Control Design For A Biped: Reference Trajectory Based On Driven Angles As Functions of The Undriven Angle

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Control Design for a Biped: Reference Trajectory Based on Driven

Angles as Functions of the Undriven Angle1

Y. Aoustin*, A.M. Formal’sky**
Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernétique de Nantes,
1, rue de la Noë, BP 92101, 44321 Nantes Cedex 3, France,
E-mail: [email protected]
Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State Lomonosov University,
1, Michurinskii pr., Moscow, 117192 Russia, E-mail: [email protected]
Received February 21, 2003

Abstract. This article deals with the difficult problem of developing control strategies for bipedal locomotion. We have
tried to ‘’limit’’ the degrees of freedom in the mechanisms and, generally, to try to account for the intermittent nature of
ground impact and underactuation. We studied a planar biped consisting of five links and no feet. While walking it
successively passes from a single (one leg on the ground) to a double (both legs on the ground) support phase, and it is
powered only by the hip and knee joints (having no feet, the ankles are not powered). During the single support phase the
biped is thus underactuated. The instantaneous double support phase can be modeled through passive impact equations. We
constructed polynomial functions of the inter-link angles of the four powered articulations in relation to the angle of the
supporting leg's ankle. The coefficients of these polynomials calculated for given initial, intermediate and final
configurations thus defined the biped's nominal motion. Poincaré's method of analysis showed that this motion converges to
a cyclic gait asymptotically. In both cases, testing two variables, torso inclination and step length, we were able to
accelerate this convergence. Tracking the designed nominal trajectory was achieved through computing torque control.


Much research [1-28] has been devoted to the control problem of a biped. Often aiming to design
a control law for open-loop motions, this work has also produced several techniques for defining
feedback control, specifically, through the use of reference trajectories. It is shown in [3, 13, 17] that
reference trajectories can be derived from ballistic motion. Reference trajectories are generated from
polynomial functions of time in [19, 23]. In [4], Van der Pol’s oscillator is used to calculate them. In

This work has been supported by the French Ministry for Education and Research and by GDR (the
Automatic Control Research Group) of CNRS.

[5], the trajectory is adapted at each step by introducing a control for step length. Also controlling step
length, [14], controlled the “zero moment point” [9] position by means of force sensors. Angular
momentum information was taken into account in [8] to simulate a natural dynamic walking for a
biped. It was also taken into consideration in [28] where an independent parameter known as “time
scaling” is introduced. In [15], a six d.o.f. walking biped adapted to rugged terrain is developed,
whereas [16, 18], the authors took an intuitive approach (based on a virtual model of the control
framework) when considering the locomotion of their two planar bipedal robots. Most recently, in [25,
26], a passive motion and an optimal motion are numerically designed for a 7-link planar biped.
Other, theoretical research [1, 12, 20, 24] has been devoted to the issue of stability while walking.
In [1], the authors defined the foot position of an animal or legged biped as predetermined in time and
relaxed, and then, were able to introduce some control techniques suitable for stabilizing two-legged
locomotion. In the last paper [24], a feedback controller for a biped is designed and the authors proved
the asymptotic stability of its walking motion, using Poincaré’s return map.
Our study used a five-link planar under-actuated biped without feet and our primary goal was to
create a method for calculating its reference trajectory. The inter-link angles for the four actuated
articulations were designed as polynomial functions, which were dependent on the angle of the non-
actuated ankle articulation of the supporting leg. As long as this angle is monotonic during the swing
phase, it can be used instead of time as an independent variable. Absolute time changes quite
independently of the biped’s displacement, whereas the ankle angle is connected to a biped’s motion
and thus, appeared to be a more natural independent variable. Next we computed the coefficients of
the polynomials, using given initial, intermediate and final configurations and certain conditions. The
biped configuration was therefore expressed by polynomials, for each ankle angle value. In this
manner, our under-actuated system became a set with the same number of actuators and degrees of
freedom. The polynomials defined the biped's nominal motion (reference trajectory) and it was found
to have cyclic gait. Applying the Poincaré return map method, we were able to show the asymptotic
stability of this cyclic gait. Two factors were tested (changing the trunk inclination and step length)
and both were found to accelerate convergence to the cycle. Finally, we were able to track the designed
nominal (reference) trajectory, using computed torque control. In this work we have used a planar
biped model with no feet. However, we think that these methods can be extended to more complex
The paper is organized as follows. A dynamical model of the biped is presented in Section 1. In
Subsection 1.1, the swing motion equations are presented, as are the passive impact equations in
Subsection 1.2. Section 2 covers the reference trajectories for the inter-link actuated angles. Gait is

described in Subsection 2.1. The choice of the inter-link angles as polynomial functions of the non-
actuated ankle angle is elaborated in Subsection 2.2. A way of designing a simpler model of swing
motion is proposed in Subsection 2.3. Section 3 is devoted to the problem of designing a periodic gait
regime. In Subsection 3.1, we present a methodology for designing periodic gait and in Subsection 3.2
we look at this from a numerical point of view. Section 4 is dedicated to the analysis of the asymptotic
stability of the periodic gait. In Subsection 4.1, we apply the Poincaré map method to show that this
cyclic gait is asymptotically stable. Adjusting torso orientation as a way of accelerating convergence to
the cyclic gait is studied in Subsection 4.2. Adjusting step length is studied in Subsection 4.3. Section
5 deals with problems encountered tracking the reference trajectory and in Section 6 we briefly
evaluate some acceptable perturbations. Finally, Section 7 is devoted to our conclusion and reflections
as to future research.

1. Dynamical Model of the Biped

To construct a dynamical model, first, we will generate the motion equations for the single support
and the instantaneous double support phases inherent to locomotion. Impact equations for the double
support phase will also be presented and finally, all these equations will be written in matrix form.
1.1 Swing Motion Equations

Our biped walks in a vertical x y sagittal plane. The biped mechanism is composed of a trunk and

two identical double-link legs (Fig. 1). Let us introduce vector X = ( x, y,δ 1 ,δ 2 ,δ 3 ,δ 4 ,α )* with seven

generalized coordinates (star * means transposition). It is defined by the two coordinates x, y of the
trunk mass center, and the five orientation angles ( δ 1 ,δ 2 ,δ 3 ,δ 4 ,α )* = q of the legs and the trunk (Fig.

1, left). The angles are defined as positive for counter clockwise motion. Vector q shall be known as
the "configuration vector" or "a configuration". The vector of the inter-link angles δ = ( δ 1 ,δ 2 ,δ 3 ,δ 4 )*

represents the "figure" vector. Thus, q = ( δ * ,α )* . These variables allow us to describe the single
support, double support and supportless phases.
All links are assumed massive and rigid. All joints are revolute and ideal, which means that the
effect of friction in the joints is neglected. Let the vector Γ = ( Γ 1 , Γ 2 , Γ 3 , Γ 4 )* denotes the torques

applied in the hip and knee joints. Let R1 ( R1x ,R1 y ) and R2 ( R2 x ,R2 y ) be the forces applied to the leg

tips (Fig. 1, right). The motion equations of the biped in the swing phase have the following well-
known form:
 + H( q,q
A( q )X  ) = DΓ + D j ( q )R j (1.1)

 + H ( q,q
D*j ( q )X  )=0 (1.2)

 ) is the 7 × 1
Here A( q ) is the symmetric, positive definite 7 × 7 matrix of kinetic energy; H( q,q
vector of the centrifugal, Coriolis and gravity forces; D is a 7 × 4 fixed matrix, consisting of zeros and
 ) is a 2 × 1 matrix (all these matrices are described in
units; D j ( q ) is a 7 × 2 matrix; H j ( q,q

Appendix 1); j denotes the supporting (i.e., stance) leg (j=1 or 2). System (1.1) can usually be
represented by a set of scalar nonlinear differential equations using a 14 × 1 state vector. However, in
the context of this paper it is not useful. Setting a condition of a contact between the supporting leg tip
and the ground implies that both the abscise and ordinate of that leg tip do not change. Matrix equation
(1.2) represents the second derivative of the corresponding relations and shows that the acceleration of
the stance leg tip is zero. Thus, matrix equation (1.2) means that the supporting leg tip does not move.
A passive ball joint models the contact between the stance leg tip and the ground. However, during
locomotion, the ground surface does not exercise any adhesive nor attractive forces on the stance leg
tip. For this reason the vertical component of the ground reaction must be directed upwards. We will
verify this requirement during the computations.
Our biped has five degrees of freedom in the swing phase, but four actuators only; thus, it is under-
actuated in the single support phase.
1.2 Passive Impact Equations

