Nanomaterials 12 01664
Nanomaterials 12 01664
Nanomaterials 12 01664
Review of Recent Efforts in Cooling Photovoltaic Panels (PVs) for
Enhanced Performance and Better Impact on the Environment
Sami Salama Hussen Hajjaj 1,2, * , Ahmad Abdul Kareem Ahmad Aqeel 2 , Mohamed Thariq Hameed Sultan 3,4,5, * ,
Farah Syazwani Shahar 3 and Ain Umaira Md Shah 3
1 Centre for Advanced Mechatronics and Robotics (CaMaRo), Putrajaya Campus, Universiti Tenaga
Nasional (UNITEN), Jalan Ikram-Uniten, Kajang 43000, Malaysia
2 Institute of Informatics and Computing in Energy (IICE), Putrajaya Campus, Universiti Tenaga
Nasional (UNITEN), Jalan Ikram-Uniten, Kajang 43000, Malaysia; [email protected]
3 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang,
Seri Kembangan 43400, Malaysia; [email protected] (F.S.S.); [email protected] (A.U.M.S.)
4 Laboratory of Biocomposite Technology, Institute of Tropical Forestry and Forest Products (INTROP),
UPM Serdang, Seri Kembangan 43400, Malaysia
5 Aerospace Malaysia Innovation Centre (944751-A), Prime Minister’s Department, MIGHT Partnership Hub,
Jalan Impact, Cyberjaya 63000, Malaysia
* Correspondence: author: [email protected] (S.S.H.H.); [email protected] (M.T.H.S.)
Abstract: The global need for energy has grown in tandem with mankind’s development and spread.
This has resulted in an increase in the use of fossil energy sources, a decline in these sources and an
increase in pollution, necessitating the search for renewable energy sources. One of the important
ways to reduce pollution resulting from the increasing consumption of fossil energy is to enhance the
sources of solar energy, of which photovoltaic cells (PV) are one of its most important tools. Therefore,
it was necessary to pay attention to improving its efficiency for it to become a promising source of
Citation: Hajjaj, S.S.H.; Aqeel, clean energy. PVs turn solar energy into electricity; however, the amount of electricity generated
A.A.K.A.; Sultan, M.T.H.; Shahar, F.S.; decreases as the temperature of the cells rises in response to the sun’s heat. Cooling of the optical
Shah, A.U.M. Review of Recent
surfaces is one of the most important elements to consider while running solar PV systems to obtain
Efforts in Cooling Photovoltaic
maximum efficiency. The electrical efficiency of PVs is enhanced when suitable cooling technology is
Panels (PVs) for Enhanced
used, and the rate of cell breakdown is reduced over time, extending the life of the PV panels. There
Performance and Better Impact on
are many materials used to remove unwanted heat in PV cells, and in recent years, the focus has been
the Environment. Nanomaterials 2022,
12, 1664.
on integrating nanomaterials in specific proportions with traditional cooling materials such as water
nano12101664 to improve their thermal properties. As a bio-material that is environmentally friendly, renewable,
sustainable, inexpensive and has high mechanical properties, cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) are one
Academic Editor: Andreu Cabot
of the most promising materials for improving the properties of cooling materials for cooling PV cells
Received: 12 March 2022 and improving their performance.
Accepted: 26 April 2022
Published: 13 May 2022 Keywords: solar energy; photovoltaic thermal system (PV/T); cooling materials; environment;
cellulose nanocrystal (CNC); nanofluids
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
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1. Introduction
Fossil fuels produce more than 80% of the world’s energy. Combustion residues of
these fuels negatively affect the environment by producing acid rain and causing global
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
warming, which increases rapidly with development and increases in the world population
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
because of the increasing demand for energy [1–3], so it was necessary to search for
This article is an open access article
renewable energy sources [4]. Solar energy is one of the most significant renewable energy
distributed under the terms and
sources since it can readily be turned into thermal and electrical energy, in addition to being
conditions of the Creative Commons
sustainable, available and clean energy [5].
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
This paper summarizes a set of research related to enhancing the efficiency of pho-
tovoltaic cells by controlling their temperature by cooling them using different ways
and materials, which strengthens their position as a clean and environmentally friendly
energy source.
2. The Review
PV panels convert solar energy into electricity. However, if the temperature of the
cells rises owing to the sun’s temperature, the output of electricity falls. Therefore, different
cooling techniques were used for solar cells to control their temperature, as shown in
Table 1. Many of the research papers published in the literature on improving solar energy
conversion and using it more efficiently have been reviewed and classified, and some
of these papers are represented in Table 2. The thermal control of photovoltaic panels
is emphasized in order to improve solar energy conversion to electricity through the
development of cooling methods and cooling materials.
PV/water spraying • Increased conversion of solar energy. • The PV panel’s surface area is partly cooled.
