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Reflections on Pediatric High-Frequency

Oscillatory Ventilation From a Physiologic Perspective

Martin CJ Kneyber MD PhD, Marc van Heerde MD PhD, and Dick G Markhorst MD PhD

Clinical Experiences
Critical Appraisal of the HFOV Strategy Employed
Indications for and Timing of HFOV
Best HFOV Approach and Oscillator Settings for Oxygenation
Best HFOV Approach and Oscillator Settings for Ventilation
Monitoring During HFOV
Spontaneous Breathing During HFOV

Mechanical ventilation using low tidal volumes has become universally accepted to prevent
ventilator-induced lung injury. High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) allows pulmonary
gas exchange using very small tidal volume (1–2 mL/kg) with concomitant decreased risk of at-
electrauma. However, its use in pediatric critical care varies between only 3% and 30% of all
ventilated children. This might be explained by the fact that the beneficial effect of HFOV on
patient outcome has not been ascertained. Alternatively, in contrast with present recommendations,
one can ask if HFOV has been employed in its most optimal fashion related especially to the
indications for and timing of HFOV, as well as to using the best oscillator settings. The first was
addressed in one small randomized study showing that early use of HFOV, instead of rescue use,
was associated with improved survival. From a physiologic perspective, the oscillator settings could
be refined. Lung volume is the main determinant of oxygenation in diffuse alveolar disease, sug-
gesting using an open-lung strategy by recruitment maneuvers, although this is in practice not
custom. Using such an approach, the patient can be oscillated on the deflation limb of the pressure-
volume (P-V) curve, allowing less pressure required to maintain a certain amount of lung volume.
Gas exchange is determined by the frequency and the oscillatory power setting, controlling the
magnitude of the membrane displacement. Experimental work as well as preliminary human data
have shown that it is possible to achieve the smallest tidal volume with concomitant adequate gas
exchange when oscillating at high frequency and high fixed power setting. Future studies are needed
to validate these novel approaches and to evaluate their effect on patient outcome. Key words:
HFOV; ALI/ARDS; obstructive airway disease; oxygenation; ventilation. [Respir Care 2012;57(9):1496 –
1504. © 2012 Daedalus Enterprises]

Dr Kneyber is affiliated with the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Correspondence: Martin CJ Kneyber MD PhD, Department of Pedi-
Pediatric Intensive Care, Beatrix Children’s Hospital, University Medical atrics, Division of Pediatric Intensive Care, Beatrix Children’s Hos-
Center Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands. He is also, along with pital, University Medical Center Groningen, Internal Postal Code
Drs van Heerde and Markhorst, affiliated with the Department of Pedi- CA80, PO Box 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands. E-mail:
atrics, Division of Pediatric Intensive Care, VU University Medical Cen- [email protected].
ter, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest. DOI: 10.4187/respcare.01571



