsibilities, such as social workers and family educators or service
coordinators. The perspectives of parents whose children may receive these assessment
and intervention services are also discussed in each of the chapters. All of these
perspectives are integrated with my own views, drawn from over 20 years of experience
as a university early childhood educator and early childhood special educator.
The brief explications in the chapters are meant only to expose readers to general
knowledge of the assessment processes common to each professional discipline and to
give guidelines for understanding how that discipline may contribute to team assessment
approaches. Advanced professional training in the discipline is essential for a full a
picture of the assessment methods, and even that training cannot prepare these
professionals to be aware of every problem manifested by young children with
developmental disabilities.
Assessment issues related to special populations of infants and toddlers (e.g., culturally
diverse, severely or multiply disabled, neglected or abused) are explored in Chapters 8
and 9, and influential ecological factors in family and community contexts are related to
the issues. The strengths of transdisciplinary team assessment models and the problems
encountered in using these models are made explicit throughout the chapters, as are the
policy issues that must be addressed when there is a com

Page 3
mitment to such an approach. In the final chapter (Chapter 10), the ideal transdisciplinary
model is again discussed, evaluations of the model are reported, and guidelines for
effective use of the model are given. The epilogue provides a look into the future of
transdisciplinary assessment.
Assessment Methods
The content of the book includes descriptions of assessment methods derived from
psychometric, developmental, educational, therapeutic, and medical practice. The typical
contexts for their use are briefly discussed in the chapters and more fully described in
Appendices A and B. No attempt was made to include all relevant or useful instruments
now available for early assessment. Rather, those that were selected serve as
representations of the types of instruments that are being used in this field. They include
standardized norm- and criterion-referenced instruments, nonstandardized research-based
measures and scales, and formal and informal observational techniques. The criteria used
in selecting those to be included were fourfold:
1. Frequency or ''typicality" of use by professionals in a particular discipline or in a
number of disciplines
2. Potential as effective innovative assessment approaches
3. Representativeness as a method used in assessing difficult-to-assess developmental
4. Potential for being a valid measure for children from diverse cultural and ethnic groups
The descriptions are designed to make the reader aware of general characteristics,
technical features, and measurement purposes of the assessment methods and to provide
a basis for evaluating and selecting these or other instruments presently in use or being
Team Dialogues
Integration of diverse professional and family perspectives is provided in the "dialogue"
sections interspersed between chapters. The team dialogues are based on a series of actual
early intervention team meetings, which were audio taped, edited, and revised to disguise
identifiable details (e.g., names, family history, location, cultural group), highlight or
expand issues, or increase the diversity of perspectives. As a whole, they show how
information gained from assessment is being used (or could be used) in practice to
develop Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP), to monitor and reevaluate the plans,
and to provide transitions to other services. The

Page 4
placement of particular dialogues is designed to reflect aspects of the perspectives that
were discussed in the chapter immediately preceding, although all of the dialogues
include a variety of discipline perspectives. They also include family perspectives,
although I found a wide variation in level of parent participation in actual team cases.
The dialogues illustrate the variety of approaches currently being used by teams.
Although some of them have similarities to the ideal transdisciplinary model advocated in
the literature, some are adaptations of this model designed to meet particular assessment
situations, and others are reflections of the realities in the field at the present time, which
may include meetings at which not all relevant team members are present or in which the
interactions are not always as productive as expected.
The dialogues are planned to help students understand the thinking of various team
members as the problem-solving process is played out in these specific child and family
cases. By being able to simulate participation in the team problem-solving process,
students can gain an understanding of the roles of the various team members and of how
the interactions of these roles affect the outcomes for children and families. Students may
be assigned roles and actually simulate the team meetings, or they may study them as
cases to be analyzed and reported to the class. In either of these approaches, the dialogues
may serve as discussion starters and integrative experiences.
The writing of this text itself has been a team effort. The chapter perspectives were
constructed with the help of a number of university colleagues, who served as co-authors
of certain chapters, and colleagues in practice, who provided extensive interview
information about their disciplines. Dialogues were developed with the assistance of a
team of my graduate students and those practitioners and family members who consented
to the taping of their team meetings. Graduate and undergraduate students in early
intervention courses assisted in review and evaluation of assessment instruments. Many
of these colleagues and students also provided assistance by reading various chapters and
dialogues and evaluating the validity of the information presented.
Defining Developmental Risk
A number of excellent sources have given extensive descriptions of conditions that may
impede or distort young children's developmental progress (e.g., Raver, 1991); this
information is not repeated in detail here. Three types of developmental risk category,
described below, have been described by Tjossem (1976) and further detailed by Bergen
and Raver (1991):

Page 5
Established risk conditions include neurological, genetic, orthopedic, cognitive, or
sensory impairments or other physical or medical syndromes that have been strongly
linked to developmental problems. These problems may be evident at or shortly after
birth, especially in children with severe physical, sensory, or cognitive impairments.
Some well defined conditions, even when diagnosed early, do not retard or distort
development until later in the child's life. However, in children with most established risk
conditions, developmental problems usually begin to be evident by the time the child is 6
months to 1 year of age. Established risks are often called disabilities. They include
diagnoses such as Down's syndrome, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, blindness, limb loss or
deformity, and other such genetic, motor, sensory, and cognitive impairments.
Biological risk conditions are physical or medical trauma experiences that occur in the
prenatal period, during the birth process, or in the neonatal period that have a high
probability of resulting in developmental delay but that do not always cause delay. Many
of these biological risks are acute during the hours, days, or weeks immediately following
the child's birth; thus, intensive medical care is usually required. If the child comes
through that period successfully, there may or may not be long-term detrimental results.
For example, extremely low birth weight is often related to developmental delay;
however, some children who are of low birth weight are able to overcome this condition
and do not experience permanent delays in development.
Environmental risk conditions are those factors in the physical setting (e.g., substandard
housing, exposure to lead paint) or in the family or other social institutions (e.g., parent
caregiving capabilities, low socioeconomic level, cultural values that preclude medical
care) that have the potential to influence negatively young children's developmental
progress. Negative environmental conditions internal to the family (e.g., family violence,
parental drug abuse) and external to the family (e.g., unemployment, lack of access to
health care) have an impact both on the development of all family members and on the
capacity of these families to provide appropriate environments for their young at-risk
The vast array of environmental factors that can influence development have been
conceptualized by Bronfenbrenner (1979, 1993). They include the persons in the
immediate and broad family system, neighborhood, community, state, and nation. Often,
a number of these conditions exist together and the prognosis for delay is greater when
there is a combination of negative factors. For example, if the physical environment is
poor (e.g., substandard housing in a deteriorating neighborhood), the care-giving
interaction is of low quality (e.g., a depressed parent), and the family members exhibit
tendencies associated with a history of school failure (e.g., are unlikely to read story
books to the child), the potential delay for

Page 6
the child may be greater than if only one of these conditions is present. Also, when
environmental risk is combined with either biological or established risk, the interactions
of these factors increases the potential for developmental delay.
It is always difficult to determine the proportion of risk from biological or medical
conditions and from environmental factors that may exist during the child's first few years
of life. For example, research about the effects of early cocaine exposure on children's
long-term development is inconclusive. Prenatal cocaine exposure, which is a major
biological risk at birth and results in documented problems for neonates, does not seem to
predict major developmental problems during the latter part of the first or second year of
life (Chasnoff, Griffith, Freier, & Murray, 1992). Because this condition also has
environmental risks associated with it (e.g., the capacity of the parent to care effectively
for the child), it is very difficult to determine whether the major factor in learning
problems identified in drug-exposed children at later ages are from the early biological
risk of drug exposure or from the environmental risk of experiencing a drug-addicted
Defining a Transdisciplinary Perspective
The term transdisciplinary assessment has been gaining increasing prominence as early
interventionists attempt to fulfill the mandates of Public Law 99-457. One of the
requirements of that law is that collaborative teamwork be evident in meeting the needs of
young children who are at risk for developmental delay. This requires efforts to involve
the family in determining appropriate early intervention, to ensure that public and private
agencies collaborate in facilitating smooth transitions to other services, and to use team
approaches and multifactored methods in assessment and intervention.
For those professionals who have been working in assessment and intervention services
for some time, the term transdisciplinary is difficult to differentiate from the various
types of interactive teaming in which they may have already been engaged. Foley (1990)
explains that it is an approach that was devised to remedy the deficits in other models of
assessment that had been used primarily with older children and adults. The differences
between multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary team approaches have been discussed at
length in numerous other publications (e.g., Foley, 1990; Morsink, Thomas, & Correa,
1991; Raver, 1991; Woodruff & McGonigel, 1988) and do not need to be discussed at
length here. However, a few essential differences need to be highlighted and the rationale
for an integrative (i.e., transdisciplinary) rather than multi- or interdisciplinary approaches

Page 7
The multidisciplinary assessment approach involves having each professional conduct a
separate evaluation, using the major instruments or procedures common in that discipline.
The results are then reported in writing to an individual who is central to the process
(e.g., a director of a medical or clinical team). In this model, the professionals who do the
assessment are often not involved in developing the intervention plan; the plan is usually
made by one or two centrally involved individuals or by a different set of professionals
who use the written assessment result reports in making their decisions. Parents are
involved primarily in making sure their children get to the various professional offices
where the assessments will be made and in hearing the results of the assessment from
each professional's individual perspective.
In the interdisciplinary assessment model, the assessments are still conducted
independently by the professionals, using their discipline-specific instruments. However,
there are usually communication and results-sharing among the assessors, often through a
meeting with the parent and at least some of the team members. Typically, at the group
meeting each professional takes a turn in telling the parent the results and giving
recommendations for intervention. Rarely does one professional question or even
comment on another's report, and although the parent is asked to question or comment,
the assessment profile and the decisions regarding appropriate intervention are usually
made by each professional prior to the meeting and are not often changed as a result of
the team meeting.
The transdisciplinary assessment approach differs both in the procedures for assessment
and in the determination of actions based on the assessment. At least in its ideal form,
parents are involved even before the actual assessment procedures begin; they are asked
to give their own assessment of the child and to identify areas of concern that the parents
feel are particularly important to assess and remediate. The parents also have the
opportunity to identify needs of the family that relate to their child, and to affirm the
strengths they can bring to that child's care and education. Then the team as a whole
decides on the appropriate methods for assessing each child and conducts an integrated
assessment, using the methods from all disciplines that appear to be appropriate. Often,
the assessment is done in an arena in which one or two of the professionals interact with
the child while the others observe, noting the specific developmental areas on which their
expertise is focused.
At other times the team may determine that not all team members need to be present
because they have already shared enough of their own expertise with one or two other
team members who are then able to conduct the complete assessment. If a deeper level of
diagnosis is judged to be needed, then there may be an individual assessment in the
problematic areas. In planning the intervention, one team member serves as primary

Page 8
coordinator of the plan but the team as a whole discusses the results and integrates the
findings from various disciplines before the intervention plan is put in place. The parent
is present throughout the assessment and intervention planning and is a fully contributing
member of the team.
Theoretical Rationale for a Transdisciplinary Approach
There are four transactional principles that provide the theoretical rationale for this
approach. They are described by Foley (1990), as follows:
1. Multiple factors converge to produce any given symptom complex (e.g., systemic
analysis is needed to understand developmental problems).
2. The child must be understood as a whole person in an environmental context (e.g., the
interaction of familial and social factors with individual child factors determine the depth
and range of risk).
3. There are developmental "domino" or "cross-over" effects (e.g., all zones of
development are affected because of the unity of development in infancy).
4. There are cumulative adversity effects (e.g., a developmental problem is a result of the
accumulation of events, not one single event).
According to Foley, the transdisciplinary approach was designed to take into account the
principles of this theoretical perspective.
Practice Rationale for a Transdisciplinary Approach
The framers of Public Law 99-457 believed that there were several major drawbacks to
current practice that could be addressed through collaborative teamwork, such as
duplication of services, lack of communication between disciplinary groups serving the
same or similar populations, and cost-effectiveness problems, that could be addressed
through collaborative teamwork. Anyone who has worked in a social service, health, or
education oriented profession can give examples of such dysfunctional conditions. They
probably agree that better communication and collaborative efforts would be more cost-
and time-efficient, and more effective in bringing needed services to young children and
their families. Most of those same professionals, however, can point to resource and
personnel needs, to family problems, and to health, education, and social services gaps
that cannot be overcome simply by a commitment to teamwork.

Page 9
Thus, transdisciplinary assessment and intervention will not solve all of the problems
evident in our systems of service to young children and their families. However, the
approach may serve to improve present assessment methods, to demonstrate the truth of
the Gestalt principle that the "whole is greater than the sum of its parts," and to give
young children their best chance of getting the range of prevention and intervention
services that they need. Specifically, transdisciplinary assessment is useful for the
following reasons.
First, it takes into account the ecological factors that impinge on and interact with the
developmental problems of infants and toddlers. Typically, professionals from different
disciplines attend to different ecological factors; as a team they can get a complex picture
of the ecology surrounding children's developmental progress and thus be better prepared
to have an effect on that progress.
Second, it directly addresses many of the validity and reliability problems that are evident
when only one or two assessment instruments are used with infants and toddlers. Even
the best of instruments has relatively poor predictive validity (i.e., a child whose early
assessment results show delay or lack of delay often does not show that same pattern at a
later age). Many also have poor concurrent validity (i.e., results from two measures that
purport to assess a similar developmental construct are not in agreement) and poor
reliability (i.e., a child's performance on the same or a similar test will differ if taken
again, especially if in a different context). Few tests supply normative data representative
of performance of children with disabilities or delays; thus, determining delay is difficult.
Having a number of team members concurrently using different measures and giving
perspectives on the same domains of development can serve not only as a practical
confirmation or disconfirmation of validity and reliability questions but also as an
indicator of the context variables that may have influenced assessment performance.
Third, it provides for families an integrated and comprehensive picture of their children's
strengths and areas of developmental delay. In the typical multi- and interdisciplinary
models of assessment, families are often confused about the meaning of the jargon from
various disciplinary fields. They cannot understand or resolve the differences in disparate
or conflicting reports. Often, they must provide the same set of background information
numerous times because this information is not shared among discipline groups; they
must interact separately with a range of professionals, who often have no knowledge of
or interest in the reports of other professionals; and the team has no plan for integrating
the various assessment reports into a coherent picture that leads to a useful plan of
intervention. Transdisciplinary assessment has the potential for making the process more
meaningful to and empowering of parents and thus more useful to their children.

Page 10
Fourth, it gives professionals from many disciplines new insights into their own and
others' perspectives on assessment and intervention. While being required to share
expertise and viewpoints with other professionals is often threatening and time
consuming, it is rewarding in at least two ways. First, by making explicit the
understandings and principles of their own discipline, they can gain a deeper level of
knowledge about that discipline. As the old saying goes, "the teacher learns the most."
Second, by giving up a part of their role and responsibility and taking on parts of the
roles of other professionals in order to achieve a shared goal, they can experience a
broadening and deepening of their own knowledge base. This process can result in
professional development in its truest sense.
Promoting Child and Team Readiness
In the past few years, there has been great interest in the first goal of the Commission
2000 Report (Task Force on Education, 1990), which has again called attention to the
need for early experiences that will make all children "ready to learn." While I have some
quarrel with the way this goal has been stated, because I believe young children are
always ready to learn, I do agree that a collaborative approach that helps all children
reach their full developmental potential is an important societal goal.
Unfortunately, domestic policy and practice have not provided the resources needed to
enable all young children to learn at their highest capacity. In fact, societal "benign
neglect" or active restriction of access to health and other basic resources has forced many
children to grow up in environments that are not conducive to their optimal development.
The challenge we now face is that of ensuring that the policies and practices we advocate
and implement result in improving the chances for life success of all young children, but
especially those who are judged to be at risk.
Child readiness, however, cannot be accomplished out of the context of team readiness.
The present readiness level of early intervention teams to meet the challenges of
collaborative, comprehensive, and family-centered assessment and intervention merits
immediate attention. Transdisciplinary team assessment is only beginning to be
implemented throughout the nation. Many hybrid team versions exist, especially ones that
combine aspects of the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary models. While there are
problems in getting transdisciplinary teams to function successfully, evidence is
accumulating that supports the effectiveness of such models (Morsink et al., 1991). My
hope is that this book will help professionals from a wide range of disciplines become
ready to work in an integrated, effective way that promotes young children's
developmental achievement and supports the empowerment of their families.

Page 11

Chapter 1
Interactive Perspectives on Infant and Toddler Development
Doris Bergen
The months before birth and the first 3 years after birth are times of great developmental
change. Some changes are gradual and others seem to occur with astounding suddenness,
although the precursors for the changes usually have been building for some time. In the
first year of life the rate of change is often so rapid that physical and behavioral
differences can be noted almost on a daily basis. By the age of 3, children who are
developing typically have amassed a broad foundation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes
on which their subsequent developmental changes will be based.
The processes and stages of infant and toddler development have fascinated a number of
our most noted scientists, including Darwin (1877), who recorded observations of his
own son's development in one of the first "baby biographies"; Skinner (1945, 1972) who
designed a special infant learning environment in which to observe his child; and Piaget
(1954, 1962), whose observations of his infants' play influenced his theory of
sensorimotor cognition.
The early development knowledge-base has been greatly enriched by a physician, Arnold
Gesell (1925, 1928, 1949), who systematically observed children, charted the typical
developmental milestones occurring in their first years of life, designed one of the first
methods of assessing normative development, and recommended procedures for
diagnosing developmental problems and delays. Although inappropriate uses of his
developmental schedules and interpretations of his work that have stressed its
maturational focus have been effectively criticized (e.g., Kelley & Surbeck, 1991; Meisels,
1987), Gesell's fundamental perspectivethat diagnosis of developmental problems must be
done within the context of knowledge of typical developmental processesis still relevant.

Page 12
Many of the standardized assessment measures currently in use draw on information
collected by Gesell and other researchers who studied young children during the middle
decades of the century. In the past 20 years, however, another group of researchers and
theorists has been at work, using technologically sophisticated methods to observe early
developmental processes more precisely. For example, they have studied prenatal and
infant brain development (Epstein, 1978); the effects of nutritional and health factors on
early neurological processes (Lozoff, 1989); infant perception, attention, and memory
processes (Bornstein, 1988; Rovee-Collier, 1993); and infant sensorimotor intelligence
(Uzgiris, 1976). They have also looked at social, emotional, and communicative issues
such as infant temperament (Thomas & Chess, 1977); attachment to caregivers (Lamb,
1977); language and symbolic play (McCune-Nicolich, 1981); and parent-child reciprocal
interaction processes (Field, 1979).
Other researchers have investigated how culturally diverse family values and behaviors
affect development (Laosa, 1982), and what the effects of various disabilities may be in
influencing developmental patterns (Casby & Ruder, 1983). The insights into child
development gained from this research are only beginning to be used in formal
assessment, although some assessment measures have been designed that draw
specifically on this information. For example, there are measurements of temperament
(Carey & McDevitt, 1978); attention (Fagan & Shepherd, 1987); social-emotional
interactions (Greenspan Leiberman, & Poisson, 1990); and play (Linder, 1993). Revisions
of psychometric instruments are also beginning to incorporate recent developmental
information in test items (e.g., Bayley, 1993).
An understanding of basic developmental principles and "typical" developmental
milestones and the awareness of biological and environmental interactions that affect
development is essential in order to choose and use developmentally appropriate
assessment methods, make decisions based on these measures, and plan relevant
interventions. The overview provided here does not take the place of an in-depth study of
life span development, which should be an important requirement in the educational
program of all professionals who work in educational, psychological, medical,
communication, or social disciplines related to early intervention. All professionals on
early intervention teams must have a well-grounded human development knowledge-base
in order to make valid judgments about developmental delays in young children and to
initiate appropriate interventions to promote their development.
Developmental Change as Achievement
Although theorists have defined human development in various ways (e.g., Ausubel,
Sullivan, & Ives, 1980; Baltes, 1989; Bronfenbrenner, 1993;

Page 13
Scarr, 1991), most of them would agree that it includes the following characteristics:
1. Changes in the structure, function, or behavior of the human organism
2. that occur over some time period (which may be of long or brief duration)
3. and are due to an interactive combination of maturation and learning
(heredity/environment interaction)
According to Feinman (1991), American cultural values that emphasize accomplishment,
hard work, upward striving, and individual effort have resulted in a societal view of
''development as achievement." Thus, American parents and teachers see young children's
developmental changes as the attainment of milestones or stages that mark progress.
Feinman states, "In industrial society, development is the realm in which the infant is
encouraged to achieve" (p. 290). Moreover, it is an individual achievement rather than a
group achievement. He notes American emphasis on the accomplishment of
developmental tasks in early childhood and questions our view that development is
progress rather than just change, recalling Bruner's (1983) comment that "Human beings,
whatever their age, are completed forms of what they are" (p. 138).
Although this argument is provocative and certainly in need of further consideration,
especially in regard to people who have been diagnosed with disabilities, it is also clear
that early intervention is now strongly in the philosophical camp that defines
"development as achievement." If it were not, then there would be no such concept as
"developmental delay," which implies that, for some young children, developmental
achievements have not occurred in a timely, sequential fashion.
The sequences, milestones, and stages outlined by numerous researchers and theorists
describe normative developmental features, usually called universals of development.
However, these professionals, like most parents, have also found that wide individual
variations occur within the universal developmental patterns. These individual variations
form a range within typical development that has been called the "range of normality."
Extreme variations that go beyond the borders of these ranges have traditionally been
categorized as atypical developmental patterns or disabilities.
Individual variations are partly due to genetically based characteristics, but are also the
result of experiences that children have prenatally, at birth, and throughout their early
years as they interact with the physical objects and sensory stimuli in the environment and
with the social world of parents, siblings, extended family members, and nonrelated
caregivers. The exact nature of the complex interactions between young chil-

Page 14
dren's biologically based characteristics and the factors in their pre- and postnatal
environments is not yet clear. However, the importance of early environments on the
developmental changes that occur between birth and age 3 has been well established, and
current studies continue to support that conclusion (e.g., Brooks-Gunn, Klebanov, Liaw,
& Spiker, 1993).
In infancy, developmental change has a high biological and maturational component; that
is, many changes occur universally as a part of the growth process. Children carry within
them a genetic potential, sometimes called a "genetic reaction range" or a "genotype," and
it provides the parameters within which all development occurs. For example, physical
characteristics, such as height potential, are influential in determining developmental
terminals (i.e., how tall a child will eventually be). The exact influence of genetic
characteristics is only beginning to be explored; however, there appear to be temperament,
as well as physical characteristics that are biologically based (Chess & Thomas, 1989).
Environmental factors may interact with biologically based dispositions in positive or
negative ways. The human organism is a system and, as such, has interactive components
within itself (e.g., an illness affects a child's demonstration of walking ability). However,
aspects of the social and physical environment (e.g., the care received during the illness, a
safe or unsafe place in which to walk, an encouraging parent) also determines whether
and how the child's genetic potential will be manifested. The manifestations of
developmental potential that result from these interactions is called the "phenotype." The
phenotype is observed during assessments. From observations and comparisons of
phenotypic behaviors, predictions are made about the developmental potential of
Given their acceptance of the achievement definition of development and their
commitment to maximizing that achievement, early intervention team members need to
know basic developmental principles and processes, have a base of developmental
knowledge, and understand the potential effects of biological and environmental
interactions on developmental change.
Basic Developmental Principles and Processes
Theorists and researchers often disagree on developmental issues such as whether there
are discrete stages or how important a role heredity plays. However, they do agree that
there are a number of principles that characterize human development throughout the life
span. Figure 1.1 describes these principles and gives examples illustrating how they are
manifested in typical development.
In regard to these developmental principles, young children with dis-

Page 15
abilities or delays are more similar to than different from typically developing human
beings. Thus, the same developmental principles apply to children who are at risk for
delay, although there may be some differences in how the principles are manifested. It is
especially important for early intervention team members to keep these principles in mind
as they plan ways to help these children reach their developmental potential. Figure 1.1
also shows the relationship of these principles to the development of young children who
are at risk for delay.
Development during the Prenatal Period
The developmental stages of the prenatal period unfold in a relatively predictable fashion,
although they are influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Figure 1.2 shows the
timetable for initial development for typically developing children.
Rosenblith (1992) identifies the following genetic factors that can affect prenatal
development: chromosomal disorders (e.g., Down's syndrome), gene defects (e.g., cystic
fibrosis), the Rh factor, and problems in the balance of negative and positive genetic
characteristics (e.g., sicklecell anemia). She indicates that environmental factors that may
affect prenatal development include maternal diseases (e.g., rubella, HIV), maternal
chronic illness (e.g., diabetes), maternal malnutrition, prenatal oxygen deprivation,
nonpsychotropic drugs (e.g., thalidomide, steroids), and psychotropic drugs (e.g.,
alcohol, nicotine, heroin, cocaine). Other possible environmental influences include
radiation and physical or psychological stress. The type and severity of effects that
environmental factors have depend on the time and intensity of exposure and on
interactions with the genetic characteristics of the fetus.
During the birth process there are changes in the circulatory and the respiratory systems
that enable the neonate to survive without the placenta. For example, impulses from the
sensory receptors of the skin and chemical receptors in blood gases stimulate the
respiratory center of the brain at birth so that breathing movements begin (Rosenblith,
1992). If such processes do not occur, death or disability for the neonate may result.
Developmental Achievements from Birth to Age Three
The period from birth to age 3 is one of extremely rapid development. The major
developmental achievements that occur form the basis for all assessments of
developmental delay. For some children these achievements occur over a longer
chronological period than the first 3 years, and for others some of these achievements are
never attained or have unique char-

Page 16
Principles Typical Examples Risk Conditions
Children who are at risk actively
Infants actively seek select and attend to environmental
1. Human beings are stimulation by visual stimuli and attempt to act on these
active in the process of search and by grasping or stimuli; if disabilities hamper
their own development. moving toward novel self-efficacy, adaptive devices
phenomena. and social stimulation must be
enablers of action.
Those at risk may not reach some
Adolescent parents and developmental milestones until
2. Developmental change middle adult parents they are older, but they will
can occur at any point in experience developmental continue to make progress;
the life span. change when they have a education continues to make a
child. difference throughout the life
3. The process is not a In the "terrible twos" the Those at risk also experience
smooth, additive one; it child strives for autonomy setbacks, plateaux, disorganized
involves transitions and while still being dependentperiods, and new beginnings;
cycles, which include and so behavior fluctuates these cycles may not be evidence
chaotic and disorganized between seeking nurturing of pathology but of developmental
as well as integrated and and gaining control of self transition periods similar to those
coordinated periods. and others. of typical children.
4. Biological maturation
Biological and hereditary factors
and hereditary factors A child's physique (e.g.,
affect the levels of progress and
provide the parameters wiry or solidly built) may
the end points of development in
within which affect timing of walking.
areas of risk.
development occurs.
A child with poor nutrition Certain types of delay (e.g.,
5. Environments can limit
or who is confined to a language, social) are very much
or expand developmental
crib may walk later than is influenced by home, school, and
typical. community environments.

Figure 1.1
Developmental Principles, Typical Examples, and Relation to Risk Conditions
cont'd on next page

Page 17
Principles Typical Examples Risk Conditions
Continuity of development
The temperament of a child
6. There are both continuity may be less easily
(e.g., slow-to-warm-up) may
and discontinuity (i.e., recognized and
be evident throughout life;
gradual, stable growth, and discontinuities may be more
thinking patterns will differ
abrupt changes) in noticeable or attributed to
qualitatively from infancy to
development. nondevelopmental causes in
those at risk.
7. Many developmental
patterns and processes are
universal (i.e., they follow Children at risk will also
Children in all culture use a
similar time intervals, show these patterns, although
type of "baby" grammar
durations, and sequences of they may be distorted or
when they first learn to talk.
change in most individuals, delayed due to disabilities.
no matter what their cultural
8. There are unique
Most girls talk earlier than
individual biological
boys, but in cultures where Children at risk are more
characteristics as well as
mothers talk more to boys, likely to have unique
culturally and
they talk early; girls in some characteristics and
environmentally contingent
culture are permitted to be experiences that influence
qualities that influence
active and in those cultures how universals of
timing, duration, sequence,
they show higher activity development are manifested.
and specificity of
developmental change.
Children with severe or
progressive syndromes may
9. Developmental changes A chronic illness may affect show deterioration
may be positive or negative, a child's progress and cause development; a balance
as they are affected by health some regression to "baby" between maintenance of
and other factors. behavior. positive development signs
and control of negative
indicators may be required.
Time intervals of change are
often long with children with
10. Developmental change Infants' motor skills are very
disabilities, but
intervals tend to be of different at 6 months and at 1
developmental progress will
shorter time spans for year, but there in not much
usually occur more quickly at
younger than older change in motor skills
younger rather than older
individuals. between ages 15 to 17.
ages, making early
intervention important.
Figure 1.1 cont'd

Page 18
Name of Time After
Stage Fertilization
Initial development
Zygote 040 hours Cleavage divisions.
40 hours to 4
Morula Reaches uterus; embryonic cell masses develop.
Development of 2-layered (bilaminar) risk; implantation begins;
Blastocyst 48 days
embryonic membranes start to develop.
EmbryoEarly1213 days Implantation complete.
14 days Mature placenta begins to develop.
Development of 3-layered (trilaminar) disk; neural tube begins to
1520 days form; disk becomes attached to uterine wall by short, thick
umbilical cord; placenta develops rapidly.
Eyes begin to form; heart start beating; crown-rump length 5 mm
(less than .25 in); growth rate about 1 mm per day; neural tube
2128 days closes (otherwise spina bifida); vascular system develops (blood
vessels); placental maternal-embryonic circulation begins to
>EmbryoLate5 weeks Arm and leg buds form.
7 weeks Facial structures fuse (otherwise facial defects, e.g., cleft palate).
Crown-rump length 3 cm (slightly over 1 in); weight 1 gm (about
8 weeks .03 oz); major development or organs completed; most external
features recognizable at birth are present.

Figure 1.2
Sequence of Prenatal Development
cont'd on next page

Page 19
Time After
of Events
Fetal development
Movements of arms and legs; startle and sucking reflexes, facial
expressions, and external sex organs appear; fingerprints develop;
Fetus 812 weeks
respiratory and excretory systems develop, but are not functional; lanugo
end of first Length 7.6 cm (about 3 in); weight 14 g (about .5 oz); simple abortion by
trimester curettage no longer possible.
1316 weeks Skin and true hair develop; skeleton becomes bony.
Length 20 cm (about 8 in); weight 450 g (less than 1 lb); movements
become obvious to mother ("quickening"); heartbeat can be heard through
1724 weeks
stethoscope; old cells discarded and replaced by new (hence cells in
amniotic fluid).
Begins to acquire subcutaneous fat; terminals of lung and associated
2528 weeks
blood vessels develop.
end second
Good chance of survival if born prematurely.
Fetus becomes plump; lanugo usually shed; testes of male usually
by 38 weeks
Source Note: Reprinted with permission from Rosenblith, JF (1992).

Figure 1.2 cont'd

Page 20
acteristics. Although human development is holistic, proceeding in an integrated fashion
across all domains, the convention of the field is that developmental changes are
observed and evaluated in discrete domain categories. The domains of development
typically described are physical-motor, sensory-perceptual, cognitive, language, social-
emotional, and play. Developmental disabilities or risk conditions may affect the
attainment of developmental goals in each of these domains.
Physical-Motor Development
Changes in physical growth and motor coordination during the first 3 years of life can be
readily observed. Perhaps because of this ease of observation, assessment instruments for
young children use many items from this domain. However, the predictive validity of
these assessment instruments for cognitive delay has not been high (Columbo, 1993).
This may be because early physical-motor development is strongly maturationally based
and thus less influenced by cultural or experiential factors than other developmental
domains. Super (1976), however, found that in some cultures these skills were achieved
early and were related to the amount of teaching of motor skills in which the mothers
Infants' heads are proportionally large in relation to the rest of their body at birth, and
movement is dominated by primitive reflexes. The average infant weighs about 7 pounds
and is approximately 20 inches long at full-term birth (Rosenblith, 1992). Their heart and
breathing rates are twice as fast as those of adults. The skeletal maturity of girls is
typically about four weeks ahead of that of boys (Fischer & Lazerson, 1984). During the
first year of life weight typically triples, and length increases by about 10 inches.
Premature infants who are considered at high risk are those who weigh less than 3 1/2
pounds; those who weigh between 3 1/2 and 5 1/2 pounds are also considered at risk.
Small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants are also considered at high risk. Premature birth
is associated with high risk primarily because the development of organs necessary for
survival (e.g., the lungs) may not be sufficiently complete to enable the infant to be viable
(Rosenblith, 1992). Much of the activity in neonatal nurseries is devoted to helping
premature or low-birth-weight infants to survive until their systems can function without
The pattern of "states of consciousness" also seems to be important in the neonatal
period. Infants typically go through a cycle of sleep and arousal states, ranging from deep
sleep to active crying. Seven behavioral states have been categorized by Brazelton (1984),
who built on the knowledge of infant states in his assessment scale in order to observe
movement from state to state and to elicit best performance during the assessment. The
active alert

Page 21
state seems to be the one in which most infant learning occurs. Although typical young
infants average about 15 to 16 hours of sleep per day, there is great variation in sleep
patterns, with some infants sleeping as little as 10 hours per day. The number of sleep
periods also varies: infants of 13 weeks range from 2 to 17 sleep periods (Rosenblith,
At full-term birth, infants' brains have almost all the neurons (i.e., nerve cells) they will
ever have; however, the receptor connections (i.e., dendrites) between the neurons are not
yet complete, and the cortical portion of the brain has not been fully developed
(Rosenblith, 1992). During the first 2 years of life the dendritic connections multiply
extensively and the development of the insulating material that speeds message
transmission (i.e., myelinization) occurs.
The brain grows in spurts during this early period (Epstein, 1978). By age 2, children's
brains are already about 75% of adult size, but there is a spurt of growth beginning at age
2 that results in the brain being almost full size by age 6 (Tanner, 1978). There is some
evidence that nutritional deficits during these first years can affect cognitive and physical
development (Pollitt, Gorman, Engle, Martorel, & Rivera, 1993; Super, Herrera, & Mora,
1990, 1991). However, nutritional rehabilitation by itself is often not enough to remediate
cognitive delays (Lozoff, 1989).
The presence in neonates of motor reflexes, such as sucking, rooting, and grasping, aid
infant survival. Most reflexes (e.g., sucking, grasping) become incorporated in voluntary
movements later. Others typically disappear during the first year. For example, the Moro
(startle) reflex disappears in about 4 months. Infants' failure to lose such reflexive
behaviors as their voluntary motor coordination is established serves as a strong indicator
of a serious developmental disability (Gallagher & Cech, 1988).
The general sequence of changes in mobility and gross motor coordination (e.g., sitting,
standing, walking) and in fine motor coordination (e.g., picking up small objects and
transferring them from one hand to the other) has been outlined since the 1930s (Gesell,
1925; Shirley, 1931). For example, rolling over and sitting usually occur by about 6
months, standing by 8 months, and walking by about 11 months. Infants reach for objects
by about 2 months, are successful at grasping them by about 5 months, and have a
thumb-finger grasp that enables them to pick up small objects by about 10 months.
Although the exact time these milestones are achieved is not crucial, the occurrence of
motor skills within the range of the typical sequence is an important assessment standard.
Young children who have conditions such as cerebral palsy or spina bifida, who are
missing limbs, or who have visual impairments almost always have delays or distortions
in their motor coordination achievements.
The process of motor coordination follows cephalocaudal (top-to-bottom) and
proximodistal (inner-to-outer) change principles. An example

Page 22
of the cephalocaudal principle is that infants gain head control before trunk control,
which occurs before leg control. The proximodistal principle is shown in children's ability
to coordinate their whole body in space before they can use precise fine motor skills,
such as picking up a small object. Young children must master two aspects of motor
coordination: (1) coordination with self (e.g., moving one's own body to sit or stand) and
(2) coordination of self with objects and other people (e.g., locating objects in space and
moving to reach, touch, grasp, catch, and manipulate them). These types of coordination
are essential for achieving more complex coordinated movement (Keogh, 1978). Of
course, these coordination achievements also require the ability to integrate movement
patterns with information from sensory stimuli. Sensorimotor integration problems are
often identified in children who have delayed motor coordination.
Sensory-Perceptual Development
Although early researchers saw infants as primarily passive and reactive in regard to the
sensory stimuli with which they were bombarded, more recent research on the
development of sensory and perceptual processes and their relation to cognition have
indicated that, from birth, infants selectively attend to, attempt to control, and perceptually
organize their sensory environment (Bornstein, 1988). Infants can see and discriminate
among patterns presented at close range even during the newborn period (Fantz, 1963),
but they can not see well at distances. During their first 3 years distance vision improves
greatly. Infants are particularly interested in the human face and by 6 months can
recognize familiar and unfamiliar faces (Gibson, 1969). Hearing is already well developed
at birth, although sounds must be relatively loud to be heard. Newborns react to sounds,
and their ability to locate the direction of sound improves greatly by 5 months
(Morrongiello & Clifton, 1984). By 4 months they are beginning to discriminate among
and organize speech sounds (Eimas & Miller, 1992).
Even very young infants are responsive to odor, taste, touch, and probably pain (Steiner,
1979; Gunnar, Malone, & Fisch, 1987). Intermodal perception, which is the ability to
integrate information simultaneously from several sensory modalities, is evident within
the first year of life (Meltzoff, 1990). For example, 6-month-old infants can recognize
moving objects (Ruff, 1982) and by 1 year they coordinate vision and touch (Acredolo &
Hake, 1982). An important achievement is gaining the ability to reach for and grasp an
object, which usually occurs by about 4 months of age. Some infants begin with large and
vigorous movements and refine them, others start quietly and gradually generate more
energetic movements (Thelen, Corbetta, Kamm, Spencer, Schneider, & Zernicke, 1993).

Page 23
Infants show by their defensive motor responses to approaching objects that they have a
basic understanding of speed and trajectory of movement of objects in space before they
are 6 months old (Ball & Tronick, 1971). They demonstrate depth perception by hesitating
when expected to crawl across surfaces that appear to be far below them during the latter
part of the first year (Gibson & Walk, 1960).
Infants also demonstrate the ability to synchronize the rhythm of their movements with
those of their caregivers; monitor and control their arousal level through motoric
withdrawal and gaze aversion when interaction is too intense; and use their facial
expressions and body movements to elicit responses from caregivers when the caregivers
are nonresponsive (Brazelton, Koslowski, & Main, 1974; Stern, 1974). Because of the
importance of visual, auditory, and other sensory stimuli in motor coordination,
reciprocal interactions, and exploratory movement, the visually or otherwise sensorily
impaired young child will be likely to have delays or distortions in these behaviors, which
may then have implications for development in cognitive, language, and social-emotional
The sensorimotor actions of infants demonstrate the close tie between these action
schemes and their increasing knowledge of objects (Piaget, 1954). At first, infants use the
same action schemes (e.g., mouthing or shaking) on all objects they encounter, but by the
end of the first year they use differentiated action schemes that are appropriate for the
objects. For example, they will mouth a cookie, shake bells, and rub cotton on their
cheek. The appearance of differentiated action schemes, described in detail by Uzgiris and
Hunt (1975), show the infant is beginning to recognize and use objects appropriately.
Cognitive Development
The link of infant cognition to sensory and motor development was made explicit by
Piaget (1954), who described stages of infant sensorimotor thought and the transition to
representational thinking during the toddler years. He characterized sensorimotor
cognition as having 6 stages. The stage sequence progresses from simple reflexes (first
month) to attempts to reproduce chance events (1 to 4 months) to focused action on the
objects in the environment (4 to 8 months) to intentional coordination of schemes (8 to 12
months) to exploration of new scheme possibilities (12 to 18 months) to ability to
represent objects and use primitive symbols (18 to 24 months). If voluntary coordination
of reflexive behaviors is the source of cognition, as Piaget asserts, then problems in
timing of onset and disappearance of reflexes are strong indicators of potential cognitive

Page 24
Piaget theorized that the ability to use representational thinking, which occurs between 18
and 24 months, is evidenced when infants demonstrate object permanence (i.e., being
able to hold the idea of an object in mind even when it cannot be seen); pretend play (i.e.,
transforming objects and actions to be other than they actually are); and language (i.e.,
understanding and using verbal symbolic labels for objects and actions). The
demonstration of these capabilities marks the end of the sensorimotor period, which
occurs at about age 2. Symbolic representation also enables infants to understand that
pictures, television images, and replica models can represent persons, animals, objects,
actions on objects, and social interactions. The transition from sensorimotor to
representational thought is crucial for the development of higher level thinking abilities.
According to Piaget, from age 3 to 7, children's representational thinking is still highly
based on perceptual information (i.e., appearance), focuses on one dimension, and is
characterized by egocentric speech, in which the child uses vocal sounds or narratives to
accompany actions but not for communicative intent. He terms this age period
preoperational because children are not yet capable of performing logical mental
Most children who have developmental delays eventually reach this transition period
from sensorimotor to preoperational thinking. However, the timing depends on the type
and severity of delay. For example, visually impaired children are usually delayed in
developing object permanence and symbolic play (Rogers & Puchalski, 1984) and
children with autism may be delayed in or may never attain the ability to understand or
produce language and to play in pretend modes (Clune, Paolella, & Foley, 1979). Using
Piaget's concepts, Uzgiris & Hunt (1975) designed a method of assessment that gives
insights into sensorimotor thought and the transition to representational thought. Dunst
(1980) has adapted this instrument for use with children who have disabilities.
Vygotsky (1962), who studied young children's categorization and language abilities,
indicated that young children demonstrate categorical thinking first by grouping objects
using unorganized trial and error or spatial nearness criteria. By age 3 they are able to
associate objects and organize complexes of objects using criteria based on perceptual or
semantic associations. Vygotsky differs with Piaget in his view of the role of egocentric
speech, which Piaget asserted was a nonsocial behavior that paralleled thinking. Vygotsky
sees egocentric speech of the type that accompanies action as arising from social
awareness and as playing an important role in influencing young children's development
of conceptual thought.
A number of current theorists have revised aspects of Piagets' stage descriptions. For
example, Case (1986) has indicated that the preoperational period, which begins about
age 2 or 3, might be better termed relational

Page 25
because children are learning the relationships among the phenomena in their world.
Fischer (1980; Fischer, Bullock, Rotenberg, & Raya, 1993) rejects the idea of stages,
preferring instead to describe ''tiers" of behavior that take into account the fact that the
same level of thinking is not used across all domains. He characterizes early sensorimotor
thought as "single set representations" (i.e., reaching), which then proceeds to "mapping"
(i.e., connecting the single sets of seeing, reaching, and grasping). Ability to coordinate
conceptual "systems" of representations does not begin until after the toddler age;
however, toddlers do begin to show they can coordinate their actions among
sensorimotor systems (e.g., taking note of object distance and speed in their reaching and
grasping acts). Baldwin, Markman, & Melartin (1993) report that by 9 months infants can
draw simple inferences about object properties after only brief experiences with the
objects. They presented infants with similar looking novel toys, one of which had a
hidden but salient property (such as making noise). Infants attempted to reproduce that
property in the similar toy, but did not attempt to do so when given a dissimilar toy.
Some cognitive skills may occur earlier than Piaget proposed. For example, newborns are
able to form prototypes and recognize familiar schemes (Walton & Bower, 1993); infants
of 3 and 6 months can demonstrate long-term memory of events in which they have
actively participated (Rovee-Collier, 1993); and those of 7 months can remember where
objects had been placed at an earlier time (Fox, Kagan, & Weiskopf, 1979). Also,
newborns can imitate adult emotional expressions (Field, 1982) and infants of 9 months
can imitate actions 24 hours after they have seen them performed, a phenomenon Piaget
said did not occur until 18 months (Meltzoff, 1988). During infancy, children begin to
acquire a sense of intentionality, recognizing that people are responsive to their requests
and attempts to communicate (Flavell, 1993).
Many recent research findings about infant cognitive competence have not yet found their
way into standard assessment measures, but they have potential for being especially
useful in assessing young children who have severe motor or sensory problems that
prevent them from demonstrating their understanding through sensorimotor actions. An
example is a measure derived from perception of visual stimuli, which is now being used
to make inferences about infant cognitive development (e.g., Fagan, 1987). In this
assessment technique, the length of time infants pay attention to pictures of novel and
familiar faces is used as an indicator of cognitive competence. Typical infants habituate to
familiar stimuli and look longer at novel stimuli. Research indicates this method has
predictive validity for later cognitive competence (Fagan & Singer, 1983; Fagan, Singer,
Monte, & Shepherd, 1986). It is not a measure that can be used

Page 26
with the visually impaired infant; however, it does provide an assessment alternative that
requires no language and minimal movement. It is described further in Appendix B.
Because the close interface of language with cognition is evident after the first year of life,
most assessment methods used with 2- and 3-year-olds require children to demonstrate
comprehension and production of language when cognition is being assessed.
Language Development
The processes of language acquisition and the sequence of language development
milestones have been well charted over the past 25 years (e.g., Brown, 1973; Nelson,
1973). Even very young infants rapidly learn to use their vocal apparatus to attract
attention to their needs and engage in social interactions through crying and "cooing"
vocalizations. Beginning at about three or four months and continuing throughout the first
year is a babbling stage, during which infants gain the ability to articulate the sounds of all
languages and gradually learn to approximate the phonetic elements and intonations used
in their native language. Babbling seems to be a maturationally based behavior because its
initial phases occur even in deaf infants, who have had no opportunity to hear language
(Lenneberg, 1967).
Hearing-impaired infants do not continue to progress to later stages unless they have
hearing augmentation, confirming that exposure to a language environment is necessary
for language acquisition. The learning of sign language is apparently slightly easier than
the learning of spoken language; however, the cognitive capabilities of memory,
categorization, and symbolization must be present for either to occur (Goodwyn &
Acredolo, 1993). For example, children who exhibit pervasive communication disorders,
such as those resulting from autism, usually have delays or distortions in their cognitive
and play capabilities and in their language (Riguet, Taylor, Benaroya, & Klein, 1981).
Prematurity alone does not seem to preclude the typical development of language,
however. For example, in a longitudinal study of 30 premature low-birth-weight children,
only 4 showed language problems at age 3 (Craig, Evans, Meisels, & Plunkett, 1991).
Understanding of language (also called "reception" or "comprehension") begins at about 9
to 10 months with the comprehension of single words, and increases exponentially, with
more than 50 words being understood by 13 to 14 months (Bates, Bretherton, & Snyder,
1981). During the second year of life, children begin to follow simple directions, point to
pictures or objects when given a label, and participate in repetitive familiar games or
stories. By age 3 they respond to word-order cues and can understand sentences using
active voice, although understanding of passive voice sentences takes longer (Savage-
Rumbaugh, Murphy,

Page 27
Sevcik, Brakke, Williams, & Rumbaugh, 1993). Savage-Rumbaugh et al. assert that
"when similar requirements are used for both skills, comprehension is found to precede
production without exception" (p. 22).
Nelson (1973) found that comprehension at 13 to 15 months predicted children's level of
language production at 2 and 2 1/2 years. Comprehension was a better predictor of late
production than the number of words spoken at this same age. Language comprehension
is often difficult to assess because much language occurs in meaningful contexts and is
accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, or tones that also convey meaning.
However, by 18 to 24 months, if comprehension of well formed sentences voiced by
familiar adults is not beginning to occur, concern for the child's hearing or cognitive
capabilities is warranted. The "range of normality" for demonstrating the basics of
receptive language is relatively narrow (about 9 to 24 months).
Infants' ability to use spoken language (also called "expression" or "production") typically
begins during the last few months of their first year, although there is a much wider
"range of normality" in regard to onset, quantity, and quality of speech. For example,
although parents are often concerned about articulation of sounds, age of mastery of
particular sounds ranges from age 3 (b, m, n, f, w, h) to over age 6 (th, ing) (Goldman &
Fristoe, 1986) and achieving speech that is understandable by familiar adults can occur
anywhere from age 2 to age 4 (Frankenburg & Dodds, 1990). Echolalic vocalization (i.e.,
long streams of sounds that mimic speech) is a form of egocentric speech that is
characteristic of some children with language, cognitive, and social--emotional
disabilities. It is not true speech and does not have a communicative intent. Persistent
echolalic speech without development of one- and two-word sentences of intentional
speech is a sign of developmental problems.
According to Nelson (1973), the first words spoken are personal and mostly action-
related, having salient properties of change. That is, they express the child's desires to
affect the environment and reflect "the child's mode of structuring the world" (p. 33). The
use of holophrastic speech (i.e., using one word to express the meaning of a sentence)
occurs by about 12 to 15 months. For example, "Cookie" could mean "I want a cookie,"
"Here is a cookie for you," or "The cookie jar is empty.'' Holophrastic speech is usually
accompanied by gestures in context that enable parents to guess the meaning. (Greenfield
& Smith, 1976).
Toddler speech is usually telegraphic (i.e., a sentence without modifiers), such as "Go
store" or "Daddy work." These sentences are also accompanied by gestures and tones that
convey meaning within the context. Slobin (1972) has identified twelve types of meaning
that toddlers convey, including identifying, locating, repeating, negation, possession,
attribution, questioning, and various agent-action-object combinations.

Page 28
Toddlers from countries throughout the world convey these meanings in their early
speech. Toddlers may show a preference for words that are object referenced ("car" or
"book") or that are expressive or interpersonal ("Hi" or "baby") (Nelson, 1973). Whether
this is due to temperament or personality differences or to environmental influences is not
In addition to the phonetic (sound), syntactic (structure), and semantic (meaning) aspects
of language, pragmatics, the ability to use language appropriately in social interactions, is
a very important aspect of language knowledge. Young children must learn that language
communicates messages and how to show communicative intent. They must also know
how to access the knowledge that they share with the listener in order to make it
meaningful (presupposition) and how to maintain a dialogue with others over
conversational turns (discourse) (Roth, 1990).
Adults demonstrate communicative intent, presupposition, and discourse rules when they
engage in early social games or caregiving activities with infants. Vocalization
responsiveness in a "turn taking" pattern of communication with adults can be observed
as early as 3 or 4 months (Brazelton, Koslowski, & Main, 1974), and infants' active
communication participation with family members during social game routines, such as
peek-a-boo, is highly evident by the latter part of the first year (Bruner & Sherwood,
1976). Adults and older children interact with typically developing infants asymmetrically,
adjusting their language and interaction patterns to compensate for the young child's lack
of expertise in communication (e.g., Stern, 1977). They tend to use a simplified and
highly expressive speech style, which has been referred to as "motherese" (Snow, 1983;
Dunn & Kendrick, 1981). Recent research indicates that there are similarities in these
patterns across cultures but that parents from different cultural and socioeconomic groups
also have differences in the amount of speech directed at the child and in the specific
content of their language during communicative interactions (Fernald & Morikawa, 1993;
Heath, 1989). Because language is culturally transmitted and socially interactive, its
development is greatly affected by the social and emotional world that young children are
Social-Emotional Development
Knowledge of the social and emotional development of infants and toddlers has greatly
increased in recent years as these domains have become subjects of research interest.
Emotional expression seems to arise from an innate base because of its survival value in
gaining caregiver attention and responsive care (Izard, 1980). However, there are cultural
influences that determine what primary emotions the infant will express in the eliciting
context (Kagan, 1984).

Page 29
Izard indicates that infants show a neonatal smile (not a true smile), startle responses,
distress, and disgust. By 4 to 6 weeks the social smile appears, and by 3 to 4 months
infants show anger, surprise, and sadness. Fear and shame or shyness are evident in the
second half of the first year and contempt and guilt appear during the second year.
Damon (1988) indicates that these early emotions form part of the basis of moral
development. For example, infants show empathy by reacting with an emotional response
that is similar to the one being expressed by the parent or peer. Toddlers show shame or
embarrassment when they fail to live up to parental standards and show guilt by taking
personal blame for the distress of others.
Building upon the work of Freud (192324), who theorized about the emotional, social,
and personality consequences of early relationships between young children and their
parents, a number of theorists have posited stages of social-emotional development.
According to Greenspan and Greenspan (1985), there are 6 stages of emotional
development during the first 3 years, beginning with self-regulation, falling in love (e.g.,
forming an emotional attachment), developing interactional communication, gaining an
organized sense of self, creating emotional ideas, and using emotional thinking (fantasy).
These stages may be observed in children with disabilities also, but they have some
differences. For example, emotional expression is both delayed and less intense among
children with cognitive disabilities (Cicchetti & Sroufe, 1976) and children with autism
display emotional expressions that are incongruent with contextual events (e.g., sad
during pleasant events, happy during unpleasant events) (McGee, Feldman, & Chernin,
1991). Some studies of prenatally drug-exposed infants show effects on temperament.
Exposed neonates are more irritable and arrhythmic than nonexposed neonates. Prenatally
drug-exposed toddlers may also exhibit disorganized play and insecure attachment,
although their cognitive test scores are usually in the normal range (Hawley & Disney,
Erikson (1963) identified psychosocial crises that occur in the infant and toddler years
and made caregivers aware of the social interaction base from which emotional and social
competence arises. He called the infant crisis that of trust versus mistrust and the toddler
crisis autonomy versus shame and doubt. According to Erikson, infants who are in
relatively predictable, caring environments develop the ability to trust themselves, other
people, and the environment, thus enabling them to give and receive love and to reach
out confidently to other people. It is fostered by the "affective reciprocity" (Emde, 1980)
established between the infant and caregiver. Typically, infants demonstrate their trust of
the caregivers both by engaging in positive interactions with those persons and by
becoming suspicious of unfamiliar adults. In the second half of the first year (7 to 10

Page 30
stranger anxiety and separation anxiety occur. Bowlby (1989) explains these anxieties as
having an innate base and being related to the attachment process.
By 12 months, when mobility has been achieved, infants show a strong desire to explore
and control their environment, but they usually stay in range of the "secure base" of the
caregiver. If this trusting base has been established and if the environment is safe and
responsive, toddlers are then ready to gain control of their own body functions, seek
autonomy, and explore a widening social and physical environment. One of the hindering
factors in the lives of children with severe motoric disabilities is that, even if they are
capable of becoming cognitively and socially autonomous, they have few opportunities to
engage in behaviors that promote autonomy.
By 18 months, children demonstrate a sense of self as different from others (Lewis &
Feinman, 1991). Mahler, Pine, & Bergman (1975) identify 4 stages in the process of self
development, which begins with separation and moves to individuation by age 3. The
sense of self is very evident between 2 1/2 and 3 years, when toileting and feeding
behaviors are coming under the child's control. The phrase, the "terrible twos" is an
indicator of the interpersonal adjustments that must be made when children are in the
process of self-development. Parents and teachers do not always see this behavior as an
indicator of developmental achievement and so may resist the child's attempts at self-
direction. This reluctance to permit independent behaviors is often especially strong in
parents who have had premature or medically fragile infants because their mind set may
still be geared toward protection (or overprotection) long after that is necessary.
The young child's ability to have a secure attachment, which is the strong affectional
relationship to parents or other caregivers, is based on both the trusting and the
autonomous behaviors. For example, the securely attached child is more likely to be
socially competent with peers during the toddler age (Pastor, 1981). According to Bowlby
(1989), attachment behaviors are partly innate because forming an emotional linkage with
a caregiver is essential for infant survival. However, they also have a strong cognitive
component because person awareness, stranger wariness, and separation protests all are
required in order for the child to differentiate among familiar and unfamiliar persons and
to have object permanence (Teti & Nakagawa, 1990). Status of attachment can therefore
be of interest in assessing the development of children with disabilities or suspected
cognitive delays. Numerous studies of the attachment of maltreated infants have indicated
that these children are much more likely to have insecure attachments, when assessed by
the Ainsworth Strange Situation procedure (Ainsworth, 1979; Teti & Nakagawa, 1990).
Studies of children with cog-

Page 31
nitive disabilities indicate that they do not exhibit typical attachment patterns, although
they do show attachment-like behaviors (Blacher, 1987). This assessment procedure is
explained in Appendix B.
Through interactions with parents, other caregivers, and peers, young children also gain
understanding of the social rules that should be followed and attempt to influence the
social behaviors of others. The process of socialization is reciprocal because parents and
children are socialized during these interactions. As Rogoff (1991) states, "infants are
active participants in their own development" (p. 258). For example, infants become upset
and withdraw or cry if parents respond inappropriately or fail to respond to their
interaction attempts (Trevarthen, 1977), and the temperament of the infant affects the
interaction style of the parents (Chess & Thomas, 1989). Infants with regular responses
and reactions of moderate intensity are easier for most parents than those with erratic
behaviors and intense reactions. Also, certain disabilities, such as visual or hearing
impairment, cognitive delay, or severe motor problems, may distort the reciprocal
interaction process. For example, Fraiberg (1974) found that mothers of blind infants
thought the children were not responsive because of the lack of visual regard and
differentiated facial expressions, and this feeling then negatively affected the mother's
interactive style. Also, the temperaments of infants who have been exposed to drugs may
make them less easily soothed and less consistently responsive (Edmondson & Smith,
Young children typically display prosocial behavior such as cooperating in play with
parents by 6 months (Hay, Ross, & Goldman, 1979) and spontaneously "helping" with
tasks by age 2 (Rheingold, 1979). Infants also show awareness of peers (Hay, Nash, &
Pedersen, 1983). Toddlers exhibit preferences for play with particular children (Vandell &
Mueller, 1978); show empathy for siblings' problems (Dunn & Kendrick, 1981); and share
objects with peers (Mueller & Lucas, 1975). Many assessment instruments used with
young children examine social-emotional development under the rubric of "adaptive
behavior" or "personal-social behavior." These categories typically focus on self-help
skills and compliance with prosocial rules. Some of these instruments are described in
Appendix B.
Damon (1988) indicates that social cognition, which is understanding the social world,
can be observed in children's concern for distributive justice (e.g., sharing); respect for
rules (e.g., learning to obey "no"); and reciprocity (e.g., turn-taking). They also exhibit
social referencing, which is perceiving the other person's feelings and interpretations of
events and using them as cues for their own feelings and interpretations (Feinman, 1991).
They are particularly likely to use familiar persons as social referents when they are in
ambiguous situations (i.e., unsure how to act or feel)

Page 32
Because play is the primary mode of interaction in young children, much of their social-
emotional development is fostered in their play.
Play Development
Young children's play is highly related to other developmental domains. As infants
initially explore the physical environment, using their sensori-motor abilities (e.g.,
looking, tasting, touching), they also begin to play with the objects in the environment by
repeating actions over and over and gradually elaborating on these actions. This object
play has been called practice play by Piaget (1962) because the repetition with variations
assists infants in consolidating and reorganizing their behavior.
By 9 months infants typically select slightly novel rather than familiar objects and enjoy
playing with responsive objects (e.g., those that make noise or move when touched)
(McCall, 1979). They are interested in cause-effect relationships around 1 year and like to
try to make toys work and to order unstructured play materials by arranging them or
grouping them. During the second year they begin to understand the social meaning of
objects and their play reflects the functions, categories, and verbal criteria they have
learned. Toddlers' practice play typically includes activities such as stacking and knocking
down, filling and dumping, and putting objects in and taking them out of containers.
They also use objects to enhance their interactions with adults and peers by showing,
giving, and receiving objects and by observing object play of others (Mueller & Brenner,
Adults facilitate social play development by involving infants in social games or routines
such as peek-a-boo. These routines occur within a "play frame" created by adults, who
give signals that tell infants the interaction is play. Signals such as close facial contact,
open eyes and mouth, exaggerated features, high-pitched voices, and exaggerated speech
sounds all show the infant that "this is play" (Sutton-Smith, 1979). Fathers and mothers
interact differently in play; fathers are more active and mothers more initiating and
Adults also play differently with male and female children (Lamb, 1977; Power & Parke,
1983). They react differently in play interactions even with 1-year-old children when they
know the gender of the child (Goldberg & Lewis, 1969). Although play content and
activity level in play are very similar in boys and girls of age 2, by age 3 gender
differences in play choices begin to be observed (Fagot, 1988). There appear to be subtle
differences in teacher responsiveness to "gender appropriate" play that may account for
the growing differences in play materials and content shown by boys and girls by age 2
1/2 (Fagot, Hagen, Leinbach, & Kronsberg, 1985). Adults also interact differently in play
with children who have

Page 33
disabilities. For example, mothers of cognitively delayed infants take a more directive and
managerial role in the play; that is, the reciprocity balance is more toward mother-initiated
action rather than infant-initiated (Bailey & Slee, 1984).
There are also some differences in the way children with disabilities play with objects in
their sensorimotor practice play. When nonfamiliar toys are presented, children with
cognitive delays explore for a longer time before beginning to engage in practice play
(Switzky, Ludwig, & Haywood, 1979). However, the type of disability and the severity of
the condition determine whether there will be a problem in practice-play abilities (Rogers,
At the end of the first year, pretend play begins. This involves the ability to transform
objects and act as if they had other qualities. The first transformations are with realistic
objects and self-focused actions (Fenson, 1984). For example, the infant may "drink"
from an empty cup. Slightly later, the pretend actions can be focused on someone other
than self, such as "feeding" a doll from an empty bottle. Most early pretend play replicates
details of ordinary life events and roles and follows a predictable sequence, although it is
also affected by context variables (Bretherton, O'Connell, Shore, & Bates, 1984).
By about 24 months coordinated pretend sequences are seen, with more than one action
(e.g., doll is fed, rocked, put to bed) or more than one object (e.g., many dolls are put to
bed). By age 3, the pretend play will have a planned sequence and be accompanied by
language. Toddlers give labels to objects (e.g., calling a block a "cake") and also name
actions (e.g., riding in a wagon is called "going shopping"). Adults facilitate pretend play
during the toddler years by creating a context for pretend, providing props, initiating a
role for themselves, responding by taking a role, and accepting the appropriateness of the
child's pretend actions (e.g., Miller & Garvey, 1984).
Play with the sounds of language is also common during the period from about 12 to 24
months (Cazden, 1976). Toddlers use nonsense rhyming sounds or repeat sounds in
definite patterns, with evident enjoyment. Although older toddlers' pretend play often
revolves around the use of objects and performance of actions that represent social acts
of immediate family members (e.g., giving a bottle to a doll; setting the table), they may
also act out simple scripts based on television characters (e.g., cartoon characters); make a
game of pointing out and labeling family members portrayed in videos or photographs
and animals shown in books; and respond to requests for giving the names of familiar
people or animal sounds by deliberately giving the wrong ones (and laughing about their
This topsy-turvy play with concepts indicates that they have mastered the right labels and
find it funny if they give an incongruous answer

Page 34
(Chukovsky, 1963). The appearance of humor is also a sign of cognitive development
because much humor is based on visual incongruity (e.g., seeing a hat on a dog) or verbal
incongruity (e.g., deliberately calling a dog an incorrect name). Parents often observe the
development of humor with these characteristics in their children when they are as young
as 2 years (Bergen, 1989). These behaviors are all evidences of the influence of the ways
symbolic portrayals in the social environment influence play, cognitive, language, and
social-emotional development. Children in all cultural groups demonstrate symbolic
awareness in play, but because the symbols provided by adults and the media differ
among cultures, the themes and roles of play also differ.
Children with cognitive delays also engage in pretend play; however, it does not begin
until they have reached the developmental equivalent of the 18- to 24-month period,
when representational thought, holophrastic speech, and understanding of the word no
are achieved (Casby & Ruder, 1983; Rogers & Puchalski, 1984). Pretend play in
cognitively delayed children is usually more repetitive and contains fewer symbolic
substitutions, but it has many similarities to that of typically developing children (Hill &
McCune-Nicolich, 1981). Pretend play in autistic children is also impoverished in content,
with few object transformations and little symbolic fluency (Riguet, Taylor, Benaroya, &
Klein, 1981) and it is closely linked to receptive language development (Ungerer &
Sigman, 1981). When with peers, children who have disabilities spend more time looking
and listening than playing with other children (Brophy & Stone-Zukowski, 1984).
Interactions of Adult Development with Child Development
One developmental process posited by Gesell and colleagues (Ilg & Ames, 1955) was that
of "cycles of behavior." Their data showed that children's developmental change is
manifested in alternating periods of equilibrium and disequilibrium. Disequilibrium
periods include first a "breaking up" state, movement through states of "inwardness" and
"expansiveness," and reintegration into another state of equilibrium. The first cycle occurs
between birth and age 5, but throughout childhood the cycle seems to repeat about every
5 years. Although the exact descriptions and age levels may not always apply, many
parents can attest to being surprised when their smoothly functioning child suddenly
began to exhibit disorganized or clumsy behavior, their confident child became inward
and anxious, or their cooperative child became an expansive risk-taker.
One of the most interesting discoveries of life span developmental

Page 35
researchers and theorists is that cycles of equilibrium and disequilibrium also occur
throughout the adult years (e.g., Gould, 1980; Levinson, 1978; Vaillant, 1977). The length
of time between the equilibrium periods may be much longer than 5 years, and the
changes may involve much less dramatic or visible states of breaking up, inwardness,
expansiveness, and new consolidation. However, such common terms as "mid-life crisis"
attest to the presence of this process; it may be evident in external behaviors (e.g., quitting
a job) or in internal states only (e.g., adult self-report data showing breaking down of old
ways of thinking, increased preoccupation with self, or imagining risk-taking new
The timing and nature of developmental change in adults is more dependent on
environmental influences than is the case with children, most of whom tend to have
relatively similar life experiences during their childhood years. Adults' range of life
experiences is much greater and the triggering factors that precipitate developmental
change may be different and may occur at early or later age periods. Although the
majority of developmental themes are similar for men and women (Neugarten, 1964), the
pattern of experiences for men traditionally has been different from that for women
(Levenson, 1978; Rosenfeld & Stark, 1987).
For example, the experience of parenthood produces developmental change in both
parents, but that change is usually more extreme for women, who typically bear the
primary psychological and care responsibility for children. The influence of parenting
experiences on developmental change is also affected by whether it is a normative event
(i.e., one encountered by most adults) or a nonnormative event (i.e., one experienced by
only a small subset of adults) (Santrock, 1992). For example, getting married at age 20 to
25, and becoming a parent at age 22 to 30 are normative events, while becoming a single
unmarried parent at age 14, becoming a first-time parent at 40, being divorced at 30, and
then becoming a single parent, or, at any age, becoming a parent of a child with
disabilities are all nonnormative events.
Parents at any life stage, whether their life circumstances are excellent or less than ideal,
face developmental crises when they have a child who is disabled or at risk for delay.
Because developmental changes are influenced by both biological and environmental
factors, it is difficult to predict the extent of parental and family developmental change
that will occur when they have a child who needs early intervention. D'Amato and
Yoshida (1991) found that 75% of parents of young children with disabilities reported
childrearing concerns, with the most difficult aspect being coming to terms with their
child's development in comparison to typical peers. Although most research shows that
families exhibit a great deal of stress when they have a child with disabilities, there is also
evidence that

Page 36
the range of adaptive reactions is wide and that some families have remarkable coping
powers (Simeonsson, 1988). Because adult developmental changes are major influences
on child-caregiver interactions, professionals who work with families must view the
child's development in the context of the developmental state of the adults who care for
the child. Thus, the interactive perspective must include consideration of adult, as well as
child development.
Interactions of Risk Conditions on Developmental Achievement
As this brief overview of developmental achievements in the first 3 years of life makes
clear, there are many important developmental changes that young children achieve in that
time span. There is much variation in how and when typical developmental stages or
milestones are exhibited in children who are categorized as at risk, because the nature and
severity of the disability or risk condition influence what developmental domains are
affected and what limits will be set on the child's response capabilities. Children with
severe or multiple disabilities will be affected in many domains; other children may
experience problems of delay or distortion in only one domain. However, this primary
delay may then have an effect on development in other domains.
For children without clearly identified disabilities, recognition of problematic behaviors
that are outside the range of normality is not so easily accomplished. According to
Kalmanson (1989), patterns of behavior are more important to identify because they may
be likely to indicate intervention is needed, while "singular behaviors are likely to indicate
individual differences within the normal range of development" (p. 6). Determining the
duration of the problem behavior, its pervasiveness, and its intensity are also crucial in
the assessment process. Infant specialists have attempted to differentiate between
developmental vulnerabilities that are likely to point to the need for intervention as
compared to typical states of developmental transition or stress. Kalmanson (1989)
suggests that it is useful to assess the pervasiveness of vulnerabilities over five domains:
self-organization, social-emotional, motor, sensory integration and perception, and
language. Her indicators are in Figure 1.3. Although her example does not include all
domains discussed in this chapter, it does give an indication of the levels of duration,
pervasiveness, and intensity of problematic behavior that should be considered in
determining whether intervention is needed.