[15–18] • Higher thermal conductivity and heat capacity • A higher price (maintenance, pumping power)
(low thermal resistance). • Heat is a waste of resources.
• At modest temperature changes, huge amounts • PCM has a low heat conductivity in its
of heat may be stored. solid form.
PV/Phase-Change • Phase-change happens at a steady temperature; • Some PCMs are poisonous and provide a
Materials cooling therefore, the system can work even when the fire hazard.
[10,22,23] sun is not shining. • After the conclusion of the life cycle, there is a
• The heat that is absorbed can be utilized to difficulty with disposal.
heat structures. • The quantity of active volume available for
thermal storage is limited by segregation.
Table 1. Cont.
PV/Microchannel heat • Removes a lot of heat from a tiny space. • Limitations on pressure decrease.
sink cooling • Low inventory of fluids is necessary. • Corrosion is an issue.
[28–32] • Low electricity consumption; thermal resistance • Manufacturing at a high cost.
is low.
PV/Spectrum filter • The operating temperature has been reduced. • Technology that is not completely developed.
[38–40] • Hybridization with concentrating or other • High-priced (glass filters)
systems is possible.
Table 2. Cont.
In this work, we divide reviews of previous studies according to the reasons that
prompted researchers to work on developing the performance of photovoltaic panels as
a promising source of energy and a suitable alternative to fossil energy. This review is
divided into three areas:
2.1 Improving the generation of clean energy by cooling techniques to reduce environ-
mental effects.
2.2 Improving solar cell’s low efficiency.
2.3 The use of cellulose nano-crystal (CNC) nanofluids as a cooling material.
It is clear from the total research reviewed in this paper that the percentage of research
interested in using nanocellulose in thermal applications, which is shown in Table 3, is low,
indicating that more attention should be paid to the use of this bio-sustainable, friendly
environmental material.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 1664 5 of 18
Table 3. Cont.
structural damage to the unit if heat stress persists for a long time [93]. In order to obtain
high efficiency for PV cells, it is necessary to maintain a low temperature as much as
possible, especially when using solar concentrators, which increase the temperature of
cells very much [94]. When the temperature of solar cells rises, the maximum power
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 17
output decreases (some photovoltaic cells, such as amorphous silicon and thin film cells,
are exempt from this requirement); see Figure 1 [95].
Figure 1.
Figure Effectof
1. Effect of temperature
temperature on
on the
the I–V
I–V characteristic.
Several ways
Several ways for
for cooling
cooling the the PVPV module,
module, suchsuch as as the
the PV/T air-heating manifold
PV/T air-heating manifold and and
water-cooled PV/T,
water-cooled PV/T,havehavebeen beenintroduced
introducedand andused.
used. The Theheatheattransfer
processfromfrom PV PV
modules should be improved; the operating temperature
modules should be improved; the operating temperature must be reduced to improve the must be reduced to improve
the system’s
system’s efficiency.
efficiency. A hybrid A hybrid
PV/T PV/T solar system
solar system is one method
is one method for cooling
for cooling the PV
the PV panels.
panels. It consists of a cooling system connected to a solar PV
It consists of a cooling system connected to a solar PV panel, so the hybrid model can panel, so the hybrid modelbe
can be considered as two different mechanisms, one providing electrical energy and the
considered as two different mechanisms, one providing electrical energy and the other
other producing heat (thermal energy), which is used to warm the cooling medium [96].
producing heat (thermal energy), which is used to warm the cooling medium [96]. It was
It was found that cooling PV panels with water increases the solar cell’s output power
found that cooling PV panels with water increases the solar cell’s output power by ap-
by approximately 50% approximately and keeps the surface temperature of the cell at an
proximately 50% approximately and keeps the surface temperature of the cell at an ac-
acceptable level [97].
ceptable level [97].
There is a lot of research that has studied the possibility of cooling photovoltaic cells
There is a lot of research that has studied the possibility of cooling photovoltaic cells
using different materials such as phase change materials (PCM), salts, oils, nanomaterials
using different materials such as phase change materials (PCM), salts, oils, nanomaterials
and metallic materials with different thermal conductivities. In the same line, many
and metallic materials with different thermal conductivities. In the same line, many re-
researchers have also focused on improving the performance of PV cells by cooling them
searchers have also focused on improving the performance of PV cells by cooling them
via traditional methods using air and water.
via traditional methods using air and water.
