Coil Pots Rubric
Coil Pots Rubric
Coil Pots Rubric
Name: __________________________________
Points 2 6 10
Student did not Student created a coil pot Student completed a glazed
Craftsmanship complete a coil but failed to clean up any coil pot that was clean with
pot crumbs or visible score no crumbs or visible score
marks marks
Student did not Student created uneven Student created even coils
Technique create coils coils or coils that were that were attached correctly
attached poorly and glaze was laid evenly
Student did not Student sketched a design Student gave great effort to
Creativity sketched or that included some but not create a unique and well
create a design all required elements thought out design that
included all requirements
Student did not Student created uneven coils Student created even coils
Technique create coils or coils that were attached that were attached
poorly correctly and glaze was
laid evenly
Student did not Student sketched a design Student gave great effort
Creativity sketched or that included some but not to create a unique and well
create a design all required elements thought out design that
included all requirements