Sulphuric Acid Anodising of en AC-46500 Cast
Sulphuric Acid Anodising of en AC-46500 Cast
Sulphuric Acid Anodising of en AC-46500 Cast
To cite this article: B Gastón-García, E García-Lecina, M Díaz-Fuentes, J A Díez & C Müller (2011)
Sulphuric acid anodising of EN AC-46500 cast aluminium alloy, Transactions of the IMF, 89:6,
properties of the layers. The best results were obtained by anodising at 5 vol.-%H2SO4, at
5?0 A dm22 during 30 min at 0uC. The application of a polishing pretreatment improved the film
appearance and did not modify the mechanical properties of the film, but considerably
decreased the film thickness.
Keywords: Aluminium, Anodising, Intermetallic particles, EN AC-46500
1 Images (OM and SEM) of cross-sectional EN AC-46500 cast aluminium alloy. a Low magnification image of sample
microstructure. Inset shows EDS spectrum of intermetallic particles: (1) Al–Fe–Si–Mn–Cr particles; (2) Al–Cu particles
(small Au peaks are due to metallic gold that was sputter coated on aluminium alloy). b Detail of areas with different
morphologies in aluminium alloy matrix. Inset shows EDS spectrum from two marked zones
(Joule effect) generated under high current anodising steady state was accompanied by voltage fluctuations
conditions. In all the cases studied, the final voltage (55– indicative of cracking and reanodising processes pro-
80 V) was considerably higher than that obtained for voked by high level of stresses in the layer.28,29 When
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pure aluminium anodising (20–25 V), as a consequence analysing the curves at the initial stage of anodic
of a higher resistivity of the oxide or the substrate/ oxidation (i.e. first 2 min), three different regions (I, II
oxide interface probably due to the presence of oxygen and III) were detected before the onset of steady state
gas filled voids which hinder the ions transport voltage (region IV) (Fig. 2b). Thus, at the beginning of
processes.21,27 Moreover, in most of the cases, the the anodising process and regardless of the current
a, b effect of current density: 15 vol.-%H2SO4 electrolyte at 0uC and 1?0, 3?0, 5?0 and 8?0 A dm22 (marked with letters a,
b, c and d respectively); c effect of electrolyte concentration: 15 and 5 vol.-%H2SO4 electrolytes (marked with letters a
and b respectively) at 0uC and 5?0 A dm22; d effect of temperature and anodising time: 15 vol.-%H2SO4 electrolyte at 20,
0 and 25uC (marked with letters a, b and c respectively), at 5?0 A dm22 for 120 min
2 Voltage–time curves registered during galvanostatic anodising of EN AC-46500 cast aluminium alloy under different
density, there was a slope change y7 V (transition I–II) an homogeneously aesthetic dark grey colour and only
associated with the presence of an air formed film on the few, very thin cracks were visible on its surface (Fig. 3a).
surface of the alloy.27 The time period during which this However, when higher current densities, temperatures and
transition potential was stable decreased with the anodising times were applied, the anodic oxide layers showed
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increase in current density. Subsequently, the curve a brown pale tonality that in some cases was rough and
was characterised by a linear increase in voltage with powdery and could be easily detached from the substrate. The
time limited by another slope change (transition II–III), surface of these samples showed the presence of numerous
which may be related to pore nucleation. The rate of wide cracks (Fig. 3b), linked to the deterioration of the layer
voltage increase with time was enhanced by increasing properties by thermally enhanced (field assisted and chemical)
the anodising current density. Moreover, while the exact severe oxide dissolution. These results are in agreement with
transition II–III potential depended on the experimental V–t transients recorded (Fig. 2a), where it was observed that
current density, it occurred at voltages similar to those the final voltage corresponding to 8?0 A dm22 was slightly
of pure aluminium (25–35 V). Beyond that point, lower than that corresponding to 5?0 A dm22.
instead of observing a voltage decline to the steady The SEM observation of the cross-sections of the
stage value (general behaviour of pure aluminium), an anodic oxide layers revealed an undulating aluminium/
increase in voltage with time at a progressively reducing oxide interface (Fig. 4a) under all experimental condi-
rate until achieving a steady stage voltage was observed tions, attributed to the different oxidation reactivities of
(region III). the aluminium matrix in comparison with the inter-
As it has been described, anodising of EN AC-46500 metallic particles.11–16,23 In addition, the anodic layers
results in a different V–t response from that observed for presented considerable porosity and cracks. Most of
pure aluminium anodising, probably due to secondary them were likely to have come from acicular particles
processes that take place during the formation of the dissolution (principally formed by Cu and Al) taking
alumina film, such as anodic oxidation of intermetallic
place during the anodising process, because no such
particles, oxygen evolution, cracking and reanodising
precipitates were found within the anodic layer. This
result is consistent with the considerations of other
Moreover, the analysis of different experimental
authors who declared that particles with similar
conditions showed that the voltage profiles also pre-
chemical composition (Cu2Al) tended to be anodic
sented different features as a function of the electrolyte
relative to the aluminium matrix.14,30 Apart from this,
concentration (Fig. 2c) and temperature (Fig. 2d). Thus,
previous studies showed that oxidation of copper was
it was observed that the transition voltages correspond-
also associated with the generation of oxygen within the
ing to the transitions from II to III regions of the V–t
curves increased with the decreases in electrolyte anodic film and the proliferation of oxygen bubbles
concentration and temperature. Moreover, the final with high pressure.31–34 These bubbles may grow and
voltage decreased with the increases in electrolyte coalesce and the contained gas may be released by the
concentration and temperature. rupture of the oxide film. Moreover, the stress
generated during the growth of the anodic oxide films
Morphology, microstructure and thickness of may also contribute to the cracking of the film.35 The
anodic oxide layers consequence of such processes is the development of
In an effort to correlate the differences among the anodic layers of bad quality.