Walking consists of alternating single and double support phases. We shall assume that the double
support phase is instantaneous and model it through passive impact equations. An impact appears at a
time t=T, for this time the swing leg touches the ground. We shall assume that the impact is passive,
absolutely inelastic, and that the legs do not slip. Given these conditions, the ground reactions can be
considered impulsive forces and defined by Dirac delta-functions [3]:
R j = I R j ∆( t − T ) (j=1, or 2)

Here I R ( I R ,I R ) is the vector of the magnitudes of the impulsive reaction in the swing (before an
j xj yj

impact) leg j.
Impact equations can be obtained through integration of the matrix motion equation (1.1) for the
infinitesimal time from T-0 to T+0 of instantaneous impact. The torques supplied by the actuators at
the joints, the centrifugal, Coriolis and gravity forces have finite values, thus they do not influence an
impact. Consequently the impact equations can be written in the following matrix form:
A( q( T ))( X  − ) = D ( q( T ))I , k≠ j (1.3)
k Rk

Here q(T) denotes the configuration of the biped at instant t=T (this configuration does not change at
 − and X
the instant of the double support), X  + are respectively the velocity vectors just before and just
after an impact. The velocity of the supporting leg tip before an impact equals to zero,
 − =0
D*j ( q(T ))X (1.4)

The swing leg k after an impact becomes the supporting leg. Therefore, its tip velocity becomes zero
after an impact,
 + =0
D k* ( q( T ))X (1.5)

Generally speaking, two results are possible after an impact. The rear leg will take off the ground or
both legs will remain on the ground. In the first case, the vertical component of the velocity of the
taking-off leg tip just after an impact must be directed upwards; we shall also assume that there is no
interaction between the taking-off leg tip and the ground i.e., I R j = 0 . In the second case, the rear leg

tip velocity has to be zero just after an impact. Since passive leg tips are used, the ground will produce
the impulsive forces (generally, I R1 ≠ 0 , I R2 ≠ 0 ) and this implies that the vertical component of the

impulsive ground reaction in the rear leg (as in the fore leg) is directed upwards. For the second case,
we have the following matrix equations:
A( q( T ))( X  − ) = D ( q( T ))I + D ( q( T ))I , D* ( q(T ))X
 + = 0 , D* ( q(T ))X
 + =0
1 R1 2 R2 1 2

This system consists of 11 scalar equations and contains 11 unknown variables that form the vectors
 + , I , I . In general, the result of a passive impact is dependent on two factors: the biped’s
X R1 R2

configuration at the instant of an impact and the direction of the fore leg tip velocity just before impact
[3]. Equations (1.3) and (1.5) are suitable for the first case only when the rear leg takes off the ground.
We checked the two possible results after an impact and only the first result occurs: the rear leg rises
after an impact.
 + , I , because its corresponding matrix is non-
Linear system (1.3), (1.5) has a unique solution X Rj

singular (this assertion is proved in Appendix 2).

System (1.3) - (1.5) consists of 11 scalar equations. Excluding 6 scalar variables:
x − , y − , x + , y + , I Rx and I Ry from this system, we obtain the following linear relation between the
k k

vectors q − and q + of the angular velocities just before and just after the impact [3]:

q + = J( q( T ))q
− (1.6)
The matrix J(q(T)) depends only on the biped configuration q at instant T of double support.

2. Reference Trajectory For Inter-Link Angles

In several works (see, for example, [19, 23]), polynomial functions of time were used to design a
nominal walking regime (reference trajectory) of a biped. In other words, each driven inter-link angle
δ l (l = 1, ..., 4 ) , was given as a polynomial function of time. However, in our biped model ankle
angle α is undriven and, because of disturbances the transferring leg may touch the ground before the
prescribed time. Should this happen a configuration error will arise at the beginning of the next half
step. To avoid this error, each driven inter-link angle δ l will be defined for our model as a function of
2.1 Description of the Gait

Legs 1 and 2 of the biped swap their roles from one half step to the other (see Fig. 2). The
transferring leg is shown in Fig. 2 by dotted lines. We suppose that leg 1, moving forward, touches the
ground with an inelastic impact and does not slip. Leg 2 loses contact with the ground and rises. The
legs assume a symmetrical role from one half step to the next one.
From a prescribed initial configuration, we are interested in moving the biped through the swing
phase into a prescribed final configuration. In both boundary configurations, the two legs are on the
ground. Thus, the two boundary configurations are equal to the two double support configurations.
Let t = 0 be the initial time and t = T be the final time for a single support motion. If the boundary
configurations of the swing phase are given, then angles α i and α f are prescribed. The indices i and f

shall respectively correspond to initial (at t = 0 ), and final (at t = T ) configurations of the biped.
2.2 Polynomial Functions for Inter-Link Angles

We now will express inter-link angles δ l (l = 1, ..., 4 ) for the four actuated articulations as
polynomial functions of the stance leg's tibia angle α , relative to the vertical axis. In several
experiments (see, for example, [13, 19]) and in our biped simulations, this angle α changes strictly
monotonically during the single support motion (Fig. 3 confirms this property in our system).
Therefore, it is possible to use angle α instead of time t as an independent variable for these
polynomials. Unlike absolute time, which changes independently of the biped’s displacement, the
ankle angle α is connected to the biped’s behavior and thus appears to be a natural independent
variable. We believe this variable will be more adaptable than absolute time to take into account the
influence of perturbations affecting the biped. Our reference trajectory gains the geometric

expression δ l = δ l ( α ) (l = 1, ..., 4 ) , which is to say that the biped reference trajectory is calculated
in function of angle α (not time).
We want to obtain a desired final figure of the biped before an impact. Therefore, the segment
α i , α f  is divided into two parts α i , α D  and α D , α f  . Angles δ l (l = 1, ..., 4 ) are defined as a

fifth order polynomials of angle α in the first segment:

δ l ( α ) = al 0 + al 1α + al 2α 2 + al 3α 3 + al 4α 4 + al 5α 5 αi ≤ α ≤ α D (2.1)

The first and second time derivatives of these four polynomial functions δ l ( α ) are defined such that,

δ l ( α ) = δ l′ ( α )α
δ l ( α ) = δ l′ ( α )
α + δ l′′( α )α
2 (2.2)

with ‘ representing the derivation with respect to the variable α .

Let us suppose that in the second segment α D , α f  the inter-link joint angles do not change and

the whole mechanism turns around point S (see Fig. 1) like a rigid body, until it hits the bearing

δ l ( α ) ≡ δ l ( α D ) = δ l ( α f ) = const, αD ≤ α ≤ α f (2.3)

Maintaining figure δ constant before impact helps to reduce the error in the biped configuration at the
beginning of the next step [13, 19]. Without such a constraint, the biped configuration at the end of the
single support phase can be altered from the desired configuration, (due to an error in the measured
angle α for example). The absolute angular velocities of all five links in the segment α D , α f  equal

to α
Let δ l ( α D ) = 
δ l ( α D ) = 0 , then it follows from (2.2) that

δ l′ ( α D ) = 0 , δ l′′( α D ) = 0 and (l = 1, ..., 4 ) , (2.4)

 ≠ 0 when α = α D .
as long as α
Given the equalities (2.4), the functions 
δ l ( α ) and consequently the torques in the joints change
continuously over time, and this, as long as, the derivative α also changes continuously.
At the instant when α = α int = ( α i + α D ) 2 we shall call the configuration intermediate.

Let us specify the initial, intermediate, and final configurations as well as the initial angular
velocities. Thus the values

αi , α f , α
 i, δ l ( α i ), δ l ( α i ), δ l ( α int ), δ l ( α f ) (l = 1, ..., 4 ) (2.5)

are defined.

All six coefficients for each fifth order polynomial function δ l ( α ) , (l = 1, ..., 4 ) (2.1) can be

calculated, using the four values, δ l ( α i ) , δ l ( α i ) α

 i , δ l ( α int ) , δ l ( α f ) from (2.5) and two

 i , δ l ( α i ) separately to calculate the

conditions (2.4). In fact, we do not need the velocities α

∂δ ( α )
coefficients of the polynomials. We only need to know the ratios δ l ( α i ) α
 i = l i . Note that
polynomials (2.1) can also be formulated if α D = α f .

