Unit Plan

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

January 29 January 30 January 31 February 1 February 2

 Ice breaker  Ice breaker  SGOs  Distribute elements of  Distribute principles of
activity activity  Visual vocabulary art worksheet design worksheet
 Mini discussion  Binders worksheet  Model for students how  Explain how elements of
what is ceramics?  Trays  Classroom to identify the elements art make up principles of
 Display classroom  Explain classroom scavenger hunt tool of art in a piece of design
expectations, routines vocabulary activity ceramics and how to  Break students up into 9
allow students to  Model clean up find the identifying groups and assign each
contribute rules of practices for information group a principle of design
their own students  Students will select two  Students will work in their
pieces of ceramics from groups to create a
a magazine and will drawing representing
write the identifying their principle of design
information as well as  Groups will share
the element of art
 Pair and share interview
February 5 (half February 6 February 7 February 8 February 9
day)  Introduce slab  Discuss the thickness of  Have students unwrap  Creative process lesson
Students will and coil methods clay and how it needs their clay slabs and share  Students will finish their
sketch out a design of building to be ¼ inch their observations sketches of a ceramic
for a ceramic piece  Model for all throughout  Explain the three stages of piece that represents an
that represents an students how to  Model for students clay, pass out worksheet element of design
element of art or a complete both how to ensure their  Model for students how to  Students may begin
principle of design techniques piece is an even bevel, score and slip their constructing their piece
 Students will roll thickness and how to two leather hard slabs of inspired by an
out three slabs create hollow forms clay element/principle
 Students will take  Students will practice  Students will bevel and  Emphasize that this should
one slab and creating and combining score their slabs be a small piece
utilize it as a base pinch pots
for their coil
 Model for
students how to
properly wrap up
their work
February 12 February 13 February 14 February 15 February 16
 Introduce and  Students will  I will go over the  Go over visual arts rubric School closed
model wedging for continue watch points for  Student group activity,
students constructing their potters’ worksheet compare peer work to
 Students will piece inspired by  Students will the rubric
continue an continue constructing
constructing their element/principle their piece
piece inspired by
February 19 February 20 February 21 February 22 February 23
School closed  Teach and facilitate  Introduce new  Model for students how  Students will finish their
the Feldman art project; slab building to turn their idea into a templates and will roll out
criticism method with a template template for their slab slabs
 Students will perform construction  Students will trace and
research and begin  Students will create their cut out the pieces of their
sketching their ideas template for their piece template
February 26 February 27 February 28 March 1 March 2
 Students will  Students will  Students will  Compare the surface  Students will continue
bevel the edges of continue scoring continue scoring and and the form with working on their slab
their slabs and will and slipping their slipping their slabs students construction
begin scoring and slabs together together  Surface decoration
slipping their slabs  Students will lesson, texturing tools,
together compare their work carving designs
to the rubric  Model these processes
for students
March 5 March 6 March 7 March 8 March 9
 Students will  Glaze lesson,  Students will  Students will continue to  Students will fill out an
continue working opaque vs continue planning test the glaze on their evaluation sheet on their
on their slab transparent the glaze for their element of art/principle bisque ware piece and on
construction and  Students will piece of design piece their test glaze piece
will begin finishing continue working  Model for students  Students who have  I will model how to use
up their piece on their piece how to apply glaze finished will fill out an the glaze map
 Students who are  Students will test evaluation sheet  Students will then move
done will plan the the glaze on their  I will introduce the glaze on to glaze their final
glaze for their element of map to students who are piece
piece art/principle of ready to glaze their final
design piece piece
March 12 March 13 March 14 March 15 March 16
 Students will  Students will  Art criticism activity  History of coil pottery  Students will continue
continue to glaze continue to glaze on form and surface  Introduce artist Maria sketching an idea for coil
their final piece their final piece treatment Martinez pottery
using the glaze using the glaze  Artist statements  Review of coil building  Students may begin
map map maybe?  Students will begin rolling out a slab for the
 Students who  Students who sketching an idea for coil base of their coil pot
have finished have finished pottery
glazing and their glazing and their
piece is fired will piece is fired will
fill out an fill out an
evaluation sheet evaluation sheet
If a student is If a student is
finished very early, finished very early,
they will be tasked they will be tasked
with creating a with creating a
wearable form of wearable form of
ceramics (beads, a ceramics (beads, a
pin, buttons, etc.) pin, buttons, etc.)
March 19 March 20 March 21 March 22 March 23
 Introduce a jig to  Students will  Students will  Students will continue  Students will continue
the students and begin building up continue building up building up coils and building up coils and using
model how to coils for their pot coils and using their using their jigs their jigs
create and utilize jigs
 Students will
create a jig
reflecting the
shape of their coil
March 26 March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30
 Contemporary  Discuss and show  Students will  Students who have School closed
artist video examples of continue building finished will begin
 Students will innovative lips up coils and using glazing their coil pot
continue building and rims their jigs and will using a glaze map
up coils and using  Students will be encouraged to
their jigs continue building begin finishing
up coils and using their pots
their jigs and will  Students who
be encouraged to have finished will
begin finishing begin glazing
their pots their coil pot using
a glaze map
April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5 April 6
Half day  Students will  Students will glaze  Students will finish Last day of marking period
 Students will glaze their coil their coil pot using glazing their ceramic  Students will complete
glaze their coil pot using a a glaze map piece. an evaluation sheet for
pot using a glaze map  Students whose  Students whose pot their ceramic piece.
glaze map  Students whose pot has been has been glazed and  Small group instruction
pot has been glazed and fired fired will fill out an for students on how to
glazed and fired will fill out an evaluation sheet properly take
will fill out an evaluation sheet  Small group photographs of their
evaluation instruction for work. I will give
sheet students who have students an
finished the opportunity to write an
evaluation sheet how artist statement and
to properly take will create an online
photographs of their gallery of the student
work. I will give work
students an
opportunity to write
an artist statement
and will create an
online gallery of the
student work
April 9 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13
Spring break Spring break Spring break Spring break Spring break
April 16 April 17 April 18 April 19 April 20
 Show examples  Introduce the  Students will  Students will continue  Students will continue
of innovative project to either utilize the to make the body, to assemble their
combinations of students, they combined pinch arms, legs, and head creatures and create
pinch pots will create an pots they created of their creatures. details
 Review of how animal or for practice or will They will attach these
to create a creature, either create new pinch  I will model for
pinch pot and one that exists pots to create the students how to
how to combine or one from body of their create texture for the
two pinch pots their own creature surface of their
smoothly imagination  I will model for creatures
 Students will  Show examples students how to
practice this  Students will create seamless
sketch out their cylinders for arms,
ideas for legs and necks of
the creatures
April 23 April 24 April 25 April 26 April 27
 Students will  Students will  Students will  Students will begin to  Students will finish up
continue to continue to continue to add the finishing their animal/creatures
assemble their assemble their assemble their touches to their  Students will plan out
creatures and creatures and creatures and animal/creature how they intend to
create details create details create details creations glaze their piece in a
April 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4
 Students will  Students will  Students will  Students will finish Last day
begin glazing continue glazing continue glazing glazing their piece and  Students will complete
their pieces their pieces their pieces their glaze map an evaluation sheet for
according to according to according to their  Students whose work their fired ceramic
their sketch and their sketch and sketch and record has been fired will piece
record the record the the layers in their complete an
layers in their layers in their glaze map evaluation sheet
glaze map glaze map

Items in brown will be graded

Extra activities
 Flye school webpage scavenger hunt
 Contemporary artist inspiration sheet

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