Dolos Breakwater

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The paper discusses dolos armour unit design considerations and the importance of following the correct design process.

The three approaches are the 'No Movement' design, the 'No Breakage' design, and the 'Optimum' design.

Carefully designed dolos structures can withstand large waves with only minor (a few percent) damage if the design and construction are done properly.





The dolos armour unit has been used all over the world and, although most
projects have been successful, there have also been some major failures.
When moved around, armour units in general and the rather slender dolosse
in particular are prone to structural damage and when dolosse break through
the shank, one is left with very unstable pieces of rubble. It is shown in
this paper that a safe and economic dolos structure can be obtained if the
correct design process is followed. The "optimum" design is based on a
reasonable degree of dolos movement which must be established in detailed
and representative model tests.

To ensure that the dolosse can withstand these movements, prototype dolos
behaviour must be monitored, and such monitoring must be supplemented by
representative structural tests, analytical studies and special prototype mea-

To increase the structural strength of dolosse, the waist to height ratio can
be increased and some (simple) form of reinforcing can be included.


Much thought has been given to the design of rubble mound breakwaters
and considerable effort has gone into obtaining a better understanding of
the processes at work and the design techniques after the initial major
failures of the Bilboa breakwater in 1976 (35 m depth, 65 t concrete blocks)
and the Sines breakwater in 1978/79 (up to 5D m depth, 42 t dolosse;
Zwamborn, 1979). In the ten years since these failures progress has been
made, particularly in identifying the relevant parameters and in defining the
many problems which remain to be solved regarding wave climate, model
studies (wave structure interactions), material strength and geotechnical
aspects (PIANC, 1985).

Much research will still have to be done on these aspects before a fully
reliable design procedure can be developed. In the meantime, however,
breakwaters have to be designed with the techniques that are available and
particular attention will have to be given to sensitivity analysis. This means
that the design of the structure should be checked for realistic variations in
the relevant parameters. The results of this analysis will provide data on the
risk of failure or major damage and, at the same time, give an idea of the
cost involved in reducing/increasing this task.

Head, Maritime Structures Division, National Research Institute for

Oceanology, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa.
Research Engineer, National Research Institute for Oceanology, Council
for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa.


These remarks apply to rubble mound breakwaters in general, whether co-

vered with rock armour, simple-shape concrete units (cubes) or complicated-
shape units (dolosse) but particularly to the rather slender dolos armour

It is generally accepted that dolosse have a high hydraulic stability and, in

many cases, they offer the most economical solution for breakwaters/shore
protection works. Incorrect application of dolosse, however, has resulted in
excessive damage due to armour unit breakages.


There are three different approaches to achieving a safe dolos structure

design, namely:

(i) "No Movement" Design

In this case the units have to be made to withstand the in situ static loads
only and the stability can be based on comprehensive and representative
hydraulic model tests, using conventional unbreakable model dolosse.

(ii) "No Breakage" Design

With this approach the dolosse have to be made "unbreakable" by heavy re-
inforcing, in one form or other, and stability can be checked by conventional
hydraulic model tests aimed at determining acceptable profile changes or
unit displacements (the long-term durability of the units/reinforcement
must also be considered).

(iii) "Optimum" Design

This approach is aimed at a practical and safe design at minimum costs.
This is achieved by accepting certain dolos movements, including rocking,
and ensuring that the units can withstand these movements without breakage
(minimal breakage).

"No Movement Design

Static loading tests on 15 t and 30 t unreinforced dolosse have shown that

these dolosse can carry 4 to 6 times their own weight under the worst
possible loading condition without breakage (Grimaldi and Fontana, 1984).

As no particular problems have been encountered in handling unreinforced

dolosse up to 50 t in the casting and placing process (breakages did not
exceed 1 to 2 per cent) and because the direct wave forces are of the
same order or less than the dead weight forces, a dolos armour consisting
of several layers can be designed safely on the basis of hydraulic model
test results if these show that there is no significant movement (rocking).
In determining the "no movement" criterion, however, detailed tests would
have to be done, taking into account:

a) realistic and representative design conditions, particularly for waves

(wave spectrum/groupiness),
b) possible variation (reliability) of design conditions,
c) storm duration and cumulative effects
d) near-shore effects,
e) variation in test results,
f) the extent of the structure and

g) three-dimensional effects.

