Course Overview: 440:221 Intro To Engineering Mechanics: Statics

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440:221 Intro to Engineering Mechanics: Statics

Alberto Cuitino, Heather Emady, Sara Salahi, Bereket Yohannes Instructors Juan Ren, Jingjin Xie

Course Overview
Spring 2014


Based on Textbook Material: Engineering Mechanics Statics, R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson 2013.

440:221 Lectures

Main communication via Sakai Site is up: 14:440:221 -- Sp14

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

Learning Strategy
Integrated lectures/recitations/Hw Individual based online learning tools Targeted support from TAs

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

Introduce topics Provide fundamental theoretical background Provide problem solution approach

Provide solution of representative problems Address questions for problem solution

Office Hours
Address additional questions (not a problem solution session).

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures


School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures


School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

The grading percentage breakdown for this course is: HW 20%
Homework is to be done at:

Exam 1 Exam 2 Final Exam Extra Credit Pre-assessment test: Post-assessment test:

20% 20% 40%

2.5% 2.5%

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

Academic Integrity (

Level Non-Separable Sample of Violations
Unpremeditated cheating on a quiz or minor examination Unauthorized collaboration with another student on a homework assignment. Making up a small number of data points on a laboratory exercise. Signing in for another student via attendance sheet or clicker in a course in which attendance counts toward the grade.

Potential Sanctions
Required participation in a noncredit workshop or seminar on ethics of academic integrity. An assigned paper or research project related to ethics or academic integrity. A make-up assignment that may be more difficult than the original assignment. No credit for the original assignment. A failing grade on the assignment. A failing grade for the course. Disciplinary warning or probation.

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

Academic Integrity (

Level Separable Sample of Violations
A second nonseparable violation. Substantial plagiarism on a major assignment. Disciplinary probation. Copying or using unauthorized materials, devices, or collaboration on a major exam. Having a substitute take an examination. Making up or falsifying evidence or data or other source materials for a major assignment, including falsification by selectively omitting or altering data that do not support ones claims or conclusions. Facilitating dishonesty by another student on a major exam or assignment. Intentionally destroying or obstructing another students work. Knowingly violating research or professional ethics. Any violation involving potentially criminal activity. Denial of access to internships or research programs. Loss of appointment to academicallybased positions. Removal of fellowship or assistantship support. Suspension for one or more semesters. Dismissal from a graduate or professional program. Permanent expulsion from the University with a permanent notation of disciplinary expulsion on the students 9 transcript. Dismissal from a departmental or school honors program.

Potential Sanctions
A grade of XF (disciplinary F) for the course.

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

Textbook ++

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

Mastering Engineering

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

HW policy: Late hw will receive no credit 85% of hw points will earn 100% of the hw grade --which is 20% of the total grade All hw is in MasteringEngineering Hints are free!! Number of attempts = 6 (except for multiple choice) Each attempt costs 3% off. Responses will be given immediately after you complete the assignment.

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

Class Structure
Lecture B Unit 1 Hw 1

Wednesday (AM)
Lecture A Unit 1

Monday (AM)

Thursday (PM)
Recitation Unit 1

Sunday Midnight (11:59PM)

Lecture B Unit 2

Hw 2

Wednesday (PM)
Lecture A Unit 2


Thursday (PM)
Recitation Unit 2

Sunday Midnight (11:59PM)

School of Engineering Spring 2014

Lecture B Unit 3

440:221 Lectures

Lectures (check Sakai for updates)

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

Recitations (check Sakai for updates)

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

Homework Schedule (check Sakai for updates)

School of Engineering Spring 2014

440:221 Lectures

Exam Schedule (check Sakai for updates)

School of Engineering Spring 2014

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