Laser in Dermatology

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Dermatosurgery Fractional lasers in dermatology — Current status

and recommendations

Apratim Goel, D. S. Krupashankar1, Sanjeev Aurangabadkar2,

K. C. Nischal3, H. M. Omprakash4, Venkataram Mysore5

Cutis Laser Aesthetic ABSTRACT

Skin Solutions, Mumbai,
Maharashtra, 1Manipal Introduction: Fractional laser technology is a new emerging technology to improve
Hospital, Bangalore, 2Skin scars, fine lines, dyspigmentation, striae and wrinkles. The technique is easy, safe to use
and Laser Clinic, Begumpet and has been used effectively for several clinical and cosmetic indications in Indian skin.
Hyderabad, 3Department of
Devices: Different fractional laser machines, with different wavelengths, both ablative and
Dermatology, Adichunchanagiri
Institute of Medical Sciences,
non-ablative, are now available in India. A detailed understanding of the device being used
BG Nagara, Karnataka, is recommended. Indications: Common indications include resurfacing for acne, chickenpox
VIkram Perfect Clinic, Mysore, and surgical scars, periorbital and perioral wrinkles, photoageing changes, facial dyschromias.
Venkat Charmalaya - Centre The use of fractional lasers in stretch marks, melasma and other pigmentary conditions,
for Advanced Dermatology, dermatological conditions such as granuloma annulare has been reported. But further data
Bangalore, India are needed before adopting them for routine use in such conditions. Physician qualification:
Any qualified dermatologist may administer fractional laser treatment. He/ she should possess
Address for correspondence: a Master’s degree or diploma in dermatology and should have had specific hands-on training
Dr. Venkataram Mysore, in lasers, either during postgraduation or later at a facility which routinely performs laser
Department of Dermatology, procedures under a competent dermatologist or plastic surgeon with experience and training
Venkat Charmalaya - Centre in using lasers. Since parameters may vary with different systems, specific training tailored
for Advanced Dermatology, towards the concerned device at either the manufacturer’s facility or at another center using
3437, 1st G cross, 7th Main, the machine is recommended. Facility: Fractional lasers can be used in the dermatologist’s
Subbanna Garden, Vijay minor procedure room for the above indications. Preoperative counseling and Informed
Nagar, Bangalore - 560 040, consent: Detailed counseling with respect to the treatment, desired effects and possible
India. E-mail: postoperative complications should be provided to the patient. The patient should be provided
[email protected] brochures to study and also adequate opportunity to seek information. A detailed consent
form needs to be completed by the patient. Consent form should include information on
the machine, possible postoperative course expected and postoperative complications.
Preoperative photography should be carried out in all cases of resurfacing. A close-up front
and 45-degree lateral photographs of both sides must be taken. Laser parameters: There are
different machines based on different technologies available. Choice parameters depend on
the type of machine, location and type of lesion, and skin color. Physician needs to be familiar
with these requirements before using the machine. Anesthesia: Fractional laser treatment
can be carried out under topical anesthesia with eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine.
Some machines can be used without any anesthesia or only with topical cooling or cryospray.
But for maximal patient comfort, a topical anesthetic prior to the procedure is recommended.
Postoperative care: Proper postoperative care is important in avoiding complications. Post-
treatment edema and redness settle in a few hours to a few days. A sunscreen is mandatory,
and emollients may be prescribed for the dryness and peeling that could occur.

Key words: Acne scars, fractional photothermolysis, lasers, photoageing

Access this article online INTRODUCTION

Quick Response Code: Website: The field of laser resurfacing for esthetic enhancement
continues to improve with new developments since
the 1980s. Fractional photothermolysis (FP) has
revolutionized the use of lasers for resurfacing.
Much variation exists with different machines
and techniques, and newer indications are being
How to cite this article: Goel A, Krupashankar DS, Aurangabadkar S, Nischal KC, Omprakash HM, Mysore V. Fractional lasers in dermatology
- Current status and recommendations. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2011;77:369-79.
Received: September, 2009. Accepted: February, 2010. Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.

Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology | May-June 2011 | Vol 77 | Issue 3 369
Goel, et al. Fractional lasers in dermatology

