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d Nations D
ent Accoun
nt project
Promoting Ene
ergy Efficie
ency Investments
for Cllimate Cha
ange Mitig
gation and
d Sustaina
able Devellopment

Case stud



Developed by:
Moncef Krrarti
Table of Contents

Abstract .....................................................................................................................................................6 
Background ...............................................................................................................................................7 
Energy Sector Characteristics....................................................................................................................8 
Current Building Energy Efficiency Policies ......................................................................................... 12 
Potential of Energy Efficiency in Buildings ........................................................................................... 14 
Potential for Commercial Buildings ................................................................................................... 15 
Potential for Residential Buildings ..................................................................................................... 16 
Assessment Analysis Methodology ........................................................................................................ 20 
Economic, Environmental, and Policy Analysis .................................................................................... 22 
Energy Savings Analysis .................................................................................................................... 22 
Economical and Environmental Analysis........................................................................................... 24 
Policy Design Considerations................................................................................................................. 27 
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis ............................................................................................................... 27 
Job Creation Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 29 
Barriers for Energy Efficiency Policies Implementation ....................................................................... 30 
Conclusions and Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 31 
References .............................................................................................................................................. 33 
Appendix A: Building Energy Conservation Code of Practice of 1983 and 2010 ................................. 35 
Appendix B: Cost-Effectiveness of Optimal Energy Efficient Designs for Residences in Kuwait ....... 39 
List of Figures

Figure 1: Per Capita Carbon Emissions for Selected Countries ....................................................................7 

Figure 2: Per Capita Electricity Consumption for Selected MENA Countries (Source: IEA, 2006) ............8 
Figure 3: Country Ranking and Level of Energy Consumption Subsidies per Person in US Dollars during
2011 (Source: Capital Standards, 2013) ........................................................................................................8 
Figure 4: Annual per Capita Energy Use and Population Levels for Kuwait ...............................................9 
Figure 5: Variation of Annual Electrical Peak Demand between 2002 and 2011 in Kuwait with Projected
Peaks for 2020 and 2030 ............................................................................................................................ 10 
Figure 6: Electrical Demand End-use Distribution in Kuwait during 2011 ............................................... 11 
Figure 7: Monthly Electrical Load versus Monthly Average Outdoor Temperature for Kuwait in 2005 and
2011 ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 
Figure 8: End-Use Distribution for a Kuwaiti Office Building Associated with (a) Annual Electricity
Energy Consumption and (b) Electricity Peak Deamnd (Source: Krarti and Hajiah, 2011) ...................... 16 
Figure 9: End-USe Distribution for a Kuwaiti Residence Associated with (a) Annual Electricity Energy
Consumption and (b) Electricity Peak Demand (Source: Krarti and Hajiah, 2011)................................... 17 
Figure 10: Life Cycle Cost Relative Ratio as a Function of Source Energy Savings for a Residence Located
in Five Selected GCC Cities ....................................................................................................................... 19 
Figure 11: Rendering for the Existing Kuwaiti House Energy Model Used in the Simulation Analysis .. 20 
Figure 12: Maximum Percent Savings in Annual Energy Consumption for Some Energy Efficiency
Measures Applied to an Existing House in Kuwait .................................................................................... 21 
Figure 13: Annual Electrical Consumption for Five House Design Configurations .................................. 23 
Figure 14: Annual Electrical Consumption Percent Savings by Applying Code 2010 on Code 1983 and
Basecase House Configurations ................................................................................................................. 23 
Figure 15: Impact of Market Share on the Economical and Environmental Benefits of the Building Energy
Efficiency Retrofit Program ....................................................................................................................... 26 
List of Tables

Table 1: Electrical Power Stations, their Capacity, and their Peak Load in Kuwait during 2011 .................9 
Table 2: CO2 Emissions Intensity for Select MENA Countries ................................................................. 10 
Table 3: Types and Number of Buildings in Kuwait at the end of 2011 .................................................... 11 
Table 4: Comparative Summary of the Requirements for Kuwait Energy Conervation Code of Practice of
1983 and 2010 ............................................................................................................................................ 13 
Table 5: General Characteristics and Annual Energy Use of Office Buildings in Kuwait ........................ 15 
Table 6: List of EEMs for the Optimal LCC Case and Associated Initiated Costs and Annual Energy Use
Savings ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 
Table 7: Main Characteristics for 5 House Energy Models Considered in the Analysis ........................... 21 
Table 8: Number, Annual Energy Use, and Peak Demand for all Building Types Considered in the Analysis
 .................................................................................................................................................................... 22 
Table 9: Economical and Environmental Benefits for Level-1 Building Energy Efficiency retrofit Program
for Kuwait Based on 2011 Building Stock Statistics ................................................................................. 24 
Table 10: Economical and Environmental Benefits for Level-2 Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit
Program for Kuwait Based on 2011 Building Stock Statistics ................................................................... 25 
Table 11: Economical and Environmental Benefits for Level-3 Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit
Program for Kuwait Based on 2011 Building Stock Statistics ................................................................... 25 
Table 12: Average Costs for Energy Retrofits of Buildings in Kuwait (in US Dollars) ............................ 27 
Table 13: Total Implementation Costs for Level-1 Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit Program ........... 28 
Table 14: Total Implementation Costs for Level-2 Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit Program ........... 28 
Table 15: Total Implementation Costs for Level-3 Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit Program ........... 28 
Table 16: Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Efficiency Retrofit Programs for all Kuwaiti Building Stock .... 29 
Table 17: Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Efficiency Retrofit Programs for only Private Residential Buildings
in Kuwait .................................................................................................................................................... 29 
Table 18: Employment Creation Impacts for Various Energy Sources from $1 Million of Expenditures
(Source: Pollin et al., 2009) ........................................................................................................................ 30 
Table 19: Number of Job Years that Could be Created from Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit Programs
in Kuwait .................................................................................................................................................... 30 

A/C: Air Conditioning

CFLs: Compact Fluorescent Lamps

COP: Coefficient of Performance

ECMs: Energy Conservation Measures

EEMs: Energy Efficiency Measures

GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council

HVAC: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

IEA: International Energy Agency

KD: Kuwaiti Dinar

KISR: Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

LCC: Life Cycle Cost

MENA: Middle East and North Africa

MEW: Ministry of Electricity and Water

WWR: Window to Wall Ratio

In this report, an overview of the Kuwaiti energy sector characteristics is presented to include its
generating capacity as well as its end-use consumption over the last two decade. Moreover, a
detailed analysis of the total and end-use energy consumption attributed to various building types
is provided. The report presents the specific regulations of the building energy conservation code
of practice using its original version of 1983 and its revised version of 2010. The code
enforcement mechanism is also outlined in the report. Based on a detailed review of the reported
literature, the potential energy savings opportunities and their cost-effectiveness for Kuwaiti
buildings are discussed. Using a comprehensive series of analyses, the report summarizes the
economical and environmental benefits of improving energy efficiency for both new and
retrofitted buildings in Kuwait. It is found that the 2010 revised version of the energy conservation
code of practice can provide an additional 23% savings compared to the original version of the
code developed and implemented in 1983.

Moreover, it is found that without a gradual reduction of energy subsidies, the establishment of a
mandatory energy efficiency retrofit program in Kuwaiti through implementation of basic energy
efficiency measures and improved operating strategies for the existing building stock can provide
significant economical and environmental benefits to Kuwait as well as the creation of significant
job opportunities.
Worldwiide, buildinggs account for about 440% of the primary en nergy consuumption. Inn the Middlee
East andd North Afrrica (MENA A region, bbuildings co onsumes even higher ffraction of the primaryy
energy cconsumptionn. For insttance, 70% of total electrical
e nergy consuumption in
en n Kuwait iss
attributedd to buildinngs. Consid
dering all thhe sectors (i.e.,
( buildin
ngs, industrry, and tran
Qatar andd Kuwait haave the highhest per cappita carbon emissions
e in
n the world as depictedd in Figure 1
(WBCDS S, 2009).

ure 1: Per Capita Carrbon Emisssions for Seelected Couuntries

Figure 2 shows the per capita electricity

e cconsumption
n in severall MENA coountries. It is i should bee
noted thaat for severral MENA countries
c inncluding Kuuwait, the majority
m of tthe electriccal energy iss
used to ooperate builddings (EIA,, 2006). Thee trend for high
h energyy demand foor buildings in the Arabb
region is expected too continue over the neext decade dued to high population growth and d significannt
urbanizattion. Indeedd, the annuaal urban poppulation groowth rates in
i Arab couuntries range between 2
to 6% wwith an averrage for thee region off 3.8% acco ording to a UN-Habittat report (U UN-Habitatt,
2012). A
As a result, the buildin ng sector is one of thee fastest groowing sectoors in the ArabA regionn.
Specificaally, accordding to a reecent reporrt, a total of
o $4.3 trilllion is foreecasted to be b spent onn
constructtion in the MENA
M regiion over thee next decad
de, represen
nting a cummulative gro owth of 80% %
(Oxford E Economics,, 2009).
Electricityy consump
ption per capita (kW

Figure 2: Per Cap

pita Electriccity Consu mption forr Selected MENA
M Couuntries (Sou
urce: IEA,

Moreoveer, several MENAM cou

untries provvide significcant energy y subsidies in order to o reduce thee
electricityy and fuel prices to their
t citizenns. In partiicular, Unitted Arab off Emirates (UAE) andd
Kuwait aare the top two countrries in the world for energy e consumption ssubsidies peer person ass
illustrated from Figgure 3. It is reported thhat for its 2012/2013
2 budget, Kuuwait allocaates KD 3.11
billion of the 6.3 billion
b susid
dization forr the consu umer servicees to the eelectricity suubsidizationn
(Capital Standards, 2013). It iss also reporrted that thee actual cossts for geneerating and distributingg
electricityy in Kuwaiit during 20
011 is 37 fills/kWh (i.e., $0.134/kW Wh) but it iss sold to th
he customerss
for only 2 fils (i.e., $006/kWh),
$ , resulting inn 95% subsidies from thet governm ment (MEW W, 2011).