Introduction of specific lung diseases and data from animal as well as

bench studies.
Mechanical ventilation (MV) is intimately linked with
Clinical Experiences
the daily care of critically ill children admitted to the pe-
diatric ICU. Indications for MV include diffuse alveolar
The effect of HFOV on mortality was compared with
disease (DAD) including acute lung injury, or ARDS. Al-
conventional MV in 2 randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
though life-saving, MV is also linked with ventilator-
(Table).28 – 42 The largest of the 2 was performed 15 years
induced lung injury (VILI) and the development of mul-
ago, in 5 centers, during a 3.5 year period.28 In this cross-
tiple system organ failure.1 This has led to the concept of
over study, 58 patients with acute respiratory failure or
lung-protective ventilation, which has become standard of
pulmonary barotrauma, and an oxygenation index (OI)
care nowadays.2 High-frequency oscillatory ventilation ⬎ 13, demonstrated by 2 consecutive measurements over
(HFOV) is, at least theoretically, an ideal tool for lung- a 6 hour period, were randomized to either HFOV (n ⫽ 29)
protective ventilation, as it allows pulmonary gas exchange using a strategy of aggressive increase in CDP targeted at
using very small tidal volume (VT) and decreases the risk SpO2 ⱖ 90% with FIO2 ⱕ 0.6, or conventional mechanical
of atelectrauma.3–15 Animal studies have pointed out that ventilation (n ⫽ 29), using a strategy utilizing PEEP and
HFOV might be preferable over conventional MV, given limited inspiratory pressures. Patients with obstructive air-
its more beneficial effects on oxygenation, lung compli- way disease (OAD), intractable septic or cardiogenic shock,
ance, attenuation of the pulmonary inflammation and his- or non-pulmonary terminal diagnosis were excluded. Tar-
tologic injury, and better alveolar stability.16,17 HFOV al- geted blood gas values were equal for each group. The
lows the decoupling of oxygenation and ventilation. main finding was that HFOV did not improve survival
Simplified, oxygenation is dependent on lung volume, (HFOV 66% vs 59%) or total ventilator days (HFOV
which is controlled by the continuous distending pressure 20 ⫾ 27 vs 22 ⫾ 17), compared with conventional me-
(CDP). The CDP is depicted by the oscillator as mean chanical ventilation, when the data were analyzed by ini-
airway pressure. CO2 clearance (V̇CO2) is relatively inde- tial assignment. However, the percentage of survivors re-
pendent of lung volume, but influenced by oscillatory fre- quiring supplemental oxygen at 30 days was significantly
quency (f) and the square of VT (V̇CO2 ⫽ F ⫻ VT2).18 –22 lower in the HFOV group (21% vs 59%, P ⫽ .039). Fur-
The 3100 A/B HFO ventilator (SensorMedics, Yorba thermore, mortality was only 6% (n ⫽ 1/17) in patients
Linda, California) is the most commonly used HFOV de- who were exclusively managed on HFOV, whereas it was
vice in pediatrics. With this system, pressure oscillations 42% (n ⫽ 8/19) for patients who failed conventional me-
with a frequency of 3–15 Hz are superimposed upon a chanical ventilation and were transitioned to HFOV. Yet,
CDP in a square-wave manner. The CDP is generated by mortality in patients who were exclusively managed with
a fixed fresh gas flow/bias flow leaving the ventilator cir- conventional mechanical ventilation was 40% (n ⫽ 4/10).
cuit by an expiratory balloon valve. A membrane super- Samransamruajkit et al reported the results of a small
imposes high-frequency pressure oscillations around the single-center study comparing HFOV (n ⫽ 7 patients)
CDP. The oscillatory pressure amplitude is highly attenu- with conventional mechanical ventilation (n ⫽ 9 patients)
ated over the ETT and the airways, and results in the with ARDS in a 2-year study period.29 Survival was higher
delivery of a very small VT, usually lower than anatomical with HFOV (71%), compared with conventional mechan-
dead space.23 Because of this small VT, there is a de- ical ventilation (44%), and predicted by plasma levels of
creased risk of entering the so-called non-safe zones within soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1.
the pressure-volume loop of the diseased lung.22 Both RCTs have not been repeated so far, but various
The use of HFOV in pediatric critical care varies be- institutions have described their (limited) experiences with
tween 3% and 30% of all ventilated children.23–27 This HFOV (see the Table).30 – 43 Overall survival varied be-
relatively low use may be explained by several factors. tween 40% and 90%. The largest cohort study came from
First, lack of equipment or disbelief of the attending phy- a collaborative of 10 pediatric centers reporting 232 pa-
sician because of the absence of sound evidence of effect. tients.35 Duration of conventional mechanical ventilation
Second, and perhaps even more importantly, many aspects prior to HFOV was between 2.2 ⫾ 4.2 to 4.5 ⫾ 3.1 days,
of pediatric HFOV remain to be explored, including among whereas patients with preexisting lung injury were managed
others the identification of patients who are most likely to for up to 11.4 ⫾ 45.5 days before transfer to HFOV. Thirty-
benefit from HFOV, timing of HFOV (early vs rescue), day mortality ranged from 30% for patients with respiratory
optimal oscillator settings, and monitoring during HFOV. syncytial virus lower respiratory tract disease, to 59% for
The purpose of this paper is to review published clinical patients with congenital heart disease. Mortality was in-
experiences with HFOV and to reflect on how its use dependently predicted by the OI 24 hours after start of
might be improved in light of the physiological properties HFOV and the presence of immunocompromise. The ap-


Table. Summary of Clinical Experiences With High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation in Critically Ill Children

Study Recruitment Survival
First Author n Inclusion Criteria Initial HFOV Settings Outcome Predictor(s)
Period Maneuver (%)
Randomized Clinical Trials
Arnold28 3.5 years 58 OI ⬎ 13 or pulmonary barotrauma Frequency: 5–10 Hz No 66 HFOV vs 59 OI at 24 hours
⬎ grade 1 Amplitude: chest wall wiggle
Samransamruajkit 1 month 16 ARDS Frequency: weight-dependent No 71 HFOV vs 44 Soluble intercellular adhesion
Amplitude: 10 ⬎ peak molecule 1 (sICAM-1)
pressure on conventional
mechanical ventilation