described for these technologies. It is necessary, al. Fractional photothermolysis: A novel aesthetic laser surgery
modality. Dermatol Surg 2007;33:525-34.
therefore, to examine current available evidence and
make appropriate recommendations based on the
evidence. It is emphasized hereby that this technology PRINCIPLE OF FRACTIONAL PHOTOTHERMOLYSIS
is new and rapidly evolving; therefore, this review
and recommendations made in it are based on the Manstein and colleagues introduced the concept of
evidence available so far and may need to be reviewed fractional photothermolysis (FP) in 2004.[1] Their
periodically as technology evolves. FP device emitted light in a pixilated fashion and
transmitted it to the skin, producing an array of
The laser-resurfacing industry has produced a microthermal zones (MTZs) and creating small
multitude of devices employing ablative, non-ablative microscopic columns of thermal injury to the skin.[1]
and fractional technologies. The three approaches Fractional resurfacing thermally ablates microscopic
largely differ in their method of thermal damage, columns of epidermal and dermal tissue in regularly
degrees of efficacy, downtime and side effect profiles spaced arrays over a fraction of the skin surface; in
against each other. Ablative technologies have been contrast to ablative skin resurfacing, in which a
seen to have higher incidences of side effects, especially confluent, uniform patch of epidermal or dermal injury
in darker skin types. Non-ablative technologies is induced.[2,3] Fractional photothermolysis therefore
generated some interest, but the results were mild and denotes induction of thermal alteration of a fraction or
slow. Recently fractional laser technology is gaining a column of skin, leaving intervening areas of normal
wide popularity because of its favorable side effect skin untouched, which rapidly repopulate the ablated
profile, reduced recovery time and significant clinical columns of tissue.[2,3] The number, depth and size of
outcome.[1] these vertical columns of MTZs are variable and depend
on the type of machine, wavelength of the laser used,
Fractional laser technology represents a major fluence and the number of stackings or applications
advantage over the previous conventional ablative of laser. These zones comprise approximately 15% to
methods (CO2 and erbium:YAG lasers).[2,3] Ablative 25% of the skin surface area per treatment session. The
lasers had the advantages of predictability in the diameter of each MTZ is and ranges from 100 to 160 μ.
depth of tissue ablation and thermal denaturation. At the energies commonly used for facial rejuvenation
Erbium:YAG laser represented an improvement on (8-12 mJ/MTZ), the depth of penetration ranges from
the CO2 laser in producing lesser downtime. However, 300 to 700 μ. The density of MTZs is adjustable,
traditional ablative laser resurfacing suffered and typically, a final density of 2,000 MTZs/cm2 is
from several disadvantages, such as the need for delivered at each treatment, a density corresponding to
effective anesthesia; prolonged downtime; the risk of approximately 20% of the surface area of the skin. The
dyspigmentation and scarring, particularly in darker resulting dermal-epidermal debris are incorporated
skin types; the need for intensive postoperative care; into the columns of microscopic epidermal necrotic
the long-lasting erythema; and the need for prolonged debris (MENDs) and eliminated by the phenomenon
avoidance of sun exposure after treatment. These of transepidermal elimination.[2-4] Subsequently,
drawbacks were sought to be overcome by fractional there is stimulation of re-epithelialization and repair
laser technology.[4,5] mediated by the adjacent columns of intact tissue.
Similar to ablative laser resurfacing, the areas of
REFERENCES thermally ablated tissue are repopulated by fibroblast-
derived neocollagenogenesis and epidermal stem
1. Brightman LA, Brauer JA, Anolik R, Weiss E, Karen J, Chapas cell reproduction. Non-ablative fractional lasers too
A, et al. Ablative and fractional ablative lasers. Dermatol Clin operate through a similar principle of the creation of
2. Fitzpatrick RE, Goldman MP, Satur NM, Tope WD. Pulsed
microthermal zones of damage to the treated tissue,
carbon dioxide laser resurfacing of photoaged facial skin. Arch but without ablation of epidermis, extrusion of dermal
Dermatol 1996;132:395-402. contents, and rapid resurfacing.
3. Alexiades-Armenakas MR, Dover JS, Arndt KA. The spectrum
of laser skin resurfacing: Nonablative, fractional, and ablative
laser resurfacing. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58:719-37. Since a large percentage of intervening skin is
4. Alexiades-Armenakas MR. What is new in lasers and cosmetic unaffected, healing occurs quickly, thereby minimizing
procedures from the 2007 AAD annual meeting. J Drugs
Dermatol 2007;6:464. the downtime. At each subsequent session, such
5. Susan W, Brian ST, James C, Gregory A, Andrei E, Ilya Y, et fractions are treated; and over 2 to 6 sittings, treatment

370 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology | May-June 2011 | Vol 77 | Issue 3
Goel, et al. Fractional lasers in dermatology

is completed.[5] The advantages claimed for fractional of the micro-beams

lasers include reduced postoperative edema and 3. Variable micro-beam sizes
erythema, minimum downtime, reduced dyschromic 4. Ability to choose various shapes for treatment so as
changes and, importantly, suitability for darker skin to fit properly on the face
types. Neither non-ablative nor fractional resurfacing 5. Ease of use
produces results comparable to ablative laser skin 6. Degree of procedural pain or discomfort
resurfacing, but both have become much more popular 7. Ability to alter micro-beam density, size and
than the latter because of lesser downtime and better fluence
patient compliance. 8. Number of treatment sessions required to attain
clinical endpoints
REFERENCES 9. Patient downtime
10. Treatment duration
1. Manstein D, Herron GS, Sink RK, Tanner H, Anderson RR. 11. Clinical validation of the product
Fractional photothermolysis: A new concept for cutaneous
remodeling using microscopic patterns of thermal injury.
Lasers Surg Med 2004;34:426-38. REFERENCES
2. Hantash BM, Bedi VP, Sudireddy V, Struck SK, Herron GS,
Chan KF. Laser-induced transepidermal elimination of 1. Alexiades-Armenakas MR, Dover JS, Arndt KA. The spectrum
dermal content by fractional photothermolysis. J Biomed Opt of laser skin resurfacing: Nonablative, fractional, and ablative
2006;11:041115. laser resurfacing. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;58:719-37.
3. Walgrave S, Zelickson B, Childs J, Altshuler G, Erofeev A, 2. Tierney EP, Kouba DJ, Hanke CW. Review of fractional
Yaroslavsky I, et al. Pilot investigation of the correlation photothermolysis: treatment indications and efficacy. Dermatol
between histological and clinical effects of infrared fractional Surg 2009;35:1445-61.
resurfacing lasers. Dermatol Surg 2008;34:1443-53. 3. Hantash BM, Mahmood MB. Fractional photothermolysis:
4. Trelles MA, Velez M, Mordon S. Correlation of histological A novel aesthetic laser surgery modality. Dermatol Surg
findings of single session er:yag skin fractional resurfacing 2007;33:525-34.
with various passes and energies and the possible clinical
implications. Lasers Surg Med 2008;40:174-7.
5. Susan W, Brian BC, Gregory A, Andrei E, Ilya Y. Fractional INDICATIONS FOR FRACTIONAL LASER TREATMENT
photothermolysis: A novel aesthetic laser surgery modality.
Dermatol Surg 2007;33:525-34. Fractional lasers have been used for a number of
conditions, because of their remarkable safety profile.
TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION ABOUT DIFFERENT Table 2 indicates the list of conditions for which
MACHINES fractional lasers have been reported to be effective. The
list of indications continues to grow, with several new
This is a rapidly advancing field and several machines applications being reported. While some indications
continue to be introduced, with varying claims of such as ageing skin, wrinkles, acne scars have a
efficacy and safety by the manufacturers. However, number of supporting studies with higher levels of
controlled data as evidence for their efficacy may evidence, others such as poikiloderma of Civatte,
not always be available, and their final status will be stretch marks, milium need further validation.
confirmed by their performance in due course of time.
1. Ageing and photo-damaged skin
As stated earlier, both non-ablative and ablative Mild-to-moderate facial wrinkles and periorbital
fractional lasers are available.[1-3] Both these wrinkles constitute important indications for
technologies have their respective advocates. Table 1 fractional laser treatment.[1] Both fractional ablative
lists commonly used machines and their specifications. and non-ablative lasers can be used for the treatment
However, the list mentioned in Table 1 is not claimed of mild-to-moderate lines and wrinkles.[1,2] Multiple
to be inclusive of all models currently available in treatments at intervals of 1 month are needed to
the market. It is not the mandate of the task force to achieve satisfactory improvement. Fractional lasers
make recommendations for individual machines. can also be used effectively for the treatment of photo-
Hence a prospective buyer should carefully look at damaged skin.[3-7] Greater improvement has been
different parameters before making a choice. The task reported in rhytides; and in fine lines as compared
force suggests that the following parameters should be to deep lines. Ablative fractional lasers have been
considered while choosing a fractional laser machine: reported to produce greater textural improvement and
1. Ability to deliver higher fluencies per micro-beam dermal remodeling simultaneously and to produce
2. Variable microthermal zone (MTZ) settings–density significant improvement in dyschromias too. Lapidoth

Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology | May-June 2011 | Vol 77 | Issue 3 371
Goel, et al. Fractional lasers in dermatology

Table 1: Various fractional laser technologies available in India

Laser name Wavelength Company name Energy/watts Size Disposable URL
treatment tip
SELLAS EVO 1,550 DINONA 1-30 mJ Up to 5 cm NO
SELLAS FRX 10,600 DINONA 30 watts/ 250 mJ 2×2 cm variable NO
SMARTXID 10,600 DEKA 15-30 watts 1.5×1.5 cm NO
FIRE-XEL 10,600 BISON Up to 30 watts 2×2 cm NO
LUX2940 2,940 PALOMAR 1-30 mJ 10×10 mm NO
DERMA ABLADE 2,940 ASCLEPION 100 J/cm2 1500 mJ 1-6 mm NO
SKIN RENEW 10,600 SYBARITIC 29 mJ/ MTZ, 40 20×20mm NO
FRAXEL 1,540 RELIANT 6-20 mJ 10×10 mm YES
STARLUX 1,540 PALOMAR Up to 100 mJ 10-15 mm NO
Q RAY 10,600 DOSIS 30 watts 2×2 cm NO
PEARL 2,790 YSSG CUTERA 320 mJ 10×14 mm NO
MATISSE 1,540 QUANTAS 4-19 mJ 9 mm NO
ACTIVE FX 10,600 LUMENIS 60 watts 1.3 mm YES
PRO-FRAX 1,545 PROTOCADMUS 200 mJ/MTZ 10-15 mm NO
PRO-FRAX 2,940 PROTOCADMUS 600 mJ/MTZ 10-15 mm NO
PROFRAX-C 10,600 PROTOCADMUS 30 watts/ 300 mJ/ Up to 20×20 mm NO
PROESTHETIS 1,545 and 2,940 PROTOCADMUS 600 mJ 2000 mJ Up to 10 mm NO
PIXEL CO2 10,600 ALMA 40-70 watts 10×10 mm NO
PIXEL 2,940 ALMA 1400 mJ 10×10 mm NO
Disclaimer: The above list includes the commonly used machines. This list is not inclusive of all models available and does not reflect in any way the views of the
authors, nor does it indicate a recommendation for these machines.

Table 2: Indications for fractional laser treatment

Category Indications Level of Comments
Esthetic Photoageing, Periorbital wrinkles, Level B Efficacy and safety well established for
routine use
Acne scarring Level B Efficacy and safety well established for
routine use
Post-burn and surgical scars, Stretch marks Level C Moderate benefit reported; to be used with
proper counseling
Melasma, postinflammatory pigmentation, minocycline Level C Controversial; routine use not recommended
pigmentation, Poikiloderma of Civatte, Nevus of Ota, Other
Residual hemangiomas,telangiectatic matting Level C Only few reports available; to be used after
proper counseling
Non-esthetic Granuloma annulare, Colloid milium, Disseminated superficial Level C Isolated reports; not for routine use
actinic porokeratosis

reported the efficacy of ablative fractionated Er:YAG reported the efficacy of a dual-wavelength device
laser (2,940 nm) in treatment of photo-aging.[8] Weiss (1,320 and 1,440 nm), with benefits in the treatment
et al.[9] reported a greater efficacy for fractional CO2 of skin laxity and facial wrinkles.[11]
laser than 1,550-nm erbium laser in a comparative
split-face trial. A comparative split-face trial with REFERENCES
fractional Er:YAG and microfractional CO2 laser
resurfacing showed greater efficacy and patient 1. Rahman Z, Alam M, Dover JS. Fractional laser treatment for
pigmentation and texture improvement. Skin Therapy Lett
satisfaction for the fractional CO2 laser.[10] However,
the Er:YAG–treated side required a lesser healing time 2. Bass LS. Rejuvenation of the aging face using fraxel laser
and had lesser crusting. Foster and colleagues recently treatment. Aesthet Surg J 2005;25:307-9.

