NGZAM125-Product Release Guide

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Next generation ZINCALUME steel ®

with Activate™ technology

Made possible by a capital investment of over $100 million and almost two decades of testing
and development, next generation ZINCALUME® steel has set a new industry benchmark.
In order to meet the changing needs of Australia’s built environment, BlueScope Steel
developed next generation ZINCALUME® steel to be more durable, more efficient and
more sustainable.

Patented Activate™ technology in the protective coating

Original ZINCALUME® steel AZ150
Self-sealing Activate™ technology
utilises a protective alloy coating of
zinc and aluminium to protect its steel
Next generation ZINCALUME® steel
base against corrosion. However, Protective coating AM125 features a highly efficient,
active metallic coating, which
next generation ZINCALUME® steel provides superior corrosion
AM125 introduces magnesium into resistance of the coated product
via two strategically positioned
the aluminium-zinc alloy coating, Base metal
magnesium compounds.
which improves galvanic protection by
activating the aluminium. The result is
In the presence of moisture a thin
more effective corrosion resistance. zinc aluminium oxide layer forms
Protective coating
on the surface. The magnesium
BlueScope Steel research and compounds make this surface
oxide layer more stable and less
testing has found that the addition permeable, proving a better barrier
of 2% magnesium is the optimum Base metal against corrosion especially at cut
edges and scratches.
level for corrosion performance and
coating integrity. Along with a capital
investment of over $100 million to Deeper in the metallic coating the
second magnesium compound
facilitate the required manufacturing Protective coating
provides an additional barrier,
restricting corrosion pathways to
capability, BlueScope Steel can
the base metal. These activate the
now produce next generation aluminium and reduce depletion
Base metal of the coating, providing greater
ZINCALUME® steel AM125 with even protection for longer.
greater durability and a more efficient
protective coating mass.

Watch how self-sealing

Activate™ technology works at
A smaller environmental footprint in all 18 LCA categories
BlueScope Steel recently completed Innovation in the formulation of the The comprehensive cradle-to-grave
a comprehensive Life Cycle protective coating of next generation LCA shows that next generation
Assessment (LCA) of next generation ZINCALUME® steel AM125 has ZINCALUME® steel AM125 has a
ZINCALUME® steel AM125 increased product lifespan whilst using reduced environmental footprint,
encompassing: fewer metal resources. The result is when compared to ZINCALUME® steel
a smaller environmental footprint of AZ150 across all environmental impact
• ISO 14040:2006 methodology
between 10–25% when compared categories, consistent with the
• Cradle-to-grave to original ZINCALUME® steel AZ150, Building Products Innovation Council
environmental impacts in a commercial and industrial roofing methodology.
• 3rd party peer review application.

LCA Environmental Impact Reduction, AM125 vs AZ150 ZINCALUME® steel.

Climate Human Freshwtr Water Metal Fossil

change toxicity ecotox. depletion depletion depletion

17% 19% 19% 20% 17% 18%

To see functional unit and more results across all 18 environmental impact categories assessed

Register now for updates:

The evolution of ZINCALUME® steel in Australia

Since 1976, BlueScope Steel has made more than 7 million tonnes of ZINCALUME® steel,
enough for a 500 metre wide roof spanning from Sydney to Perth.

1830s 1976 1994

Corrugated galvanised Launch of Resin coating added for
iron invented ZINCALUME® steel AZ150 improved mark resistance
Comprehensive testing processes over a 17 year period
To ensure the durability and reputation Over a 17 year period, more than
of next generation ZINCALUME® steel 2000 panels have been tested Laboratory testing
AM125, BlueScope Steel conducted in Q-Fog cyclic testing and salt
a comprehensive testing program spray testing in laboratories.
that included a series of accelerated A further 3000 panels have been
laboratory corrosion tests as well as a tested in 22 different exposure
strong emphasis on real world outdoor sites in Australia and around the
exposure tests. A thorough and rigorous world. Additionally, 50 building
testing program ensured that the new
sites comprising a wide range of
product provided optimum performance.
applications, as well as five purpose
built test structures, have been
Extended real world tested in the real world, including
exposure testing
extreme marine environments.

Finally, all test results were

independently verified by the To conduct accelerated corrosion testing in the
laboratory, a Q-Fog machine exposes panels to
internationally recognised French a cyclic environment of salt-laden fog, heat and
Corrosion Institute (FCI).