Figure 3: Countryy Ranking and Level of Energy Consumption Subsiddies per Perrson in US
uring 2011 (Source: Capital
Dollars du C Stan
ndards, 20113)

Energy Sector Ch
The Minnistry of Electricity
E and
a Water (MEW) is the sole supplier
s y and water
off electricity
resourcess in Kuwaitt. The increaasing popullation in Ku
uwait and the scarce waater resourcees is forcingg
MEW too increase itts generatinng capacitiess with highher investmeents in new
w power plaants. Indeedd,
over the last decadee, Kuwait has seen its ppopulation as well as its per capiita energy consumption
c n
increase steadily as shown in Figure
F 4. Thhe data obtaained from MEW
M indiccate that thee energy usee
per person has moore than doubled bettween 1980 0 and 2005 5 (MEW, 2012). Mo oreover, thee
populatioon has douubled from 1992 to 20005 due to o high demand in laboor force affter the Iraqq
invasion of 1990-19991. The grrowth in thee populatio on combined d with highh energy use by personn
has signiificantly inccreased the requiremennts for elecctrical poweer generatioon to meet the nationaal
needs esppecially in the
t growing g residentiall sector.


Ratio Relative 1992




992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 20
006 2008 2010
Figure 4: Annual perr Capita En
nergy Use and Popula
ation Levells for Kuwa

The seawwater desaliination proccess used inn Kuwait ass well as in

n most of thhe gulf region requiress
about 10 times moree energy thaan surface ffresh water productionn. In 2011, K
Kuwait had d 8 electricaal
power sttations withh a combineed capacityy of 13115 MW servin ng a peak lload of 112 220 MW ass
detailed iin Table 1 (MEW,
( 2012).

Table 1: Electricaal Power Sttations, theeir Capacitty, and their Peak Loaad in Kuwa
ait during
Power stattion  Capacity    Pe
eak Load on JJuly 27, 2011

(MW)   (MWW) 

Shuwaikh  Station  120  1200 

Shuaiba So outh Station  660  5400 
Shuaiba No orth Station  600  6000 
Doha East  Station  1018  7700 
Doha Westt  Station  2381  17220 
Az‐Zour Soouth Station  4646  41110 
Sabiya Stattion  3690  33660 
All Stations  13115  112 20 

Kuwait ccurrently uttilizes almo

ost 300,0000 barrels off oils per day for elecctricity geneeration. Thee
consumpption is exppected to in ncrease to as high as 900,000 barrels
b per day or 20% % of its oiil
productioon by 20300, thus signiificantly redducing oil revenues
r off the countrry. Moreov ver, the totaal
energy suubsidies to consumers are estimatted to exceeed KWD 9 billion
b by 22030. It is ex
xpected thaat
Kuwait m may face ennergy shortaage during the summeer of 2014 and 2015 iif the projeccts aimed at a
increasinng daily prooduction at Subbiya poower plant and the So outh Az-Zouur power plantp by 5000
megawattts each as well
w as the construction
c n of the Norrth Zour pow
wer plants aare not impllemented onn
time (ME
EW, 2012).
Accordinng to an IEA A study (IEA, 2012), K Kuwait has one of the highest
h carbbon emissio
ons intensityy
in the M
MENA regioon due to itts high reliaance on oill to producee electricityy and desalinate waterr.
Table 2 summarizees the CO2 emissions intensity expressed in n gCO2/kW Wh for seleccted MENA A
countriess during 2009. Kuwaitt generates 870 of gCO O2 for eachh kWh of eelectricity, significantly
s y
higher thhat the worrld average of 573 gC CO2/kWh. It I should bee noted thaat countries that utilizee
natural ggas to generate a sig gnificant poortion of th heir electricity have low carbon n emissionss
intensity.. For instannce, the shaare of naturral gas in th
he total elecctricity geneerated in Qatar
Q is over
85% (IEA A, 2012).

ble 2: CO2 Emissions Intensity for
f Select MENA
M Couuntries

untry CO
O2 emission
ns intensityy
Libyya 872
Kuwwait 870
Sauudi Arabia 757
Syriia 641
UAE 631
Jorddan 581
Tunnisia 538
Qatar 494
Egyypt 466
Worrld (Averagge) 573

Figure 5 illustrates the annuaal electricall peak dem mand variatiion from 22002 throug gh 2011. A
regressioon analysis of
o the data indicates thhat there is a consistentt growth ratte of the eleectrical peakk
demand over the 1980’s peak k with abouut 6% averaage increase rate in thhe last decade (MEW W,
2012). BBased on thhe rate of inncrease of 6% observ ved in Figuure 5, the aannual peak k demand iss
predictedd to be 15,0000 MW by y 2020 and over 20,000 MW (alm most doublee the currentt peak loadd)
by 2030.

Annual Peak Demand

y = 4533.03x + 6571.3

R²² = 0.9846
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2020 2030

Figuree 5: Variatiion of Annu

ual Electriccal Peak Deemand betwween 2002 and 2011 in Kuwait
witth Projecteed Peaks fo
or 2020 and
d 2030
Figure 6 indicates thhat the residential secttor (includin
ng the privaately ownedd residencees and rentaal
apartmennt buildingss, typically referred too as investm ment buildiings) consttitute over 57% of thee
Kuwaiti ppeak electriical power in
i 2011 (ME EW, 2012).

Figure 6:: Electrical Demand E
End-use Disstribution in
i Kuwait dduring 201

Table 3 llists numberr of each typpe of buildiings in the 2011

2 existin
ng building stock serveed by MEW
Residentiial buildinggs either private or goovernmentall constitute the vast m majority of the
t buildingg
stock witth about 87%% of the tottal buildingss in Kuwaitt (MEW, 20 012).

Table 3:
3 Types an
nd Numberr of Buildin
ngs in Kuwa
ait at the ennd of 2011

Type N
Number off Buildings Percentaage of Totall

Private Residentia
al 390,2
213 866.3%

mental Ressidential 1,44
48 0..3%

Commeercial 45,6
685 100.1%

Industriial 1,832 0..4%

Agriculttural 4,597 1..0%

Servicess 93
37 0..2%

mental 7,553 1..7%

Total 452,2
265 1000%

It shouldd be notedd that a sig gnificant p ortion of the

t electriccity demandd and conssumption iss
associateed with air conditionin
ng of buildinngs as clearly illustrated by Figur
ure 7 that co
orrelates thee
monthly electricity consumption in Kuwait as a function of monthly average outdoor temperature
during both years of 2005 and 2011 using 3-parameter inversing modeling approach (Krarti,
2011). During winter months, the energy consumption remains low and flat and is mostly
attributed to base-load demands such as lighting, plug loads, and other devices that are operated
independently of the outdoor conditions. While, air conditioning energy consumption increases
with increasing outdoor temperature during the summer. From 2005 to 2011, the electricity base-
load consumption increased by about 36% in Kuwait from 2012.8 GWh to reach 2733.3 GWh
mainly due to the increase in the number of buildings associated with growth in population and

Monthly Electrical Consumption 

y = 195.69x ‐ 1395.2
R² = 0.9601

3500 y = 155.54x ‐ 1253.3

3000 2733.3 R² = 0.978
2500 2012.8
1500 2011
1000 2005
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Monthly Average Temperature (C) 
Figure 7: Monthly Electrical Load versus Monthly Average Outdoor Temperature for
Kuwait in 2005 and 2011

Several studies have indicated that Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems in
buildings are the largest energy consumers in buildings in the GCC region including Kuwait.
Indeed, air-conditioning accounts for almost 60% of the total energy use in a building in most
GCC countries (Ventures, 2012). The market for HVAC systems in GCC countries is significant
and was estimated at US$ 6.2 billion in 2011 with an annual growth of 3%. Most of the HVAC
systems are made up of conventional air conditioning systems including air-handling units,
chillers, pumps, and cooling towers. It has been estimated that the installation of energy efficient
HVAC systems has the potential to reduce power consumption for air-conditioning by 35 to 40%
in the GCC region (Ventures, 2012).

Current Building Energy Efficiency Policies

Minimum requirements for efficient energy use in buildings have been enforced by the Ministry of
Electricity and Water (MEW) sector for all new and retrofitted buildings since 1983, through an
Energy Conservation Code of Practice which was prepared in accordance with the decision taken
by The Council of Ministers in its session 18/80 dated April 20, 1980, that considered the fact that
consumers pay only a fraction (5 to 10%) of actual cost of power and energy.

The 1983 energy conservation code of practice specifies minimum thermal resistance for walls and
roofs, size and quality for glazing, fresh air requirements, and performance standards for air-
conditioning (A/C) systems. More importantly, the code sets the maximum allowable power for
the A/C and lighting systems of buildings based on the application, area and type of A/C system. It
has been reported that by implementing the code, buildings need 40% less cooling, and more than
40% less peak power and annual energy use. It has also been estimated that implementation of the
code, until 2005, resulted in over 2,530 MW savings of peak power, 1.26 million RT of cooling
capacity, and nearly 131 million barrels of fuel. The estimated cost of these benefits is well over
KD 2.25 billion, in addition to the reduction of over 55 million metric tons of CO2 in Kuwait’s
environment (MEW, 2010).

In 2010, a revised version of the energy conservation code of practice has been developed with
more stringent requirements for energy efficiency for both new and retrofitted buildings in Kuwait.
Table 4 provides a comparative summary of the features of both the recent version of the code of
practice for energy conservation completed in 2010 and the original version issued and approved
in 1983. As noted in Table 4, the 2010 code of practice has several additional requirements
compared to the 1983 version. In particular, the 2010 energy conservation code of practice
requires the use of thermal breaks for windows frames, more stringent window sizes and
properties, use of programmable thermostats, use of more efficient air conditioning systems, and
use of proven technologies such as variable speed drives, cool recovery units, and cool storage
systems. Both codes are applicable to new residential and commercial buildings.

