СОЧ 4-10 students

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Grade 10

Summative assessment test for the 4th term

Learner’s name ________________________________________ 10 “_____”

Task 1. Listening. Listen to two people talking about success in sport. Choose the best answers,
A, B or C.
1 What is going to happen this evening?
A The girl is going to do some tennis training.
B The girl is going to watch an important tennis match.
C The girl is going to play in a competition.
2 The boy thinks that to succeed in sport
A talent is the most important element.
B you need a lot of confidence.
C you just need to work hard.
3 What else does the boy think is important?
A the age you start
B the encouragement of your parents
C being in the right place at the right time
4 The boy admits that successful players
A are superstitious and believe in luck.
B earn too much money.
C need to spend money.
5 How does the girl feel about her next match?
A pessimistic
B optimistic
C excited
Task 2. Reading. Read the article about a science competition. Six sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose the best answers (A–F) to complete the article.

A In particular, do you love inventing new D Remember that the teacher will be there to
things and ways of doing things? give you guidance, not to help with ideas.
B You will be informed of the results in E I’d recommend entering this competition
early July. to everyone.
C Every year the theme changes. F You can interpret the theme in many

Task 3. Speaking. Choose a card and give a speech on the topic. You have 2 minutes to prepare
and 2 minutes for your speech. Express you opinion using active vocabulary and proper
Task 4. Writing. Write a “for-and-against essay” with this title Schools should allow students
to use tablets/mobile devices in exams.
Include information about these things in your article:
• things that you can use a mobile device for in an exam
• reasons why this can help you academically in an exam
• reasons why schools may be against using mobile devices in exams
Write 150-180 words.

Total ____/20
Card 1.
1. Do you think modern technology is useful?
2. What modern technology do you use mostly?

Card 2.
1. What modern technological devices are most common in your
2. Do you think modern technology is useful?

Card 3.
1. What is smart home?
2. Would you like to live in a smart home? Why/Why not?

Card 4.
1. What team sports do you know?
2. What individual sports do you know?
3. Do you prefer team or individual sports? Why?

Card 5.
1. Do you do any sport?
2. What is your favourite sport?
3. What new sport or hobby would you like to take up?

Card 6.
1. What is a superstition?
2. What superstitions exist in your country?

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