Resuscitation - Neopuff

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Operating & troubleshooting a T-piece device:

Neopuff ™ Infant Resuscitator

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Updated February 2012

Aims & objectives

  This presentation has been designed to assist
you to:
  Assemble the Neopuff™ T-piece device
  Set the recommended flow rate & pressures
  Operate the Neopuff™ T-piece device
  Troubleshoot the Neopuff™ T-piece device
  We suggest that you print a copy of this
presentation and have the Neopuff ™ at hand
to practice each action.
Updated February 2012
© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Manual ventilation devices

The Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) & the New
Zealand Resuscitation Council (NZRC) guidelines state:
“A T- piece device, a self inflating bag and a
flow inflating bag are all acceptable devices to
ventilate newborn infants either via a face mask
or endotracheal tube”.
(ARC & NZRC, 2010, Guideline 13.4)

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

T-piece device (e.g. Neopuff™ Infant Resuscitator)
Advantages of using a T-piece device
  The operator sets the peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) &
positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP).
  The T-piece device will not deliver PIP or PEEP/CPAP
above the set pressures if the flow remains constant.
  The PIP & PEEP are displayed on the manometer.
  The operator can control the length of the inspiratory
time by varying the duration of occlusion of the PEEP

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Positive end expiratory pressure

T-piece device Self inflating bag
Can provide CPAP Does not deliver
* Unless a PEEP valve has been fitted

Why is PEEP so important?

  It assists with lung expansion
  It helps to establish functional residual capacity
  It leads to improved oxygenation

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Setting up the Neopuff ™

To check & set the Neopuff ™ you will need:
  A Neopuff ™ Infant Resuscitator
  A compressed gas source
  A gas supply line (green oxygen tubing) with
the plastic connector (supplied)
  The patient supply line (tubing & T-piece)
  A test lung

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

The components of the Neopuff™
Patient supply line
Gas supply with T-piece & mask

Gas supply line Test lung

Initial recommended settings

  Gas flow rate
  Set at 10 L/min (8L /min if using cylinders)
  Maximum pressure relief valve
  Set at 50 cm H2O
  Peak inspiratory pressure (PIP)
  Set at 30 cm H2O (term newborn)
  Set at 20 - 25 cm H2O (preterm < 32 weeks’)
  Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)
  Set at 5 - 8 cm H2O
(ARC & NZRC 2010: Guideline 13.4)
Updated February 2012
© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Setting up the Neopuff: 6 steps

•  Connect the gas supply line to the gas inlet & the
Step 1 patient supply line to the gas outlet

•  Attach a test lung to the patient supply line and

Step 2 turn the gas flow to 8 - 10 L/min

•  Check the maximum pressure relief valve is set

Step 3 to 50 cm H2O (adjust as necessary)

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Setting up the Neopuff: 6 steps
•  Set the peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) to
Step 4 30 cm H2O (term) or 20 – 25 cm H2O (preterm)

•  Set the positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)

Step 5 to 5 – 8 cm H2O

•  Create a good seal between the infant’s face &

Step 6 the face mask using the “two point top hold”

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

1. Connect the gas & patient

supply lines
1.  Connect the 2.  Connect the
gas supply line patient supply
via the plastic line to the ‘gas
connector to outlet’
the ‘gas inlet’

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

2. Attach the test lung

  Attach the test lung to the end of
the patient supply line (patient T-

  It is much easier to use the test

lung (as opposed to a face mask
or the ball of your hand) to set
and test the Neopuff™

  Turn the gas flow to 8 - 10 L/min

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

3. Check the maximum pressure
has been pre-set to 50 cm H2O
1.  Turn the inspiratory pressure control dial
fully clockwise until it cannot turn any
further. (A)
2.  Occlude the PEEP cap on the patient T-

A 3.  Look at the manometer & check that the

pressure gauge points to 50 cm H2O. (B)
If it does, then the maximum pressure is
set correctly. If it is not 50 cm H2O, you
will need to adjust it. (See following slide)

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Adjusting the maximum pressure

Once the inspiratory pressure
control dial is fully open:
1.  Occlude the PEEP cap on the patient T-
2.  Open the cap covering the maximum
pressure relief dial.
3.  Turn the maximum pressure relief dial
clockwise or anti-clockwise to adjust the
maximum pressure to 50 cm H2O.
4.  Close the maximum pressure relief cap.

