04-28-18 Edition

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Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 • XVIII, Edition 215 www.smdailyjournal.com

An ‘immortal achievement’
North Korea glorifies summit with South; analysts less sure
By Foster Klug and the summit ry of the Korean nation’s unifica-
Kim Tong-Hyung Inside represented a tion.”
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS real break- Even if the substance on nuclear
through. matters was light, the images
summit provides The North’s
GOYANG, South Korea — North Friday at Panmunjom were strik-
unusual look at o ff i c i a l ing: Kim and Moon set aside a
Korea’s state media on Saturday Kim Jong Un
trumpeted leader Kim Jong Un’s K o r e a n year that saw them seemingly on
“immortal achievement” a day See page 24 Central News the verge of war, grasped hands
after he met South Korean Agency, in and strode together across the
President Moon Jae-in and repeat- typically fawning language, cracked concrete slab that marks
ed past vows to remove nuclear reported that the leaders the Koreas’ border.
weapons from the peninsula and exchanged “honest and heartfelt The sight, inconceivable just
work toward a formal end to the talks” at a summit that “was a real- months ago, allowed the leaders to
Korean War. Despite the bold dec- ization of the supreme leader’s step forward toward the possibili-
larations, the leaders failed to pro- blazing love for the nation and ty of a cooperative future even as
vide any new measures on a unyielding will for self-reliance.” they acknowledged a fraught past REUTERS
nuclear standoff that has captivat- The state propaganda arm said and the widespread skepticism South Korean President Moon Jae-in, right, and North Korean leader Kim
ed and terrified millions, and ana- Kim’s “immortal achievement will Jong Un attend a banquet on the Peace House at the truce village of
lysts expressed doubts on whether be brightly engraved in the histo- See KOREAS, Page 24 Panmunjom inside the demilitarized zone.

Investors bring
suit over sale of
digital currency
Lawsuit challenges Draper-backed
cryptocurrency fundraising operation
By Anna Schuessler Swiss founda-
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF tion tasked with
handling an ini-
With claims those running a tial coin offer-
cryptocurrency fundraising opera- ing for Tezos
tion attempted to skirt U.S. securi- tokens in July,
ties laws, a set of investors in a a Mountain
digital currency called Tezos are View-based cor-
asking for their investments to be
Proterra’s Chief Commercial Officer Matt Horton disembarking one of his company’s battery electric buses after repaid, according to a class action D y n a m i c
a Friday test drive. SamTrans bought 10 Proterra buses in March, and they’re expected to begin servicing the Tim Draper
lawsuit filed in the San Mateo L e d g e r
Peninsula by the end of the year. County Superior Court this week. Solutions and its shareholders,
The plaintiffs in the suit are

Smooth ride claiming that by setting up a See SUIT, Page 20

New electric SamTrans buses offer quiet ride County officials pressing
By Zachary Clark Stanford for impact fees
Those buses should be servicing
the Peninsula by December, the
The ride is markedly quieter and
smoother than that of diesel buses
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF By Anna Schuessler review, San Mateo County offi-
first step toward electrification of and, when turning, the battery- DAILY JOURNAL STAFF cials are asking their counterparts
SamTrans took members of the the entire fleet, slated for 2033. powered vehicles are less inclined in Santa Clara County to require
media for a test ride on an electric The electric buses emit no to sway or jerk, thanks in part to a As a Stanford University pro- the university pay the maximum
bus prototype manufactured by tailpipe pollution and will be able low center of gravity, as the bat- posal to build up to 2.27 million rate of impact fees and set aside a
Proterra, Inc. after purchasing 10 to travel about 150 to 170 miles teries are located below the bus square feet of new academic facili- portion of the fees collected to
zero-emission vehicles from the on a full charge, which takes three ties and 3, 150 new on-campus
company in March. to five hours. See BUSES, Page 20 housing units by 2035 goes up for See STANFORD, Page 20
002 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 8:49 PM Page 1

2 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 FOR THE RECORD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Thought for the Day

“If youth only had a
chance or old age any brains.”
— Stephen Leacock, Canadian humorist-educator

This Day in History

Maryland became the seventh state to

1788 ratify the Constitution of the United


In 1 7 5 8 , the fifth president of the United States, James

Monroe, was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia.
In 1 7 8 9 , there was a mutiny on the HMS Bounty as rebelling
crew members of the British ship, led by Fletcher Christian,
set the captain, William Bligh, and 18 others adrift in a launch
in the South Pacific. (Bligh and most of the men with him
reached Timor in 47 days.)
In 1 9 1 8 , Gavrilo Princip, 23, the assassin of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand of Austria and the archduke’s wife, Sophie, died in
prison of tuberculosis.
In 1 9 2 5 , the International Exposition of Modern Industrial
and Decorative Arts, which gave rise to the term “Art Deco,”
began a six-month run in Paris.
In 1 9 4 0 , Glenn Miller and his Orchestra recorded
“Pennsylvania 6-5000” for RCA Victor.
In 1 9 4 5 , Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and his mistress,
Clara Petacci, were executed by Italian partisans as they
attempted to flee the country.
In 1 9 5 8 , the United States conducted the first of 35 nuclear REUTERS
test explosions in the Pacific Proving Ground as part of Actor Cicely Tyson places her handprints in cement in the forecourt of the TCL Chinese theatre in Los Angeles.
Operation Hardtack I. Vice President Richard Nixon and his
wife, Pat, began a goodwill tour of Latin America that was 1957), Prince Albert (born 1958) and from the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm. His
marred by hostile mobs in Lima, Peru, and Caracas, Venezuela. Princess Stephanie (born 1965). mother’s name is Missy. Five of his
In 1 9 6 7 , heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali was *** siblings have appeared in the
stripped of his title after he refused to be inducted into the The game of chess is said to have orig- “Peanuts” comic strip: Andy, Belle
armed forces. U.S. Army Gen. William C. Westmoreland told inated in India and was used as a tool to (his only sister), Marbles, Olaf and
Congress that “backed at home by resolve, confidence, teach military strategy to Indian Spike. Spike has a mustache and is
patience, determination and continued support, we will pre- princes. from a desert outside of Needles,
vail in Vietnam over communist aggression.” *** California.
In 1 9 7 4 , former Attorney General John Mitchell and former Chess is known as the Royal Game. Do ***
Commerce Secretary Maurice H. Stans, accused of attempting you know how many squares on a Charlie Brown’s father was a barber.
to interfere in a Securities and Exchange Commission probe of chessboard? Can you name the chess That was the profession of “Peanuts”
financier Robert Vesco in exchange for a $200,000 contribu- pieces? See answer at end. creator Charles Schulz’s (1922-2000)
tion to President Richard Nixon’s re-election campaign, were *** father.

he African baobab tree has a cir-
acquitted of all charges by a federal jury in New York. cumference that can be as large as The French originally developed play- ***
100 feet. There is a baobab tree ing cards. At one time, the kings sig- There is a Barber Museum in
Birthdays in Zimbabwe that serves as a bus stop. nified real people; the king of hearts Winchester, Ohio. The museum fea-
It has a hollowed-out trunk that holds represented Charlemagne, the king of tures 58 barber poles, barber chairs
40 people. diamonds was Julius Caesar, the king from six eras and re-created barber
*** of clubs was Alexander the Great and shops from the past.
More than 1,000 different languages the king of spades was King David ***
are spoken in Africa. from the Bible. “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”
*** *** was the highest grossing film of
More people are killed by crocodiles On playing cards, the king of hearts 1969. The movie made almost $100
than by lions in Africa. originally had a mustache. It was lost million. Paul Newman (1925-2008)
*** by poor copying of the original was Butch, Robert Redford (born
A lion sleeps up to 20 hours a day. design. 1936) was the Kid.
Actress Jessica *** *** ***
Former “Tonight Actress Penelope
Show” host Jay Cruz is 44. Alba is 37. When addressing British nobility, the During World War II, “spotter” cards Ans wer: There are 64 squares on a
Leno is 68. king and queen are called “your were printed. They were playing cards chessboard. In the game of chess each
majesty,” princes and princesses are that showed the silhouette of war air- play er starts with 16 pieces: one k ing,
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III is 88. Actress- addressed as “your royal highness,” craft for quick identification from the 1 queen, two rook s, two bishops, two
singer Ann-Margret is 77. Actor Paul Guilfoyle is 69. Rock dukes and duchesses are called “your ground or air. k nights and eight pawns. The goal in
musician Chuck Leavell is 66. Actress Mary McDonnell is 66. grace.” *** the chess game is to get “check mate”
Rock singer-musician Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth) is 65. *** Snoopy’s character, World War I by capturing the opponent’s k ing.
Actress Nancy Lee Grahn is 62. Supreme Court Justice Elena American actress Grace Kelly (1929- Flying Ace, is always pursuing the
Kagan is 58. Rapper Too Short is 52. Actress Bridget 1982) shocked Hollywood when she German WWI pilot, the Red Baron.
Moynahan is 47. Actor Chris Young is 47. Rapper Big Gipp is quit her successful movie career in Flying Ace uses his doghouse as his Know It All is by Kerry McArdle. It runs in
45. Actor Jorge Garcia is 45. Actress Elisabeth Rohm is 45. 1956 to marry Prince Rainier (1923- imaginary fighting plane. the weekend edition of the Daily Journal.
Actor Nate Richert is 40. TV personalities Drew and Jonathan 2005) of Monaco. Princess Grace had Questions? Comments? Email
Scott are 40. Actor Harry Shum Jr. is 36. Actress Jenna three children: Princess Caroline (born That famous comic dog Snoopy came knowitall(at)smdailyjournal.com
5200 ext. 128.
or call 344-
Ushkowitz is 32. Actress Aleisha Allen is 27.


by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Local Weather Forecast
Unscramble these four Jumbles,
April 25 Powerball Fantasy Five Saturday : Mostly cloudy in the morning
one letter to each square, 15 23 30 35 then becoming partly cloudy. A slight
to form four ordinary words. 17 18 39 56 64 12 3
chance of rain in the morning. Highs in
PIOHP Daily Four the mid 50s to lower 60s. West winds 5 to
April 27 Mega Millions
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

10 mph increasing to 15 to 20 mph in the

2 29 38 63 66 11 0 2 0 0 afternoon. Chance of rain 20 percent.
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Saturday ni g ht: Mostly clear in the
All Rights Reserved. Mega number
Daily three midday evening then becoming partly cloudy.
NTIHN April 25 Super Lotto Plus 9 2 4 Lows near 50. West winds 10 to 20 mph.
8 18 20 36 45 21 Sunday : Partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 50s.
Daily three evening Sunday ni g ht: Mostly clear. Lows near 50.
Mega number

0 9 5 Mo nday : Partly cloudy. Highs near 60.

Mo nday ni g ht: Through ThursdayMostly clear. Lows
RENVIT The Daily Derby race winners are Whirl Win, No. 6, in near 50. Highs in the 50s to upper 60s.
first place; Hot Shot, No. 3, in second place; and Big Tues day : Mostly cloudy in the morning then becoming
Ben, No. 4, in third place. The race time was clocked partly cloudy. Highs in the upper 50s. West winds 5 to 15
at 1:45.05. mph.
Now arrange the circled letters The San Mateo Daily Journal Phone:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 344-5200 Fax: (650) 344-5290
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon. 1900 Alameda de las Pulgas, Suite 112, San Mateo, CA 94403 To Advertise: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]
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Jumbles: GAFFE SWORN WALRUS COZIER As a public service, the Daily Journal prints obituaries of approximately 200 words or less with a photo one time on the date of the family’s choosing if space allows. To submit
Answer: Her cat slept on her sweater, and now it obituaries, email information along with a jpeg photo to [email protected]. Free obituaries are edited for style, clarity, length and grammar. If you would like to have an
was — WORSE “FUR” WEAR obituary printed more than once, longer than 200 words or without editing, please submit an inquiry to our advertising department at [email protected].
003 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 9:14 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 3

Sharon Lou Angel Obituaries
Sharon Lou Angel, born April 10, 1948,
died March 31, 2018, after battling ovarian Department or World Vision Disaster Relief.
cancer for six years. Stephen F. Hanley
Sharon was born in San
Francisco and a graduate Stephen F. Hanley, born March 24, 1962,
of Lincoln High School. died April 15, 2018, suddenly after a long
She worked for Yellow illness.
Cab. She became a mom “He touched many
and worked part time for lives with his gentle
Mervyn’s for 20 years. spirit and friendly giving
After retiring, she took nature. He will be missed
great pride in taking care by all who knew him,
of her beloved grandchildren. She lived by especially his beloved
her strong faith in God and had a personal best friend ‘Bella.’”
relationship with Jesus Christ. She attended Memorial donations in
Good News Chapel, Central Peninsula memory of Stephen may
Church and Menlo Church. be made to: Insights, StarVista, 610 Elm
Sharon is survived by her loving husband St., Suite 212, San Carlos, CA, 94070 or
of 50 years, Stanley; devoted children the Placer County SPCA, 150 Corporation
Martin Angel (Shirley), Wendy Conde (Ted) Yard, Roseville, CA.
and grandchildren Rebecca Angel, Hailey,
Abigail and Elias Conde. She is also sur- As a public serv ice, the Daily Journal
vived by her brother Paul Nitsch (Pearl) of prints obituaries of approx imately 200
Rocklin. words or less with a photo one time on a
“She has loved us and touched our lives in space av ailable basis. To submit obituaries,
ways that will never be forgotten. email information along with a jpeg photo
She was a blessing to so many. Her kind to news@smdaily journal.com. Free obituar-
and generous nature will be missed.” ies are edited for sty le, clarity, length and
Friends and family are invited to a grammar. If y ou would lik e to hav e an obitu-
Celebration of Life 4 p.m. Sunday, May 6, ary printed more than once, longer than 200
at Menlo Church, 4150 Piccadilly Lane, San words or without editing, please submit an
Mateo. Memorial donations may be made to inquiry to our adv ertising department at
Palo Alto Medical Foundation Oncology ads@smdaily journal.com.

Police reports on another person’s credit card on El

Camino Real, it was reported at 7:11 p.m.
Thursday, April 19.
Sus pended l i cens e. Someone was cited
Shrub it off and released for driving with a suspended
Someone kicked a plant rack on Gama
license on Sixth Avenue, it was reported at
Lane in Foster City, it was reported at
9:47 p.m. Wednesday, April 18.
7:23 p.m. Wednesday, April 18.
BELMONT Co de v i o l ati o ns . A Daly City resident
was cited and released for being in posses-
Sus pi ci o us ci rcums tances . Someone
sion of a club and narcotics paraphernalia
received a call that their brother’s life was in
on East Hillsdale Boulevard, it was reported
danger unless they paid money but the per-
at 12:09 p.m. Monday, April 23.
son had hung up and called their brother and
Sus pended l i cens e. A Modesto resident
found that they were OK and it was a scam on
was cited and released for driving with a sus-
Hiller Street, it was reported at 9:07 a.m.
pended license on Metro Center Boulevard,
April 20.
it was reported at 10:37 a.m. Monday, April
Sus pi ci o us ci rcums tances . An unlocked
vehicle was rummaged through on Arbor
Sus pended l i cens e. A Pittsburg resident
Avenue, it was reported at 8:02 a.m. Friday,
was cited and released for driving with a sus-
April 20.
pended license on Triton Drive, it was
Fraud. An unknown person made charges
reported at 9:10 a.m. Monday, April 23.
004 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 12:36 PM Page 1

4 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

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005 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 8:51 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL/STATE Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 5

Actors go ‘The Full Monty’

Pop-rock musical opens at the Hillbarn Theatre May 3
By Zachary Clark Sera High School in San
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Mateo and studied theater
at the University of
A new production of “The Full Monty” California, Los Angeles.
musical about unemployed steel workers When he returned from
turned male strippers opens at the Hillbarn college, his first show
Theatre this week and stars two San Mateo was a Hillbarn produc-
County natives. tion of “The 39 Steps.”
San Mateo native Brad Satterwhite plays Prior to joining the
Ethan Girard, one of the strip-dancing steel- Brad “Full Monty” cast, he
workers, while Foster City native Adrienne Satterwhite wrapped up a role in “The
Herro plays Vicki Nichols, the wife of Laramie Project” with
another one of the amateur male dancers. Palo Alto Players and,
“It’s a real fun role in a show where [there before that, he performed
are] a lot of men so it’s nice to be portraying in a production of “In the
a woman to give a different point of view Next Room” at the Pear
and pepper in some womanly stuff through- Theatre in Mountain
out the show,” Herro said. View.
The pop-rock musical was adapted from Herro has performed at
the 1997 cult film of the same name, and it the Coastal Repertory
has been nominated for 10 Tony Awards Theatre in Half Moon
Joseph James DeAngelo, 72, who authorities said was identified by DNA evidence as the serial Adrienne Herro Bay, at the San Francisco
predator dubbed the Golden State Killer, appears at his arraignment in California Superior since it premiered in 2000. The musical ver-
sion is set in Buffalo, New York, but other- Playhouse, the Woodside
Court in Sacramento. Community Theatre and the San Jose Stage
wise follows the original story about six

Serial killer search led

friends, aimless and in need of money after Company, among others.
being laid off from their steel mill jobs, Herro said she fell in love with theater
who create a strip tease act in which they under the tutelage of her Bowditch Middle
plan to show it all, hence “The Full Monty.” School drama teacher, Virginia Musante.
“When people think about ‘The Full “She was the perfect person at the right

to wrong man in 2017

By Michael Balsamo innocent until he’s proven guilty and
Monty,’ most people think about the movie
and crude male humor, but there really is a
very touching story in it and the female
counterpart is very important throughout
the show,” Herro said.
time and the reason I got into acting and she
made me love it enough to continue,” Herro
said. “She has touched the lives of so many
of my fellow actors and friends.”
Despite her early love for theater, Herro
and Jonathan J. Cooper that’s what I’m going to ask everyone to Herro described her character as a gregari- took a 20-year hiatus from acting as the
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS remember, ” DeAngelo’s public defender ous trophy wife while Satterwhite said his demands of her career and parenting didn’t
Diane Howard said outside court. “I feel role is that of a “lovable dumb guy who is a leave much time for performing.
SACRAMENTO — Investigators hunt- like he’s been tried in the press already.” lot of fun.” But several years ago, while taking a tap
ing down the so-called Golden State Killer Investigators were able to make the “The role has lots of physical comedy, dancing class, one of her classmates, who
used information from genetic websites arrest this week after matching crime- which is challenging and exciting and happened to be the artistic director for a
last year that led to the wrong man, court scene DNA with genetic material stored in something I hadn’t done too much of,” Hillbarn production of “Holes” said Herro
records obtained Friday by the Associated an online database by a distant relative. Satterwhite said. “The music is really good would be perfect for the warden character in
Press showed. They relied on a different website than and I didn’t appreciate it until I started the play. So the next day, Herro met with the
An Oregon police officer working at the they had in the Oregon search, and they did singing it. It’s trickier than it sounds, some director and was offered the role. She’s been
request of California investigators per- not seek a warrant for DeAngelo’s DNA. harmonies are complex and produce a unique performing regularly since.
suaded a judge in March 2017 to order a Instead, they waited for him to discard sound and it’s been great working on it.” Both performers have to balance their day
73-year-old man in a nursing home to pro- items and then swabbed the objects for Satterwhite switches off between musicals jobs with rehearsals and performances.
vide a DNA sample. It’s not clear if offi- DNA, which proved a conclusive match to and plays and between comedies and dramas, Satterwhite, who is the head of sales for a
cers collected the sample and ran further evidence that had been preserved more while Herro performs in the occasional startup company, said rehearsals can require
tests. than 30 years. play, but specializes in musicals. up to 15 hours a week.
The Oregon City man is in declining Also Friday, the co-founder of the “I like singing and dancing my emotions “Theater is a way to relax,” he said. “My
health and was unable to answer questions genealogy website used by authorities to rather than speaking them,” she said. day job is technical so theater is less work
Friday about the case. help identify DeAngelo said he had no idea Both have performed in previous Hillbarn than it is fun, especially once the show
The case of mistaken identity was dis- its database was tapped in pursuit of the productions, and in numerous others at ven- starts.”
covered as authorities hailed a novel use of suspect who eluded law enforcement for ues throughout the Peninsula and Bay Area.
DNA technology that led this week to the four decades. Satterwhite started acting in middle “The Fully Monty ” runs May 3-20 at the
arrest of former police officer Joseph Authorities never approached Florida- school when he played Macbeth in a school Hillbarn Theatre in Foster City. Visit hill-
DeAngelo at his house outside Sacramento based GEDmatch about the investigation production. He went on to attend Junipero barntheatre.org for tick ets.
on murder charges. Critics of the inves- that led to DeAngelo, and co-founder
tigative approach, however, warned it Curtis Rogers said law enforcement’s use Solo drivers of clean Around the state
could jeopardize privacy rights. of the site raised privacy concerns that
DeAngelo’s suspected of being the were echoed by civil liberties groups. cars to start paying L.A. tolls
as November, though they’ll get a 15 per-
sadistic attacker who killed 13 people and The free genealogy website, which LOS ANGELES — The free ride in Los cent discount on per-mile toll lane prices.
raped nearly 50 women during the 1970s pools DNA profiles that people upload and Angeles is over for solo drivers in zero- Solo drivers of zero-emission cars still
and ‘80s. share publicly to find relatives, said it has emission cars. will be able to use California carpool lanes.
Handcuffed to a wheelchair in orange jail always informed users its database can be The Los Angeles Times reports that the And drivers who carpool in zero-emission
scrubs, DeAngelo made his first court used for other purposes. But Rogers said Metropolitan Transportation Authority cars will remain exempt from the toll.
appearance Friday. The 72-year-old looked the company does not “hand out data.” voted Thursday to end a program allowing Metro officials say they’re cutting down
dazed and spoke in a faint voice to “This was done without our knowledge, such drivers in toll lanes on Interstate 10 on congestion. Critics of the move say it
acknowledge he was represented by a pub- and it’s been overwhelming,” he told the and State Route 110. could keep consumers from buying zero-
lic defender. He did not enter a plea. Associated Press. They’ll have to pay tolls starting as soon emission cars.
He has been charged with eight counts of For the team of investigators,
murder, and additional charges are expect- GEDmatch was one of the best tools, lead
ed, authorities said. investigator Paul Holes told the Mercury
“We have the law to suggest that he is News in San Jose.