If, before an impact, the biped mechanism rotates like a rigid body (δ=const), the velocity of the
fore leg tip is directed vertically downwards. The resulting vertical component of the impulsive ground
reaction applied to the fore leg tip at the instant of an impact will be directed upwards. This assertion
is clear from a physical point of view. It is analytically proven in Appendix 3.
2.3 A Way to Design Swing Motion

The figure vector δ ( α ) can be calculated, if the values in (2.5) are known. In this case, a semi-
inverse problem occurs with respect to the single support motion design, because part of coordinates
(inter-link angles) are given as functions of angle α , whereas angle α can be calculated only from
motion equations.
Single support motion can be defined by integrating the equations (1.1), (1.2). However, in our
study we have used a simpler method.
Let σ denote the angular momentum around the motionless ankle joint S. Momentum σ is the
linear combination of the angular velocities δ l , (l = 1, ..., 4 ) and α , and has the coefficients fl ( δ )

(l = 1, ..., 5 ) , which are known functions of the figure vector δ and the biped parameters
σ = ∑ fl ( δ )δ l + f 5 ( δ )α (2.6)
l =1

Function f 5 ( δ ) describes the biped’s total moment of inertia around the motionless ankle joint S and

f 5 ( δ ) > 0 for all figures δ.

If δ = δ ( α ) and consequently δ ( α ) = δ ′( α )α
 , then

σ = f ( α )α (2.7)

Function f ( α ) is given by
f ( α ) = ∑ fl [δ ( α )]δ l′ ( α ) + f 5 [δ ( α )] (2.8)
l =1

Function (2.8) depends on the biped parameters and on the coefficients of polynomials (2.1). Let us
note that f ( α ) ≡ f 5 ( δ ) ≡ cons tan t in segment α D , α f  , where the figure δ of the biped does not

change. This constant is the total inertia moment of the mechanism around joint S and is not equal to
A simple differential equation follows from equality (2.7):
 = σ f (α ) (2.9)

Ankle joint S is passive and there is no driven torque acting in it. Gravity is the only force creating
external torque in it, therefore, the angular momentum changes according to the equation:

σ = − Mg [ xC ( δ ,α ) − xS ] (2.10)

Here M is the total biped mass, g the acceleration due to gravity, xC ( δ ,α ) the abscissa of the biped

mass center (which depends on figure δ and ankle angle α ), xS is the constant abscissa of point S.

However, if δ = δ ( α ) is a known vector-function, then we come to the following equation:

σ = − Mg [ xC ( α ) − xS ] (2.11)

and the biped mass center abscissa xC ( α ) is a known function of angle α .

Instead of equations (1.1), (1.2), the second order system (2.9), (2.11) is used here to design swing
motion. The initial value σ for this system can be calculated from formula (2.7), when initial values
α i and α
 i are known. We then calculate the solutions of system (2.9), (2.11) numerically, assuming

that a solution exists and is unique over the given time interval. After solving the system (2.9), (2.11)
the joint torques Γ l (l = 1, ..., 4 ) can be found from equations (1.1), (1.2).
System (2.9), (2.11) follows also from (1.1), (1.2) of course. Furthermore, a parallel can be drawn
with the concept of the zero-dynamics [29]. The dynamics of α are in fact the internal dynamics of the
biped when the applied control is such that the desired reference trajectory of variables δ l ,

(l = 1, ..., 4 ) are tracked perfectly.

If angle α changes strictly monotonically over time, then we obtain from system (2.9), (2.11) the
following first order equation:
dσ 2
= −2Mg [ xC ( α ) − xS ] f ( α )

It follows from this equation that
σ ( α ) − σ ( α i ) = F( α ) , F( α ) = −2Mg ∫ [ xC (ν ) − xS ] f (ν )dν
2 2


and (see (2.7))
σ 2 ( α f ) − σ 2 ( α i ) = f 2 ( α f )α
 2f − f 2 ( α i )α
 i2 = F( α f ) (2.12)

3. Periodic Regime

In this section we will describe the cyclic gait of the biped, for the case when the double support
configurations are the same. This situation appears, for example, when a biped is walking on a planar
3.1 A Way to Design Periodic Gait

The initial and final configurations of the single support motion are the same, but the legs are
swapped. Therefore, given the inter-link angles and ankle angle α (see (2.5) and Fig. 4) the following
equalities should be true:
δ 1 ( α i ) = δ 4 ( α f ), δ 2 ( αi ) = δ 2 ( α f ) − δ 3 ( α f ), δ 3 ( α i ) = −δ 3 ( α f ), δ 4 ( αi ) = δ 1( α f )

α f = α i − δ 1 ( α i ) + δ 3 ( αi ) + δ 4 ( αi ) (3.1)

Before an impact, δ = 0 . Thus, we can consider angular velocity α

 − of the biped just before an
impact (that is final velocity α
 f of the single support motion) as a unique input parameter for the

impact matrix equation (1.6). If value α

 f is given, then, using the prescribed terminal configuration,

we can algebraically determine all five angular velocities just after impact using system (1.6). These
 i , δ l ( α i ) , (l = 1, ..., 4 ) also are those of the beginning of the next swing phase. So, using
velocities α

the prescribed initial, intermediate and terminal configurations, we can find polynomials (2.1), and
then, using equations (2.9), (2.11), the single support motion. At the end of this motion we calculate a
new angular velocity α
 f , etc.

Applying system (1.6) we can establish the linear relation between the terminal velocity (or α
and the initial velocity α  +)
 i (or α

 i = hα
f  + = hα
(or α  − ), α
 f = h −1α
 i = sα  − = h−1α
 i (α  + = sα
+) (3.2)

Here, h depends on the biped configuration at time T: h = h( α f ) ≠ 0 .

We shall call un , velocity α  + ) at the start of half step number n. Using expressions (2.12)
 i (or α

and (3.2), we can obtain the next value un +1 , which is the initial velocity α
 i for half step number n+1.

f 2 ( α f )s 2un2+1 − f 2 ( α i )un2 = F( α f ) (3.3)

Formula (3.3) gives the relation between values un and un +1
 F( α f ) + f 2 ( α i )un2  2

un +1 = p( un ) or un +1 =  (3.4)
 f 2 ( α f )s 2 

Thus, function (3.4) represents the evolution of the biped angular velocity α
 i from one half step to

another. Using this expression (3.4), we can construct in plane (un , un+1 ) the Poincaré return map

Let ue be the equilibrium point of transformation (3.4) – the fixed point of mapping (3.4). This

point is defined by the following equalities

 F( α f )  2

ue = p( ue ) or ue =  2  (3.5)
 f ( α f )s − f ( α i ) 
2 2

Thus, as in [27], we can conclude that a unique equilibrium ue exists, if and only if

F( α f )  f 2 ( α f )s 2 − f 2 ( α i ) > 0 .

The value ue yields a cyclic motion, which for us is the desired gait.

Using the same method, it is possible to analyze the case, when α D = α f . To obtain a more robust

configuration tracking we defined a non-zero interval α D , α f  with conditions (2.3). (Yes, dear

Yannick, it was previously reference to formula (2.4), (i.e. (10)), but in my opinion reference to
formula (2.3) is better. Ah! In this case OK, Dear Alexander, it is better)
3.2 Numerical Design of Periodic Gait

Here, we will consider RABBIT’s parameters [21, 23]. The lengths of the femurs and the tibias are
equal: 0.4 m. However, their masses are different: 8 kg, for the femur and 6 kg for the tibia. The length
of the trunk is 0.625 m and its mass equals 20 kg.
Let the following angles (in radians) be for the initial, intermediate and final configurations:

α i = 0.1571, α f = −0.3840, α D = −0.3389, δ 1 ( α int ) = 2.9285, δ 2 ( α int ) = 2.9322

δ 3 ( α int ) = 0.2722, δ 4 ( α int ) = 2.3996 , δ 2 ( α i ) = 2.6704, δ 2 ( α f ) = 3.2114 (3.6)

δ 1 ( α i ) = δ 4 ( α i ) = δ 1 ( α f ) = δ 4 ( α f ) = 2.9147, δ 3 ( αi ) = −δ 3 ( α f ) = −0.5411

These three configurations are represented by Fig. 2. Expressions (2.1), (2.3) for functions δ l ( α )

(l = 1,...,4 ) were designed with parameters (3.6). These functions δ l ( α ) (l = 1,...,4 ) are shown in

Fig. 4. The graphs of functions δ l ( α ) have a horizontal element because of conditions (2.3).
Using expressions (3.5), we calculated the cyclic regime for the configurations in (3.6) given above.
The angular velocity ue and the corresponding time Te of the cyclic motion are the following

 i = −1.4124s −1 ,
ue = α Te =0.5337 s (3.7)

The curves in Fig. 3 and Fig. 5 present respectively the evolution over time of angle α and of the
actuated joint angles δ l (l = 1, ..., 4 ) , for the found cyclic gait. In accordance with the conditions

(2.3), the curves of the actuated joint angles δ l become horizontal at the end of the swing phase.
Angle α decreases in a strictly monotonic manner during swing motion. A stick diagram of the cyclic
walking is presented in Fig. 6. ψ is the angle between the trunk and the horizontal axis. Fig. 7 shows
the cyclic gait in planes ( α ,σ ) , (ψ ,ψ ) . The curve in plane ( α ,σ ) is not closed, because α is the
angle between the tibia of the supporting leg and the vertical axis, and the legs swap their roles from
one half step to the next. The curve in plane (ψ ,ψ ) is of course closed. The torques

Γ l ( t ) (l = 1, ..., 4 ) for this cyclic gait are computed too. We have designed also the values of the
actuator angular velocities versus the torque values (using four gear actuator ratios equal to 50). These
values are compatible with RABBIT’s actuator characteristics [21, 23]. The numerical solution of
equations (1.1), (1.2) shows that the swing leg tip moves over the ground during the single support of
the cyclic gait (see Fig. 6), and the vertical component of the ground reaction in the stance leg is
directed upward. It follows from the solution of impact equations (1.3), (1.5) that after an impact, the
vertical velocity component of the rear leg tip is directed upwards, consequently, the rear leg rises.

