Movement ABC Assessment

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Movement ABC

Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2

Second Edition (Movement ABC-2)

Sheila E. Henderson
Gives life. Sugdean
Anna L. Barnett

Examiner's Manual

Lic. in TO Manuela Juana
The Movement ABC-2 has been specifically developed to assist professionals responsible for
the treatment of children with movement difficulties.

The Test (3 to 16 years)

The Movement ABC-2 is a standardized assessment that requires a child to perform a series
of motor tasks/activities in a specific and strict manner. Additionally, it provides qualitative
information on how the child approaches and performs on these tasks.
The evaluation is divided into 3 (three) age groups (FEs)
• FAITH 1: 3 to 6 years
• FAITH 2: 7 to 10 years
• FAITH 3: 11 to 16 years

For each age group, there are 8 (eight) tasks grouped under three components: “Manual
Dexterity”, “Throwing and Tackling” and “Balance”. The formal administration of these eight
tasks takes between 20 and 40 minutes depending on the age of the child, the grade or
difficulty experienced by the child, and the experience of the examiner/professional.

The test provides objective and quantitative information regarding the child's movement
competence. For the three components of the evaluation - Manual Dexterity, Throwing and
Tackling and Balance - and for the total score, there are standardized scores according to age
and percentiles. Additionally, the total score can be interpreted in terms of the “Traffic Light”
system, which designates three zones. A score that is within the green zone indicates normal
performance in the age range. The amber/yellow zone indicates a “risk” indicating that the
child requires careful monitoring. The red zone indicates that there is definitely a motor

The Checklist (5 to 12 years)

The Checklist focuses on the way the child copes with everyday tasks at home and at school.
It is an inexpensive method to assess a child's movement competence and can be completed
by the teacher, parent, or other professional involved with the child. It takes 10 minutes or
less to complete.

The Checklist has motor components and non-motor components.

The scores returned by the checklist can also be measured according to the “traffic light”
system, indicating the same as in the test.

Main uses of the Movement ABC-2

• ID
• Clinical examination and intervention plan
• Evaluation programs
• Research tool


The Movement ABC-2 is aimed at children with movement difficulties or, at least,
movement mastery difficulties.

All materials necessary for the administration of the Movement ABC-2 are provided in the
evaluation kit.

Physical context and implementation

Movement ABC-2 was designed to be administered individually. A “one-on-one” test allows
the development of a relationship between the examiner and the child and minimizes
distractions so that performance during the evaluation is optimal. In any case, Movement
ABC-2 allows its administration to groups of children. At this point, special care must be
taken when establishing the final scores. If major difficulties in movement are observed, the
evaluation must be administered individually.
The ideal space for the development of Movement ABC-2 is a room of at least 6 meters x 4
meters that is well lit and ventilated. At the same time, it must have a table and two chairs
for those items with a manual dexterity component.

Administration time
Movement ABC-2 has an administration time of between 20 and 30 minutes. Although, in a
child with significant motor difficulties, the time may be even longer. Likewise, it is expected
that it will not be more than 50 minutes.

Calculating the age of the child and choosing the age group
There is a space specifically designed on the first page to calculate and record the child's
age. The exact age of the child must be determined by subtracting the day the child is being
tested minus the day of birth.

Example 1
Year Month Day
2006 09 10
Evaluation day
2000 05 01
exact age 06 04 09
The child is 6 years, 4 months and 9 days old.

AGE BAND 1 (3 to 6 years)

Note: It is recommended to look at the images shown in the original evaluation to guide the implementation of the

Manual Dexterity Age Range 1 (3 to 6 years)
count Coins

bench blue aja
or 12 yellow coins
at for the table
clock or chronometer

Position the table mat in front of the child with its long side at a distance of approximately 5 cm
from the edge of the table. Position the blue bench box with its short side facing the child and the
nura, parallel to the side of the mat. For 3-4 years , place six coins in two horizontal rows, from the
side of the box corresponding to the dominant hand. For 5-6 years, place 12 coins on four
horizontal lines. Leave approximately 2.5 cm between each column and row of coins. To value the
other hand, reverse the position of the bank box and the coins.

child holds the ready box with one hand and positions the other hand on the mat as shown in the
image. At the signal, the child picks up the coins one by one and drops them into the slot of the box
and bank as quickly as possible. Time begins to run when the free hand leaves the mat.
Time stops when the last coin hits the end of the box. The ominent hand is evaluated first and
then the other. Both hands are evaluated.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Hold the bench box stable
Pick up the coins and drop them into the box one at a time
Use only the designated hand during the test
Perform the test as quickly as possible

practice ace
Give the child a practice test with each hand, for 3-4 years old, use three coins, for 5-6 years old,
use six. Practice for each hand should be immediately preceded by the formal attempt at that hand.
If the child picks up more than one coin at a time, changes hands, or uses both anuses, interrupt
immediately and give a reminder or demonstrate again.

formal tests
os for each hand, starting with the hand used for writing. No assistance should be provided during
these attempts.