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006 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 8:50 PM Page 1

6 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Reporters’ notebook
or those worried about the seem- access from California Drive to Bellevue
ingly constant gridlock plagu- Avenue or Lorton Avenue; detour signs
ing local thoroughfares, experts will be posted in the area surrounding
with recommendations for solving traf- the construction site; traffic lane shifts;
fic congestion are available to offer pos- pedestrian access will remain in effect;
sible solutions. speed will be reduced to 25 MPH through
A discussion of the matter will take construction zones; bicyclists may use
place Monday, April 30, at the Lane the full travel lane; Caltrain parking lot
Co mmuni ty Ro o m in the Burlingame will remain opened during all stages of
Library, 480 Burlingame Ave., during a construction; all businesses will remain
free event hosted by the Ci ti zens open during construction. Go to
Env i ro nmental Co unci l o f burlingame.org/roundabout for more
Burl i ng ame in tandem with information.
Trans Fo rm and the Si l i co n Val l ey ***
Cl i mate Acti o n Al l i ance. The San Mateo Co unty Hi s to ri cal
“Optimizing our highways: Moving As s o ci ati o n and its docent organiza-
tion, the Wo o ds i de Sto rekeepers , Students at St. Matthew School in San Mateo brought their animals to school to celebrate
more people with fewer cars,” will begin the Feast of Saint Francis, featuring a blessing for the pets.
7 p.m., featuring TransForm executive will present Ol d Wo o ds i de Sto re

director Stuart Co hen and senior com- Day , a free family event from noon to 4 he Bel mo nt-Redwo o d Sho res ,
munity planner Chri s Lepe, among p.m. May 6. Visitors will be invited to Menl o Park Ci ty, San Bruno
others. Email [email protected] experience life in the 1880s, as activi- Park, San Mateo -Fo s ter Ci ty
for more information.   ties will focus on the history of the e l e me n t ary s c h o o l di s t ri c t s , S an
*** Woodside Store and the redwood logging Mateo and Sequo i a uni o n hi g h s cho o l
Redwo o d Ci ty Impro v ement that occurred in the region. di s t ri c t s and S an Mat e o Co un t y
The Woodside Storekeepers will Offi ce o f Educati o n were among the win-
As s o ci ati o n’s Mag i c Lantern 3 -D
demonstrate and invite the public to use ners of this year's Ke n t Awards . The
Sho w is returning Tuesday, May 1. The awards recognize districts and schools for
Magic Lantern 3-D Show is a weekly 3-D a two-man saw, make shingles with a
mallet and a froe, wash clothes with an innovation and improvements best serving
video mapping light show designed by students in San Mateo County.
world-renowned light show artist, Bart old-fashioned machine, twine rope,
churn butter and create rag dolls to take ***
Kres a, that was originally launched in The Nati o nal Bes t Co mmuni ti es fo r
2015. The RCIA will be cycling through home. The whole family is invited to
Mus i c Educati o n Awards recognized ele-
some of Redwood City’s favorite Magic compete in pie-eating and seed-spitting
mentary and high schools in San Bruno for
Lantern 3-D Shows 8:30 p.m. every contests. The band 27strings will per-
excellent music programs. The San Bruno
Tuesday. The Magic Lantern 3-D Show form bluegrass music throughout the Park El ementary Scho o l Di s tri ct is
projects onto the San Mateo Co unty afternoon. one of only 16 in the state to receive such
Hi s to ry Mus eum for a free 15-minute The store is located at 3300 Tripp an honor, and Capuchi no Hi g h Scho o l Jo hnni e Wal to n, of Menlo Park, were
show. Road (corner of Kings Mountain Road is one of only 27 across California to be named to the dean’s list at Seto n Hal l
*** and Tripp Road) in Woodside. For infor- recognized. Uni v ers i ty.
The first construction phase for mation, go to historysmc.org or call Both awards recognized the collaboration ***
(650) 299-0104. between the local schools and the San Cami l l e Barnett, of Belmont, Kati e
Burl i ng ame’s Cal i fo rni a Dri v e
Ro undabo ut Pro ject will begin early Bruno Co mmuni ty Fo undati o n, which Cl aus s e n and Ty l e r Tre i c h e l , of
recently granted $495, 000 to benefit Pacifica, Bi anca Dahl en, of South San
May and is expected to be completed The Reporters’ Notebook is a collection of facts school music programs. Francisco, Lauren Di Mauro and Ari a
September, weather permitting. During culled from the notebooks of the Daily Journal Ly nn, of San Mateo, Sara Gerber and
construction, there will be no vehicle staff. It appears in the weekend edition. Cai t l i n Jo h n s o n of Redwood City,
Hi l l s b o ro ug h No rt h El e me n t ary
Scho o l students raised $4,477 to help Ch ri s t i n a Kas al i , of San Carlos,
build a playground at Red Mo rto n Park in Co ri n n a Le e , of Millbrae, Li n ds e y
Redwood City. The funds were generated by Seto , of Foster City, were named to the
students operating lemonade stands, host- dean’s list at Azus a Paci fi c Uni v ers i ty .
ing bake sales and doing extra chores. The ***
donation went to the Mag i cal Bri dg e Cars o n Kel l ey , of Portola Valley, was
Fo undati o n, which specializes in con- named to the dean’s list at the S t at e
structing new play spaces across the Uni v ers i ty o f New Yo rk at Genes eo .
Peninsula. ***
*** Athena Perez, of Millbrae, was named
Hi l l s dal e Hi g h S c h o o l will host to the dean’s list at Cl ems o n Uni v ers i ty .
Kn i g h t Mo v e s , the school’s biggest ***
annual dance show, this weekend. The event Wi l l i am S c h mi dt , of Pacifica, was
started Thursday, April 26, and will span named to the honor roll at the Army and
through Saturday, April 28. Tickets are $15 Nav y Academy.
for students and seniors, and general admis- ***
sion tickets cost $20. Visit brownpa- Ro b e rt S mi t h , of Burlingame, and
pertickets. com/event/3335107 for more Mat t h e w S urb e r, of Woodside, were
information. named to the dean’s list at Geo rg i a Tech
*** Uni v ers i ty.
Summi t Prep Charter Hi g h Scho o l ***
will host a rummage sale Saturday, April 28, Os car Ro das -Fal l a, of Redwood City,
at the school campus 890 Broadway, was named to the dean’s list at Lo y o l a
Redwood City from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Uni v ers i ty Mary l and.
*** ***
The San Mateo Co unty Offi ce o f Harry Andrews , of Belmont, was named
Educati o n will host an event preparing for to the dean’s list at S t . Lawre n c e
a school emergency 7 p.m., Monday, April Uni v ers i ty .
30, at Capuchi no Hi g h Scho o l , 1501 ***
Magnolia Ave., San Bruno. The event will Stanfo rd Uni v ers i ty ’s graduate school
focus on the protocol established by the of education awarded Hi l l s dal e Hi g h
office designed to assure student safety in Scho o l principal Jeff Gi l bert an award
the case of an active shooter, natural disas- for excellence in education.
ter or other urgent situation. Adri anne Bai k, of Hillsborough, won a
*** silver award for her submission in the
St. Catheri ne o f Si ena Scho o l i n Ocean Awarenes s student contest. With
Burl i ng ame will host its spring produc- recognition for her prose out of 900 middle
tion of the “Li ttl e Mermai d Jr. , ” in its school contestants, Baik won $750.
campus gymnasium. The production will run
Friday, April 27, through the following day,
which will feature an afternoon and evening Emma O’Hara, of Redwood City, was
show. General admission tickets cost $12, selected as one of six geology students at
and tickets for students or seniors are $6. Co l by Co l l eg e to present their research
Visit stcos.com for more information or to to the Geo l o g i cal So ci ety o f Ameri ca
purchase tickets. at the organization’s annual meeting in
*** Seattle.
Fl o rence Anderberg , of Pacifica, was ***
named to the dean’s list at S i mp s o n Cry s tal Lee, of San Mateo, was named
Uni v ers i ty. to the dean’s list at Co l by Co l l eg e.
Rachel Co utts , of South San Francisco,
graduated from Si mps o n Uni v ers i ty . Class notes is a column dedicated to school news.
It is compiled by education reporter Austin Walsh.
*** You can contact him at (650) 344-5200, ext. 105 or
Emma To bi n, of Half Moon Bay, and at [email protected].
007 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 10:07 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 7

Romaine calm
Restaurants calm customers, say lettuce safe
By Dee-Ann Durbin

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Restaurants’ advice to their cus-

tomers? Romaine calm.
The government is still investigating how romaine let-
tuce from Yuma, Arizona, apparently became contaminated
with E. coli bacteria. As of this week, at least 84 people in
19 states have gotten sick, according to the U.S. Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention.
Growers in Yuma typically plant romaine lettuce between
September and January. During the peak of the harvest sea-
son, which runs from mid-November until the beginning of
April, the Yuma region supplies most of the romaine sold in
the U.S. The outbreak came as the harvest of romaine was
already near its end.
At many restaurants around the country, romaine is still
on the menu. Both family-run operations and big chains
say they’ve checked with suppliers and are confident their
romaine comes from places that aren’t affected by E. coli. If
they’re not sure, they’re replacing romaine with iceberg and
other lettuce varieties.
REUTERS “We’ve got a lot of people asking where we get our lettuce
Actor and comedian Bill Cosby exits the Montgomery County Courthouse after a jury convicted him in a sexual assault retrial from,” said Armando Ayala, the manager of Cavatore, an
in Norristown, Penn. Italian restaurant in Houston. Cavatore offers three dinner
salads — including a Caesar made tableside — with lettuce

Cosby confined to his home as from California and local farms in Texas.
As it turns out, a lot of romaine comes from California,
which grows 74 percent of the nation’s lettuce, according to

team decries ‘public lynching’ the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Even Salad and Go, a
chain with 12 restaurants in Arizona, gets its lettuce from
By Kristen De Groot The judge’s order, issued Friday after- Wyatt said on ABC’s “Good Morning Just Salad, which has 28 locations in New York, New
and Claudia Lauer noon, said the comic may leave his America.” Jersey, Philadelphia and Chicago, says it saw a spike in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS house to meet with his lawyers or to get The conviction triggered more fall- business this week after a social media blitz to assure cus-
medical treatment, but must get permis- out for Cosby, whose career and reputa- tomers that its romaine comes from Salinas, California.
NORRISTOWN, Pa. — Bill Cosby’s sion first. tion were already wrecked by a barrage Supply chain manager Janani Lee said Just Salad already
team blasted his sexual-assault trial as Cosby kept out of sight and was of accusations from more than 60 carried five other types of lettuce, but it recently added ice-
a “public lynching” Friday and began spending time with his wife of 54 women who said he drugged and berg for people who were still concerned.
looking ahead to an appeal as the judge years, Camille, in the wake of his con- molested them over a span of 50 years. Katie Calabrese and her friend, Amanda Larsen, both
ordered house arrest for the 80-year-old viction Thursday on charges he drugged Temple University, the Philadelphia threw out romaine at home, but it didn’t stop their salad
comedian and said he would be outfitted and molested Temple University school that counted Cosby as its most cravings. On Thursday, they were waiting in a long line at a
with a GPS ankle monitoring device. women’s basketball administrator famous alum, revoked his honorary Sweetgreen restaurant in Philadelphia.
Cosby’s appeal seems certain to Andrea Constand at his home outside degree. “I’m definitely making non-romaine choices, ” said
focus on the judge’s decision to let a Philadelphia in 2004. Cosby maintained close ties with Calabrese.
parade of women testify that they, too, Constand, meanwhile, took to Temple, serving as its public face and “I eat kale,” Larsen said.
were abused by the former TV star. Twitter to thank prosecutors in her first often turning out to support its basket-
Defense allegations of a biased juror comment on the verdict. ball teams — an interest that connect-
and the admission of Cosby’s explo- “Truth prevails,” she wrote. ed him with Constand.
sive testimony about drugs and sex are Cosby’s publicists likened the The defense is likely to focus its
among other possible avenues of “Cosby Show” star to Emmett Till, the appeal on the judge’s decision to allow
appeal as he tries to avoid a sentence black teenager who was kidnapped and five additional accusers to testify. That
that could keep him in prison for the murdered after witnesses said he whis- ruling was a victory for prosecutors
rest of his days. tled at a white woman in a Mississippi eager to move the case beyond a he-
Cosby remains free on $1 million grocery store in 1955. Constand is said, she-said.
bail while he awaits sentencing, prob- white. One of those women called Cosby a
ably within three months. “He maintains his innocence, and he “serial rapist.” Another choked back
Judge Steven O’Neill said Cosby is going to walk around as a man who’s tears as she asked, “You remember,
would be confined to his suburban innocent because he didn’t do anything don’t you, Mr. Cosby?” A third
Philadelphia home in the meantime. wrong,” Cosby spokesman Andrew declared: “I was raped.”
008 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 8:53 PM Page 1

8 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL

Around the nation

White House: Records
dispute allegations against Jackson
WASHINGTON — The White House said Friday that inter-
nal records raise doubt about some of the most serious alle-
gations leveled against White House
doctor Ronny Jackson in his failed bid to
become the next secretary of Veterans
Jackson withdrew his nomination
Thursday after allegations by current and
former colleagues raised questions about
his prescribing practices and leadership
ability, including accusations of drunk-
Ronny Jackson enness on the job. Democratic Sen. Jon
Tester’s office collected the allegations,
which included a claim that Jackson “got drunk and wrecked
a government vehicle” at a Secret Service going-away
The records, including police reports, show Jackson was
in three minor vehicle incidents in government vehicles
during the last five years, but none involved the use of alco-
hol and he was not found to be at fault. In one case, a side-
view mirror was clipped by a passing truck. In another inci-
dent an enraged driver in Montgomery County, Maryland,
allegedly punched out Jackson’s window during a morning
drive to Camp David.
The White House medical unit that Jackson ran success-
fully passed regular controlled substance audits, according
to the records for the last three years. The reviews did rec- REUTERS
ommend improvements to the medical unit’s handling of Donald Trump and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel hold a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House.
controlled substances, but did not find misconduct.
The Associated Press reviewed the documents Friday.
They were the result of an internal White House review of
allegations raised against Jackson during his brief confir-
Trump, Merkel cordial, no
mation process. The White House says the records, cover-
ing recent years, disprove the allegations.
But Tester’s office has not specified the time frame during
which the alleged misconduct occurred. Tester spokes-
apparent movement on Iran
By Jonathan Lemire and Macron complimented and sion on whether to exit the deal is
woman Marnee Banks said the office would not comment THE ASSOCIATED PRESS embraced each other, the German chan- expected by May 12 and he forcefully
until it knew more about the White House records. cellor kept her public statements brief set out what he sees as the ultimate
WASHINGTON — Facing imminent and handshakes formal. goal.
Trump lawyer loaned to taxi mogul in weed biz deadlines, President Donald Trump and Trump is widely expected to withdraw “They’re not going to be doing
NEW YORK — President Donald Trump’s personal attor- German Chancellor Angela Merkel the U.S. from the international Iran nuclear weapons. You can bank on it,”
ney, whose business dealings are being investigated by the largely papered over their differences agreement next month, despite pleas Trump declared at a news conference
FBI, and the lawyer’s father-in-law have on trade and the Iran nuclear accord on from Macron earlier in the week and with Merkel.
lent $26 million in recent years to a taxi Friday, stressing instead ties between Merkel on Friday. Yet Merkel used her On trade, Merkel saw little progress
mogul who is shifting into the legalized the longtime allies and their shared public comments after her meeting with on obtaining permanent exemptions
marijuana industry, according to docu- goal of a nuclear-free North Korea. Trump to try to gloss over that dis- for the European Union from Trump’s
ments obtained by the Associated Press. Still, Merkel’s brief visit, coupled agreement, calling the Obama-era steel and aluminum tariffs, even as a
Semyon “Sam” Shtayner, a longtime with French President Emmanuel accord a “first step” toward curtailing May 1 decision deadline approaches.
business associate of Michael Cohen’s Macron’s more lavish stopover earlier and containing Iran’s regional ambi- “The decision lies with the presi-
in the week, made clear that the U.S. tions and suggesting openness to a side dent,” she said.
father-in-law, created Nevada-based
president’s divisions with European agreement. German officials had signaled that
Cannaboss LLC the day before the 2016
allies remain substantial. Trump has said he, too, is open to their goals for Friday’s visit were mod-
Michael Cohen election. A few months later, he took a Trump and Merkel’s three-hour visit new negotiations with Iran. But he has est, Trump implicitly scolded Germany
majority position in a company that is at the White House contained little of not said he will heed European calls for for not meeting NATO military spend-
provisionally licensed to cultivate medicinal marijuana and the back-slapping geniality that the U.S. to stay in the deal, which aims ing obligations, saying it is “essential
produce edibles, the records show. defined Macron’s three-day trip, includ- to restrict Iran’s nuclear efforts, while that our NATO allies increase their
“He personally manages over 500 taxi medallions, but he ing a lavish state dinner. While Trump any further talks are underway. His deci- financial contribution.”
is looking to transition from the medallion business to the
cannibas (sic), ” according to the personal narrative
Shtayner submitted last October to city officials in
Henderson, Nevada, that was obtained by the AP under the
GOP-led House panel clears Trump campaign in Russia probe
state’s public records law. By Tom LoBianco and Chad Day Democrats and Republicans over judgment” in taking a June 2016 meet-
It’s not clear whether Shtayner used any of the loans — $6 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Russia’s meddling in the 2016 elec- ing in Trump Tower that was described
million of which have come directly from Cohen since tion and whether there were any con- in emails to Trump’s eldest son,
WASHINGTON — The Republican- nections with the Trump campaign. Donald Trump Jr., as part of a Russian
2014 — to finance his grow operation.
led House intelligence committee on Trump quickly claimed vindication government effort to aide his father’s
Earlier this month, FBI agents searched Cohen’s hotel,
Friday released a lengthy report con- Friday, calling the report “totally con- presidential bid. The report also
office and home seeking banking records, as well as records clusive, strong, powerful, many dubbed the campaign’s praise of
cluding it found no evidence that
related to his dealings in the taxi industry, people familiar things.” WikiLeaks “objectionable.”
Donald Trump’s campaign colluded
with the probe told the AP, speaking on condition of “No collusion, which I knew any- “While the committee found no evi-
with Russia in the 2016 presidential
anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the campaign, drawing praise from the way. No coordination, no nothing. It’s dence that the Trump campaign collud-
ongoing investigation. president and rebuttals from a witch hunt, that’s all it is,” he told ed, coordinated, or conspired with the
Public records show the Ukraine-born Shtayner, 63, his Democrats. reporters in the Oval Office. Russian government, the investiga-
wife and companies they control have used their proper- The report caps an investigation But the committee’s Republicans tion did find poor judgment and ill-
ties in Chicago and Sunny Isles, Florida, as collateral for that began with the promise of biparti- didn’t let the Trump campaign com- considered actions by the Trump and
the loans from Cohen and his father-in-law, Fima sanship but quickly transformed into pletely off the hook. They specifically Clinton campaigns,” the House intel-
Shusterman. an acrimonious battle between cited the Trump campaign for “poor ligence committee wrote.

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009 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 8:40 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL WORLD Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 9

Deadly violence erupts again in Gaza

By Fares Akram ing a young Palestinian man placing a burn-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ing tire along the fence in an apparent
attempt to set it on fire. In another, a small
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Hundreds of group lobs stones at an Israeli military
Palestinians converged on the Gaza Strip’s vehicle on the other side of the fence.
border fence with Israel on Friday, trying to In other incidents, the military said
rip through it before drawing heavy Israeli Palestinian crowds rolled burning tires,
fire in one of the most violent incidents yet hurled rocks and flew kites with flaming
in five weeks of protests. Three objects attached with the goal of damaging
Palestinians were killed and dozens were the fence and other Israeli targets. It also
reported wounded. released a photo appearing to show a group
The violence came shortly after a top of youths tugging at barbed wire along the
U.N. official urged Israel to refrain from fence.
using excessive force against the protest- The marches, aimed in part at trying to
ers. break a decade-old border blockade, have
At least 38 protesters have been killed by been organized by Gaza’s militant Hamas
Israeli live fire and more than 1,600 wound- rulers but have also been driven by wide-
ed in the weekly protests since they began spread despair in the coastal territory of 2
March 30. Israel has rejected the interna- million people.
tional criticism, saying it is defending its Gaza organizers say the marches are also
sovereign border and accusing Gaza’s pressing for the “right of return” of refugees
Hamas leaders, who are organizing the and their descendants to what is now Israel.
protests, of using the crowds as cover to Two-thirds of Gaza residents are descendants
carry out attacks. of refugees who fled or were expelled from
In Friday’s unrest, a large crowd gathered
A wounded demonstrator is evacuated during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest where properties during the war surrounding
a few hundred meters (yards) from the bor-
Palestinians demand the right to return to their homeland, at the Israel-Gaza border in the Israel’s creation in 1948. The protests are
der, with some throwing stones and setting
southern Gaza Strip. to culminate on May 15, the anniversary of
tires on fire in what has become a weekly the scene, and the numbers quickly grew to 138 hit by live fire in incidents along the Israel’s creation. Hamas organizers have
occurrence. several thousand. Israeli armored vehicles border throughout the day. made conflicting statements about whether
Late in the afternoon, dozens of young sped to the site and fired barrages of tear In a statement, the Israeli military said it they plan a mass border breach at some
men broke away from the larger protest, gas. As gunfire erupted, the crowd dispersed. had “thwarted” an attempted infiltration by point.
moving south about 200 meters (yards) and A dozen Palestinian ambulances jammed a Palestinian protesters. Hamas’ supreme leader, Ismail Haniyeh,
approaching the fence. The crowd then tried dirt road lining up to evacuate the wounded. It said “hundreds of rioters” tried to burn visited a protest camp in the southern town
to break through the fence with hooks and Some in the crowd shouted “shahid,” or the fence and enter the Israel. It said the of Rafah, vowing larger protests in Gaza,
wire cutters when Israeli forces opened fire. “martyr” as bodies were taken away on crowd threw explosives, firebombs and the West Bank, Israel and among
Witnesses said three protesters briefly stretchers. rocks, and that troops opened fire “in accor- Palestinian refugees in other countries on
crossed into Israel and turned around. Palestinian health officials reported three dance with the rules of engagement” and May 15. “Our people will not slow down the
Hundreds of additional protesters ran to people killed and 611 wounded, including halted the crowd. It released a video show- protests until they get their rights,” he said.