4. Stability of the Cycle and Acceleration of the Convergence

In this section we will perform a numerical analysis with the Poincaré map to show that the cycle
constructed previously, is asymptotically orbitally stable with respect to nominal motion. Our desired
gait on a planar surface is periodic. In order to accelerate the convergence to the desired cyclic gait we
will test two strategies: varying the trunk inclination or the step length from one half step to the next.
As a result of speeding up the convergence to the cycle, our biped's behavior will become more
4.1 Stability of the Periodic Gait

Using the numerically constructed graph of function (3.4) shown in Fig. 8, we can find its
intersection with the quadrant bisector and we name this the equilibrium point ue (−1.4124 s-1, see

(3.7)) for periodic motion and thus, verify whether this motion is stable. The point ue in the Poincaré

map in Fig. 8 is asymptotically stable. However, when the initial velocity α

 i surpasses −1.05 s -1 , the
 becomes positive during the swing motion. Then, the angle α increases and the
angular velocity α
biped moves back to its initial configuration. This means that the absolute value of the initial angular
 i < −2.75 s −1 , the vertical component of the ground
momentum is not sufficiently large. When α

reaction in the supporting leg becomes zero and the biped loses contact with the ground. This fact can
be established, using equations (1.1), (1.2). For the walking locomotion it is impossible to have the
supporting leg rise, thus, the attraction region of the equilibrium point in the Poincaré map is
−2.75 s −1 < α
 i < −1.05 s −1 (4.1)

The equilibrium ue is asymptotically stable point of transformation (3.4). Appendix 4 shows that

the cyclic motion of the biped corresponding to this point is asymptotically stable as well.
As displayed in Fig. 8, the transitional process converges to the point (ue , ue ) monotonically, but

“slowly”, because the curve of function (3.4) is “close” to the bisector of the quadrant.
Let us assume that either the current biped’s configuration or its angular velocities at the start of the
swing phase do not coincide with desired one. To correct this, we compute the polynomials to connect
both the current initial configuration and the velocities, with the desired terminal configuration. In this
manner, the biped configuration becomes desired one to the end of the single support. Afterwards, the
motion converges to the desired periodic gait asymptotically.
4.2 Acceleration of the Convergence to the Cycle by Correction of the Torso

In an effort to accelerate the convergence to a cyclic regime, first, we use a parameter defined by the
angle δ 2 ( α f ) , which is equal to the inclination of the trunk at the end of the swing phase. Then, we

will vary this parameter from one half step to the next half step in function of the initial angular
velocity un and the initial trunk inclination δ 2 ( α i ) .

Let us denote by ξ n the angle of the torso inclination δ 2 ( α i ) at the start of half step number n, and

by vn the angle of the torso inclination δ 2 ( α f ) at the end of the same half step. The following relation

exits between ξ n and vn −1 (see the second expression of (3.1))

ξ n = vn−1 − δ 3 ( α f )

because at the instant of impact, the biped configuration does not change. However the legs exchange
their role after an impact, but δ 2 remains the angle between the supporting leg and the trunk. We

assume here that δ 3 ( α f ) = const during the walking.

We now want to see what influence varying the initial and final torso inclinations will have on
parameter un +1 . Let us consider the following function instead of function (3.4):

un +1 = f ( un , ξ n , vn ) = q( un , vn −1 , vn ) (4.2)

If variables vn −1 and vn are equal to their nominal values vn −1 = vn = ve = 3.2114 (see (3.6)), then

functions (3.4) and (4.2) coincide i.e., q( un , ve , ve ) ≡ p( un ) . The curve of this function is presented in

Fig. 8. The curve of function (4.2) is constructed numerically in Fig. 9, with

un = ue = −1.4124 s -1 =const (see (3.7)) and vn = ve = 3.2114 =const. The curve of function (4.2) is

constructed in Fig. 10, with un = ue = −1.4124 s -1 =const and vn −1 = ve = 3.2114 . So, the curves

un +1 = q( ue , vn-1 , ve ) and un +1 = q( ue , ve , vn ) are shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 respectively.

Our numerical investigations show that when vn −1 > 3.7 ( δ 2 ( α i ) > 3.159 ), the angular variable α

first decreases and then, in the middle of the half step, starts to increase, but never reaches the given
value α D . The angular momentum σ and velocity α
 , which were negative, both become positive. The
biped initially moves forward, and then back to its initial configuration. When vn −1 < 2.23

( δ 2 ( α i ) < 1.69 ), function f ( α ) becomes zero for a certain value α after the beginning of the step. If

f ( α ) attains 0 , the angular velocity α

 tends to −∞ . This means that solving system (2.9), (2.11) can
 becomes −∞ . The inequality δ 2 ( α i ) < 1.69 indicates that
not be prolonged after the instant when α

initially the trunk is leaning far too forward. When this is the case and because of functions (2.1),
(2.3), (2.4) with the indicated values δ 2 ( α i ) , the biped cannot take a step.

Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 show that the trunk inclinations vn −1 and vn influence the velocity un +1 . The

curves in the Fig. 8 − Fig. 10 allow us to formulate a linear approximation of the function (4.2) in a
domain around the equilibrium point (ue , ve , ve ) ,

∆un +1 = a∆un + b∆vn −1+c∆vn ( ∆un = un − ue , ∆vn −1 = vn −1 − ve , ∆vn = vn − ve ) (4.3)

Fig. 8 produces the value a = 0.70 ; Fig. 9, the value b = 0.80 s −1 ; Fig. 10, the value c = 0.577s −1 .
(Note that a is smaller than one.)
Now we will try to accelerate the convergence, using the following linear corrector:

∆vn = d ∆un + g ∆vn −1 ( vn = ve + d( un − ue ) + g( vn −1 − ve ) ) (4.4)

We will calculate constant values for feedback gains d and g. Relation (4.4) shows that the desired
trunk inclination at the end of the swing phase needs to be changed. The new final trunk inclination is
a linear function of the deviations of the velocity α
 i and the trunk inclination δ 2 ( α i ) at the start of the

same swing phase. Therefore the polynomial function δ 2 ( α ) changes at each step with a new initial

value, a new final value and a new ratio δ 2 ( α i ) α

 i , while the intermediate value δ 2 ( α int ) does not.

We can consider (4.3), (4.4) as a system of difference equations. This system can be reduced to the
following difference equation
∆un + 2 − ( a + cd + g )∆un +1 + ( ag − bd )∆un = 0 (4.5)

Let us choose the coefficients d and g of the corrector to satisfy the following algebraic equations
cd + g + a = 0, ag − bd = 0

Solving these equations relative to the gains d and g, we obtain the formulas:
d = − a 2 ( ac + b ) , g = − ab ( ac + b ) (4.6)
Using the coefficients in (4.6), the eigenvalues of the difference equation (4.5) (or of system (4.3),
(4.4)) become equal to zero and solving this equation two steps beyond any of the initial conditions
produces a solution zero. It is obvious that both deviations ∆un and ∆vn become zero after two steps.