Registration form

dominant hand
Number of seconds it takes to successfully complete each attempt
Failed attempt (F) if the child:
lift or insert more than one coin at the same time
change your hand or use two hands during the attempt
Hit or drop a coin off target
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate

Manual Dexterity Age Range 1 (3 to 6 years)
thread pearls

or 12 yellow pearls
red order
at for the table
clock or chronometer

Position the table mat in front of the child with its long side at a distance of approximately 5 cm
from the edge of the table. For 3-4 years , place six beads in a horizontal row parallel to the length
of the mat and approximately 5 cm from the edge, with the holes facing up and the beads
eventually spaced apart. For 5-6 years, place 12 pearls in the same way. Position the bead loosely
on the table so that the tip is at right angles to the row of beads.

child positions both hands on the mat as shown in the image. At the signal, the child picks up the
string and a pearl and begins to thread, as quickly as possible. As long as the pearls are strung one
at a time, the order in which they are picked does not matter. When threading, the child can adopt
any hand/arm position. Time begins to run when the first hand leaves the mat. Time stops when the
last pearl has passed the metal of the tip of the ordon.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Hold the metal of the cord
Pick up the pearls and thread them one at a time
Perform the test as quickly as possible

practice ace
give the child a practice test; for 3-4 years, use three beads, for 5-6 years, use six. If the child picks
up more than one bead at a time or tries to string more than one at a time, interrupt immediately
and give a reminder or demonstrate again.

formal tests
you. No assistance should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Number of seconds it takes to successfully complete each attempt
Failed attempt (F) if the child:

String more than one bead at the same time hit or drop a bead off target R for denied/negative
and I for inappropriate

Manual Dexterity Age Range 1 (3 to 6 years)
Drawing List I

E 1 Drawing Clue – remove the sheet of Registration Form, tear along the dotted line individually
submit red tipped pencil
pen of some kind that makes writing easier

The child is sitting in front of the table with both feet flat on the floor and his arms resting
comfortably on the table. Position a drawing track in the center of the writing surface, in front of
the child with the pen next to it.

Starting with the bicycles, the child draws a single continuous line, following the marked path
without using the edges. In the middle of the path a drawn arch appears. The child is encouraged to
keep the pen on the page but is not penalized for lifting it. The child should be allowed to make
small adjustments to the angle of the paper (up to 45º) to make it easier to perform in the area.
Only the dominant hand is evaluated.

No single track can be used for demonstration.
While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Stabilize the paper with the hand not used for writing
Stay within the border lines
Keep the pen in contact with the paper and draw the line in one direction
Draw as slowly as possible in order to stay within the borders
Go under the arch and continue along the path
Hold the paper at a comfortable angle; explain to the child that he can move the paper a little
until the angle is comfortable for him

practice ace
Give the child a practice test. As this is an untimed test, only part of the track can be practiced. If
you reach the middle of the path (arc) during the demonstration, the child can complete the track
as practice. If the child crosses an edge, puts down the pen and does not return to the point on the
line where he left off, draws in the opposite direction or turns the paper more than 45º, stop
immediately and give a reminder or demonstrate it again.

formal tests
n maximum of two. If the child completes his first drawing without errors, then the second attempt
is not required. No assistance should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Dominant hand used for task
Number of errors, 0 when no errors appear
Failed attempt (F) if the child:
draw in the opposite direction
rotate the paper more than 45º
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate

Clues must be scored when the evaluation has been completed. Use the scoring criteria presented
in Appendix A and enter the number of errors on the Recording Form.

Throw and Age Range 1 (3 to 6 years)
Tackle 1
cut the bag

mat for floor

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Position both mats with their
two shorts separated by a distance of 1.8 m. The examiner should stand on one mat and the child
should stand facing each other when examining on the other mat. If the floor is slippery, the mats
should be turned over to ensure that they do not move during the task.

The examiner throws the bag so that it reaches the level where the child's outstretched arms are
and can catch the bag with both hands. When throwing the bag, the pull must be adjusted to the
child's height, with the examiner kneeling if necessary. For 5 to 6 years the bag must be caught
precisely and cleanly with both hands, before any adjustment to absorb force can be made. On the
other hand, for 3 and 4 years old, the child is allowed to catch the bag using his body as part of the
catch. In other words, as long as the youngest child manages to catch and avoid dropping the bag, it
is considered valid. The criterion for “shortcut” for 5 and 6 years is more strict.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Stay on the mat until the examiner throws the bag
Watch the bag as it moves through the air
Close your hands on the bag when the catch is finished
Tack the bag as directed that is age appropriate
If necessary, it is valid to move outside the mat in order to catch the bag.

practice ace
Give the child five practice tests. If the child moves off the mat too early, or drops the bag with his
body ( ages 5 and 6 only), interrupt immediately and remind him of instructions or give him a new
demonstration. Note that moving off the mat to save can indicate superior skill if a poorly made
shot is intercepted. In that case, it is not enalized.

formal roses
10 attempts. Do not count a throw as an attempt if the child misses due to a bad throw on your part
(if the bag is out of the child's reach). No assistance should be provided during these attempts. If,
however, the child fails on a trial, remind him or her about the failures and move on to the next

Registration form
Number of correct catches out of 10. Making a successful one-handed save is not penalized.
For 5 and 6 years old, a catch does not count if the child blocked the bag with his body.
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Throw and Age Range 1 (3 to 6 years)
Tackle 2
throw the bag on the mat

Solid and colorful floor mat at Destination

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Position both mats with their
two shorts separated by a distance of 1.8 m. If the floor is slippery, the mats should be turned over
to ensure that they do not move during the task.

The child stands on the solid, colorful mat and throws the bag, trying to make it land on anything on
the blue mat . (For this age the circle is simply a point to focus on). The child is encouraged to throw
with only one upper limb. In any case, if you do it with both upper limbs, it is also valid and is not

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Stay on the mat while the bag is thrown
Look at the target while throwing the bag
Throw the bag with only one hand
Throw the bag into the air, remembering that the bag is not allowed to slide on the ground

practice ace
Give the child five practice tests. During these trials the child may change hands if he wishes and
should be encouraged to try different body positions. The child will not be penalized for throwing
the bag above arm level but should be encouraged to throw it below arm level. If the child moves
off the mat or throws or slides the bag on the floor, stop immediately and remind him or her how to
do it or demonstrate again.

formal roses
iez attempts . No assistance should be provided during these attempts. If, however, the child
misses during an attempt, he or she should be reminded when the shot is considered “missed.”

