Lesson Plan Adolescence

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The key takeaways are that the lessons focus on adolescence and coping with changes during this period. Circle talks and cooperative learning are used to engage students.

Circle talk and cooperative learning are used to deliver the lessons. Circle talk allows students to share ideas and opinions while cooperative learning encourages group work.

The learning objectives of Lesson 1 are to understand adolescence, discuss changes during this period, and identify differences between adolescence and adulthood.


The strategy selected for the delivery of both lessons is Circle talk. The first strategy will help
students to share their own ideas and opinions and listen to and respect others’ opinions. It
also holds all students accountable for having something to say. This will provide students
with an opportunity to express their feelings and challenges and gain support from the
experiences of others. Cooperative learning strategy will be used for the second task in the
first lesson, as students will be encouraged to sit in groups and brainstorm and share with
each other to identify changes that occur during adolescence.

The second lesson utilised a Decision-making model. This strategy will help students to
consider their own beliefs about their ability to view situations and events and solve problems,
explore a series of steps in making decisions in relation to positive healthy behaviours, and
share reasons for deciding with others. Prior to using a decision-making model, students will
need to understand the idea of ‘problem’, ‘choices’ and ‘decisions’ and this will be addressed in
the circle talk segment. The students will create a skit to highlight an issue experienced by
adolescents and formulate a strategy that can be used to address the issue identified. This
strategy will encourage students to think about the choices available in a given scenario and
then choose the best option and use statements to support their decision as they present their


TEACHER Miss Gomez

CLASS Form 1

No. in class 25

Unit Who am I? Personal Development

TOPIC of lesson Adolescence

Pre- knowledge The students are expected to have pre-knowledge on adolescence

and the various changes experienced during this stage of personal
development. Students should be knowledgeable about the
physical changes and the emotions experienced during this stage.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:

1. Formulate a definition for the term adolescence. [Cognitive-Knowledge]

2. Discuss various examples changes associated with adolescence. [Cognitive –Understanding]

3. Relate their personal experiences with this stage of development. [Cognitive – Affective]

4. Identify the difference between adolescence and adulthood. [Cognitive-Knowledge]

5. Create a graphic organiser of changes experienced during adolescence. [Psychomotor]

Set Induction: Students will watch a video entitled “What is adolescence?” (5 minutes)

SECTION 1 – Discuss Adolescence. (15 minutes)

Teaching points:
 Stages of Development - Adolescence
 What is adolescence?
 Various physical changes that occur during adolescence.
 Emotional changes that occur during adolescence.
 Challenges experienced during the adolescent stage.
 The importance of parental and peer support.
 The effects of the absence of parental and peer support

Teaching Strategy: 1. Comment on the video Resources:

Questioning – students will be 2. Discuss the issues that
encouraged to discuss the issue were experienced by Laptop
of adolescence and relate their persons during the Projector
personal experiences through the adolescent stage Power point
adolescent stage. 3. Relate about they feel Video
about these changes Pictures
Circle talk – students will discuss 4. Evaluate your
possible coping strategies for responsibility in coping
dealing with challenges faced with the changes
during adolescence. experienced during
5. Discuss the importance of
parental and peer support
during adolescence.

SECTION 2- Identify the changes that occur during Adolescence.

(10 minutes)

Teaching points:
 Explain hormonal changes and puberty.
 Create a chart of examples of changes that occur in both male and female adolescents.

Teaching Strategy: Student Activity: Group Resources:

Cooperative learning strategy Activity Paper
1. work in groups to identify Pencils
Students will work in groups and evaluate changes that Bristol board
of 4 and will be identify three occur during the adolescent Markers
emotional and physical stage.
changes that occur in males
and females. 2. Create charts depicting
both male and female and
indicating the changes as it as
it relates to physical and


The student’s group activity will be presented to the class and the class will give their reviews.

TEACHER Miss Gomez

CLASS Form 1

No. in class 25

Unit Who am I? Personal Development

TOPIC of lesson Adolescence

Pre- knowledge The students are expected to have pre-knowledge on adolescence

and the various changes experienced during this stage of personal
development. Students would have created charts depicting the
changes that occur during the adolescent stage.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:

1.Using charts, create a list of coping skills to deal with the changes identified. [Psychomotor –

2.Appreciate the importance of each other’s coping skills in dealing with a range of issues
experienced during adolescence. [Affective]

3. State the ways in which adolescents can be supported during this stage of development.

Set Induction: (5 minutes)

Students will watch a video entitled “Adolescence and youth problems?”

SECTION 1 – Discuss Adolescence. (15 minutes)

Teaching points:
Groups will be given an exercise to identify the possible ways in which they can cope with
challenges they face during the adolescent stage.

Teaching Strategy: 1. Comment on the video Resources:

Circle talk – students will discuss 2. Discuss the following
possible coping strategies for issues that are
dealing with challenges faced Laptop
experienced during the
during adolescence. adolescent stage: Projector
 Interest in the opposite
sex Power point
 Conflicting emotions
 Impulsive behaviour
 Anxiety about growing up Pictures
 Relate about they feel
about these changes
3. Evaluate your
responsibility in coping
with the changes
experienced during

4. Discuss the importance of

parental and peer support
during adolescence.

Section 2 - Identify the changes that occur during Adolescence. (15 minutes)

Teaching points:
Groups will be given an exercise to role play one issues experienced during adolescence and
strategies to cope with the issue identified.

Teaching Strategy: Student Activity: Resources:

Decision making model Group Activity Paper

Students will identify an 1. Groups will present their Pencils
issue faced by adolescents skits highlighting one issue Skit
and identify a coping strategy and a possible solution. Actors
that may be used to deal with
the issue. 2. Students will appreciate
and evaluate the presentation
Each group will evaluate the of their classmates
presentation by their fellow
classmates and express their
feelings about the
presentation as well as
provide any additional
information that may be

Section Review: (5 minutes)

The students are expected to participate in the critiquing of the issue and coping strategies
presented by various groups

Discussion of the issues highlighted in the presentations and the solutions identified.



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