Central American asylum seekers get legal aid near U.S. border
By Elliot Spagat the mostly female migrants played. The organizer of the effort with the Pueblos Sin Mensing said the lawyers helping the
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS migrants were warned they could face long Fronteras group. migrants might offer opinions on individ-
periods of separation from their children Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen ual cases, just like any lawyer would for a
TIJUANA, Mexico — About 20 volunteer and lengthy detention if they are allowed to warned this week that any person trying to client.
U.S. lawyers gave legal workshops Friday stay in the U.S. cross into the U.S. who makes false claims “We always emphasize you have to tell
just across the border in Mexico to Central The migrants plan to head to the border to immigration authorities will subject to the truth,” Mensing said.
American asylum seekers who traveled in a on Sunday, setting up a showdown with the criminal prosecution. She said prosecution Caravans have been a fairly common tac-
“caravan” that has been harshly criticized Trump administration — which has warned was also possible for any people who might tic for advocacy groups to bring attention
by President Donald Trump. that some could face detention, prosecution assist or coach immigrants to make false to asylum-seekers and the latest is smaller
Journalists were not allowed inside the and deportation. Most Central American claims in bids to enter the U.S. than previous efforts compared to previous
sessions for about 300 migrants that took migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. cite Nielsen’s threat is consistent with the border surges, but gained huge visibility
place at a civic group’s office, at Tijuana’s the threat of gang violence in their home- administration’s narrative of widespread after Trump unleashed strong criticism
largest migrant shelter and at an art gallery lands. asylum fraud and claims that asylum-seekers when it began March 25 in the Mexican city
in a building that once housed a cross-bor- The lawyers and advocates met one-on- are coached on what to tell U.S. authorities. of Tapachula, near the Guatemala border.
der tunnel used to smuggle drugs into San one with some of the migrants but did not The secretary also said asylum seekers in The caravan drew as many as 1,000 peo-
Diego. coach them on what to say and what not to the caravan should seek protection in the ple as it crossed Mexico as Trump and top
The lawyers gave information about the say when they meet with U.S. immigration first safe country they reach, including aides portrayed them as a significant threat
U.S. asylum process while the children of officers on Sunday, said Alex Mensing, an Mexico. and evidence of a dysfunctional border.
010 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 6:21 PM Page 1

10 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Stocks finish mixed as Amazon leads rally

By Marley Jay April. It slumped after President
DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS Donald Trump repeatedly criti-
High: 24,359.38 cized the company over issues
Low: 24,194.45 including sales tax collection and
NEW YORK — U.S. stocks fin-
ished with a split decision Friday Close: 24,311.19 its contracts with the U.S. Postal
after a wobbly day of trading. Change: -11.15 Service.
Amazon led a rally among retail- OTHER INDEXES The U.S. economy grew 2.3 per-
ers, but Exxon Mobil dragged cent in the first quarter, better than
S&P 500: 2669.91 +2.97
energy companies lower to end an experts had forecast. While con-
NYSE Index: 12,594.02 +11.12 sumer spending turned in the
uneven week on Wall Street.
So far the first-quarter earnings Nasdaq: 7119.80 +1.12 weakest performance in nearly
season has been a strong one for NYSE MKT: 2609.70 +12.98 five years, experts think it will
U. S. companies, but it hasn’t Russell 2000: 1556.24 -1.66 pick up later in the year thanks to
thrilled investors. On Friday Wilshire 5000: 27,734.71 +12.78 continued low unemployment and
Amazon, Microsoft and Expedia Republican-backed tax cuts.
all climbed after reporting earn-
10-Yr Bond: 2.96 Bond prices rose again. The
ings, but Exxon, Charter Oil (per barrel): 67.97 yield on the 10-year Treasury note
Communications and Starbucks Gold : 1,324.10 fell to 2.96 percent from 2.98 per-
all slumped. According to FactSet, cent Thursday. It hit four-year
about 80 percent of the S&P com- strong results from Facebook, are very, very good, but not over- Stock Exchange finished higher. highs recently and peaked at 3.03
panies that have reported their Amazon, Microsoft and others. heating. That’s a great environ- Amazon said its first-quarter percent earlier this week. High-
results have announced a larger The S&P 500 index finished the ment for earnings,” she said. “The profit more than doubled as con- yield stocks like household goods
per-share profit than analysts week almost exactly where it start- market is getting a little bit sumers shopped more online and makers and utilities moved up.
expected. ed. spoiled.” revenue from its cloud computing Even with help from climbing
High-dividend companies like Karyn Cavanaugh, senior mar- The S&P 500 index gained 2.97 business continued to rise. The oil prices Exxon Mobil’s results
utilities rose as bond yields ket strategist for Voya Investment points, or 0. 1 percent, to results were far stronger than Wall still fell short of estimates and its
slipped, but defense contractors Strategies, said investors haven’t 2,669.91. The Dow Jones indus- Street expected and the stock stock dropped 3. 8 percent to
fell. Asian stocks rose following regained their confidence since trial average lost 11.15 points, or jumped 3.6 percent to $1,572.62, $77.79. Cable company Charter
the landmark summit of the leaders February’s market plunge. But in less than 0. 1 percent, to adding to Thursday’s 4 percent Communications tumbled 11. 7
from North and South Korea. her view, the economy continues 24,311.19. The Nasdaq composite gain. Amazon also said it will percent to $263.33. Jefferies &
This week investors worried that to do well and there are few signs rose 1.12 points to 7,119.80. The hike the price of an annual Prime Co. analyst Scott Goldman said
rising raw materials costs, as well that inflation or wages are about Russell 2000 index of smaller- membership to $119 from $99 in the company’s residential video
as higher interest rates and wages, to rocket higher, an outcome that company stocks lost 1.66 points, the U.S. and high speed data subscriber
could eat into corporate profits. could dent corporate profits. or 0.1 percent, to 1,556.24. Most Amazon recovered the last of its totals were both weaker than he
Meanwhile they were pleased with “There’s reason to think things of the stocks on the New York losses from late March and early expected.

Economic growth slowed to 2.3 percent pace in Q1

By Martin Crutsinger above 3 percent in the previous That was offset somewhat by this decade, private analysts are are not sustainable but for the next
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS two quarters. gains in inventory building by less optimistic. They say that couple of years all the government
Many economists had forecast businesses and a lower trade growth will be bolstered by the stimulus is going to provide a lot
WASHINGTON — The U. S. that growth would slip below 2 deficit. tax cuts and increased government of economic juice, ” said Mark
economy slowed to a moderate 2.3 percent in the first quarter, reflect- Analysts viewed the first quarter spending for this year and next Zandi, chief economist at
percent annual growth rate in the ing a big pullback by consumers slowdown as temporary, with con- year. But then they expect growth Moody’s Analytics.
first quarter as consumer spending after a torrid pace of spending in sumers expected to boost their levels to return to the lackluster The Trump administration dis-
turned in the weakest performance the fourth quarter. Recent history spending amid a low unemploy- rates of around 2 percent as the agrees, believing that its program
in nearly five years. Still, the has shown a pattern of weakness ment rate and the initial impact of boost from fiscal stimulus wears of corporate and individual tax
January-March increase came in in the first quarter, reflecting in the $1.5 trillion in tax cuts that off and the economy starts to feel cuts, regulatory reform and
better than expected, supporting part seasonal data quirks. Analysts Congress approved in December. the adverse effects of rising inter- tougher enforcement of trade laws
hopes for a solid rebound for the expect growth to surpass 3 percent Over the past four quarters, GDP est rates. will lift the economy to sustained
rest of the year. in the current quarter. growth has averaged 2.9 percent, The Federal Reserve is expected levels of higher economic
The Commerce Department Consumer spending, which just below the 3 percent projec- to keep lifting its key interest rate growth. Private economists, how-
reported Friday that the gain in the accounts for 70 percent of eco- tion the Trump administration to prevent unwanted inflation, and ever, are worried that these efforts
gross domestic product, the econ- nomic activity, decelerated used in its budget for next year. big federal budget deficits are like- will run up against weak growth in
omy’s total output of goods and sharply from a 4 percent growth While the administration ly to push up government borrow- the labor force as many baby
services, followed a 2.9 percent rate in the fourth quarter to a 1.1 expects the economy to grow at ing costs. boomers retire and lackluster
rise in the fourth quarter and gains percent pace in the first quarter. rates of 3 percent for the rest of “Growth rates around 3 percent gains in productivity.

Sleep mode? Tech giants’ kids’ ‘fixes’ amount to baby steps Business briefs
By Barbara Ortutay children’s best interests at heart when plenty of controls over whom their Court upholds probation
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tech for kids is such a lucrative market. children can chat with. The thinking revocation for Silicon Valley mogul
Rather than kill the services com- was that while the regular apps are
NEW YORK — Facebook is adding a pletely, as some critics want, designed for people 13 or over, SAN FRANCISCO — A California appeals court upheld a
“sleep” mode to its Messenger Kids Facebook, Amazon and Google are younger kids were on it anyway. judge’s decision to revoke probation for a Silicon Valley
service to let parents limit when their mostly tinkering at the edges. That Facebook saw Messenger Kids as a internet mogul who made $300 million at age 25 and
kids can use it. leaves open the underlying questions way to give the younger set a safer appeared on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” before pleading
It’s the latest concession that tech of whether their products truly serve a option. guilty years later to domestic violence.
companies are making as critics ques- need for the youngest set and if they Parents can now specify the times A division of the 1st District Court of Appeal in San
tion whether they should be targeting are good for them. kids aren’t allowed on — either as a Francisco on Thursday rejected claims by Gurbaksh
kids at all. Among their chief con- In December, Facebook created a one-time restriction or something Chahal that the judge made numerous errors.
cerns: The effects on kids are not yet kids-friendly version of its Messenger recurring, such as after 9 p.m. every An email message seeking comment to an attorney for
known, and companies might not have app. It has no ads and gives parents school night. Chahal was not immediately returned.
Chahal made $300 million in 2007 when he sold his
digital advertising company to Yahoo.
A year later, he appeared on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”
in a segment that highlighted his success and promoted
him as a highly eligible bachelor.
He pleaded guilty in April 2014 to misdemeanor domes-
tic violence charges after prosecutors said surveillance
footage from his San Francisco penthouse showed him
punching and kicking his girlfriend more than 100 times
and trying to smother her with a pillow.

Cytokinetics: 1Q Earnings Snapshot

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO — Cytokinetics Inc. on
Thursday reported a loss of $30.3 million in its first quar-
The South San Francisco-based company said it had a
loss of 56 cents per share.
The biopharmaceutical company posted revenue of $5.3
million in the period.
Cytokinetics shares have declined 5.5 percent since the
beginning of the year. The stock has fallen 54 percent in
the last 12 months.
011 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 9:46 PM Page 1


<<< Page 13, Sharks trying to recover

from 7-0, Game 1 loss to Golden Knights
Weekend • April 28-29, 2018

Sequoia, Terra Nova sweep PAL team track titles

By Nathan Mollat So there is still something to be said for Terra Nova head coach Jared Steele. “To go “The cool thing (about dual meets is) it’s
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF winning a division dual meet regular-season 5-0 (in league), they feel like they’ve done team focused,” said Sequoia head coach
title and in the Peninsula Athletic League, something for the team. … The boys beat Mike McCrae. “You can really get the kids
that meant there were none better than Half Moon Bay by a point and Capuchino feeling like they’re part of something.”
While the postseason for track and field is Sequoia in the Bay Division and Terra Nova by two points.” While depth is certainly a factor in win-
all about times and distances necessary to in the Ocean, as both schools swept the Both Terra Nova teams posted perfect 5-0 ning team titles, having talent certainly
advance to the state meet, the regular season boys’ and girls’ team titles in their respec- records, as did the Sequoia boys, who won helps as well. While the Terra Nova boys’
is all about scoring points. tive divisions. their second straight Bay Division team appeared to have depth throughout all 15
So while the postseason is more about the “That’s the closest thing to the truth that title. The Sequoia girls went 4-1 and tied events, the Tigers’ strength was in the speed
individual, the dual meet regular season is I preach. I probably have five athletes who Menlo-Atherton atop the standings, but the events and Elias Sanchez in the distance
all about the team, where every finish in a have a shot at making CCS. But I have a Cherokees were declared the champions races.
race or jump could be the difference between team of 86. How do I make the experience after beating the Bears head to head — their
the team winning and losing. worthwhile (for the rest of the team)?” said first PAL title since 1979. See TRACK, Page 14

Davis looms for Warriors

By Janie McCauley
U.S. leagues on
verge of going

OAKLAND — Steve Kerr refers to

Pelicans star Anthony Davis “one of the n NFL team in London? Count on
very best players on earth.” it. An NBA franchise in Mexico
That means the Golden State Warriors’ City? Yep, that’s coming too.
defense will face a far different test than What was once a pipe dream — major-
what San Antonio presented in the first league teams based in cities outside the
round of the NBA playoffs when New United States and Canada — is now just a
Orleans arrives for Game 1 of the Western matter of time. The aforementioned cities
Conference semifinals Saturday night on are the ones most likely to break through
the defending champions’ home floor. first, but others will surely follow when
The pace. The playmakers. And, of course, everyone sees how much potential rev-
the load that is Davis. enue is there for the taking.
Davis’ daunting playoff averages: 33 “The market is sat-
points, 12 rebounds and 2.8 blocks per urated in the U.S.,”
game. said Gil Fried, a pro-
New Orleans got here even after losing fessor and chair of
All-Star center DeMarcus Cousins three sports management
months ago to a season-ending torn at the University of
Achilles tendon. That’s when Davis said the New Haven. “They
Pelicans became “great.” need to find new mar-
“It was tough. We were still learning when kets.”
he was here,” Davis said. The NFL has been
“We were still in that early stage of trying trying for years to
to figure out how to close games, how to make inroads in
play for each other, defensive assignments.
And we started to figure it out before he got
PAUL Europe — especially
London — and those
hurt. ... Then when he went down, we had to
change everything again.”
NEWBERRY efforts were turned up
to full blast by reve-
Golden State gets it. There was a stretch lations that Jacksonville Jaguars owner
last month the four All-Stars were out and Shahid Khan is attempting to buy
the Warriors lost seven of 10. Wembley Stadium, a 90,000-seat, state-
Now, they might get back a big reinforce- of-the-art venue known the world over.
ment: Stephen Curry. The two-time MVP Khan brushed off the obvious specula-
was listed as questionable for Saturday’s tion that this is the first step toward
series opener as he works back from a moving the Jaguars to London — where
sprained left knee he hurt March 23. they already have been playing “home”
“Totally different series from what we just games since 2013 — but didn’t exactly
faced,” Kerr said of a five-game first round provide a resounding vote of confidence
with San Antonio. “Very much about pace. for Jacksonville, one of the smallest
They like to get out and run, where the Spurs markets in the NFL.
are more of a half-court team, so it’s an “The first thing you want with certain-
adjustment, a big adjustment. And obvious- ty is you want a venue,” he said. “And
ly, Davis is one of the very best players on this gives us a stadium solution, for us or
earth.” anyone else.”
Here are some things to watch for as the In other words, better get used to call-
best-of-seven series begins at Oracle Arena, ing his team the London Jaguars.
where the Warriors have won a franchise- “Shad Khan’s purchase of Wembley
record 12 straight postseason games: Stadium portends that a substantive NFL
New Orlean Pelicans’ forward Anthony Davis has developed into one of the top players in the
See WARRIORS, Page 15 NBA and a force to be reckoned with when they face the Golden State Warriors. See NEWBERRY, Page 18

Hillsdale stays in hunt for Bay title

By Terry Bernal With a 7-3 home win Friday over you’re going to get a chance like this
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF Menlo (2-6, 6-12), Hillsdale remains a again. So we’re going to give it all
half game back of first-place SHP in the we’ve got and we’ll see what happens
The Hillsdale Knights are not back- Bay Division standings. This leaves down the stretch.”
ing down. Hillsdale on the verge of clinching one Hillsdale hasn’t won a Bay Division
Friday the 13th proved a momentous of the league’s five automatic Central championship in modern history, with
day for the Knights with their 10- Coast Section playoff berths. PAL records going back to 1997. In
inning victory over Peninsula Athletic Hillsdale, though, is thinking big. 2015, the Knights enjoyed an unde-
League Bay Division frontrunner Sacred “Absolutely we’re thinking division feated league run to win the PAL Ocean
Heart Prep. Since then, Hillsdale (7-3 title, ” Hillsdale manager James Division title. They also won a Lake
TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL PAL Bay, 15-6 overall) has won five Madison said. “We’re thinking, why Division crown in 2008.
Hillsdale third baseman Arjun Mahanty olés a one-hopper at straight league games, including series not? That’s what we say every day to
third base in the Knights’7-3 win over Menlo Friday afternoon. sweeps of Sequoia and Menlo School. ourselves. … You can’t always assume See KNIGHTS, Page 14
012 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 10:45 PM Page 1

12 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Frank takes over SHP girls’ polo program

DAILY JOURNAL STAFF REPORT SHP Assistant Principal of Athletics Frank polo programs, both boys’ and girls’, gives lished to create an environment where stu-
Rodriguez said in a press release. “The Frank the confidence he can continue SHP’s dent-athletes can thrive both in the pool and
Sacred Heart Prep announced Thursday that majority of our girls have played for him at success. Under Burke, the Gators won nine out.”
Jamie Frank, an assistant for the boys’ water one point or another over the past few years Central Coast Section Division II titles in a Frank is a 2005 graduate of Aragon High
polo team, was named the new director of the and they are absolutely thrilled that he’ll be row, from 2007 to 2016. Last season, SHP School, where he starred in both water polo
girls’ polo program and the new varsity head on the pool deck directing them next fall.” finished runner-up to Leland in the inaugural and swimming, earning Daily Journal Boys’
coach. This will be Frank’s first high school head CCS Open Division final. Swimmer of the Year honors his senior year.
Frank is replacing Jon Burke, who is leav- coaching job, but he has been working as a “The work of the athletic department and He parlayed that into a polo and swimming
ing SHP to take a position with York School head coach with the Stanford Water Polo the coaches before me, namely Jon Burke, career at UC Irvine, where he became a three-
in Monterey. Club since 2012 where he runs the U16 have created an amazing platform to work time Academic All-American.
“[Frank is] an accomplished head coach boys’ team. His 2016 and 2017 squads were with outstanding student-athletes,” Frank “[Frank] is absolutely the right person to
who’s got both the experience and tempera- both crowned Junior Olympic champions. said in press release. “I look forward to assume this leadership role in our water polo
ment to keep the program moving forward,” But having been around the school’s water building on what has already been estab- program,” Rodriguez said.