Registration form
Hand used to perform the task. The use of both hands is not penalized.
Number of successful shots out of 10 attempts , considered as those that are made without
leaving the mat during it. A shot in which the bag slides or bounces after landing does not count. A
shot that lands on the target mat and then slides or bounces off if it counts.
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Balance 1 (Static) Age Range 1 (3 to 6 years)

balance on one leg

ronometer floor mat
Children should wear gym shoes for this task.

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Position the mat on the floor; If
it is slippery, tape the corners and make sure it does not move during the area.

The child stands on one leg, with his arms extended to both sides of his body for 30 seconds. The
child must always keep his or her foot resting on the floor, although his or her other leg can be
freely extended through space in any position. It is not allowed to hook the free foot on the leg
resting on the floor. Start counting time when the free leg leaves the floor. Stop the stopwatch
when a foul occurs. The child should be allowed to choose which leg to test first. Both legs (right
and left) are evaluated.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Keep your foot flat on the ground while performing the balance test
Keep your foot off the floor
Use your arms to balance, if necessary.

practice ace
Give the child a practice trial with each leg for 15 seconds. During these tests, the evaluator can
help the child find the balance position, supporting one or both anuses if necessary. If the child
moves the foot that is resting on the floor or hooks the free leg on which it is resting, the test should
be interrupted and the child should be given a reminder or the demonstration should be performed

formal tests
n maximum of two with each leg, for 30 seconds. If the child balances for more than 30 seconds, a
second attempt is not required for that leg. Apply the same rule for the other leg. No assistance
should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Number of seconds, out of 30 , that the child maintains balance without:
move the foot that is resting on the floor

touch the floor with the leg that is in the air

hook the free leg on the foot that is resting on the floor

R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Balance 2 (Dynamic) Age Range 1 (3 to 6 years)

walking on tiptoe

colored adhesive inta
Children should wear gym shoes for this task.

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Paste a 5 m line on the floor.
The evaluator must assume a position that allows him to observe both sides of the foot throughout
the task - to observe in detail that the heels do not rest on any omentum on the floor.

Starting with the tip of the foot at the beginning of the line, the child should walk along the line
(without turning away from it) with his or her heels raised.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Place your toes on the line with each step
Keep your heels elevated throughout the task

practice ace
Give the child a practice test that consists of five steps. If the child steps outside the line or steps on
his or her heels, the task should be stopped and the child given a reminder or the demonstration
should be repeated. Some children think they should lift their heels high off the floor. Remind the
child that this is not essential.

formal tests
n maximum of two, for 15 steps or until the end of the line. If the child completes 15 steps or
reaches the end of the line without errors, then a second trial is not necessary. No assistance
should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Number of consecutive correct steps starting from the beginning of the line without leaving it and
without resting the heels on the floor.
If the child reaches the end of the line without errors, circle “Yes” and assign the child a raw score
of 15.
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Balance 3 (Dynamic) Age Range 1 (3 to 6 years)

rising on the mats

floor mats: 3 yellow, 2 blue, and a target mat Children should wear gym shoes for this task

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Position the six mats one after
the other with their long sides touching and with alternating colors. If the floor is slippery, the mats
can be placed down to ensure they do not move during the task.

child begins by standing on the yellow mat. From a stationary position with his feet together, the
boy must jump forward from mat to mat, stopping on the target mat. For 3 and 4 years old, it does
not affect the way the child jumps, the only thing that is worrying is that he does so while
supporting himself with both feet on the mat and without leaving the target mat. For 5 and 6 years,
the child must take five consecutive and continuous steps, “taking off” and “landing” with both feet.
The position of the es may not be adjusted during jumps and only one jump from mat to mat is
allowed. For all ages, the child should support their feet in a balanced position. If it is otherwise, the
jump scam will not count.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Jump on the mats, within the limits
Jump only once on each mat
Keep your feet together during the jump (for 5 and 6 years old)

practice ace
Give the child a practice test that consists of jumping from the yellow mat to the target mat. If an
older child's jump is not continuous, then the child should be given a reminder or re-demonstrated
after the practice test or before the formal jumps.
If the child jumps out of bounds, jumps more than once per mat, or jumps in an age-inappropriate
manner, stop immediately and give a reminder or redo the demonstration.

formal tests
n maximum of two. If the child performs five jumps that are perfect, then a second test will not be
necessary. No assistance should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Number of consecutive and correct jumps from the beginning (maximum of 5) without: “landing”
on or outside the limits taking steps between mat and mat losing balance/falling placing hands on
the floor

jump more than once between mat and mat (5 and 6 years)
perform foot adjustment postures between mat and mat (for 5 and 6 years only, 3-4 years can
reposition their feet on the mat)
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

AGE BAND 2 (7 to 10 years)

Note: It is recommended to look at the images shown in the original evaluation to guide the implementation of the

Manual Dexterity Age Range 2 (7 to 10 years)
Pin Location

blue board
2 pins (mushroom shape)
bench blue aja
at for the table
clock or chronometer