voltage response with the properties of the films, the On the other hand, polyhedrical particles (Al–Fe–Si–
morphology, structure and thickness of the AAOL were Mn–Cr) did not prevent or hinder the growth of the
analysed. anodic film but seemed to remain partly oxidised after
anodic oxidation. In this sense, the highlighted area in
Morphology and structure Fig. 4a shows the evolution of one of these intermetallic
The surface appearance of the EN AC-46500 anodised particles subjected to the anodising process. The
samples varied according to the anodising conditions. composition of both regions of the particle was
Under suitable experimental conditions (e.g. 5 vol.-%H2SO4, determined by EDS (Fig. 4b). The analysis of the upper
25uC, 3?0 A dm22 and 120 min), the anodised film showed part (1) showed the presence of oxygen and sulphur
4 a SEM image of cross-sectional anodic alumina layer formed on EN AC-46500 aluminium alloy after anodising in
15 vol.-%H2SO4 electrolyte at 0uC and 5?0 A dm22 for 30 min. Highlighted area corresponds to partially anodised Al–
Fe–Si–Mn–Cr particle. b EDS spectrum from different regions marked in a (small Au peak is due to metallic gold that
was sputter coated on anodic alumina layer to reduce electrical charging during SEM measurements)
coming from the sulphuric acid electrolyte used for the Thickness
anodising process.3 Moreover, the constituent elements The way in which the anodising parameters affect the
of the polyhedrical particles were also detected (Al, Fe,
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a effect of electrolyte concentration and current density (at 0uC for 30 min); b effect of temperature and anodising time
(in 15 vol.-%H2SO4 electrolyte at 5?0 A dm22)
5 Thickness of anodic alumina layers formed on EN AC-46500 aluminium alloy after anodising under different conditions
a effect of electrolyte concentration and current density (at 0uC for 30 min); b effect of temperature and anodising time
(in 15 vol.-%H2SO4 electrolyte at 5?0 A dm22)
6 Vickers microhardness of anodic alumina layers formed on EN AC-46500 aluminium alloy after anodising under differ-
ent conditions
controls the upper limit of thickness which can be vol.-%H2SO4 (Fig. 7), and, because of this, presented
produced under any particular operating conditions.37 higher microhardness values. The data also showed a
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a 5 vol.-%; b 15 vol.-%
7 Images (SEM) of cross-sectional anodic alumina layers formed on EN AC-46500 aluminium alloy after anodising in sul-
phuric acid electrolytes of different concentrations at 0uC and 5?0 A dm22 for 30 min
Wear resistance that polishing had an effect on the voltage evolution. Thus,
in comparison with non-polished surfaces, no changes on
Wear resistance of anodic layers formed under different
the voltage corresponding to region I were observed, as
experimental conditions was evaluated using a ball on
mechanical treatment does not modify the composition of
disc tribometer (Table 1). The results showed that at
the surface, and because of this, the effect of the air formed
5?0 A dm22 anodising current density, wear resistance
oxide film. However, a slight enhancement of the maximum
was improved with decreasing H2SO4 concentration,
corresponding to the breakdown of the barrier layer
temperature and anodising time. In all the cases, except
(y37 V) (region II) was observed, suggesting a more
at the highest anodising time studied (90 min), the wear
resistive behaviour associated with a higher thickness and/or
resistance was better than that of the substrate, which
compactness of the barrier layer.
indicates that the poor wear characteristics of EN AC-
The pretreatment of the aluminium surface also
46500 cast alloy can be improved by anodising under
influenced the morphology and structure of the resulting
certain experimental conditions.
AAOL. Thus, it can be seen (Fig. 9) that after me-
On the other hand, the results showed that, in
chanical pretreatment, more compact films with some
general, the wear rate of the films changed following the
3D structures were obtained. No cracks were detected
same tendency as the microhardness measurements.
and the roughness of the surface was lower than that of
However, in some cases, samples with similar micro-
non-polished samples (Table 2). However, polishing had
hardness values lead to different wear resistance re-
a negative effect on the efficiency of the process and
sponses. This could be attributed to the fact that the
films with ,50% of the thickness were obtained,
microhardness measurements were performed at micro-
indicating that current losses due to other processes,
scopic scale and therefore only local regions of the
such as oxide dissolution and/or oxygen evolution, were
anodic layer were evaluated. On the contrary, the
higher on the polished surfaces, probably due to changes
determination of wear resistance involves a bigger test
in the structure, thickness and reactivity of the barrier
area and as a result, the wear resistance values are
and porous alumina layer. Moreover, instead of what
mostly dependent on the presence of defects such as
was expected, compactness of the film did not lead to a
porous and cracks.
significant improvement in the film hardness and wear
Mechanical pretreatment effect
In order to improve the quality of the anodic oxide
layers obtained, aluminium samples were submitted to a
mechanical polishing to a mirror-like finish before Sulphuric acid anodising of EN AC-46500 cast alloy
the chemical pretreatment. By the application of this was studied in order to determine the optimal experi-
polishing, the surface roughness Ra of the samples was mental conditions. The high content and variety of
reduced from 0?68¡0?02 mm (without polishing) to alloying elements were responsible for disrupting the
0?05¡0?01 mm (after mirror-like finish). classical porous morphology and changing the typical
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