Because the "no movement" criterion basically mean that the design must
be based on H_ , the result could become rather uneconomical,
"No Breakage" Design

The other extreme would be to ensure that the dolosse are unbreakable
under prototype loading conditions. In this case the design can be based on
conventional hydraulic model tests which have to prove that armour displace-
ment will be within acceptable limits, for instance, Figure 1 indicates K-.
factors between 25 and 30 for 1 to 2 per cent displacement. Detailea
tests, as described above, will be necessary to ensure a safe design. The
results of these tests could also be used to optimise the design, that is to
minimise the total cost (capital investment plus maintenance cost).

This approach is the easiest with regard to model testing but there are two
major problems, namely, to determine the prototype loading conditions and
to make the dolosse unbreakable for these conditions without losing the
coast advantage of the units' high stability.

Extensive tests have been done with different types of reinforced dolosse
(Burcharth, 1981 and Grimaldi and Fontana, 1984). The test results showed
limited improvement in impact strength with from 30 kg/m3 up to 120 kg/m3
(0,4 to 1,6 per cent by volume) steel fibres, that is, an increase in drop
heights from about 20 to 150 per cent at "failure" (major damage and/or
breakage). Conventional steel reinforcement of 77 to 138 kg/m3 (1 to 1,8
per cent by volume), however, was found to make the dolosse virtually un-
breakable. Although first crack formation occurred at drop heights only
about 50 percent higher than for unreinforced units, serious damage (major
cracking and spalding which exposed the main reinforcing bars) occurred for
drop heights 4 to 8 times those of the unreinforced units (0,8 to 1,6 m for
30 t dolosse at Gioia Tauro). Moreover, tests at Gioia Tauro, where a 30
t dolos with a waist ratio of 0,37 and reinforced with conventional steel
reinforcement (77 kg/m3 or 1 per cent by volume) was dropped on the break-
water core, showed no serious cracks up to a drop height on 10 m. Al-
though the in situ loading is not known, one would intuitively consider this
dolos to be strong enough (mechanically) to withstand the in situ forces
caused by movements/rocking.

Drawbacks of conventionally reinforced dolosse are additional cost (50 to

100 per cent more expensive, which could make dolosse unattractive in
many applications) and the possibility of corrosion causing possible deteriora-
tion of the units with time.

"Optimum" Design

It seems obvious that there should be an "optimum" design between the

two extremes discussed above whereby a certain amount of movement/rocking
is accepted while the dolos units are made strong enough to withstand
these limited movements without increasing their cost too much.

As early as 1972 it was suggested that the waist-to-height ratio (r) of larger
dolosse be increased according to:

r = 0,34/W
7 20
where W is the mass of the dolos in tons, to compensate for the higher
stresses occurring in larger dolosse (Zwamborn and Beute, 1972). A simple
analysis showed that, when using this formula, dolos stresses would remain
about the same with increased dolos mass (Zwamborn, et al, 1980). The
more rigid structural analysis by Burcharth (1981a) supports this finding
(Zwamborn, 1985). The beneficial effect on the structural strength of the
dolos was also confirmed by prototype tests on 15 to 30 t units at Gioia
Tauro (Grimaldi and Fontana., 1984).

It is obvious that, to get greater unit strength, even larger waist-ratios

could be used. However, stability tests with regular waves on dolosse with
waist ratios of 0,33, 0,38 and 0,43 showed a gradual reduction in stability
for the larger waist ratios, which was to be expected. The reduction in
stability from r = 0,33 to 0,38 was relatively small but the test results
indicate a significant reduction in K„ for dolosse with r = 0,33 to 0,43
(Scholtz, Zwamborn and Van Niekerk, 1982). As a waist ratio of 0,43
corresponds to an 82 t dolos unit, there is still considerable scope in using
the waist ratio in the optimisation of the design (Burcharth, 1981b). Struc-
tural performance of dolosse can also be significantly improved by proper
mix design and good quality control (Zwamborn, et al, 1980).

