Listening Test - FCE 10 Successful Tests

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A. You will hear three people, Norman and Linda Hunter, and Linda's friend Patty, talking in a
shopping centre about their children. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer A,B or C. (70 points)

1. How do Patty and Norman know each other?

A. They worked together.

B. They are old friends.
C. They met at a party.

2. What does Norman mean when he calls Patty's child a "rocket scientist"?

A. He is very smart.
B. He designs rockets.
C. He has a good job.

3. How does Norman feel about young children being encouraged to learn languages?

A. He thinks it's easier for younger children.

B. He thinks it is essential today.
C. He thinks it is unnecessary.

4. When Linda says her son taught her computer chess, Patty

A. is quite impressed.
B. does not approve.
C. decides to go to night school.

5. What can we guess about Linda's working schedule?

A. She only works occasionally.

B. She works a lot of hours.
C. She has no time off.

6. Patty can probably afford to work less because

A. she has financial help.

B. her son will have a free education.
C. she is a teacher.
7. What does Norman think is important for children?

A. to have a lot of lessons

B. to have the latest toys
C. to have time to play

B. You will hear five different people talking about incidents at work involving children. For questions
1-5, choose from the list A-F which occupation each speaker has. Use the letters only once. There is one
extra letter which you do not need to use. (20 points)

A. shop assistant Speaker 1 _______

B. doctor Speaker 2 _______
C. executive Speaker 3 _______
D. nursery teacher Speaker 4 _______
E. bus driver Speaker 5 _______
F. lawyer

10 points are granted

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