The process of the implementation of the code of practice follows several regulations outlined in
the following MEW documents:

 MEW/R-1: Regulations for Electrical Installations

 MEW/R-2: Procedures for Approval of Electrical & A/C Drawings and connection of
power supply for construction and buildings projects.
 MEW/R-3: Electrical load form and explanatory memo
 MEW/R-4: Regulations for testing of Electrical installations before connection of power
 MEW/R-5: General Guidelines for Energy Conservation in buildings
 MEW/R-6: Code of Practice for Energy Conservation in Kuwait building and Appendices
 MEW/R-7: Rules and Regulations for design of A/C System and Equipment
 MEW/R-8: Rules and Regulations for handing over Engineering Services (Electrical and
Mechanical) to the Maintenance Authority
 MEW/R-9: General specification for electrical installation

While, Kuwait Municipality inspect that the required thermal insulation levels, window sizes, and
glazing types are properly installed, it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Electricity and Water
(MEW) to ensure that the electrical and air conditioning systems requirements are met and will not
approve the desired electrical power demand for buildings unless they meet the power density
limit requirements set by the code of practice. The responsibility of each member of a design team
of any new or retrofitted building is briefly summarized below:

1- Architect: ensures that the minimum requirement values for the building envelope
components are met (such U-values of exterior walls and roofs, type of glazing for
windows, and thermal breaks).
2- Mechanical design engineer: specifies HVAC systems to meet the regulations of the code
of practice (outlined in MEW/R-6 and MEW/R-7). The HVAC contractor needs to obtain
from MEW, a confirmation that the mechanical systems meet all the required regulations.
3- Electrical design engineer: is responsible to specify electrical systems that comply with
MEW regulations (set by MEW/R-1, MEW/R-2, MEW/R-3, and MEW/R-6). The power
available for the building is set by MEW and should be obtained by the electrical design
engineer before tendering the project.
Table 4: Comparative Summary of the Requirements for Kuwait Energy Conervation Code
of Practice of 1983 and 2010
Requirements  Code of Practice 1983 Code of Practice 2010 
Design Weather Conditions Only one set of design weather conditions  Two sets of design weather conditions are 
for all sites in Kuwait  use: interior and coastal sites. 
Wall Thermal Insulation  Maximum U‐value depending on mass  Maximum U‐value depending on mass and 
and color levels (Refer to Table A‐1 in  color levels (Refer to Table A‐2 in Appendix 
Appendix A)  A) 
Roof Thermal Insulation  Maximum U‐value depending on mass  Maximum U‐value depending on mass and 
and color levels (Refer to Table A‐1 in  color levels (Refer to Table A‐2 in Appendix 
Appendix A)  A) 
Window to Wall Ratio/Glazing  Maximum WWR value depending on  Maximum WWR value depending on glazing 
type  glazing type and orientation (Refer to  type and orientation (Refer to Table A‐3 in 
Table A‐1 in Appendix A)  Appendix A) 
Thermal Bridges  Not Mentioned  Columns and beams should be insulated. 
Windows should have thermal breaks. 
Lighting Density    Maximum lighting power density depending 
on space type (Refer to Table A‐4 in 
Appendix A) 
Ventilation Rate  ASHRAE Requirements of Standard 62‐ ASHRAE Requirements from Standard 62‐
1979  2001 (Refer to Table A‐5 in Appendix A) 
Programmable Thermostats Not  Mentioned  Recommended for buildings with part‐day 
occupancy levels with 5oC offset with 
switching off of air‐circulating fans during 
non‐occupancy periods as long as thermal 
comfort is maintained during occupancy 
Motor Efficiency    Minimum efficiency rating depending on 
motor type and size (Refer to Table 5) 
Power Factor     Minimum power factor for motor and 
fluorescent lighting systems (refer to Table 
A‐6 in Appendix A) 
A/C Energy Efficiency  Minimum efficiency for select systems   Minimum efficiency rating depending on A/C 
(refer to Table A‐1 in Appendix A)  system type (Refer to Table A‐7 in Appenidx 
Water vs. Air Cooled A/C    Water cooled A/C systems are required for 
Systems  buildings with cooling capacity of 1000 RT or 
above in the coastal areas and of 500 RT or 
above for interior areas. 
A/C Capacities  Maximum power capacity depending on  Maximum capacity depending on the 
the building and air conditioning system  building and Air Conditioning System Types 
types   (Refer to Table A‐4 in Appendix A) 
Cooling Recovery Units  Not Mentioned  Required Rotary‐wheel cooling recovery 
units with a minimum efficiency of 75% for 
all buildings in the coastal areas and for 
buildings with high ventilation needs (940 L/s 
or 2000 cfm or above) in the interior areas. 
Exceptions apply for health reasons 
Variable Speed Drives  Not Mentioned  Required for fan motors of cooling towers 
Cool Storage Systems  Not Mentioned  Required for buildings with part‐day 
occupancy and more than 100 RT cooling 
peak load 
District Cooling  Not Mentioned  Recommended based on cost analysis for 
large complexes such as university campuses 
and residential neighborhood. 
Seawater use for condensers Not Mentioned  Recommended for water‐cooled plants of 
more than 5000 RT capacity in coastal areas 

Potential of Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Few published studies have considered the potential of improving the energy efficiency of
buildings in Kuwait. The following sections provide a brief review of the literature for improving
the energy performance of both new and existing Kuwaiti buildings. First, the potential of energy
efficiency for commercial buildings is discussed. Then, the results reported for the potential to
reduce the energy consumption in residential buildings are outlined.
Potentiaal for Comm mercial Buiildings
Al-Anzi (2007) connducted a survey
s of 9 commerciial building gs in Kuwaait City to assess their
energy use intensityy. The resultts of the surrvey are sum
mmarized inn Table 5. T
The conditio oned area of
these buiildings rangged from abbout 12,0000 m2 to 46,0 000 m2, whiile the energgy use rangged betweenn
232 kWhh/m2/yr andd 632 kWh h/m2/yr. M More than 2/32 of the surveyed bbuildings have h energyy
consumpption above 400 kWh/m m /yr. This eenergy use intensity is larger thann that reportted for other
countriess. For exam
mple, in the US
U the connsumption of a typical high-rise
h offfice buildin
ng is aroundd
2 2
375 kWhh/m /Yr (Toodesco, 199 96), while iin Australiaa it is abou
ut 254 kWhh/m /yr (CO OAG, 2012)),
and in Hoong Kong itt is about 2992 KWh/m2 (Lam et all., 2008).
d Annual Energy Use of Office B
Tablee 5: Generaal Characteeristics and Buildings in
n Kuwait
No. Building Typee Num
mber Condiitioned Co
ooling A
Annual Energy Use
of Flloors Floorr Area Capacity Ellectrical per
p Floor
Eneergy Use Area
m 2)
(m (T
Tons) ((kWh)
1 Office Buildingg - Governmentt 224 33,000 1,368 13,,992,000 424
2 M
Mutli-Use Buillding - Private 119 29,519 1,100 8,6649,067 293
3 Office Buildingg - Private 112 16,855 450
4 4,2230,605 251
4 B
Bank Headquarrters - Private 110 22,695 1,030 5,3310,630 234
5 B
Bank Headquarrters - Private 332 13,310 438
4 8,4411,920 632
6 Office Buildingg - Private 220 11,545 450
4 4,6652,635 403
7 Office Buildingg - Governmentt 110 31,267 750
7 13,,507,344 432
8 Office Buildingg - Governmentt 6 13,238 420
4 5,3348,152 404
9 Office Buildingg - Private 118 46,230 1,300 17,,197,560 372

Moreoveer, Krarti annd Hajiah (2011) havve found th hrough com mbination oof energy auditing
a andd
whole-buuilding enerrgy simulation of a wiide range of o buildings that electriicity peak demand
d andd
annual eenergy use associated d to air-connditioning of commerrcial buildin ings are sig gnificant inn
Kuwait. F Figure 8 illuustrates the end-use disstribution of
o respectiveely the electtrical peak demand
d andd
annual ellectricity coonsumption n for a typiccal office bu
uilding in Kuwait
K (Kra
rarti and Haajiah, 2011)).
As clearlly indicatedd in Figure 8, air-condditioning rep presents a significant
s portion of both annuaal
electricall energy usse and elecctricity peaak demand for the pro ototypical ooffice buildding with a
fraction oof 26%, andd 38% respeectively withhout accoun nting for fan
ns and pumpps.

(a) Ene
ergy Use (b)
( Peak Deemand
Figuree 8: End-Usse Distribu
ution for a K
Kuwaiti Offfice Building Associaated with (a
a) Annual
Electtricity Enerrgy Consum
mption and d (b) Electrricity Peak Deamnd
D (SSource: Krarti and
Hajiah, 2011)

One of thhe first atteempts to red

duce energyy use in exissting Kuwaaiti buildinggs has been reported byy
Al-Ragom m (2002) through
t eneergy auditinng of a gov
vernmental office
o buildding with 23,470 m2 of
air-condiitioned flooor area. By y using freee cooling during thee winter (eeconomizer cycle) andd
reducing the operation of the air-conditiooning system m during th
he non-occuupied hourss as well ass
turning ooff lighting during non-occupancyy hours and de-lamping g, it is estim
mated that 26%
2 savingss
can be acchieved in annual
a energ
gy consumpption.