Because air is a less efficient coolant medium than water, water cooling functions at
Because air is a less
higher temperatures. It efficient
allows for coolant
more medium
efficient than
wastewater, water cooling
heat recovery functions
by utilizing at
it for
higher temperatures.
household water heating It allows
or airfor more efficient
conditioning. waste heat
A coolant recovery
is a liquid by utilizing
or gas that is usedit forto
household water heating or air conditioning. A coolant is a liquid
lower and regulate the system’s temperature. A good coolant has a high thermal capacity or gas that is used to
and a and
low regulate
viscositythethat system’s temperature.
is inexpensive, A good
chemically coolant
inert, has a high
non-toxic and thermal
does notcapacity
and a low viscosity that is inexpensive, chemically inert,
the cooling system. In order to benefit from the thermal energy absorbed from non-toxic and does not corrode
the PV
the cooling
panels, theysystem.
are cooledIn order
and heat to benefit fromfrom
is extracted the thermal
them, which energy absorbed
is reflected onfrom
theirthe PV
panels, they
efficiency andareincreases
cooled and theirheat is extracted
electrical from which
efficiency, them, which is reflected
is negatively on their
affected overall
by heat.
efficiency and increases their electrical efficiency, which is negatively
Researchers worked to address the effect of the efficiency of photovoltaic cells on affected by heat.
temperature worked to
by working on address
cooling thethem effect of the efficiency
in different ways. Coolingof photovoltaic
by air wascells oneon of
the first and simplest methods used, which a group of researchers used in differentof
by working on cooling them in different ways. Cooling by air was one the
and and simplestThe
conditions. methods
resultsused, which
indicated a groupperspective
a modest of researchers used thermal
because in different ways and
air capacity is
low, but there Theare
results indicated
advantages toathe
use of perspective
air, as it isbecause thermal
used directly in air capacitywithout
buildings is low,
but there are advantages to the use of air, as it is used directly in buildings without heat
exchange; the problems of fluid leakage are also not as critical when using air, and the
problems of corrosion and freezing do not exist [48,98,99]. Air’s thermal properties make
it less efficient as a coolant medium, so water cooling operates at higher temperature lev-
els and allows waste heat recovery to be more efficient because of its high thermal capac-
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 1664 9 of 18
heat exchange; the problems of fluid leakage are also not as critical when using air, and
the problems of corrosion and freezing do not exist [48,98,99]. Air’s thermal properties
make it less efficient as a coolant medium, so water cooling operates at higher temperature
levels and allows waste heat recovery to be more efficient because of its high thermal
capacity, which encouraged a large number of researchers to use water in innovative and
multiple ways to cool photovoltaic cells. As a consequence, the final findings imply that
installing water-cooled PV panels is an appealing and realistic alternative for improving
short- and long-term efficiency, with a significant influence on the PVs’ power growth and
durability [41,46,100–102]. The development of using traditional materials (air and water)
as cooling materials in different ways and forms, and the possibility of obtaining different
amounts of energy according to the amount of coolant flow, led to an expansion in the use
of the resulting thermal energy according to the need for thermal applications [31,44].
As seen in Table 4 from the following research, the researchers add different nano-
materials to a base fluid in different quantities to determine the best concentration of
nanoparticles for their application. The results showed that nanofluids have higher con-
ductivity when the fluid density and viscosity increase slightly compared to the base fluid,
and the higher the nanomaterials’ percentage in the base liquid, the more thermal the
conductivity becomes.
Table 4. Cont.
So, examination of the performance of photovoltaic cells cooled with nanofluid im-
proves the heat transfer coefficient, PV power and PV efficiency and therefore improves
the overall efficiency of the system [34,42,47,90,113]. Other researchers have used the base
and nanofluids materials as spectral beam splitting cells by installing a layer of coolant
on the surface of the photovoltaic panel so that it cools it by absorbing excess heat and
filters solar radiation by allowing only visible radiation to reach the photovoltaic cell and
convert to electricity. They noticed that nanofluids were a good filter and water also has
the best qualities, and it is easily available to compare with glass filters; in addition, the
results demonstrated a considerable increase in the amount of energy generated by this
suggested system as well as an increase in overall efficiency [114–116].
Some researchers successfully developed tools to increase the performance of solar
cells by using concentrated solar energy to obtain the largest amount of solar radiation
that can be received from these cells. The increase in solar radiation is accompanied by an
increase in temperature, and thus cooling the cells is very important in these cases to avoid
damage and a sharp decline in their efficiency. Multi-junction solar cells are also chosen for
high concentration ratios due to their good performance at high operating temperatures.
The results showed that high sun radiation and the volume flow rate of the cooling fluid
have a significant influence on PVT performance, according to the research [43,117–119].
crystal nano cellulose at various concentrations and temperatures to them and using these
materials in different applications. The results experimentally and theoretically indicate that
thermal conductivity increases as the CNC volume concentration and temperature increase,
so CNC is a promising material in industrial, electronic, and thermal applications [60,63,64].