Page 37
Infancy Toddlerhood
Difficulty with regulation of states,
Little organized attention to people
irritability, crying, trouble failing
Self- or objects
Organization Difficulty falling asleep, wakes up
Attention seems random, not focused or
irritable Irregular food intake
responsive to adult interaction
Little or no reciprocal
Lack of reciprocal gaze
Little attachment to primary
Absence of anticipatory response to
Social- caregivers
being held
Emotional Indifference or extreme prolonged
Seems to prefer being alone
distress at comings or goings of
Fails to form strong personal primary caregivers
Absence of imitative play
Lack of motor response to voice Disorganized, random movement
Motor Arches back when held Impulsive racing and failing
Doesn't mold to parents' body, limp Apathetic, little interest in movement
Easily upset by extraneous Easily startled
sounds/sights, startles easily Doesn't localize sound
Trouble coordinating input from Overwhelmed by moderate
parents (can't look at mother while stimulation and withdraws
being held and talked to) Engages in self-stimulation
Absence of communication/gestures
Little imitation of words
Absence of cooing in response to
No words for important
Language parents' vocalizations
Lack of attention to parent's voice
Lack of intentionality in

Figure 1.3
Developmental Vulnerabilities in Infants and Toddlers

Page 38

The foundation for early intervention rests on the concept of development as achievement
and its corollary, that assessment of developmental delay is needed in order to intervene
and promote child achievement. In order to be effective, the assessment and intervention
team must have a thorough knowledge of human developmental processes and principles;
the ability to consider both universal and individual aspects of developmental stages and
milestones; and an understanding of how these processes, principles, stages, and
milestones vary as a function of established, biological, or environmental risk conditions
interacting with adult developmental issues. Effective assessment and intervention must
be built on this developmental knowledge-base.
Questions for Discussion
1. What physical-motor, sensory-perceptual, cognitive, language, social-emotional, and
play development indicators would be most important to observe if there were concerns
about developmental delay in a child of 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months?
2. How can the developmental principles outlined in Figure 1.1 influence childrearing and
early intervention practice?
Problems of Practice
Observe an infant (3 to 12 months) and a toddler (13 to 20 months) who have not been
identified as having any type of disability or developmental delay, and note their
behaviors for at least one hour, respectively. Then make a summary of their
developmental achievement levels in physical-motor, sensory-perceptual, cognitive,
language, social-emotional, and play domains. Ask each child's parent or caregiver
whether the behavior you observed was typical. Note any discrepancies. Using this
''typical" achievement list, observe for 1 hour a child aged about 2 years who has been
identified as having delay in at least one domain and summarize that behavior. Check
with the child's parent to determine whether your observation is representative of the
child's achievements. Compare that child's achievements with those of the two "typical"
children, and indicate whether this observation confirms the diagnosis of delay that was
identified in the early intervention referral.

Page 39
Suggested Readings
Gonzalez-Mena, J., & Eyer, D. W. (1993). Infants, toddlers, and caregivers (2nd ed.).
Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.
Rosenblith, J. F. (1992). In the beginning: Development from conception to age two.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Page 40

Chapter 2
Medical Assessment Perspectives
Doris Bergen
Margaret Wright
The number of infants born at risk has grown exponentially over the past several decades.
Many of these infants have long-term, medically complex problems that require
multifaceted and costly care. Infants assessed by medical personnel can be placed into
one of three categories: (1) those born with known genetic disorders (e.g., Down's
syndrome) or physical disabilities (e.g., cerebral palsy, deafness, blindness) who need
immediate intervention at birth and long-term comprehensive care to achieve their
potential; (2) those born prematurely or at very low birth weight who are at risk for
disability because of prematurity or medical procedures performed to prevent their death
(iatropic causes); and (3) those whose future development could be severely
compromised by psychosocial risk factors such as poverty, poor nutrition, in utero drug
exposure, or family environments that include persons with severe mental illness,
substance abuse problems, or neglectful or abusive behaviors (Anastasiow & Harel, 1993;
Chasnoff, Griffith, Freier, & Murray, 1992; Green, 1991; Kopp & Kaler, 1989; Shonkoff,
Hauser-Cram, Krauss, & Upshur, 1992; Werner & Smith, 1982, 1992; Wright & Masten, in
Several epidemiological studies of the use of health services by families with children
indicate that a small sub-group use a disproportionate amount of these services (Boyce,
Sobolewski, & Schaefer, 1989; Forsarelli, DeAngelis, & Mellits, 1987; Starfield et al.,
1979, 1985). Boyce (1992) suggests that only 15% to 20% of all children use over 50% of
available physician services. These children cluster in four groups: (1) those with parents
who are excessively anxious; (2) those with illnesses or problems caused by parental
action (e.g., child abuse, Munchausen syndrome); (3) those with chronic illness, such as
asthma, seizure disorders, cystic fibrosis; and (4) those predisposed to illness because of
psychosocial risk factors,

Page 41
environmental toxins, such as lead, susceptibility to viral or infectious illnesses, and
constitutionally or genetically based vulnerability to stress (Green, 1986; Starfield et al.,
A number of recent studies have documented that many young children now being seen
by primary care physicians are at risk because of psychological and social problems
(Boyce, 1992; Green, 1991; Horwitz, Leaf, Leventhal, Forsyth, & Speechley, 1992).
Haggerty, Roghmann, & Pless (1975) refer to this as the "new morbidity" in pediatric
practice. In response to the need for physicians to assess, treat, or refer more children
with psychosocial problems, the Task Force on Pediatric Education has recommended
that, in addition to rotations in child psychiatry, further rotation in developmental
pediatric areas (behavioral, family, social, and educational) be incorporated into pediatric
Underlying Assumptions
The multiplicity of problems and the complexity of required medical services make
assessment and provision of coordinated care in the hospital and following discharge
quite a challenge. An important assumption of this perspective is that comprehensive
assessment and care relies on the cooperation and energy of many individuals from a
variety of professions, all of whom must work effectively together in the medical setting.
In the hospital setting a case management approach has often been selected as the most
effective way to manage health assessment needs, plan and coordinate services, and
monitor the services for quality control. Providing for these multiple service needs is
particularly important for the medically fragile infant. The quality of the interactions
among physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, parents, health care providers, and
the infant determines the effectiveness of case management.
A second assumption underlies the medical perspective on assessment: cost effectiveness.
Because the cost of health care today is a crucial issue facing health care providers and
administrators, third-party payers, employers, and families of high-risk infants,
conducting comprehensive diagnoses, planning and coordinating services, and directing
patient care activities require a balance between concern for quality of patient care and
cost containment (Hamric & Spross, 1989; Nine, Bayes, Christian, & Dillon, 1992; Norris
& Hill, 1991).
A third assumption that directs early medical assessments is that the family's role is very
important. In the past, hospital personnel were not so aware of the need for involving the
family in all aspects of early assessment and intervention; however, the present approach
is highly cognizant of the contribution the family makes to the well-being and progress of
the child.

Page 42
The importance of the family has always been recognized by physicians and nurses in
pediatric and public health practice. Early tracking programs, which identify and monitor
infants judged to be at risk, are also based on the importance of linking the practices of
medical personnel with family concerns and issues (Anastasiow & Harel, 1993; Shonkoff
et al., 1992).
Methods of Assessment
Assessment of infant well-being by medical personnel begins during the prenatal period
and continues during the birth process and early hours of the infant's life. Systematic
assessment of a neonate's physical health and behavioral state is routinely conducted.
Clinical judgment is the primary means of assessment, although some standardized
measures are used. For typically developing infants, a primary care physician usually
takes over the assessment role after the infant's first few days of life. For infants with risk
conditions that may result in severe developmental problems, extensive and long-term
assessment and intervention may be required in the hospital setting.
Hospital Settings
Hospitals usually use a case management approach in dealing with assessment issues. In
the assessment phase of case management, a comprehensive evaluation of the infant's
physical health status and functional capability is combined with assessment of the
family's and community's support systems, financial resources, and environmental
conditions that may promote or adversely affect health outcome.
Standardized assessment instruments are often used to obtain assessment of the infant's
neuro-behavioral state. These include the Apgar Score, which is an evaluation measure
used at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth, and Brazelton's Neonatal Behavioral
Assessment Scale, which measures behavioral and neural organization. It can identify
neuro-behavioral deficits, describe the level and quality of the infant's behavior, assess
the impact of treatment interventions, detect changes in the infant's behavior, and predict
future development and function. It is a better predictor of later developmental outcome
than the Apgar Score. In the Apgar Score, five physical signs are evaluated 1 minute and
5 minutes after the complete birth of the infant (not regarding the cord and placenta).
Each sign is given a score of 0, 1, or 2. A total score of 10 indicates that the infant is in the
best possible condition. The score taken at 1 minute is a good index of asphyxia and the
need for assisted ventilation; at 5 minutes, the score is a more accurate index of the
likelihood of death or later neurologic deficits (Apgar, 1953). These tests are described
further in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. If warranted by the infant's condition, a variety of other
diagnostic tests and

Page 43
procedures are used, such as ultrasound, electrocardiogram, spinal tap, and magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI). Descriptions of the most frequently used medical diagnostic
tests are in Figure 2.3.
Sign 0 1 2
1. Heart rate Absent Below 100 Over 100
Slow, Good,
2. Respiratory effort Absent
irregular crying
Some flexion Active,
3. Muscle tone Limp
of extremities motion
4. Response to catheter in nostril No Cough or
(tested after oro-pharynx is clear) response sneeze
Body pink,
Blue, Completely
5. Color extremities
pale pink
Source Note: Reprinted with permission from Apgar (1953).

Figure 2.1
Immediate Evaluation of the Newborn: The Apgar Score
A 7 cluster scoring scheme summarizes the Brazelton
Scale Scores:
1. Habituation: 2. Orientation:
Habituation to a bright light, a Attention to visual and
rattle, a bell, a pinprick auditory stimuli
4. Range of state:
Peak of excitement
3. Motor processes:
Rapidity of buildup
Quality of movement and tone
Lability of state
5. Regulation of state: 6. Autonomic stability:
Cuddliness Tremors
Consolability Startles
Seif-quieting Reactive skin color
Hand-to-mouth activity changes
7. Reflexes:
Number of abnormal reflexes
Source Note: Information from Brazelton, Nugent, &
Lester, 1987.

Figure 2.2
Infant Neurodevelopmental Assessment: Brazelton Neonatal
Behavioral Assessment Scale (BNBAS)

Page 44
Uses sound waves to look inside
different parts of the body. The image
Ultrasound scan on the screen is transferred to a
regular X-ray film for the doctor to
A recording of the child's heartbeats.
The EKG detects changes or
alterations in heart rate and rhythm, in
heart ventricular size and heart strain
(e.g., coronary artery occlusion).
A type of X-ray that takes pictures of
the child's brain and abdomen. At
certain times medication is given
Computed tomography
intravenously. This medicine
circulates in the blood and causes
parts of the brain or abdomen to show
up more clearly on the pictures.
Measures the amount of pressure in
the spinal canal; removes a small
amount of fluid for examination. After
Spinal tap the lower part of the spine has been
anesthetized, a needle is inserted in
the spinal canal and fluid is
A recording of the electrical activity
Electroencephalogramgenerated by the brain that represents
(EEG) the summed results of excitatory and
inhibitory postsynaptic potentials.
A noninvasive imaging method of
examining the brain and other internal
organs of the body. This test uses
Magnetic resonance
magnetic fields instead of X-ray to
produce images on film by computer
analysis. The MRI provides excellent
detail of anatomic structures.
Assesses a transient electrical signal
following stimulation of a peripheral
sensory modality (e.g., ear-brainstem
evoked response; eye-visual evoked
response; peripheral nerve-
Event related somatosensory evoked response). The
potential (ERP) signal is recorded over the
appropriate area of the scalp with
EEG electrodes. The small signal
needs to be averaged to be detectable
and differentiated from ongoing EEG
Machine acts as an artificial heart and
lung membrane adding oxygen for a
baby whose own heart or lungs cannot
get enough oxygen into the blood to
circulate through the body. The goal of
oxygenation (ECMO)
ECMO is to let the heart and lungs
recover while the baby is supported
by the ECMO.

(table continued on next page)

Page 45
(table continued from previous page)
A small tube that has been placed in the child's
head to reduce hydrocephalus. The shunt carries
Ventricularextra fluid from the head to the blood stream
shunt (ventriculo-jugular [VJ] shunt) or to the abdomen
(ventriculo-peritoneal [VP] shunt) where it is
Used to determine why a child's ventricular shunt
is not working properly. A small needle is put
into the valve of the shunt. Fluid is drawn out of
Shunt-o- the valve and sent to the laboratory for testing. A
gram dye that shows up on X-rays is put into the valve
and X-rays are taken. After pumping the shunt, X-
rays are again taken to watch the dye pass through
the shunt tube.
Source Note: Adapted from "Helping Hand," Children's
Hospital Homegoing Education and Literature Program,
Columbus, OH, with permission.

Figure 2.3
Common Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
Comprehensive functional assessment of the infant is frequently performed by an inter-
or multidisciplinary team consisting of a nurse, social worker, and other allied health
professionals. A variety of methods are used, such as informal direct observation of the
infant, observation of parent responses to information, use of an infant observation
checklist, maintenance of anecdotal chart notes of critical incidents, and ongoing
monitoring of physiological measures of infant health status. A developmental assessment
instrument such as the Bayley may also be included if the infant is in long-term care.
Parental ability to cope with the medical needs of the infant following hospital discharge
is monitored also.
A clinical example of the process used for an infant in a neonatal intensive care unit
(NICU) follows: An infant born 2 months prematurely (birth weight approximately 2 lbs;
less than 1000 g) who tested positively for cocaine (and whose mother was a cocaine and
alcohol user) would be placed in the neonatal unit. The life-threatening condition of the
neonate and the high risk for mortality or morbidity presents a number of challenges that
need to be addressed by the NICU team. They are concerned with the infant's survival
and quality of life because 27% of infants born at very low birth weight die (Claflin &
Meisels, 1993). Infants exposed to drugs in utero are at high risk for compromised neuro-
developmental outcome, infection, congenital abnormalities, and neonatal drug
withdrawal, which leads to symptoms of irritability and hypersensitivity to touch, sound,
and light (Bingol, Fuchs, Diaz, Stone, & Gromisch, 1987; Chasnoff et al. 1992; Singer,
Farkas, & Kliegman, 1992).
While the infant is in the NICU, safety and security issues are crucial, and careful
documentation and monitoring of all medications, intravenous

Page 46
therapy, and diagnostic procedures is essential. The margin of error is extremely small
when dealing with medically fragile and premature infants, who are particularly
susceptible to infection.
There may be extensive diagnostic testing, numerous procedures, and much transferring
of the infant to and from various facilities. Monitoring of apnea, respiratory distress,
intraventricular hemorrhage, and hydrocephalus is often needed. In addition, the
metabolic and physiological needs of very low-birth-weight infants necessitate extensive
monitoring of all physiological parameters, such as heart rate, body temperature, blood
pressure, and oxygen saturation.
Clinical judgment regarding the infant's diagnosis and treatment involves a complex
intellectual process of decision making among a number of different individuals. Most in-
patient units comprise inter- or multidisciplinary teams that meet weekly to discuss case
management plans. At these meetings decisions regarding which target behaviors or
symptoms need to be observed for a particular infant are discussed, and assignments of
individuals responsible for performing such observations are made. Inferential decisions
about diagnosis and treatment are then derived from the observational data, diagnostic
test findings, laboratory data, and clinical examination. This complex process results in a
medical diagnosis, at times accompanied by the delineation of additional psychosocial
problems within the family. Decisions regarding medical and psychosocial treatment are
usually made during team meetings and documented extensively in the hospital medical
record (Hamric & Spross, 1989).
To develop a plan that meets the needs of the family and the infant, the NICU must
implement a monitoring and evaluation program that meets the requirements of the Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO). The hospital must
also comply with quality assurance (QA) guidelines. The physician-director of the NICU
has overall responsibility for quality assurance, although this responsibility is shared by
the staff. The head nurse assists the medical director in evaluating the neonate's initial
needs and stabilizing the infant's condition.
Following diagnostic assessment and formulation of a medical treatment plan, infants
categorized as having identified disabilities are usually referred to early intervention
programs at the time they are ready to leave the hospital. Those whose risk conditions
have not yet resulted in demonstrated developmental delay are included in hospital
tracking programs, when they are available. These programs rely on public health nurses,
social workers, and physicians in the community to monitor the developmental progress
of infants at risk of delay during their first few years.
If the infant's medical problem is extremely complex (e.g., needing organ transplantation,
dependent on monitoring devices at home, or severely medically compromised), a case
management approach is devel-

Page 47
oped to facilitate access to home support services and to prevent avoidable episodes of
illness (American Nurses Association [ANA], 1988). Public health nurses can assist
directly in the home, advocate for services on behalf of the child and family, and help the
family identify appropriate institutional or community resources. A social worker may be
involved to facilitate coordination of services needed, such as home care or therapeutic
visits, and to work with the family to find sources of financial assistance, such as third-
party payments, or of reductions in cost of care.
Home health education of the parents in the care of their medically fragile infant is often
vitally important to help them develop the expertise needed to handle an acute
exacerbation of the child's medical problem. For many high-risk infants, an effective
treatment plan following hospital discharge involves parent education, community
resource assessment, coordination of needed services, possible home health care
assistance, respite care, and patient advocacy (ANA, 1988; Hamric & Spross, 1989).
Collaboration with primary care providers in developing and implementing health care
management prior to, during, and following hospitalization is essential. With such
intervention, the potential for maximizing the self-care potential of the family can be
Primary Care Pediatric Settings
The primary care physician is usually the monitor of developmental delay for young
children. Infants judged to be at risk at birth may be under the care of their primary care
physician while still in the hospital. However, if the early weeks of the infant's life have
been spent in a hospital specializing in neonatology, the community physician to whom
the infant is referred on leaving the hospital may have had only minimal contact with the
assessment team from the hospital setting. Some infants continue to be seen by hospital
well-baby clinics, others will not have contact with a primary care physician unless an
acute illness requires care. Tracking programs monitor whether the parent does maintain
medical care for immunizations and other illness prevention services.
Routine health assessments are completed by the primary care physician and nurse
clinician. These include a general physical and neurological examination, measurement of
height, weight, blood pressure, and head circumference, and vision and hearing screening
tests. In addition, primary care physicians or nurses can assess the overall developmental
level of infants with a measure such as the Denver Developmental Screening Test
(DDST), which was initially designed for pediatricians' use. This recently revised test,
Denver II (Frankenburg & Dodds, 1990), is designed to provide a clinical impression of a
child's overall development, in particular, to identify children who may need further
comprehensive assess-

Page 48
ment because of developmental delay. It assesses social-emotional, fine motor, gross
motor, and language development and is considered one of the most reliable and valid
measures for screening purposes. Appendix B describes it further.
Parents are a primary source of information for physicians, especially in relation to
psychosocial problems that may influence the child's development. Physicians routinely
ask parents questions about their children's health, nutrition, developmental progress, and
family conditions. Although many physicians have medical associates in the same office,
few use a team assessment approach. Rather, they and their nurses collect the diagnostic
information and the physician refers children directly to other specialists, if intervention
or further diagnosis is needed.
A study of the rates of identification and predictors of psychological problems in children
under the care of physicians in a group of pediatric practices in New England reported
that 27% of the children were identified as having at least one problem (Horwitz et al.,
1992). Data were collected using the checklist of psychosocial and developmental
problems (based on the World Health Organization's primary care child classification
system) shown in Figure 2.4.
The physicians in the study were found to be more likely to identify problems under the
following circumstances: during a well-child rather than a sick-child visit; when the
clinician knew the child well; when the child was male; and when the child's parents were
not married. The most commonly identified problems were family difficulties, child
behavior problems, and child language problems. When a problem was identified, 31%
received no active treatment although the problem was noted in the child's record (these
were usually problems in motor development). In the cases that received further attention,
40% were treated by the pediatrician, 16% were referred to an appropriate specialist, and
further evaluation indicated that no treatment was necessary for 13% of the children. The
more severe the problem, the more likely the referral. The study conclusions point to the
need for medical personnel to receive training in identifying and intervening when
developmental, behavioral, family, and school-related concerns emerge.
Information Exchange with Families and Referral Agencies
Because parents can experience psychosocial stressors when their infants are born with
immediate medical problems, many families benefit from consultation with the
psychology staff and, if needed, joint planning with child welfare and social services
agencies, in addition to close involvement

Page 49
Category Specific Problems
Physical Slow weight gain, non-organic failure and development
growth to thrive, obesity
Sleep Trouble sleeping, sleepwalking, night terrors
Hyperactivity, overactivity; gross motor delay, fine
motor delay
Cognitive- Mental retardation, learning disabilities, language
language delay, attention problems, speech problems
School School failure, school refusal, absenteeism or truancy
Enuresis, temper tantrums, fire setting, stealing, tics,
encopresis, excessive masturbation
Psycho- Recurring stomach pain, headaches, recurring knee or
physiologicalleg pain
Anxiety or nervousness, feelings of depression, low
self-esteem, excessive anger or irritability
Thought Delusions, hallucinations, incoherence
Peer activity No confidence, social isolation, fighting and bullying
Problems separating, physical abuse, psychological
abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect
Lack of housing, frequent moves, financial problems,
sexual abuse (other than parent)
Divorce or separation, physical or mental illness of
parent, drug or alcohol abusing parent, parental
discord, spouse abuse, few social ties, problems with
siblings, death of parent
Source Note: Reprinted with permission from Horwitz, McLeaf,
Leventhal, Forsyth, & Speechly (1992),

Figure 2.4
Contents of the Physician Psychosocial Assessment Form

Page 50
with the medical staff. Therefore, while attending to the physiological needs of the infant,
members of the NICU team are also responsible for attending to the psychological and
psychosocial needs of the family.
For parents, the neonatal intensive care unit is a very strange and unpleasant environment
in which to become acquainted with a new baby. Parents are surrounded by ''high-tech"
equipment (e.g., ventilators, apnea monitors, temperature control devices, and
intravenous lines) and are often bombarded by high noise levels. In addition, they
encounter a series of experts who communicate in extremely technical medical language
that may be confusing and frightening. The parents face great uncertainty about the
infant's likelihood of survival or disability and they often have limited physical contact
with their infant (Claflin & Meisels, 1993; Field, 1993; O'Dougherty & Brown, 1990).
Thus, parent education and support become integral parts of the NICU's team functioning.
To facilitate this information exchange, many units have developed family-centered
nursing and provide psychological supportive care on the units.
Staff education is also essential to ensure competence in meeting infants' medical needs
and in providing assistance to parents coping with fear, confusion, and anxiety. Effective
communication of professionals, across disciplines and with the parents to establish trust,
is crucial.
A number of clinical interventions have been shown to reduce family stress, and a variety
of questionnaires have been used to assess the family's ability to cope with the demands
of the medically fragile infant. Several intervention studies have examined the usefulness
of parent observation of the nurse or physician administration of the Brazelton Scale
(Field, 1993; Widmayer & Field, 1980; Worobey & Belsky, 1982). Demonstration of the
test with the parent watching has been shown to have longterm implications for maternal
sensitivity to behavior of the infant. One study (Widmayer & Field., 1981), which
compared mothers' scores on the Mother's Assessment of Behavior of the Infant (MABI)
with the Brazelton Scale results showed that mothers who observed the test administration
performed better on developmental assessments and during face-to-face interactions with
their infants. The infants also performed better on the Brazelton interactive process items.
Other investigators explored the effects of observation of the Brazelton with other
samples and detected similar gains (Anderson, 1981; Worobey & Belsky, 1982). This
improved performance is attributed to facilitation of parental sensitivity and
responsiveness to their newborn infants. By observing the Brazelton and subsequently
performing the rating, parents may learn about the infant's capabilities and respond more
sensitively to their infant's signals and be more effective at interpreting their infant's cues.
It is also imperative that the health care providers know about the community resources
available to children and families so that they can

Page 51
make appropriate referrals. The referral process has often been fragmented: parents are
given separate information about isolated resources in their communities or, if the
problem requires a specialist, they are referred to a person whose location may not be
convenient. The initiative for contacting these resources has usually been the
responsibility of parents, who vary greatly in their motivation to seek and ability to obtain
other community health and education services. To diminish these difficulties, many
hospital-based tracking programs not only provide referrals but also initiate contacts with
public health nurses, early intervention programs, physicians, and other community
resources needed by the child and family.
Because primary care physicians are particularly concerned about motor and language
development during the first years of life, they often make referrals to physical therapists,
occupational therapists, and speech pathologists, and to early intervention programs.
Although some physicians are very knowledgable about community resources, others are
aware of only a few of the services in their communities. Thus, referrals by primary care
physicians may vary greatly in terms of comprehensiveness, cost, and usefulness. With
the recent state and national mandates requiring interagency cooperation, the information
about available community resources and the accessibility of these resources to parents
has been much improved, and more coordination of referral sources is becoming evident.
There are as yet few transdisciplinary models of assessment that incorporate medical,
educational, psychological, and social work personnel, however, so referral networks are
not as comprehensive as they could be.
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model
There are a number of assessment and intervention team models that consist of or
incorporate medical personnel. Their composition depends somewhat on the setting in
which the team is working. University hospitals provide a high degree of specialization
across many areas of health care, and include students in training and faculty doing
research on the teams. Private hospitals and ambulatory care facilities may provide a
range of comprehensive services that involve those professionals on the teams or they
may be composed of specialty clinics that individually assess the child. Short-term stay
hospitals provide surgical and non-surgical acute treatment, diagnostic procedures, and
prescription and monitoring of medications, primarily employing medical personnel.
There are a number of chronic care programs that incorporate psychological and
educational personnel in their teams. Clinics typically have a team that includes one or
two representatives from psychosocial disciplines. Rural clinics provide a range of
primary care for all income levels,

Page 52
while family health centers and community care centers provide care. for low-income
families. Primary care settings focus on the integration of physiological, psychological,
social, and cultural factors that are likely to have an impact on the child's health status and
developmental prognosis. However, they usually do not have a full range of team
The models of inter-, multi-, or transdisciplinary teamwork vary in these different
settings. For early intervention personnel to operate effectively in these settings, they must
be knowledgeable about the specific ways health assessment planning and delivery of
services occur and about the types of available community resources. The typical medical
model has been one of inter- or multidisciplinary interaction, with experts from each
discipline sharing information, either without integration into the broader assessment
picture (a multidisciplinary approach) or with an integrative discussion of the separately
gathered assessment information (an interdisciplinary approach), which takes place
before the intervention plan is complete, The transdisciplinary approach, in which experts
from a range of disciplines permit information from their area of expertise to be collected
by other team members or engage in a global discussion of the child's needs across
discipline areas, is not a common model.
The commitment to team approaches is certainly high in hospital settings, especially in
neonatal and child care. However, the team is usually not broadly representative of a
range of disciplines, consisting primarily of medical personnel and perhaps a psychologist
or social worker. Primary care physicians often provide information to educationally and
developmentally oriented transdisciplinary teams, but they rarely participate in the team
discussions or intervention plans.
There are a number of constraints that work against incorporating medical personnel in
transdisciplinary models of assessment and intervention once the child is out of the
hospital or clinic. First, medical personnel are often located in areas that are not close to
the early intervention site. Second, the time commitment required for this model is high,
and most medical personnel do not feel they have this time to devote to assessment and
intervention planning. Finally, the cost of on-site medical professionals is often
One example of a transdisciplinary model is when an early intervention team meeting is
held at a hospital, with the early interventionist, parent, and social worker present. Even
then, the meeting may result in being more of an information sharing session by the
medical personnel than a collaborative effort to observe, discuss, and plan together for
the child's developmental progress.
Other efforts to incorporate medical personnel in teams have had varied success. Public
health or school nurses are often included as central team members; physicians have been
most difficult to integrate. Interpre-

Page 53
tation of the physician's views has often been left to other team members or to parents
and, in some cases, this information is not even available to the teams who are making
decisions about children's educational and developmental needs.
Because many of the infants and toddlers who need early intervention have chronic or
crisis-based medical needs, it is imperative that collaborative approaches are implemented
when possible. Currently, transdisciplinary teamwork that incorporates personnel from
medical, educational, and psychosocial disciplines is not used extensively out of neonatal
hospital settings.
Policy Issues
All health services organizations are presently facing important policy challenges related
to resource organization and management (McLaughlin & Kaluzny, 1990). These
challenges are coming from health care professionals, state and national governments,
and the population. There has been recent interest in "total quality management" (TQM), a
framework for organizational change initially implemented by businesses. Since the
JCAHCO has made revision of health care provision a primary agenda item, TQM
concepts are being studied. This represents a paradigmatic shift in health care
management, with potential conflict with past practices (Arikian, 1991; Flower, 1991;
McLaughlin & Kaluzny, 1990). TQM's philosophy of operation requires basic revisions in
health care organizations, including visible management, informal communication across
disciplines, timely decision making, support of experimental approaches and risk taking,
time for innovative projects and research, and concern about patient care quality and
employee job satisfaction. TQM principles have been applied in a number of magnet
hospitals (Kramer & Schalenberg, 1988).
The TQM approach may be instrumental in fostering transdisciplinary assessment and
intervention in hospital and primary care settings, because many of its principles are
congruent with the goals of a transdisciplinary team in early intervention. In a TQM
approach, improvement of health care delivery is the responsibility of all personnel, not
just those designated as quality assurance personnel; this requires teamwork that builds on
the creativity and worth of each team member. The typical professional model now in use
has been particularly effective in handling technical information from medical research
and specialization issues, but it fosters individual professional autonomy, which is not the
focus of TQM.
Although the magnet hospitals report improved quality of care, greater team-related
autonomy in practice, and facilitation of best perfor-

Page 54
mance in each team member, there are many potential conflicts with present practice,
especially in relation to cost containment issues. Many issues of individual versus
collective responsibility, clinical versus managerial leadership, administrative authority
versus participation, goal-directed versus process and performance expectations, and rigid
versus flexible planning need to be addressed, if policy changes that promote TQM are to
be initiated.
Federal policy on health care also affects primary care physicians, health maintenance
organizations, and professionals of other disciplines that collaborate with medical
personnel. Policies may be conducive to transdisciplinary approaches in early assessment
and intervention or have a negative impact on these approaches. As the health care system
continues to be examined and revised, managerial style, cost containment mandates, and
team-individual interface will affect the functioning of early intervention teams.
Another issue that may eventually affect policy is arising from initial research on how
effective the commonly used risk factors are in predicting poor developmental outcomes.
For example, a recent study of 985 low-birth-weight, preterm infants showed that few of
the individual risk factors listed in federally mandated state definitions of risk predicted
poor developmental outcomes (Kirby, Swanson, Kelleher, Bradley, & Casey, 1993). In
this study, most specific factors had positive predictive values of only 12 % to 40 %, and
even composite factors yielded only 25% to 35% predictive values. Those factors, such as
hypothyroidism, that had values greater than 50% occurred in less than 6% of the sample.
As this study and other longitudinal studies have indicated, the determinants of individual
outcome are extremely complex and difficult to predict. Risk and continued vulnerability
need to be evaluated in multiple domains, including assessment of specific biological,
psychological, and social stresses as well as changes in these areas over time and at
different stages of the disease and the child's development (Wright & Masten, in press.)
One of the best known and most illustrative projects in this regard is the 30-year
longitudinal study of 698 infants born on the Hawaiian island of Kauai in 1955 (Werner &
Smith, 1982, 1992). While moderate-to-severe perinatal stress did emerge as a risk factor,
key factors identified in this study that predicted later developmental problems included
chronic poverty, low maternal education, and family conflict or instability. Thus, multiple
levels of analysis (biological, cognitive, social, emotional, and environmental) are needed
to understand individual vulnerability and resilience. While severe biological insult can
permanently affect the development of some children, the longitudinal studies to date
have provided clear documentation that children have a remarkable capacity for recovery
and adaptive growth. Further research exploring the processes underlying recovery and
resilience is needed.

Page 55
These studies also raise questions about the policy implications of medical risk evaluation
on the design and funding of early intervention programs. Further longitudinal study is
needed to determine the effectiveness of both identification criteria and early intervention
practice. Whether the present intensive service models being advocated and used are
necessary, successful in identifying the appropriate target populations, providing
sufficient developmentally and socially appropriate services, and cost effective are
questions that should lead to policy debate in the future.
Medical personnel are often engaged in providing assessment and intervention services to
young children with complex and multifaceted developmental problems. In hospital
settings, they rely on a model of professional teamwork that seeks to involve the family as
well. Primary caregivers outside of the hospital setting usually work independently with
families, using other early intervention services as referral possibilities. Medical
approaches usually work well, especially when the child's initial survival and long-term
health depend on the expertise of these professionals. However, medical personnel are
concerned with how family involvement can be promoted, cost effectiveness improved,
and communication among professional groups enhanced. These issues, which are
important aspects of transdisciplinary team approaches, have begun to be addressed, but
are not yet resolved.
Questions for Discussion
1. What are the strengths of the professional team model used in hospital settings and
what aspects of that approach have been identified as problematic?
2. How do primary care physicians typically evaluate young children, what intervention
decisions are they most likely to make, and what sources of referral do they use most
Problems of Practice
Visit a neonatal nursery and observe the types of assessment and intervention being
practiced. Ask at least three team members who have worked together in providing early
intervention services for a child and family to point out the practices that worked well and
the areas that

Page 56
could be improved. Investigate the referrals that families are likely to receive as follow-up
to their child's hospital experiences. Evaluate ways to improve or expand referral
Suggested Readings
Claflin, C. J., & Meisels, S. J. (1993). Assessment of the impact of very low birth weight
infants on families. In N. J. Anastasiow & S. Harel (Eds.), At-risk infants: Interventions,
families, and research (pp. 5779). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.
Widmayer, S. M., & Field, T. M. (1980). Effects of Brazelton demonstrations on early
interactions of preterm infants and their teenage mothers. Infant Behavior and
Development, 3, 7989.

Page 57

IFSP Review of Arlo
GENDER, AGE, ETHNIC ORIGIN OF CHILD: Male, 16 months, Euro-American.
OCCASION OR PURPOSE OF DIALOGUE: Second review of Arlo, 6 months after initial assessment, to
assess developmental progress and further define the nature of the child's disabilities. The
child is presently enrolled in an early intervention program that provides once-a-week
visits in his home.
TEAM M EM BERS: Two pediatricians (staff physician, pediatric fellow), a physical therapist, a
clinical nurse, a social worker, an early intervention specialist, a psychologist, and Arlo's
mother and grandfather. (This is the same team who conducted the initial assessment.)
SETTING: A hospital-affiliated clinical center for developmental disabilities.
Overview of the Case
Risk Conditions
Arlo was a full-term baby, born by cesarean section, reported to be blue at time of
delivery. He was sent to the intensive care nursery, diagnosed as having aspiration
pneumonia (from aspiration of meconium), and placed on a ventilator for 3 weeks. Since
birth he had a deep cough that worsened whenever he was active. Two months ago,
during routine adenoid surgery, the surgeon discovered an artery was growing around
Arlo's trachea. Its further growth would have resulted in an obstructed windpipe and
death The problem was corrected surgically and his cough is now gone. His recovery
from surgery has been good and his color is better since the operation.
Reason for Referral
At 10 months, Arlo was referred to the hospital clinical center by his private pediatrician,
who had concerns about his slow rate of developmental progress in motor areas.
Although Arlo's developmental

Page 58
delay in gross and fine motor domains was observed by the team at the initial assessment,
no specific diagnosis giving the etiology of the delays was confirmed. Three objectives
were identified at that time, two of which have been achieved:
1. Enrollment in a home-based early intervention program. (Achieved.)
2. Provision of a sling-type sitting device to give Arlo more stability. (After consultation
with the physical therapist.)
3. Clarification for the family of the sequence of events that occurred at Arlo's birth,
which might have led to his delays. (A family-initiated objective, not yet achieved.)
Background Information
Arlo's mother is a 19-year-old single parent in a close extended family from a low
socioeconomic rural Appalachian background. Although the mother lives with her son in
an apartment by herself, her three sisters assist in the child's day-to-day care. The mother
does not work outside the home. The child's father (a member of the extended family)
has limited ongoing contact with the family.
Family Strengths and Needs
Family strengths include the support provided by the extended family, in particular by the
child's three aunts. The early interventionist has observed that Arlo's mother seems to
enjoy the child, often smiling at, hugging, and kissing him. She talks about Arlo in a
caring way that conveys her enjoyment of motherhood.
Arlo's mother has identified some family needs, which include finding a more affordable
apartment that has better heating and access to public transportation. She believes that the
poor heating is responsible for the frequent illnesses of Arlo and of herself. She has
incurred high electric bills by using space heaters to try to warm the apartment. There may
also be exposure to toxins in the apartment atmosphere (not yet tested). The apartment is
outside of the metropolitan public transit limits. The family does not believe the mother
can learn to drive because she has physical and learning disabilities, and therefore family
members transport her to appointments.
Sources of Assessment Information
In addition to physical examination of Arlo, the pediatricians reviewed the birth records
and the results of a range of tests, requested after the initial

Page 59
assessment. These included MRI, blood tests, and chromosome studies to rule out a
variety of syndromes. Other assessment instruments used by the team included the Bayley
Scales of Infant Development, the Battelle Developmental Inventory, physical
manipulation tests and clinical observations of Arlo's natural movements, family
interview, and home observation data. Although the private pediatrician administered a
routine hearing check, no other assessment of hearing has been made. Based on the
results from the assessment sources used, Arlo's developmental status is as follows:
Social-Emotional Development
Arlo is a sociable baby who seems to enjoy being with people. He smiles reciprocally and
seeks attention by performing in ways that gain positive social interaction. When he is
upset, he shows displeasure and protest by crying and arching his back. He exhibits
shyness with strangers and prefers to sit on his mother's lap during new situations.
Although these behaviors are not uncommon for a child in his age range, the pattern of
scores on the Battelle show his social-emotional and self-help skills to be inconsistent,
with Arlo's performance in the personal-social domain ranging from 9 to 14 months and
his adaptive behavior being demonstrated at 10 months.
Physical-Motor and Sensory-Perceptual Development
Arlo appears to have low muscle tone in the trunk. He has just begun to sit alone: get
himself into a sitting position unassisted, sit for 10 to 30 seconds, and brace himself when
he begins to lose balance. He is beginning to crawl short distances, but must rest his
stomach on the floor every 10 to 20 seconds while in the crawling position. Arlo typically
uses a raking motion to pick up small food objects. He can bang objects at midline and
take objects in and out of containers. Although he uses both hands to play with toys at
midline, he must frequently stop manipulating the toys in order to steady himself. He has
difficulty releasing objects in midline with a purposeful release and often misses his
midline target. Battelle scores in gross motor areas show him to be functioning in the 7- to
10-month range and in fine motor areas in the 8- to 10-month range. On the Bayley Motor
Scales, Arlo received a Psychomotor Development Index Score of 54, and his raw score
is 58, which is equivalent to approximately 10 months in developmental age.
Cognitive-Language Development
Arlo demonstrates knowledge of the functions of objects (e.g., balls, cars, blocks) in his
play with toys. He responds to one-step directions but does not yet point to pictures of
objects or to body parts on request. He is

Page 60
beginning to use a few holophrastic sound approximations to communicate his desires
(e.g., ''drink" for "I want a drink") and to imitate words and label objects. His expressive
language is in the 11- to 14-month range, his receptive language at the 14- to 17-month
level, and his cognitive functioning in the 16- to 18-month range, according to the Battelle
scores. His Bayley Mental Development Index Score is 103, and his raw score is 104,
which indicates a developmental age of approximately 16 months. There is a significant
discrepancy between his motor index score (54) and his mental index score (103).
The Team Dialogue
The usual practice at Child Hospital is to have a hospital-based, staff-only discussion after
a child's assessment to discuss the findings. The medical report is also summarized in
writing and made part of the record. After Arlo's assessment by the hospital-based team
members was complete, they excused themselves for this brief discussion. While Arlo's
mother and grandfather, the early interventionist, and the consulting psychologist waited
for the hospital team to return, Arlo became fussy and the mother and grandfather left the
room. When the hospital-based team members entered shortly thereafter, the family
members had not yet returned. The following dialogue began after all professional team
members were assembled, but before the family members had returned. The hospital
pediatric fellow served as the team leader.
PEDIATRIC FELLOW: We finally received Arlo's birth history. He was born with aspiration
pneumonia and intubated for 3 weeks before being weaned to room air. Routine lab work
on the placenta and umbilical cord revealed abnormalities suggesting he had been in long-
term distress in utero. Arlo's Apgar Score was 3 at 1 minute and 8 at 5 minutes, suggesting
he was in immediate distress prior to his birth. When we last saw Arlo, at the gestational
age of 10 months, he was beginning to roll over. In supported sitting he had very poor
head control and exhibited generalized low muscle tone. We requested a number of
routine tests, including an MRI of his brain, blood work, and various other tests to rule
out muscular dystrophies of any type. All test results came back normal. Today's
examination finds Arlo recovering well from his thoracic surgery and continuing to
progress. (The pediatrician goes into some detail explaining the complicated surgery.
None of the other team participants asks questions or comments during this explanation.
Mother and grandfather enter the room during the final part of the detailed medical

Page 61
MOTHER: So will Arlo be okay now that he's had the operation? Why don't any of the tests show what
his problem is?
GRANDFATHER: We want to know what's caused his problem.
PEDIATRIC FELLOW: He's making good progress now. He had some distress in utero that might have
affected his growth and development. Sometimes it's hard to pinpoint the exact problem so we may
want to do some more testing later. (To early interventionist and consulting psychologist) How are
his developmental skills?
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : He is a friendly, responsive baby, but he has some gaps in his social skills. In
particular, development of his self-help skills seem to be hampered by his lag in motor skill
development. His motor skills are improving now. He is able to get in and out of a sitting position
independently. He's also beginning to crawl but can only go about 4 to 6 feet before he has to rest.
When he crawls, he has a noticeable sway in his back and when sitting, he tires very quickly if he
tries to use both of his hands to play with objects. He must rest his trunk by putting his arms down
for support every 10 to 15 seconds and he can play for only about 5 to 10 minutes before he has to
lie down to rest.
PSYCHOLOGIST : Arlo's performance on the Bayley Motor Scales indicated that he has significant
delays, especially in gross motor areas. For example, although he is now able to move from a
sitting to a creeping position, he is not yet able to pull himself to stand and all of his upright
locomotor skills are delayed. He has difficulty rotating his trunk when he sits alone and this affects
his ability to throw objects and do other coordinated activities. He is beginning to use partial thumb
opposition but can't yet make fine coordinated movements such as putting small objects in
containers. I agree that his balancing difficulties are hampering both fine and gross motor
development, and of course, delays in motor areas affect how well he can demonstrate his social
and cognitive abilities. His performance on the Bayley Mental Scales indicated that he was able to
perform many of the tasks at his age level, such as building a two cube tower, putting block cubes in
containers, looking for and retrieving toys, although his positioning for doing these tasks was not
standard. He could also imitate words.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : His scores on the Battelle also indicated that he is making progress in
cognitive and language areas. For example, he's playing with toys appropriately, following
directions such as "give me the cup" or "put the ball in the bucket," and trying to say some words.
He can roll cars on the floor, bang blocks together, and stack two blocks. He responds to games like
"peek a boo." (To mother) He's showing a lot of interest in playing with you and his aunts.
MOTHER: Yes, he's getting to be fun!

Page 62
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : He is continuing to exhibit ataxic movements, especially in the trunk. (To mother
and grandfather) These are shaky and unsteady movements, resulting from the brain's failure to
regulate posture and limb movement strength and direction. He should have some physical therapy
for this. Where do you live? Is it possible for Arlo to get into physical therapy on a regular basis?
Can he receive the therapy through the early intervention program?
GRANDFATHER: She lives about 40 minutes away from the program and there's no public transportation
there. Since she doesn't drive, it would be hard to get Arlo to therapy.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : Are there any other family members who could arrange transportation for Arlo
on a regular basis? Our agency doesn't provide home based physical therapy on an ongoing basis.
However, we do provide a once-a-year evaluation.
GRANDFATHER: Maybe her brother or uncle could bring her for therapy once in a while. I had to take
off work to bring her today and I can't keep doing that.
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : I don't think that it will be sufficient for Arlo to come only occasionally. He
needs regular ongoing therapy so it's important that someone in the family be found to help with
MOTHER: I can try to get him to therapy but I'm not sure about getting there real regularly.
SOCIAL WORKER: Let me know if you can find someone to drive you. Then I'll help you get the
appointments arranged.
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : What type of insurance does the family have?
SOCIAL WORKER: Arlo has a medical card and I understand that he may be covered under his father's
insurance policy. (To the family) Are you sure just what this policy will cover? You'll be glad to
know his medical card will pay for the therapy.
STAFF PEDIATRICIAN: We received a request from SSI (Supplemental Security Income) for information
on Arlo's diagnosis. I dictated our information in a report last week. That office indicated that you
applied for SSI.
MOTHER: Yes, I did.
GRANDFATHER: It was such a hassle. I went with her but even I got confused with all the forms to fill
out. (To social worker) We couldn't have done it all without your help.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : I also received a request from SSI to send them Arlo's child-focused goals on
his IFSP. This information was sent out last week. It's been about 2 months since it was initiated, so
you should hear soon.
STAFF PEDIATRICIAN: I understand you've been confused about Arlo's birth history. We've talked a little
about that today, but would you like the nurse to come to your house specifically to answer your
MOTHER: Yes, that would be good.

Page 63
GRANDFATHER: I'd like it to be at a time when I could hear it too.
CLINICAL NURSE: Now that we have a copy of Arlo's birth records, I'll be able to explain what
happened at his birth. I'll call you and we will set up a time to do a home visit. Perhaps your sisters
could be there, too.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : (To mother) It would be good if you had a tape recorder to record the nurse's
session so you won't have to explain it all over again to other family members. I could probably
lend you a recorder and show you how to use it.
GRANDFATHER: She also needs to find another pediatrician. The pediatrician we started with won't
take a medical card.
CLINICAL NURSE: Let me call the pediatricians on the west side and see who is taking new patients and
will also accept a medical card. I'll call you on Friday, before 10:00 A.M .
PEDIATRIC FELLOW: Okay, so what do we want for Arlo? Can we agree on some goals for the next 6
months? (He then takes the lead in stating recommendations, with which team members concur.)

Arlo continues to be eligible for the early intervention home-based program. The early
interventionist and mother will continue to work on development of Arlo's motor, social,
language, and cognitive skills. Possibilities for transportation for Arlo to and from
physical therapy on a regular basis will be investigated and appointments will be set up,
pending transportation decisions. The clinical nurse will make a home visit to talk more
with the family to help them understand why Arlo may have developmental problems and
to explain the results of the medical tests. The social worker will investigate which
pediatricians take new patients with medical cards. Arlo will be evaluated again in 6
months by the same team to monitor his developmental progress.
Questions for Discussion
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a two-stage team discussion (i.e., the
hospital-based staff discussing the case before involving the rest of the professionals and
the family)?
2. What seem to be the major concerns of each of the team members (including the
family)? How do these concerns reflect their various perspectives? What were their
reactions to issues raised by other team members? How effective was the pediatric fellow
in leading the team discussion?

Page 64
3. How will the team's ability to get the necessary services for the child be influenced by
financial constraints, by service delivery coordination problems, and by transportation
4. What seem to be the major concerns of the family? Were they adequately addressed by
the team? Did the team show any behaviors that indicated they were aware of cultural
values of the family that may influence how effectively the interventions can be
accomplished? Could they have done more to involve the family in the goal setting?
5. Did the team discuss sufficiently the developmental and educational interventions that
could be implemented by the family, the early intervention program staff, and the
pediatric specialists?

Page 65

Chapter 3
Psychological Assessment Perspectives
Doris Bergen
Alex Thomas
Julie Rubin
The psychological assessment of children with suspected developmental disabilities began
in 1905 with the work of Alfred Binet, who devised the first test of intelligence to predict
which children would not be able to benefit from traditional schooling. Since that time,
psychologists have been involved in assessment and identification of those children who
are eligible for special education. Over the past century, child assessment has become a
very important part of the psychologist's role, and many instruments have been designed
to identify individual differences in cognitive development and learning potential.
Although the assessment methods psychologists use have become increasingly refined
and comprehensive in recent years, and their responsibilities often extend to include
consultation and counseling, psychologists still spend a significant part of their time
measuring individual differences in intellectual abilities and providing information
needed for the determination of children's eligibility for special education services (Fagan
& Sachs Wise, 1993).
The term psychologist includes school, clinical, and developmental psychologists, all of
whom have expertise in assessing young children's developmental and learning abilities.
Psychologists working with young children have had at least 3 years of graduate training,
including a 1-year supervised internship. Psychologists may get their credentials from a
state board of education or from a state licensing agency. Although each type of
psychologist works in a different setting, all psychologists share common perspectives on
appropriate assessment practices, professional ethics, and consultative roles when
working with young children and their families (American Psychological Association,

Page 66

Underlying Assumptions
Although psychologists bring to the early assessment process a variety of assessment
skills, when the term psychological assessment is used most people immediately think of
a process in which tests are used to determine the individual's intellectual abilities,
achievement level, or mental health. This assumption is still common among the general
public, but it is not the assumption under which present-day psychologists operate.
Psychologists operate with the broad assumption that their task is to try to understand
children's overall development and behavior, and to assess the child's functioning in
relation to normative standards and common developmental principles and processes.
They conduct assessments for a broad range of purposes, using a variety of instruments.
They continue to use the traditional standardized tests, which primarily measure
intellectual and personality dimensions. These instruments allow for the comparison of a
single individual to others of similar age and background and to the same individual over
time (Anas-tasi, 1988). Psychologists may also use observational measures, criterion-
referenced tests, play-based scales, and family interviews when doing a comprehensive
assessment. They evaluate the child's performance and compare that performance with
their knowledge of typical developmental stages and processes. This helps them decide if
a child is delayed or developing in a nontypical manner, how severe a delay is, and what
type of interventions may be useful.
Psychologists may be asked how a child has progressed. Comparisons over time require
multiple sequenced assessments that look at factors such as rate of growth and changes
that may occur in developmental patterns. Another question that psychologists may be
asked is what the child's "fit" is within family and educational settings; these
environmental concerns help determine the effectiveness of recommended interventions.
With young children in particular, the family system and the child's role in that system
must be considered (Bagnato & Neisworth, 1991).
Thus, another assumption that the psychologist makes is that the family members and the
relevant school or agency personnel must be involved in the assessment process. Parents
are the source of much insightful and in-depth information about their children. This
information usually provides the context in which the psychologist decides on appropriate
assessment measures, develops hypotheses about delay domains and reasons for delay,
and evaluates which interventions may be productive. Psychologists try to give families
the information they need to knowday-to-day and long-term information about diagnosis,
treatment, and educational issues. Psychologists are particularly interested in assessing the
family's ability to accommodate and meet the developmental needs of the child.

Page 67
At present, the most frequent reason for referral to a psychologist is still to get answers to
questions such as how a child compares to peers, whether there is a general
developmental delay, or whether the child's development is different in specific ways
from characteristic developmental patterns. This peer comparison or normative
assessment is most relevant for diagnosis of the child as eligible for early intervention
services and, indeed, the vast majority of psychological assessments in early intervention
are for the purpose of determining eligibility for special services and for assistance in
planning the nature of these services (Bagnato & Neisworth, 1991).
After a child has been enrolled in an educational program, the teacher and other
educational and therapeutic specialists provide information to the psychologist that assists
in furthering two objectives of assessment: (1) designing environmentally appropriate
interventions and (2) monitoring developmental and learning progress. For intervention
settings, the psychologist's role is to provide information about the individual child that
will assist the early intervention or school-based program specialists in designing and
providing appropriate educational experiences. Psychologists often act as consultants to
educators and other intervention specialists. For example, they may collaborate to create a
behavior management program that can be used to facilitate the child's physical skill
development or to assist the child in gaining emotional control or social interaction skills.
In particular, as children reach the transition period around age 3, when referral options
for mandated public school sponsored programs are considered, social-emotional and
behavioral problems often become a focus of psychological assessment and intervention,
especially because they are likely to affect later school success (Barnett & Carey, 1992).
Other important assumptions on which psychologists base their work concern
psychometric procedures. They stress that there must be excellent psychometric properties
in their assessment instruments, and that the assessments should be conducted with
appropriate and consistent methods. For example, reliability (the extent to which an
instrument yields consistent scores for an individual on the same test given on different
occasions) and validity (the extent to which an instrument yields scores that measure what
it purports to measure) are needed in the instruments chosen for the assessment (Anastasi,
1988). Accurate interpretation of assessment results rests on adequate psychometric
This issue is complicated by the commonly occurring situation in which the young child
to be assessed is severely or multiply handicapped; there are few instruments with good
psychometric properties designed for this population. Interpretation of assessment results
are especially difficult when the young child has disabilities significant enough to affect
the assessment

Page 68
performance (Anastasi, 1988). Because developmental sequences may not follow the
paths or the rates found in typically developing children, great care is needed in
interpreting observations of formal assessments of young children (Johnson-Martin, Jens,
& Attermeier, 1990). Thus, prediction from early assessment results is particularly
A corollary assumption is that assessments are useful only if they promote better
development, meaningful intervention, and appropriate education of young children.
Psychologists are aware of interpretive problems that could affect determination of
eligibility for services or types of intervention provided to children and families. When
validity problems are apparent, they must guard against making errors of referring
children who should not be referred or not referring children who should be referred.
Sometimes the choice of assessment instrument or the type of disability the child has may
affect the qualifying score level. This can result in the need for psychologists to decide
which of two or more standardized instruments that purport to measure delay will give
the most valid assessment of the child's abilities. For example, some instruments (e.g.,
McCarthy, 1972; Stanford-Binet IV; Thorndike et al, 1986) are more likely to indicate that
the child is performing one or more standard deviations below the mean than are other
instruments (e.g., Weschler, 1989). That is important if, for example, to qualify for early
intervention services, the child must perform two standard deviations below the mean in
one developmental domain or one standard deviation below the mean in two domains, as
is required in some state guidelines (e.g., Ohio State Dept. of Education, 1991).
A number of corollary assumptions underlie every use of standardized assessment
measures: (1) the nature of intelligence in infants is much like that of older children; (2)
infant behavior is the same across settings, so performance in a clinical setting is
representative of performance in other settings; and (3) the intelligence of children with a
non-cognitive-related disability develops at a similar rate and pattern as it does for
children without such a disability. All three of these assumptions have been called into
question; thus, whether standardized tests present a valid picture is a matter of great
debate (Sattler, 1992). However, psychologists generally believe that a well-designed
standardized norm-referenced instrument is useful in assessing the development of young
children, especially if used in conjunction with other assessment methods.
Another reality-based question that psychologists must consider is what the intensity level
of intervention should be for a particular child. Usually psychologists develop some
hypotheses concerning whether the developmental delay observed is a result of biological
or established risk conditions (e.g., physical-sensory or other congenital problems) or to

Page 69
ronmental risk conditions (e.g., familial, socioeconomic, or cultural situations). These
conditions may differ not only in severity but also in their potential for improvement.
Along with the individual assessment data, psychologists consider contextual factors,
such as the motivation of the family, the educational programs available, and the
community resources that are accessible when they make their recommendations.
Methods of Assessment
Psychologists have traditionally worked independently on referral questions. They would
conduct the assessment, write a report on the results, and interpret the results to parents,
school personnel, or referring agency, without consultation with other professionals who
had knowledge of the child and family. School psychologists typically would focus on
assessing comparative development, facilitating the process of designing educational
interventions, and providing appropriate educational services, rather than on the medical
or social conditions influencing children's development (Harrington, 1984). Clinical and
developmental psychologists have also been concerned with applying their assessment
information to educational intervention and service questions. However, they have
usually given most attention to the etiology of the delays or differences in development
and to the factors in the home and community environment that may be responsive to
intervention (Egan, Schaefer, Chatoor, 1988; Fraiberg, 1980).
In actual practice, when the child is under the age of 3, it is difficult to separate
individual, family, educational, and societal conditions when collecting and interpreting
results and recommending interventions. Issues such as the role the child plays in the
family, the social and educational interventions needed by the child, and the range of
family, educational, and community support systems available to carry out these
interventions are therefore relevant for all psychologists to consider (Bagnato & Neis-
worth, 1987; Slade & Bergman, 1988).
Special Considerations in Assessing Young Children
Whatever methods psychologists decide to use to assess infants and toddlers, they must
keep in mind the special nature of the assessment process of a very young child. It is
necessary to take into account such questions as when the best time of day is for a
particular child to be seen. All infants, but particularly very young ones, are influenced by
biological needs, such as hunger and fatigue, and they cannot be easily coaxed to delay
satisfaction of these needs to comply with assessment demands. Flexibility in

Page 70
deciding the time of day and length of session is required, and more than one assessment
session may be needed.
The child's social maturity can affect the assessment process also. For example, with
infants less than 5 months it is usually not a problem if the psychologist greets the parent
and child enthusiastically and quickly begins to present toys or engage in games requiring
interaction. However, infants nearing 7 months are wary of strangers and must not be
overwhelmed by demanding approaches before rapport is established. Rapport is often
more easily established by putting an engaging toy in the child's view, smiling, talking
softly to the parent, and casually inviting the child to begin to interact (Johnson-Martin,
personal communication, Sept., 1985). It is very important to establish rapport if a reliable
and valid assessment is to be obtained.
Young children are usually seen with the parent or caregiver in the room, often as they sit
on the adult's lap. This position reassures the child and also facilitates the psychologist's
job. Furniture should be the proper height for the adult to sit comfortably with the child at
the work table. For children over 1 year, a chair with arms and a foot rest should be
provided to make a relatively long sitting period more comfortable. It is important for the
psychologist to be well prepared and organized. The appropriate materials should be in
the room ahead of time, interesting toys should be available, and some food or drink at
hand. The psychologist should do as much as possible to ensure that the child's best
performance is being observed.
Psychologists should keep in mind that it is difficult to assess an infant's developmental
status; even when the assessment is appropriately done, the information may not give a
valid picture of what the child will be like in 3, 5, or 10 years. Psychologists must always
remember that the assessment instruments vary in their psychometric properties, and
adaptations that must be made to administer them to infants with disabilities or
developmental delays may alter their validity (Harrington, 1984).
A Typical Assessment Battery
There are a number of evaluative techniques that psychologists use in the assessment
process. Although one prevalent view of psychologists has been that of a ''tester," the
realities of assessing young children and the need to tie assessment to intervention have
contributed to the use of a variety of evaluative methods. Generally, the younger the
child, the more likely the psychologist will be to employ non-test assessment strategies.
Most assessment procedures include the following: (1) structured parent interview; (2)
one or more standardized norm-referenced tests; (3) one or more criterion-referenced
tests, if indicated by initial information; and (4) struc-

Page 71
tured and unstructured behavioral observations collected during the assessment session
and, if warranted and obtainable, across multiple settings and activities (home and
educational settings; with family members, peers, teachers, and specialists).
Structured Parent Interview
Parents are naturally involved in interventions for young children and their participation
is essential in the evaluation process because they have the greatest knowledge of their
child. The interview with the parent(s) (preferably both, but usually the mother) should
be done in a comfortable room set up for that purpose, not in a room with child-sized
furniture only. It is usually done best in a room without an observation window. The
interviewer must interact with the parents within a context of respect for the parents'
difficult situation and help them to see that the interview is the first step in the process of
helping their child. The psychologist must use the interview as the first step in helping to
answer the questions that brought the parent to the assessment situation. The content of
the interview should include:
1. Questions parents have regarding their child that may be answered by the assessment
process. The questions may relate to the diagnosis or to services and interventions
2. The parents' description of the child's problems.
3. The parents' beliefs about what caused the problems and what (if any) diagnostic labels
they think describe the child.
To answer these questions it is necessary to elicit information about the child's medical,
developmental, family, and social histories. Medical history includes information about
prenatal influences, birth, delivery, course of hospitalization, accidents, medications,
specialists involved, treatments received, and diagnoses formerly given. Developmental
history includes such information as developmental milestones achieved, strengths and
weaknesses in certain developmental domains, and unusual patterns of development.
Family history includes information on family composition, financial resources, support
system availability, and genetic background. Social history includes information on the
social climate in the family, the child's relationships with siblings and peers, and the
nature of the child's interactions with family members or caregivers. Some sample
nonstandardized parent interview questions are included in Appendix A.
Frequently a standardized parent interview is given, such as the Vineland Adaptive
Behavior Scales (Sparrow, Balla, & Cicchetti, 1984, 1985). The Vineland is a norm-
referenced interview that provides a com-

Page 72
parison of the parents' description of their child's behavior with descriptions other parents
have given of typical children of similar age. The Vineland has four domains
(communication, daily living skills, socialization, and motor skills). It is described further
in Appendix B.
Whether the structured interview is norm-referenced or designed by the psychologist,
gathering this information from parents is essential as a basis for understanding and
interpreting results of other assessment measures. It is the 'first line" of information the
psychologist needs. In collecting these data, however, psychologists keep in mind that
families who bring their very young children to be assessed are coping with deep
emotions. They may have heard a number of opinions (lay and professional) about their
child that cause them grave concern or they may never have spoken about their concerns,
even though they have them, and thus have difficulty acknowledging the diagnosis.
Parents' concerns may include whether they are going to be able to cope with the
challenges of caring for and educating their child, how this child will affect other children
they have or were planning to have, and what the eventual outcome for their child and the
family will be. Many of these parents are struggling with feelings of sadness, anger, guilt,
frustration, worry, and despair. They want to hear the psychologist's opinion and yet they
dread hearing it. These factors must be kept in mind by the psychologist when assessing
the infant.
Standardized Norm-Referenced Tests
Although standardized assessment of infants and toddlers is made more difficult due to
lowered reliability of measurement and the spurts of development characteristic of the
early years of life, norm-referenced tests are frequently given by psychologists. Bagnato
and Neisworth (1991) describe three purposes of norm-referenced testing: (1) to describe
the child's functional skills in comparative terms; (2) to classify the degree of the child's
deficits via a pre-existing diagnostic category; and (3) to predict the child's development
in the absence of intervention or other major life changes.
The most frequently used standardized test for infants is the Bayley Scales of infant
Development, (BSID) which was first published in 1969. The BSID, second edition
(Bayley, 1993), has new normative data from a sample of 1,700 children, representative of
present-day child populations, including high-risk populations. Norm-referenced
comparisons of children aged 1 to 42 months of age (the original covered 2 to 30 months)
can be made on mental, motor, and behavior dimensions. Although the earlier BSID gave
a good picture of young children at the time of testing, it, was not a good predictor of
later development. The revised version has incorporated items reported in research
literature to be more predictive of

Page 73
later abilities. However, longitudinal information on its predictive validity is not yet
available. The Bayley and another norm-referenced tests appropriate for toddlers, the
Differential Ability Scales (DAS) (1990), are described further in Appendix B.
Criterion-Referenced Measures
In addition to assessing intelligence or developmental progress, another purpose of an
assessment is to determine if a child has attained a particular skill commonly attained by
children of a similar age. Criterion-referenced measures do not yield scores or percentiles,
but describe the skills that a child actually can display and assist the psychologists in
making intervention recommendations. There are many criterion-referenced instruments
available. One frequently used for infants and toddlers is the Carolina Curriculum for
Handicapped and At-Risk Infants (Johnson-Martin, Jens, & Attermeier, 1990). This is a
curriculum-based measure developed for use with children in the birth- to 24-month
developmental age range. It has an easy-to-use format that assesses 24 developmental
areas, with sequences of skills within each area. It can be used for planning interventions
and monitoring child progress over time. A number of other appropriate criterion-
referenced tests are described in Chapter 4 and Appendix B.
Behavioral Observations
Two types of behavioral observation may provide information that adds to the validity of
the assessment conclusions: (1) observations made during the formal assessment session
by the psychologist and (2) observations made in a natural (or simulated) educational
setting, usually collected by one or more of the assessment team members (Bracken,
Information gathered from observing the child's behavior during the formal assessment
process is an integral part of the psychologist's evaluation. During the various formal
portions of the assessment, the psychologist incidentally observes the child's non-verbal
communication, language and other verbal communication, attempts, social
responsiveness, attention span, problem-solving approach, anxiety level, and general
affect (Bracken, 1991). The dimensions of observation may need to be especially
perceptive in evaluating young children with visual or hearing impairments, mental
retardation, neurological impairments, or behavior disorders (Paget, 1991).
A structured behavioral observation frequently is included in the psychologist's
assessment plan. A continuum of methods is used for this, ranging from anecdotal
comments to time interval or event sampling. When possible, it is useful to observe the
child and caregiver during a natural

Page 74
event, such as playing or eating; this can be noted while the family is waiting to be seen
by the psychologist. It is helpful to have data collected in a setting that is familiar to the
child, such as at home or at a daycare or early intervention setting. Observational
instruments are described more fully in Chapter 4 and in Appendix B.
A recent innovation in the methodology of assessment has been in the design of play-
based assessment models that use simulated environments, replicating those of early
education programs (e.g., Linder, 1993). This assessment approach draws on behavioral
observations of skills and developmental mastery levels that are demonstrated through a
sampling of behaviors in this environment. Play-based 'assessment models are described
more fully in Chapter 4 and in Appendix B.
Sattler (1992) describes the valuable functions served by behavioral observations. They
provide a picture of the spontaneous behavior of the child in everyday settings,
information about the child's interpersonal behavior and learning style, a systematic
record of the child's behavior and that of significant others, verification of the accuracy of
parental or caregiver reports, and comparisons between the child's behavior in formal
settings and in natural or simulated settings.
Information Exchange with Families and Referral Agencies
Because psychologists want to provide answers to referral questions, they must
understand and use appropriate means for interpreting assessment results to families and
professionals working with young children. The psychological assessment is complete
only after the results have been shared with the parents and the referral source. The most
common methods of conveying assessment information include conferences or written
reports. The conferences are typically held with the parents, either by the psychologist
alone or by the psychologist in conjunction with other team members. The written reports
are given to parents and, with their permission, to other professionals working with the
child. Psychologists often use terminology that is precise in communicating within their
discipline, but it may be unclear or confusing to family members and teachers. A number
of the basic terms commonly used in reporting results of assessment are listed in Figure 3.
Reporting to Parents
The primary mode for reporting to parents is the interpretive conference. In conducting
the conference psychologists depend on the empathetic and

Page 75
the amount of success children exhibit at a given
the most representative measurement or score
(expressed as mean, median, or mode)
Developmentalage at which 50% of tested group successfully
norm completes the task
measurement results within the average or typical
typical scores on standardized measures
Norms representative of certain groups (e.g., age, ethnic,
or local)
measurement of human cognitive, motor, or
affective behavior using a standard of performance
the extent to which a test or observation shows
consistent results
Standard scores that are mathematically transformed so that
scores results from different tests can be compared
Standardized testing processes that use consistent methods,
tests materials, and scoring procedures
the extent to which a test or observation measures
what it is intended to measure

Figure 3.1
Assessment Terms Used by Psychologists
trusting relationship that they have built with the family during the assessment process.
They answer questions that the family has, present assessment results and possible
interventions, and assist parents in making plans to carry out recommendations (Shea,
1984). The interpretative conference provides a bridge between the assessment and
intervention phases.
Parents are provided with information about community resources and with reading
materials or references that are pertinent to the child's problems. The psychologist must
explain the content in a manner that parents can understand and assimilate. Psychologists
must also be able to deal comfortably with the intense and potentially negative affect that
parents may express when hearing their child's diagnosis. Although expression of these
feelings may be difficult for the psychologist to hear, it is important that parents have the
opportunity to express their anguish and fears should they need to do so during the

Page 76
Reporting to Professionals
Traditionally, psychologists have provided written reports to the interdisciplinary or
multidisciplinary team once their assessment was complete. The traditional report was
developed independently of the team and was one part of the total information set
considered by the team, often without the psychologist being present. This report usually
contained behavioral observations, a list of assessment instruments used, assessment
results, interpretation of the results, a summary, and recommendations.
Increasingly, psychologists do not write a separate, individual report, but contribute to a
team report that conveys a set of integrated information. When the psychologist
participates in the team, the Individual Family Services Plan (IFSP) incorporates the
psychological information into the team report. This facilitates the parents' understanding
of the comprehensive assessment results and the development of the IFSP. If there is to
be referral to other diagnosticians (e.g., a neurological evaluation), the psychologist may
develop a technically detailed report, too.
The psychological report (or the psychological information in the team report) can serve a
number of purposes: providing accurate written assessment data to a referral source,
being a source of information for hypothesis testing and program evaluation, and serving
as a record of the assessment and intervention plan (Sattler, 1992).
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model
For a long time, psychologists have conducted their assessments separately from other
professionals and have brought or sent their assessment reports to meetings where
individual children's cases were discussed. Many psychologists now have had experiences
working in inter-, multi-, and (more recently) transdisciplinary teams. The mandates of
P.L. 99-457 promote greater team interaction in planning and providing early intervention
From the psychologist's perspective, the strengths of this approach include:
1. Comprehensiveness, which occurs because children are assessed by professionals from
a range of disciplines, resulting in a very thorough evaluation.
2. Mutual purpose, which creates camaraderie among professionals and increased
knowledge of each other's discipline, resulting in increased professional understanding of
the child being evaluated.
3. Collaboration, which allows the psychologist to know the scope of

Page 77
services and expertise of other professionals intimately and thus to be more effective in
recommending comprehensive services across disciplines.
Although the advantages are many, changes in the way professionals (including
psychologists) work come slowly. Problems that remain include the following:
1. Significantly increased time commitment of each professional for each child's
assessment, which could reduce the overall number of children that can be served.
2. Logistic problems concerning the scheduling of numerous multiple assessments and
team meetings.
3. Cost factors, which are related to high cost of meetings attended by several
professionals and methods of professional reimbursement for services.
4. Individual personality factors, which require team members to adapt to style
differences, agree to role flexibility, and learn to commit to consensus decision making.
5. Status issues, which occur as professionals learn to respect each other's expertise and
how to have professional cooperation in the service of team goals.
Policy Issues
Assessment practices for infants and toddlers who have disabilities or who are at risk for
developmental delay are driven by federal and state legislative mandates, accompanying
rules and regulations, and local practice. States determine the lead agency that is charged
with determining the rules regarding which populations are to be served and which
procedures are to be followed. The promulgated mandates, rules and regulations in turn
are influenced by the opinions of individual professionals and professional groups who
express their views through communication with the responsible legislative or
bureaucratic bodies. Because assessment practices are professionally and politically
driven, there are often times when the best practices of the field are not reflected in
governmental guidelines. As assessment teams become more established, it is essential
that teams take the opportunity to share concerns and work toward having an increased
contribution to policy decisions that affect very young children and their families. In a
number of position papers, the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) has
stressed that assessment and intervention planning needs to be collaborative and
interdisciplinary (e.g.,

Page 78
NASP, 1987, 1993). The American Psychological Association (APA) has also addressed
professional issues such as the ethical considerations to which psychologists must adhere
(APA, 1993).
There are a number of local problems of practice that also need to be addressed in a
concerted fashion to ensure that assessment services are provided to those families and
young children who must be served. For example, the specific assessment practices of
psychologists operating in school settings are influenced by local funding priorities,
caseload size, and the degree of local support for early intervention. Also, the experience
and training of presently employed school psychologists have not always prepared them
to be experts in infant assessment or in team intervention approaches. Therefore,
availability of inservice training can positively influence the quality of psychologists'
contributions to early assessment and intervention.
Concurrently, although some psychologists in clinical or private practice settings may
have had infant assessment as one focus of their work, the increasing demands for these
assessments may be difficult for them to meet if they are to maintain other aspects of their
practice. They must also reconcile medical payment restrictions or adjustments with the
extent of early assessment services they can provide.
Psychologists are interested in understanding children's overall development and behavior
on a variety of dimensions and they conduct assessments for a broad range of purposes
using an array of procedures and instruments. Traditionally, psychologists have worked
independently with families and children and have provided their reports to parents orally
and to early intervention teams as a written report. More and more psychologists are
becoming integrally involved with planning interventions and working collaboratively
with a team that incorporates professionals and parents. The transdisciplinary model
holds promise for bringing the psychologists' perspectives into an integrated and
comprehensive plan that can positively affect the developmental progress of young
Questions for Discussion
1. What are the main advantage and the main disadvantage of psychologists working
within teams rather than independently?
2. Of the procedures used for assessment described in this chapter (observation,
interview, normative test, criterion-referenced test),

Page 79
which combination would provide the most valid set of information about the
developmental disabilities or delays of an infant of 9 months, 15 months, and 24 months?
Problems of Practice
Interview a clinical, developmental, or school psychologist who has had experience
assessing infants or toddlers. Ask about state and local school system guidelines that
influence what the psychologist does, how guidelines from other agencies affect
psychological assessment, how most teams are constituted, and how psychologists
integrate their activities with those of other team members. Finally, ask the psychologist
what their most important contribution is to the team development of the IFSP.
Suggested Readings
Bagnato, S. J. & Neisworth, J. T. (1987) The developmental school psychologist:
Professional profile of an emerging early childhood specialist. Topics in Early Childhood
Special Education, 7(3), 7589.
Fraiberg, S. (1980). Clinical assessment of the infant and his family. In S. Fraiberg (Ed.),
Clinical studies in infant mental health: The first year of life (pp. 2348). New York:
Basic Books.