Single central scrap rail reinforcement was used in the original East London
dolosse, mainly to lift the units out of the mould. In the redesign of the
Gioia Tauro breakwaters (Grimaldi and Fontana, 1984) it was decided (1979)
to introduce single-scraprail reinforced 30 t dolosse in the more critical
areas on the breakwater heads for extra safety and to reduce maintenance
(27,4 kg/m5 steel or 0,35 per cent by volume). Subsequently, the designers
(Polytecna Harris of Milan) developed the so-called double-V rail reinforce-
ment which consists of a frame with four scraprails in the dolos trunk and
one scraprail each in the flukes (53 kg/m3 steel or 0,7 per cent by volume).
This solution proved to be both very effective and economical; the critical
drop heights were found to come fairly close to those of the conventionally
reinforced units while the possibility of corrosion was minimized and the extra
cost for the reinforcing was reasonable (extra cost for double-V reinforced
dolosse being about 60 per cent in Italy and about 26 per cent in South

Various relatively cheap methods to improve the strength of dolosse have

been discussed above. Unfortunately, it is not possible to define the exact
dolos strength required when a certain amount of moving/rocking is allowed
to occur under design conditions. Prototype observations have provided
reasonable proof that dolos structures designed on the basis of a few per
cent (2 to 3) total damage (displacement plus rocking) performed satis-
factorily. There is no doubt that strength-improved (e.g. scraprail-reinforced)
units will be able to withstand considerably greater movement/rocking but
more observations and (full scale) tests are needed to confirm the effective-
ness of these improvements, that is, to arrive at the "optimum" design.

The results of a comprehensive series of dolos stability tests for regular

waves are shown in Figure 1. The figure shows damage as a function of

model wave height for different degrees of dolos movements, that is, dis-
placements and rocking. For easier use of the data, a scale for the Hudson
stability factors (K,-,) has been added.



DESIGN ^> *>' \*f*Wm*>*
" ^p>-
^-2^ " "M»IO MOVEMENT' ' 40


1 30 •

/-- (X JK V>39 '

1 24 or
i :. r-- r <- I zo o
III"/ . CJ
1L. 7. - ^•20

i; / -
' UMAHY OF ALL 0(1,00 (OLD AND NEW) TESTS (301 1 .0 =!






( 3





Figure 1: Damage (Displacement/Rocking) versus wave height/stability factor

A similar test programme for irregular waves, under otherwise identical

conditions, is underway at present. Results of these tests will become
available during 1987.
Although the results shown in Fig. 1 may be used for a first design, detailed
and preferably three-dimensional model tests of a specific application using
representative wave conditions are a prerequisite for a good design. In
these tests, dolos motions/accelerations should be determined as accurately
as possible. Dolos motions can be recorded with the now well-known cine
and overlay techniques. Alternatively, more advanced measuring techniques
can be used to measure accelerations and stresses in individual model armour
units but a large number of units would have to be instrumented for each
test condition to get statistically reliable results and these results will have
to be compared with prototype measurements, as planned in Table Bay and
Crescent city (Howell, 1986).


Details of the behaviour of dolos structures around the world, including ten
South African structures, are included in a report entitled "Survey of Dolos
Structures" (Zwamborn and Van Niekerk, 1981) which was used extensively
for the later survey carried out for PIANC (PIANC, 1985). Further data,
for selected South African projects, covering the period 1979 to 1982, are in-
cluded in Zwamborn (1985) while an update of these projects is given below.

Prototype monitoring in other parts of the world include measurements at

Gioia Tauro, Italy (Grimaldi and Fontana, 1984), monitoring of the 2 t
dolos breakwater at Cleveland, USA (Markle and Davidson, 1984) and the
planned extensive monitoring programme at Crescent City, USA (Howell,

Richards Bay Breakwater

The Richards Bay main breakwater is protected with 5 t, 20 t and 30 t

dolosse placed to slopes of 1 in 1,5 and 1 in 2. This breakwater was com-
pleted in Frebruary 1976 and has been monitored at regular intervals since
1978. The monitoring was concentrated on the above-water part of the
dolos armour, with the 20 t dolosse on the trunk and the 30 t dolosse on
the head of the breakwater. Techniques used were vertical and horizontal
photography, visual observations and profiling with a spherical cage, made
of reinforcing steel, with a diameter of 2,5 m (0,6 h, were h is the dolos
The following survey and storm data have become available since the 1982
review (Zwamborn, 1985):

