Power Generation Efficiency and Prospects of Floating Photovoltaic Systems
Power Generation Efficiency and Prospects of Floating Photovoltaic Systems
Power Generation Efficiency and Prospects of Floating Photovoltaic Systems
Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 1136 – 1142
At present, China's economic and social development is restricted by many factors, such as environmental pollution
and the supply of energy, land resources and water resources. Compared with traditional terrestrial photovoltaic˄PV˅
systems, floating PV systems can save a lot of land and water resources and obtain higher power generation efficiency.
Although the academics have reached a general consensus about the advantages of floating systems, very few in-depth
studies focus on the specifications of floating PV systems. Therefore, this study first discusses the development of PV
technology, then studies the power generation efficiency of floating PV systems, and finally comprehensively analyzes
the advantages and potential of floating PV systems in China.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of CU
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 8th International Conference on Applied Energy.
Keywords: floating PV system; power generation efficiency; conservation of water resources; land saving
1. Introduction
According to China’s first national water census bulletin (2013) [1], the total number of natural lakes
with a surface area of 1km2 or larger is 2,865 and the total surface area is about 78,000km2. However, water
resource is unevenly distributed over the country and the volume per capita is very limited. China has
constructed 46,758 hydropower stations. However, many of the hydropower stations in recent years could
Qie Sun. Tel.: +86-0531-88399000-2306
E-mail address: [email protected]
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 8th International Conference on Applied Energy.
Luyao Liu et al. / Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 1136 – 1142 1137
not operate at its full capacity due to insufficient water storage. In addition, the competition for water
resource between electricity generation and agricultural production has become increasingly intensive in
many areas in China. Therefore, it has been very crucial and urgent for China to conserve water resource,
while promoting sustainable development of renewable energy at the same time.
According to China’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), China aims to increase the
consumption of non-fossil fuels to 20 % of the total consumption of primary energy by 2030. By 2015, the
total installed capacity of photovoltaic (PV) plants had reached 43.18 GW [2 ]. Given that traditional
terrestrial PV systems requires a large area of land surface (about 8 m2 for 1 kW), the development of PV
in China is facing enormous challenges about land resource, especially in eastern China濁
Based on the above background, floating PV systems may offer a synthetic solution for energy production,
without a significant demand on water and land resource. A floating PV system is a new form of solar
electricity generation technology, i.e. to install PV cells on a floating system on water surface. The first
study on floating PV cells was performed in 2007 to compare the performance of floating PV cells with
traditional terrestrial PV systems. Since the first pilot floating PV plant was built in California in 2008, a
total of 22 photovoltaic power plants had been built in the world by the end of 2014, with the installed
capacity from 0.5kW to 1157 kW. In addition, Korea Water Resources Corporation has started to build a
500 kW floating PV system and planned to extend the system to a total capacity of 1800 kW by 2022 [3].
In contrast to the practical development of floating PV systems, most existing literatures only reported
the operation of a certain system or calculated the payback period. For example, Trapani, Millar and Smith
(2013) [4] proposed the design idea of the offshore PV power plant and first studied the feasibility of the
floating PV systems. Ferrer-Gisbert et al. (2013) [5] introduced the water photovoltaic project in Agost,
Spain, and analyzed its economic feasibility. Teixeira (2015) [6] studied the feasibility of a floating PV
system installed on water storage reservoir for a hydropower station in south Brazil. However, there have
been very few studies looking into the efficiency of floating PV systems under the cooling effects of water.
In addition, to the authors’ knowledge, no study so far has systematically discussed the potential of floating
PV systems in saving water and land resource.
Therefore, the paper aims to study the power generation efficiency of floating PV systems and to explore
the potential of floating PV systems in China. To this aim, the paper firstly developed a finite element model
to examine the temperature differences between a floating PV system and a normal terrestrial system in
order to verify the cooling effects of water. Based on the cooling effects, this study then analyzed the
influence of the cooling effects on the power generation efficiency of the floating PV system. This study
also quantitatively studied the potential of floating PV systems on conservation of water and land resources.
2. Methodology
Operating temperature has a significant impact on the efficiency of PV modules and the decrease of
operating temperature tends to increase of the module efficiency. Therefore, compared with terrestrial PV
systems, a floating PV system may benefit from the cooling effect of water and operate with a higher
efficiency, since it is installed close to the water surface. In order to examine the cooling effect of water on
PV modules, a 3-D finite element analysis was employed to study the temperature of PV cells. The results
were then used to calculate the changes in the power generation efficiency. This study also comprehensively
studied the potential of floating PV systems in terms of conservation of water and land resources.