Page 80

Transition Planning for Bradley
GENDER, AGE, ETHNIC ORIGIN OF CHILD: Male, 36 months, Euro-American
OCCASION OR PURPOSE OF DIALOGUE: To provide information for an assessment by a school
psychologist, which will lead to a transition plan determining the placement of Bradley
into a public school program for 3- to 5-year-olds. Bradley has been receiving weekly
hour-long early intervention home services during the past 24 months.
TEAM M EM BERS: The assessment data were obtained in the child's home by a team consisting
of the early intervention specialist, an adapted physical education teacher, the child's
mother, and the home care nurse. The team gathered for the dialogue include the school
psychologist from the child's home school district, the early intervention specialist and
adapted physical education teacher from the original team, the nurse and speech
pathologist from the early intervention program who have been providing supportive
services, and the child's mother.
SETTING: A conference room in a university developmental disabilities laboratory clinic.
Overview of the Case
Risk Conditions
Bradley contracted meningitis at birth, although this finding was only confirmed last Fall.
He showed developmental delays at 4 months and was put on a ventilator at 10 months.
He has had four MRls of the brain, which all confirmed that there are no widespread
areas of damage in the mid- or forebrain areas. His condition is presently labeled ''static
encephalopathy" with probable brain-stem damage that affects his ability to breath
normally ("static" means it is not a progressive condition).
For a period of time Bradley was dependent on the ventilator for breathing 24 hours a
day, but during the past 4 months he has been weaned from the ventilator and now
requires manual ventilation only while sleeping. Ophthalmologic evaluation indicated that
Bradley's visual impairment is due

Page 81
to optic nerve hypoplasia (failure of the optic nerve to develop normally in utero),
resulting in constant eye dilation and poor visual acuity.
Reason for Referral
Bradley falls between the birth- to 3-year services and the 3- to 5-year services. The
home-based assessment information is to be used by the school psychologist and other
team members to assist in the transition to appropriate placement. Objectives identified
through the home assessment that will be discussed by the team include the following:
1. A transition plan will be written guiding the parents through the placement procedures
for preschool. (Parent desires an inclusion program.)
2. The family will investigate buying a computer for Bradley to increase his
communication skills and cause-effect knowledge. (This is a priority goal of the parent.)
3. Bradley will be given opportunities to socialize with typically developing peers on a
regular basis.
Background Information
Bradley's mother does not work outside the home and the employed father is home every
evening. Currently, the father's insurance is paying for 24-hour nursing care in the home,
but this funding terminates in Spring. At that time, the cost of Bradley's care will be
switched to a state-funded program that permits children on ventilators or with
tracheotomies to live at home. This program will provide 16 hours of nursing care,
requiring the family to find other resources or provide the rest of the care themselves.
Family Strengths and Needs
Strengths include a financially stable, close, intact immediate family, with competent
parental skills and strong motivation to promote the optimal development of their child.
The expressed family need is that they be actively assisted in their efforts to facilitate
Bradley's development. Another need, identified by the team, is that of broadening the
family support system so that all the pressures of care are not on the immediate family.
Although an extended family is in the region, the mother indicates other family members
are not comfortable being with Bradley and provide no respite support. Because the

Page 82
does not wish to discuss possible ways to increase extended family support, gaining that
support is not one of the identified family needs.
Sources of Assessment Information
Medical records and reports from hospital personnel are available. Assessment measures
used by the team included Carolina Curriculum, Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP),
Developmental Profile II, parent and nurse interviews, and observations during the home
visit. During the assessment, the home environment was quiet and well lit, with no
distractions. Based on the results from the assessment sources, Bradley's developmental
status is as follows:
Social-Emotional Development
The parent interview and Developmental Profile II reveal that the family has some clearly
defined social-emotional objectives for Bradley. For example, the mother wishes Bradley
to engage in social interaction with his parents and siblings, and to facilitate these
interactions, the family has set aside a time after dinner each evening for Bradley to
interact with family members. To further the mother's wish to "normalize" Bradley's
functional behavior, he is also being fed processed baby food, even though most of his
nourishment comes from gastric-tube feedings.
The social-emotional section of the HELP showed Bradley's social skills to be scattered;
his performance reached a ceiling at the 12- to 18-month level. He was able to establish
eye contact, smiled when approached socially, and seemed to enjoy social play with
adults. He also played ball cooperatively and demonstrated toy preference. Other social-
emotional behaviors observed included gazing in the direction of persons who were
speaking, smiling and waving when the assessment team came into the room, and
expressing a range of emotions with his eyes and face. He did not exhibit stranger anxiety.
The mother indicates that sibling interaction also occurs at times other than the family
Physical-Motor and Sensory-Perceptual Development
The Carolina Curriculum results and observational data indicate that Bradley is
nonambulatory and still exhibits birth reflexes, especially when in the supine position.
Because of these pathological extension patterns, he is unable to perform most gross
motor tasks that would be typical for his age. A variety of positions was used during the
assessment, with side-lying and sitting in a J seat (an adapted sling-support device)
appearing to be his

Page 83
best, because they broke up his excessive trunk and leg extension. The side-lying position
enabled him to bring his left hand to his mouth. He was able to roll to his back from his
side when the nurse moved his leg to initiate hip rotation. In the J seat he showed
capability of moving his head from side to side in response to auditory and visual stimuli.
With pillow support and in the prone position, he was able to prop himself with fists and
attempt to look around and roll to his left side. In a sitting position he held up his head
for about 2 minutes. All of these behaviors appear by approximately 3 months in a
typically developing child. During the administration of the Carolina Curriculum, Bradley
consistently moved his head to the left when presented with visual stimulation. This
movement did not appear to be related to poor head control, but rather a deliberate head
manipulation in order to gain greater visual acuity.
When performing fine motor tasks on the Carolina Curriculum, his muscle control
fluctuated. In reaching activities, fingers fluctuated from open to tightly closed in a fist,
and when activating toys with switches he used a poorly controlled sweeping motion,
open fingers or clenched fist, and on one occasion an index finger. His fine motor skills
generally fell in the birth-to-3- month level of typical development.
Cognitive-Language Development
The cognitive area of the HELP showed Bradley to be functioning in the 30-to-36-month
range. Even with his visual impairment, he was able to match colors, pictures, shapes,
and objects and to indicate objects that do not belong in a simple group by using a light-
scanning box, stopping the light at the appropriate picture. He also demonstrated
understanding of concepts such as "bigger," "under," and "longer" by stopping the light
scan on pictures that illustrate these concepts.
Bradley was observed to be very attentive, to be able to wave "Hi" on request, and to
vocalize '"Hi" occasionally. He was not observed to say any other words. No formal
measure of receptive or expressive language was given by the team. However, parent
report on the Developmental Profile II indicated he can understand nonverbal gestures,
recognize pictures, indicate "more," and use vocal sounds to indicate needs. He is not able
to use expressive language above the one-word stage, however.
The Team Dialogue
The team gathered to discuss the assessment results and determine what further
information should be sought to enable an appropriate placement in

Page 84
an age 3 to 5 early intervention program (preferably in an inclusion setting). The early
intervention specialist served as the team discussion leader.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : We gained a pretty good picture of Bradley's motor, social, and cognitive
skills in the home assessment but since we didn't have a full team, we need to decide what else
should be assessed before the placement decision is made.
PSYCHOLOGIST : It's clear that Bradley needs to be seen by an augmentative communication team. Is
there one in this area?
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : I think they have one at the cerebral palsy center at Child Hospital.
MOTHER: What would that team do?
PSYCHOLOGIST : This team would review all of your child's records and look at the various
assessments that have been done. Then the physical therapist on their team would help determine the
best body position for Bradley to be in for communication and the occupational therapist would
determine his best mode of response (e.g., head, light, or hand switch) and position to make that
response. The speech pathologist would evaluate Bradley's receptive and expressive skills, using
some of these identified best positions to present objects and pictures. The psychologist would try
to determine Bradley's level of cognitive development, using the communication adaptations
recommended. For example, maybe Bradley needs a word board, a picture board, a computer, or an
electronic communicator (to print messages or play back sounds). The communication technology
options range from pointing to pictures pasted on cardboard to very sophisticated computers
operated by eye gaze control. It is imperative that Bradley have this kind of assessment now so that
the his optimal performance levels can be observed.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : I agree that a communication assessment is essential. (To mother) I can give you
the phone number of the cerebral palsy center where the augmentative communication team is
MOTHER: I would like to have that done. I think Bradley is smarter than he appears to be because his
poor movement abilities make it difficult for him to respond.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : Yes, our assessment certainly points to his needing this additional evaluation.
There is also a special service in Center City where children with disabilities can have an
evaluation to determine what kind of computer-assisted communication might be useful.
MOTHER: That's the place we heard about and wanted to try.
PSYCHOLOGIST : I think getting a computer should be a later step. Bradley may not be ready for a
computer yet, but he does need the communication assessment. Because most assessment
instruments are for children who can move well, we can't get a valid picture of his abilities from

Page 85
His movements are limited; he can't talk and he can't point. Yet he seems to have communicative
intent. The question is whether his sensorimotor level is sufficient for him to understand abstract
symbol communication. That is necessary before a computer can be useful. One assessment
method I'd suggest trying is the Uzgiris Hunt Scale. It specifically looks at sensorimotor response
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : He is still poor at activating switches, but he lets you know he wants to try. We
had a communication board made for him. It's just a cassette box that has four lights on it. Every
time he hits the switch it scans and he hits it again and the light stops. We put in photographs of his
toys, books, and places in his house.
PSYCHOLOGIST : How does he use it? Does he initiate communication or just respond to questions?
Could he tell you if he wanted a specific toy to play with?
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : Yes, that is how we work with him. We say "Tell me what toy you want" or
"Show me the book." He isn't good at being accurate with the switches so he indicates his
frustration by waving his arms.
PSYCHOLOGIST : So the intent is there and he can make dependable choices! He needs to be able to use
whatever skills he has to tell what he wants. It will be impossible to determine what kind of school
placement he needs without this communication evaluation. He also needs an ophthalmology
consultation to go along with that.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : A hearing evaluation would also be useful. We don't really have a good idea of
his hearing abilities.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : Do you need to have one standardized test score to qualify him for a school
PSYCHOLOGIST : The state says you need to do a cognitive evaluation but it is clear that is a minor issue
here. The big issue is that we cannot assess his cognitive abilities well without communication.
Once we establish communication we could do a series of activities. Whether we get a full battery
is immaterial. If he is able to do a number of tests at the 3-year-old level, that would show his
relative cognitive strength, Whether psychometrically it is a score of 78, 95, or 110 doesn't matter.
Perhaps a receptive language scale would be useful since he has the switch activating skill, and
portions of the Bayley or DAS might be used. The skills he is reported to have are in the "twoish"
range and he is 3, so he might be mildly delayed. However, there are some peak skills that make me
think he may not be delayed cognitively. The reality is that he is dependent on others and his
development may be hampered because he can't explore on his own.
NURSE: Plus he has spent almost 2 1/2 years in and out of the hospital and that is not the most
stimulating environment.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : His motor deficits really hamper him. He has no grasp at all. He is locked into
the infant reflexes all the time.

Page 86
PSYCHOLOGIST : So how does he press the switches?
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : We have him sitting and have a support behind his shoulders to bring his
shoulders in.
ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATOR: We don't usually use the prone stander. The seat and side-lying work
best, but only when he is relaxed. Then he can push the button down to make the tape recorder play.
His vision may also be obstructing his ability to use the switches. He always seems to tilt his head
to the right, which may indicate he can see better that way.
MOTHER: Would you be able to improve his motor skills?
ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATOR: Well, we could keep him in positions that would prevent him from going
into those reflexes. When his nurse moved his leg over and rotated his hips he was able to roll over.
That was a big success for him; he took pride in that accomplishment. I would continue to look for
different positions and use toys that would give him the sensation of moving, such as bolsters.
MOTHER: Those sound like good ideas.
ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATOR: I would highlight the positives. For example, Bradley has experienced
social interactions with your family, so when he does get into a preschool program he may enjoy
that atmosphere. He likes social interaction, music, and gross motor activities. He should also get in
outdoor environments like lying in the grass and having other tactile experiences that he never gets
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : I would agree that he needs peer interaction. One of the things lacking in the
social-emotional assessment we did was that there were no peers so we have no idea what he
would do in a group. If we're thinking that this transition would put him into an inclusive placement
like a preschool, we've got to know how he would interact.
PSYCHOLOGIST : My guess is that peers might be cautious at first. He doesn't talk or act like a 3-year-
old. I think his interaction would be facilitated more by older peers than by peers his own age.
Unfortunately, there is really only one public school placement option in his district and it is not an
inclusion setting with typical peers. It involves mostly speech- and language-delayed children and it
doesn't have many children with motor impairments. All of the children in the school district who
qualify as developmentally delayed presently go to this same classroom. I know that the school
district is moving toward an inclusion program, but it's not in place yet.
ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATOR: Will Bradley have a nurse come to school with him?
NURSE: He's probably going to need a nurse or other health professional with him in school. This is
another issue that still has to be resolved. He will also need the school to provide physical therapy,
occupational therapy, and speech pathology services.

Page 87
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : There will be only 8 hours of home paid nursing care and the only way that
will be available is if Mrs. Parent goes back to work. (To mother) You will also need some kind of
supportrespite care or something.
NURSE: It costs 52 dollars an hour to have a registered nurse in your home through respite care. It is
25 dollars for a practical nurse.
PSYCHOLOGIST : One major problem is that the expertise needed to help Bradley is beyond that of
average school personnel. This is a very low incidence, medically involved case of a type rarely
seen by school psychologists. (To mother) It's clear that the school system will have to work with
you closely to find the right match.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : Ready School (private) does have an early intervention inclusion program that
would meet his needs but right now they have only one opening so it may be that the school district
will have to provide the placement. If the school district can't meet the child's needs then the district
has to pay for appropriate education elsewhere.
MOTHER: The school district is obligated. I've looked into the law. If the district can't provide for my
child's needs then we will take the problem to a due process hearing and push for the appropriate
placement. We want what will be best for Bradley. He has a lot of potential.
PSYCHOLOGIST : I'm sure we'll find a good placement for Bradley. We agree with you that it's important
to do what is best for your son.
MOTHER: We had to tell Dr. Smart what we wanted. We told him that we wanted to try to wean
Bradley from the ventilator and he was against it. We just persisted and three months later Bradley
was off the ventilator.
PSYCHOLOGIST : You seem to place a high priority on encouraging your other child's interaction with
his brother.
MOTHER: Yes, that's why we have family time. We think it's also good for our 5-year-old, but
sometimes we aren't sure.
NURSE: (To mother) I understand that your parents are not comfortable with the tubes and other
technology that make it difficult to hold Bradley. Do you have concerns about their support?
MOTHER: It isn't a big issue. I think grandparents have a right to decide how much they want to be
involved. If they don't want to do it, then they can't be forced.
PSYCHOLOGIST : The augmented communication could be a way to involve Bradley's grandparents. If
they could communicate with him, they might be much more comfortable. Are you getting any kind
of support group assistance or help such as counseling? It is usually helpful to have some ongoing
contact with other people who are dealing with similar situations.
MOTHER: So far we're handling everything just fine.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : We've shared a lot of good ideas here. So let's state our recommendations.
(Group agrees.)

Page 88

Further assessment, especially in the area of communication, is essential in order to
determine an appropriate placement for Bradley. Assessment of his communication
capabilities should be conducted within the next two months and, if useful
communication strategies are identified, a standardized psychometric test will then be
given by the school psychologist. The parents should have the expectation that the school
district will meet its responsibility to serve Bradley appropriately. After the additional
assessments are complete, the school psychologist will provide placement suggestions,
and the parents will visit those educational settings before a final decision is made. The
parents are encouraged to get the financial and social resource support they need to
continue their very effective management of Bradley's development.
Questions for Discussion
1. This mother is an active participant in facilitating her child's development and in
discussing options with the team. How did her presence and interaction style affect the
team discussion? Were all of her concerns addressed?
2. What are the major problems the school district will face in trying to find an
appropriate placement for Bradley, especially if further assessment shows his cognitive
development to be only slightly delayed? What is the appropriate role for the school
psychologist in this process?
3. How does the makeup of this team reflect the major areas of concern for Bradley?
What professionals would have been good additions to the team? Why?
4. What are the methods of assessment that are presently being used to monitor Bradley's
progress? Why were other methods suggested by team members?
5. Based on the assessment information, identified objectives, and team dialogue, what
other developmentally appropriate strategies could be proposed to help the child and

Page 89

Chapter 4
Developmental and Educational Assessment Perspectives
Doris Bergen
Formal assessment of young children has traditionally been questioned, and often
opposed, by early childhood educators (National Association for the Education of Young
Children [NAEYCI], 1988). Their knowledge of typical young children's developmental
characteristics and their philosophical beliefs in "whole child" assessments, which include
contextual variables and long-term "age/stage" progress interpretations of behavior
change, have led them to favor repeated informal observation within the home or care
setting as the most valid way to assess early development. They have held a "growth"
perspective that presumes that most young children will achieve mastery over basic
physical, cognitive, social, and emotional skills at each developmental stage as long as
they have a moderately responsive and stimulating environment and opportunities for
social interaction with caring, familiar, and responsive adults and peers.
Although early childhood educators usually do not believe it is necessary to focus on
measuring specific skills or behaviors through standardized testing, they do have valid
data on the developmental levels and skills of the children they see in home or school
settings. However, these data are usually gathered over time using semi-intuitive
qualitative methods rather than tests, and they are collected primarily for the purpose of
individualizing and enhancing developmental goals rather than for identifying and
categorizing children as developmentally delayed (Hills, 1993).
Special educators have often relied on normatively based psychometric assessments done
by psychologists to determine the eligibility of children for receiving special education
services. There are three methods of assessment that have been used by special educators
themselves. They

Page 90
are all used within the home or school context and require repeated measures over time.
One is criterion-referenced testing, which identifies the specific skills to be mastered.
After testing, a curriculum is planned to further the learning of those skills. (Neisworth &
Bagnato, 1986).
Another type of ongoing assessment used by special educators is behavior analysis, which
focuses on observing a problematic behavior, planning a reinforcement to change the
behavior, and then observing whether the new behavior is occurring on a regular basis
(Wolery, Bailey, & Sugai, 1988). Special educators also use standardized subject-matter
content tests in various academic areas to compare the learning of children with
disabilities to that of typically developing peers.
In recent years, the new professional, the early childhood special educator (or early
interventionist), who has drawn on both the developmental knowledge-base of early
childhood education training and the behavior and skill-oriented viewpoints of special
education training, has combined both of these discipline perspectives in assessment
practice. The integration of these diverse approaches to assessment has begun to create a
useful model; however, there are still questions about the extent of integration of early
childhood ''developmental theory" and special education "learning theory" approaches
(Bailey & Simeonsson, 1988). A number of issues related to the collaboration of these
two fields must be resolved.
Underlying Assumptions
Because this approach to assessment has been influenced by early childhood education
and special education, the assumptions that influence developmental and educational
assessment of young children with developmental risk conditions come from both of
these disciplines. One assumption that is common to both early childhood education and
special education is that families must be involved in their children's education, if that
education is to be effective.
There have been many early childhood programs that included parents as teachers, in the
classroom and at home, and also many in which parents play an important decision-
making role. For example, Parent Cooperative Nurseries, which primarily serve children
from middle-income families, and Head Start, which primarily serves children from low-
income families, both stress parent decision-making and parent involvement as teachers
(Powell, 1986; Pizzo, 1990; Raver & Zigler, 1991).
In special education, there has long been an emphasis on the importance of supporting
parents in their roles of advocating, planning, and implementing educational services for
their children (Featherstone, 1980).

Page 91
Parents are present at meetings in which their child's assessment results and educational
plan are discussed; and they must consent to the plan. Some parents have been extremely
strong advocates for programs to meet the needs of children with disabilities or
developmental delay and for more parent involvement in school decision-making
There are a number of other assumptions, however, that are specific to either early
childhood education or to special education.
Early Childhood Education
A basic assumption of early childhood educators is that young children must have
developmentally appropriate educational experiences. Implicit in this assumption is
another: that there must be careful observation of children's behavior in varied contexts in
order to get the information needed to match planned educational experiences to
children's developmental need level. Beginning in the 1920s and 1930s, numerous
observational techniques were devised to study developmental milestones and
characteristics, especially in physical, social, and play developmental domains. Today,
similar methods continue to be used by early childhood educators to observe the
development of young children's physical, social, emotional, play, and language abilities.
In more recent years these and other observational methods have been used to observe
cognitive abilities also (Schweinhart, 1993).
The majority of early childhood assessment techniques have been designed for natural
rather than clinical settings. For infants and toddlers, the home has been the preferred
environment for observation; however, day-care or other program settings have also been
commonly used. Infants and toddlers are observed at play or in interaction with a familiar
care-giver, usually the parent. Rarely have early childhood personnel conducted clinical
observations in settings unfamiliar to the children being assessed. They have not generally
used formal assessment instruments unless mandated to do so to meet a screening or
eligibility demand (e.g., for Head Start handicapped requirement, for kindergarten
readiness) or a program evaluation requirement (e.g., demonstrating that cognitive skills
have increased in children in an early childhood program) (Bergan & Feld, 1993; Kagan,
1992; Meisels, 1993; Raver & Zigler, 1991).
This is because of a second assumption of educators in this discipline: that unfamiliar
settings, one-time data collection, and narrowly structured instruments requiring a specific
elicited response do not provide a valid picture of young children's developmental
capabilities or potential (NAEYC, 1988). Assessment practice from this perspective favors
repeated observations across time and settings, using general response categories rather
than specific elicited responses as the measure of abilities, and

Page 92
focusing on best rather than first responses in assessing children's developmental level.
A third assumption of this discipline is that the teacher's role (or the parents' role in the
home) should be facilitative rather than directive, and that assessment flows from this
facilitative environment. That is, teachers (or parents) are expected to provide an
environment with objects, persons, places, and events that children can act on to gain
knowledge. Their actions and interactions with these "affordances" (Gibson, E., 1969;
Gibson, J., 1979; Wachs & Chan, 1985) result in construction of knowledge appropriate
for their developmental level. Teachers and parents who observe the choices children
make and the interactions in which they engage make inferences about the children's
approximate developmental levels. An appropriate match between children's
developmental stages and the experiences provided in the planned environment is
expected to enhance their developmental progress and result in optimal knowledge
construction. This approach to learning and teaching has been called "developmentally
appropriate practice" (Bredekamp, 1987).
The majority of early childhood educators hold a fourth assumption. They believe that
children who are disabled or at risk for developmental delay can benefit from a
developmentally appropriate practice environment as much as typical children can, as
long as the environmental design is based on developmental and not age criteria. Because
developmental principles apply to all children (see Figure 1.1), the processes of
development are similar, even if specific domains are delayed in some children. Thus,
early childhood educators have usually stressed the importance of assessment based on
observation within the home or care setting for all young children and the inclusion of
children who are disabled or at risk for delay in early childhood programs.
Special Education
The first special education law, P. L. 94-142 (U.S. Dept. of Education [1981]), required
assessments to identify and categorize children who were disabled, and mandated the
development of Individualized Educational Plans (IEP) for each identified child. These
plans required a statement of objectives to be accomplished, including skills to be learned
and behaviors to be changed, and an outline of the methods by which those objectives
would be achieved. The IEP directed special educators' attention to assessment measures
that could pinpoint deficits in skills and behaviors so that they could then be addressed in
the objectives in the educational plan.
This perspective assumes that task analysis, which is the process of breaking down a
learning task into a sequence of steps, can be an effective method for teaching and can
provide criterion items for tests developed to

Page 93
measure the skills before and after teaching (Fredericks, Anderson, & Baldwin, 1979).
Presumably, if the skill can be broken into its component parts, appropriately sequenced,
and each component taught, the overall skill can be achieved. In a typically developing
child, this careful attention to sequence may not be as necessary; however, special
educators believe that the educational plan for children who have disabilities should
clearly identify specific subgoals (or objectives) to be mastered if optimal learning is to
A corollary assumption on which this assessment method is based is that a specific set of
necessary skills that all children should learn can be identified, assessed, and taught.
Another version of this approach is process-oriented" assessment, which uses a test-
teach-test paradigm (Bailey & Wolery, 1989). In these models, after testing, there is direct
teaching of missing skills and repeated assessments until a criterion of skill mastery has
been reached. This process has been called "dynamic assessment" (Feuerstein, 1979).
Although some special educators use assessment measures that incorporate milestones
from the developmental knowledge-base, another assumption of this perspective is that it
is less necessary to focus on developmental stages, such as level of thinking or
knowledge construction, and more important to facilitate achievement of functional skills,
such as practical self-care behaviors, or on academic readiness skills, such as labeling
colors. Typical assessment items that might be on criterion-referenced tests used by
special educators would address achievement of specific skills (e.g., holds spoon to feed
self; points to named object) rather than achievement of stages outlined in developmental
theory (e.g. has object permanence; uses differentiated action schema).
Because their experience tells them that the children they teach are unlikely to master
basic skills through self-chosen activities or to respond to teacher-directed group
instruction, a third assumption is that teachers should be active in directing learning and
giving reinforcement to children's learning attempts in one-on-one or small group
settings, and that parents should also use these teaching techniques at home. This
approach is believed to be most effective in helping children with disabilities to achieve at
their potential. Thus, the IEP is very specific as to the learning objectives that will be
taught in interaction with an adult, either the teacher or parent.
Special educators also hold the assumption that learning can be defined as observed
behavior changes and thus they try to demonstrate that their educational methods have
resulted in a positive change in the child's behaviorthat is, in learning. For example, they
would expect the effects of providing positive reinforcement for a child's practicing of
reading skills to be evident in changed behavior (e.g., fewer errors in reading). They use

Page 94
behavior analysis to observe behavior changes over time (Wolery, Bailey, & Sugai, 1988).
For example, by keeping track of a child's reading errors and showing a decrease in the
amount over time, they can document learning progress. With older children, the IEP
objectives have typically focused on academic objectives and on school-defined
expectations for social competence. However, behavior analysis can also be used to
document the achievement of developmentally appropriate early childhood objectives,
such as increased child-initiated interactions with the objects in the environment,
children's expanded ability to choose appropriate activities, or increased positive social
interactions with parents or peers.
Confluence in Early Childhood Special Education
In 1986, Public Law 99-457 expanded the services that were to be provided to special
needs populations by requiring assessment and intervention services for young children
and their families. This law provided grants to states to identify infants and toddlers who
had disabilities or who were at risk for developmental delay and set the parameters for
models of assessment and intervention. Assessments were to include:
1. Review of medical and health records.
2. Multifactored assessment of cognitive, language, psychosocial, self-help, and physical
(including vision and hearing) domains.
3. Use of a team approach by professionals from a range of disciplines.
4. Development of an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), which expanded the IEP
concept to specifically include the family in the assessment and intervention process.
5. Culturally and racially non-biased procedures, including presentation of test items in
native language or preferred communication mode.
In addition, the law specified that "qualified" personnel should conduct the assessment
and required that the states define the personnel preparation standards for how to become
Many of the assumptions about assessment that early childhood special educators hold
can be derived from the mandates of P. L. 99-457 and a subsequent revision, P. L. 100-
146. However, they have also integrated the assumptions of early childhood educators and
of special educators who work with children of a wider age range in designing the models
of assessment and intervention that are being used in this field. Other influences on early
childhood special education practice have come from the medical, therapeutic, and
support service disciplines, discussed in other chapters.

Page 95
One basic assumption is that a team approach results in a better assessment of infants and
toddlers than an assessment by one professional. Because most instruments used by
professionals from all disciplines have poor reliability and validity, a case can be made
that the varied perspectives on the child's developmental disability or delay gained by
having a team with members from a number of disciplines serves as a reliability and
validity check. It also is assumed to provide a more comprehensive picture of the child's
strengths and needs.
A second assumption is that active family involvement is a crucial component in both the
assessment process and the intervention plan development. Because family influences are
especially important during the first years of a child's life, any plan developed to guide the
intervention process must have the strong investment of the family. Thus, assessment of
the needs and strengths of the family and participation of the family in assessment and
intervention planning are seen as vital to overall effectiveness. Three corollary (but often
unacknowledged) assumptions that are derived from early intervention law are that (1)
most members of the child's family have the best interests of the child in mind, even if
they are not initially aware of what they can do to help; (2) either the immediate family or
the extended family has both the ability and willingness to take primary responsibility for
the child's long-term welfare; and (3) support services must be available to assist the
family in meeting the psychological and financial responsibilities that result from a
family- and community-centered rather than an institution-centered approach to early
A third major assumption is that, even if the young child has some very salient
developmental problems in one or two domains, the assessment is not complete unless a
range of developmental domains (at least the five mandated in the law) are evaluated.
This is an especially important assumption when assessing young children because in the
early years all of these domains are closely interfaced. For example, first words, pretend
play, understanding of the word "no," stranger anxiety, walking, and object permanence
all occur within the same few months in typically developing children. Delays in
development in some of these domains or general delay across all of these domains can
be diagnostic in determining the child's level of overall or specific disability or delay.
A fourth important assumption is that a better understanding of the child's disabilities and
strengths can be obtained if a range of assessment methods are used, including those
derived from early childhood (e.g., developmental observations of play and social
interactions); special education (e.g., criterion-referenced tests, behavior analysis);
psychology (e.g., norm-referenced tests, interviews); medical personnel (e.g., physical
and health assessments); and therapeutic and family specialists, (e.g., family

Page 96
interviews, samples of spontaneous language). The context of the assessment is noted and
an attempt is made to observe the child at home and in a school or clinic setting.
Finally, there is an assumption about the levels of assessment that are needed. Three
levels are judged to be essential: (1) screening; (2) comprehensive assessment; and (3)
progress-monitoring assessment (sometimes called evaluation). Because of eligibility
criteria that must be met in early intervention programs, screening assessments, in which a
few criteria are used to determine which children are likely to have needs for which a full
assessment should be done, compose the first phase of the assessment process. These
may be done by medical or psychological personnel, with referral to the comprehensive
assessment team, or the early intervention team may do screening and full assessment
procedures. After a comprehensive assessment has been done, the IFSP is designed.
Then, repeated assessment of developmental progress during the early intervention
program is conducted and the family service plans are revised as needed.
Methods of Assessment
Because of the requirements of P. L. 99-457, all early childhood special education
programs are now using some form of multidimensional team assessment. However, the
instruments used in these assessments, the composition of the teams, and the extent of
interaction of the teams varies greatly. The assessment perspective of the early childhood
special educator is still evolving, with newer methods that have been used in research or
practice still being tested. Unfortunately, not all methods being used have been evaluated
thoroughly for reliability and validity standards, and often no normative data are provided
(Meisels, 1987). Although some adaptations of existing assessment measures for children
with motoric, sensory, or perceptual disabilities have been made, often their concurrent
validity with the nonadapted measure has not been demonstrated.
Special Considerations in Assessing Young Children
Given the cautions with present instruments, there are six important aspects of the early
childhood special education perspective that are crucial to an effective assessment. It
1. be based on a combination of developmental theory and learning theory and use
integrated methodology derived from both sources
2. clearly convey respect for the active role of family members in

Page 97
assessing and planning for their child's educational experiences
3. involve team members from all relevant disciplines along with family members
4. use a variety of instruments and procedures
5. include all developmental domains
6. result in data that are useful for planning curriculum goals and intervention strategies in
home-based and group-based inclusion settings, and that enhance child developmental
progress and developmentally appropriate family-child interactions.
In a review of current assessment practices in this field, Fewell (1991) discusses two
primary approaches that are being used by early childhood special educators, one that
could be called the "multitest multidomain model" and one that she named the "one-test
multidomain model."
Multitest Multidomain Model
This model draws on a "team of experts," who assess different developmental domains
using measures familiar to team members from particular disciplines. The "team-of-
experts" model has the advantage of being a comprehensive, in-depth assessment that
draws on the range of skills of a wide variety of professionals. A full team may include an
early intervention teacher, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist,
social worker, family educator or coordinator, psychologist, and nurse. It may also
include a physician; however, often the medical report is available, but the physician is
not present at team meetings. In some early intervention settings, an adapted physical
education teacher is part of the assessment team to give information on child-initiated
motor action in gym and playground settings (Porter, 1993). Although the parent is
considered a participant on every team, the actual level of family participation may vary
greatly. The "team-of-experts" model may be intimidating to families, although an effort is
usually made to make family members aware that they are the primary experts with
valuable information about their child to share with the team.
The extent of actual teamwork in the assessment process and in the IFSP development
also varies, depending on the makeup of the team and the climate of interaction that has
been established. Some members may continue to function primarily at the periphery of
the team, as information providers rather than as on-site team participants. Teams often
start out as inter- or multidisciplinary and move toward a transdisciplinary model. This
model incorporates a wide range of assessment methods, with team members determining
the appropriate instruments to be used. They

Page 98
also decide how much of the assessment will use an "arena" approach, in which the team
observes as a group while one member is eliciting responses through interaction with the
child, and how much information will be collected by individual team members working
independently with the child and parent. One version of the arena format is shown in
Figure 4.1.
Standardized Assessment Measures
In this model, standardized assessment measures familiar to various members of the team
may be used by those professionals within the team setting, or they may designate one
professional to conduct the formal part of the assessment while other team members
observe. For example, to assess cognitive development, the team psychologist may use a
norm-referenced instrument, such as the mental scale of the Bayley Scales of Infant
Development (BSID) (Bayley, 1993). (The recently revised Bayley Scale is discussed in
Chapter 3 and in Appendix B). Other normative psychometric instruments (e.g., the DAS
[Elliot, 1990]) may be used by the psychologist. Standardized criterion-referenced
instruments that include cognitive assessment (e.g., Battelle Developmental Inventory
[Newborg, Stock, Wnek, Guidubaldi, Svinicki, 1991]) may also be used by the
psychologist or by other team members.

Figure 4.1
Transdisciplinary arena assessment and program planning meeting
Source Note: Graphic idea adapted from PROJECT KAI, Brighton, MA, with permission.

Page 99
In addition, an instrument based on cognitive developmental theory may be used to assess
the child's sensorimotor stage. The Piagetian theory-based Ordinal Scales of
Psychological Development (Uzgiris & Hunt, 1975) provides this type of assessment. The
term "ordinal" indicates that the seven areas of sensorimotor ability to be demonstrated
are listed in order of attainment; thus, successful performance at one level implies that all
lower levels in that domain have been mastered. It has been revised for use with children
with disabilities (Dunst, 1980), and concurrent validity of the scale with psychometric
instruments has been demonstrated (Hefernan & Black, 1984). It may be used either as a
supplement to a psychometric measure or as the only measure. It is described further in
Appendix B.
If the entire BSID is given, it will also assess motor development (Bayley Motor Scales).
Another instrument often used for motor development assessment is the Peabody
Developmental Motor Scales (Folio & Fewell, 1983). This is often used by physical and
occupational therapists. It is described further in Chapter 5 and Appendix B. Speech
pathologists may use a parent interview measure, Receptive Expressive Emergent
Language Scale (REEL-2) (Bzoch & League, 1990) or a structured observation measure,
Preschool Language Scale-3 (Zimmerman, Steiner, & Pond, 1992). One member of the
team may collect a spontaneous language sample, to be analyzed for language features
(see Chapter 6 and Appendix B).
For psychosocial and self-help skill assessment, one standardized parent or teacher
interview measure, the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (Sparrow, Balla, & Cicchetti,
1984, 1985) is often used (see Chapter 3 and Appendix B). Another method of assessing
social-emotional domains is with parent and teacher responses on structured interviews or
rating scale measures. For example, the Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 23
(Achenbach, 1988) asks parents or caregivers to give their opinions on a sample of
children's social and emotional behaviors. Overall assessment of development often
involves the parents; for example, the Developmental Profile II (Alpern, Boll, & Shearer,
1984) can be used as an interview instrument or given to the parent to complete in
writing, and the Early Child Developmental Inventory (Ireton, 1988) asks parents to rate
their child's developmental skills. These instruments may be used by a variety of the team
members, but are most often used by the early intervention specialist or the social worker
or family coordinator. They are described further in Appendix B.
Structured Play-Based Procedures
Recently, many early childhood special educators have promoted the use of structured
play-based team observational procedures to assess play development and parent-child
interactions. In these methods, play is

Page 100
observed for the purpose of evaluating the developmental level of the child's play skill
and for assessing other developmental domain levels that are revealed by the child's play
behavior. Parent-child interactions in play or caregiving are observed either in natural
settings or in simulated settings. These can be especially relevant for understanding the
social context of the child's experiences.
A number of play-based models have been developed (e.g., Fewell, 1986; Linder, 1993;
Westby, 1980). These approaches are all designed to provide assessment information in
settings that draw on the child's own interests and choices of activity and, therefore, give
a picture of ''best performance." They lend themselves well to administration in arena
assessment settings.
For example, the Linder Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment model is conducted in
a playroom, preferably one with an observation room. A team conducts the assessment
and, after the assessment session, the team discusses their recorded observations, usually
with the parent present. A videotape is often made to be used for review and
documentation. In the Fewell assessment model, young children are observed in
interaction with specified toy sets that are designed to elicit a range of skills. There are
two conditions with this model: first, spontaneous play and then, elicited play. The
Westby method involves collection of both spontaneous play and language data. Play-
based assessment instruments are described further in Appendix B.
Other Measures
Depending on the team plan, a variety of nonstandardized measures may also be used in
the assessment. For example, there are usually informal and formal observational
procedures used in the home, classroom, or simulated environment, as part of the overall
team assessment process. Informal observational techniques are valuable for
understanding processes, such as adult and peer interactions with the child, and for
evaluating behaviors, such as play, humor, or aggression, which may be difficult to elicit
through standardized methods. They are also useful for monitoring specific areas of
developmental progress related to planned interventions (Wolery, 1989a, 1989b). Team
members may design their own observational tools to gain specific kinds of information
or they may use ones reported in the literature, such as the Two-Dimensional Play
Observation Form (Bergen, 1988). Some observational formats are described in Chapter 7
and in Appendix B.
Ecologically focused procedures have also been designed to assess home, community,
and school or agency environments. These probe systematically the contexts in which
young children develop. This method

Page 101
is described further in Chapter 9 and in Appendix A. Information from measures given at
other times (e.g., pediatric evaluations) may also be included in the comprehensive
Although the System to Plan Early Childhood Services (SPECS) (Bagnato & Neisworth,
1990) is not a specific measure, it provides an innovative way to structure a
comprehensive team assessment and organize data for decision making, which involves
clinical judgment rather than use of test scores. This is described further in Appendix B.
One-Test Multidomain Model
Because of the time-consuming nature of the multitest type of team assessment, another
model of assessment has been widely used, which Fewell (1991) calls the "one-test,
multidomain assessment." When this approach is used, the early intervention unit decides
on one test that has subtests in all domains, such as the Battelle Developmental Inventory
(Newborg et al., 1984); the Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development-Revised
(Brigance, 1991); the Carolina Curriculum for Handicapped Infants and At-Risk Infants
(Johnson-Martin, Jens, & Attermeier, 1990); or the Hawaii Early Learning Profile (Furono
et al., 1979). Team members may each use various portions of the same test or the test
may be given by one team member, such as the early intervention teacher, who
communicates the information to the team for follow-up testing in specific domains.
These are described in Appendix B.
Fewell (1991, pp. 169170) cites a number of advantages of this approach, such as that
these tests are relatively inexpensive, they can be administered by staff who are not
psychometricians or specialists, and they usually have sequenced items in each domain
that are also tied to curriculum. This latter aspect is especially appealing to early
interventionists because the items failed can then form the basis of objectives to be
included on the IFSP. The tests can be used repeatedly to chart developmental progress. If
the screening assessment is done by the early intervention unit, this test often is used, with
follow-up in domains of concern.
Although there are many appealing aspects to the one-test approach, especially when
teams must assess many children repeatedly, Fewell (1991, p. 170) points out numerous
flaws in this method. Some of the tests are not psychometrically or theoretically sound,
having been formed by taking items from a variety of other developmental tests, without
collection of further validity data. The age equivalents are frequently taken from
developmental schedules rather than from normative samples; there are often uneven
numbers of items in each domain or at various age levels; and the age ranges are not
always equivalent. They often lack standard-

Page 102
ization, have no standard scores to use in comparisons of change, lack a typical child
comparative group, and may have more than one scoring option, which raises another
validity question. Furthermore, because the items are supposedly tied to curricular goals,
they may lend themselves to "teaching-to-the-test" approaches.
In spite of the problems with the one-test method, it has become increasingly popular
because of its cost, time, curricular, and personnel advantages. One advantage not
mentioned by Fewell is that teachers often feel that testing a child in all domains
themselves gives them more information than does reading someone else's report. They
like to be able to test children on the range of skills that they will be teaching. Another
advantage of this approach is that it does lend itself to a transdisciplinary team model,
although the team may consist of members from a narrow range of disciplines. Because
they are usually housed in the same facility, however, the team members can gradually
develop a trust level that facilitates role release and integrated implementation of the
educational and family service plan.
Information Exchange with Families and Referral Agencies
As the assumptions and practice of early childhood special education professionals would
indicate, information exchange with families is a major strength of their assessment
approach. Families are involved in determining their own needs and strengths, in
providing information about their child, in developing the IFSP that is to serve the family
and child, and, usually, in implementing that plan. When the model is working well, it
provides an integrated information exchange because both the family and the early
intervention team are giving and receiving information, discussing potential action,
reaching consensus on the plan, and periodically evaluating and revising the plan.
Similarly, the expectation of the model is that referrals to other agencies will be smooth
because these agencies will have strong working relationships with the early intervention
unit, and some of the team members may act as ongoing liaisons with the agencies or may
even be employees of these agencies. Since the model assumes that a case manager or
service coordinator will facilitate service delivery to the families, these services are likely
to be provided in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Like most models, however, information exchange with families and with agencies is not
always accomplished smoothly. Much depends on family motivation, agency staff roles
and responsibilities, time commitments of team participants, and early intervention staff
commitment to

Page 103
information exchange. Although the conceptual model is not always realized in practice,
most early intervention units are making good progress toward reaching this goal of
effective information exchange.
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model
From the standpoint of early childhood special educators, the primary strength of the
model is clear: It results in improved service to young children and their families and,
therefore, in increased effectiveness of early intervention. The weakness is also clear: It
takes time and effort to work effectively in a team approach and to gain the commitment
of professionals from other disciplines to give up their "individual expert" mind set and
embrace an "team-of-experts" perspective. If the team members are all part of the early
intervention staff, this perspective is facilitated; however, few program units can employ
all of the personnel needed for a full discipline perspective. Designing models that
facilitate interaction of a full compliment of team members is an important challenge for
early intervention practice.
Another issue is that of increasing the skills of professionals in early intervention to
enable them to work confidently with families in this team relationship. In a recent study,
many early intervention professionals expressed concern about the impact the change to a
more family-centered model would have on their own profession, on their work with
families and children, and on their work with other professionals. Educators and
therapists rated themselves as possessing less family-oriented skills than did social
workers and nurses (Bailey, Palsha, & Simeonsson, 1991). Personnel preparation in these
and other early intervention related fields will be affected by the move to a
transdisciplinary team approach.
Policy Issues
A number of levels of policy affect early childhood special education assessment practice:
federal, state, and local. At the federal level, the legal mandates are broadly stated and
thus are subject to a number of interpretations, which has resulted in variations in policy
implementation at the state level. State agency personnel have had the responsibility of
defining how federal mandates can be carried out in a cost-effective and politically
acceptable manner. Because the climates and resources vary from state to state, the range
of methods for meeting the mandates also varies, with some states providing excellent
models and others falling behind.

Page 104
There have been variations in local policy interpretation, depending on the stakeholders
involved in early intervention services in each community. Fewell (1991), citing Wolff's
(1989) critique of present practice, indicates two issues relevant to local practice: 1) "early
intervention practitioners' unquestioned acceptance of popular practices that may be
diametrically opposed to theories they espouse regarding child development and
assessment" (p. 167); and 2) "practitioners' quickness to refer and serve at-risk or what he
[Wolff] called marginally handicapped children" (p. 168).
Although federal law indicates that young children who are "at risk" for developmental
delay may be included in the tracking, assessment, and intervention services each state
provides, in practice, each state has defined the group to be served somewhat differently,
using broad or narrow parameters. For example, in Ohio, the agency responsible for the
birth to age three programs (i.e., Department of Mental Retardation and Developmental
Disabilities) has defined the population primarily in terms of biological and established
risk categories, but environmentally at-risk children are not excluded, if places are
available. This has resulted in local decisions to include young siblings of preschool
children with manifest delay, if there is also evidence of environmental risk factors.
Whether this policy results in inappropriate inclusion of children who are only marginally
at risk or in appropriately giving the opportunity to avoid developmental delay to children
who come from conditions where probability of risk does exist is a matter of present
There are many other decisions that early interventionists must make within the policy
guidelines of federal and state agencies. In addition to decisions about practice-theory
congruence and which risk levels to include, local policy must address issues of selection
of reliable, valid, and representatively normed tests; appropriate team composition and
participation levels; allocation of case management responsibility; movement toward
inclusion and integration of programs; and level of family involvement.
In general, early childhood educators and early childhood special educators are strongly
in support of the basic policies in the field. This is clear from the number of professional
associations that have endorsed the importance of early intervention, family-centered
practice, inclusion, and well-prepared professional educators. These include the
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI, 1993), Association of Teacher
Educators (ATE/NAEYC 1991), Division for Early Childhood/Council for Exceptional
Children (DEC/CEC, 1993), National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators
(NAECTE, 1991), and the National Association for the Education of Young Children
(ATE/NAEYC, 1991). Three of these organizations have recently issued a joint position
statement on preparing personnel (ATE/DEC/NAEYC, 1994).

Page 105
Early intervention professionals, however, still indicate that there are many barriers to a
truly family-centered transdisciplinary approach (Bailey, Buysse, Edmondson, & Smith,
1992). These include family barriers, such as lack of knowledge, attitudes toward
participation, and time constraints; system barriers, such as state and local administrative
policies, lack of funds and other resources, and inflexibility of patterns of practice;
professional barriers, such as lack of knowledge, attitudes toward participation, and
attitudes toward families; and testing barriers, such as lack of reliable, valid, and practical
A broad policy question for American society, however, is whether young children and
their families should even have to demonstrate "eligibility" for services. If these services
were available to all young children and their families, one-shot assessment screening to
determine eligibility for services could be eliminated, and classroom observation could be
the first level of identification of children with delay. This would require an increased
level of public funding initially, although, in the long term, it may result in less societal
cost. Many advocates assert that it is imperative to provide comprehensive, early, and
effective services for all children and families who are at risk, especially if that risk results
from poverty (Zigler, 1993).
Developmental and educational perspectives have arisen from the disciplines of early
childhood and special education; each have somewhat different theoretical views and
educational practice. However, these have been integrated in early intervention and this
integrated perspective forms the basis of early assessment and intervention practice.
Federal mandates and state interpretations of these mandates have also been influential in
determining the required components of assessment and intervention. At the present time,
most professionals coming from this perspective are in support of team collaboration,
multiple measures, family involvement, and comprehensive domain assessment models
recommended by legal mandates and theoretical constructs. However, a number of
problems in the realization of this approach have been identified, and further
development of effective models is needed.
Questions for Discussion
1. How would the results of a "multitest multidomain" model and a "one-test
multidomain" model differ in relation to the IFSP developed?

Page 106
2. What could be done to reduce the problem of time constraints so that an early
intervention team could function more effectively?
Problems of Practice
Attend an arena assessment and observe how the members of the team interact during the
assessment and intervention planning process. Identify which professional performed the
service coordinating and primary testing roles, which additional assessments other team
members conducted, and how the parent was involved in the assessment process. Analyze
the strengths and weaknesses of this assessment approach for the particular child and
family you observed.
Suggested Readings
Fewell, R. R. (1991). Trends in the assessment of infants and toddlers with disabilities.
Exceptional Children, 58(2), 166173.
Bredekamp, S. (Ed.) (1987). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood
programs serving children from birth through age 8 (exp. ed.). Washington, DC:
National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Page 107

Transition Planning for Carly
GENDER, AGE, ETHNIC ORIGIN OF CHILD: Female, 33 months, African American.
OCCASION OR PURPOSE OF DIALOGUE: Final IFSP review before transition into a an age 3 to 5
program; to discuss developmental progress and the transition plan (to either another
program in the early intervention setting or a program in the school district). Carly has
been receiving services in a self-contained classroom containing five children with
developmental delays, ages 18 to 36 months. Twice-a-month home visits by the early
interventionist are also conducted.
TEAM M EM BERS: An occupational therapist, speech pathologist, and early intervention
specialist, all of whom have been part of the intervention team, and the child's mother.
SETTING: A conference room in the early intervention center.
Overview of the Case
Risk Conditions
Carly was diagnosed with Down's syndrome at birth. She has subsequently undergone
two surgeries on her sinuses, and ventilation tubes have been inserted in her ears twice.
She has also had her adenoids removed. There is a hole in her heart that is reported to be
closing slowly. Her physician has recommended that treatment of this condition be
postponed for 2 years. Carly currently wears glasses.
Reason for Referral
Carly's progress during the past 6 months needs to be assessed and objectives developed
for her transition to an appropriate age 3 to 5 program. Objectives identified at the last
assessment, which must be evaluated at this session, follow:
1. Carly will increase the use of sign and verbal language, especially at meal times and
bed time.

Page 108
2. Carly will increase her cooperative behavior at school and home.
3. Carly will demonstrate the ability to drink from a cup (no lid) without spilling.
4. Carly will demonstrate the ability to use a spoon to feed herself with little spilling.
5. Carly will demonstrate understanding of "table manners." (This is an important parent-
identified objective; they would like to be able to take Carly out to restaurants with the
rest of the family.)
Background Information
Carly comes from a stable, intact family. She has two older brothers. The father works in
a lab at a hospital medical center. The mother is at home full time. The parents are both
participants in the Down's Syndrome Association. They are also active in a number of
African-American groups in the city in which they reside. Carly started in the early
intervention program when she was 3 months old.
Family Strengths and Needs
Strengths include parents who are able and willing to attain necessary services (and to be
assertive in getting them). The father has a stable income and good insurance. Although
the family has had many needs at various times in the past, including a period when the
father was out of work, at present they have not identified any major need. There are a
few neighbors who provide respite support for the family and a large group of friends
with common interests. They have an emotionally close extended family, but they must
rely on neighbors and friends for day-to-day support because the other family members
live approximately 800 miles away.
Sources of Assessment Information
These measures include those collected in the early intervention program (Brigance
Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development (Revised), Preschool Language Scale-3,
parent interview, school and home play observations). Updated standardized testing by
the school psychologist is being arranged, but has not yet been administered. There is not
presently a plan to have a hearing assessment conducted. Based on the results from the
assessment sources used, Carly's developmental status is as follows:

Page 109
Social-Emotional Development
Carly follows directions and makes transitions more easily than she did in the first year in
the program. She engages in practice and pretend play along side (and occasionally with)
peers and her social skills are appropriate for play situations (e.g., beginning to share
toys). She exhibits both affection and assertiveness toward adults and peers. Her self-help
skills have also improved. On the Brigance inventory, her performance was at the 28- to
30-month level in social and emotional development and at the 24- to 25-month level in
self-help skills.
Physical-Motor and Sensory-Perceptual Development
Carly showed delays in achieving many physical development milestones. For example,
she sat at 10 months, crawled at 20 months, and walked at 24 months. She continues to
show immature and somewhat uncoordinated walking and running patterns. However,
there is no great concern over her gross motor abilities. Her fine motor skills have also
improved. For example, she is able to hold a crayon well and draw scribbling pictures,
put small objects into containers, and use the pincer grasp on her eating utensils. She is
not yet drinking without spilling, however. Her scores on the motor portions of the
Brigance indicate that her skills are scattered, ranging from 24 to 29 months in gross and
fine motor skills and behaviors.
Cognitive-Language Development
In early testing, Carly was assessed as having an approximate 1-year delay on most
cognitive and language measures. For example, at 24 months she could correctly point to
pictures of familiar objects, but she could not name pictures of the objects. She could
build a tower of 4 cubes and imitate actions; she could not build a tower of 6 cubes and
imitate words. Carly's cognitive scores have maintained the pattern of approximately a 1-
year delay. Her general knowledge and comprehension was at the 22-to-24 month level on
the Brigance tasks. (A cognitive assessment is also to be conducted by the psychologist of
the school district where Carly will be enrolled.) In her language development, Carly has
made some progress. She used one-word signing almost exclusively until age 2 1/2, but
now she uses some spoken words, too. The signing reduces as she gains greater verbal
facility. The clarity of her speech could be improved. She continues to have problems in
articulation and vocabulary, but her pragmatics are relatively strong. She scored at the 2-0
to 2-6 level in auditory comprehension on the Preschool Language Scale-3. Her

Page 110
language score (including signs) was at the 1-6 to 1-1 level, indicating that her expressive
language is less well developed than her receptive language. Her performance on the
Brigance speech and language tasks was congruent with the PLS-3.
The Team Dialogue
The team is gathered to review the IFSP objectives and determine what progress has been
made, to write new objectives for her final months in the birth to age 3 program, and to
begin transition planning for the age 3 to 5 program. The early intervention teacher is the
team discussion leader.
EARLY INTERVENTION TEACHER: First, let's review the objectives we had for Carly and see how she has
done on them.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : The first objective for Carly this year was to increase her use of both verbal and
sign language. We really encouraged her to use basic signs and many single words and two-word
sentences. She has developed very well in this past year.
MOTHER: She's almost completely verbal now. She even uses simple sentences. You've done a good
job encouraging her to speak.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : She is phasing out the signing all by herself. We were somewhat surprised at
how fast that has happened.
MOTHER: Do you think we should just let the signing go? She is just not using it. She doesn't seem to
need it. My boys are sometimes signing more than she is!
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : Our objective was to have her increase both her sign and verbal vocabulary. She
has chosen to increase her verbal vocabulary and to use verbal communication more than sign
communication. This is what we were hoping would eventually happen; however, it has happened
earlier than we thought it would. She hasn't had a hearing test for a while though; it might be good to
have another assessment to be sure she hasn't had any hearing loss from the infections she'd had
TEACHER: That would be a good idea. Do we agree that the first objectiveincreasing Carly's
communication skillshas been accomplished?
MOTHER: Yes, I'm pleased about it. I think speech is real important. In fact, it's the most important
thing to me. I want her to speak well. I think that will help her to have friends. How is she getting
along with the other kids? Is she talking to them and getting along better?
TEACHER: That was our second objective. As far as we're concerned, even though she is into a little
bit of the ''power trip" that comes along with verbal language, she does show much improved
cooperation since last

Page 111
Fall. It's even more than she showed since our 90-day review in January. She gives you a "no"
every once in a while just to assert herself, but even then she follows through with what you have
asked her to do. Sometimes she needs a prompt of putting out our hand or helping her get up.
What are your main concerns at home? Are you getting a lot of resistance at meal time?
MOTHER: No problem. Carly does want to show her independence. She wants to "do it herself."
There are times when she finishes eating before we do, but usually she is slower. As long as we let
her eat by herself she is okay. That's true of a lot of other things, too. It took a while for me to get
used to it because I'd always done so much for her. But now I see it as a really good sign of
TEACHER: In class our criteria was that she would complete activities and cooperate without having
physical prompts. I would say she definitely has accomplished this. She moves from activity to
activity, accepts the rule that materials should stay in their activity area, and she doesn't try nearly
as much to walk away with the toys she likes best. She even cooperates in the gym. In the beginning
she only liked the swing and that was all she'd do, Now she tries many things. We're just hoping that
you see this change at home.
MOTHER: Oh, we do.
TEACHER: So that objective has been accomplished. What about the improvement in her eating
habits? The plan was for you to try letting her eat independently using a sectioned bowl. We also
agreed to have her eat independently at school.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : We also wanted her to eat slowly enough and with small enough bites so that
she wouldn't choke and to drink from a cup without a lid.
MOTHER: At home it is just so much more convenient to give her a cup with a lid on it. She usually
sits on the floor when she gets a drink. She"ll tell me she wants a drink, then sit on the floor, and
either hand me the cup or throw the cup onto the counter. I know I need to get her drinking from a
regular cup....
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : Don't worry about it. I'm sure that she will pick up that skill soon. At school
she is able to drink from an unlidded cup, with just a little help.
MOTHER: She sometimes picks up the boys' drinks and drinks from their glasses.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : Does she? Well that's good. The reason we can have her drink from the
regular cup here is we can do it on a one-to-one basis.
MOTHER: It's definitely not one-to-one at home.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : Even if you just try once or twice a week to get her to drink without using
the sipper it would be good. She can just take a

Page 112
drink out of your cup or glass. Just put a little bit of pressure on her lower lip, pushing it up
against the cup, to keep her from dribbling. I let her do whatever she wants with the upper lip.
She puts her tongue on the lip of the cup, but she still is able to get quite a bit down.
TEACHER: Even though she's not demonstrating this behavior all the time, I think we are satisfied with
her progress.
MOTHER: Definitely.
TEACHER: Carly seems to be eating independently now and only needs occasional reminders about
the amount of food in her mouth or to hold the spoon correctly. You also wanted her to realize when
the meal was over and to stay seated until the rest of the family was finished so that you could go to
a restaurant occasionally. We made the plan that the adults should give Carly a warning in advance
that the meal was coming to an end and help her transition to the next activity by giving her a
prompt, such as "One more bite and then we will go outside."
MOTHER: That is going really well. She used to scream all the time and still borders on doing that. If
you ask her to wipe her mouth, she always says "no" before doing it because she's afraid you're
going to say "now we're finished,"
TEACHER: That's why it's important to have her wipe her mouth a number of times during the meal so
she doesn't always connect it with the end of the meal. Have you eaten out any more?
MOTHER: Oh, yeah. More than we did at the beginning of the year.
TEACHER: You can practice more during the summer. Maybe you can take her without the boys so they
don't have to suffer through her transition. Then, if she is being difficult, you can just take her out of
the restaurant and the whole family doesn't have to go through it.
MOTHER: Another problem is that she is getting real picky about what she eats. Just lately she's
started the bad habit of handing you her plate about twenty times during the meal to say she is done.
I usually just wait her out. I gave her cereal in place of the other food a few times but I cut that out.
She just has to realize that if she doesn't eat she'll be hungry.
TEACHER: Since it isn't an issue of getting enough nourishment, you don't need to be concerned about
her expressing food preferences. There are a number of options to deal with her "pickiness." You
can just take her plate and put it in the sink if she gives it to you. When she asks for it back, tell her
she said she was finished. Another option would be to excuse her from the table when she says that.
It shouldn't turn into a game for you. If it was something she used to like but now won't eat, then you
can just figure she doesn't need it that badly. It seems that Carly has made progress on the table
manners objective, even though you might like to see more changes.
MOTHER: Yes, she is certainly better than she was.

Page 113
TEACHER: Now let's talk about Carly's transition to preschool. Have you heard any more from the
psychologist about the multifactored evaluation?
MOTHER: I called him last week and they sent me some notes to sign but I haven't signed them. I'm
pretty confused about what the school district is doing.
TEACHER: What plan is there other than the fact that we are going to have a meeting with the school
MOTHER: I don't even know if that is planned. I think that they are thinking Carly will stay in your
preschool program next year. I'm also observing the program they have in the school district. It's
supposed to be one combined with Head Start and I don't know if I like that or not until I see it. I
have an appointment next week to see that. The psychologist plans to do the testing some time after
TEACHER: When you visit the psychologist, tell him that you need to have the testing done in the next 2
weeks if it is to be done before our term is over. Remind him that he said he would see her at least
twice before the actual testing so that she will be familiar with him. I think the recommendations we
make today will also be helpful to the school psychologist. (Group agrees on recommendations.)

Carly has shown progress in all areas addressed by the most recent IFSP. Carly seems to
be experiencing a "learning spurt" at the present time. She will be eligible to begin a
preschool program in Fall and could probably function quite well in an inclusion
program. She should continue to receive speech therapy to improve her vocabulary and
speaking clarity. She should have an occupational therapist's evaluation as part of the
multifactored testing to determine if further therapy is needed in this area. An audiological
evaluation is recommended. The comprehensive psychological testing should be
accomplished within the next few weeks. After the psychological evaluation, the team will
meet again to make a decision as to whether Carly will attend the age 3 to 5 program at
the early intervention center or the school district Head Start inclusion program.
Questions for Discussion
1. Carly is presently exhibiting behaviors that are often seen in typically developing
children between the ages of 18 and 30 months. Which of the parent and teacher concerns
are specific to her disability condition and which are "typical," given the fact that her
overall development is

Page 114
delayed by approximately 1 year? What were the behaviors Carly exhibited that the
participants identified as signs of growth, even though there were some problems with the
way Carly was exhibiting them?
2. Which of the goals for Carly that were discussed were primarily meeting family or
school needs and which were primarily meeting Carly's needs? What concerns of the
mother about Carly's future (e.g., having friends, eating out with family) reflected the
concerns of many families who have children with disabilities? Were they adequately
addressed by the rest of the team?
3. What could have been added to this team discussion if the psychologist from the
school district and an audiologist who had tested Carly's hearing had been present at the
meeting? What information could each of them have provided that would have assisted in
the transition planning?
4. Which type of preschool program would probably be better for Carly, given her
particular developmental status? What could Carly's family do to collaborate with that
program to further a smooth transition?
5. How did the early interventionist facilitate the mother's full participation in the
discussion? Did her interaction style reflect any awareness of cultural values that the
family might have that are different from dominant cultural values?

