Natural Selection Quiz

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Quiz 5 (Evolution: HS-LS4-2, HS-LS4-3) Name: _______________________ Hr: ____

1. A group of researchers measured the shell thickness (in mm) for a

population of snails in Lake Michigan. Their data is plotted on the graph Shell Percent
below. A new predator to the snail has been migrating into the lake over the Thickness (mm) Survival
past couple months. After conducting an experiment in an aquarium Less than 6 mm 5%
observing the interaction between the snails and the predator, they recorded 7-11 mm 30%
the following survival data for the snails in the table to the right.
A. Using this data, draw a second curve on the blank graph provided, Greater than 12 mm 90%
illustrating what the distribution of snail shell thickness will look
like after many generations have passed.
Current Distribution of Snail Shell Thickness Future Distribution of Snail Shell Thickness

Number of Organisms
Number of Organisms

Shell Thickness (mm) Shell Thickness (mm)

B. Using one piece of evidence, explain whether or not the snails will evolve.

2. You get strep throat and your doctor prescribes antibiotics to get rid of the streptococcus bacteria living in your
throat. The doctor instructs you to take it for 14 days, but you stop taking it after day 4 because you feel much
better. About a week later your sister acquires strep throat and her prescribed antibiotic does not help and she is
sick for 16 days. Why was your sister sick for much longer? Support your answer with one piece of evidence.


3. Your friend remarks, "The giraffe stretched its neck while reaching for higher leaves; as a result, its offspring
inherited longer necks”. Do you agree or disagree with your friend? Explain your viewpoint to your friend using
another example to support your argument.

4. Below are two different samples of different beetle populations, A and B. These beetle populations are placed on
a light-sanded beach.

Population A- Will natural selection occur? Support your claim with evidence and reasoning.
Population B- Will natural selection occur Support your claim with evidence and reasoning.

For Questions 5-9, answer TRUE if the statement is consistent with our model of species change. Answer FALSE if it is
not. Underline TRUE or underline FALSE and write the corresponding letter (T/F) clearly on the line to the left of the
_____ 5. TRUE or FALSE: Moths changed to a darker color once they realized the environment had changed.

_____ 6. TRUE or FALSE: The reason antibiotics no longer work to fight a specific bacterial infection is because the new
resistant bacteria are the offspring of bacteria who had a resistant mutation.
_____ 7. TRUE or FALSE: Most Peppered Moths born in an unpolluted forest were light in color, but very rarely dark
moths were born from light moth parents.
_____ 8. TRUE or FALSE: Bacteria who are born with the ability to survive antibiotics have a survival advantage.
_____ 9. TRUE or FALSE: Finches on the Galapagos islands had to grow bigger beaks so they could eat the bigger seeds.
_____ 10. Which part of our model of species change is supported by the statement listed below? ""Bacteria can be born
with or without the ability to resist antibiotics because mutations occur."
A. Limited resources in the environment create a struggle to survive.
B. Variation naturally exists among members of a species.
C. Individuals with advantageous variations are more likely to survive than are individuals with disadvantageous
D. The number of members with the advantageous variation increases in future generations while the number
with the disadvantageous variations decreases.
_____ 11. Which part of our model of species change is supported by the statement listed below? "The darker moths could
hide from birds better in the polluted forest, so they were less likely to be eaten"
A. Limited resources in the environment create a struggle to survive.
B. Variation naturally exists among members of a species.
C. Individuals with advantageous variations are more likely to survive than are individuals with disadvantageous
D. The number of members with the advantageous variation increases in future generations while the number
with the disadvantageous variations decreases.

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