Cohort Studies
Slee-Wijffels30 6 years 53 Patients with diffuse alveolar disease Frequency: weight-dependent Yes 64 Not reported

and small airway disease Amplitude: chest wall wiggle

Lochindarat31 3 years 21 Patients with ARDS with OI ⬎ 10 Unknown Unknown 52.4 Survival predicted by OI at 24

and PaO2/FIO2 ⬍ 200 mm Hg hours

Watkins32 5.5 years 100 Not reported Unknown Unknown 45* Not reported
Sarnaik33 45 months 31† Severe acute respiratory failure Frequency: 8–10 Hz No 74 Death predicted by pre-HFOV
(PaO2/FIO2 ⬍ 150 mm Hg) with Amplitude: 40 cm H2O OI ⱖ 20 and failure to
PEEP ⱖ 8 cm H2O, and/or decrease by 20% at 6 hours
PaCO2 ⱖ 60 mm Hg of HFOV
Berner34 10 years 13 Confirmed respiratory syncytial Frequency: 8–12 Hz Yes 100 Not reported
virus bronchiolitis Amplitude: chest wiggle
Arnold 1.5 years 232 Not reported Frequency: 5–10 Hz Yes 53.4‡ Death independently predicted by
Amplitude: chest wall wiggle immunodeficiency and OI at
24 hours of HFOV. Chronic
lung disease independently

predicted by presence of sepsis

and OI at 24 hours of HFOV

Brogan36 5 years 66 Not reported Frequency: weight-dependent No 39.4 Presence of non-pulmonary organ
Amplitude: chest wall wiggle failure associated with death
Martinon Torres37 3 months 6 OI ⬎ 13 Frequency: weight-dependent Yes 40 Not reported
Power: 40
Ben Jaballah 4 years 20 Weight ⱕ 35 kg, FIO2 ⬎ 0.6 Frequency: weight-dependent Yes 75 Not reported
Amplitude: chest wall wiggle
Duval39 4 years 35 Diffuse alveolar disease and small Frequency: weight-dependent Yes 88.6 Not reported
airway disease Amplitude: chest wall wiggle
Anton40 1.5 years 19 Patients with ARDS with PaO2/FIO2 Not reported Unknown 73.7 Initial OI ⬎ 20 and failure
⬍ 200 mm Hg to decrease by 20% at 6 hours
predicted death
Rosenberg41 Unknown 12§ OI ⬎ 13, gross air leak, Frequency: weight-dependent No 41.7 In non-survivors OI increased

weight ⬍ 35 kg Amplitude: chest wall wiggle after 24 hours of HFOV

Fedora42 Unknown 26 ARDS, stratification by duration of Frequency: weight-dependent Yes 42 Early HFOV (ⱕ 24 hours)
conventional ventilation Amplitude: chest wall wiggle associated with significant
improvement in mortality

* Authors reported a decrease in mortality over time.

† 20 patients were managed with high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), the remaining with high-frequency jet ventilation.
‡ Overall survival is shown. Authors reported differences in survival rate depending upon the underlying cause of the acute respiratory failure.
§ 7 patients were managed with HFOV, the remaining with high-frequency jet ventilation.
OI ⫽ oxygenation index