Local sports roundup

FRIDAY Softball
Serra rallies for walk-off vs. Mitty
By Terry Bernal right-handed senior Juliano Rodriguez emerged
Carlmont 9, Burlingame 0
Baseball DAILY JOURNAL STAFF to fire three scoreless innings to earn the win.
The Panthers kept the Scots off the score-
“[Rodriguez] threw well,” said Button,
Sacred Heart Prep 7, Capuchino 4 board in all but one inning, when Carlmont
Serra’s eighth straight win was its most Serra’s catcher. “His slider was on. His fast-
The Gators score six of their seven runs in scored nine runs in the fourth to beat
exciting one yet. ball he was locating well. Our defense was just
the third inning to beat the Mustangs and Burlingame in a PAL Bay Division game.
Something had to give entering play Friday making plays. It was good to see that and it
maintain first place in the Peninsula Athletic Gabriella Avalos led the offense for
with three teams tied for first place in the West was really uplifting, to help shut them down
League’s Bay Division. Carlmont (12-0 PAL Bay, 19-1 overall), driv-
Catholic Athletic League baseball standings. and help keep us in it.”
Reece Lindquist drove in three runs and John ing in three runs. Samantha Chu added a pair of
Two of those teams, Serra and Mitty, squared In the seventh, the Padres got the spark
McGrory plated two more to lead the offense RBIs. Ashley Trierweiler and Eimear
off in an epic showdown at Frisella Field. they needed from leadoff batter Chris Fung.
for SHP (7-2 PAL Bay, 17-5 overall). Eric Cunningham each cracked a double for the
Trailing two runs going into its final at- The senior drew a walk and ultimately came
DeBrine had three hits for the Gators as well. Scots, while Trierweiler led the team with three
bat, Serra (9-3 WCAL, 17-5 overall) rallied around to score on an RBI double by Sutter.
Angelo Tonas earned the win for the Gators, hits.
for three runs to win it in Then, with pinch runners Jeremy Villar and
pitching six innings, allowing four runs on That was plenty of offense for pitcher Katy
dramatic fashion, with Marek Palladino on base, Noah Marcelo drew
eight hits. Parker Isaacson pitched the seventh Rogers, who worked the first four innings
senior Zach Button a two-out walk to load the bases and bring
to earn the save. without allowing a hit. Burlingame would go
drilling a walk-off two-run Button to the plate.
Capuchino (4-5, 7-13) was led offensively on to finish with a pair of hits.
double to set off a Padre It has been an up-and-down year for Button,
by Max Stines, who had three RBIs. Trey celebration in the middle whose defensive versatility has given Serra a
Zahursky added a couple of hits for the College baseball of the diamond. crucial option behind the dish for the past
Mustangs. Mission-Santa Clara 15, San Mateo 13 “It was unbelievable,” four games since WCAL superstar Cameron
The Saints captured the Golden Gate Button said. “The team Barstad suffered a fracture in his left hand.
THURSDAY Conference championship by beating the At the plate, though, Button has scuffled.
Bulldogs in a slugfest to end the regular sea- Zach Button went crazy. Once the guys After batting in the No. 5 spot in the order at
went across with the win-
Baseball son. ning runs, the helmets were in the air, guys the beginning of the season, the senior
Cody Stevenson’s two-run double in the bot- were out at second base. It was pretty crazy.” entered play Friday hitting .145 while drop-
Mills 5, Crystal Springs 1 tom of the eighth inning broke the tie for
The Gryphons led 1-0 after one inning With the win, Serra is momentarily alone in ping to the No. 8 spot in the order.
Mission (14-6 Golden Gate, 25-14 overall) and first place in the WCAL. Mitty (8-4, 18-5) “He’s struggled a little bit at times so we’ve
before the Vikings took the lead for good in the offset four homers by CSM (13-7, 26-13), one falls to second place, one game behind the kind of moved him around different spots try-
third on their way to a PAL Lake Division win. each from Sean Prozell, Kevin Jordan, Nick Padres. Valley Christian (8-3, 20-3-1) did not ing to get him going,” Houle said. “And now
Mills (3-3 PAL Lake, 4-14) scored three runs Knecht and Anthony Flores. play Friday and falls a half game back of that he’s catching it’s been a pretty big
in the third and added two more in the fifth, Mission banged out 21 hits against a half Serra, though the Warriors can again draw change for him. But the last couple games,
scoring five runs on six hits. dozen CSM pitchers. Bulldogs’ starter Jared even Saturday with their matchup against he’s come through with some pretty big hits.”
Austin Brown picked up the win for the Milch did not factor into the decision, but he Sacred Heart Cathedral. Button was down to his last strike but was
Vikings, allowing one run while scattering allowed six runs on nine hits in just four steadfastly sitting curveball. He got one and
“We feel like we’ve been playing pretty
seven hits. He also had a pair of hits. innings of work. Justin Berry took the loss for well for the last couple weeks,” Serra manag- hammered it off the wall in left-center, scor-
Josh Goodwine led the offense for Crystal San Mateo. ing Villar and Palladino with the tying and
er Chris Houle said. “So I think for these guys
Springs (1-6, 3-6), finishing with a game-high it’s an affirmation of what we’ve been doing winning runs.
three hits. College track and field is working. We’re playing well, and if we “That was pretty crazy game, that’s for
CSM wins a pair of titles on first keep playing this way we’ll be in every game sure,” Houle said.
Half Moon Bay 17, South City 3 day of conference championships ... and we’ve put ourselves in a position to be WCAL play winds down next week with
The Cougars scored runs in the first five College of San Mateo long jumper Nate right there at the end. And that’s what these Serra having two league games remaining on
innings to rout the Warriors in a PAL Ocean Shani and high jumper Caroline Trevthick each guys want.” its schedule. The Padres host St. Francis this
Division game. won their event on the first day of the Coast It was slow goings for the Serra offense Tuesday, with the Lancers riding a three-game
HMB (6-4 PAL Ocean, 15-8 overall) scored Conference championships at Chabot College through the first six innings though. The winning streak. In fact, Serra has St. Francis
two runs in the first, four in the second, three in in Hayward, earning them spots in the state Padres banged out 11 hits in the game but also to thank for the Padres catching Valley
both the third and fourth innings, and rounded meet next month. left nine runners on base. Christian atop the Bay Division standings.
out the scoring with a five-run fifth. Shani, a freshman out of Hillsdale, set a new “We just couldn’t come up with the big hits The Lancers downed Valley 2-1 with a walk-
Casildo Guevara had a huge game, going 4 personal record with a jump of 22 feet, 7 inch- with runners in scoring position through the off win Tuesday.
for 4 while driving in seven runs. He also es. Shani becomes the second straight Bulldog first six innings,” Houle said. When asked if 2018 was starting to feel like
scored four times and was a home run short of to win the conference long jump title. The only thing Serra had to show for the hit a season of destiny, Button didn’t downplay
hitting for the cycle. Trevthick, a sophomore from Mills who total prior to the seventh came in the third Serra’s potential to do something special, but
Guevara overshadowed teammate Jakob leads the state this season, won the Coast inning. With Mitty leading 2-0, Serra senior was keen to pivot to a word with a little more
Meighen’s performance. Meighen was 4 for 5 Conference title with a jump of 5-2. Her best J.J. Ota produced an RBI double to plate Ryan immediacy — “fun.”
with four RBIs of his own. this season is 5-7. Trevthick will also compete Sutter. Mitty got the run back in the fifth, “We’re hoping so,” Button said of the des-
Alex Smith picked up the win, throwing four at the state meet in the heptathlon, after she though, to end the day for Serra starting tiny question. “We’ve all got to keep doing
innings, allowing three runs on seven hits. moved up to No. 2 on the all-time CSM list pitcher Drew Dowd. our part. The team has really gelled. The team
Noah Gandelman came on in relief and three with 4,200 points. She also had a fifth-place The left-handed Dowd worked four-plus is coming together. So, it’s easy to play. It
no-hit innings. finish in the long jump. innings and was on the hook for the loss. But makes it fun.”
013 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 11:05 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 13

Giants 6, Dodgers 4
Sharks trying to shake
off Game 1 shellacking Giants rally late to beat L.A. By Gideon Rubin (his fifth) and Crawford
By W. G. Ramirez THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (his second).
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Dodgers third baseman
SAN FRANCISCO — Evan Longoria and Kyle Farmer had a career-
LAS VEGAS — The San Jose Sharks made Brandon Crawford each homered and Gorkys high three hits.
it a priority to get faster following a loss in Hernandez scored the go-ahead run on a balk as Hunter Strickland
the Stanley Cup Final to Pittsburgh two the Giants beat the Dodgers 6-4 Friday night. pitched a scoreless ninth
years ago. The Giants rallied from a 4-2 deficit, scoring for his sixth save. He
The Sharks looked awfully slow and lost four runs in the bottom of the seventh inning. struck out Yasmani Grandal
at times in the 7-0 rout at the hands of the The Dodgers were 10-1 when leading after Evan Longoria looking for the last out to
Vegas Golden Knights in their second-round the sixth going into Friday. the chants of “Beat L.A.”
series opener. Hernandez and pinch-hitter Kelby Tomlinson
Vegas outhit the Sharks, 48-33. had consecutive run-scoring singles with one Social skipper
Vegas had 15 takeaways, San Jose had six. out in the seventh off Tony Cingrani (0-1). Giants manager Bruce Bochy entered the
Vegas blocked 26 shots, the Sharks 13. Hernandez scored the go-ahead run when social media circuit this week, communicat-
San Jose was whistled for 10 penalties; Dodgers reliver Pedro Baez slipped at the end of ing for the first time on a Twitter account he
Vegas just five. his delivery, firing the ball into the grass near opened in November of last year. As of Friday
“We had a laundry list of issues,” coach the pitcher’s mound during Joe Panik’s at-bat. evening, (at)BruceBochy1 had tweeted four
Peter DeBoer said. “We weren’t good, and Tomlinson scored on Panik’s sacrifice fly. times and had nearly 18,000 followers.
they beat us. It’s obviously not pretty and Dodgers starter Hyun-Jin Ryu gave up two
we know we have to be better across the runs in 5 2/3 innings of four-hit ball in Trainer’s room
board.” which he struck out seven and walked none. Mac Williamson was placed on concussion
The Sharks don’t have much time, and The South Korean left-hander was in line for protocol on Friday. The 27-year-old crashed
maybe that’s a good thing. Game 2 is his fourth straight win when he left the into a wall chasing a foul ball on Tuesday and
Saturday night. game with a 4-2 lead. reported lightheadedness during pregame
San Jose won’t have forward Evander Giants starter Derek Holland gave up four workouts the next day. . RHP Mark Melancon
Kane, who was suspended one game for runs in 3 1/3 innings. He’s winless through (right elbow flexor strain) threw from about
cross-checking Vegas forward Pierre- five starts with his new team. 60 feet on flat ground for a second straight
Edouard Bellemare in the head after a whistle STEPHEN R. SYLVANIE/USA TODAY SPORTS
Sam Dyson (1-0) pitched a scoreless sev-
San Jose’s Evander Kane, who injected some day on Friday. . LHP Josh Osich (right hip
late in the third period Thursday night. He enth for the Giants.
offensive punch into the Sharks when he was strain) went on the DL and OF Austin Slater
was sent off and Joe Pavelski went off at the Ryu gave up solo home runs to Longoria
acquired him at the trade deadline, was sus- was recalled from Triple-A Sacramento.
same time for slashing,
In a video announcing the suspension, pended for Game 2 after cross-checking
the NHL department of player safety said Vegas’ Pierre-Edouard Bellemare late in the Athletics 8, Astros 1 A’s brief
Kane’s cross-check “was not a hockey play” third period of Game 1 Thursday. HOUSTON — Sean Manaea followed up his
and served no purpose other than to strike his first 13 batters before Matt Chapman hit a
no-hitter with seven solid innings, three A’s one-out homer in the fifth into the first row of
an opponent in the head. Saturday but at the same time, you know, homered and Oakland beat the Houston Astros
“I’m not a dirty player. It was just a not have to stand in there and get embar- the Crawford Boxes in left field to tie it 1-1.
8-1 on Friday night for their fifth win in six Chad Pinder put the Athletics ahead 3-1
forecheck that went into a scrum,” Kane said rassed.” games.
afterward. “I just cross-checked him in the The Sharks started the series without star with a two-run homer in the sixth. Matt
center Joe Thornton, who has been out since Manaea (4-2) no-hit Boston last Saturday Olson’s RBI single in the seventh scored
arm and unfortunately that rolled up when he
Jan. 23 with a knee injury, and there is no and didn’t allow a hit Friday until the fourth Chapman, who had doubled, and Mark Canha
extended his arm. There was no intent and
timeline for his return. inning. He gave up one unearned run on four followed with a two-run homer to up the lead
I’m glad he wasn’t hurt on the play.”
The Sharks must figure out a way to solve hits and a walk and struck out seven. to 6-1. Jed Lowrie had a two-run triple in the
The game was out of hand by then.
Goaltender Martin Jones, who looked Marc-Andre Fleury, who stopped 33 shots Houston starter Dallas Keuchel (1-4) retired eighth.
brilliant in the first round by allowing just for his13th career shutout in the playoffs
four goals in a sweep of Anaheim, came into and third this postseason. Fleury made 17
the series with a career .931 save percent- saves in the first period alone, including 10
age, third best ever among goalies with at on the penalty kill, while his teammates
least 20 playoff games. He gave up four were scoring at the other end. San Jose was
goals in the first period alone and was pulled 6 for 20 on the power play in the opening
after allowing a fifth 3:28 into the second round against the Ducks but went 0-for-5
period. against Fleury.
“That was on us as a group and it wasn’t on “We have to be better, that’s the message
him,” DeBoer said. “I wanted to give him they sent,” DeBoer said. “And we’ve got to
enough time that he could feel ready for respond to that.”
014 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 9:32 PM Page 1

14 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

“It leads into the pep talks before each Paolinelli followed with an RBI fielder’s
Continued from page 11
meet,” McCrae said. “We don’t know who will
be the athlete (to do something unexpected)
this week, but it will be one of [the athletes].”
choice and J.P. Lyssenko produced an RBI
groundout to give Hillsdale a 3-0 lead.
“Everybody has really been swinging it
On the girls’ side, that would be pole vaulter well,” Leong said. “Just, 1 through 9 we all
Sam Brook who, in just two years of compet- just really believe in each other. And every-
Sanchez was the runner to beat in the Ocean
ing in arguably the most technical event in body can really drive the ball.”
Division as he had the fastest times in the
800 (2:00.26), 1,600 (4:22.66) and the track and field, is already one of the best in Then in the third, Leong went large. After
3,200 (9.41.1) — all personal records. the PAL. Brook set a school record of 9 feet, 2 a leadoff single by Thomas Karpishin,
inches in the final dual meet of the season Leong cashed in with a two-run home run to
Daniel Abad was the Tigers’ designated
this week. left field.
speedster, showing well in both the 100 and
200, while also helping out in the 4x100 and Eva Gillet, who runs the 800, 1,600 and “It’s a philosophy of ours,” Madison said
4x400 relays, as well as the triple jump. 4x400 relay, is the senior anchor and three- of scoring early. “It’s a fighter’s mentality.
“He’s always been a competitor in PAL year team captain for the Cherokees. Her first We want to throw the first punch. We don’t
finals, but not one who could make it to three meets of the season, she doubled in the want to have our backs against the wall. …
CCS,” Steele said. “He came out this year said 800 and 1,600. She got sick during spring If you can do that, I think you change the
he really wanted to take it on (try to qualify break and is just now starting to round back whole outlook of the game. Start fast and
for CCS). During cross country, I gave him into form. finish strong is what we talk about.”
some sprint workouts and he dropped a 23.9 “If she can get completely healthy, we real- Then, after Menlo broke through in the
in the 200.” ly want her to end her high school career with fifth inning, Hillsdale answered right back.
Jack Solano gave the Tigers another versa- an incredible PAL final and CCS experience,” Justin Nam put Menlo on the board,
tile athlete, being among the best in the McCrae said. drilling a three-run home run to make it a
Ocean in the 100 hurdles, while also being Balancing out Gillet in the distance races is ballgame again with Hillsdale leading 5-
one of the division’s best high jumpers. junior sprinter Gianna Colombo, who runs 3. But Hillsdale answered right back in
Steele said the Terra Nova girls had a deeper the 100, 200, hurdles, triple jumps and is a the bottom of the frame when Paolinelli
team than the boys and the Lady Tigers had a relay runner. — 1 for 3 with three RBIs — drilled a two-
much easier time in posting their undefeated run double to center field to re-up the lead
“She’s just a quiet performer,” McCrae said.
league mark. to 7-3.
“I go home after a dual meet and start looking TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL
“The girls were a much more competitive at the results. She’s one or two in the 100, “I think we got unfocused there for an
team all around. Point wise, I think the clos- Jason Alba worked six innings Friday to earn inning,” Madison said. “And that’s been the
one or two in the triple jump.” the win for Hillsdale, upping his record to 3-1.
est (meet) was 20 points,” Steele said. thing. … But their ability to come back and
The Sequoia boys are led by sprinter Ryan put two more on the board speaks a lot to
Senior Holly Skoufos was the foundation
for the Lady Tigers, excelling in the 200, 400
and 800. She also competed in the high jump
on occasion.
Reed, who McCrae calls his “workhorse,” and
jumper Henry Utrecht.
“[Reed] is incredibly focused. He’s been a
great leader for us,” McCrae said. “[Utrecht] is
KNIGHTS the character of this team and that we’ve
been battle tested.”
For Menlo, Nam’s home run swing was a
“Tuesdays are horizontal jump days, so she Continued from page 11 key at-bat in that the junior hasn’t played
would go over and train,” Steele said. a very athletic guy. He also has the right for three weeks.
“Basically, no one on the team is allowed to mind-set to approach three intense events “When we played against Sequoia, he
do just two events. [Athletes] help the team in (high jump, long jump and triple jump).” What’s most impressive about started having these migraine headaches
so many capacities.” But it was a couple of performances from Hillsdale’s current Bay Division run is the and stuff,” Reynoso said. “Now, it was
Carly Watts provides an intimidating pres- sophomore distance runner Alonso Gonzales team has played its best baseball since los- going into dizziness and upset stomachs
ence in the throws where she has the divi- that catapulted the Cherokees to the champi- ing its best starting pitcher. Through five and stuff. … He was getting migraines and
sion’s best distances in both the shot put and onship. Against Carlmont, Gonzales came starts, senior right-hander Jaxon Skidmore stuff when he was in the eighth grade and
discus. Isabel Magat is solid in the distance out of nowhere to win the 1,600. Against M- posted a 4-0 record with a 1.17 ERA. Due to now it’s getting worse.”
races, with top-10 marks in both the 1,600 A, he set a personal record in capturing the a bout of arm soreness in late March, how-
ever, Skidmore hasn’t made a start since Nam — one of Menlo’s top players —
and 3,200. 3,200 race. also pitched the sixth inning, setting down
In the Bay Division, Sequoia relied on solid “The energy level of the team just went March 23.
Enter right-hander Jason Alba, who has the side in order with commanding stuff.
production from established stars, but also through the roof (after those races),” McCrae “He’s a gamer,” Reynoso said. “He gives
got some unexpected results from other ath- said. “[Gonzales] is a gamer. The more impor- entered the rotation March 24 and has post-
ed a 3-1 record, including his most recent us what he can, when he can.”
letes. tant the meet, he steps it up one more notch.” Hillsdale countered with Skidmore, who
win Friday. The junior soldiered through six
innings, including setting down the side in retired Menlo in order in the seventh to end
order in his final inning of work. it. It was just the second pitching appear-
“It’s amazing because coming into the ance in over a month for the senior right-
season he wasn’t really going to be our 1-2 hander.
guy,” Hillsdale catcher Matthew Leong said. “Now, to have a guy like Skidmore clos-
“But start after start, he’s just been able to ing games, or possibly coming in to start
gain more confidence. Just being able to when a game’s on the line in a CCS situa-
throw strikes more consistently is good.” tion, we feel good about that,” Madison
Leong had a say in staking his starter said.
pitcher to a big early lead. Hillsdale jumped Sitting a half game ahead of first-place
all over Menlo starting pitcher Julien SHP in the Bay Division standings,
Hernandez in the second, with Drew Hillsdale has four regular-season games left
Aspillera, Leong and Skidmore opening the to play. SHP has five games remaining.
inning with three straight singles to load Third-place Carlmont, currently one game
the bases. Will Garratt got hit by a pitch to back of SHP, has six games remaining on
force in the game’s first run. Then Antonio its schedule.
015 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 8:51 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 15

Curry questionable for Saturday’s Game 1

By Janie McCauley ures he will discuss that with Kerr ahead of
“I’m getting there,” he said. “My knee
feels pretty good. I don’t have any pain
OAKLAND — Stephen Curry is impatient
with doing things I’ve been doing.”
and eager to get back in a game for the
Curry wore compression leggings Friday
Golden State Warriors, yet he knows it’s not
to protect his sprained knee, which has
worth risking re-injuring his left knee by
sidelined him since the injury March 23. It
pushing his return too soon.
was bad luck given that’s the same day he
The two-time MVP on Friday went returned from a six-game absence because of
through his first 5-on-5 scrimmage since a hurt right ankle.
the injury but coach Steve Kerr wasn’t ready He was happy to not need a brace he tried
to proclaim Curry a go for Saturday night — out Thursday. The Warriors eliminated the
that might not be decided until after the San Antonio Spurs in Game 5 of the first-
morning shootaround. Kerr listed Curry’s round series with a 99-91 win Tuesday night
status as questionable for a second straight and Curry wants to make sure he doesn’t dis-
day ahead of Game 1 of the Western rupt any flow or momentum with the team
Conference semifinals against the New on a roll.
Orleans Pelicans at Oracle Arena. “The priority for us is to be the best team
“Still to be determined, ” Curry said. we can be,” he said. “When I’m 100 percent
“They come up with those snazzy words for healthy and doing what I need to do I obvi-
a reason — doubtful, questionable, proba- ously try to lead that charge but right now
ble. I’ve learned a lot about what those the conversations become how can you
words mean this year. Just trying to work manage those minutes and still be produc-
my way up, do what I need to do, do whatev- JOHN GLASER/USA TODAY SPORTS tive and still have a cohesive lineup and
er Chelsea (Lane) and the rest of the athletic Golden State point guard Steph Curry missed the final month of the season and the first flow to the game and all that type of stuff.
training staff and coach needs to see to get round of the playoffs against the Spurs because of a knee injury. After not looking like he That’s what Coach has to think through.”
me back out there. That’s the only thing I would be ready to return for New Orleans earlier in the week, the Warriors upgraded Curry Curry said he wasn’t trying to persuade
can really focus on right now. It is good to to questionable for Game 1 Saturday. Kerr or Lane to let him play Saturday.
be back actually playing basketball and “There’s no real politicking at all, it’s not
doing basketball things.” training staff decided when to let Curry There was still no date for Game 2 of the that serious. It’s a matter of how you feel,
Curry, Kerr and Lane spoke in depth after return. best-of-seven series, though Curry was can you do this, can you do that and check
Friday’s scrimmage, which wasn’t visible “A big part of this is how he turns up hoping if he couldn’t play Saturday that the off all the boxes along the way,” he said.
to media members with a curtain blocking tomorrow after a night’s rest,” Kerr said. game would be at least Tuesday — not “Once I get through all those checkpoints
one court at team headquarters. “It’s the first time he’s scrimmaged in six Monday — to give him a better chance. and have confidence in myself and my body
On Thursday, Curry resumed full practice weeks, five weeks, whatever it is. It’s not as He nearly feels like himself again, mov- I’ll be out there, whether that’s tomorrow
with contact but Kerr wanted to see how simple as he feels good, throw him out ing the way he’s used to during a game. night or Monday or Tuesday, whenever
Curry responded after consecutive intense there. It’s more about give him a few days, Curry isn’t sure what kind of minutes to Game 2 is, that’s the process that I’m all too
days of on-court work before he and the see how he responds from there.” expect initially when he does return but fig- familiar with.”

Continued from page 11
his shooting touch. “It has to. Hopefully, I
can continue that (consistent) trend. But it’s
something that I will never doubt myself
when it comes to shooting. I put too much
Warriors before the 2014-15 season — and
it’s among the first calls he made. Gentry
served only one season as the team’s top
assistant but was instrumental in develop-
New Orleans swept Portland in the first
round, so the Pelicans got to watch the
effort into it.” ing the offense used today. Warriors finish off the Spurs on Tuesday
“I would say Alvin was critical for my night.
THOMPSON’S TOUCH ON A ROLL growth as a head coach,” Kerr said. “I do think we’ve had an advantage in that
Thompson is feeling it. Golden State has won 24 of the last 26 He meant plenty to the players, too. Ask way just having time off and everybody
After some ups and games including playoffs against the All-Star Klay Thompson. locking in and watching them play,” Jrue
downs during the regular Pelicans, 12 of 13 at home dating to the “He was a great guy to be around. He was a Holiday said.
season, he shot 52.9 per- 2012-13 season. huge part of why our offense opened up and
was a huge part of our pace of play and our The Warriors know how much the addition
cent — 46 for 87 — in “Our guys know that to beat the defending
ball movement,” Thompson said. “And I of Nikola Mirotic meant to New Orleans
the first round including champs is going to be extremely hard,” New
think he’s done the same thing in New since he was acquired to help fill the void
16 of 31 on 3s for 51.6 Orleans guard Rajon Rondo said.
Orleans. They play with great pace now. left by Cousins’ absence.
“It always feels right, They play similar to us as far as spreading “We pretty much threw out all three game
at least in my mind it
GENTRY’S ASSIST the court and you’ve got playmakers every- tapes prior to Mirotic’s arrival,” Kerr said.
does,” Thompson said of Kerr knew he wanted Gentry on Golden where. So Alvin was instrumental in what “Those don’t mean anything to us. Once he
Klay Thompson State’s staff when hired to coach the we built here.” arrived, the whole team looked different.”