Breakwater Monitoring Storm Data

Date Type of Survey Date H T Direc- H Tide

s-r P s-b max
tion (m+CD*)
(m) (s) ("deep (m) (m)

24-6-83 Vertical 17-2-84 4,3 11,9 140 5,3 10 0,4

photography 9-4-84 4,0 9,7 117 2,5 5 1,0
10-4-84 4,1 10,7 147 4,4 8 0,8
27-4-84 4,5 13,5 140 5,4 10 0,9
30-5-84 4,3 22,3 t60 5,4 10 1,0
4-7-85 Vert photo, 12-7-85 4,1 7,5 120 2,6 5 0,8
(large scale)
24-6-86 Vert, photo.

•Chart Datum

Only storms with significant wave heights exceeding 4 m have been included
in this table. The wave heights (H ) and the wave periods (T ) were re-
corded by waverider anchored in the 20 m water depth, about r,5 km sea-
ward of the south breakwater head. Wave directions were recorded by
wave clinometer. HH . values are the wave heights directly in front of the
breakwater head, del
e^ermined from actual measurements made in the origi-
nal physical model during three-dimensional breakwater stability tests.
Because the wave height measurements apply to a 6-hour period, H
1,9 H , (Longuet-Higgins, 1952). Most of the storms occurred aFnigh
tide. 1"ne depth at the breakwater head decreased from the original -17 to
-12 m CD about 300 m from the breakwater head. This means that at
high tide (+1,8 m CD) the maximum breaker height can be about 0,9 x
13,8 = 12,4 m (Jackson, 1968).

Detailed analyses of a section of the breakwater head on which were placed

1 045 30 t dolosse with a waist-to-hight ratio of 0,36 were possible with the
use of large-scale vertical photographs. The results of these analyses can be

summed up as follows ("damage" is taken as the sum of the lost and broken

Monitoring Storm Data Damage (%)*

Date (Hg^> 4 m)

Date H v(m) Lost Broken Moved "Damaged"


28-6-79 24-7-79 8
17-4-80 10
18-6-81 17-8-81 9 0,6 0,8 0,8 1,4
5-12-81 - - 0 0,2 0,2 0,2
5-6-82 - .- 0 0 0 0
24-6-83 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,8
17-2-84 10
9-4-84 5
10-4-84 8
27-4-84 10
4-7-85 30-5-84 10 0,8 0 0 0,8
24-6-86 12-7-85 5 0 0 0 0

TOTAL C VER 7 YEARS 1,8 1,4 1,2 3,2

•Damage above Low Water based on 500 30 t dolosse

Gansbaai Harbour

The Gansbaai harbour breakwater, described in Zwamborn and Van Niekerk

(1981), was repaired between 1979 and 1982 with 505 20 t and 1 630 25 t
dolosse at slopes of 1 in 2 and 1,75 respectively. The performance of
these dolosse was closely monitored by regular visual observations, including
underwater diver surveys, during construction and after the occurrence of
large waves (Zwamborn, 19B5).

The following data on conditions since completion of the repair work were
made available to the Fisheries Development Corporation (no local wave
data available after 1982):

Breakwater Monitoring Storm Data

Date Dolos Date H T H H Tide

s-r P s-b <m> max
Breakages (%) (m+CD)
(m) (s) (m)
20 t 25 t wsw 11°N ofW

12-7-82 3,4 12 1,7 6,0 8 0,6

17-7-82 '3,7 18 2,3 6,4 8,5 1,2
July 1982 0,2 0,1 29-7-82 4,2 14 2,6 6,7 8,5 0,9

April 1984 - 0,25

May 1984 1,2 0,7 15-5-84 10,8 15,5 (Slangkop) 8,5 1,5

TOTAL 1,4 1,05 Breakages over about 4 years*

*Some repair work was done after the 16th May 1986 storm.