plicability of the OI as a predictor for patient outcome despite the application of maximal lung-protective con-
during HFOV has been confirmed by others.31,41 Some ventional mechanical ventilation (ie, limiting peak inspira-
have linked failure of the OI to improve by at least 20% tory pressures to 30 –35 cm H2O and sufficient level of
6 hours after transition to HFOV with adverse outcome.33,40 PEEP) in children with acute lung injury/ARDS. Alter-
The use of HFOV in pulmonary conditions with in- natively, the OI can be used, although a specific threshold
creased airway resistance and prolonged time constants, needs to determined. For patients with OAD no guideline
such as virus-induced OAD, remains a subject of debate is available for when to consider HFOV. Based upon our
because of the assumed risk of dynamic air-trapping re- own experiences we consider HFOV when refractory re-
sulting from inadequate egress of air during expiration, spiratory acidosis persists despite maximum conservative
as seen in high-frequency jet ventilation. However, the measures such as nebulization or intravenous administra-
SensorMedics 3100 A/B oscillator has an active expira- tion of bronchodilators, use of heliox, or use of external
tory phase. Nevertheless, several institutions have re- PEEP to stent occluded airways.
ported safe and beneficial use of HFOV in this patient In our opinion there are no known contraindications for
population.30,34,35,37,39,44 HFOV, although its safety has been questioned in patients
It can thus be concluded that at present a beneficial with severe traumatic brain injury, based upon the assump-
effect of HFOV on mortality has not been established. tion that the high intrathoracic pressures are propagated
This may be explained by various factors. First, the knowl- toward the brain and impede the cerebral circulation. How-
edge on lung-protective ventilation has significantly in- ever, this has been refuted by both animal and clinical
creased over the past years. It is now universally accepted data.45,46
that a low VT should be applied. However, the study by
Arnold and colleagues28 was conducted in the era prior to Best HFOV Approach and Oscillator Settings
the ARDS Network trial. In their study, the authors did for Oxygenation
not specify the VT used on conventional mechanical ven-
tilation. Similar criticisms can be made toward the study Lung volume is the main determinant of oxygenation in
by Samransamruajkit et al,29 so that it is not unthinkable DAD during HFOV. Simplified, the PaO2 increases linearly
that patients on conventional mechanical ventilation were with lung volume up to a certain point when alveoli be-
subjected to high VT. Second, both RCTs were not pow- come overdistended.47 This suggests that an open-lung strat-
ered to detect statistically significant differences in mor- egy (ie, opening up the lung and keeping it open) in DAD
tality. by (repeated) recruitment maneuvers (RM) should be con-
sidered when switching to HFOV. Furthermore, pressure
Critical Appraisal of the HFOV Strategy Employed oscillations are less dampened in lungs with ongoing at-
electasis, thus exposing the conducting airways to higher
Alternatively, the question could also be raised whether injurious pressure swings.48 Animal work has indeed shown
HFOV was applied in its most optimal fashion. These improved lung compliance and less hyaline membrane
issues (among others) include identification of the patient formation when such strategies were applied.15,49,50 How-
who will benefit the most from HFOV, the timing of cross- ever, in both pediatric RCTs, as well as in nearly half of
over from conventional mechanical ventilation to HFOV, all observational cohort studies, there is no mention of
as well as determining the best oscillator settings. RMs being performed.28,29,31–33,36,40,41 Also, there is much
ongoing scientific debate related to use and efficacy of
Indications for and Timing of HFOV RMs. Not all lung diseases are recruitable, and in general
the potential for lung recruitability is highly variable.51
The indications for HFOV are ill-defined and usually Furthermore, there are so far no clinical studies establish-
depend upon the personal preference of the attending phy- ing the beneficial effects of RMs during HFOV, let alone
sician. In general, HFOV is considered only as a rescue determining the best RM.
approach when conventional mechanical ventilation fails. The latter has been addressed in one study in which 4
One group of investigators have evaluated the early use of different RM approaches were compared: a step-wise pres-
HFOV instead of using it as rescue therapy.42 In their sure increase over 6 min; a 20 s sustained dynamic infla-
small observational study of 26 patients, it was found that tion (either one or repeated 6 times); and a standard ap-
the group of patients who was transitioned to HFOV within proach (setting mean airway pressure direct at start).52
24 hours of conventional mechanical ventilation had a This study showed that a step-wise pressure increase pro-
significantly higher 30-day survival rate (58.8 vs 12.5%). duced the greatest increase in lung volume and resolution
We suggest that HFOV should be considered if oxygen- of atelectasis. Thus, this study suggests that the stepwise
ation remains severely impaired (in our institution defined increase pressure approach might be considered for opti-
by SpO2 ⬍ 88% and/or PaO2 ⬍ 50 mm Hg with FIO2 ⬎ 0.6) mizing lung volume during HFOV, as it incorporates not