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016 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 12:35 PM Page 1

16 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

017 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 10:54 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 17

49ers draft WR Pettis
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ed. He dropped just three of his 64
East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB
FIrst round
New York 16 8 .667 — Boston 19 6 .760 — Warriors win series 4-1 over San Antonio
catchable targets, according to Pro Philadelphia 15 9 .625 1 New York 16 9 .640 3 Sat., April 14: Warriors 113, San Antonio 92
SANTA CLARA — The San Football Focus, ranking 13th best in Atlanta 14 10 .583 2 Toronto 14 11 .560 5 Monday, April 16: Warriors 116, San Antonio 101
Francisco 49ers got more help for the nation last season. Washington 11 15 .423 6 Tampa Bay 11 13 .458 7 1/2 Thur., April 19: Warriors 110, San Antonio 97
quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo on Miami 7 18 .280 9 1/2 Baltimore 7 19 .269 12 1/2 Sunday, April 22: San Antonio 103, Warriors 90
He also is the NCAA record-holder Tuesday, April 24: Warriors 99, San Antonio 91
Friday by trading up in the NFL draft with nine punt returns for touch- Central Division Central Division
to take speedy receiver and record-set- downs, including four last season. He W L Pct GB W L Pct GB Second round
ting returner Dante Pettis out of has a career average of 14.2 yards per St. Louis 15 10 .600 — Cleveland 14 10 .583 — New Orleans vs Warriors
Washington with the 44th overall return. San Francisco has gone 111 Milwaukee 16 11 .593 — Detroit 10 14 .417 4 Sat., April 28: New Orleans at Warriors, 7:30 p.m.
Pittsburgh 15 11 .577 1/2 Minnesota 8 13 .381 4 1/2 Rest of schedule, TBA
pick. straight games without a punt return Chicago 13 10 .565 1 Chicago 7 16 .304 6 1/2
The Niners traded the 59th and 74th for a touchdown. Cincinnati 6 20 .231 9 1/2 Kansas City 5 19 .208 9
overall picks to the Washington Pettis is the son of former major SHARKS PLAYOFF GLANCE
Redskins for the pick used on Pettis leaguer Gary Pettis and the cousin of West Division West Division
and the 142nd overall selection. former NFL receiver Austin Pettis. First round
Arizona 18 7 .720 — Houston 17 10 .630 —
San Francisco then targeted defense Gary Pettis was born and raised in Colorado 15 12 .556 4 Angels 16 10 .615 1/2 San Jose 4, Anaheim 0
with its next two picks in the third nearby Oakland and is currently the Giants 12 13 .480 6 Seattle 14 11 .560 2 Thursday, April 12: San Jose 3, Anaheim 0
round, taking BYU linebacker Fred third-base coach for the World Series Los Angeles 11 13 .458 6 1/2 A’s 14 12 .538 2 1/2 Saturday, April 14: San Jose 3, Anaheim 2
San Diego 9 18 .333 10 Monday, April 16: San Jose 8, Anaheim 1
Warner with the 70th overall selec- champion Houston Astros. Texas 10 17 .370 7
Wed., April 18: San Jose 2, Anaheim 1
tion and Southern Mississippi defen- Warner started all 13 games last Friday’s Games Friday’s Games
sive back Tarvarius Moore at 95. season, leading BYU with 87 tackles, Chicago Cubs 3, Milwaukee 2 Baltimore 6, Detroit 0 Second round
San Francisco paid a premium to including nine for loss, along with Arizona 5, Washington 4 Texas 6, Toronto 4 Vegas 1, Sharks 0
Philadelphia 7, Atlanta 3 Thursday, April 26: Vagas 7, Sharks 0
move up in the draft but felt Pettis’ one interception and five pass Pittsburgh 6, St. Louis 5, 11 innings
Cleveland 6, Seattle 5
Saturday, April 28: Sharks at Vegas, 5 p.m.
game-breaking speed made it worth Tampa Bay 4, Boston 3
breakups. He has seven career inter- Colorado 1, Miami 0
Cincinnati 15, Minnesota 9
the price. ceptions, including two returned for Cincinnati 15, Minnesota 9
Pettis caught 63 passes for 761 touchdowns, as he has excelled in N.Y. Mets 5, San Diego 1
San Francisco 6, L.A. Dodgers 4
Oakland 8, Houston 1
Chicago White Sox 7, Kansas City 4, 11 innings TRANSACTIONS
yards and seven TDs last season for coverage. Saturday’s Games N.Y. Yankees 4, Angels 3, 10 innings
Washington. He has experience play- Warner is capable of playing the Cincy(Romano1-2)atMinnesota(Odorizzi1-2),11:10a.m. Saturday’s Games American League
Milwaukee (Guerra 2-0) at Cubs (Quintana 2-1),11:20 a.m. Cincy(Romano1-2)atMinnesota(Odorizzi1-2),11:10a.m.
ing outside and in the slot and pro- weakside or middle linebacker spot White Sox (Fulmer 1-1) at KC (Oaks 0-0), 11:15 a.m.
BOSTON RED SOX — Placed OF/INF Brock Holt on
Arizona(Corbin4-0)atWashington(Hellickson0-0),1:05p.m. the 10-day DL. Reinstated SS Xander Bogaerts from
vides another deep threat in coach on San Francisco’s defense but said Dodgers (Buehler 0-0) at Giants (Stratton 2-1), 1:05 Tampa (Chirinos 0-1) at Boston (Price 2-2), 1:05 p.m. the 10-day DL.
Kyle Shanahan’s offense for the team envisioned him more in the p.m., 1st game Texas (Colon 0-0) at Toronto (Garcia 2-1), 1:07 p.m. OAKLAND ATHLETICS —Placed LHP Ryan Buchter
Garoppolo to utilize. Atl (Foltynewicz 1-1) at Philly (Pivetta 1-0), 3:05 p.m. Seattle (Leake 2-2) at Cleveland (Carrasco 4-0),1:10 p.m. on the 10-day DL, retroactive to April 26. Reinstated
middle. The Niners might need some St. Louis (Flaherty 0-0) at Pitt (Williams 3-1), 4:05 p.m. RHP Yusmeiro Petit from the bereavement list. Re-
“I’m hoping to do a lot of different Detroit (Liriano 2-1) at Baltimore (Cashner 1-3),4:05 p.m.
insurance there with starter Reuben Colorado (Marquez 1-2) at Miami (Smith 0-3),4:10 p.m. A’s (Mengden 2-2) at Houston (McCullers 3-1),4:10 p.m.
called LHP Danny Coulombe from Nashville (PCL).
things,” Pettis said. “Whether that’s Foster facing three felony counts Mets (Vargas 0-0) at SD (Lucchesi 2-1), 5:40 p.m. White Sox (TBD) at KC (Skoglund 0-2), 4:15 p.m.
TEXAS RANGERS —Activated RHP Tony Barnette
from the 10-day DL. Optioned RHP Josi Leclerc to
taking a deep post, taking the top off from a domestic violence case that Dodgers (Wood 0-2) at Giants (Cueto 2-0), 7:05 p.m., Yankees (Tanaka 3-2) at Angels (Richards 3-0),6:07 p.m. Round Rock (PCL).
2nd game
of the defense or getting a little screen could impact his availability. Sunday’s Games
Sunday’s Games National League
and breaking a few tackles, making a Detroit at Baltimore, 10:05 a.m. ATLANTA BRAVES — Recalled RHP Chase Whitley
Moore measured 6-foot-2, 190 Colorado at Miami, 10:10 a.m. from Gwinnett (IL). Optioned RHP Matt Wisler to
Tampa Bay at Boston, 10:05 a.m.
big play that way or just moving the pounds and ran a 4.32 40-yard dash at Arizona at Washington, 10:35 a.m.
Texas at Toronto, 10:07 a.m. Gwinnett. Activated C Tyler Flowers from the 10-
Atlanta at Philadelphia, 10:35 a.m.
chains on third down. There’s a lot of his pro day. Moore started one season St. Louis at Pittsburgh, 10:35 a.m. Seattle at Cleveland, 11:10 a.m.
day DL. Designated C Carlos Perez for assignment.
from the 10-day DL.
different things that I feel I can do that at Southern Miss, recording 87 tack- Cincinnati at Minnesota,11:10 a.m. Cincinnati at Minnesota, 11:10 a.m. SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS —Sent RF Hunter Pence
I can translate into the NFL.” les, three interceptions and 10 pass Milwaukee at Chicago Cubs, 11:20 a.m. Oakland at Houston,11:10 a.m. on a rehab assignment to Sacramento (PCL).
Pettis is also extremely sure-hand- L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco, 1:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Kansas City, 11:15 a.m. WASHINGTON NATIONALS — Signed 1B Matt
breakups last season. N.Y. Mets at San Diego, 1:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Angels, 5:07 p.m. Hague to a minor league contract.






018 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 9:04 PM Page 1

18 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Raiders trade back again, get defensive lineman

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS once I got the phone call.” more used to it, got comfortable playing it, 57th and 89th overall picks.
The Raiders acquired Hall with an eye on then it got better.” Then Gruden and general manager Reggie
ALAMEDA — Jon Gruden’s first NFL draft improving the interior of their defensive The Raiders are thin inside. Eddie McKenzie worked the phones and made
since leaving the broadcast booth has been a line. Oakland had 31 sacks in 2017, only 1 Vanderdoes and Justin Ellis were the starters another trade to grab the first pick in the third
busy one. 1/2 from players playing full time inside. in 2017 but Vanderdoes is coming off a torn round. The Raiders traded the 75th, 152nd and
One day after trading back in the first round, Hall should be an immediate help. The 6- ACL in his left knee suffered in Oakland’s 212th overall picks to Baltimore for the
the Oakland Raiders remained one of the foot-1, 310-pounder had 42 sacks in four sea- final regular-season game. Jihad Ward, the 65th, which they used to get Parker.
NFL’s most active teams in the draft Friday sons at Sam Houston State and was the 44th overall pick in 2016, has one career Parker is a two-time Mid-Eastern Athletic
night with another series of trades. Southland Conference defensive player of the sack in 21 games. Conference offensive lineman of the year
Oakland began by trading down in the sec- year in 2016. Hall was taken on the second day of the who started four seasons at left tackle for
ond round and acquiring defensive lineman An edge rusher who alternated between draft despite not getting invited to the NFL North Carolina A&T. According to the
P.J. Hall from Sam Houston State with the standing up and lining up with his hand on combine in February. The snub, he said, was Raiders, Parker did not allow a sack during his
57th overall pick, then made another deal to the ground during his first three college sea- extra motivation. college career, although he disputed that.
move up in the third round to get offensive sons, Hall switched to defensive tackle as a “I was a little down about it for like a day or “I think I gave up maybe one or two sacks,”
tackle Brandon Parker. senior where his quickness helped make up two, but after that I felt like it helped me,” Parker said. “I don’t know where that came
The Raiders later dealt away two more picks for a size disadvantage. Hall said. “I got more time to prepare for my from.”
to move up to 87th overall and drafted line- “Whenever I had to go inside I was way pro day and I had an excellent pro day. I Parker’s selection came on the heels of the
backer Arden Key from LSU. more athletic than a lot of the guards I went crushed it. I feel that’s kind of what raised my Raiders drafting Kolton Miller with the 15th
“I was really surprised,” Hall said. “I hadn’t against,” Hall said. “That helps a lot. It was a stock.” overall pick. Miller is expected to compete
heard about me going in the second round at little tough because it was my first time ever To get Hall, Oakland shipped the 41st over- for the right tackle job while Parker will like-
all during this process. It really shocked me playing it but as the season went along I got all pick to Tennessee in exchange for the ly back up left tackle Donald Penn.

tural comfort zone. Unless some sort of supersonic transporta- playing all its games on the road but per-
Continued from page 11
But the appeal is enormous.
“It’s the largest city in the Western
Hemisphere,” NBA Commissioner Adam
tion becomes available, it would simply be
too difficult to incorporate such faraway
cities as London and Tokyo into an 82-
haps making it easier to sign players in
free agency and cope with legal issues and
currency fluctuations.
Silver said. “It’s part of a 130 million-per- game schedule, which requires teams to Travel would not be a concern for a
son country. There’s a very strong, pas- play games all through the week and some- Mexican team. The NBA, NFL and Major
presence in London, and ultimately a fran- sionate Mexican-American fan base in the times on back-to-back days. League Baseball have all played regular-
chise, is inevitable,” said Vince Benigni, a United States. This is also a potential gate- Also working against European expan- season games south of the border — next
professor of sports communication at the way for all of Latin America.” sion: the lack on U.S.-quality arenas (even weekend, in fact, the Los Angeles Dodgers
College of Charleston. The NHL first floated the prospect of a the most modern facilities generally lack will meet the San Diego Padres in a three-
The NBA, which last expanded in 2004, European division in the late 1960s. the size and amenities to generate as much game series at Monterrey .
is looking to get the jump on Mexico City, Detroit Red Wings owner Bruce Norris was revenue as their American counterparts) and
a sprawling metropolis of more than 20 MLB seems the most logical candidate to
so fixated on the idea that he launched his established basketball and hockey leagues launch a Mexican team, given baseball’s
million people that opened an NBA-ready own team, the London Lions, who played a in many countries would surely object to
arena in 2012. popularity and the large number of Latin
72-game schedule against top European the NBA or NHL coming in to steal their American players in the majors, but the
That facility hosted a pair of NBA regu- teams in 1973-74. Unfortunately, the limelight. NBA is leading the way. Silver wants to put
lar-season games each of the last two sea- Lions never had a league of their own, so For the NFL, the challenges aren’t nearly a G League development team in Mexico
sons , drawing an average of more than the team quietly disbanded after that single so daunting, and the potential rewards City, testing the waters for a possible NBA
20,000 fans. season, leaving behind nothing more than could be even greater for a league that has franchise.
“You can feel it, you can smell it, you a cool logo . faced declining TV ratings and lots of bad “As we look down the road, frankly, to
can breathe it in the streets.” said Gilberto Over the last two decades, the NHL has publicity about the devastating physical see whether there can be an opportunity to
Hernandez, president of the Mexican scheduled regular-season contests in toll on its players. even dream about an NBA franchise here in
Basketball Federation. “They’re just crav- Europe and Japan, including two games in There are no major pro football leagues Mexico City, we believe it makes sense as
ing basketball.” Stockholm this past November. The Asian in Europe. Teams play only once a week, a first step to have a development league
Of course, there are a number of chal- market also remains a top priority, espe- generally on Sunday, and the entire regular- team here to work out some of the issues,
lenges that must be addressed before inter- cially heading into the 2022 Olympics in season schedule is just 16 games. A team in to better understand what it would mean to
national expansion becomes a reality — Beijing — though the league sent mixed London would have to make the cross- have a team in Mexico,” Silver said.
especially so for Mexico City, which is signals by refusing to send its players to Atlantic trek no more than eight times a
this year’s Winter Games in South Korea. year, and the demands could be lessened by There are still plenty of questions to
7,350 feet above sea level (more than
scheduling back-to-back road games, halv- answer, that’s for sure.
2,000 feet higher than Denver), is plagued For the NHL and the NBA, the enormous
by crime and economic-disparity issues, travel times between North America and ing the number of long-range roundtrips. But one is crystal clear.
and might have trouble signing top players either Europe or Asia remain the biggest A London team could even maintain its Are U.S. leagues going international?
who are reluctant to step outside their cul- obstacle to adding teams in those markets. base of operations in the U.S., essentially No doubt about it.

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019 0428 sat:1030 FRI 64 4/27/18 5:54 PM Page 1

‘Rachel Divide’
Netflix documentary
fascinating, well-crafted

My final high school

journalism convention
By Connor Lin

s my senior year comes to an end,
I have been hit with a wave of nos-
talgia. My last spring break vaca-
tion in high school just ended, I’m current-
ly on my last quarter of high school and,
most recently, my last high school journal-
ism convention with Carlmont’s journal-
ism program has come and gone. And
although the convention is over, I have
made many memories that will remain with
me for years to come.
Journalism conven-
tions are essentially
large gatherings of jour-
nalists and advisers from
across the country that
come together to partici-
pate in workshops to
learn more about report-
ing, editing, graphic
‘Disobedience’ is a measured and sometime tedious character study set in a small Orthodox Jewish community in North London about a design, photography, leadership or any
woman coming home after years away. other journalism-related topic. Students
also compete in individual competitions to

McAdams, Weisz give searing win awards and recognition for their pro-
grams, and schools compete to win awards
for their publications.
The students in our journalism program
attend conventions frequently; we travel to
attend national conventions organized by

performance in ‘Disobedience’
By Lindsey Bahr to London.
the Journalism Education Association and
the National Scholastic Press Association
that take place twice every year in various
cities across the nation. However, this was
women and men who are horrified that she’s the first time in my three years of experi-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Her father has died, and come back to disrupt their well-defined ways ence as a student journalist that our pro-
she goes back to mourn of life. There’s a spark of anarchy about her, gram had been so successful, and the proud-
“Disobedience" is a slow-burn drama that him in spite of their and she knows exactly how to push buttons, est I have ever been of our accomplish-
reveals its true self patiently to the audi- apparent estrangement, while still, ultimately being generally ments.
ence. hurt that no one let her respectful to her old religion. One barn It is my pleasure to announce that the
From director Sebastián Lelio (“A know he was sick. She burner scene at a dinner table crystalizes journalism program at Carlmont received
Fantastic Woman”) and based on Naomi arrives at the door of an why she had to leave. 10 awards earlier this month at the
Alderman’s book, the film is a measured and old friend, Dovid “Disobedience” is not, however, interest- JEA/NSPA National High School
sometime tedious character study set in a Sebastián Lelio (Alessandro Nivola), ed in providing much context for Orthodox Journalism Convention in San Francisco.
small Orthodox Jewish community in North who, like everyone else ways, instead choosing to just immerse you Nine of these awards were earned by indi-
London about a woman coming home after she encounters from her past, seems sur- in the experience. vidual students, one of which was awarded
years away. It’s a film that seems at first to prised that she’s there. She gets a shock of But there are more layers to Ronit’s sur- to me. One of these awards was also given
be about one thing, but it transforms into her own, too, to discover that Dovid has prise over Esti and Dovid’s marriage which to “The Highlander,” our newspaper publi-
something quite different and the journey is married their childhood friend Esti (Rachel the film takes its time in exploring, cation. Of these awards, three of them were
a compelling one. McAdams). Life has moved on without although anyone who has seen a trailer for given to sophomore student journalists,
The audience entry point to this insular Ronit, and no one felt compelled to tell her the film will know where it’s going. who are in their first year of journalism and
Esti seems on the surface to be a devoted media studies. I am proud to say I was
community is Ronit Krushka (Rachel anything.
Weisz), a cool New York photographer with You do get the sense that it was Ronit who and proper wife, with a life of her own and a awarded an honorable mention rating for
passion for her job as a teacher at a local
a curly, long, slightly wild mane and an was the one who did the abandoning, leav- girl’s school. She wears a sheitel in public, my online contest submission in the photo
ing her father and the Orthodox lifestyle, story category.
artist’s temperament. She gets a phone call and removes it in the bedroom dutifully. According to the contest guidelines, a
in the middle of one of her portrait sessions, which Dovid and Esti are wholly entrenched This passionless routine is not a result of a
in. And Weisz is wholly delightful as she photo story consists of “three, four or five
and spirals into a night of drinking and
drunken pursuits before getting on a plane teases and clashes with the conservative See FILM, Page 22 See STUDENT, Page 22

‘Eureka Day’ satirizes political

correctness, then gets serious
By Judy Richter Moreover, the school’s production of
DAILY JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT “Peter Pan” last year caused so many prob-
lems because of its depiction of Indians that
Political correctness is carried to it was set in outer space.
extremes in Jonathan Spector’s “Eureka On a more serious note, Don reads a letter
Day,” receiving its world premiere at Aurora from the Alameda County health director
Theatre Company. that an outbreak of mumps at the school
At the private Eureka Day School in the means that children who have been vacci-
Berkeley hills, its five-member executive nated or who have had mumps may continue
committee tries to reach consensus on vari- to attend. All others will be quarantined
ous issues. until the outbreak abates.
The first, for example, is racial designa- This letter causes great consternation
tion. The list of possibilities read by Don DAVID ALLEN
(Rolf Saxon), the chairman, seems endless. See EUREKA, Page 22 Teddy Spencer and Charisse Loriaux in Jonathan star in ‘Eureka Day.’
020 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 9:44 PM Page 1

20 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 WEEKEND JOURNAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

electric ones, which have 40 seats and can

Continued from page 1
handle about 37 standing riders.
Mac Burns, regional sales director for
Proterra, said he regularly hears from riders
in cities where Proterra’s electric buses are
already in use who say it’s worth the wait to
floor. let the diesel buses pass by and catch the
The new buses will be equipped with WiFi electric ones instead. He also said people
and USB charging ports, upholstered seats living near electric bus routes celebrate the
offering ample leg room, storage bins and a noise reduction, while bus drivers half-jok-
large back window where the engine is ingly complain the ride is so quiet they can
located on diesel buses. now hear everyone’s cellphone conversa-
These latest additions to the SamTrans tions.
fleet also feature low-maintenance disc As for safety concerns some have with
brakes and a low floor design, which respect to quiet electric vehicles, Burns said
includes ramps instead of lifts and a Q-Pod cities could always request some sort of
wheelchair restraint system, which is safer speaker be installed on buses, but as of now,
and easier to operate than the existing no city the company has worked with has
ratchet-based system, according to a press felt the need.
release. Proterra’s batteries are manufactured in
Proterra’s composite bus body is much Burlingame, and its buses can be found in
lighter and easier to maintain than the steel nearby Stockton and San Jose, and through-
frames of the diesel fleet, and has an expect- out the country in Nevada, Kentucky, Texas
ed life span of up to 18 years. A high power- and Massachusetts, among other states.
to-weight ratio allows for acceleration of These buses are made possible by tech-
zero-to-20 mph in seven seconds. SamTrans and Proterra officials enjoying a smooth, quiet ride through San Carlos aboard the
nology that has only become available in transit agency’s first electric bus. The plan is offer a fully zero-emission fleet by 2033.
The batteries are expected to last six to the last four or so years, which is partly why
eight years, after which time buses see a SamTrans has awarded the $9.2 million con- tenance facility — is funded by federal, The 10 new electric buses will replace
gradual decline in mileage. tract when it did. state, Bay Area Air Quality Management some of the oldest diesel buses in the
Seating capacity is about the same on The contract, which includes two charg- District and SamTrans funds, according to SamTrans fleet, and will complement the 25
SamTrans’ current diesel buses as on the ing stations — one at each SamTrans main- the release. hybrids already in operation.