Koeberg Cooling-Water Intake Basin

The breakwaters forming the Koeberg intake basin are protected with 6 t,
15 t and 20 t dolosse placed at a slope of 1 in 1,5 (Zwamborn and Van
Niekerk, 1981). Some 2 295 20 t dolosse were used to armour the main
breakwater from chainage 750 to 912 m, which includes the head. The
entire main breakwater has depth-limiting design conditions; the depth at
its head is -8 m CD and waves with H > 3,2 m were assumed to start
breaking on the head (H = 6,4 m). this means that the design waves
(6,4 m breaking waves) occur on average 15 days per year, which was taken
into account in deciding on acceptable damage criteria.

The following data have been collected since the previous review (Zwamborn,

Breakwater Monitoring Storm Data (H >3 m)


Date Type of Survey Damage Date H Tide

s-r max
(20 t)
(m) % (m) (m+CD)

11-11-81 Horizontal photography

2-1-82 V 8,8 5,7 0,2
(37 storms) to to to to to
10-6-83 5,9 15,5 6,9 1,8
14-6-83 Visual Inspection (No change)
(9 storms) 25-6-83 3,6 11,9 5,6 0,4
to to to to to
31-1-84 5,4 15,5 6,5 1,3
("100 year" storm) 16-5* 6,7 15,5 7,4 2,5
29-5-84 Visual, above and below 0,44
water 29-6-84 ?,4 11,9 5,9 0,5
(11 storms) to to to to to
5-10-84 7,2 18,3 6,6 1.4
17-10-84 Horizontal photography (No change)

Concluding Remarks

Prototype measurements of dolos behaviour have provided evidence that 30 t

dolosse with a waist ratio of 0,36 placed on the Richards Bay breakwater
head can withstand 10 m waves with only about 3 per cent "damage".
Applying Figure 1, the expected total damage would be 3 per cent displace-
ment plus all types of rocking, or about 2 per cent when excluding occa-
sional rocking (heavy line in Figure 1).

The newly placed 20 and 25 t dolosse at Gansbaai (waist ratios 0,34 and
0,35 respectively) have withstood four storms with waves reaching 8,5 m
with only 1,4 and 1,05 per cent breakages respectively (including the under-
water part). For this wave height, Figure 1 indicates 2,5 and 2 per cent
"total damage", or 1,5 and 1 per cent excluding occasional rocking, for the
20 and 25 t units respectively.

The 20 t dolosse at Koeberg (waist ratio 0,34) showed little damage (only
0,44 per cent for the "100 year" storm of May 1984) over a period of
three years when 6 and 7 m breaking waves attacked the breakwater on 58
occasions. For these wave heights, Figure 1 would indicate 1 per cent
"total damage" or 0,5 per cent excluding occasional rocking.
These observations, together with experience in the USA (Markle and David-

son, 1984), provide evidence that well-designed dolos structures (that is,
considering different dolos movements) can withstand severe and sustained
wave action with nominal damage. However, considerable damage has occur-
red in certain cased which emphasizes the need for a special and detailed
design effort for major dolos projects.


Drop Test on Solid Concrete

In the foregoing, reference has been made to structural tests which provide
invaluable data regarding the relative strengths of dolosse of different design,
concrete quality and reinforcing, A standard drop test on a solid concrete
base has been proposed for dolosse by Burcharth (1981a). Burcharth found
that trunk breakage occurred for drop heights (centre of gravity) of 0,12 to
0,17 m using 1,5, 5,4, 10 and 20 t unreinforced dolosse.
The results of similar drop tests carried out at Gioia Tauro, Italy, on 15 t
(r = 0,32) and 30 t dolosse (r = 0,37) (Grimaldi and Fontana, 1984) showed
a considerable improvement in dolos strength with time (pozzuolana cement
was used), the positive effect of the larger waist ratio of the 30 t units,
the limited benefit of the steel fibres and the effectiveness of, particularly,
the double-V reinforcement

Gioia Tauro Free Fall Test

The standard drop test is carried out on a rigid base and failure is virtually
due to impact loading only. In a breakwater armouring, a dolos will either
drop on underlayer stone or on another dolos, both of which will probably
move under the impact. A dolos breakage test which more closely represents
conditions on an actual breakwater, should, therefore, include a realistic
yield comparable to movement of the underlaying dolos and/or stone. Further
drop tests and free fall tests were, therefore, done at Gioia Tauro onto a
50 to 1 000 kg rock fill bed and onto the breakwater core (Figure 2).