The 3-D model of a polysilicon PV module consists of five layers: glass, EVA, polysilicon solar cells,
EVA and TPT backsheet layer (Fig. 1). The PV cell has a dimension of 156 x 156 mm and the heat transfer
form is shown in Fig. 1. The parameters in the model are given in Table 1.
1138 Luyao Liu et al. / Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 1136 – 1142
Fig. 1. Sketch of the internal structure and heat transfer form of PV cells
Thermal Specific
Density Thickness
Material Layer conductivit heat Absorptivity
(kg/m3) (mm)
y(W/mήK) (J/kgήK)
Glass Top cover 0.7 790 2450 3.2 0.04
EVA Encapsulant 0.311 2090 960 0.5 0.08
Silicon Silicon cell 130 677 2330 0.2 0.9
TPT Backsheet 0.15 1250 1200 0.3 0.13
In air, the heat transfer in the module is mainly in the form of convection and radiation. The calculation
of convective heat transfer coefficient at the surfaces of the module follows Notton’s equation [7]:
݄௧ ൌ ͺǤͷͷ ʹǤͷݒ (1)
where ݄௧ is the front convective coefficient. The radiance and the wind speed in this study are
assumed to be 1,000 W/m2 and 1 m/s respectively. Because the rear of the PV module is usually not as well
cooled as the front, the convective coefficient at the rear is assumed to be half of that at the front.
A portion of the absorbed solar radiation is converted to electricity, while the remaining energy raises
the temperature of the PV panel. The absorbed solar radiation Q is thus transferred into the internal heat of
the PV cell. The method to calculate the flux is taken from the work of Siddiquiet al. [8], and it is given by
ൌ (2)
where ߟ is the electrical efficiency of the PV panel.ܣ is the front area of the panel.ܸ is the
volume of the PV cell. G is the radiance on the front surface of corresponding layers. ߙ is its absorptivity
of the layer. The values of Q as well as other parameters used in the simulation, are shown in Table 2.
Due to the water cooling effect, the ambient temperature above water surface would be lower than the
temperature on land [9].In this study, we assumed that the ambient temperature on land is 30 ć and the
temperature above the water surface is 25 ć.
The generation efficiency of PV cells is inversely proportional to their operating temperature. The
generation efficiency of PV cells follows the Equation (3) [10]:
Ʉ ൌ ߟ ሾͳ െ ߚሺܶ െ ܶ ሻሿ (3)
where ߟ is the generation efficiency at the reference temperature of 25 ćThe value of β is
dependent on the material of the PV cell and it is 0.0045 Ԩିଵ for crystalline silicon [11]. It means that
when the electricity generation decreases by 0.45 % when the operating temperature rises by 1 ć.
There is great potential for the development of the floating PV systems in saving water and land resource.
In general, a floating PV system covers a large area of water surface and is thus able to effectively reduce
water evaporation, which is the direct water-saving effect. Therefore, the direct water-saving effect is
calculated according to the formula of water evaporation [12]:
ܧ ൌ ܧൈሺͳ െ ݇ሻ (4)
where E0 means the amount of prevented evaporation of water covered by buoys and E represents the
amount of water evaporation under natural conditions. The value of ݇ is the evaporation coefficient which
is the ratio of the wetted area and whole area of buoys under different wind speed conditions.
This paper also discussed the indirect water-saving effects of floating PV systems, i.e. when a floating
PV system is installed on the reservoir of a hydropower station, the electricity generated by the PV system
can substitute a part of the hydropower so as to indirectly save the water used for electricity generation. An
alternative option is that the electricity from the PV system can be used to pump water for electricity
generation. For indirect effects of water saving, the study converts the amount of electricity generated by
floating PV systems into the volume of water consumption according to efficiency of hydropower.
In addition, the paper analyzes the potential of floating PV systems in conservation of land resource
based on empirical data [13].
Fig.2 shows the temperature distribution in a floating PV cell and a terrestrial PV cell, respectively.