lined in the nexus study, noting he would institutions like the Massachusetts
STANFORD Comment on
or share this story at
rather see the language request the universi-
ty pay the highest rate feasible and direct
the county’s efforts toward ensuring Santa
Institute of Technology and Harvard
University pay as a fee to their surrounding
Continued from page 1 www.smdailyjournal.com Clara County officials agree to contribute a
portion of the funds toward San Mateo Though the supervisors discussed the
mitigate the project’s effect on the county’s more recent projects — including construc- County affordable housing efforts. possibility of removing the maximum fees
affordable housing efforts. tion at the Stanford Hospital and the new Jean McCown, associate vice president from the letter and instead asking for the
Though the university lies within Santa Stanford campus in Redwood City — have of the university’s Office of Government highest feasible rate, they ultimately voted
Clara County, San Mateo County officials affected San Mateo County residents. and Community Relations, said the univer- 4-1 to keep the maximum rates in the letter,
are concerned its proximity with neighbor- “I’m glad they’re here,” he said. “But at sity has been committed to paying afford- with Pine dissenting.
ing Menlo Park, Redwood City and unin- the same time, they’ve had a lot of impact able housing impact fees on its projects for Supervisor Warren Slocum worried the
corporated North Fair Oaks could have rip- on our residents and I think it’s time we the last 20 years and is committed to doing change could give the university leeway to
pling effects throughout the county as an hold them accountable for those impacts.” so in the future. But she encouraged San pay lower fees that may not account for the
influx of students, faculty and staff could A Santa Clara County-funded nexus study Mateo County officials to consider recom- project’s effect on the county’s affordable
put even more pressure on the county’s aimed at assessing the impact of future mending to their counterparts a more rea- housing stock. Noting the county only
stock of affordable housing. development in its unincorporated area sonable fee structure, noting the study was received some $1 million in fees for the
Up for discussion at the San Mateo informed the San Mateo County officials’ aimed at calculating the maximum fee that university’s Redwood City campus’ effect
County Board of Supervisors’ Tuesday request its southern neighbor adopt afford- can be justified and that the recommended on the North Fair Oaks neighborhood while
meeting was a letter detailing those con- able housing impact fees at the maximum fees have yet to be determined. Redwood City received some $20 million
cerns and asking Santa Clara County super- rate set forth in the study. It had concluded “There are no entities anywhere in the in impact fees, Slocum said the county has
visors consider requiring the university to the maximum affordable housing impact fee two counties that are being requested to pay been behind in collecting fees from the uni-
pay the maximum rate in affordable hous- that could be justified for academic space is that kind of fee,” she said. “We believe the versity for its impact on the county’s
ing impact fees possible — up to $143.10 $143.10 per square foot while the maxi- fee for Stanford should be placed in context affordable housing crisis.
per square foot — and directing a portion of mum fee that could be imposed for faculty with what others do pay.”
those funds to their northern neighbor. and staff housing is $69.10 per square foot, McCown said the university has pro- “San Mateo County has never gotten any
Noting the university’s positive effect on explained Board President Dave Pine. posed paying a fee of $20 per square foot of the affordable housing money from
the region, Supervisor Don Horsley But Pine had concerns about asking the for the university’s future academic devel- Santa Clara County,” he said. “I don’t want
acknowledged several of the university’s university to pay the maximum rates out- opment, which is higher than what peer to give Stanford any wiggle room.”

company enabled by creating the blockchain, a nonprofit called the Tezos had a reasonable expectation that the Tezos

Continued from page 1
blockchain technology behind it. A digital
ledger that can record transactions,
blockchain has enabled exchanges of bit-
Foundation was founded in Switzerland in
April of 2017 and a contract allegedly out-
lining the sale of Dynamic Ledger Solutions
token would appreciate in value and both
Draper and Kathleen Breitman made public
statements about the anticipated apprecia-
coin, and the lawsuit said the Breitmans to the foundation was signed by the compa- tion of the token, they were involved in the
attempted to expand the types of applica- ny and the foundation in June, according to selling of securities that were never regis-
which include San Mateo-based venture cap- tions available on blockchain in the tech- the suit. tered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
italist Tim Draper, facilitated the illegal sale nology they developed for Tezos. At around the same time, Draper is Commission, according to the suit.
of unregistered securities, according to the Though the price of digital currencies believed to have invested $1.5 million in
suit. The plaintiffs, which include Australian
such as bitcoin have surpassed the predic- Tezos and publicly announced his invest- entity Trigon Trading Pty. Ltd. and
The suit outlines a scheme by which tions of many — stopping just shy of ment in May, which the plaintiffs say California resident Bruce MacDonald, also
Dynamic Ledger Solutions, owned by $20, 000 in December — its value has caused interest in the currency’s impending take issue with the positioning of the
Kathleen and Arthur Breitman as well as proven to be highly volatile, plunging to initial coin offering, or ICO, in July to sky- exchanges made during the ICO as a non-
Draper, allegedly took advantage of grow- under $7,000 in recent weeks and landing at rocket, according to the suit. refundable donation and not an investment.
ing interest in digital cryptocurrencies to a little more than $9,000 on Friday. Draper did not respond to requests for They allege that since the ICO, the
stoke enthusiasm for Tezos, a currency the In an effort to promote use of the Tezos comment on this story. Breitmans have engaged in public disagree-
For the some two weeks in July, the Tezos ments with the foundation’s president,
SAGE Specialties: ICO was open, it allegedly raised 65,627 Johann Gevers, and that the foundation has
bitcoin and 361,122 of the digital cryp- been liquidating assets collected during the
t$BrEJPMPHZ tocurrency Ethereum, the combined total of ICO, at least $60,000 they say has been
t&NFrHFOcZ$SJUJDBM$BrF which were valued at the time at an estimat- paid to Dynamic Ledger Solutions, accord-
ed $232 million. The digital currencies ing to the suit.
t%FrNBUPMPHZ invested in the Tezos ICO were worth an The class is requesting members are repaid
t*OUFgrBUJWF.FEJDJOF estimated $1. 2 billion as of Dec. 11, their investments and any appreciation of
t*OUFrOBM.FEJDJOF according to the suit. them as well as compensation of legal fees,
t/FVSPMPHZ Because those who participated in the ICO according to the suit.

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021 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 5:47 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL WEEKEND JOURNAL Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 21

Hollywood roars back into action

with new summer movie offerings
By Lindsey Bahr and Jason Statham fighting a
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS shark in “The Meg” (Aug. 10).
Audiences thirsting for more
LOS ANGELES — Summer unconventional fare may just
starts early this year in have to look a little deeper for
Hollywood with the potentially the potential hidden gems, like
record-breaking release of “Uncle Drew” (June 29), a come-
“Avengers: Infinity War” dy about an aging basketball
Thursday, and the marquee Marvel team competing in a street tour-
superheroes couldn’t be coming nament, with Lil Rel Howery,
at a better time. Kyrie Irving and Shaquille
The box office for the year is O’Neal, and “Hereditary” (June
down nearly three percent, and 8), a trippy horror about the
the industry is looking to redeem strange things that start happen-
itself after last summer, which, ing when a family’s matriarch
despite hits like “Wonder dies.
Woman,” had its worst perform- Sundance breakouts coming
ance in more than a decade. this summer include “Eighth
Although all studios are embrac- Grade” (July 13) from comedian
ing the year-round blockbuster Bo Burnham, which follows an
schedule and massive hits can eighth grade girl around her last
emerge in any month, like week of middle school,
“Black Panther” in February, “It” “Blindspotting” (July 20) about
in September and “Star Wars” in a police shooting in Oakland,
December, with work and school and “Sorry to Bother You” (July
vacations, nothing can beat the 6) also Oakland-set, but with a
summer’s potential. quirkier sci-fi edge.
This summer movie going sea- There’s the almost too-strange-
son, which typically runs from to-be-true “The Happytime
the first weekend in May through Murders” (Aug. 17) from Brian
Labor Day, could get things back Henson and starring Melissa
on track. Two of the most prof- McCarthy, where puppets and
With every summer, there are more than a handful of sequels and familiar brands coming to theaters, including
itable franchises have major humans co-exist and a private
‘Deadpool 2’ which hits theaters on May 18. eye takes on the case of a puppet
films on the slate. The Walt
Disney Company and Marvel “Avengers: Infinity War” will be tant that there is a wide variety of with Sandra Bullock, Cate on puppet murder.
have “Avengers: Infinity War” sure-fire hits, oversaturation is films out there, films that are Blanchett, Rihanna and others, And then there’s “Hotel
(April 27) which some experts possible too. provocative, that are thrilling, comedies like “Tag” (June 15) Artemis,” the directorial debut of
are predicting will score the “People do like to see the big that obviously are entertaining and “Life of the Party” (May 11), “Iron Man 3” screenwriter Drew
biggest opening of all time, and franchise tent-pole films,” Fritz and that you’re presenting them and an adaptation of the popular Pearce. It’s an original action-
Universal Pictures is releasing said. “But even if the studios in new and exciting ways,” said book “Crazy Rich Asians” (Aug. thriller about a hospital for crim-
the sequel to the fifth highest make more of them, people are Jim Orr, Universal Pictures’ pres- 17). inals set in a dystopian, near-
domestic earner of all time, not going to more movies. The ident of domestic theatrical dis- “The business just gets spread future Los Angeles with a star-
“Jurassic World: Fallen more of them there are, the more tribution. “We have right now a out over 12 months, ” said studded cast including Jodie
Kingdom,” on June 22. they are competing for the same theater-going audience who is Warner Bros. domestic distribu- Foster, Sterling K. Brown and
And as with every summer, box office dollars and as a result discerning and I think we need to tion president Jeff Goldstein. Jeff Goldblum that Global Road
there are more than a handful of you see more flops.” keep that in mind with every- “It’s not about one particular Entertainment is releasing on
sequels and familiar brands com- According to Box Office Mojo, thing we put forth.” season and for a studio, it’s June 8. Pearce said there was no
ing to theaters, including: in 2017, movie ticket sales were Universal has “Jurassic World” about opportunistically dating way he could have gotten it made
“Deadpool 2” (May 18); “Solo: A at a 25-year low, and competition and “Mamma Mia!” sequels, sure, your movies in a way to maxi- in the studio system.
Star Wars Story” (May 25); “The for audience attention is only but it is also releasing Dwayne mize your box office on any “Hopefully this is a rallying
Incredibles 2” (June 15); intensifying. Netflix has a whole Johnson’s action-thriller given film. ” cry. It’s not a sequel, it’s not
“Sicario: Day of the Soldado” slate of summer films too, from “Skyscraper” and its indie arm Beyond “Ocean’s 8” there are a based on a comic. It’s not a
(June 29); “The First Purge” (July an Adam Sandler and Chris Rock Focus Features has films like the number of gender-flipped reboots reboot. It’s its own eccentric and
4); “Ant-Man and the Wasp” comedy (“The Week Of,” April dark dramedy “Tully” (May 4), and bawdy female-led comedies, hopefully loveable beast of a
(July 6);  “Hotel Transylvania 3: 27) to the WWII-set adaptation with Charlize Theron, Spike like “Overboard” (May 4) with movie,” Pearce said.
Summer Vacation” (July 13); of “The Guernsey Literary and Lee’s “BlacKkKlansman” (Aug. Anna Faris, the “Dirty Rotten “I think what we’ve seen in the
“The Equalizer 2” (July 20); Potato Peel Pie Society. ” This 10) and documentaries about Mr. Scoundrels” remake “The Hustle” last year is movies with real per-
“Mamma Mia: Here We Go year too has shown a concentra- Rogers (“Won’t You Be My (June 29) with Anne Hathaway sonality are actually what an
Again!” (July 20); and “Mission: tion of box office dollars on just Neighbor, ” June 8) and Pope and Rebel Wilson, “Book Club” audience is crying out for,
Impossible — Fallout” (July 27). a few films — “Black Panther,” Francis (May 18). (May 18) with Jane Fonda, Diane whether that’s tiny movies that
But Wall Street Journal reporter Fritz noted, accounted for 23 per- Warner Bros., home of Wonder Keaton, Candice Bergen and made good like ‘Get Out’ or tak-
Ben Fritz whose new book “The cent of the ticket sales in the Woman, Batman and the other Mary Steenburgen, and “The Spy ing the superhero blockbuster
Big Picture: The Fight for the first three months of the year. DC Comics superheroes, doesn’t Who Dumped Me” (Aug. 3) with like ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ and essen-
Future of Movies,” examines the And it’s at least part of the rea- even have a major DC film on the Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon. tially making a quirky New
current state of the industry, son why many studios are tout- slate this summer (aside from the And action fans can look for- Zealand comedy out of it, ” he
notes that while the big, fran- ing the diversity of their slates animated “Teen Titans GO! To the ward to Mark Wahlberg as an said. “I think there’s a real
chise, tent-pole films are always beyond the spectacle of super- Movies,” July 27). Instead, its intelligence officer trying to appetite for something that’s
the highest-grossing and that heroes and blockbusters. slate boasts films like the star smuggle a police officer out of just a little different and a little
films like “Jurassic World 2” and “Today, it’s even more impor- (and female)-driven “Ocean’s 8,” the country in “Mile 22” (Aug. 3) less cookie-cutter.”

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022 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 5:29 PM Page 1

22 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 WEEKEND JOURNAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

outs and graphic design due to my position March 24. I submitted my best protest As I head to college, I plan to pursue

Continued from page 19
in my journalism program as a section edi-
tor and newspaper designer. I was deter-
mined to improve on the skills I used most
photo from each of these events with the
central theme of “people making their
voices heard” for my contest.
photojournalism as a potential career and
portrait photography as a hobby in my free
time. It was extremely rewarding to be
in the newsroom, which were heavily In addition to the individual contests that acknowledged for my photography skills
weighted toward design but, for my last many students were able to win, and reassures me I am capable of being suc-
photographs related to a common theme contest as a soon-to-be-graduating senior, Carlmont’s newspaper, “The Highlander,” cessful in this field.
and should visually tell a story. The judges I decided to expand my horizons and partic- earned a fifth-place award in San Francisco
will look for an imaginative subject mat- Even if I hadn’t won any awards, my last
ipate in a different type of contest. Best of Show in the category of newspaper journalism convention was a great learning
ter, technical quality and excellence, photo tabloids with 17 or more pages. This con-
composition, visual impact, the story told In addition to my editing and design experience. Each convention reminds me
work for my school newspaper, I also write vention was the first time that Carlmont of how passionate I am about journalism
in each photograph as well as in the pack-
biweekly articles for my school’s online has won this national award. and the related fields of study such as pho-
age of images, simplicity, cropping, light-
ing and the quality of the caption for each publication, where I am able to cover Although I was never working for the tography and design, and how lucky I am
individual image.” breaking news events such as local awards, they do provide me with a sense of to have found my passion at such a young
protests and rallies. Since the beginning of assurance and an even greater sense of age.
Although I had attended three conven- 2018, I have compiled an impressive col- pride. To be ranked as the fifth-best high
tions prior to the one in San Francisco ear- lection of photos from the 2018 San school newspaper in the nation is an
lier this month, I had never participated in Francisco Women’s March, the nationwide incredible feeling, and truly makes me feel
a photography competition. The other student walkout on March 14 in response as if the hard work I have invested in this Connor Lin is a senior at Carlmont High School in
Belmont. Student News appears in the weekend
contests I participated in at other conven- to the Parkland, Florida, shooting, and the publication for three years of my life has edition. You can email Student News at
tions were centered around newspaper lay- “March For Our Lives” rally that took place paid off. [email protected].

an online forum. As Don moderates, parents probably caught from Meiko’s daughter. Development Program. Although it’s set in

Continued from page 19
chime in.
Many of the comments, projected for the
audience to see, are so far afield or so ridicu-
This is followed by a debate about vacci-
nation between Suzanne, who opposes it,
and Carina, who favors it. Each has deeply
left-leaning, politically correct Berkeley, it
should play well elsewhere because it’s so
amusing and so tuned in to the ongoing
lous that the audience is soon laughing so felt reasons for her stance, and there’s no controversy about children’s vaccinations.
among the committee, which also includes loud and so hard that the dialogue can’t be common ground. Running just under two hours with one
Meiko (Charisse Loriaux), Suzanne (Lisa heard. That’s not important because it’s sec- As directed by Josh Costello, the actors intermission, “Eureka Day” will continue
Anne Porter), Eli (Teddy Spencer) and new- ondary to the hilarious satire in this first clearly define each character without resort- through May 13 at Aurora Theatre
comer Carina (Elizabeth Carter). act. ing to stereotypes. Company, 2081 Addison St., Berkeley.
Because they can’t agree on a letter to Act 2 turns far more serious. Eli’s son is This play was the first to come from For tickets and information call (510)
accompany the health director’s, they have in intensive care with mumps, which he Aurora’s Originate + Generate Play 843-4822 or visit auroratheatre.org.

at times, there is only Ronit. The tension when you see it.) ents that we’ve never seen before in this

Continued from page 19
between them builds to a gorgeous crescen-
do over the course of an afternoon and into
a heady day of escape. Their impassioned
It’s at this point when the film shifts from
being about Ronit and her grief and ostra-
cization, to Esti and her desire for libera-
truly unique film. “Disobedience” might not
look like it’s for everyone on the surface,
but its specificity is what makes it worthy
romance functions as much as a release for tion, and not just from the community and and, almost, great.
the audience as it does for Esti, who has her husband, but from her crippling fear of “Disobedience,” a Bleecker Street release,
dull marriage, however. Esti, it seems has a been suppressing her true desires for so what God will think of her for her natural is rated R by the Motion Picture Association
secret that Ronit’s return has re-ignited — long. (There is one jaw-dropping moment inclinations. of America for “some strong sexuality.”
she’s attracted to women. between the two women that will probably McAdams and Weisz are on fire in Running time: 114 minutes. Three stars out
And for Esti, who is very much like a child get people talking, too. You’ll know it “Disobedience” showing sides to their tal- of four.

t t

023 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 5:36 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL WEEKEND JOURNAL Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 23

Rachel Dolezal documentary fascinating, well-crafted tortured family history, valid and devastating
By Mark Kennedy
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS criticisms of what her actions mean for the
black community, and even a conspiracy the-
There’s a scene at the end of the Netflix doc- ory for why she was ambushed on camera at
umentary about controversial figure Rachel the time she was. Dolezal is also nicely inte-
Dolezal when she enters a DMV and comes grated into a larger discussion of modern
out a few minutes later with a new name. “A America’s grappling with identity fluidity.
new start,” she says. The whole process Brownson got footage of Dolezal behind
seems painless and courteous. If only she the scenes at the “Today” show and a remark-
could change other parts of her identity so able sequence in which she shows us what it
easily. takes to get her hair extensions ready for the
“The Rachel Divide” is a fascinating, com- day. There are also sad moments, as when she
prehensive and well-crafted documentary scrolls through Instagram and finds ugly
about a one-time civil rights activist in invective hurled at her. (Why she continues
Washington state whose life unraveled after to post anything with so many trolls about
she was outed as a white woman pretending to remains a mystery.) The filmmakers also use
be black. old footage of Dolezal leading Black Lives
Director Laura Brownson has masterfully Matter marches or defending the African-
unpacked and knitted together this compli- American community in Spokane — and con-
cated figure, who still seems to elude easy front the destructive irony of what that
answers. Is she a calculating faker, a perfect means.
symbol of white privilege? Or is she simply ‘The Rachel Divide’ is a fascinating, comprehensive and well-crafted documentary about a The soundtrack has a quirky collection of
naive? one-time civil rights activist in Washington state whose life unraveled after she was outed as songs that explore identity or seem to com-
This film says she can be both, just as a white woman pretending to be black. ment directly on Dolezal’s dilemma, includ-
Dolezal checks both white and black boxes ing Ben Harper’s “ID” and the classics “I’ve
on the hospital form to describe herself when down. She won’t say she’s white and just end search for refuge, however ill-advised. Got You Under My Skin” by Cole Porter and
her third son is born. Netflix has been criti- the controversy. She continues to identify as The filmmakers recorded Dolezal for over a Nina Simone’s “Don’t Let Me Be
cized for giving a platform to Dolezal, who, black and even doubles down, changing her year a half, charting the aftermath of her pub- Misunderstood.”
as a media sideshow, has damaged the airing name to Nkechi Amare Diallo. “I can’t just go lic fall and her attempt to rehabilitate herself, There are many touches of real art, includ-
of actual racial grievances. But it is a film that away,” she warns. But can a white woman as well as the quiet times with her sons and ing about halfway through, when Dolezal
raises serious questions about race in America ever really understand systemic discrimina- sister. Some of the scenes are wrenching, as asks a friend how she can turn her life around.
and it gets some serious answers. tion, racial profiling and self-hatred when her sons — teenager Franklin and former- “Move to Mars,” she is told. Flash forward to
Anyone tuning in hoping that Dolezal has she’s not gone through it? adopted-brother-turned-son Izaiah (we told the last scene: Dolezal is pushing her new-
something more profound to say about her Perhaps Dolezal is a fame-seeking culture you it was complicated) — appear like collat- born in a stroller to a wispy cover of David
personal journey other than she is “transra- vulture who loves the narrative of oppres- eral damage, mere bystanders forced to endure Bowie’s “Life on Mars,” the perfect outsider
cial” are out of luck. She still seems as sion. Or perhaps, as the film offers, her child- what their mom has unleashed. They are in soundtrack to a woman disliked by white and
stumped by her own curious path as that infa- hood was so awful at the hands of white reli- many ways the real heroes, caught between blacks alike, charting her own surreal course
mous time in 2015 when she was first gious zealot parents — filled with abuse and love of mother, gotcha journalism and huge along the racial fault lines of current America.
unmasked by a local TV reporter with the neglect — that she ran as far as she could and social movements outside the door.
“The Rachel Divide,” a Netflix release, is
question: “Are you African-American?” never looked back. If that’s the case, then her Brownson weaves lots of pieces of the
rated TV-MA. Running time: 100 minutes.
cultural appropriation was more a desperate identity puzzle, including tracing Dolezal’s
Stubbornly, years later she won’t back Three stars out of four.