More reccently, Al-M Mulla et al. (2013) haave described the resu ults of impllementing three
t simplee
enhancedd operatingg strategiess in eight governmental buildings with a total co ombined air
conditionned floor arrea of 4390 000 m2 andd peak dem mand of 29.3 MW. Thhe enhanceed operatingg
strategiess include:
1. RReduction of cooling su upply durinng one hourr before thee occupancyy period (i.e., betweenn
13:00 and 144:00 during week days)) by limiting the operation of chilllers and air distributionn
2. Im mproved coontrols afterr occupancyy period wiith changing g the tempeerature settiings and air
fllow rates ass well as turning off anyy non-essen ntial lighting
g fixtures.
3. DDe-lamping of spaces wherew excesss illuminattion levels are observeed within thhe buildingss
inncluding corrridors, lobbbies, and paarking lots.

a energy use savings have been

In all buiildings, peaak demand and n achieved bbased on daata obtainedd
before annd after impplementation n of the enhhanced operrating strateegies througgh monitorin
ng of hourlyy
energy coonsumptionn during sev veral days dduring one summer
s seaason. Aboutt 8.90 MW (or 30%) inn
combinedd peak dem mand was saaved for alll buildings. Daily enerrgy savingss ranging from 3.2% too
13.0% w were achieveed using raather easy too implemen nt operating g strategies from all th
he buildingss
without ssignificantlyy affecting the
t indoor th thermal com

Similar eenhanced operating

o strrategies hav
ave been immplemented in a large shopping mall (abouut
170,000 m of spacce) in Kuwaait by Al-H Hadban et al.
a (2010). Before
B the implementation of thee
improvedd controls, the
t shoppin ng mall connsumes 84,0 000 MWh/y yr with a peeak demand of 15 MW W.
After thee implemenntation of thet enhanceed operatio on strategiess, it is estiimated thatt the annuaal
savings iin energy usse is 9,919 MWh/yr
M (orr 11.8% sav
vings) and a reduction in peak dem mand of 3455
kW (or 22.3% savinggs).

A study by Al-Ajm mi (2012) shhowed that non-retrofiitting energgy conservat

ation measu ures (ECMs)
with no or low cappital investm ment only saved 6.5% % of an ed ducational bbuilding annnual energyy
consumpption, while the retrofittting ECMs with signifi
ficant capital investmennt can save up
u to 49.3%
of annuall energy connsumption.

Potentiaal for Residential Build dings

As notedd in Figurre 5, resideential builddings accou unt for a significant portion off electricityy
consumpption in Kuuwait. Thro ough combiination of energy aud diting and w whole-buildding energyy
simulatioon analysis, Krarti and Hajiah (20111) estimateed the end-u
use of electrricity peak demand andd
annual ennergy consuumption asssociated to a typical reesidence in Kuwait as illustrated in Figure 9.
As clearlly shown ini Figure 9, 9 air-condittioning represents a significant pportion of both
b annuaal
energy coonsumptionn and electrricity peak ddemand forr both the villa and thee office buillding with a
fraction oof 48%, andd 64%, respectively witthout accou
unting for faans and pum

(b) Energy Use

e (b) Demaand

Figuure 9: End--USe Distriibution forr a Kuwaiti Residence Associatedd with (a) Annual
Electtricity Enerrgy Consum
mption and d (b) Electrricity Peak Demand
D (SSource: Krarti and
Hajiah, 2011)
Using sim mulation annalysis for 2-story
2 residdential build
ding, Al-Ragom (2003)) has found that the usee
of wall aand roof innsulation an nd reflectivee double glass
g with reduced winndow area (so that thee
window-to-wall ratiio is 10%) can c decreasse the annuaal energy co onsumptionn for a resid dence to 2933
kWh/m in Kuwait which is characterize
c ed by a hot and arid climate.
c Com mpared to a base casee
model wiith no insulation in the walls and rroof and with single cleear glazing and 23.5% window-to-
wall ratioo, annual ennergy use saavings of 2550 kWh/m2 or 46% can n be achieveed using bassic envelopee
energy effficiency measures. Th he study alsoo found thatt:
 A As a result of o the highhly subsidizzed electriciity rates, ass expected, the custom mer paybackk
periods weree very long. Even for thhe best casee of energy saving, the payback peeriod was 377
years. With such long periods,
p it iis very diffi
ficult to justtify implem mentation off retrofittingg
scchemes by homeowners. For thiss reason, altternative prricing policiies for elecctricity weree
innvestigated to yield an acceptable payback peeriod.
 Inn order for retrofitting to be conssidered feassible, custom mers have tto be charg ged at a ratee
thhat is at leasst 650% hig
gher than thee current prrice, which is i 0.6 cents//kWh (2 filss/kWh).
 A Another finaancing optio on was exam mined in which
w the goovernment ppays the fulll amount of
thhe retrofittiing cost. With
W this ooption, it was
w found that the paayback perriod for thee
government varied from m 5 to 16 yyears, and it was 6 yeears for thee most enerrgy efficiennt
 T The highly subsidized costc of electrricity imposses a burden n on the govvernment bu udget. If thee
government would seriiously cons ider retrofitting all old d residentiaal buildingss, the initiaal
coost of retroofitting can be recoverred in 6 yeears. After the sixth yyear, saving gs in energyy
coonsumptionn will provide annual nnational rev venue of $13 36.26 millioon (42.27 million
m KD)).
Inn 10 years, the savin ngs of $5777 million (179 millio on KD) caan be realizzed for thee
government. This amou unt accountss for the totaal cost of reetrofitting thhat is fully borne
b by thee
government. In additio on, the peeak electricc load redu uctions duee to retroffitting thosee
buuildings woould save 63 36 MW of eelectric pow wer requirem ment, whichh is 8% of the t installedd
national capaacity
A recent study by Krarti and Ihm (2014) has indicated the potential of using proven energy
efficiency measures to reduce the energy consumption of homes in various MENA countries. In
the analysis, a sequential search optimization technique coupled with detailed energy simulation
program are utilized to evaluate the most cost-effective energy efficiency measures that should be
implemented for a prototypical residential building located in various sites within the MENA
region. In the optimization analysis, a wide range of energy efficiency measures (EEMs) are
considered including orientation, window location and size, glazing type, wall and roof insulation
levels, lighting fixtures, temperature settings, and efficiencies of heating and cooling systems. A
brief discussion of the options associated with each EEM is provided below:
 Orientation defined by the azimuth angle between the true south and the front of the house.
Seven options for the orientation are considered varying from 0o (baseline) to 270o.
 Exterior wall and roof insulation defined by the thickness of polystyrene insulation. Four
options are considered with a no insulation (R-value = 0) to 6-cm insulation (R-value = 3.0
 Window size defined by the window-to-wall ratio (WWR). Four options are evaluated
ranging from small windows (WWR=10%) to large windows (WWR=40%). The window
to wall ratio (WWR) of the baseline building model is 25%.
 Glazing type characterized by the number of panes and the coating type applied to the
glazing surfaces. Six glazing types are considered in the analysis.
 Lighting type defined by the lighting power density. Four lighting options are considered
including (i) all fixtures are incandescent lamps (baseline with 7.3 W/m2), (ii) 1/3 of the
fixtures are compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) while the other remain incandescent lamps
(i.e., 30% reduction in baseline lighting power density), (iii) 2/3 of the fixtures are CFLs
while the other remain incandescent lamps (i.e., 50% reduction in baseline lighting power
density), and (iv) all the fixtures are CFLs (i.e., 70% reduction in baseline lighting power
 Air leakage level defined by the air infiltration rate. Four levels are considered: leaky
(baseline with an infiltration rate of 0.7 L/s/m2), moderate leakage level with 25%
reduction in baseline infiltration rate, good leakage level with 50% reduction in baseline
infiltration rate, and tight level with 75% reduction in baseline infiltration rate.
 Cooling temperature setting defined by the maximum acceptable indoor temperature
needed to maintain thermal comfort. Three temperature settings are evaluated 24oC, 25oC,
and 26oC.
 Refrigerator energy efficiency level defined by its class label. Four options are considered:
baseline with an annual use consumption of 800 kWh/year, refrigerator of class 3 with 30%
reduction in baseline annual energy consumption, refrigerator of class 2 with 45%
reduction in baseline annual energy consumption, and refrigerator of class 1 with 65%
reduction in baseline annual energy consumption.
 Boiler type defined by its energy efficiency level. Four energy efficiency levels are
considered: 80% (baseline with low-efficiency), 85% (standard efficiency), and 90% (high
efficiency), and 95% (premium efficiency consisting of a condensing boiler).
 Cooling system type defined by its coefficient of performance or COP level. Four COP
levels are considered: COP=2.6 (baseline with low-efficiency), COP=3.0 (standard
efficiency), and COP=3.3 (high efficiency), and COP=3.5 (premium efficiency).

Figure 10 shows diagrams illustrating the optimal paths to design energy efficient residential
buildings in five cities representative of climate features for GCC countries including Kuwait. It
should be noted that the economic analysis (LCC) performed to obtain the optimization results of
Figure 10 utilizes non-subsidized electricity generation costs. Appendix B provides additional
results of the same study to illustrate the impact of both electricity prices and EEM implementation
costs. As illustrated in Figure 10, optimal source energy savings for all the five cities ranging from
38% to 62% can be achieved while minimizing LCC values. Kuwait has the highest potential for
energy use savings (62%). Table 6 lists the optimal package of EEMs and the initial costs that
provide the minimal LCC value for all the five GCC locations considered in the analysis.