Position the table mat in front of the child with its long side at a distance of approximately 5 cm
from the edge of the table. Position the board on the mat with its short side facing the child. On the
side of the board corresponding to the non-preferred hand , position the bank box containing 12
pegs with its long side facing the child in line with the top of the board. To value the other hand,
reverse the position of the board and the box.

child holds the ready box with one hand and positions the other hand on the mat as shown in the
image. At the signal, the child lifts the pegs one by one and inserts them into the board as quickly as
possible. Time begins to run when the free hand leaves the mat. Time stops when the last pin is
inserted. The dominant hand is evaluated first and then the other. both hands are evaluated.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Hold the bench box stable
Lift the pegs and insert them into the board one at a time in any order
Use only the designated hand during the test
Repositioning of pegs, using the body, board or table for assistance is not permitted.
Perform the test as quickly as possible

practice ace
Give the child a practice test with each hand, inserting six pegs into the board. The practice for
each hand must be immediately preceded by the formal attempt for that hand. If the child picks up
more than one coin at a time, switches hands, or uses both hands, interrupt immediately and give a
reminder or demonstrate it again.

formal tests
os for each hand, starting with the hand used for writing. No assistance should be provided during
these attempts.

Registration form
dominant hand

Number of seconds it takes to successfully complete each attempt
Failed attempt (F) if the child:
lift or insert more than one pin at the same time
change your hand or use two hands during the attempt
uses his body, the board or the table to grab the pegs
hits or drops a peg off target
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate

Manual Dexterity Age Range 2 (7 to 10 years)
thread the cord

yellow cord rope
red order
at for the table
clock or chronometer

Position the table mat in front of the child with its long side at a distance of approximately 5 cm
from the edge of the table. Place the lanyard board on the mat with its long side facing the child
and the holes near the top edge of the mat. Position the cord loosely on the table so that the point
is at right angles to the board.

child positions both hands on the mat as shown in the image. At the signal, the child lifts the cord
and the board, inserts the cord through the first hole, and continues threading up and down the
holes. The child will be able to choose which hand to hold the objects with. While threading, the
child can adopt any hand/arm position. Time begins to run when the first hand leaves the mat. Time
stops when the metal tip passes through the thymus hole and the child pulls the loose part of the
cord towards the end of the board.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Hold the cord in and out, not around the edge of the board
Pull the cord just enough so that there is enough left to continue threading the cord. Pull the end
of the cord tightly after threading the last hole. Perform the test as quickly as possible.

practice ace
Give the child a practice test, consisting of completing the four holes on the board. If the child
threads along the edge of the board, misses a hole in the board, or does not pull enough, stop
immediately and give a reminder or demonstrate again.

formal tests
you. No assistance should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Number of seconds it takes to successfully complete each attempt
Failed attempt (F) if the child:

Threads over the top edge of the board or does not thread correctly

Skips a hole from the board
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate

Manual Dexterity Age Range 2 (7 to 10 years)
Drawing List II

E 2 Drawing Hint – remove the sheet of Registration Form, tear along the dotted line individually
submit red tipped pencil
pen of some kind that makes writing easier

The child is sitting in front of the table with both feet flat on the floor and his arms resting
comfortably on the table. Position a drawing track in the center of the writing surface, in front of
the child with the pen next to it.

Starting with the bicycles, the child draws a single continuous line, following the marked path
without using the edges. At the halfway point the line is drawn under an arch. The child is
encouraged to keep the pen on the page but is not penalized for lifting it. Allow the child to make
small adjustments to the angle of the paper (up to 45º) to make it easier to complete the task. Only
the dominant hand is evaluated.

No single track can be used for demonstration.
While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Stabilize the paper with the hand not used for writing
Stay within the border lines
Keep the pen in contact with the paper and draw the line in one direction
Draw as slowly as possible in order to stay within the borders
Go under the arch and continue along the path
Hold the paper at a comfortable angle; explain to the child that he can move the paper a little
until the angle is comfortable for him

practice ace
Give the child a practice test. As this is an untimed test, only part of the track can be practiced. If
you reach the middle of the path (arc) during the demonstration, the child can complete the path as
practice. If the child crosses an edge, puts down the pen and does not pick up from the point on the
line where he left off, draws in the opposite direction or turns the paper more than 5º, interrupt
immediately and give a reminder or demonstrate it again.

formal tests
n maximum of two. If the child completes his first drawing without errors, then the second attempt
is not required. No assistance should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Dominant hand used for task
Number of errors, 0 when no errors appear
Failed attempt (F) if the child:
draw in the opposite direction
rotate the paper more than 45º
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate

Clues must be scored when the evaluation has been completed. Use the scoring criteria presented
in Appendix A and enter the number of errors on the Recording Form.

Throw and Age Range 2 (7 to 10 years)
Tackle 1
chop with two hands

tennis ball
colored adhesive inta

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Measure a distance of 2 m from
a wall that does not have reliefs and mark a line on the floor with a small piece of adhesive tape
(the child will throw from that place).

The child throws the ball towards the wall from the place where the tape was placed and the
“clean” catch (without using his body as an aid) using his two hands. For 7 and 8 years old, the ball
can hit once. For 9 and 10 years old the ball must be caught without first hitting the ground.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Staying behind the line while the ball is being thrown
If necessary, take a step forward or to one of the sides to save the ball Throw the ball as subtly as
possible to achieve a good bounce
Allow the ball to bounce (for ages 7 and 8 only)
Catch the ball before it hits the ground (for 9 and 10 years old)
Catch the ball with both hands without using your body as an aid

practice ace
Give the child five practice tests. The child is not penalized for using both hands to throw the ball,
but if you think it would be better to use one hand, then you should encourage the child to do so. If
the child steps forward across the line to throw, blocks the ball with his body, or does not throw
softly enough to get a good bounce, then stop immediately and remind him of the instructions or
give him a new demonstration.

formal roses
10 attempts. No assistance should be provided during these attempts. If, however, the child misses
an attempt, remind him of the mistake before moving on to the next shot.