Baptist Church of Christ


Dr. Larry Wayne Ellis, Pastor 525 South Bayshore Blvd. SM
(650) 343-5415 Bible School 9:45am
217 North Grant Street, San Mateo Services 11:00am and
Sunday School 9:00 am Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm
Sunday Worship Services 10:00 am Minister J.S. Oxendine
Wednesday Worship 7pm
(KFAX 1100 on the AM Dial)
4:30 a.m.at 5:30 PM


Jodo Shinshu Buddhist
(Pure Land Buddhism)
2 So. Claremont St.
San Mateo
(650) 342-2541
Sunday English Service &
Dharma School - 9:30 AM
Reverend Henry Adams
024 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 9:49 PM Page 1

24 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 WEEKEND JOURNAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Continued from page 1
Korean summit provides
unusual look at Kim Jong Un SATURDAY, APRIL 28
KIM CROSSING THE BORDER reports. Friends’ Birthday Bargain Sale. 10
Kim became the first North Korean leader to set foot KIM’S SISTER a.m. Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda Lee Middlema’s Ceramic Open
that, after decades of failed diploma- onto South Korean land since the 1950-53 Korean War Kim’s younger sister, Kim Yo Jong, took a prominent role De las Pulgas, Belmont. For more Studio. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lee
cy, things will be any different this when he stepped into the southern side of the border in the summit. She handed her brother a pen when he information call 593-5650. Middleman’ Studio & Gallery, 16
village of Panmunjom to meet with South Korean signed the guestbook, took his gloves after he shoveled Coalmine View, Portola Valley. Free.
time. President Moon Jae-in on Friday. dirt on a ceremonial tree and a bouquet of flowers that Last Saturday of the Month Open to all ages. For more informa-
On the nuclear issue, the leaders The image that lingers is of Kim stepping across the he’d been handed at the border. And she sat next to Breakfast. 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. The tion call 851-0295.
ankle-high concrete slab that forms the military Kim, scribbling notes, during the summit with Moon. American Legion Post 409, 757 San
merely repeated a previous vow to rid demarcation line at Panmunjom, and shaking hands Her proximity to her brother during most of the summit Mateo Ave., San Bruno. Breakfast 28th Pacif ic Coast Dream
their peninsula of nuclear weapons, with Moon, both leaders broadly smiling. Kim then took events Friday added credence to speculation that she’s with drinks is $10 for adults and $6 Machines Show. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Moon’s hand and led him back across the borderline virtually the No.2 in the North. Kim sent her to South for children 12 years old and under. Half Moon Bay Airport, 9850
saying they will achieve a “nuclear- into the North where they posed for a ceremonial photo Korea in February to attend the opening ceremony of For more information call 345-7388. Highway 1, Half Moon Bay. Spectator
free Korean Peninsula through com- together before returning to the South. the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, making her the first admission $25 in advance and $30 at
plete denuclearization. ” This kicks Moon, whose parents were refugees from North Korea member of the North’s ruling family to visit the South Plant Sale. 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Casa the gate. For more information call
during the war, visited the North’s Diamond Mountain since the end of the Korean War. de Flores/Civic Garden Club, 737 726-2328.
one of the world’s most pressing resort in 2004 to meet his aunt during a temporary Kim Jong Un acknowledged her popularity in the South Walnut St., San Carlos. Free for all
issues down the road to a much-antic- reunion between war-separated families. when he joked to Moon during their talks that his sister ages. For more information call 591- 26th Annual Benefit Jam for Cystic
ipated summit between Kim and KIM SHORT OF BREATH has become a “star in the South,” causing her face to 6050. Fibrosis Research. Noon to 6:30
After their meeting at the borderline, Kim and Moon turn red, according to Moon’s spokesman,Yoon Young- p.m. 120 Scenic Drive, La Honda.
President Donald Trump in coming moved to a small plaza to inspect an honor guard chan. Summit Prep’s Rummage Sale. 9 Enjoy live music, barbecue and a
weeks. before they walked together for a couple of minutes SILENT TALKS a.m. to 2 p.m. Summit Preparatory potluck. Free admission, donations
to the Peace House, the venue for the summit. Despite Another striking moment came when the two Korean Charter High School, 890 Broadway, to cystic fibrosis research are wel-
“There is no reference to verifica- the relative short bout of exercise, live TV footage leaders chatted while strolling slowly to a footbridge in Redwood City. Open to the public. come. For more information contact
tion, timetables, or an attempt to showed that an obese Kim was panting heavily through Panmunjom, where a rusty signboard marking the All funds will go toward supporting [email protected].
his mouth, his shoulders heaving a bit, as he signed a military demarcation line stands. There they sat and Summit Prep’s high school seniors.
define the word ‘complete.’ It does guestbook. had about 30 minutes of private conversation. No one For more information call (805) 598- ‘The Full Monty.’ 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
not reiterate or advance Pyongyang’s South Korean media quickly speculated that Kim, 34, is knows what they talked to each other about. The 3016. Hillbarn Theatre, 1285 E. Hillsdale
unilateral offer to halt nuclear and about 170 centimeters (5 feet 8 inches) tall and weighs chirping of birds was all that could be heard, according Blvd., Foster City. Cost $27 to $52. For
130 kilograms (nearly 290 pounds), and likely suffers to the live TV footage. 4Cs of San Mateo Speaker Series. more information contact boxof-
ICBM tests,” said Adam Mount, a sen- from diabetes, high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia. When they returned to the Peace House, they chatted 10 a.m. Grand Avenue Library, 306 [email protected].
ior defense analyst at the Federation In 2014, Kim disappeared from the public eye for about again but their conversation was largely inaudible. Walnut Ave., South San Francisco. For
five weeks, triggering a frenzy of speculation about his JOINT ANNOUCEMENT Concert: Charged Par ticles. 3 p.m.
of American Scientists. “In practice, health.When he resumed his public activities, he walked The two leaders’ close body language was also on
more information call 877-8530.
to 4 p.m. Belmont Library, 1110
this statement should enable a U.S.- with a cane. Kim’s father and grandfather both died of display. They held each other’s hands and raised them Seventh Annual Touch-a-Truck Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. For
North Korea summit to detail heart ailments. into the air and hugged each other after signing their presented by Open Gate Nursery more information call 591-8286.
KIM’S SECURITY names on what they called the Panmunjom School. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Juror
specifics about what, when, and how When Kim returned to the northern side of Panmunjom Declaration, a joint statement following their summit. Parking Lot, Middlefield Road and Peninsula Museum Gallery. 2 p.m.
denuclearization would occur, but it in a black Mercedes limousine for lunch after a morning They also stood at a podium together outside the Peace Veterans Blvd., Redwood City. $5 per to 4 p.m. 1777 California Drive,
has not offered a head start on that meeting with Moon, a dozen bodyguards, all wearing House and jointly announced the deal in front of person or $20 per family. For more Burlingame. Paintings by Annette
black suits and blue ties, surrounded the vehicle and officials and pool reporters. information call 369-6833. Legallet. For more information call
process. All of the negotiation is left jogged beside it as it made its way to the North. The declaration has lots of accords on improving inter- 533-2015.
to a U.S. team that is understaffed and The men — all tall, their hair cropped short — are likely Korean ties and exchange programs but lacks any major Friends of the San Bruno Library
from the North’s secret service. progress in a U.S.-led international effort to end the Book Sale. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. San MONDAY, APRIL 30
has little time to prepare.” Later Friday, as Kim returned to the South, the car moved North Korean nuclear standoff. Emergency Preparedness Fair. 8
Bruno Public Library, 701 Angus Ave.,
Still, the summit produced the spec- at a faster speed and the men kept pace, running fast INTOXICATED KIM San Bruno. Bring your own grocery a.m. to 2 p.m. Skyline College, 3300
as they enveloped the leader.When Kim rolled back to During a dinner banquet, Kim appeared a little drunk, size bag and $7 to fill up to the brim College Drive, San Bruno. The fair is
tacle of two men from nations with a the North after a farewell ceremony Friday night, the his face red, his eyes unfocused. He didn’t wear his horn- hosted by San Mateo County
with books. Larger sized bag are only
deep and bitter history of acrimony bodyguards reappeared and ran alongside his car rimmed glasses as what appeared to be champagne an additional $3 per bag. For more Supervisor David J. Canepa. For more
grinning from ear to ear after Kim again. was placed on the table before him. Kim’s wife, Ri Sol Ju, information call 616-7078. information call 363-4247.
A North Korean security worker was also seen spraying and Moon’s wife, Kim Jung-sook, also joined the
walked over the border to greet Moon, disinfectant on the chair and table to be used by Kim banquet. Understanding the Four Parts of International Jazz Day
becoming the first leader of his at the Peace House while another used a headphone Kim is a big fan of French wine and once drank 10 Medicare. 10:30 a.m. to noon. San Celebration. 10:30 a.m. to noon. San
and a black, square-shaped piece of equipment to bottles of Bordeaux in one night, media reports said, Mateo Pride Center, 1021 S. El
nation to set foot on southern soil check for explosives, according to South Korean media citing the Kim family’s former sushi chef.
Mateo Senior Center, 2645 Alameda
Camino Real, San Mateo. For more
de las Pulgas, San Mateo.
since the Korean War. Both leaders Registration is required. For more information call 591-0133.
then briefly stepped together into the What happened Friday should be South Korean conservative politi- information call 522-7490.
Optimizing Our Highways:
North and back to the South. seen in the context of the last year — cians criticized the joint statement as Mar itime Day at the History Moving More People with Fewer
The summit marks a surreal, when the United States, its ally South letting North Korea off the hook by Museum. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 2200 Cars. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Burlingame
Broadway, Redwood City. Children Public Library, Lane Room, 480
whiplash swing in relations for the Korea and North Korea threatened and failing to secure a clear commitment Primrose Road, Burlingame. For
will be invited to design their own
countries, from nuclear threats and raged as the North unleashed a torrent on nuclear disarmament. model ships, make old-time cargo, more information call 347-3576.
missile tests to intimations of peace of weapons tests — but also in light But the Koreas made inroads on a create miniature lighthouses and
learn about knot tying. For more TUESDAY, MAY 1
and cooperation. Perhaps the change of the long, destructive history of the raft of other points of friction information visit Dine Out for PVI Meals on Wheels.
is best illustrated by geography: Kim rival Koreas, who fought one of the between them. Moon agreed to visit www.historysmc.org. 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. 800 Middle Ave.,
and Moon’s historic handshake and a Menlo Park. $5 to $150 cost.
20th century’s bloodiest conflicts and Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital, STEAM Fest on the Square. 11 a.m. Participating San Francisco
later 30-minute conversation at a even today occupy a divided peninsu- sometime in the autumn, and both to 3 p.m. San Mateo County History Peninsula restaurants will donate a
footbridge on the border occurred la that’s still technically in a state of leaders said they’d meet on a regular Museum, 2200 Broadway, Redwood percentage of the day’s sales to sup-
City. Introduce kids and adults to port Peninsula Volunteers, Inc.’s
within walking distance of the spot war. basis and exchange calls via a recent- STEAM through fun experiments, Meals on Wheels programs that
where a North Korean soldier fled Trump tweeted Friday, “KOREAN ly established hotline. presentations, speakers and demon- feeds homebound older adults. For
south in a hail of gunfire last year, and strations. For more information con- more information call 326-0665.
WAR TO END!” and said the U. S. They agreed to settle their disagree- tact [email protected].
where North Korean soldiers killed “should be very proud of what is now ment over their western maritime bor- Financial Planning Seminar
two U.S. soldiers with axes in 1976. taking place in Korea!” Both Koreas der by designating it as a peace area La Nebbia Winer y Craf t Faire. Investment Basics. 10 a.m. to noon.
11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. La Nebbia Redwood City Public Library, 1044
Standing next to Moon after the agreed to jointly push for talks this and securing fishing activities for Winery, 12341 San Mateo Road, Half Middlefield Road, Redwood City.
talks ended, Kim faced a wall of cam- year with the U.S. and also potential- both countries. They said they’d open Moon Bay. Enjoy food, handmade Explore investing strategies. For
more information call 780-7063.
eras beaming his image live to the ly China to officially end the Korean a permanent communication office in jewelry, arts and crafts and live
music. Free admission. For more
world and declared that the Koreas are War, which stopped with an armistice the North Korean border town of information contact Inventor’s Challenge: Shape Mags.
“linked by blood as a family and com- that never ended the war. Kaesong and resume temporary [email protected]. 4 p.m. South San Francisco Main
Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South
patriots who cannot live separately.” Many will be judging the summit reunions of relatives separated by the Spring Tea and Fundraiser. 1 p.m. San Francisco. Explore shapes colors
The leaders also vowed to achieve “a based on the weak nuclear language. 1950-53 Korean War. to 3 p.m. Bethany Presbyterian and math while completing small-
nuclear-free Korean Peninsula scale structures, vehicles and castles.
North Korea’s nuclear and missile “I feel like I’m firing a flare at the Church, 2400 Rosewood Drive, San
All ages welcome. For more informa-
Bruno. Funds raised will benefit
through complete denuclearization,” tests last year likely put it on the starting line in the moment of (the Answering for the Children, a chil- tion call 829-3860.
something they’ve said before. threshold of becoming a legitimate two Koreas) writing a new history in dren’s home in Jinga, Uganda. Cost
$15. For more information contact Job Search Seminar. 6:30 p.m. to 8
The latest declaration between the nuclear power. The North, which has North-South relations, peace and [email protected]. p.m. First Presbyterian Church of
Koreas, Kim said, should not repeat spent decades doggedly building its prosperity,” Kim told Moon as they Burlingame, 1500 Easton Drive,
bombs despite crippling sanctions sat at a table, which had been built so Burlingame. Free. For more informa-
the “unfortunate history of past inter- Sustainability Conference. 1 p.m.
tion call 522-0701.
to 5 p.m. San Mateo County Event
Korean agreements that only reached and near-constant international that exactly 2018 millimeters sepa- Center, 1346 Saratoga Drive, San
the starting line” before becoming opprobrium, claims it has already rated them, to begin their closed-door Mateo. Free. Different events are WEDNESDAY, MAY 2
scheduled for the day that will teach Sons in R etirement B ranch 4
derailed. risen to that level. talks. Lunch. 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Elk’s
about sustainability.
Lodge, 920 Stonegate Drive, South
Learn to Build a Crystal Radio. 1: 30 San Francisco. The cost is $19. For
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Museum of more information call 878-5746.
1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb American Heritage, 351 Homer Ave.,
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
TPRW[[TccTaQQ^g San Mateo Professional Alliance
F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
Palo Alto. RSVP required. $85. For
Network ing Lunch. Noon to 1 p.m.
6 > 4 more information call 321-1004.
: f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb Central Park Bistro, 181 E. Fourth
0 6 ; < Ave., San Mateo. New speakers and

1>66;4 H>DA1

Bullying in the Digital Age, and

B20;4 A0C8=6 What We Can Do About It — networking opportunities. The cost
will be based on the menu order. For
, _
_^X]c $   , 2WWP\_ Hosted by YouTube Per sonality
Cassandra Bankson. 2 p.m. South more information call 430-6500.
_^X]cb    $ ,  4  g_Tac San Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb %    ,  ? a^ Orange Ave., South San Francisco. Toastmasters Public Speak ing and
Leadership Sk ills Development.
_^X]cb "  % %,, 66P\Ta Cassandra will discuss the role of
Noon to 1 p.m. BKF Engineers, 255
_^X]cb !  " ",, AA^^ZXT bullying in your child’s life, how it has

? 0 A
Shoreline Drive, Suite 200, Redwood

the potential to shape their future
, _
_^X]cb  !
 0 \PcTda positively or negatively as well as Shores. Join us in a friendly and sup-
, $_
_^X]cb  , ,
 Caah PV
VPX] what we can do about the bullying portive atmosphere while learning
to improve your communication
epidemic in the digital age. For more
and leadership skills. For more infor-
1^]db information contact

mation call (202) 390-7555.

7 > 4
[email protected].

FT_ _dcb
h^dUUX]SccWT\. Flashdash Photo Scavenger Hunt. Stor yteller Seung Ah Kim. 7 p.m. to
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Bootup Ventures, 68 8 p.m. Menlo Park Main Library, 800
2>D=CA84B Willow Road, Menlo Park. Open to Alma St., Menlo Park. Korean tales
and culture for all ages. For more
4=38=6F F8C7±
^U  adults 21+ and cost is $30. For more

C 5 ; =
information call 321-5026. information call 330-2501.
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN The Groovy Judy B and Shares Are You Ready to Vote in June? 7
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Foster City Library,

Good Vibes at: The Pioneer
Saloon. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. 2925 1000 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Foster City.
The League of Women Voters will

Woodside Road, Woodside. Open to

3 0 6
ages 21+. Cost is $5. For more infor- provide an overview of how to vote
with the new voting system, and an

mation call 851-8487.
easy-to-understand analysis of the
five ballot measures. For more infor-

Belmont Librar y B ir thday mation contact program@lwvnc-
Celebration. All day. Belmont smc.org.
7PbQa^88]R #!' ' Library, 1110 Alameda de las Pulgas,
!! '7
ATbTaeTS Belmont. The Belmont Library is For more events visit

fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ <4CB2
A43BC C864AB6
680=CB<<0A8=4AB turning 12. For more information call smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar.
025 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 12:35 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 25








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26 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

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full time, benefits, will train. paper of general circulation:
STATEMENT #277298 San Mateo Daily Journal
Clean DMV. Lifting 50 pounds. The following person is doing business
We will help you recruit qualified, talented 415-798-0021 Filed: 4/11/2018
as: SoftBank Investment Advisers, 1 Cir- /s/Susan Irene Etezadi/
individuals to join your company or organization. cle Star Way, 4th Fl., SAN CARLOS, CA Judge of the Superior Court
94070. Registered Owner: SB Invest- Dated: 4/10/2018
SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales ment Advisers (US) Inc., DE. The busi- (Published 4/14/18, 4/21/18, 4/28/18,
The Daily Journal’s readership covers a wide Representative needed to sell newspa- ness is conducted by a Corporation. The 5/5/18)
per print and web advertising and event registrant commenced to transact busi-
range of qualifications for all types of positions. marketing solutions. To apply, please call ness under the FBN on May 2017.
650-344-5200 and send resume to /s/Brian Wheeler/
[email protected]
For the best value and the best results, This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 4/4/18. (Published in
recruit from the Daily Journal... the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/14/18,
SALES/MARKETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City
4/21/18, 4/28/18, 5/5/18).
INTERNSHIPS of San Bruno, California (the “City”) at its regular meeting on,
Contact us for a free consultation The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking
for ambitious interns who are eager to FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Tuesday, May 8, 2018, at the Senior Center starting at 7:00
jump into the business arena with both STATEMENT #277381 p.m., 1555 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, will hold a Public
Call (650) 344-5200 or feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs
of the newspaper and media industries.
The following person is doing business
as: RLC Pastries, 448 Helen Dr., MILL-
Hearing, consider waiving the first reading, and introduce an
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of San Bruno, Estab-
Email: [email protected] This position will provide valuable
experience for your bright future.
BRAE, CA 94030. Registered Owner:
Rosanna Clemente, same address. The lishing Garbage & Recycling Service Rates.
Email resume business is conducted by an Individual.
[email protected] The registrant commenced to transact
business under the FBN on April 1, 2018. CITY OF SAN BRUNO
/s/Rosanna Clemente/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 4/12/18. (Published NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/21/18,

NOW HIRING 4/28/18, 5/5/18, 5/12/18).