372 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology | May-June 2011 | Vol 77 | Issue 3
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3. Geronemus R. Fractional photothermolysis: Current and future treated with Fraxel SR (Reliant Technologies, Inc.).[2]
applications. Lasers Surg Med 2006;38:169-76.
4. Jih MH, Goldberg LH, Kimyai-Asadi A. Fractional
After 3 monthly treatments, clinical improvement
photothermolysis for photoaging of hands. Dermatol Surg ranged from 51% to 95%, in 90% of patients. Similar
2008;34:73-8. improvements have been reported in other studies
5. Wanner M, Tanzi EL, Alster TS. Fractional photothermolysis:
Treatment of facial and nonfacial cutaneous photodamage by Lee et al.[7] in Asian patients and by Glaich et al.[8]
with a 1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser. Dermatol Surg Glaich reported 2 cases of treatment of marked
2007;33:23-8. atrophic acne scarring and postinflammatory erythema
6. Rahman Z, Alam M, Dover JS. Fractional laser treatment for
pigmentation and texture improvement. Skin Therapy Lett with FP. Marked improvement was noted in the
2006;11:7-11. postinflammatory erythema after 1 treatment session.
7. Mezzana P, Valeriani M. Rejuvenation of the aging face using
Significant improvement in the atrophic acne scars was
fractional photothermolysis and intense pulsed light: A new
technique. Acta Chir Plast 2007;49:47-50. noted 3 months after a series of 5 FP treatments.
8. Lapidoth M, Yagima Odo ME, Odo LM. Novel use of erbium:
YAG (2,940-nm) laser for fractional ablative photothermolysis
in the treatment of photodamaged facial skin: A pilot study.
Because of its safety profile and greater tolerance,
Dermatol Surg 2008;34:1048-53. fractional laser technology has become an increasingly
9. Weiss R, Weiss M, Beasley K. Prospective split-face trial of a popular treatment modality to treat acne scarring in
fixed spacing array computed scanned fractional CO2 laser
versus hand scanned 1550nm fractional for rhytides. Abstract individuals of darker skin types, including Indian skin,
presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery in which the conventional ablative laser treatments
Conference, April 2008, Kissimmee, FL. and surgical treatment modalities carry the risk of
10. Lomeo G, Cassuto D, Scrimali L, Sirago P. Er: YAG versus CO2
ablative fractional resurfacing: A split face study. Abstract permanent postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.
presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Despite the reported safety of fractional lasers in post-
Conference, April 2008, Kissimmee, FL.
acne scarring, there is still the possibility for transient
11. Foster KW, Kouba DJ, Fincher EE, Glicksman ZS, Hayes J, Valerie
F, et al. Early improvement in rhytides and skin laxity following erythema or edema, dryness, scabbing, milia or acne,
treatment with a combination fractional laser emitting two hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, prolonged
wavelengths sequentially. J Drugs Dermatol 2008;7:108-11.
healing, or infection.[13] Hence proper counseling of
patients and appropriate adjuvant medical treatment
2. Post-acne scars and other scars
are essential.
a) Post-acne scars
Management of acne scars presents a challenge for
any clinician. Treatment of acne scars depends on the
type and severity of scarring. Though several treatment 1. Hasegawa T, Matsukura T, Mizuno Y, Suga Y, Ogawa H, Ikeda S.
options are available, results are not fully satisfactory. Clinical trial of a laser device called fractional photothermolysis
Fractional lasers have been used successfully and system for acne scars. J Dermatol 2006;33:623-7.
2. Alster TS, Tanzi EL, Lazarus M. The use of fractional laser
safely in the treatment of acne scars with good results photothermolysis for the treatment of atrophic scars. Dermatol
in superficial and medium-depth scars, and represent Surg 2007;33:295-9.
a significant advance in the management of this 3. Gold M, Gold MH, Heath AD, Biron JA. Clinical evaluation of
the SmartSkin fractional laser for the treatment of photodamage
challenging condition.[1-10] Improvement has also been and acne scars. J Drugs Dermatol 2009;8:s4-8.
reported in pores, an otherwise difficult condition to 4. Hu S, Chen MC, Lee MC, Yang LC, Keoprasom N. Fractional
treat.[11] While macular, superficial and medium-depth resurfacing for the treatment of atrophic facial acne scars in
asian skin. Dermatol Surg 2009;35:826-32.
scars respond well, deep scars and ice-pick scars may 5. Rahman Z, Tanner H, Jiang K. Treatment of atrophic scars with
improve only marginally. In cases with severe scarring, the 1550nm erbium-fiber fractional laser. Lasers Surg Med
combination with other approaches such as chemical 2006;38:24.
6. Geronemus R. Fractional photothermolysis: current and future
peels, subcision, surgical dermabrasion, dermaroller applications. Lasers Surg Med 2006;38:169-76.
and trichloroacetic acid CROSS technique[12] may 7. Lee HS, Lee JH, Ahn GY, Lee DH, Shin JW, Kim DH, et al.
be needed. In a case series, Chapas and colleagues[9] Fractional photothermolysis for the treatment of acne scars: A
report of 27 Korean patients. J Dermatolog Treat 2008;19:45-9.
demonstrated improvements of 26% to 50% in texture 8. Glaich AS, Goldberg LH, Friedman RH, Friedman PM. Fractional
and atrophy, as well as overall improvement, in photothermolysis for the treatment of postinflammatory
moderate-to-severe acne scarring with fractionated erythema resulting from acne vulgaris. Dermatol Surg
CO2 laser. Fractional non-ablative lasers too have been 9. Chapas AM, Brightman L, Sukal S, Hale E, Daniel D, Bernstein
found to be effective in acne scarring. Geronemus LJ, et al. Successful treatment of acneiform scarring with CO2
reported initially on the treatment of acne scarring with ablative fractional resurfacing. Lasers Surg Med 2008;40:381-6.
10. Kim S. Clinical trial of a pinpoint irradiation technique with
non-ablative fractional lasers.[6] Alster and colleagues the CO2 laser for the treatment of atrophic acne scars. J Cosmet
reported a study on 53 patients with atrophic acne scars Laser Ther 2008;29:1-4.

Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology | May-June 2011 | Vol 77 | Issue 3 373
Goel, et al. Fractional lasers in dermatology

11. Cho SB, Lee JH, Choi MJ, Lee KY, Oh SH. Efficacy of the 6. Tierney E, Mahmoud BH, Srivastava D, Ozog D, Kouba DJ.
fractional photothermolysis system with dynamic operating Treatment of surgical scars with fractional photothermolysis
mode on acne scars and enlarged facial pores. Dermatol Surg versus pulse dye laser: Randomized control trial. Dermatol
2009;35:108-14. Surg 2009;35:1172-80.
12. Kim HJ, Kim TG, Kwon YS, Park JM, Lee JH. Comparison of 7. Waibel J, Beer K. Fractional laser resurfacing for thermal burns.
a 1,550 nm Erbium: Glass fractional laser and a chemical J Drugs Dermatol 2008;7:59-61.
reconstruction of skin scars (CROSS) method in the treatment
of acne scars: a simultaneous split-face trial. Lasers Surg Med
2009;41:545-9. 3. Stretch marks (Striae)
13. Rivera AE. Acne scarring: A review and current treatment Management of striae has remained a challenge, and
modalities. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59:659-76. hitherto no satisfactory treatment has been reported.
Recent reports suggest that fractional photothermolysis
b) Surgical scars may improve striae, with improvement in texture,
Surgical, post-traumatic and burn scars can also and dyschromia[1,2]; however, these findings are
be treated with fractional lasers.[1-3] Multiple preliminary and need to be reproduced in larger and
treatments lead to improvement in texture, quality controlled studies.
and pigmentation of the scars in both atrophic and
hypertrophic types. However, atrophic and pigmented REFERENCES
scars tend to improve better than the hypertrophic
scars. 1. Stotland M, Chapas AM, Brightman L, Sukal S, Hale E, Karen J,
et al. The safety and efficacy of fractional photothermolysis
for the correction of striae distensae. J Drugs Dermatol 2008;7:
In a case report, Behroozan and colleagues noted 857-61.
75% overall improvement in a surgical scar on the 2. Kim BJ, Lee DH, Kim MN, Song KY, Cho WI, Lee CK, et al.
Fractional photothermolysis for the treatment of striae
chin after a single treatment with the 1,550-nm
distensae in Asian skin. Am J Clin Dermatol 2008;9:33-7.
Fraxel SR.[4] Glaich et al.[5] demonstrated 51% to 75%
improvement in hypopigmented facial scars in 6 of 4. Pigmentary disorders
the 7 treated patients, by using 1,550-nm Fraxel SR. a) Melasma
In a study performed by Tierney et al.,[6] fractional Fractional lasers have been used successfully in the
photothermolysis (using 1,550-nm fractionated management of melasma and postinflammatory
erbium laser - Fraxel SR, Reliant Technologies, Inc.) pigmentation in a number of studies.[1-3] Rokhsar and
was found to be more effective than pulse dye laser Fitzpatrick published an initial report on the efficacy
(Candela Corporation Inc., Wayland, MA) for the of FP for the treatment of melasma.[2] After 4 to 6
cosmetic improvement of surgical scars. treatment sessions, 60% of treated patients (n= 10)
achieved 75% to 100% clearance, with only 30% of
c) Burn scar patients demonstrating less than 25% improvement.
A single report on the efficacy of FP in burn scar has Only 1 of the 10 patients reported postinflammatory
been published, and this indication therefore needs hyperpigmentation (which resolved within 3 months
further study.[7] of treatment). Goldberg and colleagues[3] treated 10
melasma patients (skin types III-IV), with a total of 4
REFERENCES treatments at 2-week intervals, using a non-ablative
fractional photothermolysis (FP) device (Fraxel SR 750).
1. Haedersdal M, Moreau KE, Beyer DM, Nymann P, Alsbjørn B.
Fractional nonablative 1540 nm laser resurfacing for thermal By both light microscopy and electron microscopy,
burn scars: A randomized controlled trial. Lasers Surg Med post-treatment specimens demonstrated a relative
decrease in melanocytes. Six patients with skin type
2. Lee Y. Combination treatment of surgical, post-traumatic and
post-herpetic scars with ablative lasers followed by fractional III had good improvement, whereas 4 patients with
laser and non-ablative laser in Asians. Lasers Surg Med skin type IV had only fair improvement.
3. Niwa AB, Mello AP, Torezan LA, Osprio N. Fractional
Photothermolysis for the Treatment of Hypertrophic Scars: Manstein et al.[4] established the possible mechanism
Clinical Experience of Eight Cases. Dermatol Surg 2009;35: for the above-reported efficacy of fractional
4. Behroozan DS, Goldberg LH, Dai T, Geronemus RG, Friedman photothermolysis in melasma — that MTZ creation
PM. Fractional photothermolysis for the treatment of surgical and tissue destruction by FP results in elimination of
scars: A case report. J Cosmet Laser Ther 2006;8:35-8. melanocytes- and keratinocytes-containing melanin
5. Glaich AS, Rahman Z, Goldberg LH, Friedman PM. Fractional
resurfacing for the treatment of hypopigmented scars: A pilot granules through a “melanin shuttle.” This melanin
study. Dermatol Surg 2007;33:289-94. shuttle formation results in significant improvement

374 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology | May-June 2011 | Vol 77 | Issue 3
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in epidermal and dermal pigmentation associated 4. Rokhsar CK, Ciocon DH. Fractional Photothermolysis for
the Treatment of Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation after
with conditions such as melasma and dyschromia of
Carbon Dioxide Laser Resurfacing. Dermatol Surg 2009;35:
photoageing. 535-7.