Registration form

Number of correct catches out of 10. Making a successful one-handed save is not penalized.
A shot does not count if:

the boy stands in front of the line to throw
the ball bounces before the child can catch it (ages 9 and 10 only)
the child catches the ball using his body as an aid
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Throw and Age Range 2 (7 to 10 years)
Tackle 2
throw the bag on the mat

Solid and colorful floor mat at Destination

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Position both mats with their
two shorts separated by a distance of 1.8 m. If the floor is slippery, the mats should be turned over
to ensure that they do not move during the task.

The child stands on the solid, colorful mat and throws the bag, trying to make it land on the orange
circle of the target mat. The child is encouraged to throw with only one upper limb. In any case, if
you do it with both upper limbs, it is also valid and is not penalized.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Stay on the mat while the bag is thrown
Look at the target while throwing the bag
Throw the bag with only one hand
Throw the bag into the air, remembering that the bag is not allowed to slide on the ground

practice ace
Give the child five practice tests. During these trials the child may change hands if he wishes and
should be encouraged to try different body positions. The child will not be penalized for throwing
the bag above arm level but should be encouraged to throw it below arm level. If the child moves
off the mat or throws or slides the bag on the floor, stop immediately and remind him or her how to
do it or demonstrate again.

formal roses
10 attempts. No assistance should be provided during these attempts. If, however, the child misses
during an attempt, he or she should be reminded when the shot is considered “missed.”

Registration form
Hand used to perform the task. The use of both hands is not penalized.
Number of successful shots out of 10 attempts , considered as those that are made without
leaving the mat during it. A shot is considered successful when any part of the bag touches the
orange circle. A shot in which the bag slides or bounces after landing does not count. A shot that
lands on the target mat and then slides or bounces off if it counts.

R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Balance 1 (Static) Age Range 2 (7 to 10 years)

balance on one leg

mat for floor
blue balance sheet
Children should wear gym shoes for this task.

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. The balance board should be
positioned on the mat with its narrow strip facing down. The examiner should assume a position
that allows him or her to have a clear view of both sides of the child's foot.

I child stands on one leg, on the balance board, for 30 seconds. Once the child has reached a
balanced position, start the time. Stop time when any type of fault occurs. The child should be
allowed to choose which leg to test first. Both legs (right and left) are evaluated.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Keep your foot planted in the middle of the balance board
Keep the balance board tilted so that its edges do not touch the floor Keep your free foot off the
floor, away from the opposite leg and the balance board Use your arms to balance, if necessary.

practice ace
Give the child a practice test with each leg for 15 seconds. During these tests, the evaluator can
help the child find the balance position, supporting one or both anuses if necessary. If the child
touches the floor with his free foot, hooks the free leg on which he is resting, or tilts the balance
board too much and its edges touch the floor, the test should be stopped and the child should be
given a reminder or the test should be repeated. demonstration.

formal tests
n maximum of two with each leg, for 30 seconds. If the child balances for more than 30 seconds, a
second attempt is not required for that leg. Apply the same rule for the other leg. No assistance
should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Number of seconds, out of 30 , that the child maintains balance without:
tilt the balance board so that its edges touch the floor

touch the floor with your free foot

touch the balance board with your free foot

touch the leg that is supported by the other leg
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Balance 2 (Dynamic) Age Range 2 (7 to 10 years)

walking with toe-heel forward

colored adhesive inta
Children should wear gym shoes for this task.

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Paste a 4.5 m portion of tape on
the floor in a straight line. The examiner should be positioned to have a clear view of both sides of
the child's foot throughout the test.

Starting with the heel of the foot in front on the beginning of the line, the child must walk along
that same line, positioning the heel of the next foot after the toe of the previous foot.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Keep your foot strictly on the line
The heels should touch the toes of the front foot with each step
It is not allowed to alter the order of the feet

practice ace
Give the child a practice test that consists of five steps. If the child leaves any space between his or
her feet, or positions any foot inaccurately, then the test should be stopped and the child given a
reminder or the demonstration repeated.

formal tests
n maximum of two, completing 15 steps or reaching the end of the line (whichever comes first).
If the child completes all 15 steps or reaches the end of the line without any errors, then a second
test is not wanted. No assistance should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Number of consecutive steps that the child takes from the beginning of the line without:
leave spaces between your heels and toes during steps
get out of line
touch the floor with the foot that is in the air, in order to achieve greater balance
readjust the foot once it was placed on the line

If the child reaches the end of the line without any errors, circle “Yes” and assign the child a raw
score out of 15.