Ordinance Establishing Garbage & Recycling Rates

The City Council will consider an ordinance containing a pro-

ADVERTISING BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGERS The following person is doing business
as: Bay Area Mini Dental Implant Cen-
posed rate increase for garbage and recycling service rates of
2.45%, for 2018-19, as requested by Recology San Bruno pur-
ters of America (Bay Area MDICA), 2400 suant to the terms of the Franchise Agreement with the City of
Westborough Blvd. Ste. 105, SOUTH
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080. Regis- San Bruno. If approved, the rate increase will be implemented
Prospecting is a key element of this position. You will develop new business tered Owner: English Dental Corporation, effective July 1, 2018.
CA. The business is conducted by a
and manage the sales cycle from start to finish: Corporation. The registrant commenced Any person may appear and be heard as to whether the pro-
to transact business under the FBN on
posed rates and charges are discriminatory, excessive, insuffi-
/s/Robert L. English/ cient, or not compliant with State law. A full copy of the ordi-
t$SFBUFBOEEFQMPZBOBDUJWFCBUUFSZPGQSPTQFDUJOHDBMMT GBDFUPGBDFBQQPJOUNFOUT This statement was filed with the Asses- nance is available during business hours in the City Clerk's Of-
sor-County Clerk on 4/16/18. (Published fice, 567 El Camino, San Bruno, Ca 94066 (650) 616-7058.
 OFUXPSLJOHFOHBHFNFOUTPOUIFUBSHFUT in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/21/18,
4/28/18, 5/5/18, 5/12/18).
/s/ Vicky S. Hasha,
April 27, 2018
The following person is doing business
t3FQSFTFOUUIF%BJMZ+PVSOBMBUDPNQBOZTQPOTPSFEBOEDPNNVOJUZFWFOUT as: Organic Maid Cleaning Services, 681 Published in the San Mateo Daily Journal, April 28, 2018.
Catamaran Street #2, FOSTER CITY,
CA 94404. Registered Owner: Kauana
business is conducted by an Individual.
The registrant commenced to transact
To succeed at the Daily Journal, you will need the following: business under the FBN on 04/02/2018.
/s/Kauana Oliveira Pinheiro/

sor-County Clerk on 4/11/18. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/21/18,
4/28/18, 5/5/18, 5/12/18). LEGAL NOTICES
The following person is doing business
Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate,
as: Via Real Estate, 63 Bovet Rd. #138, Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons,
Notice of Public Sales and More.
Owner: Marsha Belen, 825 Marshall St.
business is conducted by an Individual.
The registrant commenced to transact Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County.
business under the FBN on 1/31/2007.
To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to [email protected] /s/Marsha Belen/
This statement was filed with the Asses- Fax your request to: 650-344-5290
sor-County Clerk on 4/26/18. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 4/28/18, Email them to: [email protected]
Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula
5/5/18, 5/12/18, 5/19/18).
026-031 0428 sat:Class Master Even 4/27/18 3:14 PM Page 2

28 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 THE DAILY JOURNAL

203 Public notices 296 appliances 300 toys 304 Furniture 310 Misc. For sale 316 clothes
order to sHow cause For coleMan lxe Roadtrip Grill - 100 tHings for little children to do on a sewing storage cabinet, Custom saMsonite 26" tan hard-sided suit Men's stetson hat, size large, new,
cHange oF naMe Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 trip. 4"X6" cards with instructions. Used. made wood perfect condition $75. case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new. rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
CASE# 18CIV02115 (650)918-9847 FREE (650)595-3933 (650)483-1222 $45. (650)328-6709 (650) 578-9208
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, electric stove From Sears aMerican Flyer locomotive runs soFaBed, velour, tan, Excellent silK saree 6 yards new nice color.for MinK stole - Excellent condition. Was
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, Excellent Condition $225 good #21085 $75.00 (650) 867-7433 condition. $75. (808)631-1365. $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in- rarely worn. $50. San Bruno. (650)794-
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 Please Call (650)244-9267 formation. 0839
PETITION OF large stuFFed ANIMALS - $3 each solid wood Dining table with exten-
Kevin Yip HotPoint Heavy Duty Dryer excellent Great for Kids (650) 952-3500 sion great piece great condition black sinK, 33”x22” Top mount with faucet, new witH tags Wool or cotton Men's
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: working condition Burlingame $50 Call $80 (650)364-5263 $15.00 (650)544-5306 pullover sweaters (XL) $15/each
Petitioner: Kevin Yip filed a petition with Dan (408)656-0958 star wars Celebration 3 Darth Vader (650)952-3466
this court for a decree changing name $20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568 solid wood Entertainment Center- slr lens Pentax 28-90mm f3.5-5.6
as follows: Maytag wasHer excellent working TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In Pentax K Mount $25 (650)436-7171 wilson leatHer Lady Jacket. Small,
Present Name: Dominic King Trotman condition Burlingame $50 Call Dan 302 antiques Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in.
slr lens Sigma 28-105mm f3.8-5.6
like new. $45. (808)863-1136.
Yip (408)656-0958 X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o
Proposed Name: Dominic King Yip (925)482-5742 Sigma SA Mount $25 (650)436-7171 wilson leatHer, burgundy lady jack-
MaHogany antique Secretary desk,
rooM Heater Electric 1320 Watts, Ar- 72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- et, Small, like new $45 (808)863-1136
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons taBle 24"x48" folding legs each end. train-color Print by John Hugh
vin Air Fan Forced Automatic $5. elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024. Coker $50 Call (650)344-4756
interested in this matter shall appear be- (650)952-3500 Melamine top, 500# capacity. Cost 318 sports equipment
fore this court at the hearing indicated $130. Sell $50. 650-591-4141
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- sewing MacHine-royal XL 6000 303 electronics train-color Print by John Hugh
Coker $50 Call (650)344-4756
tition for change of name should not be Dressmaker Sewing Machine. $150. tHree incH egg crate foam twin bed 15 sF Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds,
granted. Any person objecting to the (650)342-8436. antares dollars Bill Changer ma- mattress for sound sleep, perfect condi- uniden Harley Davidson Gas Tank Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4
name changes described above must file chines never used for small bus. $95 tion, $20, 650-595-3933 phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485 each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno
a written objection that includes the rea- sHowtiMe rotisserie used once (650)992-4544.
sons for the objection at least two court $90. Call (650)347-1458 no ans/eave twin Bed frame-black wrought iron water storage tanK, brand new,
days before the matter is scheduled to message. BlauPunKt aM/FM/cd Radio and Re- from Crate & Barrel $65 (650)631-1341 275 gallons. 48" x 46" x 39" $155. Bow Flex Max Trainer M-3-Very Good
be heard and must appear at the hearing ceiver with Detachable Face asking
twin Bed, mattress, box spring, frame
(650)771-6324 Condition, Like New, Assembled, Paid
to show cause why the petition should unitaP standard centerset bath- $100. (650)593-4490 $1200 asking $800 Call Michael
not be granted. If no written objection is room chrome faucet, complete, $10, $ 50. (650)598-9804.
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- (650)595-3933 Kindle Fire 8 in. Case and Charger 311 Musical instruments (650)784-1061.
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the incl. 64 gig $40 Jeff (650)208-5758 used BedrooM Furniture, FREE. Call
petition shall be held on 06/07/18 at 9 vacuuM cleaner (reconditioned) (650)573-7381. 1929 antique Brass Alto Selmer, Cigar
Motorola Bravo MB 520 (android Cutter, Newly Refurbished $6,000 Call easton aluMinuM bat.33 inches, 30
a.m., Dept. PJ at 400 County Center, $20 Call Ed (415)298-0645
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD wall unit/rooM Divider. Simple (650)742-6776. oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513
western wasHBoard Sales made card Belmont (650)595-8855 lines. Breaks down for transportation.
Order to Show Cause shall be published $25.(650)712-9962 leave message
at least once each week for four succes- of brass and wood, Golden Beam #25-C. cHroMatic HarMonica: Horner everlast 80# MMA Heavy Bag and
sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- $75. phone 650-369-2486. onKyo av Receiver HT-R570 .Digital The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180, Stand. Like New. $99 (650)654-9966
Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready, walnut cHest, small (4 drawer with
ing on the petition in the following news- upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429 (650)278-5776.
paper of general circulation: wHirlPool wasHer DRYER, GE Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393
San Mateo Daily Journal Refrigerator all working and in good con- golF Bag travel protector, black, $5;
wood - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x
Filed: 4/26/2018 dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240. saMsung Flat TV 20" ex.co.incl. 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311 druM set-Pearl ForuM Excellent (650)591-9769
/s/Susan Irene Etezadi/ VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544 condition, Black, Full Kit, Light Use, $425
Judge of the Superior Court wHirlPool-dryer gas Coin Oper- Call Paul (650)218-6706. golF bag with 22 clubs. Great for peo-
Dated: 4/26/2018 ated Laundry $99.00 (650)948-4895 or 304 Furniture 306 Housewares
(650)302-2456 ePiPHone les Paul 100th
ple just learning to play. $90 (650)592-
(Published 4/28/18, 5/5/18, 5/12/18,
5/19/18) coMPlete set OF CHINA - Windsor Anniversary Custom Electric Guitar. 2648
2 walnut 3-drawer nitestands. Tops Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings, Mint. $600.00 650 421 5469
297 Bicycles need work but very good cond. $20/ea 20-pieces in original box, never used.
(650)952-3466. $250 per box (3 boxes available). golF Balls, good condition, 100 for
Fender Mustang I guitar amplifier
adult BiKes 1 regular and 2 with bal- (650)342-5630 70 watts 8-guitar settings.with cover. $10; (650)591-9769
loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356 antique dining table for six people $80. (650)421-5469
210 lost & Found with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 crystal (leaded glass) lamp $30. golF cluBs {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all--
BMx Mongoose Outer Limit Bike,
looks almost new, $29 (650)595-3933 antique MoHagany Bookcase. Four
Can send picture. (650)464-7860 Fender Mustang ll guitar amplifier $90.00 (650)341-8342
110 watts 8-guitar settings, with cover.
lost cat. Black and White. Black feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. grilling woK stir fry. high quality $130.00 (650)421-5469
patch on right eye. REWARD. cHild’s scHwinn Bicycle, Blue in steel. Brand new $27 contact 650 592- golF cluBs, used set with Cart for
Call (323) 439-7713. good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189. arMcHair good condition $55. 2648 For sale: Epiphone Les Paul Cus- $50. (650)593-4490
(650)266-3184 tom Prophecy Electric Guitar. Mint.
new 12" girls bike w/ training wheels
Books $75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave Bedstead single, poster style, box
JulisKa Hand-craFted 6 7/16" $625.00. (650)421-5469. HealtH rider. Exercise machine. Ex-
plates. 2 bxs, of 4 ea. NEW $15.00
JaMes Patterson hardback books.
mes spring, mattress available. $40.00. (650)344-4756 Huge ludwig Drum Set Silver Sparkle
cellent condition. $95. San Bruno.
(650)593-7408 (650)794-0839
2 @ $3.00 each. (650)341-1861 & Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian
298 collectibles Beige soFa $99. Excellent Condition
KitcHen craFt Cutter with five differ- Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $4,300
nicHolas sParKs hardback books. ent cones, brand new, 5 different knives. (650)369-8013. Men's rossignol Skis. $95.00,
(650) 315-2319 $35 contact 650-592-2648
2 @ $3.00 each. Call (650)341-1861 2 adoraBle 1950's girl dolls ."Ginny" good condition, (650)341-0282.
doll Knock-offs. Stands & clothes. $20. BunK Beds for sale. Cherry Wood, 2 Piano, uPrigHt, in excellent condi-
quality BooKs used and rare. World (650)888-9314 lace taBleclotH. 84" x 64". Like tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769
years old. Includes Mattresses. $600 or
& US History and classic American nov- B/O (650)685-2494
new and lovely. Rarely used. $35. San Men’s sKi Boots, Salomon, Size 9, very
els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502 Bruno. (650)794-0839 Piano-1955 Baldwin Acrosonic 36” good condition. $70. (650) 591-2981.
80’s toPs Complete Factory Set All High, Free for anyone to pick-up
Years $99 Call Rick (415) 999-4474. coMMode, good condition. $20 obo. sinK douBle cast iron. Good condi- (650)295-9121.
tHe Halo Forerunner saga. 3 books.
Like new. Great gift! $25. (650) 204-0587
Please call (650)745-6309 tion. $99.00. (650)593-7408 one dozen Official League Diamond
a-teaM Figurines Plus Jeep $20
coMPuter desK (glass) & chair. Like uPrigHt Piano. In tune. Fair condi- Baseballs. Brand New. $35. Call Roger
v.logvinov, unusual Journey to the (650)591-9769 San Carlos 308 tools tion. FREE. (650) 533-4886. (650)771-6324.
Country of Cyclic Arithmetic, 2017, Rus- new $75 OBO (650)704-4709 or
sian, 104p $25 (650)638-1695 collectaBle MeMoraBillia from [email protected] vintage lingerie Washboard circa
the Bay Meadow. 9 items at $10 each. antique iron Hand Drills. 3 available 1920’s The Zinc King #703. Suitable for Prince tennis 2 section nylon black
coMPuter desK For sale $99 at $30 each. (650)339-3672 Ron strumming $50 (650)369-2486
294 Baby stuff 650-346-9262 for inquiries. (650)520-4650 Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket-
craFtsMan 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6" yaMaHa acoustic Guitar, model $55.(650)341-8342
FisHer-Price HealtHy Care booster lennox red Rose, Unused, hand coMPuter swivel CHAIR. Padded dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402
painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, FG830 electric. $400.00 (650)421-5469
seat - $5 (650)592-5864. Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 PrograMMaBle eliPtical Exer-
$12.00. (650) 578 9208. sHoPsMitH MarK V 50th Anniversary zilJian cyMBals with stands, 21”
desK, gd. cond. $99.99 or b.o. most attachments. $1,500/OBO. cise Bike. Excellent Condition. Redwood
295 art Miller lite Neon sign , work good (650)458-3578 (650)504-0585
ride, 18” crash. Paistie 18” crash - $99
(916)826-5964 City (650)740-9980 $75.00
BrusHed FinisH, 15" X 20" frame $59 call (650)218-6528
vintage craFtsMan Jig Saw. Circa
holds 18 various size photos. Never Musical doll in a Box! "Soft Impres- dining rooM SET - Cherry Wood 1947. $60. (650)245-7517 312 Pets & animals total gyM XLS, excellent condition.
used. $20. 650-369-2486. (Looks Like Mahogany), two extra Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
sions" Porcelain/Bisque.Mint.
Cond. $5. (650)888-9314 leaves, Seats up to 10. $1200 or best of- vintage sHoPsMitH and Band airline carrier for cats, pur. from (650)588-0828
296 appliances fer. (650)591-6331. Call afternoons or saw, good shape. $300/obo. Call Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
evenings (650)342-6993 (505)228-1480 local.
scarlett o'Hara Doll. by "Gambina" touredge reaction ii uniflex sys-
air conditioner 10000 BTU w/re- Mint condition. 12" ht.. $10. (650)888-
mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG 9314 dining taBle (36"x54") and 4 match- one Kennel Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani- tem 8 irons 3-9 and pitch irons
brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60.. new $75. Call May (650)349-0430
star wars Action figure: Qui-Gon
$250 .(650)-654-1930. 309 office equipment (650)593-2066

air conditioner, Portable, 14,000

Jinn (Jedi Knight), mint-in package. $10 dresser 4-drawer in Belmont for Parrot cage, Steel, Large - approx treadMill-Horizon liKe New, limit-
Steve (650)518-6614. laPtoP case or bag. Black. Like new.
BTU, Commercial Cool model $75. Good condition; good for children. Hardly used. $25. (650)697-1564. 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best ed use, Paid $750-Asking $450 OBO
CPN14XC9, almost like new! All acces- Call (650)678-8585 offer. (650)245-4084 (650)508-8662
sories plus remote included. 310 Misc. For sale
20” x 16-5/8” x 33-1/2” $245 OBO. 299 computers dresser w/Mirror & chest, mid-
century, blond/gray. Both for $99. Night-
Pet carrier for small dog or cat in ex-
cellent condition $30. Claudia (650) 349- vintage nasH Cruisers Mens/ Wom-
stands also available. SSF. (650)392- 500-600 Big Band-era 78's--most mint, 6059 ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
19" color Monitor with stand VG con- no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459
coFFee MaKer $15.00 white, Kitchen dition power cord/owners manual includ- 4841 6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439
Gourmet, makes up to 12 cups (650)533- ed $60.00 OBO 1-415-279-4857 Pet taxi Animal Carrier. Brand: Delux
entertainMent center for $50. Bessy sMall Evening Hand Bag With Nature Miracle - Excellent Condition for
0907 Beige Cord $75.00 (650)678-5371 woMan’s sKi Boots, Nordica, size 8
Good shape, blonde, about 5' high. $25. Call (650)349-6059.
recordaBle cd-r 74, Sealed, Unop- (650)726-4102 $30 (650)592-2047.
MFg H20laBs Model 300 exc cond ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X, BiFold sHutters 2x28”x79 $10.00
counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839. (650) 578 9208 Free wooden Bed frame, good condi- (650)544-5306 316 clothes
woMen’s raicHel ski boots, size 6 ?
tion pictures available (650)322-9598
email [email protected]
casH register Parts; Much Skin Not 5 Boxes male & female square dance $ 50. (650)888-5808 .
Guts $500 (415)269-4784 clothing. Excellent Condition. As a
bunch $200 Maryann (650)574-4439. yaMaHa rooF RACK, 58 inches $75.
glider rocker and ottoman, oak, excel- corKs For wine bottles. New, never
lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644. used. 5 bundles of 100 each. $50.00. BeautiFul silver clutch evening
(650)593-7408 bag. Never used. $20 (650)794-0839
iKea dresser, black, 3 shelf. 23" x
15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804. costco Play Pen with travel bag.
Used once $35 (650)591-2981
Box oF used men's Levi's and misc.
jeans $99.00 or best offer fair condition
335 garden equipment
iKea taBle, black 58" x 21" x 14" high.
$ 30. (650)598-9804. (650)589-0764 cHain saw, 16“ ,Craftsmen ,electric,
druM -décor ONLY Brass cylinder &
fittings, wood frame. Has age. $25.00 $55. (650)888-5808
love cHair, velour, tan. $45. dawgs Brand Kaymann black and
(650)344-4756 white snake print loafers size 7 (9.3”) $25
(808)631-1365. 340 camera & Photo equip.
new deluxe Twin Folding Bed, Lin- galv. goPHer wire, full roll
ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must new(5x100)ft. $95.00 (650)302-0556 Faux Fur Coat Woman's brown multi niKon 18-140 zoom lenses (3), excel-
Sell! (650) 875-8159. color in excellent condition 3/4 lent condition. $200 each. (650)592-9044
lionel cHristMas Holiday expan-
length $50 (650)692-8012
sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 oMega B600 Condenser Enlarger, In-
new twin Mattress set plus frame
$30.00 (650) 347-2356 genuine ladies Mink Fur Jacket, struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En-
lionel western Union Pass car and larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940
dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 $50.00 Call: (650)368-0748.
niagara viBrating Adjustable bed
good condition Burlingame $90 Call Dan lorex 14” B&W Surveillance System golF sHoes, FootJoy, black & white vivitar v 2000 W/35-70 zoom and
(408)656-0958 Model SG14S1042C-A $75 (415)407- saddle, 91/2, good condition, $5; original manual. Like new. $99 SSF
2360 RWC loction. (650)591-9769 (650)583-6636
oFFice tyPe 34"X 60" heavy solid
Kayano Men’s Running shoes size 11
wood with formica wood grain top $25
(650) 787-9753
luggage, red, 21" NEW Samsonite
good condition $20 (650)520-7045 345 Medical equipment
Spinner,$50.00. (650)729-3000
ladies clotHing, some w/tags. HoMedics dual Shiatsu Massage
ornate large BooKcase: Two Cushion. 3 Zone. $45.00. (650)207-4162
Pieces 5Ft across by 7ft tall Paid $2500 $99.00 (650)589-0764.
MaKes 6"x6" potholders, frame and
asking $500 CALL(650)345-9199. loops included. FREE. 650-595-3933 ladies sequin dress, blue, size XL, Medical carry chair 12 inch wheels
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208 $25. (650)226-3592 Belmont
retro HutcH Needs refinishing other- negrini Fencing Epee mask size M
wise good condition. Top detaches from & France Lames 5 epee blade $95 tuxedo size 40, black, including white Midline seMi electric hospital bed and
bottom $25. (650)712-9962 (415)260-6940 shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189 mattress $90. (650)226-3592 Belmont
026-031 0428 sat:Class Master Even 4/27/18 3:20 PM Page 2

THE DAILY JOURNAL Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 29

garage Sales 620 Automobiles 640 Motorcycles/Scooters 670 Auto Service 670 Auto Service 670 Auto Parts
BMW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call PeerleSS tire Chains, used a few
gArAge SAleS
don’t lose money
on a trade-in or
(650) 995-0003
AA SMog WeSt CoASt times. Fits several sizes P165-225. $20
MotorCYCle SAddleBAgS, Complete Repair & Service Auto Services obo. (650)745-6309
eStAte SAleS consignment! with mounting hardware and other parts
$35. Call (650)670-2888
$29.75 plus certificate fee
Cash discounts, DMV
(most cars)
Services White StAr Tire Chains, never used.
Make money, make room! 869 California Drive . P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309.
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032 0428 sat:0428 sat 215 4/27/18 8:46 PM Page 1

32 Weekend • April 28-29, 2018 NATION/WORLD Weekend • THE DAILY JOURNAL

April 28-29, 2018

Trump says he has responsibility to Around the world

China’s Xi calls for
end Korean conflict in negotiations cooperation with India amid tensions
BEIJING — Chinese President Xi Jinping called for
By Matthew Pennington cake and eat it too,” South Korean President Moon Jae-in,
stepped-up cooperation with India during an informal sum-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS said Victor Cha, and said he has a responsibility to try to
mit Friday with Prime Minister Narendra
who until January achieve peace and denuclearization. Modi, amid tensions along their contest-
WASHINGTON — President Donald had been in the run- “And if I can’t do it, it’ll be a very tough ed border and a rivalry for influence with
Trump claimed credit Friday for a his- ning to become time for a lot of countries, and a lot of their smaller neighbors that could deter-
toric inter-Korean summit, but now Trump’s choice for people. It’s certainly something that I mine dominance in Asia.
faces a burden in helping turn the ambassador to hope I can do for the world,” he said. Xi greeted Modi at the provincial
Korean leaders’ bold but vague vision South Korea. Cha While Moon and Kim pledged to seek museum in the city of Wuhan at the start
for peace into reality after more than six said that while the a formal end to the Korean War by year’s of two days of talks between the heads of
decades of hostility. Donald Trump atmospherics of the end and to rid their peninsula of nuclear the world’s two most populous nations.
Trump must contend with two nag- inter-Korean sum- weapons, they didn’t specify how it “Conducting great cooperation by our
ging suspicions: first about his own mit got an “A” grade, the meeting had would be achieved. And now the pressure Xi Jinping two great countries can generate world-
suitability to conduct that kind of war- failed to clarify whether Kim is willing to deliver results, at least on the allies’ wide influence,” Xi was quoted as saying
and-peace negotiation and succeed to give up his nukes or is interested in side, has shifted to Trump. by state broadcaster CCTV. Xi said he hoped the meeting
where his predecessors have failed; sec- just freezing his programs in return for “There will be a suggestion that the would “usher in a new chapter of China-India relations.”
ondly, whether North Korean leader Kim sanctions relief and economic and ener- South Koreans have teed it up very well Following their talks, the leaders were to dine lakeside at
Jong Un really is willing to give up the gy assistance. for him and he’s not going to have the a resort that had been a favorite of former Chinese leader
nuclear weapons his nation took At a White House news conference option of walking away in a huff,” said Mao Zedong, who formed strong ties with an independent
decades acquiring. with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, India before relations deteriorated over territorial disputes.
Christopher Hill, who was the lead U.S.
Trump basked in the afterglow of the They are to continue talks on Saturday with a walk along
“It is still unclear whether North negotiator with North Korea under the the lake, a boat ride and lunch together.
Korea still believes that it can have its feel-good meeting between Kim and George W. Bush administration. Indian Ministry of External Affairs spokesman Raveesh
Kumar tweeted that the leaders would “review the develop-
ments in our bilateral relations from a strategic and long-
term perspective.”

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