Siempelkamp Ringwalze en

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Siempelkamp Ring-Rolling Mill
With the ring rolling mill, Siempelkamp once again demons- The ring rolling mill with maximum ra-
trates its competence as a systems supplier and provider of dial and axial pressing forces of 6,300
complete solutions which designs and builds presses for all kN each manufactures rings with an
stages of metal forming. external diameter of up to 2,500 mm
and a height of up to 600 mm.
The first Siempelkamp plant of this type manufactures rings
made of steel and special materials such as nickel-based, tita- With a variety of design details, Siem-
nium and aluminum alloys. The rings with rectangular or pro- pelkamp achieves exceptionally high
filed cross-sections made of these extremely rigid yet light- precision during ring rolling. For ex-
weight special materials are mainly used as mechanically and ample, the diameter of the rings du-
thermally stressed components in the aerospace industry. ring ring rolling is precisely measured
via laser measurement systems. High
This ring-rolling mill is the second plant which Siempelkamp process accuracy is also guaranteed
has supplied to the Russian customer JSC Metallurgical Plant by the SicoRoll control which Siem-
Electrostal: The company also operates a 20,000-ton precis- pelkamp specially developed for ring
ion closed-die forging press made by Siempelkamp which, rolling. The program package SicoRoll
among other products, provides the feedstock for the ring supports the user during process pl-
rolling mill. JSC Metallurgical Plant Electrostal carries out the anning. With an advance simulation,
entire production process of rings made of high-alloyed steel which is taking the threshold values of
in its own plant and thus raises the depth of value added to the machine into account, all relevant
its own production. rolling parameters are determined.
The program uses a database which
stores the tool and material data. Fur-
thermore, it contains the common rol-
ling curves and strategies as the basis
for the planning process. According to
the customer requirement, the system
can be expanded. The calculated rol-
ling parameters are transmitted to the
machine control which ensures the
sions of the blanks for the closed-die
forging press.

Siempelkamp not only completely

manufactured the rolling mill at the
Krefeld location but also assembled
and started it there as well as exten-
sively tested the hot rolling process
optimal ring rolling process and keeps before the mill was delivered to the
the rolling parameters synchronized customer.
with the process. The rolling process
can be completely documented and
By using design principles that have
Innovation proven themselves in other Siempel-
kamp presses, the equipment achie-
The design offers a variety of techni- ves a long operating life. Extensive
cal innovations: The SicoRoll control FEM calculations are the guarantee
was specially developed by Siempel- for the high fatigue strength of the
kamp for ring rolling. The caps of the mechanical structural components.
axial rolls can be replaced quickly and This is further supported by the fact
Die Werkstatt – ausgelegt that
the position control of the axial slide aufthe Übergrößen
housings for the tapered
rolls, which experience high mechani-
actively compensates the straining of
the frame. Since the drive is directly cal stresses, are designed as one-piece
castings without weld seams. Similar-
attached to the radial roll stand, the ly, all bearings are designed with a
reaction force of the drive is absorbed long operating life in mind.
by the roll stand. Therefore, this force
absorption significantly reduces the
stress on the foundation compared to Cost-effectiveness
other designs.
During the design process, the Siem-
pelkamp design engineers placed
Completeness great importance in using many stan-
dard components especially for highly
Next to the rolling mill, the scope of stressed component parts, such as the
supply includes the complete hydrau- gears. For our customers this transla-
lic system, the automation of the roll tes into cost savings because mainte-
as well as the SicoRoll control - the nance and spare parts are easily pro-
kernel of which simulates the dimen- cured.
Technical Data

Ring dimensions:
Maximum diameter 2,500 mm
Height 40 to 600 mm
Rolling force:
Radial 6,300 kN
Axial 6,300 kN
Drive capacity/Input power:
Main roll 1,260 kW
Axial roll 2 x 630 kW
Total approx. 3,200 kW
Roll speed:
Control range 0.3 – 1.2 m/s
Rated speed 0.7 m/s
Mandrel rolls 200 – 400 mm
Main rolls max. 1,500 mm
Axial rolls:
Angle of taper 2 x 22.5
Travelling distance:
Upper and lower carriage of the mandrel roll 1,100 mm
Axial frame 5,000 mm
Main dimensions approx. 22,000 x 6,500 mm

Siempelkamp Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG Siempelkampstraße 75 D-47803 Krefeld
Telefon: +49 (0) 21 51 / 92-30 Fax: +49 (0) 21 5 1 / 92-56 04

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