R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Balance 3 (Dynamic) Age Range 2 (7 to 10 years)

rising on the mats

floor mats: 3 yellow, 2 blue and a target mat children should wear gym shoes for this task

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Position the 6 mats side by side
with their long sides touching and the colors alternating. Position the yellow mat on one end and
the target mat on the other. If the floor is slippery, the mats should be placed down and ensure that
they do not move during the task.

boy begins, standing on one foot on the yellow mat. From a static position, the child performs five
consecutive jumps forward, moving from mat to mat, stopping at the destination mat. The last jump
will not be counted if the child fails at the end in terms of balance and/or position or if he makes
one extra jump off the mat. The child will be able to choose which leg to start jumping with first.
Both legs (right and left) are evaluated.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Jump on the mat inside its edges
Jump once on each mat followed by the next (without pausing between them)
Keep foot free off the floor or mat
Finish the set in a balanced and controlled position on the last mat

practice ace
Give the child a practice test with each leg, which consists of jumping from the yellow mat to the
destination mat. The practice must be immediately preceded by a formal test on that same leg. If
the child jumps outside the edges, jumps more than once in a single step, allows the free foot to
touch the floor or mat, or fails to land on the mat, the test must be stopped and the child will be
given child a reminder or demonstrate again.

formal tests
n maximum of two for each leg. If the child performs five jumps that are perfect, then a second test
with that same leg is not wanted. No assistance should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Number of consecutive correct jumps from the start (maximum of five) without: jumping over or
outside the edges

brake on a mat
jump more than once on the same mat

fall on or off the edges
lose balance when falling on the last mat
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

AGE BAND 3 (11 to 16 years)

Note: It is recommended to look at the images shown in the original evaluation to guide the implementation of the

Manual Dexterity Age Group 3 (11 to 16 years)
irar Pegs

blue board
2 pins
at for the table
clock or chronometer

Position the table mat in front of the child with its long side at a distance of approximately 5 cm
from the edge of the table. Position the board on the mat with its short side facing the child.
Position the 12 pegs on the board, making sure the color is constantly visible.

The child holds the board with one hand and positions the other hand on the mat, as shown in the
image. At the signal, the child picks up the pegs one by one, inverts them so that the color is visible,
and inserts them into the holes in the board as quickly as possible. Time begins to run when the free
hand leaves the mat. Time stops when the last pin is inserted. e evaluates the dominant hand first
and then the other. Both hands (right and left) are valued.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Hold the board stable
Reverse the pegs with and into the hand and not using the body, board or hand
Use only the designated hand during the test
Work in any order as quickly as possible

practice ace
Give the child a practice test with each hand , reversing six pegs. Practice for each year must be
immediately preceded by the formal attempt of that hand. If the child switches hands or uses both
hands, reverse the pegs using your body, the board or the table, interrupt immediately and give a
reminder or demonstrate again.

formal tests
os for each hand, starting with the hand used for writing. No assistance should be provided during
these attempts.

Registration form
dominant hand
Number of seconds it takes to successfully complete each attempt

Failed attempt (F) if the child:

change your hand or use two hands during the attempt
uses his body, the board or the table to grab the pegs
hits or drops a peg off target
at the end of the attempt leaves one or more pegs showing the wrong color
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate

Manual Dexterity Age Group 3 (11 to 16 years)
triangle with nuts and bolts

yellow strips
nuts and bolts
n model of the complete triangle
at for the table
clock or chronometer

Position the table mat in front of the child with its long side at a distance of approximately 5 cm
from the edge of the table. Place the triangle model on the table and on the mat. Position the three
yellow strips in a horizontal line on the mat, parallel to its long side. Position the three nuts and
bolts in a horizontal line above the yellow strips.

child positions both hands on the mat as shown in the image. At the signal, the child begins to
build the triangle. Tools must be picked up and put together in any order. Time starts running when
the first hand leaves the mat. While performing the task, the child can adopt any position with his
hands/shoulders. In any case, once the first nut or screw is installed, no tool should remain on the
mat. Time slows down, the boy has managed to screw the last nut onto the last screw.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Once the first tool has been lifted, all of them must be used and none will be left on the mat.
The tools will be manipulated within the hand and not with the body or the table. Screw the nuts
until they are held but not too tight. Perform the test as quickly as possible.

practice ace
Give the child a practice test, consisting of completing the four holes on the board. The examiner
must join two strips with a nut and bolt for the demonstration and then the child can complete the
task. This enables the child to perform all the necessary steps and see the result of the completed
task. If the child joins the strips incorrectly, leaves a tool on the table, uses his body or the table to
assist in manipulating the tools, or screws the nuts too tight or too loose, it should be stopped
immediately and a reminder given. or prove it again.

formal tests
you. No assistance should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form

Number of seconds it takes to successfully complete each attempt
Failed attempt (F) if the child:
Join the strips incorrectly
Assist with your body or the table in manipulating tools
Hits or drops a tool in such a way that it is out of reach R for denied/negative and I for

Manual Dexterity Age Group 3 (11 to 16 years)
Drawing List III

E 3 Drawing Hint – remove the sheet of Registration Form, tear along the dotted line individually
submit red tipped pencil
pen of some kind that makes writing easier

The child is sitting in front of the table with both feet flat on the floor and his arms resting
comfortably on the table. Position a drawing track in the center of the writing surface, in front of
the child with the pen next to it.

Starting with the bicycles, the child draws a single continuous line, following the marked path
without using the edges. The child is encouraged to keep the pen on the page but is not penalized
for lifting it. Allow the child to make small adjustments to the angle of the paper (up to 45º) to make
it easier to perform the task. Only the dominant hand is evaluated.

No single track can be used for demonstration.
While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Stabilize the paper with the hand not used for writing
Stay within the border lines
Keep the pen in contact with the paper and draw the line in one direction
Draw as slowly as possible in order to stay within the borders
Hold the paper at a comfortable angle; explain to the child that he can move the paper a little
until the angle is comfortable for him

practice ace
Give the child a practice test. As this is an untimed test, only part of the track can be practiced. If
you make it halfway during the demonstration, your child can complete the track as practice. If the
child crosses an edge, puts down the pen and does not pick up from the point on the line where he
left off, draws in the opposite direction or turns the paper more than 5º, interrupt immediately and
give a reminder or demonstrate it again.

formal tests
n maximum of two. If the child completes his first drawing without errors, then the second attempt
is not required. No assistance should be provided during these attempts.