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Source energy saving [%]
Kuwait(Kuwait) Doha(Qatar) Dubai(Arab-Amirates)
Riyadh(Saudi) Salalah(Oman)

Figure 10: Life Cycle Cost Relative Ratio as a Function of Source Energy Savings for a
Residence Located in Five Selected GCC Cities

Table 6: List of EEMs for the Optimal LCC Case and Associated Initiated Costs and Annual
Energy Use Savings
Site, Country  List of EEM for Optimal  Initial Costs for all EEMs  Annual Electrical Energy 
LCC Package  ($)  Use Savings [kWh, (%)] 
Kuwait City, Kuwait  2‐cm Polystyrene  $15,005 97,047 kWh (62%)
Insulation in Walls and 
Roof; Tinted Bronze 
 Glazing, CFL/LED lighting, 
Low air leakage, Premium 
efficiency AC (COP=3.3),  
Cooling Set Point = 26oC 
Riyadh (KSA)  2‐cm Polystyrene  $15,005 82,391 kWh (58%)
Insulation in Walls and 
Roof; Tinted Bronze 
Glazing, CFL/LED lighting, 
Low air leakage, Premium 
efficiency AC (COP=3.3), 
Cooling Set Point = 26oC 
Doha (Qatar)  Tinted Bronze Glazing,  $14,166  62,525 (54%)
CFL/LED lighting, Low air 
leakage, Premium 
efficiency AC (COP=3.3), 
Cooling Set Point = 26oC 
Dubai (UAE)  2‐cm Polystyrene  $14,310 56,583 (53%)
ation Roof; Tinnted 
Bronze e Glazing, CFLL/LED 
lighting, Low air leakkage, 
Standdard efficiencyy AC 
(COP= =3.0), Coolingg Set 
Point = 26oC
Salalah (Oman)  CFL/LED D lighting, Sta ndard  $12,715 30,592 ((38%)
efficiency AC (COP==3.0),  
Coolinng Set Point =  26oC 

ment Analyysis Metho
While Kuuwait was the t first ME ENA countrry to develo op and implement enerrgy efficien ncy code for
buildingss in 1983, itt took over 23 years to revise the energy
e consservation coode of practtice in 20100.
Thus, a significantt fraction of the exxisting buillding stock k in Kuwaait compliees with thee
requiremments of 19883 Energy Conservatio
C on code of practice.
p The applicatiion of the 2010
2 energyy
conservaation code of
o practice has
h been rathher slow an nd will mostt likely takee some timee before it iss
fully impplemented inn the new an nd retrofitteed buildingss.

In this seection, an analysis

a is carried
c out to determinne the impaact of retroffitting existing Kuwaitti
building stock to meeet the 2010 0 energy connservation code
c of pracctice expresssed in term
ms of savingss
in energyy use and peeak demand d, and CO2 emissions savings.
s Thee analysis aapproach for residentiaal
buildingss consideredd in this secction is baseed on the wo
ork of Ameeer and Krartrti (2014).

Analysis Approach:
A whole building simulation annalysis tool (i.e., eQUEEST) is utiliized to moddel an existiing house inn
Kuwait. Figure 11 shows
s rendderings of thhe house model
m that is considereed in this an
nalysis. Thee
house haas 501 m2 (5390
( ft2) of
o total flooor area that is fully air-conditioneed. In order to estimatee
energy consumptionn for the hoouse, scheduules that ouutline peoplle behaviorr, lighting systems, andd
equipmennt operatioon are baseed primarilly on surv vey data ob btained forr 30 Kuwaaiti familiess
conducteed by Al-Muumin (2003).

Figure 11: Renderring for thee Existing K

Kuwaiti Ho
ouse Energy
y Model Ussed in the Simulation

The building characcteristics off the housee energy mo odel are su

ummarized iin Table 7 for variouss
configuraations incluuding, base case
c (as buiilt), worst case
c ulation is ussed), code-1983 (meetss
(no insu
the 1983 code of prractice), codde-2010 (m meets the 2010 code of practice) w with two casses (case A:
without aany fences oro neighborring buildinggs, and casee B: with booth the fencces and the neighboringg
Table 7: Main Characteristics for 5 House Energy Models Considered in the Analysis
Item Base Case Worst Case Code-1983 Code-2010 Code-2010
(Unisulated) Case (A) Case (B)
U = 0.551 U = 2.305 U = 0.568 U = 0.568 U = 0.568
Ext. Wall
(W/m2.K) (W/m2.K) (W/m2.K) (W/m2.K) (W/m2.K)
U = 0.693 U = 0.693 U = 0.397 U = 0.397 U = 0.397
Ext. Roof
(W/m2.K) (W/m2.K) (W/m2.K) (W/m2.K) (W/m2.K)
Single Double Double Double
Window type Single clear
reflective clear reflective reflective
0.25 m over No 0.25 m
Window over No overhang No overhang
hang and overhang overhang
hang and fins and fins and fins
fins and fins and fins
According to According to
outside air 0 0 0
Table A-5 Table A-5
Cooling COP 2 2 2 2.3 2.3
Lighting power 2 2 2 2
9.7 W/m 9.7 W/m 15.07 W/m 9.7 W/m 9.7 W/m2
2.50 m high
fence walls No fence No fence 2.50 m
Fence Wall No fence walls
in all walls walls height
Two Two
neighbors neighbors
with 7.9 m No with 7.9 m
Neighbors No neighbors No neighbors
height in neighbors height in
front of front of faces
faces 2 & 4 2&4

Moreover, the simulation analysis includes the impact of several energy efficiency measures
(EEMs) on the annual energy consumption of the house such as glazing type, windows size,
temperature settings, and COP of the air conditioning system. Figure 12 shows the EEMs
considered as well as their impact in reducing the energy use of the house. The improvement of the
efficiency of the air conditioning system has the highest impact with a potential to reduce the
annual electricity consumption for the house by up to 41% (Ameer and Krarti, 2014).

Depth of overhang and fins
Exterior Roof Insulation
Lighting power density
Glazing type
Cooling set point temperature
Exterior Wall Insulation
COP of HVAC system
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%
Percentage of Annual Saving

Figure 12: Maximum Percent Savings in Annual Energy Consumption for Some Energy
Efficiency Measures Applied to an Existing House in Kuwait
While the analysis presented in this report is conducted using one residential building, its results
can be extrapolated for a portion or all the existing residential building stock using the 2011
statistics developed and published by MEW (2012). A similar approach can be carried out for the
commercial buildings. The number as well as the energy consumption and peak demand of
residential and commercial buildings are provided in Table 8 and are obtained based on 2011
MEW statistics in Table 3 and Figure 5 (MEW, 2012).

Table 8: Number, Annual Energy Use, and Peak Demand for all Building Types Considered
in the Analysis

Building Type  Number of  Annual Energy Use   Demand Peak 

Units  (GWh)  ( MW) 
Private Residential  390213  9228  5273.4 
Residential  1448  1964  1122 
Commercial  45685  3534  2019.6 
Governmental  7553  3142  1795.2 

Total  34361  19635  11220 

The economical and environmental analyses presented in this report are based on the following
 Electricity in Kuwait is charged at 2 fils/kWh, which is a fraction of the 38 fils/kWh it
costs to produce (Capital Standards, 2013). The economic analysis utilizes the 38 fils/kWh
(0.134/Wh) electricity rate.
 The cost of installing of power plant is estimated at $1200/kW (Al-Mulla et al., 2013).
 The carbon generation intensity for Kuwait is 870 gCO2/KWh (IEA, 2012)

Economic, Environmental, and Policy Analysis

In this section, a summary of a comprehensive analysis is presented to assess the economical and
environmental impacts from a national program to improve the energy efficiency of not only new
buildings but of the existing building stock in Kuwait. The same analysis is utilized to evaluate the
benefits for implementing 2010 version of the energy conservation code of practice instead of the
1983 version for new buildings. As will be discussed in this section, significant benefits can be
achieved by implementing a national energy efficiency program for existing buildings in Kuwait.
This program can offer an alternative policy option to the elimination or a reduction of the
significant energy subsidies that render any energy retrofits not cost-effective for the end-users.

Energy Savings Analysis

Figure 13 illustrates the impact of the energy conservation code on the annual energy use for a
Kuwaiti house model illustrated in Figure 11. In particular, it shows that the application of 1983
version of the code of practice (code-1983 case) can save 11% of the annual energy consumption
when the house has no insulation for exterior walls and roof and utilizes single pane windows
(worse case design). However, the application of the 2010 version of the code of practice (code-
2010 case B) leads to 32% savings relative to the worse case design. It is interesting to note that
the existing house configuration (base case) performs better than the code-1983 case due mainly to
better lighting systems and the presence of neighboring buildings to provide additional shading as
detailed in Table 7.

Annual Consumption (kWh)





Worst Case Code‐1983 Base Case Code‐2010 Code‐2010
(A) (B)

Figure 13: Annual Electrical Consumption for Five House Design Configurations

The potential annual energy use savings that can be achieved when an exsiting house (base case) is
retrofitted to the 2010 energy conservation code of practice level are about 8% as shown in Figure
14. However, these savings increase to 23% when a house built using the 1983-code design
specifications is retrofitted to the 2010-code design requirements through installing more energy
efficient lighting system, glazing, and air conditioning system.

Appling Code‐2010 on Base case

Appling Code‐2010 on Code‐1983

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

Percentage of Saving 

Figure 14: Annual Electrical Consumption Percent Savings by Applying Code 2010 on Code
1983 and Base-case House Configurations
Based on the analysis briefly outlined above and the available literature on potential energy use
savings that can be achieved from retrofitting existing buildings in Kuwait (refer to the section
entitled Potential Energy Efficiency in Buildings), it is highly recommended that MEW sets a
national program to upgrade the energy efficiency for the existing building stock in Kuwait while
continuing to require that any new building should be constructed to at least comply with the 2010
version of energy conservation code practice while working to establish more stringent

Three levels of energy efficiency building retrofit program are suggested for Kuwait with different
levels of economical and environmental benefits:

 Level-1 of energy efficiency retrofit: in this case, the buildings are required to undergo
basic or level-1 energy audit followed by implementing low-cost energy efficiency
measures such installation of programmable thermostat, use of CLF or LED lighting, and
weatherization of building shell to reduce air infiltration. The estimated savings from a
level-1 retrofit program can range from 4% to 12% for all building types based on
documented case studies for residential, commercial, and governmental buildings. In this
analysis, average savings of 8% are considered for level-1 energy efficiency retrofits.
 Level-2 of energy efficiency retrofit: a standard or level-2 energy audit is required for this
program in order to improve the building envelope components to meet at least 2010
energy conservation code of practice requirements as well as use of energy efficient
cooling systems and appliances. Based on the analysis shown in Figure 13 as well as the
exiting literature, average savings of 23% can be achieved for level-2 retrofit programs for
all building types.

 Level-3 of energy efficiency retrofit: for this program, detailed or level-3 energy audit is
required to perform deep retrofit of the buildings. A wide range of energy efficiency
measures can be considered in this type of program including window replacement, cooling
system replacement, use of variable speed drives, and installation of daylighting control
systems. While, deep retrofits are typically costly, they can provide significant savings
exceeding 50% as noted in the study of Ihm and Krarti (2014).