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

4. Set the peak inspiratory

pressure (PIP)
1.  Occlude the PEEP cap on the end of
the patient T-piece.

2.  Turn the inspiratory pressure control

anti-clockwise (several times) to
decrease the pressure from 50 cmH2O
down to the recommended PIP:
20 – 25 cm H2O for a premature infant
or 30 cm H2O for a term infant.

3.  The set PIP is displayed on the

manometer when the PEEP cap on the
patient T-piece is occluded.

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

5. Set the positive end expiratory
pressure (PEEP)
  Set the PEEP by turning the cap on the patient
T-piece clockwise or anti-clockwise until a PEEP
of 5 cm H2O is displayed on the manometer.

  Caution: If the PEEP has been set on a flow

rate of 8 L/min, any increase in the flow rate will
result in a dangerously high increase in PEEP.
(Morley, Schmoelzer & Davis, 2009)

  If you increased the flow rate to 10 L/min, then

re-set and re-check the PEEP.

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

6. Create a good seal between

the infant’s face & the mask
  Remove the test lung & attach a face mask to the
patient T- piece.

  Position the infant’s head in a neutral position.

  Place the third finger onto the chin tip (the “guide

  Line up the outer edge of the mask into the groove

between the guide finger and the chin tip.

  Roll the mask onto the face from the chin upwards.
Updated February 2012
© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Holding the mask in place using

the “two point top hold”
  Apply evenly balanced downward
pressure onto the mask using the
thumb and index finger positioned
toward the outer edge of the flat area
of the mask (“two point top hold”).

  Apply jaw lift with the remaining

fingers so that the upward pressure
works against the downward pressure
from the two point top hold to create a Updated February 2012 © Victorian Newborn
Resuscitation Project
good seal.
Wood, et al. (2008).
Archives of Disease in Childhood, Fetal
& Neonatal Edition 93: p. F231

Checking the face mask seal:
“Listen & look” technique
  Leaks averaging 40 – 70% are common due to
poor mask placement technique. Therefore:
  Listen for a soft whistle of gas through the PEEP
  Look that a PEEP of 5 cm H2O is displayed on the
  Be aware that a PIP of 30 cm H2O may be
reached on the manometer despite a face
mask leak of up to 90%. (Wood, et al., 2008)

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Delivering positive pressure

inflations with the Neopuff™
  Occlude the PEEP cap using your
thumb or finger for 0.5 seconds, then
release for 0.5 seconds.

  This will provide a ventilation rate of

60 inflations per minute.

  Continue to check your mask seal by

checking that the PEEP/CPAP
returns to 5 cm H2O on the
manometer after each manual

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Air or oxygen for resuscitation?

  Term newborns: Use air (21%) initially.
  Preterm newborns < 32 weeks: Use air or blended air
and oxygen (21% to ∼ 30% oxygen to start).
  Use air if a blender is not available.
  Supplemental oxygen should be used judiciously,
ideally guided by pulse oximetry.

“The first priority is to ensure adequate inflation of the

lungs, followed by increasing the concentration of
inspired oxygen only if needed.”(ARC & NZRC2, 2010, Guideline 13.4)

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Target saturations for newborns
during the first minutes after birth
Time after birth in minutes Targeted pre-ductal SpO2 after
birth during resuscitation with
supplemental oxygen
1 minute 60 – 70%
2 minutes 65 – 85%
3 minutes 70 – 90%
4 minutes 75 – 90%
5 minutes 80 – 90%
10 minutes 85 – 90%

ARC & NZRC2, 2010, Guideline 13.4

Updated January 2012

Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Initial inflations
  Higher inflation pressures (PIP > 30 cm H2O)
may be needed for the initial inflations.
  Subsequent inflations usually require less
pressure, although some babies may need
higher inflation pressures (higher PIP).
  Improvement in heart rate is the primary
measure of adequate ventilation.
  If the heart rate is not improving with good
technique, then higher PIP may be required.
Updated February 2012
© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Adjusting the PIP whilst using

the Neopuff
  Higher pressure inflations can be
given by increasing the
inspiratory pressure control to
deliver higher PIP.