Dominant hand used for task

Registration form
Number of errors, 0 when no errors appear
Failed attempt (F) if the child:
draw in the opposite direction
rotate the paper more than 45º
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate

Clues must be scored when the evaluation has been completed. Use the scoring criteria presented
in Appendix A and enter the number of errors on the Recording Form.

Throw and Age Group 3 (11 to 16 years)
Tackle 1
chop with one hand

tennis ball
colored adhesive inta

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Measure a distance of 2 m from
a wall that does not have reliefs and mark a line on the floor with a small piece of adhesive tape
(the child will throw from that place).

The child throws the ball towards the wall from the place where the tape was placed and the
“clean” catch (without using his body as an aid) using only one hand without letting the ball hit the
floor beforehand. Both hands (right and left) are evaluated.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Staying behind the line while the ball is being thrown
If necessary, take a step forward or to one of the sides to save the ball Throw the ball as subtly as
possible to achieve a good bounce
Catch the ball before it hits the ground
Catch the ball with one hand without using your body as an aid

practice ace
Give the child five practice tests. The practice test for each hand must be preceded by the formal
test. The child is not penalized for using both hands to throw the ball, but if you think it would be
better to use one hand, then you should encourage the child to do so. If the child steps forward
across the line to throw, blocks the ball with his body, or does not throw softly enough to get a good
bounce, then stop immediately and remind him of the instructions or give him a new

formal roses
10 attempts with each hand . No assistance should be provided during these attempts. If, in any
case, the child misses an attempt, remind him of the mistake before moving on to the next shot.

Registration form
Number of correct catches out of 10.
A shot does not count if:
the boy stands in front of the line to throw

the ball bounces before the child can catch it
the child catches the ball using his body as an aid
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Throw and Age Group 3 (11 to 16 years)
Tackle 2
jump towards the target on the wall

tennis ball
red wall cabinet
colored adhesive inta

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Measure a distance of 2.5 nm
from a smooth, bare wall where the red wall marker will be located with a piece of adhesive tape.
Stick the marker securely to the wall (with tape or glue) so that its bottom edge is at the same
height as the child's head.

boy throws the ball towards the wall, trying to hit the red marker. The child is encouraged to have
only one upper limb. In any case, if you do it with both lower limbs, it is also valid and there is no
penalty. The ball must not be saved afterwards.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Stay behind the line while the ball is thrown
Throw the ball with only one hand
Throw the ball above or below shoulder level, so that the child understands that it can be done
both ways.

practice ace
Give the child five practice tests. During these trials the child may change hands if he wishes and
should be encouraged to try different body positions. If the child moves outside
I floor line or throw with two hands, it should be stopped immediately and reminded of the form
and execution or demonstrated again.

formal roses
10 attempts. No assistance should be provided during these attempts. If, however, the child misses
during an attempt, he or she should be reminded when the shot is considered “missed.”

Registration form
Hand used to perform the task. The use of both hands is not penalized.
Number of successful shots out of 10 attempts , considered as those that are made without
crossing the floor line.
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Balance 1 (Static) Age Range 3 (11 to 16 years)

balance on one leg

blue balance boards
Children should wear gym shoes for this task.

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. The examiner is responsible for
providing a non-slip surface to support the balance boards. Connect the balance boards to each
other. The narrow strips (keels) at the edges should be placed upwards. The examiner should
assume a position that allows him or her to have a clear view of both sides of the child's body.

The child balances from toe to heel on the keel of the balance boards for 30 seconds. Once the child
has reached a balanced position, start the time. Stall
I time when some type of fault occurs.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
What is the best way to stand on balance boards and maintain a balanced position – this is done
by placing one foot and most of the weight on the back first, then placing the other foot on the
front of the board. balance
No foot should be lifted during the task
The edges of your feet should remain touching the edges of the board
Use your arms to balance, if necessary.

practice ace
Give the child a practice test for 15 seconds. During these tests, the evaluator can help the child
find the balance position, holding one or both hands if necessary. The child will be able to change
feet, if necessary. If the child removes one foot from the board or touches the base of the board
with the edge of his or her feet, the test should be stopped and the child given a reminder or the
demonstration should be performed again.

formal tests
n maximum of two, for 30 seconds. If the child maintains balance for more than 30 seconds, a
second attempt is not required for that leg. No assistance should be provided during these

Number of seconds, out of 30 , that the child maintains balance without:

Registration form
touch the floor with either foot
lift either foot off the boards
move the boards
touch the bases of the balance boards
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Balance 2 (Dynamic) Age Range 3 (11 to 16 years)

walking with toe-heel back

colored adhesive inta
Children should wear gym shoes for this task.

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Paste a 4.5 m portion of tape on
the floor in a straight line. The examiner should be positioned to have a clear view of both sides of
the child's foot throughout the test.