However, more recent publications have reported 5. Miscellaneous indications

the limitations of FP with regard to its efficacy in the Other reported conditions for which FP has
treatment of melasma, especially in patients with darker been beneficial include residual hemangiomas,[1]
skin types, with more modest improvement rates and telangiectatic matting,[2] granuloma annulare,[3]
high recurrence rates after treatment.[5] This should colloid milium[4] and disseminated superficial actinic
therefore lead to a proper reappraisal of the possible porokeratosis.[5]
benefit of FP in melasma. As would be expected in
a chronic, recurrent condition such as melasma, REFERENCES
response to treatment is variable, pigmentation
frequently recurs and postinflammatory pigmentation 1. Blankenship TM, Alster TS. Fractional photothermolysis of
residual hemangioma. Dermatol Surg 2008;34:1112-4.
is common in patients with darker skin. For these
2. Glaich AS, Goldberg LH, Dai T, Friedman PM. Fractional
reasons, lasers are not routinely recommended as the photothermolysis for the treatment of telangiectatic matting: A
treatment of choice for treating melasma in Indian case report. J Cosmet Laser Ther 2007;9:101-3.
3. Karsai S, Hammes S, Rütten A, Raulin C. Fractional
patients. Further studies need to be carried out before
photothermolysis for the treatment of granuloma annulare: A
fractional lasers can be recommended for routine case report. Lasers Surg Med 2008;40:319-22.
treatment of melasma in darker skin types. 4. Marra DE, Pourrabbani S, Fincher EF, Moy RL. Fractional
photothermolysis for the treatment of adult colloid milium.
Arch Dermatol 2007;143:572-4.
REFERENCES 5. Chrastil B, Glaich AS, Goldberg LH, Friedman PM. Fractional
photothermolysis: A novel treatment for disseminated
1. Tannous SZ, Astner S. Utilizing fractional resurfacing in the superficial actinic porokeratosis. Arch Dermatol 2007;143:
treatment of therapy resistant melasma. J Cosmet Laser Ther 1450-2.
2. Rokhsar CK, Fitzpatrick RE. The treatment of melasma with
fractional photothermolysis: A Pilot study. Dermatol Surg PATIENT SELECTION AND PREOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT
3. Goldberg DJ, Berlin AL, Phelps R. Histologic and ultrastructural Detailed informed consent should be obtained
analysis of melasma after fractional resurfacing. Lasers Surg
Med 2008;40:134-8. from all patients (Appendix 1). Patients should be
4. Manstein D, Herron GS, Sink RK, Tanner H, Anderson RR. informed about the nature of treatment, precise
Fractional photothermolysis: A new concept for cutaneous
procedural details, results expected and the need
remodeling using microscopic patterns of thermal injury.
Lasers Surg Med 2004;34:426-38. for multiple sessions. Realistic expectation on the
5. Naito SK. Fractional photothermolysis treatment for resistant part of the patient should be stressed. Patients with
melasma in Chinese females. J Cosmet Laser Ther 2007;9:161-3.
dyspigmentation require 2 to 3 treatments, whereas
those with significant rhytides require at least 5 or
b) Other pigmentary disorders
more treatments. Acne scars may need up to 4 to 6
Poikiloderma of Civatte (PC),[1] minocycline-induced
sessions, depending on the depth, the type of scar and
pigmentation,[2] nevus of Ota[3] and postinflammatory
also the machine used. Pre-procedure photography is
pigmentation[4] have been treated by FP. Ablative
fractional laser was found to be both safe and effective recommended in all patients before treatment and at
for the treatment of the vascular, pigmentary and each session.
textural components of PC.[1]
Pre-treatment history
REFERENCES Previous history of herpes labialis; keloid or
hypertrophic scar; postinflammatory hyperpigmen-
1. Tierney EP, Hanke CW. Treatment of Poikiloderma of Civatte tation; isotretinoin intake; topical retinoid use; and
with ablative fractional laser resurfacing: Prospective study lidocaine allergy should be noted.
and review of the literature. J Drugs Dermatol 2009;8:527-34.
2. Izikson L, Anderson RR. Resolution of blue minocycline
pigmentation of the face after fractional photothermolysis. Special considerations
Lasers Surg Med 2008;40:399-401. a) Use in darker skin patients: All skin types can be
3. Kouba DJ, Fincher EF, Moy RL. Nevus of Ota successfully
treated by fractional photothermolysis using a fractionated treated with fractional lasers, and the treatment
1440-nm Nd: YAG laser. Arch Dermatol 2008;144:156-8. is safe for use in darker skin. However, it should

Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology | May-June 2011 | Vol 77 | Issue 3 375
Goel, et al. Fractional lasers in dermatology

be used with caution in patients with tendency 4. Katz BE, Mac Farlane DF. Atypical facial scarring after
isotretinoin therapy in a patient with previous dermabrasion. J
for pigmentation and/ or keloid formation. Proper Am Acad Dermatol 1994;30:852-3.
counseling, priming with depigmenting agents and 5. Peteiro C, Toribio J. Keloid formation induced by isotretinoin
sunscreens, and initiation of treatment at lower therapy. Int J Dermatol 1999;38:228-9.
6. Cassano N, Arpaia N, Vena GA. Diode laser hair removal and
fluences are advised in such patients. isotretinoin therapy. Dermatol Surg 2005;31:380-1.
b) All patients for facial resurfacing, with previous 7. Khatri KA, Garcia V. Light-assisted hair removal in patients
history of herpes labialis, should receive undergoing isotretinoin therapy. Dermatol Surg 2006;32:875-7.
8. Khatri KA. Diode laser hair removal in patients undergoing
prophylactic oral antivirals such as acyclovir, isotretinoin therapy. Dermatol Surg 2004;30:1205-7.
famciclovir or valacyclovir, starting 1 day before 9. Khatri KA. The safety of long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser hair removal
fractional resurfacing and continuing for 5 days in skin types III-V patients during concomitant isotretinoin
therapy. J Cosmet Laser Ther 2009;11:56-60.
postoperatively. 10. Roenigk HH Jr, Pinski JB, Robinson JK, Hanke CW. Acne,
c) Oral antibiotics, such as cloxacillin or azithromycin, retinoids, and dermabrasion. J Dermatol Surg Oncol
may be prescribed to patients with a history of 1985;11:396-8.
11. Bagatin E, Guadanhim LR, Yarak S, Kamamoto CS, De Almeida
bacterial infections of the facial skin to reduce the FA. Dermabrasion for Acne Scars during Treatment with Oral
chance of secondary bacterial infection. Isotretinoin. Dermatol Surg 2010;36:483-9.
d) While treating patients with melasma and
postinflammatory pigmentation, prior priming Contraindications for fractional lasers
with sunscreens and depigmenting agents for about History of immunocompromised status or active
2 to 4 weeks is advised. systemic disease that might interfere with wound
e) Pregnancy and lactation: Laser resurfacing healing, any active local or systemic infection,
in women who are pregnant or lactating, is connective tissue disorders, lactation, history of
contraindicated. allergy to any medication necessary for treatment,
f) Isotretinoin and fractional lasers: Care should active psoriasis or vitiligo, unrealistic expectations
be exercised in patients with a history of recent and body dismorphic disorder — all constitute relative
isotretinoin use. A 6- to 12-month waiting period contraindications.[1]
following discontinuation of isotretinoin has
been recommended before performing resurfacing REFERENCE
procedures.[1] This recommendation is based on
earlier reports of keloid formation and atypical 1. Tannous Z. Fractional resurfacing. Clin Dermatol 2007;25:
scar formation after use of dermabrasion and 480-6.
argon lasers, which are more invasive and
ablative procedures.[2-5] However, several recent Anesthesia
publications have documented the safety of This is patient specific and dosage specific. Lower
different procedures such as laser hair removal fluences are tolerated well by most patients; but at
and dermabrasion in patients recently treated with higher fluence levels, topical anesthesia with mixture
isotretinoin.[6-10] A paper by Bagatin[11] suggested of lidocaine and prilocaine for 60 minutes prior to the
that “The current recommendation to wait 6 to procedure may be needed. As an alternative, cold air
12 months after treatment with oral isotretinoin or ice may be used to minimize discomfort.[1]
for acne scar revision using dermabrasion should
be re-evaluated. Abrasion of a small test area may REFERENCE
be a useful predictor of wound healing, enabling
earlier acne scar treatment using this procedure.” 1. Fisher GH, Kim KH, Bernst®ein LJ, Geronemus RG. Concurent
use of a handheld forced cold air device minimizes patient
Therefore, studies and published data on Indian discomfort during fractional photothermolysis. Dermatol Surg
skin are needed to make proper recommendations 2005;31:1242-3.
in this matter.
Postoperative care
REFERENCES Minimal care is needed after the procedure.
Sunscreens, avoidance of sun, moisturizers are started
1. Rivera AE. Acne scarring: A review and current treatment soon after the procedure, and diligently used daily.
modalities. J Am Acad Dermatol 2008;59:659-76.
2. Dogan G. Possible isotretinoin-induced keloids in a patient Mild topical steroid may be prescribed if erythema and
with Behçet’s disease. Clin Exp Dermatol 2006;31:535-7. edema persist. Postoperative antibiotics are usually
3. Rubenstein R, Roenigk HH Jr, Stegman SJ, Hanke CW. A typical
keloids after dermabrasion of patients taking isotretinoin. J Am not necessary. Avoidance of rubbing and scratching is
Acad Dermatol 1986;15:280-5. advised.