Page 115

Chapter 5
Physical and Occupational Therapy Assessment Perspectives
Doris Bergen
Physical therapists and occupational therapists play important roles in the assessment of
very young children. Many neonates with identified disabilities, biological risk, or
environmental risk exhibit difficulties in maintaining basic survival skills. Usually these
problems are related to dys-functions in their physical attributes or to health factors. For
example, neonates may have difficulty feeding, moving their head to prevent suffocation,
or breathing independently. Even after they survive the crucial first days of life, infants
may continue to have such difficulties and, in addition, often have muscle tone problems,
fine and gross motor skill delays, and sensory processing disorganization or distortion.
Physical therapists and occupational therapists, working closely with medical personnel
and with other early intervention specialists such as speech pathologists and early
childhood special educators, can have a positive effect on the developmental problems
during these children's first 3 years.
The developmental domains addressed by physical therapists and occupational therapists
sometimes overlap; the differentiation in their roles is often unclear to parents and
professionals of other disciplines. This is partly due to the historical tradition of these two
fields, which both arose in response to the needs of adults who had physical or sensory-
based problems that interfered with occupational and adaptive life skills. The initial
distinctions made in their roles with adults have not carried over clearly to their work
with children, partly because of differences in the needs of children but also because the
disciplines have both evolved to be more inclusive and integrative. Also as new
knowledge of brain functioning has been amassed, information about the systemic nature

Page 116
motor and sensory problems has contributed to an integration of the perspectives of these
The term "physical therapist" refers to the physical modalities used to intervene in
treatment. These involve heat and cold, including diathermy (i.e., electromagnetic wave-
generated heat), ultrasound (i.e., high frequency sound waves), light, electrical
stimulation, and water, all of which are used as treatment modalities by physical
therapists. They work on the body to relieve pain, prevent deformity, and restore
functioning, and are concerned with problems such as range of motion, posture and
mobility, and gross and fine motor functioning, especially as related to functional mobility
and transitions. They also are concerned with assessing neurological phenomena such as
muscle tone, which is related to elasticity and tension (i.e., the timing of movement and
the level of activation of muscles).
The term "occupational therapist" arose from the functional goal of these therapists,
which was to assist disabled workers to return to their previous occupation or to develop
adapted occupational skills for both out-of-home jobs and work in the home. Their focus
was often on improving the fine motor skills that many occupations require, and their
method of treatment included craft-related activities and, in the case of children, play-
related activities, since play has been interpreted to be the child's "work." in their
assessment of children, they have primarily been concerned with sensory processing
(including visual problems) and fine motor skill development, giving attention to analysis
of how environmental modifications such as appropriate toy selection, equipment
adaptations, and spatial organization can foster motor and sensory development.
Current early intervention practice varies in the breadth of the roles of these two groups
of therapists. Much of the variation depends on the graduate training specializations of
each, which may include a focus on neurodevelopmental treatment, sensory integration
theory, Feldenkrais method (i.e., movement awareness), cramo-sacral therapy (i.e.,
working with fascial systems [fibrous tissues] and deep fluids), manual therapy (i.e.,
manipulation and mobilization), or infant-parent massage (i.e., deep tissue work).
If only one therapist is present in a particular setting, that therapist may observe across
any of the developmental domains that are crucial to child survival or effective physical
functioning. They also consult with pediatric associates and other therapists. When both
therapists are present in a setting, they may seem to be doing similar activities; however,
both are assessing, facilitating, inhibiting, or challenging the child with a perspective
unique to their discipline. Thus, although they work in a collaborative manner because of
their overlapping expertise and interests, they also respect the specialties of each
discipline. The involvement of an

Page 117
occupational therapist, physical therapist, or both depends on the age of the child and on
the nature of the physical or sensory disability.
Underlying Assumptions
A number of assumptions are shared by these therapists and provide the basis for their
assessment and intervention practices. The first is the conviction that it is important to
start as early as possible to identify and address problems in physical-motor and sensory-
perceptual developmental domains. Because the first years of life encompass so many
physically-based developmental milestones (e.g., visual inspection, head control, eye-
hand coordination, rolling, grasping and releasing objects, feeding self, sitting alone,
standing, walking), every day that goes by without problems being identified and help
being provided may result in reduced ability of the child to interact effectively with the
environment. Young children find ways to accomplish independence by using
compensatory patterns that may not be the best choice, if they do not have therapeutic
The value of independent functioning (or of as much independence as is possible) is a
second assumption. Although not all children will be able to function without social or
equipment assistance, these therapists try to enable children to function effectively in as
independent a manner as their disabilities will permit, and at their fullest potential level,
especially in regard to basic life skills and social or occupational abilities. This is why
they give attention to positioning to enable best functioning; to providing visual, auditory,
tactile, olfactory, and other types of sensory stimulation, or to limiting such stimulation to
reach an optimal sensory balance; and to environmental adaptations or the use of adaptive
equipment and braces that can give children with physical disabilities a sense of control
and mastery. Because young children search and understand the world through physical-
motor and sensory-perceptual modes, the ability to be actively engaged will affect all their
domains of development. The more independent these children can be, the easier they
will be to care for and the more likely they will be to function effectively and have a
purposeful life style in society, which has also been a traditional goal of these disciplines.
Because not all children will have independence without assistance, the importance of
active adult attention to environmental intervention is thus a third assumption under
which these therapists operate. However, these interventions should approximate natural
experiences that occur in typical children's lives. For example, because an infant with
neurological impairments may not respond in the same way as a typical child during

Page 118
early parent-child interactions, therapists may focus on improving that child's ability to
take an interactive role. They are often involved in helping parents know how to engage
successfully in feeding, bathing, dressing, diapering, toileting, quieting, and sleep-
inducing activities with infants who have motor or sensory-based problems. These
interactive experiences are closely tied to attachment processes, social referencing, and
other developmental domains, and are thus crucial for the development of both parents
and children. Parental feelings of competence can be greatly affected by therapists'
interventions that promote successful interactions in caring and play situations.
A fourth commonly held assumption is that, because there is individual variability in
developmental progress, expectations for individual children should be at a higher level
of expectation than that of minimal performance. Even among the group of young
children who have significant delay or disabilities, many children's progress exceeds
minimal expectations. Thus, it is essential that therapists maintain their commitment to the
systematic and persistent effort that is often needed to promote developmental progress.
To the uninformed observer, the extent and timing of motor or sensory change processes
are often hard to discern, but to the therapist, these small changes can make a significant
difference in developmental progress and eventual functioning.
One distinction often made between the roles of physical and occupational therapists is
that the occupational therapist does fine motor and the physical therapist does gross
motor assessment and intervention. Because fine motor skills are closely tied to visual
abilities, the occupational therapist has been most likely to be concerned with visual
acuity and distortion effects on development. Although this separation of fine and gross
motor domains and assignment of each to different therapists is often used as a guideline
in selecting a consulting therapist, in actual practice this distinction may or may not be
especially useful because there are many motor development processes that depend on
both good posture, mobility, and gross motor coordination and on good sensory
integration and fine motor skills. According to Weeks & Ewer-Jones (1991), "perception
and motor behavior (gross or fine) are inextricably linked" (p. 261). Thus,oth
occupational and physical therapists are often concerned with whole body sensory and
motor coordination issues.
One assumption that has been more characteristic of occupational therapists in the past is
that naturalistic, play-based assessment and intervention is a preferred mode. The
occupational therapist has typically used observation of children at play as an assessment
method and has stressed play and craft-like intervention activities, many of which
incorporate fine motor skill development. Physical therapists have typically had a more
task-oriented approach, sometimes working on certain skills or using

Page 119
intrusive interventions (e.g., in sports medicine or cardiac rehabilitation). With young
children, however, most physical therapists agree with the assumption that natural, playful
approaches to assessment and intervention are more successful, especially if children are
more likely to repeat the desired behavior at other times if it is incorporated in play. Thus,
therapists from both disciplines who are working with young children are likely to use
play-oriented approaches.
Similarly, a characteristic of physical therapists is that they have traditionally accepted
many assumptions of medical models, including having a taxonomy of precise
terminology to label deficits and a focus on physiological and neurological
interconnections with behavior. These terms have enhanced and simplified
communication among professionals. However, physical therapists have also needed to
learn the skill of communicating this information in nontechnical ways to educators and
parents. Although occupational therapists have had more focus on identifying enjoyable
activities that could improve motor and sensory functional skills, they have also moved
toward a more "medical-scientific" approach and developed a set of precise terminology
for describing child deficit characteristics. Examples of the terminology often used to
describe child motor and sensory characteristics are listed in Figure 5.1. Because these
disciplines have worked so closely with medical personnel, they share some of the
terminology of medically-oriented disciplines. Their methods of assessment have often
had a clinical component and been done in conjunction with medically based personnel.
Methods of Assessment
Physical and occupational therapists are interested not only in assessing whether there are
developmental delays or major deficits in sensory and motor areas, but also in evaluating
the quality of movement and movement transitions and sensory responses exhibited by
the children being assessed. The quality of movement transitions and sensorimotor
processes are of special importance because they can often point to the areas of
development that may be in jeopardy over the long term. In assessing young children,
these therapists have typically used a combination of methods that range from clinical
judgment to standardized testing.
Clinical Evaluation
Clinical judgment includes determining whether intervention is needed or whether there is
a likelihood the problem can be resolved without intervention. In such cases, the
developmental picture may indicate that diag-

Page 120
Term Definition
Prone Lying on stomach
Supine Lying on back
Lateral Pertaining to the side
Movement away from the midline of the
Adduction Movement toward the midline of the body
Extension Straightening a body part at the joint
Flexion Bending a body part at the joint
External Rotation of a joint that moves a body part
rotation away from the midline
Internal Rotation of a body joint that moves a body
rotation part toward the midline
Equal development of both sides of the
body in size and shape or same position of
both sides of the body while assuming
postures and performing movements
Unequal development of one side of the
body from the other in size or shape or
Asymmetry different position of one side of the body
from the other while assuming postures and
performing movements
Twisting of the body along the body axis or
movement between the shoulders and
Rotation pelvis (trunk rotation), needed in all
volitional and transitional movements
(moving from one posture to another)
Ability to isolate and use only those body
Dissociationparts and muscles needed to perform
independent movements
Symmetrical posture, with weight evenly
Weight distributed over weight-bearing joints or
bearing body parts (e.g., prone on forearms or
extended arms, sitting, kneeling, standing)
Shifting the weight of the body from a
position of equal weight bearing in an
antigravity posture to one side of the body
Weight shift
to free a body part to perform independent
movements; a weight shift precedes every
volitional movement
Source Note: Reprinted with permission from Smith
Figure 5.1
Movement Terminology

Page 121
nostic evaluation should be conducted at a later time, but that no intervention is needed
immediately. If it is determined that there should be intervention, the type of treatment,
whether it should be short- or long-term, and when it should be started are other clinical
judgment issues.
With medically fragile neonates, therapists usually draw on the information provided by
medical personnel who have identified through clinical judgment those children who are
at risk because of prematurity or low birth weight for gestational age and those who have
established risk conditions, such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, visual impairment,
Down's syndrome, and limb loss or other physical anomalies that may make basic
survival and typical functioning problematic. These children usually require further
assessment and immediate services from the therapists.
Therapists also are involved in assessing young children who are referred because they
appear highly disorganized, hypersensitive, hyperactive, delayed in development, autistic,
or motorically clumsy. Children who have experienced a trauma, such as severe burns,
which can affect motor and sensory functioning, are also evaluated. Clinical judgment
may include assessing posture, mobility, muscle tone, auditory and visual responses, or
motor coordination and determining the treatment needed to increase purposefulness and
quality of movement.
Therapists use clinical judgment to observe the qualitative aspects, types, and levels of
severity of sensory or movement problems before determining intervention procedures.
That is, they are concerned with evaluation of ''process" characteristics, such as motor
control and quality of sequence of actions (Williams, 1990). They may observe
informally, noting these characteristics, or they may use a checklist of some type to record
systematically these process components.
The following areas are evaluated clinically to assess oral-motor and respiratory-
phonatory problems: movement of each part of the oral-motor mechanism during natural
activities, such as feeding; influence of postural tone, movement, and sensory stimulation
on functioning; coordination of respiratory functioning and oral functioning; and uses of
communication modes (Alexander, 1990).
Motor assessment dimensions usually addressed in neuromotor evaluations include
judgments concerning muscle tone (elasticity and tension), muscle strength (force
generating ability), postural reactions (equilibrium, righting, protective responses), and
structural mobility and integrity (skeletal and muscle relationships) (Gallagher & Cech,
Aspects of muscle tone that should be evaluated include underlying (at rest) and
predominant (in action) muscle tone along with the distribution of tone throughout the
body. Presence or absence of primitive reflexes and automatic postural reactions, such as
self-righting, maintaining equi-

Page 122
librium, and extending limbs to prevent falling, are assessed. The quality of volitional
movements, such as walking and grasping, and of transitional volitional movements, such
as pulling to stand and moving from a prone to a sitting position, are also evaluated
clinically (Smith, 1989).
Clinical assessment procedures usually involve handling the infant (e.g., holding and
repositioning); eliciting movements and sensory responses (e.g., touching); presenting
objects to track visual pursuit and observe grasping responses); and observing
spontaneous behaviors of the infant (e.g., synchronic and asynchronic movements during
parent-child interaction; coordinated and uncoordinated play with an object). Traditional
assessment procedures have relied more heavily on the first two of thesehandling and
eliciting; however, therapists are now placing more emphasis on spontaneous
observational data than they did in the past.
Standardized Assessment Measures
Standardized assessment instruments are used to gain a comparative perspective on the
child's abilities and disabilities. However, standardized tests rarely assess the qualitative
aspects of motor and sensory development that are of major importance in therapists'
clinical evaluations. Although there are a number of standardized instruments designed
specifically to judge motor or neuromotor development (e.g., Folio & Fewell, 1983),
broadly based standardized instruments that are used for overall developmental
assessments often provide the basis for interventions in motor and sensory areas. For
example, normative instruments, such as the Brazelton, Bayley, and Denver, provide
motor and sensory assessment data as do criterion-referenced instruments, such as the
Carolina and HELP. Sensorimotor behaviors may also be assessed with Piagetian-based
instruments, such as the Ordinal Scales of Psychological Development (Uzgiris & Hunt,
1975). Data for these normative assessments of motor development may be obtained by
the physical and occupational therapists or they may use data collected by other trained
members of the assessment team.
Instruments such as the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS) (Folio & Fewell,
1983) have been designed specifically to assess gross and fine motor development of
young children, between birth and 7 years. It includes measures of grasping, hand use,
eye-hand coordination, manual dexterity, reflexes, balance, nonlocomotor, locomotor, and
receipt and propulsion, but does not assess quality of movement. It is designed to assist in
intervention planning and assessment.
Another instrument specifically designed to assess neuromotor development is the
Movement Assessment of Infants (MAI) (Chandler, Andrews, Swanson, & Larson, 1980).
This is a nonstandardized test designed to assess muscle tone, primitive reflexes,
automatic reactions, and volitional move-

Page 123
ment during the first year of life. Because it is graded, having levels of movement
behaviors that lead to the later behaviors, it can be helpful in establishing a base from
which intervention methods can be planned. More information on these motor assessment
measures is found in Appendix B.
Chandler (1990) indicates that four factors may make neuromotor assessment results have
reduced sensitivity (accurate detection of movement dysfunction) and specificity
(accurate detection of no movement dysfunction):
1. Infant state and behavior variability at the time of testing
2. Extensive variations in normal movement patterns
3. An environment different from that in which the instrument was designed
4. Questions of reliability and validity common to all instrumentation
These factors should be kept in mind when using assessment results to determine
intervention recommendations.
Information Exchange with Families and Referral Agencies
Once the assessment data have been evaluated by the physical or occupational therapist,
and a determination of the extent of sensory or movement problems have been made, an
intervention plan is developed and communicated to parents and teachers. This is an
important step because the effectiveness of the intervention is related to the effectiveness
of the initial communication.
Parent Support and Education
In their communication with families, physical and occupational therapists try to give
very clear factual information about the child's sensory and motor functioning, but they
also try to convey a supportive and hopeful attitude that will give family members the
incentive to be engaged actively in assisting their child to improve developmental and
functional skills. Finding the right balance between encouraging the family and enlisting
their efforts without giving false expectations can be difficult to achieve, but it is essential
if the development of the child is to be facilitated. If a severe problem that threatens the
child's health has been identified at birth, the therapist's role is often to give clear
information about the clinical reasons for the feeding, respiratory, or muscle problem; to
outline some immediate practical steps that are being taken to address the problem; and to

Page 124
with the parents on techniques that will help them cope with the problem when the child
is discharged from the hospital.
When the child is not referred to the therapist until a later age, the therapist usually starts
with a discussion of the parents' concerns, wants, and needs regarding the child. For
example, the therapist may discuss the parents' perceptions of the reason for the referral,
their understanding of the problem, and their motivation to work with the therapist to
benefit the child. Parental information is very helpful in making the clinical assessment. It
is essential that the therapist be a good listener, hearing not only the words of the parents
but also their emotional tone.
Families may vary a great deal in their responses to the needs of a child with motor or
sensory problems. Some appear very anxious and express great concern, others do not
show much anxiety or express their concern. Some seem to be very conscious of the
potential delays these problems may cause, others seem almost unaware that problems
exist. Some parents may wish to expend a lot of energy observing, stimulating, and
working with their child in structured sensory or motor activities, others may prefer an
intervention focused primarily at the early intervention program. There may be many
other stresses in the family situation that leave parents and other family members little
energy to cope with the child's disabilities. The therapist tries to develop a plan that will
get the most positive results with the least stress to families.
One technique that may be used by therapists is to give the parents some things to
observe as they are caring for the child. For example, they may be asked to note whether
the child's head always turns to the right when being fed or diapered. If the parents can
observe the problem that exists, then the therapist and parent can identify helpful actions
to carry out in the home setting. In deciding which types of parental involvement may be
appropriate, the therapist considers how that level of parental involvement could affect
the family system as a whole.
Families need to have the option of not doing any structured intervention themselves.
Their role is often one of maintaining the consistent methods demonstrated or suggested
by the therapist as they engage in routine care and play activities with their child in the
home. Most families are eager to help their child, and a low-key approach that gives
suggestions in a relaxed way ("Let's see how that works") is usually helpful. It is best to
keep professional jargon out of the conversation with parents. Parenting is a unique role
that has its own set of activities and responsibilities, and it is most important that the
therapist build on family strengths in determining how parents can be best involved in
intervention activities. Respect for the values of families from diverse cultural
backgrounds is also essential in planning appropriate interventions.

Page 125
Within the early intervention program setting, the family can gain support from observing
the therapist's involvement with their child and can thus learn appropriate models of
interaction to use at home. Therapists usually try to communicate to parents the reasons
why they are engaging their child in certain procedures. Sometimes, in the presence of the
"experts" parents may feel inadequate. The therapist's support of the parents' confidence
in their abilities to provide experiences at home that will enhance the experiences gained
by the child in the early intervention setting is essential. It is especially important in
working with families of young children who have severe sensory or motor disabilities
that the family members are truly part of the early intervention team, whether or not they
are actively engaged in structured activities with their child.
Suggesting Interventions
In the hospital, intervention techniques may be suggested to improve the infant's ability to
be fed effectively by the parent; in the home, plans for helping the parent learn effective
stimulation methods for a visually impaired child may be initiated; and in the early
intervention program, teachers may be taught to position the child so that fine motor
activities can be provided successfully.
Recent studies in inclusion programs indicate that motor development can be enhanced
by neuro-behavioral intervention targeted on specific motor skills (e.g., reach and grasp,
head control) that can then be generalized to other settings (Horn & Jones, 1992; Martin,
Davis, & Brady, 1992). The presence of peers seems to enhance social responses and
motivate children with severe physical disabilities to increase motor responses.
The therapists may suggest adaptive devices to enhance independent movement and
prescribe exercises to improve muscle tone or coordination and variety of movement.
They may also provide techniques for mobilization (i.e., manipulation of joints),
neuromuscular re-education, and modification of tone, and for improving daily living
skills (e.g., dressing methods, chairs for feeding, bath seats, appropriate food textures)
and for assisting developmental skill areas (e.g., rolling, sitting). Often, these
interventions involve working closely with family members. Development can be greatly
enhanced by consistent, systematic, and responsive parental interactions and by parental
involvement in the design of a safe home environment in which the child can function as
independently as possible. The therapist must present parents with a clear and integrated
program of interaction suggestions.

Page 126
Reporting to Professionals
Physical and occupational therapists usually work very closely with hospitals, educational
facilities, and agencies because their expertise is often required. Their reporting methods
vary from written reports giving medical and technical information to informal oral
reports given directly to physicians, agency personnel, or other interventionists. Thus,
their reporting methods are flexible, depending on the level of specificity and technical
information desired. Although precise terminology is useful, it is important to determine
what level of technical detail is appropriate and to avoid a reporting manner that is
confusing or incomprehensible to those not familiar with the terminology of the field.
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model
For physical and occupational therapists, the transdisciplinary team model can provide a
number of advantages that may enhance their services for children and families. Foremost
among them are the flexibility of the team approach and the ongoing collegial interaction
that can enrich the overall assessment and intervention process. For example, in a team
assessment, the therapist may fill the role of team coordinator when the child's primary
problems are of a sensory or motor nature. Also, the data collected by early childhood
special educators, psychologists, and other team members from their normative or
criterion referenced instruments usually contain a good sample of motor and sensory
behaviors; this information may be useful to the physical and occupational therapists in
conjunction with their clinical assessments. An advantage of an arena assessment in
which the parent participates is that parent-child interactions may be observed by the
therapists. Knowledge of these interactions may assist the therapists in planning home
activities for the child.
In non-team assessment approaches, members of each discipline may not be able to gain
knowledge of the other professionals' goals, perspectives, skills, or individual styles. In
ongoing team approaches, therapists are able to be knowledgable about the skills of
members of other disciplines; this knowledge may be useful in enabling therapists to
decide which aspects of their intervention plan can be supported through "role release" of
intervention techniques to teachers and other team members. For example, the therapists
and the early childhood special educator can work closely together to maintain motor
coordination and sensory integration intervention opportunities within the regular
program day. This sharing of knowledge about each others' disciplines and collaboration
in intervention is present in many interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary team

Page 127
approaches. Therefore, some therapists question whether the team approach needs to be a
transdisciplinary one in order to accomplish these goals.
In order for teams to work well, however, time must be spent in coordinating and
communicating. Mutual respect and understanding the technical language of each
profession does not occur immediately. Thus, the stability of the team over time is very
important. Stable, integrated teams are often seen in special projects housed in hospital,
school, or private practice settings, where a close working relationship between the
project team members is facilitated over time. In such cases, the discipline barriers
between the occupational, physical, and speech therapists' roles may be broken down as
they work together with children who have feeding and other basic survival problems.
Some educationally based early intervention teams are beginning to develop these close
working relationships and, as team members continue to work together, the integrative
team approach should be enhanced.
There are a number of problems that concern therapists who participate in
transdisciplinary team models. One problem is that the team approach requires a lot of
time, but it is often not possible to bill the time spent in team interaction rather than direct
therapeutic service. Another problem is that the membership of a team is not always
stable and, if stability is lacking or some members of the team are less committed to
attending and participating, the team effort can be impaired. A third problem is that
administrative structures sometimes undermine team approaches, especially if
administrative rules do not allow time for team meetings or count that time as part of the
staffs' paid duties. A fourth problem is that, because they fulfill a specialist's role, these
therapists may have to serve on numerous assessment teams and, therefore, they may not
become well integrated into any of the teams. Finally, it is often difficult to blend varied
philosophies and personalities and to get the right mix of role sharing. If there is too
much overlap, it may become hard to distinguish the distinct disciplines of team
Therapists also have differing opinions about the value of arena assessments. Although
this type of assessment may enable the therapist to observe the child's sensory and motor
capabilities in action in a somewhat natural setting as various tasks or play activities are
presented to the child, in actual practice, separate one-on-one assessments must usually
still be conducted by the physical and occupational therapists. For example, in an arena
assessment the occupational therapist may need to prompt the core assessor to be sure
that all tasks related to block stacking are presented. Usually there will be gaps in the
assessment tasks that have to be filled in later if the therapist is not the one presenting the
tasks in the arena assessment. Because of state and professional requirements for use of
standardized methods,

Page 128
many therapists do not believe that they can collect valid data simply by observing other
team members' assessment of the child. Another concern expressed by some therapists is
that observation by so many professionals at one time may be intrusive and result in poor
child performance, especially for children with severe motor or sensory problems.
As there is more and more recognition of the importance of assessing all aspects of the
child in context, the usefulness of team approaches may be more clearly delineated.
Physical and occupational therapists already see their professional roles connected to
those of other disciplines and they usually are supportive of team approaches. However,
they generally see more collaborative benefits in intervention teaming rather than in
assessment teaming.
Policy Issues
In addition to the policy issues related to local administrative structures that may hamper
team assessment practices, occupational and physical therapists are concerned with
policies concerning the broad societal policy issue of long-term commitment to providing
support for sensory and motor impaired children. National, state, and local governmental
policy statements indicate that persons with these types of disabilities are priority
concerns; however, neither the funding levels nor the support structures are in place to
give families the kind of long-term supportive assistance they need for their children. For
example, some children with severe sensory or motor impairments need closely
monitored, long-term, 24-hour care; others need intensive and consistent therapeutic
services; still others could function relatively independently if their families had the
financial means to provide appropriate adaptive equipment and educational resources.
The need for respite care and social-emotional support is also very great. One of the
major tasks in coordinating services for children whose families do not have financial
resources to foster optimal development is to find community and other resources to meet
these needs.
Although progress is being made, there is still a narrow range of options available to
families who do not have sufficient financial means to provide for their children's
developmental progress and who do not qualify for public assistance. A wider range of
options should be available for these families. For example, parents who must work
could be given the option of staying home with pay to care for their child or to have care
while they are working; a governmental fund could be made available to pay for adaptive
equipment needs of children whose assessment results indicate that they require such
equipment; and applied research to develop

Page 129
and improve methods of communication for children with sensory or motor problems
could be made a funding priority.
Another policy concern related to professional practice is that of clarifying and, if
necessary, reconciling the professional standards of the discipline with team approaches
to assessment. For example, in some states (e.g., Ohio), physical therapists can do
assessments only on referral of physicians or other approved medical personnel.
Therefore, they cannot participate as a team member in an initial screening assessment
that is not supervised by medical personnel. This rule is not in practice in all states and
even in Ohio it applies only to physical, not to occupational, therapists.
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Task Force on Early Intervention,
Section on Pediatrics, has outlined competencies for physical therapists who are working
in early intervention (APTA, 1991). This document indicates that physical therapists can
assist in team assessment, program development, and implementation of IFSPs, and can
also serve as case managers or service coordinators. The guidelines support the role of
physical therapists in collaborating with the family and other team members in providing
coordinated services to infants and toddlers.
According to the occupational and physical therapy guidelines in most states, however,
only licensed professionals can conduct motor and sensory assessment procedures and
make intervention recommendations (e.g., Ohio Revised Code, 4755.01, 4755.40). That
is, they cannot participate in "delegation of tasks to unlicensed persons." If these
professionals must meet such standards, they will have to designate clearly how much
"role release," a feature of transdisciplinary team practice, is appropriate in an assessment
situation. This problem is not unique to these professional disciplines, but applies to all of
the licensed or certified specialist groups (i.e., psychologists, speech pathologists,
audiologists, and social workers) who are being asked to be part of early intervention
transdisciplinary teams.
Although physical therapists and occupational therapists each have specific and complex
areas of expertise, they often work collaboratively and share many similar assumptions
regarding assessment and therapeutic practice. They use clinical judgment and
standardized measures to assess young children's motor and sensory developmental levels
and they are very concerned about the quality of movement processes. Because these
therapists often work in conjunction with hospital or pediatric settings, their collaboration
with medical personnel is usually great. However, they

Page 130
also have close interaction with the families of children with physical, motor, and sensory
problems. Their involvement on early intervention teams in educational settings provides
an important perspective. However, there are also some constraints on the roles they can
take in team assessment and intervention practice.
Questions for Discussion
1. On what aspects of development would a physical therapist be most likely to focus an
assessment for an infant with suspected cerebral palsy? How would that compare with
what an occupational therapist might observe in the same child?
2. What would a physical therapist suggest for family and professional team interventions
for a toddler who has gross motor delays and sensory processing disorganization? How
would that compare with what an occupational therapist might suggest?
Problems of Practice
Observe a diagnostic assessment being carried out by a team that includes a physical and
an occupational therapist. Note what instruments and clinical procedures each of them
uses in evaluating the young child's development. After the assessment is complete, ask
them to explain why they used the specific methods observed, especially in relation to the
particular child's potential problems. Sit in on the team meeting in which the therapists
express their views and tie their conclusions to the information you collected about the
assessment practices they followed.
Suggested Readings
Chandler, L. S. (1990). Neuromotor assessment. In E. D. Gibbs & D. M. Teti (Eds.),
Interdisciplinary assessment of infants (pp. 4562). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.
Smith, P. D. (1989). Assessing motor skills. In D. B. Bailey & M. Wolery (Eds.), Assessing
infants and preschoolers with handicaps (pp. 301338). New York: Merrill.

Page 131

Initial Assessment and IFSP for Dolly
GENDER, AGE, ETHNIC ORIGIN OF CHILD: Female, 10 months, Euro-American.
OCCASION OR PURPOSE OF DIALOGUE: Initial evaluation of Dolly; to develop the first IFSP. No early
intervention program has yet been recommended.
TEAM M EM BERS: A pediatrician, social worker, physical therapist, occupational therapist,
psychologist, early intervention specialist, the child's mother, and the maternal
SETTING: A hospital-affiliated clinical center for developmental disabilities.
Overview of the Case
Risk Conditions
Dolly was born 5 weeks prematurely, weighing 3 pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Neonatal
urine tested positive for cocaine and alcohol. A diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
(FAS) was made by the medical staff. Dolly required full ventilator assistance during her
first 3 weeks of life, but she was weaned to no assistance by her 6th week of life. She
required oxygen during sleep for an additional 3 months. She had Respiratory Distress
Syndrome (RDS) as a result of the premature development of her lungs. Dolly had
difficulty sucking and keeping food down while in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
(NICU), thus making her weight gain very poor. She was hospitalized until she was 9
weeks, having reached 5 pounds, 5 ounces in weight by that time.
Reason for Referral
Because of the diagnoses of RDS and FAS, Children's Services was contacted by the
hospital staff. Based on their social worker's evaluation of the case, the decision was
made to place Dolly in the grandparents' home when she was released from the hospital at
9 weeks. Dolly was enrolled in the hospital-based tracking program by the grandparents.
Monitoring of her developmental progress by hospital clinic staff and public health nurse

Page 132
home visitations was recommended. Since that time, the family has participated in the
tracking program services only sporadically. For example, Dolly has only recently had her
first health check-up and received the first of her immunizations at the well-child clinic
associated with the hospital. Referral for an assessment of developmental delay was based
on the clinic's report of Dolly's continuing poor development and low weight gain. At the
time of her discharge from the hospital, Dolly's mother was enrolled in drug abuse
counseling services. Although the mother attended the prescribed counseling sessions for
6 months, her attendance was sporadic after the first 2 months and she dropped out
completely a month ago. She was living with friends until that time, but has since
returned to her parents' home. Thus, she is now participating in Dolly's care.
Background Information
Dolly's mother is an unmarried parent, aged 18 at the time of Dolly's birth. She is an
admitted alcoholic who acknowledged drinking routinely on a daily basis and using
cocaine 2 or 3 times a week during her pregnancy. She states that she was unaware that
this would be harmful to her unborn child. She does agree that her nutritional intake was
probably poor during the pregnancy, although she does not really remember what she ate.
Until she was 7 months pregnant, she was able to hide the pregnancy from her parents by
wearing loose-fitting clothes and reducing her weight by eating very little. At 7 months,
her parents suspected the pregnancy and demanded she see a doctor and that is when she
began prenatal care. Although the parents urged her to give up the baby for adoption (she
wanted to keep the baby), they agreed to have Dolly placed with them until such time as
Dolly's mother was drug-free and capable of caring for Dolly.
Family Strengths and Needs
The mother's parents work outside the home and provide a relatively stable but low-
income environment. They have never been dependent on welfare. The grandparents are
concerned about Dolly's development and are willing to provide support and care until
their daughter is able to function on her own. They state that they are very concerned
about their daughter's drug dependency and support her efforts to overcome it. However,
the grandfather has a history of alcohol abuse, which is presently under control through
his participation in Alcoholics Anonymous. The child's mother asserts that she would like
to be a good mother for Dolly

Page 133
and would like to conquer her dependency on alcohol. She reports that she no longer
uses cocaine.
Family needs are primarily related to the daughter's inability, so far, to discontinue her
alcohol-dependent behavior. Her parents report that she has been involved with the
''wrong sort of kids," which resulted in her dropping out of high school in her senior
year. They feel frustrated in their attempts to help her. She has not returned to school and
does not have a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). Thus, the family needs now focus
on the child's mother being helped to overcome her alcohol dependency and gain the
ability to go back to school or to work and on gaining early intervention services that will
assist Dolly's development.
Sources of Assessment Information
Information from a series of medical tests (including an MRI) are available, along with
parental and grandparental interview data obtained during the initial disposition of the
case. Assessment measures used by the present team include home observation, physical
manipulation tests and clinical observations of Dolly's natural movements, family
interview, the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, the Receptive->Expressive Emergent
Language Scale (REEL), and the Developmental Profile II.
Social-Emotional Development
Dolly was very irritable at birth and remains irritable and extremely sensitive to new
stimuli, sleeping erratically and having difficulty comforting herself or being comforted.
This behavior has resulted in some disruption of the typical relationship of child and
caregivers, particularly because the family must face this irritability day and night. Dolly
still cries often, without reasons that are discernible to the caregivers, although she is
beginning to self-quiet and to quiet when picked up. She regarded faces at 2 1/2 months
and smiled spontaneously before 6 months. Although her present social play periods are
short, Dolly is beginning to smile and respond to turn-taking, even laughing during these
episodes, which are conducted primarily by the grandmother. Social-emotional
assessment measures, adjusted for prematurity, indicate that Dolly is approximately 3
months delayed overall, with some out-of-sequence and aberrant behaviors. For example,
even at 10 months she seems unusually fearful and timid, extremely sensitive to
stimulation, and noninitiating of activity. Her behaviors in interaction with mother and
grandparents (e.g., her preferences for comforting) indicate that her attachment to the
grandmother is more secure than to the mother, which is not surprising

Page 134
since the mother has not been living in the home until recently. The mother is presently
the caregiver when the grandparents are at work. Dolly's self-help skills and social
functioning are at the 5- to 6-month level on the Developmental Profile.
Physical-Motor and Sensory-Perceptual Development.
Dolly is still very small for her gestational age; she is in the lowest quadrant of weight for
her size and age. Her physical coordination is also delayed. She can pick up her head
while prone and immediately rolls over on her back by extending her head. She does not
roll from her back to stomach or to either side. In supported sitting, Dolly is beginning to
gain head control and can hold her head for 15 to 30 seconds to look at a face or object.
She still has newborn reflexes, including the grasp, rooting, and asymmetrical tonic neck
reflexes. She moves her hands away from any tactile stimulation and keeps hands fisted.
She cannot yet voluntarily hold an object in either hand. Coordination of respiratory
functioning and oral functioning is poor, causing difficulties in feeding. Her physical
developmental age on the Developmental Profile was 2 to 3 months. Her hearing and
vision appear to be within normal limits, although neither has been tested by specialists.
On the Bayley Motor Scale, Dolly's Psychomotor Development Index Score, adjusted for
prematurity, was below 50 and her Behavior Rating for Motor Quality was not optimal.
Cognitive-Language Development
Dolly reacts by looking for sources of sound and shows interest in the various sounds of
objects. She moves her arm when a rattle is placed in her hand. She watches people move
across the room and stares at the television for short periods. However, if the volume on
the television is high, she cries. The grandparents report that there are differences in her
cries and that they can tell if she is hungry, tired, or frustrated. She also is beginning to
vocalize her wish to continue social play. However, she gives no other indications of
communicative intent. According to the Developmental Profile II, she is functioning at
the newborn (0- to 6-month) level on both the academic and the communication scales.
Her Bayley Mental Development Index Score, adjusted for prematurity, is 56. Her raw
score is 53, which is congruent approximately with a 6-month level of development,
adjusted for prematurity. Her Behavior Rating on both orientation-engagement and
emotional-regulation is non-optimal. On the REEL, Dolly's receptive language was at the
4- to 5-month level, her expressive language at the 2- to 3-month level, adjusted for

Page 135

The Team Dialogue

This is an initial evaluation to determine eligibility for services and thus most team
members had not observed the child until they conducted this assessment. The social
worker has been working with the family as case manager. The pediatrician from the
hospital clinic, who is familiar with Dolly's medical history, is the team leader for the
PEDIATRICIAN: As background, let me review the initial medical report on Dolly. Her birth
was 5 weeks premature and she was under 3 1/2 pounds in weight. Based on neonatal
testing, a diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome was made. Her MRI supports this
diagnosis, showing asymmetrical brain tissue development and a small brain size. She has
decreased brain matter mostly throughout the cortex and cerebellum. Her ventricles are
enlarged due to decreased brain matter, not hydrocephalus. (Ventricles are fluid-filled
cavities inside the brain where cerebral-spinal fluid is produced.) After the initial alcohol
and cocaine withdrawal, Dolly progressed relatively well. She is completely off
supplemental oxygen and, although her RDS continues to cause increased secretions in
her lungs, she seems to be handling them all right on her own. She no longer requires
suctioning, and all other medical tests are within normal limits. However, Dolly has a
fairly pronounced developmental delay according to our observations. I strongly
recommend that an early intervention program be provided for Dolly. (To mother and
grandparents) The early interventionist is trained in enhancing development in young
children with delays and I understand the county has a free program that would enable
the early interventionist to come to your home on a weekly basis.
GRANDPARENTS: That sounds good. We could certainly use some help. (To daughter) What do you
think, Mira?
MOTHER: Do they let you know when they're coming or do they just drop in?
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : We schedule a regular time for our visit and we try to bring toys and do play
activities that will help Dolly develop her skills.
MOTHER: I guess that it would be okay. We could use some ideas to help her be a good baby. She
really is hard to take sometimes.
PEDIATRICIAN: Can the team members give us some information about Dolly's present developmental
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : Based on my initial assessment, I'd say Dolly has generalized hypertonia
(exceptionally high tension in muscles) throughout her body. She exhibits all her newborn reflexes,
which makes purposeful movement difficult. She has limited extensibility (range of motion), and her
posture is too tightly flexed and asymmetrical. (To pediatrician) There

Page 136
are a number of methods that could be recommended for dealing with Dolly's hypertonia. What
do you think about muscle relaxants to help reduce some of this tone?
PEDIATRICIAN: I don't think so. I prefer not to medicate her with any muscle relaxants because it might
interfere with her breathing function. I would rather wait until her RDS improved.
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : I understand. The best plan would be to have her enroll in the hospital clinic
program so that the treatment methods can be carefully chosen and closely monitored. I recommend
that Dolly get physical therapy on a regular weekly basis at the clinic. (To grandparents) How have
you been dealing with Dolly's movement difficulties until now? Have you observed that she does
better when you hold her in certain ways?
GRANDM OTHER: She's hard to hold at all because she is so tense. That's part of the reason it's hard to
comfort her.
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : One advantage of having her in the physical therapy program is that you will be
able to learn some positioning techniques that will help break up Dolly's reflexive movements and
thus make her easier to handle. The therapist will also give you ideas to use at home that will help
Dolly have a greater range of motion so she can play better. The physician and therapist may also
recommend some equipment that will help you continue the therapy methods of the hospital clinic at
GRANDM OTHER: What equipment will we need?
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : The therapists will decide that after Dolly begins the program. We can then order
the prescribed equipment through our OT/PT department here at the hospital.
SOCIAL WORKER: (To grandparents) Can you drive her to therapy? Do you have health insurance to
pay for it?
GRANDM OTHER: I could probably drive her there if the appointments could be in late afternoon. We
have insurance, but Mira isn't covered under our policy. We just finished paying for her delivery
bill. We can't afford to pay for Dolly's medical expenses. They are over 200,000 dollars already.
We can never pay that much. We'll never make that kind of money in our lifetime.
SOCIAL WORKER: We're trying to get a medical card for Dolly. The application has been submitted.
We're also working with the hospital to see if we can get some of Dolly's bills reduced. There are
several agencies that help out in situations like this.
GRANDFATHER: We've never accepted charity in our lives, but I guess we'll have to because we have
no other way of paying this debt.
PEDIATRICIAN: What about Dolly's development in other areas?
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : I'm concerned about Dolly's sensitivity to touch.

Page 137
Her hands seem especially sensitive. I would like to see her receive weekly OT sessions to
address this tactile sensitivity. Also, she is having some problems with oral functioning,
especially in coordinating her feeding and breathing movements. She needs to improve her poor
feeding skills. She seems to be doing okay on the bottle, but it is time to move onto stage one
baby food and I know she has been having difficulty with this. I recommend that Dolly be
evaluated by the hospital's feeding team to assess her feeding capabilities. (To grandparents)
They will be able to give you suggestions to help her learn these skills.
GRANDFATHER: A whole team just to work on her eating? Will that cost more?
SOCIAL WORKER: Yes, but it could be included in the services that are paid for by Medicare.
PEDIATRICIAN: How are Dolly's communication and skill learning progressing?
PSYCHOLOGIST : Her main way of communicating is still through crying, but she is beginning to
vocalize when she is being played with. Her cognitive development is progressing very slowly. She
can show visual preferences, follow moving objects, and play with a rattle, but she isn't yet
reaching for toys or looking for fallen objects. Her skills seem to be scattered. For example, she
does smile when she sees her image in a mirror and is beginning to imitate sounds. (To family) I
think that the early interventionist could show you some ways to play with her that would help her
gain more language skills.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : (To family) We could have that be one of our first objectives. I can help you
learn how to do that when I visit. (To grandparents) I understand that your daughter is now living
with you and Dolly. How is that going?
GRANDFATHER: Not too well. Mira won't take much responsibility for Dolly. She always wants to be
with her friends. She thinks life is one big party.
MOTHER: I do not! I've been taking care of Dolly all day when you're not home. I need to get out
sometimes in the evening. I can't stand to be cooped up all the time. I really need my own apartment.
I can't stay with my friends and I don't want to stay with my parents. If I had my own apartment, I
could take care of Dolly and be a better mother. I'd really like to have my own apartment.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : Besides having your own apartment, what other kind of help do you need to be
a better mother?
GRANDPARENTS: She needs to stop drinking! (They comment simultaneously with mother's next
MOTHER: I don't know.
SOCIAL WORKER: (To mother) Do you think your drinking problem is getting in the way of your caring
for Dolly?
MOTHER: I don't really think it's much of a problem now. I only drink when I go out with my friends.
Dad won't allow booze in the house.

Page 138
SOCIAL WORKER: (To mother) Perhaps you should think about getting rid of your alcohol dependency
problem for good. I can investigate a treatment program for you. Certainly you would need to
conquer your drug problem before you could get an apartment of your own and be able to have
Dolly with you. There are residential programs that have you stay for the treatment period and ones
that you just go to on a day-to-day basis. Would you prefer to have an outpatient program or to be in
a residential unit?
MOTHER: If I tried to do it, I'd need to get away. My friends really enjoy drinking so when I'm with
them I want to do it. The counseling I had just didn't cut it. Especially because I was staying with
my friends then. But, I don't know if I want to be put in such a place. It sounds like a jail.
PEDIATRICIAN: I understand there is a new residential treatment center that incorporates both the drug
treatment program and classes toward a GED. It's about 45 minutes from the hospital and is really a
pleasant environment. If you do well there, I think they might even let you have your baby with you
later on. What do you think of that?
MOTHER: Maybe they won't have room for me. I don't know yet if I want to try it. I know I do want to
get my own place, though.
SOCIAL WORKER: (To grandparents) If Mira were accepted into this program, would you be able to
find care for Dolly during the day and to take care of her yourself at night?
GRANDM OTHER: We could try. We had a sitter part of the time and took Dolly to our other daughter's
house the rest of the time when Mira wasn't living at home. I guess we can do that again. We'll do
just about anything to see that Mira gets the help she needs. We could use some suggestions for
somebody to take care of the baby though. We can't keep asking Joan (other daughter) to do it.
EARLY INTERVENTIONIST : I think I could give you some ideas about finding other caregivers. We usually
have that type of information available at our office.
SOCIAL WORKER: She may also qualify for some home nursing care. I'll check into that, too.
PEDIATRICIAN: Well, I think we have made some progress here. It seems we have identified a number
of recommendations and objectives and are ready to do the IFSP.

Dolly will be enrolled in an early intervention home visitor program, and activities related
to furthering her cognitive, language, motor, and social development will be initiated by
the early interventionist. The

Page 139
medical-financial resources will be investigated, and a medical card application will be
initiated. Once the card has been obtained, Dolly will begin weekly OT and PT treatment,
the hospital feeding team will evaluate her feeding skills, and the therapy equipment
needed for the home will be ordered when it is prescribed. The social worker will give
Dolly's mother more information about the residential drug treatment program and, if she
decides to enter it, will assist her in enrolling. If the mother's drug dependency problem is
overcome, planning for eventual placement of Dolly with her mother and the movement
of her mother to an apartment will begin. Dolly's developmental progress will be
monitored by the early intervention program in which she is enrolled.
Questions for Discussion
1. What are the biological risk factors and the environmental risk factors in this case?
What predictions can be made about the child's long-term development if the
environmental risk factors continue to be evident and if the recommended PT and OT
therapy cannot be obtained?
2. How did the presence of the family members add to the knowledge-base needed to
make effective recommendations?
3. What is the likelihood that the family understood the professional's comments on the
child's developmental status? Should these have been made clearer or is it not necessary
for the family to understand all the details? Did the OT and PT give the right amount of
information for the family to absorb at the present time?
4. What are the delivery system factors that must fall into place in order for the team
recommendations to be carried out? How may the mother's motivational and the family's
interpersonal problems affect the success of the plan?
5. How can the complexity of problems this family faces be addressed in the long term?
Are broader interventions needed than those that can be met through early intervention
services? If so, what are they?

Page 140

Chapter 6
Speech Pathology and Audiology Assessment Perspectives
Doris Bergen
Kathleen Hutchinson
Elizabeth Johnston
Language delay is a commonly identified problem among at-risk young children.
However, hearing loss often remains unidentified because poor language production or
comprehension and auditory inattention problems may be attributed to other established,
biological, or environmental risk conditions. For example, disturbing reports persist of
typically intelligent, hearing-impaired persons found after years of placement in programs
for the mentally impaired.
Speech pathologists and audiologists are usually part of a team of early intervention
specialists who deal with speech and hearing-impaired children. These professionals need
knowledge of normal and disordered speech and hearing abilities and a wide range of
clinical experiences before being permitted to practice. Standards for educational and
professional practice have been established by the American Speech-Language and
Hearing Association (ASHA). ASHA recommends, and most states maintain, that speech
pathologists and audiologists should obtain an undergraduate degree in both disciplines
and an advanced degree at the master's or doctoral level. Students are also required to
obtain several hundred hours of practice in each specialty to receive ASHA certification
and state licensure.
Underlying Assumptions
There are four major assumptions on which assessment and intervention in the disciplines
of speech therapy and audiology are based. First, the

Page 141
recognition that normal hearing plays a major role in the development of language
production and comprehension and that distortions or loss of hearing can result in
numerous types of developmental delay. One of the etiologies that accounts for most
language disorders in young children is hearing-impairment based. There are two primary
types of childhood hearing impairment:
1. Pervasive middle-ear syndrome is a chronic infection that can render the child hearing-
impaired during the first few years of life, often without the family recognizing the
problem. Even if it results in no long-term hearing loss, the child will have missed
cognitive information, language models, and family interaction opportunities that may
result in language delay and delays in general cognition, social skills, and pragmatic
2. Sensorineural hearing impairment prevents the child from receiving all or most of the
language input available to children with normal hear-ing. These children must be
diagnosed as early as possible so that hearing augmentation can be provided, if
There are a number of factors influencing how detrimental the effects of hearing loss will
be, such as age of onset, severity of the loss, range of sound frequencies lost, and
presence or absence of other disabilities. Hearing impairment is a broad classification
from mild to profound. The greater the hearing loss, the more difficult it will be for the
child to acquire vocally produced language. While children with mild losses are only
likely to be language delayed, those with severe and profound losses may fail to acquire
language without hearing amplification and may display disorders of articulation, voice,
and rhythm in their speech. Figure 6.1 describes the categories of sound loss and the
likely effects on language and cognition.
Children who acquire language before the onset of a hearing loss have a better prognosis
than those who experience the loss earlier. The infant or toddler who receives early
assessment and intervention will fare better because of early use of visual, manual, and
auditory enhancements. Although reduced hearing for speech sounds and delayed
expressive language skills are clearly the most obvious results of hearing loss, they may
also lead to other communicative and cognitive impairments. The cognitive potential of
hearing-impaired children is no different from that of normally hearing peers; however,
they score less well on tasks requiring rule learning, logical operations, and sequential
memory. Most studies show no differences on tasks requiring only visual skills (Holm &
Kunze, 1969). While thinking processes may be affected by language learning problems,
often these children's thinking may be more limited by their being given less exposure to
the stimulating experiences from which most children learn.
A second assumption is that numerous other variables besides hearing impairment can
influence language acquisition and development. In

Page 142
Mild Hearing Loss (1530 dB HTL)
Vowel sounds are clear, except for voiceless consonants
such as "s" (lost may be heard as loss).
Hearing of short unstressed words and less intense
speech sounds are inconsistently perceived.
Moderate Hearing Loss (3050 dB HTL)
Most speech sounds at conversational levels are lost, but
with amplification can be heard.
Sounds of low energy and high frequency, such as
fricatives, may be distorted or missing (stroke may be
heard as soak).
Short unstressed words are not heard.
Difficulty learning abstract concepts, multiple word
meanings, and development of object classes.
Severe Hearing Loss (5570 dB HTL)
Only loud environmental sounds and intense speech at
close range can be heard.
Language does not develop without amplification.
Vowel sounds and consonant group differences can be
heard with amplification.
Development of grammar rules and abstract meanings is
delayed or missing.
Profound Hearing Loss (7590 dB HTL)
Not even intense speech sound can be heard without
Hearing does not have a major role in language
acquisition, without amplification.

Figure 6.1
Categories of Sound Loss and Effects On Language And Ognition
working with young children who are having problems in effective communication, the
clinician or team of professionals must consider a wide variety of other variables, some
of which are more specific to certain types of disabilities or at-risk conditions, and must
analyze the interactions between these variables. They include the following:
1. Cognitive-developmental delay is usually accompanied by language delay. It appears
that language can develop no faster than the cognition that supports it.
2. Physiological-neurological problems, such as cleft palate, specific developmental
childhood aphasia or apraxia, or pervasive communication disorder (i.e., autism) affects
language acquisition in ways that are

Page 143
specific to the disability. For neurologically impaired children, language problems are
magnified by inability to organize and access cognitive processes needed for effective
3. Social-emotional problems may be the basis for many language disorders. Social-
emotional problems may make children less motivated to use language and less able to
access communication systems. Their language is likely to have more characteristics of
language deviance than delay.
4. Environmental conditions may also affect language acquisition. For example, family
communication patterns may provide limited language stimulation, and various cultural
groups may give models of different or mixed linguistic systems. Conditions of abuse or
neglect are often accompanied by delays in language acquisition, perhaps because the
caregiver-child interaction is disrupted. Although it is often difficult to specify the
relationship between language delay and environmental risk, language delays are
commonly reported in these children.
A very important third assumption for assessment and intervention is that, because the
development of language follows a universal pattern and sequence, language acquisition
in young children who are at risk can be described, evaluated in relation to these
universals, and assisted through planned intervention strategies.
Language is composed of a set of arbitrary symbols, systematic in nature and mutually
agreed on by a speech community as its means of transmitting experience. Study of
language acquisition has identified the presence of a number of language
universalselements so basic that they must be present for a language to exist (Berko-
Gleason, 1985). Cultural and language backgrounds determine the language children
acquire. If they have learned the sound (phonemic) system, the set of structural rules
(syntax and morphology), the vocabulary and its meaning relationships (semantics), and
the conventions of speech (pragmatics) of their language family, they can communicate
effectively in that society. This is a difficult task, but very young children seem well
attuned to it and appear to accomplish it effortlessly.
Children learn language primarily through interaction with caregivers, who typically use
an interaction pattern called ''caregiver talk" or "motherese" (Nelson, 1993; Nelson, 1985;
Owens, 1988). This interactive process provides infants with important early
interpersonal experiences, and teaches social communication rules (pragmatics), such as
vocal and verbal turn-taking, eye contact, and joint reference. It also teaches how to
interpret words in meaningful relationships (semantics), how to use accepted word order
(syntax), the use of word affixes (morphology), and the sounds used in a particular
language (phonemics).

Page 144
Two types of problem occur when language acquisition is not proceeding normally: delay
and deviance. Language delay occurs when aspects of language are developing in normal
order, but are significantly later than the norm. For example, a child with cognitive delay
may have the language patterns of a younger child. Language deviance is seen when a
profile has some aspects very delayed and some average or advanced, thus producing a
disordered effect. For example, a child with developmental childhood aphasia may have
language that is disorganized and expressed in a way that cannot be understood. It is
important to recognize that language delay can become language deviance when specific
areas remain delayed while others advance. Communication problems may generate
social and emotional problems that complicate the original language problem.
A fourth assumption on which intervention is based is that the development of early
language is vital to later school success. Young children who have no oral language
capability are at risk for developmental delay in academic content learning. Bess and
McConnell (1981) indicate that if the onset of hearing loss occurs after oral language has
been achieved, children are more successful in inclusion programs. However, they also
found that factors of speech intelligibility and high socioeconomic status were associated
with great inclusion success. There is predictive evidence of relationships between
language problems in the 3- to 5-year range and problems in later reading and writing
(Cooper & Griffith, 1978; Lahey, 1988). Because success in school is cumulative, it is
axiomatic that language problems contribute to problems in reading, writing, and other
academic areas. Moreover, lack of ability to use pragmatic rules affects general
communicative competence and social skills. Thus, improving language skills is an
important goal in the education of hearing-impaired children (Scholdroth, 1988).
Methods of Assessment
The importance of hearing to language comprehension and production suggests that
assessment of hearing should be conducted at an early age. By toddler age, speech and
language evaluation should also be conducted, if delay in understanding or producing
speech is evident.
Audiologic Evaluation
When parents observe a lack of response to sound in their infant or toddler, they usually
are referred to an otologist, a physician who specializes in measurement and treatment of
ear disease. The physician usually refers

Page 145
to an audiologist, who is trained to evaluate the degree of loss, speech components
involved, and type of hearing impairment, for an audiologic evaluation.
In order to understand hearing assessment, some knowledge of the basic elements of the
acoustic spectrum is essential. Hearing is the result of sound vibrations that reach the ear
as air particles adjacent to the vibrating source become displaced and propel waves of
disturbance in the surrounding air. These sound waves of pressure are distinguished by
the number of vibrations each second (the frequency, measured in hertz [Hz]) and the
force of the sound wave (the intensity, measured in decibels (dB)). Speech sounds have a
combination of frequencies between 50 and 4,000 Hz and intensities between 30 and 80
dB. Examples of sound pressure levels are shown in Figure 6.2.
Most speech sounds are complex events made up of multiple frequencies with
accompanying resonances. The intensity of a voice varies with the amount of air pressure
exhaled and speech sound wave form varies with the speaker's individual characteristics,
dialect, gender, stress pattern, and the context. Definitions of these speech elements are
described in Figure 6.3.
The criterion used to define normal hearing has typically been the lowest decibel (dB)
level perceptible to the listener across a range of frequencies, measured in hertz (Hz). This
lowest sound intensity necessary to stimulate the auditory system is the Hearing Threshold
Level (HTL) (Martin, 1986). Classification of normal hearing is traditionally based on the
HTL average across different frequencies that comprise speech sounds. Hearing
thresholds of 25 dB HTL or less, which is equivalent to a softly dripping water faucet, is
the standard of normal hearing (American Academy of Otolaryngology [AAO], 1979).
Hearing impairment is defined as a loss within the range of 15 to 85 dB HTL, and
profound loss (deafness) is a loss greater than 90 dB HTL. However, recent evidence indi-
Decibel Stimulus
20 Forest
30 Whisper
60 Conversation
80 Average street traffic

Figure 6.2
Examples Of Different Sound Pressure Levels

Page 146
Produced by flow of air from the lungs causing the vocal
chords to vibrate ("u" as in cup). All vowels are voiced
Voiceless Produced by flow of air without vibration of the vocal
sounds chords ("p" as in pit; 'T' as in fun).
Consonants produced by rapid changes in pressure
Fricativesconstricted through air passage cavities. They come in
voiced or unvoiced pairs ("z," "s").
Consonants produced by brief obstructing of vocal track so
Plosives sound comes in quick bursts. They are also paired ("p,"
Voiced consonants in which sound passes through the nose

Figure 6.3
Definitions Of Speech Elements
cates that a loss at even the 20 dB HTL may interfere with normal language acquisition
(Northern & Downs, 1984).
To assess basic hearing capabilities a specialized electronic instrument called an
audiometer, which produces calibrated tones at several frequencies (Hz) at precise
intensity levels (dB), is used. The frequency and intensity parameters and the audiometric
threshold methods are defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI,
The most common audiometric test is done with pure tones from single, specified
frequencies, presented separately using earphones (or for infants, in a sound field with
loudspeakers) at several frequencies. Each ear is tested separately, and responses are
recorded on a graph called a audiogram. Appendix A shows an audiogram, with the
numbers across the top denoting frequencies (Hz) tested, and the numbers on the vertical
showing intensity levels (dB).
The use of noisemakers and sound field tonal signals has been a traditional initial
observational tool for young children. The tonal stimulus is presented through a
loudspeaker in a soundproof room. In a sound field, visual reinforcement is often used to
maintain attention. Light-rigged toys on or near the loudspeaker are first flashed on
simultaneously with the presentation of the tonal signal. This initially brings the child's
attention to the loudspeaker. After the training period, the tonal stimulus and child's
response precede the reinforcement of the flashing toy. The lowest levels of auditory
reactions are termed "minimal response levels." Signal pre-

Page 147
sentations for a hearing-impaired child may seem quite loud to an observer with normal
A pure tone threshold does not necessarily indicate how well the child understands
speech and distinguishes between speech sounds. The audiologist administers speech tests
to estimate this. A common speech audiometry test requires the child to repeat single-
syllable words, such as "bear" or "neck," or to point to pictures of such words. This word
identification test is given at a comfortable loudness level through the earphone or
loudspeaker. The percentage of presented words correctly identified is the speech
discrimination score. The test provides knowledge of the degree of difficulty
understanding speech, which speech sounds are perceived or distorted, and which part of
the ear is disordered. Children who hear speech but do not understand words usually
have a loss in the cochlea or auditory nerve (sensorineural).
For various middle-ear disorders, immittance audiometry provides an accurate and easy
method by comparing the sound pressure level (SPL) flowing in the ear canal with the
amount reflected back from the eardrum. A high amount of reflected sound is measured
when a disorder causes the eardrum to be stiffer than normal. Immittance audiometry is
valuable for detecting middle-ear disease that may not otherwise be observed, especially
in children without symptoms of hearing loss. Otitis media, a common childhood disease
and a frequent cause of hearing loss and language delay, can be identified by this method.
This test uses a physiologic response and requires no response cooperation from the
If a hearing impairment is discerned, an amplification assessment is made. The hearing
aid is chosen with the child's environment in mind. For example, if the child is in an early
intervention program classroom, the aid should accommodate that environment. After
purchase of the hearing aid, there should be an electroacoustic analysis and behavioral
measurement of the aid and the classroom amplification system.
The behavioral evaluation of a hearing aid or classroom amplification system provides
the most valuable information for estimating the benefit of the device. It enables the
audiologist to determine the best aid for auditory threshold improvement, speech
awareness, and word discrimination. The evaluation compares unaided and aided tonal
responses in the sound field with the child's ability to be aware of and understand speech
with and without the hearing aid. Informal methods can also be used, such as having the
child follow simple commands, point to familiar toys, or indicate the presence of sounds
in the Five-Sound Test (Ling, 1976). The five sounds (ah, i, oo, s, sh) represent a range of
low- and high-frequency speech components.
Tremendous insight into hearing and speech behaviors can be obtained from parents,
through a medical history that records probable

Page 148
onset and degree of loss, and from parent behavioral observation reports. Care should be
taken, however, in interpreting parent answers. Because parents provide facial
expressions and visual cues to enhance communication, and hearing-impaired children
respond to these cues, parents may mistakenly believe that the child is hearing. They may
also be able to interpret the child's speech even though voice quality and articulation are
distorted. All of the described procedures may be needed to get a complete picture of the
child's hearing over time; thus, parents should know that the pediatric hearing test is a
continuous, age-dependent activity, and that, as the child matures, more accurate
measures can be gained.
Problems of testing include those common to assessing all young children. Although
noise makers, such as squeeze toys, are used in some evaluations, the lack of frequency
and intensity control limits this technique. Audiologists can make frequency spectrum
tests to define these components. Too often, children with hearing impairments exhibit
inconsistent auditory responses in the structured testing settings. Establishing a
comfortable relationship with parents can help the child relax and cooperate. In testing,
behavioral responses to auditory signals must be time-locked to the stimulus presentation.
Limitations of behavioral observations include young children's rapid habituation of
response, a lack of consistency in determining which behaviors constitute an acceptable
response, and subjective decisions by audiologists as to whether the response was made.
Speech-Language Evaluation
Speech-language evaluation is conducted using interview and observational methods,
along with standardized tests. Measures of language production and comprehension are
based on observing the child's performance in four areas that are all essential for effective
communication: the child's presentation mode, language structure, ability to convey and
gain meaning from speech, and ability to use social communication rules.
All languages have a presentation mode, which typically takes the form of orally
produced sounds (speech) and, later, writing. However, individuals with disabilities may
also use presentation modes of gestures, sign language, or augmented means of
communication, such as computer-assisted speech. All languages have structure, which
determines appropriate word order (syntax) and word endings (morphology) and all have
meaning, the formal semantic elements, which include vocabulary, linguistic concepts,
and meanings that exist between words in various semantic relationships. Communicative
competence also requires the ability to use social communication rules (pragmatics) that
make the lan-

Page 149
guage understood by others in the way the speaker intended. These context-specific
verbal and nonverbal linguistic interactions provide signals that help speaker and listener
understand each other (Johnston & Johnston, 1984).
The most useful speech-language diagnostic information should be comprehensive in
scope, derived from more than one type of measure, and include input from parents and
from other professionals. In addition to having a measure of hearing, it should address
the oral peripheral mechanism (i.e., bone and soft-tissue structures) needed for speech
production, an inventory of the sounds the child produces, an estimate of the child's mean
length of utterance (MLU), and a sample of the words and sentences the child produces. It
should also include comparisons with cognitive development and with play development.
With the young child, the information base usually comes from reports of parents. Parent
report scales, such as the Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Scale (REEL-2)
(Bzoch & League, 1991), are often used. This scale scores observations in receptive and
expressive categories and yields language age and quotient scores of receptive language
age (RLA), expressive language age (ELA), and combined language age (CLA). Another
parent report scale is the Rossetti Language Communication Scales (Rossetti, 1990).
Comprehensive criterion-referenced measures, such as the Hawaii Early Learning Profile
(HELP) (Furuno et al., 1988) also include language assessment sections. Both the HELP
and the Rossetti scales combine parent report with clinician observation of spontaneous
and elicited behavior. Many less formal, clinician-generated parent report scales are also
used (Raver, 1991).
While parent report measures provide a base for clinician elicited observations, there are
few standardized tests for infants and toddlers. The Preschool Language Scale-3 (PLS-3)
(Zimmerman, Steiner, & Pond, 1992) yields normative data for children as young as 2
weeks; it is in general use among speech-language pathologists. The parent reports and
standardized tests are described further in Appendix B. Many psychometric tests also
include language evaluations (e.g., Denver, Bayley).
The paucity of standardized language tests for very young children is probably desirable,
given the nature of young children's language. There are so many variables and so few
absolutes or commonalities, even in the language of children considered to be developing
normally, that standardized norms are unreliable. Thus, the clinician or team must gather
data from a variety of sources, including the spontaneous language of the child in
interaction with parent, team members, and peers.
Clinical observations of parent-child language interaction are employed when the child
refuses to respond in a customary fashion to clinician or team members. It is also used
when the parent-child inter-

Page 150
action dimension is judged important to analyze. This information can lead to intervention
suggestions that help parents and caregivers elicit child language and respond more
appropriately to language attempts.
Spontaneous language of the child can also be measured by recording all the child's free
conversation that can be elicited in a 10- to 15-minute play setting with trusted adults or
peers. (This can be modified for very young children.) The clinician places great
importance on analysis of spontaneous language because it is an indicator of the natural
conversational language the child exhibits in a familiar context. There are numerous ways
of analyzing this expressive language, including analysis of phonemes, syntax, semantics,
and pragmatics. Mean length of utterance (MLU) is often calculated (Brown, 1973). The
MLU estimates the number of meaningful elements in child sentences.
In typically developing children it is assumed that all developmental systems are at mental
age level. Thus measurement of cognitive and play capabilities, which are closely tied to
language, are also useful. The Westby Play Scaling System (Westby, 1980) enables
clinicians to assess children's developmental level across cognitive and play areas as well
as language. This scale does not provide scores, norms, or other statistics, but it does
provide a baseline for comparing these three dimensions. It is described further in
Appendix B. When children's language is below their cognitive and play development, the
implication of specific language disorder is clear. On the other hand, the presence of
depressed play in comparison to language and cognition signals the possibility of a social
or emotional disorder. Children typically do not have either language or play behavior
levels more advanced than their level of cognition.
There are a number of factors that make accurate assessment and identification of
language problems difficult. One of the most obvious is that young children's language
reactions in strange testing situations may not accurately portray their abilities. Another is
that parent report measures may include parents' idiosyncratic interpretations of the
questions, inability to recall accurate information, or desire to portray their child and
themselves in an ideal manner. Hence, it is important to obtain multiple measures of
language competence when assessing very young children.
Information Exchange with Families and Referral Agencies
It is often the speech pathologist or audiologist who must inform parents that they have a
hearing-impaired or language-delayed child. It is best to

Page 151
have had parents observe the child's responses in the evaluation situation so that they can
see for themselves that the child does not hear or speak typically. Good practice requires
that parents are told what the test battery will entail, that results of initial tests be conveyed
to parents, and that the complete diagnostic plan be explained. The conclusion of the
discussion should synthesize the finding for parents and aid them in obtaining referral
Parent Support and Education
Although parents may have had a strong suspicion of a problem, verification of their
fears may still be very difficult for them to accept. However, attempts to minimize the
actual problem are harmful to the acceptance of the reality of the situation. A sympathetic
attitude and understanding of parents' feelings of anger and loss will help. Parents usually
want to find out everything regarding present and future functioning of the child;
however, clinicians must be prudent about the level of detail they provide and how firmly
they state their prognosis for progress. It is important to convey that parents have a
positive role to play and that no one can predict what a child can attain with appropriate
Suggesting Interventions
From the initial diagnosis, a plan for intervention is made with the parents (Gargiulo,
1985). Often the diagnostic and referral process includes assembling a team with expertise
to plan for the child's needs. If further referrals are needed, parents are informed and
assistance provided. If the child is not placed in an early intervention program, a schedule
for monitoring development and a plan for follow-up assessment should be developed.
There are a number of interventions to which referral may be made. Individual therapy,
which is most appropriately used in combination with a group experience, is sometimes
suggested. More often, language group therapy, which enrolls children for 6 to 8 hours
per week and is modeled after typical language-rich early childhood programs, is a
preferred model. Clinicians interact in the setting, planning and manipulating the
curriculum for the specific needs of the children. If a language disorder is the only
common element, the child-child interaction provides models of many other forms of
desirable behavior (Johnston & Johnston, 1984).
Another widely used intervention is placement in one of the early intervention classrooms
provided under the mandate of P.L. 99-457. This is a highly effective model, in which the
speech pathologist works with children in collaboration with the early intervention
teacher, using therapy materials that are part of the typical materials of the classroom.