Test on Rotk Test on Core Material

Figure 2: Free-fall tests with 30 t dolosse

The mean results of the tests on 30 t dolosse as interpreted by the author,

are given below:

Failure or
Age No. Type of Test bed Reinforcement
(months) Repeat test material type (kg/m5)
Fall Impact
Height Velocity
L (m) V (m/s)

2,5 2 drop rock 2,4* 5,9*

3,5 1 drop rock Twisted fibres (75) 2,4* 5,9*
2,5 3 free fall rock - 1,5 5,4+
3,5 2 free fall rock Twisted fibres (75) ^5 Vi
steel fibres (95)
2 1 free fall rock Double-V (53) 2,6 7,1
2 2 free fall core Double-V (53) ^3/5,0 7^/9,9
2 1 free fall core Conventional (77) 10 14

*Maximum possible lifting height, no visual damage.

The most significant result of these tests is that the critical fall heights
with a realistic yield are about 10 times greater than for the rigid-base
case which means that unreinforced dolosse should be able to withstand
considerable movements/rocking without breakage, a fact which is born out
by prototype observations.

Controlled Yield Tests on 9 t Dolosse

Because tests on rubble are difficult to control fully and because the in-
clusion of a certain yield is essential to get results more directly comparable
with the actual breakwater situation, a test technique by which the impact
deceleration is controlled by a given yield has been developed for full scale
tests on 9 t dolosse at Cape Town. The test configurations shown in Figure
3 were used for the Table Bay tests, that is, the swing test configuration.

The height of the 9 t test



\ r \\\\ dolosse was 2,9 m and the
waist-to-height ratio was
\\ \ 0,30. The units were
v vfaotT
\ \ made of 40 MPa concrete
\ (28 days). The tests
\ \ included dolosse without
\ \
reinforcing and with three
\ \ types of 43 kg/m scrap
..VRIGlb^MASi^i •" 1. •• RIGW'r MASs'Sj&l 1 rail reinforcing, that is a
single central rail, the
so-called double-V reinfor-
cing designed by Grimaldi
and Fontana (1984) and
the X-type reinforcing
developed by the NRIO
Figure 3: Dynamic Impact Test Arrangements (see Figure 4).

Single-rail Reinforcement Double-V Reinforcement X-Type Reinforcement

Figure 4: Rail Reinforcement in 9 t Dolosse

The purpose of the tests, carried out in co-operation with the South African
Transport Services, were:

a) to develop a test procedure closely resembling conditions in a breakwater

b) to determine the effectiveness under representative loading conditions
of the different types of reinforcement;
c) to determine the effect of repeated impact loading, and
d) to decide on the type and extent of reinforcing for the 25 t dolosse to
be used for the breakwater repair.

To determine a realistic yield,

representing the impact of
dolosse on underlayer stone or
other dolosse, the first test
series involved dropping a 9 t
(reinforced) dolos onto 0,5 to
3 t underlayer stone (Fig. 5).
Decelerations on impact were
measured during these tests
with two PCB Piezotronics shock
accelerometer with 500 g range,
fitted on the trunk and on the
top shank (Fig. 5).

Figure 5: Free-fall tests on 0,5 to 3 t


The results of 5 repeated

drops, over 1 m, are plotted
in Fig. 6, which also includes
the recorded decelerations
for impact against solid, non-
moving concrete blocks.
It is clear from this figure
that the impact on the rock
is much more "gentle" (re-
sulting in ayiled of 110 to
190 mm) than that against
the rigid concrete
blocks and thus, the
resulting stresses in
the dolosse are therefore
much smaller.