Using the values a, b, c, given above, we find from (4.6) the feedback gains of d = −0.4 s , and
g = −0.4652 . Substituting expression (4.4) into formula (4.2), we obtain the following nonlinear

un +1 = q [un , vn-1 , ve + d (un − ue ) + g( vn −1 − ve )] (4.7)

Let the initial conditions be the following: u0 = −1.7 s −1 and v0 = ve = 3.2114 . The two piecewise

constant curves obtained under these conditions in plane (n, un ) are shown in Fig. 11. The first curve

presents the transitional process described by function (3.4) without any corrector. The second curve
presents the transitional process described by function (4.7) with a corrector (4.4). The transitional
process converges to the equilibrium ue much faster with a corrector. Thus, the torso orientation is an

efficient parameter for controlling the biped’s motion.

The attraction region of the equilibrium point for the system with a corrector (4.4) is the following:
−1.73 s −1 < α
 i < −1.05 s −1 (4.8)

This region is smaller than the attraction region for the system without a corrector (see inequalities
(4.1) in Section 4.1). The lower limitation is due to the fact that the vertical component of the ground
reaction becomes null.
In our study, we used a dead-beat corrector (the poles are at the origin) with coefficients (4.6) to
demonstrate the idea of convergence acceleration. It would, of course, be possible to apply a different
4.3 Acceleration of the Convergence to the Cycle by Correction of the Step Length

Here we are going to try to speed up the convergence to the cyclic regime, using the parameter
δ 3 ( α f ) , the angle between the femurs. Angle δ 2 ( α f ) will remain constant during all the walking

phases. And if angles δ 1 ( α f ) , δ 4 ( α f ) are also kept constant, angle δ 3 ( α f ) is directly dependent on

step length.
Let us denote by ζ n the angle δ 3 ( α i ) between the femurs at the start of half step number n, and, by

wn , the angle δ 3 ( α f ) between the femurs at the end of the same half step. This gives us the following

relation between ζ n and wn −1 (see the third expression of (3.1))

ζ n = − wn−1 ,

because during the impact, the biped configuration does not change. The biped's legs do change their
role after an impact, but angle δ 3 is measured from the supporting leg. As we did when adjusting

torso inclination, we will now look at what happens to parameter un +1 when the initial and final step

lengths are varied. To start we will take a function similar to (4.2):

un +1 = ϕ ( un , ζ n , wn ) = r( un , wn −1 , wn ) (4.9)

If variables wn −1 and wn are equal to their nominal values wn −1 = wn = we = 0.5411 (see (3.6)), then

functions (3.4) and (4.9) coincide, i.e.: r( un , we , we ) ≡ p( un ) . This function is presented graphically

in Fig. 8. Function (4.9) with un = ue = −1.4124 s -1 =const (see (3.7)) and wn = we = 0.5411 =const,

(reducing to un +1 = r( ue , wn-1 , we ) ) is constructed numerically in Fig. 12. Function (4.9) with

un = ue = −1.4124 s -1 =const and wn −1 = we = 0.5411 (reducing to un +1 = r( ue , we , wn ) ) is shown

graphically in Fig. 13. Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 clearly display the influence of step length on the velocity
un +1 .

The curves in Fig. 8, Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 allow us to design a linear approximation of function (4.9)
in a domain around the equilibrium point (ue , we , we ) similar to approximation (4.3)

∆un +1 = a∆un + b∆ wn −1+c∆ wn ( ∆un = un − ue , ∆ wn −1 = wn −1 − we , ∆ wn = wn − we ) (4.10)

The values a = 0.70 (see above), b = −0.1522 s −1 and c = −2.70 s −1 can be calculated using Fig. 8,
Fig. 12, and Fig. 13 respectively.
Now we can speed up the convergence using a linear corrector similar to (4.4):

∆ wn = d ∆un + g ∆ wn−1 ( wn = we + d( un − ue ) + g( wn −1 − we ) ) (4.11)

where the feedback gains d and g have constant values. Relation (4.11) implies that we change the
desired step length at the end of each swing phase. The new step length is a linear function of the
deviations in velocity α
 i and pace length δ 3 ( α i ) , at the start of the same swing phase. The polynomial

function δ 3 ( α ) changes at each step, taking on a new initial value, a new final value and a new ratio

δ 3 ( α i ) α
 i , while the intermediate value δ 3 ( α int ) remains unchanged.

System (4.10), (4.11) of difference equations can be reduced to one difference equation similar to
(4.5). Using the values a, b, c, calculated above and computing the feedback gains d and g in
accordance to formulas (4.6), we find d = 0.2196 s , g = −0.052 . Substituting expression (4.11) into
formula (4.9), we obtain the following nonlinear transformation:

un +1 = q [un , wn-1 , we + d (un − ue ) + g( wn −1 − we )] (4.12)

If we set the following initial conditions, u0 = −1.7 s −1 and w0 = we = 0.5411 , the two piecewise

constant curves generated in plane (n, un ) can be seen in Fig. 14. The first curve presents the

transitional process described by function (3.4) without a corrector. The second curve presents the
transitional process described by function (4.12) with a corrector (4.11). We can note that when the
corrector is applied, the transitional process converges more rapidly to equilibrium ue . Thus, as in the

case of the torso inclination corrector where results were similar, we can see that step length is an
efficient parameter for controlling the biped's motion.
The attraction region of the equilibrium point for the system with a corrector (4.11) is the
−2.1 s −1 < α
 i < −1.05 s −1 (4.13)

This region is slightly smaller than the attraction region for the system without a corrector (see
inequalities (4.1) in Section 4.1).

5. Tracking of the Reference Trajectory

Our five-link footless biped (see Fig. 1) in the swing phase is a mechanism with five degrees of
freedom (as long as contact between the support and stance leg tip is modeled as a pivot). The five
independent angles δ 1 , δ 2 , δ 3 , δ 4 , α can be used to describe its motion. If we exclude the ground

reaction applied to the stance leg tip from the system (1.1), (1.2), we can describe the single support
motion phase with a system of five scalar differential equations, each of a second order. This system
can be written in the following well-known matrix form:
B( δ )q + K( q,q ) = E Γ (5.1)

Here B( δ ) is a 5 × 5 symmetric matrix; K( q,q

 ) is a 5 × 1 vector; E is a 5 × 4 fixed rank 4 matrix
consisting of zeros and units.
We can present system (5.1) in the following way: the first four scalar motion equations contain the
inter-link control torques; the fifth scalar equation, expressing the angular momentum theorem, does
not contain these torques. It contains only the torque of gravity force. Thus, it is possible to express
system (5.1) so that E = . Here E4 is a 4 × 4 non-singular matrix.

The angular momentum σ is described by expression (2.6). If δ = δ ( α ) is the given vector-

function, then the momentum σ can be expressed by equation (2.7) with the function f ( α ) given in

formula (2.8). If f ( α ) ≠ 0 in segment α i , α D  , then differentiating expression (2.9), we can

calculate the second derivative α

d  σ  σ f ( α ) − σ f ( α ) − Mg [ xC ( δ ,α ) − xS ] f ( α ) − σ f ( α )α


   = = . (5.2)
dt  f ( α )  f (α )
f (α )

Here instead of σ we used the expression − Mg [ xC ( δ ,α ) − xS ] (see (2.10)).

The derivative α (5.2) is a function of the variables α, α and of the vector d, which is formed by
the biped parameters and the coefficients of the polynomials (2.1). We can now substitute the
polynomials (2.1) and this second derivative (5.2) in expressions (2.2) for derivatives

δ l (l = 1, ..., 4 ) . This allows us to calculate derivatives 
δ l (l = 1, ..., 4 ) as functions of variables α,
α and d. Then, we can substitute the expressions obtained for the derivatives α and

δ l (l = 1, ..., 4 ) in the first four scalar equations of system (5.1). We substitute also in these four

equations instead of δ , δ expressions (2.1) − (2.3) via α and α . The matrix E4 is non-singular.