Page 152
classrooms may have other children who are not language delayed or disordered, and
thus peer language models are available.
Children often attend one of these group programs and also attend an inclusion program
primarily composed of children who are typically developing. A great advantage of the
inclusion setting is that a wide range of rich language models are provided by the typically
developing children. Usually, consultation with the teacher is provided by the speech
Another type of intervention is an intensive short-term program during summer vacation
or on some other special basis. These programs have a limited focus, but can provide
specific language interventions (Leighty-Troester, Doubledee, Deakin, and Ruder, 1981).
Finally, intervention may be in the form of mother-infant dyad repair (Johnston, 1992),
which combines ongoing diagnostic work with intervention. In this approach, the
clinician interacts with mother and child, providing diagnostic insights and modeling
appropriate interactions, planning activities with the parent, and evaluating and giving
ongoing feedback. Over time, parent and child learn new ways of interacting, and thus
the parent-child relationship is strengthened.
Reporting to Professionals
Audiologists and speech pathologists provide written reports to other professionals.
However, speech pathologists are more often on-site members of early intervention
teams, and thus they usually engage in ongoing dialogue with other team members and
gain diagnostic information from the arena assessment or other team assessments. They
also engage in role sharing by participating in the early intervention classroom and by
suggesting techniques to be used by the classroom teacher. The audiologist usually serves
in a consulting role to provide suggestions, rather than as a member of the on-site team.
More involvement of audiologists on teams could have benefits, especially for children
who may have hearing loss but whose language or behavior problems were not initially
identified as hearing-related.
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model
In the past, when young children were identified as having hearing or language problems,
the family was asked to purchase services from a variety of professionals: pediatrician,
otologist, audiologist, and speech-language pathologist. Although decisions made by these
individual professionals might have been in the best interest of the child, the decisions
might not

Page 153
have been consistent with each other, thus disrupting the coherence of the intervention
and burdening and confusing the family (Able-Boon, Sandall, Stevens, & Frederick,
Traditionally, the approach to delivering service focused on identifying and remediating
the child's deficits, while ''educating" the parent and child. Current approaches focus on
developing systems that recognize parents and professionals as equal partners, with
clinician and parent working together to determine goals and activities for the child.
These changes reinforce the focus on family intervention, which emphasizes the
enhancement of the whole child within the context of the family.
Scharfenaker, Snelling, and Ferrer-Vincent (1987) recommend that a multidisciplinary
team of clinic personnel assess, treat, and manage hearing and language delayed or
disordered young children. In many states the services established by P.L. 99-457 are
accessed through a mental health board or other agency that offers identification and
remediation assistance by a team of providers. The early intervention unit provides the
collaborative forum that results in the development of the IFSP.
A great strength of a transdisciplinary team approach is that a better assessment of the
child's potential may be gained from analysis of the observations of a number of
professionals, and the intervention plan may be more integrated and congruent with
family and professional intervention goals. Also, this team cooperation enables many
language-based intervention strategies to be incorporated into the ongoing classroom
The primary weakness of transdisciplinary assessment (as compared to interdisciplinary
assessment) from the perspective of audiologists and speech pathologists is that, because
the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) regulates and provides
clear guidelines about who can perform services and which services can be provided,
there are limitations to what other team members can do. This problem is one that a
number of licensed or certified professions face when they are asked to release aspects of
their assessment and intervention role to other team members. Thus, the transdisciplinary
team model of selecting one team member to do the overall assessment is not usually
It is difficult to give other team members sufficient information to understand the fine
points of speech-language and audiologic work. If they are not adequately trained, there
is a great possibility that they could miss or misinterpret important observations and fail
to find the factors contributing to the problem. They could even do harm by
contraindicated management. Therefore, it is essential in transdisciplinary teamwork that
the speech-language and audiologic specialists be active in the assessment process, in the
interpretation of the assessment results, and in the intervention planning.

Page 154

Policy Issues
There are a number of policy issues arising from the mandates of P.L 99-457 that have
implications for assessment practices related to infants and toddlers with hearing or
language impairments. Some of these mandates attempt to alter materially their
traditionally independent clinical approach to assessment and to redefine the role of these
professionals who work in early intervention. Although their assessment practices and
intervention planning may be affected by transdisciplinary team requirements, ASHA
policies do not yet reflect a commitment to this team approach. In fact, their policies seem
to be moving in the opposite direction (i.e., toward increased specialization), which may
result in dilemmas for specialists working in early intervention where policies
emphasizing transdisciplinary teaming are promoted.
There are debates about what constitutes appropriate placements for these children. In
particular, questions that remain to be answered include whether inclusion models are
preferable to separate programs; how much support from speech and hearing consultants
must be available for an inclusion program to be effective; and what the role of the
speech pathologist should be within these regular classrooms, if language development is
to be facilitated.
Another controversy concerns the best intervention method (i.e., sign language, lip
reading, or a combination of both) for deaf children whose hearing ability cannot be
improved sufficiently to permit normal development of speech. Some studies show that
hearing impaired young children who are exposed to signing begin using referential
signing at about the same time as hearing children begin to use vocal symbols (e. g.,
Folven & Bonnevillian, 1991). Differences of opinion exist over whether "total
communication," using all methods simultaneously, is more advantageous than using only
one. Decisions regarding how many communication modes should be encouraged are
often made by early intervention professionals on the basis of their own practical
experiences, because there is not yet a strong body of research to indicate whether an
"either-or" or "total" method is best.
Some early intervention personnel recommend teaching signing to hearing children who
have diagnosed cognitive delay (e.g., Down's syndrome) as a first communication
modality. Recent research confirms early studies that show communication in the gestural
modality can be initiated slightly earlier than in the verbal modality (Goodwyn &
Acredolo, 1993). However, these researchers indicate that the same cognitive processes of
memory, categorization, and symbolization underlie communication abilities in both
modalities, and thus the requisite cognitive skills must be present for full development of
either communication mode.
With the advent of technologically based augmented communica-

Page 155
tion devices, the possibilities for their use are only beginning to be realized. It is possible
that many children (e.g., those with severe cerebral palsy or autism) who have not been
communicative will be able to use these devices. Policy decisions about the use of these
costly methods compared to more traditional approaches will also have to be made.
For language delayed children whose primary language is not English, differences in
viewpoints about bilingual and multilingual approaches are a recurring policy question.
Often, the child's native language is also not well developed. Whether the native language
should be enhanced first or the young child should begin learning English is sometimes a
matter of debate, especially if the parent is not proficient in English. Although research
indicates that the native language system must be well developed if the English language
system is to be effectively learned (Cummins, 1980; Harley, Hart, & Lapkin, 1986), there
are still policy controversies over this issue. There is some evidence that young Spanish-
speaking children who are taught English during preschool years gain in their ability to
use private speech, which Vygotsky (1962) has stated is essential for developing
internalized thought and cognitive abilities (Diaz, Padilla, & Weathersby, 1991).
The importance of normal hearing in the acquisition of language cannot be
overemphasized. Therefore, early assessment of hearing capabilities and remediation of
hearing loss, if possible, are vital to language acquisition. Cognitive, physiological-
neurological, social-emotional, and environmental conditions also have an effect on
young children's language production and comprehension; these factors must be
considered when language delay begins to be evident. If intervention does not occur
early, there may be language deviance along with delay. The assessment methods of
audiologists and speech pathologists are designed to gain an accurate early evaluation of
hearing and language problems and to provide information that promotes effective
intervention plans for language development. The team assessment model has many
strengths; however, there are still a number of policy issues related to standards of these
professions that may make it difficult for professionals to engage in the "ideal"
transdisciplinary team discussed in the early intervention literature.
Questions for Discussion
1. Within a comprehensive performance test battery, what should a speech-language and
audiologic evaluation include for a child aged

Page 156
under 2 years and between 2 and 3 years?
2. Why is it important for the parent or caregiver to observe the speech-language or
audiologic evaluation?
Problems of Practice
Observe a clinical speech-language or audiologic evaluation of a young child and note the
measures used and the methods that were effective in getting valid child performance.
After the observation, ask the evaluator whether the same information could have been
obtained in a team assessment having a number of professionals present. Find out what
the speech-language or audiologic professional thinks about the values of a
transdisciplinary team approach and the problems of such an approach.
Suggested Readings
Nelson, N. W. (1993). Childhood language disorders in context. New York: Merrill.
White, S. J., & White, R. E. (1987). The effects of hearing status of the family and age of
intervention on receptive and expressive oral language skills in hearing impaired infants.
In H. Levitt, N. McGarr, & D. Geffner (Eds.), Development of language and
communication skills in hearing impaired children (ASHA Monograph No. 26, 224).
Washington, DC: American Speech-Language and Hearing Association.

Page 157

Initial Assessment, IFSP, and Transition Planning for Eun
GENDER, AGE, ETHNIC ORIGIN OF CHILD: Female, 33 months, Asian American.
OCCASION OR PURPOSE OF DIALOGUE: An initial assessment of Eun, who has just moved to the state;
to develop the IFSP for the remainder of the year; and to discuss the transition plan for an
age 3 to 5 program for the Fall. Prior to this meeting, the family service coordinator had
completed an in-home intake session with the family to determine eligibility for services.
TEAM M EM BERS: Early intervention specialist, family service coordinator, speech pathologist,
occupational therapist, nurse, school psychologist, and child's mother and father.
SETTING: Conference room at the early intervention center.
Overview of the Case
Risk Conditions
Eun is the first child of her mother, who has had three pregnancies, two of which resulted
in miscarriages. Eun was born by emergency caesarean section due to decreased fetal
heartbeat. Anoxia (loss of oxygen) occurred during the birth period. Eun's birth weight
was 5 lbs 6 oz. At 1 month, audiometry brainstem-evoked-response (ABR) revealed a
severe to profound hearing loss. Pure tone assessment conducted by an audiologist when
Eun was 12 months indicated that her loss was sensorineural and bilateral. Eun has had
chronic otitis media, which led to pressure equalization (PE) tubes being inserted at the
time of the audiometric pure tone assessment. Seizures were also noted during Eun's first
year of life, although they have been under control with medication for the past year.
Because of her middle-ear and seizure problems, which may have affected the ABR
readings, the results may need further confirmation. Eun now has a vibro-tactile hearing
aid. There is no family history of medical or learning problems.

Page 158
Reason for Referral
Eun had been receiving services in another state. Her paternal grandmother contacted the
early intervention program in her county when she learned that Eun and her family were
returning to this state, because she was aware that Eun would need to receive early
intervention services. No referral was initiated by the early intervention program in the
other state. However, on request, Eun's records were provided by the physician,
audiologist, and early intervention staff in that state.
Background Information
The family has resided in the state for 1 month. They presently live with the paternal
grandmother while the family is looking for housing and the father is getting settled in a
new job. Eun has been in an early intervention program that focused on children with
hearing impairments since she was 6 months of age. The program was affiliated with a
hospital in that state.
Family Strengths and Needs
Eun has a caring and committed family who are devoted to gaining the best in educational
experiences for Eun. Although their recent move has resulted in the loss of previous
support systems, the presence of the paternal grandparents in this area and the family's
prior experience in gaining access to needed resources are strengths. The parents
identified only one need: Eun needs to be enrolled in whatever program will be most
beneficial for her continuing development.
Sources of Assessment Information
Sources include previously collected medical and audiometric data and the IFSP
documents from the state in which Eun had been residing. Assessment methods used by
the present team included the Battelle Developmental Inventory, Vineland Adaptive
Behavior Scale, Linder Play-Based Assessment Scale, Preschool Language Scale-3,
observation of communication in home and school setting, and informal interview with
the parents. Eun's developmental status was evaluated based on evidence from these

Page 159
Social-Emotional Development
Eun is a social child who interacts with peers using signs and gestures. For example, she
asks for toys, makes comments about the play, and calls attention to her activities through
signing. In the assessment setting, with a peer, she exhibited some frustration because the
other child did not understand all her signs. The out-of-state early intervention records
indicate that she participates in both group and solitary play and demonstrates the ability
to pretend, using objects in transformed actions (e.g., giving the doll a bath in a dishpan;
putting on a hat and taking a purse to go shopping). In her pretend play she has been
observed to combine as many as four schemes. In the team arena assessment, she
demonstrated simple pretend play, awareness of routines, and direction-following when
they were given in sign language. She is also conscious of the facial expressions of others
and appears to be beginning to read lips. Her mother reports that she is aware of gender
identity and is beginning to choose her friends based on that criteria. She spontaneously
greets adults and peers and comforts peers who are in distress. Her personal-social level
on the Battelle is 36 months, and her adaptive behavior level on the Vineland is 32
Physical-Motor and Sensory-Perceptual Development
Eun uses her sight to scan and explore her environment. She can attend for long periods
to social stimuli and activities when motivated to do so. Her motor skills are age
appropriate. For example, she walks up and down stairs with minimal assistance, runs
avoiding obstacles, jumps forward, climbs on gym equipment, and goes down the slide.
Her gross and fine motor coordination is smooth. She uses a spoon and fork, serves
herself food, drinks without spilling, dresses with only slight help, uses scissors to cut
paper, opens doors by turning the knobs, and can execute tasks such as putting rings on a
post. Her gross motor level on the Battelle was in the range of 30 to 35 months; her fine
motor level in the range of 39 to 43 months.
Cognitive-Language Development
Eun exhibits ability to match primary colors, circles, squares, and triangles; put together 4-
piece puzzles; follow 3-step directions (signed); identify big and little shapes; and point to
objects (signed requests). She enjoys looking at picture books and signs the names of the
pictures. Her Battelle scores indicated a cognitive level of 34 months. She was unable to
respond to the

Page 160
Preschool Language Scale-3, because of her hearing loss. Therefore, her language
performance is based on team members' observation and parent report. She uses over 200
signs to comment, request, answer questions, and name common objects and pictures.
She has recently imitated 2-word sign phrases and combined noun and adjective signs
occasionally. She uses gestures with peers (e.g., shakes fingers, uses facial frowns) to
protest, deny, or express possession. She can identify body parts and demonstrates
knowledge of numbers up to 4. She also uses vocalizations at home to attract attention
and has occasionally used a 3-word sign. Vocalizations were noted during the free play
observation; they were primarily vowel sounds.
The Team Dialogue
After completing the arena assessment, the team has gathered to review the information,
to set up an IFSP for the next 3 months, and to discuss the transition plan for preschool
placement in Fall. The family service coordinator is the leader of the team discussion.
FAM ILY SERVICE COORDINATOR: Now that we've completed our assessment, we need to discuss Eun's
IFSP for this year and begin the process of decision-making for Eun's preschool placement. (To
parents) I think you've met all the team members, but let's all introduce ourselves again before we
begin our discussion of what we observed. (Introductions are made.) (To parents) We talked in
general about goals for Eun when I visited you at home. Now we want to review Eun's
developmental status and discuss priority goals with the whole team. (To early interventionist)
Jane, why don't you start with an overview of Eun's development?
EARLY INTERVENTION TEACHER: The team observed Eun during the arena play-based assessment and
administered a number of instruments as part of the assessment. The assessment indicates that,
within all of the domains of development, except speech, Eun is performing at the developmental
level that is appropriate for her age. Her fine and gross motor skills are age appropriate and she
seems very well coordinated. In the cognitive domain, her understanding of symbolic play and
ability to use symbols to represent pictures and ideas indicate that she has a beginning grasp of
concepts. Other evidence of this comes from her ability to demonstrate discrimination between big
and little, colors, and shapes. Using the medium of signing, she has a well developed expressive
and receptive communication system. She is using signs and gestures for social communication and
is developing peer interaction skills. We observed her sign "pretty girl" and "hug Anna" when she
was in the room with her peer.

Page 161
MOTHER: She will go anywhere with anybody! She says "Hi" to adults with her sign and she really
likes playing with other kids. I've noticed lately that she's beginning to choose to play mostly with
girls. Is that typical for her age?
TEACHER: Yes, we often see that happening around age 3. Most of her adaptive skills are also within
typical age range. She dresses herself and eats independently. She isn't yet toilet trained, but seems
to be getting interested.
MOTHER: That's an important area to work on. I have not been pleased that I haven't yet had success
in getting her toilet trained. It's one of the things she's been resistant about.
FAM ILY SERVICE COORDINATOR: Overall, does the team see any major developmental concerns, with the
exception of those that relate to her hearing loss? (Most team members answer "no" or indicate with
head shaking that there are no major concerns.)
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : One point to note is that she seems to be performing at a higher communication
level at home than what we have observed in our assessment. In the next few months, we might
focus on helping her to use 2- and 3-word signs and on increasing her vocalizations at school. Some
direct experience in language building that is clearly related to receptive input would also be
useful. Through experience therapy we could improve her receptive language and increase her
number of size and spatial concept words. For example, we could work on words related to
concepts of "over," "under," and "behind."
MOTHER: That's what we're working on now. We're trying to get her to sign things like "big blue
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : That's good, but that type of phrase is not as important as phrases like "ball
roll," "my ball," "no ball," and ''I roll." We want to emphasize production of meaningful sentences.
It's also important for her to answer and ask more what, where, when, why types of questions. From
the assessment, it is difficult to sort out which of her responses are just concrete-level reactions to
visual stimuli from those responses that demonstrate a true understanding of the concepts. Usually,
children with profound impairments don't do this well. I really think she needs another audiological
assessment to determine whether that original diagnosis of the extent of hearing loss was correct. If
she is really doing this well in concept development, she may have more hearing than was
originally indicated.
FAM ILY SERVICE COORDINATOR: Does anyone else have a comment about that suggestion?
SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST : I think that it is absolutely essential to have her hearing re-evaluated, if we are
going to determine the best placement for her.
TEACHER: I agree. (To parents) You also mentioned you were interested in

Page 162
increasing her social skills, such as participation in group activities and ability to take turns.
FATHER: That's important because she doesn't get that experience at home. Everyone waits on her at
my parents' house. She needs to learn to be part of the group.
MOTHER: We also want to work on her paying attention. She seems to "turn us off," especially around
the family at home. It's probably easy for her to do that, but we don't like that behavior. She can be
really stubborn. That's one of our main concerns. We consider obedience important.
TEACHER: Some of that behavior may be age appropriate, but I can understand your desire to have her
pay attention to your wishes. She seemed to attend to the team when we were asking her to focus on
tasks. But we can certainly work on helping you provide a structure that will foster her attention and
motivation to follow your directions.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : She is very motivated to be successful when she is manipulating materials.
Her fine motor skills are highly developed and, as long as they provide the right amount of
challenge, she will attend for long periods to those tasks.
NURSE: Now that she is off her seizure medicine, have you noticed any changes in her attention or
FATHER: I haven't. (To mother) Have you?
MOTHER: No, but maybe it's true that her not paying attention is age related. This behavior seemed to
be more noticeable lately.
NURSE: Have you obtained a medical card for this state yet? If she needs another audiological
assessment and possibly new hearing aids, you will want to have that paid for.
FATHER: We have applied for it. Another thing we want to know is whether we can be reimbursed for
travel to speech therapy and the early intervention program. The drive is over 14 miles one-way.
FAM ILY SERVICE COORDINATOR: If the necessary forms have been filled out, that shouldn't be a problem.
I'll check on where they are in the process.
SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST : I assume she will be wearing a hearing aid when she starts the preschool
program. Is that likely?
MOTHER: Yes, although we really don't know whether it is doing any good. She doesn't seem to act
differently whether it is on or not. The speech therapist we had before we moved here
recommended she have a hearing exam and a new hearing aid before she starts preschool. She's
been in a growing period and her present hearing aid doesn't fit well.
SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST : Next year, if she goes to the preschool connected with the early intervention
program, she could use the auditory trainer. It's hooked into the central system. Do you want me to
check out which preschools in this county have such systems?
MOTHER: Yes, that would be important. However, we haven't really had much

Page 163
success in getting her to wear her present hearing aid. She needs to be motivated to use it. Maybe
if she got one in a high-fashion color she might like it better.
TEACHER: If she stays in the preschool program here, she might be more motivated to wear it because
we can put her in a class where a number of the children wear hearing aids.
MOTHER: She's starting to read lips and is really trying to talk. She says "hot," but there is no voice to
the "h" or the "t." It comes out "ah.''
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : If the hearing aid can help her to hear even minimally, that will help her talking.
SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST : Are you checking any other private preschools that focus on hearing impaired
MOTHER: We haven't looked into anything except the early intervention one so far. I would really like
a specialized program such as she went to in the state where we lived. When she is 5 I definitely
want her to go to a school that focuses on children with hearing impairments. There's a good one in
this region. One of the reasons we moved back here was so that she could go to that school. But we
don't know if the school district where we will end up living will pay for that.
SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST : There are guidelines that tell what will be paid for by the school district. I will
get you a copy of those. When she is closer to 5, the school psychologist in the area where you live
will help you evaluate the options. I think we need to know how she does in the hearing-aid
augmentation environment of the preschool first.
FATHER: I think we will probably have her stay with this early intervention program for the
preschool, at least for the next year. We want to see how she does here for the next few months
before deciding definitely, though. We plan to live in this county so Eun will be able to come to this
county program.
TEACHER: Eun can probably make some good progress in the next few months here. We have Head
Start programs also in this building and so she can have the opportunity to be with those peers as
well as with other children who have hearing aids and are signing.
FATHER: We want her to be ready for kindergarten. It's especially important to us that she keeps her
motivation for learning. Eun did so well during her first few years because she had comprehensive
services in the state we lived in. We want to make certain she will have everything she needs here.
We were concerned that there wouldn't be as good a linkage to these services.
FAM ILY SERVICE COORDINATOR: Well, you've both done a good job with Eun and we'll try to help her
continue her progress. I think we have our recommendations in mind so let's review them once
more. (Team reviews and agrees on recommendations.)

Page 164

Eun will participate in the early intervention program for the next 3 months, and goals
related to cognitive, language, and social skills will be the major focus for her
development. The parents and early intervention staff will also work on increasing Eun's
motivation to attend to and follow parental directions and increasing her interest in
gaining toileting control. Her parents will schedule an audiological evaluation after they
have their medical card and, depending on the results of that evaluation, a hearing aid
decision will be made. With the assistance of the family service coordinator, they will also
seek other comprehensive services that are needed. In 90 days, another IFSP review will
be held, at which time a decision will be made about the preschool program that provides
the best option for Eun.
Questions for Discussion
1. How did the parents and early intervention staff try to coordinate the transition from a
program in another state to the one in this state? Were there any ways that they could have
improved on the process?
2. What seem to be the parents' short-term and long-term goals for Eun? Are their goals
typical of most parents or are they influenced by the family's culture of origin? How may
those goals differ from those of the early intervention staff and those of the psychologist
from the county?
3. Did the team members effectively use the data from all of the assessment sources in
determining Eun's developmental progress? Would any other information have been
useful to include?
4. How did the family service coordinator define her role in coordinating Eun's case?
Would another member of the team have been more effective in that role? If an
audiologist had been part of the team and assigned case management responsibilities,
would the management of the case have been different?
5. What is the value of having the county school psychologist become involved in the
team discussions at this early stage? How could later psychological assessment procedures
be affected by the psychologist knowing more about what the parents and early
intervention staff are doing for Eun?

Page 165

Chapter 7
Social Work and Family Education and Coordination Assessment
Doris Bergen
Because the very young child is so embedded in the family context, the effectiveness of
any type of early intervention is always mediated by the individuals in the family. Thus,
professionals who work with young children have always recognized that their
responsibilities included establishing linkages with the children's parents and others in the
family (e.g., siblings, grandparents) and involving these family members in educational,
therapeutic, or care processes. Parent involvement in the form of educational or decision-
making experiences have been integral parts of most specially funded early childhood
pilot projects (e.g., Lazar, Darlington, Murray, Royce, & Snipper, 1982); a required
component of Head Start since its inception (Raver & Zigler, 1991; Zigler & Black, 1989);
and a mandated requirement of special education law (P.L. 94-142).
Social workers have traditionally had the most clearly defined role as facilitators of
service delivery to families and as communication and advocacy links between families
and social agencies. However, many other early childhood professionals have positions
that include responsibilities for working with families. Family liaison and coordination
roles may be those of home visitor, family educator, family counselor, case manager or
service coordinator, and family advocate.
These roles are often performed by professionals from nursing, early childhood
education, and therapeutic specialties as well as from social work. However, in many
professional training programs there is minimal emphasis on family issues (e.g., one
course). Even when there is a course in family theory and practice included in personnel
preparation programs in education, health, or therapy, it rarely has a focus on families

Page 166
infants or toddlers or requires in-field practice involving work with families (Bailey,
Simeonsson, Yoder, & Huntington, 1990).
Since the mandate of P.L. 99-457, the emphasis on family involvement has become more
extensive and intensive. This law requires that family members not only be involved in
hearing about assessment and intervention decisions and giving their approval, but also
must be an active part of all assessment and intervention activities (Turnbull, 1991). The
family is to be a full participant in all aspects of the early intervention team process. In the
Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP), not only child-focused intervention goals are
to be identified, but goals for the family, which address family needs and strengths in
relation to the child, are to be identified and implemented. The support services required
by the family to reach these goals are to be made accessible through improved delivery of
services and comprehensive case management. Even for those professionals who in the
past have engaged in communicating with families, providing family education, or
involving families in decision-making, this new emphasis requires a change in
perspective. It also requires families to change their ideas about their own roles in helping
their young children who have disabilities or risk for delay. There are still discrepancies
between what is stated in federal- and state-level policies regarding family-centered
assessment and intervention practices and what is reported as actual practice by
professionals in the field who are providing services to families and children (Dunst,
Johanson, Trivette, & Hamby, 1991).
Underlying Assumptions
One of the major assumptions of this perspective is that child assessment cannot be
isolated from the family because the child is an integral part of the family system
(Turnbull, Summers, Brotherson, 1984). Family systems theory states that, because of the
interrelated linkages among the members of the family, socially interactive processes
among members of a system are affected when a change is instituted in any part of the
system (Bailey, 1988; Barnard & Corrales, 1979). An intervention that changes the child
(e.g., increased language) may affect the other family members' behavior (e.g., talk more
to child). An intervention with another family member (e.g., mother becomes more
confident in handling child) may affect the child (e.g., positive behavior changes) and
other members (e.g., father spends more time with child). Family interactions with the
community (e.g., getting food stamps) also may affect the child and other family members
(e.g., better health and growth).
A second assumption is that the family is an excellent source of information about the
child and thus can provide reliable and valid assessment

Page 167
data. Parents can report detailed information that is useful for determining the child's
levels of functioning and styles of interaction. The information provided also sheds light
on the social context, as parents describe settings, antecedents, consequences, and their
interactions with the child. While this information by itself might be incomplete or biased,
it adds to the overall data set and gives valuable clues to the assessment team as to which
domains should be observed carefully and which developmental issues are crucial to the
family members. Observation of the child's interaction with parents and other family
members can also give professional team members good insights into the dynamics of
their own interactions with the child that may affect developmental progress.
A third assumption is that the crucial needs of families take priority and must be identified
and addressed if intervention with the child is to be effective. For example, if the
electricity bill cannot be paid, that must be resolved before the parents will have the
energy to learn to play games with their young child. A stronger version of this
assumption is that the intervention outcomes for the family are as important or even more
important than the outcomes for the child (Bailey & Simeonsson, 1984). A corollary
assumption is, of course, that if family needs are met, the child's needs are more likely to
be addressed.
The assumption that all families have strengths and needs is of great importance. Often,
special educators have operated from a deficit perspective that has not acknowledged the
strengths the family has at hand to cope with their child's disabilities (Dunst, 1985). By
helping the family members to identify their strengths, the professional team members can
help them mobilize those strengths to meet the challenges their child and family situation
present. A corollary assumption is that the support provided by early intervention can
begin the process, but that, ultimately, the family must develop its "natural" support
system in the community, with full ability to access the community resources needed to
sustain the development of the child over the long term.
Other assumptions that influence this perspective relate to family motivation and
cooperation. If the family members increase their understanding of their child's needs,
they will be more comfortable with the intervention options proposed, more motivated to
seek identified resources, and more willing to perform the roles they must play to help
their child. Initially not all families have a high level of trust with professionals, and thus
the time spent to build trust and understanding can be vital in the intervention process.
Superficial interaction with the family rarely helps to achieve the child's developmental
goals. It is assumed that the process of developing a trusting relationship takes time,
particularly with families who have had prior negative experiences with professionals
(e.g., families who have been involved with the children's protective

Page 168
services system). In these cases, it takes more effort and more time to develop a working
Another assumption about family motivation is that the family has the right not to be
served, even if important needs of the child have been identified. The most important
difference between early intervention and later schooling that may not be understood by
all professionals who work with families is that, although states are mandated to provide
certain services for young children, families are not required to use them. Family
participation in early assessment and intervention activities is voluntary, not mandatory.
This reality of family choice is often difficult for professionals to accept, and there are
times when they wish that families could be required to participate. If the relationship
between the professional and the family is developing well, refusal of services does not
usually become a problem. However, there may indeed be a point at which the family's
right to refuse services must be weighed against the child's rights for health and safety.
There will be times when the child's right to be protected must take precedence over the
family's rights to privacy and control and, at such times, referral to a child protection
agency may be necessary. Such families may be cited for abuse or neglect, and court-
ordered participation in early intervention or other services may be required. However,
most professionals believe that, if the family is involved in all aspects of the assessment
and intervention process, they are likely to want their child to have the assistance
provided by the early intervention program. In many cases, if relationships with the
family are developed through regularly scheduled home visits that are focused on
enhancing the child's strengths and addressing development delays, the family will
respond positively. One of the reasons why active family involvement in the assessment
process is judged to be so important is that it is also likely to increase family motivation to
meet their child's needs.
Methods of Assessment
Although a number of standardized interview methods have been developed to gain
information about families, the typical method used by social workers and family
educators and coordinators to gain initial assessment data is that of informal, open-ended
interviewing. Of course, a number of basic informational forms must also be completed
and signed in the course of the assessment. Most experienced professionals in family
assessment believe that the collection of information should be low key, and that it should
be preceded by a general discussion in which rapport with the parents is established.

Page 169
Informal Assessment Processes
Initial family assessment contact is typically made after referral from a medical or
psychological source has indicated that a particular child and family may be eligible for
early intervention services. These sources are usually hospital personnel, public health
nurses, primary care physicians, psychologists, or social workers. If an early tracking
program is in place for neonates who are at risk, a systematic set of referrals may be
made, including home nursing care, well-baby clinic, therapeutic services, or early
intervention program evaluation services. Although there are some self-referrals by
parents, most states require an "official" referral before a screening assessment to
determine eligibility for services is conducted.
An appointment is set up by phone or mail, and one member of an assessment
teamusually the social worker or family educator or coordinatorconducts this screening.
This is to prevent the parents and child from being overwhelmed by the presence of many
unfamiliar professionals. It is most often held in the home, although it may also be held in
the early intervention setting. It begins with an explanation of the program and the
answering of general questions and then proceeds to questions related to family needs
and strengths and to child developmental progress or delay. In order to help families learn
to trust the professional, it is important for the professional to stress the issue of
confidentiality. Family members need to know that what they say in the interview cannot
be repeated without their consent and that they will have an opportunity to review the
information that will be relayed to other professionals.
The interview usually follows a relatively standard format, but it is adapted depending on
how articulate the parents are in defining their concerns and needs, the nature of the
child's disabilities or delays, and the extent of services needed by the family. During the
course of the interview, the home-setting characteristics, the interactions among the child
and other family members, and the obvious physical and economic needs of the family
are also observed unobtrusively. Usually, few written notes are made during the
interview, but, after leaving the home, the family assessment professional completes
forms and summarizes observational and interview information. Forms requiring
signatures are also completed with the family members.
If immediate access to services are needed (e.g., financial assistance, food supplies, home
nursing care), the family assessment professional may initiate those services after or even
during the interview. There can be a first "informal contract," such as an agreement as to
immediate needs of the family and which part of the task to meet those needs will be
done by the professional and by the family (i.e., even if it is a minor task that is part of a
larger need). The professional can then make a definite time com-

Page 170
mitment as to when the task will be accomplished and when the professional will get back
with the family regarding that need.
From this practical example, families usually learn that they can trust the professional.
Because their earliest experiences may have been disjointed (e.g., hospital team
assessment and intervention, but no follow-up services; information about some services
but no specific directions about gaining access to the services), the presence of the case
manager or family educator or coordinator may be welcomed by the family to provide a
"secure base" of contact.
The congruence of parental reports about their child's development with observational or
standardized assessment results is fairly high, especially for screening purposes (Diamond
& Squires, 1993). However, parents are more accurate in reporting current skills than past
skill levels and frequently observed rather than seldom-observed behavior. Also, a
recognition format rather than a recall format is more useful (e.g. "Does your child say
these words?" rather than "What words does your child say?"). Of course, if parents are
required to respond to a written questionnaire, they must have the requisite reading,
writing, and comprehension skills to be able to answer accurately (Diamond & Squires,
1993). An approach that involves mothers in completing an infant monitoring
questionnaire, in which infant development was described at 8 time periods, from 4
months to 36 months, seems to be effective in improving mothers' evaluations of infant
developmental status (Squires & Bricker, 1991).
Standardized Assessment Measures
Some interviews are supplemented by survey forms or rating instruments that are
standardized, technically sound, and appropriately normed. According to Bailey (1988),
advantages of using standardized measures include the following:
1. A common set of stimuli to which all families respond permits comparisons among
2. Responses are elicited that might not have been spontaneously addressed by family
3. Inadvertent omission of important data is avoided.
4. Variability due to individual characteristics of assessors is minimized.
5. Periodic administration of standard measures assists in program evaluation.
Ostfeld and Gibbs (1990) state that those who question the use of standardized
approaches have done so on the following grounds:

Page 171
1. Some of the instruments that have been developed are intrusive and not respectful to
2. The use of a test-like "diagnosis" instrument may increase the barriers between the
family members and the family service educator or coordinator.
3. Family members may have reading or comprehension problems or may have emotional
concerns that interfere with their ability to respond.
If a standard instrument is used, its purpose must be clear and the information collected
must be useful to the early intervention staff. Ostfeld and Gibbs (1990) suggest that
parents can be told they may omit questions that are of concern to them and debriefing
should be used if the experience seems stressful to the family. To overcome concerns with
some questions on standard interview forms, some early intervention professionals have
designed structured interview guidelines for their own use or for their agencies (Pitzer,
In spite of concerns with standard family assessment measures, a wide variety of
instruments designed to evaluate needs and strengths have been used by early
intervention professionals. For example, there are measures of family stress (e.g., Abidin,
1986; Stein & Jessop, 1982); of family functioning and adjustment (e.g., Olson, Portner,
& Lavee, 1985); and of coping styles (Hymovich, 1988). Many of these are primarily
research tools and have not been used extensively in early intervention practice. One
example of a general needs assessment survey is the Family Needs Survey (Bailey &
Simeonsson, 1988), which measures family perception of their needs in six areas (e.g.,
information, social support, community services). The authors recommend that this
structured approach be combined with an open-ended solicitation of needs.
Two measures by Dunst and colleagues also evaluate needs and perceived support. They
are the Family Support Scale and the Family Needs Scale (Dunst, Trivette, and Deal,
1988). The first identifies possible support resources for the family in terms of availability
and desirability. The second explores the family need for basic resources, such as
financial help and transportation assistance. These family needs assessment measures are
described further in Appendix B.
Methods of assessing the home environment and parent-child interactions have also been
developed, and some have been widely used by specific professional groups. For
example, nursing professionals often use the Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training
instrument (NCAST, 1978a, 1978b), originally designed to find factors that predict
developmental risk. This instrument is now being used by other home visitor
professionals. There is a scale for feeding situations (NCAFS) and teaching

Page 172
situations (NCATS). Research shows that high-risk parent-child dyads usually have lower
scores on the interaction measures than low-risk dyads (Huber, 1991). Because of the lack
of normative data on high-risk families, however, caution must be used in drawing
conclusions about interaction quality with only one administration. Some portions of the
NCAST are based on the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment
(HOME) (Caldwell & Bradley, 1979), which measures parent-child interaction and the
home physical environment, and which has demonstrated predictive validity for later
cognitive performance (Bradley & Caldwell, 1976). These are described further in
Appendix B.
There are numerous interaction scales that have been used primarily for research
purposes but that have applicability to early intervention assessment. For example,
Greenspan, Leiberman, & Poisson (1990) developed an observation method for assessing
newborn, infant, toddler, and 3-year-old interactions with caregivers, using coded
videotaped play interactions. They have been particularly concerned with social-
emotional and attachment development, which this scale is designed to measure.
However, it is complicated to use and has not yet been published in a final version. It is
described in Appendix B. Although these interactive dimensions of parental behavior are
important to assess, there are no reliable and valid measures that are also easy to use.
During the home visit, informal observation of the child's development is conducted and
a standardized developmental instrument is used to assess the child's level of
developmental delay. This is likely to be an instrument, such as the Denver II,
Developmental Profile, Child Developmental Inventory, that can be administered in a
relatively short time with the parent reporting information on child performance in
addition to the evidence obtained from child observation in the home.
Planning the Individualized Family Services Plan
After the various measures have been reviewed, a judgment as to whether the family and
child are eligible for a full assessment leading to an Individualized Family Services Plan
and to subsequent early intervention services is made by the family assessment
professional. For those children and families judged eligible for services based on the
screening, a full team assessment is conducted and the IFSP written within 45 days, as
required by federal guidelines. In some states, children at environmental risk may be
enrolled in an intervention program without a specific eligibility diagnosis in order to be
able to observe over time whether delays qualifying the child for services are present.
For the development of the IFSP, the parents are invited to be participants and the other
relevant members of the team are identified. Par-

Page 173
ents are usually willing to be present, but their level of participation in team observation
and discussion varies greatly, depending on their comfort level and personality
characteristics. If the assessment is to be conducted in the home, the team will be small,
with perhaps the social worker, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, and early
intervention teacher, or some subset of this group conducting the assessment. If the
assessment is to be conducted at a clinic or program site, the team may be larger, but not
all team members will interact intrusively with the child. The discussion of findings
results in the identification of family and child needs and strengths and agreement on
priority goals to be addressed by the team. The service coordinator (i.e., case manager) is
also identified. An example of an IFSP format used by one early intervention program is
shown in Appendix A.
Information Exchange with Families and Referral Agencies
Social workers and family educators and coordinators spend a lot of time communicating
with family members and coordinating access to the services of agencies that focus on
families and children. They often begin this parental contact while the child is in the
intensive care unit of the hospital. A number of hospitals now provide parent-child units
that focus on needs of the entire family (Reiser, 1992). The professionals whose role
involves work with families are usually knowledgable about information exchange
processes, and they often measure their effectiveness in terms of how successfully they
have coordinated the delivery of services and engaged families in seeking access to
resources that will meet family-identified needs. Information exchange occurs informally
(e.g., phone calls, casual chats) and formally (e.g., parent education meetings, referrals to
In particular, these professionals communicate with and prepare parents for IFSP
meetings, organize and lead parent support and education groups, and make educationally
oriented home visits, often on a regular basis. They also suggest contacts or even make
the contacts with community agencies that can provide family resources, respite care,
financial assistance, food supplements, counseling, and other services identified as
needed by the family.
The Individualized Family Services Plan Meeting
In preparing for the IFSP meetings, these professionals usually help parents identify the
goals that they might have and give them a sense of what

Page 174
the agenda will contain. They can help the parents to focus on concrete family-centered
goals for inclusion in the IFSP, such as taking a class in parenting, setting aside play time
with the child and siblings, or going out with friends. During meetings with other
professionals, the family-oriented team members often serve as clarifiers or expanders of
parental comments and interpreters of the information reported by other members of the
team. For example, they may accompany the parents to a meeting at a hospital and take an
active role in helping the parents interpret the technical reports of physicians or therapists.
They may ensure that the parents have had the opportunity to express their ideas when a
number of professional team members are reporting their results of assessment or
recommendations for intervention.
Because they are very knowledgable about the community resources available to assist
families, they often expedite emergency services, help families understand which services
certain agencies can provide, give suggestions when initial efforts are not successful, and
smooth the way by making initial contacts or being a supporting presence as parents make
these contacts. They also make follow-up calls and visits to ensure that the necessary
services are being delivered.
The family-oriented team members must be especially sensitive in finding the balance
between respecting family values and cultural practices and promoting access to services
that will be most beneficial to the child and family. Not all parents know what questions
they need to ask to help their child and themselves, and they can not always identify the
important services they should receive. A good starting point is to help the parents make a
''wish list" of tangible items, such as access to a Women and Infant Care (WIC) nutritional
program or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) funds, transportation to the doctor, a
person to provide respite care, or a walker or other piece of equipment for their child.
Parent Support and Education
Another important way that information is exchanged is in parent support or education
meetings, either formally set up on a regular (e.g., once-a-month) basis or the result of
collecting a number of parents who are visiting classrooms during the program day. If the
parents have been observing the classes, they may meet to discuss the developmental
issues surrounding what they have observed and to gain ideas for supporting their
children's development at home. Some of these group meetings include topics of general
interest to parents of children with disabilities, often topics that the parents have
identified. Speakers on such topics as legal rights, financial planning, or family advocacy
are sometimes invited. Speakers can be especially helpful if they are from agencies that

Page 175
needed services, because parents can get acquainted with the persons they may eventually
need to contact. Some groups evolve into serving primarily a supportive function for the
parent members. The typical pattern is that they are more educationally oriented early in
the school year and become more support oriented as the members become better
Because many services for infants and toddlers are provided in the home, the role of the
home visitor is of special importance to the education and care of the child and to the
needs for education and support of the parents. The two types of professionals who
primarily provide ongoing home services are nurses and early intervention teachers.
Public health nurses are often the first line of contact with a family after hospital
discharge. During their weekly or intermittent visits, they provide initial education on
caring for children who are medically fragile or disabled, and often are a supportive
presence during the first few months of the child's life.
Nurses (usually a licensed practical nurse [LPN]) also provide intensive long-term home
care for young children who have severe disabilities that require life support systems or
other major medical interventions. These professionals find that their role includes not
only caring for the physical and social-emotional needs of the child, but also providing a
listening ear and informational support for the parents. These nurses provide respite for
parents from the demanding task of caring for their child. They often accompany the
parent when the child must be taken to medical or therapy appointments and may at times
take the child to these appointments when the parent is unable to do so. When the nurse
spends many hours in the home, a bond can grow with the family; this can result in
positive gains for all family members. On the other hand, especially if the mother is
working out of the home, the nurse must be careful not to become indispensable to the
child and disrupt parental attachment. The nurse must also be cognizant of the stress a
non-family adult in the home for extended time periods can put on other family members.
Home visiting teachers may face similar problems because they visit on a consistent basis,
often weekly. However, the length of their visits is usually 1 to 2 hours. The expected role
of the home teacher is to provide educational experiences for the child and to encourage
the parent to interact with the child in playful, developmentally appropriate ways. Often
the teacher finds, however, that parental needs to discuss their own life crises or concerns
about the child's health or development must take precedence over the activities related to
the child's educational plan. The home visitor may also provide information about child
development and community resources, specialized procedures, and home activities to
facilitate the child's development (Sandall, Able-Boone, & Speirer, 1992). Home visitors
encounter a range of situations and must be resourceful, confident,

Page 176
and tolerant and convey a respectful and optimistic tone to the family. Most early
intervention center-based programs include a home visit component, which helps
teachers to understand the children in the context of home as well as in the group
environment. For many parents, especially young single mothers, the home visit may be
crucial in solidifying the linkages with the early intervention team.
Conditions Affecting Family-Professional Interactions
The developmental life stage of parents and the environmental risk conditions
encountered by the family may influence parents' motivation and ability to participate in
the assessment process. These factors may also negatively affect their ability to provide
nurturing, stimulating, responsive, and developmentally challenging environments for
their infants and toddlers, and may influence their interactions with the professional team
members. Thus, professionals with family-oriented roles must be especially cognizant of
such conditions.
For example, when working with adolescent parents, knowledge of developmental issues
they are encountering can be helpful. The cognitive stage of adolescent parents may be
that of "egocentric idealism" (Elkind, 1976), during which they think they are the center
of everyone's attention and feel that their experiences are unique. This thinking pattern
may account for the commonly seen adolescent sense of invulnerability, which promotes
a high level of risk-taking behavior (e.g., fast driving, alcoholism, multiple sexual
experiences, pregnancy) (Anderson et al., 1993).
Adolescent parents may entertain glowing fantasies about the child-to-be and then be
disappointed by reality after the child's birth, especially if the child has developmental
problems. They may interpret typical infant behaviors, such as crying, as evidence that the
infant is trying to annoy them instead of interpreting the cry as evidence of the child
having needs that must be met. Their own needs for developing identity, independence,
or intimacy may make them less able to attend to their child's needs.
Adolescents also face peer pressures that differentially affect males and females from
various ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds (Spencer & Dornbusch, 1990; Thorton
& Cambrun, 1989; Xiaohe & Whyte, 1990). These pressures may have an effect on the
age of their first sexual encounter and, therefore, their first pregnancy, the decision to
bear or raise the child, and the commitment to caring for a child with disabilities or
Developmental issues are not confined to adolescent parents, however. Erikson (1963)
suggests that adults may experience developmental crises concerning intimacy (i.e.,
forming close, stable relationships) and

Page 177
generativity (i.e., showing nurturing and giving behaviors), especially if they did not
experience those conditions when they were younger. Marital state at any parental age
influences parent-child and parent-professional interactions. For example, if the male
parent is not physically or emotionally available, intimacy needs of the female parent may
not be met and generativity will be affected. Responsibility for care of young children
usually rests on the female parent (and possibly her female parent, too). The benefits of
caring fathers have been demonstrated in longitudinal research (Snarey, 1993). However,
father-child relationships are affected more strongly by unmarried or divorced states than
are mother-child relationships (Dunn, 1993). If early intervention professionals hope to
involve fathers positively with their young children, they must be aware of the factors that
promote and diminish those relationships (Fike, 1993).
Severe parental crises and resulting behaviors can also interact negatively with child
development needs. For example, parental mental illness is associated with child mental
or behavioral disorders, although the presence of one healthy parent may ameliorate the
risk to the child (Constantino, 1993). Maternal depression is associated with marriage
problems, strains due to inadequate social support, and having children with difficult
temperaments (Goodman, Radke-Yarrow, & Teti, 1993). Because infants are in tune with
their mothers' emotional tone, if the mother is depressed, the infant may display a
depressed interactional style and have a reduction in competence, positive affect, and
preference for mastery of challenging tasks (Redding, Harmon, & Morgan, 1990).
Health and mental health problems affect parents' motivation to participate in the early
intervention program. They may even feel alienated from or subtly rejected by the social
systems designed to help them. For example, Woodruff (1993) asserts that mothers and
children infected with the human immunovirus (HIV) have often been neglected and
marginalized by social agencies. Early intervention professionals who take into account
adult development factors may be more successful in finding ways to include these adults
as participants on the early intervention team.
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model
From the perspective of the social worker and family educator or coordinator, the trans
disciplinary team can provide excellent support to reach the goals of family involvement
that they are encouraging. Especially if the family members are given the opportunity to
be full participants on the team, the experience can be very empowering of the family.
The identification of one team member as the case manager or service coordinator can

Page 178
be helpful in making the plethora of information less threatening. The commitment of the
team to discuss the recommendations for the child with the family rather than simply
reporting their own decisions to the family can make the entire process more
understandable and relevant.
Unfortunately, the presence of too many team members can also be overwhelming for
family members and the process may take more time than many families can give,
especially if they have work roles to fulfill. Many families, especially those from
nondominant cultural groups, may not be comfortable taking the role of "equal" team
members when surrounded by professionals. Thus, in actual team situations they may
defer to the other team members, which results in the IFSP meeting appearing more like
an IEP meeting, in which the child's status is reported to, not interactively discussed with,
the parents.
Some teams try to solve this problem by having one team member discuss potential
recommendations with the family on a one-to-one basis in the home before the IFSP
meeting. Whether this results in more participation by the family, makes the meeting go
more smoothly, or enables the family to have a sense that their views were heard has not
been evaluated systematically, although it does make common sense.
The aspect of coordinated service delivery among agencies is another strength of the
transdisciplinary approach and, when it is working well, families usually report a much
improved process for gaining access to services. Many professionals from disparate
agencies find that they are enjoying a closer working relationship and learning more about
the needs of the families they serve because they have these close linkages and
consistency of handling with the service coordinator, who is often the social worker or
family educator or coordinator. In order for collaborative models to work effectively,
however, there are some policy issues that must be addressed.
Policy Issues
When families need assistance, these needs are often immediate and extensive, covering a
range of services provided by a separate agency or funding source. Each of these agencies
has its own set of paperwork, guidelines, and time sequences that must be addressed, if
the services are to be received. Whether this bureaucracy is essential for responsible
financial management or agency protection is doubtful. Professionals working with
families know that many family members become discouraged or even defeated by form-
filling requirements, time-consuming application processes, and confusing guidelines.
Professionals and family members frequently report encountering officiousness and
rudeness on the part of

Page 179
agency personnel, perhaps arising from a negative attitude toward persons eligible for
certain entitlements. Often, the family professional must perform an active advocacy role,
taking the time to help family members to complete paperwork requirements or to pursue
phone contacts. They may at times have to serve as buffers or barrier demolishers before
services can be received.
A policy decision to develop flexible procedures that would permit help to begin while
the documentation is being completed could result in improved services to families. For
example, the 45-day timing deadline for IFSP completion may be appropriate in theory,
but it is dysfunctional in practice. To arrange for the full team to participate, sufficient
time must be available to get those participants to arrange their schedules to attend.
Policies that permit an initial agreement regarding services to be providedwith a longer
time frame to develop the IFSPmay enhance both the service delivery time frame and the
comprehensive plan designed for the child and family.
Of course, agencies do need to have procedures that demonstrate their accountability and
effectiveness. However, these procedures should be reviewed to determine those required
as part of routine practice and those necessary for effective service delivery. The current
movement toward coordination and integration of services will be positively
accomplished only if procedural issues are also part of the negotiations. As part of the
integrative efforts, there should be common information formats that prevent duplication
of paperwork and avoid repetitive information-giving efforts by families and by the
family professionals who coordinate and manage their service delivery. The family-
centered approach challenges present service providers to rethink policies and procedures
that do not serve families. As Kaufmann, Hurth, and Johnson (1991) remark, "Traditional
agency-centered approaches to the IFSP process that are designed to meet the needs of
agencies rather than the people they serve are not an adequate response to this challenge"
(pp. 7980).
Another policy question that could be raised about integrated collaborative services is
whether families are actually best served by a unified agency approach. Would
opportunity for alternative choices within the service system be an advantage in meeting
the needs of culturally or economically diverse families? For example, a small private
agency with similar religious or cultural perspectives to those of the family may be
preferable to a large "mainstream" governmental unit. Whether all potential service
sources would be more effective if joined in one large, complex, system is at least a
matter of debate.
It is also debatable whether the family assessment models presently being advocated,
which suggest comprehensive assessment in all areas of

Page 180
family functioning, are really best for children and their families. Slentz & Bricker (1992)
propose an alternative that they call "family-guided" rather than " family-centered"
because they stress that the emphasis should be on the child rather than on the family, and
that the IFSP goals should focus on the child rather than casting the family in the role of
Even with the press for coordination and cost-effectiveness of services, the presence of
some overlapping agency responsibilities may be valuable. For families to feel a sense of
control over their child's future, they should have some choices to make among
reasonable alternatives. Although families who have children with disabilities are in all
income and cultural groups, there is a high proportion of children at risk for delay in the
less powerful groups in our societythe poor, the minority, and the recent immigrant
populations. Policies have often resulted in their surrendering control in order to get
needed services. Professionals who work with these families can have a positive effect on
their lives by helping them to learn how to gain access to the present systems and what
methods they can use to affect future decisions about early intervention policy.
A cornerstone of early assessment and intervention policy and practice is the view that
young children cannot be isolated from the family context. Thus, the family is to be
involved in all aspects, including screening, diagnosis, and intervention planning, and the
needs and strengths of the family and child are to be assessed and considered in the
service delivery plan. Professionals who work closely with families, especially those who
visit homes, must operate from this base of beliefs and demonstrate a respectful and
helpful orientation.
While there are some situations in which family and child welfare is not congruent, close
involvement with the family usually results in increased understanding of the child and a
more effective plan for enhancing the child's development. Family involvement is also
empowering, and may have long-term effects on the family's capability of providing the
care and educational experiences needed by the child. The support systems that enable the
family to meet their child's and their own needs must be in place, and access to the
services of such systems must be facilitated by the early intervention team as a whole.
Because social work, nursing, and educational personnel typically serve as the major
contacts with families and provide the connecting links to the early intervention team,
their role is especially important to the success of a transdisciplinary team approach that
exemplifies family involvement.

Page 181
Questions for Discussion
1. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of having a family-centered approach to
infants and their families and to toddlers and their families?
2. What assessment and intervention methods would be useful with families whose ability
to focus on their child's needs is being affected by adult developmental issues?
Problems of Practice
Interview a social worker or family educator or coordinator and determine which of the
roles discussed in this chapter are part of that person's job description. Using that
information as a guide, interview three families who are receiving services from the
agency or school where that professional is employed. Find out which services the
families think have been especially valuable and what they need that is not presently
being provided. Make a recommendation based on these findings.
Suggested Readings
Bailey, D. (1988). Rationale and model for family assessment in early intervention. In D.
Bailey & R. Simeonsson (Eds.), Family assessment in early intervention (pp. 126).
Columbus, OH: Merrill.
McGonigel, M. J., Kaufmann, R. K., & Johnson, B. H. (Eds.) (1991). Guidelines and
recommended practices for the Individualized Family Service Plan F (2nd ed.).
Bethesda, MD: Association for the Care of Children's Health.

Page 182

Initial Assessment and IFSP for Ferris
GENDER, AGE, AND ETHNIC ORIGIN OF CHILD: Male, 22 months, African American.
OCCASION OR PURPOSE OF DIALOGUE: An initial assessment of eligibility for services; to provide
information for development of the IFSP and to begin transition planning for entry into
the center-based toddler program next Fall. The program service model is that of a once-
a-week visit by the early intervention home visitor, who also provides service
coordination. The toddler program is available for children when they reach 24 months.
TEAM M EM BERS: Early intervention home visitor and child's mother.
SETTING: The living room of the child's home.
Overview of the Case
Risk Conditions
Ferris has cerebral palsy, seizures, and hydrocephaly. Ferris's mother received ongoing
prenatal care and the delivery of her child was without incident. However, developmental
problems were evident at birth. Hydrocephaly was diagnosed at that time, resulting in the
child's placement in the neonatal nursery. Seizures began at 1 week and the suspected
cerebral palsy was confirmed at 4 months by the hospital pediatric specialist. Because of
the nature of his disabilities, Ferris has spent three periods of 10 to 12 days in the
hospital. He has already undergone two surgeries for shunt inserts and will undergo
surgery during the summer to reform his skull. He is on phenobarbital for seizure control.
Reason for Referral
Initial referral to public health was initiated through the hospital where Ferris was born.
He was referred to the early intervention agency by the public health nurse, who regularly
visits the home. This evaluation by the

Page 183
early intervention home visitor is to begin the development of the IFSP that will be
designed by the full team within the 45-day required period.
Background Information
Ferris is an only child who lives with his parents. His father is attending law school and
his mother works in a retail store 3 days a week. The parents interact on a daily basis with
Ferris. However, Ferris spends time with a caregiver in her home while his parents are at
work. There have been three different "regular" caregivers during Ferris's short life.
Because of the part-time nature of the mother's work and the student status of the father,
the family is presently of low-income socioeconomic status.
Family Strengths and Needs
Strengths include parents who are very willing to seek resources for Ferris and to follow
through on suggestions from specialists and physicians. The mother is working part time
so that she can be with the child some of the time and, because the father is in college, his
hours have some flexibility, enabling him to spend time with Ferris, too. He also has a
part-time job, however, and needs a great deal of study time. There is an extended family
in the area who offer occasional caregiving and other supportive assistance, such as
driving mother and child to the physician's office. The child's health needs are funded by
a health insurance plan through the mother's employer.
The family need identified by the mother is to have the early intervention home visitor,
the speech pathologist, and the physical and occupational therapists provide services for
Ferris. Currently, the only service the family is receiving comes from the public health
nurse. Although finances are tight, conditions are stable, and the family has never been on
public assistance.
Sources of Assessment Information
Medical records and reports from hospital personnel are available. Other measures used
by the early interventionist include home observation, informal parent interview, Early
Intervention Developmental Profile, and the HELP. The following information about
Ferris was obtained during this assessment period in the home (before and during the
dialogue with mother).

Page 184
Social-Emotional Development
Ferris enjoys interactions with parents and other familiar people. He responded
reciprocally to the interaction attempts of the home visitor. His mother reports that he
loves attention and that he displays toy preferences. His social-emotional developmental
age is in the 9-to-12-month range (EIDP/HELP).
Physical-Motor and Sensory-Perceptual Development
As measured by the EIDP and HELP, Ferris shows a fine motor developmental age of 9 to
12 months and a gross motor age of 2 to 7 months. He is able to turn the pages of a book,
hold crayons and bring them to paper, transfer objects from his right to his left hand, and
show preference for the left hand. He can bear weight on his feet, sit for short periods
using his left hand to steady himself, and right himself when tipped to the left side. The
effect of his cerebral palsy is evident in his asymmetry of movement, with less well
controlled movement on the right side of his body.
Cognitive-Language Development
In the area of cognition, Ferris shows an age range of 11 to 15 months. He pats pictures in
books, attends to the pictures, and attempts to label them. He identifies himself in a
mirror, tracks disappearing objects, and shows surprise when objects have incongruous
actions. He enjoys games such as peek-a-boo and gonna-get-you, and laughs at ''silly"
actions. His language comprehension and performance ranges in the 13-to 21-month
period; his comprehension being more highly developed than his production. He says six
words or holophrastic phrases ("Hi," "Thank you," "Bye-bye," "Mama," "Go," and
"Upper" [meaning he wants to be picked up]). He repeats and imitates words and sounds.
However, he usually cries to get attention instead of using words.
The Team Dialogue
The early intervention home visitor and the parent are seated on the living room floor,
near Ferris, who is in his adapted seating device.
HOM E VISITOR: Those are nice books in the Easter basket. Did you get them at a bookstore?
MOTHER: No, they came from the supermarket. I looked for some books and toys to buy because I
didn't want to get all candy for Easter. I really like

Page 185
them because the covers are hard and he can't eat them. He's chewed up some of the cloth books
I bought.
HOM E VISITOR: These are really nice for his small hands, and you are right about this type of book
lasting better. (She pauses in conversation to hold a book up to Ferris, turning a few pages and
commenting on the pictures, before beginning the "business" of the visit.) I'm here today to observe
Ferris's behavior and have you tell me about his skills. But first we have to get the rest of the basic
information we need to help us determine what services should be provided. I will be able to fill
out a lot of the information from our observation and discussion, but we'll go through everything on
the IFSP form and make sure we have everything that you and your husband would like to see
worked on. Do you have any questions about the cover page?
HOM E VISITOR: The goals are going to be generated by you, but I will give my input on what I've
observed and what I feel Ferris should be working on. I went ahead and put down the information
on programs and contact persons. I wasn't sure who the caregiver is for Ferris during the day.
Would you mind giving me that information in case I need it to go to her house to observe?
MOTHER: Not at all. The sitter lives very close and wouldn't mind if you visited.
HOM E VISITOR: What days is he with her?
MOTHER: Every week day except Wednesday.
HOM E VISITOR: Are there any other resource people that you or Ferris are in contact with?
MOTHER: The only other person I can think of is the nurse that comes out from Human Resources and
tells us about services in the area.
HOM E VISITOR: Here is a brochure from one of the agencies that is concerned about parent education
and parent information exchange. The agency has a weekly program covering topics that parents
have expressed an interest in. They operate on a rotation, so if you can't make one week, the same
topics will be covered in another week. It's also a great support group because all of the parents,
including the woman who started the program, have children with disabilities.
MOTHER: Thank you. We'll look this over.
HOM E VISITOR: I also brought some financial information that you expressed interest in when I called
you. Does Ferris get SSI?
MOTHER: No, not yet, but we did apply for it; we just haven't heard yet.
HOM E VISITOR: If there are specific things that you want information on that I haven't covered, let me
know and I'll try to get you in touch with the right people.
MOTHER: I would like to know more about play programs. I might want to

Page 186
take him to something like that.
HOM E VISITOR: Okay, I'll see what I can find out about those. We also need to do the medical
information. I've listed the doctors I know he sees. Anyone else?
MOTHER: He does see Dr. Nervus (neurologist).
HOM E VISITOR: Any concerns about his upcoming surgeries?
MOTHER: He goes in at the end of May for 4 days to have tests and observations, and they'll probably
schedule his first surgery for his skull reconstruction in June. I'd like to have most of his surgeries
completed this summer, before he starts the toddler school.
HOM E VISITOR: I think that's a great idea. That way he won't miss a lot of school days and will get
more consistency in his program. After we finish the observation and assessment procedures, we
will fill in those parts on the IFSP form and list some of the areas that we feel Ferris should be
working on as goals and which services he needs. Is there anything right now that you would like
Ferris to be getting that he's not?
MOTHER: The only thing I can think of is physical and occupational therapy. How should I go about
getting those services?
HOM E VISITOR: Your best bet is to go through Child Hospital for physical therapy. You may be able to
have the sessions covered by insurance. We can provide a consultative service for occupational
therapy. Also, when Ferris starts the toddler program he will get regular occupational therapy and
physical therapy there. Getting therapy in your home is a problem because there aren't many
independent consulting therapists or agency services of that type. I'll bring you information on the
therapy program at Child Hospital and the name of the person you can contact there, though.
MOTHER: I'll have to check with my insurance company to see if that will be covered for sure, and
how much. Although we have some coverage, because I'm part time, I don't get full benefits.
HOM E VISITOR: I'll also find information on some other agencies to see if you can get financial help
through them.
MOTHER: That would be great; we'll also probably need help with the wheelchair I think he should
HOM E VISITOR: We'll make a note to discuss that in our goal section. Now I'd like to observe Ferris
and see what kinds of skills he has. (Conducts the observational portion and asks mother for reports
of skills in areas not observed.)
HOM E VISITOR: Now we'll work on the skill sheets and I'll get your input. The first area is motor
skills. Is there anything in that area that you would like to see worked on?
MOTHER: He uses his left hand much more than his right. Maybe he should do some more activities
with his right hand. He can feed himself with finger food and tries with a spoon, but it doesn't get to
his mouth.

Page 187
HOM E VISITOR: I've noticed he can hold on to his toy spoon. A goal our occupational therapist may
want to work on when she's here might be getting Ferris to feed himself with a spoon. We can also
consult with the occupational therapist about whether the goal of using his right hand in reaching
and holding on to things would be appropriate. If she agrees, I can set up activities where he will
have no other choice but to use that hand. Anything else with motor goals?
MOTHER: His doctor says there is nothing wrong with the reflexes in his legs, but he just doesn't seem
to realize they are there, or what they're used for. I'd like to see him use his legs, but I'm thinking
that because of his problems with his head (deformation), the pressure on his brain may not allow
him to use his legs right now. We may have to wait until after the surgeries and see what happens.
With his head being so big, it's hard enough for him to concentrate on keeping his head up and
balancing himself.
HOM E VISITOR: I think you might be right as far as use of his legs. But we can work on awareness of
his lower body. We'll wait until the next review period to talk about goals for using his legs, which
will be after the surgeries are complete. Anything else?
MOTHER: No, I can't think of anything.
HOM E VISITOR: I've talked with our speech pathologist and she will be conducting an assessment
when she visits you to determine whether Ferris needs speech therapy. She will be making
consultative visits about once a month. Also, I can work on language activities when I come on
Wednesdays. It might also be a good idea for him to have another hearing and communication
evaluation after his surgery is complete.
MOTHER: He seems to understand a lot, but I'd like him to be able to tell us what he wantslike what
toy he wants to play with, or when he's hungry. The words he says now aren't enough for that. I'd
like him to name some pictures in his books, too.
HOM E VISITOR: That's an excellent goal! I noticed that when he wanted our attention today he cried or
threw something. I'll be bringing in different toys and games for Ferris to manipulate to encourage
his language and cognitive development. Is there anything you'd specifically like written down as a
cognitive goal?
MOTHER: No, I think that when Ferris is given something he usually figures out how to use it with
time. He enjoys looking at things and manipulating things as long as someone is doing it with him.
HOM E VISITOR: How about social skills? Anything you'd like worked on specifically?
MOTHER: No. I think he's very social. He likes being around adults and kids and is very friendly to
everyone. He loves to talk to people, even though they can't understand most of what he is saying.

Page 188
HOM E VISITOR: Let's read over the goals we have decided on. (She reads the goal statements and the
mother agrees to the way they are stated.) I'll go back and write these goals up on the outcome sheet.
I'll also fill in the parts about my assessment results. Other team members will also review the
assessment. We will add anything else we think might be useful. Then I'll bring it back next week
and you can go through it, add anything else that you want, and then you can sign it. This will be our
initial IFSP. Is there anything else today that we didn't cover?
MOTHER: I'm working on getting him a wheelchair. I've already contacted his orthopedic doctor and
he wants a physical therapist's evaluation also before he prescribes it.
HOM E VISITOR: We can do that kind of evaluation at our school as a consultative session. If you'd like
that, I will have one of the physical therapists from our program contact you.
MOTHER: Okay, that would be great. I'd like to get this done as soon as possible so that we can order
it in time for him to get it before school starts.
HOM E VISITOR: Here's information about the transition plan for the toddler program. I stated that
Ferris will be 28 months old in September and eligible in Fall for our toddler program. The
following year he can attend the preschool in your school district. He'll need to be tested by his
home school district before he can be placed there, though. I'd encourage you to observe at a
number of preschools during the next year to help you decide what kind of program you want for
MOTHER: The school district said they'd do the testing when he is 3.1 would just need to sign their
form. I'm waiting to see when the surgeries will be completed before I plan for this Fall. I think
Ferris would like the toddler program because he likes to be around other kids. The sitter he has
now doesn't take care of any other children, but the first two did and he enjoyed seeing them.
HOM E VISITOR: You've been doing a great job getting things going for Ferris. You're really well
organized. Let me know if there is anything else I can help with. Do you want to tell me who you
might like to have receive copies of the IFSP?
MOTHER: Why don't you just make some copies for me and I'll give them out if a doctor or therapist
requests it. Will Ferris also get an IFSP when he goes to preschool?
HOM E VISITOR: No, this is for younger kids. He'll have an individual educational plan, called an IEP,
when he goes to preschool. It will be similar, but it focuses more on child goals than family goals.
In the toddler program he will still have an IFSP, which includes the family goals.
MOTHER: Is the IFSP only for kids with problems?
HOM E VISITOR: Yes. It's to help us do the best planning to enable Ferris to reach the developmental
goals that our team identifies through the

Page 189
assessment. Let's review the recommendations to be sure we agree on what the IFSP will say.