The result is a next generation

Purpose built test structure made from next ZINCALUME® steel AM125 that
generation ZINCALUME® steel AM125 exposed
to four years of extreme conditions less than
is more durable, especially at
100m from breaking surf, Bellambi NSW. the cut edge, and more resilient
to scratches and scuffs during AZ150
construction compared to
ZINCALUME® steel AZ150.

Note: While BlueScope Steel

tests ZINCALUME® steel AM125
in severe marine environments,
AZ150 AM125 AM125
neither ZINCALUME® steel AZ150
Test panels taken from an area of a test structure, After 14 weeks of Q-Fog testing, next generation
not washed by rain, show minimal edge corrosion
or ZINCALUME® steel AM125 is ZINCALUME® steel AM125 demonstrates its
on ZINCALUME® steel AZ150 and almost no edge superior resistance to corrosion in a laboratory
corrosion on ZINCALUME® steel AM125.
recommended or warranted for use simulation of natural atmospheric corrosion.
in such extreme environments.

2013 At BlueScope Steel we continually

work to develop products that
Launch of meet the changing needs of our
ZINCALUME® steel AM125 built environment
Guaranteed to
meet Australian Specifying next generation
Standard AS1397 ZINCALUME® steel AM125
Next generation ZINCALUME® steel Next generation ZINCALUME® steel AM125 is unique to and made
AM125 is guaranteed by BlueScope only by BlueScope Steel. To ensure the use of next generation steel
Steel to meet Australian Standard
on your project, specify “ZINCALUME® steel AM125” by name.
AS1397, and the “deemed to satisfy”
requirements of the Building Code of
Australia (BCA) for applications such
as roofing and walling.
Next generation ZINCALUME® steel
Offering greater warranty periods
AM125 has been CodeMark certified of up to 36 years, from August 2013*
as complying with the National
Construction Code 2013 (NCC) in The increased corrosion performance provided by Activate™ technology
respect of material durability and allows BlueScope Steel to offer greater warranty periods for next generation
compatibility when used for gutter ZINCALUME® steel AM125 compared to ZINCALUME® steel AZ150.
and downpipe systems. Warranties will also apply for roofing applications closer to marine environments
than ever before.
ZINCALUME® steel AM125
specifications Warranties for next generation ZINCALUME® steel AM125
Australian Standard: AS1397- Application Warranty period Increase
2011 (Continuous hot-dip metallic Roofing located 100 to 200 metres from Up to 10 years New
coated steel sheet and strip) severe marine influences
Coating Class: AM Roofing located 400 to 600 metres from Up to 20 years 33%
Coating Mass: 125g/m2 severe marine influences
Roofing located 600 to 1000 metres from Up to 25 years 25%
Onsite and further processing severe marine influences
considerations Roofing located 1000 to 5000 metres from Up to 30 years 20%
Steel detailing: no change severe marine influences
Sealants: no change Roofing located greater than 5000 metres Up to 36 years 20%
from severe marine influences
Ability to be
recycled: no change * Warranty periods specified above for ZINCALUME® steel AM125 are only available from the official launch date in
August 2013. Existing warranties for ZINCALUME® steel AZ150 will apply in relation to ZINCALUME® steel AM125 until
Laser cutting: no change the official launch date in August 2013. Warranties are subject to application and eligibility criteria. For full terms and
conditions and to determine the eligibility of your project for the warranty visit
Powder coating: no change or call BlueScope Steel on 1800 022 999.
Fasteners: no change
Compatibility At BlueScope Steel we continually work to develop products that meet the
with metals: no change changing needs of our built environment. So you can be inspired to create
for generations to come. BlueScope Steel. Next generation steel.
Fasteners: no change

While, to the naked eye, the finish of next

generation ZINCALUME® steel AM125
is almost identical to ZINCALUME® steel
AZ150, BlueScope Steel does not
recommend the two products be used
together on the same visual plane
i.e. the same roof plane. This applies
mainly to roofing and walling applications.
Call 1800 675 230 if you require
further clarification. 1800 675 230

ZINCALUME® and BlueScope are registered trade marks and Activate™ is

a trade mark of BlueScope Steel Limited. © 2013 BlueScope Steel Limited
ABN 16 000 011 058. All rights reserved.

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