376 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology | May-June 2011 | Vol 77 | Issue 3
Goel, et al. Fractional lasers in dermatology

Side effects or complications of fractional lasers considerably less than that with ablative lasers, it
In general, the side effects of fractional lasers are may be seen in darker skin patients, particularly
minimal and transient. Mild erythema, edema and in those patients with history of post inflammatory
peeling are common and can be managed by use of hypopigmentation (PIH) or melasma.[5] Caution
sunscreens and moisturizers. However, side effects should be exercised while using higher fluences or
do occur, particularly when aggressive doses / higher multiple stackings in such patients. Precautionary
stackings are used, particularly in patients with darker 2 weeks of pretreatment with depigmenting agents
skin.[1] Fractional ablative lasers are more likely to and a strict sun protection scheme are advisable
produce side effects than fractional non-ablative
while treating such patients. Hypopigmentation is
lasers.[1] The complications observed are shown in
Table 3.
5. Bacterial infection
Bacterial infection is rare but has been reported in
1. Erythema
0.1% of cases.[6]
This is usually mild and stays for 2 to 3 days but
6. Transient acneiform eruptions and milia may
can persist up to 1 week. However, more prolonged
occur.[7-9] Antibiotics can be used to prevent flareups
erythema and linear abrasions, often persisting up
of acneiform eruptions.
to 3-4 weeks, have been observed when fractional
7. Cicatricial ectropion is a rare but potentially serious
laser treatments with higher fluences and multiple
complication and has been reported after fractional
stackings are used.[1-3]
CO2 laser treatment.[10]
2. Post-treatment edema
8. Hypertrophic scarring, though rare, has been
Post-treatment edema is patient-dependent. The
reported after fractional CO2 laser use for neck
average patient experiences edema for 1 to 3 days;
though in some patients, it may last up to 1 week. rejuvenation.[11] Focal areas of erythema and
The risk of edema also increases with higher induration, 2 to 4 weeks after treatment, are the
fluence levels. It can be treated easily by applying first signs of potential scar formation. Neck is an
ice at 10-minute intervals for the first 24 hours area prone to such scarring. Postoperative wound
after treatment. Some physicians advocate the use infection, contact dermatitis and tendency for
of topical or short-course systemic corticosteroids keloidal scarring are other potential risk factors.
following treatment.
3. Petechiae REFERENCES
Occasional petechiae can be seen, especially in
1. Metelitsa AI, Alster TS. Fractionated laser skin resurfacing
periorbital area, following use of higher fluences.[4] treatment complications: A review. Dermatol Surg 2010;36:299-
Often such petechiae are delayed, occurring after 3 306.
2. Ross RB, Spencer J. Scarring and persistent erythema after
days. Avoidance of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory fractionated ablative CO2 laser resurfacing. J Drugs Dermatol
drugs, aspirin and other blood thinners in the 2008;7:1072-3. 
immediate postoperative period is recommended to 3. Rokhsar CK, Fitzpatrick RE. The treatment of melasma with
fractional photothermolysis: A pilot study. Dermatol Surg
decrease the risk of such purpura in these patients. 2005;31:1645-50.
Patients should also be advised to avoid rubbing 4. Fife DJ, Zachary CB. Delayed pinpoint purpura after fractionated
carbon dioxide treatment in a patient taking ibuprofen in the
or scratching of treated skin, because of increased postoperative period. Dermatol Surg 2009;35:553.
skin fragility during the immediate post-treatment 5. Chan HH, Manstein D, Yu CS. The prevalence and risk factors
period. of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation after fractional
resurfacing in Asians. Lasers Surg Med 2007;39:381-5.
4. Postinflammatory hypopigmentation and 6. Setyadi HG, Jacobs AA, Markus RF. Infectious complications
hyperpigmentation after nonablative fractional resurfacing treatment. Dermatol
Surg 2008;34:1595-8.
Though incidence of hyperpigmentation is
7. Fisher GH, Geronemus RG. Short-term side effects of fractional
photothermolysis. Dermatol Surg 2005;31:1245-9. 
8. Graber EM, Tanzi EL, Alster TS. Side effects and complications
Table 3: Complications of fractional laser resurfacing of fractional laser photothermolysis: Experience with 961
Mild complications Moderate Severe treatments. Dermatol Surg 2008;34:301-5.
complications complications 9. Wanner M, Tanzi EL, Alster TS. Fractional photothermolysis:
Treatment of facial and nonfacial cutaneous photodamage
Erythema and edema Persistent erythema Hypertrophic scarring with a 1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser. Dermatol Surg
Acneiform eruptions Bacterial infection Ectropion formation 2007;33:23-8.
Milia Activation of herpes 10. Fife DJ, Fitzpatrick RE, Zachary CB. Complications of fractional
Delayed purpura simplex CO2 laser resurfacing: Four cases. Lasers Surg Med 2009;41:
Superficial erosions Hyperpigmentation 179-84. 

Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology | May-June 2011 | Vol 77 | Issue 3 377
Goel, et al. Fractional lasers in dermatology

11. Avram MM, Tope WD, Yu T, Szachowicz E, Nelson JS. SUMMARY

Hypertrophic scarring of the neck following ablative fractional
carbon dioxide laser resurfacing. Lasers Surg Med 2009;41:
185-8. Fractional photothermolysis technology is an exciting
new technology to treat ageing changes of skin,
Task force recommendations dyspigmentation, acne scars and striae. The technique
It is important to note that fractional laser modality has is easy, safe to use and has been used effectively for
several conditions in Indian skin. As in all esthetic
established itself as a safer modality than the previous
treatments, proper training, judicious case selection,
ablative lasers. However, with its continued usage,
patient counseling about realistic expectations and
several side effects have been reported as stated above.
proper preoperative and postoperative care are
This becomes particularly relevant, as physicians start
important. Further, as in all new modalities, their use
using higher, more aggressive fluences and increased
has to be done with caution, keeping the possible side
number of stackings. Also, because of its safety effects in mind.
profile, treatments are often performed by physician
assistants/technicians. Task force recommends proper ACKNOWLEDGMENT
counseling and assessment of all patients, adherence
to proper guidelines, and proper physician supervision The authors thank Drs. Anitha B and Geethika Seth for their
of all treatments. help in preparation of tables and in editing.

Appendix 1: Consent form for treatment by Fractional lasers lesions

I, ______________________________________________authorize Dr. ------------------------., or his assigned representative _____________
_____________________________ to perform Fractional Laser therapy on me.
My lesions(s) being treated are called _________________________________________________________________________________
The Laser is a device that produces an intense but gentle burst of laser light that treats the affected skin specifically. The laser to be used
on me is _____________ LASER.
To protect my eyes from the laser light, I will have my eyes covered with an opaque material or wear laser protective glasses. Other
methods of treating my condition, have been discussed with me.
I have been informed that redness, hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation are possible risks and complications of this procedure.
Depending on the type of scar/lesion being treated, complete clearing may not be possible or require multiple treatments for the
best results. The average number of treatments required for my condition is - to -. However, I understand that this number
is variable.
Anesthesia is usually not necessary. However, different options for anesthesia have been discussed with me. If Dr. ------------------------- or I
elect to use a form of anesthesia, I give consent for the same.
I consent to the taking of photographs during the course of my laser therapy for the purpose of documentation and postoperative
I understand that immediately following the laser treatment, the area may appear as a red or bruised discoloration and slightly swollen. I
understand any discoloration may last up to 5-7 days . Improper care of the treated area while these changes are present may increase
the chance of scarring, skin textural changes or pigment changes to the treated area.
I have read and understood all information presented to me before signing this consent.
Patient Signature_________________________
Date ___________________________________
Witness ________________________________
Time _____________

The contents/recommendations of all articles prepared by IADVL Taskforce on dermatosurgery are recommendatory only,
and are not absolute or binding on members. The principles outlined in the IADVL Taskforce articles/recommendations are of
general nature, based on current evidence and as in any aesthetic treatment or surgery, individual variations may occur from
patient to patient, and hence, appropriate modifications may be needed depending on the needs of the given patient, as per
the discretion of the physician and as per emerging evidence in future. Each patient has to be treated on his/her merit and
the ultimate judgment regarding the choice of a procedure should be made by the physician, keeping in view the individual

378 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology | May-June 2011 | Vol 77 | Issue 3
Goel, et al. Fractional lasers in dermatology

patient and training and experience of the treating physician. As in the correct and ethical practice of any surgical procedure,
the physician must exercise his judgment in light of all the circumstances of the individual patient.
These guidelines/articles have been prepared with the sole purpose of establishing minimum standards of care, and as a
service to the members of IADVL; Neither the taskforce members nor IADVL will be held responsible either directly or
indirectly for any legal claims.


The taskforce was constituted as per the resolution of Annual General body meeting of IADVL members. The taskforce 2009
consisted of the following members:
Dr. S Sacchidanand (IADVL President, 2008 and Chairman), Venkataram Mysore (Convenor), VK Sharma (IADVL President
2009), Hema Jerajani (IADVL president 2010), Rajeev Sharma (IADVL Secretary 2008-2010), Narendra Patwardhan, Rashmi
Sarkar, Niti Khunger, DS Krupashankar, Somesh Gupta, CR Srinivas, Mukta Sachadeva (members)
The taskforce has adopted the following evidence levels for use in the guidelines wherever necessary:
Evidence Level A- Strong research-based evidence. Multiple relevant, high-quality scientific studies with homogeneous
results (blinded controlled studies).
Level B- Moderate research-based evidence. At least one relevant, high-quality study or multiple adequate studies.
Level C- Limited research-based evidence. At least one adequate scientific study/case report.
Level D- No research-based evidence. Expert panel evaluation of other information.


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