The initial IFSP will focus on helping the family gain the information and services they
have identified as needs, which include occupational and physical therapy, and financial
assistance for purchasing a wheelchair, if the therapist's evaluation indicates one is
needed. The home visitor will work with Ferris's family on improving his motor skills
and on developing more precise communication methods to make his needs better
known. The speech pathologist will also make an assessment and provide consultative
service for the family. Ferris will be eligible for the toddler program in fall. His
developmental progress will be monitored and the IFSP goals reviewed after his surgery
is completed. The parents will continue as co-service coordinators with the early
intervention home visitor. The IFSP will be reviewed in 90 days, as mandated by law.
Questions for Discussion
1. What might have been problems in the service delivery system that resulted in Ferris
receiving his initial IFSP at the age of 22 months, even though his disabilities were
evident in the first months of his life? Would an earlier referral have made a difference to
Ferris or his parents? How will the home visitor's knowledge of and coordination with
outside services now be able to help Ferris and his family?
2. What were some of the data that Ferris's mother provided that helped in the assessment
of Ferris?
3. Ferris's mother seems to be more competent, articulate, and assertive than many
parents. What happens in situations when parents do not take such an active role in
finding services for their child? What happens when health insurance is not provided for
part-time employees?
4. Is an IFSP that is first developed by the early intervention home visitor and the parent
as useful as one that is initially developed by a full team? What are the advantages and the
disadvantages of this approach?
5. What skills did the family or home visitor exhibit in engaging the parent in a
meaningful dialogue? Did she display any behaviors that explored the acculturation level
of the family or the cultural values they may hold that could influence the assessment and
intervention process?

Page 190

Chapter 8
Assessment Perspectives for Culturally Diverse Young Children
Doris Bergen
Susan Mosley-Howard
In the period between 1980 and 1990, the population of the United States increased by
only 9.8%, which was the lowest increase in 200 years of census taking. During the same
period, the change in the composition of the population was the greatest since the
immigration wave period at the turn of the century (Outtz, 1993). The US Census Bureau
projects that, as a result of immigration and birth patterns, by early in the 21st century,
one-third of all Americans will be from Hispanic, African, Asian, Pacific Island, or Native
American cultural backgrounds, with Hispanic Americans replacing African Americans as
the largest minority population (14%). According to Outtz, "we are a multifaceted society.
It was true before, and it is even truer today ... full participation of all sectors of our
diverse population is increasingly vital to the survival and growth of this nation" (p. 6).
To ensure that this full participation will occur, young children from every cultural group
must be enabled to reach their developmental achievement potential.
The concept of cultural diversity has been examined from many perspectives, depending
on the definition of culture used in those perspectives. Specific cultural groups have been
defined both narrowly and broadly, ranging from those groups demarcated by
geographical boundaries, historical traditions, or religious value systems to those groups
who share common attributes, values, and behaviors within the same boundaries,
traditions, or systems (Frisby, 1992; Geertz, 1973). Because culture is a pervasive
construct, used to explain and describe processes and products, it must be defined
carefully when it is being used to explain how it

Page 191
influences the assessment of young children and to describe what its effects will be on the
contexts in which assessment occurs.
In this chapter, culture is defined as the patterns of behaving, thinking, and feeling of a
particular group, which may be either geographical or ethnic in origin, that are transmitted
during the socialization of young children who are members of that group. This
socialization process creates deeply rooted and often intuitive scripts for action, thought,
and emotional evaluation of experiences. These scripts interact with developmental
processes, such as cognitive, language, and social-emotional competencies, and affect the
ability of young children to demonstrate those competencies in an assessment situation. If
assessment and intervention is to be effective, it must be planned to take into account
knowledge of relevant cultural differences and it must acknowledge cultural realities that
have an impact on the lives of culturally diverse young children.
Because many states have developed early intervention eligibility guidelines that require
administration of at least one standardized normative instrument in their multifactored
assessment process, the use of such instruments continues to be an integral part of early
assessment practice. Norm-referenced assessment is often promoted as essential not only
for determining eligibility but also for monitoring children's developmental progress and
evaluating how well the planned objectives for children and families have been met.
For most young children who are part of the Eurocentric culture, norm-referenced
measures may be useful because they permit comparisons with other children from that
culture, even though questions about the technical properties of these tests remain. These
instruments have many reliability, validity, and interpretation limitations when they are
used with non-dominant groups, such as children who have developmental risk
conditions that inhibit their ability to perform in the standardized manner. When the tests
are used to assess young children from culturally diverse backgrounds who may be at risk
for developmental delay, the limitations are even more problematic.
As these problems have been recognized, alternatives to traditional assessment, such as
use of portfolios (Gardner, 1983, 1993), observations of play (Linder, 1993), and
multifactored assessment procedures (Meisels, 1987) have been proposed. The
importance of explicitly recognizing the effect of culture on assessment has also been
stressed (Hale-Bensen, 1986). In the light of the identified problems with assessment
methods and the lack of a substantial knowledge-base regarding the specific development
of culturally diverse young children, it is essential that appropriate assessment contexts
and multifactored instruments be used to increase the amount of accurate information
about the development of these children.

Page 192

Underlying Assumptions
A basic assumption of this perspective is that not all children and families who bear a
certain cultural label bring the same level of dominant culture awareness or test-taking
sophistication into the assessment setting. Much research has focused on issues of cultural
"world views" or what could be called the level of acculturation to the dominant culture
(e.g., English, 1983; Myers, 1988; Nobles, 1980, 1986; Schiele, 1991). A family's level of
acculturation into the dominant culture determines the extent to which the members
expose their children to the culture of origin and to the acquired dominant culture and
mediates their interactions within both cultures.
Some families from non-dominant cultures are sufficiently acculturated to Eurocentric
viewpoints that they are able to use that viewpoint when it is necessary to achieve a
particular goal. These "transitional" families (Saracho & Hancock, 1983) may begin to
convey some dominant cultural ideas to their children during infancy. Even with this level
of acculturation, however, young children from non-dominant cultures still do not
interact extensively with the dominant culture. For example, fewer than one in four
minority children below age 4 attend out-of-home educational programs (Fradd, 1987).
Other "traditional" families, especially those who are first-generation immigrants, who
grew up in rural areas, who are isolated from mainstream economic success, or who hold
strong non-dominant religious or moral values, may have made explicit to their young
children the behaviors and values only from their culture of origin. Moreover, they may
exclusively use their language or dialect of origin in the home or they may use an
undifferentiated mixture of their language and dialect and the dominant language.
Achor (1978) studied acculturation in Mexican-American families and described four
levels of acculturation: accommodation to the majority, insulation from the majority,
mobilization and interaction with both cultures, and alienation. Children whose families
fit into these different categories of acculturation differ greatly in their familiarity and ease
with the dominant cultural expectations integral to most assessment methods and in their
ability to demonstrate best performance in assessment situations.
Even for cultural groups who are not recent immigrants, there are acculturation
differences. For example, the extent of an Afrocentric world view among African-
American families varies greatly, and the degree to which African-American families
adhere to culture-of-origin views can have a great effect on the developmental levels that
their children demonstrate in a testing situation. Ogbu (1988) points to the "caste" level of
African Americans as influencing their access and exposure to the

Page 193
resources of the dominant culture. That is, African Americans with high levels of
education and income tend to be more able to acculturate when they desire to do so. He
also points out that the childrearing practices of parents reflect their views of what
competencies their children need to survive and be successful in the society (Ogbu,
A corollary assumption is that the diverse socialization processes of these various cultural
groups affect the response style and characteristic thinking patterns exhibited by their
young children. Hale-Benson (1986), Boykin (1985), Hilliard (1987), and others suggest
that children's cognitive style is influenced by what world view has been part of their
earliest experiences. For example, if children are immersed in an Afrocentric view, which
values global and relational thinking, field-dependent reasoning, functional perspectives,
cooperative endeavors, and affective orientations, they use this thinking style in
interactions with others, including assessment team members. Familiarity and good
rapport with the test giver has been shown to affect positively the cognitive performance
of African-American children, while it does not affect the performance of European-
American children (Zigler, Abelson, & Seitz, 1973).
In a discussion of the 'self-sufficiency" perspective, which is an accepted cultural value in
modern industrial societies, Feinman (1991) asserts that a developmental achievement for
infants in American society is to be able to function while "being alone." He contrasts this
with the cultural expectation in many African, South American, and Asian societies that
mothers and infants be almost inseparable. When separation from the mother occurs in
these cultural groups, the infant is not expected to be alone, but in the company of other
familiar people. In contrast, the Eurocentric perspective encourages manipulation of
objects and provides relatively long periods of time when the infant is alone, engaged in
object manipulation.
For example, Young (1970) has noted differences in object orientation between dominant-
culture infants and those from African-American families, in which there is a greater
focus on interpersonal interactions than on object interactions. Delpit (1988) indicates that
adults in these two cultures provide different language and social interaction models, with
African-American adults giving commands and rules in a more direct style than
European-American adults. Both of these cultural differences can affect young children's
test performance.
Other examples of socialization factors that may affect children's performance in
assessment situations can be drawn from studies of Asian, Eskimo, African-American,
Appalachian, Native-American, and Hispanic families (e.g., Briggs, 1970; Chan, 1986;
Boykin, 1985; Fernald & Morikawa, 1993; Govle, 1982; Grosman, 1984; Iwacha, 1983;
Laosa, 1977, 1982; Ruiz, 1981; Ruiz & Padilla, 1979; Steward & Steward, 1973), which

Page 194
indicate that the various cultural groups differentially socialize for obedience and respect
for authority (Asian, African-American, Hispanic); harmony and cooperation (Asian,
Hispanic, Native-American); spontaneity, active movement, and emotional expressiveness
(African-American, Native-American); independence and emotional restraint (Eskimo,
Appalachian); and family loyalty and respect for elders (Asian, Hispanic, Appalachian).
The timing of socialization also differs, with many cultures being indulgent of infants and
stringent in teaching prosocial behaviors after the first year. Expectations for the
developmental achievements of boys may be higher than for girls (e.g., Hispanic,
Appalachian), and having a child with disabilities may be difficult to accept in some
cultures (e.g., Asian) and more easily accepted in others (e.g., African American). A
recent study of parents and toddlers in four cultures (US, Guatemala, India, Turkey)
indicates that cultural and demographic factors influence whether parents actively guide
toddlers' participation in the social group, have academic or social developmental goals,
and take responsibility for toddler learning by structuring teaching situations or give that
responsibility to the toddlers (Rogoff, Mistry, Goncu, & Mosier, 1993).
Another assumption is that even those assessment measures that have documented
reliability and validity in assessing the development of young children from Eurocentric
homes must be examined closely before they can be judged suitable for evaluating
culturally diverse young children. These measures may not evaluate the range of skills,
abilities, or acquired knowledge common to these children. They are often not able to
note subtle developmental changes and culturally influenced patterns of change that are
part of the children's repertoire of behaviors. Numerous studies have documented
problems with traditional measures (e.g., Hilliard, 1987; McAdoo & McAdoo, 1985;
Santos de Barona & Barona, 1991). According to Santos de Barona & Barona, because
development often presents itself in an uneven fashion, maximum levels of performance
may fail to be measured. Further, the external validity of the instruments is questionable,
especially when used to assess culturally diverse children.
For many of these tests, the lack of normative samples from diverse cultural groups
makes valid comparisons impossible; interpretations of the meaning of test results may be
affected by the assessment teams' lack of knowledge of specific group cultural
differences; and test-taking behavior may be negatively affected by culturally based
socialization factors (e.g., girls should not act assertively). Although an increased number
of children of culturally diverse backgrounds is now being included in normative groups,
the process is still flawed. For example, culturally representative normative groups were
collected for the Kaufman Assessment

Page 195
Battery for Children (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983); however, there was a greater
representation from families in the non-dominant group who had high educational levels
than is proportionally true for that total population group (Bracken, 1985).
Unless norm-referenced measures have norms that accurately represent each cultural and
socioeconomic group for which comparisons are to be made, the results may not give a
useful comparative picture of these young children's development. Furthermore, even if
tests are normed with representative groups, if the test has been conceptualized and
constructed from a Eurocentric perspective that focuses on analytical and logical
functions, it may not adequately assess children whose culture promotes other thinking
Similarly, criterion-referenced tests may reflect biases in the test developers' determination
of the specific test items to be used to demonstrate competence in various developmental
domains. For example, certain self-care skills that are valued in one culture may not be
taught by parents in another, and the child who has not been taught that type of self-care
will not be able to demonstrate that skill. Also, many developmental achievements are
assessed with the use of blocks. Those children who are not familiar with blocks may be
less able to demonstrate their cognitive, motor, and language abilities when given
commands to perform using blocks. Tests must be designed to permit a variety of objects,
some of which are familiar to children of each culture, to be used to demonstrate
performance in a particular developmental domain.
Because most standardized tests focus on linear thinking, field-independent reasoning,
abstract symbolic perspectives, individual endeavors, and analytical orientations, children
whose acculturation is only to their culture of origin may be less effective in meeting test
demands. This factor is especially important in the period from birth to age 3 because,
during that period, the family environment is preeminent in the socialization process.
The assumption that other culturally related environmental factors affect performance is
also important to consider. For example, low socioeconomic level, which is often related
to non-dominant culture status, has an effect on the resources families can use to
encourage children's developmental progress and thus may negatively affect their
development. While it is not always the case that behaviors caused by poor
socioeconomic conditions are manifested in the testing situation, because many at-risk
children from non-dominant cultures come from low-income families, this factor cannot
be overlooked in making inferences about assessment results.
Other culturally related environmental factors, such as family composition, size, and
presence of extended family members, also affect the

Page 196
development of children and their ability to demonstrate skills. In addition, the manner in
which a particular cultural group is treated in the society has an effect on children's
emotional development, and the social status of the cultural group has an effect on the
social behaviors that are expected and learned by their children. When interpreting test
results, this ecologically interactive perspective must be taken into account.
Thus, another strong assumption is that the presence and active participation of the
families of children from diverse cultural origins are essential in the assessment process,
if it is to result in an accurate evaluation. Families must be given an important role and
their participation as experts regarding their children must be valued. Much of the
learning of the very young child is idiosyncratic and based on experiences within a small
circle of family and community members. For example, families may use different words
for similar concepts or objects (e.g., use of the word 'dolly'' or "baby" when referring to a
doll) and have different pragmatic rules for appropriate communication (e.g., do not look
in the eyes of an adult when the adult is talking to you). If assessment team members do
not have a knowledge of a particular culture, they need family members to help plan the
assessment and to participate in eliciting the child's most effective performance. They also
need advice about the linguistic or dialectical modes that will be most helpful in gaining
evidence of child competence.
Familial involvement should occur in the pre-assessment, initial assessment, and ongoing
assessment phases. In pre-assessment, family members can be interviewed to obtain
developmental, cultural, and educational information, as well as information about family
needs and linguistic status (Correa, 1989). One way to involve family members in initial
assessment is to use a participant-observer technique in which the family members and
the assessment team members observe and create anecdotal records of the child's
behaviors. In ongoing assessment and interpretation phases, family members can serve as
consultants when collected data are being interpreted.
A final assumption, often overlooked in conducting assessments, is that assessment team
members each bring their own cultural perspectives to the assessment process. There is an
interaction of their views, the assessment measures, the family's attitudes and beliefs, and
the child's cultural experience in the testing situation. Because the team members' views of
the child's abilities are mediated by their own world views, the conclusions they draw
may reflect those world views. They must examine their own cultural biases and attempt
to set them aside when testing children from diverse cultural backgrounds. Unless the
assessment team members are aware of their own cultural perspectives and the potentially
different thought patterns or social behaviors resulting from children's

Page 197
culture of origin that can affect their performance in a testing situation, the team will not
be able to make valid inferences regarding the children's developmental status.
Although an ideal assessment team would have at least one member from the cultural
group of the child being assessed, this is often not possible in practice. Even team
members who are well versed in another culture or linguistic system are not experts in all
cultures or languages. Therefore, the team should try to locate written information and
community informants who can assist them in understanding the cultural context and the
interaction style expected by members of the child's culture. For example, even among
cultures that appear to be very similar (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, and
Hmong), there are differences in the structure and use of names (Morrow, 1989), and the
use of a "disrespectful" address may hamper the assessment and intervention process. It is
particularly important for the team members to be aware of their own cultural
perspectives and to avoid stereotypic assumptions in interpreting assessment results.
Methods of Assessment
When assessing young children from diverse cultures, a range of methods can be useful,
as long as the assessment results are interpreted within the context of the cultural milieu.
A single standardized measure may provide some useful information; however, a
culturally sensitive, multifaceted assessment is the preferred mode.
Standardized Single-Instrument Assessment
A typical method for assessment of young children has been the administration of one
normative- or criterion- referenced assessment measure that is focused on "typical"
developmental milestones (i.e., normative for Eurocentric populations). Although infant
assessment measures have included a strong emphasis on motor skills, toddlers require a
demonstration of processes that tap logical and linguistic problem-solving skills. They
also require independent rather than collaborative demonstrations of abilities. For
example, no items require the young child to demonstrate the ability to work
cooperatively on a task with the parent.
In comparison to measures for preschool and school-aged children, assessment
instruments for infants and toddlers have usually shown less disparity in results between
culturally diverse children and dominant-culture children. There are a number of
explanations for the initial similarity of performance and the gradual increase in diversity
of perfor-

Page 198
mance with age. This result may indicate that the measures used with very young children
capture more accurately the breadth of skills culturally diverse children can demonstrate.
It may also indicate that the patterns of development for culturally diverse children
increase in variability from typical patterns at later ages. Cultural factors and genetic and
other environmental influences may have an increased effect over the course of children's
The concept of "canalization" may be relevant here (Shonkoff, Hauser-Cram, Krauss, &
Upshur, 1992). This term refers to the narrow developmental path that many
characteristics take during the early years of life. For example, motor skills such as sitting
and walking and basic social and cognitive behaviors do not appear to differ greatly in
timing of appearance, even under relatively extreme environmental deprivation (Kagan,
1984). The range of variation in human performance seems to widen as environmental
experiences interact with individual and cultural differences.
The greater differences at older ages could be caused by culturally diverse children's later
negative experiences within the dominant culture, which make them less likely to
demonstrate their capabilities in testing situations. The increase in the range of differences
can also be a result of the ongoing development of culturally different thinking styles,
affective responses, and linguistic patterns. Although this question has not been
systematically studied, it is likely that the cumulative effect of person and environment
interactions contribute to the greater range of individual performance differences at later
ages (Bronfenbrenner, 1993). The culturally sensitive assessment process, therefore,
should include information from numerous sources embedded within the relevant
cultural context. As part of the process, the information obtained should be interpreted in
light of the acculturation level of the family and child and the socialization practices
appropriate in that culture.
Comprehensive, Multifactored Assessment
The suggestions given in earlier chapters that pertain to successful ways to get optimal
infant and toddler performance during assessments are also pertinent here. The
assessment team should be especially sensitive to the use of assessment approaches that
draw the highest levels of performance from young children who are not members of the
dominant culture. These techniques of sensitivity apply to the assessment of children
from all non-dominant cultural groups. However, assessment team members should also
prepare themselves to work with the specific cultural groups who are most likely to be
included in their assessment population by reading some of the literature on culturally
diverse socialization processes (e.g., Saracho & Spodek, 1983; Hilliard, 1987; McAdoo &
McAdoo, 1988).

Page 199
The increasingly typical assessment method preferred for all infants and toddlers is a
multiple assessment approach that has the parent or primary care provider as a full
member of the assessment team. The assessment procedures for culturally diverse young
children do not differ in overall structure from those for all young children, but special
attention should be placed on their comprehensiveness and relevance. In the initial
interview, there are some specific questions that are especially important to ask families
from diverse cultural groups. Ramirez (1991) has developed a 57-item traditionalism and
modernism inventory to determine acculturation level. Although his inventory is used for
therapeutic purposes, questions of similar types can provide contextual information to
guide the assessment by identifying the acculturation level likely to be exhibited in child
performance. Some examples of questions that can be asked to determine acculturation
level are listed below in five categories.
1. Prenatal and Neonatal History
Was prenatal care provided by a physician or by another culturally sanctioned person?
What month was it begun and of what did it consist (e.g., special diet, physical check-
Were there any unusual prenatal or birth circumstances relevant to the ethnic or racial
group, such as presence of a genetically based syndrome, illness, length of gestation,
difficulty of birth, use of medication or other substances?
Are there particular medical or psychological practices before, during, or after birth
that the family's culture expects to have carried out (e.g., circumcision)?
2. Sociodemographic Context
What is family's length of time in the US? If they are recent immigrants, what
circumstances surrounded the immigration and resettlement experience?
Is the family part of a certain "caste level" (e.g., educational, socioeconomic, religious)
within their cultural group?
Does the family live in a neighborhood with diversity of cultures or entirely with
members of the same cultural group?
Does the family have strong ties to a religion common to their cultural group?
Is there an extended family in the same living space or in the local area? What is their
role in relation to the child?
What is the socioeconomic level of the parents and of other family members?
What is the educational level of the parents and of other family members?

Page 200
3. Linguistic Context
What language(s) is/are spoken in the home?
Which family members speak which languages?
What language(s) is/are used in interaction with the child?
Are non-English-speaking members of the family engaged in learning English?
Is the English language or the culture of origin language seen or heard on television or
4. Family Socialization
What are the living arrangements of the child's parents (separate or shared)?
How often do the mother, father, and extended family members interact with the child
(e.g., on hourly, daily, weekly, monthly basis)?
Is a family member expected to be with the child most of the time (e.g., is child
routinely carried as the adult goes about daily activities)?
What are the values of the family that most or all family members strongly support
(e.g., mother staying at home, breast feeding)?
What are the behaviors that the family expects to see in all children at certain ages (e.g.,
toilet trained by a certain age, respect for adults)?
How do family members characterize the strengths and needs of the child (e.g., style
and rate of learning, adaptive behaviors)?
Are the neighbors expected to support the family socialization system? How do they do
Are the family's friends primarily from the same cultural group?
Are there primary caregivers other than family members?
Has the child had exposure to out-of-home care or education? How successful have
those experiences been?
Has the family received help from social service, health, or other community agency
personnel? How successful have those experiences been?
5. Cultural Commitment
Does the family adhere to all or some of the customs, beliefs, and traditions of the
culture of origin?
Does the family express knowledge of and pride in their cultural history?
Do family members identify with their culture or race?
Before using any standardized assessment methods, determination of primary language
use and functional language use should be made. Decisions about whether English, the
home language, or a combination should be used must be made prior to the assessment;
ideally, the team

Page 201
should have a member with both English and the home language. On standardized
measures, for children from non-dominant linguistic backgrounds, instruments that have
been designed in the language of origin or that have been translated and back translated to
be sure of accuracy are preferred to instantaneous informal translations of English
language tests (Vazquez Nuttall, Romero, & Kalesnik, 1992).
After the preliminary information has been gathered as the ecological context for the
assessment, a transdisciplinary team assessment that includes the following components
should be conducted:
1. Naturalistic observation in varied settings, including adult-child, peer-child, and
sibling-child interactions with familiar partners
2. Parent, caregiver, or significant other observations and ratings
3. Relevant norm-referenced instruments
4. Relevant curriculum-based instruments
5. Sample of child's spontaneous language
6. Samples of child products, if age permits (e.g., drawings, block structures)
Information from physical-motor, sensory-perceptual, cognitive- language, social-
emotional, and play domains should be collected. Most assessment batteries used with
infants and toddlers include a standard, norm-referenced instrument that measures
psychomotor, physical, cognitive, and social domains. The tests created for this purpose
historically excluded children from culturally diverse backgrounds when technical
standards were being determined. In recent years, test makers have begun to include
culturally diverse populations in developing their normative samples and to design
measures appropriate for non-English-language speakers. For example, the revised Bayley
Scales (1993) includes representative samples of major cultural groups in the US, and the
Denver II is now available in a Spanish language version. Evans (1985) and Patton (1992)
have given suggestions for instruments to be used with culturally diverse young children
because of their higher level of sensitivity to cultural factors and to young children. Even
though the instruments still do not reflect all of the important aspects of diverse learning
styles, they do assess more accurately than some other norm-referenced instruments.
Some instruments that have features making them more culturally sensitive are the
Denver II, Preschool Language Scale-3, Uzgiris-Hunt Scales, Bayley II, Home
Observation of Environment, and Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Revised. These are
described further in Appendix B.
Standardized instruments and informal measures must be sensitive to the variety of
attributes that have cultural relevance, and the team must give attention to uncovering
skills that may not be part of typical assess-

Page 202
ments. For example, the ability of the infant to cooperate in turn-taking social play with
an adult has recently been recognized as a vital skill that all infants should possess
(Bruner & Sherwood, 1976). Because of the emphasis in many non-Eurocentric cultures
on family-social interaction, these infants may have especially well developed skills in
this domain.
Assessment methods should include those that can add to the team's understanding of
family dynamics, structure, interaction, and acculturation level; analyze culturally
influenced cognitive and language style; determine family-child relationships and adult-
child social interaction patterns; assess psychomotor skills; and evaluate affective tone and
orientation. (Many examples of these methods are discussed in chapters 2 through 7.)
Care should be taken to include tests that can point out skills based on cognitive and
language style components of the culture; for example, those that draw on both "left-
brain" and "right-brain" skills. Torrance's (1990) Tests of Creative Thinking and Hilliard's
(1976) The "Who" and "O" Checklists can provide this type of information. A balanced
collection of information should be sought and interpretation of results should come from
an holistic view rather than a fragmented perspective. Play-based assessment approaches
are also very useful, especially if play can be observed both in the home and in an
intervention program setting. They are described in Appendix B.
Evolving Assessment Methods
A number of assessment models that take cultural considerations into account are now
being developed. One model, the Program Aptitude Competence Test System (PACTS)
approach (Savage and Adair, 1980), uses a team composed of a variety of experts and
significant others from the child's environment to qualitatively assess affective, cultural,
cognitive, behavioral, and social variables. Another approach, recently proposed for
African-American children by Hamilton, Oscar, & Atkins, (1993), advocates the use of
the Optimal Performer Locator, which is designed to tap into optimal performance. The
theoretical base is derived from Hilliard (1987), who asserts that optimal performance can
be attained by all children, and sub-optimal performance can become optimal through
Hamilton et al. (1993) state that a person by environment perspective is the foundation of
the assessment process. The Optimal Performer Locator introduces the child to materials
that are culturally relevant and the tasks tap into all modes of functioning (e.g., tactile,
kinesthetic, cognitive). If the child's performance initially fails to match desired outcomes,
behaviors are modeled and the child is then reevaluated to determine if the skills have
been acquired. This approach is congruent with Vygotsky's (1962) suggestion that the
"zone of proximal development" be assessed. Another

Page 203
method drawing on cultural strengths is that of Mercer (1989), who designed a System of
Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA). The assumptions of this method are:
1. There are many normal curves of behavior.
2. People of different cultural groups can not be validly compared.
3. Multiple measures are necessary.
4. A multicultural perspective is essential.
Although these approaches have focused on the assessment of children aged 3 and older,
they can give guidance to the design of assessment for culturally diverse young children
After the assessment information has been collected, the team should examine the variety
of developmental indicants and discuss what inferences should be made, given the family
and child's level of acculturation and socialization context. The IFSP planning team
should include not only professionals with a wide range of assessment skills but also
members of the child's family and possibly other members of the cultural group. Using
the rich data that have been obtained from the comprehensive assessment approach, the
team should develop the IFSP through a consensus process.
Information Exchange with Families and Referral Agencies
Especially for young children from diverse cultural groups, it is critical for the family to
be involved in the assessment process from its inception. It is important to gain
meaningful and useful information about infants and toddlers and to obtain ideas for the
best ways to communicate with families. Historically, there has been a schism between the
agencies of the dominant-culture and culturally diverse families (Neighbors, Jackson,
Bowman, & Gurin, 1982). To close this gap there may be a need to use as conduits
indigenous community people within the subculture; to learn to recognize the "chain of
command" within that family structure; to know whether the family prefers gaining
information face to face or in written form; and to understand the cultural barriers that
prevent "reasonable" requests from being honored.
There may be a level of mistrust and intimidation felt by the family and by the
professionals. An important goal is to assist families in becoming empowered. If they can
experience their empowerment and their potential for influencing their child's
developmental achievement, they are likely to become more involved in the
implementation of activities that further the educational goals for their child. Sometimes
professional team

Page 204
members must be aware of and work on their own mixed feelings about family
empowerment. They need to see the empowerment of culturally diverse families as
adding to the strength and ability of the entire team to affect the children's lives rather
than as a potential loss of their professional expertise and overall control.
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model
The transdisciplinary approach offers a comprehensive look at the child's developmental
status, including assets and deficits; gives the professional team members an in-depth and
dynamic view of the child's culture and the significant people in the child's life; and
permits the entire team (family and professionals) to work together to enhance the child's
development. In order for it to be effective, however, the professionals involved in the
team must be aware of, truly knowledgable about, and sensitive to the unique cultural
dynamics that interact with the needs of the child.
There are few professional training programs that prepare students sufficiently to perform
effectively in this role. Professionals need to have indepth and extensive knowledge
backgrounds and practical experiences with culturally diverse children and families in
order to feel comfortable as a member of a culturally diverse transdisciplinary team. They
must also learn to be confident in challenging the "system" (i.e., schools, preschools,
daycare, physicians, hospitals), if that is needed to gain the resources for appropriately
assessing and planning educational experiences for culturally diverse young children.
Although this approach provides the information-rich context in which to gain a valid
picture of the child within the family, there are two practical disadvantages: It requires
more time than traditional assessment approaches and it relies on the ability of the team to
achieve consensus on the child's. developmental status, taking into account the
knowledge base drawn from the child's culture of origin. Given the many diverse cultural
influences in American society, this is not an easy task. It is, however, a necessary one, if
the potential of all young children is to be understood and fostered.
Policy Issues
Many of the concepts already discussed in this chapter are embedded in policy issues that
the whole culture must address. The effects of the increased numbers of culturally diverse
groups on the dominant Eurocentric paradigm of assessment and educational planning
and implementation have only begun to be explored. An important issue is in the defi-

Page 205
nition of "at-risk" populations. How this phrase is defined will have implications for who
is assessed and served in early intervention, what resources are devoted to this age level,
and what level of empowerment the families of these children will be allowed to achieve.
For example, state departments that oversee intervention services may define eligibility
differently. Some states include environmental risk conditions that have been related to
developmental delay (e.g., low socioeconomic status, substance abuse) in determining
eligibility for early intervention services. Other states require evidence that performance is
1 or 2 standard deviations below the mean on standardized norm-referenced tests for a
child to qualify for an early intervention program. Young children who come from
culturally diverse backgrounds may be over-represented or under-represented in early
intervention programs in various states, depending on how eligibility criteria are defined
and interpreted.
Another policy dilemma concerns access to and cost of transdisciplinary team services.
Many families from non-dominant cultural groups do not know how to access services,
and they may perceive that they are being discouraged from seeking these services.
Access-promoting policies and committed financial resources must be available for
assessment and early intervention services to reach the children who need them. The
information on availability of services should be clearly designed and widely
communicated. However, if family empowerment is to be maintained, services must be
provided in a manner that increases the family's sense of control and independence,
enabling them to become effective seekers of resources throughout the life of the child, if
A team-related policy issue is that of determining what the role of indigenous persons of
the culture should be in the assessment process. In the past, and often still today,
assessments by professionals have been conducted without the involvement of culturally
knowledgable persons because they often do not possess the professional skills thought
to be needed by team members. Even in assessments of children from linguistically
different backgrounds an indigenous person has not often been present. Inservice training
of indigenous persons to be team participants and preparation of professionals who are
members of varied cultural groups are essential if culturally diverse children are to
receive appropriate assessment and placement.
In assessing young children of diverse cultural backgrounds, it is essential that the
assessment team have knowledge of the diverse cultures of the children they assess. They
should use flexibility in selecting assessment procedures, including ethnographic and
naturalistic modes of assessment

Page 206
along with standard measures, and they should interpret the assessment data in the light of
the ecological interactions relevant to the particular cultures of the children. They should
always be aware of the influence of their own cultural perceptions and experiences and
monitor their assessment and intervention decisions within the context of their knowledge
of their own culturally based perspectives.
Questions for Discussion
1. What aspects of the transdisciplinary assessment process are likely to be useful in
gaining a valid assessment of a young child from a non-Eurocentric cultural group? What
aspects are likely to be problematic?
2. How can the assessment team use knowledge of the family's level of acculturation to
plan and carry out the assessment and intervention tasks?
Problems of Practice
Observe a team assessment or an IFSP meeting for a child whose culture of origin is
Asian, African-American, Appalachian, Native-American, or Hispanic. Focus in particular
on the role of the parents or other family members who are present, noting the amount of
participation, questions or comments, leadership taken, and affective responses to the
child (if present) or team members (if present). After the observation, interview the
family members to get a sense of their understanding of the process and their perceptions
of the teams' interactions with themselves and their child. Evaluate the validity and
effectiveness of the early intervention assessment or plan for the child.
Suggested Readings
Saracho, O. N., & Hancock, F. M. (1983). Mexican-American culture. In O. N. Saracho &
B. Spodek (Eds.). Understanding the multicultural experience in early childhood
education (pp. 3-15). Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young
Hale-Benson, J. (1986). Black children: Their roots, culture, and learning styles.
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Page 207

IFSP Review and Transition Planning for Gamal
GENDER, AGE, ETHNIC ORIGIN OF CHILD: Male, 36 months, Middle Eastern American.
OCCASION OR PURPOSE OF DIALOGUE: Final IFSP review before transition to an age 3 to 5 program; to
discuss developmental progress. Gamal has been receiving services since he was 4
months old. He had a home-based program until 18 months; since that time he has been in
the toddler center-based program. The center program includes monthly home visits.
TEAM M EM BERS: The early interventionist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech
pathologist, adapted physical educator, family service coordinator, and the child's father.
SETTING: Conference room of the early intervention center.
Overview of the Case
Risk Conditions
Gamal is the product of a pregnancy complicated by premature onset of labor, for which
sporadic hospitalizations occurred in the last trimester of the pregnancy. He was born
following a 32-week gestation period. Birth weight was 4 lbs 2 oz. His right foot was
outwardly rotated and a physical therapist evaluated the problem during the 2 weeks he
remained in the neonatal nursery. It was determined that the rotation was due to the
placement of the foot within the womb, rather than a physical abnormality. Before
discharge, the foot placement had self-corrected. Gamal's medical record after that time
has included a history of asthma and otitis media. At the age of 2, he had an insertion of
pressure equalization (PE) tubes. A hearing screening performed last Fall indicated that
Gamal had difficulty hearing pure tones in his right ear. No further diagnosis or
intervention has been conducted.

Page 208
Reason for Referral
Because of Gamal's prematurity and the fact that his two older siblings were premature
and exhibited developmental delays, Gamal was referred to the early intervention
program when he was 2 months old. The referral was made by the hospital social worker
who routinely visits the families of premature infants. The early intervention program
social worker then made a home intake visit, and Gamal began receiving early
intervention services when he was 4 months old. At the last IFSP review, the following
objectives were identified and they will be evaluated at this meeting:
1. Gamal will increase his receptive and expressive language usage in English.
2. Gamal will engage in pretend play and other social interactions with peers.
3. Gamal will participate in group activities.
4. Gamal will dress and undress himself independently.
5. Gamal will improve his fine motor coordination and balance.
Background Information
Gamal's parents immigrated to the US 7 years ago from a Middle Eastern country and still
speak the language of origin in the home. Gamal's two older siblings both attended the
early intervention program. His initial referral was based on biological and environmental
risk conditions. The father is employed in a local industry and he is able to converse
adequately in English. The mother is a full-time homemaker who does not speak English.
Family Strengths and Needs
Both father and mother are very concerned about the development of their children. The
father carries the primary participation role, attending all early intervention team meetings.
The mother has carried out activities in the home that were suggested by early
intervention personnel but, because no one on the early intervention staff speaks their
native language, the father has had to act as the translator. The parents do not have an
extended family support network in this country, having left most of their family
members in the native country. The father does have one younger brother who is
studying at a college within the state. However, he is not usually available as a support
resource. They have a number of friends from their

Page 209
religious group who have provided respite assistance on occasion. Their greatest strength
is their desire to facilitate the development of their children. Access to a stable support
system remains a need, especially because the language barrier does not permit the mother
to make friends easily in the majority culture neighborhood in which they live.
Sources of Assessment Information
The review assessment included a structured interview with the father, observation of the
child in the early intervention classroom, and testing with the Battelle Developmental
Inventory, the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, and the Preschool Language Scale-3
(PLS-3). Because the PLS-3 does not have a version in the child's language of origin, it
could be used only to indicate the child's English level. A spontaneous language sample
was therefore also obtained and analyzed for phonetic, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic
quality. Based on the results of the team assessment, Gamal's developmental status was
Social-Emotional Development
Gamal's parents report that he is much more socially interactive in the home than he is in
the program setting. They indicate that he interacts with his siblings in play and uses both
his native language and English. In the early intervention setting, he separates easily from
his parents, engages in some interaction with peers, is able to share toys, and participates
as a group member during activities. He shows enthusiasm, expresses affection toward
peers, shows pride in his work, and responds to his name when in the group. He also
engages in pretend play, often taking the role of father or other adult. He rarely makes
requests that require adults to be resources; rather, he waits for his needs to be noticed.
On the Battelle, his personal-social skills were at the 38-month level; his social skills
requiring language are the least well developed. His self-help skills are at an appropriate
age level (34 months on the Battelle). He serves food to himself, obtains a drink from a
water source, and uses a spoon and a fork. He is also able to put on his coat, hat, and
other simple articles of clothing. He moves independently and avoids common dangers.
Physical-Motor and Sensory-Perceptual Development
Gamal has many age-appropriate fine motor skills, such as folding paper, turning door
knobs, using scissors to cut paper, stringing beads, and imitating writing strokes. He can
remove a cap from a bottle by twisting it,

Page 210
wind a toy, build a tower of 10 cubes, and reproduce a 4-piece block design. He was
unable to reproduce a circle or cross and needed assistance in tracing a line. He
demonstrated a right-hand preference and mature grasp patterns with objects, but he had
difficulty with movements that require isolated finger use. According to the Peabody
Motor Scales, Gamal is exhibiting an average performance for his age level. His only
difficulty seemed to be in some eye-hand coordination skills.
In the gross motor area of the Peabody, Gamal showed a scattering of skills from the 17-
to-35-month level, with an age equivalent of about 20 months. He uses the railing to go
up and down stairs, climbs on the gym set, jumps in place, and goes down the slide. He
can throw and kick a ball, but cannot catch. He is beginning to use the balance beam, can
squat and recover, walk sideways, and walk on a line. He cannot jump from a height or
stand on one foot with control. His muscle tone appears slightly low, but range of motion
is within functional limits. Gamal often sits in the ''W" position (on knees with legs spread
out), but he can change his position if asked to do so. He runs flat-footed.
Cognitive-Language Development
Gamal matches primary colors and similar pictures, and he can sort objects according to
color. He can complete 4-piece puzzles, label objects, follow directions, attend to tasks
alone and within the group, and focus on a task while being aware of others. His
cognitive age level score on the Battelle was 26 months; however, the test validity is
suspect because of his lack of facility with English. For example, he could find hidden
toys, but could not repeat a 2-digit sequence; he could reach around a barrier to obtain a
toy, but could not always label the toy; and he could match shapes, but not name them. He
is, however, responsive to verbal commands that include adverbs and prepositions, and
he demonstrated the beginnings of an English vocabulary (10 to 20 words). Although
Gamal was able to identify pictures, body parts, and verbs in context on the PLS-3, he
could not give spatial-concept or quantity-concept labels, nor could he identify actions
and objects by function. His score, which indicated an English language age equivalency
of 20 months, reflects the fact that English is not the primary language spoken in the
home. Similarly, Gamal's English language age on the PLS-3 expressive language section
was also 20 months. He could repeat one word, name objects, use "my," use question
inflection, and produce a series of single words. He had difficulty combining words in
spontaneous speech, naming pictures, using plurals, answering "wh" questions, and using
present progressives. In the spontaneous language sample obtained through observation
in the classroom, Gamal primarily

Page 211
used nonverbal communication to request, inform, and greet. He used jargon when
playing, which seems to be a mixture of English and native language words. Because no
measure of Gamal's ability in his native language was taken, no valid evaluation of his
overall language ability is available from this assessment.
The Team Dialogue
The professionals on this team have worked with Gamal's family for the past 2 years.
They have participated in recurring dialogues with the father concerning Gamal and his
siblings. The team is gathered to review Gamal's developmental progress and make
transition plans for his entry into the age 3 to 5 program. The early intervention teacher
serves as the team leader for the discussion.
EARLY INTERVENTION TEACHER: We're glad you could come in tonight to participate in Gamal's IFSP
FATHER: I appreciate your having these meetings in the evening so that I can attend.
TEACHER: We would like to go over the results of our latest evaluation of Gamal's progress with you.
Then, if you have particular questions, we can discuss those further. In the social-emotional area of
development he seems to be pretty much within his age level and our objectives from the last IFSP
have been reached. One of his achievements is that he plays cooperatively with other children in
pretend play. He's doing a good job of sharing toys and participating in group activities, too. His
adaptive behaviors are about at age level so that objective has also been reached. He has learned to
dress himself and is learning to remove his clothing for swimming time. He needs some help with
fasteners, though.
FATHER: You teach him to dress wrong! (Using a joking tone, he is referring to the way the teacher
lays out the coat so it can be reversed when pulled over the child's head.)
TEACHER: (Smiles) That method works well for most children. (Her response also has a joking tone.)
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : If he gets his clothes oriented correctly, he gets them on correctly! (Also in a
bantering tone.)
TEACHER: One self-help skill he hasn't mastered yet is toileting. If he doesn't learn that over the
summer, we'll decide whether we need a toileting goal in Fall.
FATHER: I hope he learns over the summer. My wife doesn't seem to mind looking after him; she's
very patient.

Page 212
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : We think Gamal still has a few fine motor coordination skills to learn,
although he has made progress on this objective. He still has difficulty with large buttons. We aren't
expecting him to use zippers or snaps yet, but it might be good to help him practice buttoning.
FATHER: I know he has a hard time doing that. Sometimes it's easier just to do it for him, especially
when we're in a hurry. I'm not so concerned about these skills, but what about his language. Is he
learning English?
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : I gave Gamal the same English language test I gave to your daughter. His score
on the test wasn't valid for his overall language development, but it did tell something about his
English use. He isn't using English at a 3-year-old level yet. There are a number of things he can do
well. For example, he could identify pictures when I gave the English names and he could produce
a series of English words. However, he isn't using his English consistently in class, so we can't say
that this objective has been accomplished. He either communicates nonverbally or uses a combined
jargon of English and Arabic.
FATHER: He's a completely different type than his brother, who likes to joke and have fun. Gamal is
very serious most of the time.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : Do you think that makes him less talkative?
FATHER: Yes, he only talks a lot when he's very comfortable.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : I have some questions about whether Gamal is hearing everything. Are his tubes
still in place?
FATHER: One fell out.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : He only passed the pure tone screening in one ear. You probably should have the
doctor examine him again and decide if the tube needs to be replaced.
FATHER: I know it should be checked. He gets sick so easily and his hearing seems to depend on how
his asthma is.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : That could be a factor. His Eustachian tube is not yet well developed and the
fluid is not draining. You should really keep having it checked because if he isn't hearing well that
could keep his language from developing. This may be why the objective of increasing receptive
and expressive language hasn't been achieved. For whatever reason, Gamal isn't choosing to use his
English language at school. He understands he needs to communicate, but just doesn't do it.
FATHER: I think he uses more English that he did at 2 years. At home he says, "I want juice" and "I
want ice cream."
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : That's a good sign!
TEACHER: He usually says less at school. He talks a lot more at home. I've noticed that when I make
my home visits.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : I haven't heard a sound from him when I've been in the classroom. When I
assessed his motor development in a one-on-one setting, I was surprised to realize how much
language he does have.

Page 213
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : It is important to encourage him to use English at home because it is true that he
doesn't talk much here.
FATHER: Isn't that just because he's shy? All my kids have that problem. They are shy.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : That may be a contributing factor. When he gets into preschool in the Fall, he
may use his language more. Do you have any other questions?
FATHER: I don't know of any right now.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : Be sure to let us know about the tubes. He got the original ones a year ago,
TEACHER: (To the occupational therapist, physical therapist, and adapted physical educator) Gamal
has made some progress on his motor development goals also, hasn't he?
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : Yes, although his gross motor development is still delayed in certain areas. He
isn't as delayed as his sister was at his age. He can throw and kick a ball, stand on the balance
beam, and go up and down the stairs. He still has difficulty walking sideways on a line and he
wavers when he tries to stand on one foot. So our objective of improving his balance is partially,
but not completely, met. He doesn't need physical therapy, but it would be helpful for him to have
adapted physical education. The adapted physical educator will plan strategies that will help him
increase his ability to move confidently through a variety of gross motor activities.
ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATOR (APE): (To father) I'll be glad to tell you more about the play activities
we do and explain how Gamal will benefit from participating in these. Perhaps you or your wife
might like to come and observe when Gamal is participating in these activities.
FATHER: That sounds good, but I don't know when I could do it and my wife doesn't go out much.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : I'm pleased with how well Gamal's fine motor skills have progressed. He is
operating close to age level. The skills he needs work on are probably ones that he hasn't had as
much experience with. For example, he needs practice in cutting, copying, buttoning, and drawing
lines and scribbles. These are the kinds of activities you can do with him at home as well as at
FATHER: My wife will be glad to do that. She has the house all arranged for the children's activities.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : In order to draw a circle Gamal will need to do motor planning. That is, he
needs to think about the sequence of actions in the task. It's not just a motor skill, but also a planning
FATHER: A lot of the time I think Gamal is older than 3. He seems ahead of where the other two were
at this age.

Page 214
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : Well, he is doing some motor skills above his age level and he really doesn't
need occupational therapy.
FATHER: It seems like our main concern should be his language. (To speech pathologist) Do you think
he'll stay mixed up between the two languages? He understands both languages. I can ask him
something or tell him what to do in either language and he will do it, but he won't talk.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : Children can usually learn more than one language at a time, but it may take a
while for them to sort them out. It's a good sign that he seems to understand directions in both of
them. You should probably encourage him to talk by doing play activities where talking is needed,
sometimes English and sometimes Arabic, but keeping it consistently one or the other.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : Yes, that could help. I saw an example when he was playing a computer
game and was hearing questions from the animals' voices. He answered those questions in English.
FATHER: My two younger children don't talk as much as the older one. They aren't like him. He's very
funny and always has something to say.
TEACHER: The younger ones will talk more in one-to-one situations. They also like being in small
groups with a few peers. That might be the best situation in which to encourage his English
FATHER: I can see Gamal doing better in school than either of my other two. Maybe that's because
he's been healthier and was bigger when he was born.
TEACHER: Those might be factors. Now, I've written down some tentative objectives for the new
IFSP. When you get home, look over the list with your wife and if you have questions or want
changes, let us know. Have we agreed that Gamal will come to our preschool 4 days a week next
year? (To father) Didn't you say you wanted him to come to the afternoon session?
FATHER: Yes, in the morning he's lazy. I'll talk to my wife to be sure though. Let me check before we
TEACHER: Okay. Your wife is welcome to come along to these meetings or to visit at school. You did
say that she is beginning to speak English.
FATHER: Yes, she is going to a class. If she learns, that should also help Gamal to learn.
TEACHER: Right, and it will be good for you, too. Let's summarize our recommendations now. (Group

The early intervention staff and the parents will work on a set of objectives related to
Gamal's increasing his ability to dress himself, gain toilet control,

Page 215
do circle drawing, improve cutting skills, use English sentences, identify concepts labeled
with English words, and improve gross motor coordination. Gamal's father will plan to
have his hearing checked again to see if new PE tubes are needed. The transition plan for
Gamal is for him to attend the preschool at the early intervention center for 4 half-days
(probably in afternoons). The priority objective will be to encourage Gamal to talk more
both at home and at school.
Questions for Discussion
1. It is evident that living in two language worlds has had an effect on Gamal's
developmental progress. What other strategies could the team have tried to help Gamal
deal with this situation? How might the family's cultural values and traditions (e.g.
appropriate roles for women, expectations for child achievement, valued learning styles)
have had an effect on the concerns expressed by the father? Did the team members seem
aware of these and respond appropriately?
2. Were the concerns expressed by the team members about the validity of the assessment
measures appropriate? How did they attempt to counter any cultural biases in the
assessment methods?
3. How did the roles played by the various team members during the meeting reflect role
specificity and also role release? Did the behavior of this team give evidence to the fact
that they have been working together for a number of years? Were there parts of the
dialogue which showed that team members were not operating as effectively as they
could have in their listening and responding?
4. Were there any ways that the team members could have prepared themselves to be
more knowledgable about the family cultural values? If they had more knowledge or
assistance from a native language speaker, could the discussion have been more
supportive of the acculturation level of the family?
5. Why did the team focus so exclusively on developmental objectives for Gamal rather
than on identifying health issues (e.g., Gamal's asthma) and other needs of the family
(e.g., social support) that they might have addressed? If they had asked the father to
discuss family needs, what would his response have been?

Page 216

Chapter 9
Assessment Perspectives for Young Children with Severe Disabilities or
Environmental Trauma
Doris Bergen
Caroline Everington
The phrase "severely disabled" generally refers to those infants and children who have
conditions that make their developmental progress very delayed or distorted, especially if
these conditions have severely limited their ability to engage actively in examination and
manipulation of objects in their environment or to initiate and respond to social
interactions with caregiving adults.
Often, these children are labeled as trainable mentally retarded, multihandicapped,
autistic, deaf or blind, or emotionally disturbed (Falvey, 1989). Children labeled
"multihandicapped" usually exhibit severe to profound mental retardation and one or
more significant sensory or motor impairments or special health care needs (Orelove &
Sobsey, 1991). Characteristics of these children can include skeletal deformities, seizure
disorders, severe impairments in hearing or vision, and restricted or dysfunctional
movement patterns. Not all children with severe impairments have accompanying
cognitive impairments; however, they may still have delays in cognitive development
because of the other disabilities.
Because these disabilities affect how the children respond to standard assessment
procedures, early intervention personnel must consider their effects on valid assessment
during the planning and conducting phases of assessment. For example, adaptations must
often be made in the

Page 217
presentation of stimuli to accommodate sensory or motor deficits, and acceptance of
varied response modes by children with impairments may be essential. Children who live
in environments where they have encountered severe abuse (e.g., drug, physical, mental,
or sexual), extreme neglect (e.g., abandonment, lack of basic nutrition or care), or intense
trauma (e.g., gang war or other pervasive violence) may have severely delayed or
distorted development and aberrant methods of response when assessment procedures are
tried. Initial assessment of these children using standard procedures is unlikely to provide
a valid picture of their potential because of the effects of trauma on their social-emotional
and behavioral response patterns.
Issues of environmental trauma are very relevant to professionals working with children
who have severe disabilities. Extreme abuse or neglect often cause disabilities in children
(e.g., head injury, broken bones, or lead poisoning) and they also are accompaniments to
disabilities (e.g., children with severe impairments may be subject to maltreatment).
Although the exact numbers are not available, professional experience with children who
have severe disabilities indicates that they are very vulnerable to abuse or neglect.
Underlying Assumptions
Because of the difficulties in gaining valid results from typical measures, one assumption
is that children who have severe or profound cognitive delay or multiple disabilities will
benefit more from an assessment based on an ecological inventory strategy than on the
traditional approaches using norm-referenced instruments. This view is supported by a
well-documented line of research with severely cognitively delayed individuals, which
indicates that they have significant problems in generalizing learned material to new
settings, persons, and situations (Stokes & Baer, 1977). Thus, they may be unlikely to
demonstrate their skills in an unfamiliar situation.
For example, information such as color or shape identification, which is standard on
many tests, may not be readily transferred to new settings or used in appropriate problem-
solving situations by children with severe cognitive delay. Rather, in situ assessment and
training for what are termed "functional skills" is believed by many to be a very effective
method of promoting skill acquisition, retention, and generalization.
The ecological inventory approach requires an initial inventory of the environments (e.g.,
home, school, and neighborhood) in which the child interacts and a catalog of the present
level of skills considered by primary caregivers as most important for functioning in
those environments.

Page 218
When the children are very young, this approach is even more important and fully
congruent with accepted early childhood practice. It is also very compatible with the early
intervention emphasis on considering family and community setting variables in the
assessment process.
Another assumption, which is also congruent with early intervention practice, is that
multifactored assessment is especially important when evaluating children with severe
impairments that may restrict their ability to perform in a formal setting. Therefore, it is
important to gather information from norm-referenced assessment of children's
acquisition of basic skills in language, motor, cognitive, and other developmental
domains. Proponents of the ecological approach have tended to discount information
from traditional measures as being irrelevant to the needs of persons with severe
disabilities (Brown, Nietupski, & Hamre-Nietup-ski, 1976). However, over- or under-
estimation of cognitive abilities can result in lack of knowledge acquisition or in
behavioral difficulties when a skill is being taught (McClennen, 1991) and, thus, even a
rough estimate of cognitive abilities can be useful.
Over-estimation (i.e., presenting experiences beyond the child's abilities) can result in
characteristics often observed in children with severe disabilities: high dependence, task
avoidance, and failure expectancy. Under-estimation (i.e., continuing to present
experiences that the child has mastered) can result in boredom and behavior problems.
For example, language acquisition is enhanced when the child's present language,
cognitive, and social skill levels are used as a foundation, targeting the next sequential
steps to be encouraged (McLean & Snyder-McLean, 1978).
Given the complex needs of these children, assessment must incorporate both
developmental and ecological approaches. In order to do this, assistance is needed from
professionals in a variety of specialized disciplines so that the adaptations and
accommodations that maximize responding are provided. This leads to another
assumption: That the adaptations made to increase the possibilities for appropriate
responses must be carefully planned and documented as part of the assessment report.
For example, a physical therapist may determine that certain positioning will permit
greater responsivity or that an electrical device may facilitate the child's ability to answer.
In reporting assessment results, the nature of these adaptations must be described.
Children who have had extreme environmental trauma also need ecologically sound and
multifactored assessment from early intervention personnel who know both typical
developmental stages and processes, as well as the behaviors that might be present in
children who have been subjected to severe abuse, neglect, or other trauma. A major
assumption in assessing children who have experienced environmental trauma

Page 219
caused by adults is that the best interests of the child must be served in the assessment,
even if that results in a negative evaluation of the primary or extended family
environment. Therefore, early assessment practices attempt to describe all aspects of the
environment, including those that define family needs and possible environmental
problems. The assessment team typically does not make explicit judgments on the quality
of the environment, but they may suggest referrals to other agencies for further
Because early intervention personnel are strongly in support of family involvement and
believe that families are a primary positive influence on young children, it is sometimes
difficult for them to reconcile this view with indications that abuse or neglect may exist.
During the process of assessment, however, if indications of abuse or neglect are
detected, it is the professional's responsibility to report such suspicions to the appropriate
agency. If not reported, the professional is liable. After investigation by the appropriate
agency, a determination is made as to resolution of the situation. If the family is judged to
be motivated to change these behaviors, the early intervention team members may be
involved in assisting the family in improving the environment. For example, they may
provide alternative discipline techniques for the parent to use or get the parent in contact
with needed nutritional services.
Assessment of Young Children with Severe or Multiple Disabilities
Assessment of these children must incorporate ecological and developmental approaches
and address accommodations for specific conditions of disability. An appropriate model
of assessment includes an ecological inventory and a comparison of those findings with
data from norm-referenced measures. Assessment adaptations that can be made to get
children's best performance are also necessary, although the validity of the measure for
comparing with normative samples is reduced.
Ecological Inventory
For severely disabled individuals of older ages, the ecological inventory typically includes
community, domestic, leisure, and vocational domains (Falvey, 1989). For infants and
young children, the first three of these are included. Within each domain, the
environments that have the most important impact on the child's development are
identified. Of course, for young children the home is the most crucial domestic domain,
although there may be extended family settings that are also relevant. In the com-

Page 220
munity domain, young children may spend much of their time in a child care or early
intervention setting; however, the church, the doctor's office or hospital clinic, and the
grocery store may also be relevant settings in the community. For young children, the
leisure domain consists of the play settings in which the child interacts with toys, peers, or
adults. For example, the park, swimming pool, or various community events can be
observed. Often, parents with children who have multiple disabilities do not engage in
leisure or community activities or even take their children with them when shopping or
doing other routine activities. An advantage of the ecological inventory assessment is that
the process may be used to encourage them to begin including this child in a broader
range of life activities. Further description of an ecological inventory is in Appendix A.
Participation of the primary caregivers and interactors in each environment (parents,
teachers, caregivers, pediatrician, hospital personnel) in observing and assessing the
child's skills and needs is essential. Once the critical environments have been identified,
sub-environments are identified and critical activities within those environments are
monitored, using a task analysis that is constructed for each of these critical activities. The
skills possessed are noted and a discrepancy analysis is performed that provides
information on the child's abilities relative to the skills needed for each activity designated
as critical. Those skills then become the focus of curriculum in order to close the gap
between present developmental level and desired level.
For example, in the home the sub-environments of kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, living
room, and porch may be identified, and the activities may be bathing, dressing, self-
feeding, or playing with siblings. For each of these, the sub-skills are identified, such as
holding a spoon, putting food on the spoon, bringing the spoon to the mouth, putting the
spoon contents into the mouth, and swallowing the food for the self-feeding activity. The
discrepancy analysis may identify that the child can hold the spoon and bring it to the
mouth, but could not yet scoop the food. Learning to scoop with the spoon would then be
the focus of learning for the child.
When the ecological inventory has been completed for the relevant settings, the child's
overall performance is analyzed to determine strengths and weaknesses across
environments and to note what performance-eliciting characteristics of one setting may be
developed in others. For example, a hearing impaired child may sign in 2- or 3-word
sentences and vocalize at home, while only signing 1-word sentences and never
vocalizing at the early intervention program. This may be identified as a skill to be
encouraged in the program environment.
As with any form of assessment, the results may generate a bewildering array of needed
skills. Because of the intensity of intervention required for skill development with these
children, making priorities is

Page 221
necessary. The skills can be prioritized by a variety of criteria, such as frequency of use
across environments, importance of a particular skill to the parent, caregiver or teacher,
importance for long-range functioning in future environments, and interests of the child.
For example, the parent may want the hearing impaired child to vocalize at school, while
the teacher may be more concerned about the child's ability to interact with other hearing
impaired peers through signing. These differing perceptions can then be discussed at the
IFSP meeting and a priority of skills can be developed.
Norm-Referenced Assessment
Information from norm-referenced assessments must also be integrated with the
ecological inventory information. A number of these instruments have been discussed in
chapters 3 through 8. Although the results taken alone can be misleading for children with
severe disabilities, the comparison of these results with the ecological results is very
useful in determining priority objectives for the child. For example, the ecological
inventory may indicate the child needs to indicate preferences at mealtime, greet the early
intervention teacher, and indicate the need to use the toilet. The assessments of the speech
pathologist and the psychologists may indicate that the child is functioning at the
sensorimotor stage of cognitive development, uses no formal language (either sign or
verbal), and does not use sounds or primitive gestures to demonstrate communicative
intent. Further, the child demonstrates turn-taking in a simple game of patty-cake, and
imitates gross gestures such as a hand clap. The physical therapist indicates that fine
motor skills are progressing typically.
The conclusion of the team may be that, because of the level of cognitive development
and the fact that no communicative intent has been demonstrated, it is too early to begin
training the child to use a formal symbol system (verbal or sign) and the use of pictures is
too abstract. An appropriate language goal would be to help the child learn conventional
gestures to communicate a ''vocabulary" of simple needs such as "eat," "help," and "wet."
Vocal imitation and refinement of gestures into conventional signs would continue to be
A second example provides an illustration of the integration of information from the
physical therapist. An ecological inventory may indicate that a child with severe cerebral
palsy lacks control for functional use of limbs in any of the settings observed. However,
the child does gaze at objects of interest at home and in the early intervention setting. For
this child, initial communication may be accomplished through the use of directed eye
gaze. The norm-referenced instruments show the child is functioning at sensorimotor
level; thus, a communication device using pictures or abstract symbols would be
inappropriate. In addition, because no

Page 222
symbol system use is being demonstrated (gesture or word), encouraging yes and no
responses is not appropriate. For this child, learning to direct eye gaze to select desired
objects may be the best initial approach, because it is a concrete task appropriate to the
sensorimotor stage.
Adaptations for Assessing Specific Impairments
For many children with severe problems in sensory, motor, or communication areas,
adaptations need to be made in the stimuli and response requirements for assessment and
in the subsequent design of programs. Often, a physical therapist, occupational therapist,
speech pathologist, or audiologist is included in the determination of adaptations to be
made in the assessment process. Children for whom adaptations need to be made include
those with sensory deficits, motor control or coordination problems, pervasive
communication disorders, or some combination of these.
In a standardized testing situation, any change in the procedures affects the validity of the
results, and these results can then not be used comparatively with the normative reference
group. Some tests, such as the Developmental Activities Screening Inventory (DASI II)
and Battelle, describe adaptations that can be made; this standardization of adaptations is
helpful. Instruments with adaptations are described in Appendix B. Many of these tests
have not yet provided representative norm groups for adaptive administration of the
instruments and thus they still can not be used for making comparisons.
Sensory Adaptations
Children with deficits in vision, hearing, or both present unique problems. Assessment of
some skill areas, such as visual or auditory pursuit of stimuli, may need to be abandoned.
Another domain that will be affected is expressive and receptive language. However, the
lack of visual or auditory abilities may not adversely affect demonstration of motor and
self-care skills, unless child movement opportunities have been restricted by care-givers
because of the vision loss.
For children who have been diagnosed as deaf and blind and who display no overt
reaction to environmental stimuli, it is necessary to develop conditioning of a voluntary
response that could function as a signal for important actions or needs. Van Dijk (1986)
suggests that tactile and olfactory signals can be used to provide an initial foundation for
communication. For example, a tactile symbol, such as an earring, can be used to
symbolize the teacher or a particular scent paired with a certain activity can symbolize the
activity. In the assessment process, careful observa-

Page 223
tion of the relationship between nonverbal behaviors, such as gestures or facial
expressions, and the contexts in which these behaviors occur can provide information
about modalities and routines that can be used to establish communication. For children
with some vision or hearing, use of visual or auditory aids (e.g., magnifiers or auditory
trainers) or enhancement of stimuli through modifications of materials (e.g., large pictures
or print or reduction of distraction in the environment) may be sufficient to make use of a
traditional assessment measure possible. Of course, if a hearing aid or eye glasses can
improve the child's responses, those should be provided before the assessment of other
Motor Adaptations
Children with limited motor abilities or problems with muscle tone and postural
development present other unique challenges for assessment and programming (Bobath,
1980). After the physical and occupational therapists have answered basic questions about
techniques and optimal positions for normalization of muscle tone and motor
performance, primitive reflexes that may inhibit performance, and range of motion that
can be expected, adaptations to permit response capability can be determined. For
children with extremely limited movement, alternative response methods, such as using
an eye glance to substitute for pointing to pictures or objects, are possible (Carpignano &
Bigge, 1991).
In assessing young children with atypical posture and movement patterns, the application
of appropriate positioning and handling techniques is essential (Campbell, Mclnerney, &
Cooper, 1984; Finnie, 1975; Rain-forth & York, 1991). The early intervention specialist
must work closely with the occupational or physical therapist to determine optimal
positions for normalization of muscle tone, postural control, and maximum movement.
Therapeutic adaptive equipment, such as specialized chairs, balls, bolsters, and side-liers,
can help to inhibit abnormal reflex patterns and encourage normalized tone and control.
For infants and very young children, many effective adaptations can be made with
pillows, bean bags, or rolled towels (Finnie, 1975), thus minimizing expense. Because too
much support is potentially dangerous if it limits opportunities to develop external control
(Rainforth & York, 1991), such adaptations must be done in consultation with relevant
There is an array of mechanical and electronic adaptations to facilitate self-care skills,
communication, and ambulation (Orelove & Sobsey, 1991). These devices can vary from
simple adaptations using materials in the home or work environment (Burkhardt, 1981) to
sophisticated computerized adaptations for environmental control and communication. It
is important for the early intervention specialist to work closely with the

Page 224
speech pathologist, physical therapist, and occupational therapist in selecting and adapting
such equipment.
Communication Adaptations
Communication adaptations are often needed for young children who exhibit pervasive
communication disorders (e.g., autism). These behaviors include, but are not limited to,
abnormally high rates of self-stimulatory behavior (e.g., hand flicking, rocking, or
humming), self-injurious behavior (e.g., head banging, hair pulling, hand biting), lack of
or extremely distorted language (e.g., referring to self in third person, echolalia), social
withdrawal (e.g., inattention to pronounced social stimuli, focus on object world), or
inappropriate or nonexistent emotional reactions to others (Smith & Luckasson, 1992). It
is especially important to determine what adapted methods or devices can be used to
facilitate communication with these young children because their pervasive
communication disorders affect all aspects of their development and learning.
Behavior change for these children is usually attempted either by (1) remedying behavior
deficits in social and language skills through training the child to exhibit more appropriate
social and communication behaviors or (2) decreasing behavior excesses through
reduction of frequency and magnitude of inappropriate behaviors, such as head banging
(Haney & Falvey, 1989; Sternberg & Taylor, 1988). Because there is often a relationship
between deficits and excesses, the most effective interventions address both (Haring,
1987; Sternberg & Taylor, 1988).
One significant contribution in this area has been in the analysis of the communicative
function of aberrant behavior, such as self-stimulation or self-injury (Donnellan, Mirenda,
Mesaros, & Fassbender, 1984; Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, & Richman, 1982). In this
approach, children are observed in the context of their environment and the
communicative function of the aberrant behavior is determined. For example, Iwata et al.
(1982) found that self-injurious behavior usually served one of three functions: gaining
attention, receiving sensory input, or escaping from an unpleasant task. Once the function
being served has been determined, the intervention can focus on helping children learn
appropriate ways to get their needs met (Cipani, 1990). This approach has had more
success with changing severe behaviors than has typical behavior management.
Another emerging trend that has implications for assessment of children with autism is
the use of facilitated communication (Biklen, 1991). This approach differs from that of
other adapted communication methods, which enable children to act independently to
communicate needs and thoughts, by having an individual physically assist the child,
holding the child's hand or arm and typing out or pointing to letters on a type-

Page 225
writer or communication board. Numerous first-person narrative accounts have reported
the claim that individuals who had previously been diagnosed as severely impaired now
are displaying advanced language and literacy skills.
Although not widespread or systematically documented, the approach may result in
increased appreciation for the potential for individual change. However, because constant
participation of the facilitator is required, validity can be compromised (Wheeler,
Jacobson, Paglieri, & Schwartz, 1993). That is, there is the risk of inadvertent cueing
from the facilitator. A review of recent empirical studies using double-blind methodology
indicates strong support for the notion that facilitators are exerting control over the
messages supposedly produced by the children with severe disabilities (Green, 1993),
which raises doubts about the usefulness of the approach for assessment.
Assessment of Young Children with Severe Environmental Trauma
Because of the effects that severe environmental trauma have on young children's ability
to perform at their optimal level, an appropriate model for assessment should combine an
ecological inventory with results from norm-referenced measures. Adaptations of these
measures may also be necessary to solicit the child's best performance.
Ecological Inventory
The ecological inventory method is very useful in assessing children who may have
suffered from severe abuse or neglect, although families vary in the extent to which they
will cooperate in such an assessment. Research indicates that young children's attachment
problems, uncontrolled aggression, poor self-concept, hypervigilance, extreme passivity,
or object rather than social orientation are associated with chaotic home environments
and child maltreatment in the early years (Cicchetti, 1985; Susman, Trickett, Iannotti,
Hollenbeck, & Zahn-Waxler, 1985). Children with disabilities or developmental problems
are often likely to experience parental abuse or neglect, especially when they are in multi-
risk families (Cicchetti & Toth, 1987).
According to Susman et al. (1985), abusive parents are more authoritarian, use anxiety
and guilt induction, have inconsistent discipline, are overprotective, encourage child
dependency, and show more negative affect. They often do not respond appropriately to
their infant's cries or smiles (Frodi & Lamb, 1980). These interaction patterns may also
affect child attachment (Beckwith, 1985). However, research also shows that

Page 226
these parents are usually under great stress (Daniel, Hampton, & Newberger, 1983;
Hughes & Barad, 1983) and often are social isolates themselves (Oden, 1988). They may
have less realistic expectations of developmentally appropriate behavior and so may
expect young children to show greater maturity than is possible, given their age or
disability (Kravitz & Driscoll, 1983).
If an ecological inventory is conducted, which involves the family members in providing
information about their child's level of skills and in helping to decide what next steps can
be taken to further skill development and behavior change, parents and other family
members may become more realistic about and more aware of the abilities of their child.
They may also become invested in assisting the child's development and may learn more
appropriate techniques of discipline and teaching.
The ecological inventory can also draw on whatever support system is available to the
family, such as a church, doctor, neighbor, or social agency, and the perspectives on the
child that come from these sources may make a difference in parental perceptions of the
child and in parental behavior. Most agencies are committed to helping children stay with
their families. The ecological inventory can be one of the major resources for pinpointing
the practices in the home that have negatively affected the child and for opening the way
to positive behavior changes within the family.
Norm-Referenced Assessment
It is equally important for these children that a comparison of their developmental level
with that of typically developing children be made. Because distortions in their behavior
or development can be due to a variety of etiological factors, the relative weight of
conditions caused by biological risk (i.e., medical or health-related) or established risk
(i.e., identifiable disability category) and those caused by environmental risk should be
assessed, so that appropriate interventions can be planned and implemented.
For example, language delay and behavior problems are often exhibited in children who
live in conditions of severe environmental trauma, such as abuse or neglect. However,
these problems may also be the result of identified risk conditions such as autism or
hearing impairment. Although much information on etiology can be established through
social and medical history data collection, standardized assessment instruments
administered by the audiologist or speech pathologist and the psychologist on the team
can make explicit the character of a language deficit or inappropriate behavior pattern
and, by ruling out biological or established risk conditions that could be the cause, can
clarify useful environmental intervention approaches.