Under the solar irradiance of 1000 W/m2 and wind speed of 1 m/s, the center of the PV cell reaches the
highest temperature, i.e. 57.465 ć on the terrestrial PV system and 53.985 ć on the floating system. The
lowest temperature is 54.652 ć on the terrestrial PV system and 51.139 ć on the floating system. The
results imply that the cooling effect of water creates a difference in operating temperature of about 3.5 ć
between the two systems.
The results on temperature distribution are in a similar pattern as the results in Zhou and Yi [14], i.e. the
distribution of temperature along the surface of the module reaches the maximum at the center and the
minimum along the border. In their study, they found that the operating temperature of PV cells would be
54 ć at the ambient temperature of 25 ć and 58.5 ć at the ambient temperature of 30 ć. This implies a
difference in operating temperature of 4.5 ć under the two different ambient temperature, which is very
close to our result. In addition, to ensure the reliability of the result, the study performed simulations with
different ambient temperature and solar irradiance. The results are all in the same pattern.
In addition, higher intensity of solar radiation can help to increase the generation efficiency of PV cells,
and so can higher wind speeds. Although solar radiation and wind speed remained stable in the simulation,
the changes in practical solar and wind conditions should be considered in practical design of floating PV
systems in order to reach a higher generation efficiency.
Based on the cooling effects obtained in the simulation, the study further calculated the electricity
generation efficiency under the cooling effects. It is found that the cell efficiency is 14.35 % for terrestrial
PV cells and 14.59 % for floating PV cells, respectively. With the electricity temperature coefficient of
0.45 %/ć and the operating temperature difference of 3.5 ć, the generation efficiency of the floating PV
system is about 1.58 % higher than the terrestrial PV system. In addition to ambient temperature, radiation
intensity and wind speed will also influence on the efficiency of PV systems. Taking all of the factors into
account, the electricity generation efficiency of floating PV systems would be 1.58-2.00 % higher than
terrestrial systems under similar ambient conditions.
In China, there are about 124.7 thousand km2 of water surface and 46758 hydropower stations. Given a
utilization rate of water surface of 2% and PV’s covering area of 15 m2/kW, the potential capacity of
floating PV systems can reach 160 GW, covering about 2500 km2 water surface. This would help to save
2*1027 m3 water from evaporation a year. If floating PV systems are integrated with hydropower stations,
the annual electricity generation from floating PV systems would reach more than 200 TWh a year, which
corresponds to further indirect water savings of 1.25*10 12 m3.
As mentioned previously, the land for PV power plants has become a serious challenge in China,
although the government is greatly encouraging the development of distributed PV systems. With a
potential of 2500 km2, floating PV systems can effectively relieve the competition for land resource,
especially in the eastern regions.
On a higher political level, the development of floating PV power generation technology can greatly
contribute to China’s strategy on long-term energy transition, as well as to the China’s Intended Nationally
Determined Contributions (INDC).
4. Conclusion
This paper studied the power generation efficiency of floating PV systems and comprehensively analyzed
Luyao Liu et al. / Energy Procedia 105 (2017) 1136 – 1142 1141
the potential of floating PV systems in China. The specific conclusions are summarized as below:
(1) Due to the water cooling effect, the average ambient temperature on water is about 5 ć lower than
that on land with all other conditions being the same. This paper established a finite element model and
found a 3.5 ć difference in operating temperature between the floating PV cell and a terrestrial cell.
(2) Based on the water cooling effect, the study found that the efficiency of floating PV systems can
increase by about 1.58-2.00 % compared with traditional terrestrial PV systems.
(3) The potential of floating PV systems can reach 160 GW in China, covering about 2500 km2 water
surface. This would help to save 2*1027 m3 water from evaporation a year. If the saved water can be used
by hydropower, it would further contribute about 1.25*1012 m3 of indirect water saving. In addition, floating
PV systems can greatly ease the competition for land resource, especially in the east region in China.
The development of floating PV systems in practice involves more complicated aspects than those
investigated in the present study. For example, the influence of floating PV systems on the ecological
environment such as water quality should be carefully examined. In addition, the infrastructure needs to be
planned and developed in order to facilitated the development of floating PV systems. The floating PV
power generation technology is still a new type of power generation technology in reality and there are still
a lot of issues worth studying.
This work was supported in part by Project ZR2014EEM025 supported by Natural Science Foundation
of Shandong Province, China; and the 973 Program 2013CB228305, China.
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Luyao Liu graduates from School of Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong Universuty in 2016 and
now is a student in Institute of Thermal Science and Technology, Shandong University.