Economical and Environmental Analysis

In this section, the economical and environmental benefits for the building energy efficiency
retrofit program is assessed for residential, commercial, and governmental buildings using MEW
statistics of 2011 for the building stock in Kuwait (MEW, 2012). The economical benefits are
estimated using the cost of 38 fils/kWh for generating and distributing electricity (i.e.,
$0.134/kWh) rather than the subsidized rate of 2 fils/kWh (i.e., $0.006/KWh). The environmental
benefits are estimated using the carbon emissions of 870 gCO2/kWh for Kuwait. Tables 9, 10, and
11 summarize the annual CO2 emissions savings (associated with reducing the amount of fuel
needed to generate electricity), annual energy cost savings (associated with using less fuel to
generate electricity), and the peak demand savings (associated with avoiding constructing new
power plants) for respectively, Level-1, Level-2, and Level-3 building energy efficiency retrofit
programs in Kuwait for various building types. As clearly shown in Tables 9-11, significant
economical and environmental benefits can be achieved for all the levels of the retrofit programs.
Higher benefits can be achieved for Level-2 and Level-3 programs compared to Level-1. However,
these programs require higher investments as will be discussed in the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
section. The benefits are significantly higher for the residential buildings than for commercial or
governmental buildings for any retrofit level. Indeed, 50% of the benefits can be achieved by
solely retrofitting the residential buildings in Kuwait.
Table 9: Economical and Environmental Benefits for Level-1 Building Energy Efficiency
retrofit Program for Kuwait Based on 2011 Building Stock Statistics

Building Type  Annual  Peak  Annual CO2  Annual  Peak 

Energy Use  Demand  Emissions  Energy Cost  Demand 
Savings  Savings  Savings  Savings  Savings 
(GWh/yr)  (MW)  (103 Tons/yr)  ($ Million/yr)  ($ Million) 
Private Residential   738  422  642  99  506 
Governmental  157  90  137  21  108 
Commercial  283  162  246  38  194 
Governmental  251  144  219  34  172 
Total  1429  817  1244  192  980 
Table 10: Economical and Environmental Benefits for Level-2 Building Energy Efficiency
Retrofit Program for Kuwait Based on 2011 Building Stock Statistics

Building Type  Annual  Peak  Annual CO2  Annual  Peak 

Energy Use  Demand  Emissions  Energy Cost  Demand 
Savings  Savings  Savings  Savings  Savings 
(GWh/yr)  (MW)  (103 Tons/yr)  ($ Million/yr)  ($ Million) 
Private Residential   2123  1213  1847  286  1455 
Residential   452  258  393  61  310 
Commercial  813  465  707  109  557 
Governmental  723  413  629  97  495 
Total  4110  2348  3575  553  2818 
Table 11: Economical and Environmental Benefits for Level-3 Building Energy Efficiency
Retrofit Program for Kuwait Based on 2011 Building Stock Statistics

Building Type  Annual  Peak  Annual CO2  Annual  Peak 

Energy Use  Demand  Emissions  Energy Cost  Demand 
Savings  Savings  Savings  Savings  Savings 
(GWh/yr)  (MW)  (103 Tons/yr)  ($ Million/yr)  ($ Million) 
Private Residential   4614  2637  4014  621  3164 
Governmental  982  561  854  132  673 
Commercial  1767  1010  1537  238  1212 
Governmental  1571  898  1367  211  1077 
Total  8934  5105  7773  1202  6126 
It is expected that the implementation of the proposed building energy efficiency retrofit program
to be gradual and to require several years for implementation due to the needed investments (refer
to the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis section), and the lack of qualified energy efficiency contractors
in Kuwait. However, the retrofit program can lead to significant economical and environmental
benefits for Kuwait even if only a small fraction of the existing stock is targeted. Figure 15
illustrates the effect of market share (fraction of the building considered among the entire existing
building stock) for implementing any level of the building energy efficiency retrofit program on
annual savings of carbon emissions [i.e., Figure 15(a)], annual savings of annual energy costs [i.e.,
Figure 15(b)], and savings of peak demand costs [i.e., Figure 15(c)]. The benefits remain
significant especially for retrofitting the existing residential buildings.


Annual CO2 emissions   Savings  (1000 Tons/Yr)



2000 Level‐2



10% 30% 50%
Market Share
(a) Annual CO2 Emissions Savings

Annual Energy Cost Savings  (Million  $/Yr)


300 Level‐2



10% 30% 50%
Market Share
(b) Annual Energy Cost Savings


Peak Demand Cost Savings  (Million  $)


1500 Level‐2



10% 30% 50%
Market Share
(c) Peak Demand Savings
Figure 15: Impact of Market Share on the Economical and Environmental Benefits of the
Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit Program

It should be noted that over the last decade, the number of buildings in Kuwait has increased at an
average annual rate of 4% mostly attributed to new buildings (MEW). Based on the existing
building stock in 2011, the application of the 2010 instead of 1983 version of the energy
conservation code of practice to only new buildings would lead to the following benefits (that can
be estimated from Figures 12-14 with a market share of 4% associated to Level-2 energy
efficiency retrofit program):

 164 GWh/year in annual energy savings

 94 MW in peak demand reduction
 143 103 metric tons/year in annual reduction of CO2 emissions

While these benefits are substantial, they are not significant when compared to the benefits
associated with the retrofit of the entire existing building stock or even solely the existing privately
owned residential buildings in Kuwait. In the next section, the implementation and the cost-
effectiveness of mandatory national energy efficiency retrofit program for the entire Kuwaiti
building stock is discussed.

Policy Design Considerations

In this section, first the costs needed to fully implement the building energy efficiency retrofit
program are evaluated. In this analysis, the particular costs attributed to updating the Kuwait
buildings to meet the energy savings potential set by the 2010 energy conservation code of practice
are estimated. Then, the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency program is determined for various
building types and levels of energy efficiency retrofit. The job creation potential associated with
the energy efficiency retrofit program is also discussed in this section.

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
In order to assess the required investments needed to implement any of the three levels of building
energy efficiency retrofit program, a cost-effectiveness analysis is carried out. It should be noted
that these investments can be provided by the government of Kuwait at least in the first phase of
implementation (for instance to jump start level-1 program for the first 10% of the residential
buildings). Several techniques are now available to determine the best buildings for energy
retrofits (Krarti, 2012). Other alternatives exist to implement the retrofit program including
providing incentives and grants for energy retrofits while gradually eliminating energy subsidies.
As noted in Figure 3, Kuwaiti government is currently providing about $3729 per person in energy
subsidies. As discussed later, this amount is sufficient to perform Level-1 and even Level-2 energy
retrofit for most residences in Kuwait. Instead of subsidies, the Kuwaiti government can provide in
the form of grants of $1,000 or $5,000 for each homeowner to perform Level-1 or Level-2 energy

The cost of the implementation for each level of building energy retrofit depends on several factors
including the building size and the physical conditions of the building energy systems. Based on
various sources including cost of labor and materials in Kuwait, the average costs of completing
energy retrofit for buildings are estimated (Krarti, 2011; Ihm and Krarti, 2014; and Ameer and
Krarti, 2014). Table 12 summarizes these costs of implementation for any of the three level of
energy retrofit specific to residential, commercial, and governmental buildings including costs for
performing energy audits as well as for installing suitable energy efficiency measures.

Table 12: Average Costs for Energy Retrofits of Buildings in Kuwait (in US Dollars)
Building Type  Level‐1 Level‐2 Level‐3 
Private Residential  $500  $5,000 $10000 
Governmental Residential  $500  $5,000 $10000 
Commercial   $10,000  $50,000 $100000 
Governmental   $30,000  $150,000 $300000 
The total costs of implementation for each level of the building energy efficiency retrofit program
to upgrade the existing building stock in Kuwait are provided in Table 13 (for Level-1), Table 14
(Level-2), and Table 15 (for Level-3). To retrofit the entire building stock, investments of $879
Millions, $5376 Millions, and $10571 Millions are required for respectively, Level-1, Level-2, and
Level-3 of building energy efficiency retrofit program. While these amounts seem significant, the
program is very cost-effective as noted in Table 16 for the entire building stock and Table 17 for
only the private residential buildings. In fact, Level-1 retrofit program does not effectively require
any investments since it provides sufficient savings from the reduction in electricity peak demand
to avoid investing in additional power plants. For the residential buildings, Level-2 and Level-3
retrofit programs have a payback of 1.7 years and 1.2 years, respectively.