Page 227
Further validation of the findings from normative instruments may be obtained by
evaluating the child's play behavior with structured observations or rating scales, and by
determining whether the profile of behavior is consistent with severe environmental risk
conditions. Play-based observation is an important assessment component for children
who have had environmental trauma, because play development is usually disrupted
when children are under great stress. Often the child is suspicious and wary, extremely
distractible, and has boundary problems (either overcontrolled or undercontrolled) that
make sustained play impossible (Kaplan-Sanoff, Brewster, Stillwell, & Bergen, 1988).
The themes of play may also be precocious, with sexual or violent language and behavior
being predominant. Even at toddler age, "failure-to-thrive" children can repeat their
unconscious memories of their mother's inadequate nurturing in "exacting detail" during
play with dolls (Haynes-Seman & Hart, 1987). Observational analysis of child play
behaviors can suggest insights into child motivation, interests, and thinking, which will
assist team members in making intervention plans. Play observation methods are
described in Chapter 4 and Appendix B.
One important difference between evaluations of children in this category and all other
assessments is that, if severe abuse or neglect are suspected, the procedures used in the
assessment must be available to serve as documentation, if the suspected abuser is to be
legally charged. While this is not the goal of assessments in early intervention, team
members should be prepared to have the best interests of the child in mind, to use
procedures that are objective, and to report findings that may need further investigation
(Tyler & Gregory, 1992).
Adaptations for Assessing Specific Trauma Conditions
In cases of suspected abuse or neglect, child behavior in routine assessments is often
symptomatic, giving indications of these conditions and making it difficult for the child's
best performance to be assessed. Adaptations may be needed during the assessment, such
as giving the child a long time to become familiar with and trusting of the adults before
conducting the assessment, doing the assessment in a "safe" place (i.e., without the
suspected abuser being present), reassuring the child frequently that his or her behavior is
acceptable, and providing tangible reinforcements for performance. Because it may be
necessary to document the case for legal authorities, the role of the psychologist often
becomes crucial in providing the basis for the charge. Every member of the team should
be well aware of ethical and legally correct procedures to be used, however, because
many "leading" questions and unfounded assumptions can be

Page 228
unfair to the family and can bias legitimate cases. They must also be prepared to work
closely with agencies such as children's services, providing assessment information and
carrying out recommended interventions.
Information Exchange with Families and Referral Agencies
Because the families are closely involved in developing ecological inventories and in
discussing their children's strengths and needs, early intervention personnel's information
exchange with families of children who have severe disabilities is usually ongoing and
detailed. They are usually in touch with medical and support service personnel from the
time of their child's birth, and thus those communication linkages are strong. There may
be delivery of nursing services in the home, repeated hospitalization for medical
procedures, and a constant stream of specialists in contact with the family. Whether this
results in good or poor information exchange depends on the specific personnel involved
and on the case manager who is facilitating referrals to agencies.
In the case of suspected abuse or neglect, information exchange with families may be
disrupted at the point where a problem is uncovered, or the family may have been
withholding of information from the start. In fact, perceived gaps in the information
given by families is often symptomatic of the problem. Team members should try to find
the balance between open discussion of the child's needs and developmental delay
conditions and the family's reticence to discuss negative information that may be relevant.
While the team should highly respect family need for privacy, they should also know
when the problem should be referred to other agency personnel, and they should make
those referrals when warranted.
Usefulness of a Transdisciplinary Model
The transdisciplinary model is especially useful for assessment of children with severe
disabilities. It provides the multidomain and multisetting information needed to plan
interventions for these children and the intense involvement of professionals from a
range of disciplines is really required if families are to gain the support they need to
assume the long-term comprehensive care responsibilities that their children demand. The
team model is also very useful in assessing and intervening for children who have
experienced abuse or neglect because it provides a base for validity checks and support
for the family in making appropriate changes.

Page 229
While the ecological inventory outlined in this chapter provides an extremely
comprehensive understanding of the child's skills and needs in relevant areas and
demonstrates the benefits of family involvement, the data collection and analysis process
is extremely time consuming. The full process, which includes the integrated norm-
referenced information, provides such a wealth of information on skill deficits and
strengths that all of these cannot be addressed at one time. Developing the priorities for
intervention from these data can also consume the time and effort of the assessment team.
Another problem with the transdisciplinary approach is that professionals from most
other disciplines often have not been exposed to the model, even though the early
childhood special educator may have had this training. Professionals from some
disciplines (e.g., therapists or medical personnel) may have difficulty releasing any part of
their role expertise to teachers or parents and, especially in the intense intervention model
that is often used with children who have severe disabilities, the efforts of teachers or
parents to perform those additional roles may be extremely stressful for them.
For children with severe disabilities, the transdisciplinary team model can be so
facilitative of their optimal development that every effort should be made to solve the
time and training problems. For children who have had traumatic life experiences that
result in disabilities or developmental problems, this model is also especially helpful
because access to community resources and service agencies is more readily available
from team members.
Policy Issues
Infants and young children with severe disabilities are not only more susceptible to
environmental abuse, neglect, and exploitation, but also tend to be "devalued" or viewed
as "expendable" by society, and are frequently marginalized. Two policy issues of concern
for early intervention team members working with children who have severe disabilities
are: (1) rights to medical treatment and educational services and (2) inclusion in
educational and community settings.
The first issue, right to medical treatment for infants and young children who have life-
threatening conditions, continues to present moral and ethical (and ultimately, policy)
dilemmas (Lusthaus, 1985). While treatment decisions are typically made by parents,
other family members, or guardians, in many cases decisions for non-treatment are made
without adequate information on the prognosis or expectations for development for
children with a particular condition. For example, in the past, life-sav-

Page 230
ing medical intervention was often questioned or not provided in cases that involved
infants diagnosed with spina bifida or Down's syndrome. Nontreatment decisions were
even made when necessary surgery was of a routine nature. Now there is evidence that
the prognosis for further development and generally satisfactory quality of life is quite
good for children who have either of these conditions (Smith & Luckasson, 1992).
The amount of information given to parents and the manner of the presentationoptimistic
versus pessimisticcan have a marked influence on parental decisions. The early
intervention specialist can serve a vital role in providing the parents and family physician
with accurate information on the condition, along with the medical, therapeutic, social,
and educational services available for family and child. Because of the increasing costs of
health care, it is reasonable to assume that families and children will continue to face
right-to-treatment issues. A number of professional organizations has addressed these
issues in policy statements (e.g., American Association of Mental Retardation [AAMR],
1983; The Association for Severely Handicapped [TASH], 1989). The consensus from the
statements of both AAMR and TASH affirms the right to equal medical treatment for all
A related issue concerning children with severe disabilities is "educability" (Noonan,
Brown, Mulligan, & Rettig, 1982; Sternberg, 1988). Questions are raised about whether
these individuals really can learn and whether it is wise to attempt to educate children
who will be a "burden on society" (Baer, 1981). Especially in times when societal
resources are limited, the question of whether money should be spent on individuals who
may never be totally independent is often asked. These issues continue to be debated by
legislators and tax payers who are concerned about the rising costs of special education,
particularly for those individuals with severe disabilities who require many professionals
to give them adequate services. Certainly, there is little question of the beneficial effects
of early intervention. This message may not have reached all policy decision makers,
however. Early intervention team members may need to be prepared to provide additional
information on the necessity and effectiveness of intervention for children with severe
disabilities. Because the progress of these children is often slow and difficult to observe,
the maintenance of accurate and appropriate monitoring systems to record children's
progress is essential, if communication with policy makers is to have an effect.
Another policy concern that has received recent attention is that of access of individuals
with severe disabilities to inclusive educational and community settings. While one of the
basic premises of the original Education for All Handicapped Act in 1975 (P.L. 94-142)
and subsequent reauthorizations is the concept of "least restrictive environment," practice
over the past 18 years has indicated that these individuals continue to be

Page 231
excluded from many functions of mainstream society, and that considerable stigma is still
associated with individuals who have disabilities.
The movement to educate children with disabilities in neighborhood schools and
preschools, in general education classrooms, and in community settings has been gaining
momentum at local, state, and national levels (Thousand & Villa, 1993). For example, the
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC, 1993) and other professional organizations (e.g.,
TASH, 1989), have developed policy statements in support of inclusive schools and
community settings; a number of states are providing funding for inclusion demonstration
programs in public schools.
Such efforts do not diminish the importance of having personnel who have specialized
training to work with children with disabilities, but invite a collaborative team approach
to the education of all children. While segregated settings (e.g., special centers for persons
with disabilities) may have the advantage of providing centralized services, increasing
numbers of programs are documenting equally effective service delivery and learning in
integrated inclusive settings (Thousand & Villa, 1993).
Finally, there are policy issues that surround conditions of severe environmental trauma
that must be addressed, such as whether there are ''rights of the child" to be considered
when the child's welfare seems to be at risk or whether "rights of the family" to decide the
child's future always take precedence. In American society, the rights of families to
control their children's lives has traditionally been upheld by the courts (e.g., Meyer v.
Nebraska, 1923; Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 1925; Stanley v. Illinois, 1971) and has been
made explicit in laws giving parents choice over care and educational decisions.
This view is commonly held even when children's access to health or educational services
is jeopardized by parental decisions, such as parental failure to provide immunizations to
protect from disease or parental decisions for attendance at private schools with
uncertified teachers. Other issues, such as biological versus adoptive parental rights as
they affect child rights to stable attachments, mandates to keep families together even in
situations of documented child abuse or parental drug use, and policies that result in
repeated separations without resolution of custody issues all need to be addressed further.
Because of the vulnerability of these child populations to exploitation and
marginalization, it is critical that early intervention team members act as thoughtful
advocates for children and their families within the context of these policy issues. There
may even be occasions when they should give public voice to their concerns and provide
information to inform policy makers and the general public about the needs of children
who have severe disabilities or who have been subject to severe environmental trauma.

Page 232

The importance of a multifactored assessment within appropriate ecological contexts
cannot be overstressed for young children who have severe disabilities or who have
experienced severe environmental risk. These are often the children who have been
judged to be "untestable" with conventional methods. An approach that includes an
ecological survey of the range of skills the children can exhibit in varied environments
and a comparative evaluation using adapted standardized instruments is most likely to
provide the comprehensive data needed for intervention planning. The transdisciplinary
team approach holds great potential for facilitating developmental achievements for these
populations of children because it incorporates methods that are sensitive to the
complexities of the developmental problems and the dynamics of interaction that affect
their development. However, there are many issues of practice and policy that can also
influence how effectively assessment and intervention can be provided for these children
by the early intervention team.
Questions for Discussion
1. What is the most useful combination of assessment methods that a team could design to
get an accurate picture of the abilities of a visually impaired infant of 9 months, a toddler
of 22 months who is exhibiting behaviors symptomatic of autism, and a 30-month-old
child with severe cerebral palsy?
2. What factors must be kept in mind in conducting an ecological and standardized
assessment of a young child who has experienced severe trauma, such as physical or
sexual abuse?
Problems of Practice
Conduct an ecological inventory for an infant or toddler who has severe disabilities and
who also comes from a home with at least one environmental risk indicator. Observe the
young child and family in at least three different environments (e.g., at home, at the early
intervention program, and at a church nursery, social service setting, extended family
gathering, or other mesosystem environment). Plan to observe the child's demonstration
of the same developmental skills in all three settings, noting in which setting they are most
facilitated by adults and in which setting they are least often demonstrated. Make an
evaluation of the interactive factors in those three settings that

Page 233
contribute to or detract from the child's ability to demonstrate his or her optimum
performance level.
Suggested Readings
Brown, L., Nietupski, J., & Hamre-Nietupski, S. (1976). Criterion of ultimate functioning.
In M. A. Thomas (Ed.), Hey, don't forget about me! Education's investment in the
severely, profoundly, & multiply handicapped (pp. 215). Reston, VA: Council for
Exceptional Children.
Cicchetti, D., & Toth, S. L. (1987). The application of a transactional risk model to
intervention with multi-risk maltreating families. Zero to Three, 7(5), 18.

Page 234

IFSP Review of Harry
GENDER, AGE, ETHNIC ORIGIN OF CHILD: Male, 27 months, Euro-American.
OCCASION OR PURPOSE OF DIALOGUE: Second review of Harry, 3 months after initial IFSP was
developed; to assess developmental progress. Harry has been receiving services in a self-
contained classroom with 4 children in the age range of 15 to 36 months. The teacher,
instructional aid, and most of the children's mothers are present for the 2-hour session.
Other support personnel also engage in interactions within the classroom setting. Once a
month, home visits by the early interventionist are conducted.
TEAM M EM BERS: The early interventionist, instructional assistant (teacher aid), physical
therapist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist, and the child's mother.
SETTING: The classroom of the early intervention program, after child session.
Overview of the Case
Risk Conditions
Harry was developing typically until the age of 3 months. He contracted an ear infection at
this time, which was accompanied by a high fever. He began having severe and repeated
epileptic seizures, which medical team personnel were initially unable to control. The
precipitating cause of the seizures remains undocumented. However, there is the
possibility that a secondary bacterial infection occurred in the brain, leading to status
epilepticus, with permanent brain damage. The seizures continued during the next 17
months as the medical team attempted to find the proper medication and dosage level to
control the condition. An MRI indicated damage to the visual and language areas of the
brain. For the past 7 months Harry's seizures have been sporadic, but generally under
control. However, Harry has severe and multiple problems, including visual, physical,
language, and cognitive impairments.

Page 235
Reason for Referral
Harry's mother actively sought the early intervention program through self-referral. He
has continued to see a neurologist and pediatrician from the hospital where his illness was
treated, and, until recently, had been receiving occupational therapy and physical therapy
from the hospital. A visual impairment specialist from the Association for the Blind also
visits Harry once a month at his home. However, the mother desired a comprehensive
educational program for Harry. She requested his evaluation by the early intervention
staff. He has been in the early intervention program for 3 months; this is the 90-day
review. Objectives identified in the first IFSP development, which will be evaluated in the
meeting, included the following:
1. Harry will sit independently and participate in play with siblings and peers.
2. Harry will play with a variety of toys and increase his level of play skills.
3. Harry will bear weight on lower extremities with good alignment.
4. Harry will increase vocal interactions and communicate his wants, needs, and
preferences through gestures and using tactile speech stripstextures placed on switches
that activate loop tapes.
5. The family will obtain equipment as needed to facilitate positioning at home and at day
Background Information
Harry's mother had an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery. Videotapes taken during
the first 3 months of Harry's life show evidence of a typically developing child. After the
seizures, Harry was treated at Child Hospital, receiving physical and occupational therapy
in addition to physician care. He also received an assessment of hearing and vision. His
hearing was judged to be normal, but he was found to have a severe visual impairment.
He wears splints on his curled feet to flatten them and to support his ankles when being
given weight-bearing exercises and continues to receive medication prescribed by the
hospital pediatric staff.
Family Strengths and Needs
Strengths include parents who are able and willing to access needed resources, a
cooperative extended family support system in the immediate area, and parental
involvement in agency service systems (e.g., respite care

Page 236
resources and financial aid resources to purchase visual impairment equipment). The
mother is the director of a day care center that Harry is able to attend when not in the
early intervention program. The parents (especially the mother) are strongly motivated to
help their child in whatever ways possible. They are willing to follow through with
activities in the home.
Family needs identified by the parents include continuation of respite care, and
consultation on long-range planning to provide for Harry's needs as he grows older (e.g.,
methods of transporting him and educational options). The mother has also requested
suggestions for a support group in which she could participate and ideas for activities that
can be done at home to promote Harry's development.
Sources of Assessment Information
Medical records and reports from hospital personnel are available. The Association for
the Blind has also evaluated Harry's visual potential. Assessment measures collected by
the early intervention staff include the Carolina Curriculum, Hawaii Early Learning
Profile (HELP), parent interview, play-based assessment, and school and home
observations by teacher, parent, and therapists.
Social-Emotional Development
Harry shows ability to demonstrate his emotions. He smiles and laughs in response to
adult vocal play, tickling, and other "rough housing." He squeals when happy and cries
when upset. He smiles and occasionally vocalizes in response to peer voices. He is not
initiating of social interaction, however. He definitely has likes and dislikes, which he
communicates through facial, vocal, and body tension responses. His developmental
skills are scattered, with his performance on the HELP being in the 4- to 8-month range,
although he exhibits a few higher level responses.
Physical-Motor and Sensory-Perceptual Development
Harry rolls from either side (primarily from left), sits with support for short periods, and
actively extends to change position. Protective responses to the sides and front when
sitting are beginning to be demonstrated. His head position in sitting and prone is
primarily extended, but in the past month he has demonstrated ability to bring his head to
the middle of his body and hold it there for 1 to 4 minutes. His hearing is excellent, but
his vision is limited to seeing light and black and white. He does not reach out for or
explore objects. He can clap his hands and he tolerates tactile

Page 237
stimuli for short periods of time. During periods when he is not engaged in interaction
with an adult, he engages in self-stimulating behaviors, especially rolling back and forth.
His hands are clenched at times, but not as often as they were 3 months ago. Now he
keeps them open most of the time. He can bite off pieces of food and is beginning to
move food in chewing motion when eating. His HELP motor skill performance is also
scattered, with an age level range of 2 to 6 months.
Cognitive-Language Development
Harry does not spontaneously reach for, explore, or play manipulatively with toys and
other objects. These abilities may be difficult for him to demonstrate because of his
limited vision. He does show interest in novel sounds and he will orient to search for their
source. When presented with switch-activated toys, he will interact for several minutes.
However, he does not continue to initiate actions when the toy response occurs. It is
unclear whether he understands the cause-effect relationship between his action and the
response or whether he interacts with the adapted switch as an end in itself. He is able to
activate the adaptive switches with his full left hand or with his right middle finger. When
prompted, he reaches to relocate a switch for continuation of interaction with the adapted
toys. He pats adult hands to request "more" of an activity, or signals to continue by
tapping his leg with his hand.
He inconsistently participates in vocal play with adults. His vocalizations consist of vowel
sounds and a limited variety of repetitive syllable consonant and vowel combinations
(mother reports "Dada" and "Mama," but these have not been observed in the early
intervention setting). The HELP communication profile is in the 2- to 6-month range. He
does seem to have communicative intent, attempting to draw the attention of the
caregivers when they are busy elsewhere, and using gestural or vocal means to gain their
The Team Dialogue
The team is gathered to review the initial IFSP, to determine what progress has been
made, and to make a revised IFSP based on this review. The early intervention teacher is
the team leader for this discussion.
EARLY INTERVENTION TEACHER: (To mother) I understand Harry is no longer being seen by a private
physical or occupational therapist. Can you explain why Child Hospital canceled these services?
MOTHER: They said if he was getting services in another county, he no longer needed theirs. It didn't
make sense to me because I think he still needs

Page 238
them and I liked going to that place. I don't really want to start at another place.
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : They do provide those services in our county also. I suggest you call the
Developmental Services Center to inquire about getting him into their therapy program. The center
is affiliated with the hospital.
TEACHER: Can you also give me the number of the therapists you were seeing? I can ask them to
reconsider Harry's need for their program.
MOTHER: Thanks. I'll call the center to ask what they have. I'd rather stay with Child Hospital though.
Will you let me know what you find out? How do you think Harry is getting along in the program?
I've seen you working with him on the goals we set, but I don't think he's making much progress, at
least at home.
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : I feel that Harry is at a crucial point now. Either he will increase his self-
stimulation behavior or he'll work through it. Any external stimulation he can get is good for him.
He doesn't care for some types; for example, he doesn't care to be moved in space at all. He has let
us all know that! We also know he loves the water and the moving car.
TEACHER AID: At least he is letting us stimulate him more than he did back in September. (To mother)
We couldn't get near him without your holding him. His favorite activity now is the music box. He
gets a lot of positive reinforcement from hearing that.
TEACHER: We are still seeing a lot of crying behavior at the school. Has that continued to be a
problem at home?
MOTHER: I don't think it has gotten much better. It's really frustrating for him to show or tell what he
TEACHER: We talk to him while we go through activities and give him options to be happy or not, but
he doesn't seem to be interested or motivated to be active. Although he's slightly increased the
amount of time he interacts with toys, his play skills haven't really increased much. (To mother)
We've found that the best ways to get him to stop crying are by letting you hold him or by playing his
music box. He does love music so that may be the best "entry" spot.
MOTHER: Do you think the medication he's on could cause him to be irritable? I think that the seizure
medication isn't helping and the dosage is too strong for him. I want to see about changing the
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : Why change this now? The "meds" are not knocking him out and the seizures are
controlled. Last Fall he seizured every time we moved him! It seems to me that the medication is
working most of the time.
TEACHER: It might be good just to check with the doctor to determine if the medication
(Phenobarbital) could be a factor in his irritability, though.
MOTHER: I'm not going to do anything now; I was just thinking about it. Is Harry doing any better with
his sounds? At home he is able to make his wants known a little better.

Page 239
TEACHER: I don't think our objective in this area has been reached, although he's increased his vocal
interactions somewhat. As far as expressive language goes, I have only noticed one time where he's
repeated sounds (ba-ba-ba for bounce-bounce-bounce). I've heard no inflection; I can't get that at
all. His understanding of language is also hard to judge. We are trying to provide opportunities for
him to learn vocal turn taking by touching his mouth and cueing "Your turn, Harry." So far, this
strategy has been slightly successful; we've gotten him to take up to 3 turns, but he seems to be
imitating more than communicating. He still needs the tactile stimulation cues in order to respond.
MOTHER: I haven't heard him use any inflections either, but he has responded to my talking to him
sometimes by making ba-ba type sounds.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : Because his communicative attempts are so limited, I brought in some loop tapes
to the classroom for him to use with the music and with the lights. How's he doing with those? (The
classroom has a light board. Loop tapes are cassette tapes that, when activated, play the same
message over and over).
TEACHER: I'm not sure he can make a distinction between the choice of playing with the lights or the
music. I know that loop tapes work well with older children, but maybe we need to continue
focusing on increasing his vocalizations and gestures.
SPEECH PATHOLOGIST : We're going to have to observe him to see if it's the tactile stimulation that he
doesn't like, the kind of music, the lights, or what. If he does not actively seek using the loop tapes
at school, do you want me to send some loop tapes home?
TEACHER: I'd prefer to send home something that is part of the family routine so they do not have to
feel that they must do something more or learn something else for Harry. (To mother) What do you
think, Madge?
MOTHER: I'm willing to try them, if they can help him. He does like sounds so he might use them,
especially if my older children do it with him. He likes to have them play with him.
TEACHER: That's a good suggestion. (To physical therapist) I think he's also going to need new splints
soon; his toes are already hanging out of the present ones.
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : I'm looking more to give him a stable base to support on; some toes hanging out
when he's in the prone stander won't hurt. I can dip and stretch the splints.
TEACHER: I had him up in the prone stander today and his right foot was barely touching, but his left
foot looked good. (She demonstrates posture.)
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : Harry has made some progress on the objectives of sitting and bearing weight on
his lower extremities. However, he really hasn't achieved these objectives completely. About the
best sign I see is when he's getting into a spread-legged, on-his-knees position. It's the only time

Page 240
that I see him weight-bearing. Defensiveness on the soles of his feet doesn't help. The use of the
brushes should reduce this defensiveness. (The brushes are surgical scrub sponges with soft
plastic bristles. Therapists use them for 10 seconds on each extremity and on skin to increase
tactile stimulation.)
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : He has usually accepted the brush on his soles as well as hands. In fact, he
is responding to this activity by holding his hand out with palm up to indicate "more."
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : The ability to sit is there; he's choosing not to do it by actively getting out of the
TEACHER: So we need to find a reinforcement for sitting. Half the battle with him is if he's in a good
mood or not. I think we need to find out more about what will reinforce him for sitting, playing,
vocalizing, and gesturing. I also think we need to know more about his cognitive skills. I plan to try
the Uzgiris-Hunt Scales to see how he responds to means-ends and causality problems and to find
out more about how his sensorimotor schemes are developing. Perhaps we need to get some more
information by doing a ecological inventory. We could learn more if we saw his behavior in a
wider variety of settings.
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : We need to give him lots of opportunities to sit, bounce, and balance himself. (To
mother and early interventionist) You could start him on your lap and bounce him so that he feels a
sense of support. Then, slowly bounce him away from you and off your lap until he accepts
independence gradually.
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST : He's not reaching and holding. There's no spontaneous reaching at all to
indicate that he wants anything. He does reach when prompted by tactile stimulation.
TEACHER: But sometimes he withdraws from tactile stimulation and sometimes he seems to finds it by
accident. He will pound on the table more often if he's in the prone stander. The most indication of
wanting something that I've seen is by a head turn or if he stops crying.
MOTHER: His brother can sometimes get him to show what he wants better than I can. Especially
when he is in his new corner chair. (An adapted chair has recently been purchased; this fulfills the
objective related to positioning equipment.)
TEACHER: (To mother) Is there anything else we can suggest for home to help you and your family
with Harry?
PHYSICAL THERAPIST : What about a wheelchair? You need to start thinking of it because he's getting too
big and heavy to carry. Plus, he doesn't always want to be carried and he arches himself back. You
aren't going to be able to hang onto him when he gets much bigger. He could easily throw himself
out of your arms.
MOTHER: I'm not sure I want a wheelchair. I'd rather wait with that until we see how much progress
he makes in the next few months. He's begin-

Page 241
ning to roll and sit up, so maybe he'll be able to start moving around by himself before long. I'd
like to try the loop tapes, though, because I want him to be able to play by himself.
TEACHER: Well, when I come for my home visit, I'll observe Harry there and we'll talk about how we
could find out more about the behaviors and skills he demonstrates in other settings. Do you take
him to church, to your other children's school, or to the supermarket? We could decide on some
behaviors that you could notice in every place. For example, we could find out where and when he
is most likely to be contented, to be trying to vocalize, or to be interested in the objects around him.
One place to start would be with the sound environment. We could note what sounds in his
environment elicit what types of behavior. Then at our next meeting we could talk about whether we
could create the environments that seemed to bring out the highest levels of his skills. (To mother)
Are you interested in trying an ecological inventory?
MOTHER: Yes, and I think my older boys would enjoy keeping track of Harry's behaviors, too. We all
might see that he is doing things we haven't noticed before.
TEACHER: I'll draw up a plan and show you how to collect the information. Then we'll try to follow
the same plan here at school to be able to compare his behavior here with that shown in other
settings. (To teacher aid) Do you think this inventory is something that we can have the time to do?
TEACHER AID: Yes, there are usually enough adults here to have one person observing. Some of the
other parents might be willing to be observers part of the time, too.
TEACHER: Did you find out any more about the parent support groups in this area? Did you call Mrs.
Leader, the coordinator of the parent group in town, or the developmental services center parent
education director, Miss Nursely?
MOTHER: Yes, neither group met over the summer, but both will be starting in September. I plan to go
to one of them, or maybe I'll try both and see what the meetings are like.
TEACHER: (To mother) I think our co-leadership of service coordination is working well. Do you
MOTHER: Yes, I am pleased with this arrangement.
TEACHER: Are we ready to make our recommendations? (Group agrees.)

Harry continues to be eligible for the early intervention program and will remain in the
two-afternoon-per-week session. The role of service coordination leadership will
continue to be shared by the early

Page 242
interventionist and the parents. Harry will receive physical therapy, occupational therapy,
speech therapy, and adapted physical education in the early intervention setting, and
access to private physical and occupational therapy will also be explored. The team
members will continue their interventions, monitoring, and ongoing assessment of Harry's
development, with particular emphasis on vocal and verbal play interactions,
reinforcement for sitting and mobility attempts, and provision of adaptive equipment to
encourage his reaching for and activating toys. His sensorimotor development will be
systematically assessed and a plan for conducting an ecological inventory will be
developed and a similar set of information on Harry's behavior (crying, vocalizing,
playing, listening) will be collected in a variety of environments. Progress will be
monitored daily with formal review in 90 days by the team. Harry's mother will select a
support group and begin participation. Discussion of the need for a wheelchair will
continue, in consultation with Harry's physician.
Questions for Discussion
1. This mother is an active participant on the team. How did her presence and interaction
style affect the team discussion?
2. What appear to be the team's major areas of focus for Harry? How does the makeup of
the team reflect that focus? How is the team handling what appear to be some differences
of opinion about the intervention objectives?
3. Would the presence of additional team members have added other useful perspectives
(e.g., personnel from the children's hospital, adapted physical educator, psychologist, or
visual impairment specialist)? If input of those professionals is desired, how could the
team set up a collaborative two-way communication process with them when they are not
regular members of the team?
4. What are the methods of assessment presently being used to monitor Harry's progress?
Are these sufficient at this time? Are there specific areas that need to have a sharper
assessment focus? Would the proposed ecological inventory be useful in expanding the
range of behaviors and settings in which Harry's capabilities can be noted?
5. Based on the assessment information, identified objectives, and team dialogue, what
other developmentally appropriate strategies could be proposed to help the child and

Page 243

Chapter 10
Implementing and Evaluating Transdisciplinary Assessment
Doris Bergen
Sharon Raver-Lampman
The concept of transdisciplinary assessment involves the mutual collection and sharing of
assessment results with professional participation that crosses traditional discipline
boundaries (Bennett, 1982). The transdisciplinary model was originally used by personnel
in programs that needed to provide comprehensive services, but which faced limited staff
resources and less than optimal facilities. By collaborating in the assessment process, early
intervention professionals believed that staff and facilities could be used in a time- and
cost-efficient manner. As the model became more established, the role of family members
as full team participants was elaborated, and the practices of role release and arena
assessment were made explicit. Problems in implementing the model were also identified
and variations that met the needs of particular early intervention programs were designed.
The ideal model is described in numerous publications (e.g., Foley, 1990; Raver, 1991;
Woodruff & McGonigel, 1988); however, it has been difficult to put the model into
practice in its ideal form. Earlier chapters have explained why professionals from a wide
range of disciplines see both promise and problems in using the model. A review of the
qualities of the ideal model and of some of the recent evaluations of family and
professional experiences with the model may serve to make explicit the present status of
its implementation. From these evaluations (and those discussed in other chapters), it is
clear that effective implementation requires the development of skills in communication,
conflict resolution, and team building. Professional preparation programs for all of the
involved disciplines must prepare their graduates to use such skills at both preservice and
inservice levels.

Page 244

An Ideal Transdisciplinary Assessment Model

In an ideal transdisciplinary approach, professionals from many disciplines (e.g., child
development, counseling, psychology, early childhood, family life studies, health and
physical therapy, nursing, nutrition, pediatrics, social work, special education, and speech
pathology and audiology) work as an interactive team, with the direct guidance of
families, to develop unified and Integrated Individual Family Service Plans (IFSP). The
plans are then implemented, monitored regularly, and revised as needed by the team
Underlying Assumptions
One assumption of this approach is that early assessment must closely involve the young
child's family because the family is a major influence on early development and learning.
Thus, an ecological perspective that includes the immediate and also the greater family
circle is advocated, if assessment is to be valid and intervention is to be successful. In
practice, the immediate family (and often only the mother) have been the pre-eminent
figures, taking most of the responsibility for the child's care.
A second assumption is that a group of professionals working together with the family in
a team approach can provide a cost-effective, accurate, and educationally sound
assessment and result in a consensus-derived developmentally appropriate intervention
method that captures the best of the expertise of each discipline. In theory, the congruence
of team viewpoints gained from multiple perspectives can enhance the validity of the
assessment. In actual practice, the differing perspectives may result in the need to resolve
conflicting views and to compromise on intervention plans.
A third assumption is that the services that are provided will be respectful and supportive
of families, while at the same time providing an atmosphere that will make the family feel
in charge of their child's future development. By validating the family as expert, the
approach can foster family independence. In practice, however, some families are more
able to function well as team members than are others.
Finally, there is an assumption that collaborative approaches can be demonstrated by a
wide range of professionals, even those who come from disciplines where independent
work rather than cooperative endeavors has been the norm. In practice, little experience
in group co-operation has been given to students in most professional training programs
and, therefore, there is a wide range of effectiveness demonstrated by these professionals.
Two essential elements of this approach are role release and arena assessment, which
have not been stressed in traditional professional preparation programs in the involved

Page 245
Role Release
Professionals involved in transdisciplinary assessments have many responsibilities. They
conduct assessments with the team and with the guidance of families. They develop
service plans as a team, again guided by families' priorities and collaboration. In the
transdisciplinary model all team members are responsible for how the primary service
provider, a team member authorized by the team to work directly with the family,
implements the team's plan with the family. This exchange of roles is the process that
separates transdisciplinary teams from other models.
Role release is the sharing of responsibilities, usually across professional disciplines, by
more than one team member. Intervention in infancy demands that personnel function as
generalists as well as specialists (McCollum & Hughes, 1988; Bruder & Nikitas, 1992).
Role sharing requires that professionals teach their discipline-specific skills to other team
members who have different discipline backgrounds. For example, therapists (e.g.,
speech-language or occupational and physical) may train family members and other
professionals on the team in strategies and techniques they could offer a child if they were
providing the services directly. Through this process, professionals learn to rely on the
expertise of their colleagues, as well as on family members (Bailey, Simeonsson, Yoder,
& Huntington, 1990; Johnson et al., 1992; Woodruff, 1980).
There are some constraints, however, on the extent of role release that should be practiced
in these teams. Because of codes of ethics and professional standards, professionals
involved in role sharing must clearly state when it is appropriate or inadvisable to share
discipline skills (Drew & Turnbull, 1987). This is best handled by establishing explicit
guidelines for skills that are shared, as well as clear mechanisms for follow-up on
released skills. Since professionals sharing skills are responsible for the quality of
services ultimately received by families, role release requires continuous training and
retraining among team and family members. It also requires the building of a trust level
among all team participants, which permits the team to feel comfortable in collaborating
on arena assessments.
Arena Assessment
With children under the age of 3, transdisciplinary assessment ideally takes the form of
arena assessment. In an arena assessment, one professional does the testing while other
team members, including family members(s), observe (Wolery & Dyk, 1984).
Professionals may sit on the floor around the child and parent(s) (or alternatively, in an
observation area) and observe while one professional acts as the prime ''facilitator" during
the assessment. The facilitator engages the child in activities selected to

Page 246
demonstrate the child's developmental strengths and weaknesses (Woodruff &
McGonigel, 1988).
Before an arena assessment is conducted, team members meet and identify for the
facilitator behaviors they would like to have elicited for their individual discipline-
specific evaluations. If all behaviors to be assessed are not observed during the arena
assessment, parent reports may be used (when appropriate) or further assessment time
may need to be arranged. Because of the play-oriented nature of arena assessments, only
criterion-referenced instruments are suitable. Professionals experienced in arena
assessments report that, with training as a team, they are able to observe what they need
for discipline-specific evaluations, while also having the experience of seeing the "whole
Immediately following arena assessments, team members meet to share observations,
evaluate their meaning, and set goals, guided by the family's priorities and observations.
The cross-disciplinary nature of arena assessments encourages team members to seek and
select integrated strategies and interventions that can serve the child's developmental
needs in more than one domain.
According to arena assessment proponents, this approach can yield benefits for families,
children and team members. For example, Beninghof & Singer (1992) and Woodruff
(1980) have outlined some of these benefits. First, families may benefit from arena
assessments in these ways:
I. The process communicates to families that they are fully functioning members of the
2. It prevents different professionals from asking families similar questions repeatedly.
3. The process of helping young children is viewed as a series of problem-solving
experiences that the team and family address rather than as a one-time decision-making
Second, children may benefit in the following ways:
1. All assessment information is gathered at one time, rather than at separate times for
each domain.
2. Children are able to demonstrate both strengths and weaknesses in a natural setting.
3. The assessment may result in increased access to services, consistency in education,
and an integrated and comprehensive program. When team members show each other
strategies they would use if they were providing services, children may be able to receive
therapy or other services consistently, not just when the professional of a particular
discipline is in their home or classroom.

Page 247
Third, arena assessments may provide teams these advantages:
1. The team can provide more integrated assessments.
2. The team can share knowledge of the child from observations collected during the
same time period, which leads to easier and more valid consensus.
3. The team members both receive and share expertise and this expands their knowledge,
especially because they are getting their own perspective and that of others
4. The team intervention strategies will be more comprehensive and effective.
In practice, the extent of role release and the exact nature of arena assessment vary widely
in existing early intervention programs. Research on what families, as well as
professionals, see as positive and negative aspects of present early intervention practice is
beginning to be reported and, as this accumulates, it will inform future practice. It has
been of two types: family evaluations and professional evaluations of the
transdisciplinary model.
Family Evaluation of Transdisciplinary Assessment
Federal law and early intervention literature strongly stress that families are to be full
participants on early intervention teams, both during the assessment phase and in the
intervention planning and evaluation phases. Although data are still sparse, a number of
studies have looked at parents' views of the services they are receiving and, in general,
those parent samples indicate satisfaction with the services. For example, one study
(Angell & McWilliam, 1992) indicated that 97% of families felt professionals gave them
opportunities to make decisions and supported their decisions, 83% found it was easy to
get services, and 93% perceived that interagency collaboration was working. Good
experiences seemed to be related to the personal characteristics of individual
professionals and to the benefits the children seemed to be receiving. Bad experiences
were related to poor professional attitudes or lack of therapeutic services.
In another study done in conjunction with a medical center project (Haring, Sterling, &
Myse, 1992), however, parents identified a number of concerns related to poor
communication by medical personnel, who often lack information about referral services
and understanding of the effect having a child with disabilities has on a family system.
Bonding may be interrupted when there is a medical crisis at birth, families are separated,
and there is extreme anxiety about the child's survival and prog-

Page 248
nosis. Families often seem unaware of the services available for them and they do not
understand the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or their role as a primary
member of the early intervention team.
In a study of parents' participation in the IFSP process, Able-Boone (1992) found that the
IFSPs were more child-centered than family-centered, although most IFSPs noted family
resources and strengths. The amount of family participation varied in relation to families'
styles of communication, with only 7 out of the 25 planning conferences showing parents
talking more than professionals. However, professionals often encouraged parental
participation by asking questions and many professionals expressed interest in developing
strategies to increase family participation levels. Able-Boone concludes that there must be
sensitivity to the family's preferred role, because some family members prefer to be team
leaders and others prefer to take a passive role.
Another parental view of early intervention services comes from evaluations of parent
groups (e.g., Krauss, Upshur, Shonkoff, & Hauser-Cram, 1993), which have shown
mixed results as to positive and negative outcomes. In this study, parents reported that
they received social support, but those with higher levels of participation felt the groups
created more stress because they encountered the experiences of other parents with
children with disabilities and sometimes felt forced to confront feelings for which they
were not prepared.
Fathers and mothers do not always have the same impression of program helpfulness.
Upshur (1991) reported that both parents felt home visits were more beneficial than
parent groups, but that fathers indicated that services overall were less helpful and that
they needed more assistance in learning how to be an advocate and how to meet other
family members' needs than did mothers. Although both mothers and fathers felt the
program was beneficial, they agreed that the benefits to mothers was greater than to
Narrative reports of a number of families' experiences, gained in interviews conducted by
the author, also suggest that the integrated and equal participation discussed in the
literature is not always evident in practice. These data show that, although families of
children at risk for developmental delay do encounter many helpful professional
individuals during the first few years of their child's life, their experiences with both
individuals and team members also include being "closed out" of participation in crucial
early assessment and intervention decisions and "left stranded" without knowledge of
how to meet their own and their child's needs. There is still apparently wide variation in
how much early intervention professionals convey a respect for parental concerns and
expertise, with some professional groups being more responsive than others.
The data collected from these interviews with parents point to four

Page 249
problem areas that make early assessment and intervention processes less helpful for
families than the literature suggests. Problems that families report include:
1. having limited and poor quality initial information provided to them about their child's
condition, especially in medical trauma situations
2. having to deal with unclear directions, complex procedures, and uncoordinated service
delivery systems that make gaining access to services difficult
3. finding gaps in effective linkages between teams who work at different sites (e.g.,
hospitals, pediatric settings, early intervention programs, and home care agencies)
4. encountering attitudes of some professionals that parental concerns or expertise need
be only minimally considered during assessment and intervention planning
These concerns show that the feelings of family empowerment and active control over
their child's destiny, which supposedly arise from the "ideal" team approaches described
and advocated in early intervention literature, are not yet present in the experiences of all
families. Instead, the feeling of many parents may be one of helplessness, especially
during the time when their child is being initially assessed in the hospital. Families also
may feel helpless when they lack information about available services and do not know
which professionals to contact for the information. Some parents continue this "learned
helplessness," others react by increasing their own resolve to help their children.
If parents do become strong advocates for their children and are successful in eventually
obtaining the information and services needed, they may have attained empowerment in
spite of, rather than because of, the professionals who are involved in assessing and
determining interventions for their child. As awareness of the importance of family
empowerment grows among early intervention professionals, the experiences of families
may reflect the increased participatory perspective that advocates of family-centered team
approaches have described so eloquently in the literature (Bailey & Simeonsson, 1988;
Dunst & Trivette, 1987; Turnbull, Summers, & Brotherson, 1987).
Professional Evaluation of Transdisciplinary Assessment
It should not be concluded that highly trained and specialized professionals find it easy to
work collaboratively. Problems with the transdis-

Page 250
ciplinary assessment process are well documented (Bailey, DeWert, Thiele, & Ware, 1983;
Bailey, Palsha, & Simeonsson, 1991; Crisler, 1979; Fordyce, 1982; Gilliam & Coleman,
1981). The most common complaints found are:
1. Differing levels of participation by different professional groups
2. Lack of meaningful discussion in team meetings
3. Lack of training and guidance in the team process
4. Inability of professionals to work together in a truly integrative fashion
In fact, recent evidence reveals that professionals serving infants, toddlers, and their
families continue to express serious concerns about cross-discipline collaboration (Bailey,
Palsha, & Simeonsson, 1991). A survey of supervisors and administrators of infant and
toddler programs in six states ranked competence in interpersonal skills (e.g., focusing on
abilities such as conflict resolution and communication with parents and colleagues) as
one of their top three skill needs (Johnson, Kilgo, Cook, Hammitte, Beauchamp, & Finn,
1992). Successful transdisciplinary assessment appears to hinge on skills in team
communication, skills for handling conflicts, and skills in team building.
However, there is some evidence that, even with these problems, a team of professionals
may be more effective than individual professionals in assessing family needs. In a
comparison of family needs assessed by mothers, individual professionals, and
interdisciplinary teams, Garshelis and McConnell (1993) found that individual
professionals were able to match only 47% of mother identified needs, while teams
matched 57%. Mothers' most frequently cited needs were for information on services,
reading material about how other parents cope, more time for themselves, and help
locating respite care. The researchers concluded that teams were more effective than
individual professionals, but that even teams do not do very well. They suggest that teams
do more follow-up discussions after they have used a needs survey.
Guidelines for Successful Teamwork
Clearly, role and responsibility sharing among family and professional team members is
not always easily attained. The approach demands flexibility, tolerance, and
understanding among those involved (Garland, Woodruff, & Buck, 1988). Team members
need to share a "common mission" and to work systematically to reach the team's goals.

Page 251
Team Communication Techniques
Transdisciplinary assessment is built on professional collaboration. However, successful
collaboration does not always occur as planned (File & Kontos, 1992). First, team
members must acknowledge that they need each other to accomplish their goals and re-
examine their personal views of the validity of the contributions of persons from a range
of disciplines.
Second, they must actively work to control personal variables that may interfere with
rewarding teamwork. A self-awareness of the positive and negative potential effects of
one's own interpersonal interaction style must be fostered in every team member. If
continuing problems in this area occur, training sessions or individual conferences may
be used to improve these skills. For personal events that impinge temporarily on team
members' effectiveness, a climate of support among the team may help to keep the
problems in perspective and minimize these effects on team operation.
Third, team members must agree on how families will be involved in all aspects of
service delivery (Raver, 1991). Differences in individual beliefs about the "mission" of a
program can easily overlap with team functioning and lead to interpersonal tensions.
Some communication problems occur when staff and administrators do not share similar
perceptions or language. Discipline-specific jargon can jeopardize communication among
team members and families. It is not uncommon for team members from different
disciplines to embrace quite different "missions." These differences can hinder
communication, unless they are discussed openly with mutual respect.
Team members and team leaders need to foster a climate of mutual trust and to have the
ability to communicate their commitment to making the transdisciplinary model work
(Woodruff & McGonigel, 1988). Team meetings should be a place to share openly with
colleagues and to gain assurance that every point of view will be respected, even during
disagreement. The transdisciplinary assessment approach cannot function effectively
without high standards of communication and collaboration.
Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution strategies are essential tools for handling the disputes that will
inevitably arise when collaborative decisions must be made. Conflict resolution requires
team members to be able to state the conflict as explicitly as possible, generate several
means of resolving the conflict, and then conscientiously agree to follow team-generated
solutions. For conflict to have positive outcomes, it must be actively confronted and man-

Page 252
aged by the team through a process of consensus building. Generally, conflicts are best
confronted immediately, openly, and directly, rather than by behind-the-scene indirect
negotiations. In fact, the most efficient teams devise a system for decision-making and
handling disputes before they occur (Raver, 1991). Interestingly, some programs report
that involving families as full members of the transdisciplinary team reduces professional
conflicts and discipline loyalties because the team becomes unified by addressing the
families' priorities.
Team Building Activities
Transdisciplinary team members are responsible for organizing regular staff development
meetings for teaching their discipline skills to team members as well as for sharing
discipline-specific information. These activities are called team-building activities because
they develop the team's cohesiveness and improve functioning. Garland and Linder
(1988) suggest these common team-building activities:
1. Observations of other team members
2. Discussions or consultations
3. On-site demonstrations of skills with discussion by the team
4. Workshops on specific techniques with hands-on practice
5. Role play or simulations of techniques
6. Courses on team building approaches or techniques
Administrators are important in supporting transdisciplinary teaming because they can
structure time for the team to plan, practice, and critique their work together.
Administrators should regard "teaming time" as part of a strategy that ensures quality
services (Garland & Linder, 1988). Successful transdisciplinary teams acknowledge that
rewarding teamwork is not a given, but the result of good communication, sound
problem-solving mechanisms, and structured team-building skills. These ultimately result
in good experiences for young children and their families.
Professional Preparation
Many early intervention professional programs are striving to improve preparation across
relevant disciplines. They are beginning to include an emphasis on cross disciplinary
linkages for assessment and intervention services (Hanson & Lovett, 1992). Professionals
have indicated a need to know more about the terminology used by other disciplines and
the expertise held by other professionals. They have also identified the need for con-

Page 253
sulting skills and knowledge of procedures underlying team building and group process
(Bailey et al., 1990). These types of concerns do not seem to differ as 4 function of the
discipline surveyed (Bailey et al., 1991).
Although there are some effective models that have been developed in various parts of
the nation, the foundations for transdisciplinary assessment are just now being laid.
Research on early childhood special education professional preparation programs reveals
that the majority of these programs have separate assessment courses with a practicum
component. Assessment topics receiving the greatest emphasis are instructional
assessment for programming, appropriate assessment procedures, use of observational
techniques, and communicating and interpreting test results (Stayton & Johnson, 1990).
Experiences with team methods are not a major focus of most early assessment and
intervention courses.
Because it is difficult for students to differentiate the transdisciplinary model from other
assessment models simply by reading, experiences with such models are needed
(Beninghof & Singer, 1992). Not only are personnel preparation programs weak in
providing team assessment experience, they typically provide relatively little training
specific to the population from birth to age 3, even when the focus is on cross-discipline
training (Hanson & Lovett, 1992).
If the transdisciplinary assessment model is ever to be fully implemented in early
intervention, personnel preparation programs will have to make collaborative cross-
disciplinary experiences in assessing infants and toddlers a core requirement in such
The ideal model of transdisciplinary assessment has been described in detail in early
intervention literature. However, it has yet to be fully implemented in practice. Some
models developed using transdisciplinary concepts seem to be working well. Even in
these models, there are problems that have been identified and skills needed that team
members are only beginning to acquire. If the approach is to be successful, team
communication techniques, team building activities, and conflict resolution skills must be
integral parts of inservice and preservice education. Personnel preparation programs must
include content and practice related to developing team effectiveness. Early intervention
advocates must continue to address policy and procedural issues that affect team
functioning. Finally, ongoing evaluation of transdisciplinary team models should be
conducted to determine which specific approaches are most useful in assessment and
intervention with young children and their families.

Page 254
Questions for Discussion
1. What are two of the aspects of transdisciplinary assessment and intervention that are
most likely to improve services to young children and families?
2. What are two of the aspects of transdisciplinary assessment and intervention that are
most problematic in attempts to develop team approaches that work effectively?
Problems of Practice
Visit an early intervention program and observe a team meeting. Then, interview
individually the program director, a teacher, and a support specialist. Ask each of them
the same questions regarding their views of the model they use, its effectiveness level,
and its problems. Relate what they say to your observation of the team and to the content
of this chapter.
Suggested Readings
Hanson, M., & Lovett, D. (1992). Personnel preparation for early interventionists: A
cross-disciplinary survey.Journal of Early Intervention, 16, (2), 123135.
Woodruff, G., & McGonigel, M. (1988). Early intervention team approaches: The
transdisciplinary model. In J. Jordan, J. Gallagher, P. Hutinger, & M. Karnes (Eds.), Early
Childhood Special Education: Birth to Three. Reston, VA: Council for Exceptional

Page 255

The Future of Transdisciplinary Assessment and Intervention
Doris Bergen
In the introduction to this book, I discussed the theoretical and practical rationale for
advocating a transdisciplinary team approach to assessment and intervention. In the
chapters, the perspectives presented have made clear the complex nature of this
teamwork; it involves young children, their diverse families, numerous professionals
from specialized and disparate disciplines, the social service and educational systems, and
policy makers who represent a range of constituencies. Although there are many practical
problems yet to be resolved and some difficult policy issues that must still be clarified, it
is clear that the benefits in a collaborative and responsive early intervention team
approach are only beginning to be appreciated.
Dialogue among all of the stakeholders must be continued and expanded, but it is evident
that they already have a common base of interests and understandings that can be used as
a foundation. This common base includes the following understandings:
1. Early assessment and intervention must be grounded in knowledge of human
development, including not only that of infants and toddlers, but also that of their parents
and other family members.
2. Families are integral members of the early intervention team and their participation as
observers, caregivers, and educators of their young children can positively influence the
family system as a whole and their child's educational experiences.
3. Team approaches enable professionals to provide better assessment and intervention
services and, in addition, professionals are pro-

Page 256
vided with collaborative skills that can be useful to them in many other facets of their
4. The planned intervention experiences that result from well-designed, developmentally
appropriate, multifactored assessments are of primary benefit to young children, who also
profit from the environment of caring that results when many persons are working
together to reach common goals related to their development and education.
5. The empowerment of families and professionals that occurs through networks
facilitating access to the systems of the society can influence social policy initiatives to
promote the overall welfare of children and families.
The future of transdisciplinary assessment is unclear. As with most new approaches, it
has encountered resistance from those who have found value in other assessment models
or who see it as a threat to their present work style or discipline. It has already undergone
a number of transformations, elaborations, or truncations, depending on the agendas of
the people who have embraced the model and those who have resisted it. I hope its fate
will not be that of many other reforms of the past, which is to be half-heartedly tried and
then whole-heartedly rejected, without any real evidence being collected about the
effectiveness of the reform.
I think it is very important for those of us who value this approach and see it as ultimately
more humane, informative, and valid to think about systematic ways to gather data that
can help us evaluate its development and overall effectiveness. Thus, if you participate in
a model of transdisciplinary assessment, I urge you to document what you are doing and
engage in assessment of your approach, even as you are using it. Try to determine the
needs it addresses well and the strengths it draws on, the interpersonal conflicts and
collaboration it elicits, the support systems it must have to work well, and the policies that
promote its development. Further, as you become empowered along with the other
members of your team, working with young children who have disabilities or who are at
risk for developmental delay, perhaps you can raise (and help us answer) the ''American"
Why is American society not concerned about the developmental potential of every child
and every family and why are we so slow to realize that our future is in the hands of all
of these young children?

Page 257

Examples of Clinical, Interview, and Observation Instruments

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Page 272

Overview of Selected Assessment Instruments
TITLE: The Ainsworth Strange Situation Assessment Procedure
AUTHORS: M.D. Ainsworth, M.C. Blehar, E. Waters, and S. Wall
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 365 Broadway, Hillsdale, NJ 07642
LEVEL: Infants 10 to 24 months
PURPOSE: To determine how infants organize behavior with caregivers and unfamiliar
persons in an environment having varying conditions that elicit distress.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Requires an 8-episode, 22- to 24-minute structured laboratory
observation, with infant and attachment figure. Separations from that person are assumed
to elicit mild to moderate levels of fear and distress, which lessen child's tendency to
explore the unfamiliar environment.
ADM INISTRATION: Two observers administer, one with whom the child becomes familiar and
one who acts as stranger. Child is observed interacting with observers and attachment
figure in the planned situations. Need observer inter-rater reliability.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Behavior rated along six dimensions: Proximity/contact seeking,
contact maintenance, resistant, avoidant, distance interaction, and search during
separations. Infants are categorized in three major patterns of attachment: Secure,
avoidant, and resistant.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Useful in assessing quality and security of infant-caregiver relationship.
A research tool with variety of populations. Classification system representative of infants
in middle-income, low-risk families. Patterns in some high-risk populations differ; use
with caution with these children.

Page 273
TITLE: Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI)
AUTHORS: J. Newborg, J. Stock, L. Wnek, J. Guidubaldi, and J. Svinicki.
PPUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: DLM Teaching Resources, One DLM Park, Allen, TX 75002
LEVEL: Birth to 8 years
PURPOSE: (Screening form) To identify children at risk for developmental handicaps who
need more comprehensive evaluation. (Full scale form) To identify young children's
developmental strengths and weaknesses; to assist in designing, monitoring, and
evaluating educational plans.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: A standardized assessment battery of key developmental skills.
Full BDI comprises 341 test items in five domains: Personal-social, adaptive, motor,
communication and cognitive. Screening test has 96 items. Norm group of 800 children
stratified by geographic location, race, sex, and socioeconomic level. High test-retest
reliability and adequate validity data.
ADM INISTRATION: By early intervention personnel; data collected through a structured test,
interviews with parents and teachers, and observations of child in natural setting.
Modifications for children with disabilities are suggested. Screening takes 10 to 30
minutes; full BDI, 1 to 1 1/2 hours (less for younger children).
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Score in each domain and total performance score. Total raw score
can be converted to percentile ranks, standard scores, and age equivalents. Case studies
facilitate interpretation.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Provides both norm-referenced and criterion-referenced data and is
appropriate for children who have disabilities. Because of limited number of items at each
age level, a single sub-domain score should not be used to determine early intervention
eligibility. Very few items for the under 6-month age level; thus, not useful for that age.
TITLE: The Bayley Scales of Infant Development-Second Edition (BSID-II)
AUTHOR: N. Bayley
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: The Psychological Corporation, PO Box 839954, San Antonio, TX
LEVEL: 1 to 42 months
PURPOSE: To diagnose developmental delay in infants and young children; to provide
information for planning and monitoring interventions.

Page 274
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: A revision of a widely used scale for young children. Three
scales: Motor, Mental, and Behavior Rating. Second edition includes more items assessing
social behavior, visual and auditory habituation, object permanence, problem solving,
language, fine motor skills, and number concepts. Normative data from sample of 1,700
children, stratified by age, gender, race, geographic location, and parent education level,
and validity information for clinical groups (premature, HIV+, drug exposed, asphyxia,
Down's syndrome, otitis media, developmental delay) provided. Reliability and validity
are acceptable. A Spanish language version is also available.
ADM INISTRATION: By a psychometrically trained professional. Items are administered based on
the child's chronological age. Has basal and ceiling rules.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Raw scores converted to Mental Development Index (MDI) and
Psychomotor Development Index (PDI); developmental age level comparisons also
OVERALL EVALUATION: Scales have empirical and theoretical support, are psychometrically and
technically sound, and are sensitive to performance differences between children in the
normative sample and children with various conditions of risk. Designed to capture the
attention and interest of very young children. Can also be used as a parental teaching tool
and for research on developmental issues. Complicated to administer.
TITLE: Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development, Revised
AUTHOR: A. H. Brigance
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Curriculum Associates, Inc., 5 Esquire Rd., North Billerica, MA 01862
LEVEL: Birth to 6 years
PURPOSE: To assess development of young children; to support diagnosis or referral for
developmental delay; to assist in educational planning and monitor progress.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Criterion-referenced inventory that assesses, diagnoses, assists
record keeping, fosters educational planning. Various tests are contained in a notebook;
materials used are familiar to child. Field tested in programs for young children in 19
states and Canada. Normative data from field testing used to validate skill sequences and
developmental ages; no reliability information provided.
ADM INISTRATION: By early intervention personnel without specialized

Page 275
training. Examiner decides on skill areas to assess and selects appropriate skill levels.
Tests are not timed.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: The Developmental Record Book lists developmental milestones
for primary skills; the Comprehensive Skill Sequences identifies secondary skills leading
to primary skills and can be used for children with severe disabilities or delays. Record-
keeping systems color-coded. Child performance levels used to plan skill objectives.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Easy to use; provides information for educational planning. Technical
data are not provided, and comparability of results with other assessment measures not
yet demonstrated. Use in a multi-test team assessment, not as only assessment instrument.
TITLE: The Carolina Curriculum for Handicapped Infants and Infants At Risk. (CCHI)
AUTHORS: N. Johnson-Martin, K. Jens, and S. Attermeier
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., PO Box 10624, Baltimore, Maryland
LEVEL: Handicapped children functioning in the birth- to 24-month developmental range
PURPOSE: To provide assessment information for planning curricular intervention strategies
appropriate for children with disabilities.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Criterion-referenced checklist; measures 24 areas of
development, with sequences of skills within each area. Provides curricular intervention
strategies related to items not achieved. The birth- to 12-month section was field-tested
with 150 children from 22 different early intervention programs in the US. Lists materials
needed, specific teaching procedures, and learning and evaluation criterion standards.
Inter-rater reliability high, but no validity data are given.
ADM INISTRATION: By early intervention staff; does not require specific training. Rapport built
with infant and parents in first stage. Then child is observed demonstrating skills, or
items may be credited based on parent report. No time limit.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: A+ is marked if the item is passed. If many attempts are required
before correct response, the item is marked E (emerging skill). An item should not be
scored as passed if accomplished in an atypical fashion. An assessment log and
developmental progress chart included for monitoring progress over time.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Easily administered criterion measure for direct

Page 276
service providers, with teaching suggestions for items missed. Although simply worded
and free of jargon, it takes a long time to administer and has been criticized for its
organization. Most useful for children with mild and moderate disabilities.
TITLE: Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 23 (CBCL/23)
AUTHOR: T. Achenbach
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Thomas Achenbach, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Vermont,
Burlington, VT 05401
LEVEL: 2 to 3 years old
PURPOSE: To obtain ratings of behavioral and emotional problems in young children in a
variety of contexts.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: A rating scale for parents or primary caretakers, modeled on the
Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 4 to 18. Can be filled out independently by parents
with at least 5th-grade reading skills. Has moderate-to-high reliability and validity with
other measures. Normed on a sample of 368 toddlers across ethnic groups, geographic
locations, and SES conditions.
ADM INISTRATION: By a trained professional (for interpretation). Caregiver answers questions
about perceptions of child's behaviors. Takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Can
be filled out by an interviewer if parents lack adequate reading skills; can also be
translated into different languages for non-English speakers.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Scored by hand or computer. Scaled scores, percentiles, and
normalized t scores are obtained. Profile of child is interpreted based on six syndromes:
Anxious/depressed, withdrawn, sleep problems, somatic problems, aggressive, and
destructive. Combined scores interpreted as Internalizing or Externalizing profiles; a total
problem score can also be obtained.
OVERALL EVALUATION: A well normed checklist with adequate technical data. Has modifications
for administration to caretakers having varied reading skill levels. Potential for
widespread research and practical applications. Should be used as part of a multifactored
assessment that includes direct observation and assessments by professional personnel to
avoid labeling of child on basis of parent's perception.
TITLE: Child Development Inventory (CDI)
AUTHOR: H. Ireton
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Behavior Science Systems, Inc., Box 580274, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Page 277
LEVEL: 6 months to 6 years; older children functioning in this age range
PURPOSE: To measure young children's development and learning in areas meaningful to
clinicians, teachers and parents; to identify developmental problems for further
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Replaces the Minnesota CDI (1972) A parent report measure,
with 270 items in eight developmental areas: Social, self-help, gross motor, fine motor,
expressive language, language comprehension, letters, and numbers. Includes a General
Development Scale and a section describing symptoms and behavior problems of young
children. Normed on a sample of 568 children 1 year to 6 years, 3 months. Screening
versions for 6 to 15 months (Infant DI); 15 to 36 months (Early Child DI); and an
interview version (Child Development Review) also available. Moderate to high reliability
and validity data.
ADM INISTRATION: Parent is asked to indicate statements that describe child's behavior by
marking yes or no on the answer sheet. Should be completed before other assessment
measures are administered.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Total number of yes responses scored using a template. These are
then recorded on the child profile sheet and compared to the normative sample.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Derived from a strong developmental research base. It is a useful
resource for development of educational plans, especially when supplemented with
teacher observations. Involves parents in thinking about their child's developmental
achievements and needs.
TITLE: Denver Developmental Screening Test II (DDST-II)
AUTHORS: W. Frankenburg, J. Dodds, P. Archer, B. Bresnick, P. Maschka, N. Edelman, and
H. Shapiro
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Denver Developmental Materials, Inc., PO Box 6919, Denver, Colorado
LEVEL: Birth to 6 years
PURPOSE: To identify possible problems and screen for referral to further evaluation; to
confirm clinical suspicions with an objective measure; to monitor children at risk for
developmental problems.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Revision of original Denver. Consists of 125 items distributed
across four domains: Social-emotional, fine motor, gross motor, and language. Revision
includes more items in the language category. Norms developed using a quota sample

Page 278
the Denver area, controlled for maternal education, residence, and ethnicity. Has
adequate reliability and validity data. Spanish language version available.
ADM INISTRATION: By medical or early intervention personnel who have received training.
(Video training tape available.) Most items scored by observation; others can be scored by
parental report. Item level for initiating the test begins below child's age and continues
until three failures are recorded. Takes 15 to 20 minutes.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Each item is marked pass, fail, no opportunity to perform, and
refusal to perform. Scores are interpreted as normal (no delays); abnormal (2 or more
delays); questionable (I delay or 2 or more cautions); untestable (depending on the
number of potential delays or cautions, if scored as failures). Children with abnormal
scores are referred to other assessment sources; those with questionable or untestable
scores are to be retested at a later date.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Easily administered, standardized screening measure; useful as an initial
screening tool for determining at-risk children who need further assessment. Not intended
as a predictor of later development.
TITLE: Developmental Activities Screening Inventory (DASI-II)
AUTHORS: R. Fewell and M. Langley
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: ProEd, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd, Austin, TX 78758-9965
LEVEL: Birth to 60 months
PURPOSE: To provide early detection of developmental difficulties in infants.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Non-verbal screening instrument with 67 items. Provides list of
developmental activities that precede the attainment of each item on the test; can be
incorporated into the IFSP or IEP of child. Initially field tested with over 200 multiply
handicapped children. Concurrent validity demonstrated with other tests measuring
similar abilities, but lacks adequate information on reliability or other types of validity.
No norm group information or other technical data are reported.
ADM INISTRATION: By early intervention personnel after minimal level of training. Starts one
level below the child's estimated developmental age and attains a basal when all items
within one developmental level have been failed. The test is not timed; sequence of item
administration can be varied. Specific adaptations for administering to visually impaired
children are provided.