Figure 6: Comparison of accelerations for different test procedures

Because the impact on rock will depend largely on the rock packing and will
thus be variable (see spread of points in Fig. 6 for large impact time values),
swing test were done using a representative "cushioning device". Considering
that, in reality dolosse could either fall onto underlayer rock or on parts of
other dolosse, a "cushioning device" consisting of three collapsible "yield
pipes" (Fig. 7; 3 pipes: 89 mm OD, 4,5 mm thick and 250 mm long) was
designed to give approximately
twice the initial deceleration of
the free drop-on-rock case but
with a similar ultimate impact
time of 40 to 60 ms. In this
way, a conservative test condition
was developed representing
breakwater conditions quite

The actual test configuration is

shown in Figures 8 and 9. The
tests are still underway at pre-
sent but preliminary results of
the tests, according to the Test
Layout 2 of Fig. 3, are given
in the following table:
Figure 7: Cushioning Device

7 ~> ^

Figure 8: General Test Arrangement Figure 9: Dolos (9t) at impact

Age Na Type Test Bed Reinforce- Failure or Major Mean

(Months) Repeat of Material ment Damage Yield
Tests Tests (kg/m') (m)
Fall Height Impact Ve-
(m) locity (m/s)

19 3 Swing Yield Pipes 2,3/2,6/2,9 6,7/7,1/7,5 0,16

12/15/18 3 Swing Yield Pipes Single Rail 2,6/2,9/2,9 7,1/7,5/7,5 0,17
12 2 Swing Yield Pipes X-Rail (115) 3,5/3,5 8,3 0,18
18 2 Swing Yield Pipes Double-V 3,8/4,1 8,6/9,0 0,18

The above results show:

(i) similar "failure" drop heights as found at Gioia Tauro,

(ii) the results of repeat tests do not differ much,
(iii) whereas unreinforced dolosse break in the "rigid" drop test for drop
heights exceeding about 0,2 m, with a representative yield, the critical
drop heights are well above 2 m,
(iv) there appears to be little difference between unreinforced and singrail
reinforced dolosse but the latter will be damaged rather than fail,
(v) the double-V and X-type rail reinforcing increase the critical fall
heights by 50 to 80 per cent and these are only damaged and did not

Thus the rail reinforcement is found to be very effective in increasing the

dolos strength and preventing dolos failure.

Burcharth (1984) has shown that repeated impact loading rapidly weakens
the dolosse. For instance, impact failure will occur after three repeat
loadings causing stresses of 10 per cent of the ultimate impact strength
compared with 20 loadings in the case of a "pulsating" load/normal fatigue,
see Figure 10.

p— (Note: CTN.| impact = l,4(rN=| pulsating)


Figure 10: Average Results of Impact Tests on Dolosse (Burcharth)

The results of the first series of fatigue tests done on the 9 t dolosse are:

Type of Dolos Number of Fall Number of impacts

tests Height until failure

Unreinforced 2 2,0 m 5 and 7

Double V- 1 3,2 m 7

These tests were done with a fall height of 80 per cent of the failure
height and the results are plotted in Figure 10*. As expected, considering
the inclusion of the cushioning device, the results fall between the pulsating
and "rigid" impact lines which means that, in the breakwater situation the
dolosse should be able to withstand about twice the number of impact loads
predicted by the rigid impact test.


It is concluded that carefully designed dolos structures can withstand large

waves with only minor (a few per cent) damage. Shortcomings in the
design and/or construction and a lack of understanding of the structural
limitations of dolosse can, however, result in significant damage or even
local failure of the structure. A detailed and careful design process, as
discussed above, will therefore have to be followed to arrive at a safe yet
economical design.

An "optimum" dolos armour design should be based on a limited degree of

movement using increased waist ratio and/or simple rail reinforcement to
strengthen all the dolosse or only those in the more critical areas. Detailed
information on in situ dolos movements and resulting structural dolos beha-
viour are required to achieve this. The results of measurements underway
in South Africa and elsewhere should provide this information.

The assistance of the Harbour Engineer and staff (Cape Town) with the
prototype tests is gratefully acknowledged.
•Burcharth (1984) assumed stresses proportional with square root of drop
height, thus, for 80 per cent case, 0|\j _ ,/0~8~~= 0 9


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