Class: 6 TOPIC: Bridge Course (Ch-2. Components of Food) Learning Outcomes

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Class: 6

TOPIC: Bridge course (Ch-2. Components of food)

Learning Outcomes:  Students will be able to:
 Read and understand food labels
 State the components of food labels
 Differentiate between the nutrients
 Apply new knowledge into their healthy eating lifestyle
 Explain the importance of balance diet.
 Analyses the disease caused due to deficiency of these
 Evaluate the terms deficiency disease, undernutrition
and malnutrition
 Create a balanced diet chart

Time Required 3 Periods

A. Setting the stage for learning

Check for prior knowledge  What is the most essential thing that makes the car run?
Driver/ wheels/engine/petrol
 For some reason if you did not eat food for two days,
how do you feel?(More active than
 The organs in our body work during the day time only
True / False/not sure
Pre-Activity Phase

 Observe the given picture and circle the one which you
feel it’s nutritious and put X if you feel it’s unhealthy
and? If you are not sure.
 PPT related to components of food will be shown to the
B. Implementation of lesson plan- Stage 1 Preliminary phase

Sparking curiosity  Students are asked to make a sheet of paper into four
sections. And label the sections as A, B, C, D in which
they have to fill what they had in breakfast, Lunch,
snacks, Dinner. Now children has to write what
nutrients they have consumed.
 Students are asked to write any two of their favorite
dishes and one they dislike most. In this activity
students will self-realize are they taking healthy foods or
 These activities help the teacher to know about their
dietary habits.

Providing the experience  Self-survey on personal consumption of food which

contains nutrients and water, how much are they
consuming individually?
 Make a healthy snack that contains all types of nutrients
with the help of their parents or elders.

Drawing inferences  Each student will document the details of the meal
which they ate in a day.
 The data will be shared with the peer groups and
analyze their food habits and lifestyle.
 Identify why it is necessary to say big NO to junk food.

C. Lesson steps: Conclusive phase

Conceptualization  Students participate in a group discussion with

questions or statements that are aimed at provoking in-
depth discussion.
 Why Water is considered as one of the food
 Dietary fibre and its importance
Connecting to real life  Students will list out as many food products they have
seen advertised in TV commercials and find out any two
product nutritional value and its impact on our health.

Extended Learning  Students draw the concept map of the topic food
 Pledge by the students
I …………………of class ------ promise to try healthier options
and eat ZERO WASTE as a token of my concern towards
Conservation of Bio-diversity.

The learners will suggest effective measures which can be taken for, how to overcome deficiency in
They will prepare a diet chart to provide balanced diet
They will be given a written assignment to recapitulate their learnings
My own Learning

The facilitator will be able to reflect on her teaching skills by designing assisting tools like checklist and
students feedback form. By critically analyzing the feedback the facilitator will be able to work on her
areas of improvement.

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