Table 13: Total Implementation Costs for Level-1 Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit

Building Type  Number of  Per Unit Retrofit  Total Retrofit 

Units  Cost ($/Unit)  Cost (Million $) 
Private Residential   390,213  500  195 
Residential   1,448  500  1 
Commercial  45,685  10,000  457 
Governmental  7,553  30,000  227 
Total  444,899  879 

Table 14: Total Implementation Costs for Level-2 Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit

Building Type  Number of  Per Unit Retrofit  Total Retrofit 

Units  Cost ($/Unit)  Cost (Million $) 
Private Residential   390,213  5,000  1951 
Governmental  1,448  5,000  7 
Commercial  45,685  50,000  2284 
Governmental  7,553  150,000  1133 
Total  444,899    5,376 

Table 15: Total Implementation Costs for Level-3 Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit

Building Type  Number of  Per Unit Retrofit  Total Retrofit 

Units  Cost ($/Unit)  Cost (Million $) 
Private Residential   390,213  10000  3902 
Governmental  1,448  10000  14 
Commercial  45,685  100000  4569 
Governmental  7,553  300000  2266 
Total  444,899  10,751 

Table 16: Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Efficiency Retrofit Programs for all Kuwaiti Building

Retrofit Level Total Retrofit Peak Demand Annual Energy Simple Payback
Cost Savings Cost Savings Analysis
(Million $) (Million $) (Million $/yr) (Yrs)
Level-1 879 980 192 0
Level-2 5,376 2,818 553 4.6
Level-3 10,751 6,126 1202 3.8

Table 17: Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Efficiency Retrofit Programs for only Private
Residential Buildings in Kuwait

Retrofit Level Total Retrofit Peak Demand Annual Energy Simple Payback
Cost Savings Cost Savings Analysis
(Million $) (Million $) (Million $/yr) (Yrs)
Level-1 195 506 99 0
Level-2 1,951 1,455 286 1.7
Level-3 3,902 3,164 621 1.2

Job Creation Analysis

The other economical impact of the building energy efficiency retrofit program is the potential to
create new jobs in Kuwait. Indeed, a study by Rockefeller Foundation (2012) has indicated that
retrofit of existing buildings including replacing and upgrading energy consuming systems offer an
important investment opportunity with significant economic and environmental impacts including
high employment potential. Specifically, the study has found that $279 billion can be invested in
retrofitting US residential, commercial, and institutional buildings with savings in energy costs of
$1 trillion over 10 years (i.e., with an average payback period of less than 4 years) resulting in
annual reduction by 30% in US electricity expenditures. When all the retrofits are undertaken,
about 3.3 million jobs can be created throughout the US with the vast majority related to improve
the energy efficiency of residential buildings. The job creation model used is based on a study by
Pollin et al. (2009) which utilized survey data to estimate the number of direct and indirect full
time job years that can be created by $1.0 million expenditures in the energy sector as outlined in
Table 18 for various energy sources. For building retrofits, the direct effects consist of jobs created
to implement the energy efficiency measures while the indirect effects are associated with the jobs
needed to produce and supply energy efficiency equipment and materials. It should be noted that
there are induced job creation associated with the direct and indirect effects, that is, the expansion
of employment as the result of spending earnings from people who have acquired direct or indirect
jobs. For the energy sector, it was found that the level of induced job-year creation is 40% of the
level for direct and indirect job-year creation. Thus, the induced job years created from building
retrofits are estimated at 4.9 per $1 million of expenditures. Most of the jobs created in building
retrofits are in the construction and manufacturing industries with a wide range of pay level and
technical specialization including electricians, HVAC technicians, insulation installers, energy
auditors, building inspectors, and construction managers.
Table 18: Employment Creation Impacts for Various Energy Sources from $1 Million of
Expenditures (Source: Pollin et al., 2009)
Energy Source  Direct Job Creation per  Indirect Job Creation per  Direct and Indirect Job Creation 
$1 million expenditures  $1 million expenditures  per $1 million expenditures 
(# job‐years)  (# job‐years)  (# job‐years) 
Fossil Fuel     
Oil and Natural Gas  0.8  2.9  3.7 
Coal  1.9  3.0  4.9 
Energy Efficiency     
Building Retrofits  7.0  4.9  11.9 
Mass Transit  11.0  4.9  15.9 
Smart Grid  4.3  4.6  8.9 
Wind  4.6  4.9  9.5 
Solar  5.4  4.4  9.8 
Biomass  7.4  5.0  12.4 

In order to have a rough estimate of the new job opportunities associated with the proposed energy
efficiency retrofit programs, the job creation model of Table 18 is applied to Kuwait. It is found
that up to 127,937 new job years can be created when retrofitting the existing building stock in
Kuwait as illustrated in Table 19. As noted earlier, most of the jobs created will be associated with
retrofitting existing and privately owned residential buildings.

Table 19: Number of Job Years that Could be Created from Building Energy Efficiency
Retrofit Programs in Kuwait

Building Type  Level‐1   Level‐2   Level‐3 

Private Residential   2321  23217  46434 
Governmental  12  83  167 
Commercial  5438  27180  54371 
Governmental  2701  13483  26965 
Total  10460  63974  127937 

Barriers for Energy Efficiency Policies Implementation

In Kuwait, several barriers exist to implement energy efficiency programs for buildings including
more stringent mandatory building energy efficiency code for new buildings and a gradual
mandatory national energy efficiency retrofit program as outlined in the previous sections. Among
the most critical barriers for building energy efficiency in Kuwait are:

 High energy subsidies: costs of producing electricity (as well as water) are heavily
subsidized in Kuwait like most of GCC countries. Due to the artificially low prices, end
users in Kuwait and GCC countries lack awareness and desire to conserve energy and
water resources. It is recommended that the Kuwaiti government gradually reduce these
energy and water subsidies.
 Separate rent and utility bills: In Kuwait, it is common for landlords to combine rent
with utility bills reducing any incentive for renters to conserve energy and water. Since
there are over 2.8 million expatriates living in Kuwait needing to rent houses or apartment
units, it is important to separate rental fees from utility bills to promote conservation of
energy and water consumption. Separate meters for all apartment units should be installed.
 Lack of intelligent building operation: The vast majority of buildings in Kuwait are air-
conditioned 24-hour per day regardless of whether these buildings are occupied or not. The
installation of intelligent control systems such programmable thermostats, daylighting
controllers, occupancy sensors is needed to help improve the operation of buildings and
thus reduce their energy consumption. The proposed national energy efficiency retrofit
program can help introduce these intelligent control systems as well as energy efficient
appliances and air-conditioning systems not only to the new buildings but to the existing
building stock in Kuwait.
 Delayed political decisions: especially in the last decade, Kuwait has seen several
infrastructure projects including power plants delayed or even eliminated because of slow
application of regulations and reforms attributed to the difficult political climate and
cumbersome administrative procedures. Some reforms are needed in order for the approval
procedures associated with the implementation of key infrastructure projects and
regulations to be accelerated and executed on a timely manner in Kuwait.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Kuwait has been the first Arab country to mandate energy efficiency code for new buildings in
1983. However, significant increase in energy consumption associated with buildings has been
documented in Kuwait throughout the last two decade with a rate of increase in electricity
consumption of more than 6%, one of the highest in the world. Several factors including the
increase in the population, the high energy subsidies, and the lack of more stringent energy
conservation code have contributed to the significant increase in electricity consumption in

As discussed in the report, the 2010 revision of the energy conservation code of practice provides a
good stepping stone to improve energy efficiency of not only new buildings but also existing
buildings in Kuwait. Indeed, the 2010 code regulations are more stringent and cover a wider range
of energy efficiency technologies and can achieve about 23% energy savings compared to the
1983 code specifications. Some detailed simulation studies and energy efficiency retrofits have
been reported in the literature and have showed that significant energy use savings can be achieved
using common and proven energy efficiency techniques and technologies for implementation in
new construction and for retrofitting existing buildings in Kuwait. The analyses have shown that
the energy use savings can be achieved cost-effectively when the actual cost, rather than the
subsidized cost, of generating electricity is taken into account. For instance, it has been found that
energy savings up to 60% can be achieved economically for residential buildings in Kuwait.

While the application of the 2010 instead of 1983 energy conservation code of practice to new
construction has some benefits (estimated to be 164 GWh/year in annual energy savings, 94 MW
in electrical peak demand reduction, and 143 103 tons/year reduction in annual CO2 emissions), the
national energy efficiency retrofit program to consider the entire existing building stock has
significantly higher economical and environmental benefits (up to estimated to be 8934 GWh/year
in annual energy savings, 5105 MW in electrical peak demand reduction, and 7773 103 tons/year
reduction in annual CO2 emissions).

The main recommendations based on the series of the analyses presented in this report in order to
further improving the energy efficiency performance of buildings in Kuwait are briefly
summarized below:
1- Ensure that the energy conservation code of practice is updated at least once every 5 years
to include more stringent regulations and proven energy efficiency technologies. This
approach is common in most countries with well established building energy efficiency
codes and standards. For instance, ASHRAE energy efficiency code in the US is updated
every 3 years.
2- Start to implement gradually a mandatory energy efficiency retrofit program first for the
residential building sector then for the entire existing building stock in Kuwait. Three
levels of energy retrofit are evaluated in this report. It is found that a basic retrofit level
(i.e., level-1 energy efficiency retrofit program) consisting of improving energy efficiency
level of lighting and air conditioning systems can pay for itself through elimination of the
capital costs needed for new electrical power plants.
3- Gradually reduce energy and water subsidies to ensure that deeper energy retrofit of
existing building stock can become cost-effective even for building owners. Without any
reduction in subsidies, level-2 and level-3 energy efficiency retrofit programs are now cost-
effective for the Kuwaiti government, but not for the end users, due to the avoided costs of
the subsidies as a result of the implementation of the measures. When the level of subsidies
decreases, the measures become less cost effective for the government but more cost
effective for the end users.

In addition to the significant economical and environmental benefits for improving the energy
efficiency of both new and existing buildings in Kuwait, the energy retrofit program can create
significant number of jobs in Kuwait (up to 127000 job years can created if all the building stock
is retrofitted).