only pressure but also adequate duration of the RM. The quency (f), in Hertz (Hz), inspiratory to expiratory ratio,
clinical benefits of RMs during HFOV have been addressed position of the membrane, endotracheal tube (ETT) length
in a recently completed phase II trial in critically ill adults and diameter, and the presence of ETT leakage.20,66,67
comparing HFOV with and without RMs (www.clinical- The ETT constitutes the major work load to the oscil-
trials.gov NCT00399581). Unfortunately, a pediatric coun- lator and is an important determinant of VT.68,69 VT is
terpart is lacking, but the adult results are eagerly awaited. proportional to the ETT inner cross-sectional area, because
Another, at least theoretical, benefit of RMs is that it the impedance of the ETT exceeds the impedance of the
allows oscillating the patient on the deflation limb of the lung.70,71 Increasing diameter (inner diameter 2.5– 4.0 mm)
P-V curve, thereby (partially) avoiding injurious hyper- of the ETT increases pressure transmission.62
inflation and atelectasis.22,53–59 By doing so, less CDP is The manufacturer’s manual recommends setting f and
needed to maintain a certain lung volume on the inflation power according to the patient’s age, ventilator settings,
limb, because of the hysteresis of the respiratory system. and observation of chest wiggle. This recommendation has
In our view and practice, this can be achieved in clinical been adopted into clinical practice, using the f and power
practice in patients with DAD by initially setting the CDP in a weight and age-dependent manner in both RCTs, as
3–5 cm H2O above the mean airway pressure on conven- well as in the observational cohort studies.28 –30,33–39,41,42
tional mechanical ventilation, as the distal CDP is lower We propose that these recommendations may be re-
than the set proximal CDP.60,61 Then the CDP should be fined. From a physiological perspective it seems more
increased stepwise over a certain period of time until the appropriate to use the highest possible f in DAD. First,
point where oxygenation (either the SpO2 or the PaO2) does f determines the rate of oscillations and directly influences
not improve at a fixed FIO2 (suggestive of approximating the VT. Hence, the higher the f, the smaller the VT, be-
total lung capacity). Also, with increasing compliance the cause changes in f are inversely proportional to the distal
⌬P depicted by the oscillator may decrease; hence, it may oscillatory pressure amplitude. Consequently, it becomes
be indicative for approximating total lung capacity when easier to stay within the limits of the safe zone (ie, the zone
⌬P increases again.62 The next step would be to reduce the with the smallest risk of injurious hyperinflation or atel-
CDP to the point where oxygenation starts to decrease ectasis) of the P-V loop. Second, collapsed lung regions
after initial improvement (suggestive of derecruitment). are more easily opened at higher f.72 Third, the delivered
The ⌬P depicted by the oscillator may initially decrease, VT is more equally distributed, as it becomes less depen-
but may increase again when derecruitment on the defla- dent on regional compliance at higher f.73 Lastly, the square
tion limb occurs. Ultimately, the CDP will finally set block waveform is better preserved, allowing a more con-
2– 4 cm H2O above this point. We have adopted such an stant VT.74,75 Needless to say, it is necessary to maintain an
approach in our clinical practice. A positive effect of sus- appropriate CDP when setting the f.
tained inflations prior to the stepwise increase in CDP has The next question, then, is what could be considered as
not been demonstrated.52,63 optimal f. Venegas and Fredberg have proposed that how
HFOV may also be considered in patients with refrac- f needs to be set depends upon the so-called corner fre-
tory OAD. However, in these patients the purpose of the quency (Fc) of the lung, Fc ⫽ 1/(2␲RC), where R is re-
stepwise increase in CDP is to splint open and stent the sistance and C compliance.59 Fc defines the optimal fre-
airways to a certain point when the PaCO2 starts to drop, in quency at which there is adequate gas transport during
order to prevent relatively healthy alveoli being exposed to HFOV in combination with the least injurious pressures,
high pressures once the airways are open.64 Importantly, and is influenced by the underlying disease (Figure). It is
the novel approach toward optimizing oxygenation as dis- increased in lung diseases characterized by short time con-
cussed needs to be studied for safety and effectiveness. stants and low compliance, such as in DAD. This implies
that at higher f, alveoli are ventilated at a lower pressure
Best HFOV Approach and Oscillator Settings cost of ventilation, as opposed to lung diseases character-
for Ventilation ized by prolonged time constants (for example OAD).
Importantly, f is intimately linked with ⌬P. Basically,
The V̇CO2 is determined by patient-related characteris- the higher the ⌬P, the larger the VT. Yet, we (unpublished
tics and oscillator settings. The first include compliance data) and others have observed in bench test studies that
and resistance of the respiratory system.62,65 With reduced VT was smaller when combining high f (15 Hz) and high
compliance in unresolved atelectasis there is a marked power (set to achieve a ⌬P of 90), compared with low f
increase in transmission of the peak-to-trough ⌬P to the (5 Hz) and low power settings, as the distal pressure am-
alveoli and bronchi. Increased resistance decreases the plitude was much lower but still associated with a suffi-
transmission of the peak-to-trough ⌬P over the airways cient V̇CO2.76 These findings were in agreement with the
to the alveoli.62 Oscillator settings include oscillatory work from Hager and co-workers. They have measured VT
power setting (magnitude of membrane displacement), fre- in adult patients with ARDS managed on HFOV and found