  This can be changed while

resuscitating, but requires a
second person to achieve this

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Common problems & solutions
Unable to achieve the desired PIP & PEEP when
checking the Neopuff™ with the test lung
Check that the gas flow rate is set to 8 – 10 L/min and that there
is gas flow through the Neopuff™ circuit

Still unable to achieve the desired PIP & PEEP when

checking the Neopuff™ with the test lung
Check the maximum pressure relief is set correctly at 50 cm H2O
and adjust if necessary
Updated February 2012
© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Common problems & solutions

Unable to achieve the set PIP when ventilating the infant
Check the face mask seal using the “look and listen technique”

Still unable to achieve the set PIP

Reposition the infant’s head and apply the face mask again

Still unable to achieve the set PIP

Consider intubation if mask ventilation is unsuccessful
Updated February 2012
© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

Most importantly: look at the

infant, not at the manometer!
  Effective ventilation is confirmed by three signs:
1.  An increase in the heart rate above 100/minute.
2.  A slight rise of the chest and upper abdomen with
each inflation.
3.  An improvement in oxygenation.

  Achieving the set PIP on the manometer is not a

sign of effective ventilation.

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

  If the heart rate remains < 100/min and/or the chest is
not moving despite ventilating with good technique:


30 → 40 → 50 → 60 cm H2O
  Continue to provide positive pressure ventilation
until the heart rate is above 100/min and the infant has
established effective spontaneous respirations.
  Endotracheal intubation should be considered if
ventilation via a face mask is unsuccessful.

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

  Australian Resuscitation Council & New Zealand Resuscitation Council.
(2010). Guideline 13.4: Airway management and mask ventilation of the
newborn infant. Accessed February 2, 2012 from
  Fisher & Paykel Healthcare. (2004). Neopuff™ Infant Resuscitator.
Optimal resuscitation in neonatal care. Auckland, New Zealand.
  Morley, C.J., Schmolzer, G.M., & Davis, P.G. (2009). Potential hazards of
the Neopuff: using appropriate gas flow. Archives of Disease in
Childhood- Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 94, F467-F468.
  Wood, F.E., Morley, C.J., Dawson, J.A., Kamlin, C.O., Owen, L.S.,
Donath, S., & Davis, P.G. (2008). Improved techniques reduce face
mask leak during simulated neonatal resuscitation. Study 2. Archives of
Disease in Childhood: Fetal & Neonatal Edition, 93: F230 - F234.

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

  The animated graphics used in this presentation have
been reproduced with the kind permission of Dr Andy
Gill; Consultant Neonatologist: King Edward Memorial
Hospital: Western Australia.

  The Neopuff colour diagrams have been reproduced

with the kind permission of Fisher & Paykel
Healthcare: Australia and New Zealand.

Updated February 2012

© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

This teaching program has been developed by the
Newborn Emergency Transport Service (NETS) Victoria
as an educational program around neonatal care with
the assistance of a grant from the Department of Health

Whilst appreciable care has been taken in the

preparation of this material NETS shall not be held
responsible for any act or omission which may result in
injury or death to any baby as a result of reliance on this
Updated February 2012
© Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project

  This presentation was developed by Rosemarie Boland
on behalf of the Victorian Newborn Resuscitation
Project (2012). The material is copyright NeoResus.
  This presentation may be downloaded for personal use
but remains the intellectual property of NeoResus and
as such, may not be reproduced or used for another
training program without the written permission of the
Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project Executive.

  Please contact us at [email protected]

Updated February 2012

Victorian Newborn Resuscitation Project


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