The mandatory building energy efficiency retrofit program can be applied not only in Kuwait but
in any GCC country that provides high energy subsidies. Similar economical and environmental
benefits found for Kuwait can be obtained for other GCC countries.
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Appendix A: Building Energy Conservation Code of Practice of 1983 and 2010

Table A-1: Requirements of 1983 Code of Practice for Building Energy Conservation
Requirements  Value 

Maximum Lighting power  15 W/m2 (1.39 W/ft2)

Maximum DX Power  65 W/m2 (6.04 W/ft2)

2 kW/RT at 48oC 
Maximum power rating for A/C system  
(COP is about 2 at 35oC) 

WWR  Window type 

0 ‐ 10 Any type 

Glazing Type    11 ‐ 15 Any type of double glazing

Type of double glazing is left to designer 
More than 15  and building owner to obtain required 

Wall  Roof

Heavy Const. 0.568   0.397

Med. – light external color  (0.1)  (0.07) 

Maximum overall U in W/m2.K (Btu/h.ft2.F) 
Should be reduced  Should be reduced 
to have the  to have the 
Any other Const. 
equivalent thermal  equivalent thermal 
gain   gain  

Table A-2: Maximum U-values for Walls and Roofs in Kuwait using 2010 Code of
Construction Type*  Umax for Exterior Walls Umax for Roofs
W/m2.oC (Btu/hr.ft2.oF)  W/m2.oC (Btu/hr.ft2.oF) 
Heavy Construction with medium‐light external Color 0.568  (0.100) 0.397  (0.070)
Heavy Construction with dark external Color  0.426  (0.075) 0.256  (0.045)
Medium Construction with medium‐light external Color 0.483  (0.085) 0.341  (0.060)
Medium Construction with dark external Color 0.426  (0.075) 0.199  (0.035)
Medium Construction with medium‐light external Color 0.426  (0.075) 0.284  (0.050)
Medium Construction with dark external Color 0.369  (0.065) 0.170  (0.030)
2 2
* constructions are classified by their mass per unit area as follow: heavy (above 485 kg/m  for walls and above 245 kg/m  for roofs), medium 
2 2 2 2
(between 245 and 480 kg/m  for walls and between 125 and 240 kg/m ), and light (below 240 kg/m  for walls and below 120 kg/m  for roofs) 

Table A-3: Maximum Window-to-Wall Ratio for Glazing Types in Kuwaiti Buildings for
2010 Code of Practice
Glazing  SHGC  Tv  U‐value Window‐to‐Wall Ratio (WWR)
Type* (6‐mm)  (W/m2.oC) East West South  North
Single‐Clear  0.72 0.80  6.21 < 5 < 3 < 4  < 5
Single‐Reflective  0.31‐0.37  0.16‐0.27 6.41‐6.44 6‐10 3‐10 4‐10  6‐10
Double‐Tinted  0.36‐0.40  0.30‐0.57 3.42‐3.44 11‐15 10 10  11‐15
Double‐Reflective  0.245  0.228  3.38 16‐50 10‐45 10‐45  16‐50
Double‐Selective  0.230  0.530  1.71 51‐100 45‐75 45‐75  51‐100
*Properties for glazing include: Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), Visible Transmittance (Tv), and Heat Transmission U‐value 

Table A-4: Lighting and Air-Conditioning Power Density Requirements for Kuwaiti
Buildings for 2010 Code of Practice
Building   Lighting  Air Conditioning Systems (W/m2) 
Type  (W/m2)  Direct  Air‐Cooled  Water‐Cooled Chillers
Expansion  Chillers  < 250 RT 250 <RT<500  >500 T
Residential Buildings (Villas     
or Apartments)  10  60  71  53  46  44 
Office Buildings  20  70 82 62 54  51
Clinics and Hospitals  20  85 100 75 65  63
Schools  20  100 118 88 76  74
Mosques (Prayer Rooms)  20  115 135 101 88  85
Fast Food Restaurants     
‐ Standalone  20  145  171  128  111  107 
‐ In Malls  20  120  141  106  92  88 
Shopping Malls  40  70 82 62 54  51
Standalone Shops  40  80 94 71 61  59
Theaters, Dinning Halls, and  20  115 135 101 88  85
Community Halls 
Show Rooms  40  115 135 101 88  85
Table A-5: Occupancy Density and Outdoor Air Ventilation Requirements for Kuwaiti
Buildings (Source: ASHRAE Standard 62-2001)
Building   Occupancy per Outdoor Air Ventilation Requirements
Type  100 m2 of floor  Occupancy‐Based Floor Area‐Based
area  CFM/person L/s.person CFM/ft2  L/s.m2
Residential Buildings   
‐ Living areas    15  7.5 
‐ Kitchen  25  12 
‐ Bathrooms  and toilets  20  10 
Office Buildings   
‐ Office spaces  7  20  10 
‐ Reception areas  60  15  8 
‐ Conference rooms  50  20  10 
‐ Classrooms  50  15  8 
‐ Laboratory spaces  30  20  10 
‐ Libraries  20  15  8 
‐ Auditorium spaces  150  15  8 
‐ Bedrooms    30/room  15/room 
‐ Living rooms    30/room  15/room 
‐ Bathrooms and toilets    35/room  18/room 
‐ Lobby areas  30  15  8 
‐ Conference rooms  50  20  10 
Assembly Halls  120 15 8  
Dormitories  20 15 8  
Eating and Drinking Spaces   
‐ Dining rooms  70  20  10 
‐ Cafeteria and fast‐food areas  100  20  10 
‐ Kitchen and cooking areas  20  15  8 
‐ Patient Rooms  10  25  13 
‐ Operating Rooms  20  30  15 
‐ ICU and recovery rooms  20  15  8 
Garages and Warehouses   
‐ Enclosed parking spaces    1.5  7.5 
‐ Auto repair rooms    1.5  7.5 
‐ Warehouses  5  0.05  0.25 
‐ Factory areas  0.10  0.50 
Sports and Amusement Buildings   
‐ Spectator areas  150  15  8     
‐ Game rooms  70  25  13     
‐ Swimming pools/deck areas        0.5  2.5 
‐ Gymnasium areas  30  20  10 
‐ Ballrooms  100  25  13 
‐ Bowling alleys  75  25  13 
Table A-6: Minimal Values for Power Factor and Efficiency Allowed for Electrical
Motors and Lighting Fixtures for 2010 Code of Practice
Type of Electrical Motor and Lighting Fixture Minimum Value for Full‐ Minimum Value for Full‐
Load Power Factor  Load Motor Efficiency 
Single‐Phase Motors (240 V; 1450 rpm; 50 Hz) 0.80 35‐80
Three‐Phase Motors (415 V; 1500 rpm; 50 Hz)  
 ‐ 15 HP < Capacity < 50 HP  0.83  86‐89 
‐ 50 HP < Capacity < 100 HP  0.85  89‐90 
‐ 100 HP < Capacity < 200 HP  0.87  90‐91 
‐ 200 HP < Capacity < 400 HP  0.88  93‐94 
‐                 Capacity > 400 HP  0.89  >94 
Fluorescent and discharge Lamps  0.90 ‐ 

Table A-7: Maximum Values for Power Rating Allowed for Air-Conditioning (A/C)
Systems based on 2010 Code of Practice
A/C System  Capacity Power Rating (kW/RT)
(RT)  Chiller  Cooling  Condenser  Chiller  Air  Total A/C 
Tower  Water  Water  Handling  System 
Fan  Pump  Pump  Fan 
Ducted split       
and packaged  all  1.70 
Air‐cooled   all  1.60  0.05 0.35  2.00
  < 250  0.95  0.04  0.06  0.07  0.38  1.50 
250‐500  0.75      1.30 
>500  0.70  1.25 


ndix B: Cost-Effectiv
Appen veness of O
Optimal Energy Effiicient Desiigns for Residences
in Kuwa

Table B-1 summarizzes the basic characteriistics of a prototypical

p single-famiily house co
onsidered inn
the optimmization analysis of Krarti
K and Ihhm (2014). Figure B-1 1 provides a 3-D rendering of thee
prototypiical home (often,
( referrred to as a villa). Thee residentiaal building has 3 bedro ooms and 2
living roooms and iss air conditioned withh a split sy ystem. Thro oughout thee year, a thhermostat iss
utilized tto maintain indoor therrmal comfoort with a co ooling set-p ℃ during su
point of 24℃ ummertimee,
and a hheating set--point of 22℃2 duringg wintertim me. The an nalysis is carried outt using thee
governm ment perspecctive. For deetails, refer tto Krarti an
nd Ihm (2014).

Table B-1: Charaacteristics of

o a prototy ypical singlle-
mily residen ntial building
Number of floors 2 sto
Floorr area 221 m² (22,379 ft2)
floor height 3 m (99.8 ft)
Exterior wall area 381 m² (44,101 ft2)
Windo ow area 95.2 m² (1,025 ft2)
Window-to o-wall ratio 25% of all directions
Number off bedrooms 3
Number off bathrooms 2
Coolingg System Split system residenntial air condititioner
Heatingg System Basebboard

Figure B-11: Isometricc view of ann energy mo

odel for a prototypical rresidential building

Impact of Utility Raates

The costt of electriccity to the consumers
c is highly subsidized
s in
i Kuwait. To assesss the impacct
electricity costs, the effects of the increasing utility rates from 0% to 200% are analyzed in this
section to determine optimal energy efficiency package for a residence in Kuwait. Figure B-2
provides LCC ratio to baseline LCC as a function of source energy savings for various increase
levels of utility electricity rates when the residential building is located in Kuwait city. The
optimal paths of LCC ratio as a function of source energy savings is affected significantly by the
cost of energy. In particular, the optimal source energy savings is increased from 59% to 67% as
the utility rates are increased from 0% to 200% as shown in Figure B-2. Meanwhile, the optimal
LCC ratios are decreased from 0.75 to 0.53.







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Source energy saving [%]
Baseline 100% 200%

Figure B-2: Life cycle cost ratio as a function of source energy savings for Kuwait as a
function of increase level of utility rates for five selected cities in the GCC

Impact of EEM costs

Figure B-3 illustrates the optimal paths to design an energy-efficient residential building when the
costs of EEM options are varied from -60% (reduction) to 60% (increase) for the prototypical
residential building located in Kuwait. With higher EEM costs, optimal LCC ratios are increased
while optimal source energy savings are decreased. Specifically, when the EEM implementation
costs increase from 0 to 60%, the optimal LCC ratio increases from 0.75 to 0.83 and the optimal
source energy savings are slightly reduced from 59% to 57%. However, when the EEM
implementation costs decrease from 0 to -60%, the optimal LCC ratio is reduced from 0.75 to 0.57
and the optimal source energy savings are noticeably increased from 59% to 67%. Indeed, lower
costs for EEM options results in additional energy efficient features to be cost-effective in
designing residential buildings and consequently to higher source energy use savings and lower
LCC values as shown in Figure B-3 for Kuwait.






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Source energy saving [%]
-60% 0% 60%

Figure B-3: Life cycle cost ratio as a function of source energy savings for a residential
building in Kuwait and the cost of energy-efficient measure increase.

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