Therefore, the four inter-link torques seen in these four scalar equations are defined as functions of
variables α, α and vector d

Γ = Γ ( α ,α
 ,d ) (5.3)
So far we have not described an explicit form of control (5.3). We have only considered how to
calculate the torque control at each instant in time. To implement computed torque control (5.3) we
need to measure angle α and angular velocity α . We also need sensors to measure variables δ and δ ,
as they are necessary for calculating the coefficients of the polynomials (2.1) at the start of the single
support phase. A further advantage of measuring variables δ and δ , is that we can design new
polynomials (2.1) several times during one swing phase, each time using new polynomial coefficients
to compute the control (5.3). Such an approach helps compensate for disturbances encountered by the
biped during the single support phase. If measurements of variables δ , δ , α, α are made at each time
instant, control Γ can be calculated for each sampling period as defined above. In sum, we obtain the
feedback control Γ defined in function of variables δ , δ , α, α .
We have shown in previous sections that biped motion designed with computed polynomials
converges to a periodic regime asymptotically. When biped parameters are known perfectly, the
control (5.3) (or feedback control) ensures that the bipedal motion converges to a periodic regime as
We also can track the reference trajectory using classical computed torque control. This torque
control can be expressed by

δ = 
δ ( α ) − K p [δ − δ ( α )] − K v δ − δ ( α )

α + δ ′′( α )α 2 − K p [δ − δ ( α )] − K v δ − δ ′( α )α

= δ ′( α )   (5.4)

Here K p and K v are diagonal matrices of the feedback gains k pl and kvl (l = 1, ..., 4 ) , and δ ( α ) is

the vector-function 4 × 1 (consisting of the designed polynomials). These polynomials and function
f ( α ) are computed at the start of each single support motion, and they are not modified during this
motion. We substitute the second derivative α (5.2) in the expression (5.4) and in the first four scalar
equations of system (5.1). Then the vector Γ of the torques can be derived from these four equations
in the usual manner. The feedback gains k pl = 2000 s -2 and kvl = 90 s -1 (l = 1, ..., 4 ) were tested in

numerical experiments. In the Section 6, these experiments are presented for the case when trunk mass
is known with ±10% of accuracy.

6. Evaluation of Acceptable Perturbations in Initial Conditions and Parameters

In this section we will partially evaluate the robustness of our method of reference trajectory design
and of computed torque control (5.4).
Let us first consider cases when the initial configuration of the biped differs from the initial
configuration of the periodic regime. In the periodic regime, the distance dist between the leg tips at
the start of the single support equals 0.4248 m. In accordance with dist = (0.4248 ± 0.07 ⋅ 0.4248) m,
we will use the values dist = 0.4545m and dist = 0.3951m. For the case when dist = 0.4545 m, the
following values of the angles are used:
α i = 0.2373 , δ 1 ( α i ) = 3.0393 , δ 2 ( α i ) = 2.7147 , δ 3 ( α i ) = −0.5769 , δ 4 ( α i ) = 3.0393 . (6.1)

For the case when dist = 0.3951 m, the following values of the angles are used:
α i = 0.1024 , δ 1 ( α i ) = 2.8416 , δ 2 ( α i ) = 2.6519 , δ 3 ( α i ) = −0.5049 , δ 4 ( α i ) = 2.8416 . (6.2)

In both cases, the reference motion converges to the periodic regime. In order to limit the number of
figures, the reference trajectories are only shown for conditions (6.1) (see Fig. 15). We also tested the
motions with the torso and the step length correctors, starting from initial positions (6.1) and (6.2).
Applying the correctors was found to produce faster convergence to a cyclic regime.
In the three cases (using the torso corrector, the step length corrector, or no corrector at all) the
acceptable errors in angular velocity α
 i are presented respectively by inequalities (4.8), (4.13) and

(4.1). The step to step transition processes for α

 i , with and without the correctors, are shown and

compared in Fig. 11 and Fig. 14. It follows from these figures and from Appendix 4 that the
corresponding reference trajectories converge to periodic trajectories.
Now let us investigate cases where errors in the initial angular trunk velocity are found. In our
periodic regime, the angular trunk velocity δ 2 ( α i ) equals −1.1628 s −1 . We are looking at two cases:

δ 2 ( α i ) = (−1.1628 ± 1.5 ⋅ 1.1628) s −1 = 0.5814 s −1 , −2.9070 s −1 . In both cases, the motion converges

to a periodic regime. We also tested the torso corrector and the step length corrector for both cases.
The cycles with the correctors were found to converge to the nominal regime faster.
Finally, let’s evaluate the robustness of the computed torque control using equations (5.4). We shall
assume that torque control Γ D is computed from model (5.1) with the “nominal” trunk mass
m3 = 20 kg and the “nominal” trunk inertia moment I 3 = 1.418 kg ⋅ m 2 (see Appendix 1). If we allow

±10% variations in these values we get the following parameters, m3 = ( 20 ± 2 ) kg and

I 3 = (1.418 ± 0.1418 ) kg ⋅ m 2 . Now we apply the same torque control Γ D (computed for “nominal”

parameter values) in both cases. Numerical experiments, for both cases show that each error

component ∆δ l (l = 1, ..., 4 ) occurs less than 10 −3 times during single support motion. Increasing

gains k pl and kvl (l = 1, ..., 4 ) , we can further decrease these errors.

7. Conclusion

We have studied a walking biped with a planar gait, which can be characterized by a swing phase
and an instantaneous double support phase. In the swing phase, our footless biped has five degrees of
freedom and only four drives. Thus, the system is under-actuated. The reference trajectory for each
driven inter-link angle in the swing phase is described by a polynomial function of the non-driven
variable of the biped, the stance leg ankle angle. If this angle changes in a strictly monotonic manner,
we can use it as an independent variable instead of time. This helps us to “reduce” the number of
dependent variables. Under this approach, our under-actuated system becomes like a system where the
number of the actuators equals the number of degrees of freedom. This is the principal advantage of
our approach relative to numerous other methods proposed in the past. Previous studies have used time
in designing the reference trajectory of bipeds (i.e. each driven inter-link angle is given as a function of
time). Because the ankle angle of the stance leg is not actuated and because disturbances may cause the
swing leg to touch the ground before or after the prescribed time, configuration errors at the start of the
next half step can occur. Our definition of the reference trajectory as a function of the non-driven inter-
link angle eliminates this problem.
The designed nominal reference trajectory (gait) evolves to a cyclic trajectory asymptotically. The
Poincaré return map method was used to generate this cyclic gait regime and show its stability. With
our approach we were able to use a one-dimensional Poincaré map.
Reference trajectories are always dependent on a desired final configuration i.e., for example, on a
final torso inclination and step length. We are able to accelerate convergence of the nominal reference
gait to the cyclic gait regime by varying these two configuration parameters. In both cases we
generated a correction law, where the parameter which changes is linearly dependent on its initial
deviation (in the initial configuration) and on the initial deviation of the angular velocity of the
supporting tibia. There is a clear relationship between our approach to cyclic gait stabilization and a
biomechanical approach. Should disturbances occur while a person walking, the natural reaction is to
compensate and this often means quite simply, advancing the leg a little more or less, a little faster or
slower, or perhaps bending forward or backward.
Our control strategy actually has two levels of “adaptation”. The goal of the first level is to speed
up the convergence of the nominal reference trajectory to the cyclic trajectory. The goal of the second

level is to track the reference trajectory. We have implemented computed torque control into this
tracking method. So far our control strategy has been shown to be effective tool for designing bipedal
walking locomotion. In the future, we hope to use the same approach and extend it to include a non-
instantaneous double support phase.
Appendix 1. Dynamic Model.
The matrices of the dynamic model (1.1), (1.2) are shown below. The indices i = 1 , i = 2 and i = 3
refer respectively to the shins, the femurs and the trunk. li equals the length of link i (i=1,2,3), mi

equals the mass of link i, I i is the moment of inertia of link i around the axis passing through its mass

center, si represents the distance between the mass center of link i and the corresponding joint (the hip

joint for the femurs). Using these definitions we have:

I 1 = 0.8784 kg ⋅ m 2 , I 2 = 0.8993 kg ⋅ m 2 , I 3 = 1.4180 kg ⋅ m 2 ,

l1 = l2 = 0.4 m , l3 = 0.625 m , s1 = 0.127 m , s2 = 0.163 m , s3 = 0.2 m ,

m1 = 3.2 kg , m2 = 6.8 kg , m3 = 20 kg .