informative to assess if targets of ventilation (ie, permis-

sive hypercapnia [pH ⬎ 7.15–7.25]) are being met. Trans-
cutaneous CO2 (PtCO2) monitoring may be used as a non-
invasive alternative.79 Developments are being made with
respect to electrical impedance tomography and respira-
tory inductance plethysmography incorporated in the
Bicore II as tools for the determination of the optimal
We have recently begun to explore the use of respira-
tory inductance plethysmography in guiding the stepwise
increase in CDP. Alternatively, the optimal CDP may be
recognized when both lung compliance and OI (calculated
by CDP ⫻ FIO2 ⫻ 100/PaO2) are optimal.82 The benefit of
the OI over the PaO2/FIO2 ratio is that it takes the degree of
Figure. Corner frequency (Fc) of the lung in patients with decreased ventilator settings (as summarized by the mean airway
compliance, such as acute lung injury/ARDS and increased resis- pressure) into account. Van Genderingen and co-workers
tance, such as obstructive airway disease. Fc (graphically depicted
by the dot) defines the optimal frequency at which there is ade-
found that the lowest OI during the RM indicated at which
quate gas transport during HFOV in combination with the least CDP the oxygenation was considered to be optimal; this
injurious pressures. It is defined by 1/2␲RC, where R is resistance also indicated the point on the deflation limb of the P-V
and C compliance. (From Reference 59, with permission.) curve where physiologic shunt fraction was the lowest.83
The oscillatory pressure ratio (OPR) may also aid in the
identification.65 OPR is defined as the ratio of the distal
smaller VT with the combination high f and high power and proximal ETT pressure swings. To calculate the OPR
setting.69 The use of these higher f did not impair gas it is necessary to measure the tracheal pressure. In a 3.0 mm
exchange.77 ETT neonatal respiratory distress syndrome simulated
Importantly, how are these theoretical benefits trans-
model, OPR decreased when the CDP was increased (sug-
lated into clinical practice? At present it is impossible to
gestive of lung recruitment) but increased when the CDP
detect the Fc and thus impossible to identify the optimal f.
was increased further. This suggested hyperinflation. The
Furthermore, what ⌬P should be targeted? Based upon our
OPR was the lowest at maximum compliance. The OPR
own experiences, we propose using the highest f in com-
bination with a fixed power setting that is associated with was also affected by frequency, ⌬P, and ETT inner diam-
acceptable CO2 elimination (in our view pH ⬎ 7.25) in eter. The OPR was further evaluated in an animal model of
patients with DAD. For patients with OAD the initial f acute lung injury.84 One of the main findings of this study
should theoretically be between 5 and 7 Hz. The ⌬P should was that, after lung recruitment, similar oxygenation with
not exceed 70 –90, because higher pressures may theoret- smaller pressure swings could be achieved with a lower
ically expose the proximal airways to injurious pressures. CDP set by the deflation limb of the P-V curve rather than
Again, this novel approach toward optimizing ventilation the inflation limb. The clinical use of these potential aids,
during HFOV requires further evaluation for its safety and however, needs to be established.
efficacy. For instance, it has been suggested that the use of
high amplitudes might lead to gas trapping due to the
Spontaneous Breathing During HFOV
development of so-called choke points causing expiratory
flow limitation, especially at low CDP.78 However, the
occurrence of choke points has never been demonstrated. Maintaining spontaneous breathing during HFOV im-
proves oxygenation and regional ventilation.85,86 Sponta-
Monitoring During HFOV neous breathing during HFOV is feasible for small chil-
dren but becomes more difficult when the patient demands
At present, physicians have the SpO2, blood gas analysis, high inspiratory flows. The maximal possible bias flow
⌬P, and chest radiography at their disposal for evaluating delivered by the oscillator may be well below the needs of
the response of a patient to HFOV. It is often advised to the patient. This will lead to increased work of imposed
obtain chest radiographs to evaluate the optimal lung in- breathing, as shown by our group in a bench test model.87
flation. However, such an approach has never been vali- Because of this, many older children on the oscillator are
dated, and we therefore do not routinely obtain chest ra- likely to need sedatives and neuromuscular blockade dur-
diographs. Repeated daily blood gas analyses may be ing their illness, prohibiting spontaneous breathing.



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