Exhibit Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C) : Praecipe and Declaration of Facts HMW :..
Exhibit Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C) : Praecipe and Declaration of Facts HMW :..
Exhibit Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C) : Praecipe and Declaration of Facts HMW :..
To make it's validity in the UK clear, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) was first
published in 1952 to harmonise the law of sales and other commercial transactions across the
USA, as well as to actively discourage the use of legal formalities in making business contracts
and to allow business to move forward without the intervention of lawyers or the preparation
of elaborate documents.
ALL nations and states of this world are legally registered corporations with the USA
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
This means that ALL U.C.C Rulings are legally applicable to ALL nations’ corporate entities
and that every nations’ ‘employees’ (citizens) are also recognised and treated as legal
corporations and are registered as commercial ‘vessels’, whose ‘value’ can be traded and sold
as chattel.
The Filings contained within the Courtesy Notice lawfully and legally challenges those
individuals who are still acting in ignorance of the new system or knowingly, willingly, and
intentionally attempting to usurp, violate, invade, abrogate, subjugate, or insubordinate any
BE’ing on this planet.
The Declaration of Facts under UCC Doc # 2012127914 remains unrebutted and stands as
Absolute Truth in law and Commerce, this means that no Administrative or Government entity
exists legally and but if you insist that you do exist it is as a corporate entity regulated by
U.C.C. and contract law and it is that frame work that I repeatedly tried to draw your attention
to and forwarded my terms and conditions which were duly accepted in February of 2017.
i. § 3-401. Signature.
ii. § 3-402. Signature By Representative.
iii. § 3-403. Unauthorized Signature.
iv. § 3-404. Impostors; Fictitious Payees.
v. § 3-405. Employer’s Responsibility For Fraudulent Indorsement By
vi. § 3-406. Negligence Contributing To Forged Signature Or Alteration Of
vii. § 3-407. Alteration.
And also;