The masses of the actuators and gears are taken into account in the masses of the biped links.
The symmetric matrix A(q) of the kinetic energy can be expressed as
2(m1+m2 ) + m3 0 a13 2(m1 s3 +m2 s3 )cos(−α +δ 1 − δ 2 ) a15 a16 a17
* 2(m1+m2 ) + m3 a23 a24 a25 a26 a27
* * a33 a34 a35 a36 a37
A( q ) = * * * I 3 +2(m2 +m1 )s32 a45 a46 a47
* * * * a55 a56 a57
* * * * * I 1+m1 s12 a67
* * * * * * a77

a33 = −2(m1l2s3+ m2s2s3)cos( δ 2 )−2m1l4s1cos( δ 4 )−2(m1s3l4+ m2s2s3)cos( δ 3 − δ 2 )

+2m1s1s3cos( δ 3 − δ 2 + δ 4 )+I1+2I2+ I3+2m2 s22 +2(m1+ m2) s32 +m1 l22 +m1 l42 +m1 s12 ;

a55 = I 1+I 2 +m2 s22 +m1l42 +m1 s12 − 2m1l4 s1cos( δ 4 ) ;

a77 = −2m1l4s1cos( δ 4 )−2(m1s3l4+m2s2s3)cos( δ 3 − δ 2 )+2m1s1s3cos( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 )

−2(m1l2s3+ m2s2s3)cos( δ 2 )−2m1l2s1cos( δ 1 )+2m1s1s3cos( δ 1 − δ 2 )

+2I1+2I2+I3+2m2 s22 +m1 l42 +2m1 s12 +2m2 s32 +2m1 s32 +m1 l22 ;

a13 = (m1l4+m2s2)cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 )−2(m1s3+m2s3)cos(− α + δ 1 − δ 2 )−m1s1cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )

+(m2s2+ m1l2)cos(− α + δ 1 );

a15 = −(m2s2+m1l4)cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 )+m1s1cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 );

a16 = m1s1cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 );

a17 = −(m2s2+ m1l4)cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 )+(2m2s3+2m1s3)cos(− α + δ 1 − δ 2 )+m1s1cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )

−(m2s2+m1l2)cos(− α + δ 1 )+m1s1cos( α );

a23 = (m2s2+m1l4)sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 )+2(m1s3+m2s3)sin(− α + δ 1 − δ 2 )−m1s1sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )

−(m1l2+ m2s2)sin(− α + δ 1 );

a24 = −2( m1s3+m2s3)sin(− α + δ 1 − δ 2 );

a25 = −(m1l4+m2s2)sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 )+m1s1sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 );

a26 = m1s1sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 );

a27 = −(m2s2+m1l4)sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 )−2(m2s3+m1s3)sin(− α + δ 1 − δ 2 )+(m1l2+m2s2)sin(− α + δ 1 )

+m1s1sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )+m1s1sin( α );

a34 = (m1s3l4+m2s2s3)cos( δ 3 − δ 2 )−m1s1s3cos( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 )+(m1l2s3+ m2s2s3)cos( δ 2 )−2(m1+m2) s32 −I3;

a35 = 2m1l4s1cos( δ 4 )+(m1s3l4+m2s2s3)cos( δ 3 − δ 2 )−m1s1s3cos( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 ) −I1−I2−m2 s22 −m1( s12 + l42 );

a36 = −I1−m1 s12 +m1l4s1cos( δ 4 ) −m1s1s3cos( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 );

a37 = 2m1l4s1cos( δ 4 )+2(m1s3l4+m2s2s3)cos( δ 3 − δ 2 )−2m1s1s3cos( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 )

+2(m1l2s3+m2s2s3)cos( δ 2 )+m1l2s1cos( δ 1 )−m1s1s3cos( δ 1 − δ 2 )

−I1−2I2−I3−m1 s12 −m1 l42 −m1 s12 −2 m2 ( s22 + s32 )−m1 l22 ;

a45 = −(m2s2s3+m1s3l4)cos( δ 3 − δ 2 )+m1s1s3cos( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 );

a46 = m1s1s3cos( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 );

a47 = I3+2(m1+m2) s32 −(m1s3l4+m2s2s3)cos( δ 3 − δ 2 )+m1s1s3cos( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 )

−(m1l2s3+ m2s2s3)cos( δ 2 )+m1s1s3cos( δ 1 − δ 2 );

a56 = I1+m1 s12 −m1l4s1cos( δ 4 );

a57 = −2m1l4s1cos( δ 4 )−(m1s3l4+m2s2s3)cos( δ 3 − δ 2 )

+m1s1s3cos( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 )+I1+I2+m2 s22 +m1 l42 +m1 s12 ;

a67 = I1−m1l4s1cos( δ 4 )+m1 s12 +m1s1s3cos( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 );

 ) = h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , h6 , h7
H( q,q


 − δ 1 )(m2s2+m1l2) sin(− α + δ 1 )+( δ 1 − δ 3 − α
h1 = ( α  )2(m2s2+m1l4)sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 )−m1s1sin( α ) α

 − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )2 sin( α - δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )+2s3( α
−m1s1 ( α  − δ 1 + δ 2 )2(m2+m1) sin(− α + δ 1 − δ 2 );

 − δ 1 )2(m2s2+m1l2) cos(−α + δ 1 )−( α

h2 = − ( α  − δ 1 + δ 3 )2(m2s2+m1l4)cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 ) −m1s1cos( α ) α

 − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )2cos( α - δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )+2s3(− δ 2 − α
+m1s1( α  + δ 1 )2(m2+m1) sin(− α + δ 1 − δ 2 );

h3 = m1s1 l4 δ 4 (2 δ 1 −2 δ 3 − δ 4 −2 α
 ) sin( δ 4 )− δ 2 s3(m2s2+m1l2)( δ 2 +2 α
 −2 δ 1 sin( δ 2 )

+s3(m1l4+m2s2)( δ 2 − δ 3 )( δ 2 −2 δ 1 +2 α
 + δ 3 ) sin( δ 3 − δ 2 )

−s3m1s1(− δ 3 + δ 2 − δ 4 )( δ 2 +2 α −2 δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 ) sin( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 )

−m1s1 α
 2 l2sin( δ 1 )+m1s1 s3 α
 2 sin( δ 1 − δ 2 );

h4 = −s3( δ 1 - α )2(s2m2+m1l2) sin( δ 2 )+s3(− δ 3 − α + δ 1 )2 (m1l4+s2m2) sin( δ 3 − δ 2 )

−m1s3s1(− δ 4 + δ 1 − δ 3 − α )2sin( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 )−s3 α

 2 m1s1sin( δ 1 − δ 2 );

h5 = −m1l4s1 δ 4 (−2 α +2 δ 1 −2 δ 3 − δ 4 ) sin( δ 4 )−s3( α − δ 1 + δ 2 )2(s2m2+m1l4) sin( δ 3 − δ 2 )

+s3m1s1(− δ 2 − α + δ 1 )2 sin( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 );

h6 = −m1s1l4( δ 1 − δ 3 − α )2 sin( δ 4 )+m1s1s3( δ 1 − δ 2 − α )2 sin( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 );

h7 = −m1l4s1 δ 4 (− δ 4 +2 δ 1 -2 α −2 δ 3 ) sin( δ 4 )−s3(m2s2+m1l2) δ 2 (− δ 2 −2 α +2 δ 1 ) sin( δ 2 )

− (− δ 3 + δ 2 )( δ 2 −2 δ 1 +2 α + δ 3 )(m1l4+s2m2) s3 sin( δ 3 − δ 2 )

+m1 l2s1 δ 1 (− δ 1 +2 α ) sin( δ 1 )+m1 s3s1( δ 1 − δ 2 )( δ 1 − δ 2 −2 α ) sin( δ 1 − δ 2 )

−m1 s3s1( δ 2 − δ 4 − δ 3 )(− δ 2 −2 α +2 δ 1 − δ 3 − δ 4 ) sin( δ 3 + δ 4 − δ 2 );

0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 d131 d132 d 231 d 232
D= 0 1 0 0 ; D1 ( q ) = d141 d142 ; D2 ( q ) = d 241 d 242 ;
0 0 1 0 0 0 d 251 d 252
0 0 0 1 0 0 d 261 d 262
0 0 0 0 d171 d172 d 271 d 272

d131 =l2 cos(−α +δ 1 )-s3 cos( −α +δ 1 − δ 2 ) ; d132 = −l2sin(−α +δ 1 )+s3sin(−α +δ 1 − δ 2 ) ;

d141 =s3 cos( −α +δ 1 − δ 2 ) ; d142 = − s3sin(−α +δ 1 − δ 2 ) ;

d171 =l1cos(α )-l2 cos(−α +δ 1 )+s3 cos(−α +δ 1 − δ 2 ) ; d172 =l1sin(α )+l2 sin(−α +δ 1 ) − s3sin(−α +δ 1 − δ 2 ) ;

d 231 = −l5cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )+l4cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 )−s3cos(− α + δ 1 − δ 2 );

d 232 = −l5sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )+l4sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 )+s3sin(− α + δ 1 − δ 2 );

d 241 =s3cos(−α +δ 1 − δ 2 ) ; d 242 = − s3sin(−α +δ 1 − δ 2 ) ;

d 251 =l5 cos(α − δ 1+δ 3 +δ 4 )-l4 cos(α − δ 1+δ 3 ) ; d 252 =l5sin(α − δ 1+δ 3 +δ 4 )-l4 sin(α − δ 1+δ 3 ) ;

d 261 =l5 cos(α − δ 1+δ 3 +δ 4 ) ; d 262 =l5sin(α − δ 1 +δ 3 +δ 4 ) ;

d 271 = l5cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )−l4cos( α − δ 1 + δ 3 )+s3cos(− α + δ 1 − δ 2 );

d 272 = l5sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 + δ 4 )−l4sin( α − δ 1 + δ 3 )−s3sin(− α + δ 1 − δ 2 );