Starting with the toe of the forward foot on the beginning of the line, the child must walk
backwards along that same line, positioning the toe of the next foot after the previous foot.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Keep your foot strictly on the line
The heels should touch the toes of the front foot with each step
It is not allowed to alter the order of the feet
Moving your feet outside the line is not allowed.
Looking back is allowed if necessary

practice ace
Give the child a practice test that consists of five steps. If the child leaves any space between his or
her feet, or positions any foot inaccurately, then the test should be stopped and the child given a
reminder or the demonstration repeated.

formal tests
n maximum of two, completing 15 steps or reaching the end of the line (whichever comes first).
If the child completes all 15 steps or reaches the end of the line without any errors, then a second
test is not wanted. No assistance should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Number of consecutive steps that the child takes from the beginning of the line without:
leave spaces between your heels and toes during steps
get out of line
touch the floor with the foot that is in the air, in order to achieve greater balance
readjust the foot once it was placed on the line

If the child reaches the end of the line without any errors, circle “Yes” and assign the child a raw
score out of 15.
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.

Balance 3 (Dynamic) Age Range 3 (11 to 16 years)

zig-zag altar

floor mats: 3 yellow, 2 blue and a target mat children should wear gym shoes for this task

The child should be evaluated in a free space, away from obstacles. Position the 6 mats one next to
the other in a zig-zag line so that they cover the 4.5 m line that must be placed below. The short
sides of the mats should be facing the child and the colors should be alternating. Position the yellow
mat at the beginning and end of the row of mats. If the floor is slippery, the mats should be placed
down and ensure that they do not move during the task.

boy begins, standing on one foot on the yellow mat. From a static position, the child performs five
consecutive diagonal jumps forward, moving from mat to mat, stopping at the destination. The last
jump will not be counted if the child fails at the end in terms of balance and/or position or if he
makes one extra jump off the mat. The child will be able to choose which leg to start with first. Both
legs (right and left) are evaluated.

While demonstrating the task, emphasize:
Jump on the mat inside its edges
Jump once on each mat followed by the next (without pausing between them)
Keep foot free off the floor or mat
Jump without pausing
Finish the set in a balanced and controlled position on the last mat

practice ace
Give the child a practice test with each leg , which consists of jumping from the yellow mat to the
destination mat. The practice must be immediately preceded by a formal test on that same leg. If
the child jumps outside the edges, jumps more than once in a single step, allows the free foot to
touch the floor or mat, or fails to land on the mat, the test must be stopped and the child will be
given child a reminder or demonstrate again.

formal tests
n maximum of two for each leg. If the child performs five jumps that are perfect, then a second test
with that same leg is not wanted. No assistance should be provided during these attempts.

Registration form
Number of consecutive correct jumps from the start (maximum of five) without:
jump over or off edges

brake on a mat
jump more than once on the same mat
fall on or off the edges
lose balance when falling on the last mat
R for denied/negative and I for inappropriate if the child cannot complete the entire task.


Drawing Tracks
The goal of this task is to produce a continuous line that does not extend beyond
the edges from start to finish. There are two types of mistakes that children can
make. The first is to cross the edges of the track. The second is to interrupt the
continuity of the drawing line. These errors can also occur in combination.

1a. Cross the edges of the track

If the drawing line crosses the edges of the track at any time, an error is counted.
Drawing outside the edges by less than 12 mm is still an error.

(See image page 163)

(See image page 163)

1 B. Break the continuity of the drawing line

When the drawing line crosses the borders and appears outside the borders by 12
mm or more, one error is counted for every 12 mm.

(See image page 163)

If the drawn line deviates sharply from the edges such that the actual figure on the
drawing track is barely recognizable in the child's production, then the distance of
each deviation must be estimated. Count one error every 12 mm.

2a. Discontinue lines

The goal of this test is to produce a single continuous line running from left to right
over the bike's path. If, after demonstration and reminders during practice, the child
starts drawing at a distance of 12 mm from the beginning or ends at a distance of 12
mm, then an error is counted.
(See image page 164)

2b. Arc negotiation

Drawing tracks completed by children ages 3 to 10 contain an “arc” in the middle of
the track. During the demonstration and practice tests, the child is encouraged to
draw under/over the arc. If the child lifts the pen or leaves a gap in the arch of less
than 12 mm, then the error is not counted. If the gap exceeds 12 mm then the error
is counted.

2 C. Spaces on the drawn line

If the child picks up the pen but continues where he left off, this is not considered

an error. Otherwise, if the child picks up the pen but does not continue at the same
point where he left off, then the error is counted because the line is broken.

(See image page 164)

2d. Double or overlapping lines

An error is counted if, when the lines are brought together, an overlap of 1 mm or
more appears. An additional error is considered when the overlap continues for 12

(See image page 164)

3a. Cross borders and leave spaces

When the drawing line crosses the edges, children sometimes lift the pen to place it
inside the track. This is a natural reaction. If this act is “clean” and there are no
visible spaces, then the error is not counted. The child is given a score of 1 if he
crosses the borders.
If, however, the pen is placed inside the drawing track leaving a visible space, then
the error is counted.
(See image page 165)
(See image page 165)

3b. Cross the line and make a curl

When the drawing line crosses an edge, the child can attempt to correct this error
by rolling back into the drawing track. If no visible spaces appear, the child is only
penalized for having crossed the borders.

(See image page 165)

4. Failed attempt

An attempt is considered unsuccessful if the child starts in the right place, then picks
up the pen at any time and begins drawing in the opposite direction. If the reversal
occurs on the first attempt, the child should be reminded, before beginning the
second attempt, that he should draw only in one direction. If the child makes the
same mistake again, then that attempt is considered “failed” and the child is given a
score of 1.

(See image page 166)

Tips for scoring
Good lighting will favor a good score.
If there is any doubt as to when the drawing line extends beyond the borders or not,
it is recommended to use a blank sheet of paper over the border line as an aid.

(See image page 166)

The General Scoring of the evaluation is explained as a table in the original


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