Kin 484 Learning Contract 1

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Learning Contract

General Information
● Name: Amanda Menard
● Internship hours: 32 Hours Per Week
● Internship Placement: Northern Rhode Island Physical Therapy, Greenville RI
● Internship Supervisor: Kyle Lacasse, DPT
● Internship Job Title: Physical Therapy Aide

● The internship came about from an email that was sent to the kinesiology
internship coordinator, Rick Armstrong. Kyle Lacasse, DPT from Northern Rhode
Island Physical Therapy had contacted URI in regards to finding an intern to work
at their outpatient clinic. This information was passed along to me via Rick
Armstrong. I emailed Kyle Lacasse, and was offered the internship for the spring
● I chose this internship because it looked like a great opportunity to learn about
the physical therapy field. I am very interested in the outpatient setting, which
would be provided at this clinic. My supervisor is also a recent URI graduate of
the doctorate of physical therapy program, and would be able to offer great
insight and advice, as well as potential connections within the field. The patient
reviews for the clinic were also very positive regarding the therapists and the

Professional Objectives With Activities / Resources, and Evidence

● Gain knowledge on specific methods of treatment for certain diagnoses, the
plans and goals to be developed for each patient, and why this treatment plan
was chosen as the preferred course of action
○ Activities/resources: Observe patients with various injuries, and learn how
each therapist approaches treatment. Learn which exercises they have
chosen to correspond with each type of injury. This will be done initially by
close observation with the therapists. I will later implement this personally
by leading patients in exercises for their various injuries.
○ Evidence: track patients’ progress in portfolio. Take note of the initial
exercises chosen by the therapist, how the exercises may change and
progress over the course of their treatment, and how and why these
specific methods were effective.
● Better understand the short and long term benefits of laser therapy
○ Activities/resources: Gather information on the specific modality from the
therapists that choose it for their treatment plan. Ask if it is used for all
patients, or what instances factor into its use. Ask the patient for their
thoughts on its effectiveness, how they feel before and after treatment
○ Evidence: present in portfolio the positives and negatives given by both
the therapists and patients about this modality, as well as the objective
information about the benefits of its use.
● Learn the varying preferred treatment methods used by each of the therapists at
the clinic, and their specific reasons for choosing them.
○ Activities/resources: Observe each of the therapists and learn the
methods that they prefer to use. Research the effectiveness of these
methods, and personally ask therapists’ reasonings. Take note of the
most popular treatment plans.
○ Evidence: Take note in portfolio the various methods used by therapists,
and why they were chosen, or omitted by other therapists, for their
treatment plan. Also take note of the most popular methods, used by the
most therapists.
● Gain knowledge on the various modalities used for treatment, what they are and
how they’re used, as well as their benefits.
○ Activities/resources: Observe these machines being used. Become
familiar with the different equipment: electric stimulation, laser, and
ultrasound. Research benefits. Get reports from patients on how the use
of each of these modalities affects their rehabilitation.
○ Evidence: Present findings in portfolio on the benefits of each modality.
Also present patients’ opinions on these methods regarding their
helpfulness in correspondence with the success of their rehabilitation.
● Learn the best ways to approach different patients with varying levels of abilities,
confidence, and physical and emotional strength.
○ Activities/resources: Observe how the physical therapists interact with
various patients. Develop a professional manner of speaking to patients
while working with them. Gauge their differing levels of ability and
emotional strength, and respond accordingly. Provide accommodations
and modify exercises when needed.
○ Evidence: take note in portfolio of the various levels of ability of the
patients. Take note of the types of patients treated at the clinic, and their
timeline of progression. For example, a healthy high school athlete
compared to an elderly man recovering from a stroke. Take note of the
differences in types of exercises, the modifications given to elderly
patients, as well as the types of verbal interactions that correspond

Internship Details
● Job Description: Physical Therapy Aide duties include:
● Setting up patients with modalities
● Following patients with their exercises; teaching and correcting patients’
techniques verbally and visually, and helping patients keep count
● Scheduling patients
○ Clinic maintenance: cleaning / setting up tables and equipment, laundry
○ Answering phones
● Internship Evaluation Methods:
○ Observation
○ Completion of university provided evaluation forms
○ Discussion of performance throughout the week
● Internship Work Days / Hours
○ Monday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
○ Tuesday: 11:00 am - 7:30 pm
○ Wednesday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
○ Thursday: 11:00 am - 7:30 pm
○ 32 hours will be worked each week. Additional hours that may need to be
made up, can be done by extending hours on other days of the week as

Amanda Menard ______________________________________

Kyle Lacasse ______________________________________

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