−l2 ( δ 1 − α
 )2sin( −α +δ 1 )+s3 ( α − δ 1+δ 2 )2sin(−α +δ 1 − δ 2 ) − l1α 2sin(α )
H 1 ( q,q
−l2 ( δ 1 − α
 )2sin( −α +δ 1 ) + s3 ( α − δ 1+δ 2 )2 cos(−α +δ 1 − δ 2 ) + l1α 2 cos(α )

 − δ 1+δ 3 )2sin(α − δ 1+δ 3 ) − l5 (α − δ 1 +δ 3 +δ 4 )2sin(α − δ 1+δ 3 +δ 4 )

l4 ( α
+s (α3
 − δ +δ )2 )sin(−α +δ − δ )
1 2 1 2

H 2 ( q,q
-l4( − δ 3 − α
 +δ 1 )2 cos(α − δ 1+δ 3 ) + l5 ( α
 − δ 1+δ 3 +δ 4 )2 cos(α − δ 1+δ 3 +δ 4 )
 − δ +δ )2 cos(−α +δ − δ )
+s ( α
3 1 2 1 2

Appendix 2. Uniqueness of the solution of the system (1.3), (1.5).

If we consider only the two first lines of matrices Dk ( q ) (k=1, 2) (see Appendix 1), it is apparent

that the columns of each matrix Dk ( q ) are linearly independent for any configuration q.

Eqs. (1.3), (1.5) can be rewritten in the following form:

 + − D ( q( T ))I = A( q( T ))X
A( q( T ))X −  + =0
D k∗ ( q( T ))X
k Rk

The matrix of this linear system is given by

A( q( T )) − Dk ( q(T ))
M ( q( T )) = ∗
Dk ( q( T )) 0

The determinant of this matrix M(q) can be easily calculated [31]

A( q ) − Dk ( q ) ∗
det M ( q ) = det ∗
= det A( q )det  Dk ( q )A−1 ( q )Dk ( q )
Dk ( q ) 0

The symmetrical matrix A(q) is positive definite: A(q)>0. Therefore, it is non-singular. The ( 2 × 2 )
matrix D k∗ ( q )A − 1 ( q )D k ( q ) > 0 as well, because A − 1 ( q ) > 0 and because the columns of matrix

D j ( q ) are linearly independent. As a result we can deduce that det M ( q ) ≠ 0 for any configuration q.

Appendix 3. Ground reaction I Ry is positive

 + from equation (1.3)

We can find vector X
 + = A−1 ( q )D ( q )I + X
X −
k Rk

We shall substitute the variable q for q(T), thus equation (1.5) can be expressed as:
D k∗ ( q )A − 1 ( q )D k ( q )I Rk = - D k∗ ( q ) X

It follows here from that

I Rk =  D k∗ ( q )A −1 ( q )D k ( q )   −
 - D k ( q )X 

Matrix D k∗ ( q )A − 1 ( q )D k ( q ) > 0 (see Appendix 2), consequently  D k∗ ( q )A − 1 ( q )D k ( q )  > 0 as

 − is the horizontal component of the

well. The first element of the ( 2 × 1 ) matrix-column D k∗ ( q ) X

fore leg tip velocity; the second element of this column is the vertical component of this velocity. We
can thus see that when the fore leg tip velocity is directed exactly downwards, the first element will
equal zero and the second element will be negative. From this relationship we can state that I Ryk > 0 .

Appendix 4. Stability of the cyclic motion.

Let us assume that every solution of system (2.9), (2.11) (for given values (2.5) and conditions
(2.4)) depends continuously on velocity α
 i and time t in some neighborhood of the nominal velocity

ue . The coefficients of the polynomials (2.1) are also continuously dependent on this velocity.

Therefore, a solution X ( α
 i ,t ) of the system (1.1), (1.2) is a continuous function of the velocity α
 i and

time t for this neighborhood of the nominal velocity. The ordinate y of the swing leg tip is a
continuous function, y = y( α
 i ,t ) , of velocity α
 i and time t as well. It is clear that y( ue ,Te ) = 0 .

Consider now the following equation

y( α
 i ,T ) = 0 (**)

Here T is the time, when the swing leg tip hits the ground. Assume that there are both continuous
partial derivatives ∂y ∂ α
 i and ∂y ∂ T in the neighborhood of the point ue ,Te . The vector of the swing

leg tip velocity is directed strictly downwards just before the instant Te (this vector is not tangential to

the ground surface). This means that ∂y ∂ T < 0 for α

 i = ue , T = Te . Using the well-known implicit

function theorem, we conclude from (**) that in a neighborhood of the point ue ,Te , the continuous

function T = T( α
 i ) exists such that Te = T( ue ) . Finally, if α
 i → ue , then T( α i ) → Te and

X (α
 i ,t ) → X ( ue ,t ) uniformly for any time t. Thus we can affirm that the cyclic motion is

asymptotically orbitally stable.


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List of captions
Fig. 1. The biped.
Fig. 2. The biped's given initial, intermediate and final configurations.
Fig. 3. Non-actuated ankle angle α ( t ) for the periodic gait.

Fig. 4. Actuated joint angles δ l ( α ) (l = 1, ..., 4 ) for the periodic regime.

Fig. 5. Actuated joint angles δ l ( t ) (l = 1, ..., 4 ) for the periodic gait.

Fig. 6. Graph of periodic walking as a sequence of stick figures.

Fig. 7. The periodic gait in planes (α ,σ ) and (ψ , ψ


Fig. 8. The Poincaré return map un + 1 = p( un ) (3.4).

Fig. 9. Function un + 1 = q(ue , vn-1 , ve ) .

Fig. 10. Function un + 1 = q(ue , ve , vn ) .

Fig. 11. Transitional processes in plane ( n, un ) with and without torso orientation correction.

Fig. 12. Function un + 1 = r (ue , wn −1 , we ) .

Fig. 13. Function un + 1 = r (ue , we , wn ) .

Fig. 14. Transitional processes in plane ( n, un ) with and without step length correction.

Fig. 15. Graphs of joint angles δ l ( t ) (l = 1, ..., 4 ) under conditions (6.1) without a corrector.

( x, y )

δ2 Γ 2 , Γ3

δ4 Γ4
δ1 Γ1
y −α

x S R1

Fig. 1. The biped






0 m 0.5

Fig. 2. The biped's given initial, intermediate and final configurations.

α( t )


Fig. 3. Non-actuated ankle angle α ( t ) for the periodic gait.

δ 1( α ) δ 2(α )

α α

δ 3(α ) δ4(α )

α α

Fig. 4. Actuated joint angles δ l ( α ) (l = 1, ..., 4 ) for the periodic gait.

δ 1( t ) δ 2( t )

t t
s s

δ3( t ) δ4( t )

t t
s s

Fig. 5. Actuated joint angles δ l ( t ) (l = 1, ...,4 ) for the periodic gait.





-0.5 0 0.5
Fig. 6. Graph of periodic walking as a sequence of stick figures.

(α , σ )

σ Kg m 2 s −1

(ψ ,ψ )

ψ s-1

Fig. 7. The periodic gait in planes (α ,σ ) and (ψ , ψ



u n + 1 s −1


un − 2 un −1 un un +1 un + k ue s-1

Fig. 8. The Poincaré return map un + 1 = p( un ) (3.4).

un+1 s-1



Fig. 9. Function un + 1 = q(ue , vn-1 , ve ) .

un+1 s-1


ve vn

Fig. 10. Function un + 1 = q(ue , ve , vn ) .

un s-1 with the torso orientation corrector


without corrector

Fig. 11. Transitional processes in plane ( n, un ) with and without torso orientation correction.

un+1 s-1


we wn-1

Fig. 12. Function un + 1 = r (ue , wn −1 , we ) .

un+1 s


we wn

Fig. 13. Function un + 1 = r ( ue ,we , wn ) .

un with the pace length corrector
s −1

without corrector

Fig. 14. Transitional processes in plane ( n, un ) with and without step length correction.

δ 1( t ) δ 2( t )

t t
s s

δ3( t ) δ4( t )

t t
s s

Fig. 15. Graphs of joint angles δ l ( t ) (l = 1, ..., 4 ) under conditions (6.1) without a corrector.


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