Page 279
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Specific criteria for passing are provided for each item. All items
below basal are considered passed and the child receives 1 point for each item passed
beyond that point. Raw scores can be converted to developmental quotient.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Especially useful for assessing young children with severe disabilities or
visual impairments. Easily translated into practical applications and instructional
programming. Has only a few items at each developmental level, but can be a useful
prescriptive tool for teachers.
TITLE: Developmental Profile II (DPII)
AUTHORS: G. Alpern, T. Boll, and M. Shearer
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles.,
CA 90025
LEVEL: Birth to 9 years
PURPOSE: To provide a multidimensional description of a child's development.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Parent report instrument that gives profile of the child in five
areas of development: Physical, self-help, social, academic, and communication. Revised
in 1980 and normed on predominantly urban, black and white children in the midwest.
Good inter-rater and test-retest reliability but insufficient validity studies.
ADM INISTRATION: By teachers or other trained school personnel; conducted as interview,
observation. Questions may be rephrased to facilitate parent's understanding, as long as
content remains unchanged. Two methods of administration: Regular and short-cut.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Items scored pass or fail; noted if examiner has directly observed
or gained information from interviewee. Child's chronological age compared to five
developmental ages to interpret functioning. Shows whether child is ''advanced" or
"delayed" in the five developmental areas.
OVERALL EVALUATION: An easily administered and scored test, providing a quick and
inexpensive description of the child's development. Should not be used as the only
instrument for placement purposes, because validity is not strongly demonstrated.
TITLE: Differential Ability Scales (DAS), Preschool Level
AUTHOR: C. Elliot
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: The Psychological Corporation, PO Box 839954, San Antonio, TX

Page 280
LEVEL: 2 years, 6 months to 5 years, 11 months (to age 7 for children with delays)
PURPOSE: To assess verbal, reasoning, perceptual, and memory abilities in young children.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Revision and extension of British Ability Scales. Cognitive
battery divided into two levels: lower preschool (ages 26 to 35) and upper preschool
(ages 36 to 511). Lower preschool comprises four subtests and two diagnostic subtests.
Well standardized across all age levels, with representativeness of norms and fair
reliability and validity data.
ADM INISTRATION: By a psychometrically trained professional. Specific instructions provided
for determining the basal and ceiling items at each age level.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Two cluster scores derived, for verbal and nonverbal abilities.
Score interpretation based on normative sample and on individual child's profile of
strengths and weaknesses. A GCA (general conceptual ability) score gives picture of
child's conceptual and reasoning abilities.
OVERALL EVALUATION: The DAS is a well standardized, useful tool for determining cognitive
functioning of toddlers, with items that are of intrinsic interest to them. Its ease of
administration makes it especially noteworthy.
TITLE: Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence
AUTHORS: J. Fagan and P. Shepherd
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Infantest Corporation, 11000 Cedar Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44106.
LEVEL: 6 to 12 months
PURPOSE: To assess cognitive potential of young children; to identify children with cognitive
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: A novel test of infant intelligence, using infant attention to visual
stimuli to identify infants who are at risk for cognitive delay. Predictive validity is good in
comparison to other early cognitive assessment instruments.
ADM INISTRATION: Requires training in use of equipment and measurement techniques. With
special apparatus, "novelty problems" (e.g., pictures of diverse faces) are presented
visually to infant sitting on parent's lap. Tester sits behind apparatus, observes infant's
visual fixations through peephole, and records length of fixations.

Page 281
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Computerized scoring system prints out description of infant's
current status relative to other infants of that age. Used to designate infants at high risk,
suspect for risk, or at low risk for later cognitive deficit.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Has potential for providing a very early measurement of potential
cognitive delay. Use has been primarily by hospital clinics, in combination with traditional
assessment measures; cost relatively high in comparison to other assessment instruments.
Predictive validity is promising. Potential for assessing cognitive development in toddlers
with severe physical disabilities not yet explored.
TITLE: Family Needs Scale
AUTHORS: C. J. Dunst, C. S. Cooper, J. C. Weeldreyer, K. D. Snyder, and J. H. Chase
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: In C. J. Dunst, C. Trivette., and A. Deal (1988). Enabling and
empowering families: Principles and guidelines for practice. Cambridge, MA: Brookline
Books. (May be reproduced.)
LEVEL: Adult family members
PURPOSE: To determine whether a family of a child with disabilities has needs for help or
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: A family report form, with 41 areas of potential need, which are
rated on a Likert-type scale. Includes need related to finances, living conditions, special
care for child, and social support. High split-half reliability and item correlation. Criterion
validity for total scale score, factor scores, and number of dimensions of parental beliefs
show adequate levels.
ADM INISTRATION: Family member circles responses with assistance of early intervention staff
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Likert scale ranges from "almost never" or "almost always" in
relation to each need area. The level and type of need of the family is determined from
the need strength of the responses (i.e., many "often" or "almost always" answers). Also
permits interpretation of the types of needs (e.g., mainly child care, medical, educational,
OVERALL EVALUATION: Useful as one method that provides a picture of the range of needs the
family may have, as well as the strength of each need. Delivery of services can be guided
by the information.
TITLE: Family Needs Survey
AUTHORS: D. Bailey and R. Simeonsson

Page 282
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center, CB#8180, University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 (Contact authors for information.)
LEVEL: Adult family members
PURPOSE: To assess the expressed needs of families of young children with disabilities or
delays; to assist in developing the IFSP.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: A parent self-report, which measures family needs for
information, social support, help in explaining child's condition, community services,
financial resources, and family functioning assistance. Authors recommend combining it
with open-ended interview. Test--retest reliability higher for fathers than mothers;
additional data on validity still needed.
ADM INISTRATION: Parent is asked to check the items, indicating how great the need is for each.
Authors recommend each parent answer separately. Can be administered by early
intervention staff at intake.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: A 3-point scale (no, not sure, yes) used to indicate type and
strength of the family's need on each item. If needs are identified, the information may be
discussed further in open-ended interview or used in identifying family goals for the
OVERALL EVALUATION: Useful method for making parents aware of areas in which the family
may have needs and providing information to professionals on the needs families choose
to identify. May be considered intrusive by some parents. Parents have option of not
answering the questions; those who prefer not to answer may keep the survey for
TITLE: Family Support Scale
AUTHORS: C. Dunst, V. Jenkins, and C. Trivette
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: In C. J. Dunst, C. M. Trivette, and A. G. Deal (1988). Enabling and
empowering families: Principles and guidelines for practice. Cambridge, MA: Brookline
Books. (May be reproduced.)
LEVEL: Adult family members
PURPOSE: To determine sources of people helpful to a family raising a young child, in
particular a child at risk for developmental delay.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Questionnaire lists 18 different people and groups who help
families raising young children; parents rate how helpful these sources have been on a 6-
point scale. It has adequate

Page 283
reliability and validity, although test-retest reliability declines as family needs change.
ADM INISTRATION: Typically administered to the parent or primary caretaker by early
intervention staff.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Descriptive information used to guide case management and
delivery of services.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Appears to be a helpful source of information on whether the family is
making optimal use of available family and community resources, and the extent to which
they find these resources helpful. May be considered intrusive by some parents, who
have option of not answering such questions.
TITLE: Greenspan-Leiberman Observation System for Assessment of Care-giver-Infant
Interaction during Semi-Structured Play (GLOS-Revised)
AUTHORS: S. Greenspan, A. Lieberman, and S. Poisson
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Contact Sue Poisson, Regional Center for Infants and Young Children,
11710 Hunters Lane, Rockville, MD 20852
LEVEL: Ages 230 months
PURPOSE: To define observable and measurable indicator behaviors and characterize clinical
aspects of the mother/caregiver-infant interaction process.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Covers 45 maternal/caregiver behaviors and 43 infant behaviors
related to interaction processes. Behaviors are rated according to percentage of
occurrences observed in the session. Interobserver reliability and stability of behavioral
results have been reported.
ADM INISTRATION: Administered by professional trained in the procedure. The videotaped
observation totals 10 minutes of mother/caregiver-infant interaction in a free play
situation. Directions to caregiver are to do "whatever you wish to do." Although a box of
toys are in the room, no specific instructions to use them are given.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Behaviors of child and mother/caregiver are coded every 15
seconds; several behaviors can be simultaneously coded. Behaviors are rated on a
continuum from never occurring (0%) to occurred at every observation (100%).
OVERALL EVALUATION: Useful to assess social-emotional behaviors and to determine
characteristics of mother/caregiver-infant interactions that might affect child's
development. Because of the complexity of the coding system, a skilled clinician must
supervise the assessment.

Page 284
TITLE: Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP)
AUTHORS: S. Furuno, K. O'Reilly, C. Hosaka, T. Inatsuka, T. Allman, and B. Zeisloft
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Vort Corporation, PO Box 60132, Palo Alto, CA 94306
LEVEL: Birth to 36 months
PURPOSE: To assist in planning individualized programs for children with a wide range of
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Criterion-referenced; divided into HELP Charts and HELP
Activity Guide, both normed using disabled infants in Hawaii. Provides a month-to-
month sequenced list of typical developmental skills in six areas: Cognitive, expressive-
language, gross motor, fine motor, self help, and social-emotional; based on information
from developmental scales and standardized tests. No data on reliability and validity.
Focuses on skills that are teachable and amenable to intervention.
ADM INISTRATION: Recommended to be administered by a multidisciplinary team, making
adaptations for the child's disabilities. Several sessions, each less than an hour, are
necessary for completing this untimed assessment.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Results entered on the scoring chart with a colored pencil; age
range is identified. Charts are updated using a different color at each new assessment
date. Current skill levels are used to plan interventions.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Easily administered and understood by parents; intended use by
multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams is a plus. Lack of technical data is major
caution in using it; should be supplemented by other measures.
TITLE: Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment for Infants and Toddlers
AUTHORS: B. M. Caldwell and R. Bradley
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Child Development Research Unit, University of Arkansas at Little
Rock, 33rd and University Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72204
LEVEL: Birth to 36 months; adult interactions
PURPOSE: To assess quality of child care and environmental support available to the child in
the home; to identify risks for developmental delay

Page 285
due to these factors; to assist in the planning of appropriate interventions.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Observational and interview instrument, developed from a list of
positive environmental characteristics likely to foster early development. Standardization
data was gathered using 176 families. Has high reliability and validity ratings. Good
predictor of developmental normality or potential delay.
ADM INISTRATION: Administered in the home by early intervention staff. Observations of
parent-child interactions and parental interview are included. Interview takes
approximately 1 hour. A checklist notes absence or presence of interactional behaviors
and specified environmental factors.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Each of the 45 items on the checklist are marked as yes (present) or
no (absent). Scores are computed for the total inventory and 6 subscales: Caregiver
emotional and verbal responsivity, avoidance of restriction and punishment, organization
of environment, provision of appropriate play materials, caregiver involvement with the
child, and variety of daily stimulation.
OVERALL EVALUATION: An innovative method for assessing environmental factors in the home
that may predict later delay. Validated in research and clinical settings. Standardization
sample cannot be considered to be nationally representative. Use in combination with
other measures recommended.
TITLE: Movement Assessment of Infants (MAI)
AUTHORS: L. Chandler, M. Andrews, and M. Swanson
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Infant Movement Research, PO Box 4631, Rolling Bay, WA 9806
LEVEL: Birth to 12 months
PURPOSE: To give a comprehensive appraisal of motor development in the 1st year of life;
evaluates risk, but is not intended to provide a diagnosis of movement disabilities.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Neurodevelopmental, criterion-referenced, measuring four
components of movement: Tone, primitive reflexes, automatic reactions, and volitional
movement. Assesses precursor movement behaviors that lead to later movement
behaviors. Establishes baseline for treatment; can be used to assess children over 12
months functioning below that age level. Recently standardized with normative samples
for ages 4, 6, 8 months. Screening instrument with norms from 212 months also

Page 286
ADM INISTRATION: Requires training prior to administration; takes 20 to 30 minutes.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Items scored on a scale of 1 to 4, except the tone items, which are
scored on a scale of 1 to 5. A risk score for each of the four sections is used to make
assumptions about the neurological nature of the deficit. The profile of scores is used in
interpretations. A total risk score for children at 4, 6, and 8 months can also be derived.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Provides method of evaluating precursors of severe motor delays.
Especially useful in clinical and research settings.
TITLE: Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) (2nd Edition)
AUTHOR: T.B. Brazelton
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: J.B. Lippincott, East Washington Square, Philadelphia, PA 19105
(Distributer: Cambridge University Press)
LEVEL: Neonates (3744 weeks gestational age)
PURPOSE: To provide profile of overall behavioral organization of the normal full-term
newborn; to describe coping capacities and adaptive strategies elicited by stresses in
extrauterine environment; to describe changes over time in these behaviors; to identify
individual differences in responsivity; to predict infants who might be at risk and in need
of early intervention.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Assesses newborn behavioral repertoire on 28 behavioral and 20
neurological responses, observed within 6 states of consciousness (from deep sleep to
crying). Originally developed in 1973, revised version includes 9 supplementary items to
be used with high-risk infants.
ADM INISTRATION: Requires examiner trained to reliability, who must be competent in handling
infants and learn to be responsive to reading their behavioral cues. Good reliabilty and
validity, with training. Standardization and normative data not available. Repeated
administration recommended at 13 days, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks. With high-risk samples,
may be used up to 23 months.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Behavioral items scored on a 9 point scale; reflexes on a 4 point
scale. Items are clustered into 7 dimensions: habituation, orientation, motor processes,
range of state, regulation of state, autonomic stability, and reflexes. Best performance
profile tells how the infant performs under optimal conditions. Examiner plays a critical
role in gaining infant's best performance. A total score is not obtained.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Currently the most widely used assessment method for newborn
populations. Extensive use as a research instru-

Page 287
ment in study of high-risk infant behaviors, obstetric medication effects, maternal
substance abuse effects, cross-cultural comparisons, prediction of later development,
and as a form of intervention. NOTE: Training available from J. K. Nugent, Child
Development Unit, Children's Hospital, Boston, MA.
TITLE: Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training Instrument (NCAST) (Originally called
Barnard Teaching and Feeding Scales)
AUTHOR: K. Barnard
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Available from G. Summer, NCAST, WJ10, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA 98195; distributed as part of NCAST training sequence
LEVEL: Children 6 to 36 months and their caregivers
PURPOSE: To identify early factors that predict later child development outcomes, to assist in
determining interactive patterns that influence development, and to evaluate high-risk
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Parental and child behaviors are coded in two structured
situations: Feeding (NCAFS) and Teaching (NCATS). Four categories of responses are
coded for parents: Sensitivity to cues, response to child's distress, social-emotional
growth-fostering, and cognitive growth-fostering. Two categories of responses are coded
for child: clarity of cues and responsiveness to parent. Standardized on a population of
predominantly white, healthy, middle-income women and their infants, half of whom
were born with complications. Although NCAST has moderately high reliability and
validity ratings, two administrations with high-risk families before judgment of
interaction quality is reached are recommended.
ADM INISTRATION: Administered by a professional (nurse or early interventionist) who has
been trained in observing parent-child interactions in teaching and feeding situations.
Training must be taken in order to obtain instruments.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Items are scored as occurring or non-occurring for each of the
sections. Overall score is derived for each section.
OVERALL EVALUATION: The utility of feeding situations as ideal for observation has been
debated; useful for situations where reciprocity of interaction is in question. NCAST has
good technical standards and is being used increasingly as an outcome measure in early
intervention projects. It should be used with caution in high-risk populations.

Page 288
TITLE: Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS)
AUTHORS: M. R. Folio and R. R. Fewell
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: DLM Teaching Resources, One DLM Park, Allen, TX 75002
LEVEL: Birth to 6 years, 9 months
PURPOSE: To gather developmental information on gross and fine motor functioning that
can be used for program planning.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Evaluates gross and fine motor development in young children,
in five gross motor skill areas: reflexes, balance, nonlocomotor, locomotor, and receipt
and propulsion; and in four fine motor areas: grasping, hand-use, eye-hand coordination,
and manual dexterity. Small, but representative normative sample. Good reliability;
moderate validity data reported.
ADM INISTRATION: Administered by trained professional with knowledge of motor functioning.
Each section takes about 30 minutes to administer, and it is suggested that the two
sections be administered within 5 days of each other.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Each item is scored 0 when the child fails the response, 1 when the
criteria are not fully met, and 2 when criteria have been met easily. The raw scores are
converted to age equivalents, developmental quotients, percentiles and z-scores for each
of the nine skill areas.
OVERALL EVALUATION: A good instrument for systematic assessment of motor skills that does
not require a trained psychometrician; often used by physical and occupational therapists.
Correlates well with the Bayley Motor Scale.
TITLE: Preschool Language Scale-3 (PLS-3)
AUTHORS: I. L. Zimmerman, V. G. Steiner, and R. E. Pond
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: The Psychological Corporation, PO Box 839954, San Antonio, TX
LEVEL: Birth to 6 years, 11 months
PURPOSE: To measure receptive and expressive language of young children; to identify and
describe maturational lags; to assist in planning language interventions.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Developmentally sequenced test of receptive (auditory
comprehension) and expressive language, originally developed in 1969; revised in 1979.
Third edition features pic-

Page 289
tures and manipulatives of interest to young children, optional supplementary
articulation and spontaneous language measures, and a parent report measure. Below
12 months, test focuses on language precursors, such as attention, vocalization, and
pragmatics. For over 12 months, syntax and semantics (e.g., vocabulary, concept
words) are stressed. Test is now norm-referenced, with normative data based on
performance of a representative national sample of 1,900 children across the age span.
Moderate to high reliability and validity data. A Spanish language version is available.
ADM INISTRATION: Administered by speech pathologists and by early intervention personnel
with knowledge of language development principles. Although time may vary, it is
usually completed in 30 minutes.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Test items begin 1 year below child's chronological age. Recorded
as correct, incorrect, and no response, score of 1 for correct items. Basal is 3 consecutive
items passed; ceiling is 5 consecutive items failed. A receptive, expressive, and total score
can be generated. Standard scores, percentile ranks, and age equivalents may be
OVERALL EVALUATION: Easy to administer; jargon-free and the materials are of interest to
children. In wide use in early intervention programs and language clinics because it
provides a relatively quick index of child language performance. Lack of technical
information continues; the addition of normative data is a strength.
TITLE: Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Scale (REEL-2)
AUTHORS: K. Bzoch and R. League
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: ProEd Inc., 8700 Shoal Creek Boulevard, Austin, TX 78758
LEVEL: Birth to 3 years
PURPOSE: To identify young children who may have specific language handicaps requiring
early habilitative and educational intervention.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: A diagnostic interview that measures the child's level of
emergent language. Direct observation is recommended prior to the interview. Comprises
66 expressive and 66 receptive items, broken down into 22 different age levels.
Standardization information is not given, although reliability and validity studies are
provided and indicate moderately high technical adequacy.
ADM INISTRATION: Administered by speech pathologists or other early intervention staff with
understanding of language; takes approximately 20 minutes.

Page 290
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Individual items are scored ''plus," "minus," or "emergent." Three
scores are available: Receptive Language Age, Expressive Language Age, and Combined
Age. Language quotients are derived using an equation that weighs the receptive and
expressive items equally.
OVERALL EVALUATION: A well-crafted instrument based on linguistic theory. One advantage is
that it measures receptive and emergent language, as well as expressive language. Another
is that it engages the caregiver in the assessment process.
TITLE: Revised Infant Temperament Questionaire (RITQ)
AUTHORS: W.B. Carey and S. McDevitt
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Contact W. B. Carey, M.D., Division of General Pediatrics, Children's
Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (requested prepaid contribution of $10)
LEVEL: 4 to 8 months
PURPOSE: Identifies infant behavior styles that may be of concern to parents or be clinically
significant; is used to describe infant temperaments that may affect their initiation and
response modes and their parents' interactions.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: A 95-item parent response questionnaire that measures infant
temperament in 10 categories: Activity, rhythmicity, approach, intensity, adaptibility,
mood, attention span, persistence, distractibility, and threshold to stimulation. Has internal
consistency reliability and validity; scores correlate with later cognitive and
developmental milestones and presence of clinical problems such as colic. Standardized
using 203 infants aged 4 to 8 months, from different SES levels, primarily white middle-
and upper-middle-class backgrounds.
ADM INISTRATION: Parent rates the child's functioning using a six-point Likert scale ranging
from "almost never" to "almost always."
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Summary score for each category obtained from the questionnaire
used to classify infant into one of the diagnostic clusters: Difficult (arrhythmic,
withdrawing, low adaptibility, intense, negative); Easy (the opposite of those
characteristics), Slow-to-warmup (inactive, slow in approach and adaptibility, mild,
negative) or Intermediate (all others).
OVERALL EVALUATION: Not a screening device for abnormal behavior and development, but
used when there are parental concerns about infant behavioral styles or clinical problems
like a sleep disturbance that may

Page 291
require different parenting styles. Measures parental ratings of infant temperament
using objective descriptions on each item and also asks for parental overall
perceptions. Easily administered but scoring is complex; useful for initiating parenting
discussions. NOTE: Similar questionnaires for other age levels are available from B.
Medoff-Cooper, University School of Nursing, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6096 (early
infancy) and W. Fullard, Department of Educational Psychology, Temple University,
Philadelphia, PA 19122 (toddler).
TITLE: The Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale
AUTHOR: L. Rossetti
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Lingua Systems, 3100 4th Ave., PO Box 747, East Moline, IL 61244
LEVEL: Birth to 36 months
PURPOSE: To provide a comprehensive assessment of preverbal and verbal aspects of young
children's communication and interaction.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Includes a parent questionnaire, a child language sample (at least
50 child utterances), and a child-examiner interaction period. The items are based on
developmental knowledge and author observation, with six developmental areas
observed. No normative group, reliability, or validity data reported.
ADM INISTRATION: By early intervention staff with expertise in child development and
language. Clear directions, criteria, and information on methods that get best responses
are provided. Parent questionnaire is completed first and used to guide level at which to
begin testing. Entire procedure may take up to 1 hour.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Basal and ceiling levels must be obtained. Items are scored as
passed when the examiner observes them, when they are elicited, or when caregiver
reports they occur. Basal and ceiling levels in each area are obtained; a profile of scores
can also be charted. Mean length of utterance is obtained from spontaneous language
sample. Results are interpreted in relation to educational plans for the child.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Provides a comprehensive picture of spontaneous and elicited language
expression and reception and uses an informal, play-based approach. Parent
questionnaire is thorough, and test instructions are clear. Lack of technical information
suggests caution in interpretation. A useful addition to a transdisciplinary, multifactored,
team assessment.

Page 292
TITLE: The Symbolic Play Scale
AUTHOR: C. Westby
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Discussed in Westby, C. E. (1980). Assessment of cognitive and
language abilities through play. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 11,
LEVEL: 9 to 36 months
PURPOSE: To determine if a child should be given priority for receiving language
remediation, and, if language remediation is indicated, to determine what communicative
functions, semantic concepts, and syntactic structures should be taught; to assess play
development and language within a naturalistic setting.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: A procedure that evolved from a Piagetian-based language
program for severely retarded and trainable retarded children. Explores language
development through the medium of play. The play is classified into I of 10 symbolic
play stages and the language sample is analyzed for syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic
ADM INISTRATION: By professional knowledgable about linguistic and play development from
Piagetian theoretical perspective. An estimate of child's developmental age is obtained
from a norm-referenced psychometric instrument (e.g., the Bayley). Children are then
given developmentally appropriate choices of play materials and observed during play.
The session is tape recorded.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: The child's symbolic play level is compared with the language level
to determine whether language and cognition are developing congruently. Need for
remedial services by the speech pathologist can then be determined.
OVERALL EVALUATION: A naturalistic and developmentally appropriate method for assessing
cognitive, play, and language developmental problems, and planning the language skills
that should be taught.
TITLE: System to Plan Early Childhood Services (SPECS)
AUTHORS: S. J. Bagnato and J. Neisworth
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: American Guidance Service, 4201 Woodland Rd., PO Box 99, Circle
Pines, MN 55014-1796
LEVEL: Ages 2 to 6
PURPOSE: To assist teams to organize informed judgments in order to make decisions for
children with disabilities or at risk for disability; to plan

Page 293
and evaluate interventions for these children.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: An innovative team system using clinical judgments rather than
test scores. Three rating forms: Developmental Specs (DS), Team Specs (TS), and
Program Specs (PS), used in sequence. Field tested with 1,300 children. Moderate to high
inter-rater and test-retest reliability and concurrent validity.
ADM INISTRATION: By transdisciplinary team that includes parent; after using observation,
interviews, or testing, team members rate child's development in six domains:
Communication, sensorimotor, physical, self-regulation, cognition, and self-social (on
DS). DS requires 15 to 20 minutes for rating plus time taken by team member to gather
information needed to rate.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Using clinical judgment, team members summarize ratings (TS);
discuss and arrive at consensus for programming among 10 options (PS). Develop
summary sheets for monitoring progress. Together, TS and PS require 25 to 30 minutes.
OVERALL EVALUATION: Designed to be an efficient method of assessment and consensus
decision making among team members. Organizes structure of team meetings and
promotes team interaction; assessment process still requires time for team members to
gather child developmental data.
TITLE: Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment-Revised
AUTHOR: T. W. Linder
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: Paul H. Brookes, PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624
LEVEL: Toddlers and preschool-age
PURPOSE: To provide a flexible, holistic, developmentally appropriate method of assessing
young children's development; to enable transdisciplinary teams to identify young
children with developmental delays within a naturalistic setting.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: A book that explains rationale, assessment procedures, scoring
and report writing method, with examples. Specifically designed for team-based arena-
type assessment.
ADM INISTRATION: By early intervention team that includes parent facilitator, play facilitator,
observing team members, and video camera operator. Occurs in playroom in following
phases: Unstructured play facilitation, structured play facilitation, child-child interaction,
parent-child interaction, motor play, and snack time. Observing team members record
observations during all phases.

Page 294
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: After session, team discusses observations recorded on worksheets
for each developmental area. Summary sheets for each domain are prepared. Video tape
used for review of observations and for documentation.
OVERALL EVALUATION: An innovative and child-sensitive method of assessment that structures
the trans disciplinary team members' roles to gain integrative report. Includes parent in all
portions. No information on normative or technical data.
TITLE: Uzgiris and Hunt Scales of Infant Psychological Development
AUTHORS: I. Uzgiris and J. M. V. Hunt; protocol revised by C. J. Dunst
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: University Park Press, 233 East Redwood Street, Baltimore, Maryland,
21202. (Revised scale)
COPYRIGHT DATES: 1975 (Uzgiris & Hunt); 1980 (Dunst)
LEVEL: Birth to 24 months
PURPOSE: To assess the sensorimotor development of infants and older children who are at
risk for delays.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: An ordinal measure based on Piagetian-defined stages of
sensorimotor development. Revised by Dunst, with manual to guide administration. Term
"ordinal" indicates that abilities demonstrated at one level of a domain is evidence that all
lower levels in that domain can also be performed. Seven sensorimotor domains are
assessed: object permanence, means-ends, vocal imitation, gestural imitation, operational
causality, spatial relationships, and scheme actions. High concurrent validity with
psychometric instruments; high reliability coefficients.
ADM INISTRATION: By professional with knowledge of Piagetian developmental theory. After
establishing rapport with child and parents, assessment begins with items
developmentally two or three steps below level at which child is currently functioning.
There is no specified order of presentation; assessment may be extended over 2 to 3 days
to ensure optimal performance.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Items are administered until the ceiling is obtained; scored as
"correct," "correct after demonstration," "emerging skills," or "not observed." Estimated
developmental ages (EDA) are provided for each scale step. Age placements have no
normative value; considered to be estimates of the "modal'' age at which children
ordinarily attain the scale landmarks. Interpretation based on evidence of delayed or non-
delayed sensorimotor performance, typical or atypical patterns of sensorimotor
performance, and extent and nature of discrepancies. Child profile is also charted.

Page 295
OVERALL EVALUATION: A theoretically sound, relatively informal means of assessing cognitive
developmental age. Especially useful to assess children of chronological ages over 2 1/2
years, who are performing in the sensorimotor developmental stage.
TITLE: Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
AUTHORS: S. Sparrow, D. Balla, and D. Cicchetti
PUBLISHER AND ADDRESS: American Guidance Service, Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796
LEVEL: Birth to 18 years, 11 months; also low functioning adults
PURPOSE: To provide a general assessment of adaptive behavior; to assist in diagnostic
evaluations, program planning, and research.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: Interview instrument measures child adaptive behavior in four
domains: communication, daily living skills, socialization, and motor skills. A
maladaptive behavior domain may also be measured at examiner's discretion. Available in
survey form (297 items) and expanded form (577 items). Classroom report edition for age
3 and up also available (244 items). Provides norm-referenced information (sex, race or
ethnic origin, community size, region of country, parent level of education) based on the
performance of a representative national standardization sample of 4,800 handicapped
and non-handicapped individuals. Compares parent's description of child behavior with
descriptions other parents have given. Moderate to high reliability and validity data
ADM INISTRATION: Parent interview instrument administered by trained professional. The entry
point of interview is determined by examiner, who may select child's chronological,
mental, or social age. Criteria should remain consistent for each domain tested. Basals and
ceilings need to be determined. The test is untimed.
SCORING AND INTERPRETATION: Score is based on respondent's indication of child performance of
the activities. A score of 2 indicates the behavior is a usual one; 1 indicates it is a partial or
occasional activity; and 0 indicates no engagement in the behavior. Some items may be
scored N (no opportunity to perform) or DK (not aware of behavior). Raw scores convert
to percentiles, stanines, age equivalents, and standard scores.
OVERALL EVALUATION: A widely used, well-standardized, measure of strengths and weaknesses
in adaptive behavior domains. Often used by psychologists in combination with a norm-
referenced cognitive measure.

Page 297

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Page 323

Abduction, 120
Abelson, W., 193
Abidin, R.R., 171
Able-Boone, H., 153, 175, 248
Achenbach, T., 99, 276
Achievement, 75
developmental change as, 12-14
Achor, S., 192
Acredolo, L.P., 22, 26, 154
Adair, A., 202
Adaptations, for specific impairments, 222-225
Adduction, 120
Adult development, interaction with child development, 34-36
Age/stage progress, 89
Agency, referral. See Referral agency
Ainsworth, M.D.S., 30, 272
Ainsworth Strange Situation Assessment Procedure, 272
Alexander, R., 121
Allman, T., 101, 284
Alpern, G., 99, 279
American Academy of Otolaryngology, 145
American Association of Otolaryngology, 145
American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR), 230
American National Standards Institute, 146
American Nurses Association, 47
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), 129
American Psychological Association, 65, 78
American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA), 140, 153-154
Ames, L.B., 34
Anastasi, A., 66-68
Anastasiow, N.J., 40, 42
Anderson, C.J., 50
Anderson, E.R., 176
Anderson, R., 93
Andrews, M., 285
Angell, R., 247
Apgar, V., 42-43
Apgar Score, 42-43
Archer, P., 277
Arena assessment, 245-247
Arikian, V.L., 53
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), 104
Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), 104
Asymmetry, 120
Atkins, J., 202
Attermeier, S.A., 68, 73, 101, 275
Audiograrn format, 264-265
Audiology assessment, 140-148, 150-164
assumptions in, 140-144
dialogue, 157-164
discussion questions, 155-156
information exchange with referral agency and family, 150-152
interventions suggested by, 151-152
methods, 144-150
policy issues, 154-155
practice problems, 156
reports of, to other professionals, 152
speech elements for, 145-146
transdisciplinary model for, 152-153
Ausubel, D.P., 12
Average, defined, 75
Baer, D.M., 217, 230
Bagnato, S.J., 66-67, 69, 72, 90, 101, 292
Bailey, D., 90, 93-94, 103, 105, 166-167, 170-171, 245, 249-250, 253, 281
Bailey, L., 33
Baldwin, D.A., 25
Baldwin, V., 93
Ball, W., 23
Balla, D., 71 99, 295
Baltes, P.B., 12
Barad, S.J., 226
Barnard, C.P., 166
Barnard, K., 287

Page 324
Barnard Teaching and Feeding Scales. See Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training
Instrument (NCAST)
Barnett, D.W., 67
Barona, A., 194
Bates, E., 26, 33
Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI), 98, 101, 273
Bauman, K.E., 224
Bayes, K., 41
Bayley, N., 12, 98, 273
Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID), 72, 98
Bayley Scales of Infant Development Second Edition (BSID-11), 72, 201, 273-274
Beauchamp, K., 245, 250
Beckwith, L., 226
Behavioral observations, in psychological assessment, 73-74
Bell, N.J., 176
Belsky, J., 50
Benaroya, S., 26, 34
Benign neglect, 10
Beninghof, A., 246, 253
Bennett, F.C., 243
Benson, P., 40-41
Bergan, J.R., 91
Bergen, D., 4, 34, 100, 227, 263
Bergman, A., 30, 69
Berko-Gleason, J., 143
Bess, F.H., 144
Bigge, J., 223
Bingol, F.H., 45
Biological risk, defined, 5
Birth to age three, development, 15-34
cognitive, 23-26
language, 26-28
physical-motor, 20-22
play, 32-34
sensory-perceptual, 22-23
social-emotional, 28-32
Blacher, J., 31
Black, F.W., 99, 165
Black, K.B., 165
Blehar, M.C., 272
Bobath, K., 223
Boll, T., 99, 279
Bonnevillian, J.D., 154
Bornstein, M.H., 12, 22
Boundary problems, play development, 227
Bower, T.G.R., 25
Bowlby, J., 30
Bowman, P.H., 203
Boyce, W.T., 40-41
Boykin, 193
Bracken, B.A., 73, 195
Bradley, R.H., 54, 172, 284
Brady, M.P., 125
Brakke, K.E., 27
Brazelton, T.B., 20, 23, 28, 286
Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale. See Neonatal Behavioral Assessment
Scale (NBAS)
Bredekamp, S., 92
Brenner, J., 32
Bresnick, B., 277
Bretherton, I., 26, 33
Brewster, A., 227
Bricker, D., 170, 180
Brigance, A.H., 101, 274
Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development, 101, 274
Briggs, J., 193
Bronfenbrenner, U., 5, 12, 198
Brooks-Gunn, J., 14
Brophy, K., 34
Brotherson, M.J., 166, 249
Brown, F., 230
Brown, L., 218
Brown, P., 26
Brown, R., 50, 150
Bruder, M.B., 245
Bruner, J.S., 13, 28, 202
Buck, D., 250
Bullock, D.H., 25
Burkhardt, L.J., 223
Buysse, V., 105
Bzoch, K., 99, 149, 289
Caldwell, B., 172, 284
Cambrun, D., 176
Campbell, P., 223
Canalization, 198
Carey, K.T., 67
Carey, W.B., 12, 67
Carolina Curriculum for Handicapped Infants and Infants at Risk (CCHI), 73, 101, 275
Carpignano, J., 223

Page 325
Casby, M.W., 12, 34
Case, R., 24
Casey, P.H., 54
Cazden, C.B., 33
Cech, D., 21, 121
Chan, S., 92, 193
Chandler, L.S., 122-123, 285
Chase, J.H., 281
Chasnoff, I.J., 6, 40, 45
Chatoor, I., 69
Checklist of Creative Positive (CCP), 202
Chernin, L., 29
Chess, S., 12, 14, 31
Child Behavioral Checklist for Ages 2-3 (CBCL/2-3), 99, 276
Child Development Inventory (CDI), 276-277
Christian, S., 41
Chukovsky, K., 34
Cicchetti, D., 29, 71 99, 225, 295
Cipani, E., 224
Claflin, C.J., 45, 50
Clifton, R.K., 22
Clune, C., 24
Cognitive development, birth to age three, 23-26
Coleman, M., 250
Commission 2000 Report, 10
Communication impairments, adaptations to, in assessment of children with, 224-225
Computed tomography, 44
Conflict resolution, transdisciplinary assessment, 251-252
Constantino, J.N., 177
Cook, M., 245, 250
Cooper, C.S., 281
Cooper, J.M., 144
Cooper, M., 223
Corbetta, D., 22
Corrales, R.G., 166
Correa, V.I., 6, 10, 196
Council for Exceptional Children, 231
Craig, H.K., 26
Crisler, J.R., 250
Criterion-referenced measures, in psychological assessment, 73
Culturally diverse young children, assessment of
assumptions in, 192-197
dialogue, 207-215
discussion questions, 206
information exchange with referral agency and family about, 203-204
multifactored, 198-202
policy issues in, 204-205
practice problems, 206
standardized single-instrument, 197-198
transdisciplinary model, 204
Cummins, J., 155
D'Amato, E., 35
Damon, W., 11, 29
Daniel, J.H., 226
Darlington, R., 165
Darwin, C., 11
Davis, C.A., 125
Deakin, C., 152
Deal, A., 171
DeAngelis, C., 40
Delpit, L.D., 193
Denver Developmental Screening Test II (DDST-II), 47, 201, 277-278
adult, interaction with child development, 34-36
child, birth to age three, 15-34
cognitive, 23-26
emotional, 28-32
interaction of risk conditions on, 36-38
motor, 20-22
perceptual, 22-23
physical-motor, 20-22
play, 32-34
prenatal period, 15, 18-19
sensory-perceptual, 22-23
social-emotional, 28-32
Developmental Activities Screening Inventory (DASI-II), 272 278-279
Developmental change
individual variation in, 13
universals in, 13
Developmentally appropriate practice,
in education, 92
Developmental norm, 75
Developmental Profile II (DPII), 99, 279

Page 326
Developmental risk, 4-6
DeWert, M., 250
Diagnostic tests, 44-45
Diamond, K.E., 170
Diaz, R.M., 45, 155
Differential Ability Scales (DAS), 73, 98,279-280
Dillon, B., 41
Disability, severe or multiple, assessment of children with, 219-225
adaptations to specific impairments, 222-225
assumptions in, 217-219
dialogue, 234-242
ecological inventory for, 219-221
information exchange with families and referral agencies after, 228
norm-referenced, 221-222
policy issues in, 229-231
practice problems, 232
transdisciplinary model, 228-229
Disney, E.R., 29
Dissociation, defined, 120
Diversity, cultural.
See Culturally diverse young children
Division for Early Childhood/Council for Exceptional Children (DEC/CEC), 104
Dodds, J., 27, 277
Donnellan, A.M., 224
Dornbusch, S.M., 176
Dorsey, M.F., 224
Doubledee, S.L., 152
Downs, M.P., 146
Drew, C.J., 245
Driscoll, J.M., 226
Dunn, J., 28, 31, 177
Dunst, C.J., 24, 99, 166-167, 171, 249, 281-282
Dyk, L., 245
Early Child Development Inventory, 99
Ecological inventory
with environmental trauma, 225-226
sample, 271-272
with severe or multiple disabilities, 219-221
Edelman, N., 277
Edmondson, R., 31, 105
early childhood, 91-92
after physical and occupational therapy assessment, 123-125
assessment methods in, 168-172
assumptions underlying, 166-168
Educational assessment
assumptions in, 90-96
dialogue, 107-114
discussion questions, 105
information exchange with referral agency and family after, 102-103
methodology, 96-102
multidomain model
multitest, 97-101
one-test, 101-102
play-based procedure, 99-100
policy issues in, 103-105
practice problems, 106
standardized assessment measure, 98-99
transdisciplinary model, 103
whole-child, 89
Educational plan, individualized, 92
Education for All Handicapped Act.
See Public Law 94-142
Education of Handicapped Act Amendments of 1986.
See Public Law 99-457
Egan, J., 69
Eimas, P.D., 22
Electrocardiogram, 44
Electroencephalogram, 44
Elkind, D., 176
Elliot, C., 98, 279
Emde, R.N., 29
Emotional development, birth to age three, 28-32
Engle, P.L., 21
English, R., 192
Environmental risk, 5
Environmental trauma, assessment of children with, 225-226
adaptations for, 227-228
assumptions in, 217-219
dialogue, 234-242
discussion questions, 232
ecological inventory with, 225-226
information exchange with families and referral agencies after, 228

Page 327
norm-referenced, 226-227
policy issues, 229-231
practice problems, 232
transdisciplinary model, 228-229
Epstein, H.T., 12
Erikson, E.H., 29, 176
Established risk, defined, 5
Evans, E.D., 201
Evans, J.L., 26
Ewer-Jones, B., 118
External rotation, defined, 120
Eyer, D.W., 39
Fagan, J., 280
Fagan, J.F., 25
Fagan, J.G., 12, 25
Fagan, T.F., 65
Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence, 280
Fagot, B.I., 32
Falvey, M., 216, 224
Family education, 174-176
assumptions in, 166-168
Family Needs Scale, 171, 281
Family Needs Survey, 266-267, 281-282
Family services plan, 172-174
sample, 268-269
Family Support Scale, 171, 282-283
Fantz, R.L., 22
Farkas, K., 45
Fassbender, L.L., 224
Featherstone, H., 90
Feinman, S., 13, 30-31, 193
Feld, J.K., 91
Feldman, R.S., 29
Fenson, L., 33
Fernald, A., 28, 193
Ferrer-Vincent, S.T., 153
Feuerstein, R., 93
Fewell, R.R., 97, 99-102, 104, 122, 278, 288
Field, T.M., 12, 25, 50
Fike, R.D., 177
File, N., 251
Finn, D., 245, 250
Finnie, N., 223
Fischer, J.L., 176
Fischer, K.W., 20, 25, 176
Five Sound Test, 147
Flavell, J.H., 25
Flexion, defined, 120
Flower, J., 53
Foley, G.M., 6, 8, 243
Foley, J.M., 24
Folio, M.R., 99, 122, 288
Folven, R.J., 154
Fordyce, W., 250
Forsyth, B., 41, 48
Fox, N.A., 25
Fradd, S.H., 192
Fraiberg, S., 31, 69
Frankenburg, W.K., 27, 47, 277
Frederick, L.L., 153
Fredericks, H.D., 93
Freier, C., 6, 40, 45
Freud, S., 29
Fricative, 146
Frisby, C.L., 190
Fristoe, M., 27
Frodi, A., 225
Fuchs, M., 45
Furuno, S., 101, 149, 284
Gabriel, A., 40-41
Gallagher, R.J., 21, 121
Gardner, H., 191
Gargiulo, R.M., 151
Garland, C.W., 250, 252
Garshelis, J.A., 250
Garvey, C., 33
Geertz, C., 190
Genetic reaction range, 14
Genotype, 14
Gesell, A., 11, 21
Gibbs, E.D., 170-171
Gibson, E.J., 22-23, 92
Gibson, J.J., 92
Gilliam, J.E., 250
Gisch, R.O., 22
Goldberg, S., 32
Goldman, B.D., 31
Goldman, R., 27
Goncu, A., 194
Gonzalez-Mena, J., 39
Goodman, S.H., 177
Goodwyn, S.W., 26, 154
Gorman, K.S., 21
Gould, R.I., 35
Govle, R.M., 193
Green, G., 225
Green, M., 40-41
Greenfield, P., 27

Page 328
Greenspan, N.T., 29
Greenspan, S., 12, 29, 172, 283
Greenspan-Lieberman Observation System for Assessment of Care-giver-Infant
Interaction during Semi-Structured Play, 283-284
Gregory, V.R., 227
Griffith, D.R., 6, 40, 45
Griffith, P., 144
Gromisch, D.S., 45
Grossman, H.J., 193
Guidubaldi, J., 98, 101, 273
Gunnar, M.R., 22
Gurin, G., 203
Hagen, R., 32
Haggerty, R.J., 41
Hake, J.L., 22
Hale-Benson, J., 191
Hamby, D., 166
Hamilton, S.E., 202
Hammitte, D., 245, 250
Hampton, R.L., 226
Hamre-Nietupski, S., 218
Hamric, A.B., 41, 46-47
Haney, M., 224
Hankin, J., 40-41
Hanson, M., 252-253
Harel, S., 40, 42
Haring, K., 247
Harley, B., 155
Harmon, R.J., 177
Harrington, R.G., 69-70
Hart, D., 155
Hart, J.S., 227
Hauser-Cram, P., 40, 42, 198, 248
Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP), 101, 149, 284
Hawley, T.L., 29
Hay, D.F., 31
Haynes-Seman, C., 227
Haywood, H.C., 33
Hearing impairment.
See also Audiology assessment
effects on language acquisition and development, 141-142
sensorineural, 141
Heath, S.B., 28
Heffernan, L., 99
Herrera, M.G., 21
Hill, C., 41
Hill, P.M., 34
Hilliard, A.G., 193-194, 198, 202
Hills, T.W., 89
Hollenbeck, B.E., 225
Holm, V.A., 141
Home Observation and Environment (HOME), 172, 201, 284-285
Horn, E., 125
Horn, S., 40-41
Horwitz, S., 41, 48, 49
Hosaka, C., 284
Hospital setting, for medical assessment, 42-47
Hughes, H.M., 245
Hunt, J., 23-24, 99, 122, 294
Huntington, G., 166, 245, 253
Hurth, J.L., 179
Hymovich, D.B., 171
Iannotti, R.J., 225
Ilg, F.L., 134
Inatsuka, T., 101, 284
Individualized educational plans, 92
Individualized Family Services Plan, 76
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
See Public Law 100-476
Interdisciplinary assessment, defined, 7
Internal rotation, defined, 120
Interview, parent
in psychological assessment, 71-72
sample, 261-262
Ireton, H., 99, 276
Ives, S.W., 12
Iwacha, A.C., 193
Iwata, B.A., 224
Izard, C., 28-29
Jackson, J.S., 203
Jacobson, J.W., 225
Jenkins, V., 282
Jens, K.G., 68, 73, 101, 275
Jessop, D.J., 171
Johanson, C., 166
Johnson, B.H., 179
Johnson, L., 149, 245, 250, 253
Johnson-Martin, N.M., 68, 70, 73, 101, 275
Johnston, A.V., 151-152

Page 329
Johnston, E.B., 151-152
Jones, H., 125
Kagan, J., 25, 28, 198
Kagan, S.L., 91
Kaler, S.R., 40
Kalesnik, J., 201
Kalmanson, B., 36, 37
Kaluzny, A.D., 53
Kamm, K., 22
Kaplan-Sanoff, M., 227
Katz, H., 40-41
Kaufman, A.S., 195
Kaufman, N.L., 195
Kaufmann, R.K., 179
Kelleher, K.J., 54
Kelley, M.F., 11
Kendrick, C., 28, 31
Keogh, J.F., 22
Kilgo, J., 245, 250
Kirby, R.S., 54
Klebanov, P.K., 14
Klein, L.S., 26, 34
Kliegman, R., 45
Kontos, S., 251
Kopp, C.B., 40
Koslowskil, B., 23, 28
Kramer, M., 53
Krauss, M.W., 40, 42, 198, 248
Kravitz, R.I., 226
Kronsberg, S., 32
Kunze, L.H., 141
Lahey, M., 144
Lamb, M. E., 12, 32, 225
Langley, M., 278
Language development
birth to age three, 26-28
effect of hearing impairment on, 141-142
Laosa, L.M., 12, 193
Lapkin, S., 155
Lateral, defined, 120
Lavee, Y., 171
Lazar, I., 165
Lazerson, A., 20
League, R., 99, 149, 289
See Public Law
Leiberman, A., 12, 172, 283
Leighty-Troester, E., 152
Leinbach, M.D., 32
Lenneberg, E.H., 26
Leventhal, J.M., 41, 48
Levinson, D.J., 35
ILVwis, M., 30, 32
Liaw, F., 14
Linder, T.W., 12, 74, 100, 191, 252, 293
Linder Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment.
See Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment
Ling, D., 147
Livingston, G., 41
Lovett, D., 252-253
Lozoff, B., 12, 21
Lucas, T., 31
Luckasson, R., 224, 230
Ludwig, L., 33
Lusthaus, E., 229
Magnetic resonance, 44
Mahler, M.S., 30
Main, M., 23,28
Malone, S., 22
Markman, E.M., 25
Martin, F., 125, 145
Martin, S.S., 125
Martorell, R., 21
Maschka, P., 277
Masten, A.S., 40, 54
McAdoo, H.P., 194, 198
McAdoo, J.L., 194, 198
McCall, R., 32
McCarthy, D., 68
McClennen, S.E., 218
McConnell, F., 144
McConnell, S.R., 250
McCune-Nicolich, L., 12, 34
McDevitt, S.C., 12, 290
McGee, G.G., 29
McGonigel, M.J., 6, 243, 246, 251
Mclnerney, W., 223
McLaughlin, C.P., 53
McLeaf, P.J., 41, 48
McLean, J.E., 218
McWilliam, R.A, 247
Mean length of utterance (MLU), 149-150
Medical assessment
assumptions in, 41-42
diagnostic tests in, 44-45
dialogue, 57-64

Page 330
Medical assessment (cont'd.)
discussion questions, 55
hospital setting for, 42-47
information exchange with referral agency and family about, 48-51
methodology, 42-48
policy issues in, 53-55
practice problems, 55-56
primary care, 47-48
psychosocial assessment form, 48-49
total quality management approach, 53
transdisciplinary model, 51-53
Meisels, S.J., 11, 26, 45, 50, 91, 96, 191
Melartin, R.L., 25
Mellits, E.D., 40
Meltzoff, A.N., 22, 25
Mercer, J.R., 203
Mesaros, R.A., 224
Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390 (1923), 231
Middle-ear syndrome, pervasive, 141
Miller, J.L., 22
Miller, P., 33
Mirenda, P.L., 224
Mistry, J., 194
Monte, J.E., 25
Mora, J.O., 21
Morgan, G.A., 177
Morikawa, H., 28, 193
Morrongiello, B.A., 22
Morrow, R.D., 197
Morsink, C.V., 10
Mosier, C., 194
Motor development, birth to age three, 20-22
Motor impairments, adaptations to, in assessment of children with, 223-224
Movement Assessment of Infants (MAI), 122, 285-286
Mueller, E.C., 31-32
Mulligan, M., 230
Multidisciplinary assessment, defined, 7
Multitest multidomain model, of educational assessment, 97-101
Munsch, J., 176
Murphy, J., 26-27
Murray, H., 165
Murray, J., 6, 40, 45
Myers, L.J., 192
Myse, J., 247
Nakagawa, M., 30
Nasal, defined, 146
Nash, A., 31
National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), 104
National Association for the Education of Young Children, 89, 91, 104
National Association of School Psychologists, 77-78
National Governors' Association, Task Force on Education, 10
Neighbors, H.W., 203
Neisworth, J.T., 66-67, 69, 72, 90, 101, 292
Nelson, K., 26-28
Nelson, N.W., 143
Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS), 42-43, 286-287
Neugarten, B.L., 35
Neurology examination, pediatric, sample, 258-260
Neurology history, pediatric, sample, 257-258
Newberger, E.H., 226
Newborg, J., 98, 273
Nietupski, J., 218
Nikitas, T., 245
Nine, S., 41
Nobles, W., 192
Noonan, M.J., 230
Normative, defined, 75
Norm-referenced tests, standardized, in psychological assessment, 72-73
Norms, defined, 75
Norris, M.K., 41
Northern, J.L., 146
Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training Instrument (NCAST), 171-172,287
Occupational therapist, defined, 116
Occupational therapy assessment
assumptions in, 117-119

Page 331
clinical evaluation in, 119-122
dialogue, 131-139
discussion questions, 130
information exchange with referral agency and family after, 123-126
interventions suggested by, 125
methodology, 119-123
parent education with, 123-125
policy issues in, 128-129
practice problems, 130
reporting to professionals about, 126
standardized measures, 122-123
transdisciplinary model, 126-128
O'Connell, B., 33
Oden, S., 226
O'Dougherty, M., 50
Ogbu, J., 192-193
Ohio Revised Code, 129
Ohio State Department of Education, 68
Olson, D.H., 171
One-test multidomain model, of educational assessment, 101-102
Optimal Performer Locator, 202
Ordinal Scales of Psychological Development.
See Uzgiris and Hunt Scales of Infant Psychological Development
O'Reilly, K., 101, 284
Orelove, F.P., 216, 223
Oscar, N., 202
Ostfeld, B.M., 170
Outtz, J.H., 190
Overcontrolled child, play development observation, 227
Owens, R.E., 143
Padilla, A., 193
Padilla, K.A., 155, 193
Paget, K.D., 73
Paglieri, R.A., 225
Palsha, S., 103, 250, 253
Paolella, J.M., 24
education, 174-176
interview, 71-72
sample, 261-262
report to, 74-75
Parent support and education.
See alsoEducation, parent/family
with audiology assessment, 151
with physical therapy assessment, 123-125
with social work, 174-176
with speech pathology, 151
Parke, R.D., 32
Pastor, D.L., 30
Patton, J.M., 201
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS), 99, 122, 288
Pedersen, J., 31
Pediatric neurology examination, sample, 258-260
Pediatric neurology history, sample, 257-258
Peek, C.W., 176
Perceptual development, birth to age three, 22-23
Phenotype, 14
Physical-motor development, birth to age three, 20-22
Physical therapist, defined, 116
Physical therapy assessment
assumptions in, 117-119
clinical evaluation in, 119-122
dialogue, 131-139
discussion questions, 130
information exchange with referral agency and family, 123-126
interventions suggested by, 125
methodology, 119-123
parent education with, 123-125
parent support with, 123-125
policy issues in, 128-129
practice problems, 130
reporting to professionals about, 126
standardized measures, 122-123
transdisciplinary model, 126-128
Physician Psychosocial Assessment Form, 48-49
Piaget, J., 11, 23-24, 32
Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510 (1925), 231
Pine, F., 30
Pitzer, M.W., 171
Pizzo, P.D., 90
behaviors, observational analysis of, 227

Page 332
Play (cont'd.)
birth to age three, 32-34
in stressed child, 227
observation form, two-dimensional, 100, 263
Play-based procedure, for educational assessment, 99-100
Pless, I.B., 41
Plosive, defined, 146
Plunkett, J.W., 26
Poisson, S., 12, 172, 283
Policy issues
in assessment of children with environmental trauma, 229-231
in assessment of children with severe or multiple disabilities, 229-231
in assessment of culturally diverse young children, 204-205
in audiology assessment, 154-155
in educational assessment, 103-105
in medical assessment, 53-55
in physical therapy assessment, 128-129
in psychological assessment, 77-78
in social work, 178-180
in speech pathology, 154-155
Pollitt, E., 21
Pond, R.E., 149, 288
Porter, P.L., 97
Portner, J., 171
Powell, D.R., 90
Power, T.G., 32
Prenatal period, development, 15, 18-19
Preschool Language Scale3, 149, 201, 288-289
Primary care setting, 47-48
Professional preparation, for transdis-ciplinary assessment, 252-253
Prone, defined, 120
Psychological assessment, 69-74, 77
assumptions in, 66-69
behavioral observations in, 73-74
criterion-referenced measures, 73
dialogue, 80-88
discussion questions, 78-79
Individualized Family Services Plan, 76
information exchange with referral agency and family about, 74-76
parent interview, 71-72
policy issues, 77-78
practice problems, 79
to parents, 74-75
to professionals, 76
standardized norm-referenced tests, 72-73
transdisciplinary model, 76-77
Psychometrics, defined, 75
Psychosocial assessment form, 48-49
Public Law 94-142, 92, 230
Public Law 99-457, 6, 8, 76, 92, 94, 96, 151, 153, 166
Public Law 100-146, 94
Puchalski, C.G., 24, 34
Radke-Yarrow, M., 177
Rainforth, B., 223
Ramirez, M., 199
Raver, C.C., 4, 90-91, 165
Raver, S.A., 6, 149, 251-252
Raya, P., 25
Receptive-Expressive Emergent Lan-guage Scale (REEL-2), 99, 149 289-290
Redding, R.E., 177
Referral agency, information exchange with
after assessment of children with severe or multiple disabilities, 228
after assessment of child with envi-ronmental trauma, 228
after assessment of culturally diverse young children, 203-204
after audiology assessment, 150-152
after educational assessment, 102-103
after medical assessment, 48-51
after physical therapy assessment, 123-126
after psychological assessment, 74-76
in social work, 173-177
in speech pathology, 150-152
Reiser, D.J., 172
Reliability, defined, 75
Rettig, M.A., 230
Revised Infant Temperament Ques-tionnaire (RITQ), 290-291
Rheingold, H.L., 31

Page 333
Richman, G.S., 224
Riguet, C.B., 26, 34
Risk, developmental
defined, 4-6
interaction with achievement, 36-38
Rivera, J., 21
Rogers, S.J., 24, 33-34
Roghmann, K.J., 41
Rogoff, B., 31, 194
Role release, in transdisciplinary assessment, 245
Romero, I., 201
Rosenblith, J.F., 15, 19-21
Rosenfeld, A., 35
Ross, H.S., 31
Rossetti, L., 149, 291
Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale, 291
Rossetti Language Communication Scales, 149
defined, 120
external, defined, 120
internal, defined, 120
Rotenberg, E.J., 25
Roth, F.P., 28
Rovee-Collier, C., 12, 25
Royce, J., 165
Ruder, K., 12, 34, 152
Ruff, H.A., 22
Ruiz, R., 193
Rumbaugh, D.M., 27
Sachs Wise, P., 65
Sandall, S., 153, 175
Santos de Barona, M.S., 194
Santrock, J.W., 35
Saracho, O.N., 192, 198
Sattler, J., 68, 74-75
Savage, J.E., 202
Savage-Rumbaugh, E.S., 26-27
Scarr, S., 13
Schaefer, C., 40
Schaefer, S., 69
Schalenberg, C., 53
Scharenaker, S.K., 153
Schiele, J.L., 192
Schneider, K., 22
Scholdroth, A., 144
Schwartz, A.A., 225
Schweinhart, L.J., 91
Score, standard, in psychological assessment, 75
Seitz, V., 193
Sensorineural hearing impairment, 141
Sensory impairments, adaptations to, in assessment of children with, 222-223
Sensory-perceptual development, birth to age three, 22-23
Sevcik, R.A., 27
Shapiro, H., 277
Shearer, M., 99, 279
Shepherd, P.A., 12, 25, 280
Sherwood, V., 28, 202
Shirley, M.M., 21
Shonkoff, J.P., 40, 42, 198, 248
Shore, C., 33
Shunt-o-gram, 45
Sigman, M., 34
Simeonsson, R., 36, 90, 103, 166-167, 171, 245, 249-250, 253, 281
Singer, A., 246, 253
Singer, L., 25, 45
Skinner, B.F., 11
Skinner-Kidd, S., 270-271
Slade, A., 69
Slee, P.T., 33
Slentz, K.L., 180
Slifer, K.J., 224
Slobin, D., 27
Smith, D.B., 224, 230
Smith, J., 27
Smith, P.D., 120, 122
Smith, R.S., 40, 54
Smith, T., 31
Smith, T.M., 105
Snarey, J., 177
Snelling, T.M., 153
Snipper, A., 165
Snow, C.E., 28
Snyder, K.D., 281
Snyder, L., 26, 33
Snyder-McLean, L.K., 218
Sobolewski, S., 40
Sobsey, 216, 223
Social-emotional development, birth to age three, 28-32
Social work
assessment method, 168-173
informal, 169-170
standardized, 170-172

Page 334
Social work (cont'd.)
assumptions in, 166-168
dialogue, 182-189
discussion questions, 181
family services plan meeting, 173-174
individualized family services plan, 172-173
information exchange with referral agency and family about, 173-177
parent support, 174-176
policy issues, 178-180
practice problems, 181
transdisciplinary model, 177-178
Sorel, G.T., 176
voiced, 146
voiceless, 146
Sound loss, effects on language acquisition and development, 141-142
Sound pressure levels, 145
Sparrow, S.S., 71 99, 295
Special education, 92-96
confluence in, 94-96
Speech, elements of, 145-146
Speech-language evaluation, 148-150
Speechley, K.N., 41, 48
Speech pathology, 140-144, 148-164
assessment methods, 144-150
assumptions in, 140-144
discussion questions, 155-156
in early intervention, 151
information exchange with referral agency and family about, 150-152
interventions suggested by, 151-152
parent support with, 151
policy issues in, 154-155
practice problems, 156
reporting to professionals about, 152
speech-language evaluation, 148-150
transdisciplinary model, 152-153
Speirer, J., 175
Spencer, J.P., 22, 176
Spencer, M.B., 176
Spiker, D., 14
Spinal tap, 44
Spodek, B., 198
Spross, J.A., 41, 46-47
Squires, J., 170
Sroufe, L.A., 29
Standard score, in psychological assessment, defined, 75
Stanley v. Illinois, 405 U.S. 645 (1971), 231
Starfield, B., 40-41
Stark, E., 35
Stayton, V., 253
Stein, R.K., 171
Steiner, J.E., 22, 99
Steiner, V.G., 149, 288
Steinwachs, D., 40-41
Sterling, J., 247
Stern, D.N., 23, 28
Sternberg, L., 224, 230
Stevens, E., 153
Steward, D., 193
Steward, M., 193
Stillwell, J., 227
Stilwell, J., 227
Stock, J., 98, 101, 273
Stokes, T.R., 217
Stone, R.K., 45
Stone-Zukowski, D., 34
Stress, on child, and play development, 227
Sugai, G., 90, 94
Sullivan, E.V., 12
Summers, J.A., 166, 249
Super, C.M., 20-21
Supine, defined, 120
Surbeck, E., 11
Susman, E.J., 225
Sutton-Smith, B., 32
Svinicki, J., 98, 101, 273
Swanson, M., 285
Swanson, M.E., 54
Switzky, H.N., 33
Symbolic Play Scale, 292
Symmetry, defined, 120
System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA), 203
System to Plan Early Childhood Ser-vices (SPECS), 101, 292-293
Tanner, J.M., 21
Task Force on Education, National Governors' Association, 10
Taylor, N.D., 26, 34
Taylor, R.L., 224

Page 335
Team, transdisciplinary assessment
building, 252
communication techniques, 251
conflict resolution in, 251-252
Teamwork guidelines, for transdisci-plinary assessment, 250
Teti, D., 30, 177
The Association for Severely Handicapped (TASH), 230-231
Thelan, E., 22
Thiele, J., 250
Thomas, A., 6, 14, 31
Thomas, C.C., 10
Thorndike, R. L., 68
Thorton, A., 176
Thousand, J.S., 231
Tjossem, T., 4
Torrance, E. P., 202
Total quality management approach, in medical assessment, 53
Toth, S.L., 225
Transdisciplinary assessment
arena assessment, 245-247
assumptions in, 244
conflict resolution in, 251-252
defined, 6-10
discussion questions, 254
evaluation of, 243-254
family evaluation of, 247-249
future of, 255-256
implementation of, 243-254
model, 244-247
practice problems, 254
professional evaluation of, 249-250
professional preparation for, 252-253
role release in, 245
team-building activities in, 252
team communication techniques for, 251
teamwork guidelines for, 250
Transdisciplinary model
in audiology assessment, 152-153
for children with environmental trauma, 228-229
for children with severe or multiple disabilities, 228-229
for culturally diverse children, 204
in educational assessment, 103
in medical assessment, 51-53
in physical therapy assessment, 126-128
in psychological assessment, 76-77
in social work, 177-178
in speech pathology, 152-153
Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, 100, 293-294
Trevarthen, C., 31
Trickett, P.K., 225
Trivette, C., 166, 171, 249, 282
Tronick, E., 23
Turnbull, A.P., 166, 249
Turnbull, H.R., 245
Two-Dimensional Play Observation Form, 100, 263
Tyler, A.H., 227
Ultrasound scan, 44
Ungerer, J.A., 34
Upshur, C.C., 40, 42, 198, 248
Uzgiris, I.C., 12, 23-24, 99, 122, 294
Uzgiris and Hunt Scales of Infant Psychological Development, 99, 122, 201, 294-295
Vaillant, G.E., 35
Validity, defined, 75
Vandell, D.L., 31
Van Den Berg, B.J., 40
Van Dijk, J., 222
Vazquez Nuttall, E., 201
Ventricular shunt, 45
Villa, R.A., 231
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, 71-72, 99, 201, 295
Voiced sound, defined, 146
Voiceless sound, defined, 146
Vygotsky, L., 24, 155, 202
Wachs, T.D., 92
Walk, R.D., 23
Wall, S., 272
Walton, G.E., 25
Ware, W., 250
Waters, E., 272
Weathersby, E.K., 155
Weeks, Z.R., 118
Weeldreyer, J.C., 281
Weight bearing, 120
Weight shift, 120
Weiskopf, F., 25

Page 336
Werner, E.E., 40, 54
Westby, D.L., 100, 150, 292
Westby Play Scaling System, 150
White, R.E., 156
White, S.J., 156
''Who" and "O" Checklists, 273
Whole child assessment, 89
Whyte, M.K., 176
Widmayer, S.M., 50
Williams, H.G., 27, 121
Williams, S.L., 27
Wnek, L., 98, 101, 273
Wolery, G., 245
Wolery, M., 90, 93-94, 100
Woodruff, G., 6, 177, 243, 245-246, 250-251
Worobey, J., 50
Wright, M.O., 40, 54
Xiaohe, X., 176
Yoder, D., 166, 245, 253
York, J., 223
Yoshida, R.K., 35
Young, V.H., 193
Zahn-Waxler, C., 225
Zeisloft, B., 101, 284
Zernicke, 22
Zigler, E., 90-91, 105, 165, 193
Zimmerman, I.L., 99, 149, 288

Page 337

About the Authors and Contributors

DORIS BERGEN, PH.D., is Professor and Chair, Department of Educational Psychology at
Miami University, Oxford, OH. She teaches infant-toddler and preschool assessment and
intervention, play development, lifespan human development, psychology of the learner,
and educational research. She has also taught numerous other courses in early childhood,
early childhood special education, and developmental psychology. Her research has
focused on the play development of typically developing and at-risk young children,
cross-cultural views of early childhood education, and humor development from early to
middle childhood. She is the author of two books on play and of numerous articles and
chapters on the development and education of young children. She has established early
childhood special education degree/certification programs at three universities, and she
now serves as director of the Miami University Center for Human Development,
Learning, and Teaching, which focuses on furthering knowledge of at-risk populations.
She is also past president of the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher
Educators, a member of the NAEYC Professional Development Institute Panel, and a
member of the DEC Personnel Standards Committee.
CAROLINE EVERINGTON, PH.D., is an Associate Professor, Department of Educational
Psychology, Miami University. She is coordinator of the special education programs,
including early intervention. Her teaching specialization is ecological assessment and
curriculum intervention for infants and older individuals who have severe and multiple
disabilities and she provides consultation to schools implementing inclusion practices.
She is also a nationally recognized expert in the assessment of the competency of mentally
retarded offenders to stand trial, and the author of an assessment instrument for this
purpose used by agencies throughout the country.
KATHLEEN HUTCHINSON, PH.D., is a Professor, Department of Communication, Miami
University. She is coordinator of the Audiology Clinic, a specialist in audiologic
assessment of infants and young children, and teaches

Page 338
courses in audiology and assessment of hearing impairments. Her publications focus on
topics such as the effects of acoustic amplification on young children's language
development, the use of signing and speaking to facilitate language learning, factors
influencing auditory brainstem response (ABR) results, and context effects on speech
ELIZABETH JOHNSTON, ED.D., is an Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Miami
University. She designed and implemented the university Preschool Language Nursery
and serves as its director. She is a specialist in Piagetian-based early language intervention
and teaches courses in language acquisition and diagnostics. She has also designed and
conducted parent--child programs that focused on facilitating development of young
children with language-related problems. Her publications are related to Piagetian-based
methods of facilitating language learning and source books in language and pragmatic
therapy. She is also author of a communication abilities diagnostic test.
SUSAN MOSLEY-HOWARD, PH.D., is an Associate Professor, Department of Educational
Psychology, Miami University. She is chair of the educational psychology program
committee and teaches counseling techniques, assessment, learning theories, research
design, and African-American psychology. She is a member of the interdisciplinary Black
World Studies faculty and co-director of a nationally recognized interactive video project
promoting racial understanding among college-age students. Her publications focus on
issues related to multicultural education, counseling, and African-American psychology.
SHARON RAVER-LAM PM AN, PH.D, is a Professor, Department of Child Study/Special Education,
at Old Dominion University in Virginia. Her specialization is early education of children
with disabilities and she teaches a range of early intervention and special education
courses. She is particularly interested in family-centered approaches to early assessment
and is the author of a book on transdisciplinary team approaches to working with infants
and toddlers who are at-risk for developmental problems. In 19931994, as a Fulbright
Scholar, she shared her early intervention expertise with students and faculty at Palacky
University in Czechoslovakia.
JULIE RUBIN, PH.D., is a Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Miami
University. She is a psychologist in private practice and also has a degree in special
education. Presently, she is director of the Psychology Clinic and she teaches courses in
assessment and psychopathology. She has had experience as a member of an
interdisciplinary medical assessment team, as coordinator of an infant research project,
and as direc-

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