Some researchers used experimental and one-dimensional modelling software to forecast
the performance characteristics and efficacy of cellulose nanoparticles integrated with
Ethylene Glycol as a coolant with varying percentages and compared it to pure water. The
results revealed that using nano cellulose with Ethylene Glycol for automobile radiator
applications had a higher thermal absorption effectiveness than using distilled water and
that the heat transfer coefficient of cellulose nanofluids increased as the radiator size grew,
so employing cellulose nanoparticles in conjunction with ethylene glycol as a coolant in
automotive radiators is acceptable and enhances the heat transfer efficiency [61,62].
Furthermore, nano cellulose and aluminum oxide hybrid nanofluids as a novel coolant
for car radiators was examined experimentally by Naiman et al. (2019). The thermal
conductivity of the resultant fluid improved significantly, and the thermal conductivity
of Al2 O3 /CNC composite nanofluids enhancement improved with the temperature and
volume concentration, according to the researchers [35].
Other researchers have been interested in incorporating nanocellulose with other
compounds to form nanocomposites and have studied their properties and investigated
their performance as a superior heat transfer nanofluid than base fluid coolant at various
concentrations and temperatures as depicted in Table 5. The incorporation of nano cellu-
lose has generally improved nanocomposites’ thermal and thermomechanical properties.
The hybrid nanofluids may be used to replace standard heat transfer fluids, resulting in
more efficient thermal structures. They also have good aqueous solubility in the base
liquid. [65–67]. Farhana et al. (2021) studied the addition of nanoparticles (Al2 O3 and CNC)
to the basic fluid of a solar collector and compared their effects on its thermal performance.
They came to the conclusion that flat plate solar collectors’ energy gains and thermal effi-
ciency had increased. For (0.5 percent) Al2 O3 , the greatest efficiency was approximately
(2.48 percent), while for (0.5 percent) CNC nanofluids, it was around (8.46%) [58].
The temperature
The temperature of of the PV cell
the PV cell rises
rises when
when the the radiation
radiation intensity
intensity is is high,
high, lowering
lowering itsits
efficiency and increasing the risk of damage. Therefore, it is necessary
efficiency and increasing the risk of damage. Therefore, it is necessary to cool these cells to cool these cells by
by exposing them to atocoolant
them medium
a coolant medium (coolant
After a thorough examination of the
After a thorough examination of the subject of subject of PV
PV cells and their
cells and their evolution
evolution overover the
previous decades, as well as previous studies that looked into different
previous decades, as well as previous studies that looked into different ways to improve ways to improve
the efficiency
the efficiency of PV systems
of PV systems andand different
different methods
methods and and materials
materials to cool them
to cool them soso that
that their
temperature does not exceed the required limit, water is one of the best materials used for
temperature does not exceed the required limit, water is one of the best materials used for
cooling because of its availability, easy storage, cheapness and the fact that it can be used in
cooling because of its availability, easy storage, cheapness and the fact that it can be used
relatively high pressures and temperatures and has a high thermal capacity.
in relatively high pressures and temperatures and has a high thermal capacity.
However, it is possible to work on improving water’s mechanical and thermal prop-
However, it is possible to work on improving water’s mechanical and thermal prop-
erties by adding nanomaterials to it, which will positively affect its performance. This
erties by adding nanomaterials to it, which will positively affect its performance. This also
also applies to other cooling materials so that their properties can be improved by adding
applies to other cooling materials so that their properties can be improved by adding cer-
certain materials to them or merging them with each other.
tain materials to them or merging them with each other.
There are many tools and materials used to get rid of unwanted heat in PV cells, and
There are many tools and materials used to get rid of unwanted heat in PV cells, and
in recent years, the focus has been on integrating nanomaterials in certain proportions
in recent years, the focus has been on integrating nanomaterials in certain proportions
with traditional cooling materials such as water to improve their thermal properties. The
with traditional cooling materials such as water to improve their thermal properties. The
use of nanomaterials in cooling depends on their availability, price and environmental
use of nanomaterials
friendliness. in cooling
Its efficiency depends on
by improving thetheir availability,
properties price liquids
of cooling and environmental
depends on
the size of itsIts efficiency bythe
components, improving
volume ratiothe properties of cooling
and its stability in theliquids
liquid,depends on the
in addition to
size of its components,
the temperature. the volume ratio and its stability in the liquid, in addition to the
Cellulose nanocrystal (CNCs) are one of the promising materials in improving the
properties nanocrystal
of cooling (CNCs)
materials are be
that can oneused
of the promising
in PV materials
cells’ cooling, in improving
and this is reflectedthein
the performanceof cooling
of it,materials that can
as this material be used in PV
is considered cells’ cooling,
a bio-material thatand this is reflected
is environmentally
in the performance
friendly, renewable,of it, as this material
sustainable, inexpensiveis considered
and has high a bio-material
mechanicalthat is environmen-
tally friendly, renewable, sustainable, inexpensive and has high mechanical properties.
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 1664 13 of 18
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